THE DAILY BEI 3. EOSEWATBB. EDITOR TO OOBEESPONDENia. C COCSlxir iBn we will always be pleas to bear frtmon aU matters connected wi crops , country politics , and on any cnbje whatcrer , of general Interest to the people ocr Bute. Ant Information conni-ted wl the election * , snd relating to floods , acddeni wfll be gladly received. All such communic tkms however , must be aa brief as poesib ! acd they must in all cases be written on 01 J3eof tbeebootonly. iDsNiKBOT WETTEE , infull , mnrt In eachai every case accompany any communicaUon what nature eocvcr. This is net intended f rmnlieaUoo , bntferotrrown eatiriactlon [ ai as proof o. good faith. , , roiznotu. Ajcxoc7rc Err ot candidates for Office whet ] er made by lf or friends , and whether aa n Uces or communication ! to the Editor , a : onUl nominations are made ) simply persona * nd win be charged for as advertisements. DO ROT desire contributions of a literary i peetlcal character ; and ire will not cnderta ] to preserve or reserve the tame In any oa. whatever. Our staff if sufficiently huge ' more than iupply our limited space. All communications should be aodressed to E. B.DSETTATEB , Edltc PIAI.T. jfOB EEPOBLIOAN 8TAT CONVENTION. The republican electors of the State < Nebraska are hereby called to send deli gates from the several counties to meet i state convention at Columbus , on "Wednei day , the 19th day of May , 1880 , .8 Co'clock p. m , , for the purpose of clectin fix. delegates to the republican nations convention to be held at Chicago , on th 3d day of June next , to nominate candi antes for president and vice president o the United States ; and to transact sue. other business as may properly come be fore it. . . , The several counties are entitled to rep Tesentation in state -conventionas follows based upon the vote cast in each count ; for Hon.AmasaCobb for Judge of Ui Supreme Court , in 1879 , giving one dele pafe'to each 160 votes , and one for thi fr/ction 'of 75 votes , also one delegate a for each organized county : nrge ' D's Counties. D' . < V > unbes. .Adams , 11 Kearney. . . \ntelope 3 Keith B-one. ; . * Knoi. . . . . . i Buffalo. . 8 Lancaster. 1 ! Burl. . . . 5 Lincoln. . . Butler. 6 Maduon. Cans. . . * . 10 Merrick. ( Cedar 2 Nonce Cheyenne 3 Nemaha < 1ay 19 Nuckolis 4 0 lfax 6 Otoe fuming 5 Pawnee 't ter 2 Phelps J > aVota 3 Pierce. J ] ) awson 3 Platte f . 4 Polk jodge . 8 BedWillow . ' . T ' .Uglas . . . 17 XSchardson . V. Filinore . 10 Saline . 13 Franklin . 5 Sarpy . < 1 rontier . 1 Saunders . 1 < T' nas . 4 Seward . ' < Uage . 10 Sherman. . . . ! < ! reeley . 2 Stanton . ' tiosper. . . . . . . . . . 2 Thayer . < Ifall . 7 Valley . 3 Hamilton . v 6 "Washington . 1 Itirlan. . : . . 6 Wayne . J Hitchcock . 2 Webster } lowrd . 4 York S JloltV" . 3 Jefferson . 7 Total 37 ! Johnson. . . . . . . . 7 It is recommended first , that no proxie T > e admitted to the convention , except sue ] its are [ held br persons raiding in thi counties from which the proxies ore given Second : That no delegate shall repre tent an absent member of his delegation unless he be clothed with authority frpr tlie county convention , or is in possewsioi if proxies : Mom regularly elected delegates By order of the republican state centra committee , . JAMES W. DAWES ' " ' Chairman. JAMES DONNELLY , Secretary. -April 8. 18C9. THE Republican has all along pu down the seven votes of Polk count ] f r Grant. Polk county trill elect del egiUs on Saturday , and they will b ( eolid for Elaine. So much for the es timate of : ir. - Ir the Inttr-Octan't Illlnolo as accurate aa the Nebraska table pub' Jishod by the Omaha third tsrniboom- er , we may confidently look for forty- two * Elaine and "Washburne delegatei fr'm Illinois to the national conven tion. THE tidal wave of pleasure seeking Americans is turning toward Europe this spring with a very strong current. Over one thousand American pleasure rrekcrs called for Europe from the JH rt of New York last Saturday , and iln New Tork Herald estimates thai Ihsy will spend over two millions dur- i-g their stay abroad. MK. WASAUBNE still protests that he i > not a candidate and favors Grant | TI , last and all the time. But the inun who prefer Washburno to any o'her candidate , and who , above all things , are opposed to a third-term j resident will persist from now until i he second day of June on voting for Waehburne. ACCOEDIKQ to the St. Louis Globe- Democrat , original patontao of the Grant boom , the ex-president has re- iiitly"3eclarod that he doesn't prop - p re to be driven from the presidential ince track by his enemies. We t hoaght the general was entered aa a spontaneous candidate who would only c miont to run on condition that he tvai the only available man to save the c -untry and his party. TIIKBE if still some hope for patri otic politician ! who nre waiting for > o.-ritorial appointments. Three bills are now before congress two in the- hooso'and one'tn the senate provid ing for'the establishment of a terri torial government in Alaska ; said government to consist , ai usual , of governor , secretary , treasurer , chief justice , associate judges , district at torney , marshal , delegate to congress nnd legislative council. If this roach- * the , eagle eve of voluminous Mr Gwyer he will hasten back to Nebras- ito mcndhiisealiHn overcoat and make ready for a journey to the land rf ice berg * and sperm oil. IF TEX business men of Omaha who -complaining so much about the riuit would organize a ctreet sprink ling association , they would soon get rid of "the duit nuisance. The trouble irith this , , as with other complaints , is r at everybody' business is nobody's 1 utin H , and everybody is waiting for somebody to start the movement , or worse "till waiting for our paternal city government to go into The street'sprinkling business. Un der otir charter , the city council can- Jiot ioapose a. ( ar tor street sprinkling , ] ecamo ii necessarily taxes the whole oty for the accommodation of the j rtie that occupy storehouses in our principal thoroughfares , cor can the c uncU impose a special tax legally .i he streets that are to be sprinkled. T.-io only -way to get rid of the dust jiusanca ii by associated enterprise mng our business men. If they \vciTt.iha eaterprise or disposition to pay they mugt euffor the cense : NEBRASKA. The following are the returns fro. . counties that have held conventioi up to date : , * . _ ConnUes. ft Grant. Bltl Bnrt . ' . 2 * Buffalo r Cass . * i . . . . . 4 Cheyenne/C : > ? . . . " * Dodge. . . . : : * ? Douglas Fillmore Greeley Hall 7 Keith Kearney Lincoln Madison Merrick Nance Otoe 1 Pawnee .T. . : ? . : . : .rf ri - " - " Phelps. . . . . . Richardson. . ' . ' Saline . . . . . : York 9 Total 19 1 ! WE don't take much stock in coi grecsional investigation commissiom especially democratic commissions got ten up for political purposes. W confess , however , that the select con : mittco of tbo senate to invcstigat fraud : in the last presidential electio has brought out some facts that wil prove beneficial to a cla's of citizen in Ehode Island , who have been di franchiscd because they are poor Too constitution and laws of that lit tie pocket state prescribe for foreign ers this special qualification additiona to those prescribed for native bon voters that they shall potsess 813' worth of unincumbered real estate , o real estate that yields a rental of $7 ' year. This looks like a very model , ate allowance ; but in that liltle utati where real estate is very scarce it ii no iay Ihing for a foreigner to pos seas § 134 worth ; he cannot well owr roalettile at aU unless he owns ter times $134 worth. Witnesses esti mite the number of foreigners de prived of suffrage by this provision ai 20,000 to 25,000 , and the senate com mittee estimate the population thej represent at 41,000. They furthei declare that the state has one more presidential elector than it would be entitled to under a strict enforcement of the Fourteenth amendment , and this one'surplus elector actually elect' od the present incumbent of the presidential idential office. In giving publicity tc this fact the congressional committee has aroused a popular demand ii Rhode Island for the revision of he : constitution and tbo repeal of all lawi restricting the rights of gnffwge. 'WE have no disposition to dispar Bga the efforts of ny man or tet o men to enlighten the public on thi laws of nature , through lectures or ii any other way. We do , however fail to comprehend how the universit ; of Nebraska can permit any membe of the faculty to tramp around thi country on lecturing tour without seriously impairing thi usefulness of tbo institution. Ni matter whether Professor Aughey' lectures are original or merely a re hash of scientific cyclopedias ; no mat ter whether the Nebraska Academy o Sciences , through which he is trying to advertise himself at home am abroad , isa truly scientific or ganization or a mere eham , th < r * * " * - H ily e tbu-tfuwta of ; ic cuia it to enforce discipline on Mr. Aughey compel him either to attend to his du > ties as teacher or resign. Ii any professor high or low scientific or classical , has t mania for being advertised let him join Barnutn in the unrivalled EhowTjuziness. This thing of payinf. any man from § 1800 to § 2500 a yeai for teaching in the university who ii constantly away from his post of dutj is an imposition that should not b < tolerated. THE third ward school building ii surrounded by a number of the vileal and lowest dons of debauchery anc vice. Wo are credibly informed thai the s warm of loafers and lewd womoi in the neighborhood has a very do moralJzmg tendency on the boys anc girls that attend the third ward school Such a state of affairs demand ) prompt action on the pari of our city authorities and cs pccially the board of education. Ihero ia a wide difference between tolerating the social evil in localitiei where its demoralizing tendencies are limited to the frequenters of those abodes of vice and allowing the most degraded of outcasts to contaminate our schools by beastly debaucheries. It behooves our city authorities to break up the dens in the immedl- ite neighborhood of the Third nrard school without delay , and this can be most effectually accom plished by entering complaint in the : ourts against the owners of disorder- y houses who lease tbeir buildings at ligh rents to women whom they know o be leading a life of shame. JOHN CHAPMAN , of the Nonpareil , s a shrewd politician , but his anxiety , o have the old crowd restored to power ; hrough Gen. Grant gets away with his judgment. And that accounts for his icceptanceof the Omaha Btjmbliean LS areliable authority onNebraskapol- tici , and especially on the outcome of ho contest between Blaine and Grant n this state. The Way to Harmony ana Victory , 'bll&delphl * Press The defeat and subsequent bolt of ho Grant delegates in Chicago is an cknowledgement that the weight of entimcnt of the republican party in Uinoi ? , at eliewhere , ia against th Lominarion of Gen. Grant , and tha he weight is so crushing that it can lot bo overcome by the strength o ersonal friendship of men for him or y the power of the. shrewdest - agonies ies known to politics. The bolters jay succeed in securing admission to ie state convention , but they cannot iange this fact : The verdict f Illinois has been rendered he-case may be reopened , but the icond trial will not alter the result , he best the friends of Gen. Grant m do will be to accept the terms re- icted yesterday by their bolt and to ake the delegation of Illinois in the ihonal convention a faitly represen- five one , in which the strength of lame , Grant and Waahburne , shall J reflected in exact proportion u ey are exhibited at the convention , [ uchmeeta at Spriagfield a week ? T5d e8layThls Bdicy is die ted byrtheTjeal interell. of their ra oandidatea as well as those of e > r party , and it poinU the way to rmomy aud victory , no matter who ly ba nominated at Chicago the > alj ( n June , 5 OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS * " r * * Arizona. The track of the Southern Pacii railroad is laid nine miles east of Pa tano. tano..Reliable .Reliable reports from Globe ai McMillen districts say there will 1 in all eight mills in those two di tricts turning out bullion by the 1st i July.The The immigration to southern Arizot is very large. The travel to Sonora increasing largely every day , on a count of the reported rich miner discoveries the.Allar and Cioneg districts. Rich copper discoveries are reporle in tee coatb slope of the Huachusx mountains. The ledge ia traceabl over two miles , showing four feet an upwards of high grade copper on with considerable quantities of nath metal. Globe City is booming the mint which are numerous are well worked new quartz milli are jjoing up o every side ; three large saw mills.witl in six miles of the place , all runnin on full time , cannot supply the dt mand for lumber ; brick and adob houses are going up all aronnd an everything is life and bustle. The number of Indian * living a San Xavier can only be approximate ! calculated ai many of them do not re main on the pueblo after the harves of the wheat. Those who are stead ; in residing are about 500 in number farming as by villages , having eacl one a special chief. As for the tota number of Papagoes in Arizona , it i estimated to bo about 5000. The Thirly-ntlh Parallel * nd Sal Joan Narrow-gauge railroad will sup ply Prescott with coal from the Nava jo , Kioke and Zunl reserva'ions ' Many of the coal banks in this regioi are from twenty to thirty feet thicl of bituminous anthracite , candel am lignite coa's. This coal deposi roaches frombeyond , the Bo ; Grand in New Mexico to near the Coloradi rivera distance of six or seven bun dred miles , and' is , beyond mucl doubt , the largest coal deposit in thi United States. California. Los Angeles vineyards promise ; heavy crop. Rabbits are eo fat in Mercer count ; now that they cannot run out of th way of sheep dogs. Clover is knee high in the Healda burg plaza , and farmers in the vicinit ; are getting ready to cut hay. The San Jose 'fruit-packing ' estab luhments are making extensive ai rangementi for an increased businei this yetr. Maine Prairie is the Venice of Sola no county. Horses are now stabler in the second stories of building ! there owing to the flood. A new woolen mill is about te b en cted in Oakland at an expense o $100,000. It will be operated exclu sively by white labor. Wh'lo out hunting with her hus band , MrsArl Hopper , of the Seape came upon a large grizzly and at one despatched him with a well-directei shot. shot.Tho The McNear whwf , below Per Costa , on Carquinez Si raits , will b 1000 feet long by 100 wide and wil run 80 feet into the streim. The di moDsiona of the warehouse which wil bo erected on it will bo 80x800. A flume is anticipated , twelve mile long , from the Amador canal to th railroad depot at lone. This wouli open up the timber belt of this coun try , and furnish wood for an excellen manufacturing industry. A Colusa man had some 2,000 aheej in the trough , and the herder , nog lecting to watch them , until surround ed by water , some 1,500 head wen drOWJlPfl. . , Afwn wola aol. tnvtl skinning those that were drowned and several hundred pelts were saved The loss to Mr. Ware is not far fron $4,000. Eureka , Humboldt county , Is exer cised over the discovery of a wonder ful cave of mammoth proportions about three hours ride from Garber viUo. The mouth of the cave is abou seven hundred feet above the bed o the South Fork , on the west side , am up the precipitous east tide of Bea Buttes. An Italian minor nomed Luigi Don doro , of Knickerbocker Flat , Tou loumo county , while at work recently atruck upon a large tin pan covered uj tightly. Upon examining it the luolr miner discovered that it containei $8000 In gold. The treasure is sup posed to have been hidden by sonii " 4Der , " who either got killed or for got where ho had buried it befon dying. At the head of Fall creek , Nevadi county , pines and firs over 100 feet ir height are BO buried in snow that enl ; a few feet of their tops are to be seen Where a dark forest lies in summer there is now only to be seen a whiU expanse of snow , with here and then what appears to be clumps of bushes but which are really the tops of th < tilleat pines. Nevada. The completion of the Bodie brand of the Virginia &Truckee railroad wil give a now impetus oi every description in'Eaatern Nevada. The Humboldt river is now several feet higher than it was a few weeks ago ana is rising steadily. Many arc of the opinion that whnn the snow on the ranges at the head of the river be gins to melt next month the water will be higher than it has been for tour or five years. The Carson mint commenced active work last Monday. Its force of em ployes number sixty-eight fifty-six men and twelve women. The mint d a sufficient supply of bullion on band to insure continuous work for Iwo months , and more is arriving iaily in encouraging amounts. Colorado. A union depot is proposed in Boul- Jer. Thirty men are going into Rico laity. Silver Cliff is preparing to sink an srteiian well. Travel into Breckenridge is 'estim ated at fifty per day. A railroad between Lovelsnd and Estes Park is talked of. The Denver and Rio Grande rail- oadis laid -within twenty miles of 3uena Vista. The roads to Ten.Mile are Impass- ble for teams. The mails are carried in horseback. The mail between Rico and Silver on , via Ophir , is now carried three Imes a week. Lots in Rico,4 ; wbich were vacan xty days 330" , selling from I60to $300. Fifty cabins 'have already been racted in the new town of Tomichi , annison county. The survey of the Pueblo and Silver liff road will soon be commenced id the road completed as soon as pos- ble. ble.Gunnison Gunnison News : The immigration this county thuye r , will reach i.OOO , many of whom will settle per- inectly. Silver Cliffs city registration for is spring , in a town a lijtlo over a ar old , wat nearly 200O indicating 00 population. In Gonnison City board is $8 per * k forUbl . A * jamber cwinotbs furnished f t enough to meet tl supply , rooms are in great demand. . .Smelters In the vicinity of Leadvii will not handle ore running leu the thirty-five to forty ounces per ton. Potatoes 'are selling at ten and fi teen cents apiece in Mineral Cit ; Parties are ' offering five cents pi pound foe , vegetables packed up or mile and a half this side of Minera The roads over the range fro : Breckenridge are in a frightfully ba s'ate , especially the one to Oomowhic is a chartered toll road and the owne : rjfuso to make any improvements. Berthoud Pass over the ranga ri be open in a few days. This will em ble the prospectors bound for tlj Grand "River country to make thetri many miles shorter than by tha ol route via Le"adville. A number of mountain ranchme who drove their cattle over the rang to Middle Park last fall to winter , o account of the scarcity of feed on thi side , have .lost from ono-half to twc thirds , on account of the unusual ! severe storms and depth of enow. Eastern capitalists are examinin the prospects of a railroad entcrpris to the mountains from Trinidad. The , claim to have a new style of railroa called the triple track railway by whic they claim the valuable ores can b transported cheaper than fuel. A correspondent "of The Oura ; Times writes from Rico : "New strike are made every few hours. Mining country will extend for atleaittwent ; miles along ; the Dolores river. Bu litf'a prospecting is being done excep in the close vicinity of town. The largest canvas "in Breskenridgi Is tixty-fiva feet ia 'diameter , havinj a neat floor and floats the America ] flag from the one hundred foot centn pole.It is a tent of .wickedness , anc just opened to the public as a siloor and h'gh-toned gambling harbor. The long blockade between Laki City and Del Norte ia open. Regula daily coaches began running May 9th and there will be put on a doubli daily line of six horse coaches as seer as ths roads are well settled. Thi road to Ouray is open and carryin ; passengers regularly , and will soon bi in excellent condition. The Denver police recently madi a yatematio raid on the opium dens There are ten of them which nro kep by Chinarnell and ard patronized b ; American men and women. Durirjj the past year two tons of opkni , val ued at $90,000 , rere smoked in'then places. The evil is spreading to ni classes of society , and young peopli are fast falling victims. Wyomlngr. Fort Laramia will be reached bj rail in October next , at the farthest The Oheyenne road to the Nortl pa-k will be ready for travel June 1. It will be ninety miles in length. The Laramie Times asser's tha there will be a stamp mill ertcted a Cummins City within thirty d--ya. Rawlins Masons have made an atga menti to erect a fine hall this summer Ic is to be 28x80 , with 30-foot ceiling and to cost § 4,000. The government bridge acres Snake river is now completed , and thi one across Bear river will bo complet edat au early day. Cheyenne's race track is nearly completed , and workmen are ui < g4gec in putting on the finishing t-juchcs The track is a very fine one. There is still A Idrga amount o : snow ia North park , and the mrst re liable information is to the effect tha nothing c n be done there by pros pectors until after Juno 1. There caine very near beiilg anotbei blow-up at the Larrmie rolling mill" The water from some cause got ver ] low in one of the boilers , and thi boiler was red-hot beforn dicnv ery was made. The men scattered it every direction , but , owing more tc good luck than management , no aeri ous results followed. tttan. Ogden anticipates a mining boom ii her vicinity this season. The Salt Lake city council ha sap propriated $15,000 for the Jordar cinal. There will be over 100 miles of tracl of the Utah Southern laid in Lincoli county this year. The work of grading the Utah East crn railroad is in progress at differen points between Coalville and Pari City. Sanpote county is to have a com- musion depot , where home madt woolen fabrics and all other Utih pro ductiocs will be offered for sale , eithei wholesale ot retail. The American Fork canyon road ii now opan lor seventeen miles , almotl as far aa Forest City. The mines nev > er before promised eo well and so mucl for the investor as they do at present. Six daughters of Brigham Young have been excommunicated frOrii thfc church for bringing suit for $1. 000,000 against the tru&tees of their father's estate for alleged fraud. Blngham , one of the oldest camps , seems to be attracting the most attri tion at present , excepting , parhaps , Park City and vicinity. The gold mines , there are causing many to go and examine them , and several im portant changes have been made. A repot t to ths annual conference ol the Mormons says that the population of Utah 111,820 , that the church in that territory has lost 600 members and gained 1600 in a year , and that the church receipts in that period were over $1,000,000. Montana. Raids by Indians continue. A rich strike in the Boulder district is reported. Bannock miners talk confidently of good prospects. It is proposed to put on a line of coaches from Blartinsdale to Yogo gulch. It is said that specimens of zinc ore hive been found in the Belt moun tains. There is a movement on foot in Helena to undertake river mining on the Deer Led e. The indications are favorable for Red Bluff being a lively little camp the coming summer. Overland coaches are now running an summer cchednle time , and the distance between Red Eock and Helena 160 miles is accomplished n from 36 to 40 houra. Montanaitos want the next legisla- Jve assembly to pass an act to pro- rent the defacing of natural acener > y being made sign boards for paten nedicinoa. About 75 new buildings are in onrse of erection in Butte , and the lumber building in other portions ol he city will swell the aggregate to boat 200. There is a stampede to Armell's reek , fifty or sixty miles north ol 'ogo. Sluice lumber has been taken ) the new camp , and six or sevea mts to the pan is reported. Montana has within her boundaries > out 500 gold producing gulches , he total silver production of tha ter- tory this year will probably be $4 , . K,000 ) or more , and will exceed the ild for the nrst t'me in its history. , Owing to the poorness of the rpoth- s , some of the sheep growers in the per Deer Led o valley have been lling Ibe young Iambi M they com ? , The process knocks the rough edg "off the profits of sheep husbandry. The noted DaOotsT'goIcp lodeT Bannock , Beaverhuad' county , hi justbeen consolidated and bonde It is _ the original gold quartz disco' eryJii Montana , hsving been locate early in the fall ot862. The new opera house which Heler. Is to have , will be two stories i hight , 120 feet in length , and 50 fe wide. It is to have all the model improvements , and when complete will ecllpsa any edifice in the tan tory. tory.The The United States surveyor saj there haa been more government Ian takennp _ ia Beaverhead and Madiso counties during the last two or tart months than there has been for two c three years previous to that time , an the best of it is that most all of it hi been located by bona fide settlers. Oregon. Willie Evans , of Eugene , a littl fellow 10 years of age , killed a larg cougar. The "freeze" ruined the peach orcl arda of Jackson county , and not a fi tree survived the winter. It is said that 1,000 deer wer slaughtered on the BigBntte huntin grounds during the paat year. A Swedish colony , numbering 80 ( will go to eastern Oregon this sure mer. Agents are looking up location for them. Fishermen inform Tha Oregon Ai torian that sea lions are plenty in th bay , and annoy them very much , fol lowing the nets and playing hob wit ! the fish. The late rains have made prospect in Oregon for the coming crops almo ! a surety. Spring grain is lookin well , and what fall sowing was don before winter set In , gives evidence c one of the richest harvests we hv hud in a long time. Tha grade between Wallula am Ainsworth ia toady for laying dowi the iron. Thirty miles of gradin has been done between Wallula ani Celilo. All bridge piers are down and most of the bridge timbers ar framed. Twelve hundred men ar employed on this road , and 300 mor are expected. THE NEW SEAL of the World's Dispensary Medica Association of Buffalo , of which Dr R. V. Pierce is president , consisiinj of a figure of Aesculapius , the fa the of modicind , surmounting the glube fitly symbolizes the world-wide repu tation gained by the Family Medicine of Dr. Pierce , now manufactured b ; this incorporated company and sold ii all parts of the world. With a mim moth establishment , the World's Dis pensary and Invalid's Hotel , in Bnffa In , and a correspondingly large brand eitiblUhment in London , this aseo ciation makes medicine for thi whole world not only that , but the ; personally examine and treat with ape cial medicines thousands of ewes Among the most celbbrated of tin prypridtary or family medicines an Dr. Piercc's Golden Medical Discov ery the great blood-purifier , end Dr Pierce's Ploasint Purgative Pelleti ( little pills ) and Dr. Pierca's Com pound Extract of Smatt-Weed fo : bowel affections , colds and painful at' tackp , aa ccstie , neuralgia , and rheuma tism Favorite Prescription furnishi relief from female wcaknesics , am kindred affecti'm' . All sold by drug gists. dlt TRUTH AND HONOR. Query : What is the best family medic'ne i : the world to ienl to the bowels , purify tb blood , remove costiveness and bimausneBS , ai digestion and tollo up the * hole sjstemt trull and honor compos us to answer. Hop Bittern beinit pure , perfect and harmless. Ed. Se another column. I An AU Flared Out I * a common carotttninKih hot wcathoi It you < eel BO , cet a package of Kidney wort and take ft and yon will at onoe fee Ita tonic power. It keeps up the health' * ction of the Kidneys , Bowels and Livei nd thus restores the natural life atu treugth to the weary body. It does not make any difference how SB vere the cage of bilious derangement ia Simmons' Liver Regulator will cure i speedily and effectually without saliva tion , or that prostration of the system fcfl suing from the use of drastic purgatives As there are many spurious imitation imitations of this valuable medicine , taki care you get the genuine , "We have been selling your medicini forBorUe Unie , and fre find it better adapt ed to the cure of bilious attacks than an ] other medicine we have ever used or sold "JAMES M. BEASLEY & CO. , "Magnolin. Ark. " It is well known that a relationship ex. ints between piles , constipation } kldnej diseases and liver troubles. In Kidney Wort we have a remedy that acts on th general system and restores health by gen tly aiding nature's intern1 process. Ar.rontto Would'st thou my friend Rood health eiijoy , Each day and hour your time employ Secure repose from sickness , ills , This thou can'st do take Liner Pillt ; & dost thou suffer from disease , Caused by exposure , diet t these , Or other ills , what'er their name , Submit at once , and leave the frame , Like shadows darting o'er the hills , In terror flee from Liter Pillt. Vice-like although they've clung fer rears , Encouraged be , nor yield to fears. Beposo in quiet , health's bright rills Pursue the pathway of these Pills. In chlJdhoodi youth and in old age , Let cheerful thoughts my mind engage , Let others suffer fevers , chills , Sure thou art free itith Liver Fills. Sold at wholesale by C. I" . tioodmato.J. & Ish nd Kennard & Forsvth. Omahaapr8d&vly(3 ( BucBUen's Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , TJlcora , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve Is guaranteed to give perfect satiafac- tied In every case or money re Sanded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K ; ISH , Omaha. An Honest Medicine Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Throat , Chest or Lungs , we know of none we can re6- ommend as highly as DB. KING'S ' Nfiw DISCOVERT for Consumption. Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , 'Hay Fe- rer , Hoarseness , Tickling in the rhroat , loss of voice , etc. This med icine does positively cure , and that ffhere everything else has failed. Nti nedicine can show one-half so many positive and permanent cures as have ilready been effected by this truly fJnderful remedy. For Asthma nnd bronchitis it is a perfect specific , cur- ng the very worst cases in the short st time possible. We say by all neans give it a trial. Trial bottles ree. Regular size 81.00. For sale by llly ( ) J. K. ISH , Omaha. A. F. RAFERT & CO. 'ontraetors ' and Builders , 1310 Dodeu St. . Omaha. West's Chester Co. , Pa. 1AMMOTH CORN. WHl produce 100 to . I' * cr8- Matures airly. For aJ8 Boilein . Little , and by John Erins. eoraer ) and - podg , St. , 01 , AHA , , iJZB. : INVALIDS j'sTp T-jyrffTpitypTBgT ! Tq- HEALTH , STM&TH & and ENERGY/ / WITHOUT THE USE OF DRUGS , ARE RJ QUESTED TO SEND FOK THE ELECTRIC REVIEW , AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR NAL , WHICH IS PUBLISHED " ' < FOR > FREE DISTRIBUTION. TT TREATS upon HEALTH , HYGIENE , snd Ph j ! J. cal Culture , and is a complete encyclopedia < Information for Invalids and those who suffer fro ferrous , Exhausting and Ptmful Diseaso. Evti subject that bears upon health and buman happmes recelrcs attention In its pages : and tbe many qne tions asked by Buffering invalidwbo have despairc of a cure , are answered , and Taluable informatic Is rolnnteered to all who are In need of medical x < Tin. The subject of Electric Hells rertuc Medicmi and the hundred and ont questions of ial impoi tance to suffering humanity , are dul ) onsidtre and explained. explained.YOUNG MEN And others who suffer from X rrons and rhrsici Debility. Lwa of Manly Vigor , Premature Eiliaui tlon and tbe many gloomy consequences of earl Indiscretion , etc. , arerespertJlly benefited by oi suiting its contents. The ELECTRIC REVIEW exposes the nnmUioite frauds practiced by quacks and medical imposed who profess to " practice.medicine , " and points 01 the only safe , simple , and effectue rend tollenlll Vigor , and Bodily Energy. Send jour address on postal earn for a copy , an Information worth thousands will te sent you. Address the publishers , PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO. , COR. EIGHTH and VINE STS. . CINCINNATI , C Ask the recov. ered dTspeptlobil- llous sufferers , vic tims ot fever and ague , the mercurial diseased patient , how they recovered health , cheerful spirits and { rood appetite ; they will tell you by takIng - Ing Sin MOSS' la via RsoiJLiTOR. jfys * The Cheapest , Purest and Bert Family Midi tbe In the World. ForDYSPKPSIA , CONSTIPATION , Jaundld Bllliotu Attacks. SICK HEADACHE , Colic , DC preasion of Spirits , SOUR STOMACH , Hear Burn , Etc. . Etc. This unrivalled Southern Remedy Is warrants not to contain a single particle ol MHEOJUT , o any injurious mineral substance , but U ' Purely Vegetable. containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence has placed h countries where Liver Disease most prevail. I will cuie all Dlsea&s caiued by Derangement o the Llrer'.nd Bowels. TIIK S f MPT01IS of Liver Complaint ar * i j'tt > r i r bvl t ? te In the mouth ; Pain iu thi PaV , Moa or Jolnteo'tdu mistaken forllheuma ti-m ; Sour Stomach ; Lo s of Appetite ; Bowl a to r atoly costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss o Memory , with a painful sensation ot baling fall ed to do something which ought to have beei done , Debility , Low Spirits , a thick yellow ap pearince of the skin and Eyes , a dry Cough ol ten mlstakeu fr Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attene Ihe disease , at other * very fewjbut the Liver , thi arfrest organ in the body , it generally the sea of the disrnse , and If not regulated In tlme.grea suffering , wretchedness and death will ensue. I can re-ommenil as * n efficacious remedy fo : disease of the Liver , Heartburn and Dyspepsia Simmons' Liv-r Regulator. 1/ewis O. Wnndor 1625 Master Street , Assistant Post Master Phlladelpn-a , "We have tested Its virtues , rersonally , sn < ( now that for Dyspepsia , BilHousness. anc Throbbing Headacbe , it ia the best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty othei remedies before Simmons' Liver Rgilator , bu ( none of them gave us more than temporary re lief : but the Regulator not only relieved , bul cured us. " Editor Teligriph and Messenger Macon , Ga MASUrAClDHID OHLT BT J. H. ZEIIJN & GO. , PHILADELPHIA , PA. Price , 11.00 Sold by all Druggista. iept4eodawly r AYFR'S SARSAPARILLA , FOB PUBlFTINa THE BLOOD This compound c tfab ttgeualo altsi athes , Sargaparllfa ; Dock , Stllhngia.a m > Mandrake with th : Iodides of Potaahant , lmn , makes a mo ) , 'effectual cure of < Aeries of complaiati which are verv pre Talent and afflictin ? It purifies tbe blood purges ont the lilrk ing humora IK tts erstem , that undermine healtt and settle into troublesome dborders. Eruj tions of the skin are the appcararlco on thcj ett face ot humors , that should bo expelled from thi blood , tritcrhaldefangfcmentsatethedetermln atlon of these same humors 18 fomfe Internal organ , or organs , whose action they derange , and whose substance they disease and destroy. Ann's SABSAIJULLA expels these humors fron the blood. When they are gone , the disorder they rodtlbj tusanpear , such as iflcerationi oj the Liter , Stomach , SldAly $ , Luryti Erwotion , and Eruptive Diteaies of the SlcinSt. .1 nlhorijl'i Fire , lute or Eryripelai , Pimplet , PuttuUt Blotches , Boilt , TumortTetter and Salt Rheum Scald Bead , Ring-worm , Ulctn and Sorei , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Pain in the Sonet Side and Bead , Female Wtatmesi , Sterility Leucorrhaa arising from { ntcmul UittrQtioi and uterine disease ! . Dropty , Dyspepiid , Etui ( iation and general Debility. ' With their de parture health returns. PREPARED BY DR. J. . AYER & CO. , LOWELL , MASS , fractldai attd Analytical Ohemla SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AtfE DEALERS IN MEDICINE. Machine Works , F , F. Hammond , Prop.&Managei Themoft thdronjh appointed and complete Machine Shops and Foundry in the state. Castings of every description manufactured. Engines , Pumps and every class of machlnen made to order. Special attention given to Well Anjursl alleTS , Hangers , Shnftinc : . Bridge Irons , Gcer Catting , etc. t Unstornew Machlncry.Ueachanlcal Draught. ng , Models , etc. , neatly executed. Harnov HfBnt. . 14 and IBth PIANO TUNING AMD REGULATING BY A Competent New York Tuner , urjrani repaired and re ulabx ) . Orders left at WYBIAN-S BOOK STORE , 630 Fifteenth St.near Fostomco , promptly attended to. m6tf BUSINESS ! SUITS for - - $20.00 PANTS for - - - 5.00 jr. < c.r A j oifc , MAX 8IUAVO1SIN , FUR TANNER ( I9I2TH STREET , HAW fURS BOUGHT tfKtAt rarnham. novlltf THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU can find A good assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES At a LOWER FIGURE than it any other shoe house In tha city , P. LANG'S , 236FARHHAM8T. LADIES' & QEN1S , SHOES MADE TO ORDER d a perfect flt guaranteed. Prices verv reason tola declMy _ ATTENTION , BUILDERS AND CON TRACTORS. The owner" the celebrated Kaolin Banks , near LOUISVILLE , PTEB. , has now ready at the depot at Louisville , oa the B.&M. railroad , IV JfcUCTirjEI 3ES3ECIC33BC k > fill any order at reasonable prices. Par- Jea d fairing a white front or ornamental prick will do well to give us ft call or sender or sample. J. T. A. HOOYEK , Prop. , IxrcUvilla. Neb _ _ MEAT MARKET , V. P. Block , ICth St. Frnb and Salt Meat * o all kinds constant a hand , prices reasonable Vegetables in teas n. tool delivered to any'part of the dty. WM JUST , iip B. 'BEEHEB , lSSIO ERC toletal * . TTsalor In Foreign and Donesti ,1. . _ . I1 , - . ' - - Ban BaSir , Egv' Poultry , Game , Ham ; . n , Uror Ttuc. Ptlh' , anil Agjnt ( er BOOTH1 ! * rSTESa j' f - , ' ' " nova-Cra ' * .k , i - iBANKlIU HOUSES. THE OLDEST ESTAILISHBy BANKING HOUSI IN NEBBASKA. CALDWELLHAMILTONIG ( Biislnees transacted same aa that an Incorporated Bank. Accounte kept In Currency or tso. subject to sight check without notlc Cortlflcatea of deposit Issued pa ; able In three , six and twelve month bearing Interest , or en demand wit out Interest. Advances mads to customers on a ; proved securities at market rates i Interest. Buy and se gold. Mils or eschang Government , State ! County and Oil Bonds. Draw Sight Drafts on England , In lana , Scotland , and all parts ofEurop Sell European Passage Tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. auglJtf _ U. S. DEPOSITORY. FIRST NATIONAL BAH Of OMAHA , Cor. Farnham and Thirteenth Sta. OLDEST BANKING ESTABUSHMEN K OlfAHA. (3UOOJSH30R3 TO KOUXTZB BROS. , MTAiusain uc 1858. OrganUed aa a National Bank August JO , 186 Capital and Profits Over $300,00 Specially authorized by the Secretary of Treads to receive Subscriptions to the U. 8. 4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAI OFFICERS AND DIBEOTOR3 USSJLUI Kooam , President. ADOUSTUS Konmi , Vice FreeideLt. H. W. TAIM , Cashier. A. J. PorriiiTOH , Attorns ; A. CSE9BTOH. F.H. DAVIS , Thli btnk recthcs depodtc without retard \ amounts. tecot time certificates bearing nt re t. Dr w drafts on San Frandcco and prindp cities ot the United States , also London. Dnbll Edinburgh and tha principal dtlos of tha com cent of Europe. Bells passage tickets for emigrants In tha Ii man line. _ mayldtl REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Geo. P. Bern is1 REAL ESTATE AGENCY 16th < k Douglas Sts. , Omaha , Neb. This agency does BTIIOTLT a brokerage bus ness. Does notspeculate , and therefore any baj gains on its books are insured to ita patrons , b gtead ot being gobbled up by the agent _ Boggs and Hill , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No , 50 Farnham Street UMAHA * - NBBRABKA. Of ; North Side , opp. Grand Central HoU Nebraska Land Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Farnham St. Omaha , Nebt. 4OO.OOO ACRES carefully selected land Eastern Nebraska for sale. Oieat rUrpvlna In improved farms , and Oma city ftopcrty _ 0. F. DAV13 , WEDSTEB SNYDEB , Late Land Com'r U. P. R. R. _ 4p-teb ] BIROS BIEC. lima B , urn Byron Reed & Co. , OLDlflt B8TABLXIIIXD REAL ESTATE AGEN01 Iff NEBRASKA. ffeop a complete abstract of title to all BeaUB ate In Omaha and Douglas County. mavltf THE ORIGINAL BRIGGS HOUSE Cor. Randolph St. & 6th Are. , CHICAGO , ILL. PRICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DA\ Located In the business centre , convenient piaces rf amusement. Elegantly famished , eon taming all modem Improvement * , passenger elc vator , ic. J H. COOUNQS , Proprietor. oclBtf _ OGDEN HOUSE , Cor. MARKET ST. & BROAbWA I Council Bluffs , Iowa On line ot Street Railway , Omnlbuse * to tn from all trains. BATES Parlor floor. | 3.00 pa day ; second floor , tJ.60 per day ; tUrd floor The best-furnished and most commodious boa in the city. _ OEO. T. PHEI.P3. Prop. METROPOLITAN OALVIL& , NEB. IRA WILSON , - PROPRIETOR. The Metropolitan is centrally located , ant. Brat-class in every respect , having recently bee entirely renovated. Tha public will find I comfortable and homelike house , marSt UPTON HOUSE , Sclmyler , Neb. First-class House , Good tlcalg. Good Beds Airy Room ; , and kind and accommodating treatment. Tvigood sample rooms. Specia attention paid to commercial travelers. S. MTT.T.EB , Prop , , _ Schuyler , Jfeb. B. A. FOWLU. JAXIS II. Bcorr. FOWLER & SCOTT , ARCHITECTS. Designs for buildings of any description on xzlhlbitlon at our office. We have had orer 20 rears experience in designing and superintend. n * public building and residences. Plans and timates furnished on short notice. KOOM 8 | PKIOH BLOCK. mIO-6m UAKTA GLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Age. Tondert ul discoveries in the world have been made Unong other things where Santa Clans stayed , nuldren oft ask if he makes goods or not , f really he lives in a mountain of snow. < ast year an excursion sailed clear to the Pol * tad suddenly dropped into what seemed like ahola There wonder of wonden they found anewland , Fhile falry-liko beings appeared on each hand. Tiero were mountains like ours , with more beautiful green. jid far brighter skies than ever were seen , lirds with the hues of a rainbow were found , fhile flowers of exquisite fragrance were grow Ing aronnd. lot long were they left to wondtr In doubt , . beinsr soon cama th y had heard much about , fwas SantajClaus" self and thlithey all say , le l eked like tha picture r OM every day. Te drove up a team that looked very-queer , rwas a team f grasshoppers instead of reindeer , [ e rode In a shell instead of a sleigh , ut be took them on boud and drova them away. Fa showed them all over his wonderful realm , nd factories making goods for women and men , nrriera were working on hats great and small , 0 Bonce's they said they were sending them aU. ris Kinjrle , the Glove Maker , told them at once , 11 our Gloves we are fending to Bunco , inta showed them suspenders and many things mere. tying I also took theea to frland Bunee's store. 1 eta Clans then whispered a secret he'd tell. s in Omaha every ona kntw Bunco well , a therefore should send his goods to his care , nowing bis friends will get their fall share. ow remeabecya dwellers In Omaha town , 1 } who want presents ta Bonce's go round , & Bbkis , collars , or gtve ! great and small , bad youf aistM or auat one ar 4 all. Bunc .CouspIff9 HitUr pf'th l ± 856 : a -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A COMPLETE STOOK FOB SPRINGfSUMMER STYLISH AND GOOD , NOBBY AND CHEAP. We have all the Latest Styles of Spring Suitings , an Elegant Stock of Keady-Made Clothing in Latest Styles. Gent's Fnrnishr r ing Goods Stock Complete. . v , - - ' HATS , CAPS , TRUNKS-AMD VALISES , In faot the Stock is complete in all Departments. Don't Fail to see oar Custom Department in charge of Mr * Thomas Tallon. M. HELLMAN & CO. , mSleodiw 131 & 1303 t'amlmm Street. HENRY HORNBERGER , V. BLATnTflifSET BEER\ In Kegs and Bottles. Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable Prices. Office , 239 Douglas Street , Omaha. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING POWER AND HAND PUMPS Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , BELTING HOSE , BRASS AND IRON FITTINGS , PIPE , STEAM PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STBAtfG , 205 Farnham Street Omaha , Neb' OMAHA FENCE i BOX GO. We Manufacture to Order OFFICE RAILINGS AND FINE COUNTERS Iron and Wood Fences , Brackets and Mouldings , Improved Ice Boxes furnished on short notice. GUST , FBIES & CO. , Prop's. . 1231 Harney St. , Omaha , Neb. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The Only Lithographing Establishment in Nebraska L I T JEROME RAGHEK. Proprietor. 0 G R OMAHA BEE LITHOGRAPHING n COMPANY. N G Drafts , Checks , Letter Bill and Nute Headings , Cards , Bonds , Certificates of Stock , Diplomas , Labels. etc , , done in the best manner , and at Lowest Possible Prices. PRACTISAL LITHOGRAPHER. OMAHA To protect the public against imitators we specially caution all purchasers ol Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster . To see that tbe work CAPUINE on the labil is fpflled correctly. Do not allow some other Plaster to be palmed off under a simlllar sonndfnz name , with tbe assur ance thot it it as good Bear in mind that the only object such . dealers can have , b ] the fact that they can makes few pennies extra profit by sell'njf the spurious. SEABTJRY & JOHNSON. JNO. G. JACOBS , ( Formerly of 0 Ish fc Jacobs ) UNDERTAKER No. 1117 Farnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob GIs QRDBRS UY TKLKQRAPtl SOLICITS mnST-lV FEVER AND AGUE , if. FORTIFY THE SYSTEv And yon are armed against dbeaja. The finest tonic for this purpose is Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , which renders digestion easy and com plete , counteracts biliousness , and Keeps Us bowels in order , and f genial ana beneficent are its effectsthat not orJy is the body Invigorated. And regulate * tj its use , but despondency ban. lah d : . m all the mind. For sale by allPruggistsaqd Dealers generally * NEW GROCERY ! 16th and Cuming Sts. We propose supplying the people of North Omaha -with CHOICE GROCERIES at mod erate prices. Give us a call. paid for Country Pro duce. Goods delivered free to any part of the city. _ ap7-lm GENERAL _ INSUEANCE AGENT , REPRESENTS : WESTCHESTEB , MY-Capital . 1 ooo ooj TH | MERCHANTS' of Keirirk. N T..l OOO OOO GIRARO FIRE. Phila. . Capitol . 1 000 000 HOrTHWESJERH MATIONAL Capital. . MO eco BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCEC0..1 zoo eco 8.E.C08 6TH& DOUGLAS STS. mchSdl FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming. Tha miser's retort , good accommodations. large san pl room , charges reasonable. SptrUl ittentio ? Jtften to into. H-M * ? .CHlUIuu > , rroprlor ! , VINEGAR WORKS I Jonn , Bit. Oth and 10th SU , OMAHA. First quality distilled Wine Vinegar ol any rtrencth below eastern prices , at wholesale snd . . .a ERNST irnVTYB retail. ERNSTKanauer. febMm Kanauer. CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO. Manufacture STANDARD SHOT BE SUBE TO BUT IT. Tflt BEST IS MARKET. E. W. BLATCHFORD & CO. Manufacturer J of Lead Pipo.Sheefc and Bar Lead Block Tin , Pipe an 1 Solder , Linseed OH and Oil Cake. ORDERS SOLICITED. 70 NORTH CLINTON STREET , CHICAGO. INTER -OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. Tlrst-cl'W , Fine large Simple Rooms , one > block from depot. Trains stop from 20 minutes to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bus to and from Depot. Kate * 12.00. S&60 and 1100 , according to room ; s bgle meal 75 cent * . A. U. BALCOM , Proprietor. AXDREWBORPEK. Cnlct Cl rk. mlO-t OHAJTE1 > MORTGAGE SALKl" Whereas on th 20th day of October , 1879 , TT. Lehman executed to Fred Hicksteln , a certa'n Chattel Mortgaje dated on said te nd duly filed in Recorder's Office October 23rd , to secnn the payment of a certain promiaicry note , duo and parable in CO days froin tha date thereof with interest at ten per cent , and there is now doe en same tte turn of (210.00. Now by virtus of the power of sal In sold roortgaira conU'ned and firm , the following de scribed perscnal property will b sold at public auction on the Utn day of May , ISSO , 6t ten o'clock a. m.attbeaacttonroom > or M. Cum mlng , corner of Utb and Douglas Btre tin th * < ytv of Omaha : A lot of furniture , fixtures. pout table btlonglnr to said Lehman and used by him in a saloon and boarding house. No. 61 Pa- dflc Street , consisting- counters , shoving- . looking gla-s , clock , bar ornament , decant r' . picture * , chairs , tabUs , bedsUuds and beddnfr. pool table complsto , etc. , or so mnca thereof as may tenecewarr to satisfy said mortgage a. d an attorney fee of tn D er cent , and eosTor Mid I . FBBDH1CKSTEI1I. CHAILZI B ASSM , Attornar. Mortgage CITY MEAT MARKET. 0 nowl , MHIITMH ,