THE GENUINE DR. C. LITER PILLS -re not .recommended as a remedy " for all the ais that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick .Head ache. or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. - AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pro. paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. ' BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , Thegenuine sire never sugar-coated. Each boslias a red-wax seal on thelid , with the SmpressionVMcfcANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of C. McLAJTE and PLEMIKO BEOS. 3 3- Insist upon having the genuine DB.C. McLASE'S LIVER PILLS , pre pared by FLEJIIXG TWOS. , Pittsburgh , Fa. , the market being full of imitations of the name JfcJ inc , spelled differently , but same pronunciation. _ COUGHS , EEOXCUmS AND CONSUMPTION. What & 'B ell- Known Druggist says about Aileu'a Lu-Jg taleam. MOTHERS , BEAD 1 < UAELMTDSTAT101 , Ky. GJKTUWJC : Tbo dtmuia { or Allen's Lang " l m Is ncrwanij couetantly. The ladles : hlnk tbertis uo modid/ao equal to It tor Croup jd WboopiiT Coujh. ' - ' 8. MAKTIN , Drcgjfiet. Sol bj.sll gledlcineMen. m 11 PottT f0 BokUtilul Clore 10ll-Ual'CVtl. tt Picture. Very In CTEIOUS. 7 objw.rwtod.Kcnd stamp /orpwk Hi DR. E. C. Ai . \ ? BulftJo K. > mnn f4.fl2ail3JM homo easily made. Costy IXioLiftf ) / red. Adilrou True& Co. Portland. We ATrOBHEtS-AT-lAff. 1 TTOIiKEY AT LWV-Cunpttll's Block , _ A ) 2th treetlxtvrcen Farnhain * nd Douglas. OMA11A. NbB. D. L. THOMAS , rOKNKT AT I.VVt' Leans inorcy. boji A find tells red Cit tc. Rcom 8 , Crelghton A. G. TftOUP , . - AT LAW-Officr.ln Hacwom's AnORf.-ET Qtorce S. rrltcbett , 1NW rarnhan Bt. _ OMAHA. NEB. DEXfEHLTJiaMAS , . AT LAW-atlLksaUiki Bplld ATTUHNr.T A. M. CHACWICX , A TTORMEY AT LAW Oflct. 1W1 Farnhan A. Str et. _ _ A. SWASTZLAKDE A TTORXET iT LAV7-Cor. IBthand Farnhaa A. rtrort. taaySSU AT LAW , opposite Pos Office. OMAHA. NEB. , WM. L PEA30DY , T AWYER-OfflC3-In CiclRhton Block , next U JU Pc t Office , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. gQTABY TDBU WLLKOTIONg MADB E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. i TTOnSEY AT I W AND JUSTICE 01 A THE PEACE Southeast corner jftftseutl andDjugUsSt. , „ „ . . „ . < . jtyCollcctinns Fromptlv Attended O'gRlEH Attorneys-at-Law , OFflCE-UnSon Block.Flftecnth an IVnham' A. L. RQBISGH. Y \T LAAV Room Cralgbton fi lant-U ATTORNEY AT LAW > - : BLOCK. COR. CCUSI5TH STS. _ _ - ! OMAHA. .NEB. . . - p . W. d. Conn ell , Attorney - La w , OBce' Front rooms , up etaln.'Ia Uu&icom'i new brick building , N. W. comer FlfUentb and Farnham Streets. _ JOBS L RXDICK. UUAS R. RKDICK. REDICK & REDICE , . Attorney s - a txL ajr. Bpedil attention will ta pi vet to all suits against corporation ! ) of every description ; will practice In 1 the Courts of the State and the United States. OS.cs. Frnban. St. , opposite Court JIouso. ADAMS &SIMERAL , A TTORNEYS AT LAW ioom S Orelghta J\ . Block , IBth and D ngla gtretitg. nogdh C. F. MAHDtRSON , A TTORJISY AT LAW-jSu Tambjua Btreet jHL Omaha Nebraaka. T _ PARKE CiDWIN , A TTORNEY AT MW-Hth and Donglai jOL Btraets. with O. J . Doan > T. W. T. RlCUAKES. . , Q. J. HC T ' RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-law. OmOB 2Ii South Fourteenth Btrert. Only Direct Line to Fjranoe , GENERAL Tftr sATLAHTIC COMPAN , and u rvo.Pler 12 I.B BETWEENNewryork foot of Worfcu.t. , pier of company. Travelers b ; thv.SS nii hott ranritby En Ish rallwayund the discomfort , "JS * ' channe lln a imall boat ANADA , lUsAOXCL , Wednesday Jannarr H AUERIQCE , B. Joccio , Wednesday February FRANCE TRCTILU , Wednesday , February 18PR\CEIOF PASSAGE Gnclndlng wine ) : TOnAVRE-rint Cabin , JIM andSO : Second CbinM : Steerage , ? 201Inclndlngwinebedalnr * ZLO UIS m : BEDIAN.Afent , fi Broadway.N. T. FRAVK E. MOORES , No. 2H , Wort Side litb and Douglas , Next Door Street , Bet . Farnham offlcfl of ftaa OMAHAKEB. . r i.rfinnnerdayathome. Samples worth 15 free 5 tOSZUAddriMStlnson A Ca. Portland Maine ; EAST INDIA BITTERS ! ILER & CO. , MANUFACTURERS , Iffeb. OBAY'S SPECIFIC MEDIOINh" -TbaGreat E ngliab euro for Sem inal Weak- nesa.Sperma. ? - T * SSSS - tency. and Before TaMugaii Diseases After Taking. thatfoUowas equencoof Belf-Alime ; ION BemoE. Universal -Lassitude , Pain In the nick Dimness elVWan. , Premature .Old-Af and i ny other Wgcascffthit lead to Insanity or Conscmptlon tnd Premature Grave. , * yFull particular * in our phamphlet , * nlca wedMire to send tree. Ij mail. , tor every one , . f3The Specific Uedidnou told by all druggist * at f 1 per package , or six packages for $ T or wU be acnt free by mail on receipt ol the money by The Gray Jedlclne Oa , ' No. 10 Mechanics' Block , Dmorr , MICH' BOLD IN OMAHABT JTK. tSfCKSD BT'JOT DBUdOISTS ETEBTWHXBX. SHOW GASES- ' . O. "W" X X * X ) 1817 OASS ST. , OMAHA , KEB ? peed M ortinent alTOyt-ojj'twfBlf ' 1 * * " , - v r jv m. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUEUSHIKC . , PROPRIETORS. Parnham , let. 6th and 10th Streeti. TEBMa atJBSCRIPTlON 1 year.ln advance ( postpaid ) . . . $8.00 6 months1 " ' < months " " * > TIME TABLES. TISEJTAILS. CUKISO. C. H. W. B. R. , 4.80 sum. , 8p.m. C B & O. . 4:30 a. m. , 3 p , m , 0. R. I. & P. R. B. , 4 0 a. in. , 8 p. B. 0. * 8t.Joe30 .m. , , i . . . O.P. - KTB.Uao .m. B. s M. K. R , 8:25 a. m. O 4 N. W. , 7:30 a. m . 0 A H. W. 3. R. , 11 a. m. U p. ov B * . Q. , U ft. m. 9:30 p m. C 8. L& P. , 11a.m. Up = . C.B.&SI. Joe , 11 " a. in. , U Pm - S. City i P. , 11. "m O P. , 4 p. a. B. 4 1L In Neb. , 4 p . " tK o Loral mails for States low * leave y.vtl : 430 a. m. Office open gg y Arrival andWepartureoiTralns au . . . . 8:15 : a. m. 1520ft. m. CARD OF THE BCBLINOTON ROUTE. ZxAvaeuinA " " " " . p-tn. Express 10 flO a. m. Midi Express 0.00a.m. Mail 10.-00 p.m. Sunday * Exccpted. _ Sundays Excepted. , BOCK ISLAND * PACIFIC. n 6.00a.m. I press 3:40p.m. | 10.-00a.rn. Sundays Exoepted. CHICAOO & NOBTHWKSTKBN. - - . . , . . . .0:00a.m. : I T lp. m. Expr Bf..8Wp.m.l : W00a.m. y Sundayi excepied. EA.eA8 CITY , BT. JOE & COOK01L BLUM * UXTK. JULBITB. MJJ . , . 8-OOa m-IExpreai 6rJ5a.m. ipr * | . . | T:40 : . . fbe only Un running Pullmaa Keeping Can out ol Oanha to Union Depot. Kipress 80 ft rx | 138p.m. Daily Except Eundayi. B. & J , B. B. UrtreBBAttA. TffBfiT ) * * BA'j Ozanaflv ) . * . . 9.00 m KearneyJ'ncnvVJM H PlattsmouthfarlOSftam BloomlnKtWlvSlp m Kearney K)7:66pm ) BedCloudlv.WS.Bi Cod Cloud ( arr)7:5S ) pm PlatUmouttHar/lSOpia 81oomin tonu)9t25pm ( ) Omaliaarr.4tC&pn ( ) ] "BEPUBLICAN VALLET'BAILWAT. HMUEIS ( Iv ) 8:05 : ft.m. i Bloomlngton ( arldOp.n ) BJoomfcgWn 135 p m | Hartlnsa ( ar ) 6 5 p m SIOUX CTTY * ST. PAUL R.R. 1111 e.10 * . m.Expreai..10:00 . m. Exprew BWp. : m. | 1I U 730 f. m BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. B. B. stnurr TKAIBS. Leave Omih , daily : S a , m. , 9 a. m. , 10 a. 11 a. m. , 1 p. m. , S p. m. , t. p. m. , 5 p. m. , ( ve : 8:25 a. m.,9 6 a.m. , 10:25 a. m. , 11:25 a. m. , 1S5 p. m. , 1-25 p m. , " 6 n. m. , B55 p. m. , 8S5 p. ra - rmiTtrlpa on Sunday , leaving Omana at 9 and a. m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; CouacU Bluffs at 9:28 : , * a. ui , aud S35 and BS5 p. m. rAWSsau raiiss. Leave Omaha : 0 a.m.J a. m.,8 0 a. m , , p. m. , 1:50 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. L iveConncUBlufa : 7:16 a. m.,9iOa.m. , a. m. , 6:25 p. ta. , 70 p. m. , 7:50 p. m. , p m. Dally except Sunday. OMAIIA * REPUBLICAN VALLEY B. B tFAVl. AUIV * . ia'Jt 10.15 * m. l . ' Uiih * eiccot Sunday. r C030IER01AL. Omaha Wbolesale Markets ; , > OMAHA , May 18 , 1880 , ' BUTTER AND KOU8. Ohcic Uble . 1720o Packew'lot ? . . 10@13 Freih ccg , per doz . Honey . 1'OULTKY. -nlckeni , per doz . 2 00@2 28 GKOOERIE8. 'SUOABH. Out Loaf ? . . . . .f . Powdered Granulated . t- . Extra choice und very bright. . . 48a52 Bright Table Drips . a New Orleans Mouasaea . 48&5U MaAet advancing. ' Rio , prime to olioice . 17al8 Kio good to prime . , iV i Eio fair to good . iS Mocha . . . 28 CSioica * ? ! Good to prime tysa UKiTUJfKUn-S. New Prunes.- OldTrunea Ourrantschoice new T BhckBerries. , . Raspberries. > Pitted xherrics 22 & * & $ % * * & " w 1 Halt Luke Peaches . 141 California Peaches . 14 | CASHED GOODS. / "S"0y ter , 2 Hi cans , < ? case. . 8 75 do do lib can , per case. . 225 Lightweight Oysters 2 Ib tf case 2 90 Salmon , 1 Ib , t ? dozen . 1 70 do21by. . dozen . 2 75 Standard JTomatoes,2 llj , case 2 50 " " aibltTcase 385 Standard Peaches , 3 Ib , 0 case. 4 50 ' " " 2 Ib , $ case. 3 60 Raspberries , 2 Ib , ' tf'case. . 3 00 Blackberries , 2 Ib , tf case . 2 70 Corn , 2 tt . $ J case . 2 50a4 00 Apples , Gal , tf doz . 385 Narrow Fat Peas,2 Ib , tf case. . S 90 String 'Beans. 2 Ib. per case. . . . 2 40 SUNDRIES. Nutmegs. . 10 Pepper. . . . . . A. . . . . 16 Allspice . 17 Cloves ; . 45 Cossia . 27 Rope . llj Candles. 16oz . 13 Greenwich Lye.per case . 3 90 Beans.-per bushel . . -.T. 80 Cheese fnll cream . 14 ' ' ULtASS. ; , * . WIndowGlass. GO per cent , discount - count oil list HARDWARE. - * * " IKOS. Common bar . JS " " Horse-shoe bar . 4 Norway naij rod . , " 10Jl HXEia. Castplow . 8 Am. cast , tool . 15@17 g. dft . : ' AIL3. Tens.tipwards. . 350 B'rd'd's shoe 'g . " " ix mule" . Omaha nails-tens , .upwards. . . 8 50 NwWshn . tVT 2S DRY GOODS. . BROWN COTTONS. Atltitio "H" do "F- . : : ; Peoparell "O" do 'S- : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Indian Head . I"I ! ! ! ! Nebnwka , Standard "AA" JJO1MS. Beaver Greek , . "AA" . Ji -do f"BB" . Haymakers . . . . . . . . . . . . : : " " "BB" . . . . . 14 do "CO" . , \ \ \ \ 13 DUCKS. Plymouth "AAA" . -IK Jfew-Bedford.J.0 oz - . . BoetoaS.O . t . -Jo BLEACHED XiosscLilo . . . . . . . . do Cambric vj1 Cabot . . - . . . ' . . g Fruit of the Loon 11 ve Yort MiUa „ 13 Hills'Muslia. . . . . * . . - li WazasntU , " _ Pepperell _ 6-4-20 " do . . . . 8-4 21 " do . . . -4 27 do , U-4-SO Ticmios. r Amoeisft ? , M 21 " T : * "ao , QO n n r\ t * - { . PB1KT8. Albany . 7 Albion./ . I Harmony. . . . . . American . i Allen's . I Allen'aPinkn . ' Ancoua Fancy : . * , i Manchester . ' Merrimaclr. . . . , , ' ' MerrimackShirtinss. . - > : * * K < Richmonda . i ' c , Sprague'a . ' . ' Simpson's Mourning . American . Amoakeac . Awning stripes. . . . - . . . . Lewiston , A . Hamilton . . Omega . . . . , 7 .Ittafield . LUMBER. FraminK , 18 ft. and under . s ? 20 0 Each add. ft over 18 , per M. . . . 5 Fencing , No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft . 22 ( X No. 2 12 to 20 ft . 20 0 ( SheetLig , Dressed , No. 1 . 20 01 " " No. 2 . 190 Common Boards , Dressed . 22 OC STOCK BOABDS. AStock . 400C B " . S50C 0 " . 80 OC Common Stock . 25 C JTLOORINQ. No.JLFIooring . 40 X No.2 " . 35 OC No.3 " . 25 OC Yellow Piue Fleoring , No. 1 . . . 45 OC SIDING. No.lSididg . 2500 No.2 " . 2250 No. 8 " . 00 PICKJSTS. No. 1 Pickets , per M . 3250 No.2 " " . 2500 FIN18HINO. No. IvFinish , 1 } , li , and 2 in. . . 65 00 No.l 1 in . 6000 No. 2 " 1J , 1J , and 2 in. . . 45 00 No.2 " lln . * . 4000 Uo. 3 Finish , in . 3500 SHIP LAP. PlalnBhipLap . 2300 0. G. " No.l . 3000 " " No.2 . 2500 " " No.3 . . CEMNa. S leaded , 6 In , , No. 1 . 2500 No.2 . 2300 J Beaded , 4andGin. , No.1. . . . 4000 " " No.2. . . . 8500 Corrugated Ceiling , No. 1 . 50 00 SHINGLES. A Star ( best ) Shingles. . 376 No.2 " . 300 No.3 " . 26 ! LATH . . 40 Lime , bbl . 13. ' bulk. per bush . . . . 41 Cement. bbl . . . . . * . . * * * Iowa Plaster , bbl . - 2 50 Michigan Plaster , bbl . 271 Hair , per bush . 21 Tarred Felt , 100 Ibs . 300 Straw Board , " . 400 O. G. Battens , per 100 ft lin. . . 1 25 Well Curbing . 3000 Ro ugh ) , and 2 in. , in Batts.per lOOftlin . M POSlb. Cedar Halves , 7in . 1 ! " " 6in . -II " Quarter , 8 In . II . . . . . . . . . . . . 4x4. . . . . . . . . . v > 4Zu . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 0. G. Casing. 6J and 6 In. , per 100 ft , lln . SCO Oak Plank and Timber , per M. 40 0 ( Clear Poplar . 50 Black Wilnnt . 10000 HIDES. Qre n-HideBtparlb . 7 Green Cured Hides . & Dry Hides . 12@15 Dry Salted Hides . 10@12 Bheep.Pelta . 80@1 00 T Uow . 4J5 * LIQUORS. WINFS.'ETO. High Wines , tf gal . . _ .IK Alcohol , 180 V cent , tf gal. . . . 216 French Spirits proof . 1 2C Marshall's Bourbon Whisky . . . . 1 25 Miller's Bourbon Whisky . 1 5C Brandy , veryfine , gal. . 4 00a8 00 do common to fine . 1 50a3 76 Gin , 100 per cent . 1 40a3 00 do Holland , 90 per cent . 1 2 1 nms , mixed Jamaica , ? ? gal. . . . 1 25a4 00 do New England . 2 00a2 50 Kennedy Bitters gal . 150 do do tf case . 7 CO ' do do do 100 caselots 6 60 Champagnes , pints in baskets . .20 OOaSO 00 Domestic Champagne . 12a20 I' ort Wine tf case . 5 OOalO 00 Sherries . 6 OOalO 50 Ales , Edinburg . 275 do Bass i Go's . 275 Guinness Dublin Stout . 2 76 LEATHER. Best SlaughterSole . 33a35 Beat ; Oak . r . 38aJl French Kips . 1 10al45 French Calf , leading brands. . . . 1 25a2 10 Domestic Kips . 65 al 00 Domestic Catts . 90al 10 Hemlock upper , foot ' . 20a 22 Oak upper , p foot. . . . . 24 Grain , upper , tf foot . 20a22 Linings , $ doz . 7 OOalO 00 Toppings , 1 ? doz . 900 Morocco , ( bootleg ) tf foot . 35 do oil dressed . 35 do Simon per akin . 2 75a3 00 do Glove < kid . 325 Boot Webbing , tf bolt . 40a50 HARNESS LEATHER. No. 1 Pittsburg Oak . 41 No. 2 Pittsburg Oak . 33 No. 1 Cincinnatti Oak . 36 No. 2 Cincinnati ! Oak . 33 No.lHemlock . 36 No. 2 HemTock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 COAL , KETAIL Anthricite . 1050 Elossburg . 1200 Wyoming. . . 850 Oskaloosa . 550 lowaNut . 500 White Breast . 660 A MONUMENT OF GOLD Should be erected In memory of the inventor of "Arukcsis , " the external Pile Remedy. Mr. James J. Rassett , of Erie , Peuna. , writes as fol lows : Messrs. NEVSTAZDTER b Co. ; QSITTLIMM Enclosed find P. 0. orJcr for $1.00 for which lend box "Anakeju. " I hare used two boxes and feel it m ; duty to gay to you that by the use' of your simple remedy I have been raited from the brink of doipalr to the joj ful hope of icon being able to declare mysslt en tirely cured. One month's trial , at the tmall expense of the coitof one box of "Anakesls" has given me more relief than two years dactoring with our best physicians here. Snrtly a monument ment of gold should be erected in memory of the inventor of Anakcsla. fcend At once if pos sible. I shall be pleased to reply to any one who in quires as to the merits of your valuable medi cine , should you eecfit to publish this. Eincerely jour servant , JAKES J. BASSXTT , Erie , Pa. "Anakesis" is sold by all druiits Price 11.00 per box. Samples cent free to all sufferers on application to "Anakcsis Depot , Box 3340 , New York. * -f ACTOSQC -Would'stthou my fnend food health etiJoy , Each day and hour your time employ ; Secure reposa from sickness , ills , This thou can'st do take Liver Pitti ; & doet thou suffer from disease , Caused by exposure , diet T these , Or other lUs , wliafcrtheir name , Submit at once , and leave the frame , Like shadows darting o'er the hills , In terror flee from Liver PiUt. Vice-like although they've clung fer years , Encouraged be , nor yield to fears. Repose in quiet , health's bright rills Pursue the pathway of these Pills. In childhood , youth and in old age , Let cheerful thoughts my mind engage , Let others suffer fevers , chills. Sura tfunt art free with Llrer Piltt. Sold at wholesale by C. F. GoodmanJ. E. Ish. Bd Kennard & Fonvth , Oinaha * apr8d&wlyS ( ) "It Is well known that a relationship ex * UU between piles , constipation , kidney diseases and liver troubles. In Kidney Wort we have a remedy that acts on tn general system and restores health by gen tly aiding nature's internal process , ept26d&w Ail Flayed Oat common complaint In hot weather. H yon < eel noget a package of Kidney- Wort and take it and you will at once feel ltn tonic power. It keeps -up the healthy action of' the Kidneys , Bowels and Liver , nd-thns restores the natural "life and -treugth to the weary body. As Honest Medicine Jbree of UhargeJ Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Throat , Cheat or Lungs , we know of none we can rec ommend as highly as DE , KING'S NEW DISCOVERT for Consumption. Coughs , Oolda , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fe ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , etc. This med icine' does positively cure , and that Trhere everything else has failed. No medicine can show one-half so many positive and permanent cures as have already been effected by this truly jonderfol remedy. For Asthma and BronchltiB it is a perfect specific , cur ing the rery worst cacei InUhe short- ett .time pooible. We * say by all means give it a trial Trial lottlea free- : ' Regular ilze $ LOO. Fcr Jeby 8(1)17 ( ) J , K. ISH , Omaha. f THE WIDOW AEMSBY. I was emoking roy third Havana , and meditating upon a variety of things among others the iho in Eiio etock , the inscrutable fate that had loft mo a bachelor so many years , the dep.h of feminine depravity that made my sister Laura drag mj to' Newport every season , when I might go to W. arid luxuriate in trout fishing and ehirt sleeves when the postman brought my nnil. Thtre was a Ittter from Laura. I read all the others first. Not lut that 1 think a great deal of Liura , but sho"is addicted to the cuatonury feminine failings , ex aggeration and prolixity , which make her lottsrs ralher exaiperat'ng ' to a msnof my tcmpsrament , who invaria bly calls a spade a spade , and eaya what ; he has to say in the smallest pos sible space. When I had finished reading the others I could scarcely summon cour age to open Laura's I knew so well she wai laying tome new snare for my unwary feet. Doubtless Newport and her dear friend , Miss Angelique De Flummerie , were not enough for this season. Still , fate is sometimes kind er than our deserts ; there was a bare possibility that the might let me off fur this summer. Emboldened by that thought I opened it and toad : ' "UnAK JACK : It is just the molt fortunate thing imaginabla that you are coming down next Tuesday , for my dear frltnd and schoolmate , Ma rion Earl , of whom you have often heard me speak , is coming , too , and alone , and will be delighted to have you for an escort. She is visiting in Albany , but will bo in the ladies' room at the station , at ten o'clock Tuesday morning. I send ft photo graph , so yon may be sure to know her. Don't forget that she is Mrs. Armsby now ; she married Joe Arms- by three years ago , and he only lived a few months after , you know. ( Yo > , I did know Joe Arnuby a recklets , dissipated fool. What could a girl be who married him ? ) I know you will be delighted to make yourself agree able to dear Marion , and can't help being charmed with her aho is so fas cinating and brilliant. " Fas'cinat'nz and brilliant ! If there is anything in the world that I hate it is a woman who is called brilliant and fascinating. I groaned in agony of spirit. But there was nothing for it but to hunt up "dear Marion , " see to all her trunks , satchels , umbrellas and poodles Laura's dear friends always travelled with poodles sae that she had a comfortable seatj and was neither too cold nor too warm , had plenty of books and bananas , and , worst of all , beguile her soul with small talk incessantly your brilliant and fascinating woman always wanti to talk. Now perhaps you may think , espe cially if you are a she , that I was a cynical old bachelor. I was nothing of the sort. The trouble was that 1 had an ideal of womanhood , and my sister's dear friends didn't come up to it. They were all women of the pe riod , [ ( abominable expression , but more abominable things at leut I' ' used to think so. My ideal was a dove- eyed , soft-voiced'little woman- with soft light hair , not crimped or frizzes , or any of those abominations , but combed "Madonna-wise , " and entirely superior to the dictates of fashion in her dres . She wore plain , graceful ( lowing robes , and artistic combina tions of color , but flounces , overskirts and furbelows never ! " Laura was accustomed to askm ? , sarcastically , if I ever expected to ind this paragon of perfection , and if [ did , "did I expect to appear in pub lic with her ? " I can hardly say that I did expect expect ever to find her , and there- ore I expected to * live till the 'end of my days a lonely , forlorn , melancholy old bachelor. Still , I am only thirty- hreo , and had not quite given up the search. But among Laura's friends I should never find her , that was cer- ain. And this one was a widow worse and worse ! But there was no need'for me to "bevareof vidders. " I had , naturally , a perfect horror of them ; not all the widows in the uni verse could beguile me. The Widow Armsby's photograph lad dropped to the floor. It occurred o mo , then , to see how she looked a rather necessary proceeding , you will allow , if I was to recognize -.her in a crowded waiting room by that means. There was nothing particular about the face. It wai well shaped , andhad a pleasant expression ; the eyes and lair , I judged , were dark ; the hair was gotten up in the latest style , of course , crimped and frizzed and puffed and braided andcurlod , until the head ooked like the tower of Babel. I gazed at the picture till I thought ; should know the Widow Armsby if ' . saw her , and then put it in my > ocket , where I should have it to look , t Tuesday morning if I should get mzzled. I did get very much puzzled on Tuesday morning. The waiting-room ras pretty well filled , but though I lad thought the face such an ordinary ne , there was not a lady there who at H resembled the picture. I took the ihotograph out of my pocket and tudied it furtively , until a pair of chool-girls caught me at it , and began o giggle , after the manner of the pociea , thinking , no doubt , that it was affection which riveted my eyes upon the Widow Armsby's features bey never were more mistaken ! I cralked around the room , and looked nquiringly at every woman who might ) ossibly be supposed to be the Widow irmsby. Not one of them looked at H responsive. My photograph had > oen forwardedto the Widow Armsby , nd as it was a striking likeness , 'lasses and all she mast have recog- lized mo if she was there. I made a rantic leap on board the last car just as it was slipping out of the depot. I must be on duty at Newport , widow r no widow. My spirits rose. I had done my uty , and yetl was not burdened with be widow Armsby ! , Suddenly an legantly embroidered little satohel , with the letter A on it , caught my eye. t was hanging dfrectly over 'the seat n front of me. A stood for Armsby ; bat was what attracted my attention. looked at its owner ; she was' a "girl f the period ; * ' there was no question bout that. She had on what is called ' /stylish" traveling dreis , s mass of Tinkled hair drawn down over her orehead , a little hat with a'bird's iring on it. set jauntily on top of a ieap of coal-black braids and puffs , ler profile was turned toward me , and ! could see that she had. a straight lit- to nose and long lashes. I scrutinized ler face because I thought she might > e the widow Armsby , and had not iked the looks of my photograph suf- iclently well to wait for me. She turned and looked at me , as eras quite natural. But then having ooked once , she turned and looked gain. I would not have you suppose hat was an unusual occurrence. I m considered to be a particularly ood-looking man , and young ladies f ten look at me twice ; but I fancied saw in her eyei a sort of recognition bright black eyes they were , with a aucy , make-fun-of-every thing sort of xpression to them not my dove- yed ideal by any * "mean I But * IF Mrs. Arnabyr the features prera certainly not unlike hen ; the night perhaps make an ordinary-look' ng picture , ODgknSWfe " j MYeTe > y no means ordiaiey3" ! ' ' * J3ut I couTdn' $ quite make np' ify mind to speak to her , on the slrengtt of an A on her travelling ba ? , and : resemblance that mi ht bo purely im aginary. Beside' , , if she were th ( ' 'Widow Armiby she had given mo thi slip , ar dT wa3ti't obliged ID dovoh myself to'her. But I.did wiih she would turn round ones more. Slit didn't , however. She stuck her tick' et in her hat band oh , these "girl ol the paricd" ways ! My idtal could never be capabbi f sticking her tckct in her hatband and devotad heree'i td apipar-colorednovel. I read my newspaper ; it was singu larly dull and uninteresting , and ! fa- vrrvd it occasionally by a glaiica at a straight little nose and long lashes. ] wondered if anybody beyond child hood ever had such very long lashc ; before. I had never thought of it before fore , but I added thera now to the sweet and seraph'c ' face of my ideal. Suddenly she laid down her book and took a letter from her pocket. 1 leaned over and looked at-the super scription. I considered it justifiable under the circumstances not because I admired her eyelashes , you under stand , but because she might be Mrs. Arnuby. Sure enough , the letter was directed to "Mrs. M. Armsby. " I rose impulsively. "I have the pleasure of speaking to Mrs. Aimsbf , I believe ? I I have your photograph. " ( Those saucy black eyes were looking mercilessly straight at me , and I blushed and stammered like a schoolboy. ) "I ex- Eected to find you in the waiting-room. I am very sorry to have missed you. " "You are uncle John , then ? " she said , frankly , extending a daintily gloved hand. "Why why , y < ; 8 ; brother Ned's children call me so sometimes ! " ] stammered. Uncle John sounJs very old bachel- orish , some w y. I didn't fancy it at all. all."I "I am so clad to hava met you ! I dislike traveling alone so much ! I quite dreaded the journey ! When you didn't come to the hotel , I thought something must have prevented you from meeting me. I didn't think of looking in the wa'tmg room. " At the hotel ! Uh , that was so like Laura , thought I , with a smotherei grcan. She had not mentioned a ho tel to me , and here wzs this charming little creature thinking that I had neglected her ! "It was bid enough coming all the way from Chicago a'one , " she warbled on , in such abirdlike voice ! Once I might hive called it rattling , for she did talk agroit deal , but , an ! not now. Was it possible that I , a man of thirty-three , with an ideal , was subjugated by a pair of saucy black eyes , and some long lashes , be longing , too , to an unmistaKable "girl of the period ? " Alas ! I could not tell. Some change had certainly "come over the soirit of my dream. " "lam so impatient to tee the dear children again. I think they are the cutest , cunningest little things. Flos sy is my especial favorite. " "Now , as my niece , Flossy , had ar rived at the mature ago of five or six weeks , I thought Mrs Armsby had rather strange tastes. As I had never had the pleasure of meotinsj my youth ful relative , and had , indeed , bean ap prised only the day before that her name VMS Flossy ; I could not be ex pected to respond very cordially to this sentiment. I couldn't bs expected to , I tay , but I did. Whit sentiment wouldn't I have responded to , backed by those eyes and that bewitching smile ? "The loveliest of them all And such a sweet name , " murmured I , like an imbecile. "And Nellie isn't she a darling ? " Who was Nellie ? Not one of Ned's children. Possibly one of Laura's friends ; I didn't remember all their names. It wouldn't be safe for 'me to ay she was "a darliug" upon unrcr- taintie ] , but I did think it safe to respond spend , with some enthusiasm "She's a very nice girl. " "Anicagirll" And the saucy eye danced. "Why , I moan the little Spitz dog. " "Oh , yes ; certainly ! A very nice dog , " stammered I , inwardly cursing my stupidity in not remembering the name of the wretched little beast thit was always under my feet at Ned's. She talked about a good many other people whose names I didn't remem ber. How I wished I had taken more interest in Laura's friends. If they bad only been more like her I should bavo had no occasion for that regret. I took excellent care of her , she said , with a bright little smile ; and irhat a delightful thing it was to take pare of her. After we got over talk ing about our mutual friends and on to general subjects , I grew gradually more at ease ; I felt as if the hours were slipping by in a delightful dream. "We are almost there , " she said , luddenly. _ "Oh , 'Newport ' Is a good many miles iwayyet'I said , almost wishing we anight never got there , to have an in- terruptipn to this blitsful dream. "Newport ? But I am not going to Newport ; are you ? I thought you irero going direct to Alice's. She irrotome that you were. " This was very bewildering. I began to perceive that there was a mistake lomowhere. "I don't know Alice , " I said. "I im going to Newport to most my sis ter Laura , who wrote me that you irere going there , too. " "I am going to K , to vuit my lister , who is married an lives there ; ind she wrote me that her husband's uncle would como to the hotel for me. Aren't you ancle John ? " I'laraunclo John to my brother's jhildron , but not to your sister's hus band , I am afraid , " I said dolefully. The black eyes danced like will-o'- the wisps. "It's too funny for anything ! " she Jechred. "I thought you were very unlike Ella's description of uncle John so much younger than I sup posed he was. " At this interesting moment the cars itopped , and the conductor shouted "Oh dear me ! I mustn't get left ? " said my fair companion , in a flutter. "It is such a funny thing altogether ind I am so much obliged to you " "Allow me to give yon my card , " itammered I , as 1 assisted her out , hardly awake yet to the situation , "and to hope " And then I saw her gathered to the embraces of half a dozen women and i very black-whiskered young man , ivith a fierce pang of jealousy. She was gone andl didn'tevenknow the name of her brother-in-law ; knew nothing abput her except that she was the widow Armsby ! Did I even know that ? Yes , I bad saen the name on ber'lettar , and she had acknowledged it when I spoke to her. But she : ouldn't be Laura's widow Armsby , therefore she couldn't be Jo Armsby's widow. Of course not ! Sha never ronld have married an unprincipled scamp like him. I fell to wondering what her hus band was like ; what her second would 36 like * . I would be the fortunate nan or perish in the attempt ! . I reached Newport in a "dream. I iras introduced to the Widow Armsby , /ho had changed her plant and gob there before me , still inia dream. ' Tour very ideal ! " whispar ed Laura , ind Hooked at her again. She was a little pale woman , with irab hair , combed plainly behind her > ara and done np in a "pug" behind. She had on a very long-flowing robe if white xatulin , and-not an orna nent.of.'any kind. I have my suspi this ; "Widow " Armsby gotten herself up for my especial b ne fit , aa I afterward aa v her m a veri different gu'se. "Jack , i'u'tBhe'lovely"said ? Laura niscon a * we were alono. "She Lik : EO like an rngol ! " "Sho looks like the Witch of Ender or ! " eaidTl , ung.illantly. Laura said I wai a bru'c , aud sh < would like to know what jay "ide l' was I wout to K oa the ca'ly morn ing train. How I was going t' ) find my ina-nrrita was more than I knew , but find her I would. I aked the proprietor of the hotsl if ho knew wnero Mr. ' . Arm-by , < f Chicago , was visiting. He didn't knw. I weut to the pcs'oftke , the dry goods fctoio ; the circula'irg ' library with tbo tame result. At Lst I wont boldly up tc the door of n priva'o house. It look ed aa if she wera there , I don't know why. Perhaps thdrc ia an additional ssnso bastowed upon people ai much in love as I wa * in compensation for the sense that is taken away. Anyway I felt sure she was there : A round curly heal stuck itself out of the door. ' 'My Aunt Mabel is here she isn't Mrs. she's only a young lady , " it re sponded to ray question. Could it be possible that she wasn't the widow Armsby , after all ? Per haps it mil-lit have been Miss that I saw on the letter ! I had not time to reflect before the danc'ng eyts , tbo bswitchin ? smile , were before me. Thera was a bewitch ing blush , too , now , and a little shy ness , that set mo quite at my ease. What is the usa of telling any more ? If I hadn't come off victor , if I hadn't been the luckiest follow alive. do you suppose I ever should have told this story at all ? The Widow Armsby found her second end fate at Newport that summer ( but not while masquerading as my "ideal" ) and I made her an elegant wedding present as a slight expression of the gratitude I owed her. For If it had not been for her I might have been a forlorn and miserable old bachelor to this day , instead of being married to the brightest eyes that ever danced and the truest little heart that ever beat. BucKien'B Arnica Halve ] The BEST SALVE in the world for Onts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Ohapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , ' and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satiafac- tied in every case or money re kmded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. ISH , Omaha. AN OPEN AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant , fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial , and all who will take the trouble may secure them. These roseate , bewitching lines follow the use of Hagan's Mag nolia Balm a delicate , harm less and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish , removes Sal- lowncss , Tan , Itedncss , Erup tions , all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being can detect its application. IRON TURBINE WIND ENGINE MANUFACTURED BY Mast , Fees & Co. , Springfield , 0. The Strongest and Most Durable WIND ENGINE In the World. , Hundred ! in use In Iowa and Nebraska Sold by Dealers in nearly err ry county. This cat represents oar Buckeye Force Pump which is particularly adapted to Wind Mill use , as it works easily and throws a constant stream , and does not freeze up in the cold est weather. Send for price list to W. H. EAYNER , Western Ag-t , Omaha , Neb. ONLY EFFECTUAL KIDNEY REMEDY AND SPECIFIC FOR Bright s Disease , Eiabetes , Nerrats Debility , Pain in the Back , Loins or Side , Dropsy , Gravel , Incontinence aud Retention ofUnneand Female Complaints. Send lofour treatise on the Kidneys , cnt.tled "Echoes Ton Should Heed , " a little pamphlet containing a great deal of information free. Excelsior Kidney Pad Co , , SOLE PROPRIETORS. by D. W. BASE A'.CO. , D. 1. C. Is an ab-solnte and Irrc-iniblc cure fci mares , Intemr * ante and the nse of Oplrac. Jo . bacco , Narcotics and btimulojU * , remoring all t&3tedercaidk oitof nsii : ? any of thcnj.ri dcring the tuto ordetirc f oranyof them pcrfetlr odloia and ilL = smtln3. Giving ercryona r"3r ; % Mid irresistible control of Uia sobriety of hcn : wires and their friend ? . . It presents that abwfcte jihyMeal and ironi ! prostration that tclloirs the tudJca brcailDf oJ from t&ng cttmnianta or narcotics. , w , prepaid , to cure 1 to 5 persons , ! ? / * 't nfgj-jts , JLTircrbotUc. ' Temperance societies ehoald wcmnendli. Stj Is pcnectly harmless and ncrer-faHny. j Hop BiUersMfg.Co.RoehMterH.Y.SoleA3-ids Hop Coach Cnr des roys all ram. loosen * t ! f oongli , qoicu the ncrrcJ , pnxlncea rat , and za. ei taiUtocorc. _ _ _ _ _ The Hop Pod for Storcacb , LlTCr and Klitoeyf , ' Is raperlor to all others. CareJbyateorptSin. It ti perfect adc amggista. t Tin H.p Eltler * are. C * . , of Bochafcr , X-T-wfr , pr ilutlltHep BiUB , ilc4 rt l ' I FOR'SALMBY'A'LL ! DRUcciSTsJ VIA TH&- Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It Is the snOP.T , SURE and Safe Route BetTCin COUNCIL BLUFFS ASD CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE and all points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN' ANY OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. It U the ONLY ROAD beUem COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which la run PULLMAN HOTEL CARS ! In addition to them and to please all classes of travelers , It ( dvos FIRST-CLASS MEALS at Us EATING STATIONS at 60 centa each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS ! ITS COJCHES ARE THE FINEST I ITS EQUIPPMENT FIRST-CIASS II yen wish the Best Traveling Accommoda tlons you will buy your tlcketg by this Route 43-AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All TlckeU Agents can eell von Through Tickets via this road" and Check uinal Baggage Free ot Charge. OMAHA TICKET OFFICES Uf 4 Farahim St. , Cor. llth , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorado Central and Union Pacific Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 New Montgom ery Street. For Information , folders , maps , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Tlcktt Office , addreci any agent ol the Company , or MARVIN HUCHITF , WH. . STEHNETT , OenU Manager , Genl Pan. Acnt , CHICAaO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , OenT Agt Omaha & Connc'l Bluffs. SIOUX CITY ii PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old RtliMe Sioux City Route ! 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE ! From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , DULUTH , or BISMARCK , Anl aU points In No-tliorn Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. Tliii line U einlpped { with the Im proved Westinehouso Automatic Air Brakoi and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for' ' ISPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT Is unsurpassed. Eleijant Draninjr Room nd S'ccplnjf Cari.owneJ and coal rolled by tbo com pany , tun Through With ut Change , between Union I'acific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , aud St. 1'aul. . Trains leave the Union Pacific Transfer Pcpot at Council BluffJ , at 5:15 p m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul at 11:05 a. m , making C TEN HOURS is ADVANCE OF ANY OTIIKR ROUTE. Returning , Icaio St. Paul at 3:30 : p m , ar- rMifr at Sioux City at4f5 a. m. . and Un'.on Pacific Tram for Depot , Council Bluff" , at 0 50 a. m. Be sure tint jour tickets read via "S. C. & P. R. R. " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , Iowa. P. E. KOBINSON , Ass't Gen I Pas * . Agent. J. II. O'ERYAN , Southwestern Freight and Pas ener Agent. tm20-tf Council Bluffs SHORT LINE 3LSSO- TUE K.C..ST.JOE&C.B.R.R. , Is the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change of cars between Omaha and Bt. Louis and but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS KSACHISO ALL Eastern & Western Cities With Ics3 charges and In advance of other lines. This entlro Una is equipped with Pullman's Palace S'cepin ? Cars , Palace Day Coach- el , Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated \VeatingboU8e Air-Brakc. THAT YOUR TICKET READSTSU 5TVa ! Kansas City , St. Joseph anJTEl 3-CouncilBIuffsU.R.vIa StTSS 52TJooanOLSt.Loiiti.TEl Tickets for Bale at all coupon stations 1 the West. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWES , Geu'l Supt. , Gcn'l Pus. & 1 irket Afft St. Joseph , Mo BL Joseph , Mo , W. C. SEACHHEST , Ticket Agon. , 214 Fifteenth Street , between Farnham and Donzlas , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEIION , A. B. BARNARD , Pa a. Agent , Omaha dek'l Agont. Omaha. THROUGH T3 CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I BURLINGTON ' & fJUINCY Vith Smooth and Perfect Track , Elegant Pas- ecncer Coaches , ami PULLMAN SLEEPINC & DINING CARS. _ t is acknowledged by the Press , and all who travel over it , to be the iiest Appointed and Best Managed Road la the Country. PASSBNGEBS GOING EAST Should bear in mind that thu ia the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Northwest. Pasenger3 by this Route have choice cl FOUR DIFFERENT BOUTES , And the Advantage of Six Dally Lines of Pf lace Sleeping Cars from Chicago to ! few York City Without Change. All Express Trains on this line are equipped with \VBtlnehou3o Patent Air brakes and Millet's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler * , ths mo t Perfect Pro tection Against Acci dents In the world. PULIMAHPALACE SLEEPING AND DIN1NC CARS Are run on the Burlington Route. Information concerning Routes , Rates , Time Connections , etc. , will be cheerfully given by applying at the office of the Burlington Route , 613 Fourteenth Street , Omaha , Kehrjeks. C. E. PERKINS , D. W. HITCUCOCK , Oen'l Mrna cr. Gen. West'n Pass. Ag t. J. O. PHILLIP1 , St. Joe. , Mo. Ucncral Agent , Omaha. II. P. DU4L , feb5-dly Ticket Agent , Omaha. so rrnni MI : I rnj tiltaTrrtt ( ett aiUjr or by lt int , iJGp ce , p ! > , * esa is II c 111 Iy | hriicUB ia tM CJty vbn * The Only Remedy * IATACTS AT THE SAME TIME OX | KE L3VER , THE BOWELS , andthoKIDNEYSr ! \j J7. confined action gives jftwn-j ; j sr/Vit / poieer to cure all diseases. SSJhX. Are We Sid . Jktnure ice allow these gnat organfi \ fiilicoma clogged or torpid , andl ? j-o'jonousJiumorsare therefore forcedl \ino the Hood that ihould be expeSed\ BIMOUSSESS. PILES.COSSTIPATIOJ , ! 1 KIDNEY COHTJ.AIXTS. CBLfABI ' DISEASES , FEMAT-EWEAK. KESsSES. AHD HEBTOUS DISOBDEBS , . \by causingfree action of these organtl 3 C.TJ reitarinrj thtir power to throw off } S Why tomitnted nithPilesConsUpatioat I ( \TJ > j frightened orcrdisordered Kidoejs 11 " Vtv enilcrencrvons or sick hesdaehesl Wliybave sleepless night * 1 fts KIDNEY WOET and rtjoiu in I teZtit21 Is a dry , vegctal/te compound and I t 2 & * u "fyouf Erugqitt , he via ordir U\ \ * for you. Price , SIJOO. ' ; C3. , Psjd _ UarUacton , Vfc Q 1 1 D H n 1 1 D C or oiiffiSjos. Bronchitis O U 1 i L UUilL Asthiiin , Consumption , And ALL DISEASES of the Throat and Lungs. Put Up in Quart Size Bottles for Family Use. . . .WONT BE DECEIVED by unsrlncipletl d-nlers who try to p\lm off uponvott i Rock and Rre in p'a.-e of oarTOLl' HOCK anl RYE , which Is the only MED 10ATED article nuJe , the GE.VUI VE ti \ in a GOVEBSM KST STAill' on eich bottle. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY D PARTiEST. ! OFFICE OF INTERNAL REVENUE , > \VHIIINOTO.X , D. C , J nuaiT2) ) , 1S50. j" Messrs. LAWRENCE & MAKTIN , 111 Madlsoi St , Chlcato. 11U. : OKNILIKIS : 1 have received a "certiflcd" ebiiKtha inxreOients and relative proper- * tlons used In the mwufactnie of an niclo which you advera-ra and ; cll under the n\me of 'TOI.U ROUK and KYE. " Thlscomponnd.accordbe tojonr ( < jrraula. In the opinion wf Ibis etUjo. woull have a sufficient quantity of tha BALSAM OF TOLU U > cite It all thaadvantae iwcritx-J tothU art'clo in pectcral complaints , whiia the whijky and sjrupconjlitute aneioulJon nn letinff tha > comronnd anagreeallo remedy to the patient. lathe opinion of this office , an rticl compounded accordinjr to thi < f oramla miy properly bo clatced as a me jicinal preparati m under tl-e i rorijlons of S hedala A , firflotrin section 3,437. U. S- Revised Statutes , and when so stamped m T be co'd by I ru iH' , Apothecaries , and Other Penom without rcn'tering them liable to p > y speo'al tax as liciiiT dealer * . Yours Respectfully , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. RATJM , Commlsaionor. Lamrenoe & Martin , Chlcsgo , See ! Azcnls for the L'mtwl and Canada. Sa'd by Drur jlsts. Grocers ud General Dealers emy hero \\lioKwIo A jntf.r Neb , STU1LE , JOI SON & K > . , wiU supply the trida at manufacturcri prUej. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY O ? fHIS COUNTRY. VSEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP , THAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WESV * , 1U main line runs from Chlcaso to Council Bluffs , posMnu through Juliet. Ottawa. La Snllc. Qenesao. Moline , Ilocfc Island. Davenp > rt. West liberty. IowaCttr.Mareuuo , Urooklrn. Grinnell , Des Molnes ( the capital of Iowa ) . Stuart , Atlan tic , and Avoca ; with branches from Dureiu Junction to Peorla ; Wilton Junction tolfusca- Uto. Washington. KalrQeld. EMon. Uelknap , Ccntrevllle , Princeton. Trenton. Gallatln. Camo- rnn. Lcavenworth. Atchlson. and Kansas City ; Washington to Slgourner. Oskaloosa. and Knox- Tllle : KeokuK to Farmlnoton , Bonaparte , Ucn- tonsDorU Independent. Eldon , Ottumnn. Eddr- Tllle.Oskaloosa. Pella , Jlonroc. and Ues Molnes : Newton to Monroe i lies Molnes to Indtanola and WlDterset : Atlantic to Lenls and Andubon ; and A oca to llarlan. This la positively the only hallroad. which owns , and operates a through line from Chicago Into the State of Kansas. Through Express Passenger Trains , with Pull- Jnan Palace Cars attached , are run each way dally between CHICAGO and PEOKIA. KANSAS Crrv , COUKCII * BLcrrs. LEAVENWOUTU and ATCHI- Sox. Thrnnsh cnr are also run between MI'TBU- kee find Kansas City , via the "Milwaukee and Unck Island Sho-.LIne. " The "Great V.ock Island Is mnsnlflccntly equipped. Its road bed Is Ebnplr perfect , aud Us track Is laid tlth steel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure of enjoying your meals , while parsing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and Iowa. In one of our magnificent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Express Trains. You cct an entire meal , as good as Is served In liny first-class hotel , lorseventy-flve eenti. Appreciating the fact that a majority of the oeoplo prefer separate apartment * for different purposes ( and the Immense pa 'enger business ) f this line warranting It ) , wo ur > pleased to an nounce that this Company runs Pullmnn I'alaee Slnpfng fan for sleeping purposes , and 1'atiia at all hears of the day. Magnincent Inm UricUes span tbo MjjU and Missouri rivers at all point * cro iM. < l t > line , and transfers are avoided st Coiinrt. Kan < as Cltjr. Lcavcnwtirth. and AUus ! < jS ni-ctlonsbeincmado In Union Dupon. TUB PllINCIfAI. 1L It. CUNNKCTItMiA C J THIS C2UEAT THKOUUU LINK AKtf M FO1XOWS : At CIIICAUO. with all diverging lines on cts AtKNOtewooD. with the L.S.4M.S. Ft. W. Jt C. II. Uds. , AtWAsiu.NQTo.v Hiianrs. with 1- L. K. K. At 1 SALLI. with. lit Cent. R. It. At PEOKIA. with r. iJIM > . W. : III. Mid. : andT.r.A . IWs. At UOCK I L.\sn. with "Milwaukee i bland Short Line. " and liock M'll A tec. AtlMVKXPOirr.wlth the Davenport C.M.AM.P.U.H. At WEST I.IIIEBTT. with the H , C. K. A " At C uiXNEirttth Central Iowa K. It. AtDES MoL.Nt.d.wlthU 3L4K.D ll.i i Atl'ouNCiL IJLrrrs.with Union I"nclnrf. * . < At OMAHA , with II. * Mo. It. U. 1U In fie& . > . AtCII.UMUC3jLINCT10X.wlthU..C. H.AN. lwV , At OTTCMWA. with Central Iowa It-tl. V * , ! gt.l .Al'at.BndC.lJ.Jty. It. IldX. i At hEOKUK. with Tol. . I'eo.Var.t Vvni , f * * At CAMKIIOV. wlthlT-fct-J It it. " At ATCIItsON. wltli Atch.Topeka&S OLif * - * A tell. & Neb. nnd Cen. lir. If. I > . li. lids. At I.RAVEXWOUTII. with Kan. la& . two { uu * . Cent. It. Hda. AtKANSAi CtTT.wlth all lines lor thf and Southwest. VAL.ACE C.VItH nrn ran thmuzh ta rr.OltIA , T > KS COUNCIL ML.UFF8 , K.A.VSAH CITT , ATCJIIMON , and LKA VEX1VOILTH. Ticket * Tin thl * Line , known n the "Orvut JCocli . Iilund Jlonte , " are o5 ! * 1C all Ticket Agents In the VnllJ State * and Canada. Far Information not obtainable at your-homo ticket office , addre . A. . KUVH3ALJD. E. ST. .TOJETN. Oea'l Superintendent. Uen'l Tkt. and Pass'gr An. GHAS. SHIVERiGK. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS And everyxliing pertaining to the Furniture and upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE 1208 and 1210 Farnham Street. p U man th sat Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator ± sso _ I * MANUFACTURED BY S. P. MAST & eO.SPRINFFIELD , 0 They also make Buckeye Improved Iron Ueam Walking Cultivator , with or without Springs. The ffew Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or tvio Horse Style. Inquire for them at the beat dealers. F. H. PUGH , Gen , Agent. Umana. ffeb. A new and and hitherto unknoim remedy to all diseases of the Kidneys , Bladder.and Urinary Organs. It will positively cure Diabetes , Gravel , Drop sy , Bright' * Dise e , Inability to retain or en > el the Urine , Catarrh of the Blaedtr , high cOtOrtd and scanty urine. Painful UnntliEf , LAME BACK , ( Jeneral Weaknen , and aU Female Complaints. It avolde * internal inedldnes , it certain hi it effects and cures when nothing elsa can. Ferula by Druggists or sent by m n free upon receipt ot the price , 12.00. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. . PROP'BS , Toledo , O. < 78end your tddrew for onr little book , Hov a Life was Saved. " JAMES K. IS ? , Agent TESTIMONY. The Cashier ol the First Katlozul Bank , Troy " * ' IBy " TMT , O. . December 30th , 1373. DR. EC9ASKO MiDiciai Co. , Piaua. O. : OX3TLUIU-I waa trouble * ith Rheuma- thmlart spring In the acute tjtm yobadlytha I -was unable to n e my hand. Throj h . recommendatioMofmy frlenl" . Iwa lndace.1 si to try Rheumatic Cur. . "ch."at . ' 5 i your . , the and begai to soothe , comfort and J .y pUn , ina horttimiiTa rrueredotthJ di tre inz recommending Yours resptetfuUy , JhO.L. MEREDITH. There remedl P 'or then elTe . To try them U to be cured. It YOU cannot t them ot TOUT Drnwiit. by remlttinar us t3-00 we wiir wnd o ? Ar bottle * ot the Bhemnatla Cure , or Ix of the Pfle Ktmedy. by exprera prepaid. Giro plain direction for shlppla j. t The Dr. Bosanko Medioine def - , f IQUA , OHIO. a * < < nr weexlnyoazowntoini. rennsacdcc $ DUbte.A drtsa H.H llett $ Co. Portl 34 , X ?