1 1 } VAN AMBURGH & GO'S' NEW GREAT GOLDEN iyn E i iArcDE3 E , i E il /AND. FROST'S ' ROMAN CIRCUS . AND * COILISIUM j , Will JBxhibit on LotlleaA of\FirnIiam : Street , FRIDAY / I * SATURDAY , MAYSIst . „ . . . _ _ Doors Opan at 1 & 7 p. m. " * Manager for 35 consecutive Tears.ME , HTATTPROST Immense in Size , Unapproached in Grandeur , Unequalled in Merit. FIVE TIMECS LARGER THANEVEEBEFOBE. Kequiring the Services of- 185 Men and 2I0 _ Horses. Myriads of Bare and Strange LIVING WONDERS ! COLOSSAL SPECIMENS OF ANIMATED NATURE. Jdst added to 1his Exhibition the-wonderful NONDESCRIPT A.Zoologtcal Specimen.the first and only one everexhib- " ' - - Menagene In thfs'Contihent. Also the BEHEMOTH OF HOLY WRIT Hero also may te seen the meet rare and INTERESTING AOT3IALS IN THE WORLD ; interesting to students of naturalhistory gpecially commended . and' visited by- the Clrng-.hfadi of educational institutions , and millions of THE FIRST PEOPLE OF THE LAM ) . Nature's marrels congregated in vast numbers in this stupendous exhibition , forming a practical catalocue alike INTERESTING , AMUSING AND INSTRUCTIVE. The ERONATJTIO OSCILLATIONS awaken in-tho spectator an unusual degree of interest. The \VONDERFDL GYRATIONS AND EVOLUTIONS excite a. thrilling interest , affording infinite"a'rtnseinent' tb old and'youtig. THE PREMIER SHOW OF THE AGE. 3 SEPARATE SHOWS IN 3 SEPARATE TENTS. The Roman Qjrcus and Royal Colosseum Contains a Double Company - , , pany of Star Performers , Grandest Corps of . * ) ' " Specialty Artists Ever Assembled. Fresh I Sparkling Original I ConKived and Perfected Especially for this Grand Establishment. SUPEREMINENT IN. STATION ! Deftrredlv ro frtm rnperiontjr in everr ds- ranmeotand aciiievftntnU It is unequalled In Chr.rttndcm. Prtss and public nu > in tirononnanr it a deeded ace > on to the amnsemint orid A perfect mad ecmr4e > rfTsb'ih"v"ti " " ' ' "f eosnpanson and ciil and s , SO Acrob t8,100LArabianRicgHors- ' 3Great Clowns _ _ _ _ _ Great Show i s kjd an existence ot cpany three- quarters kof a centnrr , xnd has trar eledttM worW OTer , berertr aniialioB ezteadr , cslluq ; from each nation so ruited some ineaiea * tolDltb ? shape of a Temarkahleu.PERrOEUEBOR AXIUAIs enabling TanAmbnrph i Co. to pi'tuuit to their palro&s en Eqarstrna P Titt. coaposcd -artSttio diiaUes , the Terr choicest to tb hod. _ * . 'M - i A Fe stt of Zoological Eccentricties , YerrcasTof which r n3wlfrthBfir tli e"exhibitediaaMenirri Aincnaal in its icajci- Ertiy yesj adds XEW AKD SrAKtLIXQ f EATCKKS to VAX AMBURGH & CO'S Grand Establishment ! ITS PRE-EMINENCE Undisputed ! Its Success is Unparalleled in the History of Shovrs. Its Reputation is Unsullied , and Its Show Possessions - -sessions are - - r IITERAILt EHOBMOUSTl- OBSERVE THE 'GRAND STREET PARADE T rAf A'l3$9t Jen A. JVI : " J" " REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE , FRIDAY& SAT , , MAY 2fST & .22ND. D. J. C. . . . C.SUPIT Ifl SUPIT Si . . , , 1 tlWsv'SBf1 * * ysiflsss. jSL'i'imrs.van ' M > Jl a2drtstaErtCeJSn ; t Alfred CsrpeoteT. AB an5a.Coeaecfietwntec rv f BeDdOflCrtX It 1 Br t levrwd the r I ne l Ds. Tbrnras Scfectiic O3 while Knsr ja OJao , jdltii = iiitbe Twct laeiicae is cse far * WTEazi EoHnd. Jt. 14 east Swin Saeet , ears : * Intiep st tWQTraaliarthadoccasjon'to tuw t& TiicsEas * Edectrfc < H c = 5ie f r jaeitlT lure fo adit to t * aa a > ga raadrri orer , . a2 j t actirr aiaosS Jirst i rr Grisishaw ; Ko. 131 Va2 E = Eihwisc = rrd of a rWeai aUicfcot Khea- sv = sa of tl ki3-eo = S = Jss ker ta her choir , bj- A few a s cos of Is. Tbccas" Kciectnc O2. Sfce SIJT : "Lesstiaa a bvtUe ccrri ae sctze- rr , Xy son trocbM wit& Ebf us = ot SOtD IS OXAEAET AIL to Torr Dr = sristtarie y. THE GENUINE DR.C.McLANE'S MHJgfc are not"recommenfleS as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head- ache.'or diseases of that character , they stand without arrival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic' can be-usefl pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. , . BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. ' * ' Each box has a jed-wax seal on the lid' ' with the impression.McLANE'S LIVER' . .PILL.Each wrapper bears tho'signa- ' tures of C. 3IcLAKE and PLEMISO BROS. , 9 Insist upon having the genuine DB. C. McLANE'S LIVEU TILLS , pre pared by FLEMING BROS.PittelnrgliPa. , the market being full of imitations of the name Mcliane , spelled differently , but same pronunciation. COUGHS , BBONCHITIB AND CONSUMPTION. What a Well-Known Drngzist Bays about , Allen's Lou ; Balsam. UOTHEKS , READ ! , OAKLAIDSTATIOK , Ky. Oiimraxa : The demaud for Allen's Lung Balsam is increasing constantly. The ladies think there is no medicine equal ta it tor Croup aad Whooping Cough. C. S. MAKTIN , Druggist. Sold by all Medicine Men. Beautiful Ctlore . Picture. Very In eestous. 7 objoctstoflnd. Send stamp f or pack' re. DB. E. O. ABB Y Buflalo N. Y. Gentle Who vrant glossy , luxuriant aud wary tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair must use LYON'S EATUAIBON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , beeps it from fulling out , arrests and cares grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it ia any desired position. Beau- tifuVhealthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathairon * i [ .ATTDfiHEYS-AT-LA * . WM. S1MERAL , i TTORNEYi AT LAW-Campbeil's Blocl , % 13th 8trc tbetive nrarnham and Douglas. OMAHA , KLIi. D. L. THOMAS. A TfORNET AT LAW Loans money , buys J\ _ and sells real estate. Kcotu 8 , Creighton Block. A. C. TROUP , i TTORNEY AT LAW OSce In Hacscom's A. Block , with George E. Pritchott. 1KXJ Farghan St. OMAHA , NEB. DEXFER L THOMAS , A TTORNEY AT LAW Crulckmant i Build A. ing. ar < gtf A. CHADWICX , A TTORNEY AT LAW Office 1504 rarnham ± \ . btr et. et.A. A. SWARTZLANDE TTORNEY AT LAW Cor. 13th and rarnham L Btreit. maySStl WILLIAM A. FONDA , * TTORNEY AlfD COUNSELOR AT LAW. A. Room No. 6 , Frcnier Block , opposite Post fflce. OMAHA. NEB. WM.LPEABODY , T AWYER-OaSce In Crtisbton Block , neit to Post Office , OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Procured. " JTOTJLBY rUBLIC. COLLT-CTIOSS MADK E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. TTORNEY AT LAW AKD JUSTICE OP . E PEACE Southeast corner Fifteenth and Dongas St. -Collections Promptly Attended O'BRIEN & BARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law , CTnCE-UnianBloctn.fteeath ani ? Famhaml A. L. ROBISON. A TTORNEY AT LAW. Boom Crciphton A. Block. OUAHA Neb. 1untl JM M-'OBB , ATTORNEY AT LAW. ( ARBACH BLOCK , COR. DOUGI5TH STS. OMAHA. NEB. W. d. Connell , Attorney-at-Law. Office : front rooms , np stain , la Haascom's new brick bonding , N. W. corner'Fif teenth and Join L EIDICT. . Cais R. RXDICX. I A11 o rn e y s-a t-L a w. SpedU attentloa will be giren to all eulU against corporations of crery descriptioa ; will practice in al ; tbe Ooorts ot the State aad the United Slates. Oflce. Farnhxm St , opposite a Court Boose. , L ADAMS & SIMERAL , a TTOK5ET5 AT LAW Boom 6 JBkiek. . Itth md Donghis streeta. noMh C. F. MANDERSQN , " AT LAW iO Faratta Street ATTORSSY Kebnekx. c1 FARKE CODWIH , " * TTOB5ET AT LAW Uth "and Doctfas T. tc. T. KiaiAins. O. J. Hcsr RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys t-Law. Omci 35 Sooth Focrtcecth Street. " EAST INDIA a " is ' BITTERS ! ILER & CO. , SOLB MANUFACTUBEB3 JTcb. b Direct Line to Fjrsnce. CEMEtALTIAJtSATlANTIC COMPAM TVETWEES Jfrw Tork aad Harra ier i JLB _ > foot of Xancae pierofcoEspasr. Trsrelers by tha Eae at sid both trsas3 bj Za f sbzsilws.j 2dth d co = Iart ci traessf the j'hi. ' , ' iM lrr m. " ' K CA5ADA. ° A3tZHIQT3. 2. Jonsa , tTedscsiij Tehraar . . * , = . lS.Ua. M = ttnrwa : TO HATR5-ZSr t Cii = , CM s = aJCO ; Secia in tba.C5Sacac8. rytvr * , > r iOaSDE , nawr. 1XASS E. JtOOSES. So. JM , W t Sdsflisi Xb - Xa . iHS. . 3 ? CSa rf _ M a „ ' - , TWO PUJQBIMB. MIRACULOUS CUBES AT THK CATHOLIC CHAPEL IN KNOCK. ' Boston Corns , of tha It. Y. Sun , May 8. In tbo Cunsrd Bteamehip Samaria , which sai'ed ' from this port this morn- inic f T.Qiieenslown , were two'pauen- gars , John Ca idjr and Michreol Mitchell , laborers , on route to Knock , Mayo county , Ireland , where they thiut that the miraculous interposi tion of tlie Virgin Mary Mill heal their physical inSnnitiei. The cauie of their iaith and pilgrimtga Ujbased upon the asaeition that OP August 21 , 1879 , apparitipns-of the Blessed Vir gin , St. "Joseph , ' and St. John were seen against the walls of the Catholic chapel in Knock ; and 'that'the omen has given the material of that structure curative power. A number of persons , it ii sild , hav sworn that they saw the apparitions Subsequently other peripns ssror that they taw them , once in Januar ; and again in February. Since thei they ere eaid to have appeared with increased frequency. The publica tion of the evidence has drawn thous ands of persons to Knock , and th most aitonishing cures have been re ported , it being asserted that it is on ly necessary for the sufferer to pray for relief-on the spot , or to carr away a bit of mortacor brick , to in sure complete recovery. The Iris ! newspapers have given accounts of th blind restored to light , the paralyze * to activity , the consumptive to health , the deaf to hearing , and to on , un til ( he catalogue of cures is near- ] y endless. From the records it seems that over 3,000 persons visited the chapel in one day , and it is said thai from this city and suburbs severa ! hundred pilgrims have started durinf the past month for the new shrine oJ health. The crutches , bandages ; anc other concomitants of sickness left al the chapel are said to be so great in number that special conveyances are daily employed to take them away. Archdeacon Cavanaghtookno steps towards verifying the stories of cures effected until the Archbishop of Team appointed a commission to take evi dence. After reading the report , the archdeacon deemed it his duty , since the church bad taken cognizance of the matter , to set down the exact'pir ticulara of such cures as could be proved to his satisfaction. The diary opecs with tLo words , "Ad majorem Dei GJoriam ( "To the Greater Glory of God" ) , and is entitled , "An ac count of the miraculous cures wrought at the cable of the chapel here , where the Blessed Virgin Mary , the immaculate mother , appeared on the night of the 21st of August , 1879. " The record , so far , jjivea tb,3 hiefory of 758 cases , including cures of deaf ness by the application of a small par ticle of cement to the ear ; of a cripple who rode on hia ass lo the chapel and walked away ; of a dumb woman who was restored to speech ; of a drunkard who was reformed by drinking water taken from the ground at the gable , and similar ca es. Mr. 3acsidy , who is a carpenter , fell from the roof of the Moody and Sankey tabernacle in Boston on Dec. 9 , 1876 , in consequence quence of iti icy condition , and sus tained a compound fracture of the an kle joint of the left foot , a disloca- ton of the hip , aud a fractute of the socket. He was taken to the City Hospital for treatment , and while there underwent a surgical operation , which necessitated the excision of his heel b > ne. List evening he exhibited his foot to a Sun correspondent. His ankle was swollen and discolored , and the foot wrinkled and deformed , the tendons i being contracted and the toes 1 twisted. The bottom of the foot 1I 1i i was covered with cotton bit- tin I 7 , and beneath the heel was ar ranged a substitute for that part of the t anatomy. Mr. Cassidy's hip and socket bore evidences of the terrible fall i he had received , and his frame and features showed unmistakable traces of his sufferings. Mr. Mitcecll is j afflicted with a maimed leg and at tendant ailments. Both , men were , in the best of spirits on board the Sam aria this morning , and expressed the most confident belief in the curative properties of the Knock Chapel and their speedy recovery after the appli cation of cement or clay taken from itA A wealthy lady who lives on Commonwealth avenue recently paid a visit to Knock for the purpose of being cured of paralysis. On her arrival there she was requested by the parish priest to leave at the chapel a silve-headed cane which she carried. After much persuasion she consented to do so , and recovered the use of her limbs. On her return to Boston she was congratulated on her good for tune , but she still wished to possess the cane , and on obtaining it she was again stricken down with the same disease. This story was told to the Sun's cor respondent by thy lady herself , who occupies a high social petition in this city. Near the Mission chapel in Rox- bury there are some twenty-three per sons who claim to have been cured at Kuock , and in Newton there are nine. The marvellous cures reported are exciting the greatest interest in all cir cles here , and hundreds of Invalids who have been Riven up by physicians are makiog active preparations to go to Knock. STORIES OF RINGS. BI5G3 AS MESffifTOES WZDDISG-BUfGS. "History and Poetry of Finder-Blags.- John Dunstona London bookseller , and who is mentioned in the Duncjad , describes in hia autobiography 'his wedding-ring as having two hearts united upon it , and this poetry : God saw thee Most fit forme. This would not seem to have at tached to his second wife , for she left him , and wrote in one of her letters : "I and all good people think yon never married me for love , but for my money. " Dr. John Thomas , who was bishop of Lincoln in 1773 , married , four times. The motto or poesy on the wedding-ring at hia fourth mmizge was : IH isake them five. This . .HerDr. . John Thomas was a man of genii 1 humor. He used to tell story of his burying a body ; aid a woman came ' 'and pulled me , " said h j , "by the sleeve in the middle of the service. 'Sir , sir , I want to speak to you Immediately. ' 'Why , then , -what the matter ! ' 'Why , fir , ' tays she , 'you are burying a ma.n who died of the tmall-pox next to my pcor hus band , who never hid it. ' " Heroes , philosopher * , poets , indeed , men of all classes , leave remembran ces in the shape of ring * . The win of Wuhin tea cMttams thk : "To my dsteri-ia-Uv , Hannah "Washington ind Mildred Washington , aad to my friends , TCU U TStasxt , ' ' ' Washington , of FairSeld , and "Eliza beth. Washington , of Hajfield , I , give each. a-jaonnuBg ring of tie Tslne of one hundred doHan. The bequests are not znsda for the intrinsic value cf them , bat as momentoa of my esteem ind regard. " Shakespeare be queaths sash tokens to eereral friends amoog them to Ics fcroth- r players , whom he * * TI "my poor feHowj" "twenty shffllnj3 sightpeaee apiece to hey then rings. " Pope bequeathed sum of five pounds friend ? , -who were to lay them out rings. This great poet was no idiairer of fcnerala , that blackened dl the way , cr of gorgeous tonbs. "As Jfcr oy body , rry wifl be thai ii bnrlad near the nmgaent cf e Jetr parents Trricksaitsi. addition after the words feltus fecit of these only , ttribi ; Quiobiit anne 17 , ataiis r nd that it be carried to the grave by six of the poorest men of the parish , to each of whom I order a suit of grayjcturse cloth as mourning. " The affection which Dr. Johnson bore to the memory of his wife wai a pretty p'nnt in his character : "March 28 , 1863. I kept this day a the anniveJuary of my Lettyla death with prayer and tears in the morning In the evening I prayed for her con ditionally , if it were lawful. " Hei wedding-rinar , wbeu she bzcanio his wife , wa , after her death , preserve ! by him as long as he lived with affectionate tionato care in a little round wooden box , and In the inside of which he pasted a clip of paper thus inscribec by him in fair characters : Eheu ! Eliz. Johnson , Nupta Jul. 0,1736 , Mortua , eheu ! Mart 17,1752. Husbands can love whera friends can see nothing to admire. Mrs Johnson has beeu summed up as "per petual illness and perpetual opinion. ' LordEldon wore a mourning ring for his wife. In his will wo find this "And I direct that I may be buriec in the same tomb at Kingston in which my most beloved wife is buried and as near to her remains as possible , and I desire that the ring which J wear on my finger may be put with my body into my coffin and be buriec with me. " The last gift of Tom Moore's moth er to him was her wedding ring. "Have been preparing my dear moth er for my leaving her , now that I see her so much battdr. She is quite re conciled to my going , and said this morning : "Now , my dear Tom , do not let yourself be again alarmed about me in this manner , nor harried away from your house and business. ' She then siid she must , before I had left her this morning , give me her wedding ring as her last gift ; and ac cordingly , sending for the trinket- box in which aha kept it , she hersell put the ring on my finger.1' THK POTATO AND ITS VALUE IN THK NEW YORK MAR KETS. N w York Tribune. New York city is the chief potato market of America , with a daily con sumption , including that of Brooklyn , estimated at 10,000 barrels , besides a large supply for the shipping trade. It draws i < s supplies from all pjris of the country , and distributes its surplus to nearly every part of the world. The annual potatocrop of theUnited States is now estimated at nearly 200,000,000 of.which New York state alone pro duces 25,000,000 bushels , or 10,000- 000 barrels. The potato crop of the country has been estimated as equivalent to 800 , 000,000 pounds of mutton or 4,000 , 000,000 pounds of breid. Hundred ! of millions of dollars are annually in vested in this staple , and Ihousandsof men get a living in the work of mar keting the crop. Tha principal potato-growing coun ties cf the state are Washington , Ren- sJelaer and Saratoga , and also the counties in the centra of the state , bordering on the New York Central and Erie raUruads. Aside from New- York stats , larga supplies are received from Maine , Massachusetts Vermont , .Michigan , Ohio , Illinois , and Nebras ka. A few car loads once came from San Francisco , buttho freight amount ed to more than the value of the cargo. The Bermuda Islands , South Carolina lina , and Virginia are relied on for early potatoes , from January to July ; after which New Jersey and Long Is'and supply the trade until about the 10th of August , when shipments begin from the interior of the state. In some years large quantities are im ported from Canada , and for a long time New York has received a large regular supply from the province of Novo Scotia , Prices Edward's Island and New Brunswick. In 1878 the Imports of potatoes amounted to 780- 173 bushels and in 1879 , 607,553 bushels ; the duty on which , at 15 cents a bushel , brought the govern ment more than § 200,000 in the two yeara. New York also imported to foreign countries in 1878 , 531,437 bushels , and in 1879 , 547,611 bushels. They went mainly to the West Indies and South America ; and in 1879 a large quantity was shipped to England , on account of the general failure of the crop in Great Britain. A Canuck Law Maker in a Hotel. Jnnttord Te'e rua. Among the railway travelers eating dinner at a hotel in Belleville the oth er day was a fellow who swallowed meat , potatoes and bread as if he had ieen a week without eating. A second cup of coffee was brought XD him , and in his hurry he picked it up and took a large swallow. It was considerably hotter than pepper , and n his excitement he opened his mouth and shot the liquid across the table against ayoung man's shirt bosom. "Gosh whoop hot beg pardon blazes1'he ! exclaimed , reaching for .he water. "You are a hog , sir ! " replied the young man "a regular hog. " "I am , eh ? " "Yes , sir-:11 : "And I've got bristles ! " ' 'Yes , you have. " "And I gruntl" "Yes. " "Stranger , " said the man , as he reached across the table after another slapjack , "stranger , I'm not a hog. I'm only an M. P. bound for Ottawa. " An Intereatlrg Puzzle. Spellers of all grades and ajfea will ind the attempt to write the following rom dictation an interesting puzzle. A lady who was sure she could win the Webster unabridged , offered as a prize n case she succeeded , missed only 22 of the 92 hard words. A professor of anguages , who prided , himself on his mpwledge of'orthography missed 28. it is possible that some typo may pat hem all up correctly. Let cs see that some of our readers can detect the er rors. Webster is the standard. The rsott skillful ganger I ever mew was a msligned cobbler , armed with a poniard , who drove a peddlsr's wagon , n""g a mullein stalk as an in- trnment of coercion , to tyrannize overiis pony , shod with calks. He was * German Sadducee , and had a ihthisickycatirrh , diphtheria and the liflions , intermittent erysipelas. A certain nibyl , with the Bpbriqcet of Gypsy , " went into ecstacies cf each- noarion at seeing him measure a icihel of pea * , and separate sac charine tomatoes from a heap > of peeled potitoes _ without dye- ng or singeing the ignitible queue , which he wore , or becoming paralyzed with a heracrfhaze. Lifting Her yes o the ceiling of the cupola of the cap- ii tel , to conceal her _ unparalleled era- larrawnEJt , malong a rough eourte- ly , and not harassing hisiwith raystl- ying , rarehnng , and stupefying iau- aadoes , she gave him a couch , a bou- pet of Ifllies , mignonette , andfuchsi- , a . treatise on . inenmonieejci . copv of - i- BK. * - * f - lie Apocryphia in hiero ypiic * , da- jnsrrotypes of MendelssoJm and Koa- dasko , a fcaJeidoseope , a draa pHal f ipacacoaaha , ateaapocnfnl nspa- " h * for deleble parposea , a fernle , Jarioaet , foae iiecncs a srcni- jle , s carneEtn of Bymmeirical rroporucns , * cErsnosneier wztn raore- be ! balsscs v'b.eeL , Lor of domi- fcH aad a catecMnm. The ganger , - 'Yu lso traffrrfng recti era&d 'ptJsIjioaeT cf niae , preferred a woolen surtout ( his choice was prefer able to a vacillating , occasionally oc cnrring fiiosynaa'iy ) and woefully ut tered this apothegm : "Lfa ; is check ered ; but schism , apoitacy , heresy , and villainy shall be punished. " The sibyl apologizingly answered : . "There is r.n'fably an altezeablo difference be tween a conferrable ellipses nnd tri syllable diieresis. " BABY SAVED. We are so lhankfnl to eay that oar baby M oenmnently ciired of a dangerous nrulirotract - lirr gul ntyof the bowel * by t'le use ot Ucp Bitter * by Its mother , nhicli at the sitna tlnw restored htr to psrf-ct he Hh mid trcuctli. The Parents , I'.ocbeater , N. Y. tcu another column. GIVE IT A. TRIAL and you will bo aitni hcd. "Anskealg. " Dr. S. f itsbee's External Pile Remedy , klvcs Instant rtllet and ia an infallible care for the most ob- sticate caws of Pilfg. It bu made tbo most wonderful cures of this terrible dl ord r. 'O.OCO prateful people that have used It can testify to the same. Samples with full directions sent frea to all SjfTerers on application to AuikeiU depot , Box 3316 , New York. Sold by all fiMt-claw druyglsta. EVERY TOBACCO OHEWER should provide himself with a bottle of SOZODONT.so that when he calls upon the ladies he can rinse 1m mouth and remove the odor which hovers around the person of the nicolized. Not alone for its aroma is it valuable , but as a curative and preservative of the teeth it Is unsurpassed. Broken cigar boxes can bo mended by Spalding's Gluo. How queer ! Caiarrha ! HA KINO offensive mucous , PAINS over the ejes , CRACKLING in the head , SICItKNINQ breath , DEAFNESS and tlckllnin the throat , are SIGNS of CATARRH. The PUKULKNT SECRETION'S thrown upon the BRONCHIAL TUBES whllo asleep , follow the mncona me m- brano , and POISON THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. Snfierers know how OBSTINATE the disease is. The ac Jon of Catarrhal Virus , like that of small pox haj been FINALLY DISCOVERED. Catarrh is now cured. A. McKiasCT , R. R'd Pres. . 33 Broad St. , N. Y. "WEI DE MEYER'S CATARRH CUHK Is won- derful. " E. H. BROWS , Merchant , 339 Canal 6t. , M. Y. CATARRH 11 YEARS. Cured by on pack age. S. BKCIDICT , Jr. , Jeweler , C97 Broadway , N. Y. ( family of. ) Cured of CHRONIO CATARRH O. L. BRCSH , 443 Broadway , Y. Y. . CATARRH 10 YEARS. Could not taste or smell Cured. "Host my > olceby Catirrh , and have been cur ed. " J. HK.IDH.SO155 Newark Ave. , Jersey City. W. D. WOODS , 4S7 Broadway , N. Y. , cured o Chronic Catarrh. L. A. NKFMA-I , Merchant , 305 Fulton St. , Brook lyn CHRONIC CATARRH. Given up by physicians. Cured. A. B. TIIOESS , Insurance 183 Montarn ; St. , Brooklyn , faclf and son cured of CATAIIRH. J. D. McDo.tlLD , Merchant , 718 Broadway , K. Y. ( bUter-in law. ) Had CATARRH 0 YEARS. Cured. Etc. , Etc. , Etc. , Etc. Etc. CUKED I CURED ! .URED CURED ! O. G. PRIMS i. Prop. West End Hotel , Lon ? Branch , Cured of 0 yean Chronic Catarrh. E. H. BROW.V , 391 Canal St. , N. Y. , Cuied of 11 years fhronic Catarrh. J. D. McDo.f ALO , 710 Broadway , N. Y.Si3ter-in- Law ) Cured of 40 years Chronic Catarrh. MM. JACOB bWARTZ , Jr. , 200 Warren St. , Jcreey City , cured of 18 yeirs chronic Cntarrh. A. B. Thorn. 163 Uonta.oie St. , Brooklyn , ( self and soil ) cured of Catarrh. A. McKwsii , R. R. Pres. , 33 Broad St , N .Y. : "My family experienced immediate relief " &c. . &c. . Ac. , he. , &c. DR. WEI DE MEYER'S PAMPHLET with the most remarkable testimonial on record , sent free , by his Agents , Mesa S.D. B. DEWEY A CO.,48Dey St. N. Y. ; or by Dru ? ists. The cure Is delivered at 81.50 a package. Think of a reai cure for an obstinate diea4e , at this trifling cost. dcc8 2aleod IRON TURBINE WIND ENGINE f MANUFACTURED BY Mast , Fees & Co. , Springfield , 0. The Strongest and Host Durable WIND ENGINE In the World. Hundreds In use Snlowa and Nebraska Sold [ y Dealers in nearly ewy county. This cut representa our Buckeye Force Pump Trhlch is particularly adapted to Wind Mill use , as It works easily and throws a constant stream , and does not freeze up In the cold est -weather. Send for price list to W. H. RAYNER , Western AgX Osaha , Neb. ONLY EFFECTUAL KIDNEY REMEDY AND SPJCCIFIC FOR Erizht s DiieiM. Elaltetes , Ncrrocs DeMlit } ' , Pain in the Back , Loins cr fcWe , Droffj , GrarsI , Incostineace and R tcotion ofUruieaad Fersale ConspZainta. Esnd for mi treatise on the EHners , ent.Uod Echoes You &jonld Heed , " aliUie pataphlrt a great deal of information flee. Excelsior Kidney Pad Co. , SOLE F OPEIEIOE3. CTSold by P. W. EAIE & CO. Omaha "SI QBAYT3 SP2 CIPIC MiSDJCLNi , TRADE rAsK.Tne Great English , . , Beaedy , &i _ 3 An TT-firns . S5 cure for Scsi * isal Weak- nea8SperzB&- EefoiB Takin LhatfoCovas aeqaeoceof SeU-Aircae ; loa f Kesxaj , UuiTenal Lasctode , Paia ia tbc Bade. DzsaeBS ot Tisioa , PreoaicEre Old A Lad i = any other Inaeases that lead iolnxuby cr ncszpUon utd a ? itsiSart Grare. STaH particulars in our phtiaphlet. which re des e to scad tree by mail to erery one. ESThe Specie MetadEei * sold by aa drajrlste n per package , or six packages for $5 , or wa Xfest free try z = aH on receipt cf Ut * ooaeyty The Grayileeliciae Co. . LD CC Osf AHABT / g. ISH , AJfP BT AL DBCCGI3T3 ZTZETI NERVOUS DEBILITY E plireys' 2 ? o S' " " yHomeopathiec g " ' " lTo.28. kaows. Prte C per rial or S riaJs aad lazzeralof powder for . .sgelpott. . * oa receipt cf pcet. HEX ttOXEO. MEDCO , S , Jtew Totfc r free-1 . ift i = j tt Ir e. Aiins ? ITM 5 Co. Psnitsd , X ; GO EAST VIA THE Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It U the SHORT , SUKE and Safe Route Botwtsn COUNCIL BLUFFS CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE aud all points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. It Is the ONT.T ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Is run PULLMAN HOTEL OAES ! In addition to thene and to please all clauses of travelers. It jrlTe FIRST-CLASS MEALS at Its EATING STATIONa at 60 cents each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAI131 ITS COSHES ARE THE FIHESTI ITS EQUIPPHENT FIRST-CLASS If yen wish the Best Traveling Aceomraoda tlons you will buy your ticket * by thia Routs CTAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Tickets Agents can sell TOO Through Tickets via this road and Check tunal Baggage Free ot Charge. OMAHA TICKET OFFICES-IS ? * Famham St. , Cor. 14th , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorado Central and Union Pacific Ticket Office HAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 New Montgomery - ery Street. For Information , folders , maps , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Tlcku Office , address any agent ot the Company , or MARVIN HUCHITT , WH. . STEMHETT , OenT Min.errr , GenT Pas . Agent , CHICAGO. ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Oen'l Act Omaha & Counc'l ' Bluffs. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AKT St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Helidble Sioux City Itoutel 100 MILES SHORTEST IIOUTK I From Council BInfls to ST. X rU.DW.KJ OXC. 33XSTVT A And all points In Northern Iowa. Minnesota and CHkota. Thia Una Is eqolppnd vltb the Im ? roTed Westlnghouse Automatic Air Brakes and Illller platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT s onsnrpaBsed. Elegant Drawing Room and Sleeping Cars , owned and controlled by tha e om- > ny , run Through Without Charge , betw en Jclon Pacific Transfer depot , Council Bltl SB , and St , Paul. Trains leara the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs at 8:18 : p.m. , eacblng BIoux City at 10:20 p. m and St. Paul at 11:05 a. m. , making st TEN HOURS IN ADTAJICB or AN * OTHEB RODTJE. Returning , lears St. Paul at 830p. to. , atrtr- Ing at Sloor CJty 1:1S a. m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Dtpot , Coondl Bluffs , at 8:60 a , m. JBTB sure that jonr tickets naA tU "S. 0. * P. B. B.- t . a HILLS , Superintendent , Utaonri Valley , Iowa. P. E. ROBINSON , A8st Oenl Fan. Aleut. J. H. CTBBYAN. Southwestern Prelfht and Pasamfer Ant , myiOtf _ Council Blnflu SHORT LINE 18850. THE K.C.ST.JOE&C.B.R.R. , Is the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST from OMAHA and the WEST. No change of cars between Omaha and St. Louis and but one between Omaha and New York , SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS KXACIIUO ALL Eastern & Western Cities With less charges and in advance ot other lines. This entire line is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Couh- CT , Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated ft estingbome Air-Brake. 13TSKK THAT YOUR TICKET P.EADSTE1 2ria Kansas CJtr , St. Juvcpb * u < r , vl SITES Tickets for gale at all coupon stations 1 the West. J. F. B1RNARD , A. C. DA WES , Cen'ISupt. , GenlPass. & Ticket Air't St. Jceph , ilo fit. Jowpb , Mo , W. C. 8 EACUHEST , Ticket Azen. , 1H Fifteenth Street , betnren Farnham and Donulw , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEUON , A. B. BARKARD. Paw. Agent. Omaha CekT Agent , Omaha. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I OHIIO-A-Q-O - - , BURL.HCTON&QUIHCY With Smooth and Perfect Tnck , JSejint Villxn ger Coaches , and PULLMAN 8LEEPNC _ & DIHIMC CARS. ItisKknowIed edbythePreassndan who trarsl ortr It , to be the BUT Arroimro and Biet Uijuaia Eod In ihe Coustry. PASSENGERS GOING EAST Bhaold bear In min4 that this Is the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Potts Eaft , Sorth and Borftwest. Ptoeogta by this Bxxit * hart cnolc * o FOUR DIFFERENT BOUTES , And the AdmU e of SIX Dafly Line * c < Palace HeeplEZ Can from Chicago to New York City Without Change. All Express "Inlet OB UJt llae an s oOped with the Wectinzhouae Patent Air Brake * and idler's Pateat Safety Platform and Chapters , thu most Perfect Pro- tec oa Against Acddenti In the world. VHKl SLEEPIKC AMD DIMMCAU AM run ot. tbo Burlington Boat * ccBcerdn ; Route * . Kales , Hat Concoctions , etc , wCl b cheerfully giren ly appljia ? at the office of tha CcrUnTtoa Boole. 6 14th St. . Oasaha , Nebraska. & K. PEKKIKB , D. w. HITCHCOCK , Genl ICacacer. Ota. WrR'n ftfs. Aft. J. 0. raLLIPI , Et. Joe. , Mo General Ant , Omaha. H. P. DECKL , Ticket A-jest , Otnahi. lebtdllP h t ft P.I . IAV : . .tTk " - * BJ " srcS ,5gX vi | . . _ ( " ° " " "l - 'lrt 1.00eUfr - r ci' tf. 'iXja K * if CM car t ' ? i'H'S AT THE bASE TDDS JX , OLIVER , - * " " "S BOWELS , and the KIDNEYS , atrcaRdisuoa. or torpid , and s therefore fonxd expe8ed . PILES. COS KID5ET COaPllJ5IS. 5E2TOCS BLSOEDEES , ( f tZttt oryaru Ifjry SeffT BnioespslBsi sa4 tebtsj f Vt KIDSErrWOET tesZi. Tl is a dry , ityZaZU campus * out Q 1 1 P IT P H D C J or < ' < > iiirlis'ol < ! s , Broneliilis O U n L U U n L AsHuna , Consumption , And ALL DISEASES of the Throat and Lungs. Put Up in Quart Size Bottles for Family Use. PAMTIflM . . .DONT BE DECEIVED by unprincipled d-nlera who try to mlm off Mrtr 1 'V"1 . Kock and Rre In p'aii of our TOUMIOCK inl KYK. which Is th - Hlil > - 10ATED article rude , the OESL'ISE n ln a GOVEHNMc.VT STAMP on each bottle , Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OKKICK OK INTKRXAL RKVKAUE , " " ' ° ' Jnu'r S' 18s < > * Messrs. LAWRENCE i MARTIN. Ill Midlson St , CMa" lU\ \ OI.ITI.UISX : I hue received a "certlfled famuli" xlTin ; lh InirredisnU ami rel tu | > ratv > r. tions used In the nunufacture ot an article which you advcrtlw and iwll un < lr Ihanunon' "fOLU ROCKandRYE. " This componnd , accordinir < > > your ( urnmU , In the opinion cf this oftVi.TuuM have a sufficient quantity of the BAUAU Of TOI.U to EUeltaII the vl .iU n Mrrit > ol ttbi art.cle In pectoral complaints , whiiu tlio whliky ami syrup constitute anctnultJoti rmluciiu tha comrouiul ansgreea > > le remedy to lh patient. In the opinion of this offlcn , ail rticl cr > mpoun < lol accnnlln to thh fornnln miy prorxjrly hn claised as a meJldnal preparation under tl o froiUlon * of S > .h lule A , fulluwin s < xUu < i 3 , T7 U. a. Revised btatutcs , nd wLcn so s'Jimpe-1 tn * be sold by Hruurriit' % Aiwthfwirlcs , and Olh r r nt without rendering them llaV'e ' to piy sp < x-al ! tsx as HIIUT ilcalrrt Yours lles ictlully , ( bUned ) GREEN. B. RAUM. CommUal lor. Lawrence & Martin , Chlciijo , Sola Airenu for the UnlU.1 * U' n and Cauuia. Mold t Dro ? Slsl . Orocersand General Dealen .rerywhere. Hlmlt.ilo A < jnt f it Neb , STKKLE , JOII.S , ON > i CO , will supply the trade t manufacturer * pilcci. WHO 13 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CFOCRAPHY O < fHIS COUNTRY. SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP , THAT THE - ' ' CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GUEAT CONNECTING LINK JIETtVEEN THE EAST & THE U F.S" Its main Una runs from Chicago tu Council IHnlnjCan for e tln purpo i only. I Bluffs. pa lng thrnuith Jollet. Ottawa. l.a f-alle. great frataro of cur I'alaca Cars ! PM ) . Ueneseo , Mollno , llock Island. Davenport. Vim HAIXX.N wn r you cam enjoy your "t a * Liberty , Iowa Clty.MarroKo , Brooklyn. < > rlnnell. at all honrs of th < j day. UeaMolnes ( the capital of Iowa ) . Stuart. Atlan Magnincent Iron Unites * span the M fUstptjr tic , and Areca : with branches from Bur u and Missouri rirers at all points cro-wr. tir thit J unction to Peorla ; Wilton Junction Witunca- I'ne.and traasfersareaToidvdatCwunil UluflSL tlte , Washington. Kslrfluld. Kldon. Helknap. Kanvas Cltr. l earenwnrth. and Atchl n. ooa > Centrcrllle , PrinceU > n. Trenton. Uallatln. Came nectlons being made In Union Itrftl * . ron. LeaTenworth. Atcblson. and Ka : ai Cltr : THK L'ltl.Ntll'AI. K. IU CONNK < JTlt Ny Cff Washington to Slgourney. Oskaloona. ami Knox- TH1H OltKAT T11KUUUII I4.NB A-'LeJ A& Tllle : K okDK to Karalngton. Bonsparf , Ufa * HJIJXJWB : tonsoort. Independent. Rldon. Ottumwa. Kddf * Al CHICAUO. with all dlrerslug lines 'or ttss ) Tlll > > . Oskaloosa , 1'ella.Monroe. and Ix > Molncs : Bast and booth. Newton to Monroe ; I > s Molnes to Indlanolaand At K < KiLcrrooi > . wltatbeL.H.AM.B. Wlntersetr Atlantic to Jxtwls and Audutxjn ; and yuV.AC It-lW. . A'oca to Ilarlan. This Is posltlrely the onlr At WA.-I.NC.TOX HriOHTS. with 1' . Kallroad. which owns , and operatrn a through line from Chicago Into tbe State of Kansas. At I.A HALLE , with IlLCent. ItIt. . Through Express Pass nger Trnlnn , with Pull- Atl'roHiA. with 1 * P. * J . T. H. & E , LB. & Dan Palace Cars attached , are run -ach way daily W. : 111. Mid. : and T. 1 * . * w IfU. Between CHICAOO and 1'touIA. KA.NHAH Crrr , At 1UK.K ICLASn , with "Milwaukee t Haff Loc.fcir. Btcrrs. l.rATENWoitTH and ATCIII- Island auortUne. " and itock I.l'd A l'o. . 1 At UATEMtiUT , with th I > areaport l/iTla > o l lee nnd Kansas Cltr , rta the "Milwaukee and C.M.AHt.1 * it-K. Hock Island bhir-MJne. " At WEUTLlBZItTT. with tbe IUC It-A : The Great Uock Island" Is magnUlccntlr At ( ililMtzI.rltb l ntral Iowa 1C. K. eqnlpp4. lu road Md Is stmplr p rlect. and Its A turn Mot.nt.w1th I M.AK D It. J. . track Is laid with steel rails. Atcocacit. BLL'rm.witb Cnlun I'arin U.B. I What will please jrou most will b * the pleasure At OMAHA , with Jt.iMo.Il.lt. It. In f < > . of enjorlng Tour meals , while passing otertbe AtCoLUMllti1JL" < CTKj.f.w1thI ! . ( 1C &N.lt ( { , beauUTul prairies of Illinois and Iowa. In one of rmr maraiacent Uinlnx Can tnat accompany all Througu Express Trains. You get an t-nttrw At vi-f I'eo. A War ; niuw. . .Keo AN-W.H.'Ws. meal , as good as tsserred In any Dnt-cliii hotel , < ' 1I.M.J K.K. ApprecUtln'tne fact that a majmitr ir tne AtATCIIIsOf. ' Itn Ateh. . Topf ka A bait a f f p 3ple prefer separata apartment * for different L o.Jlr C P It. ltd * . [ mrpoes ( and th Immense passcnKir business At LEATLHiruurn. with Kan. pac. au < 3 Ka4. jl tils line warranting It ; . w nr plsed to an Cent. Ii. Kds. nounce that tbts Company runs I'uUman J'alaee AtKANMAS CITT. with all line * for tt'J WtiM Sltrptny Can lor sleeping purposes , and 1'alate and Houlhwest. I'AI ACE CAICM ar ran ( hrough to I'KOUIA , IEM COU.YCII. ULivn , KAXMAM CITT. A.TVIIIMON. and . . Ticket * Tin thU Line , known tut the "Orrat Koclc. JsUnd iluutc , " nro o t 6jt all Ticket AffBIM In the United Htates anil Canada. i i'or InTonuatlon not obtainable at jrour home ticket offlee , a ldro * . ByVLr. , E. ST. JOH ? * * . Gea'l goperiatcndent. Uen'l Tit. and Paai's GHAS. SHIVERiCK. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS W J..DTDO"W : STT A TBS- And everyining pertaining to the Furniture and upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE W -hJST ap M mon th tat 12 8 and 1210 Farnhara Street. Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivatcr ± 88O _ HAHUFACTUREDBY S. P. MAST&eO.SPRIHFFIELD,0 They also make Buckeye Improved Iron IJeam Walking Cultivator , with or Trithout Siringg. The Sew Force Feed Kuckeyc Drill , enc or two Herse Style. Inouire for them at the beat dealers. * F. E PUSH , Gen. Agent , Umaha , Neb. A oer icd and hllLerto cnkoown til ( Use te U the JOdaejs , lz der ad Vrsarj U w21 poeitirely can ZKabeUs GraTcI. Dry- ST , Erlzhf s Disease , toaiiliir to retaio ot cni and Kasty cnae , Paffifrl Cnaaiice , LAXK BACK. Oder * ! Weakseec , aad aU TexcaU , certain ia it cScU aod oae * wbea-sotissr rise ean. Zcr tCa by Drctj3si or test oj i = fl tnt cj-oa itaijfl ot the pAot , C.W- JAY OBKY FAD CSPZSrK , ZtiieAo , CX"5 jo = r aiira * isr c = r fcnle book , int Smi. ' JUOS Z. 1SZ , Dr. Eosanko's Ehemnatic Care : AJJALTALI The add Hood J the prteary taintsr power of EiurXArutf. th an Alka/i there can t w * - - BOJA5KO EH1XXATJC Chr Sc Dr. BesaBko' i i „ ! , j-ff tot yeraaznoA car * int thia oc tt and ti r ac tut UM faJ HndJ of PHet. Prict , Onit. C. T Atr.fi < l , iKTLGfri ted P&isb&att. Corsa * . XjtiA s , tmjt : Iyer fttt Etmtdj tu j ! e3 Ioe-efa ratofartios. Tii9 Dr. Eosanko . c. j. GOOMU.S ; ' tAgtat. Orrans.