THE DAILY BEE. { Friday Morning , May 14- THE OMAHA DAILY BEE Berred to Bttbecribersb7 carrier to any part ot Its city. every day , Sundays accepted at fitUcn per week. Any complaint * about Irregularities , or hn ] proper delivery of the paper , if addressed to tab ofice win receive prompt attention. TEI OMAHA DittT Kn win be m Ued to nb- crlbers at the following ratea , payable invar- ably in adrtuce : $3.00 per vuram ; $4.00 six mouths. TH OIUIIA WEXXLT Cut 12.00 per THKOXAHA DAILY Bzz has by artbelargeet drcnlatloabothin Omaha and abroad , and Is therefore the beet arid cheapest advertising Btedtam. OTfo targ and Commercial ReporU. Railroad ana Pottolce Time-Tallei , tee third vaa BBEVITIES. Paterson sells coal. Saxe's fur fine soda. See Pol&ck's advertisement. Frederick has cheapest straw hats. ICE-CREAM , at the McKenzie restaurant. Belfast cinder ale , at Saxe's. Beindorff& Mauss are making Ice cream of a very superior quality. Frederick , principal batter , Omaha. Best mealat lowest pricei1 , at the McKenzie Restaurant. Frederick has the beitSlrawHals. Lois , Farms , Houses and Lands. Look over Bemh' now column of bar gains an 1st page. Try Saxe's new Be Cigsr. There , is a rumor that the Chicigo i ni Alton5 road proposes to build a line thortly to Omaha in order tocom- pete withHho Wabash. For Lands , Lot ? , Houses and Farms , look overBemis' new column on 1st page. Bargains. The list of appointments of census enumerators for the northern district .f . this state has been sent on to Wash ington for confirmation. -Try Saxe's little Key West Ci- g r , lOc. The members of the Y. M. 0. A. a1 to nive a social reception at their i ew rooms , in Hubermann block , on Tuesday evening. A good time may be expected. The city treasurer is very busy just st present crediting the taxes , which are being paid over the counter at the rate of from ? 5000 to § 6000 a tl y. All delinquent taxes are now drawing interest at the rate of 1 per month. The order of the treasury depart ment to shut off gas and water from nil public buildings on account of fail- t reef appropriationstcok effect yester day , but Mr. Campbell hopes tc make Arrangements to have both continued until an appropriation ia passed there for. Theconntycominisuloners Wednes day made the last payment of $ 1,814.05 ( n account of the new county jail. Tito jail has been built nrdpad for without any extra levy on the county , the whole amount being taken out of the general fund , and sufficient moneys remain to carry on the running expenses until the 1st of July , when the new levy is available , The test is the cheapest. The Adams & Westlake Oil Stove at ml2t2 D. A. PIEBCI-'S. gaMtfegSn ? M jjii Ch m A11 \JUlJ J \1UiIJtfT > AWMAT U VfcJIWIU m2l6 at D. A. PIERCY'S. m Ice cream , water ices and elrawbcr- 81b 81m rics at Beindorff & b DO YOU KNOW THIS ? P PP1 ' P1 AT KURTZ'S th ; You can buy thor Good Linen Dusters , or Fine Dressing Sacks , orho Choice Lawn Suits , Children's Suits and Dustcrr. iawi wi KUKTZ'S Store , Creighton Block. cii We call attention to the large and boBl extensive stock of clothing and gen Bl tlemen's furnishing goods at the popu po lar clothing house of SU mlleod M. HELLUAK & Co. ko ' Nobby straws at DeGroat & Co. s. thu-s&tu In PARASOLS ! en PARASOLS ! PABASOLS ! su suni PABASOLS ! ni nibe AT BJCKMAN'B ! AT HICKMAN'B ! beer To-day wo plsce in our retail department or orwi partment our stock of parasols , bought wi t hiefly for our wholesale trade. Theto in wo shall offer at our regular WHOLESALE th I'uicE. We have among them a line of thwi children's parasols , which we shall also winc offer at tha price. Thosn tvho need the nc c tton sunshades can buy them of us , commencing at 15 cents each. Japan in ese sunshades 30 cents each. rii riiwl HICEMAN'S HEADQUARTERS , wl 1408Douglat street. St Trunks , Valises and Traveling Bags InMi in great variety at ba mlleod M. TTFM.MAV & Co.'sf Call on Lang & Fotick if you want Gcme a good cook stove cheap. me ha' Headquarters for Joe Schlitz's ba < Milwaukee beer at MERCHANTS' EX he CHANGE , N. E. Cor. 10th and Dodge. j < 3et your oil stove of D. A. Piercy , wei 1211 Farnham street. mlll2 of : It Pays to Trade at KURTZ B. she the See linen table nankins , tbo moit tot decided bargains ever shown in Omaha ins | ha , at Bushman's. thi tin All lovers of music will improve 10 wh this chance of hearing Prof. Bunn and the Musical Convention at the first to i M. E. Church on to-morrow ni ht. tha Mil Travelers , stop at the Astor House , 1 New York. 16dlm asi A large Msortment ot cook stoves Sta nt reasonable prices , at Lang & ish Fotick's. Dei FOUKTJ. A tor pan sure cure constlpa- ' i : Hamburg Figs , 25o per box , for Go 1 CoL R. H. Wilbur lectures next Saturday evening. 1 at ; ] Marphy & LovettIcs. Agency ; old ml est established agency in this state. Pijwj : . .vi' ' ] r DAKOTA'S ' DUFFERS , I Eapid Progress Made in Exter minating Outlaws and Desperadoes , An Entertaining Talk With Llewellyn , the Govern ment Detective. Special Agent W. H , H. Llewellyn has arrived in the city from a trip to Yankton , where he has been in at tendance on the United States courts at that place. He gives a most cheer ing report from the upper Nebraska counties , which , he says , are rapidly filling up with a tide of emigration which is streaming across the river1at Sioux City from northern Iowa , , and southwestern Minnesota. The class of emigrants who are settling along the DOW lines of railroad in Holt and Knox counties and southern DakoU , are better than ever before , consist ing of experienced agriculturists who are well prepared to develop the latent agricultural resources of the state. The efforts put forward by the Chicago and Northwestern and Mil waukee roads are resulting In a rapid Increase of population along the branches of those lines , and the pros pect is that the flood tide dining the coming summer will bo entirely un precedented in the history of the northern part o ! the state. AFFAIE3 IN DAKOTA as far as outlawry and desperadoism ara concerned seem to be coming to a foccs. The government is determined to put an end to the condition tf affairs which exists in portions of the country , and to break up the bands which are hindering tha more rapid settlement of the territory. Unfortunately just atpresent Dakota jails do not seem to retain the birds when caught , three noted criminals having recently escaped , one of them the noted "Culley , " or John Max well , who brolo jail at Yankton by "holding up" the jailor and locking him up , while ho skipped the town. Llewellyn do'es not credit the report that Maxwell Is somewhere in Iowa. He sajs "Culley" has been west all his life and isn't a man to skip east when well armed and in a region which heknons so well He thinks ho will soon ba heard from , at his old tricks in the territory , and intimates that if caged again he will meet the just reward of his crimes. A band of out'aws which demand immediate attention are the WESSINQTON HILLS GANG , who for two years pist have rendez- voued in that section and made their hiding places in the deep ravines and high , wooded hills , from which they derive their name. They are led by an outlaw named "Red Cloud , " who is Eomewhat knonn in Yankton , ! and who has collected about himself a band of followers as daring and desperate as himself. Two months ago a party of surveyors , engaged in running a line for the Milwaukee road , had occasion to penetrate one of the dark ravines of the Wessington Hills , and ran across a band of nine men , who motioned them back. One look at the outfit was enough and the snrveyors gracefully retired. Under the leadership of _ " Red Dloua i Tvesaington band have nade innumerable successful excur- iions into the country for a radius uany nvlea adjacent , highway rob- eryand ( horae stealing being their principal exploits. The government proposes to thoroughly investigate his scctiondurlngthe coming summer. TERKITOKIAL COOBT8 ire now in session at Yankton , and lave under consideration a number of mportant cases. The supreme conrr , rith Chief Justice Shannon and Asso- iate Justices Moody and Kidder , will called upon to consider several Hack Hilla mining auits of great im- tortance , aho the great injunction uit of John L Blair against the Da- iota Southern and Milwaukee & St. 'aul railroads. The protecution in the Livingitone ndian agency cases which have awak- nod great interest , have failed to uatain their charges on five of the linu indictments found. The trial egan on tha 26th of April and the ury brought in a verdict of acquittal all five counts. The verdict meets rith general approbation as Mr. Liv- ngstone hts a host of warm friends hroughout the territory and stands U Tiigh. What the government rill do wi.h the other four counts islet lot known. THE TENDENCY OF EMIGRATION Southern Dakota is toward the Jim iver valley and the Mbsouri bottoms , rhich are filling up rery rapidly , 01m tock ratling and agriculture flourish m the valleys and bottoms of the Big ntB Iuddy , while corn producing ia at ita B est on the Join river. "Drifting w tooeo' , " alias "Blowing Goose , " a sthr agabond Sioux who has been causing hrcl inch trouble to the Jcin river settlers , clel ' been ordered by Secretary Schurz elce ick to the Crow Creek agency , whore ce belongs. Among the finest officers in the est Llewellyn says that in JOHN jr. MCDONALD , inSI Sioux City , where he served as icriff for eight years , is at the top of heap. He is now engaged in the Ni iterest of the Milwaukee road in look- NiA < up the dangerous characters irongh the country. He has perhaps best record of any officer in the hole west , having captured and Bent the penitentiary ev more offenders lan any four sheriffs west of the tisR. issouri. R.W Boone Msy is now in Omaha , and W ( , soon as Judge Moody and United he ates Commissioner Washebaugh fin- to court at Yankton and return to saj eadwood , Lew and May will nccom- strN my them. N ( to DeGroat & Co.'s for straw hats , bs&tuu-t _ ; COl A lafeo invoice of Hats and Caps to popular prices at Jo lleod M. HELLMAN & CO.'B , ° 3 * n boi Hamburg Figs 25 ? a box , IT WAS THE OLD HAM , A libvera' Picnic Spoiled by a 'Parent's Interference. A Lively Race. Saondera atreet b becoming quite famous of late for ita lovers' sensa tions , several of which have crept into print. Whether ( he atmosphere of North Omaha is peculiarly favorable to Cupid and unfavorable to Hymeni we do not attempt to discuss , but sim ply record the facts of a case which has come to our notice , in which a pair of happy lovers were ruthlessly parted by a stern parent a few nights since , For several months paat two prom ising and well known young people have been courting each other against the will of the maiden's parents. The girl , however , thought she saw a way out of the dilemma and finally gained permission to make a viait of several weeks at the house of a neighbor. Here every evening , under pretext of going homo foe a couple of hours , the girl managed to see her lover and snatch an evoniog'walk along the clas sic shades of Sauoders street , while both her hostess and family wore in blissful ignorance of her wiles. A night or so ago she made an ex cuse to iho lady at whose house the was stopping , that she wanted to go home and get some clothes. Instead of so doing she took a moonlight promenade with her young man , stay ing out so late that , becoming alarm ed , word was sent to her parents aak ing whether she would return that evening. This put them on the scent , and spies were sent out , under the leadership of the old man , to investigate the case. The father waa the lucky finder , arid discovered the couple blissfully walking arm in arm and murmuring lovers' nonsense under the light of the moon. It was the work of a moment for the old man to make a dive for the young man , whom he missed by about two inches. A lively chase now ensued over two picket fences , three door-yards and down alleys , the young man finally getting away in safety. The girl was taken horns , and peace once ( more reigns supreme in the fami ly , although the young man declares he will enter suit for tbo loss of six square inches torn from the Irg of a bran new pair of pants and the wear and tear on hit shoo * , accidents result ing from the exciting chase mentioned above. IT IS PLEASANT TO SEE The number of people who find IT PAYS TO TRADE AT KUBTZ'S. DeGroat & Co. , cheapest hat s and caps , thu-e&tu MEW YOKE DRY GOODS STORE. DRY GOODS HEADQUARTERS. SrLENDID SHOW ROOM. BEST LIGHTED STORK IN TOWN. AN IMMENSE VARIETY OF DRY GOODS , MILLIREBY , BOOTS AND SHOES. PRICES LOWEB THAN THE LOWEST. ONE PRICE TO ALL , ALL ARE INVITED. JOHN H. F. LKHMANN & CO. may2-lw Commissioners ProceedingsT Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present Commissioners Corliss and Knight. The following waa allowed from the general fund : John Stoloii. taxes refunded $ 1063 Omaha National bank , balance on Pauley contract 8314 05 Charles Noyce , potatoes for poor farm. . . . 2753 B.P. Knight , county commission er for April , 1880 IOC 00 Fred Drexel , county commission er for February , 1880 4950 Fred -Drexel , county commission er for March , 1880. 5475 F. W. Corliss , county commission er April , 1880 9675 F. W. Corliss , cash expended 3 00 B. P. Knight , cash for freight , etc. 1 70 Wm. C. Ainsworth , petit juror February term. 1880 6050 Tkomas Uallan , balance for petit juror , February term , 1880 49 76 Adjourned to the 14th inat JOHN K. MAKCHESTEB , County Clerk. By H. T. LKAVITT , Deputy. Over eighty millions of dollars of Insurance capital of the oldest and best home and foreign companies rep E resented In the agency of Taylor & Howell. dlGif , tc Missma. A case o constipation by using ! Hamburg Figs. A-RE YOU BUYING THIS WEEK sf HOSIERY at KUBTZ'S. PABASOLS AND UMBRKLLAH. A special sale to continue through- mt the season at Bushman's. Im- nense assortment , twill silk with new mtural handles , are very cheap at Bushman's. With fancy handles , ivith p arl handles , with celluloid and iholl handles , elegant clear horse D jandles , unique ivory handles , in- dudine nil the novelties in style , with ilegant finiih aud lustre , at from 20 W nts up the lowest possible cash aiiA A 2fj ! THE NICEST THING 2fjOi [ the city in a GENT'S UNDER- Oi iHIRT , at OiPi L. B. Williams & Son's. of Come and see them , as they ara a sn hi fOVELTY , and we are the SOLE tb LGENTS for them in Omaha. fu L. B. WILLIAMS & SON'S , fuN ( Cor. 15th and Dodge sfs. to The sixth lecture in the Saturday Itwi vening course of lectures at the Bap- du Church will ba delivered by Col. fui H. Wilbur. Subject "Progress. " en Te need not urga thosa who have chi eird Col. Wilbur from the pUlfona hii attend -this lecture ; to others we IF y will be both you interested and > n- tructed if you ettend this lecture. rOTICE TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Hi [ If you have any galvanized iron amices dei window , caps or other work Fu fignro on , or to bo done , call on ohn Epeneter 333 Fal , Broadway , Conn- Bluffs , Iowa , who will give you < ottom prices age } extra " good. work. the " I * - THE DIAMOND. * A Schedule of the Local Games for the .Coming Season. A meettBg of the directors ofthe _ Omaha Amateur league was held last Wednesday In the county court room. MetsiB. Hengle , Haye * , Smythe , Austin and Mullery being prezent. . On motion , the second U. P. nine , represented by E. P. Mullery , was admitted to the league under the title , "Omahas. " The following schedule of games for the coming season waa adopted : May 15 Athletics vs. Nail Works. May 22 fl. P. vs. Universities. May 29 B. & M. VB Mutuals. May 20 Omahas vs. Nail Works. June 5 Universities vs. Athletics. June 12 Mutuals vs. U. P. June 19 B. &M. vs. Omahas. The matches will come ofi on euc- cetsive Saturdays one on each play ing day , excepting the 29th i t- , which , being Decoration day , will witness two league games. A meeting of the board of directors will be held on Monday evening next Dress goods at 6 cents at Buih- nian's. A large , choice assortment at 10,12i , 15 , 20 , 25 and 30 cents , and exceedingly good , serviceable , all-wool fabrics , at 35 cotits. It will certainly pay you to buy your drees eoods al Biuhman's ; only one price askedwhile the lowest possible cash prices are al ways guaranteed. M. Hellnun & Co. are making suits to order on short notice. Before buying a sewing machine , examine the "NewHome , " cornetJGth and Webster. * Hartman & Holquist. M.G. McKoon , Agt. Fire Insurance , mayl-ly PERSONAL , PARAGRAPHS. Prof. Wilber ia In town. Miss TessieRiley left fur Denver Wednesday on a visit. Mr. J. A. Ware , of the cattle firm of Faxton & Ware , came in from the west Wednesday. Rav. Mr. Wjlkes , who hai been spending a few days in our city , loft yesterday for the east. Mrs. Lieutenant Seatcn , wife of Lieutenant Seaton , of tbo 4th infantry , went to Cheyenne yottcrJay. Herbert Thsyer , of Rock Creek , Wyo. ,13ft Omaha Wednesday forMass- achusettato visit his mother. John G. Jacobs left yesterday for Berlin , Pa. , to visit hs : aged mother. He will be absent about twt ) weeks. Dr. A. K. Smith , medical director of the depattment of Arizni , accom panied by hs family , went west on yesterday's train. Mr. G. E. Stevens , superintendent of the Union Pacific car and building depattment , returned from the west Wednesday afternoon by the way of Kansas City. Mr. C. 0. Ruthrauff , correspond ent of The Cleveland Voice and The New York Timec , made a call at THE BEE offica yesterday. Ho left this afternoon for the mountains. Captalh Weeks , an old residniit of our citypassed through Onuha yester day on bis way west , and made a num ber of inquires after his old friends John McCormick , Geo. J gfeearn'd' ' the Messrs. Mil lard. Among the > many arrivals at the Metropolitan hotel are the following : F. Deakin , London , Eng ; S. R Oa- trander , Yutft City ; 0. T. Kcmper , St. Louis ; C. D. Wilber , Wilber , Neb. ; H. A. Wilson , Chc ; Ro ; S. P Sboecraft , Clinton , Iowa ; S. A. Mar tin , Philadelphia , Pa. ; H. A. McCuta lay , Seward ; W. SpearCouncil Bluffs ; W. J. Anake , Sioux City ; W. H. Moore , St. Joe ; B. McAuliffe , Bt. Louis ; M. B. Cowles , New York ; F. N. Marquis , Council Bluffs ; A. P. Wilkinson , Chicago ; Mrs. S. A. Da- voe , Orleans , Neb. ; J. P. Rankin , Rawlins ; G. Merritt , Rockford , Ills. ; C. N. Ram , Chicago. To-morrow night a rare musical treatatthe First M. E. Church by Prof. Buon. P f SEE ! Be sure and see the best and cheapest line of black and co'ored silk fringes at Bushman's. Silver moustache cups at Edholm Erickson's. fl Clocks cheaper than any phco in i town at Edholm & Erickson'a , the iewelers , opposite the Postoflico. AN ELEGANT LINE GENTS'AND BOYS' SUSPENDERS - ERS , including all the novelties , from JOc up to ? 3 00 per pair. L. B. WILLIAMS & SON , Cor. 15th and Dodge sts. Do your Shopping at KURTZ'S. Army Orders. Tbo following special orders are ssued from the headquarters of the Department of the Platte : FORT OMAHA , May 12,1880. By authority cf the secretary of rar ! , the leave of absence granted As * istant Surgeon C. V. Petteys , U. S. , , in paragraphs , special orders No. , current series , from these head- natters , is extended one month. Under the provisions of General rdersNo. 3 , of 18C9 , ns modified by Paragraph 1 , General Orders No. 49 , 1874 , from the War Department , nfficient cause having been shown for inability to pay his own expenses , be Quartermaster's Department will urnish transportation from Omaha , febraska , to Fort Fred. Steele , W. T- , Private John Murphy , Company E , th Infantry , a furloiigbed eo'dier rithout means to rejoin his company. The i Company Commander will be uly notified by the Quartermaster jruishing the transportation , to the ad thmt the cost of the same may bo barged against the soldier's pay on nSit muster-roll. FI WANT TO BUY GOOD GOODS I trade at KUBTZ'S. DIED. PRICE At 6:45 : a. m. May 13th , n. John Price , ged 26 years ; reai- nce corner 20th and Grace streets. unersl to-d y at two o'clock from nther Quinn'd church. Grand Concert to-morrow night by Bunn Musical Convention a $ the * ! Bates to dolumbua yiat'lhe'B Js"M Bailroad. The B. & H. in Nebraska , desires to announce to the people ot the South Flatte country , that they can depend upon reaching Columbus aext Tuesday evening , May 18th , by wmy of the A. & N. line , forJJw republican convention May 19th. Trains from the west and east on the B , & . M. nma line and trains on the Nebraska railway , both east aud west , trill make close connections at Lincoln on Tues day noon with the A. & N. train , which will leave Lincoln at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon , reaching Colum bus Tuesday evening at 4:45 : p. m Citizonsjfom the line of the A. & N. south of Lincoln should resell Lincoln on the passenger trains of Monday evening , or they can come up on the mixed train , which leaves Falls City Tuesday morning at 1 o'clock and ar rives at Lincoln at 11. a m. The folk wing will be the .rales 4o Columbus , aud return'for the-round trip , i From Lincoln , $3 70 ; from Omaha and Flattsmoutb , 95 50 ; from stations on the B. & M. and the Nebraska railway east of Lincoln , $4 40 ; from stations on the A. & N. south of Lincoln as far as and includ ing KuloJJ500 ; stationsjrest of Lin coln on the B. & . AI. and Nebraska railway , and including the Beatrio * branch , $5 00 ; from stations south of Hasting ! to and including Red'Cloud , So 50 ; from stations west of Bed Cloud , $ G 20 ; from Kearney Junction , ? 6 20. Tickels will bo on Bale at allticket offices , good going only on the -18th and 19th , and good for return on the 20th and 21st. Real Estate Transfers. Augaslu * Konnize and wife to John and Katharine Doll , w d , lot 1 , blk 1 , Kountze's 3d add , city of Omaha § 300. Augustus Kountzo and wife to Martha - , tha Lee , w d , lot 3 , blk 3 , Kountze's 4th add , city of Omaha-$358.33. Christian Erlcksoti and'wife to Lars tlasmussoD , w d , cA , w lot 6 , blk 207 , city of Omaha § 750. Naomi and Catharine Davenport to Dexter L. Thomas , w d , out-lot 181 , city of Florerce-$20. George Armstrong and wife to Wm. T. Leatnan , w d , lot 9 , blk D , Shinn'a add , city of Omaha ? 250. Isaac Edwards to John L Redick , w. d. part of lot 27 in John I. Rediek's add ; to city of Omaha § ? 00\ Isaac Edwards to John I. Redick , q. c. d. nw | section Mo. 32,116 , r 12 east 6 p. m. § 637. Charics Fog'eaong ' and wife to Geo. CanSeld , part of lot 16 , Barkett'a add ( city of Ohidha-4200. David MacAsIan and wife to Geo. P. Bemis : q. c. d. se awj Sec. 32 , t IB , n r 13 o 6th p m. § 2,750. . Geo. I * Bemis and wife to Helen MclutyroRao Mac Asian : q. c. d. sej sw So : . 32 , 115 , n r 13 e 6th p m. § 2,750. Why dose yourselves with nauseat ing medicines , when a purely fruit cathartic wilt cure yon at once Ham burg Figs. Try them. The foreman of the New York & New Haven Steamboat Co. , Mr. G. S , Haverer , sends us the following : "I can hardly find words enough to ex press mypraiae of St. Jacobs Oil. For a whole week I suffered with pain in the back , and was not able to go about ; the pains were at times almost unbearable. Advited by a friend , I procured I a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil from my dru ggist , Mr. Otto Meyer , used it without delay , and experienced instant relief from my Bufferings1 A-CrioTFd uuGral arid - a Black-bury ing party are the same only different , BO aio Rneunntsm and Neuralgia , but they can bo cured by the same remedy Dr. Thomis * Electric Oil. The Firemem The Omaha Fire department held a meeting last evening , M. Goldsmith , president , in the cha'r. A communicitioii from Mr. Clack , agent of the Chicago and Northwest ern railway , stating that the zound trip from Council Bluffs to the Iowa fitate tournament at Mamhalltown would be § 4.00 , was placed on file , the offer being accepted. Chief Engineer Galligan , Charles Fisher , Denny Lane and Mr. Green wftld wore appointed as a committee to make the nctcitiary arfaugemonts to attend the tournament , which take * place Juno 8th , 9th and 10th. About forty ( men are expected to attend. An invitation from the Grand Army of the Republic for the firemen to turn out Decoration Day , waa ac cepted. Mei > srj. Riley , Goldsmith , Roach , Nichols and Fagan wera appointed as cemmitteo to make trrangements for Decoration Day. FOR SALE \ Tl c F FEBRIFUGE ) ! Ji 31 iMismjjs ijin tuii 31B 31C " THE GREAT \ MALARIALAMTIDOTE" OF THE : AGE. Safe/Certain , Sure and Speedy , NEmiaiLSTOCUBE. The only artlcleknownlhat Will esffcficafe\h\s \ disease joermanent/yfromihesysfe/n * P < J.C.RICHARDSON , o : SOLC PROPRIETOR ei General Agents , RICHARDSON&CO , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. du pate EVERYWHERE. - to 12 : Dei oreM to ' i SPECIAL NOTICES. KOTICE Advertisement * To Let For Sale , Ixwt , Found , Wants , Boarding 4c. , will b In serted In then columns once for TEN CENTS per lint ; each labfeqnentinaerUon.FIVE CENTS per line. The flnt Inaertian never lew than TWINTT-FIV * CENTS. Tl MONBY TO LOAhon anjntjved security. rVR. BAKTLETT , Reff Estate Agent , Office 217 couth 13th Si. 75.11 V\COMST TO LOAKaa at Law Offlco yJL J.L. THOMAS. Eoom 8. Crdghton Block ONKT ( TO LOAN 1109 Farnham street. M Dr. Edwardn Loan Agency , nor-22-U HELP wjurni WANTED A German gill for washing , iron ing , and general housework. Good wa ges to a competent pefjon. App y at LEBUANN'3 , (21 south 17lh St. , opposite Jones St. 674-18 flifl 314 Seventeenth Street , be. WASTED Chicago and Davenport. 886-15 ' Oirl for general housework. WAN'ED H. E. JENHISOK , 2436 Dodge M - girl , northwest corner 20th WANTED-Good . 578-tf IRL WANTED for , geu'ral housework , at G : . REINEKE"3 Restaurant , IS Jackson St 67915 A good cook at TJZAnn/S Palace WANTED . - ' , ' 513-tf TTrANTKU-Qlrls at IN rKLLlGKNCEjOFFICE , W southeast corner 16th and Davenport. 410-tf ffAMTIB-MSCEUMEMS. TTiTANTED 3 cnat maktn and 2 pants mik- V era. KAL1SH , Djujclas , next door to Cruickshank. fc8315 mA ILORS WAhTED At J. H. Till ELK , 684-16 * CABPENTER wantc < 1 to build one or two j\ . frame coibrgeK See DB EDWARDS , 1109 Farnham Street. 533 tf TTTANTED A ; good hand on custom pants and VV Tests , man or womtn , Apply at 1220 Farnham Street , near 33th , Omaha. Neb. 6C0-16 IDS WILL BE BEOrUVED for building Frame House , and veil at Caswdy Ceme- ter ) . bids to clew May 16'.t > . Bight to reject all bids reserved. ' For iiifotmation apply No. > 270 Nichols Street. P. I'UKLAN. OM IHA , M y llth , 1880. ! 67-15 { TtrANTJTD By man of good'btulnesa abll- \ V liy , a permanent situation. Address K. i.1b.Ja Office. , - S6317 A NUJTELLIOENT WIDOW without cncum- IC\ . cumbrance , desires a , position as house keeper for a western gentleman of meins. U. 4. HARTLKY , 207 North'12th Philadelphia. ; cco-13 NE DOZEN GOOD TAILORS WANTED. 0 Apply to FRANK RAMDE. f 67-tf ANTED A rituatlon a * waiter or porter , in hotel or private haute , thvrowrhly uts the Liulness. Address A. U. . i ee Office. 67M2 TNTKLLIQENCE OFFICE , corner 16th and J. Davenport. 410-tf FOI IEKT-HOUSES AN8 LAND. T7IOB RENT Two-story fr me house with 1 } brick basenent , on corner 19th and Pierce. Corfatr Farkham and llth St. FREDUOEEILE. . , tssnf OFFERS A SPLENDID LIST OF Bargains In Houses , Lots , Farms and Lands , in bis new column on 1st page. TTmONT PARLOR in new house to rent , fur- JP pished with board , rortheut corner 17th tHd Cllicafeu. - 6(9-13 BENT An elegant front loom. Enquire POR 1910 Dodge Stieet. 570-tf "hlOit RENt- > Jtinti 1st. A.niea cottagp JJ and stable on upp r Doaslas Street , 2 blocks from foetofficj. In mire 1210 Farnham Street. 650-14 FOH BENT Double room , Jacob's Block.527tf 527-tf foOR BENT Furnished'eap ; by week Jj ot month. Apply at AMERICAN HOUSE. tl F 10B BENT A splendid Photograph Oat fert- n- j L , B. WILLIAMS & SON. RENT N w nonia , 8 rooms , fifth and FOB Pine. Envnire , J. PHJPPS BOB , 3n30tf 497 Twelfth Street. OR HfcHT I of rot n M9 Fifteenth sti Jacob's Block. ifennii reagoila'ble. ' ' FOR SALE. T710B SALE House and lot , with 94 feet front _ C 128 feet deep , and well , cistern , on corner of Lcarenworth anl 24th SU. _ _ 633-25 Cl FOB SALE Sprinj wagon , bone andlmJC neas. Apply at FABMEa-g HOUSE , 14th and Harney St , . - MM * , FABMS. HODSES AND LANDS. Look K LOTS j over BEM13' new column of bargains on lit to pag ? . - . . . . Til OB BALE EffmH ted * fountain In { rood conC - en C dition. D. Vf. SAXE , corntr 13th and Farnham. 677-tf FOB LANDS.LOT3. HOUSES AND FAKM9 , look orer BEMIS' new column on 1st page. Bargains. frc F6H SALE targe Dber casks , good foiCIS' 23 tern purposes , at KRUO'S Brewery. an 353codtf mo BUILDEBSPLASTERERS ANDMASON8. I , Coarse bank land , erarrl for gardens and nioulc loir Band ill be delivered at abort notice. W Leave ortlrn ft H. Sierts 1414 Farntmm , and lot Chaijea Brander , 8X11 Farnham SU. 1IA > R BOCK , Successor to Unarlea Daniel E92 tt FORS1LB Ono horse and 3 : pring wairon. Enquire at Be Office. S24-tt He T7IOK SALE Cottonwocd lumber of all slzef , at tie J ? . BEDMOND-S , Sbtteenth-st. 616 tf TJIOE ; SALE A 8-jall dwellinghottOT , net * to JC U. B , Collins residency corner 19lh and At Capitol Avenue. Jor information call at G. II. Sh & J. S. COLLINS , 131 Farahatn Strtet. 605-tf jib- § ALE Good house and lot. with x good well , fcorneMUh and Pierce Streets. En- Re ot tred , S.OEJB. . . _ , . 437-lm Sta T10RBALE AUristMilL Applyat ofcol col J ! 472-tf . U H W1U.IAUS & SON. SALE A New American Srnilog H - FOR In peed condition , with all attach ments. Mast ! e Bold before the ISth of May. Fit rbtlinforthatirtn Kmrtyat ATHINSOVH Millinery lad Store , Corner Douglas and i3th Streets. 474-tf riOP. SALEi-Two of the celebrated J. V. Jj Brunswick & Ealke Co.'s Nonpa reil BU- brt liarlTyblcs. N arlfi ) ir. For 8 I9 cheap , sSi-U C. W. HArtiLfON , MISCELLANEOUS. Joti ST Wear corner 16th and Dodge , a Russian leather pbaet-Boofc bblongin to Mra. . W. .VumiDRbs , Council Blafls , sontainlngr s money , F. O order and pipers valuable only to owner. Please retnrn lo Vftl. Ki H. SCOTT , 18th ftnd Dodge. 687-U UF A bay ponj , with white Uce and TAKEN white hind foot. CABSTEN ROHWNEH , MeArdle PreHntU SevythSt. OST A Gold Pin with Uosi Agate Set. ke : L | 'Finder will be suitably rewarded by leav- \nglt at 111 South llth St. FLORENCK M. in IHIPP. 573-12 be bew EMOYAb l naveretaoTid mystoce to the R1 i comer llth and Cftas. Thoee wanting any Pi roods lu my line will do well to call , a > I am offerin ? less than cost. E. F. COOK. 428-lm SINAB ItaircmciTed rrom Tenth Street to 1118 Fro Famhamtit. dive him a call. apl5-lm sou Kira che ESTIMATE OF ANNUAL EXPENSES OF ba. DOUGLAS CO. , FOR THE YEAR 1880. Court's , Jurors' and Court ex penses , _ 5 20,000 i Poor.and Poor House and fuel for : game , 16,000 Tail and Jailors , board for prison ers andfnel . . „ 12,000 Miscellaneous expenses.SUtionery inC special City Ta.Y and Gas 16,000 Coo ) Railroad Bond Fun3. . . etn Sinking . . 44,000 Prii bounty Bead nd Bridges 12,000 x bounty Office , Office Bent , Elec per tions and Assessors . . 6,000 Total. ' 5128,000 Am "TJy Order of County Commissioners. 12tl : TJ JOHN B. MANCHESTIB , , t- County Clerk. sBy H. T. XEAVITT , Deputy. K tloi NEW GROCERY ! aide stei 2 16th and Cuming Sts , We the propose supplying Wit jeople ° North Omaha -with , * mod- irate prices. tJiv ? a caU- Lot Lot LotL. . jx > ts paid for Country inT * " Son . .uco. Goods delivered free to any i , art of the city. ap7-lm Lot Wei | 1831 OTER-OCEM HOTEL , Cheyenne , "Wyoming. X. -Kr tclFine _ large Etraplea Boom * , oha lock from depot. Train * atop from 23 minntft Doori for dinner. Free TJnj let and frorn epot. Kt 2. 6n8 aa 'roomsngl me 176c nts. ONE MILLION ACRES CHEAP LAND EASTERN NEBRASKA , $2 TO $5 PER ACRE. 20,000 Acres DOUGLAS COUNTY , 6 to 12 Miles from Omaha , $6 to $10 per Acre , on Long lime and Low Interest , Large tracts suitable for Colonies in all the best Counties in the State , 80,000 acres scattered through Iowa. A large number of Improved Frrms in Nebraska , many of them near Omaha , $12 to $40 per acre , An Immense List of OMAHA CITY PROPERTY , Consisting of Elegant Resi dences from $3,000 to $20- 000. Many thousand vacant lots in the additions to Omaha. Hundreds of lots scattered through the City. Houses and Lots , Business Houses and Lots , and all kinds of Cily Real Estate. We also have MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Farms in Doug las County , on 5 years time , at 1O percent , interest to all who can show good titles. Maps of Douglas and Sarpy Counties for sale * Boggs & Hill , REAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 Farn , St , , Omaha , Neb. For Rent. Splendid cottage , 6 rcoms , all In the best con dition , fruit and shade trees , stable , hard and ott water , and 4 Acres of Ground , $120 year. West Omaha , will sell foi fl.CSO. BOQO3 and HILL. For Sale , Bouse and foil lot on Webster Street , beet loca tion in the city , $1,500 ; easy tef ats. DOaOS and HILL. $30,000 Twenty Thousand Dollirs In small well secur ed mortgages ranging from $200 to $1,000 , drawIng - Ing 10 per cent interest , hare been lately placed In Oar bands for sale , at small dijceuot. Per sons toivltig a little motley to spare can make a ale and profitable load in this way , without any expense or commksiona. . _ BOOO3 and HtLL. For Sale , - Crmrjh Property ; ; d Parsonage In South Omaha , 3iHr Ctrfet , at a ictr icnonable price. B0003 nd HILL. Cottage and Lot , few ( 1-story frame bouse , 4 rooms , 2 closets" * ! ) ) cot ceilings , double doors , etc. , 85 barrel cis- crn , full lot , all in tio. 1 condition , 5 blocks ton High Skhool ) ? S50 , on monthly payments , null cash payment require ! BOGGS and HlLL , Real Estate Brokers. New Houses. We are now prepared to build bouses worth rom $400 to $300 on our lots in onrnew addition , Mlh ahd 29th and Farnham.Douglas and Dodge , nd sell on erriall monthly payments. _ BOOOS and HILL. $ GOO to $1,000 Fill ] buy jou a new house , with one of the finest its in Omaha , on small monthly payments. BOOOa and HILL , For Sale , louse and Let on street car-track , Shiun-s addl- ion , f l,9oO. _ BOQQ3 and HILL. A New House ihd full lot , one-half block from street can , Ihmn's Addition , $1,376. _ B - COS and HILL. Tlic Cheapest lesldence Property In Omaha most be sold In- Lanter , W J tot 4 , Block 47 , with a No. 1 house 7 looms and all well improved ; southeast orner 21at and Casa. Want best offer. _ B0003 and HILL. For Sale , too young horse , well broke aud suitable for a idy to drive. _ BOGUS and E ILL. Wanted. We want a contract to hava 200 acres cf land roke at once. _ EOQGSand HILL. P Cheap Lots. Look at tha lot ] In our new addition best its for the money in Omaha , 29th and Farnham. HOOPS and HILL. _ Residence Lots for Sale. 200 Lots in Kountze and luth's Additiqnnear business , qed surroundings , lota covered rith young : trees , and are the hoicest , cheapest and nearest usiness of any lots in the mar- et. By all means look at lots Kountze and Buth's addition efore purchasing elsewhere. 7ill sell on monthly payments. rices $40O to $650. BOGGS and HILL. 1000 Residence Lots onting 8 , 0 , 10 and llth streets , 6 to 10 blocks nth of depot , many of these lots are TCry ile- rable and for men of small means are Inow tM leanest and most easily purchased lots in 0uu- Prices $250 to $300. Monthly payment * . BOGGa and HiLL. _ 15 Choice Lots P l Jt W1H Arcnllf ) . only 3 to * MMU from pot , J500 to $600. Monthly payments. BOGOS ind HILL. CG of the Finest Lets Qmaba , 10 to K blocks west of Postofflco and urt House , on Farnham , Douglas and Dodge reet ; finest views in the dty from these lots. rices f 200 to $300 , on payments of | 5 to $10 month. BOQGS & HILL. 8 Houses n two-thirds of a lot , Chicago street , between th and 13tb ; rents for (300 B year. Price POO. BCK30S and HILL. Houses and Lots. [ New 2- tory rasidence corner lot , choice loca- , 4 blocks from Postoffice ; $3,500. BOGUS and HILL. Houses and south i lot 1 , block 12 , on west of 18th street , between Caliiomht and Web afreets ; | Z,200 BOOQSard HILL. P 2-Story Brick House " Itb fall lot , 2 blocks from new Court House * ,150. BOOOS and HILL. ts land 2 , block 230 S2.7S9 t5 , block 15 1.MW Lot 2 , block 81 MO 5 and 8 , block 252 1,200 .nth } LoU 1 nd 2 , block 261 1,000 tJLot2.blockl21 _ 2,600 _ 'Lot2block 121 2,500 n > M -k 227 600 ffXStl t * Mock 206 1,000 Immense Stock for SPRING AND SUMMER Fine Cnstom-Made Men's Suits , Boys' Suits Children's Suits. SPRING OVERCJATS For Men , Boys , and Children. Under-Wear , Hats aid Caps , Trunks and Valises , at Prices to Suit AH. Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth SGHLANK PRINCE , BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE DEVLIN ! & CO. , OF NEW YORKf Wo are now prepared to. take orders for the justly celebrated clothlngo ; hia house , which for Durability , Style and Cheapness ara unsurpassed. IfVe lave now on hand the best selected stock of Clothing , Shirts , Furnishing 3cods , etc. in the city. Boston Clothing House , * - FARNHAM STREET. 50,00.0 CHEAP ! CHEAPER 1 CHEAPEST ! MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell their entire stock of f Diamonds , Watches , r ' " * ; .v - Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ- GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , below any Eastern. Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Mean Business , Come and be Convinced. SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO , PORK AND BEEF PACKERS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FBESH MEATS & PROVISIONS , GAMEPOULTRYFISW , BTC , CITY AND COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED , 1415 St. Packing F > uae MARKET OFFICE CITY Douglas Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , TJ. P. B. E. I. L SLEDZIANOSKJ > QCO. , MANUFACTURERS OF AND PICTURE FRAMES , CHROWOS AND ENGRAVINGS. 922 Douglas St. , Wear 10th. Omaha. Neb. EnUT Pianos and Organs Sold on Easy Monthly Installments. A. UosrE , Jr , 1516 Dodge Street * JOBBERS OP HARDWARE , CUTLERY , NAILS , STAMPED AND JAPANNED WARE , INKERS STOCK , SHEET IRON , TIN STOCK , ETC. 1317 & 1319 DOUGLAS STEEET , pi.u Positively no Coeds Sold at Retail. "PHENRY * LEHMAN/ THE LARGEST IN THE STATE. a ANI > - -WINDOW SHADES , PAINTERS' Am ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Orders M Solicited. - Samples Sent on Application.