f e/or „ THE GENUINE DR.C.McLANFS MVER PILLS r"are _ sot fecomme'hded as a remedy Iffor " aUlthellls that flesh isTieirto. " but in affections of the Liver ; andln all Bfflbns Complaints , Dyspepsia , and. Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. Uo "better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine ! As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. iBach box has ared-war seal on the lid , -Tnththe imprcsaon.McljA'NE'S LIVER TILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of C. JIcLANE and FLEMIHO BEOS. p f * Insist-upon having the genuine Dn.C.McLAKi'S LIVER PILLS , pre pared by FLEMING BROS. , Pittsburgh , Pa : , the market being full of imitations of the name JlfcLaiic , spoiled differently , but same pronunciation , t ' oouons , BBONcums AND CONSUMPTION. * Vhat a. WellKnown'Druggist mys about Allen's Lung Balsam. a , ' \ fUOTUERS.BBADl * O AM iinr STATICS , Ky. " OISTLIKKX : The denund tor .Allen's Long Balnm is increasing constantly , f'The ladles think there Is no medicine equal to it tor Croup ad Whooping Cough. OL S. ilAKTIN , Drdgrist. SoldbyalHTodldneMen. Tnll ( tp ISTn 9 " ' o < Jo" J.Utl VJu/uC J.1 U. fit Picture. Very hi gealous. 7 .objects toflnd. Bond stamp forpack' .gfciaDR. S.'CvABD T BuCkle N.Y. Who want glossy , Inxnriant r a wavy tresses of abundant , beaKtiful Hair mast use -LYON'S KAT1IAIROH. This elegant , cheap article always makes tfio Haic'promireeiy and Tast keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandrnif and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it , a , cnrling tendency and keeping ) , in any desredposition. ! Beau- Hair is the sure resoljt'of usin g ; Kathairoru. ATTORNEY3-AT-LAW. VYM. SIMERAL , A TTOHNET AT tA\T-C mpteirs Block , JJ8thbtreetbetweeiirarnh msndDouijla- OMAHA , NKB. - t ' D. L. THOMAS , A TTORNKY AT LAW Loans money , buys J\ _ and selU real estite. Room 8 , Creightor Bl-tk. A. C. TROUP , A TTORNEr AT LAW Office In Hanscom'i A Block , with George E. Pritchett , 1608 FarbhaM 6U OMAHA , NEB. DEXfER L. THOMAS , HORNET AT LAW Crnlcksnank l Bull LHORNET A. CHADWiCX , JTOBNEV AT LAW Offlce 1604 Blr et. " A. 8WARTZLAHDE AT I AW Cor. ISth and Famhim LTTORNEY " f/ WILLIAM A. FONDA , A TTOHNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW , Jtlioom No. 6 , Frenzer Block , opposite FOB' Offlce. - , OMAHA. WEB. * WM.L. PEABODY , " Office In Ordghton Block , next U LAWYER , O1XAQA , NEBRASKA. VOTARY IOBLIO. OOLEEOTKHrS MADK E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. AT LAW AND JJJST10E OF ATTORNEY Southeast corner FUteenth andDougl sSt. , , , - itS-Collectione Promptly Attended to.7S& O'BRIEN & BARRETT , Attorneys-at-Law , OFFICE-PnVm Block.Flftecnth an ? Famham' ' A. L. ROBISOK. , TTORSKT AT LAW. Boom Crelghton L Block. OMAHA Keb. 1nnU X > . 7 ATTORNEY AT LAW. KARBACH BLOCK , COR DODOISTH STS OMAHA. NEB. W. d. Conneil , Attorney-at-Law , Office : Front rooms , np ( tain , In Hinflcom's new brick bnlldlngr , K. W. corner Fifteenth and Famham Streets. Walter Bennett , Attorney-at-Law , Ornc * : Over Byron Reed | & Co.'s Bea Estate Office , 112 Fourteenth Street. febll-U JOBS L RKDICX. Cnia R.RKDIOX REDICK & REDICK , Attorneys-at-liaw , BpedU attention will be given to all rails ntait corporations of every destripMoa ; will practice In al Ithe Courts of the Bute and the United BUtcs. , Offlco. Famham SL-oppoelt Court HOMO. HOMO.ADAMS & SIMERAL , TTORNKYS AT IAW Room B CrelgM ? Block. IBth f Jd Douglas strenta. noftdh .5. F. MANDERMN , sy AT' LAW ! Funluia Btnet Omaha Sebrwka. PARKE CODW1H , TTORNET AT LAW-lith and DoaglM T. w. T. RICHARDS. Hunt RICHARDS & HUNT , A 1 1 or Ii e y sat - arw gourteenth Street. EAST INDIA o R i BITTERS ! " ILER & ' CO. , BOL.B MAJIUFAOTUBBEB , 011AHA , -S500 Reward. - * W wm pay the above reward } or any'case c ! Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Headache , In- " i uon or Costiveneas we cannot Veattable Liver Pttls , when the , - . - , - " * ? complied witLrThey v * purely vegetable , and never tall to rive saUat.c. Uon. Bugarcoaud. Large.bowscontainterM Pffli , Si cents , Foriale By U iu K-i wan ol counterfeits and ImiuUeS ftoirena ? la * Banotactuted onJy by JOHN C , WEOT Sco- "The rm Makers , " 1S1A1S3 w - - _ H ! bold it whoj . Oaaha. ? OMAHA PUBLISHIHC . . PHOPBIETOBS. farnkam , bet. 90i , and IDA BtretU. TEEMS OF 80BSCBIPTION Ivear.ln advance ( postpaid ) . 18.00 : ' : : : : : : : : TIME TABLES. "THE MAILS. racaaa. O. H. W. R. IL , 4:80 a. m. , S p. m. G B. ft Q. , * SO . m. , S p. m. C. B. I. * P. B.R. , * : , . , Bj . . 0. * St. Joe 30 a m. . > p. m. S. City * P. ISO- . D.P. B.R.llJO .ra. . O . . , oraxna. O * K. W. B. B. , 11 . m. il p. I * . 0 4. Q. , 11a.m. 9:30 : pm. 0 R.LP.ll .mllp m. C. B.481. Joe , 11a.m. , Up. m- S. City A PH m U P. . * p. m. B & ill In Neb. , 4 P ij mails for States lowm Is v Bt o y.ro : 4:30 a. m. . ArrJTalandPeparturceiTraing UNION PACIFIC.AMUV AMUV * . Dally Express..12:15 p. m. do Mixed 6:10 p. m. do Freight. . . . 6:30 a. m. do do . . . . 8:16 s. m. TUI * CABD OF THE BUBLIHQTOH MUTE. LXAVB SHABA _ . _ OKABA. Express 3:40 p.m. Express 10:00 s-m. MJL& 6.00 aja. MaU 1000p.m. Sundays Excepted. 8 ondays-Excepted. Bunoays Excepted. CHICAGO & NOBTHWESTKBK. Mall . e.OOa.m. Express . S : * ° P1-m- Sundays xvrmv H V 0ViP > i > . JL Ihe only line running Pullman Steplnc Oai out of Omaha to Union Depot OMAHA & NOBTHWE8TEBNANDSIOUXC1TY ' & PACIFIC BAILBOAD'3. ' Erpresa 8:00 a m. | ! a5p.m Bunda - - * Daily Except aM.BlBlnl. ' Omaha ( ( T ) . . . . B.OOam Kearney J PlattamouthfarlO : ia am Bloomlngtoilv)5aOa afi pm Bed Cloud ( l Bloomlngtonar)9J6pm ) Omaba'arr,4:66p : REPUBLICAN VALLErBATLtrAT. ' HArtlnea Ov ) 8K ajn. i Bloomlngton ( KiaOp.m Bloomtagton las p m | Hastings ( r ) 8 6 p m SIOUX CITY 4 ST. PAUL B. B. u U eaOa. m. I Express 10 0 , m. Express 8:40 p. m. | Mall 7dflp.m . BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. B. B. DOXMT IBAIKS , Leave Omaha , dally : 8 wm. , 0a.m. , 10 11 a. m. , 1 p. m. , S p. m.,8. p. m. , 6 p. m Leave Council Bluffs : -B 6 . - > SL , 9 > i- 10 6 a. m. , 1155 s m. , 125 p. m. , : Z5P m. Sft p. m. . 6 6 p. m. , 6:26 p. m FOTTtrlps on Stmday , leavingOmanaat 9 and . m. , 2 and 5pm. ; ConacU Bluffli at 826 , a. m. , and 2:25 and 625 p. m.- y A | wyfl HX TsLU3S. Leave Omaha v-6 a. to.7 . m. . .lOip.m. ' a.'m.B2S p. m. , 7.-00 p. 1 p.m. Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & BEPUBLICAN VALLEY B. B. " " " " IJIAVI. - . . , DailT excent Snnd T. COMMERCIAL. Omaha Wholesale OUIHA , MayS , 1880. BUTTER AND EQ 8. ChoioeUble . P kerilots . Fresh eggs , per doz . - -leatiit- Honey . 16@18 POULTRY. Chickens , per doz . 2 00@2 2fi Dncka GROOERIES. EUQARH. CutLoaf Powdered Granulated . . Standard "A" QUA . > Extra "O" . "i _ . urlgnt. . . 48a5S Bright Table Drips . 45a48 New Orleans MoUaases . 48a50 Rio , prime to choice . * 17al8 Rio good to prime . 16al7 Rio fair to good . 15J Mocha . O.G.Java . 25a28 BICE. Choice . jj dtoprime . 7Ja8 NewPrunes OldPrnnes Currants.choice new . 7i BlackBerries . 12 Raspberries . Pitted cherries . 22 Michigan grtd Apples . 9 N. Y. Sliced ' . 91 Evaporated " . IB State Peaches . 9 Salt Laka Peaches . 14 California Peaches . 14J CANNED GOODS. rS"Oj8ters , 2 Ib cans , V case. . S 76 do do lib can , per case. . 225 Lightweight Oysters 2 Ib 0 case 2 90 Salmon , lib , tf dozen . 170 do 21b , [ dozen . 2 76 Standard Tomatoes,2 Ib , & case 2 60 " " 3 Ib , tf ca e 3 35 Standard Peaches , 3 Ib , i ? case. 4 60 21b , tfcase. 360 Raspberries , 2 ft , ? ? case. . 300 Blackberries , 2 Ib , tf case . 270 Corn , 2 Ib. case . 2 60 4 00 Apples , Gal , V doz . 385 Narrow Fat Peas,2 Ib , tf case. . 3 90 String Beans. 2 Ib , per case. . . . 240 SUNDRIES. Nutmegs. . . . . . 10 Pepper . 15 Allspice . 17 Cloves ! . 45 Coesia . 27 Rjpe Candles. 16 oz . 13 Greenwich Lye.per case . 3 90 Beanspertashel. . : . 80 Cheese full cream . . . 14 GJUASS. Window Glass. 60 per cent , dis count off list. , HARDWARE. i IRON. Common bar . . . 4 Horse-shoe bar . . 6 Norway nail rod. . 12 BTEKL. > * " * Castplow . : . . . * . 9 Am. cast , " tool . 16@17 ? Jea'p's , Eng. do . --t SSQSO KAILS. Tens , npwarda. . . . 5 00 ' ' ' ' B'rd'd'i shoe'g " mnle" . . . . ftwfeM'R'te wjifcf * . t . ns . . 1 upwards. . _ . . . , . . . ns 0 oo 00 Putnrun nails . " . . Z3@83 DRY GOODS. BBOWV COTTONS. Atlantio "H" . 8 ! QO JT * * * / Pepperell "O" . 8S 7t do "R" . 36 74 do "E" . Indian Head Nehrajeka , Standard "AA" . ' Amoekeag . . 17 BeaverCreek , "AA" . 1 do "BB" . is Haymakers . ; . 10 ; Palmer . ; . 10 Otis "AXA" " : . 15' do "BB" . . . 14 - . . . . . . . . . . Wrren "AXA" . do T "BE" . . . . " . . . . . . " * do "CO1 . . IS i ' DOCKS. Plymouth "AAA" . 15 New Bedford , 10 or . 16 BostonS. 0 . 12 BT.grtrm COTTOHB. Lo&sdale . . . io "do Cambric . . * . 13 Cabot . . . . . 9 Fruit of the Loom . . . . . . 11. " ewYork Mills. . . : . / IS Hflls'Muslin . 10J k Wamsutta . 86-12J Pepperell . , . ,6-4-20 do . . . / . . ' . V-4-21 do . i . 9-4 27 do . 11-4-30 TICKINGS. r- _ A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3 21 Falls O.B.O Holyoke . , , . . , . .IH Ifl f " 5 . " . . . - ' 7 Albion. Harmony . * American . * . ? . ? . . 7. Allen'8 . I ] MerrimackShirtings . 7 Rlchmonda . . J RichmondsE.-T..i. . 7 Sprague'B . % * Simpson' * Monrniag . . . . ' - * Simpson's Bhvck . . . . . . . 7 2-j k American Awningstripes Txiwiston , A Hamilton . .iMafield . 7 LUMBER. Framing- ft. and nnd r. , . . . . 20 00 Each ftdd. ft. over 18 , par M. . . . 50 Fenclng.No.l , 12to20ft . 22 00 " No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft . 20.00 Shee.ang.Drejsed.No.l. . . . . . . 00 Common Boards , Dwssed . 2200 BTOCK BOABDS. AStock . * JOO B . . ' . 3500 O . 8000 CommonStock . 25 O /LOOBIKQ. No.J.Floorfng . r 40 0 No.2 - . 8500 No 8 " . 25 ° ° Yellow Pine Fleering , No. 1. . . 45 00 BIDING. No.lSididg . 2500 No.2 " . 22M No.3 " . 00 PICKETS. _ _ No. 1 Pickets , per M . 3260 No.2 " " . 2500 ITNIBniNO. No.lFinlshlJIlJand2in. . . 6500 No.l " Tin . 6000 No. 2 " 11 , U , and 2 in. . . 45 00 No.2 " fin . 4000 No. 8 Finish , in . 5300 SHIP LAP. Plain Ship Lap . 2300 O.G. " No.l . : . 8000 " " No.2 . : . 2500 CEHJNa. , i Beaded , 6 in. , No. Ii. " . . 2500 ' No.2. . " . . . " . . . . . 2300 1 Beaded , land 6 in. , No. 1. . . . 4000 i. < No.2. . . . 85 00 Corrugated Celling , No. 1 . 60 00 A Star ( best ) Shingles. . 875 No.2 " . 300 No.3 " . 260 LATH. . . . . . . . * . . . . . 400 Lime , bbl . 4 . 1 3a ' bulk , per bush . 40 Cementbbl . 2 " 50 Iowa Plaster , bbl . 260 Michigan Plaster , bbl . . - . . . 2 75 Hair , per bush . . . 25 TarredFelt , 100 Iba . , 300 Stmw oard , " ' ' . . . " . . ? * 4.00 O. G. Battens , per 100 ft. lin. . . 1 25 WellCurbin * . 8000 Ro ngb ) , and 2 in. , in Batts.per ' FOSlb. , , , Olar Halves , 7 in . 18 " " 6in . 16 " Quarter , 8 In' . . ! ; 16 X4 AU * * * * i6 . - 40 O. G. Caring ; 6) and 6 In. , per lOOft.lln- . . 300 Oak Plank and Timber , per M. 40 00 Cleat Poplar . = - . . . . . . - . . . . . * 6000 Black -W5aut..r. . . . . . . . ' . . . : 10000 HIDES. Green Hides , per Ib . 7 < Green Cured Hides Dry Hides . 12@15 Dry Salted Hides . 10@12 Sheep Pelte . 80@1 00 Tallow . 4l5 LIQUORS. WINFS-ETO. High Wines , /pal . 110 Alcohol , 180 tf cent. gal. . . . 215 French Spirit ! proof . 1 20 Marshall's Bourbon Whisky. . . . 1 25 Miller's Bourbon Whiaky . 1 60 .Brandy . , very fine , tf gal. . 4 00a8 00 do common to fine . 1 50a3 75 Gin , 100 per cent . 1 40a3 00 do Holland , 90 percent . 1 25 J nms , mixed Jamaica , } ? gal. . . . 1 25a4 00 do New England . 2 00a2 50 Kennedy Bitters tf gal . 150 do do tfcase . 700 do do do 100 case lots 6 60 Champagnes , pints in baskets . .20 OOaSO 00 Domestic Champagne . 12a20 rortWinetf case . 5 OOalO 00 Sherries . 5 OOalO 60 Ales , Edinburg . 275 do Bass&Co'a . 275 ninnooo-JCinlfUixefraSt- . 9 75 LEATHER. Best SlanghterSoU . S3a35 Best Oak . S8a41 French Kips . 1 lOal 45 French CaffUading brands. . . . 1 25a2 10 Domestic Kips . 65 ol 00 Domestic Calls . . . . . . SOal 10 Hemlock upper , $ foot . 20a 22 Oak upper , t > foot . v 24 Grain , upper , foot . 2Qa22 Linings , v doz 7 OalO 00 Toppings , V doz \ 9 00 Morocco , ( bootleg ) # foot 85 do oUdressed 35 do Simon per skin 2 75a3 < X ) do Glove ikid 325 Boot Webbing , bolt 40&50 HARNESS LEATHER , No. 1 Pittsbnrg Oak 41 No. 2 Pittebnrg Oak 38 No. 1 Cincinnatti Oak 35 No. 2 Cincinnati ! Oak 33 No.lHemlock 35 No. 2 Hemlock.- . - . . . yt COAL , UETAIL Anthricito 1050 Blossbnrg 12 00 Wyommg 8 50 Oskaloosa 550 lowaNut 500 White Breast 660 PROFITABLE PATIENTS. The most wonderful and marvelous success , in cues whera persons are sick or wasting away from a condition of mlserablaness , tbat no ona knows what ails them , ( profitable patients for doctors , ) is obtained by the use of Hop Bitters' They begin to cure from the first dose and keep it up until perfect health and strength Is restor ed. Whoever is afflicted In this way need not snffer , when they can get Hop Bltttrs. Eee other column. , - , - ' \ I Asa. All Plaved Out T * a common complaint In hot weather. It yon < eel so , get a package of Kidney- Wort and take it and "you will at once feel its tonic power. It keeps up the healthy action of the .Kidneys , Bowels and Liver , nd thus restores the natural life and -treDgth to the weary body. BucKien's Arnica Salve The BIST SALVE in the world for Oats , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This SaJre { 'guaranteed to give perfect satiatac tlod in every case or money re Bonded. Price 25 cents-per box. For Bale by " ) 8dly J. K ISH , Omaha. . DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVEBY for Consumption , Coughs and Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , eta , is given > away in trial bottles free of cost to ' the afflicted. If you have a bad cough , cold , difficulty of breathing , hoarseness or , any Affection of the throat or lungs by all means giro this wonderful remedy a trial. As yon value your existence you cannot afford to let this opportunity pass. We could not afford , and would not ' give thta remedy away unless we ' knew It would accomplish what we claim for it. Thousands of hopeless to cases have already been completely toui cured by it. There is no medicine in uiS. ! the world that will onre one-half the S. i cases that DR. KINO'S JBW ! DISCOVERY S.F will cure. For sale by & (6) ( JAMES 3L ISH , Omaha. ' , It U well known that a relationship ex * U between piles , constipation , kidney diseases and liver troubles. In Kidney Wort we have a remedy that acts on tn general system and restores health by gen. tly aiding nature's interns' process , * MptZSd&w Acrostic WVmM'stthou my friend KOodJbealtheufoy. Each day and hour - your time employ 1C Secure repose from sickness , ills , 1Cai ThJ * thou can'st do-take Liver PiUt ; ai ft dost thou Buffer from aiw disease , aihi C&n * Wl by VTV/XWIVW diet tEese Cjused exposure , T , hi Or other fcs , what'er t heir name. Submit at once , and leave the frame , hife Like shadows darting o'er the MH. fe In terror flee from Javerfmt. - fea r years , fefr ed be , nor yield to taa " quiet , health'-bright fr Pursue tt , frro ro rote 61m LAMMIE. The Thriving Second City of Wyoming. The Bailroad Boiling.Mills and Other Industrial Institutions. A Detailed Account of the Ex tent and Value of the Mines. Correspondence of TBB Bn. LARAMTB , W. T. , May 0. Larainie , the beautiful queen of territorisl cities , is situated on an a'most worthless - loss plain an expanse of gravel drift , intersected by several streams and al most surrounded by mountains. Along tha streams lie fine meadows , and ranches have been located , fencing in the course of Big Laramie from its es cape from between mountain cliffs , nearly ts its mouth. Laramie has 4,000 population , and is second in size in the territory. The buildings are mostly of brick _ and stone , and are two stories in height. The streets are planted with ehade trees and furnished with water from large springs three miles east near the foot of the Rocky Range. The water is conducted hither throughiron aque ducts and distributed ever the city. Fire plugs are numerous along the main streets , and a stream of clear wa ter sparkles on its way down all the gut ters in summer time. Ft. Saunden is located about two miles distant , and men clad in martial dress are seen everywhere , on the street , in hotels , churches and stores. The U. P. have shops at this place , where a large number of men are em ployed. All kinds of work can be done here ; but only refitting and re building is required. The rolling mills of the U. P. road are also located here , and employ a large force of hands , The territorial pgnitentiary is a so located at Laramie. . .Laramie has for many years been s point from which many prospectors for rich minerals radiate , but the re cent discoveries iu the Jelm moun tain eection step to the front and set the land aflame with excitement. The "Jelm mines" applies tn more than simply those found in Jelm mountains , and includes all found in the Bramel district , a large proportion of which are in the Medicine Bow range , on the west aide of the Big Laramie , while Jelm mountain is wholly on the east side. Last nieht I arrived here from the Cummins City mining camp. It is a lively camp f 800 , and has located more than one hundred mines , sixty-five being recorded. Men are coming in by the score every day , and a very large portion of them remain. Den ver , Boulder , Georgetown , Omaha , Cheyenne and Salt Lake have con tributed to swell the camp , besides the agents of eastern capitalists who deaira to improve their fortunes by investment in mines. These mines are also known as the Big Laramie mines. To the south , just across the Colorado line , are the North Park mines , the principal camp there being "Jack Creek. " To the northwest are the Douglas Creek mines ; and west of these are the mines of the Snowy Range , known as the LaPlatte District. A city is being built in the Bramel district , on the -west side of Big Lara mie , called Cummins City. At pres ent it consists of a recorder's office , two hotels , a store , saloon and about fifty canvas tents. All are busily en gaged. In the morning they scatter over the hills in groups of from two to six , and return in the evening with specimens of new finds , ready to tel- the results of the day's prospecting. A. number of these mines were visited ly myself , in company with miners fiom abroad , under tne escort of Louis Miller , of Laramie. West of Cummins City one mile , ve visited a number of mines owned by Louis Miller and A. S. Blackburn ; of 6ome I will make brief mention. The "Betsey Jane" shows free gold , besides rich quartz which assays from $358 to $1470 per ton. A shaft has been sunk 12 feet. "Happy Dick" lode is down 40 feet , and assays $70. "Red Rover" assays $242.40 ; 'Inde- pendence , " down 14 feet , assays $112. assays were made by E. E. Bar * linjame , of Denver. The lead runs froa. E.S.E to W.N.W. Juit above these is the "Gold Mt. " owmd by Cummins & Co. , of Den ver. It shows free gold and excellent quartz. On the opposite aide of the river , In. Jelm mountain , Cummins & Co. own tivj "Western , " which shows very little frt * gold , but a fine quartz. An assay from this mine , we ore in * formed , shows $72,000 per ton. The vein is three feet in width. A shaft was sunk twelve feet and then work ( was begun on a'tunnel to strike it at aidepth of 60 feet. The "Southern , " near the "Western" has a four feet rein , and assays $37,000. The "Bin Mountain" mine DJttHi by a shaft fifteen feet deepyT a well defined heavy ledge and assays $80 gold and 50 ounces silver. This company have Dther , rich mines , "Highland Chief.- . "Cloud CapJtJ-"Rob Boy" and "Yel- lowhammer"T , W. S. Bramelowns the < < Rosebua , " C "Red Cloud , " . 'Goldit ke" " thd "Western No. 2. " Shafts are sunk six feet in the first- two , and all fur aish a very fine prospect. Ool. C.'F Kimball & Co. , from Michigan , representing large capital , lave opened np the "Nina Belle , " "Eliza Harrison , " "Michigan No. 2. " "Smithfield" and "Pontiac. " Gen. Jas. Adams , for many years in the San Juan , represents a syndicate f European capitalists and has the "Phoanex , " "Jackson , " "Montezu- jia , " "Otsego , " "H. W. Kelly , " 'Rappahannockj" "Oxford , " "Ro- .1 tv , " "iiowoit , " "Ainany" and Elmira" mines. W. A. Root and J. H. Cross are uttinga twenty.ffet shaft in the 'Gilt Edge , " which is a very promis- Dg mne. tRess Ross , et al. , have'opened the "Lncy Jacham" and "Occidental. " > < Cross & GiUman'have .the , ' "Stem-1 rinder , " "Kocky Point,1 "Bullion"- nd "Rattler. " - , _ Lr M. C. Barrows , et aL , have the 'Homeward'Bound" and-"Laramie 'imes. " 1 ) ri G.R. . Brtwnrlua tHtf1" " 3n ; " Thos. Oaton-th'e < 'Hi3S re1' ; W. O.-Dp nejlhe "Excelsior ; " hbmas . _ Shipley . the "Abe . Lincoln . . ; " " " f * r-l ? im - i 0. Smita.the HEJ t Proton ; " ' B/ i1. Snider the "Antelope ; " ' Bilderback Co. have the - "Eugenie" and 'QoincupIexaV 0. A. Bunker dis- overedthe " " * "Peabody. * The gulches andrriver flat are all aken in " ' ' placer claimsV _ These mines-arenas yet undeveloped mt work has-Tjegun , in-earaeat , and hey will be soon' tested.Ttfiller'tas ight men employe arid will increase he force to fifteen next .ireek. Mort'bf the iahwar , op Md ara rick ! gold , and so o'contaln' _ nee ofsilverrr-Tbwe' mountains , no- . .Ii rhere exceed 9000 feet'asd'iha ' saoV .Ii.b .Iid aa all gone except in " .the gul&fcetvt .b A ten stamp "mill "will arrive in a 1 3w days , and C 1ft genuine boom. ftn -A line of. four-horse - itages rue daily ; ronrLaramie City and return. The \ oads are excellent , and the distance , a iirty miles , is made is font hour * . ami > The hotels of T rflmfo ire filled mi rery night with men bound for the mid lines. Thf Thornburgh hojel/kepfc b by the Kitchen Bros. , is a commodi ous and pleasant resort , and is not excelled by any house west of the Missouri river. The business men of Laramie have contributed from their own pockets the money neceasaryto fix the bridges over streams , and otherwise put ia shape the roads leading from their city to the mining districts of La Platta. Douglas Creek , Bramel and North Park. The fact that o'.d , experienced miners and capitalists have invested in these mines is a guarantee for the good character of these mines. The leading business men of Laramie hive all invesie'l in them. Some undevel oped claims have sold for $6,000 and some that have been opened by shafts are held as high aa § 100,000. The fiats between the mountains have a thick coat of black soil , which will Jbe ] kept moist during moat of the summer , and should pro duce well in all kinds of vegetables and cereals. Any amount of provisions can be had within a day's drive at Laramie , so that the difficulties attending the settlement of Deadwood and Lead- ville ore not to be encountered by Cummins City , which may rival either of the aforesaid inside of two' years. Passengers from the east or west will nave money , trouble nnd annoyance by starting out from Lar amie. JAY. UNCLE REMUS' FOLK LORE. BBEE RABBIT MEETS HIS MATCH AGAIN. Atlanta Constitution. "Dero wuz nudder man dat sorter play it sharp - on Brer Rabbit , " said Uncle Remus , as by some mysterious process he twisted a hog's bristle into the end of a pieca of thread an oper ation , which the little boy watched with great interest.'In dem days , " continued the old mm , "de beas's kyar d on marters same ea fokes. Dey wen inter fahmin' , en I speck ef de troof wuz ter cum out , dey kep' sto' , en had der camp-meetin' times en der bobbjcues w'en de weddur wuz 'gree- ble. " ' Uncle Romus evidently thought that the little boy wouldn't like to hear of any further discomfiture of Brer Rabbit , who hid como to be a eortof hero , and he was not mistaken. "I tlnught the Terrapin was the only one that fooled the Rabbit , " eaid the little boy dismally. "Hit's dm like I tell you , honey. Dey , ain't no smart man , 'cep' w'at dey'i a snmter. Ef ole Brer Rabbit hadn'ior got kcch up wid , de uabors 'ud a tuck 'im for h'ant , en in dem times dey bn'nt witches 'fo1 yo' could squinch yo' eye-balls. Dey dit dat " "Who fooled the- rabbit this time ? " the little boy asked. By this time Uncle Remus had the bristles "sot" in the thread , and he procaeded with his story. "One time Brer Rabbit en old Brer Buzzard 'eluded day'd sorter go snacks en crap tergedder. Hit wuz a mighty goodv year , en de truck tu'n out monat'us well , bur , bimeby. w'en de time come for dividin' , hit come ter light dat old Brer Buzzard ain't got nuthin' . D ) crap wuz all gone , en dey want nohin' dar fer ter to show fer it. Brer Rabbit , he make like he in a wusa fix'n Brer Buzzard , en he mope 'rouu' , ho did , like he fear'd dey gwlnterto sell 'im out. " "Brer Buzzud , he ain't sayin' nuthin' but he keep up a mons'us thinkin , ' en one day ho come along en heller en tell Brer Rabbltt dat he done fine jrole mine de 'cross de river. " 'You come en go 'longer me , Brer Rabbit , ' sez Brer Tukky Buzzud , sereo , Scratch en you kin grabble , en 'tween ne tire un us we'll make short wuk er dat gole mine , ' sezeo. Brer Rabbitt he wuz high up fer de job , but he study en study , he did , how he cwineter ; git 'cross de water , kase ev'y time he git bis fuul wet all do fambly ketch cole. Den he up'n ax Brer Buzzud how he gwine do , en Brer Buzzird he up'n say dat he'd kyah Brer Rabbit 'cross , en wid dat ole Brer Buzzud , ho squot down , he did , en spread his wings , en Brer Rabbit , he mounted , en up dey riz. There was a pause. "What did the Buzzird do then ? " asked the little boy. "Dey riz , " continued Uncle Remus , "en w'en dey lit , in do top er de high est sorter pine , en do pine w'at dey lit in wuz growin' on er ilun , en de iiuu wnz in de middle er do river , wid de deep water runnin * all 'roun' . Dey hadn't mo'n lit 'fo' Brer Rabbit , he know w'ich way de win' 'uz blown' , en by de time ole Brer Buzzard got hisse'f ballunco on a lira' , Brer Rabbit , he up'n say , sezee : " 'W'ihtTre a res'n hero , Brer Buzznd , en bein's you bi'n so good , I got sump'n fer ter tell you , ' aezee. 'I got a gole mine er my own , one w'at I make myself , en I speck wo better go back ter mine , 'fo1 we bodder 'longer yone , ' sezea. ' Denote Brer Buzznd , ho laff , he did , twell he shake , and Brer Rabbit he sing out : 1 'Hole on , Brer Buzzud ! Don't flop yo' wings w'en you laff , caze den ef you duz , sump'n ' 11 drap fum up yer , en my gole mine won't do you no good , en needer will yone do mo no good.'s V "But fo1 dey got down fum dar , Brer Rabbit done tole about de crap , en he hatter promua fer to 'vide fa'ren equar. , Brer Buzzud , he kyar 'im back , en Brer Rabbit ha walk weak in de knees a mont' afterwuds. " , THE LIME KILN CLUB. THE TKUE 8ECEET OF HAPPINESS EX PLAINED BY BROTHER GARDNER. Detroit Free Press. "Walkin1 out diimawnin' to behole de bowtiful in natur * , " began the president aa he rose , "my mind rec ollected dat I had been axed to splain de true secret of1 happiness. In de fust place , when-am a man happy ? Is it when he has lota o' momey when he has faxed his nemy when he j travels an' sees do world when he l has a good home ? An' how many grades of happiness kn ( you count up ? An. ' what am happineis when you cum to bile it down ? " During the silence that followed his last query Samuel Sh nn made an ef fort to cross his legs and knocked the pater pail bottom sid up , filling the jrogans of Giveadam Jones and tVhitelaw Skinner fell of ice-cold iquid. < "Happiness , as an ole black man ike mo defines it , " continued Brother Gardner , "am not sto' cloze , a fat ri llet , a big house an' ice-cream ebery light afore yon go to bad. When I ooked about me for a wife I didn't | ook for anything gaudy. I knew I nust mar'y a black wonan or none at II. I knew she'd be away off on her Jreek an * Latin , an' so when I got ay old woman I war not a bit dis'- jinted. She am as good as I am , an * rhat more can I ask ? When I war ree to start out I reasoned dat I nus' job 'round at dis an * dat , kae I ltd no trade. I nebber counted on lavin' more dan a cord of wood an * ive bushels of 'tater * ahead , an' I Mbber have had. I knew I'd have to ive in a small house , own a cheap log , live an * dress plainly an' keep dis . ilack skin to de grave , an' it has all if lappened jiat as I 'spected. I am uppy kase I haven't 'spected too nuch. I am happy kase I doan' fig- on what L haven't got. I am lippykase 1 reason dat de weather c't * allua be fa'r , money can't albs > 6 plenty , , good health can't alias last , XL yer beY fr'ends can't allus be touted on. .It dar' am any secret of Uppineas'I."beleve Itam dli , an'we | will now becin de reg'lar business of do occaahun. " Circaa. dan Story of a Kiss. Chamber's Journal. A man was walking along one reid , and a woman along another. The roads _ finally united into one , and reaching the point of junction at the same time , then walked on together. The man was carryings Lvga i.on kettle on his back ; ia one hand ho held the legs of a live chicken ; in the other , a cane ; and hewn leiding a goat. They neared a ravine. Said the vroman : "lamnfraidto go through that ravine with you ; it is a lonely place , and you might overpower me and kiss me by force. " Said the man : "How can I possibly over power you , and kiss you by force , , when I have this great iron kettle on my back , a cane in one hand , a live chfcken in the other , and am leading this goat. I might as well be tied hand and foot. " "Yes , " replied the woman. 'But if yon should stick your cane in the ground nad tie your goat to it , and tarn the kettle bottom- side up and put the chicken under it , then you might wickedly kiss me in spite of my resistance. " "Success to thy ingenuity , 0 .woman ! " eaid the rejoicing man to himself. "I should never have thought of this or similar expedient. " And when they came to the ravine , ho stuck bis cane into the ground and tied the coat to it , gave the chicken to the woman , saying : "Hold it while I cut some grass for the goat , and then so runs the legend lowering the kettle from his shoulders , he put the fowl under it and wickedly kissed the wo man , ai she was afraid he would. IRON TURBINE WIND ENGINE MANUFACTURED BT Mast , Fees & Co. , Springfield , 0. The Strongest and Most Durable ENGIN In the World. Hundred ! in use In Iowa and Nebraska. So'd by Dealers In marly evfry county. This cut represents our Buckeye Force Pump which is particularly adapted to Wind Mill use , as It works easily and throws a constant stream , and does not freeze up In the cold est weather. Send for price list to W. H. RAYNER , Western Ag"t , Omaha , Neb. MARTIN Haalnst received a lot o ( Spring goods. Ycu re invited to call and get pnccg , which he uaranteca the lowest in the city mlO1 1950 VJLQN1IAM DTTtrrm AVER'S AGUE CURE For the speedy relief of ver nnd Ague , Intermittent Fever , Chill FeverRemittent Fever.Dumb Ague , Periodical or Billious Fever , &c. , and Indeed all the Affections which Arise From Malarious , Marsh or Miasmatic Poisons , Has been widely used during the last twenty-five years , in the treatment of these distressing diseases , and with such unvary- "ingsuccess that it has gained the reputation of being infallible. The shakes , or chllla once broken by it , do not return , until the disease ia con tracted again. Thia has made it an accepted remedy , and trusted specific , for the Fever and Ague of the west , and the chills and fevers of the south. Ayer's Ague Cure eradicates the noxious pois on from the system , and leaves the patient as well ar before the attack. It thoroughly expels the disease , so that no Liver complaints , Rheu matism , Neuralgia , Dyeentery or Debility follow the cure. Indeed , where Disorders of the Liver and Bowels have occurred from Miasmatic Pois on , it removes the cause ot them and they disap pear. Not only is it au effectual ore , but , if vnken occasionally by patlcnta exposed to mal aria , it will expel the poison and protect them from attack. Travelers and temporary residents in Fever and Ague localities are thus enabled to def r the disease. The General Debility which is so apt to ensue bom continued exposure to Malaria and Miasma.has no speedier remody. for LIVER COMPLAINTS , it is an excellent remedy. PREPARED BY DE. J. O. AYEB & CO. , Lowell , Mass. Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. NERVOUS DEBILITY ' rital Weakness and Pros- U&tion for over-work or Indiscretion Is radically cured by It. Specific No. 28- ccssful remedy known. Price $1 per vial or 6 rials and large vial of powder for K , sent pott- fres on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' HOMED. MED. CO. , 109 Fulton St. , New Yolk. M list , Catalogue free. ] ap6daw9m ff > aria weak. SUaday at home easily nude. Costly $ iioutdtrreo. Address Trna& Co. Portland , Me A conil.m-tlon oi HOIKI. Kathu. Jfnndrntc. nd iJandc'I.r--nth : the Lett end mott cniS CI.1,11.-11"3" ? ! ! , T' ' "Creator . , and IJfe Ko ill vase er 111 1-nlih r.-i rocsitlT long' cifat TL'f giro p w Ufo Mid tljcr ( a tie sgsl nd Infirm. ftT"tJU ! rhoso < Pl Tmtnt3 causa Irrcsulanty of thobp-roli or crinaiycrran orTvlio rraniro on are T.nlc.aea "tfi h'SjaUnt , DopSrteS Trtlhouticioilcattas. youf.f Mn 3 r fjmptoms are , ! . or o'tncntTs ' , n = o Hop Utters- naltuntilyou ara rlrlv-.l > ut it you only feel Bitters ot once. Jtr op Bitters. drunk- % ZSs2 $ ? "JnvnlM > Friend ncd Ilopt , " and napeteoaorramilythoaiabowithontthenL Cct omo thin Oaf. HOP Ooraa Cixsh the mn-c test , safest and best. .tete Children. " ps an absolute and Irresistible cure for drunk cnnees , nsa ot opiora , tobacco and narcotics : SraJfor Cbmlar. ' ' OB AY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK.The Great KADE MARK. English iBemedy , . * An unfailing R ' cure for Sem inal Weak ness , Sperma- torrhea , Im .hat follow as sequence of Self-Abnsa ; lost Memory , Universal Lasa'tode , Pain In the Jack , Dimness of Vision. Premature Old Age md many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Tonsumption uad a Premature Grave. OTfuIl particulars in our phamphlet , which redfsire to send free by mail to every one. SrThe Specific If edldntu sold by all drn rlst * fl per package , or six rnckazes for $ S , or wll e ont frea by " on receipt of the money by The Gray Medicine Co. , No. 10 Kecbanlo * Block. DRKOir.Hica- iOLP IK OilAHABT J.-K. I3H. AHP BT AL DRUOOISTa KVKRTWHXBX. GO EAST TIA THE Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD I It is the SHOUT. SURE and Safe Route Between COUNCIL BLUFFS CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE and all points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC OREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. It la the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Is run PULLMAN HOTEL CAES ! In addition to these and to please all classes of travelers , it rives FIRST-CLASS MEALS at its EATING STATIONa at 60 cents each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES ARE THE FINESTI ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST-CLASS II yon wish the Best Travelinsr Accommoda ns jonwUlbuy your tickets bythta Route -AND WILL TAKE NONE OtHRR. All Tickets Agents can sell you Through Tickets via this road and Check niual Baggage Free cl Charge. OMAHA TICKET OFFICES ISM Famhara St . Cor. 14th , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorado Central and Union Pacific Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE-2 New Montgomery - ery Street. For Information , folders , maps , eta , not ob tainable at Home Tickic Ofloc , ddrns euir agent of the Company , or MARVIN HUCHnT , W- STENHETT , Genl Maura , OenT Pass. Agent , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Oon'l Agt Omaha > Council Bluffs. SIOUX CITT & PACIFIC AST St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. Tht Old Reliable Sioux City BouM 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE t From Council Blofls to And all points In Northern Iowa. Minnesota and D.kota. This line is equipped with the Im proved Westlnghouse Automatic Air Brakes and Miller platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT Is nnsurpaaaed. Elegant Drawing Boom and Sleeping Cars , owned and controlled by the c cm. piny , run Through Without Charge , betw een Union Pacific Transfer depot , Council Blu fta , . and St. Paul. Trains leave the Union P- , cine Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs at 5:15 p. m. , leaching Sioux City at 1020 p. tn and St. Paul at 11:05 a. m. , nuking a TEN HOURS nr ADVAHCB ot AMY OTHER ROUTE. Betnmlntr , leave St. Paul at StSOjx m. , arrlr- lug t Sioux City 4:16 a. m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Cooncll Bluffs , at 9:50 a. m. 3TBe sure that your ticket ! read via " 8. a Is P. B. B. " jr. a HILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , Iowa. P. E. ROBINSON , Ass't Ocnl Paso. Agent. i. H. OTJKTAN , fon.hwefliern Freight and Passenger Areat , mygOtf Council Bluffs. SHORT LINE H.8SO * . T1IE K. C.ST. JOE&C.B.R.R. , Is the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change ot cars between Omaha and Bt. Louis and but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With less charges and in advance of other lines. This entire Una Is equipped with Pullman's Palace S'eeping Care , Palace Day Coich- _ ei.-Miller's Safety Platform and Conpiur ana the celebrated Westinghoujo Air-Brake. THAT YOUR TICKET READS-E * 2TVia Kansas City , St. Joseph and"5a 2rJoeand.St. Louis. T i Tickets for sale at all coupon stations i the West. J. F. BERNARD , A. C. DAWE3 , Gen'l Supt. , Ccn'l Pass. & Tlrket Ac't St. Joseph , Mo. St. Joseph , Mo , W. C. SEACIIHEST , Ticket Agen. , 211 Fifteenth Street , betwren Famham and Donglas , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEUON , A. B. BARNARD , Pass. Agent , Omaha. Gck'l Agent , Omaha. . THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars 1 OZBCIOOO , BURLINCTON QUINCY * - A f-r.rvr.n A With Smooth and Perfect Track , Elegant Paasen. ger Coaches , and PULLMAH SLEEPING * DIKING CARS. ItIsacknowIodgodbythePrc8SsndaIl who travel over It , to bo the Brer Arronrm > and B st HIKAOIO Road In the Country. PASSENGERS GOING EAST Should bear In mind that this la the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Horthweet. Passengers by this Boats hare choice o FOUE DIFFERENT BOUTES , And tha Advaitage of SIX Dally Lines of Palace Sleeping Can from Chicago to New York City Without Change. All Express Trams on ( his Una an equipped wit * the YTestlnghouse Patent Air Brakes nd Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect Pro tection Against Accident * In the world. PDULHAM PAUCE SLEEPING AND DIMM GAU An run or. the Burlington Route Information concerning Route * , Bates , Time Connections , etc. , will be cheerfully given by applying at the office of the Burlington Route , 61 < i Hth St. , Omaha , Nebraska. a fPERKIK8 , D. W. HITCHCOCK , Oonl Manager. Gen. West'n Past. Agt. J. 0. FHILLIPI , St. Joe. , Mo General Agent. Omaha. H. P. DEUKL , Ticket Agent , Oman * . tebgdlSpp . tt htca- tcmale Ihs- * or by If vt. . HivttratM.ijOcts. fi 31 riULt , 136 p ( v * * jw * j i is iV c ctr i hr * no ml " " ONLY MEDICINE i That Acts at the SamejHme on - ! ] THELIVER , _ THE BOWELS , nl and the KIDNEYS ? ] TheflocTcatori iQS ftretho natural cleans * rr of the system. If they wori well. " will bo perfect : If they become cl' ' drcadf Q ! diseases are sure to lolloWTl , , TERRIBLE SUFFERINQ-K I Blllonsnes ? , Headache , Dysp psU'JKin- dlcc , Constipation and Piles'or Kid ney Complaints , Gravel , DUb te V Sediment In the Trine" ; HflT/ ' or Bcpy Urine ! or BlwttO . matte Palns nd Acbe < . \ _ _ . arc developed because the blood Is poisons with the hrmors taat ihoold.have.been * * " * VJJ expelled naturally- V/hy suffer longerfrom the torment "vyrV/bcar uchdlstroasfroineton- | ntlnatlon and Piles ? . i Why be so fearful becauM of d ! - ! orclcrodurine ? " S Kmtjrr-WoETwin core you. Try apaelf ta tse at once and be satlsfled. * * V ] Itlia dry vegetable compound and Y-ur Druyytst Juts U , or via get a for Intlttttfon&artnylS. Prtee.ttOO. BSSiSCSS * CO. , Prcpiaiss , Q 1 1 B C P1 i 8 D C F or tt > i ? Iis , Colds , Bronchitis OUnL U if II C , Asthma , Consumption , And ALL DISEASES of the Throat and Lungs. Put Up in Quart Size Bottles for Family Use. . . .UONT BE DECEIVED by unprinciplc.1 d-alers who try to p lm off nponyao i Rock and Uve in p'ace ol onrTOMT ROCK an i RYE. which Ii the only MbD- ICATED article nude , the GEXL'IN'E navinsr a GOVEhXMEN * STAMP on ech bottle. Extract from. Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPAF.TMKVT , OrFICK OF INTERNAL REVESt > WiHiiixoToi. D. C . Jiauair 23. 1S0. f Messrs. LAWRENCE &MAKTIX. Ill Xadlson St , Chicngo. UN. : OlXTLlMix : I ha e received a "ceniflM for-iuU"iivlosth9 Ingredients and reUtlre pr > > p < 7 > tlons nseJ in the manufacture of an article hlch you adrer Jso anil e < l under the nvne of "TULU ROCK and RYE. " 1 his componnd , accordl c to your formula. In the opinion of this ofllc * . would ha\e a sufficient quantity of the BALSAM OF TOLU to cUeitalt theadranu n acntxxl titlill art'cle in pectcral ccmplaintj , whiie the whUSy and syrup constitute an emuiuon rdnJcriuir the comround anagreeatla ramedy to ihe pa'ient. In the opm-on of this otfic j , an articl componnc'ed aceoilinc to thlj forniiln " > y properlr b < classed as a me Jlclnal prcp raiijn nndar tl-e rrotlions ot t % < heilale A , f > lowinc ! scvtiou 3,417. 0. S. KevUal Mmtut , . .adwicn eu nuimpe-J u\\i be po'd by rnujisti , AjHitntxiilra , uij Other I'erioas without renileruijf them JiaVe to piy speo.al Uxas llqu- dcalrrs. Yours Heapectfully , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. BAUM. CommlBslonof. Lawicnco & JIartln. Ch'caso , Sob Acnts for the L'nitsU St\t s and Canvli. So'd br Pnir Bljtt. Grocers and General Dealrrs everywheie. Hholeiilo AfjBt f * Neb , STEhLE , JOIKNSO > * CO. , will supply the trida at mauufactureri prices. 1 WHO 18 UNACQUAmTED W THE O ' .WlLfl CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R , IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WES'fc It * main line runs from Cnlcnco to Council Bluffs. poasinK through Joliot. Ottawa , I i nlle. Jeneseo. .Moling Itock Island. Davenport , West Liberty. Iowa Clty. Iarenso , llruoklyn. Grlnnell. DCS Molnes ( the capital ot Iowa ) . Muart , Atlan tic , and Avoca : with brunches from Ilure u Junction to Peorla ; Wilton Junction tnMuica- Ll&e , WasUlncton. FalrQeld. Kldon. L'elknap. ZentreTlllc. 1'rtnccton. ITcnton , Gallntln. Came- rnn. LcaTcnworth. Atchboil , and KanJ.os City ; Washington to Slironrney. O&kalooso , nnrt Knox- villc : Keoknk to Faralncton , Bonapanc. Ucn- tonsDort , Independent , Kl Jon , Ottumw.v Eddr- villp.Osknloosa. I'olla.Monroe , and UPS Moines : S'ewton toMonrooi DCS Molnes to Indlanola ami Wlntcrset : Atlantic to l > eirls nncl Audubon ; and A oca to Harlan. This H posltlrclf the only itallroacl , which owns , and operates a through. Ino from Chicago Into the btate ot Kannas. ThrouKb Express 1'aiaencer Trains , with Pull- nan Palace Cora attached , ere mu each way dally between CHICAGO and PEOIUA. KANSAS CITY , L'OU > CIL IILUFFS. 1.BAVKNWOBTH and ATCTIl- iON. TarouKhcajsaroaJsorunbetwccnJIil au- ice nnd Kansas Cltr. via the "Milwaukee and Rock Island HhoLino. . " The "OrentWocIc island" Is nvumlflcently cqatpnsd. Its road bed la simply perfect , and 113 tract Is laid with etecl rails. What will plen'o jou most will bo the pleasure ot onlojlnu your meals , while pnsalnc over the ! > antuul prairies of Illinois and Io wa. In one of rar macnmccnt Dtnlnz Cars that accompany all ThronBU Express Trains. Yon eel an entire meal , as Rood as Is aarred In liny Erst-class hotel , lorserenty-tive cents. Appreciating the fact that n majority of the oeople prefer separata apartments for different purposes ( and the Immense pa-c.cni.-or business of this line warranting It ) , we arc pleased to an nounce that this Company runs 1'ullman J'atacc n lor sleeping purposes , and Palace PALACE C VKS nrn run throuch to PEOKIA , BEH MOi l * , COCNCIL BL.UFFS. KAJVSAM C1XT , ATCIIIS4OX , nnd i.EAVEXAVOUTII. TlekeU Tin this Line , Unoxvn u the "Great JCock liland lluote. " nno\ < lit * all Ticket Agent * In the united -State * ami Canada. for Information not obtainable at your homo ticket offlce , oddrei * . A. KIMOBALZj , E. ST. .TOKTN- . Qen'l Bupcrlntendant. Uen'I Tkt. nnd rass'Br Art , Chicago , .i\ GHA VERiCK FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS STT A 3DES. And everything pertaining to the Furniture and Upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE W -hJST ap M mon th sat and 1310 Farnliam Street. Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator IE1 O IB , ± 88O _ MANUFACTURED BY S. P. MAST & CO.SPRNFFIELD ! , 0 They also"make Buckeye Improved Iron .Beam Walking Cultivator , with or without Sj rines. The New Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one OP two Horse Stjle. Inquire for them at thebest dealers. F. H. PTTGH , Gen. Agent , Uinaha , Seb , A. new and and hitherto nnknown remedy fo all diseases of the Kidney * , Bladder.and Urinary Organs. It m positively cure Diabetes , Gravel , Drop sy , Blight's Disease , Inability to retain or cruel the Urine , Catarrh of the Blaedar , high co.orfd and scanty urine , Painful Uncatinr , LAME BACK , General Weakness , and all Female Complaints. It avoldea Internal medicines , la certain in it effect * and cores when nothing else can. Fornla by Druggist * or sent by mail free upon receipt ot the price. 92.00. DAYKDk ! rPAOCO..PROP'RS , Toledo , O. * } ' tfStzt your Edcrew for ccr little book , LHow a Life u Saved. " , JAMES K. ISH , Agent nt nil honrs of the < 1ar. MncnlBcent Iron , liridces span the JA\if\rr'.xr \ \ nnd Missouri rivers at all points crossed bv tots line , and transfers arc avoided at Council UisflS Kansas City. Lcavcnwnrth. and Atcnlson , C'JV nectlnn * belncmade in Union Uepota. TIIK ritlNClPALi K. H. CONNKCTIONMl ! THIS c ; It EAT TUHOUUU 1J-NB A1US * S FOLLOWS : At ciucAQo.wlth ail diverging lines /or dUt Rut nnd boutn. At KNOI.EWOOD , with the L. S. i il.8rad / - Ft. W.Jtlllt. IMS. IMS.i.v HEIGHTS , with P. . i & it , At LA SALLr.with IIL CentK. K. At 1't.oni.wlUi 1' . H.AJ. ; P. D.iK.r L B , & W. : 111. Mid. : nnd T. l . & W. Rds. At HOCK ISI MU , - nlthMilwaukee & KcCc Island hort Line , " and Itock Isl'd , t Ten. Hi' . AtDAVE.vpouT. nlta tha Uavcnport IM-Uija C.M. * bt.lMl.lt. At\VESTl.IDEnTT.-ilththon aK.A N.P i * . At liuixxiuilth Central lows U. IL. At Council. BLtrrrs. Tilth Union I'aclno 1C. II. At OMAHA , with U. iMo.IL.lt. 1U In N . . , . . . At OrrnMWA. with Central Iowa JU U. s W . Et. U & l'ac _ nnd a B. * . It. lids. At KEOKCK. with TolPco. * War. ; Walv , Louts & 1'ac . and Bt. U , Keo. & N.-W.il.Itils. At CAMKKOV. with II. St. J. K. K. At ATCIIISOX. with Atcb _ Topeka & bacta 1 01 Atch. A > cb. nnd Ccn. Itr. U. I' . 1C. lids. At J.EAVE.NWOUTU. with Kan. 1'ao , acdlCiu. Cent. IU lids. At KANSAS ClTr.wlth all lines Xor the Wo * and Southwest. HOME TESTIMONY. Hear what Ex-Mayor Garvey , an and prominent citizen of Piqoa , sav > : PIQW. O , December 29 , 1870 The DR. EosjUfKoMsoiaia Co , Fiqtu , O. : OctTLBMlx I feel under m ny oblfaatlowto you for tha relief afforded me Ly the use of your Invaluable medicine , Dr. Boenko' * Bhenmatta Cure. I have been for many Tea's a sufferer from Chronic RheamatimJ , suffertae at time * most excruciating pato' , and deprifiofr me manynlffhts'jlteo. After coniultinc anomlxr of phvuiciacs nd obulnlnz norellef. I urn mcncedusinfryoar Bhenmatlc Cure and after bottles and taking the Blood Purlfl Ui& ' four , r In conneetion with it , I am absolutely enred rM from any pain , able to attend to my bmiocssaod resting perfe'tly comfortable" at nurbt. " * ' JUspectfullyyonr * , S. B. OAHVBY. FREE Dr. Eosaiiko'i Treatiig on Rheuma tism and fttet lent on application. Addres The Dr. Bosanko Medicine 'Co ' , PJQtJA , OHIO. m2-d w - C. r. GOODMAN , Aent , Omiii , .