THE DAILY BEE. X. BOSEWATEB. EDITOR TO CORRESPONDENTS. CB Corral FMSSW we will always be pleased to hear Irtm , on all matters connected with crops , country politics , and on any subject whatever , ot general Interest to the people ol OUT BUte. AnT Information conn > ted with t the elections , awl reUUng to floods , accidents , wfll be gUdly received. All such communlca- tloJtjioweTcf , knst be as brief as possible ; md they rsfcst In * all esses be written on one -attaat ttaaheet only. liTJLlfiM or-Wem * . to tun , must In each and any'tommnnlttticn of gTTryfeiifl accompany what nature soever. This Is net Intended for roihUrxUfm lrat tot-oar own satisfaction [ and f * " " " 'l' ' * * - as proof o rood lalth. J Offlee-whetb : for j a3Srts at ndidat er nidV by sell "or friends , and whether as no tice , or comnnal ons to the Editor , are nnfflnomlnatieii'irjinade ) ( tapir personal. nd will be cEargtd for as advertisement * . no TOT desire contributions of a literary or poetical character ; and ire will not undertake topresene or rwerrethe Btme in any caw IwaZUvtr. Our Staff , K sufflcienUy large to irnor * than ropply our limited space. An communications should be aodresaed to r E. BOSEWATER , Editor. OALi 1TOB llEPrjBIJCAN STATE CONVENTION. Th rephbUcaa elsctors of the State of Nebraska are hereby called to Bend dele- eatesfrom the several counties to meet in state conVentJon at Colnmbng , tmdnes - I day , the 19th dav of May , 1880 , . at It CoVlock p. TO , , for the purpose of electing t ix dele Us to the repnHican national convention to be held at Chicago , on the Sddayof Jnne next , to nominate candidates - dates for president and vice president of the United States ; and to transact mien otherjbTisraeM as may properly come be- ° The several counties are entitled tp rep resentation in state convention as follows , 1 sed upon the vote cast in each county for Hon. Amasa Cobb for Judge of the Supreme Courtin 1879 , giving one dele- pate Bleach 160 votes , > doneforthe fraction 5of 75 votes , also one delegate at f or.each organized county : urge ' * < * ' -H' ? SESSw ! "ss Sa Lincoln * 6 Madison . f. 4 10 Merrick. . 6 2 I Bedims : : : : w Richardson Filmore . W Saline . 11 Franklin . 6 Sarpy . * Vrontier . 1 Saunders . 10 Furnafl . 1..1. " 4 feward . 7 G ce . 10 Sherman . Grfdey . 2 Wanton . 2 Gaper. . Thaver . 6 HalC . Valley. . . 3 llamflton. . % . Washington . 9 Wayne . 2 99 "Total . .3 Johnson. . . . . . . . 7 It fa recommended first , that no proxies be admitted to the convention , exwptsnch as are held trr ? pe ons residing ipthe counties fromvhlch. the proxies are given. S cond , That no delegate shall repre- rent an absent member tf his delegation , unle'si he be clothed with authority from the countvponvention , or is in possession of proxies fem regularly elected delegntes. By order of the republican statecentral committee. JAMES W.DAWES Chairman. JAMES DONNELLY , Secretary. Lmcou. April 8.1869. TheiCbicngo Times propounds the pertinent query whether anybody re- memberithat there is to be a nations ] convention at Cincinnati next month * * " * * * ' * * " " " S f / } SS We challenge the Republican to name the three delegates from Dou"- 1 is county whom that pipar pereist- entlycredita * to Grant. If you can't name the three name two , and if you cxn't name the two give us the name ODE colcrod policeman , Bellamy gets praise on-all ides , and wo are glad of it. * [ f * he is as acceptable and popular as was Mr. Clark , the former ? colored policeman appointed by Mayor j ChaBefap * will hsye no superior on the force. CHUECH HOWJB and all the other po liticsl fence men and trimmers are in vltsd to cross over into the Gran cmp by the organ of the boom in t e50 parts. We hope these doubli cndera Trill all go. We prefer to aei them on the other side of the fence IT Is a good deal easier to precipi late a riot than to quell one. Mayor Chsao has BO far ao'.ed very cautiously nud prudently in dealing with the Smelting works strikers , and it is decidedly cidedly unkind , to s y the least , to charge him with encouraging violence i.Ld riotous conduct WE are gratified to loirn that the v vrkingmfjp ho were lately employee in the smelting works are disposed tenet net upon our suggestion to settle the d'fierencea between them and their late employers by arbitration. If the pro prietors of the smelting works will no- rept this method of settling the trou- b'o there is no doubt but that the ttrike will be over by the end of the week. ' , ' * ! * * * * * * * ' ' ' ' ' * ' ' ' * * 1111' * SOME poop e hanker after newspaper n -toriety at any' cost. Major Pear- - man , of. Otoe pounty , belongs to tha very numerous class. His anxiety to k ep hk ntma before the people is inly exceeded by his want of common ionae. His Litest effort in the race for notoriety .Is & dispatch to the Je pnblican , in which he charges iho edi tor of thkTp&per with suppress ing a Jtdegrarri concerning the Jesuit of the Otoa county ccnveation which he claims was for warded by him from EJTMUIO Monday. The truth Is that the dispatch was sup pressed becftss itv never reached this officeJ Wbyresttme that explanation trill satisfy the rambunctious major. MOEAI. courage and personal independence pendonce are the great needs of Colorado rado politicians. They have much more of both now than they used to have , but there is still plenty of room for improvement. ; Denver Tribune. * This * IB equally true of Nebraska polilici aj/bttt In thw state , a > in Oolond tina K Mar.'kt hand srhen cowardly.etraddlers and double dealing- trimmers will be at a discount. Those'tneAkt , who haven't the courage to ascert their honest convictions on any qusstion wbvO always-waiting-to flop with the majority , wfll soon be- rrrae objedta-ofcontempt,1 * and the i - awho dire avow" 'their political f -i h , tl men who have the back- boaeto spt tiitW seatimenta at .11 times withooi hedging , will be awarded positions of bpnpr and trust py the party , IMPUDENT LxTNO. , - ; - So far as the county conventions rf Nebrrska ( and pibairy meetings that absolutely determine-tha/oitooine of prospective conventions ) ve , : been leard from , the resulfcjs as follows : : Adams . " - ? § . " -j Antelope . ft * ? . . * * Buffalo ! . . - . . .TT. . ? - Butt . 2 ss . dRe . r.-v . 2 - - Douglas . 3 ? illmore . Tohnaon . 7 veith . * ancAstcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 incoln . . . . . . . . . . - . 10 * . . ? awnee . 1 ? ollc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < . . . 7 saline . Seward . York . K.- Total . ? ! . % W2 % \ 83 The above tabular' fst tementhss seen carefully prepared. It is an jcmest , imoartlal statement , and , we believe'can be depended upon. , The votes at Columbu * , we/cand dly be- / iovo , ' will1 be cast as above. . Our in- brmation is irom authentic and relia- jle sources. Many of the counties above will not be disputed by either side. Republican. - - For impudent , downright lying and mlldozing , the Republican excels even the champion lying and' bulldoz- ng [ organ of the Grant boomera , the Ihiwgo Inter-Ocean , which printi tab ular exhibits that every schoolboy cnows to be baseless and unreliable. Sven the face of the above tabulacex- hibit convicts its author of ignorance and inexcusable falsification. For In- tance , Buffalo county is credited with eight votes , when she is only entitled o seven. Dodge county , which elect ed a solid Elaine delegation , instruct ed to vote as a unit for Blaine delegates , is put down s divided between Grant andBlaine. The Douglas county delegation , ilected on a straight Blaine ticket by a convention that passed a resolution in truding the delegates in favor of Blaine , is credited with three votes for rant when the Republican , in its isiue of May 2d , conceded that the Lelegation was solid for Blaine. Lin coln county is entitled to three delegates , and they are instruct ed for Blaine , and yet he Republican persists in crediting only two delegates to that county. Antelope connty hasn't voted yet and ho more guess what their primaries might dc are all the Republiian has or its basis of figures. Saline county is put down as four tor Grant although the delegation was picked for Blaine. Phelps county , which elected dele gates Tuesday , Richardson county , which elected delegates Wednesday. are entirely ignored , while half a doz en Blaine counties that have held pri maries arc emitted from that guessing table. The following table shows correctly the counties that have BO far elected delegates : flrant. BMne Burt . 2 Buffalo . Cats . 10 Cheyenne . i Dodge . Douglas . 17 Hall . 7 Keith . , . Lincoln . Nance . 1 Otoe . 1 10 Pawnee Richardson . U Saline . 12 York . 9 Total . 19 99 Of the counties that elect delegates this week we concede Grant will got Adam ? , 11 ; Gage , 10 ; Johnson , 7 Ntmaha , 9 ; Seward , 7 ; Lancaster 19 ; Elkhorn valley counties , 10 ; Re publican valley , 10 ; north of Bur county , 10 ; southwestern counties 15 a total for Grant , including dele gates already elected , of 134 votes The total number of delegates in th convention is 373 , which would giv Blaine 239 and Grant 134. This es timale , wo are confident , will not vary ten votes either way. If the Grant boomers caa take any comfort from these figures , they are welcome. The sons of the lamented Lincoln and the patriotic Douglas are making commodious asses of themselves b ; acting as cat's paws for the third term syndicate. The sons of great men seldom dom attain [ to the eminence of thei progenitors , and this is strikingly illus tratcd by the conduct of Bob Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. The following circular , gotten u by the boomers who insist that th demand for the ex-president is a spon taneous outburst of the people , ex plains itself : ILLINOIS GRANT HEADQUARTEBS , PALMER HOUSE , BOOM 30 , CHICAGO , April 28 Cnas. PUtt , Ciq , Koscoe , 111 : DEAR SIR : Several states having instructed their delegates to the na tional convention to support Gen Grant for the presidency , it is du him in view of his eminent service for the country , for which the who ! world has honored him , that h _ should receive the unanimous supper of the delegation from his own state. Less than this woul < be a lasting disgrace to the repnbli cans of this state. Will yon please aidjn Immediate effort to selecta dele- Ration from your county which wil favor Gen. Grant's nomination , as his name will bo presented to the connen- tion ? His friends are organizing , am in this they invite your cordial co operation. Please inform , us regarding the situation in your' county and re port all movements of his friends or opponents. YOUTJ truly , Bos'iT. LINCOLN , Pres't. DOUGLASS , Cor. Sec. Blaine men of Nebraska want the advice of the Omaha third- term organ as to their choice of dele gates to Chicago , or the propriety of instructing that delegation as to their preference , they -wilt ask for it Until then Paddock and Valentine'a Grant boomer htd better mind its own busi ness Kelly vrtll be Tear. ' . Y. cor. Philadelphia Ledger. ? Comptroller "KeDy-Ja getting ready withhi _ Tammany forces to more on Cincinnati. Thu morning he address * ed an 'official coamunTcatioi * ' to the mayor , informing'him Hhat ; as he in tended to be absent from tbe uity'for * eqme time ; he has "des'gnaieVlJr/ EUchwdA ' Storrs , Jus.deputy , to _ ct' inhi8vp'lac5. lie mayor , of co'une , " can bare Bo ob ec ons , aa ; Mr , Btorrs i practically the comptroller , and has be wkote business of his office at his nger 'ends. A Tammany/'sichMa ays : "Mr. Kelly will be aocoaipanied ffCihcbmati by at least 250 tried and rue [ democrats , prep&red to detnon- trate , that they are the only genuine representatives of the party * in New York. ' * v Gen. Grant and a Tblrd Ternt. Kew-Tork Tiibune. Months ago it was said by the riends of President Grant that bii name woold never be presented to the Chicago convention unless there hould ba a practically unanimous de- iira for his nomination. It is certain , hat no Bnchrdeaire exieta.w > r There lave been many proofs oJE this , but none strpnger than * General Grant's lecisivo defeat-on.Saturday in the election of delegates in Chicago , the metropolis of his own state. Later it ras said " , by those who ( appeared to tave "the best right to speak for the ex-president , that 'his" name would never bcTpresentod unless it should be certain that he. could be nominated on be first ballot in other words , un- ets he should prove to be the first choice of a clear majority of the delegates. It is now certain that this contingency , will not arise. General Grant is not the first choice of a larga part of the delegates rom Pennsylvajiiaj nor of their con stituents , as has bean abundantly > roved ; nor is he the first choice of a ( ottion of the delegates from New fork. But if he could secure all the lelegites from-these-states , and all hose yet to be elected from the South , and a portion of the delegates rom Illinois fully representing the hare of republicans who desire his nomination , as shown in the primary meetings , still he would fall short of a majority. There are no other dele gates from thoNorth , that he can ex- tect to secure , and it is not believed > y well-informed persons that all the olegatea yet to bo elected from the Jouth will be in his favor. Moreover , I is certain that he will not have the united delegations from Pennsylvania nd New York : Hence it is not possi- ilo that there should be a majority of tie convention in favor of his nomi nation on the first ballot , and of thoie who may vote for him on that ballot 10 is not the choice of some. It does no good to remind his leai- ng supporters of their promises. For hey now assert that the name of the x president will be pretcnted , and will not be withdrawn , but that he will remain a candidate like any oth er. Under these circumstances , it is )9cominp ) to bring the matter to the attention of General Grant himself. I is right to ask him whether , after laving been twice elected by the people ple , he is willing to be defeated in a cramble for a third nomination , when a majority of his patty has declared hat in its judgment auch a nomina tion would -undesirable and dan gerous. It is right to ask whether he rill permit his. name to be thus used > y prominent supporters for their ad vantage and to his discredit. The people have not supposed that 3oneral4Grant is thrust upon the par- iy in this way at his own desire. On the contrary , they have supposed that 10 was sincere in his repeated declar ations that he did not desire another tarm of office , and would hot accept a nomination unless an emergency should render the party"practically unanimous in desiring it. It h s been thought , too , that he had learned to regret bis too easy compliance with the wishes of some who have been hie friends , and that he would hereafter consult the wishes and re present the feelings of the whole body of republicans , rather than thozo of a particular eot oi managers. Butpublicopinionon these matters would undergo a very great change , if the ex-president should cow permit these managers to demand bis nomination at Chicago for-a third term , in spite of the fact that a ma jority of the convention will have been chosen to oppoeo euch , a nomina tion. Public opinion will then con clude that his former declarations were not sincere , and that his own ambition to eclipse the honors and the rewards of Washington has baon the moving spring of the third term ma chinery. In that event , a defeat would put him at a lower level in pub lic estimation and in the judgment ol history than if he had never been elect ed president at all. It reits with Gen. Grant himself to say whether his name ehall be thus uted. All loyal citizens wish to re member his past services with honor and gratitude , but it would be verj painful to see him used as a cat's-paw by the rebel democracy to compass the defeat of the republican party. Gen Grant himself is not the man that he is supposed to bo by moit of the re publican ? , if ho can knowingly expose the republican party to danger of da feat , and the country to the danger o ; democratic rule , for the lake of an ; advantage to himself or his friends No doubt it has been represent ed to him , by persons who have hn < his confidence , that the republicans would be nearly unanimous in their deaire and judgment in respect to his nomination , before the convention met. But he can now see for himsol that this cannot be. He can see tha there Is nothing like unanimity o feeling or opinion in favor of a thin term among the republicans in a sin gleono of the northern states. In NewYork and Pennsylvania the dele gations misrepresent the people , ant yet are not unanimous ; not aiiothe northern state has declared for the third term , and. even in his own state there is a bitter struggle agains him. Seeing these things , and real izing that his name is being used b manipulators as if he were a penis tent , unblushing and wearisome office seeker. President Grant can quickly judge whether it is consistent with his dignity or his wishes to have the thin term business pushed to a final verdic in convention. He has it in his pow er , by a few plain wcrds , for the in formation and guidance of thelllinoi convention , to save himslf-and hi party from the possibility of defeat , his country from the danger of demo cratic mastery , and his reputation from a stain that time cannot efface. Will there be a Stampede ? Norriitoim Henld ( Rep. ) It is the thunder of the rising tide for Blaine that gives significance to the mutterings of revolt in tha Gran delegations from Pennsylvania am and New Yorlr No one who under stands republican aentimentin those two states believes that the solid dele gations represent the sentiment cf the delegates themselves , much leu of the people. The Blaine delegates will no revolt if there"is a risk of failure , bu if Blaine is obviously the winnin ; man , the pressure of constituent ! be hind and the enticement of promisc victory before will strain terribly the bands of the unit rule. Not only dees the third term ran this danger , bnl muca.of its support in the 8oqh ) is ol an unsubstantial sort ; which will be inthutiistic for thewinning side. II Blaine ehows the power to take and lold the lead in the convention , there will be a stampede from Grant which no power of discipline can prevent. JPrinca Frederick William of Ger many will be'fifty next October. He isfive feet tenwjhe in height and well proportioned. His fall beard and hair are light in color , but very thick , and b eye. ara .null and blce/while kiCcomplextcn u bronzed. His eldest son physically resemble * the mother , is Btudjom , and u an excellent officer' BiLA.OKRlLLS i I * * ' ArrangeaMats are being made for hiking oniGold Rus Lead City. Work ha * again bean resumed on he Castle creek tunnel , Rapid City. It is expected thatthe Sunday 20 tamp mill Strawberry gulch will ta't up bytfuhs I. A sack of dirt from some of the ra vines north of Boulder Park gave ery fine pan prospects. . , The Tepee "ditch and flume has at ist been completed , and now furnishes water to the minerson the Rockerville ulch. ; 5 Nothing has yet been beard of a man namedEoglishj-whp , mked.-took1 o the woods near feunington about a month ago. Several trappers who CTHO into Deadwood recently with 100 beaver kins say thatis the best beaver coun- ry in the world. Thera are now three mills , one of O stamp opacity , running iu tha Rochford district. A month ago there wasn't a stamp pounding in that sec- ion. ion.The oflScial figures of the Ouster that the increase c" > unty assessor prove n taxable property in the county exceeds - coeds last yo r's assessment by more ban one-third. The Ouster Chronicle contentedly jxclaims of the city and prospecis of he people : "Wood , water , gold and ilverin abundance , health assured and wealth probable. " An old gentleman of Cuater City recently picked a nugget that weighed 34 pennyweights and 10 grains , val ued at $30.35. During one week he cleaned up over $50 , working alone. Much of the dirt taken out at Rock- erville last winter is now being washed , fiving good returns , slid in some in- itances "away up. " It is the fashion with many miners to sell their gold to itreet peddlers : It has been ordered that no more tolls shall be collected on the wagon road from Florence to Rockford , and he toll gate his also been ramoved t the junction of the Florence read and the Cheyenne road. The signal service officers have not reported the passage of stages through lipid City and Meade since the 20th of April , although ordered to do so by he department at Washington , con- eqnently the Da id wood postmaster s as much at tea as ever oVer the ar- ival of mails. Thera are Indians all around in the lills in smaU nands. They have lecn raiding the valleys of the Belle Ponrch and Redwater for the last month , andi meeting with no bpposi- ion , have becbirid eittboldBned , and it s stated thatthere can be no doubt but what there will be Indian troubles. Two new stations will be eitabluh- ed on the Sidney r&ute , one ba'f way between Red Cloud nnd Jenks' , the other between tha Platte and the South Water Hole , which wil ! make a1 ! runs ten idles in length. A cut off of eight miles will soon be opened setween the Platte and South Water Hole. Hole.A A party cf eight went out ' in search of the murderers of John D'c'ffenbacb , the stock man who was butchered while on his way to Deadwood. They brought the body back to the city af ter securing several of the 150 ponies stolen. They were satisfied tbnt it was Indians and not whites , as sup posed , who did the deed. Work has been commenced on the Bear Butte and Boulder Canyon road Work will be hurried on through Boulder canyon to Red Rock , and from there to Sturgis via the Bear Butte canyon. This is a great im provement , as \ > y this route Sturgis will be reaehed'in ten and a half miles on very light grades. One of the men connected with the Whitewood flume company , who has bad a careful survey made of the grounds along the line of the liroptoed improvement.'says they will ) accord ing to the tiest estimates , yield at leaat 25 cents to the cubic yard. This estimate is low , which in the aggregate - gate will amount to over $16,009,000. Magnetic ildh ore has been found in Strawberry gulch , and is about 90 per cent , pure metal. It is from a eolid foundation , and U is stated that there are immense deposits of this ere in the vicinity of Strawberry and Galena , and when it is developed there will bo another important industry for the Hills czmntrj. The Deadwood Times issued the following invitation : "The kind o : girls in demand here ara gotJd girls Loud and gaudy girls needn't apply. The woods are full of that stripe now. For the benefit of all good girls who desire to come to the Hills to work in private families , we would say come at once. " , North of the Hills and near the line of the road to Montana ) is a wonder fill sight in the burning ccal fields They have been on fire for years , bu how the fire originated is a mystery The vein of coal is about five foot thick and as it is being gradually consumec by the fire , iSe oattll above settles down and fill * up the epic ? . At this time there is a Urge portion of terri tory that has been undermined , ant still the destruction goes quietly ant slowly on. on.BA1LWAY BA1LWAY NOTES. There are now , 8,022 miles of rail way in operation in Canada , represent sent ing a capital of $362,000,000. It is said that ai soOn ai the Atlau tic and Great Western , how the New York , Ohio and Pennsylvania road narrow their gauge , which will bi June 23 , through coaches will bo pu on between St. Louis and New York , via Indianapolis. General Manager Duval , of thi Erie andJPacifio Diapatch/statcs thar , so great is the demand for refrigera tor cars , in which to transport perish able property from the west to e st era markets , for six months to comi they could use steadily 1000 cara. The Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo has just organized an extensive sys tern of agencies throughout Grea Britain and Ireland , and eatablishei a central office at Manchester , in charge of Hon. Charles H. Brant come ate U. S. consul { consuluat Manchester , om of the early pioneers cf Kansas ant founder of the city of Lawrence. A locomotive the , cylinders o which are only six inchia in diameter and which trill run on a track twenty inches wide , has"just been turned ou ( of the works ofH. . K. Porter & Co. Pittsbnrg , for Freudenthaw & Co. , o ; Arizona , The miniature engine wil pull 150 tons on a level , and ij intended - tended to haul gold and other ores from the mines to the melting fur nace of its ownerr , a distance of four miles. jr" The fast trainsVetween New York and Boston , on'Monday , their first day , made good time. That from New York reached Hartford in three b.oure and three minutes ; that from Boston reached-Hartford in tbroa hours and twelve-minute * . The Cour- antiays ' ) : "The train from New York ) cona'utingofMr caw , including two drawing-rooms , wii brought from NewHivea by the engine Atlanta , in charge of Master Mechanic Henney , and between Newinston and ths city ran four measured miles at * exactly 65 seconds t each mile , or at the" rate of 15 mile * an hour. " Daily travelers over the Pennsyl vania railroad fronj Pittsburg notice of tha tracks of that road'JT covered with a carp at of luxuriant grass. Inquiry develop tHe act that : hu. track is the 'eiti-boood frafefct rack , and that gruaj carajnlNinp ransported over itldwp 'iwrn.fMjkt * , ; wheat , eta , and in the coons of time ; he'grass springs up ; whlkl the wist- ; > ound'track is free and 'barreri-lopk * ng , no grain ever being shipped rjjit. , That track will certainly be free from dust. A short time ago a car which was .loaded with wheat , in Roingfromi Jincinnati1 to Columbus , "sprung a' eak , " and in consequence the section nen have been trying in vain to sup , ' ) ras ajfine crop of 'wheat j- " The American double iron rope sys- iructora of the railway , up JVIqunt-Ve uvius ? ' 'There are two lines of rails , lach provided with a carriage divided nto two compartment * , and capable of holding six persons. While one carriage goes up the other cornea down , ' hus establishing a counterpoise which considerably economizes the steam of he stationary traction engine. The nclino is extremely steep , commenc- ng at " 40 , increasing to * 63 , and con tinuing at ) ° 60. to the summit. Every ) osaibe ) precaution has been taken tgainst accident , and the rail way itself s protected against posiible flowiof lava > y an enormous wall. The ascent will JB made in eight or ten -minutes. To ibtain the necessary supply of water , arge covered cisterns have been con- structsd , which in the winter will be illed with the enow that often falls i&ivily , on Vesuvius. This snow will je quickly melted by the internal leat , and , besides the water thus ob * ; ained , the frequent rain fall will also 33 conduc'ed ' into the cisterns. An elegant cafe restaurant , capable of ac commodating 100 persons , will ba at tached to the station. Above the en trance to the latter ia an a triple ter race supported on'columns , whence an enchanting view is obtained not only of the Gulf of Naples , but also of hoce of Baio and Gaeta , each dotted with its islands. PERSONALITIES , * + Kallocli is a Baptist , but got 1m- meraed in polities. * While Ralph Waldo Emerson is milking his two cows , Carljla content edly smokes his old clay pipe. Schumann is the name of a Phila delphia ehoe man , and he is patroniz ed by peop'e who want music in their sole. Gambetta , 'recently , in a speech In he cnamber of deputies , got so excit ed that he broke bis hardwocd ruler on the desk. Joe Gosa and Paddy Ryan ara pre paring to see which cat ! put the big- test head on the other in a twenty * 'our foot ring. Upward of 4,000 empty mineral- water boltles were removed from Beaconsfield'a official residence when t was being cleared for Gladstone. In London there is a cab-driver wb.0 iaa dirtied the nickname of "Silent Sam" by his steadfast refusal to answer questions. He'd make his fortune as a barbar. The Countess of Derby recently drove through Soutbport endeavoring lo enlist popular favor for the liberal candidate ] , and the conservatives , "being too gallant to grosn the lady , " turned their coats inside out and fol lowed her carriage. MrJ. Sneathen , of Kent couiity , Mich. , wants a divorce from Mr. Sneathen. She doesn't set up in her complaint the usual charges of ill treatment , drunkenness , failure to provide or incompatibility of disposi tion , but eirnply that the marriage was a purely business contract , arid that Mr , Snoatben had failed to com' ply with hs part of it , he having agreed to give her forty acres of land as a return for her becoming Mrs. Snoathen and then failed to do so. TRUTH AND HONOR Query ! What is the best family medlelnjjl tbo world to xejrtil i tb * tm-wwbywmaril ' * * t blood , remote cojtlveness and biluonineitpUol digestion aud tone up the whole tysteml TiiH.p and honor compe s us to answer. Hop Bitten/- being pur ? , perfect and harmless. Ed. See another column , It ia well known that a relationship ex > L.ts between piles , constipation , kidney diseases and liver troubles. In Kidney Wort we hnve a remedy that acts on tn general svatem and restores health by gen tly anlbf , ' nntute'fc JnterflS' process. NEVGROCERY ! 16th and Guming StSi We propose supplying ihe people of North Omaha with CHOICE GROCERIES at mod erate prices. Give us a call , dr. xi. h baid for CBuntry Prb = UUflo. Goods delivered free to any part of the city. _ ap7-lm Machine Works , i 'J. F , Hammond , Prop. & Manager The moit thorough appointed and complete Machine Shops and Foundry in the lUtc. Castings ol every description manufactured. Engines. I"unip8 , and etery ca s Cf ffiscBlnerj mule tJ ( H . Special attention giren to Well AngursPalleys , Hangers , Shnftin&r , Bridge Irons , eer Cutting , etc. Flans for new Machinery.Heachanlcal Draught ing , llodeb , etc. , neatly execateii ana gapaav flr flat : lit and letn INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. frttt-SUc ; . Fine large § > mpia Rooms , one block from depot. Trains stop from 20 minutes to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bus to and from Depot. Kates $ 00 , (2.60 and 13.00 , according to room ; s ngle meal 75 cents. A. U. BALCOM , Proprietor. ANDUEW BORDER. Cnlef CUrk. rnlb-t PUBLIC SALE Of Kentucky and Iowa SHOUT HORN CATTLE ! At the Transfer Stock YuoVCoahGil Bluff * , Wednesday and Thurs day , June 9th and 10th,1880. 200 Head of Th0rengh Bredfl From the celebrated Hamilton Herd ofMt. Sterling , Kentucky , and Devin Herd of DesHoines. The undersigned will tell at public auction without reserve , about 200 head of Tbomuh > BrtdShort-HornCattlc. A large par CenUof them Tear ) in ? bulls of standard families. Ail females of suitable age have provedTeliaile breeders , and are ot fine families. _ , „ These cattle have'nolbeen pampered for the show ring. _ - , . Fcr caulogue3 address "THE HAMILTON " Kansas City ifo , orM. UDEVfJH , resMoiies. lojta. COL. J. W. JUDT , Auctioneer. . maT6-deodlm-w - w THE OMLY PLACE WMEIE , YM can find a gocd ueortment ol BOOTS AND SHOES At a LOWER VIQURJf thaa at any other shoe house In the city , P. LANG'S , 236 FARNHAM 8T. LADIES' & GENTS , SHOES MADE TO ORDER d a perfect fit-guaranteed. Prieeajverrreason 1 > . U. JSECMElt , COMMISSION MERCHANT O OMCA. . 3BC L . | Vholesale Dealer in Foreign and DometU fruit. Butter , Jfegt , Poultry , Game. East , Ba H ' E ALT. , , ' .STtEHfiTHjldEKERGY , WITHOUT THE USE'OF DRUGS. ARE RE QUESTED TO BEND FOR THE ELECTRIC REVIEW , AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR NAL , WHICH IS PUBLISHED FORfrREE DISTRIBUTION. Tf rBEATS npon HEALTH , HTOIEXE , ud Pbysl- J _ caLCaltnre , and 1 * acompUto eacjclopcdia of nfoimation for Invalids and those who suner from STervous , Exhausting and Painful Diseaso. Every nbjtct that beui upon health and human happiness , receives attention in Its'pagM : and tb * many qnes- Jens asked bj suffering Invalids , who hare despaired of a cnre , are answered , tnd valuable information a volunteered to all who re In need ofmedicivl ad vice. Tn subject of Elecnc Belts tcrnu Medicine , and the hundred and one questions of "ital impoi * : ance to suffering humanity , are dal ) .onsidered and explained. explained.YOUNG MEN Acd others who snffex'from Kervons said Physical Debility. Less of Manly Vigor , Prematnre Exnarts- iion ana th * many gloomy conteqnence * of early ndiKietloa , tc ate especially benefited by con sulting its contents. The ELECtfllC BEVIEW exposes the unmitigated frauds practiced by quacks and medical imi-ostors who profess to "practice medicine , " mid points ont the only safe , simple , and effective rend to Health , Vlor , and Bodily Energy. Send yonr address on postal cmrd for a copy , and nformatloa worth thousands will ba sent you. Address the publishers , PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO , , COR. EIGUTH/anJ.VINE-STS.rCINClHNATI.O I Ask the reoo ered dvspeptlcsbll- Jous sufferers , vic tims ot faver mud ague , the mercurial diseased patient , aow they recovered health , cheerful" spirit * and good appetite ; they will tell you by tA5 Ing SIXKOXS' LIVES , EtEOULUOB. JV S" The Cheapest. Purest and Best family Midi- the In the World. For DYSPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION , Aundlce Blllious Attacks , SICK HEADACHE. Colic. De pressloo of Spirits , SOUR STOMACH , Heart Bum , EtaiXte. I This unrivalled Southern Remedy la warranted not to contain a single particle of MIKCURT , or any Injurious mineral fubsUnce , but is Pwely Tetzetable. COnUlnlng those Southern Boota and Herbs , which an all-wise Providence has placed In countries where Liver Disease most prevail. It will erne all Diseases cau-ed by Derangement ot the Liver and Bowels. TllK SfMPTOMS oi Liver Complaint arr a b'tt. t rr bad tart in the ttlotitH ; Pain In tha I < ak | Jdesor Jolnttvo'tan mistaken fof Rhetma- tbm ; Sour Stomicn ; Lo-s of Appetite ; Bowels a le n&tely feostlte and lax ; Headache ; Loss ot Memory , with a painful Mcsation o ( hating fail ed to do something which ought to hava bf en done Debility , low Spirits , a thick'yellow ap pearance of the skin and Eyes , a dry Cough often - ten mistaken f r Consumption. Sometimes many of tbne symptoms attend thd disdase , at dthefj vetfewbut ) the Liver , the largest organ in the body , ii generally the sot of the disease , and If not regulated In tlmo.great luffcringvwietcbedntss and death will ensue. I can re-ommeud as tn efficacious remedy for ilUeaso ( rf the Liver , Heartburn and Dyspepsia , Simmons' Liv-r Regrilat6r. lAlrls O. Wunder , 16Z5 Hester Street , Assistant Fo3t Miatef , Fhiladelpn a. _ "We have tested Its virtoei , icrsonally , and know tnat for Dyspepsia , .BilllousneM. and Throbbing Hesdacbe. it is the best medicine the world , ever saw. We have tried forty other reinedles before Simmons' Liver Regilator , but none of thf m gave till mate thaii temporary re lief ; but the B gtlUlor not only relieved , but cured us. " Editor Teligwph aBd Hesfinger , Macon , Ga.KASOTACTtrun KASOTACTtrun OSLT BT J. H. ZEUJN & CO. , PHILADELPHIA , PA. Price , 11.00 Sold by all Drugjrbta. septleodawly Pe'daystbomB. Samples worth (5 fres Addna8UnionaCo..PartlicndMMln ; CITY MEAT MARKET. i Keep constantly on hand a largo lot'ot all kind Ireth and Salted Meats , Beef , Veal , KnttonPnrk damd , ifOftl , sfl/til kinds of gam ae. J9I resh Vegetables Constantly Oil H&fld Call and be convinced SHEELCY BROS. BUSINESS ! SUITS for - $20,00 PANTS for - - - 5,00 jr. o.r * MAX MUNY01SLN , FUR TANNER II9IZTH STUEET , RAW FUfl § BOBfiHt JVNear farnham. noTlltf A ' - VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR This standard article is compounded with the greatest care. Its effects re as wonderful and lattafactory as erer. It restores gray or faded hair to its youthful ctiloT * * * H rbmotes lUierdptions , itching aUddandruuy and the scalp by Its use becomes whits Afld clean. By 1U tonic properties it restores the caplllar/ glands to their Bormal vigor , preventing bald ness , and making the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing ntilhhlg baa been found so efl c tual or desirable. Dr. A. A.HaTes.StateAssayerot Massachusetts , fays of it : "J consider it , the best preparation fir Its intended purposMi'1 ' BUCKINGHAM'S DYE , Forthe Whiskers. This el fftmt prentrstlon mar be relied on t chaago the color of the beard from gray of ihj * other undesirable shade , to brown or black , at off. MANUFACTURED BT Nashua , N. H Sold by all Druggists Und Dealers In Medicine. ATtENtloN , BUILDERS AHD CON TRACTORS. The owner of the celebratsd Kaolin Banks ] wmr WUJSVILLE , NEB. , has noir ready at the depot at LoiiisiillS , oil the B. & M. railroad , to fill ny order at reasonable prices. Par ties desiring a white front or ornamental brick will do well to { rive na a call or send for aarapl- J. T. A. DOOVEK , Prop. , Loctarille. Neb Alfred Carpenter , An tern U , Connecticut writes : Please Bend Oil C , O. D. I firtt learned the val ue of Dr Thomas Cdectrio 9 < I while living in Ohio , and I think it the best medicine in use for man or beast. - WUam Boland , Jr. , * 14 east Swan Street , says. "In the past two years I havi had occasion to use Dr. Thomas' Edectrlc Oil quite frequenUy for violent neuralgic pains and sick htadjchj. J have fwrnd it to be an absolute monarth over pain , subduing it in a quiet , soothing manner , ni yet acting almost instantly. " l.ti . Mary drimahaw. Ho. 112 Vain stoiet , Buffalo , was cured of a violent attack ol Ttteu- mUiam of the hip , confining her to her chair , by a.fewapplicatlousof Dr. Thomas' Kdectiic Oil. She says : "Less than a bottle cured me entire ly. My eon was troubled with Bbenm tism of ths knee , and wan cured entirely in twenty-four hours. BOLD 1H OMABA.BT ALL DBTJOOlSflB STOo to Toor PrnggSit for Miss freeman i Ktw National Dyn. for tatehtnwi and darabfl Ity of color they an unequalled. Cdorttov6 I * . , prlo * 15 crate MEAT MARKET , U. P. Block. JOth St. Traih and Salt-JtaaU o al1 kinds constant on band , price * naMdable. fegetablei in seat . . Food d JlVBTe4 to A. F. RAFERT & Contractors and 1910 Ocjgc Bi , , - > .VBAJIKINO HOBSES. / THE OLIEST ESTABUSKB BANKING - si IN NKBRA3KA. CALDWELL.HAMILTOMIGO. Buainees transacted same as that ol an Incorporated. Bank. Accounts kept In Currency or gold ublect to sight check without notice. Certificates of deposit Issued pay able in three , six and twelve months , bearing Interest , or on.demand with out Interest. Advances made to customers on ap proved securities at market ratea of ntarest. Buy and so gold , bills of exchange Government. State , County and Oltj Bonds. Draw Slsrht Drafts on England. Ire- ana , Scotland , And all parts ofEurope Sell European Passage Tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. augldtf U. S. DEPOSITOBT. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP OXASA , Cor. Faranam and Thirteenth Sta. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT H OMAHA. ( SUCCJS3SOB3 TO KOUSTZB R08. , xsTAiusniD m 1858. Organlwd aa a national Bank Aognrt M , 1968. Capital andProfits Over $300,000 IpecUUy authorised by the Secretary of TTWMBT to receive SoMcripUonl to tha U. 8. 4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN. omOEBS AND DISBCTOBS IilULUl Kouirro , Freddent. AovuBTUS KOUBTM , Vice Freildnt. H. W. TATM , Caahler. a. J. Fomiraf , Attorney JOBM A. C1D9HTOJC. r. HDAYB , Aft ( Xvotor. Tali ban * retire ! dpc H without nfud to Drain drafta on Baa Trandcoo and prlndpa dtlee of the United States , alao London , Dnbfln Edinburgh and the principal dtlea of th * cent sent of Knrop-3. Belli paaoago ticket * tot emigrant * in the In. man line. mayldtf REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Geo. P. Bern is' * REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 15th < k Douglas Sis. , Omaha , Neb. This agency does SIBICTLT a brokerage taal- ness. Does not speculate , and therefore any bar * gains on its books are insured to its patrons , In itead of being gobbled op by the agent Boggs and Hill , . REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 560 Farnham 'Street UMAHA. - NEBRASKA. Or ' . North Side , opp. Grand Central HoU Nebraska Land Agency. DAVIS & SNYDER , 1EOB Farnham St. Omaha , Nebr. 4OO.OOO ACRES carefully selected land Eastern Nebraska for sale. Great Bargains lit Improved farms , and Oma 1. F. DAVIS , WEBSTEB SNTDER , Late Land Corner U. P. R. E. 4n-tebTt STBOJriUMO. UTOI.II Byron Reed & Co. , REAL ESTA5EAGEN05 ? IN NEBRASKA. Keep a complete abstract of title to all&ealK Ate in Omaha and Douglas Comrtf. mayltf THE OBIQ1KAL BRIGGS HOUSE I Cor. Randolph St. & 6th Ave. , CHICAGO , ILL. FBICES SEDUCED TO $2.00 AMD $2.50 PER DAY Located In the business centre.convenlent ptaces ft amusement. Elegantly furnished , con tainlng all modem Improvements , passenger ele Tatar , Ac. J H. CtnQQHGS , Proprietor. ocietl OGDEN HOUSE , Gor. MARKET ST. & BBOABWA 7 Council Bluffs , Iowa On line of Street Batiwfiy , Omnlbtae * to ut from ail trains. BATES Parlor floor , fB.CO pa day ; second floor , 93.60 per day ; third floor The best-furnished and most commodious hon ru the city. QEO. T. PHELPS. Prop. METROPOLITAN OMAHA , NEB. IRA WILSON , PROPRIETOR. The Metropolitan la centrally located , anu flrtt-class In eTery respect , haTlng "f Uy , bee entirely renorated. The pnblfo will find I cflffliortable and hotncllka hottue. marBt UPTON HOUSE , Schuyler , Neb. Hrst-elans House , Good Wells , flood1 Btda Airy Booms , and kind and accommodating treatment. Tw > good sample rooms. Bpeaa attention paid to commercial travelers. S , MTTiLEB , Prop. , Sohuyler , Neb. B. A. FOWWK. JM H. Scott. FOWLER & SCOTT , ARCHITECTS. Derigns for building * of any description on exlhlblUon at our office. We have had over JO years experience in designing and supennUn * . lag public building and residences. Plans and estimates furnished on short notice. " ROOM 8 , UNION BLOCK. HANTA OLAU8 FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Age , Wonderful discoveries In tbtworldhavebeenmade Among other things where Santa Clans stayed , Children oft aik if he makes goods or not , If really he lives in a mountain of snow. Last year an excursion sailed clear to the Pol * And suddenly dropped Into what seemed like ahole Where wonder'of wonders they found a new land , vThlle talixJlke beings appeared on each hand. There weW mountains like oars , with more "beautiful green. And far brighter skies than ever were seen. Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found , While flowers of exquiiite fragrance were grow Ing around. Hot long were they left to wondir in doubt , A being soon came the/ bad heard much about , Twas Santa Clans' self and th Iltbey * U say , Be loked like the ptctnn * rsee every day. He drove up a team that looked very queer , > Twas a team f grasshoppers Instead of reindeer , He rode in a shell Instead of a sleigh , But ho took them on boud and drove them He showed them all over hi * wonderful realm , And factories making goods for women and men. Furriers were working on hats great and small , To Bonce's ther said they were sending them alL Kris Ktnile , the Glove Maker , told them at once , All our Qlove * we ara seeding to Bunco , Santa showed them smpenden and many things more. Saying I also took these to f ii nd Bonce's store. Santa dans then whispered a secret he'd ten , Aa in Omaha every one knew Bones well , He therefore sbomd send his goods to his care , Knowing his friends will get their full share. How remember ye dwellers In Omaha town. All who want praenta to Bunco's go round , For shirt * , collars , or gloves great and snail , Send your filter or aontoneand st > . Bmic * . Champion Halter of the West , Strtit , 0 b " - I HORNBERCER , VI BLAH'S MILWAUKEE BEER 1 " - . Li , Kegs and Bottles , Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Beaeona 10 Prices. Office , 239 Douglas Street , Omaha. r DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING POWER AND HAND PUMPS Steam Pumps , Jlngina Trimmings , Mining Machinery , . BELTING HOSE , BRASS AMD IRON HTTiNCS , PIPE , STEAM PACKIXC , AT WHOLESALB AND RETAIL. „ HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLI A. L. STEAKS. 20S FaroHam Street Omaha. Neb1 OMAHA FENCE i BOX GO. We Manufacture to Order OFFICE RAILINGS AMD FINE COUNTERS E'HsTE ! .ATTD Iron and Wood Fences , Brackets and Mouldings , Improved Ice Boxes furniahecl on short notice. _ GUST , FEIES & CO. , Prop's. , 123rHaroey St. , 'Omaha , Ifeb. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , WHOLESALE ; GROCERS ! 1421 and 1423 Farnham , and 221 to 22915th Sta. KEEP THE LARGESJJTOGK / MAKE THE LOWEST PRICES. Tfee Attention or Cash and Frempt Time Bayers Solicited , AGENTS FOE THE HAZiED POWDEE COMPT and the Omaha Iron and Nail Co. GARPETINGS. - I i Carpetings 1 iCarpetings I J. B. DETWILER , * Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOUGLAS STREET , BET. 14TH AND 15TH ( EST-A.BLISECE33D Z3ST 1868. ) t Carpets , Oil-Cloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc. MY STOCK IS THE LARGEST IN THE WEST. I Make a Specialty of .4 t WINDOW-SHADES AND LACE CURTAINS * And have a Fioll Line of Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , OarDet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels ; In fact Everything kept in a Hrst-Olasa Carpet House. Orders fi-om abroad solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed Call , or Address John B. Detwiler , Old Reliable -Carpet House , OMAHA. LANG & FOTICK , Dealers in House Furnisliing Goods , Shelf Hardware , Nails and Etc. 1221 Farnham Street , Isc Door Baot First National Bank. mS-U IE1. O. WHOLESALE GROCER ! 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha. UNO. G. JACOBS- ( Torraerly ot OTfh & Jaeobi ) UNDERTAKER KCL 141T Farnham St. , Old Stand ofJacob Oto ORDERS TKLK9BAPU SOLICIT * FEVER AND AGUE. FORTIFY THE 8TSTE" . Ard you an irmed tonic for thi purpoao U aostwwr * owawai MtteVs.ww rende dJg * > tion a.7 and com , Set * , couateractt biliousness , and rttps th bow 5 In order , and to genial ana beneficent ar Its eSeet , that not only 1 the body Invigorated. And rpguUUd br its ua , but defpocdency. taa- ? E d Jroa aU th mind. To ? § ! bv an Prnfruti ind Petitn j n r nyT VINEGAR- WORKS \ Janet , Stt.9Oi.itnd loth. SU. , OXAEA. Flat quality dlstlHd Wme Vinegar of any strength below Mitern prices , at wholesale nd retaU. ZBKBT KBZBS , ' CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO. Manufacturers STANDARD SHOT J EESOBZtOBOTlT. - THR B2St IK MASKKT. . W. BIulXCKFttKD & CO. XianfactUMT * Ofl ai Pifr. Sheet and Bar lead Block Tin.Upland EoU , L'naesd OJ , andOiiCaktr. OBDEBS SOLICITED. 70 HOfTH CUMTOM STREET , CHICA'.O.