Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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YOL. IX. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , SATURDAY , MAY 22 , 1880. NO. 288.
Established 1871 MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
" ' Mar-
Bayard's Bill Eegulating
halls-Passed by a Party
- ' . . Vote ,
$2- ' -
' .
Information Called for Con
cerning the Expulsion of
T Jews in Russia.
Special dispatch ta Tlie Bee.
WASHINGTON , May 21 , 4 p. m.
A bill appropriating the amount o
claims reported by the commissioners
of claimi was parsed.
Bayard's minutl' * bill was taken
np , anMnd d igtilly , all icpublican
roted down , aiid tl o bil
passed by a party tot < \
Senator , B : ck gxvo mtice that or
Monday 'next h ) would c 11 up the bill
to amend the lavrs in ivl.-iton to the
internal levenue known us the Cord is
The le ia'attiro ' 8propriation bill
was than Uketi up. The ssnate com-
mittee'a ameud-nent , which ipcrcwed
the totil amo int c ( the b.ll ai it caoie
from the Jious $10,000 , was a iea to ,
aud tlio'bill was re&d n ill rd time and
Senator Merion incvod that tire
senate proceed to the consideration of
the joint rule for counting the votes of
electors of president ? nd vice p'-ou-
dent Discu sion followed , in which
the republicans tried to have
the Kellopg ciso taken up , and Sena
tor Conkling asserted that all those
who voted for tlieso resolutions will
vote to thiow the Kell'-gR case over
until the next session. The motion
wa adopted , 25 to 14 , by a strict
party vote , the democrats not placing
the Bsme.constni' tion upon the'r votes
ns Senator did.
The Senate went into executive ses
sion and adjuu ncd.
Hooker accmed Belford and Has
kell of bad faith in securing for thair
Ute bill procfdenco on Wednesday
night next over his Ohoctaw bill , and
aid they would have a sweet lima get
ting it through.
The bill alloHvig cliima approved
by the accounting officers "of the
trewury was passed 93 to 78.
Cox , from < lu foreign committee ,
reported a bill .iiUng the president
for information regirding the expul
sion of Israelite ci'iVns ' of the United
States from Russia. Adopted.
The house then considered the pub
lic 'and bills.
WASHINGTON , May 22 1 a m. tai
Mr. Robinson offered. an.amendment al
' ' i
BO as to make'tno reiler'cbntemplited
by the bill apply only to those who pr
took claims or ordinary clearing of 8E.
land or working mining claiirs or for 8p
ogriculturiil purposes , or who took 8pml
timber without the knowledge that it mlme
was trespass , The amendment was me
adopted by a vote of 8(5 ( to 84 , and was pe
passed as amended. All the other tea
bills disposed of in cjminitteo of the edi
whole yesterday were passed. los
Committcei were then called for re fir
ports of a private nature. The morn thi
ing hour proving unsuccessful , Mr. or
Colerick , as a question of privilege , up
reported in the ciso of Duffy va. Ma- ofme
eon , the that sitting member was en me
titled to the seat. The resolution was
adopted. ' The house went into com
mittee of the whole on the private
calendar , and after disposaig of one ch
pension bill the committee rote.
The sundry civil appropriation bill
was reported and ordered printed Spe
and recommitted. An ineffectual at
tempt was made to recommit the bill tie
with the instructions to so amend as thi
to provide for erf cting a public build thi
ing , in favor of which the committee am
on publio building * and grounds have hime
reported , and which they recom me
mended. wi
A Big River Suit. bate
Special DUpatch to The Bee. tote
Sr. Louis , May 22 1 a. m. A suit to
of considerable importance to river tobe
decided Treat of be
men , was by Judge
United States District Court he
the yes heGo
terday. In" November l t the towboat - Go
boat "Lioness No. 2 , " ahippad a crew tivMi
of ton men at Pittsburg to bring a tow Mioc
of coal > o St. Louis. On arriving at ; od
Cairo , the tow boat was divided as an
usual , requiring tire trips to bring the am
c rgo from Cairo to this port. On the
second trip the "Lioness" was obliged sfo
to lay up at Buahberg on account of em
ice , and the crew was paid off. The relir
men sued W. H. Brown & Co. , : : ir
owners of the "Lioness , " for their expenses 8Uf
back to and ho
penses Pittsburg wages
until their arrival at that port nnd ele
Judge Treat's decision is in their fa Bj
vor. ore
Louisville Baces. on
Ppedat Dispatch to TUB Bus.
LOCISVILLK , May 22,1 s. m. Terrible - bei
riblo rains rendered the track very an
heavy , but notwithstanding the unpropitious - aid
propitious weather there wera at least aidNc
4000 people on the Jockey Club sai
grounds. A selling race Jfor * ll ages , itt
mile and an eighth d sh , "Mattgorda" ittS.
won easily with Little Red second and
Emma Cooper third , time 207 ; | . bl
The most important event of the blbo >
day TOS the Louisville cup sweepstake to
for all ae ? , dish two and a quarter toi
mile * YoUurno and Blue Eyes had ru
the raca all to themselves after two
miles had been run , the former win lis
ning by three lengths tfter s terrific > a.
struggle. a.M a.o
The third race for the Gait Ho'use M
handicap , one and one half miles , was
won by Miss Haraway , tinn 2:49 : , thi
Typhoon second and Bancrtft , the thiwa
favorite , third. Miss Hardawa ; . sold coi
as last choice in the pools. coiMi
The fourth and last raca three-qn'n- bb
tcr mile dh for two. year old col\ bil
and fillies , was captured by Voltaque ,
timel:22i. -
Presbyterian Geao a ! Assembly.
Special Djpatch to IB tin
MADISON , Wis.May 22. 1 a m th
The general assembly of the Pres th
byterian church of the United States thI
fleeted Dr. Wm.
Faiton , of New Bt
York , moderator. The first half hour BtAi
of the mcrning was occupied with th
eng and prayer. A telegram from thE ;
H. E. Alin
, superintendent of the Bt
Chicago , Milwaukee and St. P ul rail- BtN.
tray convayed jnformatioq * tbat tbj
irate * a of the Wisconsin river'weretso
high that it was impossible to run
boats through the dells , and suggested
a postponement of .the excursion for a
week , which proposition was accepted
with thanks.
.Standing committees were announc
ed and the plan oi business mapped
out for several daysRev. . Mr. P ge
presented a resolution for the appoint
ment of a committee io investigate the
cause of delay of the printing of the
minutes of the general assembly.
This brought out Rev. Mr. Hatfield ,
the stated cleric , with an explanation.
Considerable discussion followed , and
the resolution was indefinitely post
poned. The subject cf education was
madfl the special order for Friday
morning next ; the report of the com
mittee on the book of discipline , etc ,
was made the * po-ial order for Tues-
d y afternoon ; the cacvention will
hear the report of the committee on
fr&edmen Monday morning ; the board-
Bf ministerirl relief on Saturday morn
ing ; the committea on home mission
Tuesday morning ; standing committee
on church oration , Thursday ; foreign
missions cornmitieVcdne daytheo- ;
logical seminary committee , Thursday
afternoon , and committee on church
polity , Wednesday aft rnoon. The
syuodical records were then called for
and presented to the clerk's desk , and
recommended to the several commit
Exciting Scenes in Both
Houses of Parliament
Bradlaugh Offers to take An
Oath Bat the Honse Says Its
a Mere Form With
Him Only.
The Stupid House of Lords
Wakes Up Lord North-
cote Accuses Glad
stone of Shame
ful Action.
Reward Offered For Any Tra-
Cfs df the Lost British
Training Ship
"Atlanta. "
Bennett , the British Billiard
Champion , Beaten By
pedal Dlipstch to The Bee. .
MADBID , May 22 1 a.m. A de
jachment of royal troops are pursuing
band-cf Spanish frigauda in the
rovinco of Castloton.
ipecUl Diipatch to Till Bis.
LONDON , May 22 1 a. m. The ad-
nirdty has issued a public announce-
nent offering 200 reward to the first
terson ; who shall give information
eading to obtaining definite knowl-
dge sa to the course or locality of the
ostship "Atlanta , " or to whomsoever
irat , finds trace of her , by means of
he discovery of any part of her hull Bp
equipments. This action is based BpTl
ipon the natural expectation that hope Tl
obtaining the reward may interest thof
aany in the search. of
peclil DL'patch to The Bee.
LONDON ] , Slay 21 1C p. in. Objec-
ion was made to liradlaugh taking
ho oath of admission to the house on
he ground that ho was an Atheist
nd ha * already nullified the oath by
- books. A soono of great excitc-
aent followed. A special committee
rill ! consider the matter.
Ohas. Bradlaugh appeared at the all
iar of the house yesterday and stated
the speaker that he was prepared
take the oath- office , which is the
ollowing : ' 1 do solemnly declare to it
faithful and true to Queen Victoria ,
ter heirs and successors , so help me
Jod. " Sir Henry Wolff , a conserva- of
ive , offered a motion declaring tbat
lr. Bradlaugh should not ba 'permit-
to take the oath nor his seat in
nyway. ; That motion was seconded to
nd he urged to house to bo careful
LOW it opened the door for the admit-
ion of men who were know to bo en-
nues of the crown and principles of
eligion on which the stability of the
ingdom depends. Mr. Gladstone
uggested the question of the right of CO
( hoiuo to refuse to allow a duly COpe
lected member ta tike the oath. mi
this time the house was te
rowtled and great excitement pa
irevailod. < Several members endoiv- th
iredsimultaneously to obtain the floor be
nd great confusion followed , and it pa
ras evident that a strong pvty was or
tent on the exclusion of Uradlaugh at
ny cost , and the feeling on both
ides ran high. Finally air Stafford
torthcote obtained the floor He dt
aid he was hero supporting in the all
trongest manner the motion of Sir allEi
. Wolft Mr. Bradlaush , he said , Ei
lad declared that an oath was not Sp
ilnding on his conscience'andit would SpM
ehame and n farce to allow him M
take it. Henry Labouchere , edi- Pi
of the London Truth , and who th
elected for Northampton conjoint- tit
with Bradlaugh , took sides with titPt
colleague , and in a somewhat im- fu [
assioned speech appealed to the the
louse to admit him to take the oath , tit
klr. : Bradlsugh , said Mr. Labouchere , the
ras elected for political and not for thm
heological reasons. ] f the question
referred to a committee and the
lommiitee should report adversely to Sp
kit. Bradlaugh's claim , Mr. La- SpTl
ouchere said he '
wou'd bring in a Tl
U1 to enable Mr. Bradliugh to make Tldc
. dcT
affirmation. T ]
The casa was laid over until Monday 93
Wiilo this scene was going on in le
theconmons the house of lords wai the jo
theatre 'of one almost as exciting.
Lord SalKbury denounced Mr. Glad
stone's leUer to Count Knrolyi , the
Austrian nlinister , as base , and said rp *
that Gladstone's course was shameful.
Earl Beacontfieldfollowed in the same fire
statin. Sibl
Dfoitfhes from Bomfcsy state th4t ir >
native troops ara divided in two fac
tions and are fighting with each other.
Spec'al Dipatch to The Bee.
HALIFAX , May 21 10 p. m. Two
Norwegian barks were lost noir Rose
Blanche , and many more vessels are
supposed to be lost off New Fouml-
land because of lingo fields of ice on
west coast , which are now delaying
Special Dispatch to Tin Bis.
LONDON , May 21 10 p. m. Sul
livan , homeru'or , was elected from
Heath. The Irish members decided ,
18 to 5 , to sit on the opposition
In the house of commons yesterday ,
Mr. Arthur Arnal , liberal for Sanford ,
gave not'ca ' that bo will at an early
day , call attention to -restrictions
on the importation of foreijn cattle
aud move a risolutiqn on the subject.
A result of the privnTe inquiry on the
subject , leads to the belief that the
government has not at present any
intention to remove any of the re
strictions imposed by order * in council
under act"of 1878 acd they will proba
bly oppote any resolution of a private
member for a modification of the regu
M. Vi naux , the French billiard ex
pert , beat Jco Bennett , tha English
champion , two games last night.
A Calcutta dispatch says the British
troops have di persad 4000 men at
Msihena , near Jelallabad.
In the house of commons last night
Sir Charles Dilke , under secretary lor
Foreign affairs , in reply to a question ,
said the government intended shortly
to put before the house the papars re
lating to the Fortune Bay fishery d's-
pute , and the matter was now occupy
ing the government's attention.
Lord Harrington , secretary of state
for India , stated that he believed the
cost of the Afghan war to have been .
about 7,154,000.
VIENNA , May 22 1 a. m. Mr.
Goschen , British minister to Turkey ,
had a long interview with Barcn Hay-
merle ye terJay.
Special Dispatch to The Bcc.
MADRID , May 22. 1. a. m.-The for
eign ( minis'er in reply to a question in
the senate dented that Spain was nego d
tiating a commercial treaty with the
United States , and added it was his
belief that a conclus'on ' of such n
treaty would bo difficult.
Philadelphia & Beading Iron &
Goal Company's Suspension. fo
Management Supposed to Have ac
Been Frightened By a Bill ac
of $6,000,000.
Collieries to be Worked to
Pay the Debts of the
Special DUpatchto The Bcc.
PHILADELPHIA , May 22 1 a. m.
The interest and excitement attending "
the announcement of the suspension
the Reading Coal company , was as foi
great to the operatives as it was among foiAt
the brokers. Leading merchants in
trade standing in groups along Walnut At
street : from Second to Fourth , carried AtAl
an animated discussion as to the Alit
event and its probable effect. Every it-
body seemed taken by surprise and
not a few were incredulous. A high itth
official in the coal trade paid there th
would probably be an immediate sus
pension of mining at the collieries of
the Reading company. The plans of bom
the coal trade will be upset , but it is m
impossible to say what the result will an
be. The board of control cannot bo
found , nothing can bo said indeed for
are in the dark and the extent of an
the calamity ia incalculable. The tliJo
stock rattled down within the brief Jo
periods of revival , until at 2:40 p. m. lie
reached 15J , with a generally de
moralized market , closing at 15 bid. st.i
At 2 p. m. a meeting of the board au
manrgera was called and a few min auEC
utes later a majority of the members ECMi
convened in President Gowan's office.
Visitors called and sent in their cards tie
Gowan but were unable to see him ,
ind after being in session about an
dour and a half , Secretary Humphries
appeared and handed a reporter the
Following , which he announced was Jo
the result of the meeting : Se
"The Philadelphia and Reading die
oal and iron have been
company compelled
to . The
pelled suspend payment. clc
managers will tnko measures to pro int
tect intact the of both
property companies
panies and continue the business for
thss purpose. Tne daily revenues will no
applied sa faa as required to the
payment of wages and supplies , by
order of the board of managers. " frl
[ Signed ] F. B. GOWAN , an ,
President. ho
This action ofthe board
was imme tal
diately telegraphed to various points of
along the line of the road. ofve
Kallocn Acknowledges No Authority. las
Special Dispatch to The Bsi.
SAN FRANCISCO , May 22 1 a. m. qu
Mayor Kalbch's answer to the com II *
plaint filed by the supervisors , claims Yc
that the statute does not give jurisdic wi
tion over the mayor. He asks that CO
proceedings may be heard before a Tl
all bench , as perhaps the legality of deCO
new constitution will bo
ques ;
tioned. In his he
answer alleges that CO :
proceedings are of political ani COne
mosity. he
California Democrats.
Special Dispatch to Tnx Bis.
SAN FBANCISCO , May 22 1 a. m be
The presidential preferences of the sa ;
democratic s'ate convention were : ga ;
Thurman , 123 ; Tilden , 90 ; Seymour. thm
; Field , 2 ; Hancock , 2 ; Hendricks , m :
Fifty of Seymour's votes are from in
thosa who really prefer Field , but ob an
ject to allowing the state club or high Cc
joint * , as the club is nicknamed , "to on
work a boom for Field. na
ALUteBlaze. de
dal Dispatch to The Bee. an
. May 22 , la. m A as
broke out in L. Wells' livery sta
last night. The building was bad
injured , but the stock jnd vehicles lp
were Eared.
Illinois Send a Doleful
Greeting to the Galena.
Tanner , .
Logan Screws on the Conkling
Gag and Secures a Solid
Overriding the United Protest
of Half the Districts.X
The Roleor RuinPolicy Applied
With a Vengeance
Cullom Nominated for Gover
nor on the Fourth Ballot.
Grant Men Jubilant Alabama
Goes for Grant.
Various Political Points.
Hlram'a Got 'Em.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , May 22 4 p. m. The
republican convention adopted a reso
lution instructing the 42 delegated to
the national convention to vet for
Grant and authorizsd the chairman of
the convention to so telegraph Gon.
The nomination was made unani-
mous by a rising vote.
Numerous protests were entered by
the anti Grant delegations.
Special | dispatch to The Bee.
SPKINGFIELD , ILLS. , May 21. 4 p.
m. The repubPcans this morning se
lected a delegation of 42 Grant men to
the Chicago convention. John Wentworth -
worth heads the delegation from Cook
county. The delegates at-largo are
John Logan , * E. A. Storrs , J. B.
Raum and D. T. Lippler.
There was much confusion and loud
protests from the coalition when the
motion was put to nominate without
debate ( the 42 Grant delegates , and
Blaino's friends refused to vote. It
Bw Btl * carried , however. C. D. Trumble
then otferoi a resolution looking to 2
the appointment of a solid Grant state
central committee and electors. The
vote resulted yeas , 274 ; nays , 252 .
Logan offered a resolution instruct
ing the dolegUes to Chicago to vote
for Grant as a unit. The chairman $
ivas ) instructed to notify Grant of this N
notion [ loud dbsorit expressed at this w
iction. ] N
A protest was recorded by the 17th 1N
ongressional district members , and , N
xmcurred in by eight other congres-
listricts , which had all gone against
Jrant , setting forth that the will of
he people in those districts had been
verridden and the conditions of the
sail for the state convention and tbe
lational convention disregarded.
Placed on file. dl
Logan offered a resolution as a plat-
brm , binding the delegates to support
ho state nominees of the convention.
Adopted unanimously. 10
A motion was made to telegraph the
Alabama convention of the result , but
was withdrawn.
The confusion was very greatf
throughout all these proceedings.
The nominations for state candidates
oing in order , Gov. Collum , Congress- 'ke
nen < Fort , Ein ker , Hawley , Smith , 10
ind named. an
Ridgeway were Cullom
ot a large plurality on the first vote ,
mcl on the fourth was nominatedjand
ho nomination was made unanimous , kemi
fohn M. Hamilton was nominated for mi
ioutonant governor ; secretary of 84
tate , Henry D. Dement , of Lee ; 5f 5
Cbas. B. Swigart ; treasurer , _ ? „
Sdward Rutz ; attorney-general , James $2 $ >
JcCartney , of "Wayne. The conven-
ion then adjourned. ke
Jubilant , go ;
poclal Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , May 22 4 p. m. The
Journal's Washington special says :
Senator Cameron received a private
lispatch to-day from Alabama , saying eai
hat the republican state convention 51
ilected twenty Grant delegates acd 81 !
astructed them to vota as a unit. The 81 !
Jrant men were very jubilant over the Ju
icws from Springfield. foi
Hurrahing For Grant. "
pedal Dispatch to The B a
CHICAGO , May 21 1 a. m. The esj
rienda of General Grant in this city 37
very jubilant over the action of at3G ,
. Springfield convention. They 3G
alk very decidedly and are now sure
hh nomination in the national con- eai
entiou. : Thera was a large crowd of am
Jrant's admirers at the Palmer house Ju
ast evening and flags were displayed
the hotel , and inside there were
luite elaborata decorations. Among
hose jubilating were John Russell 81'
foung , who had a long consultation 10
fith becretaiy Keogh , of the national Ju
iommilteo ] , and other republicans.
Phe friends of Blaine and Washburne ca
not say much , but are evidently SG
reatly disappointed. They generally
oncede that' no b < Jt can be made
tow , since their delegates went into
convention and pledged them-
ielves ] to abide by ita action.
The Evening Journal , which has
ieen urging Washburne's nominatioa , foi
aja tbat the selection of district dela- foii
ates shall not ba left to districts 36
hemselves i § a pleca of high-handed
nachino usurpation unheard of before 28i
Illinois , and is getting quite beyond
mything attempted even by either JuJu
Jonkling or Cameron. An appeal
inght to bo and will be taken to the JuJu
lational convention. General Grant
entitled to ainajority of the district Ju
lelegatea and four delegatea-at-large , JuAi
it would be exceedingly impolitic
well as unjust to allow him suctpen
lelegates to which he has no fair title.
Coast Politics.
dal dispatch to Tie Be * . *
FBAXCISCO , M y 21 4 p. m ( pri )
The greenback workingmen nominated
delegates to the Chicago convention
from each congressional district.
The democratic part of the working-
men's convent ion nominated the can
didates of the regular body.
New Tors : Monev ana Stock.
* YORK , May 21.
U.B.6 ,18S1 1061
D. 8. 61 , Ncir _ 1031
HewtJ * _ 109
U. 8. New i per cant _ . . . . . . :
llllaoi Crotral . _ _ .102
a B. & < j. . . . . . . . . . 114
Krwlork Central- . , . i = fj
Laksbhoro . . . joij
trie . - . 3E
Krla preferred. . . . . . . . . . . . 57.
Korthwestern . .
North western preei red . _ 100' '
6t Paul . . . , . . . 71 i
Bt. Pan ! preferred . . . . . . . . . _ 109
Watwan , bt. Louis and Pacific . 30 }
preferred . 671
Han. 4St. Jo . . . 25J
Han. 4St..Io , pfd . 6S
Kanm&TezM . . _ . 80
UnUia facmo . . . 84
Central Pacific . gj }
Northern Pacific . 21J
do preferred . 23
Waotem Umoa le'er > pa . 861
Pacific Ma'l . . . . . . . _ SI
U. P. Land Grants . 110 $
St. Louis Produce.
Sr. Louis , May 21.
Wheit Higher ; No. 2 red , SI 012
& 1112 § forcash ; § 1OSi@l 12 for May ;
§ 1 021 03 | for June" ; 93AS93JC for
July ; 91 @ 'Ji c for August ; 83 | ©
90c for the year.
Corn Belter ; 3GJ30c | for cash ; R
355@3Gc for Way ; 3li34jjc for June ;
3-jc@35 } fcr August.
Oats Steady at 32tc cash ; 31 - @
j 31c : for June ; 26jc "for July ; 23c
for August.
Rye Firm at 90c.
Barley No market.
Whisky Dull at § 1 07. W
Pork Quiet at § 10 50 cash ; glO 55
for June. cl
10 65 for July. th ;
Dty Salted Meats Easier ; 84 00 ® Pi
Bacon Easy ; § 4 G2i , 6 00@715.
Lard Lower ; 86 62
Milwaukee iToauce AJarKet In
MILWAUKEE , May 21. tei
Wheat Firm ; opened c higher cle
and closed steady ; No. 1 Milwaukee ,
hard , $112 ; No. 1 Milwaukee , ? 110 ; P i
No. 2 do , § 107 ; May , ? 1 07 ; June ,
S107J ; July , § 1 04J ; No. 3 Milwau ad
kee. 89Jc ; No. 4 , 80c ; rejected , 68c.
Corn Easier ; No. 2,37Jjc. de pei
Oats Declined fc ; No. 2 , 33c. foi
Eye Firmer ; No. 1,85Jc.
Barley Quiet and unchanged : No.
fall , 70c. Spc
New York Produce.
NEW YORK , May 22. Ov
Wheat Stronger ; No. 3 spring , OvDii
81 181 12J ; No. 2 Chicago and Mil Dii )
waukee , ? 120J@1.21NO. U
$1 19J ; ungraded 'rod , $1 2701 30 ;
No. 2 rod , § 1 31@1 32 ; ungraded the
white ! , § 1 20125 ; No. 2 white.Sl 24i ; ;
No. 2 do , § 1 24A ; No. 1 do , § 1 2C ] @ ha
27. tor
Corn Firm ; ungraded , 53@55ic ; tie
No. 3 , 54c ; No. 2 ,
OATS Lower ; mixed western ,
IGc ; white western , 4G5@50c.
Provisions Demand fair and market - . .
ket firm. the
Eggs Quiet at :
. . . .
Pork kn. > - > Gt "f "i trN
Heavy ; now mes ? , § 1115 ©
Beef Quiet and unchanged.
Cut moats Dull ; long clear mid- ofi t
lies , § 0 75 ; short clear middles ,
7 00. wal
Lard Lower ; 8712 * < g8 25. Au
Butter Dull at 9@17c. Cal
Checsa Firm for choice grades at On
I0@llic. OnI
Whuky Nominal at SI 10@115. An
cmcaKo Live Stocs Marset
CHICAGO , May 21. oern \v
The Drovers' Journal this afternoon edlr
reports an follows : Eltti
Hoga Receipts , 30,000 head ; mar- The
vet opened dull and values weakened cola
LOc on common to fair mixed choice ,
ind steady for mixed packing at § 4 00
4 25 ; choice heavy. $4 304 50 ; and S.f\
ight , 54 004 25. rtlle
Cattle lleceipte , 2,000 head ; mar- stlu
set dull in early dealings , but became Brat wom
nodorately active aud prices remain the
inchangcd ; common to fair natives , to a'
00@5 50 ; choice to extra , $4 70 ® druj
50 ; western corn-fed and Texans ,
4 00@4 30 ; through gras Texans ,
2 903 35 ; butchers' cattle mainly at Ity
25@3 75 ; stockera , ? 3 20@3 80. Wo
Sheep Receipts , GOO head ; mar- itat i
cet and quality poor ; common to aoii
oed clipped , § 3 754 50 ; wooled , nd
37J. tre'
CHICAGO , May 21.
Wheat Irregular , unsettled an
lasier , but closing rather firm ; No. 1 ,
07 ; No. 2 , § 113JO114 , closed at
113@113J for cash ; ? 114 for May ;
08J01 09 , closed at SI 08 | for n
fune ; § 1 031 04 | , closed at Zl 03J
July ; 91 for August ; No. 3 , 92c ;
ejected ; 70@72c. -
Corn * Firm and generally higher , i }
specially futures ; 373c for cash ;
I7c bid for May ; 3G @ 3Ggc , closed lie
3G c bid for June ; 3Gc for July ;
iGQ37c for August ; rejected , 35Ac. i
Oats Cash decidedly lower , closing 0
asier ; 33@33gc , closed at 33o for cash ie
nd May ; 31 @ 31jjc , closed at 31 Jo for
"une ; 28f c for July.
Rye Strong and higher at 86c. >
Barley Steady at 78c.
Pork Irregular , easy and lower ; 1
' 15@10 20 for cash ; ? 10 17 * @
20 for June ; § 10 27i@10 30 for
aly ; 810 37i for August. "
Lard Weak and easier ; § G 72J for
ash and June ; 80 75 bid for July ;
87J for August. e
Bulk ] Meits Easier. >
Whisky 81 08. id
Butter Steady ; sales at 12 < g21c.
Eggs Firmer ; 9i10c. "
The markets were quiet and steady.
Wheat 81 1 4 | for May ; 81 08 §
Juno ; 8103J for July.
Corn 37 c for May ; 36gc for June ; o :
0 ftr July ; 37c for August.
Oats I 331c for May ; 31c for June ;
8c for August
Pork 81017i ' for June ; 810 27i for
ruly ; 810 37 for'August. 7:10
Lard ? 6 75 for June ; 86 80 for Y )
a < n
Bulk Meats Short ribs , § 6 50 for
Fune ; 8617i for July ; 86 22i for Fa
xUgUSt. FaP
St. Louis Live Stock.
Sr. Louis. May 21.
Cattle Firm and in fair demand ; CoiUl
ixport steers , 84 60@4 75 ; good to Ul
rime shipping gteerz , S425Q4 5Q ; Post WY :
butchers' steers and choice heifers ,
$3 75@4 20 ; good cows and heifers ,
§ 2 753 25 ; Rood feeders , § 3 75@4 00 ;
stockera , § 3 003 60 ; grass Texaus ,
§ 275@350. Receipts , 1,500 head ;
shipments , 1,500 head.
SHEEP Steady ; demand largely ex
ceeds the supply and prices unchang
ed. Receipts , 200 head.
Hoes Hotter ; Yorkers to Balti-
mores , § 4 10@4 20 ; packing , § 4 10 ®
4 15 ; heavy shipping , § 4 20@4 25 ;
rough ; § 3 704 CO. Receipt' , 5800
The Exodus fromTSurope.
Special Dispatch to Tha Bee.
NEW YORK , May 21 4 p. m.
More emigrants have arrived in Caatle
Garden this month than during any
twenty consecutive days In the history
of the country. The total thus far is
35,619. For the year , thus far , 116- ,
872. The agent cays this year will
probably be the largest year for im
migration that has over been known.
Germany sends the largest proportion
oiC emigrants ; Ireland , the Scandavian
countries ( , England , Scotland and
Wales follow in the order named.
About 25 per cent of the emigrants
Afa < direct to the west to engage in
farming , nad the employment bureau
atm Castle GarJoii can provide employ
ment for all who coiie. The demand
foR labor ot this Liad is very
great and immigrants active in
settling immigrants on hnd. About
tem per c ° ntum of the immigrant ? re
main in this city.
Closlnc .Melody.
Special Dispatch to the Bee
CINCINNATI , May 22 1 a m. The
jksing concerts of the May festival
irero ( given last night. The Mnaic
iall was packed at both concerts The
jlosing ( attraction of the festival wis
he "coronation " "
anthem" ( "Zidok , the
Priest ) , " and from Handel.
WASHINGTON , May 22-1 a. m.
or tha Upper Mississippi and Lower
Missouri Valleys : Stationary or fall-
ng ; , followed by partly rising b < trome-
er ; north to warmer southerly winds ;
ilear or partly cloudy weather.
dal Dispatch to The Bee.
PHILADELPHIA , May 21 The Phil-
.delphia & Reading coil company sus
pended , owing , it is suppled , to the
temand : of the New York creditors
or payment of $6,000,000. ha ca
Strcck an Iceberg1. ret
pcclal Difpatch to The Ece.
NEW Yortu , May 21. 10 p m. anon
he steamer Prinz Wilhe'm stiuck an fui
seberg off Montreal , and had thrown est :
verboard < 250 tons of railroad iron.
lrector of May Festival Appointed.
lcl l difpitches to The IJee.
CINCINNATI , May 22 1 a. m. At
ho cloBo of the May festival last nicht Oil
was announced that Michael Bandt
ad been appointed Cincinnati direc- hS
ar of the festival to actimder _ direc- evCll
ion ! of Theodore Thomas. pei
Tlio tent in which the walking match
as held fell down last evening and
10 walk stopped for the night.
xiclal Dispatch to Tux Eai.
The following were the movements
vessels on yesterday , May 21 :
Now York Sailed , Colon , Aspin-
all. Arrived , Celtic , Liverpool ;
ustralia , Glasgow ; Donava , Bremen ;
alifornia , London ; City of Vera
ruz , Havana.
Liverpool Sailed , Bavaria , Boston ,
rrived , Scythia , New York.
We are 50 thankfnl to say that our baby was
rmanently cured ot a dangerous and protract-
Irregulanty of the bowels by the use of Hop
tiers by its mother , which at the game tlma F
stored her to perfect health and strength.
Parents , Rochester , N. Y. See another
djou will be astonshe ! < 3. "Anakesls. " Dr.
llsbee's \ External Pile Remedy , fives Instant
Uef and Is an Infallible cure for the most ob-
iuate cases ot Piles. It hu made the most
mdcrful cures of this terrible disorder , f 0,000
atef ul people that have used it can testify to ,
same i Samples with fall directions sent free
a'l sufferers on application to Anakesis depot , Tl
3946 , New York. Sold by all first-class Mac
I Am All Flayed Oat mad
a common complaint in hot weather ,
y m * eel BO , pet a package of Kidney- TT
'ort ; and take it and you will at once feel
tonic power. It keeps up the healthy
tion of the Kidneys , Bowels and Liver. PI
thua restores the natural life ana In g
rength to the weary body.
You who lead sedentary lives Printers ,
lilore , Shoemakers , etc. , will find a great K
lief for the constiprtion from which you Fre
often suffer , by taking Simmons' Liver age
gulator. It is a simple , harmless , veg- Call
able compound , sure to relieve you , and
do no injury.
We offer a hrst-clasa white laan-
icd shirt , with an improved rein-
rcod frout , made of Wamsutta mua-
3-ply bosem and cuffs , of 2200
aeu , at the reduced price of $1.50. AtI
workmanship , fit and style of oar I
irta are placed in competition with
d shirt sold in Omaha. We guaran- 20
entire satisfaction , or will refund
. We make to order
money. every
of a
ade of shirts and underwear :
, give Ho
tier goods for lesa money * han can HoTl
got elsewhere. Our fancy imported with Tl
Irtlnga are of the choicest patterns. Brei
underwear wo cannot bo nnder- Tear
of st
Id. and
Id.Omaha andAl
Omaha Shirt Factory , 252Farnham , Al
ipoalie Grand Central Hotel. and Line
Treason doss never prosper , what's cf s
reason why , when it prospers , sbov Tl
ne dare call it treason. When aches sbovFt
pains prevail Electric Oil pray try ; Kan
nowned throughout the etates , any low
will snpplp.
or nrs
IMNIBUS LINE. FRI ear of the (
o'clcck A. H. 10.00 o'clock A.X. e
o'clock p. M. 63) o'clock./.p. * . onTrie
o'clock r. n. 10:00 : o'clock p.M
a co
are NIK
'IANO TUNING llabl aom uly
ompetent New York Tuner. " *
Urjans repaired and regulated. Orden left at sale
Y1LUTS COOK STORE , 630 FiU jjth SL.near SOT !
ntofflce , promptly attsndtd to. ' m t (
C. J. WHITNEY Manager
One Evening Only ,
The Management has the llonor of Announcing
The Eminent Tragedian ,
Supported by his Excellent Company , In Bui-
wet's Great Fl y ,
RICHELIEU , Conspiracy ,
Cardinal Richelieu Mr. Laurence Barrett.
Admission to Parqactte and three rows in
Dress Circle , $1.0O. No extra charge for
reserved peat ? , to bo procured at Huberminn's
Jewelry Store on and alter Tuesday momiuir.
Admission to five back romlnDress Circle , 75c.
Gallery , SOc.
Bryan , Texas , Jane 11,1879 ,
T. C. Birhardsoa , St. Louis-Dear Sire
My boy , 3 years old , hart ferer every
other clay , or every third day , for about
2 months. I used as much ita 13 grain *
of Quinine during Hie day , but With no
effect ; tried Ginchonia ( alkaloid ) Sulph.
Cinchonidla , Snlaciiie , etc. , etc. , but the
boy got worse all the time. I reluctantly
sent iloirn to my drnK store for TOUT
FebrLfiijro.anil I write just to say thuthe
neverh.ul11 xjinptom of fevernftercom
mencing Febrifuge , to datebeingnow
o\er a month ago. I feel that I ought to
sny this much In behalf of your medicine.
Am a regular M. D. , but retired from
pracMco 3 years ngo and devoting : my
time to drug buMnens.
Very reincctf ully ,
Stockton , Mo. , An ? . 8Cth , 1870.
J. O. Rlchardfton , Bt. LouU-Dear Sln-
ClKTord's Febrifuge is the belt thlnr for
Uhillj antlFever that we fcare evei
ha . There never has been a caie
th wan NOT cured by It tbat was taken
iccorillnK to directions In til * part ol
the country. Yours truly ,
Chffllcothe , Mo. , July 30.11879.
J. O. Rlchardnon. St. toulf-My Dear
ilr : Here Is goinethlnR reliable ; It yon
uinmakeanyuseofitpleaiedoio. AVe
lave sold Hundreds of bottle * with like
eaults. Yourrrlendu ,
iJoyce & Oitrander.
This Is to certify that I had the Fever
ind Aeue this summer nnd the ns * of
me-tlilrd of n bottle of CUTTord's Febrt-
UKO promptly cured it. It is the f peedl-
st euro I have known of.
fflce of U.S. Novelty Mf . Co. ,
New York City , August 3,1878.
My ; Dear Sir-For overtwoyearslhare
ind fever nnd Ague , and after trying
very thine I took one-half bottle of
Illfford's Febrifuge , and It cured me
lermnnently. I believe ray caao would
lavn been fatal had I not found this as
did. Yours truly ,
U. TT. POOt ,
Manager "U.S. If.MfgCo. "
ilCHARDSON &CO. , StLoUtt. 8 61
Jones. Ba. 9th. and 10th SU , Oil ABA. 20 20
Flrtt quality distilled Wine Vinegar of any 24
rength below eastern prices , at wholesale snd IS
tall. EKK8T KREBS , - ISPu
Ieb93m Ifanaicer. Go
Machine Works 8ur
, 17
F. Hammond , Prop. & Manager 81 13
Tbomovt thorough appointed and complete 41
10 )
achlne Shops and Foundry In the state.
10 )
Castings of every description manufactured.
10 >
Engines , Pumpg and every dan o machloer } 10
ade to order.
Special attention glren to
Fell < AiiffursPnlIe7s , Hangers , Pe
Shaftins , Bridge Irons , Gcer Pie
Cutting , etc. Pe
Flans for new Uachlnery.Heachanlal Draught *
, Itodels , etc. , neatly executed. lit
56 Harnev at. . Bet. 14fc and 16th ChDa
. Stt !
Keep constantly on hand a largo lot ol all kind SU
rah and Salted Meat * . Beef. Veal Ba
ittonPnrk Game , Kowl , and all kinds of gan
. tS"t resh Vegetable * Constantly on hand Ya
and be conviacodj
5UBLIC 2i ,
SALE 911
351 i
Of Kentucky and Iowa U1
- ! Fal
the Transfer Stock Yards , Council Co. Cot
Bluffj , Wednesday and Thurs Ha
day , June 9th and 10th,1880. Toi IIo
00 Head of Thorough-Bred * Toi
rom the celebrated Hamilton Herd Toi
Mt. Sterling , Kentucky , and Devin III
'erd of DesMoines.
The undersigned will sell at public auction C
thout reserve , about 2CO head of Thorouih- Coi
Short-HornCattle. A larxe per cent.of them alt
ailing bulla of standard families. All females
suitable age h Te proved reliable breeders ,
are of fine families.
Also the > ntlre nerd of Mr. T II. LcTitt. of T
ncoln , will be offered for gile at the same time
place. This herd Is compose ! of the best
Iccted stock in Nebriaka.and will be In charge
Mr : Robert Miller , of West Liberty , Iowa.
These cattle have not been pampered for the
For catalogues address "THE HAMILTON. "
jnsas City , Mo , or M. L. DEVLIK , CesMoi les , Gl
a. COL. J. W. JUDY , Auctioneer. GlWt
ma ] 6-deodlm-wiir
Ear Diseases eor Fn <
Dr. C. B. Shoemaker ,
well known Aural Surgeon , of Pending , Fa. , E8r
has bt en In the medical profession over 20 r
ara.glvMALL his time EXCLUtilVELV , to Co
treatment of deafness and uiaeases of the
rand : catarrh He sends a valuable little book
61 pa csou the treatment of these disesec.
flEK TO ALL. This book ( fives references and i
stlmocisls tbat will satisfy tbe most skeptical. Ja
is also author of a work of 375 pa ei , octavo , JaMi
these dtea > e * and thtir prorer treatment
Mi [
87 , by mail. No family should be without MiB
copy ot this valuable book. It will aire suf- B
rinr. low of haarin ? and doctor's fees. DR. RaCe
lOEUAKER'S remedy for the cure of RUN- Co
INQ EARS , U unlTen > lly acknowledged by Co
lyslcians and the public In ( rent til , M the only Cot
; reliable remedy for tbe cure of this loathe-
dbcase. It , w harmlei' , pleuant and re *
, and will cure almcst any case , even of
or fifty years standing. All bad small and
pleasantness of the disease inttaotlyremoved ,
the hearinz In irost cases greatly improved
OTunently. Price J2. HI Ja * . K. Ish , whole-
and reUil dealer in drugs , medicines and
irgical jnjtnircenta. 1321 Farnhvn itreet ,
" '
aaha ,
Wholesale and Eetail
Goods sent to any part of the United States on
solicitation. Largest assortment of
And everything found generally in a first-
class Jewelry Store.
Jewelry manufactured on short notice. Orders from
the Country solicited. lYkcuin Oiu.ilin call nnd see us. No
trouble to sliovr Goods.
ThcJcwelcrp , Opposite ( he Posl office , ISIli & Dotlc. *
re Not Half as Interest
ing to the General Head
er as the Following Price
List :
} Ibaot Aaazar for tl 00
31 Ibs extra C sarar for 1 00
libs Canary C. Sugar for 1 CD
Ibs Granulated Sugar for 1 C )
I Ibs Cut Loaf Sugarfjr 1 CO
Ibs ( rood Rio Coffee for 1 00
Ibs best Rio Coffee for 1 00
Ibs choice Java Coffee for. 1 00
I IDS beit llocha Coffee for 1 03
onn ? Hyson Tea per Ib , 30 to. . . . . . . . 40
olong Tea perlb , 30 to 40
> pan ! Tea per Ib , 30 to 0
Ineat Gunpowder Tea perlb 75
estO K Flour persiclc. . . . , 3 25
now Fl ke winter wheat flour 3 65
avensfbest flour _ 4 0
) bars White Russian Soap for 1 00
3 bars Climax Soap for 1 00
( bars Laundry Soap for 1 00
i ban Linen Soap tor 1 00
urc Haple Syrup per gallon. . . . . 1 15
olden 6yrup per gallon. . . . . . . . . . 00
'ew Orleans Syrup per gallon 70
'ew Orleans Molasses per gallon 45
ilirar House Molatracs per gallon 40
It * St. Louis Soda Crackers for 1 00
ribs St. Louis Oyster Crackers for 1 00
libs Boston Butter Cnakers for _ 1 00
Libs Ginger Snaps for 1 00
libs New Currant * for. . . . . l 00
Ibs New Blackberries for 1 00
Ibs Pitted Cherries for l 00
lbs Dried Poaches ( halves ) for 1 00
Ibs Choice Dried Apples for 1 00
Ibg belt new Prunes for. . . . 1 00
libs , best Valencia Raisins 1 00
Ibs. new layer Rabins 1 00
caches , 2 Ib cans 1J
caches , 3 Ib cans ( standard ) 22 }
Ie Peaches , 8 Ibcans 25
cachesCal)3 ( ) Ibcans 30
lackbemea , 2 ID can 15
pples , ( York State ) gel can 35
luebcrriesSlbcan 15
hemes21b can 12 }
amion Plains 2Ib cans 15
upberries 2 Ib can 15
rawberries,2 Ibcan } „ . 20
liing Ikans,2Ib cms 12 }
iked Beans , 3 Ib can 20
ImaBeanj , 2 Ib cans 12 }
Jjarcorn , 2Ib can 12
armcuth com , per can
Mnatoes , 3Ibcan
iccotash , 2 Ibcan 12 }
ampkins ! , 3Ibcan 2U
Ibs : beans 1 00
Ibsdried Lima beans 1 V )
Ibs hominy 1 00
Ibs Carolina rice 1 CO
Its oat meal 1 00
it family mackerel , per kit DO
it family white fish , ir lit. 90
JSsb , whole , per In 8
xlfish , boncle Mf per Ib 10
alliuut : , per Ib 12 }
olland herring ( new ) per ke ? . . . . . . 1 25
ibacco ( Black-well's Durham ) perlb 63
baccoSilverSeal pla'rtpcrlb 60
bacco ( Old Style ) i > erlb 35
baccoMeersUiaum ) perlb 40
amg , siw-cured , perlb 11
fZ3 , lldozfor 1 CO
alter , fresh roll , perlb. 20
Complete price liiU fnrnbheJ on sppL'uti
unt.y orderavill rectlvo prompt acd care
tention. Positively no goods told on credit.
J. B. FRENCH & CO. , *
'lie ] Original Reliable Grocers ,
No. 1119 Farnham Street ,
"holesale Dealer In Foreijrn and Domesti '
rait. Butter , EZCT , Poultry , Game. lUmf , Ba
n. Lard , Fresn Fb , and Agent fer BOOTH'S
bnrt'a , Jurors * and Court ex
penses ? 20,000
oor and Poor Homo and fuel for
game. - 1C , 000
ail and Jailors , board for prison *
ersandfuel 12,000
iscellaneoas eipensc.s.Stationery
special City Tax and Gas 1C.OOO
ailroadBond SinkinjrFund. . . . 41,000
ounty Koad and Bridge * I'.OOO
ounty Office , Office Kent , Elec
tions and Assessors 6,000
Total 3123,000
By Order of County Commissioners.
County Clerk.
By 1 ? . T. LEAVJIT. '
& GO'S
Bomember that you can now
buy Goods of us at Unheard of
Low Prices as indicated below.
Household and Job Lot Guwlj § cld at 3c , 6c , 80
and lOc for each article.
Oar Great Specialty , an 1 sold under a full guar
antee to gult or the mnnty refunded. la TIM
we quo'c : 25c , SOc , 35c. 40c , BOc , tOc and np-
rard , all full value , acd a present glren with
each ono pound sold.
Blown at 15c , 20c,22cand S5c , and OIIt-BIje
Java at 35c JXT pound ; Ground Coffee at ICc.
20c , and our buperlour Crushed Coffee atZSc fr
SPICErf The most complete auortment In
Omaha and at prices below all competitor * .
ItAKINO FOWDEB-ISc and upward.
and upward.
larjre box at Be. CLOTHES-LINE , from 8 to lie
lach. CLOTIir3ri.NS,2do nforBc. SHOE
BKUSHKS , EC , ICc and upward * . Scrub Brush.
el. Be. Horse Erushca , IBc. Carpet Tack * , Sc.
Toilet Soaps at SCe a dozen and upwards. Blue-
In ? , Gc. Ptprcr Sauce , and Frtnch Uostard ,
lOceach. Mop Uandlix , ISc. Axle GreaM. X
for ISc. Corn Starch , 82 per pound. Laundry
Starch , eitra quality , at 8c per pound. Citron ,
Oranje and Lemon Feel , at SOc per pound.
Willow a-vl Wooden Wan cheap. Waah
J3oarc > , ISc. Broom * , 2 for ZSe. Bird rood In
die pound packages if 1th Cuttle Fish Bone at
Tobacco and/Cfgars.
Blackwell & Day's Durham at SOc per pound
jood article of Fine Cut at COc p r pound ; best
brind of I'la ; Tobacco at COc p-r pound.
We sell a lOc Cijar for 5c , don't f U to try
We alloAV no one to undersell HS.
Superior quality of Syrups at TOcper nllon.
li.00 per lc % . LAUNDRY tiOAPH Bold at bottom
tom prices. DRIED FUUm < , extra qnality at
low prices. CRACKERS , bejt in market and aa
cheap aa the cheapest.
We have aUoaJJed the following jfodla to our
stock , wnlch we propose ta sell cheap.
Camphor Gum , Whlto Wax.
Sulphu' , Eo. Jam. Qlngtr ,
Borax , Pan ; eric
Salt Peter , Lindnman ,
Alum , Liquorice Drop * ,
Aqta Ammonia , btrenztbenln ; Flaitcr ,
Cul > eb , Paris White ,
Spcrmadlle , Whltln ? .
Oafalne Pillf , Cuttle Fish Bone ,
SweetOil , SseThyme ,
Ccjtor Oil , Karjoram ,
Uachlna Oil , Caraway Seed ,
Uuitard Seed , Calrdomon S d.
Snlphur Camphor ami TarSoapo.
And an Lnmense Variety of
Other Goods too Humor
ous to mention ,
which we pledga oonolrea to Jell
cheaper taan other Dealers. Don't
Forget . II , and gtra as a call. Exam
ine goods and compare price * . Spec
ial rates to parties baying to sell
again. Orders from the country
filled. Prices guaranteed and lent
0. 0. D.
113 North Fifteenth , adjoining L.
B. Williams & Son , Dry Goods Store ,
Omaha , Neb.
Has Jojt recelreda lot of Spring food * . Tea
re InrlUd to can acd jet price * , whitli
niranteejth * Unrest In thadt