* r THE GENUINE DK.C.McEANE'S 33YERPIIIES , . . - - * * w | M1A14 AJ-1 4V1. & JJIHULt. Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diieasea 06Jhatdiafactef,5 they stand without a rival. _ -O better "caTh'arfic > 'can l3e used pre paratory to , or after taking quffjine. As si simple purgative tKgyuro nncqualed. ' BEWARE QfjtylTATlONS. , ' The genuine are never smgar-cbated. Each box Las a red-waxeeal on thelid , witbtbe impression , McLANE'S EIVER PILL. " Each wrapper bears the slgna- pared by FLE3UNG the market being full of imitations of the name JtTci > iiiespj2lleddifferenlly but same pronunciation , rt / " _ BBotrcirms KD CONSUMPTION Well-Known > Drnggijt says about "Allen's Lunjr Bal tarn. v MOIMEBS.BEADr * , , . t : The demind for Allen's vang Balnm is Incrcssin ? oonttantly ; ' The ladla think there is no medicine e ual to it tor Crooi aad Whooping Coi gB. Ci 6 ; MARTIN , Dnnist. _ Bold bralltiedicine Men. ToU-Gate No. 2. lYho want glossy , * luxuriant tresses of almiidant , itifol llair jnnst : HS'O > N'S KATHAIRON. THis elegant , cheap article alwa ; Biues tlieD.aif f > w ° freely ami fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cnres gray * ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it.a curling tendency , antlT { keeping-it ii any desrclTOsitioil. ! 'Be'au jlffiiiriieaKliyllair Is the sure f- . , - " "jogjog Jiathairon * t j _ AT- ATTORHtTS-AT-LAW. WM. SIMERAL , ATS LATTi-CampbetrB Bidet , ATTORNEY . Famham and Douglaf. 'OMAHA , NKB. ' 'D.-L. THOMAS , A TrORNEY AT LAW-Loans money , buys J\ and tells real ( ftite. Room 8'Creighton A. C. TROUP , AT LAW Office In Hanacom'l Block , with George E. Prltchctt , 1608 RrphanBt. OMAHA. KER. DEXTER L THOMAS , AT LAW Crulckanank Build ATTORNEY A. M. CHADWICK , A TTORNEY AT LAW Office 1504 FarnhanT r | " -S ' ' A/SWARTZLAHDE AT LAW Cor. 13th and Famhasi ATTORNEY mayttU WILLIAM , A.1 A TTORNEY AND-COUNSELOR AT _ T\ _ Room No. 6 , Frenzer Block , opposite Post Office. OMAHA , NEB. . WM. L. PEABODY. . Office In Orei bton Block ; next to J Post Offlce , OMAHA. NEBRASKA. VOIABT rtTBLIO. CQLLKOTIOirS MAD ! E. D. 'MCLAUGHLIN. ' A TTORNEY T LAW AND JU8TIGK OP JTflE PEACE boutheast comer Filteenth' andOongUsSt. jtarCollections rromptlv Attended O'BRIEN &BARTLETT , A t t.o r.11 eyxs - a t - L a w , OFnCE-Unlon Bl'ock.'nf tecnth and Fmmhaa TTOnrlEY AT LAW. Boom Crelghton L Block. OMAHA Neb. L ATTORNEY'AT LAW ! KRRBACH CORDOUQ & I5TH STS. : OMAIIA. NEB. W. cT. OfficeSrDatroona.v gUlrs.'i , coa new brick bulldlnf , N. W. .rner Fi eentt nd Ftrnham Streets. JOVK L KBSICX. - . - REBICK & REDICK , A11 o r n e y s - a t - L a vr , * Spedd i attention will be-clven-to all cult * against corporations ol Tery destrlptlon ; will practice In al Itbe CourU of the 6Ute and the United BUtes. Office , .Farnham St. , opposite Court House. , ADAMS * SlMERAi. TTORNBTS AT.LAW-Koota Bj A. Block. IDthtndDoaslM street * . ' C. F. MANDERSQN , A TTORiraT'AIrLAW S42Famhm Blreet A. Omana'rIhteMfcx - I CODWIH , A'TTORNKT AT LAW-Uth ! anl Donjif . i " ' BtrseU.wlthG.i T. W. T. RICHAEDS. RICHARDS & HUNT , * A " * t p r-n e y sa JI a w Omc Zl SouthTourteeoth Street. EAST 1'NDI.A BITTERS ! ILER CO. , SOLE MANU r AQTUKBRB , t * - Direot GENERAL TRAHSATLANTIC CMJIFArt'- TJ ETWEES New York and lUrre.Hsr 42.KB r JD foot of Morton St. , pier of company. - Travelers by this line at old both transit by En gUsh railway. andlmnliscoBif art OT'crosslBK the ehannellnaianaHboit. . ! * J V * * CANADA , FtAiotnv Wednesday- January H U DOOU AKERIQOE , B. Jocao , Wednesday Febru&r ; < .lla.ro. , , TRANCE , TKUIBLLS , Wednesday , ' February 18. 11 a. m. PRICE OF PASSAGE ( Indudic ? wine ) : TO HJLVRE-Flwt Cabin , 100 aadtSO : S ccnd 5Broadw yJf.T. FBAKK f. MOORESTKo. 211 , We t StrMt , B * . * toaMB aad' o U. aJEiprear-Offide ) OMAHA ; KEB- OMAHA PUBLrSHlNC . . PROFRIETMS. FornAom , bet. \ Or mtd 10& Street * . TERMS OFSDBSCBlFnON rTearlnadranc ( postpaid ) . W.W ' " ' . ' * SO months U 8 months " . " , . THEJIAILS. _ , i CLcenra. 3.JI. v7.B.B..iaO .m.Bp.m. 0 B. fcQ.,4SO : .in.p.m , i t a48t.Joe4aO * .m. , p.BL ' \ B.'ftH.B.k,8:16im. O * K.W.T30 .Bi onarjM. , 0" K. W. B. R.,11 . m. il p. IR. B Jt Q. . 11 a. m. 930 p m. C B. I. ft P. , 11 aim , lip m. i 0. B. 4 Bt. Joe , 11a.m. , 11p.m. 4 S-Clty&P.U U P..4p.'m. ' B.&r jo. &u . , w i * Local molls for BtaUt lows la v ct o yvU : 450a. m. " 5 , - 6fflc open bom IS M p. m S Jje TJOTONPACinO. f ' ' dT asr- s m. i * P . ' do Freight . . 6:30 a-m. 1:40p.m. do do . . . . 8:15 .m. 1120a.m. TIM ? CARD OF THEBUBMHQTOKBOUTK. U1TI eXABX AaJtm Q iBi. Express 80p4n. EiLJitB . . . . .10 0 . m. Mafi7. ; . fl.00a.rn. KaQ .100p.m. EtmdiylExcepted. Sundays EKcepwd. - CHICAOO , BOCK 1SLAHD ft PAClFia Mail fcOO .m. | > - preas.-.8i05m.l : ' . - - BundayB Erccpted. "CHICAGO ft HORTHWXSTK&N. "Marf..P.f..6 _ . 0 . a _ _ jn. I I > * 1 13 tVH . Sundays ezccptoo. KANSAS CITY , BT. JOK ft COUSOIL BLTJfW. LIATB. ABim. > fc out of Omaha to Union Depot. - t Bloomlngto\iar)9.-apm ( ) | OB4aba ( arr ) . . ' REPUBLICAN YAtfJEYBAILWAT. HasUnOT ) 86 .m. i Bloomlngton ( ariaOp.B moomSfrton 13fi P m | Hastings ( r ) 85 p m BIOUX OTTY ft BT. PAUL B. B. Mall . 8.10 a. m. I Express . 10:90 a. BL Express . 8:10 : p. a. \ MaE. . 730 p. m . BRIDGE DIVISION U. P.JL B. * c * .Dtnocr imxrjB , , 1 Leave Omaha , dalryJ-S m.m.VBa.m. , 10 a. Leave Council Blnfls836 a . 10S5JU. m. , llifiuVm. , 136p.m. , 1-25 p 26 p.m.,655 P.HL , e36 P-r - > rouTtrlps on Sunday , leaving Omana t nd .nLiand6 p-m. ; CouncU Blnfl . t 9S6 , aTm. , and 2:25 and 6S6 p. m. PABSBSQ1X TUBOL jiiiiiin . . . .v . " . , ' - . , p. m. , 7:00 p. m. , TSOp. m.7 p. m. Dally except Sunday. OMAHA ft REPUBLICAN VALLEY B. B. tail " . . 10.46a.Bi. 4 5 p.m. " V Dallv eicenl Bucdav. COMMERCIAL , j Omaha , Wholesale Markets. ] . OMAHA , May 12 , 1880. BUTTER AND EQUS. Cboicetable.r. . 1720o Packers lota. . . . . . iu\Sio ? resh eggs , per doz . , - / , ? ' Joney . 16@18 POULTRY. nlckensper doz . 2 00@2 26 Ducks . 7@8 , GROCERIES. > PowdereJ. . . . . . . . . . . TT. ; . . 1' ' Granulated . . . . . i * . , . . ! tandard"A" . * Off A . 2xtr choice and very bright. . . 48a52 Bright Table Drips . 45a48 few Orleans MoDasses . 48a50 f Mar Jio , prime to choice . > 17al8 Rio go d to prime. . . ' . . t6al7 Riofairtogood . 15 * " > ] Mocha . 28 Choice . 8a8i Goodtoprime . 74 " " New'Prnnea OldPruneg Curranta.choice new . 7i JlackBerries . 12. . Raspberries. . Pitted chemes . 22 ilichigangrtd Apples . > T.ST. Sliced A . . . . , . . . . . . . ; pi Svaporated " . 16 State Peaches . Salt Eake Peaches . 14 Calif dmia Peaches . 1 * CANNED QOOD3. 'S"Oysten ! , 2 Ib cans , tf case. . 3 75 do do , llbcanpercase. . 25 iTJghfWeight Oysters 2 Ib $ case 2 90 Babnoa , 1 Ib , U dozen . 1.70 i&o 21b,5 dozen . 275 Standard Tomatoes,2 Ib , 1 ? case 2 50 > " 3 Ib , t ? case 3 35 Standard Peaches , 3 Ib , tf case. 4 50 , ? . _ " - 21b , case. 3 60 RaspberrieB-21b , ? ? case. . . . ' . . . 3100 Hlackberriea , 2 Ib , tf case . 2-70 C < * n , 2 Ib.l ? case . 2 50a4 00 AppVs , Gal , * ? dor . 385 NarrowFat Peas,2 lb case. . - 3 50 , "String Beans. 2 Ib , per case. . . . 2 40 * SUNDRIES. . 10 Pepper. . . . . . . 15 - 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . V . < 0 Cossia.v8. . > v . . . ; . . V ' 27 Rope . > . * _ llf Candles , 16 oz . > t.f . 13 Greenwich Lyfc.percMa . 3 90 .BeansperbnsheU. . . . ? % * . . . r. . " 80 Cheese full cream's V. ' . . > .N. . . . 14 Window Glass , 60 per cent. di * . , . 1 count off list. HARDWARE. % IRON , v j \ Common bar. . . . . . i . Horse-ehoe bar . . . it 5 " Tforway naflrod. . . . . . . . 12 STEEL. Castplow. . . ; " . . . . . . . 9 > rn. cast , tool . 15@17 Jea'p's.TJng. do . 25@30 HAILS. , , r Tens , upwards. . ' . . . . 5 00 B'rd'd'B shoe 's . " mnle'J . Omaha nails tens , upwards. . . 000 Nw'etr'ah.n . . . 2333 Fntnnm nails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gt ggg DRY GOQDS. BROWN COTTONS. Atlantic "H" . - . 8J _ _ , _ Pepp U/'O" . F. . -7i do "E" Indian Head Nebrariw ? Standard VAA" . ? . ? * J Ut ? DKNlM8.fnf Amoskeag . V . 17 BeaV Creelc'AA" * . . . : . . ' . / . . 141 - do ' "BB" . : . . ' 13J Haymakers. . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 10- Palmer.rit ? . ' . . * ' . . . . . ; . . ; . . . . ' . . C < JIO > Otis "AXA" . 15 do 'aJB" . . . . ' . . ; . , - 14 do "CO" . . . f. ' IS Warren "AXA" . 15 do ' ! " BB" . 14 do "CO" . . 13 „ 'LOCKS. ' ' ' " ' A Plymouth "AAA" . ' . . . . - . - 16 New Bedford , 10 oz . 16 . . ' . . ' . .f..lJ./ . . . 12 . " . . BLSACHKDCOTTONHL Xtonadale . . . . . 10J r def Cmbri . .v.v 13 Cabol . ; . 9 JErnit of the Loom. . . . . . . . 11 , ew York Milk. . . \ 13 Hais'Mnslin..T. . . \10V WamsntU . 86-12) Pepperell . 6-4-20 / QO * TV * * * * 00 * * 7 > " * do . . . ' . . HCEKG3. ( / QQ A * * * v ' Ifis 17v - > 1 1 1 . 7 } Harmony . s"VV . X American * . . . -rhv. . 7 Allen's l'4 * 7 MerrimackShirtiags . 7 Richmond * . . . . . > . J RichmondsK..t- . . . " . 7 Snnuraa's.f. . . . . . . - . . . . n G S&pKrfi Mourning. . . ' . - - ' . . . . . ' ' 7 Awning stripes . . . * * * itta field * * ' LUMBER , , Iferiln * . 18 ft and under. . * . f * S | $20 00 fccWifrVbver 18 , perM. * . ? . * ' j ? BO TencinsNo.l , 12 to 20 ft . 22 00 .r 'jf 0. 12 to 20ft. . . . C 2000 Sheeting , Drewed , Tfo.-l. . - . 20 00 "A .Jfo.2 ; . , . 1900 Common Boards , jDaessed . 2200 r STOCK BOARDS. AStock . - . 4000 jj . . ; . 35& O . SO 0 ( CoxamonStock . . . . . , 25 C ' T , No.2 " . . ,3500 No:3 : " . > . ' . . . . . : . . . . ' 2500 Yellow Pine Tl oring , Ho. 1 . . . 45 00 SIDING. No.lSididg . 25 No.2 " . ,22 0 No.3 " . 00 PICKETS. No. 1 Pickets , per M . 8250 No.2 " " . 25 M FINISHING. lTilFinishl.lJand2in. . . 65 00 JTo.1 " 1 in . 6000 No. 2 " Uliand2In. : . . 4500 No.2 " lin . 40 0 ( No. 8 Finish , in . 8500 SHIP LAP. " " " fo. ! . ; . . ' . . . . . > 30 00 nNo. . 2 2500 4000 85 00 Permeated'Ceiling , No.,1. 60 00 SHmdEES. A Star ( best ) Shingles. 376 No.2 " 300 No.3 " 260 LATH * ° " feva : : : : : : : : : : 12 Cementbbl 2 Iowa Plaster , bbl 260 Michigan Plaster , bbl 275 Hair , per bush. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - > \ 'i ; StraviBoard , ' ' < J.i- ! ! . . . . < 4 OC 0. G. Battena , per 100 ftlin. . . 125 WellCnrbing . ' . .V. . 8000 Bo ngh ( . and 2 in.InT3attsper 100 ft lin.T. ; t'OSlb. CedaiHalves , 7 In 18 6in.r * 16 u ' Quarter , 8 In - . . 1C Oak , 4x4 .c . ' . . SO 0.0. CadngV 6J OBd.'e'ltii'per" 100ft. Hn.T.T..r./.T. . 300 Oak Flank and Timber , per M. 40 00 ClercPonfar.r. . ' . . . . - . . 6000 Black Walnut . ' . . . ' .j 10000 HIDES. Green Hide * , per Ib. . . . * . 7 < .Green Cared aides & 'Dry ' Hide * 12@15 Dry Salted Hides ; 10@12 Sheep Pelta 30@1 00 Tailor ? 4J@5 LIQUOBS. WINFS , ETO. High -Wine. , V gal 110 Alcohol , 180 tf cent , tf gal. . . . 216 French Spirits proof 120 Marshall's Bourbon Whisky. . . . 1 25 Miller's Bourbon Whiflky 160 Brandy , very fine , V gal. 4 00a8 00 do common to fine l-50a3 7G Gin , 100 per cent 1 40a3 00 do Holland , 90 percent 1 25 1 tuns , mixed Jamaica , tf gal. . . . 1 25a4 00 do New England 2 00a2 50 Kennedy Bitterstf gal 160 ' -do do tfcase 700 < do do do 100 caaelots 6 60 Champagne * , pinUin basketa..20 OOaSO 00 Domestic Champagner.-.rr- brtWJaetf caBe.S..5 OOalO 00 Sbentei . : ; : . , . . > - . : : . . . , 6 OOalO SO 2Je > ? -BdiBbnn.r. . -2-5- do BaastCo' * . . . . 2 7J Gtunness Dublin Stoutrr.- . , . 2 75 lOSATHElt. Beat SUnghterSole 33a35 Best Oak 38a41 French Kipa 1 lOal 45 French Calfleading brands 1 25a2 10 Domestic Kips 65 al 00 Domestic Califs 90al 10 Hemlock upper , i ? foot 20a 22 Oak upper , foot 24 Grain , upper , tf foot 20a22 LmingB , $ doz 7 OOalO 00 Toppings , tf doz 900 Morocco , ( bootleg ) tf f oot 35 do oil dressed 35 do Simon per Hun 2 75a3 00 do Glove tkid 325 Boot Webbing , bolt 40a50 HARNESS LEATHER. No. 1 Pittsbnrg Oak 41 No. 2 Pittsburg Oak 33 No. 1 Cincinnatti Oak 36 Noi 2 Cincinnati ! Oak 33 No. 1 Hemlock 3 $ No.12HemTock ' . , . . . , . ' . " .T < ' COAL , RETAIL Anthriclte 1050 Bloesbnrg 1200 Wyoming 850 Oekaloosa 550 lowaNnt 500 fWhite Breast. . . - 5 50 BABY SAYED7 We are so thanVfnl to say that our baby Has permanently cured of a dangerous and protract ed Irregularity of the bowels by the use of Hop Bitters by its mother , which at the sama tuna restored her to perfect health and strength. The Parents , Rochester N. Y. , See another column. ! Q GIVE IT A TRIAL and you will bo astonished. "Anakesis. " Dr. 8. f Usbee's External Pile Remedy , gives Instant relief and is an infallible cure for the most ob- slioate cases of Files. It his made the most wonderful cures of thia terrible disorder , f 0,000 grateful peopls that have used it can testify to the same. Samples with fall directions sent free to all sufferers on application to Anakesis depot , Box 3948 , New York. Sold by all first-class druggists. | gl does not make any difference how se vere the case of bilious derangement is , Simmons' Liver Begnlator will cure it speedily and effectnally without saliva tion , or that prostration of the system en- cuing from the use of drastic purgatives. a. Aa there are many spurious imitations imitations of this valuable medicine , take c\re you get the genuine. vWe have been selling your medicine for stone time , and we find Ifbetter adapt ed to tVe cure of bilious attacks than any other medicine we have ever used or sold. "JAMES M. BEASLEYJfc CO. , "Magnolia , Ark. " x < m a common complaint In hot weather , [ f yoo. < eel BO , get a package of Kidney- Wort and Ukeit and yon , will at once feel Its tonic power. ' It keeps up the healthy action of the Kidneys , Bowels and Liver. nd thus restores the. natural life and treogth to the weary body. . _ BucKien's Arnica salve % -The' BIST SALVE in the world for Braises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all unds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve k guaranteed to'glye perfect satiafac- ; iod In every case or money re kmded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. X. ISH , Omaha. An Hones ? Medicine'ree of Charge Of , all medicines advertised to cure my affection of 'the Throat , Chest or [ Jungs , we know of none we can rec- > mmend ashighly as DB , KINO'S NEW OJSCOVIBY for Conaumption-Coughs , Colds , Asthma , " 'Bronchitis "Hay Fe- VCT , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , los of voice , eta This med- clne does positively cure , and that wkere everything else has failed. No mtdicine can show one-half so many xaativeand permanent cores as have Jmdy been eSected1 byj Jhis truly woaderftaTBinedya Fpr ; A ffimaand Jrenchitis it is a perfect specific , " cu ? lnith Tory worst cases in the short- t time possible. We Bay by all n uu jive it a trial Trial bottles me , SeRul riiz8 l.OO. J-orealeby 8lly ( ) J , K , I8H , Omaha , ' i. "CARD" FROM. THE FAIBPLAY LATOK8. JOenver Tribune , Hay 1'.4 Fairplay hae'been ' undergoing con siderable excitement sinea the recent lynching of Jack Hoover and the fact that an organiHd-Vanrd ) of vigilantes baa been inexistence there h not failed to make itself manifsat. Indeed , eo apparent has tfaii been that.it U a aledniatlhe4diatrici ! lodge-va\ prosecuting attorney felt1 called upon to leave the town with the bniinesa'of the term only half 'finished. ' The last issue of The Ilame ontains the fol lowing , which if was stated was found tacked up on the postoffice door writ ten in red ink : V 105. Important notice 1 Citizens ! Our laws are a farcej . Our judges are bribed 1 Our district attorney bought' ' Murder goes at a premium ! f Crime goes unpunished ! Anarchy threatens our land ! f / Citizens , we have organized to mace this a county of safety ! * 105 men , y bravo and true , in this county alone have sworn to enforce the laws and punish MURDERERS. / / We are backed by . . . One Hundred Thusand Dollars/ ' and several thousand men in other " parEf of lh Bfafej..r Wo raoin b"asin s ! We ere c&refally watching three per sons In Fairplay Who are meddling with ourafiura. If one single member of our organiztp tion is arrested or tampered with for the hanging of Hoover , the MURDERER , ' these suspected parties will share Hoover's fate without a mo ment's delsy ! Wo mean to protect ourselves and so ciety , and will spare neither Man nor Woman Who dares to interfere in the slightest degree with our efforts to punish CRIME ! Awake ! Arise ! Or be forever fallen ! Strike the death blow to 11 murder * now that the noble work has begnn. ' Beware of the Vengeance f of the Vigilantes ! Do not tear this down. Proclama tion ! Signed : Coffin. A Mile In Forty-eight Seconds. New York Son. " A locomoiive of somewhat novel de sign has recently been built at the Baldwin works in Philadelphia , for use on the Round Brook route. It has been stated by a Philadelphia newspaper that this locomotive last week made the trip from'that city to Jersey City in ninety minutes , draw ing a train of care , and that it returned in the same number of minutes. It was further stated that the locomotive was built under a contract demanding tint it be capable of a speed of seventy ty- five miles per hour , and that it bad accomplished already a maximum of seventy-three miles in sixty minutes. Inquiries were made yesterday at the office of the NBW Jersey Central rail road to confirm tfiore statements in all particulars. The locomotive was described as somewhat larger than the ordinary build , with driving wheels seven foot in diameter. It was said ; hat the locomotive had not yet ran nearer to Jarsey City than Bound Brook , thirty miles distant It was thought that as the engine had been about half the time In the repair shops since its completion , it could hardly 3e called a success as yet. The opinion was advanced that an ordinary ocomotlve was of greater utility. _ Withlnany of such , locomotives , it was aioTsTipeed of tiity miles an hour is eyery day attorned. AT higher rate of eed jhiix this , it was thought , ilfii ' " practicable' , "excwpliJn extraordtniry cases , and to attempt to draw.passen- jer trains at a greater speed would drive away many patrons ? Superintendent McCrea , of the Pennsylvania road , was asked as to he rate of speed of trains on that road between Jersey City and Phila delphia. "Tho schedule time for the ninety miles , " he said , "is one hour and fifty minutes ; but the run is often made > y trains behind time in one hour and hirty eight minutes. " He said that le had ridden iu a locomotive when 10 timed a mile in fifty-two seconds , and another official present said that le had timed a mile in forty-eight seo- onds. With a well-built locomotive , good track , and steady engineer , it was said the only limit to speed is de- jendent on the amount of steam that ho engine can stand. TOM SHANNON'S BRIDE. AIT ADVENTURESS WINS A HUSBAND , 'WHO IN TORN GETS A DIVORCE IK TWENTY- FIVE JONOTIS. Correjpondenco Cincinnati Times. in 1840 Wilson Shannon , of St. Glaresville , was the governor df Ohio , and Tom Shannon of Barnesville , a > rother of the governor , represented ho Belmont county district in the ) ho ! senate. Tom Shannon was a oily old bachelor when he entered he assembly. He was a fairly good ooking man , possessing some wealth , and being withal , a brother of the governor , no was considered by the airer sex what match-making would- > e mother-in-laws now call a "good catch. " He was also a great admirer of female beauty , and often .boasted hat ho could appreciate all of the panties of virtuous woman-hood. Shortly after his entrance on his egislative career , Senator Shannon lad occasion to take a trip south , and on his return from Memphis going up he Ohio ho met on the boat a beauti- ul woman , with whom he became ac quainted without the formality of an ntroductlon. Ttfewoman her name was , it is notnecessaiy what was ol trikiog- intelligence , of'sparkling wit ; of magnificent form , and wonderful icauty of the southern brunette "or der. She was handsomely drewed , and her costly jewelry . .led to he belief that she must be pos- essed of considerable wealth. Tom Shannon became Infatuated with her at once , and this infatuation deepened when she told him that * hew s a ilanttr'a widow from near New Or- eans , where she owned a large estate ind numerous negroes. She further nformed him that she was going north o Columbus , and was delighted to ac cept his proffered company. To cut his part of the story short it suffices osay that the acquaintance extended o rapidly that by the tune the boat eached Columbus it < hadnpened into mutual lovc/and ithe two .souls had men united in tfie bonds * t > f ' 'wedlock. ' Senator Shannon broilgbfc his bride o the American House , and there re vived the congratulation ! of his. rlends. But scarcely had the fact of he marriage.become known , before a rumor started , and' ' rapidly flaw1 from mouth to mouth , that , his beautiful ride was-.aor adventuress ; , that her jonisiana"plantations'wero Utopian dealties ; that her wealth consisted of multitudinous debts , and worse , that he was anold mistress of a well- en own gambler then plying his trade in Columbus J. , * < ' " ' ? O-L' The next morning affer Itus rumor tak been circulated Benator Sh'annon ndhis wife entered , the American louse dining-room , and wen seated it a table directly opposite t gam- > ler above spoken of. As they took heir jeafs the Shannon's eye. She was seen to blush andbow. This confirmed the rumor. The fact that Shannon's wife , the sis ter-in-law of the governor , was a pros titute , spread like lightning through- oat Columbus , and the scandal was the sensation of the town. The poli ticians held an immediate caucus , at which it was decided that the evil must be remedied at all hazards. " In those days the legislature granted all the divorces. The caucus decided that Tom Shannon must be divorced from his wife. This was on the same morning of the breakfast-table scene , before the opening of the daily session of the assembly. Immediately after the reading of the senate journal a motion was made to suspend the rules for ihe introduction of a bill. This carried , and a bill was introduced pro viding for Shannon's divorce. It was read three times , under suspended rules , and passed. It was then hurried over to the house 'and there passed in the tame manner. The whole affair did not take twenty- five minutes. It was settled , proba bly , the quickest , of any divorce case on'record. Asfor Senator Shannon , the affair was the cause of his death. He lef the legislature on the exposure of the fraud and returned to his home in Barnesville. He was of a high , sensi tive nature , and his brooding over hit wronga brought on a sicKnesa from which he died about a year after his scandalous marriage. The Production of Beef Early Ma turity. We saw in the stables at the stock yardtj Tat Chicago a few days ago , a pair of steers thit are under two years old ( yearlinga ) and weigh 3100pound , being 1650 each. We inquired who bred and fattened them , and was'in formed that they were the pair exhib iied by James N. Brown's sons , of Berlin , Ills. , at the last fat stock show. On the next day we met Mr. Wm. Brown , one of the firm , who raised thejrteers , and interviewed him upon the subject. He informed us that the steers wore thoroughbred Short-horns that bountifully - , they were ly fed on milk until s < x montht' old. Prom that time on they have been generously fed , corn being the main feed. feed.Mr. Mr. Brown rays that a steer will consume from 50 to GO bushels of corn from the time ho is six months old un til he is eighteen , at which time he should weigh 1200 pounds , and in the next twelve months he will eat about 75.bushels and gain about 400 pound ? , thereby weighing 1600 pounds at 30 months old. Mr. Brown thinks , and we concur in his views , that there is no profit in feeding a steer after he is two and a half years old , that the gain in weight wjll not pay for the feed he consumes , much less pay the interest on bis value and the risk incurred. With these facts before us , and we think they are facts that cannot be controverted , the great problem then for western farmers to solve , is to learn how to breed , how to feed , and what to feed to produce the moat pounds of the best quality in the shortest time , with the least expense. The Monkey. Darwin's theory of the development of the human race rmy draw some sort of support from the fact that a monkey in Mew York recently dis played decided cannibalistic proclivi ties , thus showing a strong likeness to certain savage types of men. The museum in the old Stadt theatre was sold at auction on the 4th of March. The proprietors thought that they had cleaned out everything in the shape of natural cariosities , and locked up the place. It happened that a monkey was left behind , and in the course of time he got hungry. He broke a window , stepped down and out , and followed a clothes-line into a neighborifcg backyard , where Flora Bcneck e , " a little four year-old , was inlaying. The girl made fcionds with [ the monkeyy probably thinking be a a neighbor's cbild.aiHf iaeaall < xn nn. _ At Jength the hungry savage at- tackedjriora,4jitjier badly , tore her face , and commenced malting a meal off her. Flora yelled , and the monkey was killed before he finished his din ner. The parents of Flora have brought suit against the former owners of the 'animal for 850,000 damages , which they are not likely to get , as the child has recovered from the brutal assault. The Omnibus Doomed. ' The omnibus is a doomed institu tion in New York and probably in other cities. In 1850 there were in that city some 600 , in 1858 about 480 , while at present there are hardly 150. The omnibus is a clumsy and incon venient vehicle. It is very awkward , especially for a woman , to get into or get out of ; the seats arc uncomforta ble , the roof is so low that it usually strikes one's head ; the vehicle is so noisy as to prevent conversation ; in deed , there Is almost nothing to rec ommend it. An omuibus is one of the things that has not improved with tide ; , it is an exception to the theory of universal development. The first omnibus that ran in Broadway , was very like the omnibuses which run there to-day , and which bump passengers about in very much the same barbarous fashion. Yet in Buf falo , in the absence of better facili ties , the omnibus has , during the last two year ? , jprqyed a great acsomcda- tion. - * - * . = = = = = . -t ! 1 I. PUZZLE. Weary mortals racked with pain , , Ever leaking but In rain , I Sweet relief from mortal ills : * Try , I pray , Waft Liver Pillsl ft aa sure as morning's light Cometh after eludes of night , O'er thy life , health's son divine Shall arise , in Joy to shine ; Light and health , and joy and mirth , In sun-beamssparkle round thy hearth ; Vital energy § hall.start , E'en to muscle , brain and heart ; Rid the Liver of its load , Purify the life , the blood , Intercept disease and death , Lea vtn fragrance on toy breath , . .Lighten life of half its Ills , - Bate and potent Liver Fills. -Sold at wholesale by 0. F. Ooodma , id Keanardand Forsvth. O maha. aprSJiw AVER'S AGUE CURE Tor the apeedy relief of ver and Ague , Intermittent Fever , Ohifl FeverEemittent FeverDnmD Ague , Periodical orUillious Fever , &c.t and' Indeed sll the Affections which [ Arise I From Malarious , Manlti H or " Miaamatic Poisons. fcv' J -Has Been widely used during the last rtwraty.flre year * . In the treatment ot these distressing diseases , and with such ttnvary- finEr success that It baa gained the "reputation of betas infallible. , Tneihakes , or chills once broken by It , do not return , until tha disease is con- tnetedagalnTiU has made it an accepted remedy , ' and trusted specific , for the Fever * nd Ague of the vest ? and th chills and fevers of the south , t Ayer > J Ague Cnre eradicates the noxious pollen on from the system , and leaves the patient as well a * before the attack 4t thoroughly expels the disease , so tbatno Liver complaints , Rheu matism , Neuralgia , Dytentery or Debility .follow the core , ' Indeed , where Disorders of tba Liver and Bowels have occurred f rom..Ml ajnaUe Pols * on , it removes tbe'cansa of them and they disap pear. Not only is it an effectual ore , but , if taken occasionally by patients exposed to mal aria , H will expel the poison and protect them fromattacc. Traveler * and temporary residents in Fever WfclAgne localities are thus enabled to defr the dfcMe. The General Debility which is so apt teiMcae bom continued 'exposure to Malaria ml J i ni.nirEO apetdler remedy. 111 VERnCp Mfi LA I NTS , it is eicdleni remedy. i'PBJCEAHED BY DB. J. OCAYEBCO. . , Practical and 'Analytical Chemists. BOLD. BYlli DEUGOIBT8 AND DEALERS - - ' 3 Catarrhal POISON HA KINQ offcniive mucobs , PAINS over the eyes , CRACKLING in the head , SICKENING breath , DEAFNESS and tickilnjrln the throat , are SIGNS of CATARRH. The PURULENT SECRETIOSB thrown upon the BRONCHIAL TUBLS while asleep , follow the mncona membrane - brane , and POISON THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. Suflerers know how OBSTINATE the disease is. The ac'Jon of Catarrbal Tires , like that of small pox has been 1INALLY DISCOVERED. Catarrh is now cured. A. McKrssrr , R. R'd Pres. . S3 Broad St. , N. Y. " VEI DE MEYER'S CATARRH CURE is won- derful. " E. H. BROWS , Merchant , 839 Canal St. , N. Y. CATARRH 11 YEARS. Cured by emu pack age. S. BaTmrcT , Jr. , Jeweler , 697 Broadway , N. Y. ( fanulr of. ) Cured ot CHBONIO CATARRH. G. L. Biwn , 443 Broadway , Y. Y. , CATARRH 10 YEARS. Could not taste or smell Cured. "IlOatmyvoicebyCaUrrh , and have been cur. ed. " J. HESDIWOS , 155 Newark Ave. , Jersey City. W.J > . WOODS , 437 Broadway , N. Y. , cured o Chronic Catarrh. L. A. NKWXAS , Merchant , 805 Fulton St. , Brook lyn CHRONIC CATARRH. Given up by physicians. Cured. A. B. Tnoitax , Insurance ; I8S Montajrne St. , Brooklyn. Self and son cured of CATARRH. J. D. McDoslLD , Merchant , 713 Broadway , K. Y. ( Sister in law. ) Had CATARRH 0 YEARS. Cured. Etc. , Etc. , Etc. . Etc. , Etc. CURED t CUREDI CURED CURED I G. G. PMSBJI.T. Prop. West End Hotel , Lonj ? Branch , Cured of 20 years Chronic Catarrh. E. H. BROWS , 399 Canal St. , N. Y. , Cured of 11 years Chronic Catarrh. J. D. McDoxiLO , 710 Broadway , N. Y.Si3ter-in- Law ) Cured of 40 j ears Chronic Catarrh. MRS. JACOB SWARTZ , Jr. , 200 Warren St. , Jersey Citv , cured of 18 yeirs chronic Cttarrh. A. B. Thorn. 1S3 Montague St. , Brooklyn , ( self and son ) cured of Catarrh. A. McKn.xnr.Tl. R. Pros. , 33 Broad St , N .Y. : "My family experienced immediate relief. " Ac. . &c. , &c. , &c. . &c. DR. WEI DE MEYER'S PAMPHLET with the most remarkable testimonials on record , sent free , by htsAfr ntg , Mes3'S.D. B. DEWEY & CO.,46Dey St.N. Y.jorbyDruprists. The cure Is delivered at $1.50 a package. Think of a roai cure for an obstinate diceaae , at this trifling cost. . dccS 2a4T7-eod IRON TURBINE WIND ENGINE MANUFACTURED BY Mast , Fees & Co. , Springfield , 0. The Strongest and Most Durable WIND ENGINE In the World. Hundreds in use in lovn and Nebraska So'd by Dealers In marly evrry county. This cat represents oar Buckeye Force Pump vhich is particularly adapted to Wind Mill use , aa it works easily and throws a constant stream , and does not freeze up In the cold est weather. Send for price list to W. H. EAYNER , Western Ag't , Omaha , Neb. ONLY EFFECTUAL KIDNEY REMEDY AND SPECIFIC FOR Bright B Diiease , Elibetes , Nervous Debility , i'jin in the Back , Loins or Side , Dropsy , Gravel , Incontinence aud Retention of Unncand , Female Complaints. Send for our treatise on the Kidneys , ent.tled "Echoes You Should Heed " , a little pamphlet containing a great deal of information free. Excelsior Kidney Pad Co , , SOLE PROPRIETORS. CTSold by D. W. 8AXE & CO. , Omaha.Ta NERVOUS DEBILITY yit1 Weakness and Profl- tratlon for over-work 01 TT/Vrvinn < iflVin Is radically UdpromptlyJLlOni60p3iLlllC cured by It. 5T&IS5SS ? Specific No , 28. cessful remedy known. Price $1 per vial or I vials and large vial of powder for W , sent post- fro s on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' 1IOMEO. MED. CO. , 109 Fulton St. , New York. Ill nst , Catalogue free. ] apl6daw9m IP ana week. $12 a day at homo easily made. Costly tp Jloctfltfrea. Address TrueiCo.Portland.Me D. I. C. Is an absolute aqd irresistible cure for UNK ' < "inc5s , InlcDipernnco and the twe of OphncTo- h.i x > , hircotics and Stimulants rrmoTlCir all lAsf.iI' lreandliahitot using any of them , rcn- Jcring tbo fciste or dcslrefor any of them perfectly " ( Unua and dl CTisUnE ? . OiTinff ererr one perfect andtrrcslstib'orontrol ol the sobriety ot them lrcs and their friends. It prtvrrnli that absolnta phrxfcal and moral that follows the rJdden , repaid , to cnre 1 to S persona , $2. or it your drugs U , SLJ5 per bottle. Tcaipcrance societies should recommend Is. It Is perfectly harmless and ncrcr-fcdliug. HopBitler3Mfg.Co.RochcsterN.Y.SoIcAgenls lion Conzb Cure de lroys all pain , loosens tte cough , qnleu the nerves , produces rest , and never fails to cure. The Hop Pod for Stomach , Urer and Li nai rlor to nil others. Cnres by absorption. is perfect sk druggists. The Hop Tttllm Htf. Co. , f RoAaltr , N. Y. ntf , pr > part UIM renudicft. lv > the Hop Bitten , whkb mreiaDo KM i a fcerengfl or Intoxicant , bat the rant t and B i t Jfcdt n w rer nude making mon ram t&aa all other T"ndyw FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. OBATS SPECIFIC MBDICINb TRADE MARK.The Great VADE English \Bomedy \ , An unfailing cnre for Sem. inal Weak. n ess. Sperm i- torrhea , Im that follow as sequence of Self-Abuse ; Ion of Memory , Universal Lassitude , Pain In the Back , Dimness ot Vision , Premature Old Age and rciny other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption tnd a Premature Grave. CTFutt particulars In oar phamphlet , which tredtsire to send free bj mall to every one. 2TThe Specific Medicine Cj sold by all drngjrlstf at n per package , or six packages for tS , or wiLj bo seat free by mall on receipt of the money by addressing The Qray Medicine Co. . , No , 10 Mechanics' Blockr Dxnorr. Mien SOLD IN OUAHABY J. E. ISH , AND BY AL DRUGGISTS ETEBYWHEBB GEfKBAL INSTJEANOE A&ENT , WESTCHESTER. N.Y-Capi l . i ooo cc THE MERCHANTS' olNew * r Y..T OOOTWO - I8EPhla. , Capital . 1 COO 000 STERN MATIOHAL. Capital. . 800000 M AMERICA ASSURAMCECB.-.1 00 OCO 6TH&DOUC1ASSTS. ' ' ' GO EAST ' TflE-- -VIA. - - Chicago & 'Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It Is tba SHORT , SURE and Safe Route ftetwetn COUNCIL BLUFFS 15D CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE and all points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY , OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. It Is the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Is run PULLMAN HOTEL OABS ! In addition to th M and to please alt claoe * of travelers. It ( rives FIRST-CLASS MEALS at it ! EATING STATIONS at 0 cants each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS i ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPPMEKT FiRSr-OUSS If yon -wish the Best Traveling Accommoda Uons yon will boy your tickets by this Roots tZTAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Tickets Agents can sell vem Through Tlctfta via this road and Check usual Baggage Free ol Charge. OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 13 ? Faroham St. , Cor. Hth , and at Union PaciBc Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorado Central and Union Pacific Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 New Montgom- cry Street. For information , folders , maps , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Tickle Office , address any agent of the Company , or MARVIN HUGHITT , W- STENNETT , Gen'l Manaztr , Genl Pass. Agent , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Oen'lAgt Omaha & Connc'l ' Bluffs. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC ANT St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Emttel 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From Council Binds to And all points In Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. This line is eqolppad * Ith tha 1m. proved Wcstlnghouse Automatic Air Brakes and Miller platform Coupler and Buffer. And lor SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT Is tuisurpaaaod. Elegant Drawing Room and Sleeping Cars , owned and controlled by the e cm- piny , run Through Without Charge , h tw een Union Pacific Transfer depot. Council Blu fls , ndSt.PauI. Trains lea va tha Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs ( it 6:15 p. m. , leaching Sioux City at 10:20 : p. m and St. Paul at 11:05 a. m. , making ja TEN HOURS IN ADTANOK o ANT OTHER ROTJTK. Returning , leave St. Paul at 3:30 p. nuarrlr > Ing at Slooi City 4:45 a. m. . and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , CooncU Bluffs , at 920 a. m. UTBt euro that your ticket * nad via " * . 0. k p. R. R " r. a niLLi , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , Iowa. P. E. ROBINSON , A8St Oenl Pass. Agent. J. H. O RYAH , lonthwertern Freight and Passenger Accnt , myifltt _ Council Bluffs. SHORT LINE J.SSO , THE K.G.ST.JOE&C.B.R.R. ) Is the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change of cars between Omaha and St. Louis and but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With Ies3 charges and in advance of other lines. This entire Una is equipped with Pullman's Palace S'eeping Cirs , Palace Day Coich- eo.Millcr'a Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Westinghorae Air-Brake. eZTSER THAT YOUR TICKET READSTEt eSTVui Kansas City , St. Joseph andTES 3 Council Bluffs K.R.vIa SfES i2TJoenndSt.LoaLa.-iEl Tickets for sale at all coupon stations 1 the West. j - 5e.rr.supt. , GcnT Pass. & Ticket AK . St. Joseph , Mo 61. Joseph , Mo , W. C. SEACUREST , Ticket Agon. , 211 Fifteenth Street , betwi-cn Famham and Donzlas , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEIION , A. B. BARNARD , Pass. Agent , Omahi Gek'l Agent. Omaha. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I BURLINGTON&OUINCY TEy.r . -fi r } q > T > , With Smooth and Perfect Track. Elegant Passen ger Coaches , and PULLMAN 8LEEPINC & DINING CARS. _ It Is acknowledged by the Press , ind all who travel orcr It , to be the BIST Arn > nrm > and Bm MAUAQID Road In the Country. PASSENGEKS GOING EAST Should bear In mind that this la tha BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Northwett. Passengers by this Boat * hart choice o FOUR DEFFEBENT BOUTES , And the Advantage ol SIX Daily Lines of Palace Sleeping Can from Chicago to New York City Without Change. All Express Tratea on tnU line an equipped with the Wegtlnghouse Patent Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect Pro tection Against Accidents In the world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AMD DIMIMQCAJU An run or. tha Burlington Route Information concerning Routes' , Rates , Time Connections , etc. , will be cheerfully given by applying at the office of tha Burlington Route. 513 14th St. , Omaha , Nebraska. 0. K. PERKIf.'S , D. W. HITCHCOCK , Oral Manager. den. Wost'n Pass. Act. J. O. PHILLIPI , St. Joe. , Mo General Agent , Onuhv H. P. DEUEL , Ticket Ajont , On > ah . NOM i-\v : N . 17J ' Ht rr < Slrtet , Ch ca- trea'ir ! ilrjtc. ftrrvoos , Lbrcoe .itl Dnra n. * > t rTnaorrbea. li { s.iil ircipariljj Female Ui-m ( nn btialMHi. { tvHiaUr or ty V ( .rrcnl 116 , ill' tnlH Oct > - H _ I Mtfl bw 1 : HUM , . 138 Mtl. p > f. Rein u 11 r nlr phii cilo in t > > 4 CAf * h- -w r , . A ! lnrt * - * -f * * fc PERKIANENTLY CURES I "LSVElgpOWPLASNTS , Constipation and Piles I . .A. _ : * . * , , * , CLAUIT'S < rothncroYt. , sayx , j "In cates of KIDXET TEOCSIXS Uhaa J acted U&oaehann. | badcaseaof FHiEi I act efflcltntly.'M. 3ofSt.An > anVl.C | says , "ItUofprleeleUTatac. After sutt u J , I years of crcat anSerlnc from I'llc onJ Cot * f I tlvcnea * It completely enrol me. " O. B. HOOABOy , orEcrUhlrr , taja , one | packnt * h * done vender * fur me In com-1 jplettly cnrlnc a vcro Liver Bad Kidney [ I Complmlnt. " , IT HAS IWONDERFUL POWER. BECAUSE IT ACTS ON TTJEJ JIJTEETIIE BOWEIS AND 3 1 NETS AT THESA3IE OTME. Because It cloanoca the system of E | the poioonouo humors that dovoiopo f I In Kidney and Urinary disease * , BIN I [ touoness , Jaundice , Constipation , I IPllcst or In Rheumatism ! Neuralgia ! and Female disorders. I One packas TrOImkostrq.tsof medicine. } i-Jt3T JCO ? 3 > TO-V\/ Bar It at Uw ItracrMc Price , SI.OO. n 11 n r For CongIisCol < ls. Bronchitis U U Ii C Asthma , Consumption , , And ALL DISEASES of the Throat and Lungs. Put Up in Quart Size Bottles for Family Use. Ill . . .fOXT BE DECEIVED by nnprinciplol iliton who try to p\m off npoayia - . - - - -JIl. Bock and Rve in p'aco ot o-irTOLr HOC Kan 1 RYE , which is the only MB > ICAThD article nude , the GEXUI.N'E navimr a OOVERXMS.NT STAUJfon each bottle. Extract from Report of the Commis3ioner of Internal Eevenu 3 : TREASURY1 DEl'ARTilEVT. OFFICE OK INTERNAL REVEM/E , 1 M LAWR E&XAKTIKlUMadIsonSt.Cn , TSD--JnUitT2J-1330- > GiMtuiit : I hive received a "certifled for-iaU" cttiasr ths in re-Jients and relative proper tions used in the manufacture of an article which you idver Jso and rail under the nvmo of "TOL'J ROCK and RYE. " 1 hs ! compound , accord ! t ? to vour f mnula , | rt the opinion of this oft1:4. woul I have a sufficient quantity of thu HAWAII OF TOLU to irwaitall th9aJvanta ; ascribed tothU article in pectoral complaints , whiio Ihe whljiy and syrup constitute anemultioa ran lerinjr ti comround anicjeeaMo remedy to the pvienL In the opinion of this office , an article compounded ac-ordlnjr to thU formuln may pr > p rlr ba classed as a mcJtclnal preparation under tl-e | < rovi ioni of S bjdaie X firiloivio ; section 3.U7. u. ! - Rivued btatuttsand when § o SJtmped may be od ! by I ni .ljt . Apothecuic , and Other Pwonl without rendering them liable to pjy special t x M HquT ilralf r . Yours Respectfully , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. RATJM , Commlsalone Lawrence * ilartin , Chicago , Sole AientJ for the I nltoil St-'is ind Camda. Si'd by D f .ist . Grocers and General Dealers everywhere Wholesale Ajjntfjr JTcb. , STEELE , JJ1I.NSO s CO , will supply the trade at manufacturer * prices WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CFOCRAPHY C < THIS wurltr" . Wl : SEE BY EXAMINING THIS > MAP. THAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS TIIE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WESH Its main line runs from Chicago to Council Bluffs , pasftlnit through JollcUOttawn. Lah-illc. Qeneseo , Mollne , Ilocfe I lnnd. Davenport.Ve t Libcnjr. Iowa Clty.llareji2o , lirooklm. Crlnncll , Des Moines ( the capital of loira ) , ttunrt , Allan- , tic. and Avoca ; with branches from Hureou Junction to Peorla ; Wilton Junction to J'usca- tl&e , Washington , Falrtleld. KWon. lielknap. CentreTlllo , Prtnccion. Trenton. Gallatln. Came ron. Leavenworth. Atchlson. and Kansas Cltj- ; AVashlngton to Slpnurncy. Oskaloosa. and Knox- vlllc : Keoknk to Farolnrton. lionaparte. Hcn- tonsnort. Independent. Eldon , Ottumwv Kildj- villp.Oskaloosa. 1'ella , Monroe , suil Des Moines : Newton to Monroot Den Moines to Indlanolaand Winterset : Atlantic to l.ewIs and Audubnn ; and A oca to Ilarlan. This Is posltlvelr the only ICallroad. which owns , and operates a through line from ChtcaKO Into the State of Kansas. TbrouRh Express Passeneer Iralns. with Pull man Palace tars attached , are run < -ach war dallr Letwcen CHICAGO and L'EOHIA. KAj > * .is-CTY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. LEAVENWOKTII and ATCIII- SOW. Thronifh cars are also run between Mli au- ieo and Kansas Lltr , via the "Milwaukee and Rock Island bh < r * Line. " The * * Ureat Uock bland" Is maenlflccntlr equlppod. Its road bed Is slmplr perfect , and its track Is laid with < teel rails. What will please you most will bo the pleasure of enjoying your meals , while pasjtnc over the beantunl prairie * of Illinois and Iowa. In one of onr macnttlcent Dining Cars that accompany all Throucli Express Trains. You cct nn entire : meal , as Rood as U nerved In liny llrat-cUsa hotel. lorseventy-Uvo cents. Appreciating the fact that a majority of the oeople prefer separate apartments for different purposes ( and the Immense passenger biulneai of this line vnrrantlntrltj. we are plea cd to an nounce that this Company runs .Pullman J'alaci Slttpina Can for sleeping pnn > o s. and Jiininy Can for catine purposes only. Oneot v trout feature of cur l"alaco Cars Is a SM'JKU & SALOON wucreyou can enjoy jour "lioTaz " at all hears of the day. MaKnlUcentlrun Bridge * span the Mlxi .iO * and Missouri rivers at all points crossmi r > y this line , and transfers are avoided at Counci. tilni"i. Kansas City. lavcnworth. and Atcnlsos. coy nretions boluff made In Union UepoU. _ _ THE IMIINCH'AI. It. It. CONNECrlONS - & THIS CUKAT T11KUUG11 1OM3 AHiS fc lrOI.LO\\a : At CuicAao.wlth all dlvcrslnz Uncs tor l > Ea t and bouth. At KNOLKWUOD. with the L. 3. A11. B. and tw Ft. W.C. 1L Ud * . AtWASiiiMrrux UEIQIITS , with ! „ * * &HI , L. U. H. At I.A SALI.r. wlUi III. Cent. R.II. _ Ati'KuitiA.wtih r. H. * J. : p. i > . & n.-1. r % W. : IllMid. . : and T. I' . * W. lids. At HOIK IHLA.ND , with -Milwaukee . He i bland Suort Line. " and Rock Isl d A 1'ec. Hi r. AtUAVEvrutrr.wllh the JJavenport iTJla1- C.M.st-I'.il.K. AHVESTLiUEBTT.wlththea.ait.4A.lf VV AttiniNVELL.rithCentralIowaK.lt. . AIDES Mot > jJ.withII M.&P.D. 15. < 4 , At COUNCIL BLCrrs. with Union IaclflrH.l , AtOUAHA. with B. A Mo. IU R. U. in ltd1) . ! AtCOHJMncsJt7NCTIOXwlth _ C.lt-iN.li V At OTTUMWA. with Central IowalC.il. V- . St-Uai'aa.andC. 11. AQ it. lids. At KroKDK.wlth ToL. I'eo-AWar. : \ Louts & I'acx , and bt. 1..KCO A NW. . It AtCAMEHUK. WltnU. UJ lt.lt. At ATClIIsoV. with. Atch Topeka * fcotta * V Atcli. A Neb. and Cen. Br. U. I * . IE. lids. At J.KAVKNWOKTII. with Kan. lac. aaa H > jt Cent. K , Kds. At CAJ < SAI Crrr. with all lines for Otf W .v and Southwest. . . WOltJf * * * , ' " * " " * _ l KAVteiW " - - - - - . Ticket * Tla tbU X.lne. known the "Oreot Koch. Jjilond JCuatc , " f. J all Ticket Acent In the United Htates and Canada. _ For Information not obtainable at your home ticket offlce. addrei * . .A. . ICIIHBA , t , . E. ST. .TOUTS' . Gcn'l gupcrlntcndenu Ueu'l Tit. ana 1'aas gr AT * Chicago. A \ GHAS. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS "WIICTJDO'W And everyining pertaining to the Furnitnre and TTpholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HEW GOODS AT THE > W JbliST P u mon ih Bt 1208 and 1210 Farnham Street. Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator ± S8O. MAMUFACTURED BY S. P. MAST & CO. PRINFFIELD , 0 They also make Buckeye Improved Iron tieam Walking Cultivator , with or without Sj rii s. The New Force Feed Bnckeyc DrUl , one or two Horse Style. Inquire lor them at the best dealers. p. H. PUGH , Gen. Agent , Uinaha , I A new and and hitherto unknown remedy fo all diseases of the Kidneys , BUdder.and Urinary Organs. It will positively cure Diabetes , Grarel , Drop sy , Bright's Disuse , Inability to retain or ercel the Urine , Catarrh of the Blaedsr , high lo.orrd and scanty urine. Painful Unnatiojr , LAME BACK , General Weaknets , and all Female Complaint * . It avoldes Internal medicine * , is certain iu it effect ! and cures when nothing else can. For sale by Druggists or sent by mail free npoa receipt ot tba price. { 2.00. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. . PROP'RS , . Toledo , O.3 JTSend your'addrew for onr little took , UHow Life-was Eivtd. " v.v. . JAME3 K. ISff , Ag-ent for fi bru HOME TESTEHO.NY. -wnat'Ex-Mayor Carrey , an InCasnti' and prominent citizen of Piqua , r < : - oB.osAjKOj Dtcrs .r. . GrmJUre.x-1 feel under many oblvattonv to yon for the relief afforded me ty th maofcyAa- Infaluablcmedlclne , Dr. Boamki/s RheraoaUc Cure. I have been for many jea' TO < r ' Chronic Rhenmatto. , ? ' J ? " " t Jeep. s anU obtamlnr aonlicf 1 co a - your Kheumade Curj ariVTafer hnneelon w. am absolut. able to atUnd to ou I pain , my from anr SSn ? rpSTftr " "fortabie 'yyour , , 3-J. fKBE ZZDr. Bonti3uf Treatiie _ tint ami ti'.es lent oa application. Addrtss Tie Dr. Bosanko Medidne'Ooi , ' WQtfA , OHIO. a F. COODHAK.