TV- VAN AMBURGH & CD'S NEW GREAT GOLDEN : EJ osr .A. GIE ze , z IE i AND FROSTS ROMAN CIRCUS AND GOL WiU Exhibit on Lot Hejid of Faruham Street , FRIDAY SATURDAY , MAY Ist & 22nd , 1880. Doors Op3n at 1 & 7 p. m. Manager for > , 35 consecutive TearsMB. HYATT FROST Immense in Size , Unapproached in Grandeur , Unequal led-in Merit. F1VET1MES LARGER THAN EVER BEFOEE , * Bequiring the Services of 185 Men and 210 Horses. Myriads of Bare and Strange LIVING WONDERS ! COLOSSAL. SPECOIENS OF ANIMATED NATURE. Jdsfadded to'this Exhibition the wonderful NONDESCRIPT , A Zoological Specimen.the first and only one ever exhib ited in a Menagerie in this Continent. Also the BEHEMOTH OF HOLY WRIT ! Here also mayboeean the meat rare and INTERESTING ANIMALS IN THE WOULD ; interesting to students of n.iturslhhtory , speoially commended and visited by ths 01 rgy. heads of educr.tional institutions , and millions of THE FIRST PEOPLE OF THE LAND. Nature's marvels congregated in vast numbers in ihis stupendous exhibitionforminir a practical catalogue alike INTERESTING , AMUSING AND INSTRUCTIVE. The AERONAUTIC OSCILLATIONS awaken in the spectator an unusual degree of interest. The WONDERFDp GYRATIONS AND EVOLUTIONS excitea thnlling intore.t , affording infinite amusement to old and young. THE PREMIER SHOW OF THE AGE. ( 3 SEPABATE SHOWS IN 3 SEPAEATE TENTS , TheBoman ( ftrous and Eoyal Oolosseum Contains a Double Oom- * pany of Star Performers , Grandest Corps of Specialty Artists Ever Assembled. Fresh ! Sparkling I Original I Conceived and Perfected Espechllyfor this Grand Establishment. SUPEREMINENT IN STATION ! D jTe < lly to frrm superiority In ever * da- partment anil acblev. meat. It is unequalled m CbniUndom. Tr < n aad public unite in pronouncinr it a decided arcot > lon to the mcKement or'd A perfect -ind complex etlabllintcmt , Invitlnfr oociparixon and cb l- ) ( ngingc.m ; .t.t'.cn. It U klilr renoKiitd. 100 Male and Female Artisb , 11 EqaeBtrieones & 15MaleIliders , 30 Acrobnln.lOOjArabian RingHorst n es , 20 Musiciansin | Uniform. r 3 Great Clowns Chosen from the Old and Netv World. This Great Show huhadan ezlitcoeeof neinj > hrtcqua te.B ulaco.itmy , aud taa trav eled tbworld OTer.whcrerer civl'lzatlnn extend * , culllnj from each na't m so rlclted some memen to ia tbt Bl.ape of a remyk bl PERFORMER Oil ANIMAL , enablinj VanAmburgh & Co. to present to their pitroni tn KqucBtrlan Banquet , composed of artistic dainties , the very choicest In tbt Itud. B [ A Feast of Zoological Eccentricties , 0 Very maar of Which r now for the first time exhibited In a Menagerie. Atnomnl in its muni- ted * . Every year adds NEW AND SrARTtl-SQ FEATOUES to VAN AMBURGH & GO'S Grand Establishment I ITS PRE-EMINENCE Undisputed I r. Its Success is Unparalleled in the History of Shows. Its Reputation is Unsullied , and Its Show Pos sessions are LITERALLY ENORMOUS I 0C r OBSERVE THE GRAND STREET PARADE At About Ten A. M.- ctC REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE , IE F < ; FRIDAY & SAT. , MAY 2IST&22ND. IEC ! EAS'T INDIA 4)w 1 &m -4)- ) Stte Alfred Carpenter. Ansonla.Connecticut writes : < Plrase send Oil C. O. D. 1 first learned the Tal- it t neof Dr. TbOTras Jclectrie 0 1 while living In ; l ( Ohio , and t think It the best medicine In uie for mall or beast. _ William Boland , Jr. , 11 east Swan Street , says : i'lntbspast two yean I havihad occasion to use Dr. Thomas' Kdectrie Oil quite frequently ient neunJ f. alia liiJ sick itad.chj. I oand It lo Cf aa abfclute ytJfcirrh hbduinJiii * * yii T , i < * fihgfr-ma and almost instantly. " is No. HZ Vain street , ofa viojjnt albictol. Hheu- , ; Less than a battle cured me entlre- 45Tears fief ore th eJublte. THE GENUINE DR.C.McLANE'S LIVER PIELS are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that cliaracter , they stand without a riral. . AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are uncqualed. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has n red-wax seal on the lid , with the impression.McLANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of C. McLAKE and FLEMINO Bnos. ,3SB Insist upon having the genuine Dn. C. McLANE'S LTVEtt PILLS , pre pared by FLEMING BROS. , Pittsburgh , Pa. , the market being full of imitations of the name XcLanc , spalled differently , but same pronunciation. COUGHS , BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. _ What a Well-Known Druggist Bays about Allen's Luug Balsam. MOTHERS , READ ! OAKHNB STATICS , y. GUTLIMXH : The demind for Allen's Lung Bal am is increasing constantly. The ladles think there is no medicine equal to it tor Croup and Whooping Cough , C. S. MAUTIN , Sold b ) ' all Medicine Mvn. Toll-Gatetfo. % 7 objects to find. Send stamp forpaok DR. E. C. ABU Y But&lo N. Y. Gentle Who Tfant glossy , luxuriant "and wavy tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair mnst use LION'S KATHAIBON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cares grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it ia any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathalron. ATTOnNEYS-AT-LArY. WM. 3IERAL , \ TTORNEY AT LAW-Campbell's Block , JISth Mreet.betwcen Farnham and Douxlaa. OMAHA , NEB. D. L. THOMAS , A TrORKEY AT LAW Loans inoccy. bujs , A _ end sells real estate. Boom 8 , Crtlghton Bl rk. A. C. TROUP , A TTORN'KY AT LAW Office In HaEacom'B J\ . Block , with George E. Pritchett , 1MB farnuapi fit. _ OMAHA. NEB. DEXFER L. THOMAS , A TTORNKY AT LAW Cralckgn.-vnk Balli A. fag. A. M. CHADWIGK , * rrORNEY AT LAW Offlco IBM Farnham jV Btr et. _ _ _ _ A. SWARTZLANDE A TTORNEY AT LAW-Cor. 13th and Famham A. gtrent. _ may 3tf WILLIAM A. FONDA. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. J\ . Room No. 6. Frcnzer Block , opposite Post Offlco. OMAHA. NEB. WM. L. PEABODY , Offlc In Crel hton Block , next ta Foot Office , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. $ & Palenit Pi ocKr d."ffi j TOTAEY rPBMO. COLLECTnOKB MAJB E. D. MCLAUGHLIN- A TTORNEY AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF 2x THE PEACE Southeast comer Fifteenth and Douglas St. JSrColIectiona Promptly Attended to.TEl O'BRIEN & BARTLEH , Attorneys-at-Law , OFFICE-Unlon BlockFI/tecnth an < ? Faraham' A. L. ROBISON. A TTORNET AT LAW. Room Creighton A Block. OMAHA Neb. tnnl-tf ATTORNEY- LAW. KARBACH BLOCK. CORBOUQ. . & ISTH STS. OMAHA , NEB. W. d. Connell t . . , f Attorney-at-Law. 1a 1 Office' Front rooms , up pmira , in Uanscom'a now brick building , N. W. corner Fifteenth and Farnham Streets. JODH I. KSD1CK. C'HAS K. ItRDICS. REDICK & REDICK , Attorneys-at-Law. - - . SpecIU attention will be given to all suits corporations ot e\ery de riptlon ; will practice in al Alie Courts oi the State and the B Tnited States. Office. Farnham St. , opposite dourt House. 0 ADAMS &SIMERAL , 4 ITORNETS AT LAW Room 0 Crelhto t\ . Block , 16th tnd Douglag Btreele. no9dh C. F. MANDERSOK , A TTORNST AT LAW SIS Famh m Street i\ _ Omaha Nebraska. PARKE CODWIN , A TTORNEY AT LAW-Hth and Dougiae i. StrwtB , with Q. W. Doane . vr. T. RICHARDS. a. J. He si RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. Omen 213 South Fourteenth Street. 3nly Direct Line to France , XNERALTRANSATLANTIC GOMPAN > ET\VEEN New York and Harve.Pier 12.N.R O foot of Morton St. , pier of company. Travelers by this Unaatoid both transit by En Ush railway and tha discomfort ot erasing the Aanne lin a small boat CANADA , FitAKOict , Wednesday Januarf 21 Inoon. LMERIQUE , B. JOVCM ) , Wednesday Februarj ,11 a. m. rRANCK , TBUDIILB , Wednesday , February .3,11 a. m. PRICE OF PASSAGE ( including wine ) : TO HAVRE First Cabin , flOO andiSO ; Second abint55 ; Steerage , | 28lnclndlngwinebeddUir md nUndls. LOUIS DE BEBIANAeont , S Broadway.N. Y. FRANK E. UOOREsTNo. 214 , West Side Hth Street , Bet. Famham and Douglas , Next Door U. S. EzprcM Office ( Slrn of Paia id aamiihlp. ) OMAHA. NKB. D. 3. C , la an abnolato kni irrrrieiibJe CCTTO'V. mn8sInte = ra.3aajaal the o. o of Otha. it nb lowco , : < rjcon tmd htnJai > , ieE"Ts nii fcT taytJ ii * i iiSi od'a s and lA-iustli" Grvinir C--TTO-M f r * : Si and < rnsbthe ! control or tto sobriety of fjt SiC eelres aai their Mcndi SiS Itrrercnta Ont ab-ohrte physlral aT.1 v . S si = stlznnlc tl : ; e , jirepald. to rare 1 to 5 perscc.1 , 3 > tlhi tCT - _ tjL . . _ fiporbottlc. hiVI Temperance societies ahoulj ircocuaendir VI ferXf tly iiarmlcbs and oeTe " HopBtttcra Bllg. Co. RochesterN.Y. Sole ' O\\T , , , . . . : hi HANI ) COVERINGS. SOMETHING ABOUT GLOVES IK t'LDBIf AHD MODERN TIMES. Cinciinati Commercial. The ouly real mode-t and nnobtru- aive thins ; obiut tha modern ioiletar- pe&n to be the glove , and they could jot vt-ry well be simpler or oould scarcely be mre beautiful or attrac tive. Let us ba giatcful while there ia time , fur nobody knows when the furore for gold erarroidered and pearl payments may take us by tbe hand. Immen e "crams" rtnld cf Queen Elizabeth's ploves ; one pair of white k < d are said to hava basn embroidered H ith gold thread , large pearls and col ored ik. ) They were slashed with yol'ow ' eatin at the elbows and stiffened with bullion gimp. One peculiarity cf thejo gloves was that they hid five holes in the hands to permit the per spiration to escape. We have often seen sheepskin gloves six buttons for fifty cents the pair , you know tha 1 had more holes than that in them be fore they'were well buttoned arouni the wrist. That they followed a roya precedent appeared to be very littl consolation to the wearer. Another historic glove of Queen Bess is that which dropped and tha was restored to her by the Earl o Cumberland. She bade him keep i ai a mark of her favor , and the gal lant old beau bad it set with jewel and wore it in his hat at tournament foiever after. A very dainty pair of gloves wera given to Lord Campbell , in 1855 , when he chanced to be presiding judge at a maiden assize. They were white exquisitely embroidered , and triinmet with Brussels lace ; the arms of the city were embroidered in silver on thi back. back.Gloves Gloves , in the olden time , mean something more than a covering So : the hand. Bishops were put in pos seesion of their sees by receiving i glove , and at tbe coronation of i French king the glove * are blessed. . When a sovereign of England is crowned , the herald throws down a glove by way of a challenge to any who may dispute the sovereign's title to the tLrone. As'de frrm historic associations there has probably been more spooning done of poor little five and a quarter gloves by sentiments young men than over anything else , except , possibly , a lock of naturally curly ha-r that is quoted at as much as § 8 an ounce in the open market , and is quite too precious to be bestowed upon everybody. The highest novelty in the way cl gloves t'j-day ara the English Silk tafiVtas. They are of the length of a six-button kid glove , and have three bands of delicate lace-work about the wrist. Cream , pearl and white are the choicest tints , but old gold is a favored co'or in these as in all other ploves. They are from the famous London house of Dent , and are called tbe Maltese glove. There h a special line of silk mit tens , reviving the old-fashioned picnet manufacture of our gnndmother.1. They are shown in strong colors , scar let , blue , and in defitite shades ol pink , rote , gold aad blue , as well as in all the shadow ? tints. The hand , both I palm and back , is in very firm I silk , the wrist and arm in i opan woik only , or the whole is I of lacs-work. These high novel- ies abroad are always worn over a finely-fitting kid glove , not tou high- wriated. This givesan added elegance to tbe toilet , shows offa beautiful arm , without that bare handed appearance that always recalls to the thoughtful mind the idea of a cook taking her Sunday outing. The cheaper qualities of these gloves are not serviceable ; $120 buys a good article , and from that the range is upward to $2 , Lisle thread gloves promise to ba again popular , and the mistakes of last season are all duly corrected. They did crawl down the arm , everybody knows. This season this crawling ten dency is corrected by bands of elastic very cleverly disposed , that are relied on to keep the things in place. The German gloves are cheaper , but they by no means equal the French aiticlo. One should be careful ia buy ing to see that the finger is fitted by woven gores and not by seams. Pretty lace wrists in two shades , gray and white or Isabella and brown , are a late fancy. Twenty-two different styles are shown , ranging in price from CO cents to § 1.50 and in siza from I " to 8. 8.These These silk and lisle the latter are finished to look precisely like silk are , after all , but a fleeting fancy. The gloves of standard value are those of good kid , and they appear to have attained absolute perfection in manu facture. Much difficulty is found in match ing the heliotrope shades , but a cer tain Chinese pink ia an exact match for evening wear , though quite un like by day , and of this shade there is supply. Kid gloves match the monochrome dress stuffs as a general , the two most popular being coachman's drab and coachman's gray to match the colors cf the walking coats. Love In Pa's Hat. Hair Dresner's Chronicle. i Mr. M. was a retired manufacturer , and possessed ot considerable fortune. He also hadLa daughter nineteen years of ago of great personal attractions. What wonder , then , that she should have made many a young fellow's heart beat quicker who tried to gain her affections ? But " " virgin "papa" M. took care of his treasure at if the wera the pupil of his eye , and many were tbe unhappy mortals who left his hos pitable table never to return. ' 'Plenty of time , " said he , "when the right one comes , and I approve , " etc. But the right one had come long ago , only papa didn't know it , and he had como in the person of a yount ; engineer , who had formerly had busi ness transactions with pap * M. The young people had aeon each other , apoken at each other , looked at each other , and a kind of understanding bad been come to. Yes , and the af- Faction was deep enough to last , even when Mr. M. returned from trade and the young galhnt had no farther ex cuse for coming on business. Then there was a succession of dark days. But love is inventive , and in this in stance also proved to be so. Air. M. was in theiabit of visiting twice a week at his hair dresser's to have his beard and wig looked after ; Hid on this fact love built his struc ture. One of the younger assistant ? was taken into confidence , and consequently quently , considerable attention was paid by the young man to Mr. M.'a bat , receiving it on his entering , giv ing it a caretul brush , and handing it back on departure ; and in this wise poor , dear "papa" became , uncon sciously , of course , the postilion 1'amour between his daughter and her iwain. Thus things continued for four long months ; but the beat silk hat let it be ever so carefully brushed , wants an rcn now and again. Mr. M. 'a hat wa laveral ( years old , and just about Christmas ' it wanted ironing badly. . instead of proceeding to he hair-dreuer's as usual , went to his latter's and presented his hat for reao- R ration. J Mr. Hatter says , after inspecting it : 'Is this hat too Jarge for you ? " "No ; why do you ask ! " ' 'Because you put paper inside. " * Taper J paper 1 Not I ; ho w does it get thi -Not icart ; let ca apeak our love ; he will not cay no if we promise to make his old age hoppy. On my knees I will confess my love to him. Beside our correspondence cannot last much longer ; the con tinued brushing his so worn papa's hst that I fear from day to day that , he will have to luvo it done up , " etc. ] i Mr. M.'H hat having been refreshed , he went as usual to his hair dressar'g , J having previously carefully replaced ' the letter In the saloon ho kept a steady , though covert , lookout on the offi cious young assistant , arid found his surmises correct. The operations finished , he gravely received his hat , handed the assistant as usual his jour boirc , and departed. Before returning home , however , he took occasion to inspect his fiat , and extract and read a missive from no other than the engineer. Among other thin ? * , the young man swore that not a penny did ho want of his love's father his position , thank goodness , bringing him moro than sufficient to live happy and comforta ble. ble."Well "Well , " said papa , "ho seems to ba an honeitly-digposed young man , and if , " etc. For some time he allowed the cor respondence to RO on , reading regu larly and watchfully the letters on both nides , unknown to them of course , until one day , when the letters bad been particularly despondingandgood , he put and end to it and made them happy , as may be seen by the cards sent to ell whom it might concern. Why An Arkansas Boy Was Named " . " "Judus Iscarut. Little Bock Gfrette. A colored brother gives the follow ing reason for naming his tenth son "Judus Iscarut. " Says he : "Dftt's de boy's name. Judus haz been sighted. Nobody haz eber had immoral courage ter nams a chile for dat man. But dat ain't do main rea son why I named him Judus , I'se got de Bible ter 's'an ' me in gibin do chile dat name. " "How does tbo Bible sustain you in desiring to perpetuate that name ? " asked the magistrate. "Hits dis tack. Chris' in remark- in * ob Judus sad ; dat it would hab bin bettor fee dat man ef he hadn't bin born. " "Well" "An conaiderm' how many mou s is opened at the doo' when I goea home wid a aide ob meat , it would hab bin better fur dat boy of mine ef ho had neber seed daylight. I take de scrip- tur from de reference * . In de futur ef I finds dat de boy haz made im provement on hisself , .I'll change his name to Jim. " TRUTH AND HONOR. Query : What It the best family medicine in the world to [ emulate the bowel , purify tne blood , remove cortivenesa and billiou nei , aid d'gettion and tone up the whole tjatem ? Truth and houor compe a us to answer. Hop Bitters , being pure , perfect aud harmless. Ed. See another column. It does not make any difference how ae- \ ere the case of bilious derangement ia , Simmons' Liver Regulator will cure it speedily and effectually without saliva tion , or that prostration of the system en suing from the use of drastic purgatives. As there are many spurious imitations imitations of this valuable medicine , take care you get the genuine. "We have been Belling your medicine for some time , and \ve find it better adapt ed to the cure of bilious attacks than any other medicine we have ever used or sold. "JAMES M. BEASLEY & CO. , "Magnolia , Ark. " It la well known that a relationship ex * Uta between rules , constipation , kidney diseases and liver troubles. In Kidney Wort we have n remedy that acts on th general system and restores health by gen * tly aldititf nature's interua1 process , I AJQ All Plavod Out T a common complaint in hot weather , It yon * eel BO , get a package of Kidney- Wort and take it and yon will at once feel ita tonic power. It keeps up the healthy action of the Kidneys , Bowels and Liver , nd thus restores the natural life and treugth to the weary body. EVERY TOBACCO CEEWER should provide himself with a bottle of that when ho calls upon the ladies ho can rinse his mouth and remove the odor which hovers around the person of the nicotized. Not alone for its aroma is it valuable , but as a curative and preservative of the teeth it Is unsurpassed. Broken cigar boxes can be mended by Spalding's Glue. How queer ! Acrostic Would'st thou my friend good health enjoy , Each day and hour jour time employ ; Secure repose from sickness , ills , This thou can'st do take Liter Pillt ; & dost thou saner from disease , Caused by exposure , diett these , Or other ills , what'er their name , Submit at once , and leave the frame , Like shadows darting o'er the hills. In terror flee from Lirer Pills. Vice like although they've clung fr i ears , Encouraged be , nor yield to fears. Repose in quiet , health's bright rills Pursue the pathway of these Pills. In childhood , ) outh and in old age , Let cheerful thoughts my mind engage , Let others suffer fevers , chilla. Sure thou art free mth Liter Pills. Sold at wholesale by C. F. Goodman , J. K. Ish , nd Keniuxrd & Forsvth , Omaha * aprS liwly(3) ( ) GIVE IT A TRIAL and you wi'l ' be astonished. "Anakosls. " Dr. 8. f llsbee's External Pile Remedr , pires instant relief and is an infallible core for the most ob- Elloate cases ol Fil's. It hu made the most wonderful curea of ihis terrible disorder. SO.OOO natefnl people that have used It ran testify to .he same. Samples with fall directions sent free to all sufferers on application to Anakesls depot , Box 8946 , New York. Bold by all first-claw druggists. FEVER AND AGUE , FOKTIFrTHESTSTEir. And joa are armed against disease. The finest tonic ( or this purpose U nostetter's Stomach I t Bitters , which renders digestion easy and com1 1 at plete. counteracts biliousness , and Xeeps the b bowels hi order , and so genial ana beneficent are Ita effects.tbat not only is the body invigorated. And regulated by its use , but despondency ban ished from all tbe mind. For pile by all Druggists and Dealers generally SHOW GASES 2C15ZT7ACTU&KD tT J" . O _ "XV I Xi 3D E 1317 CASS ST. , OMAHA , NEB. t& A good assortment always on hand.THi reblT.lm tn OnP4' 7 home. Samplts worth li tree [ \ ] < $ L\1 \ AddressStlnson * Co. . Portland Main * ; NERVOUS DEBILITY { ' Vital Weaknesa'and Proe- tntlon ( or ov.T-work o No. 28 , . , , - _ . , 'Tt.fj10. ' 81 per rtU or 6 and UTJTB vial ofJfdwier lor is , sent post- 'pt ol price. HUMPHREYS' ' . CO. , 109 Fnlta 8t , " UtstC , ulogu9b .j Swallowing , < | IJT CATAHRHAI , MUCKOU8 , causes : FOOL BREATH and disgusting expectoration ; ORACKLNG PAINS In the head and forehead DKAFNESS nd loss of smelling power ; BRONCHITIS , Hay Fever , and other dteeacs. THE ACTJONOFCATARRHAL VIRUS through the mucous membrane has been finsllr discov ered. WEI DE MEYER'S CUKE. THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY for these diseases , la as cerUia in Its eHects sa vaccination for small pox. D. n jfcKiLTir , Oov't. Inspector. 167 Mott St. , N. Y. , cured of very bad Chronic Catarrh. R. 0. BLACKBCRS , at Lord & Taylor's , Broadway , N. Y. , cured of 3 YEARS CATARRH ; 1 PACKAGE * . S. BKXIDICT , Jr. , Jeweler , 637 Broadway , N Y. . Ovly ) , cured of Terrible HAY FEVER. R v. C. J JOSKS , New Brighton , S. I. "Worth ten Urn he coet. " BKV. Oso. A. Rag , 169 Jay St. , Brooklyn. 'It has restored me to ministerial labors' " R v. ALEX FRXIZB , Cairo , N.Y. : "Jl hu work ed wonders In six cases in my parish. " DR. R. 0. DURKI.V , Dentlit , S61 Sixth Avenue N. Y. , cured of CATARRHAL INFLUENZA. MLLK. AiuBs.OperaPnma Donna. CATARRHAL BRONCHITIS. "Great benefit from Its use. " MRS. Esuu C. HOWM. 39 W. Washington Square. N. Y. , CATARRH 30 YEARS ! Cured by two packages. CURED ! CURED ! CURED CURED ! 0. O. PRKSBOST. Prop. West End Hotel , Long Branch , Cured of 20 years Chronic Catarrh. E. II. BROWV , 30" " ) Canal St. , N. Y. , Cured cf 11 years Chronic Catarrh. J. D. MCDONALD , 710 Broadway , N. Y.Sister-in- ( Law ) Cured of 40 years Chronic Catarrh. MRS. JACOB SWAHTZ , Jr. , 200 Warren St. , Jersey City , cured of IS } crs chronic Catarrh. A. B Thorn. 1S3 Montague St. , Brooklyn , ( sell and son ) cured of Catarrh. A. McKiNNBX , R. R. Pros. , 33 Broad 8t , N .Y. : "ily family experienced immediate relief. " ftc. , lie. , Ac. . Ac. , &c. DR. WEI DE MEYER'S PAMPHLET with the most remarkable testimonials on record , SENT FREE , by his Agents. MXSSRS. D. B. DKWXT and Co , 48 Dcy St. , K. Y. : or by Druggists. The CURE Is dellv ercd at $1.50 a package. Think of a REAL CURE for an obstinate disease , at this trifling coet. decfieod CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO. Manufacturers STANDARD SHOT BE SURE TO BUV IT. THif BiSriS MARKET. . W. ltL\TCIFOKi > & CO. Manufacturer ) of Lead Plp , Sheal aal Bar Lead Block Tin , I ipe HII ! Solder , L nsa'd 0 I and Oil Cake. ORDERS SOLICITED. 70 MJHTH CL'NTO ' < STREET , CHICACO. WIND ENGINE MANUFACTURED BY Mast , Fees & Co. , Springfield , 0 , The Strongest and Most Durable WIND In the World. Hundreds in use in Iowa and Nebraska Sold by Dealers in nearly cvf ry county. This cut represents onr Buckeye Force Pump vhfch ia particularly adapted to Wind Mill uae , as It works easily and throws a constant stream , and doea not freeze up In the cold est weather. Send for price list to W. H. KAYNER , Western Agt , Omaha , Neb. ONLY EFFECTUAL - KIDNEY REMEDY AND SPECIFIC FOR J. Bright s DlsenL'iabetcs , Nervous Debility , Fain in the Hack , Loins or Side , Dropsy , Gravel , Incontinence aud Retention ofUrine.and Female Complaints. Send for our treatise on tbeKIdnevs , ent.tled "Ech.j s You Snould Heed , " a little pamphlet containing a great deal o ( Information free. Excelsior Kidney Pad Co. , SOLE PROPRIETORS , by D. W. SAXE & CO , Omaha.-fcl f- GRAY'S SPE OIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARfr.The Great iADE MARK. English ; Remedy , 1 An unfailing f core for Sem inal Weak- ness.Sperma- Before Taking that follow M sequence of Self-Abuse ; luei of Memory , Uuiveral Lassitude , Pain In th Back , Dimness of Vision , Premature Old Agt and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption uid a Premature Grave. X3"FuU particulars in our phunphlot , which wedcare to send free by mall to every one. 2TTho Specific Medicine is sold by all dmirlst tl per package , or six packages for t5 , or wll be tent fre by " " on receipt oi the money by The Gray Medicine Co. , No. 10 itechanlo' Block. Otrsaa , Mien' BOLD IN OMAHABY J. K. I3U , AND BY AL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERR. Lj Hie Famous Seltzer Spring-of kr Germany in Every American * T-T Home ! f\ TARRANT'S SSLTZER APERIENT Based upon a scent'Cc acalrsiiof this celebrated Herman Spring , is ita concentrated duplicate , irittt thirty to forty sparkling doies In each bet tle. Sold by DragffUts the world orer. GO EAST -VIA THE Chicago & Northwestern aaj9aJcx.xn7--A.-3e- . 2,380 MILES OF ROAD I It Is the SHORT , SURE and Safe Route Between COUNCIL BLUFFS 1SD CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE and all points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MO RE ADVANTAGES THAN AST OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. Itij the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which is run PULLMAN HOTEL CABS ! In addition to them and to please all clames of travelers. It gives FIRST-CLASS 1IEALS at Its EATING STATIONS at JO cents each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST-ClASS If yea wish the Best Traveling Accommoda tlons you will buy your tickets by this Route O-AND WILL TAKE NONE OIHKR. All Tickets Agents can sell von Through Tickets via this road and Check uiual Baggage Free of Charge. OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 1814 Famham St. , Cor. llth. and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorado Central and Union Pacific Ticket Office SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 New Montgom. ery Street. For Information , folders , maps , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Ttck > , c Office , address any agent of the Company , or MARVIN HUCHITT , W- STENNETT , Gen'I Manager , Genl Paw. Agent , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Oen'l Agt Omaha 6 Counc1 ! Bluffs. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Airr 8t Paul & Sioux Oity RAILROADS. Tht Old Bdiablt Sioux Oity Routtl 100 MILKS SHORTEST ROUTE I From Council Blnfls to oxc. And all polnti In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dikota. This line Ia equipped with the Im proved Westtnghouse Automatic Air Brakes and llUler platform Coupler and Buffer. And ( or SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT ll unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Room and Sleeping Can , owned and controlled by the e urn- pany , ran Through Without Charge , between Union Padflo Transfer depot , Council BlU fle , and St. Paul. Train ! leave the Union Pa cl flo Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs at 8:15 p.m. , leaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. and St. Paul at 11:05 a. m. , making ,3TEN HOURS nr ADVAKOK OT AST OTHER Bourn Returning , leave St. Paul at 3:30 p. m. , arrtr- Ing at Sioux City 4U6 a. m. , and Union Paclflo Transfer D pot , Cooncll Bluffs , at DJO a. m. flSTBa ror that your tickets read rla "B. Ch P R. R.- F. a HILL * . Superintendent , Mlstoarl Valley , l i . P. E. ROBINSON. Aas't Genl Paw. Agent. J. H. O-BRYAIT , ( outhweftern Freight and PajMBftl Agent , myiOtf Council Blnfla. SHORT LINE 3.88O. THE K.C.ST.JQE&C.BR.R. , Is the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change of cars between Omaha and St. Louli and but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With less charges and in advance of other lines. This entire line is equlpoed with Pullman's Pal-ice Sleeping Care , Palace Day Coach- M.MUler's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Westinghouse Air-Brake. tSTSEZ THAT YOUR TICKET READSTK1 JSTVia Kansas City , St. Joseph andTSJ 43TCoundlBluffsR R..vlaSfCJ jeTJoeand.SLLoais.TEJl Tickets for sale at all coupon stations 1 the West. J. F. \RNARD , A. C. DAWES , Gcn'l Supt. , Gen'I Pass. & 1 icket Ag't St. Joseph , Mo 6L Joseph , ilo , W. C. SEACUREST , Ticket Agcn. , 211 Fifteenth Street , between. Farnbam and Donglag , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEHON , A. B. BARNARD , Pass. Agent , Omalia Gckl Agent , Omaha. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I With Smooth and Perfect Track. Zlegant gel Coacheg , and FULLMAH SLEEPMD _ & DINING CARS. It Is acknowledged by the Press , and an who travel over It , to be the Biar ArroiBno and Bun UliueiB Bead In the Country. PASSEK EBS OING EAST Should bear In mind that thla la the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO. And Polnti E t , North and Northwest , Faeoeng n by this Rente hart choice o FOUE DIFFERENT BODTES , And the Advantai of SIX Dally Lines of Palace Sleeping Can from Chicago to New York Oity Without Change. HI Kiprees Trarna on iftls Una ara equipped with the Weetlnghouso Patent Air Brakoaand UlHera Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , thu most Perfect Pro tection Against Accidents In the world. PDIUUM PALACE SLEEPING AND OIWIW CAM Ate run or. the Burlington Routa Information ccnMrnlni ; Routes , Ratoa , Time Connections , etc. , will be cheerfully given by applying at the offlco of th * Borllngton Bonte , B13 llth St. , Omaha , Nebraska. a K. PKRiaiiS , D. vr. nrrcHcooK , Oenl Uanxier. ( Jen. West'n Pan. An. . O. PHILL1PI , St. Joe. , Mo OenonJ Agent , Omaha. IL P. DEUEL , Ticket Agent , Omaha. febSdlSp T , * H.4Uer ou , LHrw.i ' " " ' V- * * - > ' -J i"f > 5e'l > - - " - ' s nllj or Uj l i t .irAV-f CO elf. ! > 4 t . r.n. 5 La-lcceea rtrtSJS , nuU hn oet cr f U a ta f at : eSclciUlr. " J. ? rClSBS y vc'uc. Afl r Hxt n , - : fr ja TUni and Co * | red ? . ' f C. P. IIOGA355 ff of J-'erVtlUre , ui7 > , * * c L pptfca Cbat ! iaeKcuilcr * far me In twm-p , * rlcteJr ettHus a OTero Uyer i CcsnptcJat. " ET HAS 3 WONDERFUL POWER. BECAUSE IT ACTS ON THE tIVEKTTIU KOVTELS AND KID NEYS AT THESADIT TIME. Because ) It cleans& > the yrtem of thopoleonoue humors that developo In Kidney and Urinary dl ea&ea , OH- louonoss , Jaundice * Constipation * I Piles , or In Rheurr.atl mf Neuralgia i and remain disorders. KIDXEY-WOET It zdrj T { tUUa c poosdcad < - OnopatkieeriUnaiesirqtjof medicine , f r iz ss-o-wr : Bay It at ihe Dnegttt * . Price , $1.00. WSL13 , EIKi21):5M ) t C3. , fcspistel , 3 Borllastoa , Tt. A i I p r For CoiigIisColds. E- i-hitis U U11 L , Asthma , Consuni And ALL DISEASE S of the Throat and In Put Up In Quart Size Bottles for Family Ufr > PAIITIflU _ . _ I > ON TBE DECEIVED by nnprtnclplo. ' il-alers who try to p UrtU I lUlli Rock and Rve In paM ! of our TOLIT ROCK and RtK. which > uiu 1CATED article made , the GENUI'E narlni ; a QOVE8XM KNT STAMP on * > ch b Extract from. Report of the Commissioner of Internal P jvenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF INTERNAL. KVEMJE.I. WAjillixaro1 * . D. C , January SJ , 1 j. Messrs. LAWRENCE k MARTIN. Ill Madison St , Chicago. III * . : GsxTLEHit : 1 ba\e received a "ccrtitled for'iaU" civil , ; th > tnrc < lienU and v ro rsDtvir. tions used lii the nunufacturo of an article which vouad fri' e an < lwl under then , tie " 1XLU ) ROCK and RYE. " 1 his componnd , apcordi-srli > > < jr fjnnnla. In the opinion of thu -\wuoM ha\e a sufficient quantity of the BAL&V5I OF TOLU to ; i > oitall thoadrantatM < u i ! tjthil artlda in pectoral ccmplalntJ. while the ivhukj and njruji coiu'ltuto an emulsion r5dujth ( comround an grcea > le remedy to iho p iieut In the opinion of tins ottlcj , an rilcl cnmpnun 'oil accnnlln ? to thl * f onnaln m > y | . | -o ly l > daued as a meJLinal preparati in under tl o | ruti-lons of S Jieilulo A. following section .U7. 0. a. Revueu btatutve , and ) > en DO stampe > ) may bo suld by I nicL < t % Apothccvlea , and O'.hcr rersoo * ithout rendiring them llab'e ta p y ( racial t xa Hqifr ilc l r . Yours Respectfully , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. R A1 T < mmlsdioner. Lawrence & Martin , Chicago , Sole Agents for the Cnit I I Urn . Grocers and General Dealers ererj where UhuliMle A-jtt.f t I t-J - " . JOHNSON & CO. , will anpply the trade at manufacturers price ) . WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CPOCRAPHY O * r. " o COUHTPY. . SEE BY EXAMINING THlb MAP. Tt" f "v. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R , IS TirE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & TJ ! Its main linn runs from Chicago to Council Bluffs. pa.Mlne through Jollet. Ottnwa. Lafalle. Uenesoo. Mollne. Itock Island. DaTenportVe t Liberty , Iowa City.Marenin > . llruuklrn. OrlnneM. Des Moines ( the capital of Iowa ) . Stuart. Atlan tic , and ATOCR : with branches from lur" > u Junction to Teorla ; Wilton Junction toilii'ca- tlne. WashlnKton. Falrflcld. Eldon , liclknap. CentrcTllle. l"rinceton. Trenton , ( iollntln. * , ame- ron. Leavenworth. Atchljon. and Kansas City : Washlnjton to Slsourncr. Oskaloo a. ana Knox- Tlllo ; KeokuK to Faralneton , Bonaparte , llcn- tonsDOrt , Independent. Eldon. Uttumnx KJclj- vlllpO3kaloo5a. Hella.Monroe. and UPS Molncs : Newton toMonroei De Molncs tolndianolaanu Wlnterset : Atlantic to J ewls and Auilubon ; and A'oca to jlarlan. TWs Is positively the only Itallroad. which owns , and operate * a through line from Chicago Into the btate of Kansas. Thronich Express Passenser Train * , with Pull man I'alace Curs attached , ara run each way dally tetween CIIICAOO and PCORIA. KAMSAS Cmr , COCNCII. llmrrs. I.KATEVWOHTH and ATCKI- SOW. Throuzh cars are also run between Mil au- ee nnd Kan an City , via the "Milwaukee and Hock Island ShoLine. . " The "Great V.ock Island" Is magnlflcently equipped. Its road bed Is simply perfect , and Its track la laid with iteel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure of enjoying your meals , wbllo passing over the beautiful pralrien of Illinois and Iowa. In one of onrmaenlncent Dining Cars that accompany all Tbrongli Express Trains. Yon Bet an entire meal , as good as Is served In nny flrat-class hotel , lor seventy-ore cents. Appreciating the fact that a majority of the people prefer separate apartments for different purposes ( and the Immense passenger business of this line warranting It ) , wo arc pleased to an- connco that this Company runs Iullman Palate Mttvina Curt for sleeping purposes , and Palace .Dinina Cart for eating purpoi"- nl > . great rcntaro of tnr Palate I ar U B S MiM IA SALOON wnereyou can enjoy jour a * aa at all hears of the day. . . . . . _ . . _ . . Jtacnlncrnt Iron Undcos span the 5Ljlt ! rfr and Missouri ri ers at all polnU cn , e-l Sy tbit line , and transfers are avoided at Council CiUlJi Kansas Illy. Leavenworth. ana AtCiliXA-Coa1 npctlimx b lngmado In Union Depow. TIIK PKI.NCU'AI. It. It. CONNKl.T10i.VbC * THIS lillKAT 111UOUU1I LINK AHjS Att At OIIC-A'UO. with all dlTCTElns llccS.OTlteS East and b < iuth. . . . . _ AtK.soLEwooD. wlthtlioL.S.&M.S-.andir , , Ft. W-AC.It.Kds. . . . At WAsnt.NQTux ncianra. with. IV AtLASJAI.LE.wr.hIILCent.ll.n. Atl'zoBiA.wlth I' , r. AJP.D..E. . W. : 1IL Mid. : and T. ! . * W. Krtj. At KOCK ISLAND , with -Milwaukee & HcCt Island Short Line. " ana Rock Iifd ft 1 oc. HO. AtDAViNpoicT. with the Davenport 1/ivolou At"WK TLIBEIcfr.with theIUait.4 ft.H. * . AtClUNNELU A t DES MoL.s .rf. with U JL A K. I ) ll. a. I At COUNCIL llLurrn-with Union 1'nciJcrV.Vlt AtCMAIIA. with B. It. 1C. In 1S9O. . * AtCoLCMDCf JC.NCTIOf.wlthlJ.l' . I'iN.ILri ! At OTTUMWA. with Central Iowa It. Ik < W * St. It. i I'a& . nd C. II. ft Q 1C. IW * . At KroKUK. with TOU Peo-\Var.t \ Loufs A 1'ao. and St. 1 * . Keo. * NW. . B At CAMKKOV. with ILHt. J 1C 1C. At ATcnisoX. with Atcb- . Topeka Atch. A Neb. and Cen. Br. U. r. It. Kds. At l.KAVEXWOKTU. with Kan. I'oc , Cent. It. Kds. At KANSAS Crcr , with all lines for tie and Southwest. PCI.I.'MAN PAI.ACE CARS r run thrtinch to TEOKIA. 1)EH . . . . COCjicii. 11L.UFFS. KANSAS CITY. ATCUISOJf , nnd JL.EAVKMVOKTII. Ticket * via this .Line , Icnovrn a the "tlrrut Kocit. . Iilond Kualf. " arc loiill/7 all Ticket Aeenta In the "United Stole * and Canada. For Information net obtainable at your borne ticket office , addreM , A. XOiViI&A.Tj'Li , E. ST. .TOHIS" . Qcn'l Bupcrtntendent. Uen'I Tkt. and VturgTAA , GHAS. SHIVERiO FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS And everyihing pertaining to the Furniture and Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE 3LO W JbLJST JPZRIOIES- p U moo tb sat 1208 and 1210 Farnham Street. Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator ± 88O. MANUFACTURED BY S. P. MAST & CO.SPR1NFFIELD , 0- They also make Buckeye Improved Iron Beam Walking Cultivator , with or without S ] rings. The Xew Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or two Horse Utylc. Inquire for them at the beat dealers. P. H. PUSH , Gen. Agent , Omaha , flit. A new and and hitherto unknown remedy to ill diseases of the Kidneys , Bladder.and Unnary Organs. It-Will positirely core Diabetes , Grarcl. Drop- ri , Brlzht's Disease , Inability to retain or en * ! lie Urine , Catarrh of the Blaed r , high co.owA ind scanty mine , Patnfnl Unnatlir. LAME BACK , General Wcaknees , and all Female Complaints. It avotdes Internal medldnes , la certain In It effects and cares when nothing rle can. Ftriale by Druggists or gent by mill toe upon receipt ol the price , J2.CO. DAY K1DHEY PAD CO. . PROP'BS , Toledo , iTSend yonr tddrMS for enr littla book , iHow a Life Wafl Eared. " US : t/AHS3 E. 1SF , Agect let ftbtuks HEUMATICCURE EVER FAILS. . FILER AN ABSOLUTS Dr. Bosanko's Bhenmatic Core : AX AT.KAT.T OEiTMEST. Ihe add Blood Is the prlma-jr catas an. ! ass- . Where them talnln * power of KnxnUTUU. an Alkali there can be no BmicjrATH t Ci f RT Boffio RHEUMATIC CURS b cnemically prepared Alkaline , nentrolirinir th acidity and remoTinr Chronic Inflammation by absorption. PriceJiCtntt. Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy. A safe , sore and permanent corf for thli one oi the moat painful , unpleasant , and distressing diseases to which the flesh Is heir. We { roaraa- tee thU remedy to be without an equal for tha cure of atl kinds of Pflrt. Price SO Cent * . C. T. AKJSnoso , Drugztet and PhiiWaa Corunna , Michigan , says : Your POa Baa/ hu giren flnt-disa satisfaction. The Dr , Bosanko Medicine ( W { Agent. Ocahx AAQ ffgelclnjoarowntown , rep