Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNiNG EDITION. Price Five Cents
I " * -
* & * " *
Another w Great Railroa
Scheme Started in
Congress. * "
Q"1 * 0 v-
ABilFIntrodaced 'to Oiiarter
Line from Green Eiver to
" ' Puget Sound.
The Pension CJefficiency Aj
propriation Considered
in * the House/ *
JL ,
Thejseiiate Vreatlea witlf tt
* - '
Kellogg Case ancTBay-
f ard's Bill. _ > -
Special Dispatch to TIM OKK.
WASHINGTON , May 18 10 a. m.-
Sonatbr Slater introduced a bill t
day to kllow to'al'o.v tbo Occident
and Oriental la'lway and ateamshi
company to construct a railroad'
telegraph'lifu westward from Gree
River station , on the Union Pacif
railroad" , via Black's Pork to Be <
river , Soda Springs , Fort Hall , Cam :
Prairie-and Baker City , over the Bin
mounlaiuVto Walla. Walla , Idahc
thence ; over the Columbia ba
sin , through the Yakima valley , eve
Garolitz pasa in the Cascade rnoun
tains along the iiorth Lank * of th
Ueuquarally river to Steilacooii Cit ;
on Puget sound , Washington terri
tory. The roadjs'lo be completed * ! :
six year * , and tha company is to b
permitted tq issue not more than $25 ,
000,000 of bond- > , leaving three pu
cent interest , payable in 50 years , tc
bo indorsel by the Unitnd States gov
ernment , to bo secured by first mart
gage on all the company's property.
t * Kefa SuccosEor.
Special Dbuatch to The Bee. _ .
WASHINGTON , May 18 4 p. m. At
the cabinet meeting the president announced
nouncod that ho would appoint Horact
Maynard , United Slates mioistor al
Constantinople , to auc6eel Key a :
postinTster general.
A communication regarding Canad
ian Indians crossing the border , de
stroying nil tha garno on the Ame'ricau
aide , waa'iead , but no conclusion was
reached as to measures to prevent a
finrrUl dumtcli to The Bee.
WAsntKQTos , May 18. 4 p. m.
"Errors in the phraseology of the house
adjournment resolution have been dis
covered , which may make necessary
its return to the house and thus reopen
the whole question there.
Iho nomination ot poatmasterGene.
Key to bo United States judge and of
Horace Mayp.ird to succeed him will
be sent to the ccnato in n few days.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , May 18 , 4 p. m.
The house bill to establish an away
office in St. Louis , wai reported and
referred toftho committee of the
The.pension appropriation bill was
roported'back. It contains an addi
tional clause appropriating $0,000 to
enable the secretary of the treas
ury to send steamer * to the relief of
officers and crews of whalers impris
oned in the Arctic ocean.
The bill was considered in the house
as in committee of the whole. It was
agreed that when the bill was disposot
measure 'would be reported
of a separate
ported , construing the act placing col
ored persons who enlisted in the : irm ]
on the same footing as other soldier :
as to bounty and pension , so as to ex
tend its provisions to the heirs of sue !
soldiers in their claims for military aer
vice. The bill was passed.
McLean said he found a publishcc
letter addressed to him and to Ellis
as members of the committee on Paci
fie railroads , by J. A. George , charg
ing certain bribery and corruptioi
upon congress which had passed thi
Tens' Pacific bill. That letter hai
gene to the nowapapara without thi
knowledge of the committee. Thi
letter will bo submitted to the committee
mitteo next meeting.
The senate amendments to the post
office appropriation bills were referrei
to i he appropriation commitee
The house wont into committee o
the whole on the bill making an sp
I * ' propriatton for the support of the agii
cu'tural department The bill appro
priates § 213,000. which is $130,00' '
Icsi than the estimate.
Mr. Aiken spoke of the important
of this department In the course o
his remarks ho s'ated that tariff legis
lation of the country discriminate
against agricultural interests.
Mr. Kclley denied this , and insists
that the tariff bill was of especial ad
vantage to the farmer.
The bill was theit considered b
Mr. Young , of Tennessee , offere
an amendment , which was adoptee
providing that the amount approprii
the commi
ted bo at the discretion of
sioner of agriculture and in exper
'for/improving different varietii
men t /
of cotton.
* Mr. Gillette offered aa amendmei
appropriating ? 50,000 , to set up spp ;
iaus for the manufacturing of sugi
at agricultural fairs to demonstrate tl
practicability of making sugar (
corn stalks. Ho said it had been pr
ven that a sufficient amount of sup :
could be extracted from corn stall
after the com had been harvested 1
relizea ] * much money to the aa
as the corn itself. Tha amendmei
was ruled outon a point of order.
Mr. Converse offered an amendmei
appropriating § 20,000 to sink attesia
veils on the plains east of the Rod
mountains , with a view to roclaimii
the lands.
After somediscussion , - < without a
tion on the amendment , the comn
tee rose ft 4:30 p. m. ' and the hoi
teak a recess till 7:30 : p. ra.
The session of house list night v
for the purpose of considering tha I
to organize a court on pensions.
Mr. Farr opposed the.whole schei
because ho did not believe it could
of any avail.
In the course of discussion 5 !
Warner said the pension law at pri
ent constituted a domaifd' for an a
nual appropriation of , $38,000X (
besides this applications were coin !
in at the rate of § 8,000 to SIO.OOC
month. If all appropriations now <
file were allowed , there would ba i
quired an immediate appropriaton
S212,000OOOforfaTearaand pension
The roll would thereafter call for ;
annual appropriation of 81,000,000.
Nearly the whole evening was taki
up with a discussion of second sectii
of the bill which defined the class
ca es that might coma before tl
courf Created by the bill. It was i :
BIS ted on one hand and denied on tl
other that the biil gave such origin
jurisdiction that cases that bad nev
been before the commissioner of pe :
sions might be brought before tl
court and that it therefore opened tl
door to every man who had served
the array'whether he was under dis
bility ornot. The section was amende
to limit jurisdiction to appeals
cases. Without disposing of the 'hi '
the house adjourned. -
Bayard failed to get his bill regula
ing the pay of deputy marshals coi
BJderdd in the senate during the mori
ing hour , became it had1 not bee
printed and laid on the senators desk ;
Conkling took occasion to say thi
Ihere were grave objections to the bi
xnd it could not pass without cimside :
ible discussion.
Senator Bayard gave notice h
ivould call it up later in the day.
Senator Sauhhury spoke at som
enath on the Kellogg case , favorin
Sill's report.
Senator Butler will bo the nea
peaker , and will opposa the attemp
o unseat Kellogg
Senator Butler took the floor on th
Jellogq-SpofTord resolution but allow
id the report to bo laid aside in orde
0 coimder bills on the calendar.
The senate agreed to meet at clcvc :
'clcck daily on an > l after Thursday.
? umors That Courtney , Wh <
is Reported Sick , is
'hat Hanlan May Beat Him Ir
the Great Race To-Day.
> ecia ! dispatch to The Bco.
WASHINGTON , May 19 1 a. m
rom outward indications it is safe to
redact that Courtney is doomed to
anlan. All signi indicate IuV3i
: .it. All prospect predict it and bei
ng is nearly three to one against him
itli few takers at these odds. The
lange in iho general feeling as to the
robability of the race has been aud-
an and decided. Hanlan has beer
10 favorite from the start , but up tc
usterday it has been generally con-
sded that the result wa * doubtful ,
wo events have contributed to btinp
bout a change , the first is the arrival
E a large number of Canadians with
ockets full of money and anxious to
et. They have frightened Courtney'
ettera and bulled Haulan stock until
t nine o'clock last night they wen
Bering 100 to 35 on their favonto.anc
nding occasional takers. An impor.
mteventalio was another mishap t <
ourlney. Ho took a hard pull yes
jrJay morning and was afterward'
jiztd with "violent pains which liatec
im all day. A few held to the belie
lat Courtney was only shaninru/ant
lat it was a trick invented to bpa !
ourtuey stock , but careful Inquirj
iows tluttha headache is both gcnu
10 and pevero. The public g nerjllj
1 inclined to believe that is an cvr
ence that Courtney has not recoverec
wm his sunstroke and is no lougei
Mo to pull a hard race. News of hi :
tidispoaitinn has revived the prodic'
Ion that he would not row and tha
liley would yet have to make u\ \
he race. Courtney himsel
epudiates this idea. "I shall certainl ;
mt in an appearance if I live , am
hall row as fast and an long as I can , '
10'said. . These are outward indica
ions and if there is not some tricker
tehind it all it seems more thanproba
ile that Hanlan must win. He is ii
irime condition which Courtney cer
ainly is not. The race will not I-
tarted until very late in the af ternooi
n order that Courtney may not be af
ected by the sun. If , therefore , hi
icadache should prove to be unim
wrtant and there should be no return
if it , or no other accident should occu
luring the race It will not be a wall )
iver for Hanlan. There has bee :
omo talk that Hanlan intended t
iell out the race and let Courtney win
mt there is no evidence of snchinton
ions and Hanlan denounced the re
jolt as a lie.
The race will bo witnessed by ai
mmense concourse of spectator
irobably larger than has ever befoi
jathered at a boat race in this com
; ry. Theraceissetfor 4:30 o'clock , bi
, t will probably not bo started befoi
5:30 : or Gp. m.
Fostofflce ) Changes
[ n 'Nebraska and Wyoming , durin
the week ending May 15 , ' 1880 , fu
aished by Wm. Van Yleck , of tl
postoffico department , forTnEOstAB
Established Dodge , Dodge count ;
AntonUartosch , postmaster ; Keat
kotoos , Platte county , .Lafayette AJ
derson , postmaster ; Oconto , Cast
county , Patrick O'Brien , postmaste
Name and site changed Stockto
Franklin county , to Bush , and EU ]
Gowdy appointed postmaster.
Postmaster appointed Clario :
Madison county , Tesso E. McElhoe
Established Crazy Woman , Albu
county , John R. Smith , postmastc
The O'Jjearv Walk.
EpccW dispatch to Tui En.
CINCINNATI , May 19 1 a. m. Tl
score in the walking match at 10
m. (35i ( hours walk ) was : Snlliva
181 ; Vint , 170 ; Harriman , 16
Krohne , 151 ; Hughest20& ; O'Srie
176 ; Clew , 197tFif2gerald ; , 16G ; M
gill , 142 ; Chamberlain,178RyanlE ;
? ' . _ _ *
Eussia Drops All War Pr
parations in Europe Be
cause Gladstone is
Friendly ,
And Will Concentrate All H
Forces in a Bitter War
On China.
An American Journalist's C
fer to Bismarck to Write
For His Journal.
Trouble Feared in Hlieim
, France , With Strikers.
> * _ -
Parnell's Parliamentary Pr
gramme Accepted By
Home Rulers.
Special dtepatch to Tbo Bco
VIENNA , May 18 4 p. m. Tl
ministry will resign next week win
the reichsrath ndjonrus and iho pres
dent of the council will reorganize tl
Spedal Dispatch to The lee. !
Co STA TlNo I.I ; , May 18 4 p. E
An Englishman and ttro Ensli (
ladies were attacked by three Musau
man nobles in the suburbs. Grc ,
alarm prevails in the English colon ;
Special Dupatch to The Bee.
LONDON , May 19 1 a. m. Th
effect of the accesion of the Gladstor
ministry to power already begins to I
apparent. Abroad it is well undei
stood that Gladstone is such an at
inirer of Russia and is to thorough !
an her side in every way that he wi
not permit any obstacle to bo throw
in her path by England , consequent !
Ruesin is now moving forward mor
fapidly than formerly in her scheme
jf conquest in the far East. It is r
tortod that she is about to send ni
irmy corpa of 24COO , men to make
lemonstration on the Chinese frontie
ind thus , take the first step in th
: amptign , which , however protractei
t may be , has for its ultimate pur
) osa the pushing of the Russian con
[ uest to the China sea.
Among the various demonstration
t Hyde Park yesterday , was a meet
ng of workingmec to celebrate thi
iberai victory u ? the general election
i > eeial Dispatch to The Bee
i' tie'f'tvTivff.lS. 1 a. m. Changes
ppointment of M. Constance to DO
linister in place of M. Lepire , win
as held this position since March 4th
879 , is officially gazetted , also tin
ppointment of M. Falliers to be sec
utary of the ministry of the interior
post held by M. Lcpira for two year
efora his appointment as minister o
ommerco and agriculture. The politi
al significance of these changes is no
horoughly understood , but the ;
eem to indicate an effort of the gov
rnment to bring skill in the adminis
ration of officers as both of the nev
flicera possess these gratifications.
pccial Dispatch to The Bcc.
PARIS , May 19 1 a. m. A larg
mmber of the strikers at Roubais
vho had returned to work , have agaii
; ono out. Matters look very ssriou
it Bheims , whither M. Constance
ninister of the Interior has gone t
irrango troubles with the workmen.
The Chatterly coal iron cpmpan
lave decidedjto atop work again seer
fho company is understood to hav
: ome to this conclusion partly on a (
icoant of the continued depression i
he price of iron in the United State !
vhichhas already touched _ figures t
nakc the osportation of iron fret
Sngland unprofitable , and partly o
iccountof the unsettled condition caber
abor hero , which may at any tim
Qriog about a strike. At present th
: ompany can much belter afford t
itop for a time until the market chan
; ea than to risk trouble.
The inhabitants of Cabul have bee
known to be dissatisfied since the Bri
lib occupancy of the capital. In cas
it proves Irua it is agreed that En ;
land will have more work to do befoi
: oncludiii2 her conquest of the cout
Special Dispatch to Tuis ORB.
CONSTANTINOPLE , May 19 , 1 a. m.-
The Sultan still hesitates to sign tl
death warrant of the assassin of tl
Russian Colonel , Coinmeroff. Stroi
efforts are making to save him.
Spectil.Ui patch to The Bee.
LONDON , May 19 , 1 a. in Tli
Times' Berlin correspondent asset
that the representative of a leadii
Amercan newspaper has arrived
Berlin and has offered to Prince Bi
marck 130,000 marks yearly for wri
ing a weekly article. Prince Bisman
was intensely amused at the offer b
sent the representative of the entc
prising journal a serious reply decll
TChe Times this morning in its lea
ing article approves of Secreta
Everts" suRcestion that the Fortu
Bay fisherman should settle their d
puted points by mutual agreement a :
sees no insupportable obstacle to su
an amicable'adjustment of the qu
Sped * ! Dispatch to The Bee.
ST. PETERSBURG , May 19,1 a. m.
The great Nihilist trial commem
here to'day.
Special Dispatch to TBB Bis.
DUBLIN , May 19 , 1 a. m. Theme
home rule conference adopted reso
tions virtually accepting Parnell's la
Special Dispatches to The Bee.
ROME , May 19 1 a. m. In I
.Italian . elections , the ministerial pa :
shows a net loss of five seats ,
Chicago Produce.
CHICAGO , May 18 ,
Wheat Fairly active ; No. 1 uns
tledaud hi herrNo.5 , § 115J11 (
closol at § 116foryash ; 8115J ® ! II
closed sellers at SllCt for Ma
5110J@1 11 § , closed at $ l llj t
for June : SI 05g@l OGf , closed
81 OCg bid for July ; No. 3 , 93 < § 9i
No. 2 red winter , § 110@111.
Corn Good demaud and highi
No. 2 and high mixed , 3737 ;
closed at 30 Jc bid for June ; 36j@3Gj
closed at 3u'ic " bid for July ; rejecte
Oats Fairly active , firm and hig
or ; No. 2 , 32c forVcaah ; 312@32j
closed atS32gc for fay ; 30 @ 31J
closed at 3lc bid for June ; 28g29
closed at 29c bid for July.
Rye Firm ; No. 2 , 82c.
Barley No. 2 , 79c.
Pork Quiet but lower ; § 10 40 f
cwh ; § 10 3210 35 for June ; § 104
@ 10 45 for July ; § 10 52i@10 65 f
Lard Fairly active , but lowe
SO 82i@G 85 for cash ; $ G85 for Ma
G 82@3 83 for Juno ; § G 85jsG 87i f
July ; ? G 92 for August.
Bulk Meats Boxed shonldoi
§ 4 25 ; short ribs , ? G 33 ; short'clca
§ G 55.
"Whisky § 1 07.CLOSE.
The markets were quiet and lowe
Wheat-Si 1C for May ; § 110 f
June ; § 1 05 for July ; 93J for A
gust ; 88jc for the year.
Corn 37c for May ; 3Gjc for Jun
3Gic fcr July ; 37c for August.
Oats 32c for May ; 30 c for Jun
28 Jc for July.
Pork $10 15 for June ; § 10 25 f. .
July ; § 10 37i for August.
Lrtrd § G 77A for June ; ? G 85 f <
July ; § G 82 for August.
St. I < oui3 Produce.
ST. Louis , May 18.
Wheat Higher ; No. 2 rei
§ 1 07 for cash ; § 1 OG2 / [ > 1 07gfor Maj
§ 1 02g@l 03g for June ; 93J@93gc fo
July ; 91c for August.
Corn Higher ; 3435Jc for cisl
31c bid for June ; 34 @ 34c for Julj
3435jc for August.
Oats Higher ; lljc cash ; no op
tions.Rye Lower at 88c.
Barley No market.
Whisky Steady nt § 1 07.
Pork Better ; § 10 50 for cash
§ 8 50 for July.
Dry Salt Meats Bacon lower.
1 ard Nominal.
New York Produce.
NEW YORK , May 18.
Wheat Steady ; No. 3spring , § 11 :
@ 113 ; No. 2 Chicago and Milwaukee
81 22@1 23 ; ungraded red , § 12 91 < ;
132 ; No. 2 red , § 132@133 ; un
ijradcd amber , § 132 ; ungraded white
31 24@1 25 ; No. 1 do , § 127 * .
Corn Scarce , | c better ; ungraded
301 < 354o ; No. 3 , 52j@54c ; steamer
53c ; No. 2 , 53@54c.
OATS Heavy ; mixed western , 44e (
15Jc ; white western , 45@50c.
JSircs Dull at lOJOlllc. , , R
lew mess , 511 zuinjix wr uix , ! Uo
Ueef Quiet and unchanged.
Cut meats Dull and unchanged
long clear middles , § G 13 1-1G ; shor
: lear middlep , § 7 00 1-1G.
Lard Heavy ; prime steam , § 7 2oG
@ 7 27i
Butter Firm for choice ; 9l7c.
Cheeao Dull ; 10@12c.
Whisky Nominal at § 112@115.
St. Louis Live Stock.
ST. Louis , May 18.
Cattle easier but not quotably low
er ; supply only moderate and demani '
not urgent ; sales at yesterday's quo
tation ; choice to fancy heavy steers
§ 4 G04 75 ; good to prime , § 4 450
4 55 ; fat pony steeis , 930 to 1000 Ibs.
§ 3 854 10 ; cows and heifira , § 2 7 >
(3350. ( Receipts , 1,500 shipment *
250.Sheep Steady and unchanged ; bus
inees small on account of light supply
fair to fancy wooled , § 4 50@G IB
clipped , S350Q475. Receipts , GOO
shipments , none.
Milwaukee Produce Marmot
Wheat Steady ; opened $ c lowe
and clcecd steady ; No. 1 Milwauke
hard , SI 18 ; No. 1 Milwaukee , § 1 1C
No. 2 do , § 111 ; May , § 11U ; June
§ 1 09J ; July , § 10GJ ; No. 3 ililwavi
kco,93Jc ; No. 4 , 87tsc ; rejected , 75i (
Corn Strong ; No. 2 , 37 c.
Oats Scarce ; No. 2 , 31c.
Rye Strong ; No. 1 , 85c.
Barley Neglected ; No. 2 fall , 70 <
StocK Uarsec
CHICAGO , May 18.
The Drovers' Journal this af * ornoo
reports as follows :
Hoga Receipts , 33,000 head ; quie
price * 5c off ; mixed packing , § 4 00
4 30 ; choice heavy , § 4 454 50 ; goo
mixed , § 4 304 40 ; light , miinl
§ 4 30 ® t 35 ; common to fair400i
420.Cattle Receipts , G,500 head ; slo
and prices 510c lower ; common I
fair shipping , § 4 OC34 45 ; westeri
§ 3 75@4 20 ; cows , S2 003 GO ; bull
§ 2 20@3 10 ; stock era and feeders fire
§ 2 90 for common to gi 20 forchoic
Sheep Receipts , 1,500 head ; ma
ket weaker and slow ; common to fa
shearlings , § 4 00@4 50 ; good to choii
? i 75Q5 50 ; wooled , § G 12 } .
Big Railway Confercnco
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
BALTIMORE , May-19 la. m. Re
ressntafivoa of the four great trui
lines , Yanderbiltj Rutter and Meekc
of the New York Central ; Robei
and Cassell , of the Pennsylvania ra
road ; Jevrett and Blanchard , of t
Erie ; andGarrelt , of the Baltimore
Ohio , met here yesterday to consi
upon the necessities of their sevei
corporations. The meeting was h ;
monious , the conclusion reach
being that there would
no charge for the present in the tai
on east bound freight. As that v
the only change recently mooted ass
ranee is given there will be no mat
ial alteration in the administration
their roads.
Conviction of Baldwin.
Republican Special.
HASTINGS. Neb. , May 18. T
trial of Baldwin terminated
3 o'clock this afternoon. 1
jo.ry were out until 7:30 : , i
turning a verdict of manslaughter
the first count oP the indictme :
Judge Gaslin , promptly passed si
tence , placing the punishment at 1
years hard labor and to pay the c
of prosecution. -v , * *
The Grantiles Determine
to1 Seat the Chicago
, ; , Bolters ,
And Threaten Phisical Fore
if Necessary , to Do it.
of Third Terrorism :
Lively Times at the Comir
r f Convention.
[ " The Illinois Convention.
Bpoclal'Disi-atch to The Boo.
SpKniK/iEtu , El. , May 18 4 p. i
There is every Indication ofa lire
time in the convention to-morrow.
the Grant men have a majority th
threaten to select , by a committee
the convention , forty two delegate
and to instruct them to vo
as a unit for Grant. It IOOKS this a
ternoon aj the regular delegates fro
Cook county will stand n tair show i
admission , though them is no tcl
ing what the bulldozing i
Grantites may accomplish betwot
now and noon to-morrow. Shoul
thojnachinists insist upon the rejectic
of the whole or part of the rcguli
delegation , there will bo trouble an
perhaps two conventions. Waal
burno and Bliine men througl
out the ahito will Btaml b
the regulars from Cook to the extent
it is claimed , of withdrawing with thci
if the outrage of ousting them , is pei
petrated. It is proposed by some t
ask the Grant managers this afternoo :
whether they will consent to admi
the regulars ; and if not tostaita second
end convention of Elaine aud Waal )
burno men in the senate chamber aim
ultaneously with the opening of th
Grantite convention in the house.
The outlook for a peaceful solutioi
of the Cook county difficulty is not a
present promising. The Grantites ar
moving heaven an earth to secure ;
majority. The central committee , o
which the Grantitcsbave .1 majority , a
its meeting this evening will select i
temporary chairman. Some violen
Grantites propose toseathim byphysi
cal force , if necessary. The committei
Dn credentials is evenly divided out
side of Cook county.
jers will bo in the city to-day. Th <
Grant men are now claiming 3GJ
votes ande from Cook county , whict
is 128 more than a majority. It i ;
claimed that when a dispatch fron
Washburno ii read , asking hii friondf
to vote for Grant , the Washburno del
egates will flock to the Grant stan
dard. The opposition do not prosoni
any figures as to their strength in tin
convention , and virtually concsde :
majority to Grant. They have hopes
of overcoming this by superior man
agement with regard to tbeCookcoun <
ty split.
Rumors yesterday were current of i
compromise between Logan and Far
well , leaders of the two factions , bul
it could not bo traced to areliab ! <
source. The Washburno men reseni
the assertion that they are under Far.
well's control. Grant leaders fron
Chicago say that they will have al
least 3G of their delegate } seated. A
meeting of delegates elected by eena
torial districts at the Palmer house
Chicago , was held yesterday , Rebar
Lincoln , president , snd Stephen A
Doug'as , secretary. R. S. Tuthill ad
dressed the meeting , and said that thi
men elected by the Farwcll hall con
vention were boldly and loudly pro
claiming about the streets that the ]
did not propose to submit to the stati
convention unless action was favorabl
to them , or , in other words , they don'
propcse to let the convenfio say wh
and wh
were the prjpsr delegates
were not. We came down hero witl
our case , wo believe it ii a good one
we will lay it baforo the stata conven
tion , and as good republicans wo pro
pose to abide by the result of its desi
sion. Ho believed he spoke the mlm
of all present in taking that ground
and ho knew that it was the positio :
that would win , aud ho therefore ol
fered the following rasolutions , whic
were adopted :
WHEREAS , Thcra w a contest as t
the delegations from several senatoria
districts in Cook county to the atat
convention ; aud ,
WHEREAS , This de-legation , roprc
senting the friends of Gen. Gran
have confidence in the justness of ot
cause , as it will bo made to appear t
the state convention , and oho in tb
sense of right ani disposition ta < J
straightforward justca which wo hi
liovo the state convention will exe
and deciding tl
cs3 : in passing upon
question at issue in the contest fro :
Cook county. Therefore , be it
Resolved , That we will submit 01
cause to the state convention , and ,
1 true and reliable republicans , we wi.
in good faith , abide by its decision.
Special Dispatch to TUB Rt * .
I NEW York , May 19 1 a. m. HUJ
Martine , who was police commissi
sioner , and was conyictzd of misd
meanors on aj technical point of k
was nominated for the <
fico asain yesterday in place ofDeWi
C. Wheeler. The nomination was i
jeced by a vote of 11 to 10. Joel A
Mason was immediately nominal
for the place and the nomination la
on the table. The result indical
Tilden's detire to pet possession of t
police board to check Conkling's abi
t ? to maintain working relations wl
the Tammany party.
The follow ing dispatch is circulate
PORTLAND , Me. , May 17 , 1880.
Hon. R. H. McClellan , Galena J
too unwell to attend to anything , 1
express to my friends my earnest he
that they will support Gen. Grant.
( Signed ) E. B. WASBBURSE ,
" The Blaiao snd Washburne caui
, appointed conference committees w
a view to united action to-day , si
adhering to the decision to dema
admission for the whole 92 delegal
from Chicago.A .
Special Dispatch to the Bee.
SPBINGFIELD , May 19,1 a. m. T
i republican state central committa m
I last night and decided upon Green
Raum for temporary chairman of t
convention. A resolution was al
adopted excluding contested deleg
tions from the iloor of the conventii
till their cases ara decided by i.
committee on credentials.
Holt and -Sntelopo Counties.
Fpeclal Dispatch to The Bcc.
NELIGII , Neb , May 18 Holt cou
ty sends two Blaine and one Gra
delegate. Antelope ia eolid for Blain
Gathering at Columbus.
Spvilal Dispatch to Hie lice.
CoujiMBUs , May 18 10 p. m.-
Ono hundred and twenty-five del
gates tothostaio convention from tl
South 1'latto country arrived to-da
including delogationa from Laucast
county , Pawnee , Gage , Saline , Cl ;
and others. About fifty have alao a
rived from the North Platte coimtr
Some of the delegates are not in fav
of sending federal officers to Chicag
Off for Columbus.
Quito n number of delegates ai
politic ! ins wont out to Columbus c
the mixed train last night to atter
the state convention that meets th
evening. Among others wei
E. Koaewater , editor of Tun BKI
Cowin , Hon. J. M. Thurston , G. " \ \
Thomas , Capt. Wood , Jdlin H. Bui
ler , J. K. Kynor , Judge Hawep , A >
H. H. Llewellyn , C. J. Green , Fran
Walters. Mr , Bartlett , J. S. McCoi
mick , F. B. Lowe , J. T. Grii
fin , li. A. Griffin and Charley Bancki
The Cincinnati Musical Festi
val Auspiciously Opens.
Everything a Success Save thi
Soprano Soloist.
Special dispatch to TUB BBK.
CINCINNATI , May 19. 1 a. m.-
fhe city is filled with strangers to at
end the musical festival and beauti
ill weather shows off the decoration
o excellent advantage. These , thougl
ilaboratc and beautiful in many in
itances , hardly equal previous efforts
3ver seven thousand persons assem
) led to attend the first concert of thi
estival. At the hour for closing thi
leers every seat was filled and prompt
y at 7:30 : Theodora Thomos.the man
.ger , mounted the stage and the festl
al of 1880 was in full blast. Tiu
psninj ; selection was from Bach ,
Adapted by Mr. Thomai , and was in'
roducedjby an organ prcludo , com'
\liss \ Norton , Misa Annie JUoum
Jary , Campanini and Mr. Whitney.
livery member was well sustained , bui
nth all local prestige in iavor of th
oprano soloist , the fact was admitted
in all sides that this important parl
ra ? only fairly , while all others were
dmirably suug. Mozart's symphonj
n C Major cjosed the first part anc
hewed iho magnificent orchestra witl
ino effect. This is the first time ii
he history of the festival that the or
hestra has been equal to the require
aents of the hall. A chorus and !
election from Handel , adapted bj
i"rankon the great org nmade , up the
econdpatt of the concert. Among
he throng of vi itors are many of tht
nest eminent musical men of the couii-
ry , including musical critics of all th (
eading journal- , leading composer !
, nd others.
Base Boll ,
pcclal dispatches to The Eco.
The following games of base bal
rere played May 18th :
BOSIOJ , May 19 1 a. m. Thi
; ame between the Boston and Provl
leoco clubs was postponed on accoun
if rain.
| TROY , May 19 1 a. m. Treys , 10
iVorceators , 1.
BALTIMORE , May 19 1 a. m.
altimorcs , 4 : Nationals , 10.
CHICAGO , May 19 1 a. m. Clove
and ? , G ; Chicagos , 10.
CINCINNATI , May 19 1 a. m.
Buffalo . GCiuc'nnatis ; ' 5.
A Coord ! Murderer
Special Dispatch to The Bco.
MT. STERLING , Ky. , May 19 1 a
D. A colored man and wife by th
name of Oacar live on the Pregcot
'arm , at the levee , five and a hal
miles from here. Oscar hid bccom
jealous of a negro man named Horac
Ketchum , and last night a little afte
dark , on entering the house , founi
Ketchum and lua wife setting up b
the fire. Oscar grabbed a nttttrich
with which he killed his wife almos
instantly and cut Ketchum so that i
is impossible for him to live.
Sanford B. Cliurcn's Funeral.
Special Dispatch to Tnu But
ALBANY , , N. Y. , May 19 1 a. n
The funeral of the late Chief Jui
tico Sanford E. Church was-held yet
terday. Among thosa present woi
delegations from almost every city i
the state. The remains whila lyin
in state were viewed by over 5,0 (
people. The chair used by Jud {
Church in the court of appeals stoc
at the side of the casket , heavi
draped. The funeral services ne :
those of the Episcopal church at
were conducted by Rector Brosuar
Biihop Cox and Rev. C. H. Nicke
son , a former page of the dead juri-
The procesiion was over two miles
A Sheriffs Posse Defied.
Special Dispatch to The Bo.
POINT LIEN , Ky. ? May 19 1 a. i
Deputy Sheriff Garratt , with , ;
armed poBso of men , yesterday ca
i tared a man named Pat Rogers , w !
recently killed Jai. Russell ne
Litchburg , In Girard county. Pa
brother rallied most of the Jatte
friends , who were heavily armt
They demanded the release of Roge
and having the drop on the office
they were compelled to submit. Th
arms were taken from them and cried
riod off.
Special Dispatch to THI Bis.
The following were the moveme :
cf vessels on yesterday , May 19 :
Liverpool Arrived , Bothnia , B
ton. Sailed , City of Brussels , N
The Very Latest Tel
grams , up to p 4. m.
A Number of Indian Ooutra ,
Eeported from Deadwood.
Kearney and his Parly.
Special Dbpatch to The Bee.
SAN FRANCISCO , May 18. Aftei
heated debate the workingman's co
vention , by a vote of 81 to 24 , adoj :
the minority report , intrusting tl
management of the party's affairs
Kearney , as heretofore.
Business Failure.
Special dispatch t The Bee.
BOSTON , May 18. John H. Fost
& Co. , grain commission merchant
have failed , with liabilities of abe
§ 150,000.
Indian Outrages.
Special Dispatch to Tui BBS.
DKADWOOD , May 18. Indians c
tacked a wagon train cnroute to Ne
Mexico near Fort Davis , Texas , ki
ing a man and woman. Eleven otb
persons in the vehicles took to tl
hills and undo tneir escape.
The people of Deadwood and vicii
ity are very indignant because tl
commanding officer at Fort McKii
ney refused to send troops in pursu
of the savages who k'l'cd ' Doffenbaci
the herder.
Defaulter Son'onced.
Special Dispatch to Tim UKB.
BOSTON , May 18 , 4 p. m. Andre
Smith , defaulting town treasurer i
North Andover , was sentenced to si
rears hard Ubor in the state prison.
Planing Mill Burned.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
Pm&BURo , May 18,4 p. m. Blak
& Lacy'a planing mill'and adjoinin
lumber yard burned. Loss eve
Whittaker Case.
Special Dbpatch to The Bee.
WEST POINT , May 18 4 p. m.-
STothing of interest was developed Ii
ho Whittaker investigation to-day.
Fight Ofl.
pcciai Dispatch to The Bee.
EuiBjPa. , March 18 4 p. m. Thi
Joss-Ryan fight is off.
Deadly Chloroform ,
pcciai Dispatch to TUK BIB.
BUFFALO , May 19 1 a. m. Fred
C Turner , while being placed unde :
he influence of chloroform , previoui
o a surgical operation , by Dr. J. F ,
liner , jumped to his feet and expirec
n the presence of ten or twelve at
ending physician B.
Fatal Jump.
londay bctwcenTlocknold and Soutl
Jnion , a crazy man jumped through :
ar window. The breakman caugh
dm with one hand after getting nearly
hroiigh , but could not hold him. Thi
rain was running at good speed , bu
topped and backed up and put him ii
ho baggage car more dead than alive
Ic got on at Cincinnati and wa :
lound for New Orleans. Ho wil
irobably die.
Statibln ? ASray.
poclal Dispatch to The Bee.
MT. VERNON , Ky. , May 19 , l.a. , m
-A difficulty occurred on Saggs creel
t a roll-rolling , between R. N. Town
y and Joseph Bray , brothers-in-law
esulting in the lattersinflictingapain
ul wound , but it is thought not to bi
Strangled to Death ,
peclal dispatch to The Bee.
GREENFIELD , Ind. , May 19 , 4 p. m
-The body of an infant was founi
csterday in a vault In this city wher
t had been thrown. Drs. Marsh am
lawter examined the body and fount
, string tightly tied around its throat
hewing that it bad been strangled t
Icath shortly after its birth. Parent
[ pcciai dispatch to The Bee.
LAFAYETTF , May 19,1 a. m. Chat
Shilling was drowned In the Wid
* Vater , three miles north of here
Thile in swimming , yesterday aftei
icon. The body was recovered lat
Bquelched Fight.
Ipccial Dispatch to The Bee.
BUFFALO , May 19,1 a. m. Goi
ind Ryan leit hero on the 1:30 trai
> f the Lake Shore road yesterday , an
lave gone cast after 'an unauccesjfi
jffortito arrange a 6ght.
Pope's Blesslng-
jpecial dispatches to The Bee.
ST. Louis , May 19,1 a. m. Tl
Glerman Catholic convention met tgai
f csterday morning and transacted bu
itiesa of no general interest. Tl :
following cablegram was received fro
the Pope : "Tho High Pontiff returi
ing thankslovingly ; grants thodesin
apostolic benediction to all societies"
Wo offer a hrst-class white Ian
dried shirt , with an improved rei
forced front , made of Wamsutta mu
lin , 3-ply bosern and cuffs , of 221
linen , at the reduced price of $1.5
The workmanship , fit and style of o
shirts mo placed in competition wi
and shirt Omaha.Voguara
tee entire satisfaction , or will refui
the money. We make to order eve
grade of shirts and underwear , gi
bettor goods for less money than c ;
be got else where. Our fancy import
shirtings are of the choicest patten
In underwear we cannot be nndi
sold.Omaha Shirt Factory , 252Famha
opposite Grand Central Hotel.
C p9eodt
15th and Douglas Strc (
Otr 3,000 residence lot l for tt'e by this f
cy at piiceir anginj from S2i to fiHX > e h , i
located In BTCry part of the dto , and In T
direction from the PostotBce , north. et t , so' '
or west , and Yaryinif m duUnco from i
block to one or two nulei from game. Call t
examine our lists
SeTcral choice lot ; in Griffin & Inaca * 11
tion. cat of convent , between St.iI ry'Bav
ue und Harney ttrcet-t600 to 1SOO.
80 acres just cant of baincks on Sannders !
this Is choice land and will be Soil verjr cti
for c sh in 5,10 or 20 aero lo' g ; now U your tl
to aecuro a bargain.
Choice lot at end of street car tracks on Sa
dent street for S&75.
Choice lot , Fam1i ni and 2Kb ttrceU. OOi
feet for Sl.iCO-will ! i 'de "t.
Cheap lots in Credit F n iir addition , sontl
U. P. depot-4100 to iSOO.
Forty Iota on Park Avenue and GeorziA tn
on road to park , and near head of bt. JIv
avenne. at from 3125 to $300 each. Seven vi
time at eight per cent interest to those who '
put up ctod substantial buildlngf. For fart
particulars apply to.
Q. P. BEMIS. Atrent ,
Fifteenth and Dooglas Street !
A nice lot ou Ilarney and Twenty-first stre <
Two choice lots on SOth. near St. Man's
ue , 50x165 feet each , for $ S50 and { 000.
Two choice lots near 23d and Clark itrrrir
E. V. Smith's addition $300 and * 3SO.
Fifty lots In Shlnn's flrst , second n > t thirl
ilitions forSU 0 to ? COO each.
Lot near 15th nd Hfrce , * .v
2 lots on Ilarnevnear 24'l > St . $ W > 'ih. .
lot on 24th ntar Howard' ! > - . i , Tmi
40 lots In Grand Viewa-1 I'm ' . - t > i ot II
bridge and depot , fr"tn IM $ i ie-u-h-
One acre , 117x370 fi > t , . n 1-ih n'rcet mm
I Poppleton'n new cnilci-cr , fur S2.000 , or
iivijo into ciiy tuul lots a. froui < 350 to f'
Large number of beautiful residence lots , 1
ated in this uew addition on Capitol Hill , 1
ween S4th stieet on the east , 2Gth on.the we :
Jodue street on the north and Famham strt
mtheiouth , formerly oned by C. II Dow
ind more recently known as the Perkins 15 acr <
) nly22Iots have thus far been plattrd 14 i
'arnham and 8 on Douglas street. The e Ii
ire 50 to 56 feet In wldtiandI50lndpth. $1,0
or the choice. 6 years time , at 8 per cent I
ercat ti those who will build good sutotanti
louses thereon. Call and examine plat and P
ull Information at
15th and Douglas Streets.
Oter2CO bourns snd lotsa-o offend for sn
iy this offica They are scattered all orer tl
ity. Any location you de.irc. Prices rarrlt
rom SSOO to $15,000 each.
2 good lots and 2 cheap houses near Jac.Lc
nd 12th streets at a great lacriQce. Here H
real bmaln for coma one. Th property mn
ie sold Iri m < diately. Covers ju t a quarter ol
lock. Call and examine this without any deli
GEO. P. BKMIS , Agent ,
15th and Duuglaa bU.
A desirable lot near Cuming and Saunde
ThVclieapet > t aero lois iniua CUT ui uuuu
re those offend for sale by this agency In Pa :
lace and Lowe's second mid I lion , on Cumin
lurt aud California street ) ; you can make i
listake in picking up these bargains while y <
lave the cnqnco. Tlieee lots are more than equ
ti rizo to 4lull sizetl lity lots or a half block
nd U will be but a very short time before on
Itli part of one of these acre lots will cell for i
nuchas we otter a full acre to day. They a
ocatcd a very short dis'ance west of Cr.ight *
'oliegc. Prices ranging from $150 to $300 p1
.crelot. Call immediately , and don't loee rot
hancc , and get plat and full particulars of
GEO. P. BEMIS. Agent ,
15th and Douglas btrteto.
Nice lot on Sherman Avenue north of Klchol
treet , $1,400.
Half lot on Casa.tctwcen 13th and 14th stree
2 nice lots in Hartman's addition , $400 to fCC
Largo number of acre lota In Giao's addition
forth Omaha , SlzS to $300 each.
Choice corner lot near 22nd and Ciliforr
treets , tl.EOO.
Several good lots in Kelson's addition , $150
' 850 each.
Choice lot In Thorncll's addition , $750.
Several largo lots in Bartlett's addition ,
ods and 2 } acres each. Prices $700 to $3,0
Several choice lots in Reed's flrjt addltlc
1275 to $ S50 each.
Aero lot on Sherman ayennc , (16th strce
nth ot Poppleton's new residence , for $1,11
2 large l ts near 18th and Clark streets , 6
BO feet Corner , $1,200 ; inside , $1,000.
3 large lots on Shermin avenue , ( ICth ( tree
icar Clark Street , $000 each.
22 nice and cheap lot * , very near to the bi
ness part of the dty , located very fewste
louth of the Convent and fit. Mary's aven jo.a
juat south it and adjoining the ground of Jan
tf. Woolworth and WJ. . Council these s
: heap and very desirable , being s- } handy to b1
: nra pan ol cltyto new government depot , n
Krorxs , white lead works , U. P. depot , sto
raids , packing houses , etc Call and get p
ind loll particulars. PfIce SI75 to $350 and e :
terms to those who build.
GEO. P. BEMIS , Agent.
15th and Douglas Sts
3choice residence lots on 24th street , bctffi
Douglas aud Dodge streets$1,100 ; to 11.210 e :
ind long time to tbofe who will build.
2 choice corner lota near 2Uh and Fainb
BtreoU , 65x121 feet , 31,150 and $1,200. and v
cv y terms to purchaser * who wM improve.
Also 4 lota on 21th , between Farnham i
Douglas B'reett$300 to $1,600 each and l <
tlmo.C2T250 ot the beet business I-U In the citi
Omaha for gale , located on every business stn
$500 to $6,000 each.
X2TA190 very valuable store properties In
most every btuinesj block $5,000 to $15 ,
40choice residence lots In above addition.
moJiateljr north of and adjoining PoppIeU
beautiful residence and grounds , and locaUil
18th 19th and 20th streets , $300 to $050 each i
very easy terms to those wbowlll build. Call
Beautiful building rite on Sherman avei
(18th 8trectbetvreen Poppleton and the Dud
Ijams prorctty ; 2C3 feet ejtt frontage on
at cnne , by 3i9 feet in depth. Will divide it.n
in. ; 132 feet by 339. Call and pet full particul
An acre n 18th street , lOifeet east front
by 373 feet deep. This la Just south f the Kl
beth ( Poppleton place. This Is gilt- dee , call
get price and terms of BEMIS , Agen
IS good lots , just north of and adjoining E
Smith's addition , and located between 20th
Saunderi streets , at reasonab'e prices ind I
time to barer who improve. BKillS. Agcn
' and second addlt :
S3 lots In Horbach's first
on 18th , 18th , 19th and 2Jth street ? , beU
Nicholas , P ul , Sherman and Clarx streets , 1
handy to U. P. Shop * , smelting works. (
ranging In pnces from from $200 to 1:100 e
requiting only imall payment down and I
those who will
time ai 7 rr r cent interest
. CEO. P. BEMI8 ;
prove. 15th and Douglas Stre ;
33 nice lot * In Parker * ! addition , beti
Saunders and Pierce. King and Campbell's
on Blonio street ; 19 lots with south fronts
19 with north frontage , only 6 blocks nort
the turn-table ( end street-car track ) on Saut
street. Veryl.w prices ; $175 cash , or | 2X (
long time * nd 8 Mr cent interest to thoea
will buiid.
tZTlSO good farms for sale In Douglai , Bi
Washington. Bart , Dodge , Slanders and Ea.
tier of counties.
2T8iO,000 acres best selected lands la
state f 04 sale by this agency. Call and get ]
circulars and full particular * .
3rBem5s > new map of Omaha , 60c and !
tSTSenuf new pamphlet ( and map ot
State ) entitled "the outlook ot Hebraka
free distribution.
Geo. P. Bemis
15th & Douglas St , ,
N :
OMAHA , - - f " *
than they WIQ ever
containing all
XovcK ics of Hie Season ,
from the cheapest to the finest
Dress Fabrics
is now the most
Complete in the City.
Eemember we sell for
CASH ONLY , and" by
so doing we undersell
- 7
J. 1. NICHOLS & GO ,
Successors to
Cash Price List.
10 BrS Standard A Sugar $1 00
101 Its extra Cbugar | CO
9 11 ftsgranulated ItsC buqar ; Sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 DO
8J Its Cut Loaf Suzar 00
3 } It * Powdered Sugar OO
6B > sgocdRu ! Coffee. . 00
6 Us extra choice Rio Coffee 00
4 } Ibs CostaKlca Coffee 00
S Its very best OO Jara 00
SlbsMoch . , 00
0 cans Peaches 00
10 Ibs Valencia Raisins 00
10 Ibs choice Prunes 00
llbsPitlstl Cherries 00
10 Ibs Michigan Dried Apples CO
13 Ibs dried CnrranU 1 00
20 bars White Rustlan Soap _ . 1 00
161bsFrocUr& GambleSoap 1 00
1G Ibs Doblns Electric Sojp 1 M
17 Ibs choice SodaCrackers. . . . _ . 1 00
17 Ibs choice Ojster Crackers 100
11 Ibs Ginger Snaps 1 00
11 Iba Oat Meal Crackers 1 09
11 Ibs Boston Crackers 1 00
7 Ibs Jumb'ea 1 00
21 Ibs Beans 1 00
SSlbsUominy 1 CO
25 Ibs Oat Meal 1 00
18 Ibs St lit Peas 1 00
11 lb Carolina Rice. 1 00
OpbsTapioca 1 80
BlbsSatn 1 00
141ba Barley 1 00
12 Ibs Uixcti Bird Seed 1 00
7 3-tt > cans Standard Toma'oes 1 00
2 IN cans btandard Tomatyrs 1 00
1 0 $
3 tb cms Peaches
Corn 1 00
2-Ib cam
2-bcanaChcrr'es 1 00
2-Ib cans Yarmouth Corn 1 OO
l-n > cans Bnrnham & MorriU 1 00
Jibs Hiking Powiler 1 C"
'uro Maple Syrup pr gallon 1 15
.mbtr . White 70
: e t New Orleins Sjrnp. . . . 70
! oed KewOrl.ans llotvges 45
07 A TJLOIR. ,
UM lust recclreda lot ol Spring oods. Ton
ra InTlted to call and ft . prices , which bo
uarant ei the lowest In the city
'ourt's , Jurors' and Court ex
penses 9 20,000
Poor and Poor House and fnelfor
same 16,000
Jail and Jailors , board for prison
ers and fuel 12,000
Miscellaneous expenses.Stationery
special City Tax and Gas 16,000
Railroad Bond Sinking Fund 44,000
County Road and Bridges 12,000
County Office , OBice Kent , Elec
tions and Assessors 6,000
Total 3128,000
By Order of County Commissioners.
County Clerk
By H. T. LEivm , Deputy. 4 _
or TUB
o'clock . A- *
3:00 o'clock . r. * .
600 o'clock . r. x.
Kwp ecnstanty on Hand a l n lot A nktn I
fruh und Salted Meal , . Suf.