THE DAILY BEE. Monday /Morrung / , May 17. Go to 0. B. DeGroat & Co.'s for " . " a-m-w-f JerbyHts. ) "Nobby. Pateraon sells coaL See Polack'o advertiflement. Saxe'n for fine coda. % Fredirick has cheapetb atraw bat . Gtntlemen Those Manilla Siraw &ats have arrired. Frederick , Hattsr The finest otnw hatsat Eichter's , Opposite postoffiec. Work ii progressing finely on the goverument corral , near the Lead trorkr. Belfast ninijer ale , at Saxe'a. - Frederick , princiial hatter , Omaha , For Land , Lot * , Houses and larms , look overBenuV new column en 1st page. Bargains. Florence Lake is getting to be quite fc popular Sunday retort again this year. Frederick has the bestSlrawHals. Try Saxe's new 5c Cigar. The B. & M. expect to havetheir postal cars running between Omaha Hid Hastings by July i. The ne r plank sidewalk around 1'astoa & Gallagher's building ii a Vajt imi rovcment. Try S xe's little Key West Ci- gir , lOc. Lots , Farms , Houses and Lands. Look over Berni * ' new column of bsr- g iis an 1st page. SPLENDID ICE-CKKAM tkt the J\IcKenze \ Restautant,16th and Dodge itieets. A Highlander in knee breeches und lon hose attracted considerable b'.tention at the depot this noon. Hen. A. G. P. George , of Denver , one of the molt prominent mining at- tjjiiejB of the west , is in the city. Deputy Marshal Ben Westerdahl Ss busily engaged planting signs warn- ii'B parties against dumping refuse and n anuie. Yesterday afternoon a warrant was issued for the arrest of a man named Kottiger , who was charged with hitting another over the heaa with a b < or glass. On his late trip toMisscuri Coun- tilman James Stephenson purchased two handsome b y hones for the use of the fire department. They have bten statitned at No. 1 engine house. On Thursday , in a private match between Fred. Eib , of St. Joe , and S. A. Tucker , of Heiiden , Conn. , and AL Patrick and George Mills , of this city , for § 50 a side , the Omaha boys carried off the prize. Uncle John Stanton informed an Acquaintance , who was quizzing him about the comet , and who asked him if he didn't think it would bring the vrorld to an end , that the world was nuud and so couldn't have an end. There have been several attempts made , within the paet fortnight , to rob the driver of the late green car , which runs out Eighteenth street , but these attempts have in the main proved unsuccessful. A policeman Accompanies the last car out. Lewis Hermon , the wooden leg ged man charged with an assault on Ft * James Moylan with intent to kill , was baund over for trial at tha n next term of district court , in the sum of $200. In default cf beads he was committed to jail. FXJBS ON STORAGE. Customers IJ&VIDK soon , or fearful of having tieir furs deatroyed by moth , are in formed that I will receive them on storage , and insure them against all ilnmago at a small expense. Hcury G. Eichtcr , Omaha's Furrier , oppo site poitorfici } . Ono of the most successful social parties of the season , and ono long to be remembered by thosa present , was hold in the hall of Company G armory Friday evening under the management of the Misses Sophia ndlngred John- 8 jn and Miss Ida Cleveland. There WM a general good time and dancing was kept up until & late hour. A new organization under the name of the Union Life Association of Ohio hu been established in our city , the plau being an unique one , no quarterly dues being demanded of the member * . It starts off with forty inrruben , who have elected the follow ing officeis and board of directors : ilr. W. Gibion , chairman ; S. Trost- Jjr , fint secretary , and J. W. Wett , t vj board. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Manager A. E. Touzalin has left for Chicago. Capt. Haya , of the Fifth Cavalry , h In town. J. S. McOlary , of Norfolk , left * Saturday for home. John A. Creighton , Esq. , cimein Bi'.urdty momia . Prof. Samuel Aughey returned to XincIn Saturday. Henry Runuey went out toLaramie Saturday afternoon. Councilman Hornberger has re turned from the east. Rev. Mr. Ingraham came in from Lincoln on the noon train Saturday. Frank Kr-nnarJ wai a passenger on the noon train Saturday , bound for Grand Isltnd. Major Jackson and Lieut Quintis , ncccmpanled by Lieut. Harding , left fvr St. Paul Saturday evening. Lieutenant Schuyler hai returned from the Pacific coast where he has fceen spending several weeks. Hon. 0. F. Davis - and wife left Thursday for Madison , Wis. , to attend the gtneral uaembly of the Presby lex- rn church. Jhe Ker. J. B. Maxfield , of the J 'nt M. E. church , leave * for CJncin- l , . . i Mondiy to attend the quadron 8 lies ion of the M. E. general con- J. rinco , now holding. Preiideat Dillon , of the Unioti Pa- e c , Thcs. L. Kimball , IIP , Vininfr nd Mr. Moneman , airived ye terd y fromtieir ( OUT of inspection over | beir , P. n - SIDNEY BILLON , Reported Meeting of Railroad Managers in Omaha in Re sponse to His Request , What It Means. It is authentically repcr'.ed that meeting of the railroad mangers o the pool lines will be he'd during th coming week to confer with Sidney Dillon , president of the Union Pacific in regard to matters of interest com mon to all the roads centering in ou city. Several of the managers , amen whom are Mr. Perkins , of tbe C. , B & Q. , have already telegraphed thei acceptance of the invitation , and it i believed that most , if not all of th parties invite. ] , will be present. It i understood that Mr. Dillon will make a number of proposition ) relative to the distribution of freight ca-tward ani will usa his utmost endeavor * to press the claims oi. the Wabash. St. Louis and Pacific road as a competitor for both passenger and freight traffic. It is further reported that Goulc hai been buying heavily recently in the stock of the above mentioned road , and adding to his already pre ponderating influence which ha con siders to ba especially [ rotnisiog zs en investment all the influence ol the Union Pacific will to thrown in the scales to force upon the pool lines a fair and equitable division of prpfits with Ihe Wabash , and Mr. Dillon Is said to be acting as the agent aud tactolum of Mr. Gould in the premises. The rumor th&t tbe Alton line will build to our city h pooh-poohed by the pool officials. They pietend that the diviJoi profits , if tbo WabaUi ia let in , will riot suffice to remunerate thi reads with an additional compel ! tor , and astert that they have information mation that the Alton line has no in tention of complicating the pool prob lem. Outside parties who know of what they talk , aiaert , however , that the prospects of the Alton's coming into Omiha are by no means alight , aud the idea of another competitor for freight and passenger traffic is causing some concern among the other ines. ines.Mr. Mr. Dillon's canference will proba ? lj discuss the various phases of the railroad problem , and the result will affect either for the better or worse : ho present status ot the Iowa pool. Base Ball. The opening game of tha season , be tween the Nailworks and Athletic ? , took place on Saturday afternoon , re suiting in favor of the Nail works nine bp a score of 32 to 1C. The errors * on joth sides were numerous , but the Sailworks outbatted their opponent ; . STBIKEKS "MEETING. Conference With the Bohem ians Yesterday. A meeting of the striking smelters washeld on the bottomnoar thesmelt- ing works yesterday afternoon. There were between 300 and 400 men pres ent , including besides tbo strikers men of every trade , particularly those employed in the U. P. shops. The meeting was called to order a1 3:45 : o'clock by James Thompsonchair man of the executive committee of th strikew , who nominated H. P. Her ran for chairman , and ho was elec'.oi Mr. Horran made a few remarks and a sured his hearers that he was fullt in sympathy with the movement , al though not one of their number. James Murphy , president of the Workingmen's union , was loudly call ed for and imde a capital speech , ful of. good cheer and hope to the striker saying that they were all brothers , n matter what their nationality or creed He had always been a workingman and in common with every working nnn in the country , wanted to see th's strike succeed , as its result would affect labor everywhere. Hi said that he had as good a right t < come there and say kind word * to them , as Dr. Miller had to fill The Herald full of abuse. The Herald was the organ of capitalists , and had been true to its hire , misrepresented Che condition of the strikers , striv ing to make them appear odious in the eyes of the people , and laboring to raise dissensions in their ranks. He was especially severe upon that paper and other organs of capital He re viewed the progress of the strike from the beginning , and said that every Iv boring man in the city would give them all the aid that they possibly could. Ho noted the instance of one laboring nun , who , ata meeting held Saturday night , pledged $1 per day ol his wages as long as the strike contin ued , aud gave an order for $10 to con tribute to the support of the strikers. Although all could not afford to do hat , yet each would do as much as he could. His speech was listened to with great attention and was frequent ly applauded. Air. Rosicky was called for and stepped f jrward. Ho first stated in English , that he understood he was calkd to speak to his Bohemian friends and listed for patience of those , who would not understand his remarks. Ho than went on in Bohemian saying , that he was called upon to attend this meeting and explain the situation to those , who did not understand the English language and coud ! not com prehend wh t was going on. There was a meeting held on Saturday where a vote was tases , whether the card of the company should be accepted or not. As ho underst pds it the meet ing was only slightly attended , ouly about one-third of the sinking men ) being present. When a vote was taken it appeared , that the mjo/ity of those present were for accepting s the list and going to work. But that was not considered by the strikers as a fair expression of the majority , on the contrary the majority of tLeir fellow-strikers were for continuing the dt strike until victory would be won. dm Now the sentiment prevails , that the m Bohemians will go to work on Monday b racrnins almost in a body and desert ; their fellow-workmen in tha he t cf ai battle. By suchaction , of course , the aihi itrika would be at an end and the hicr irhola blame for that would be laid at ioora of the Bohemians. This should lot be co. Workingmen ought sh o act in concert , no shhi natter of what nationality they are , hi and it would pain him if the blame for the unsuccessful effort should be laid at the doors of Bghe ' ; ng them alone. Sa v | heni to hold. out Triih the rest , whethsr it leads to victory or defeat , and even if hot successful , to hold on unt'l the majority of others should decide , so they would not bear the odium of be ing the cauio ot defeat. As to the strike itaelf , he thought that it was justified. Trad , it was the eilrcmo mtasure which he would advieb , feut there was no sensible man in the city of Omaha who did not sympathize with them , and who did not think that § 1.50 or 81.65 for the unhealthy work they had to perform was not enough pay ; there was no sen sible man who believes that at these they could live cs men should live and ought to live ; that tbtjy cbuld support their families and educate their children. He understood that efforts were made to convince the company of the justice of their de mand , and they struck only when all efforts of attaining the end peaceably failed. Now , the fact if , that wages seven or eight jears sga were 100 per cent , higher than now , while a'l the commodities end necessaries of life were not much higher than now. Three years a o the wages were re duced , but the workman did not object , bacauseall necessaries were then at bw prices. Within the lst twelve months everything they needed and used went up in value , from 25 to 50 per cent , while tneir wages remain the sime or haveincreaied but slight ly , by far not in proportion to the in- crerscd price of all necessasies. While they submitted to decrease in wages three years ago. it is no more than rijjht that now tneir wages should be raised to a fair living price. While he deprecated the strike , yet he had to advice them to stand together like one man and c6ntlnue until their ju > t demands should be satisfied. They are fighting not for themselves alone , but all the workinginen in Omaho , A month ago the wages of tile U. P. em ployes wcreraised ; if their wages now Vfetd raised , the wages of all working people in the city would bo battered ; if they fail , there is no hope for tome time to come for a raise of wages of any other class of workmen , who may be underpaid. This is well understood by all workingmen in the city and their hearts and ( hands are with them. Empbyes from the U. P. and other shops are making Collec tions and if theie are any who aresuf- fering for want of any necessities they should call upon the committee and they will recivesuppoit. As long as that is tbe cue there is no need to break ranks for the aakojof Want. Closing , he again advised them to stand or fall with the majority. A lawyer of this city then made a short speech , urging tha men to cry out' no surrender" and to mean it. Gorrge Hoffman was called for to speak on buhalf of the Bohemians , but said that Mr. Rosicky had ably summed up the cafe for them. A resolution wa& unanimously adopt ed , amid much enthusiasm , declaring ; hat the strikers weuld never resume wrk till ther demands had been grant ed. ed.It was vottd that all the striker j assemble at the samep'aca between 6 and 7 o'clock this morning , after which the meeting adjournedi A LAWLESS LAWYER Wm. Griffith alias John Smith Again Lodged In Jail ( Last week a disreputable looking bummer was aireeted in company with a party Of tratnfs and was lodged in the city cooler on a ctarg-3 cf being decidedly drunk and very disorderly. Failing to pay his fine he received ten days Sentence , which he served out , and during which ho wrote several lengthy communications to the c'ty papers on the horrible state .of the pritoa. Friday mtffnlng he wa § diBcharged from custody and was sup- pt sed to have left the town , but that right he was again arrested and lodged in bis old quarters on ths same charge. Saturday morning wheuDeputyMar shal Bon Westerdahl came to open his celldcorho found the floor covered with splinters , and upon examination dis covered that the prisoner had attempt ed during the night to cut his way out by the aid of a common dinner knife , which must hava been conveyed to him through his cell window during the night. The tl its cf the door were almost cut through , but even if he hsd succee3od in making his way out of his cell he would have found it impos sible to have broken through the heavy door at the end of the hall. When taken bpforo Judge Hawes Saturday morning he again gave his alias of John Smitbbut finally admitted thathis realname was William Griffith f and that he was an attorney ia Knox county , his home being in Oreighton. Ho said he was the first white man born in that portion of the state , and ho probably lied in saying so. Upon promise of good behavior and of im mediately leaving the town he was discharged. Snirts. Does anybody remember the kind of things they used to wear forty years ago and call shirts , with stuck up collars all around your ear , and so badly fitted that the bosoms were all crumpled up before you had them an boui ? I wonder if the ancients ever learned to make shirts , and the art lad been forgotten , or did it take six thousand years to learn to make a shirt that was comfortable and would fit ? The writer never got a shirt of decent fit till he came to America , and they -cost him three lelUrs ; they were dear , but they were jood and comfortable compared with what he had woin ; but lately they ecm to have made some new discov- ry , as ha has recently bought at 'ruickehank's shirls at one dollar and no dollar and a quarter that are as much tuparior to the New York shirt t three dollars as it was superior to bo o'd-fashioned shirt that he uted to buy in England. In the last twelve nontbs he has bought at least a dozen f these shorts at different times , and lever got a misfit. All they ask you the width of year neck , and rot there was none of these shirts that ra * not a better fit than the three- Icl'ar ' thirt of New York made to or- ler. It is positivo'y n public boom $ cill attention to this , ai there is lothing so disgusting to a man as a ad-fitting shirt , and nothing more ) nnoying to a lady than to see her usband'a nicely laundried shirt all rumpled up , bccauao it dcn't fit. I , resume other people may have this iirt besides CruickshankV , bat they Jve it certainly. If yon wont to b pD7try jt-0m. [ . Daily New * te KNIGHTS EBRANT. A Deputation From Mt. Cal vary Commandery Leaves , For Fremont. To Organize Mt. Tabor "Lodge1 N6. § . A number of prominent Omaha ' Knights Templarj left on the noou train Saturday for Fremont , where they ; Went to establish a commandery of Sir ' Knights in that phea. The charter for the new comiriRndery , which has but recently been granted , was carried - ! ried by Sir Knight E. A. Allen , deputy cornmandtr , who will this af- | trnoon act as acting grand ccmmand- er in the impressive ceremonies at tending the organisation of the now Masonic body. A ntimber of visiting sir knights frdm other parts of the state are expected. The following Sir Knights composed the delegation : Sir E. A. Allen , deputy grand and acting grand com mander ; Sir G. F. Catlin , past grand commander ; Sir E. K. Long , post grand prelate ; Sir Guatavua Steven- ton , generalissimo and past grand junior warden ; Sir James S..France , captain general ; Sir Louis H. Koity , warden ; Sir Byrou Stanberry , com mander , end Sir Knights J. J. Monell , Wm. France , J. G. Willis Gustavus Anderson , Chas. P. Needham and 0. A. Fried. It pays to trade at Kurtz's. * e J . . . , . * 0. B. DeGrcat & Co.Leading Hat ters. New styles received this morn ing. Call and examine. s-m-w f Carriage Umbrellas at Woodwnrth's. ' VEEMONT MAPLE SUGAR AT PDNDT'S. For bargains in men's low and high shoes , call at Fullriede's Shoe Store , Visscher's block , 13th and Doilglai. We will keep our store optn late ta night , so that all may have an op portunity to buy what they need at KurlS's. VEEMONT MAPLE SUGAR ATPUNDT'S. Maeen'c. There wili be a special communica tion of St. John's lodge , No. 25 , this ( Saturday ) evening , for work in the E. A. degree. Visiting brethren are cordially invited. JAS. B. BRUNEB , Master. The sixth lecture of tbe Saturday evening ctinrse of lectures will be de livered by Col. E. H. Wilbur , this evening. Admission , 15 cents. The Tivoli is the coolest pi ice in the city. I. O. O. P. At ther rrgalar meeting of State Lodge -No. 10 , L O. Q. p. Monday Cvehing , May 24th , Bro Alf. D. Jones , Grand Instructor , will be pres ent. All brothef j of the order ih the city are invited to attend. By order of the lodge. 0. L. STRAIGHT , Secretary. Amuse yourself * at the Tivoli. WELL BORING and lowering brick wells , by H. M. Brown , 12th and Cbic g ) afreet * . Water guaran'eed. . 14-tf BOY WANTED A smart , aclh e boy for office work. 14-2t THE. BRADSTEET Co. NOTICE TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. If you have any galvanized iron cornices , tVilldow caps of other wor : to figure on , or to bo done , call on John Epeneter , 333 Broad way , Coun oil Bluffs , Iowa , who will give you bottom prices and extra good work. ap27-3w ! _ Before buying a sewing machine , examine the "NewHomo " , corner IGth and Webster. Hartman & Helquist Over eighty millions of dollars o insurance capital of the qldast and best home and foreign companies rep resented In the agency of Taylor & Howell. M. Hellman & Co. are making suit to order on ehort notice. I hereby inform my friends and thi public generally , that I shall , on Mon day next , open a store in the brick building No. 408 Thirteenth street near the cjrner of Harney , with s complete Line of choice Dry Goods , Notions and Fancy Goods , which I shall name The Mechanics One Price Store. Purchasing strictly for cash , low rent and trifling "experses , and selling for cash , enables me to sell at least 15 cents cheaper than ordinary rates. I am determined to make the Mechanics One frice Store the cheapest in the Missouri Valley , and mark all goods at correspondingly low figures. Specialinducementainliawn. , Cam brics , Prints , Domeitics , and Hosiery , Table Lintns. All goods new , choice and desirable ; not a change ; accumu lation of years prst. Call and ba con vinced. Goods shown freely. Low prices and courteous attention guaran teed. Samples given on application. I respectfully solicit your patronage. 15-6t N. FREDRICHSEN. Having made contracts with some of the best butter makers in the coun try I am now prepared to supply my customers with choice butter direct from the churn at prices satitfactory to all. Strawberries from 10 to 25 cjnts per box , and 3o not forget that I am agent for the Eagle Mills Winter Wheat Flour , only § 3.65 per 100 pounds. WILLIS M. YATES. Real Estate Transfers. Geo. P. Bemis and wife to Wm , F. Urban : wd part of lot 4 , block 19 , Credit Foncieraddition cityof Omaha $150. $150.Fannie Fannie 0. and H. W. McClnre to Byron nnd Lewis S. Beed : w d part of ots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , block 255 , city of maha. $176. Wanted 15 first-class dressmakers , t MCDOXALP & HARRISOS'g. M.G. McKoon , Agt. Fire Insurance , mayl-ly C. B. DeGroat & Co. , Reading Hat * > W , 1316 Farnhajn it , s-m-w.f LAYING THE DUSTi An Irritated Citizen Begs for Water and Plenty of It. A Dry Article on a "v7et Subject To tbe Editor ol Tin Bis. The writer has just noticed the pun gent little article of the enterprising and public spirltsd editor of THB BBS on that sprinkling ; -but for once he is certainly a little "ouet" He says"If the business men wcull organise , a street sprinkling wsoc'a'ion ' , tney would soon get rid of the nuisance. " Who does he mean by theliusiness men ? The writer knows none in a we.tom town who are not businessmen mon , but the old and infirm. If b * means the retailers and jobber he might as well ask them to pave the streets or build the common sewers , which are not of ha'f ' tbe importance to the publio health compared with the cost , that street sprinklers is : Why don't he ask the businessmen to clean the alleys. See this cutting from The Nonpariel , of Council Blufls : FAIR -WARNIRG. "It is reported that in many of the alleys of the city , lar e piles of man ure and other rubbish has been depos ited in violation of the ordinances and ti the * detrlBent of the health and tafety of th | ily. All ocoupan's ' and owners of lota abutting upon any of the alleys within the city , are hereby no'tified to remove all manure , filth i and rubbish from their premises and the alleyo adjacent thereto within ten j days from the1 publication of this no tice , otherffhe information will be filed agaiust them for violation of the j ordinanrei of'this city. "LYSANDER W. BABBITT , I "City Msrahal. "Council Bluffy Iowa , May 4 , ' 80. " Why don't cur "paternal city gov- ernmoat" do" this much ? "Patsraal city governmeit" from the editor of j THE BEE after the waterworks is too good. j Why did they not ask the business men of Memphis to drain the swamps j and save the town from decemation by fever. There is not a doctor in ; town to-day that ddes not know that : the state of hoilth in Omaha is frightfully - fully prejudiced by cloud * of dust full | of organic matter. You must remem ber our streets have not been washed I ' by rain for over eix months , and the recent tyro in science cm tell you what j I muat be tbe state of the air. One cf , the most able and influential of the | j I physiciitis here told the writer yesterday - . day that nearly ha'f his ewes were I lung diseases. Such a etato of affairs ia realty disgraceful in such a glorious wholesome climate as this. The only excuse is that we are ail to new here that TVO do nofyOt understand our cli mate. In this dry Southern clime , cleansing our alleys and watering our streets is mere important thad anything we corild do * It is not only tbe advantage of keeping the dirt from getting into the lungi , but it is putting moisture in the air , most essential to the health in this dry cli mate. And all this is to be done by the btWiheSs hien. Did you ever hear of keeping dogs and barking yoUrselff What do we pay city taxes for ? To hearsjme cf our city fathers tcream and yell in the council ? The public- spiiited and liberal-minded jobbers aild rctii'e's ' in Omaha object to sprinkling tha streets thomselver , bo- cdihe thy could orilf do § o in a pat' tial manner , and it would only longef prevent the matter being done in a thorough manner by the authori ties. In the meantime a good Many children and delicate men and the women will 18se th'eir liVes. But the evil will get so intense as the town grow ? , that ultimately it must be attanded to properly , by the authori ties. HP painful that BO many must die and so much misery must be caused befvro the du'l , stupid aud inert can be waked upj to the f own interests , but so it always hds bfe'en in this world and thus we have martyri. When we realize the fact that less than twenty cnts a head would entire * ly abate this nuisance and turn these horrid , [ dirty blizzards into delicious ba'my breezes one cannot but won der what our paternal government is about that they don't tc6 it. ' 'Pator' nal government" is good , Bosewater ; you have 'em. A CITJZEX. THIS IS THE LAST EVENING. We sell you goods to the amount of Si 00 or more and you get 003 wof th of best needles for nothifa'g. The people are convinced IT PAYS TO TRADE AT MISSING. A case o constipation by using Hamburg Figs. 4 & M. A. Soclety'ECfiali , A very pleasant soiree Was given last evening in Clark's hall by the Emmet Monument association. With excel lent music , a select company and un tiring committee ? , there was nothing to mar the enjoyment , and all enjoyed themselves to the utmost. The follow * ing are the namei of the committeemen - men : Committee of arrangements John Shcahan , Charles Hanley , Thomas Kennedy , T. Boyle , M. Whalen. Floor managers Dennis Ryan , John Sheahan , M. Lee , Owen McCaf frey. Why dose yourse ves with nauseat ing medicines , when a purely fruit cathartic will cure you at once Ham burg Figs. Try them. Army Orders. The following special orders are issued from Ihe headquarters of the Department of the Platte : FORT OMAHA , May 16,1880. Second Lieutenant Stephen J. Mul- hall , 14th infantry , is detailed as a member of the general court-martial , convened at Iforfc Douglac , U. T. , by paragraph 1 , special orders No. 40 , current serlei , from these headquar ters. Chaplain G. W. Simpeon , U. 8. A. , is relieved from duty at FortMcPher- son , Neb. , and will report , in persoB , without delay , to the commanding of- Seer Fort Robinson , Neb. , for duty. Upon the recommendation of the medical director of tbe department , Captain and Assistant Surgeon Henry McElderry , U. S. A. , will , upon the withdrawal of the battalion 14th in fantry from camp on White river , accompany - company it to the railroad. He will then repair to Fort D. A. Russell , W. T. , and report for temporary duty at that place. Upon the recommendation of the medical director of the department , the commanding officer , camp on White river , Colorado , will , upon the withdrawal of the battalion of the Fourteenth Infantry , order one of the hospital stewards now with his com mand , to report ia person to the com manding officer , camp on Snake river , W. T. , for duty thereat. FOUND. A sure cure tor constipa m tion : Hamburg Figs , 25c per box , for wlebyall drugjjwU. A living sinner is better than a dead aint , and if neuralgia troubles you , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE AdvertlMmenta To Let For Sal Lost , Found , Wants , Boarding : &c.t will be In Mrtod In these columns once for TEN CENT perllnt ; each subsequentInKrtlon.FrVE CENT per line. The flrat insertion never less tha ms CEHW. Tl UAH-MONEY. MOSSY TO iidAM j > n ioproved security W. R BARTLETT , Red Estate Ayen Office 217 south 13th 8t. B75- -VTO TO LOAH-Cad at Law Offlea , jJL D. L. THOMAS. Room 8. Crejghton Bled ONF.Y TO LOAN 1109 Farnham street M Dr. Edwardn Loan Agency. nov-22-U H lf WANTEB - A gifl to dd genenl housework WANTED- door cait of tigU t-.hooi. o Capitol avinue. C01-J8 ANTEP A girl for general houiswork , a 250 Jackson etieet , MM. A. Murpby. 599 1 'ANIED-Agirlat 414 Twentieth street. W 602 at Oirl for gcnerrl housework , a WANTED Street. MRS. A. MURPHY 699-1 A German girl for washing , IronIng WANTED Ing , and gcnral housework. Ooodwa ffe. to a competent person. Appy a LEHUANN'3 , t21 south 17lh St. , opposit Jones et. 574-1 - 314 Seventeenth Street , be tween Chicago and Davenport. S86-1 - cirl , northwest corner 20th WANTED-Good an I Davenport. 678-t WANTED for geu'ral housework , a GIRL - Restaurant , 13 Jockton St 67915 WANTED ABodcoikatTlZART'S Pala-e Restaunnt. [ 5 S-U TTTANTEO-Oirls at IN ' 'ELLIOENCE.OFFICE V Y southeast comer 10th and Davenport. 410-tf WANTED-WSGEUANEOUS. WANTSO Mearant room and Board in pi i vate fitnily. by ayounjlady : best of re ? erence given and required. AdOrecs O , this office. 003-18 HOARDING can 'be nad on California DAY , south Bide , 3 doers west of 16th 697-2 WANTED A Drnpelst , craduate of Uernuii Unlversfty , w th 12je < r eiperltnca In who'ewle and retail stores , wants a poail < n Eett rc < frencei given. Addrest DRUOOI3T this orticr. E01O WANTED At OMAHA SHIRT FAC TORY , 1410 Farnbam St. fW 3 c at makt aud 2 pants m.k WANTED ers. BAL1SH , Djuzlas , next door t < Cruickshank. 58315 IA1LORS WANTED-At J. H. TH1ELE T 534-1 A CARPENTER wanted to build ono or t J\ frame co'tagrs. See DR EDWARDS 1109 Farnham Street. 683 t * TTTANTED A Rood hand on custom panta am \ V vests , nun or womin. Apply at 122t Farhhambticet , near 13th. Omaha. Neb. 562-15 T > ID8 WILL BE RECEIVED fjr buiMinjr JD Frame House * ndellat Casiady Coma i } Bids to close May 16h. Right to rejec fill bids regeived. For information apply No 279 Nichols Street P. FHELAN. Ox * UA , M yllth. 1850. f 67-16 By i man of good business alii WANTED permanent situation. Address K B. This Office. 683-V NE DOZEN GOOD TAILOES WANTED 0 App > to FRANK RAMGE. (67-t TNTRLLIOENUE OFFICE , corner 16th am J Davenport 410-tf FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. - FOR BEtfr , corner ISth and St HOU-3E ' Atcnue. Enquire on tee premises. 6S9-1 T710K RENT By June 1st. A nic ) cottagr I ) and itable on upp-r Pouzlas Street , blocks from Po tofflo/j. fa julre 1210 Farnham Street. - ' B66-t OFFeflS A SPLENDID LIST OF Bargains In Houses , Lots , Farms anc Lands , In his now column on 1st page. RENT Two-story frame house with brick basement , on corner 10th and Pierce Corner Faruham and llth St. FRED MOEULE 682-t TjtaOjtT PARLOR in new house to rent , far JD nishcd with board , rortheut comer 17tl and Chicago. 6f9 15 An flejant front room. Enqnlre FORBENT Dodce Street. 670-t fjlOHJlENT Double room , Jacob's Block. _ E _ _ _ 527-t RENT Furnished roomscheap ; by wee EOR month. Apply at AMERICAN HOUSE. RENT A splendid Photograph Oal err FOR 71-tf L. B. WILLIAMS & SON 1OR RENT } of room 569 Fifteenth a tree F Jacob's Block , 'arms mwnnahla. 3M-t FOR SALE. T OTS , FABilS. HOUSES AND LANDS. Lee \l \ 9vcr BEM1S'new column of baryalna on H pajo. SALE-Stock of h r ! we with tin she FOR cOnhecti-n , In the flour 'ns ' youn town of t. fiswold , Cari County Iowa. &B for a man who wants to go Into the Hi wdre biiiirets. Addrtes , JAS. A. IIAHNS BERflEB , Cwwoltl , Itjtrs. 603 2S-e-nlaw2- FOR SALE A good pony , or will eichan ? for a good cow. Address J. MICHAEL. Bee Office. 595-1 T7IOR SALE House and lot , with 94 feet front J ? 12S feet deep , and well , c'etcrn , on come bf Learcnworth an-1 24th Sts. 633-2 rniOR S AtE Small roda foiihtatn in good con C dltion. D. W. SAXG , eorntr 13th and Farnham. * 077-t mO BtjILDBRS.PljASTEREHS ANDMASON8 J. Coarse bank ( and , grarel for gardens ani moukin ? sand will be delirert d at short notice Leave orders t H. Sierks. 1414 Farnham , ant Chailcs Brandcs , 921 } Farnham Stl. 1IA S BOCK , Successor to Charles Daniel , 652 t TOR SALE Cottonwocd lumber of all slzes.a JD BEDilOJtD'S , gisteenth-st. ' 5161 LANDS , LOTS , HOUSES AND FARMS FOR look o\er BEMIS' new column on 1st page FOR SALE largo be r casks , good for els tern purposes , at KRUO'8 Brewery. 353eo1tf MILK Twenty to twenty-four quarts or 01 dollar by John T. Faulaon. ebfnt-mon-wcdt FOR SALE A s-jtU awelltrtghoU3 , nett to 0. H. Collins residenc , corner 13.h . and Capitol Avenue , f or information call at 0. H. & J. 8. COLLINS , 131 Famham 505-tf FOR SALE Oood iiouse and lot , with * good w Il , corner 14lh and PienH Stfeets. En quire of Fred Lang. 8 OE1S. 487-lm T10R SALE A Grist MllL Applyat 11 472-tf L.B WILLIAMS & SON. rOR SALR A New American Hewing MaD - D chine In good condition , vrith all attach ments , ilurtie Boldbefora the 16th of May. For information apply at ATKINSON'S Millinery Store , corner Douglts and 13th Streets. .474-tf TJIOR SALE-Two of the celebrated J. M. JD Brunswick & Balk Co.'a Nonpareil Bil liard Tables. Nearly hew. For gale cheap. 230-tf - C. W. .HAMILTON , MISCELLANEOUS. TTlOUND- hp-robe. The owner can have It JD by cialllng at the carpenter shop , Tenth street , between Farnham and Douglas , and pay. ing for this notice. 630-14 Dark red ccw star in forehead , one LOST broken , clip ia each ear , short tail , information as to her wbereaoouta will be libf rally - ally rewarded at West ft Fntchtrs , Douglas staeet , Omiha. " * XT OTICE My wife Margaret Smith , having JN Itft my bed and board , I hereby notify all concerned not to trust her on ay account as I her. WM. will jay no bills contracted by SMITH. - IBAYED From the premises of the under- § rgned , one strawberry colored cow , one n broken off A reward will be paid for her return. A. M , McOAVOCK , Tenth and V. P. Depot. sraifi mAKKH UP Two r d cowj t Asher Gardner JL Place on Wtst Caminj Street. JOHN BUNDE8SON. 691-17 Two small roan milch cow. . one STRAYED cut off. A. MEYER , Tenth Stre' t Meat Market. 5B6-15 POR A FINE Kcaiiicnvc front , Doom counter , Mantle , Store fitting , veneered work go to 1310 Dodge street , A. F. BAFERT & CO. . Builder * . aD26evaat-tfr nXAKEN UP A bay pony , with white la-e and J. one white hind foot. . CAKSTE.V KUHWNER , McArdle Predcct. SeTytbSt. TEKOVAlr i hare remoria my stock to the JCV corner 14th and Can. Those wanting any goods In my line will do well to call , as I am offering lens lhar > tout. E. F. COOK. 423-Im OS1NAR hisrtmoTod from Tenth Street to 1118 O Farnham St. Oire him a call. nplS-lm MARl IM tart receireda , Jot"of r firrited to oil . 11 C ; V. ONE MILLION ACRES CHEAP LAND XZff EASTERN NEBRASKA , $2 TO $5 PER ACRE. 20,000 Acres xzv DOUGLAS COUNTY , 6 to 12 Miles from Omaha , $6 to $10 per Acre , on Long lime and Low Interest , Large tracts suitable for Colonies in- all the best Counties in the State , 80,000 acres scattered through Iowa. A large number of Improved Frrms in Nebraska , many of them near Omaha , $12 to $40 per aore. An Immense List of OMAHA CITY PROPERTY , Consisting of Bleganb Resi dences irotn $3,000 to S2O- 000. Many thousand vacant lots in the additions to Omaha. Hundreds of lots scattered through the City. Housts and Lots , Business Houses and Lots , and all kinds of Ci y Heal Estate. We also have MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Farms in Doug las County , on 5 years time , at 1O percent , interest to all-who can show good titles. Slaps of Douglas and Sarpy Counties for sale , Boggs & Hill , REAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 Farn , St. , Omaha , Neb. For Kent. Splendid cot'age , 6 rooms , all in the best con dition , fruit and shade trees , stable , hard and bott water , and 4 Acres of Ground , $120 a year. West Omaha , will sell fo : 91,630. BOQOSand HILL For Sale , House and foil lot on Webster Street , best loca tion In the city , $1,500 ; easy tern's. BOGQS and BILL. $20,000 Twenty Thousand Dollars in email well secur ed mortgages ranging from $200 to $1,000 , drawIng - Ing 10 per cent interest , hare been lately placed in our hands for sale , at small discount. Per sons bavin ? a HUIe money to spare can make a Eaio and profitable loan in this way , without any exponsa or commissions. BOG03 and HILL. For Sale * Church Property and Personage in South Omaha , near Depot , at a very reasonable price. BOOG3 and HILL. Cottage and Lot , New 1-story frame house , 4 rooms , S closetg'-lO foot ceilings , double doors , etc. , 85 barrel cis tern , full lot , all in No. 1 condition , G blocks from High School ; I860 , on monthly payments , small cash payment required. BOGQS and HILL , Real Estate Brokers. New nooses. We ara now prepared to build house ) worth from 8400 to $300 on our lota in our new addition , 28th and 29th and Famham.DougIas and Dodge , and sell on email monthly payments. BOOOS and HILL. $000 to $1,000 will buy you a new house , with ono of the finest lots in pmaha , on email montlily payment ! . BpGUU and HILL , H T'EsiATB BEOKSB& For Sale , House and Let on Street car-track , Shinn i iaa " tlon , Sl,9oO. BOCQ3 and HILL. A New House And fall lot , one-half block from street can , Shlnn's Addition , $1,376. B < ' GG3 and HILL. Tlie Cheapest Residence Property in Omaha must be sold in- Blunter , W i Lot 4 , Block 47 , with a No. 1 house of 7 rooms and all well improred ; southeast corner 21it and Cass. Want best offer. BOOG3 and HILL. For Sale , Fine young hone , well broka aud suitable for a , lady to drive. BOOua and E ILL. Wanted. We want a contract to hava 208 acre ! cf land broke at once. BOO 08 and Hir.r. . Cheap Lots. Look at the lot In our new addltton be t lots for the money In Omaha , 28th and Farnham. BOQGS and HILL. Residence Lots for Sale. 200 Lots in Kountze and Ruth's Addition.near business , good BUrroundingslotscovered withyounf * trees , and are the choicest , cheapest and nearest business of auy lots in the mar ket. By all means look at lots in Kountze and Euth's addition before purchasing elsewhere. Will sell on monthly payments. Prices S40O to $650. BOGGS and HILL. 1000 .Residence Lots Fronting 8.0.10 and llth streets. B tu 10 blocks south of depot , many of these lots are very de sirable and for men of small means are now tbe cheancit and most easily purchased lots In Oma ha. Prices 8250 to 8300. Monthly payment * . BOOG and Hi T 15 Choice Lots On Park Wild Avcnna. only 3 to 4 blocks from Depot , 1500 to 600. Uonthlj paymentJ- BOOOa tnd HILL. GG of the Finest Lets n Omaha , 10 to 12 blocks west of Postofflce and loort House , on Farnbam , Douglas and Dodge tracts ; finest views in the city from these lota. Prices * 200 to 1300 , on payments of $5 to tlO > er month. BOOGB & HILL. Z Houses And two-thirds of a lot , Chicago street , between 2th and 12th ; rents for * 300 a year. Price 1,600. BOOOS and HILL. Houses and Lots. KetrZ-etory residence corner lot , choice loca tion , 4 blocks fromPcstofflce ; 83,600. BOUOS and HILL. 2 Houses and south } lot 1 , block 12 , on west de of 18th street , between California and Web- ter streets ; 12,200 BOGOS apJ nrr/r. 2-Story Brick House With full lot , 2 block ! from new Court Hoon * 2,150. EOCJGS and HILL , Lots 1 and 2 , block 230 $2,739 UitS.block 15 1,603 Lot 2 , block 81 . " . . . GCO oti 5 and 6 , block 252 1,200 south i Lots 1 aud 2 , block 281 1,000 East J Lot'A Mock 12l _ 2,500 West * Lot 2 , block 121 2,5uO Lot 6 , block 227 _ 00 1S3 feet Lot 4 , block 204 ! ,000 BOdOS and HILL. East } Lot7 , block 102 , . , . . . „ $1 , X > West J Lot 8 , bbck J02 . , 1,400 Middle 1 Lots , block 102 , , , . . . iiOO ; lastLot8bock 102 , „ . . . . , , 2,000 t 6. block 259 , 00 C t J Lot 6 , block 101 : ) , & H'eiti Lot 9 , block IP- . . . , . aW | IT' fthKJ8an4niHii 'I * . _ * * I --3- - 0"TJ Immense Stock for SPRING AND SUMMER Fine Custom-Made Men's Suits , Boys' Suits Children's Suits. SPRING OVERCUATS For Men , Boys , and Children. Under-Wear , Hats and Caps , Trunks and Valises , at Prices to Suit All. Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth SGHLANK PRINCE , BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE OXC DEVLIN & CO. , OF NEW YOFW We are now prepaid to take orders for the justly celebrated clothing o this house , which for Durability , Style and Cheapness are unsurpassed. Wa have now on hand the best Bdleoted stock of Clothing , Shirts , Farnish-ng Gcods , etc. in the city. Boston Clothing House , FARNUAM STREET. TO THE LADIES I THE H&HT-BDNHIN& UBBB a Straight Self-Setting Needle and makes the Double-Thread "Lock-Stitch. " It ia the Perfection of Mechanism for HEMMING , TELLING , BINDING , COBDIKG. BBMDINGi SEAMINTG , QUILTING , TUCKING , DABN1BG , Fringing , Euffling , Gathering , Hem stitching , Etc. It ia adapted to every variety of sowing , from the lightest muslins to the heaviest clothi , an-i " ' ' 1 do greater range of work than any other machine. It has the moat complete attachments ever applioJ fo a Sewing Machine , and among these we call attention to our Adjustable Underbraider , which is superior to all other braiders , and ia not furnished with any other machine. It is the Simpliest , Easiest-Running , best-made , and most elegantly ornamented machine in the world , and combines in one machine every requisite to produce a perfect machine. Ladies are especially invited to examine the "NEW HOME , " and become conversant with its merits. EAETMAN & HELQIJIST , Agents. N. W. Onr. 16th & Wflbstar. OMAHA. NEB. BO.OOO CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST ! MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell their entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , SilverWare , Pianos & Organ , A 1ST 33 GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Mean Business , Conic and be Convinced. Pianos and Organs Sold on Easy Monthly Installments. HVLTJSIO-AJL IZDTSTITCTIMCIEITTS- A. HOSPE , Jr , 151ft Hedge Strccf : I. LSLEDZIANOSKI CO , MANUFACTUBERS OF IMI O TJ L ID 13ST GS I AND DEALERS IN PICTURE FRAMES , GHROMOS AND ENGRAVINGS. 922 Douglas St. . Near 10th. Omaha , Neb. I HENRY LEHMAN , HIE LARGEST IN TIIE STATE. ANI > - WINDOW SHADES , PAINTERS' A O ARTISTS' MATEBIAIS. Orders Solicited. Sampled Sent on. Application. I PRACTICAL PAINTER ANUrUtUUK/MU / I