Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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VOL. IX. OMAHA , NEBEASKA , TUESDAY , MAY 11 , 1880. NO. 278
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
St."Louis to be-Given a
United States Assay
Office ,
Senator Hoar Takes Kellogg's
Part , and Goes for the
State Department Asked if For
eign Nations "Stood Treat"
for Ulysses on Uncle
Sam's Account. *
The House Occupied With a
Contested Election .Case. * *
No Resolution for Adjourn
ment of Congress Intro-
r , duced Yet.
BpecUl dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , May 11 1 a. m.
The senate in executive session con.
firmed E. T. Johnson United States
attorney for Colorado.
Tha-resolution fixing the day of the
adjournment of congress was not of
fered yestordty because it was sug
gested by the committees on appropri-
tions to try first what could bo done
by meeting in the evening.
The hou-o oommitteo on coinage ,
we'ghts and measures baa authorized
Representative Bland to report favor
ably a bill authorizing the secretary of
the 'treasury to estiblhh an assay
office at St. Louis.
-Postmaster General Kevha * decided
to take no acthn either one way or the
other in ths matter of Wells , Fargo &
Oo. and their independent postoffice
baaineaa. ' It is near the end of bis
administration and the people of the
Pacific coast seem to be ap.vmt break
ing up the work : of Wells , Fargo & Co.
These reasons actuate the postmaster-
general in taking this course.
Epedal dlspatch to The Dee.
WASHINGTON , May 11 1 a. m.
Senator Burnsido moved to lay aaide
all pending orders and Uke up the
joint resolution to amend the act for
sundry civil expenses .for the current
yeer. The amendment relates partic
ularly to gergnxphical surveys. It was
argued against the amendment that it
authorized the extension of the sur
vey over all the states , and it was ,
therefore , an interference with the
rights of the states in this regard.
Senator Bayard said if possible he
would call the Eaton tariff commision
bill up in the morning hour to-morrow.
Senator Beck said the report of the
committee was not unanimous. Ho
would oppooo the bill and favor Gar-
field's. He charged tbtft the bill was
on the side of machine petitions.
Senator Eaton denied it.
Pending consideration of the bill
the morning hour expired , and con
sideration of the Spofford-Kellogg case
was resumed , and Senator Hoar ad-
dresKod the senate. He said it was
hardly possible to overrate the im
portance of ihe question. It involves
the title of an office of great import
ance andcignity , and the question
involves , more than mere personal
rights. * " ' But , tha voice that is now
proposed to ba'etifled is the last from
the states recently in rebellion. The
record of the men from these states ,
now holding seats hero , shows blows
struck at the life of this nation , while
the record of this senator ( Kellogg )
hews military eerrica commissioned
by Abraham Lincoln. He then re
ferred to his investigation of Kellogg's
administration of affairs in Louisiana ,
and ho .highly complimented him for
statesmanship. A minority of the
committee affirm that this is a ques
tion to bo decided by the senate and
not the state. The position taken by
; he senator from Georgia ( Hill ) is a
denial of the supremacy. He main
tained that the senate was a judicial
body , and quoted the clause in the
constitution which provides that each
house shall be jud e of elections of its
own members. He ihought that if
any question could bo said to have
been determined in the senate this on
ly was one of them , and further
if the senate decided anything it de
cided this great constitutional ques
tion by a vote in the Indiana case of
1865. The doctrine is advanced that
revolution In a state has a retractive
effect upon tha dec'slon of a eenator.
Senator Hoar The resolutions sub
mitted by the senator from Georgia
( Hill ) are my authority.
Senator Hill The resolutions mean
nothing of , the kind. The question
was , what was the legal legislature ,
and the state settled the question by
declaring that the Packard legislature
never was the legal legislature.
Senator Hoar Kellogg was elected
by the Packard legislature in June ,
1877 , Spofford not until some months
afterwards. The question decided by
the senate w a which legislature at
that time was the legal legislature.
Senator Hoar concluded hit remarks -
marks and Senatar Hill of Georgia ,
took the floor , but yielded to Senator
Rollini , who called up the bill to reg
ulate the use and prevent the waste
of Potomac water. The bill was dis
cussed until 5 o'clock p. m. , when the
senate went into executive session ,
and at 5:10 p. m. adjourned.
Special Disratch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , May 10 4 p. m.
la the homo a bill was introduced
calling on the secretary of state for
any circular latter to United States
ministers and relative to Gen. Grant's
trip to Europb.
Billaiwere offered :
By Mr. Daggett : For the survey of
lands within railroad subsidy limits.
By Mr. Lounsberry : Amending the
revised statutes so as to provide that
the issue of national bank-notes shall
not exceed in each case ninety per
cent of th * value of United Stales
bonds deposited.
Mr. Wright's resolution that after
the 15th the house begin its sessions
at 11 * m. , was-adopted.
The legislative appropriation bill was
K./ " , ordered printed and rccom-
, .
The bill requesting the pfesident to
open negotiations with foreign govern
ments relative to the importation of
tobacco in their dominions was taken
up and passed. The president was
requested to open such negotiations
with governments cf France , Spain ,
Australia , and Italy as he may deem it
adv'sable with the view of the re
moval of restrictions on the importa
tion of tobacco into those countries for
securing to our citizens an open mar
ket therein for the same.
On motion of Mr. McGowan tha
senate bill authorizing the president
to cill an international sanitary con
ference to meet in Washington , was
The house then resumed considera
tion of the the contested election case
of Curtin vs. Yocum , from the 20th
congressional district of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Staveimn , of Illinois , address
ed the house in opposition to the re
port of the majority of the committee ,
and spoke in favor of the sitting mem
ber ( Yocum. )
Mr. Calkin * , of Indian * , advocated
the minority report , and the retention
of the sitting member in his seat.
Mr. Uolerick , of Indiana , spoke in
favor of the report.
Hanlan and Courtney to Bow
a Dead Heat , and Riley to
be No. 1.
Special Dispatch to TUK Bis
WASHINGTON , May 11 1 a. m.
Yesterday morning Hanlan and Riley ,
the oaramen , were on the water , and
to look at both men almost anybody
would be tempted , if Hanlan'a pre
vious record were not known , to put
his money on Riley. A letter has
been received here from a gentleman
in New York closuly identified with
sporting matters , in which he says
that it is the general impression that
if Courtney appears in the race that
Riley will go in too , and that it will be
a set-up thing ; that the result will be
Riley's coming in first , aid a dead
heat between Hanlan and Courtney.
None1 of the preliminary arrangements
have been made for the race. Blakie
will be hero to-day or to morrow ,
when it is expected arrangements
will be perfected. Judges will be
taken from outside of Washington. It
is thought Mr. Curtis , of The Spirit
of the Times , will be one of the
judges. A committee of the Potomac
Doatclnb will receive Courtney , who
will arrive to-day. A dispatch re
ceived here yesterday afternoon saya
Dourtney means business.
Chicago Express Bounds from
the Track , But Passengers
Miraculously Escape.
ST. JOHNSVILLE , N. Y. , May 11 1
a. m. Another shocking railroad dis
aster occurred immediately east of
this station at 5:30 : p. m , which , in
all its details , was the most fortunate
one in the annals of railroading.
Again it transpires the result of care
lessness on the part of a branch tender
who , instead of straightening the
branch left it open trom track No. 2 ,
tending to No. 1 , and the result was
most disastrous. The Chicago ex
press , which left New York at 10:30 : a.
m. , took to the branch safely , but
there being no other attention the
train passed over the branch and
thundered along a distance of 400 feet ,
tearing up rails and ploughing the
ground as itTvent. A postal car and
one drawing-room coach were totally
destroyed , while two othera were
badly wrecked. The locomotive was
landed upside down , a complete wreck ,
and Engineer Richard taken from the
debris only slightly injured , while
mail messenger was badly lacerated
about the back and shoulders. A
brakeman named Coppers had a leg
mashed BO as to necessitate its ampu
tation. None of the passengers were
Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
PHILADELPHIA , May 11 1 a. m.
There will bo about two hundred dele
gates in the annual convention of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians of the
United States , which begins in this
city to-tUy. They will represent the
principal cities of the United States
and the Dominion of Canada. The
business of to-day will principally re
late to credentials of delegates , ap
pointment of committees and probab
ly the presentation of reports , in
which a detailed statement will be
made of the condition of the order in
each state.
The action oi rchbi hop "Wood in
refusing to allow high mass to be sung
for the convention will most likely be
a subject of discussion during the ses
sion. Some time since the archbishop
issued a circular to the clergy and
people censuring and condemning se
cret organizations as dangerous to
civil society and injurious to religious
interests , and although a committee of
the national body of the order waited
upon the archbishop in regard to hav
ing a mass sung for the convention , he
adhered to his previous determination.
At the convention last year in Cincin
nati , Archbishop Purcell personally
officiated at a mass for the order.
California Land Troubles.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
SAN FBANCISCO , May 11 , 1 a. m.
Settlers' troubles in Tulare are taking
the form of Issuing notices to obnox
ious holders of land to leave the coun
try , The persons notified will not
recognize the notification , which pur
ports to be issued by the Settlers'
The time mvde by the women pe
destrians is said to be far beyond that
heretofore made in the six day matches
in the esst. Madam Howard had
made 329 miles at two o'clock
yesterday afternoon. The match
closes this evening.
Chicago a Walk.
BpecUl Dispatch to TUB Bo.
CHICAGO , May 11 1 a. m. The
first day of the O'Leary walk , twelve
hours per day , for six days , closed at
11 o'clock last night , Olmstead leading
with a score of sixty-four miles , which
is equal to Har < man'a best time in
New York ; he was followed closely
by Gnyon , Campana and Crossland.
Walters brought up the rear with
forty-two miles.
Gladstone Makes a Grace
ful Apology to the Em
peror of Austria ,
For Putting Into His Mouth
Words That He Never
Gigantic Strike of Dock Laborers
in Liverpool of an Advance
of Wages.
Prospect/That Shipping Will
be-Belayed in Consequence.
Fears of Riots in France ,
Where 30,000 Operatives
are on a Strike.
French Chamber of Deputies
Votes for Settlement of War
Damages With the
United States.
Special Dispatch to THI EH.
LONDON , May 10 10 p. m. The
town of Batavgo , on the west coait of
Africa , has been bombarded and
burned by the British , because British
subjects were ill-treated by the na
hai arrived in Bantry bay after a vain
search for the Atlanta.
Persons supposed to bo lost in Grey's
fire have been accounted for.
It is expected there will ba another
strike in the cotton manufacturing
towns unless an advance in wages is
GENEVA , May 10 10 p. m. Eigh
teen persons were killed by a dyna
mite explosion at Faido.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
LIVERPOOL , May 11 1 a. m. It
will be remembered that in Fedruary
of last year the Liverpool dock labor
ers struck for an auv.tnce in their
wage ] , and that n consequence of
this strike some interruption of busi
ness of this city followed. The strike
was partially successful , the employ
ers granting a portion of the demand.
The men , however , were not satisfied ,
and yesterday the whole body of dock ,
laborers struck work for an advance of
sixpence 12 cents a day on wages.
Employers cannot grant the advance ,
and loading and discharging of ships
in the docks is greatly impeded.
Special dispatch to Tun Bxx.
PESTH , May 11,1 a. m. The cele
brated mare "Kincon , " the winner of
several races in England and on the
continent , has terrain ited her racing -
career owing to lack of care received
in the stable.
Special Dlipatch to The Bee.
CONSTANTINOPLE , May 11,1 a. m.
The porte has not yet succeeded in ar
ranging for the payment of salaries
and the distress among officers is very
great. Captain Pasha has been
mobbed by women whoso husbands
are away on service. They threatened
to throw their children under his feet.
Special to The Dec.
LONDON , May 11 1 a. m. A let
ter from Berlin to The Economist ,
upon the subject of the alleged ten
dency of the German government to
force a resumption of the double
standard , says not .he slightest credit
is duo to such rumors. The leading
financial authorities of all shades of
opinion are united in the belief that it
is impossible for Germany to resume
the double standard without the co
operation of England. Undoubtedly
an able and influential bl-metalist
party exists in Germany and. stillhopcs
to secure help in remonetizing , but
they agree with the single standard
party in opposing this action.
A dispatch from Oabul says : News
that an error of 3,000,000 had been
discovered in the Indian budget
caused profound excitement through
out the country. It is generally felt
that the defense of the blunder has
broken down most lamentably , and
that gross miscalculation as to war ex
penses has foreucr ruined Sir John
Stracher's reputation as a financier.
BpecUl Dispatch to The Beo.
LONDON , May 11 , 1 a. m. Last
week Mr. Gladstone wrote Count Ka-
royi , saying that when ho accepted
the duty of forming a new administra
tion he resolved that he would not , as
"minister , repeat , or'deiend "in argu
ment , any political language in regard
to more than ono foreign power which
he had used individually in a position
position of great free'dom ' and less re
sponsibility. He.expresses regrets in
imputing to the emperor of Austria
language that he did not use. Mr.
Gladstone states that ho is not hostile
towards Austria , and wishes the em
peror of Austria well in concentrating
the empire , and cordially respects the
efforts of the emperor and hopes that
success will nobly mark his reign.
Mr. Gladstone does not , however ,
conceal his grave apprehension that
Austria plays a part in the Balkans
hostile to the freedom of the emanci
pated population. His apprehensions
arefounded on secondary evidence ,
but not of hostile witnesses , which
was the beet at his command , but
Count Karolyi having given assur
ances that Austria had no desire to
puraua such a policy , and would only
defend her right * acquired under the
Berlin treaty. Mr. Gladstone says
that if he had been in possession of
this assurance before he would not
have uttered the words which Count
Karolyi describes as bein painful
and wounding. In conclusion Mr.
Gladstone expresses serious concern in
having made statements which he now
banishes from his mind and wishes to
make amends as public as his speech.
The chamber of deputies yesterday urgent and voted the draft
of the convention held January 15tb ,
1880 , between France and the United
States for settling the claims for dam
ages by French subjects during the
civil war.
RIOTS BY 30,000.
Special Dispatch to The Be .
PARIS , May 11 1 a. m. Riots
are feared at Koubaix and Turcoingy ,
in the department of the north , where
there are 30,000 operatives on -
Fifteen acres of the Fontainbleau
forest has been destroyed by fire.
Mew York Monev Ad stock
, HEW TORK May 10.
HONEY. „ . . . . . .
RAILROAD BONDS Active , but unsettled.
GOVECNUENTS-Quiet bat Steady.
u. B. ea , iasi _ _ 106J
U. S. tf , Now _ 102 }
Newljfl _ lOSf
U. S. New i per cent , . _ . . . . 107 {
RoclclElad 181
lllno Ctntral , . . . . _ _ .101J
a B. & .Q _ . . 121
Now Fork Central _ 121J
Lake Shore 101
Erie , . . . . > . . . . . 34
Erie preferred tS
North western. . 87
Northwestern preleirtd _ 100
St. Paul 72
Bt. Paul preferred. P9J
Wabub , St. Louis and Pacific 29
preferred 0 }
Han-SSt. Jo 23
Han. ASt. Jo , pfd 07
Kansas < t Texas 80 }
Union Pacific 81 }
Central Pacific C3
Northern Pacific 22
do preferred 43
Western Union Te > r ph 987
Pacific Man _ 33 }
U. P. Land Grants 110
Chicago Produce.
CHICAGO , May 10.
Wheat During the early part of
the session the market was higher ,
but subsequently the advance was lost
and the market quiet throughout ,
and closed as follows : 81 17@117 |
for cash and May ; $1 llf for June ;
SI 05J for July ; No. 3 , 96c ; rejected ,
Corn Quiet , without important
change ; No. 2. 36cfor cash and May ;
36@36jc ror June ; 34 i@34jc for July ;
303Gjc for August ; rejected , 34 c.
Gats Quiet and a shade lower } No.
2 , 30c for cash and May ; 29c for
June ; 27c for July.
Rye No. 2 , 78Jc for cash or May.
Barley Firmer for lower grades ;
extra No. 3 , Gl@62c.
Pork Quiet but a shade higher ;
810 10 for cash and May ; $10 10 ®
10 12 for June ; 810 2010 22J for
Lard § 0 87J@6 90 for cash May
and June ; § 0 92J@6 95 for July.
Bulk Meats Boxed shoulders ,
84 20 ; short ribs , § 6 25 ; short clear ,
86 45.
Whisky-81 08.
The markets were moteratoly active
and firmer for grain , and steady for
wheat81 i8ifor May ; s112Ifor
June ; § 1061 for July.
Corn 36c for May36jc ; for June ;
SGic for July ; 3G | for August.
Oats 30ic for May ; 29 o for June ;
27c tor July.
Pork 810 12 for Juno ; 810 20 ®
10 25 for July.
Lard 86 90 for June ; 86 906 92
for July.
Bulk Moats Short ribs , $6 12) ) , for
June ; 86 20 for July.
St. Louis Live Stock.
ST. Louis , May 10.
Hogs Fairly activeYorkers ; , $4 20
@ 4 25 ; bacon , 84 25@4 30 ; heavy ship
ping , 84 304 40 ; rough heavy , 8376
@ 410. Receipts , 7200 head ; ship
ments , 2100.
Cattle Active and firm ; light ship
ping and good butchers'steers , § 390 ®
4 25 ; good do , 84 30@4 60 ; choice to
fancyjieavy , $4 604 65 ; cows and
heifers , 82 90@3 25 ; feeders , 83 50 ®
400. Receipts , 2500 head.
Sheep Higher for clipped , at 83 50
© 4 50 ; wools unchanged ; fair to fancy ,
84 50G 00.
St. Louis Produce.
ST. Louis , May 10.
Wheat Opened bettor , but de
clined ; No. 2 red , $1 12@112 cash ;
No. 4 do , 81 00 bid.
Corn Dull ; 33gc for cash.
Oats Firme ; 303lc for cash.
Rye Scarce at 81@85c.
Barley No market.
Whisky Steady at 81 07.
Pork Firm , but slow ; 810 25 asked.
Dry Salt Meats Firm , but slow ;
83 90@3 95@6 206 35@6 40.
Bacon Better ; 84 62 , 86 85 ®
6 87 $ , 8710@15.
Lard Held higher ; 86 85 asked.
Milwaukee f reduce Market
Wheat [ noon report ] J@2c higher ;
No. 1 Milwaukee hard , 81 17 ;
No. 1 Milwaukee , 8114 $ ; No. 2 do ,
81 13i cash ; 81 11 | June ; 81 07 }
July ; No. 3 Milwaukee , 99c@l 00 ;
No. 4 , 93Jc.
Corn No. 2 , 37c.
Oats No. 2 , 30jc.
Rye 80c.
Barley 69c.
Special Dispatches to The Bee.
The following wefo the movements
cf vessels on'yesterday , May 10 : *
New York Arrived , Weser , Bre
men ; Helvetia , Liverpool.
Philadelphia Arrived.Switzarland ,
Antwerp ; British Empire , Liverpool ;
sailed , Lord Olive , Liverpool.
Boston Arrived , Istrian and Olym
pus , Liverpool ; Samartara , London ;
sailed , Illyrian , Liverpool.
Antwerp Sailed , Vaderland , Phil
adelphia and Hull ; Merengo , New
Liverpool Arrived , BritannicNew
York ; Peruvian , Baltimore.
Murderous Mother.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
WATERBURY , Vt. , May 11,1 a. m.
The preliminary examination of
of Mrs Emeline Meaker and her son ,
L. A. Meaker , for the murder of lit
tle Alice Meaker , was begun yesterday.
Both plead not guilty and the son
waived examination. Several wit
nesses were examined , among them
Dr. Withaus , of New York , to whom
the stomach was sent for analysis , and
who testified to finding traces of
strychnine. A deputy sheriff testified
that the mother said that she alone
was guilty ; that she killed the girl. A
druggist testified to selling the poison.
Other witness cited instances where
the old woman abused the child shock
ingly her with a stick and threatening
to kill her.
Baee Ball.
Special dispatcher to 1"bt Bee.
BALTIMORE , May 11 1 a. m. Bal-
timores , 16 ; Albanyi , 17.
CHICAGO , May 11 1 a.m. . Ohi-
cagoe , 15 ; Cincinnati , 1. '
A Yawning Chasm in the
Cook County ( III. ) Re
publican Ranks.
The Grant Men , Finding Them
selves Beaten , Leave the
BegularConvention ,
And Organize One of Their
Own in the Palmer
House Parlors.
A Serious Break in the State
Elaine Looms Up in Nebraska ,
The Cook County Convention.
Special Dispatch to The Bn.
CHICAGO , May 10 4 p. m. The
greatest interest was manifested in the
Cook county convention , which aa
sembled this morning in the presence
of a very large audience. The chair
man of the Cook county republican
committee ( a Grant man ) called the
convention to order. The anti-Grant
men elected their chairman amid
the greatest confusion , the
Blaine men refusing to listen
to the chairman and escorting their
chairman to the platform , who imme
diately appointed the committee on
credentials. Grant delegates rose up
in various parts of the hall and shout
ed out their protests. The Grant
chairman , who still remained on the
platform , declared the convention ad-
jouVned to another hall and
amidtha , wildest confusion.
A committe of throe * from each
sanatoria ! district were appointed to
elect delegates to the stile conven
tion. The roll call showed that in
the convention Washburne had 90
delegates , Blaine 53& , and Grant 1.
A motion was carried that the com
mittee on credentials report aa dele
gates to the state convention fifty-
eight Washburno and thirty-four
Blaine men.
went to the Palmer house club room
snd organized. They will hold con
ventions by senatorial districts , and
elect delegates , which they claim will
be recognized at Springfield. They
: laim that they are following the call
of the convention to the letter. ,
Your correspondent saw Logan , who
was very cool and determined , and ex
pressed the determination to make no
somprcmise. Before the convention
xsaemblcd this Aiorning , two men
prominent in the Grant movement ,
made a proposition to Charley Far-
well that if Grant were given a pro
rata shsro of the delegates the con
vention would bo allowed to proceed
peaceably. The proposition was of
course not entertained. It is feared
in consequence of to day's action that
there will be a serious break in the
republican ranks of this stateand that
there will bo two state conventions.
Regular Convention Closes.
Special Dispatch to The Beo.
CHICAGO , May 10 10 p. m. At
2:15 : o'clock the committee on tha se
lection of delegates returned and re
ported delegates by senatorial dis
tricts , and the report was unanimous
ly adopted. A motion was carried
that each senatorial delegation elect a
chairman and secretary.
Mr. Taylor and Chairman Anthony
spoke of the alleged illegal manner in
which the Grant men had tried to cap
ture the convention.
The chairman was given a vote of
thanks for his firmness in keeping
the floor against the enemy , and at 3
o'clock the convention adjourned.
The Grant convention was called to
order in the club room of the Palmer
House by Chairman Singer , of the
county committee , who said that they
had been driven from the place where
the notice originally required the con
vention to bo held , and bo hoped they
would transact their business quietly
and go home.
Leonard Swctt then remarked :
"Evidently this year Yazoo river runs
up hill. [ Daughter anj appiaucj. n
has come into town with the
spring rain , bringing all its
filth and mire and left
nothing behind but shot gun
policy. * "We-had to leave , the conven
tion on account of riot , and whatever
we do , we ought to do regularly and
quietly like a set of republicans. "
Alderman Amos J. ' Throop was
made temporary chairman. He pro
posed to stick by the republican party
as long as there was a decent man in
it ; but he didn't like the crowd over
there at Farwell HslL [ Laughter. ]
W. R. Page was made temporary
Mr. Burke moved that wards be
called and delegates take their places.
After the delegations had been seated
a committee on credentials was ap
pointed and during their absence
short speeches were delivered by Hon.
John Wentworth , Stephen A. Doug
las , Leonard Swett and others. Mr.
Wentworth took it for granted that
this wai the republican convention of
the republicans of Cook county , and
argued that they should claim every
thing , and let the convention at
Springfield , composed of farmers and
independent business men of the
state , decide what should be done
with Cook county.
Mr. Swett characterized the con
vention of the Blaine-Washbume men
as a riot. The title of the Grant men ,
he said , was based upon the law and
custom of the party ; but he didn't
think , the othera had any claim to rec
ognition whatever. He urged upon
those present to send a full delegation
to Springfield snd leave it with the
people a to which convention should
Dan Munn denounced the attempt
in ihe Farewell Hall convention to
choke down free speech , "When
friends of Blaine undertake to gag the
sentiments of the people , they make
a. mistake as they will find out at
Springfield. When the friends of
Washburne undertake to injure Gen.
Grant they hurt the little prospect
their candidate ever bad. "
gJohn Lyle King said the spirit
aroused by the meeting at Farwell
Hall would spread through the city
and state and create a feeling against
the originators of the outrage that
would work against them at Spring
field. J. H. Clough. S. L. Bond and
others spoke briefly.
Emory A. Storra was called. Ho
said that he was not surprised at the
chronic political return of the political
renegade-bolter of 1872 and prior and
intermediate years. This political
dyspeptic repubFcan ; ( He'sing ) a
hysterical man who was with us in
sunshine and under a band wagon in
the storm , had decided that thousands
of republicans of Cook county should
bo disfranchised. Republicans have
been bullied and threatened for the
last three months. They might be
threatened , but they would bo bullied
no longer. Ho said the regular county
republican convention had been driven
from the quarters assigned. At the
gathering at Farewell Hall ils
a mob at the present moment is d'a-
puting as to its leadership with po-
1'cemen as umpires. [ Laughter. ]
The time has not yet come when any
disorganized and unorganized mob can
affix a stain upon the escutcheon of
Illinois so deep and ineffaceable as to
injure the man who is the foremost
citizen of the world , who is also our
The committee on credentials re
ported the 1'st of delegates , and the
temporary organization was then made
permanent , after which ninety-two
delegates to the state convention were
selected by senatorial districts , being
the full quota of the county.
The following committee on an ad-
drees was chosen : H. M. Singer ,
Robert T. Lincoln , Leonard Swett , A.
G. Throop. Stephen A. Douglas , G.
N. Wilcox , August Meyer , R. S Tut-
hill , M. Micnellid and E. A. Starrs.
Hon. John Wentworth inado a
speech , in which he declared that
there should be no partiality for Ifess-
in < j or his companions. He character
ized the members of the other conven
tion as the followers of Farwoll , and
men debased by the corrupting and
seductive influence of Elaine's money.
He said that the people of the state
would not stand by and allow any an
tagonist of the ex-president to come
to his very homo and make war against
The .convention adjourned , with
three ringing cheers for Grant.
illaen's Forthcoming Letter.
Special Dispatch to THI Bn.
NEW YORK , May 10. 4 p.m. The
World says : Since the Ohio Conven
tion met , Tilden determined to pre
pare a letter of withdrawal witlf power
of attorney to his delegates to name
the candidate.
Sherman's Strength.
Special Dispatch to TUB BIK.
WASHINGTON , May 10 , 4 p. m.
Blaine men are worried over the fact
that McManus , of Philadelphia ,
leader of the Pennsylvania bolt among
delegates to Chicago , declined to work
For Blaine when here last woolc. ThJ ,
when taken in connection with the
public statement that McManns is for
Sherman , has raised the question
whether Blaine will get all the dele
gates ho has been counting from
Pennsylvania when the bolt , his
friends , have been helping on takes
place. It is known fiere lhat there are
a very respectable number of delegates
bothin theNewYorkandPennsylvania
delegations whojwill vote for Sherman
If the proper occasion is offered them.
The strength of the Secretary did not
appear in either of the states since he
did not desire to make a fight against
either 'Cameron or Conkling in their
own state. For this reason it is
thought he will be much stronger than
Blaine with the Grant men of these
states , as well ai in Illinois , in case
Grant is not nominated.
The Thriving Second City of
The Eailroad Boiling Mills and
Other Industrial Institutions.
A Detailed Account of the Ex
tent and Value of the Mines.
Correspondence of TUB BBB
LARAMIE , W. T , , May C. Laramie ,
the beautiful queen of territorial
cities , is situated on an almost worth
less plain an expanse of gravel drift ,
intersected by several streams and al
most surrounded by mountains. Along
the streams lie fine meadows , and
ranches have been located , fencing in
ttie dou'rse of Big Laramie from its escape -
capo from between mountain cliffs ,
nearly t9 its mouth.
Laramie has 4,000 population , and
is second in size in the territory. The
buildings are mostly of brick and
stone , and are two stories in height.
The streets arc planted with shade
trees and furnished with water from
large springs three miles east near the
foot of the Rocky Range. The water
is conducted hither through iron aque
ducts and distributed over the city.
Fire plugs are numerous along the
main streets , and a stream of clear wa
ter sparkles on its way down all the gut
ters in summer time.
Ft. Saundera is located about two
miles distant , and men clad in martial
dress are seen everywhere , on the
street , in hotels , churches and stores.
The U. P. have shops at this place ,
where a large number of men are em
ployed. All kinds of work can bo
done here ; but only refitting and re
building is required.
The rolling mills of the U. P. road
are also located here , and employ a
large force of hands.
The territorial penitentiary is also
located at Laramie.
Laramie has for many years been a
point from which many prospectors
for rich minerals radiate , but the re
cent discoveries i-i the Jelm moun
tain section step to the front and set
the land aflame with excitement.
The "Jelm mines" applies to more
than simply those found in Jelm
mountains , and includes all found in
the Bramel district , a large proportion
of which are in the Medicine Bow
range , on the west side of the Big
Laramie , while Jelm mountain is
wholly on the east side. Last night
I _ arrived here from the Cummins
City mining camp. It is a lively
camp of 300 , and has located more
than one hundred mines , sixty-five
being recorded. Men are coming in
by the score- every day , and a very
large portion of them remain. Den
ver , Boulder , Georgetown , Omaha ,
Cheyenne and Salt Lake have con
tributed to swell the camp , besides
the agents of eastern capitalists who
desire to improve their fortunes by
investment in mines.
These mines are also known as the
Big Laramie mines. To the south ,
just across the Colorado line , are the
North Park mines , the principal
camp there being "Jack Creek. " To
the northwest are the Douglas Creek
mines ; and west of these are tbo
mines of the Snowy Range , known aa
the LaPlatte District.
A city is being built in the Bramel
district , on the west side of Big Lara
mie , called Cummins City. At pres
ent it consists of a recorder's office ,
two hotels , a store , saloon and about
fifty canvas tents. All are busily en
gaged. In the morning they scatter
over the hills in groups of from two
to six , and return in the evening with
specimens of now finds , ready to tel-
the results of the day's prospecting.
A number of these mines were visited
by myself , in company with miners
from abroad , under the escort of Louis
Miller , of Laramie.
West of Cummins City one mile ,
we visited a number of mines owned
by Louis Miller and A. S. Blackburn ;
of some I will make brief mention.
The "Betsey Jane" shows free gold ,
besides rich quartz which assays from
$358 to $1470 per ton. A shaft has
been sunk 12 feet. "Happy Dick"
lode is down 40 feet , and assays $70.
"Red Rover" assays 3242.40 ; "Inde
pendence , " down 14 feet , assays § 112.
The assays were made by E. E. Bur-
lingame , of Denver. The lead runs
from E.S.E to W.N.W.
Just above these is the "Gold Mt. "
owned by Cummins & Co. , of Den
ver. It shows free gold and excellent
quartz. On the opposite side of the
river , in Jelm mountain , Cummins &
Co. own the "Western , " which shows
very little free gold , but a fine quartz.
An assay from this mine , wo are in
formed , shows § 72,000 per ton. The
vein is three feet in width. A shaft
was sunk twelve feet and then work
was begun on a tunnel to strike it at
a depth of GO feet. The ' 'Southern , "
near the "Western" has a four feet
vein , and assays § 37,000. The "Ring
Mountain" mine , opened by a shaft
fifteen feet deep , is a well defined
heavy ledge and assays $80 gold and
50 ounces silver. This company have j |
other rich mines , "Highland Chief , "
"Cloud Cap , " "Rob Roy" and "Yel-
lowhammer "
W. S. Bramel owns the "Rosebud , "
"Red Cloud , " "Goldstake" and
"Western No. 2. " Shafts are sunk
six feet in the first two , and all fur
nish a very fine prospect.
Ool. C. F. Kimball & Co. , from
Michigan , representing large capital ,
have opened up the "Nina Belle , "
"Eliza Harrison , " "Michigan No. 2. "
"Smithfield" and "Pnntlac. "
Gen. Jos. Adams , for many years In
the San Juan , represents a syndicate
of European capitalists and has the
"Phcenex , " "Jackson , " "Montezu-
ma , " "Otscgo , " "H. W. Kelly , "
"Rappahannock , " "Oxford , " "Ro
chester , " "Detroit , " "Albany" and
"Elmira" mines.
W. A. Root and J. H. Cross are
putting a twenty-foot shaft in the
"Gilt Edge , " which is a very promis
ing mine.
Ross , et al. , have opened the "Lucy
Macham" and "Occidental. "
Cross & Gillman have the "Stem-
winder , " "Rocky Point , " "Bullion"
and "Rattler. "
M. C. Barrows , et al. , have the
"Homeward Bound" and "Laramie
Times. "
G. R. Brown has the "Washing
ton ; " Thos. Caton the "Hidden Treas
ure ; " W. O. Downey the "Excelsior ; "
Thomas Shipley the "Abo Lincoln ; "
S. C. Smith the "E. L. Preston ; " B.
F. Snider the "Antelope1 Bilderback
& Co. have the "Eugenie" and
"Quincnplexal. " 0. A. Bunker dis
covered the "Peabody. "
The gulches and river flat are all
taken in placer claims.
These mines are as yet undeveloped
but work has begun in earnest , and
they will be soon tested. Miller ban
eight men employed , and will increase
the force to fifteen next week.
Most of the mines opened are rich
in gold , and BOKO contain an J&und-
anceofailver. These mountain * nowhere -
whore exceed 0000 feet , and the snow
has all gone except in the gulctes.
A ten stamp mill will arrive in a
few days , and Cummins City will have
a genuine boom.
A line of four-horse stages run daily
from Laramie City and return. The
roads are excellent , and the distance ,
thirty mile ? , is made in four hours.
The hotels of Laramie are filled
everynight with men bound for the
mines. The Thornbttrgh hotel , kept
by the Kitchen Bros. , is a commodi
ous and pleasant resort , and is not
excelled by any house west of the
Missouri river.
The business men of Laramie have
contributed from their own pockets
the money neceasary to fix the bridges
over streams , and otherwise put in
shape the roads leading from their
city to the mining districts of La
Douglas Creek , Bramel and North
Park. The fact that old , experienced
miners and capitalists have invested
in these mines is a guarantee for the
good character of these mines. The
leading business men of Laramie have
all invested in them. Some undevel
oped claims have sold for $6,000. and
some that have been opened by shafts
are held as high as $100,000.
The flats between the mountains
have a thick coat of black soil , which
will Jbe ] kept moist during
most of the summer , and should pro
duce well in all kinds of vegetables
and cereals.
Any amount of provisions can bo
had within a day's drive at Laramie ,
so that the difficulties attending the
settlement of Deadwood and Lead-
villa are not to be encountered by
Cummins City , which may rival
either of ihe aforesaid inside of two
years. Passengers from the east or
west will save money , trouble and
annoyance by starting out from Lar
amie. JAY.
DeGroat. & Co. , cheapest hats and caps ,
t leu- r-t&i u-1- - .
Wholesale and Retail
Goods sent to any part of the United States on
solicitation. Largest assortment of
And everything found generally in a flrat-
claas Jewelry Store.
Jewelry manufactured ou short notice. Orders from
the Country solicited. Tfhcnin Oiunlin call and sec us. No
trouble to show Goods *
The Jewelers , Opposite thcPostbllice , 15th & Bodge *
Oil and Timber Firo.
Special Dispatch to The Boa.
CHICAGO , May 10 , 4 p. m. The
Journal's Now York special Bays : A
dispatch from Bradford about the fire
at Dei ford says : "Tho wires arc down
and telegraphic communication
is interrupted. The Fipo line
managcra said last evening four
25,000 barrel tanks are on Ore , and no
earthly power can save the balance of
the town. It is reported the tide water
pump station , a mile from thcoriginof
the fire , was burned. Specials trains run
to the scene by the United Pipe
Company , and hundreds of men put
at work to atop the progress of the
fire. Trenches have been thrown
around several of the large tanks.
Small fires are reported in
other parts of the field. High winds
prevailed all day and the producers
pray for rain. The woods for two
miles on either side of the Erie rail
road near Carrollton are in flame ? .
Blown Up.
Spccl&l dispatch to The Bee
EOME , May 10 4 p. m. By the
explosion of a boiler in the Merchants'
iron mil this morning , four men were
killed and several injused.
Blowing Women a Quarter of a
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
JACKSONVILLE , 111. , May 11,1 a. m.
There was a heavy storm Sunday
night \Voodlawn , six miles from
here. It developed into a tornado and
tore down the station house and
wrecked other buildings. Mr. Beck
man's house was destroyed and nis
right thigh broken , his five-year-old
daughter instantly killed and his wife
fatally injured. The house of Barry
Cox was destroyed and his wife and
hired girl blown away. They were
found next morning a quarter of a |
mile from the house and both dead.
Fabulous Immigration.
Ppeclal Dispatch to The Dee.
NEW YORK , May 11 1 a. m.
Immigration increases daily , and the
record for this month bids fair to
reach all former records. Yesterday
three ships arrived-the "Baltic , " the
"Helvetia" and the "Weser" having
respectively the following numbers In
the steerage : 782 , 14C3 and 8G5. Up
to date , the number reaching Castle
garden is 18,700 , in round numbers
an average of 870 per day. Should
this average hold over the present
month , it will be the largest in the
annals of American history , for it will
exceed that of May , 1872 , when 51,317
foreigners landed. European ports
are now thronged with people waiting
for passage here , and steamship com
panies aio unable to accommodata
The most wonderful and marvelous success , In
cues whera persons are lick or wasting an ay
from a condition of mlienblenra , tbat no on >
knows what ails them , ( profitable patient ? for
doctors , ) is obtained by the use of Ilop Hitters'
They btzin to care from the first dose and. keep
it up nmll perfect health ant ] strength Is restor
ed. Whoever is afflicted in this way need not
nffer , when they can get Hop Blttsn. tee
other column.
Bargains In Houses , Lots , Farms and
Lands , la bis new column on Itt page.
"A nimble nickle is bette
than a connterfeitcopper. " ( Jak
Spear ) . Until further notio
you can buy for cash ,
10 Ibso ( Aaupir for fl 00
10 } Ibs extra (3 sugar for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
1111)3 Dcmarara Sugar for 1 00
0 Ita Granulated Snjar for 1 00
8J Ibs Cut Loaf Suirarfor 1 CO
6 Ibs Rood lUo Coffee for 1 00
5 Ibs b t Rio Coffee for 1 00
4 Ibs choice Java Coffee for 100
31 Ibs best Mocha Coffee fur 100
Young lljson Tea perlb , SO to. . . . _ _ . . . . 40
OolonjrTea per Ib , 30 to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Japan Tea per Ib , 30 to CO
Finest GumiowderTea perlb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
BestO K Flour per sack. . 3 25
Snow Flake winter wheat flour 3 65
Havenstbest flour „ i 60
20 bars White Russian Soap for 1 00
20 bars Climax Soap for 1 00
21 bars Laundry Soap for 1 00
IS bars Linen Soap for 1 00
Pure llaplo Syrup per gallon 1 15
Golden byrup per gallon. . . . _ _ 60
New Orleans Syrup per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . 70
New Orleans Molasses per gallon 45
Sucar House Molasses per gallon 40
1 * Ibj St. Louis Soda Crackers for 00
17 IbsSt. Louis Oyster Crackers for. . . . . . . 00
11 Ibs Boston Butter Crackers for 00
11 IbsGinger Snaps for 00
13 Ibs New Currants for 00
8 lb New HUckbcrriea for 00
4 Ibs Pitted Cherries for 00
10 Ibs Dried Peaches ( halves ) for 00
10 IM ! Choice Dried Apples for 00
10 Ibs best new Prunes for 100
10 Ibs. best Valencia Raisins 1 00
7 Ibs. new lajer Raisins 1 00
Peaches. 21b cans 17
Peaches,3 Ibcansst tjird ) . . . . _ 22 $
Tie Peaches,6 Ibcans. . . . 25
PeachesCal)3 ( ) Ibcans 30
Blackberries , 2 Ib can. . . . 15
Apples , ( York State ) gel can 35
Blueberries 3 Ibcan 15
Cherries 2 Ib can 12 }
Damson Plums2Ib cans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Gooseberries 2 Ibcan 15
Raspberries i Ib can 15
Strawberries,2 Ibcan _ . . 20
Slrins Beans,2 Ibcans 12 }
Baked Beans , 3 Ib can 20
Luna Beans , 2 Ib cans 12 }
Sa arcorn , 2Ib can 124
Yarmouth corn , per can. . . . . . . . 17 }
Tomatoes , 3 Ibcan 15
Succotash , 2 Ibcan 12 }
Pumpkins , 3Ibcan
2 lbs beans 1 CO
9 IbsdrieJ Lima beans 1 00
S3 Ibs hominy I 00
11 Ibs Carohnalnce 1 CO
25 Ibs oat meal 100
Fat family mackerel , per kit 90
Fat family whitensh. per kit. BO
Codfish , whole , per Ib 8
Codflsh , boneless , per Ib 10
Hallibut , per Ib 12 }
Holland herring ( new ) per kc . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SO
Tobacco ( Blackwell's Durham ) per Ib 60
Tobacco ( SilverSeal plntrperlb. ) . . . 60
Tobacco ( Old Style ) perlb „ 35
Tobacco ( Meerschaum ) | > erib. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Hams , sairar-cnreil , perlb II
E gs , 11 doz for. . . 1 00
Butter , fresh roll , perlb 20
Complete price lirts furnbhed onapt > Uctl
Country orders will receive prompt and car *
attc&tion. Positively no goods sold on credit-
. . & CO. ,
The Original Reliable Grocers ,
No. 1119 Farnham Street ,
Cheyenne , Wyoming.
Frst-cl'S : , Fins large Simple Room * , one
llcck from depot. Train * stop from 20 mlncte *
to 2 boun for dinner. Free Eos to and from
Deput. It-.tes Si CO , tl SO and 13.00 , according
to room ; i ngla meal 75 cents.
A. l > . BALCOlf. Proprietor.
ANDREW EORDEN. Cnief CItrk. mlO-t
A LLEN RUTHERFORD ( lat Third Auditor
JTJ. . S. Treasury ) . Attotney and Councilor
at Law , 20 Grant Place , Waihlnzton , D. C.
Havm ; been Third Auditor of the United States
Treasury for six years , I am thoroughly familiar
with the course of business befon the Govern
ment Department * . Special attention given to
the settlement of accounts of all Government
Officer * . Postmasters , Marshals , Mall Contractors
and other * . Will practice before th * Supreme
Court of the U. S-.Uoort of Claims , Patent Offlco ,
General Land Office. Ac. , &e. Re/en to Hon.
Sam ! F. Phillips , Solicitor General U. 8. ; Hon.
JM. GUaHan , Treasurer of the U. S. ; Hoa-tJ. U
McOrtw , bixtb. Auditor U. S. Trtssurr