Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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VOL. IX. OMAHA , EBEASKA , THU33DAY , MAJ 20 , 1880. NO. 280 :
u t T
Established 1871. 1 ! ! : LW i\s ; rYics ry- ; Cents
Contractor George Eefuses
1 to Disclose His Evi
dence of Bribery ,
By Which Means the Texas Pa
cific Land Grant was Pushed
Conkling Points.out a Borbon
Trick in the Adjurn-
f'ment Resolution.
BpecUl dlspitch to The Hte.
WASHINGTON , May 19 , 4 p. m.
Georga , fin iill.nlual who claims
that lie can pro\o the Tesa * Pacific
landgrautTvni secureu by - wioletalo
bribery of acuato u and congressmen
in 1871 , has lee a int r vie wed by two
members of ilia hju = e coaimtteo to
which he adurjseed his letter , a king
for an invtstigatioa. Kot much was
learned by the reprasentaineiia rela
tion to the ntturaof h's cvidsnca , tnil
another conference will bet held with
him eooa. George i ? denounced by
the Texas Pacific as n spy in tLe serr
rice of Huntington , of the Southern
Pacific and a blaikmiilar , and by
some politicians as in tha employe of
the Grant crowd , with instructions to
create a suspic'o.i that Elaine was in
terested in crookodtrantactioaswhich
he professes to be able ta disclis.\
The president has nominated Horace -
ace Maynard , postmestor general ;
Jamej Longitre3 > , miniatar to Turkey ;
David W. K y , United States district
judga fcr the caiterti aud middle dis
tricts of Tonnrssea.
CJUIOAGO , Slay 19 4 p. m. The
Journals Washington special says :
The house adjournment resolution
wa * taken up in the senate to day and
referred to the appropriation commit
tee. Gonkling direted attention that
the resolution WHS joint and not concurrent -
current- one , aud wouM tequire the
signature of tha prcs'.dei t. Ha would
not question anybady's wo'i'-oj , but
it loi.ked to hi-ii as t hi. tun tin reso-
lutioti waj pu'pasely dravrn 33 0.1 to
makothc president partly responsible
for the adjournment cf congress and
for the failure to enact importaut leg
has pastel the agricultural appropria
tion bill. Both houses will adjourn
to enable members to attend the boat
SpccUl dbpatch to The BM.
WASHINGTON , May 20 1 a. m.
The SpofforJ-Kcllogcj case was taken -
ken up and Senator Butler addressed ,
the st'iaato in opposition to the resolu
tion , on the ground that there was no
power to revctso the decision pravi-
ously rendered by the senate in this
case.The ca p was then laid nxida and the
marshal bill , reported Ky EonitorBiy-
ard , ws taken up , and after ditcus-
sing and without dnpiEirg cf tha bill
the senate adjourned.
A bill was introduced by Mr. Lorlng
to repeal that much of t'ni treaty r ; &
Washington aa relates to iu-shora fish
cries. By the provisions of tha bill
duties'are to ba imposed mail fish
imported from Canada , and the money
so received ii to bo paid to those fish
ermen who were driven from Fcrtuno
Bay by the Nawfoundland fishermen.
An effort was made to take up the
tariff bill , but all propositions were
defeated , and the house took a rees
until 7:30 o'clock.
The "Great" Hanlan-Court-
ney Race Turns into a
Funeral Procession.
Courtney Damned For Selling
Out Soliloquizes " Hop
, Bitters My Lot. "
* " .
Graphic Description of the
Biggest Sell in Sport
ing Circles.
Biley to Row Hanlan on Next
Everythlns in Readiness.
Special" Dispatch to Tux BSE.
CHICAGO , May 19 4 p. m. The
Journal's Washington special , ssya :
The Hanlan-Courtney race is the
overshadowing topic of conversation
to-day and but little interest is mani
fested in the proceeding of corgress. ,
The weather ia all that could ba do- ,
aired and there will ba no drawbask
on this account. Neither Haulanpr
Courtney wera in view thir morning.
A report that the latter wai rufferlng
from headache baa created much ex
citement , and resulted ia shaking tha
confidence of his backers. His
physician says he is all
right and in good condition to row ,
and Referee Bliikie says the same
thing. Many people believe Courtney
is shamming , and that ha is going to
perpetrate a surprise and win the race.
Betting is in favor cf Uaalan by l rgo
odd * . The city is filled with strangers ,
andjarrangemeDts have been BO well
carried cut that every person will be
enabled to sea the race who desires to.
It is expected & start will be made at
about 4:15. :
Hanlan will rowTrickett , the Aus
tralian oarsman , on the Thames in
At the request of both Hanloq
Courlney the race has been postponed
till 5:30 : , on account of the heat.
Tbe Race.
Special Dispatch to The Eee.
WASHINGTON , May 19 10 p. m.
"Stupendous fizzle , " ' grand sell , "
"gigantic sell. " These are ihe excla
mations one hears on every side to-
niglt concerning the outcome of the
Hanhxn-Courtney race to-day. A
hundred thonsaud people are talking
of thu performance , and on nil sides
there is notliii g but indignation and
disuufct. It would be ridiculous to
call it a fair race , for it was more like'
a funeral procowion One man rowed
leisurely over the course , one man
came up looking sick , rowed hard for
fifty or one hnnJred strokes , found
himself behind , gave up the rocs , pad
dled two iniloi in a dejected , punful
sort of fashion , atid then paddled more
slowly and d-jectedly back to his boat
house. That is the story cf the race
in & nutshell. All interest in the raso
was exhausted before ono huudred
Etrokes bad been pulled , end the race
from that OT w s m exhi' i , on pf leis
ure rowing I y Danlia and , the tfpocta-
cle of a sick m n trjing to piddle over
a givenToupunt of water a alcat his
The starb was even aid both men
pu'loi hitd for aa eighth of a mile.
Haul in pulkd n Ion ? , cks.n sweep
and pulled thirty-four of them tha first
minute. Courtney splishei for the
firjt two strokes and then settled down
and pulled thirty-two strong stroke !
in tbo .first minute , but the strokes
though strong , had no 1 fa in theno ,
and at the end of the first minute , it
was evident that Hanlan was slipping
ahead. A minute more and he hai
a pronounced lead of a length and tno
race , sa far as there was eny r.icf , wis
over. Calls to Courtney for a spurt
elicited no reply save a doject.'d shake
of the head and a perceptitlj slowing
up of his stroke. Hanlan rowed on
vigorously fur perhaps half a mile and
then , finding tbat Courtney wai al-
rca'iybeat , and bo had a safe lead of
thrae or four lengths , h ? , too , let up ,
stopped an instant to sea what was the
mitter , and tLen jogged on leisurely
three-fourths of a mile down. Court-
i.ey crae to a stand still , took out his
handkerchief , bittud lib head , and
then paddled on a a.n unt'l ha had
pulled about tro mil s or las ? , when
bo stopped again , wet his head , and
then tamed around and paddled slow
ly back to his boat house
Hanlan meanwhile piddled the re-
maiiiin'g distance , turning his buoy ,
and passing Courtney on the return
trip and pulled leiturely t : > the start
ing pint. . It w s a Berry spectacle
fromfirctto last , ecd a Sit failure as
a bo tt rice. Ha-laii's titno wai an
nounced oQicially as 4G mm. , 46 and
2-5 second ] , bat nobody f sit my in
terest in tha time , cot only bjcauso
there had been no race cnl ro bird
pulling , but as i'sclf was a failure the
aceeesurics of tha WCD were. Never
beforA in the history cf boiling in
this country has such a great concourse
of people gathered to witness a boat
race.For ono milo the Maryland chore
was lined black with sweltering hu
manity that filled the long line of seats
which had been erected on every avail
able spot. They crowded on every
shady spot. The great acquciuct
bridge seemed as if it must s'nk ' un
der the great throng wliich lud crowd
ed on it , filling bath roaiwoy and
walk , from which water bad been as a
matterof safety. It was a wcitU going
miles to see.
The day was iutonsely hot , aud the
raT3 was postponed one hour , aud
moro on thit account , but when
it was called finally , short
ly after six o'clock , the most
fastidious oarsman coula cct complain
of anything. Tha CDurso stretching
like a long laso le'wcen crowded
shipping , and the inoro crowded shore ,
lay hlo a mimr , a id r ys of the eet-
tig s--n were n lon < .r unsomfirta-
b'o Evoijthin W.B auspicous ex-
ctpt one oarsman.
j To-night the city hai b in boiling :
; with excitement ; < K ryLo y is cursing
Courtney and hardly anyro y will be-
iifcve tbat he did not rurposoly loss the
race. But ho was ti'k , n it physically
sick , but meala'ly ' sick , and w s BO un-
uncqaal to the s rain and lost
hii narva. It it a clear o sa of
nervous prostration. 'J hc3 fojlish two
n io ! pu'l which he to < k in the sun
ytstorday was only tha Lit straw , but
it broke the e'mel's back. His b'cak
down lies ruined him , hovrevcr , as a
To night he is in bed suffering man-
tsl anguish. "I don't care for the
lase , " ho ead , lying on tbe bad with
his head c'asped between his hands ,
' I knew how that woull come out
before I stepped into my boat to-day ,
lam only troubled about th's terrible
pain in my head. I am afraid it will
bo wcokp before I get over it. "
Beyond this he would say nothing.
Ho has been cntichad fur not declin
ing to row if ho was sick nnd give a
chance for Hiloy to take his p'aco and
nukeitiutorcsting. His decision on
this was on the advice of his friends ,
who thought it would bo better for
him to row than to withdraw.
Hanlan is , of course , in fine feather
to night , Tno referee awarded him
the race at the conclusion of his pull
and announced that the § G.COD would
bo paid to him at 10 o'clock to-mor
row. In response to a s.ranade at his
hotel to night , Hsnlan made a littie
pesah which bai attracted some at
tention because it seams ai though it
must tend to a match with Riley. He
Raid : "I came to row a race , end am
sorry I did not row ono , although I
went over the course. I will row Ri
ley any time. "
Talk has been going on for a week
concornin Riley's ability to bsat
Hanlan , and the former ssid
that ho thinks he will accommodate
Hanlan and is anxious to try , but did
net care to till after the Providence
egatta. To-ni ht , howavar , n3 oti-
itions were completed for a raca for
aha championship of America , to take
tplace one week from to-day between
Hanlan and Biloy.
Special Dispatch to THE Bu.
WASHINGTON- , May 20 , 1 a. m.
For the upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri valleys : Cooler north to west
winds , rising barometer and clearing
weather , preceded in southern portions
tions by occasional rain.
Eoaoluta Greenbackers.
DBS MOINBS. May 20,1 a. m The
state greenback convention orjsnzd
hero yesterday. H. C. Aytrs , ofMillj
county was elected teinporsry chair
man. Seventy couplrara rcyrisaa.-
ted. The speeches indicst d Indepen
dent action and tie Domination to
day of a full delegation to the nation
al convention ; electors and state offi
cers. Delegates are Btill arriving ,
Fatherland's Danger Over
Prussia and Hamburg
Settle Their Quarrel ,
Beaconsfield's "Paradise Eegain-
ed" The Slimy Schemer
Talks of Hopeful Plans ,
But Lowers Himself in Accu-
sng Mr. Gladstone of
Plimsoll , M. P. , Resigns His
Seat Out of Pure Grat
European Strikes Over The
French Miners Resume
Work British Oper
atives Give in.
Special Dispatch to Tbe lice.
LONDON , May 19. It is believed
the Queen's speech on the reassem
bling of parliament to-morrow will allude -
ludo briefly to the results of the gen
eral election. Sympathetic reference
will bo made tolho distress in Iraland ,
but the tone residing it will bo hope
ful. Measures for the amelioration of
the condition of tmant farmers will
ba promised. A renewal of
the ballot act and the intro
duction of a census bill may
claim mention. In connection with
tha maintenance of European peace ,
the speech will announce a dispatch to
the powers of a circular by Lord Gran-
rille , foreign secretary , and indicate
the reception it met with at foreign
courts. Allusion will be made to paci
fication and reorganization now pro
ceeding in South Africa.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
PESTII , May 19 4 p. m. The fam
ine is increasing fearfully in North
Hungary. People are leaving the
coutry. The government has ordered
the authorities to stop emigration.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CONSTANTINOPLE , May 19 4 p. m.
Fifty brigands near Saionica have
boon killed and their prisoners res
Epcclal Dispatch to Tns Bn.
LONDON , May 20 1 a. m. Some
exci'eaient ' was caused yesterday by
the report that a heavy failure had oc-
curre 1 in Mincing Line. The rumors
prove falsa , and after some trouble it
was ascertained that they had their
origin iu the fact that the bills of mer
chant ; who died two months ago were
being retirad yeaterday.
Sj cclal Dispatch to TUB BEX.
LONDON , May 20 1 a. m. At a
meeting of the conservatives yester
day at Bridgewater House , the resi-
den.a of the Earl ot Ensmore , to con
sider the political situation in view of
tht > reassembling of parlirmont to day ,
Bcaconsfield addressed the meeting
upon the programme to ba adopted by
the conservatives during the present
sc'jion. He said it was evident that
a -ction was alre. ly setting in , al
though the libsral triumph Ttas SD ex-
i tensive. In proof of tbii stitement
he alluded to the defeat of Mr. Gold-
schmidt , of Sandwich , for whuh place
he bad bien retired by a dec'ded lib
eral minority at the late olec ion , to
the defeat 01 Sir Wm. , Ver Jon Har-
court , at Oxford , and to that of Mr.
McLjren , who was elected for Wigh-
ton Boroughs and made lord advocate
by the new government. Lend
BeaconsGeld said it was plvn
that the people were nlroidy
alarmed at the result of
the ( .lection and feared [ further di--
ctrous consequencei as the radical
policy of the administration ch uld
affect to its detriment the general
safety of the country and of the em
pire. They were aho both alaimtd
and disgusted by the cowardice of
Gladstone in respect to hii abject note
of apology to Austria , an act ef cow
ardice ho could say quite unexampled
in the hi-tory cf the government.
Further there would bo no doubt that
tha people were alarmed and disgusted
withvilfull libels pcrpelrat. 1 by Faw-
cett , the new postmastergancrul , upon
the late administration in having sta
ted in the house that the govern
ment had received * information
from India iu reference to
the Indian doDcit in advajco
of the publication of the budget , and
in contradiction of it a statement
which L' rd Beaconsfield said Mr.
Fawcett was obliged afterward to re
tract under circumstances humiliating
to Gladstone. The ex-premier further
Eaid that t co duty of the conservatives
was now clear. They mustwatch and
prevent more disgrace and. possibly
national disciter by chcckirg the law
less and unconstitutional course into
which it was thus early apparent the
liberals wore allowing themselves to
be driven. This was the great duty
as well ai the privilege of the people
of the opposition , and- the experience
of many years in English politics led
him to a false conclusion if the time
was far off when the sober second
thought of the people would revise
the hasty verdict of the ( late general
Lord Bcaconsfield then reviewed
the conservatives' policy during the
pzst six years , which , he user ted , wii
based consistently on con ervaiive
lines , and attributed the rc entdeff&t
of the party to tha agricultural dis
tress throughout the country , soc'al
dNcantent of the people , cad the wil
ful misrepresentations of the opposi
tion. He spoke hopefully of the fu-
tura prospects of the party , and said
tbat he was personally abe ? aad willicg
to continue. There was much enfhu-
aiF m among those present , of wLcm
th ie were 480 , including peers , s d
mo t of the late and present mcmlorj
cf tap house of commons , asv will 12
candidate in the recent elecli ni.
Among those present were the Earl of
Carnovan and Sir Eoberi Peel , beta
of whom announced their complete
V - *
reconciliation with the party. Sr
Robert Peel also announced that fca
would oppose bir Veraon Hcroocrt
for member of the house of commons.
The Daily News , in discussing the
difficult its of the eastern question , so j
far as tne government is concerned ,
says that the Fortune Bay question ia
of much less importance , but ati'l by
no means important. The writer j
thinks that the proposition of SOTS- !
tiry Evarts tends to impose impossible |
duties on the government and is en
pfTnnnd sort of recommendation , still j
it amounts to nothing rnord tfano a ;
recommendation. The subject is ona i
calculated to engage the entire atien-
tion of the country , and may hi 1 fc
with \fctyin the hands of llii cabinet
for the present.
Special Dkpatch to The Dee.
BERLiN , May 20 1 a. m. The dis
cussion botwean Prussia aud ihsFrja-
port of Hamburg , on the qusition of
the readjustment of cuato.ue , whicfi
fora time seemed likiSy ! to b come a
highly distu biag aiid rggravMisg \
element i\ \ ) Gorman politics , h i been '
amicably"settled. . Tha sgreomast
proved that cusU'im ' line ? f hail , i ? i'ar
cs possible , coincide wilh the poLt'esl
frontier , although it cotes tba Ivtar
where convenience require ? .
Special dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , May 20 1 n. m. Mr. j
Plimsoll , who was elec1' i at the 1 ta ;
election for the constituency of Derby |
ha.s made public his d.sira to tetiro '
from that representation ia favor of '
Sir Wm. " \ ernon Hsrcourr. Tha i
secret of this is understood to ba Mr. '
PJimsoH's anxiety to mrke in ths way
some practical return to Sir William
for the hitter's warm support of
hi- shipping reform maasura a f = w
years since m pfliement.
The Queen held a councjl at W nd
ser yesterday at the Mansion hoaa.
Mr. Gladstone and oilier members o !
the cabinet were present. The queen
approved of the draft of the Ep-cah
which is to bo read at the reassembl'sg
of parliament to day.
The Turkish amb-.ssador to .London
has baen summoned to Constant nupe !
to consult with Mr. Goshen and the
representatives cf other powers r = - ,
garding the financial condition of Tur
key with especial reference to tie for
mation of tno method of an i ernal
finance comni'ssior. Ic h believed
tint ho will oppce the latter project.
Atam-3ting at Bhckburn yester
day of delegates irom different placej
whtr.i strikes are in progrts , tno
na es commitlpJ3 stated tbat they ra-
gardtd the stri'te as il-aivh"dEnd
resumption of work is expected ia a
few days.STRIKE
Spsclal Du tch to .be Boo.
ERHEIM3 , May 20 , 1 a. ro. M. Cou-
btanco , Fi.nch nr.ui&tsr of the 'iir -
ior , who caoie here in cans quen * oi
tlio l".bor strike has left for Pa ii.
Miners lave resumed woik and t e
military renia'a iu re dincw for omsr-
Special Dispatch to Tbe Boo
BERLIN , May 20,1 a. ra , Germany
will tend two nirn-or-war to d-L-csa i
watois iii anticipation of war.
Special Dispatch to Thd Bee.
DUBLIN , M-y20 la. m. Hon. R
J. Smythe has ra-igned fie aoit for
Ep.ctal Dispatch to The I : : .
LONDON , May 20 1 a. m. James
Ruell Lowe1 ! , the Uni'ed Stat-a
minister , has resumed h 3 du its hrc.
A Calcutta ditp.tch says Abdul
Rahman hr.i dismi : oJ his army , sttt-
ing that there h no hostile in .r 3t .
A Dublin.dispatch to Tbe Tirce' ,
says : There was n larger a tendarce
at the meeting of the homeni o 11. > > u
at firjt. The slrula about tij rar
liameutiiy chairmanship h.s bo.a
fought and , the tone of the meeting
w 3 moro amicibla andPatool ! mora
concilatory than usual.
The Blackburu misters w.ll r cpn
the mills next Monday at the r. e t
of a deputation cf men who have w. h-
drawn dl demands.
The younij Nojcda girl wlnso sta a
[ Hamo h M'Jle Nov "a , w s fr.vorab y
iccoived at Her Majesty * The * M ,
Haymarket , last ni ht ai Arnica.iu
c'Li Somnoi.bula. "
An Abusad M P.
Special dispatch to Tns BIB.
JJUBLIV , Bra20,1 a. m. A. LI.
Sullivan , M. . ' . , Ins commenced a
prosecution agaiust The Trnhmia f < r
1'bel. Ho a'so ' cla 'm-1 ! , l.O daxigcs
from tli3 Irish Times.
German Catholic.
Special Dlapaidi to Tm BIB.
Sr. Louis , May 20 1 a. m. The
German Catholic convention
day resolved that the a "jualt 3'ioE3
of the central society ba h = 3d o t tha
firjt Sunday of Septe-tar and tLe
three succev ling d-ja , .vd G.vngi
ton , Kentucky , WM i 1 tJ ai tha
plaid for the next'i. . , ' . Qha fol
lowing officars w-re el cts" : H. J
L wis , prcsideat ; Father \ . * 3. Sshur-
nioger , of New York , i idi'g s c-
ro'try ; John M. Die's , Ncupjr1 ,
Kentucky , treraurer. ,
Presbyterian Assembly.
Special Dispatch to The lieu.
MiDUON , May 20 1 a. m. The
gmsr'les-einbly of the P. .Ij'e "an
church , which mtcls herj ia a au 1
s-saion to-day , waT tatidertd a puhlic
recaption 1 st , John H rlcws
making a s-x : ch of weloma. . Sp. ' V
C3 were aha madi by Govei cr Sclth
and AcLingMayor Ingmsn. fttur. . y
evening Governor Siuith wi'l ' t dcr
theni a rc3 > ption 'in the ex.cutivo
chamber and EecreUry of tfitj'a tf-
fice. A largo number of metreeri OiO
arriving , and a special Iriin of five Car
loads arrived from Chicago Ks : ove-
MayJeitival. " *
Special Dispatch to Tin Bo.
CcfciNNATi , May 20 1 a. m. An
audience completely fillirg the Music
Hall , attending both concerts of the
May festival yestcrduy. At the even
ing concert the great Bcethovea mass
was rendered in a superb meaner.
This was considered the great feature
of the festival and the magnificent
work of the great chorus won the
heartiest appliuse even from Theodore
Thomas himself. ' " " "
It Proaucss a Psacsfui Bf-
foot ia
i Preliminary Organization Ef- ,
j fscl-sd Without a Jar.
The Grant Men too Numerous j
for the Combined Op
position ,
And Show a Decisive Majority
ontsll ( hcsrdczis ,
the Winne-
Windcrn Controls - \
seta Convention , Hostile
to Biair.e. ;
I _ _
Ths Nabrasia Bapuclloan Con- ,
vQU'cion Ovrr7isi2z ius'Iv'
fc1 * S siin '
I ,
| Political Points Frora
i Quartsrs.
j -
S ;
i Pfeilt ! BIspsish to Tfcs Boa. '
| SPBSTQ2I2U ) , ILLS. , ILS.J 19. 4 p. '
m. The c"'y ' is ja.macd vith visitors i
to tha ttat3 convention , cud ticke's ' of i
( a _ : Ec.ion to tco hdi are in tbs grati-
j es : possiba ! c'emsnd. Thocsjn htvs
bsa ucab7e to gs'n adniisa'.on. All
I d'ttriota , exceo'i ' 'g the
I firt t rc9h:7d ccnvantisss thfs = : orn-
tea cu c-edsrtid ; .
Long'Jcnsa cabled the convention to '
orier at EOO ? . Hs ; : a brie ! i
, s esrh , sayrg that IIn h rcpwbi-i
I cans ! airc ; eia to ie rro-'d cf ih-ir (
t Eu'es3 in th'a S'E O , ai i fcli cn-o * ' ai
iTcr th coTvcntio i c id wt ul 1 be
, cncorsod by tha r.r-u" "icanu cf the |
i sla'e. Jonca ftc nozs'n-.t 1 ITon. i
Grrin B R-arm for t rp ra'y cbiir- j
mm , end tacro lehig "o ith-r STI'j j
ratig'j , bo WST unanm isly elatef. '
Gsn. H um w.s r.cene" wit'gr.'ab
app"a'a. Ha all'd d to l"-o
of ha * - " t"e r"ti-
r es3 E-3gg"a rrer -
den'i ? ! question , wMch , ro saf :
t realsssi to crd in a cvgero s
rc'-isin. in tbo p rty. A Itdl g ; t o
cor.tcs in * d.l'g tioa fr m Clc
cojn'y ho r.sid IT r3 cpiaior tha con
vention would ba in : p''bo '
of di iirf ai cci of i"jus'co
ti giiii a pa t san tni. "I ticcossly '
tnni 'lr i y a v ? i iavj wlsdoss , sco -
erstion and t-'ct i jEi'tlo IIs d fSoufy"
up'-n tsrms h > oubio a'ikoo the co'-
testauts a'.d to tha coavor > ti n ; in a ,
mai < ertimeob the approval of f'o
republ-'caris o : : ia stiia c. d of the (
coiritr/ .
Hum's speech was frcquostlyinta-
rup'el ' with ao'tlita. : Ha ! aJus'o - .
Biai a aad Sl.ersian wera re aivai
wita great er.iuifissjn ! , and when
Grant's nama ws.a Sadly mastioEoi , '
thora was r.a cnibu sSTof r.pplarsa tbii
d savard narrates and wza ronaw-
led a- . : , T ' \
Ra'j i Ea'.d isey vrould ell ezrn- [
j estly Esppo i tno ncnin23 oizbe cca-
1 vendor , but ho thoagbuii tha duty oi
Elicols rcpuVIc ; . s to tska Ganaral
i Grans in tLe'r lo I g ami end bear
I him forward i tr.U2 < ph 1
! Scc : 1 Z io Zha Es. '
" ' v * . , , _
+ } l i' P " * * r T.-
IB a io a cid.a , . ' p-I : '
1 go i nl < .oo v. o c. tr-1 cj _ 3r .itej
to < a k fs t .uni' g t > s , f ' t o.s of
the c itr i t-j3 crs ir 'tj.fls in J.TJ-
sunii g i ) t 7 vao f.r > m-.ubiis o !
thoc , ooc. . Ha rry i s 5 .1
dfc" = g.t j c..m"n2 to"Ha e c3 : i fr .
the r-.v , s c i-d t d third c. rfsj j
aioail c s .ic B bo td i te.l to Laati .o I
wfcioh they tra entit i ! . Ccn. E.Uit
tion tnd B , : . l ice/ L d i.nly dcna thob
du. y In raqaltia g 3 > t * d < ejtior.s
to 33 ; b their dff r r333b "ci3 the !
coniEdtts ? en cr I'ojtf Is. Whitks.r
ray i'i is Ei'da ind e bir-ij
of i ha con/cnt'c i sro hnown then vre .
ahili b ccra a co _ > ntio ! ? . A auosil-
tutd va oSb. d that fia tevos'l con-j
gr.s-i . 1 c - tt3 ts--pi tha "ist , t
! fasod ard .h-d'l i ' . . t eir '
order , andtbti c.clc'-na is- '
trfct with the ate e e/c3plr , r.sne : Jens J
ons dtle .tatote TOifch Li.a
tea ot cr s - - ala j
JlG ir Ea r 1 a ih UjrLi tha .
oaEV/- ' , . - d'A n-ta'J.ri s : , ra'aso '
_ s _ > 23'an ' . "is.t _
tia .D r3 ; o _ g-t -j
m j ( m . . nE t * 3 Jj."fil KtU. ni2rJ )
f > m oi "Li , iiz
ed W..J2 hi saj.
Gee. L'- - tpp-s.-irgis adsleg te
typ % fr . j"c s.n ccini y , d.l i-
er j. at- _ < 'nfa ot cf c _ fl-/c2
; ha t.- p r.vy o zi.ias. Is w2
EC - iid sh . p 1. & e ay rs ga
wic nt'a 7 * > , „ . . , c rrs3 al : s-d by ,
Lo d .hat a eoa t fy tl S '
ojgttt L3 < z ni d In t o da2fi
ti n. .o gJ r ili d t-rt rapre :
re t > iivai tf c e : ? d tc'is . ad !
agrrtdof..n a ci . : l orcdi'.eaio ttra
t mpa yez3.ii i n vf a ci e * ga a
fo * " a r a d ihj v taoathia
qution h d baeu h c iui ,
's hi c a r-aT r f tha F e 1 -1 ,
dela : "cn ' - ' . ' r.ffper , cla u. i .he
P'\il fa cf ha 2 r , bui ; 5. i of .csi- '
tiou < a o j g a d ra f i' ; d to ti
h - r3 , ct mm . ii s s * . . en a dirie-
g ia fr. tn A a Ci n y --H ct d
! fj.ou B n-t , : L' . ; " , -il g txt Ha
'i.t adelsr-t * it m'j co ' , vh cad
claimed , ha pr.v.le j. f tdcircss 2 % i a
retpo .ded , ' 'I daa ra io tay
the con.enuon in r..iiAeto the
gentleman that I don't kn > w w .o
eajs tha cvurt ( * / was ext- . -
dad to ma witbr.u ; ry havfnz tbo
rig t to speak I wa : to sty , siit , I ncvor e.jjytd ia ity
life. I am on the floor with my cre
dentials. ' [ Applause. ]
Jonea said , "I , toj , am on
chij ficcr ES crp.mcn cf y del-iga-
Jc-'gB 3hlljr , o : 3ccn3 , moved to
ftcjj-r ti a o'cl c"r. vrhio brjj.q-i
3-nat r Lo in t.aii to his feet
* * t * i"
vo-Id vlt 4drv I vrcu'.d like zc pra-1
Tro rcs"i = tvr : was as f ibv/c :
Ees3' e t I1 ! t a'co a ' ng d.ci3-
ga iorj to t i' J .T Lt o * h lip'sdge
thera---l7:3 to f a epb tn , : bie Ly iao .
ce isi " if tie c ny > nti3 : > rjlatic 1
to such c rtf-st ss c ndiiicu pro-j
c eni t , c-.v'ng iir -1 i s to cetta I
In tbs convent..n con dssd. j
Afier tie r-jswuJoa va read Sc-2-
rtpao.3 to iho cLee ! ; io 77ho hid j
rab'bid fgiiraihizi ci-d to d = Tend Lis
wbich h.3 had ev r tr.S , a" > a iioy had j
co : c--:7Infc's'ifc. red tver foil3 ! 1
t ca'l rr 1'tDlr.-.OT7 trho tbs repre- ,
n jcn'y'-T ! ' meni . 7 tii the c Jy i
J per : -cvtno. ' ZTa _ p.d " o rsa ct.1 : !
'vo'dj ' ir roai b"a s-vi aw f r' '
, saw pr. p s . Jud-j ? 1 cr .rdJe 1'
CT > cr. h'a m ti n ; o ; c joz.2. C'ao
3"-i rs d t't -.lliidb .n c-Il.d '
w cv st3 Tn * * * s co * r" * * 3 c n *
S2TE2rmsi " 1 * * " ,5 G " ilO * ll'-'d O *
rsp rt cf tie c - i t e en c-ed--
th , s. 'Ihs mo -1 sdjou TT-'S i -
su d uo r-t1 rhsdocth rcrsa
: but f o ; at It. Tin o'io wr.i 1-st by
A v * 3 o'C-i * to S Oj-Trb-'ch c'sa-iy i
I aieitjd tso etra'gth cf ths cpp.a'rg
j faotiorr , phoTnjg tbo Grsni nea "na :
Sund'ed in sj ribv. Lc in'n rssii i
luticn wai thsasLdopt d by a vvi ! vcco
I vote end tha ccnve tie adjo-rsed ;
i So 5 p. rs.
1 Tie cosjnictca en cr = 5o"iio ! hsd a
Irg stcgl3 with ibo Co k co ciy
s l : . A rrajsricy favored alls-iz
Gi G end t"3 .
tV' : = a n 3 crpofi < : on -
blei at o o'clock tasy * : e n- ; rdy >
'orapcit a d tbo cs v3 t.on r'd-
jou-ed ur'K 8 o'o'ooli.
A2OU7.iS 7IZL 730AY. i
Tbe c5r.Tnrs r e-bed rt 8
cpa.-l"ai r p rt fro't e corzriteo !
on cr ifnt als , giig i hst f ds -l
g t" < : e : ei frota . . . .oun ies PXS p :
Ger.nni ' -c' ' > , ii t-e T co t 3
3 rsporisd fnd fcr hir ti-scrs
- ' -c b ) cc c _ : t.- , t d - . 3 o'o j
vnio1 J32ci u til fo-isj ob Os
c'cl.ckm. .
licaa Ccavostioa.
t2ai ! d S3 . : : a t > Tea 3 s.
T. PAUZ. , May 19 , 4 p. ra. Win-
l3rn coavjitia-1 , vh33 is's'.s t.-dey ,
azd s'c rc an ir.ctuc e5. delga oa to
Ohc'uO. 3 > -o area rave fsr 'jt
- v-j ar-e " ' , CUt v-ff-'U1 ; ecrcES.
Tm pr-3Jetcd d la at a w"l bj uc-
irienc' ' o . es , &t r froui Lla'ae.
* ? ' -u can jo c " n nt d ' 'git's * j
' R uc-eS Lr Se a r W dm A
* * ir t f ta r : < a o t ra i > B f. 1,3 tl.c
'ico d oat c" ; ba1 * fail d. Tin * .nen n.oti a y.
C ia Hcpab.ican Convsn'.ios.
'a cc uver.ti n a-a-l- torr\ra
thj O5o-a3i * a o rt 7 o'c"ocv list OVL-
- fi y - * * r- - 'fcj , cLalrm n of she
cat c .ii.ra CjUiinicico. G. T7. C l
Jrs w-o rr.atlo teorporaTy cairrn r ,
c d J. D. Eva * , A. D. Brsinard snl
A. U. Cady , tamporary car tarlc3.
i. corrm'.ttco o' 13 on crdiarisa !
vi- cpoiu.od ? ti .Yjcaier of ) oug-
1 > s c antaT era i:2n , c'isposei of
ni1 1 1nj coc. ad fouGr.rit maa.
Cora .t r.jlioas end
: ei on r. - . - per-
ni'iio t crg&niza on TToro B .M ap- ! ;
pcin'cd. ;
To car-n't-seo on c.-alentisb wts \
cue two hocrr , * durlr.g wLicb tina |
by Eoverilgan-
jn.7haa t .o c.mciiaea came j
i th-y rcpt rtt.1 ! 1 * _ o co u
sxocp Dakois , w ia
h-juisrs f.ota Gage , Iucho2r ! , cr.d
H'i-ca 03i.niie3. A Icsi vota was j
t\i at a ho Gajo couniy calea. . -s ,
rcic.iLis * i t j j.undr.d and f y-
1-ut for Jia ! 21i.n. a c o iudro . .
p ido. hfc 5-1 tea fo'aa Grauhniii , '
It Ttas voci io iJmi ; r. delegation ,
from Sijux coaa.y.
L"U.svi .2I , _ cy 20 , lan : . The
Te tEer con.Iiuej bi'uiful trd the
s.iond d.-.v .f * co rrc a ? a ? raaiktd
b7 a largo a-tr.d noa , a a tr ck
and sclcndid rpo.i S'j.a S si evaai
y.-s f rt'a Akrandor Elakes fcr-wo
y . 'cli colts , hslf-rttla d-ib , wi.hC.2
s f'sia. ' 'Hiio , " vriio vas tha -
f riti B-i 0 s itt tlo'jfeli , v/oa ;
ii e , tX ) as td ; .
The a'jc rd svenb via * ' o Lo 'svillt
HIici' ttakb f'-r d 11
- two ear c o ;
dssh ci oao-hr f ni-Je , Iu l nccnirg
to the p s5 , "lir m ai-t.s. " the ? : cord -
ord chtiea , "aro n. er t9 s rLgSrat
rn * , ? v n-js > , ' 'a 50 sescnd - .
ra for rli ; a , mL ! .5att ,
; th' ir > t c.rt * n l:4C-j In lLa cecoid
heat "il ,7i3 May" LurrrS'd ovtry-
to 'y ty o ru 3 u _ J r iha tiring In
l : u . AnI nrio taj c-rtirf.d the
I ttir iiai ind t o . 23 Ia. 1:49 : .
! .
Sit- ' I-.J
y aD. . ? . , May 20-1 a n.
B.6 ' - err"oiil
, ; ' repub'icazerr" conven-
'tiron'hold hare je te ay Georg3V. .
I J7 * " , Ch i.-mT P rtWsrsn , , cf
i U.adwood , sr.d T. 3/cC - > y , of Spri-g-
-fs'i , Trara ch-.en de"i aaiea to t'ne
Chicago ccrva'-tios. They era un-
-'s'S o 1 to to an.i-ihi'd-tsrm and
f-vor 3ai-.e. !
E = llra d C&UUioa.
EpS'U1 Zi j eh .3 tis 2 c.
Kisrvin. } ! , H 7 20 I a. ra A
e h an.- . .eiltrii a sh Taih-
7il a ( v a rga r M al co i Ud
nsar Ant-o"h. r Ii o'c ork Isst n'ght ,
da gn t. tta > ? til .t'y. Uoa-
duct. r J W. G : itial , nc sirgo cf
h ? t-p -i 1. ju c . fi > vu lrn ,
rr.ceivi g 5 nj ri irfiiich he diid
at 2 o''c h mo . i - .
' Joe Jotirutc 's BJg1 haie.
Sp < c" l Dca . .a to Bee.
' NAsnviLL7 , i" ' 20 Ii m Ger.
j Joj p .n Jrst nh'd a rjcerden
in t1 > rallcf r. rcsc trtvea ai te
capitol this mcrnini , tud aac
with flrty ibousana persons. Jak-
Bon'e siatua will be unveiled at noon
to-morrow ,
Liberal Bequests of a Ml- ;
Monaris to Charitable In- j
Another Band of Fropsctors
Killed by indicns" near the ] j
i3 City
On tie "Wer-F&ti.
Spesil dispatch to Ths Isse. j
Tbc3c : , " , Arizes , Slay 19 4 p. m. . 1
l iorspacicra wcro killsd and
leveral incra rcpcr'cd kil'od ' by In-
I d.a"a r.z ? Canp Grar.t , cisty nilsa
ncrti o ! th's n'at ? . A largo bnd cf 1
h ° s.ila lsi S-n Carlca on tha rcr-
pa' , ardssl lra crd raincra rro rar- '
if ly rcoii'g to tbis city.
Usvr Ycnx , Mry 19 4 p. ra. 3y
J order cf Seorstary Srermaa tbo usht-
| cut tr asrsr wiil purchaaa § 3OCOOCO
j wcrth cf TJritjd States borda f.r the
Bsqucsts cf Jcsspii Ssligman.
Special dljp-.t-h to "Tka Eea ,
K vr Yoss , May 19 4 p. EC.
ThoTrib r.a. siys : Jcssph Seligrnan'a
bsquect for charitable purposes ia
characterized by the liberality szd
[ talerana-j whica ho displayed during
! ' hs lifjtizo. Ha gives C5CCO to
Sccisty for Stnicil Collars , cf T7hicli
io WES president , and S25.CCO to bo
distributed by his ezjcutora anorg
! suia oh'riicblo , bsnavolsni and edu-
j catioErJ insii'sticns ea they shall
icink bes1 , "without rsgsrd to creed ,
t rCD , or r ligicn. "
[ SaSota Crop Frcapeits.
j Special dispatch toTia TKE.
i FACGO , Bikota , May 19 4 p. ra.
! Tr.s cr p propota wora cevsr bitter.
[ W > 2" t ii twenty per cent , hotter this
i ; h"3 lart yaa ? nt tha s'mo da'e. Yield
; f wheat tributary to tbo Northern j
? acirc I iat year was six million bushj j
o's. lh-3 ecrcsge a-d prospects for'
ISSOindicats ten million.
Soranton Kulnrd. '
CHICAGO , May 19 4 p. m. The
Jou v l'i Now York sicctQl aijs : A
: l'B 'i3h frrin Cera-ton , PP. , s-yi con-
te a i-n c 'sia in the mndscf many
ra ? Jsj of 'ho Fif h vrarJ in ca'ise-
qia co cf a disastrous cave ia cf the
G.T'rd ttc. .
T ii caili'ry wr.a nfcaadonsd ST o' '
y ari cco ; e-d rss ntly the groandu
cryi. g Sirantjn avenue r.pd Jaf
s n st-sct ? e'aa to eott'o in an clirui-
iagsn T-rer. Laifc niijht acvrl s O7 i1
wara thrown from their found .tionr ,
a. d t'lowAi's Cllcd withhrga Cssrr.s.
Hu es thook wilh nuch i l r.ce
th-.i J' o forward portions ere raised
nea ly f nr feat. Hu o af s arc si 2
in the E tracts and tha * on the and Blooissbury railroad
a-a alnliing. Gardocs wcro
hp-'ilsd tnJ wells destroyed. Pecpla
cro eniovin frcra the diatrlct coon as
pocsi'jle. Lloro alarming rssults aio
3'j ; ; . . . j-i to 7h3 Zsc.
LOUI3VILL2 , Zy , I.r V 0 , 1 C. 13.
A - - Tha Ccni
c-rr-tpojdent c 5rcral
i -n C i : bg , this tlat- , \ rises th t
! 51 bard if .oty r.-.ul t isroointo
it3 t vn 01 S'oJay d : o a d
I 'Scui-a I rs w't wai h ii for ' ; t-
1 1 7y. . T3 rs _ ht rj p-ere taitao
, ejcaoo , I thj c hirprl.j-o a. J
C o C'Vo77"vv Ir.
Cisc Ti" n , L-av C j 1 a. ra. 7.o
co a in t ' Ii g r : i : h ai ID p.
, ra. ( r.d tf tia 4Sth7) ) wai : Sri ivan i-
van , 244 ; H lies , 7 ; Cbv , 2.1 ;
. Ch = : terL ± i 233 ; Tin * , iS9 ; ; 0'3.-Ie-i ,
; Ii zrld , ItJ ; Trinia2 , 260 ;
- , 2M ; Z..h = s , 118.
A Wcrzcii ct Jia 3crtcm ct It.
J Special dir iii tea SJ.
i SALZIGH , IT. C , Kay C 1 a. EU
j Jn . Joiej , whc33 t , id lnd 1-rt h'm
'y = teJsT , foil woJ hsf .tish' ' i .f
i Wll rr J 3ntn : , r.itd , atmod wth pi-
l tel rm lrr.i" ? , or _ . : o2 her..O2 injot.
iE-y t w n : c : * i ns ; ! , ard bra to
. Jjc o' hs d * i ha-OD. Ho died at
? A m
Oongrassional BDsrbons Entirely
Overlook Tilflcn'a Candidacy ,
And Entirely Ignore Him irr
Fixing a Programme for
the Convention.
But tha Skeleton in tha Closet
"wi'l Cnptrrj ths Persiin-
mon , al tha Same.
TheSoa.bon Plan.
Spcc'al'Ijatch to Iho r > e.
WismxoTw.Llry 19 4 p. m. In
n iitthovarSO dnyj more tre dane
cra i3 ccivent'rn v > ll m'et at Ci-cir-
nati , a whib tha rspublican qurrl
orgag s pu'o'ic at'-nHon eo en 'rely
thn.i t * eir cj p-nenti rre a'm-st for-
g'i'ofca d-m c rla crj n > t idle.
Thcro hava betn constant iuforznsl
' c-nvre.ces hero biiwaca thceis fr ,
w 3 frn snd southern mcr , ard tcv-
eal c nc'usio s teai to Lo ffri.Jy w&ll
1 ejtab'is EJ oni 01 lhca inlerc * argcs
, of opckr.
; Pi-i 'ihe w ; trn ard foa'.hera rcr n
| rgr.e t si th-3 c-rdl&atT cujit tob cn
e-s'on n'aa.
Srcord. Ihoy fav > r c'-hcrSsymcrr
ii ha will tciepr , cr B'ycrd , f rwioca
it ia understood M-s'.a-hsso't * wi'l
a k. Senator Randolph , of New Jer
sey , is regarded by a good znsny west-
r * -
sn snd a .u - m - ai x ; rsn ti
3a7cr5 , : ! h > ! a ur i ud r. : crrry.
Jni e Gburci wail'Vltr. . , rf
c-d hia ruin
Th r5. I : s t'ksn f. > 7 grin
TJi-awil.n tbacdid t- .
? oa-.h. Am"il--ry cvdi a e
-ireh. An fEs'ern m-.n for tha
hasd cf tha ti"k = t szpp-rcc a wei7n
rn lDrse3z3 plco , " . d thjra r. e
very gciie-al f-eli-g .ht IPrrisy. : cf
rin-i. , wculi bo ths bo-i Man for
tin p'aco. Ho hbe.n a ci "s oat
rnd jnSirching brrl c" fy dssro-
c-ai. Ha rarvv'd w' h hrnor ia t.o
crnjy ard Ira h v.rpop . ! -r in to :
eti'c , pjiirriacfa " 3 ona of t - 3 s'alcs
wh'ob , if tbe ex preside t h rcmi-
iiilad , the de ocraav ll hone to
C :
' '
J ? .
Ira" : : , t"c dcmccrcta ara net c uir-
rcllrg men ; .hcmsrlvss , end they ECO
c'oir'y tht to & - eeirry rrrst ncn-
! i & .o a t'sha ; wIo\ 1 sa-u-e Dt onsa
' and wii-r-.i r-gu-o t t"ia cad"ca
j of tha beri eeni'ms-'t o ! * " - c-rnt-y.
i " 7. " * - f * t7- . - * . -4r - * { > - . v1 . ? . * J - M * b : 7r v .
.all ch tl-nll f sar * the tr rorb cf
thca vpsbls ns w'o co ret vrcst to
vo-3 > r tha f x ra tut , " irid awpsS
orn c CT ocr1 T TI roo'raspcKr ; ted -
d y , " ? -d mo ? ' cf tha reopla ara
. * d - " " "
fg.5 = up-n t""rs.
1t 1
t -J
I T : Sri-ii&lKi foI. " . ; " 0 * ' ,
1 1 I' $ . rL - . 't CC . " " , ' ! - - . ufie
Aug st ; K.- . . , - . ) .U ;
si - n
to-si :
C Go ' r. r-d igh r :
! R. - - ? p.- ; l > o 2 C-J : r cs or
! la ; ff a S ' 't.a e.
1 "a e ? . C , 78c.
P T-- -dyl r ; f" ISC 5
h.'o c h C197 f r T n ; $1 C7i
L0 S ; f r J ; \1J t fo Au u t"
; - - . ra - - , - 57 VM37A ; i.'J7-- -a ; Jj 7 072 *
, u , G5 o A : u- .
i T - -1 ts . . s..lca.c"y tctle
V/vi : / : f : ay ; n cri
! : un , S.J/i-fo. . , .
< " - - : : ; $ - " - ; : jc-7Juc. :
, "J r u Pig fc-
t r v a. ,
2" " " . t .
Ptrk 310 30 fcr Jaae ; ? 10 42 f.r
L rd-C6 77i"or Ju ; 6 82i for
.7u .
ul Lea She t r bs , § o 25 l t
Ju .
c - T - -j
ST. Lou , Kiy 19.
Hoes As "v-i T. 1 IOTYvrli'ia
to J tine s , Ci IG15 ; ta ki , ,
34 Ivi 15 ; . \y r i Ing , gi20
Qi 25 ; r g i. avy , Q3 75G4 C J. Ee-
i teint , D , G J . . .
j CATIL ; : Z ; raa2'lit:73C-dizj3ly
gc- . ; H d c. tj L'lfj
; sb ers , C-i iX4 75 ; ( rs d v > c ir ,
i 5 ; - r.y L . ia , : > 1C34 20 ; .ight
to ' dira , C ; 6-.S3. 0 : ows r. \
hef . , f7cC'3 5J ; . d , C3 7C3
rs ? - t j f . u h - H.-
.C.O , t i.- . ' , CCJ.
c IC-WG . - ? . : . *
j. G-ciao , jJ y 19.
j ChZro7r.'J real s Te.iisn
\ - - . rtji _ < fjll > .ic :
) -ivg -t cp s , 7CCJ e.d ; fair'y
' cdlvj } rni pr'c j u c y ;
. iriz icc.n' . git v > 4 i ; far to
' rcoiL ix-JC-i OS-l < jc"c ceh av/ ,
; iicld . g I\.idol - , Oi 25:1-1 : 50 ;
1 ga 3 Si 0si S5f m.iJy at 5-1 3C3
4 So.
Ct. . i ; i - , 4.C,1) ) us"- ; m-r-
'bct ' a ih'dj fi a r , oil r. "ch cloer-
r ra ra o - t''i C. 1 3-1 i,0 f / con's. E
ish-p'-Kt. . e.o r ; co s , 32 21 j3 50 ;
; r - f r3j C131 3 ; T e t r t c11 j ,
f3 73's4 J ; ta.-o ? , 0-i..g575 ; cxen ,
153 33 75 ; tt ck-rr , ciEcscoa t
cas-c , $3 L : S3 6 , ; i si-.s , carse
qu.'t , f32 Si 23.
Sh = . ? . : ptj , GrO h.d ; mcr-
ka ; B j ! . : th rs-o'tcl ' "in ; cm-
iiicn clp oi d.'L at § 3 7c < 24 25 ;
jp'oito c oc\ \iE J3 23 ; wotl.d ,
co1 , a : C'5 o.@j C ? .
> _
" r a 3l.ady ; op.'i s lowe :
n cedi ad ; _ L 1 ? / .wa'-i'-c
ta : , ? i:6lii - ' -o , eil-1
% o. - ' d , U r2 ; L..y , Jl 19 ; . .u- .
SI < J ; , cl , Ci 5 ; _ o. 3 U"wa-
taGl * ; _ - o.I , 2f > ; - ; c1 - , 78- .
* Co j-Ii CT id = - . Jro 2,33r
& tj S ! rtr a.d ea-r-a ; I o. 2j
31s. '
By S" rni - - " : K 2C7 ? .
iaey t-s ; * - 2 , " 1 , 7Ci
ss JLO.II , r - - '
Fr. 3 > a , Lwy 29.
Whe t L-w - ; i ? ' . 2 r id ,
811 1 : j- - o a ;
' ,1 ; 9Iis for - ' gust ; 9.c tot fh <
rs- ; " .3d , 81 , 3
Tor i h r ; 3&TS59 , : = r ' ' "r-
i Ss/rfS i 'o g it
j "W s _ ig" r ; 2j caib ; SZ c is :
-'f i S'o I5 % ' . 89j.
B .l y l"o. k t.
Wi .7 aC1C7. .
Pfr.-t ' : ; j.b ' . , CIO 50.
' Dry'falt * " e-t -ronin 1.
" I ? .
VT 'a1 L'Tor ? rig 3 r-ri
SI 11 ; N' . 3' : , § 1 1C5T112 ; I.o. !
acrirg , SlS' lxi ; ungrAd ro
81 2 < il 3ii ; l o. 2 r- , < 1 32 1 S2J
ungraded smler , § 1 29(31 ( 31 No. !
amber , $1 31@1 31 ; ungtaiecj whitt
Si 2Tl _ 3i ; No. 3 do , § i 25 ; Xo. 1
d :
I'ATS TTtai ; r : r-1 ve tarn -33 !
4cH vh - ; st < n.55' S'"c. '
Eg Steaiy ti IClIU f ? .
> or 17nl ; 1 i maw , § 10 70 ; new
me-s , S'l 121 111:0. :
ii ef QjiT. . u' . .a T.
Cut ire s , Z ull , 1. ug deer mift-
rl-s. SG ST. . ; ; orc clear niiddV' ,
S7 CGjj.
L-ei C.'r near ; priijo etesm ,
$7 i7i.
Buficr Quie ; acd uachsn cd.
Cheer- Quiet fa : t s'jady Ht 10 < tJ
Vi'hff' y Xo. "nai si § i 129115.
< buv Gocds cf ma at Ursh.-a si Q
I _ " * Jfc-
ew Prlcas es
A i/i"iG3 &Ll *
Hi e5" " lam- Job Tot O-
tan 10e Tor wih
* a q K > e : * . 'A 4
* a o . a1" f -t .
aich o- . tl
! i u * ' '
'V < . M ? | > % r murcm J la
9 bollls
07X9 !
cu ; - ' "f'I
'JtSTK. li > , S < 'c yJ
UFS , Si , V 3 . in * - . ab L i ! i
IIirjeFrBft- wr. . et 7Wk , Jc.
- 3cipi al ICc 2 (1ZJB k d upvardt. iiiae-
* i iee S- - * - . tl
c < h. ilopT t - , jSs. 'xc Qf 9 ,
ac. Com 1.1 Hi , S ir p u d- Laundry
at cli.exiraq'- t cj- -eoail eStron.
I 'Jrwsa ad t .Oi per p ' < .
. ' tt'j-e ' - * -tH
I 'UIj-v an-1 -If c'-v- -
| Sc rra , 15 N . i 25c I' d K'O -
j o"epc'U. ( . o.i _ .ejKth t.u 'Ic FjS L tu it
BUtku- & Eaj'd EartRm tt 5 ? l'cr IMC
l er 5 Ii tl f ou Cut ai UOs par l ujd vs :
II ! sin cjo > .09cp
Watcil b U'c C' iar fir Sc U . . ' : f. < ! ti uj
' ST'O qaaT 'y i. ? -iH tt "Cc f r Rlon ! ,
, fiWer' g. L' i 'i AooiJ at bot-
t pi jss. IK E _ i UI7 , cxinquality at
o" juji afjica * a x
Te h * } * Kd the Jolloirfae KO < XB to ottr
, w.--h ws ; rjpcao to 'ca chrtip.
VT ii c uitx.
iri Jun. Glnytr ,
Ltutlumwi ,
Jluri , Uq'io-x-5 rroj * .
Ac j iccn -trcnAben sg Clo trl
lare * V,1 e ,
7/hltin ,
a . 'ft. Cm. * . Bone ,
3 . ed ,
t r-- C aiphorasd TjrE > tv <
And aa irine sa Variety oi
Other Goofs tso Siumer-
OLS to msjticn ,
wliiah 772 plsiiyo ounelvts to sell
cfie > > pcr ifeu other /oiJera. Don't
I'vrji't It , tad yvd ka a . ! ] . Esam-
ine gui nd cjwp&rn prices. Spoo-
iai races to pan:6a bcyicg ta sell
a : n. Orders froia the country
cllad. Prisss guaraso > d and Bout
C. 0. D.
IIS North Fiztoaaih , itdjoialnji L.
B. Wii.-ums J : Eoa , Dry Ocoda Store ,
Crri-ia , Heb.
L' . G. CIIT57T 00.
Uaj Just iccsivcJ a Jot oZ 8f7i3 ? treed * . Tea
re in\l. l to all tnJ $ t prices , hch ! ba
carantafi tha Icwcst in tha e IT
ml * " * 122.5 -.N'FA"J STREET.
Cheyenne , "vTyo inj.
Frsl-cl-s ? , Flno U-pe S cinle toxsz. tmo
. 11 ck f.osi depot nui8t froai2J minote *
ti 2 boars 'or cinrer Tree Ifc.i toand frora
ITep..i. U-tH 82CO < 2B3 6 = a S3.03 , aoeording
ta icozi ; c B le meo. 75 can s.
A. ! > . 5AL"O ' , Profrielor.
ANDKE'W COR 3 - . C 'ef ' 1 rk. mlO-t
ATIJ sE'scn.T" 3 rr A
Competent JSew York Tuner.
r a i - -era.nxl 1 r * n' 'rl. Crer ! kft !
" > * ' vi."JH T7t22S
? 2 J = ' - i goc.1 aKpr iitnt ti
Ai ] j S OES
At a LOVES FKUaS thsa t
f * any oSir alee bo-aa ia tin air.
rjjerv' rr re wn
" . : I E ,
yrs-fi twlJt MeaU o ti' * ' ! 'J consUat
on baitfl , - oori rearoo Me Ve Id ia * e
en. ? PO < { delivewil to aar P1 -
] ; , r p
u i - GJ Ji v. v > - -
J n < t , L < t. SLami ISA * , 't.
diJ-ffied TCI-w T's ar of
Frt < pal.ty any
Machine \Vorks ,
T-acj" t tir.iyagti cjrviztcd tnJ roirplet |
a > .
' 0' < ' - indFoaiKlr7lntte
tao rt ersry dsmpU't - i ta * sr- .
= ia JCO zri 1
t'uttins , clc.
Haniforncv Uachinery Ceadunlcal Dnssht
f , Kodels , etc , neatly i cuted.
8t , , Pe 14t ftEd