Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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, OODMiXOA < = ! .8r
8 331 ?
43 ' * :
, IX. OMAHA , NEBEASKA , WEDNESDAY , MAY 13 , 1880. NO. 279
rLI f \ MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
IB !
Ben HUllnterests Himeelf
Taking Up the Senate's "T
. v iTtae to Speak Against"
Kellogg , _ . -
"Che "House * Votes"to Regain
m a Republican Member
g J From Pennsylvania. ! ; * | " '
And Indignantly Bepels an At-T
-.tempt o Cat Down Con-
Hi i * 'S . , _ < , ' . * - i
tw ' *
" gresamens Salaries. -
TheyJ ritter Away an.Evening-
Only Doing a.Quarter of
fhnir Wnrlr. ' _
Bptdal dispatch to The Bee.
WASErtroTOF , May 11 4 p. m.
8 * - "
-g < - v
jlhe ganeral * allotment bi'l , which
{ praji3eifor4h'e settlement of all In
dian tribes upon agricultural lands in
their several .Tessrvation. , will * be
K v 1 . * " 3
reported favorably to the house.
" " " " " " ' . . " '
CpeeUI DlspatclTto The Bee. - .
CHICAGO Mayjll 4 p.f ro. The
Journal's Wairiingtpif special says :
There was a fair audience in' the Bent -
t i i&ea Ben Hill Beg-m his speech
? > nlhe Kellogg1 caie. ' "He1 'is
full of bitternes , and speaking with
much force- ,
- '
A member of 'the ways and means
tbaflhe resolution to
adjourn early ia June will be agreed
? - fc * " f * * t
ojon Thursdayf' ' ( > '
the Curtin Yocum
contesled e'evtion casa by adopting a
resolutlbn-TJliS. , to S-i-Jhat-Yocum ,
sitting member , ii entitled to hi * seat.
{ Ehejfpllpwincrvdemocrats' voted 'with ' i .
Aikin , Bcuck ,
Chalmers.JEulloD ,
fe'.ter , 7Jone 7 Lowe/
Rchardsor ? > , i
( of Soulff Carolina ) , Richmond , Roth-
well , Singleton , ( of Minnesota ) , Stepho
Tilmanand Wright.- . *
committee , of the
house will endeavor under
, suspen TI
sion Xf ] < the.rules , to put through the Clo TICl
river and harbor bill next Monday. o
Special Dispatch to TnB BJ * A i C
WASUINGTON , May 11 , 4j . m. p
Tte BMiate"took uptha bill to provide
for lettlinc ; certain"land , claims in ricl
Wyoming Arizona , New Mexico , clro
Utah , KeVada and Colorado , but the
TnormngTiour soon expirecl-and the ciiP'
bill wont over. * P'
Senator Hill said he proposed to teA
addre . himselt chiefly to the legal A
vieVs involved in the question of the
Kellogg-Spoffurd cae , to the facts :
onlyas { hey maybe neceatary to elu
cidate the tubject. The resolutions
reported by the committee state that , P
according to testimony before the Ben- cevi
ate , Kellogg was not chosen bytho vicc
legislature and that Spofford was. If ccai :
the first statement is correct , the second aicc
end must follow , for it is conceded ccT
that the lexwla'ure was elected in ccol
187G. The committee's report gives olw
two reaioB3 > fcr , the allegation thai olSI
Kellogg wasnnotl elected ; * firar that SIti
the body thafis alleged tohaye elected tiat ;
Kellogg w&spnoTJ th'o slfgwlataje of atEC
Louisui9atand , seconJiUis conceded EC
that there was , under the evidence , no" ECst
quorum present , and the members stoi
were controlled in theij votes by brib oi >
ery and corruption , practice'd. by the teer
Bitting member. Senator Hill then er ;
lubmitted arguments on those two
proposition * . The first question to
be considered wa , what constitutes rehi
the legislature of the state. It was a hi
body determined to bo such by authority - him
thority of the > mate , * and thologislir ! m
ture tiatfelccted Kellogg was not jsnch io
a bodyij Continuing he'sud-tbaV the
senator from Masaactiusettef ( Hear ) Co
talked'largely abou ihe , revolution in
Apnl lSTt/and' bywhich the Pack- fate
am legislature was overthrown. What
was the revolution ? Simply the teAt
withdrawal of troops , that which had At
existed simply by I6cee"fellIwHe'n that at
force was'withdrawn. . Did anyone th
ever hear of a government overthrown
by the withdrawal of fores J alGi
overthrown by fbrce , not Gi
by the" withdrawal of force. This is Gih
proof of the hghot ? description that
the Packard' legislature Had not'jbTe !
faith of the popular will. How can
that be a legislature of the state that
has co foundation in the will of trie -
people ? Could the army invest these
da [
persons withjiuthonty ta , make laws ? daM
What if Lou'Sla'aa .quietlyi-peaceably M
and legally and forever settled forTher-
ceH which of these two bodies-war her wi
legislature ? She has Bald that this ni
body that pretended to elect Kellogg
no executive officer enforce the laws
of this legislature , nor has anyone inhi
obeyed one. The state has further
decided that another bo'dy was' her hiwi
legislature ckcted by the election ot wiPI
Ll&aators % . ! PI >
1876) say-that t fcAi.1 „ PIWI
AW s w off . * rr J m v > ' > * tfc * JW
f W t. - < * f " m
* ' " WI
senifor'they can reverse the "decision WIm
of another state. This is to imperil m tn
the rights of senators and produce th
constant confusion. But , * tlio- only
protection is to hold that the senate
cannqt reverse the decision " _ p jthe
state f 6th'cnriie. the sUto
power of the senate. Webster , in the SP
case of LuthCjT Vs. Bodcu , said hats "
state alone can settle'this question , and
upon its decision every mouth , is
stopped. A aucc&csor of.Danicd WIhi
Webster in the senate has put it in
writing tbat the senate alone can de-
Senator Hill then argued at length
that the itato alone had the right to in
determine who should represent her
ant - 0senate ( could , not do it- The ?
senate had decided that' the Packard
legislature was not the leal one. Re n
ferring to the doctrine of "res adjudi- ee
cata , " he said that the proposition'was
to turn the senate into
a judicial CT
re/twron c'P-UrP2S8 ° f dob"thjs " "
that ! ? J4ieS docttmtfof ? "res * > adjndicatiff L To'Sy > ' ol n
as appUedin. the , courts , , aa-ap i-
cable in the senate , U absurd.Wt op
xc * f ? j * - . 4
.awNst- " ' -r
power to judge of the election of its
own members 1 defies no vinclude the
power to""judge as to what , is the legislature -
, islaturo T > f trie statel fJBut , even
granting it that power , it mnst be ex
ercised within the constilutien. This
docs not give the right to declare that
one legislature is not the legal legisla
ture. _ , - ' - -
_ Sena'or Hill then took up the sec-
oncTpropoaitioD , that , granting that ' it
was tbo legal legielaturdj Kellog'g was
not elected ; first , because there was
not a quonnn ; andsecond > . . .becaaae
tnemberj w'erecontrolled Sby b'nb'ery
and corruption Jrom the evidence } JHe
argued ' that there was no quorum pre
sent in'eiiher hofisej and he described ,
the efforts made to secure a quorum. ,
evidence of Eribery"'ilaiinply '
overwhelming. As an evidence of
bribery ; he showed how Kellogg's
Friends had been rewarded.
Before his speecn had been con
cluded , the senate adjourned.
The housenhis-niorning ioos : ' np
.he Cnrtin-Yocum elefction'cij % *
The house then -went into commit
tee of the whole on the legislative ap
propriation bill , Mr.jDox in the chair.
Mr. , Atkins explained'tbe pro visions
of the'bill. In'some catcs , he said , it
may be in'part objectionable 'to some
> f the employes of the government ,
jut ho believed as a.whole it would
ommend itself to tha house. The
Jill was § 57p 884iC esJthan.JheJj23.ti- |
naloj. biitru'was somewhat4 larger
.ban the appropriation f or th'e current
itcal year , ie explained that the
bill was approved' bythe' committee
on appropriation * , * end he saw no
reason why it could not ba passed .in
day or two. '
Mr. Bankev ° f Indiana , also "en-
iorsed the bill , and hoped it would
be passed without amendment.
Mr. Oirard-sald , in-view o these
,1 statements from both side ? , that gen
eral debate might as well close at once
andthirbiU-bs' comidered 'by para
t Ther was a slight objactiontojakj
'but the motion prevailed that the'coHi-
initteerriserwhtn debataNvas closed
and the houte gain'went into commit-
.tee.and immediately got'down to a con
sideration of the bill under ! theifive- le.
fjllr. Whithorn' offeredt an iameBd- >
.rnont to ihe first clause relating to conv *
psnsation of senators , providing tbat
salaries -ehall-be at the rateof9350
per month. Ho said if that , wan , adopt'
ed ho would make tho'aamorapply to
the" housa , and ' th'en ' would pro"vid5that
payment sh'ould'be only for the time
of actual service. ( There wera cries of
"Vofo ' ! " "Vote J" from all parto-ofc
the hall. ) Mr Whlthora taid thit hV
was not deterred , iy tt tcry. * He *
would see to } if congress * was to b
confine its work totpassiii .ealaryjbills | tl
or in attending to other legislation. tltl
Mr. Whithorn's amendment was re tl
jected. < tlol
-SJY. McMillan , of Tennessee , offered olfa
ui amendment reducing the alaries of fatl
ougressmou to 84,000 perjannum. tltl
Elojected. , . tlfc
Pending an amendment to fix sala- fcm
ies of journal clerk and ot reading tl
lerks at $3,000 each , the' committee sp
osa. cii
osa.On matiou of Mr. Knott , the jucll- ar
iary committee was authorized to arat
irint for the use of the committee the at
estimony taken in the case of J. H. atof
xcklin. to
At 4:30 p. m. the house took a re- tom
ess until 7:30 p. m. hi
The session to-night was for the pur-
ese < of considering the bill to amend
sertnin sections of title 4842 of the ro-
rised statutes of the United States m
oncaruing commerce and navigation
ind the regulation of steam vessels , w
It !
jommonly called the steamboat bill.
Clio first amendment , for the purppS3
f bringing all vessels of navigation
fithin the jurisdiction of the United fea
itatea undtr the same rulos'of ' naviga- a
ion as respect * lights and'for ' meeting cliM
ind passing , was adopled 'ns were also
lomeother , amendmentsT' ' % * $ tiiUfl
Section 4234 amended so as to Uflnc
iubj'ct the real offender to a penalty ncm
f punishment for the offense commit- m
ed , arTd liot'merely ioQibld the own- th
rs of the vessels responsible for dam- eB
iges ha
igesMr. . Reed offered an amendment to
egulato tha salaries of inspectors of sn
mils in different districts. ce .
Pendlngconsideration of the amcnd-
nent , and without disposing of one-
bttrth of the.bill , the houseadjourned. lo
lorrespobdeace of THB BBS. is
" *
- county-May8AThV 18
armera are feeling good over the rain te
o-day. It was a steady light rain for fear
ibout two hours. There is a larger H
.vcrago of corn planted here this year 49
ban last. This part of the county is 49ni
bout equally divided betweonJBlaine. th
JrautiandJTilden , but think Elaine ie
. , . . . co
LOS the majority.
a goodjnsny-f t cattle in
his"paii yet. Farmers ara holding hade
hem for 4 cents per lb. do
-.Our 'usually ' quiet neighborhood wa bf
hrbwn info'great excitement on Tues " th
ay morning by the , news that Mr. sp
ftchoja'iad both of hb horses stolen 18
londay night , about 8 o'clock. There en
roro some 20 men ent in pursuit in bu
directions , and at dark Tuesday f0i
light the thief and hones were caught
wo miles this side ofLincoln < rThe foi
nlefio HUMm our county allt await-
ag trial. Much praise is duo Messrs.
iichaol and , Foster for capturing
tim. Had it not been for the fact that Sprat <
have an organization for mutal
rotection ogainsf fhorae * ftie vesr .Tie1 rat )
onld doubtlcsa'havo 'gottoff J 5f any lal
nore horaes are stole I think it will be thmi
urned into a vigilbnce committee and mita
on .woo be to them if caught. ta
Your truly , be
Kallocb's Impeachment. '
pedal Diipatch to TDK Bn. ' i
"feAK FBANCISCO , May li 1 a. m. ist pa
Complaints against ilayor Kalloch de
vere filed -yesterday afternoon , and 18
impeachment called far.
We offer a first-class w lto laun-
Iriod ishbrt , with an improved ri' "
prced front , made of Wamsuttamns- _ da
, 3-ply boeem and1cunYj of 2200
inon , at the reduced price of $1.50. cit
he worJcmanship , fit and ityle ol oar
hirts aie placed in competition with , * OE
d shirt sold in Omaha. Wo guaran-
entire aatiafac ion , or will refund Sp <
- . We mako'lo
he-money. order every
rado of shirts and underwear , give [
otter "goods for leas money than can Fr
hirtings are of. the choicest patterns , -AS
underwear we cannot' bofnnder -
ald. - - " Sp
Omaha Shirt Factory' , 252Faraiiui ;
pposlta Grand Central Hotel , o f i ae
British Operatives , Barely
Able to Keep Body and
Soul Together ,
Make a Demand for Higher Pay ,
V But Employers Say They
AIQ All Eight ,
Lockout Threatened , and if it
Comes Big Riots May
Gladstone Repays an Energetic
Liberalby Having Him
Elevated , to Peerage.
* *
A Prussian Village Burned
1000 People Destitute.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
LONDON , May 11 4 p. m. A com
mission will probably be sent to India
to investigate the country's financial
All mills in the Manufacturers asso
ciation will be closed uolcsi trorkmen
withdraw their demand for an advance-
Special. D ( patch to .Tho Bee. ,
BEULIN , May 11 4 p. m. Affairs
between .Bismarck and the reichstsg
- * v. ,
are considered senoue.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , May 12 1 a. m. Affairs
in the Lancashire cotton districts have
assumed a very gloomy and threaten
ing aspect. A meeting between em
ployes and delegates of workers in
twenty-fire cotton-making towns , was
held yesterday in Manchester. The
men presented the case strongly , and
urged it with no little eloquence.
They gave figures to show that at their
present rate of wages , and with all
possible economy , they were barely
able to ieep body and soul together ,
and were unable to lay aside anything.
Employers , on the other hand , ex
hibited figures to show- that they were
now carrying on their business on a
very narrow margin , and that the five
per'cent. additional wages demanded
by ; the men would absorb more than
the profits that they were making ,
Discussion was protracted and warm ,
the men insisting that the figures
af the employers were misleading and
Fallacious. The masters finally told
the men that they would not grant
ihe advance demanded , end also in
formed them that if the weavers did
lot withdraw their notices to strike ,
hey would lock them out. The news
pread rapidly , and causes much ex-
itemenK Tlja situation b serious ,
ind. 13 regarded with much apprehon-
ion. Serious disturbances are feared
md it is thought likely that the riots
if last year will ba repeated at Pros-
on. A hundred additional police-
nen are ordered , and the military
lave been ordered to hold.themselves
n readiness for any emergency.
Right Hon. Robt. Lowe , liberal
nember of parliament for London
University , has been created a peer ,
nth : the title of Viscount Sherbrook. l
t is understood that Mr. Gladstone Ia
ras somewhat puzzled as to what dis- IC
tosition to make of Mr. Lowe. Ho C
pit that it would not do to offer him o
cabinet position , as his record as r'
hancollor of the exchequer under o
Jr. Gladstone's former administra- .
ion , from December , 1868 , to Auga ,
ist , 1873 , when he resigned was Bj
tot rfuch as to commend him as att'able ti
nan for official responsibility under fi
he now government ; st 11 it was neef °
ssary to recognize , in some way , his h
ervicej to the liberal party , which '
tad b een heartily rendered and to no
mall degree effectual during the rer'
ent campaign. Thus , it came about E
hat Air. Gladstone recommended his a
lovation to a Beat in the house of
ords. "
Mr. Lowe is now G9 years of age , u
laving been born at Bingham , in a
811. Ho was educated at WinchesV
er , and at University college , of Oxb
ord , where he graduated in 1833. , E
Je began practice at the bar in 1842 , | w
nd immediately afterwards he went tl
Australia , where he spent about j a
line yean , attaining legislative honors
here. After his return to England
filled various official positions-in
onnection with the boards of trade
nd education. He entered parlia- :
lent for Kidderminster , in 1852 , and
as since represented Calne and Lon-
on University. Mr. Lowe was one "
the most strenuous opponents of
heTeform bill , and an edition of his
peechei on the subject appeared in
8C7. In the tame year ho was
reatfd an honorary L.L.D. of Edin-
urgh , and honorary D.C.L. of Ox-
jrd in 1870. His elevation to the
aerage necessitates a new election
jr member pf parliament for London
ptcUI Dispatch to Tni Bn.
LONDON , May 12 1 a. m. The
trike among the Liverpool dock to
borers has ended by a concession on
lie part of the masters of the de- of
lands of-the pen , pending an arbi-
ration for which arrangements have
eon made.
pociil Dispatch to Tmi tost.
LONDON , May 13 1 a. m. A dis-
atch from Teheran says famine ex
its in the Persian provinces , and 600
eaths have occurred tinco January
8th in Urimina district.
poclal Dlspmtch to the Bee ,
HAMBUEO , Mayl2 la. m. Yester-
ay an explosion occurred at the gnn-
owder factory at" Gasthach , near this X
ity , and fonr persons were killed.
pedal dispatch to The Bee. ( : X
ROME , May 12 1 a. m. Signer
azzoni , the grand master of Italian
'reemuons , is dead.
Bee. . :
LOOTXMT ; May 121 a. m. At "a. it t
leethig ol elghiy operativai held at F
_ _ . - . . ' * 0.1 . j
Rlackburn last evening , they rejected
the delegaies advice to remain at
work , and resolved to strike. There
was much enthusiasm and unanimity
among the operatives.
Special Dispatch to Tha Bee.
BBBXIN , May 12 1 a. m. The
town of Baumholder , twelve miles
northeast of St. Wendel , has been de
stroyed by fire and upward * ' ofone
thousand persons are destitute.
Spedal Dispatch to The Bee.
Tha United States ship "Constella
tion" sailed yesterday for Annapolis.
AM she passed down all ships and the
forts dipped their eLsigns , and vast
crowds on the shores cheered heartily.
The wind'was favorable.
Sickening Death of Six Men
From an Explosion of a
The Bodies Horribly Mangled ,
and One Literally
Blown to Atoms.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
BALTIMORE , May 12 1 a. m. A
terrible tragedy occurred here yester
day afternoon , in which six persons
lost their lives and two others were
badly wounded. It appears'tbat Da
vid It. Shannon & Co. , junk dealers ,
had purchased at Fort McHenry a '
large quantity of condemned shot and
shell , among which were a number of
cases of conical shells about four
inches in diameter , and about twelve ,
inches long. The missiles wJro'tiken
outsfde'cf the Fort walls to the" liver
ahora to be broken up and the powder
extracted before they were smelted.
Those engaged in , the work were Her
man Bustjjifteen years old , John
Fardle , tfiirFy-four yearaj" F. G. Shan
non , twenty-nine , and Henry Haldin ,
twenty-two. There were also jiear by
John Burk , a boy , and RobertStet-
man , aged twenty-four , and two oth
er * , names unknown. ' 'The shells
were placed on an anvil , and Bust
held them while Fardla struck with a S
sledge. Several had been successfully
opened in this manner , but finally one
exploded with a terrific report which
was heard all over the city. A num
ber of men ; ran to the spot , and a sick
ening sight presented itself , shells and
other shot being scattered in every di i
rection , while stone dead were stretched
ed the lifeless bodies of Fardle , Slot-
man , Bust , the boy Burk and the two
unknown men , all of whose bodies ;
were terribly burned and mangled.
One ( of the unknown was literally ;
blown 1 to atoms , the largest piece
found being a portion of an arm from
the elbow down.
Prize-Fighters' Flotilla Chased
ASbut by a Canadian Propeller :
peller Loaded With
8p [
Narrow Escapes From Fire Fifil
and Storm. filPJ
Special Dipatch ta The Bee. an
EIUE , Pa. , May 12 1 a. in. On anm
the ! arrival of the fleet of boats of
Rook and Donovan , the prize fighters , co
at Long Point , it was found that la ad
Canadian propeller"with military were '
on the shore armed with' Henry rifles , !
r.ady to repel the fighters. Several pu
of : the crowd wanted to go to shore , tai
and two men jumped into a sail-boat flo
and made an attempt to land. The CO
sheriff met and informed the delega COBl
tion that ho was bound to stop the sei
Bght , and that he had two companies seiws
ot the Hamilton volunteers to assist ho
him. Severe ! of the crowd said they de
would ; laud anyway'but the sheriff ex
was determined , and the barrels of the exKi
rifles ' deterred them from doing so. de
Donovan's boat had not yet arrived ,
and Rook's went in search o them.
Rough water ? and heavy-'wiSd-v had CcM
broken it down , and and it Jay M
unable to proceedjand awaiting Miist- In
ince. : The steam launch "J. H. "
Welsh , " with members of the press on
board , caught fire half-way between
Brie and Long Point , but the flsms we
trero put out , when it was thenfojund' wepi
that there was no water in the boiler , oxCr
ind ! intense excitement prevailed on Cr
board 1. The "Annie P. Dorr , " which' of
brought a large party of excursionists
" in charge of "Happy ,
LIUJ1I JJUUt * l/j AU \ UO * U V * jklM JkiJ ,
Tack , " Hart's5 trainer , came to the res- on
ue or all on board would have been yo
oat. The "Dorr , , " after taking the ne
nembars of the press from the
"Welsh , " hurried to the "JI. W.
Thompson , " Donovan'sboat , and took tic
ier in tow. f
A conference was held between the
pugilists , aud Rook said that hewould , gl'
5ght anywhere , and the b'oatslieade'd thmi
tor a point of land fifteen miles be
low Long Point. As the crowd were itY ;
ibout to land , the Canadian steamer <
igain hove in sight , her decks swarm as
ing with military. It was found im ex th
possible to land , 'and the"/fight was
abandoned for a time. Donovan went <
Buffalo and Rook to Erie. A meeting - : "
ing was held between representatives ? 0
the pugilists , and another place
agreed upon.
Postofflce Cnanges
In Nebraska and Wyoming , during sp
the week ending May 0 , 1880 , fur- Sti
Dished by Wm. Van Yleck , of the Stihi
postofllce department , for THE OMAHA Bl
BEE : ve
Established Gosper , Gosper coun thH
, Robert V. King , putmaster. idrii
Postmasters Appointed , Graft , , rii
Baflan county , Henry M. Hicks ; _
Lowell , Kearney county ; Isaac A.
Matlick ; Pilzen , Saunders county , F. AiBt
Kbbik ; Roca , Lancaster county , Oil- Bt
' * BtTa
ounty , Carl Feyerheim ; Spring Be
jJreen , Furnas county , E. Hurlbut. ,
Postmaster -Appointed Sherman , M :
ilbany county , A. G. Chapin.
A large Assortment ot cook j *
reasonable prices , rei
f .C f * 9i
Two Presidential Candidates
Happen in New York at
the Same Time.
Both Men Lionized and Sherman -
man Overrun With Dia-
tiugushed Visitors.
They Cautiously Express
Themselves onThatCook
County Muddle.
The Washburne Men Hold the
' BaJance.of Power in
- the State.
The Tal&in the East.
; pjcbl dispatch to The Bee.
, < pHiCAoo-May 11 4 p. mr--The
Journal's' Washington spacial says :
* rant men ara considerably demoral
ized over the action of the Cook
taunty convention yesterday , but they
laue their hopes somewhat buoyed up
i > y telegrams from Logan. Many
persons here think yesterday's proceedings -
ceedings will have a national bearing
apon'the presidential question. Some
(3rant ( men now talk very bitterly
against Washburno.
' The Illinois Slate.
'Special Dispatch to Tni Bu.
GmaJLOO , May 12 1 a. m. The
\Yashburne-BIaino delegates elected
tatne Springfield convention held a
meeting yesterday , and declared the
act'wu of the Grant men witbont pre
cedent. They resolved to stand to
gether in the state convention , and are
eerUiSJof , victory. They figure the
state as follows : Seventy-nine coun
ties haytH elected 225 Blaine , 225 j
Grant and 13 Washburne delegates.
The twenty-two remaining may elect
39 for Blaine , 56 Grant , 11 Wash
burne ; total , Blaine , 264 ; Grant , 281 ;
'German SpunK. *
* *
3pctil , * Dispatch to Tnn Ess.
PBOVJDEKCE , R. I. , May 12 1 a.
m , The ball which was set rolling by
the Wallace'committee has received a
Fresh impetus. On Monday the Ger
man-American electors of the state
issembled in this city and organized
political body , adopting resolutions
ind ) demanding a just recognition and
lepresentatlon in state and municipal
tffairs and government , tha introduc-
ion of the study of the German
u8go in the public schools , and call
ing for the repeal of the property
justification clause in the state char
ier , the presence and enforcing of
nrhich , makes Rhode Island appear as
republican state when the citizens
ire largely democratic. The resolu
tions further call upon the German
inhabitants of the state to procure ,
American cltlzanship and unite and
a-operate ft/tha association , being as
unit on all political questions.
Coincidence or What ?
pedal Dispatch to Till Bu.
NEW YOBE , May 12-1 a. m. The
rifth Avenue hotel yesterday was
illed with republican magnates , wire
luller * , office seekers and delegates to
he Chicago convention. The simul-
anoous. arrival of Secretary Sherman
nd Senator Blaine ia regarded as
aore than a mere coincidence at the
iresent time. The split in the Cook
ounty convention in Illinois Monday
dels still inoro importance.
The visitors attract a large share of tog ;
ublic attention to them. The score- g ;
iry is located in the parlor of the first i
oor , occupied by the republican state
onvention during many campaigns.
Maine and wife the
occupy a room on
econd floor. Tha secretary's room fas
ras crpwded"by visitors from an early
our. Among , the first was a large ei
elegation from New Jersey including eihi
x-Congressman Geo. A. Halsey , Gen. him
lilpatriok and B. F. Throckmorton ,
elegates to the.national convention.
In'aa interview Sherman said of the
look county ( Illinois ) convention
londay : "It is becoming very warm '
own th'ere. 'They have had a very fere
ively time , I should say. " re
Reporter "And it may become * > "
rarm elsewhere1' ?
Sherman " Wellj that is a matter I
rould not care to'enter Into 'ast now. @
course it is only reasonable to
xpect that other places will as ai
Inicago , before many days , bo ecenes 01ro
still more lively tilts. " ro
R. "Here in New York ? " roei
S. "I cannot express any opinion eiot
this local contest. In fact , well , ot
ou must understand I come on busi-
ess. " k
R "To meet Mr. Elaine ? "
The secretary enjoyed this sngges-
ion with a hearty laugh and disposed
the question with : "Well , Mr.
laino and I are very good friends ,
es/.warm friends , and I am always
lad ' to Bee him , but in a contest like
tie present Mr. Elaine's interest and
line may not exactly harmonize , but N
will bo through'friendly contest , N
'ou can understand that it is as much M.
fought perhaps to say , so you will JiN
xcnsa me if I do not enter further on N
he subject. "
Gen. Kilpatrlck , who spent a long
ime Monday evening and Tuesday
Drenoon ] with Sherman had a long in-
srview with Elaine after leaving Sher-
In regard to his prospects Elaine
poke hopefully to friends and pre- :
icted that there wouid be gains in
tatea for him , not yet pronounced in L
favor , at the national convention. 37
Maine said of the Cook county con-
ention that it was the beginning of
he end end he regarded it as one of
he greatest prospects in his favor ,
lo felt satisfied that with third-term
leas disposed of , he will outstrip all
"here are some that gather , who do not
grow ,
ind some that reap , that are but sow ! 3
tut the honest farmer , blunt and plain , J7
7ho has never learnt to drink champagne ,
'akes JEdectric Oil when he is sick ,
Because it cures him very quick.
Headquaitera for Joe Schlitz'a S ]
lilwaukee "beer at MEBCHANTS' Ex-
N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge. ed
LAWN MOWEBS forXodi * * aud Child. a ]
very light running , do work. B (
cheap , at n
New York Monev and Stock
RAILROAD BHNDS-Weak and lower.
D. S. Sew per cent. . V. V. . .
_ . _ , STOCKS.
RockliUad . _ . .
Lake Shore
: : : : : : : : : - : . .
W baa , St. Loub and Pacific. . . . . . . " " 3 ?
" *
preferred . , j
Han. & St. Jo .
' ' ' "
p : wi
Union PkcSE . " "AlV.V.V.VAW.-n * / w 3 |
Central Pacific. . C3
Northern Padfle 21 }
do preferred 41 }
W ten Union Telegraph 103j
Pacific Mall _ 3 3
U. P. Land Qranta . ' . 110J
Chicago Produce.
CHICAGO , May 11.
Wheat Rather quiet and generally
ligher , but closed a shade lower ; No.
2 , § 117i@l 18 , closed at § 117 bid
"or cash ; § 1 17 @ 1 18J , closed at
§ 117f for May ; § 1 ll1.12i , closed
at § 112k bid for June ; No. 3 9Cc ; re-
'ected , 82@87c ; No. 2 , red winter ,
SI 11 bid.
Corn Fairly active , firm and high
er ; No. 2 and high mixed , 363@37ic ,
closed at 37c for cash ; 3637c ,
closed at 37c bid for May ; 3636c ,
closed at 361c bid for June ; 36f © 36c ,
closed at 363Gc for July ; rejeoted ,
Oats In moderate demand and
without important change ; No.
2 , 30gc for cash and May ; 29 c for
June ; 27527c for July.
Rye No. 2 , 80c for "cash.
Barley Lower ; No. 2 , 78c for.
Pork Fairly active , firmer , higher ;
$10 15@10 25 tor cash ; S10151017
for June ; $10 25@10 27 for July.
Lard Fair demand ; $670 for cash ;
S6 906 92Jq ( > for June ; § 6 95 for July.
Bulk Meats Boxed shonlders ,
$4 20 ; short ribs , $6 25 ; short clear ,
S6 45.
Whisky SI 08.
The markets were quiet and ateady.
Wheat-Si 173 for May ; SI 12J for
June ; SI 06 for July.
Oa's ' 30c for May ; 30o for June ;
28c for July. '
Pork S10 20 for Juno ; § 10 95 for
Bulk Moats Short ribs , S6 25 for
New York Produce.
NEW YORK , May 11.
Wheat Cash , @ 2C better , aud fu
tures fairly active ; ungraded spring ,
SI 10@1 15 ; No. 3 spring , SI 1- ; V
No. 2 spring , SI 221 25 ; ungraded
red , SI 25@1 3H ; No. 2 do , Si 31A ®
131 | ; mixed winter , ? 1 28 ; No.'l
white , § 1 23@1 247 ; No. 2 red , May.
$1 31J1 32i.
Corn Demand active ; ungraded ,
,48S52c ; No. 3 , 0(351c ( ; No. 2 , 51 ©
51Jcyellow western , 51cNo. 2 May ,
Oats Stronger ; mixed western , 41
® 42c ; white western , 44@50c.
Eggs Dull at 10llc.
Pork Steady ; new meas quoted at
510 8511 00.
Lard Stronger ; prime steam , ? 7 25
® 7 26A.
Butter Dull aud unsettled at 10 ©
Cheese Dull at 12j@13c.
Whisky Nominal at § 1 lt@l 12.
St. Louis Live Stock.
Sr. Louis , May 11.
Cattle Inactive and lower ; choice
o fancy steew , SI G54 75 ; fair to tl
oed , S4 354 GO ; light to medium , cc :
3 854 25 ; cows and heifers , S2 95 ® ccar
40 ; stockers and feeders , § 3 00 ®
LOO. Receipts , 1800 head. tlai
Sheep Scarce and firm ; fair to ai
ancy wooled , S4 50G 00 ; clippedj le
f3 : 504 75. Receipts , 900 head. lefil leD
Hogs Easier , but not lower ; York-
irs , S4. 204 : 25 ; bacon , $4 254 30 ;
icavy shipping , 54 * 304 40 ; rough roTl
nixed , S3 704 00. Recaipts , 4900 Tlat
CnlcaRO Live Stock Marsec
CHICAGO , May 11. av
Hogs Receipts 15,000 head ; strong bath in
'eeling aud loading grades 5c higher ;
ough to good mixed , $4 004 40 ; thne
ulkatS4 304 40 ; Yorkers , § 445 ; ne 1C
Baltimores , Si 504 55 ; common 1Cm
ight , SI 05@430 ; choice heavy , S-l 50 m
3)4:65. )
Cattle Receipts , 5,500 J't ; [
md slow '
at yesterday's rates dicl
in good stock , and lOc lower enough
ough and medium ; shipping sold at
5410@4 85 ; steers , § 4 30@4 35 ; butch-
irs' stock steady at § 1 504 00 ; stock-
irs , § 2 903 50 ; feeders , § 350@420.
SHEBP Receipts , 1,000 head ; mar- ai
et ( firm ; common lambs per head , in
3 50 ; choice lambs per 100 Ibs , $6 35 inre
36 50 ; common to good clipped , $4 00
35 00 ; fair to good wooled , § 5 50 ©
525. toT
Milwaukee .Produce Market tc ;
Wheat Jc higher ; closed steady ;
So. 1 Milwaukee hard , SI 17 ; 01A
So. 1 Milwaukee , SI 15No. ; . 2 do , A
. 13 ; May , SI 13 ; June , § 1 lljj ; cr
luly , SI 07J ; No. 3 Milwaukee , 99c ; crtc
Ho. 4 , 93c ; rejected , 85c. ;
Corn No. 2 , 37ic.
Oats Np. 2 , 30fc. to
Rye No. 1 , 80c.
Barley No. 2 fall , 69 c.
St. ioula Produce.
ST. Louis , May 11.
Wheat Opened better , but , de-
lincd ; No. 2 red , $1 lli@l 12 for
sh ; SI 121@112J for May ; SI 051 ®
06 for June ; 9595Jc for July ;
| < § 98c for August ; No. 3 do , SI 06.
Corn Firm but slow ; 3333c it
for cash ; 33g@34c for May ; 3333c
for Juno.
Oats Higher ; 31 c for cash. t to (
Rye Stronger ; 86cbid.
Barley No market.
Whisky Steady at SI 07.
Pork Firm , but slow ; S10 25 bid 1
for cash and June.
Dry Salt Meats Firmer : § 5 95 ®
25 , S6 45.
Bacon Steady ; $1 62i6 90 ®
Lard Easier ; S6 75 aiked.
Pillaging Turkish Villages.
Special Dispatch to The Bn. a
CONSTANTINOPLE , May 12 1 a. m.
A band of Bulgarian soldiers enter
the Aidas district and pillaged
nine Turkish villkgea , killing * the men
and outraging the women ; 2166 Mus-
selmans made their escape , and are
now encamped at Acbieja , J'
Ono of the Landmarks of St.
Louis Wiped Out Four
Lives Lost.
Terrific Explosion of Giant
Powder Near Central
City , Black Hills.
Four Men Blown to. Atoms-
Damage to Property.
Forest Fires.
Spedal Dispatch to Tin Bn.
HOPKINTON. Mass. , ir.m-xa. f
rorest nres are raging on the out
skirts of the town.
Four Lives Lost.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
ST. Louis , May 11 , 3 p. m. At
1:45 : this morning a fire broke out in
the Mississippi hotel on the levee , de
stroying the structure and several
lives. At this writing (2:30 ( : a , m. )
four bodies have been taken from the
rains. The building stood just north
of Almond street , and was one of the'
ancient landmarks. It wa
used chiefly by river men. In the third
story the beds were ranged as closely
as they could be plarcd. The fire
started in the lower portion of the
building , and burned very rapidly. A
score or more escaped with various in.-
juries by leaping- from the windows.
ine Indian Fight.
Special Dispatch to the Bee.
SAN FKANCISCO , May 11 , Noen. In
the recent fight Lieut. Kramer loit
Sergeant Griffin , killed. Victoria lost
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
WOKCESTEE , Mass. , May 11 4 p.m.
The greenback-labor convention
was held here to-day.
Suffrage In New Tors.
Special dispatch to The Uee.
ALBANY , May 11 i p. m. The
senate passed a resolution to amend
the constitution so as to extend the
electoral franchise to women.
IStocks Tumbling.
Special Dispatch to Tin BSK.
CHICAGO , May 11. The Journal's
New York special says : Stock Ex
change markets continue very active ,
and while there is no panic , there is
very feverish and uncertain tone to
speculation. At opening to-day there
was continuous pressure to sell , and t
prices fell one-fourth to seven per
cent , below yesterday's closing.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
DEADIVOOD , .May 11 , 4 p. m. A
horrible explosion occurred this after
noon. One hundred pounds of giant
powder , which was stored in the
blacksmith shop of the High
Lode mine in Central City ,
ignited and literally blew four men
ind tbo entire shop to atoms. For a
nile around the shop the ground was
itrown with fragments of human flesh.
. * *
Webb's Minstrels.
Another large audience congregated
ast evening at the Academy to witness Nc
lie : New Orleans Minstrels ia then :
omic drolleries , side-splitting scenes allI
md mirth-provoking repartee. If cn-
ihusiastic demonstrations of pleasure roi
ind applause are criterions of cxcel-
cncp , this trupo must nearly meet the
3es Moines standard , for the woll- 01I
illed house was kept in a hilarious 33i
oar of merriment from first to last.
Che difficult feat of playing
.nd dancing to their own
nusic was admirably accomplished by
ho Burton Brothers' , who were IlH
iwarded a double encore , while Keat- SOI
ng and Flynn in their original acro- SOIC
tatic songs and dances gave perhaps eh
ho finest display of agility ever wit- iniwe
lessed upon the Des Moines stage. I" we
13 , 14 , 15" closed the entertain- an
nent , bringing down the house with tci
iheers at the sublimely ridiculous
ableau upon which the curtain
ropped. They exhibit an entire an
ihange of programme to-night. Des sti
IfoJJtes Register. ei
Base Ball League. D
The board of directors of the Omaha
imatcnr base bail league held a meet- 83 Or
ng Monday night in the county court 83mi
room. ea
The number of clubs to be admitted
the league was limited to seven.
Che second U. P. club was admitted
A committee was appointed to wait
m Mr. Dunham to see about grounds.
committee was also appointed to [
sill on Captain Marsh with reference
o the erection of a back-stop.
A committee of three was appointed ly
draw up a schedule of games , and to
report Wednesday evening.
The playingrulea of .tho national .
league wore adopted. , The first game
trill be played next Saturday.
A large shipment of the BEST Fat-
terns made all sizes at Lowest prices , :
Evans' seed store. 10-21
M , Hellman & Co. are making suits Si
order on short notice.
- ic
Get your oil stove of D. A. Piercy ,
1211 Farnham street. mllt2
Kurtz's Store , Creighton Block.
Hamburg Figs 25& a box.
Travelers , atop at the Aator House ,
New York. IGdlm
Call on Lang & Fotick if you want
good cook stove cheap.
Over eighty millions of dollars of
Insurance capital of the oldest and
best homo and foreign companies rep
resented In the Kgency of Taylor &
HowelL - - dl6If
mn and Douglas Street.
Over 3,000 residence lota for sale by this agen
cy at prlcesranging from 825 to $2,500 ach , and
located In every part of thecito. and in every
direction from the rostofflcs , north , etat , somh
or west , and varying m distance from one
block to one or two milea Irom same. Call and
examine our lists
Several choice lots In Griffin & IKUCS * idJi-
tlon. west ot convent , between St. Mary's area
ne und Ilarncy street $600 to $800.
80 acres Just cast of bairacks on Sanndcrs St. ,
this Is choice land and will be soil very cheap
for cash In 6,10 or 2U aero loig ; now ia your time
to secure a bargain.
Choice lot at end of street car tracka on Saun
ders street { or $575.
Choice lot. Farnlum and 21th streets , 00x132
feet for $1,5CO will divide ft.
Cheap lots in Credit Fon.iir addition , soath of
U. P. depot 3100 to JbOO.
Forty lota on Park Avenue and Georgia trcet ,
on road to park , and near head of St. Miry'a
avenue , at from $125 to $300 each. Seven Tears
time at eight per cent interest to thee who will
put up good substantial bmldiiig * . f r further
partiooUrs apply to.
G. P. BEMIS. Agent.
Fifteenth and Douglas Streets.
A nice lot on Ilarncy and Twenty-first street ? ,
for ( $025.
Two choice Iota on SOth. noir St. Mary'd aven
ue , 0x165 feet each , for $ S50 and $000.
Two choice lots near Sid and Citric streets , in
E. V. Smith's addition $300 and 2350.
Fifty lots In Shlnn'a first , second nd third ad
ditions forSUO to fCOO each.
Lot near 15th and Pifrce , $450.
Z lota on Ilarnev near ? 4th St , $600 each. 1
lot ( on 24th nrar Howard itreet , J7oO.
40 lots in Grand View addition , scnth of U. P.
bridge and depot , from # 15 to $ 00 each-
One acre , 117x370 feet , on 13th street , south
of Poppleton's new residence , for $2,000 , or will
divide into city sized Iota a : from $350 to $500
Large number of baantlful residence lots , lo
cated in thia new addition on Capitol BUI , be
tween 24th street on the cast , 26th on the woit
Dodge street on the north and Farnham street
on the south , formerly owned by a 11 Downs
and more recently known as the Perkins 15 acres.
Only 22 lots have thus Ut been platted 14 on
Farnham and 8 on Douglas street. These lots
ara 50 to 50 feet in wldtn and 1DO in depth. 61,000
for the choice. 5j c n time , at 8 per cent in
terest t > thoec who will build good substantial
houses thereon. Call and examine plat and get
full information at
15th and Douglas Streets.
Cher 200 houses and Iota are offered for sate
by this offlca They are scattered all over the
city. Any location jou deolrc. Prices varying
from $300 to $15,000 each.
2 good lots and 2 cheap houses near Jackson
and 12th streets at a great tacriflce. lie re is a
CTe t htrealn for some one. The property must
ba sold immi diately. Covers junt a quarter of a
block. , Call Mid examine this without any iUUr.
CKO. P. BKMIS. Acent.
15th and Douglas bta.
A desirable lot near Cumin ) ; and Saonders
Streets , < 1(00. , -
The cheapest aero lots in the city of Omaha ,
are those offered for sale by this agency in Paik
PUce and Lowe's second addition , on Cumingv
Hurt and California street ] ; you can make no
mistake In pkkiojj np these bargains while jou
have the chance. These lots arc more than equal
In size to 4 lull-sized city lots cr a hilt block
ind it wUI be but a very short time befoie one-
fifth part of one of these acre Iota wUl sell for aa
anchaa wo offer a full acre to-day. They are
ocated a very short dis'Jtnco west of Cr > ighton
College. Prices ranging from $150 to $300 per
icrclot. Call immediately , and don't lose your
ihance , and get plat and full particulars of
GEO. P. BEM1S , Agent ,
15th and Douglas Streets.
Nice lot on Sherman Avenue north of Nicholas
itreet , $1,400.
Half lot on Casj.tctwcen 13th and 14th streets
2 nice lots in Hartman's addition , $400 to $600.
Largo number of acre Iota in Giao's addition In
forth Omaha , $ lz5 to $300 each.
Choice t corner lot near 22nd and California
treets , 81,500.
Several I good lotslin Nelson's addition , $150 to
850 each.
Choice < lot in Thorncll'a addition , $750.
Several i large lota in Bartlett's addition , 1)
ods and 2 } acres each. Prices $700 toJOOU
Several choice Iota in Reed's firjt addition ,
275 to $350 each.
Acre lot on Sherman avenue , ( ICth street ) ,
onth of Poppleton's new residence , for $1,100.
2 large l < ns near IStli and Clark strcsts , 60x
30 feet. Comer , 81,200 ; inside , $1,000. 11
3 lanjo lota on Shernun atreet 3
ayenue , (16lh ) ,
ear Clark Street7odOeach7 3
22 nice and cheap lots , Tcry near to the bos- I
leas part of the city , located a very few step ) J
fiuth of the Convent and St. Mary's aven jo.aod
list foutti ( f and adjoining the irrounil of James 3
, Woolworth and W J. Council thews are
heap and very desirable , bein ? 89 handy to bus 4
ies * pari ot city , to new government depot , nail
rorts , white lead wotkg , U. P. depot , stock 10
aids , packinghouses , etc. Call and ect plat 13
nd loll particulars. 1'ilce S27G to 8350 and eaay 20
cnna to llioso who build.
GEO. P. BEMIS , Agent ,
15th and Donzlas Sts.
3choice residence Iota on 21th street , between
tonaclasand Dodge streetsl',100 ; to { 1,2(0ciuh
nd long time to tbofe who will build.
2 choice corner lots near 31th and Fainham -
trejta , 65x121 feet , $1,160 and $1,200 , and very 7
uy terms to purchasers who wM improve.
Also 4 lots on 24th , between Farnham and
ouglas s'recta , $050 to $1 , 00 each and long
13-250 of the best business lots in the city of 1
maha for sale , located on every hosiaeu street ,
SOD to 89,000 each.
* 2TAlso very valuable store properties in al-
aost every nutinesj olock J5.000 to 815,000 7
40 choice residence lots in above addition , im- 7
noJiatcly north of and adjoining Fopplctons G
cautilul residence and grounds , and locaUd on 7
13th 19th and 20th streets , $300 to $350 each and S
rcry easy terns to those who will build. Call and
ixamine flat and KCt full particulars.
OEO. P. BEJII3 , Asent.
Beautiful building- site on. Sherman avenue ,
16th streetbctween Poppleton and the Dudley-
jams property ; 263 feet cist frontage on the
ivenue , by 339 feet in depth. Will divide itmak-
nz 132 feet by 339. Call and get full particulars.
An acre n 18th street , lOifeet east froDtapo
378 feet deep. Ibis is just south 6f the Kliza-
jeth ( Poppleton placei This is pit-edge , call and
jet price and terms of BEU IS , Agent.
18 good lots , just north of and adjoining E. V.
Smith's addition , and located between 20th and
aundcM streets , at reasonable prices and long
.imc to buyer who improve. BKUJS. Agent.
C3 lots In Uorbach's flrat and second additions
n IBtb , 18tb , 19th and 2Jth street ! , between
Slcholi3 , Paul , Sherman and Clark streets , very
landy to U. P. Shops , smelting works , etc. ,
anting in prices from from 8203 to } 1:100 each ,
requiring only imall payment down and long
im at 7 p-r cent interest to those who will im
prove. OEO. P. BEUIS.
15th and Douglas Street.
33 nice lot * in Parker's addition , between
Jaunders and Pierce. King and Campbell' fits. ,
BIonio8tre < "tialots ; with south fronts an.l
with north frontage , only 6 blocks north of
the turn-table ( end street-car track ) on Saunders
itreet Very lew prices ; 8175 cash , or 8200 on
longtime nd8i rcent interest to those who
irill bulkL
42T150 good farms for sale in Douglai , Sarpy ,
Vaahlngton , Burt , Dodge , Saunders and Eastern
tier of counties.
counties.acres best selected lands in the
itatofoi sale by this agency. Call and get roapa ,
drcnlara and full particnUrj.
jtiTEeraia' new map of Omaha , 80c and 31.50.
fSTBeta'a new pamphlet ( and map of the
State ) entitled "tho outlook of Nebraska" for
rce distribution.
Geo. P. Bern is' ,
15th < fe Douglas St , ,
OM HXT - . . - : - - : - - : - - NEB.
&SON ,
We shall from Weekjp Week
Advertise Specialties in our '
'Numerous '
o acart - Q > this -week
with an Importation of
which we can show bills and
receipts at the
Which is the cheapest they have
ever been sold and
being the ONLY HOUSE which
can APFORD to sell them at
that price.
The above is a RARE BAR
GAIN and it would be well
for all whoarein need of these
Goods to take ADVANTAGE
of this offer immediately as it
will continue for a FEW DAYS
In all the New Shades ,
Dress Novelties , ,
Silk tfc Satin Jtrocades ,
Pekin Stripe Velvets ,
and a LARGE STOCK of
everything in
L. B. moHSis &
Podge St. Cor. Fifteenth.
Cheyenne , Wyoming.
Flrst-cl < gr , Fine large Simple Koomv , one
Hock from depot. Trains stop from 20 minntea
to 2 hours for dinner. Free Ba * to and from
Depot. Kates $ iOO , $2.50 and { 3.00 , according
to room ; a ogle meal 75 cents.
A. 1 > . BALC01I , Proprietor.
ANDREW BORDEN. Cnief Clerk. ' mlO-t
Successors to
Cash Price List.
10 tt * Standard A Sugar fl 00
lOJa.s extra Cbugar | , 100
n > s C Su ar 1 < XJ
D.s granulated Sugar . . . 1 00
} Its Cut Loaf Sugar 1 00
tt > s Powdered bugar .4. . . . . . . . . . 1 00
Its good Rio Coffee I 00
Ibs extra cholco Rio Coffeo. . l 00
) ILsCmtaltlca Coffee I Of )
ILs very best OG Jars 1 OO
JlbaMoch l 00
cans Peaches 1 00
Ibs Valencia Raisins 1 00
lOlbsehoico Prunes 1 00
Ibs Pitted Cherried : 1 00
Ibs Michigan Dried Apples 1 SO
Iba dried Currants 1 00
bars White ionSoap _ 1 00 t
10 Ibs Froctf r & Gambits Soap 1 00
10 Ibs Doblns Electric * up < 1 00 ,
17 Ibs choice SodaCrackers. . . . _ 1 00
17 Ibs choice Oyster Crackers 1 00 '
11 Ibs Ginger Snaps 1 00
11 Ibs Oat Meal Crackers 1 09
11 lb Botton Crackers 1 00
Ibs Jnmb'es 1 00
21 Iba Beans 1 00
35 Iba Hominy , 1 (0
25 Iba Oat Mealji * . ' . r 1 00
ISlbsSclit Peas 1 00
11 Iba Carolina Rico. 1 00
SflbsTapioca 1 00 '
01bsSao 1 03
141b Barter , 1 00
121bsllixeoBIras ed 100
3-B > cans Standard Toma oes 100
92-lbcaaj Standard Tomatyes I 00
53 n.cms Peaches. . . . 1 00
2-Ib cam Corn 1 00
2-B > cans Cherries 1 CO .
2-B. cans Yarmouth Com I 00
l-tt > cans Bornham & MorriU 1 00 .
! Ibs Hiking Ponder 1 Oi
Pure Maple Syrup per gallon < . . * . . . . 1 12
Amber Whits 70
Best New Orleans Syrup 70
Good New Orl.ans Mob'nes 4S
Saturday Eve. , May llth , ' 80.
Positively One IVJgnt Only.
Prices reduced to 50 cents. No extra charge
forreserrel seats. Tickets on sale at Hnber *
oann's Jewelry store. t-t I *
Laramie , Wyoming.
Tha miner's reiort , ( rood accommodation * ,
large sample room , charges reasonable. Special
attention gfren 'a traTelinjr men.
11-tf II. C. IIILLI1RD , Proprietor.
Competent New York Toner.
Organs repaired nd reirnlaUd. Orders left at
WYMAJT8 BOOK STORE , 630 Fifteenth Stnear
Postofflce , promptly attended to. " *
A liEX RUTHERFORD ( lat Third Auditor
JL O. S.Trcatury ) , Attorney and CoVM Uor
at Law. 26 Grant PUce , WaJhlngton , D. C.
Having been Third Auditor of the United States
Treasury for six years , I am thoronghly familiar
with the course of bosineM befor. tha Govern.
mentDepartmenU. Spedal attention given to
tha settlement of accounts of all Government
CHcers , Postmuters , Uarshals. UailCoatocton-
and others. Will practice- before th Supreme
Court of the ( J. S.Court ot CUIosPat nl OBco ,
General Land Office , ii , &C , Refers to Hon.
Saml F. Phillip * , Solicitor G a ral-U. 8. ; Hon.
Jaa. Onflllin , Treamrer of tha U. a ; HOB. J. X-
llcCrew , 8Utb Auditor U. S , Treasarv