Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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to be
ror t
I ?
O dty. ereiy
centa per wee
UIlnay.j > f-the4Ji erV.addrcasea to
LOJUkiiAlLT Bn win t roiikd to icb-
uiUu rttha.toHOwtoff'naw , paj ble-lnTx-
, , * Mr In 4Y f S8.00TWT Annum ; M.09 ir.
taoatbs. TurOiuiiXJTOttgLt EiMiOOj [ > cr
* -r * f F / ' *
* ) TH Omuii Tj > * n.rJBu tuwtv arthelugett
.drcuUUoo both tnOnjJib MX ] abroad , and la
therefore the'bcsTud cheapest advertising
crnKtttnixa ,
Ury and Comauraal Reporti , Railroad ana
Fottelcc Time , Tabla , tre third van t _ '
t sells coal.
lliTry Saxe's ginger ale. * * *
--iSee-Pdlack'c Advertisement.
Frederick Is Ihe Leading Hatter.
Lolsj Farrns * Houses and Lands.
' i of br-
; adv.
third page ' lf
For Lands , Lots , HOUECS and
Firms , look ovirBemis' new column
S 1st page. Bargains.
ATKINSONS is tbd only reliable
p"jico for style , yood goods , fine imrk
and lowpriccsm tbe millinery business.
The regular monthly mooting of
the Standard-clnb-willbehold in their
rooma this evening at 7:30 :
Berois ofiera aaplendid list of bar-
gams in Houses , Lois , Farms . and
Linds , In his new column on 1st page.
Soortlyaftercight o'clock Monday
evening the ahow window of Burh-
man's itoro aughtfiro from a gas jet.
The fire was tjuicklycxtinguishcd , but
the conteata ofihe.windoTrwero very
much damaged oy the gre acdwater. .
At a meetlffgbL Qeo. A. Caster
postKo/ * Monday , -Josiah Budd
WAS clectf dpQsjLCOWinaiii ; r LoJill the
vaoancy cause byj resignation of
J. W. Bewheli.1 * C. R Goodman was
" * * * *
elected cTiapla'n , and. i , John R. Man-
cae terofficer ) f tie -day. The new
Officers were duly Installed.
On Sunday , noon , os.Mrs. Kcune *
dy , awidoVllvirJgDnwtlUi'Thirtt'enth
etreot'waa returning home from St.
Philomenas CathcdrHJihcr horse took
fright , and ran tlirgKing her to the
ground on eooth Tenth stieit and se
riously injuring her. Fears are cn-
tertained-for-her recovery.
il J > . OtU . -
The SpbrUmcna tournament
takes place at NebrasStiMSity , May
13th. The . ? aM f/Jtroad"wIll give
one and one-fiflKTarb'to' delegates for
the round trip : In all jptlobatility )
there will be an cxcumdjffrdm Lin
coln to Nebraska , City ' and return on
Barney Shannon's case asto nro
informed by Judge Hawcs ha - not-
been dismissed , and trill-be taken up
as soon as the witnesses' for the prose-
cation are ready. The tatement of
a morning paper that no charge had
been made against oBarney Judge
Hawea pranouDcea"fake m every
particular. _
Pleuo remember that wo do not sell
last year's style hatsat ATKINSON'S ;
can give you now goodi,4his season's.
shapes , for less money than they cott
Headquarters for * Joe Schlitz'a
Milwaukee beer at T\IEHCHAKTS' \ EX
CHANGE , N. E. Cor. IGth and Dodge.
Yocal and instrumental concert
every evening at ihe-Trrou.-
, I , > * " * * - y 3
-W F" - * w
Pretzels at nndt's.
A fine line of Kennedy's brealfait
crackers , jutreceivod. > Among them I
ihe original j
, JJosloiiT < > att ) V
, Cold- Water ,
Boston Pilot , Etc.
TJieso are the came goods acid by
Park & Tflford to the finest family
trad ? , * IPnt..J7enviH < 7 & Co. ,
. ' Fine family Grocers.
Clocks from (1 up to $1 at Edholm
AEncki ; eons.
Attention Hoots.
Annual election of the Pioneer Hook 1. All mem.
fcors'of the company are requested to
jneot it the hall n't 7 o'clock sharp.
} J. F. BAIBD , Foreman.
Fresh mackerel and shad at Motz's.
-T e
New silverware just received at Edf
L 1m & Ericsson's. h
Grand Opening Tizsrd'a Ice Cream
Palace , the finest place in the city to
take jour lady ; , wo also furnish ice
creata'lo ' hotels , parties , and families ,
in an 'quantity , and at shortest notice.
Call and sea that immense stock of
Hamburg edgings at Crulckshank's ,
which they are Belling at one-third lets a'
than market prices. All pronounce
this the cheapest lot of embroideries
ever offered here.
No. 1 Engine - Co.
1 will hold their regular month
ly meeting this Tuesday evening at
7:30 sharp ; all memberB arp requested
to bo prcteet. CoA&h of
' * " * * -
New-watches - , from jip to $300 at of s.
'Mkaokv ! THE Jewelers , a'm
Pretz'ris at Puridri . * a
Go and tjko somexjNTizird's cream
BoJa water ; there is nothing likeit.
Before-buying a sewing machine ,
examine the-"N wHomp , " oornerlCth to
' lot
and Wubstef. Hart'maiTiBelquist.
MISSIKO. A ease o coneYlpation by
sing Hamburg Fjgg. _ m
TT | I'K * - - * 1 A .vkfilMAAnftt-T . . . . * * *
Hall to IBS cnim muuj $ j.u. .j
tcmedies , Dr. Thomas' E.clectric Oil ,
-oi exteHalyandintern } ll , . . . . Thw - . , fit
grand prejDantionVtatbihilates coughs ,
eolds , rheuttiitiBin , neuralgia , lame-
BCSS , pileJ , kiduey troubles , and rem in
edies ores , cute , -barpg liioilg. jatts.
ard corns. Ill csra-are attendeiby
a > * amntati anoVfcibiS- positive testl- re
r *
Changes to be Made in
i e * . - * ; ,
Omaha'sTelephone System.
V .
A New Invention tobelneerted
" " '
"in Subqnbs'rB Hpuses. _ _
" "ThTo'maha Electric company have
been. contemplating" for some time
past a radical changejn-the telephone
system of our ityr Omaha's exchange
was ihe tenth constructed in the
'United States and when the apparatus
were put in they were of the latest and
most approved designs. Since then ,
bowevor , a number of improvements
liavo been made tending to the greater
perfection of the system , and in order
to keep up with * the times , the com
pany have determined to take out all
the old signal bells and insert others
of a newer and later pattern.
The great trouble with 'tho old elec
tric bell has resulted from the Incon
stancy of the largo battery at the
central 6ffice-which supplied the cur *
rent to all , the magnets throughout
the system. At times the battery
would work well and the bells would
signal loud and clear when sounded ,
at other times it would prove weak ,
and great difficulty was experienced
In gettirg any sound at all. Besides
this , the battery of GOO cells required
constant attendance and frequent re
plenishing. To do away entirely with
the battery is now the aim of the
officers of the company.
They propose to take out all the old
bells from the houses aud exchange ,
and insert a new invention cslled ihe
Magneto bell. This instrument needs
no battery to work the bell hammer.
The electricity is generated by means
of a email crank which tbo sub
scriber turns as he presses the but
ton which calls up the central office.
Enough electricity is produced by the
little magnetic machine inside the box
to Tvprk a circuit fifty miles in length.
With this simple invention there can
be no excuse for the bells failing to respond
spend to the signalling button.
The company also proposes tolessen
the number of subscribers on a circuit
and to furnish separate wires to such
as desire them , charging a email extra
rental in such cases. They also in
tend to make a radical change in the
central office by means of which con
nection canto made more rapidly be
tween different circuits. To do this a
largo and now switch board is to be
placed in the ollico and. the old and
cumbrous shelves with innumerable
clanging bolls is to be removed.
Wheu these changes -are made the
Omaha exchange will be abreast of
the best in our country , and will
furnish as many conveniences as the
New York exchange itself. The num
ber otsubacribera.who. use telephones
in our city is now aboufSOO. When
the exchange started business only 100
names were on its books. Since that
time the Omaha "Electric company
have opened exchanges in Council
Bluffs and Lincoln , in the former of
which-villases they now have 100
subscribers , and in } he latter about
70. - v
$ ? Jewelry 1 Jewelry !
Watches ! Watches !
Whipple&Co. , jewelers , Douglas-st
Bottom prices for everything. 413
Northeast cornerICtb and Dodge.
place has become one of the
most popular resortsfor , gontlemenin
the city. Mr. George Higgins offers
to the public only the very best brands
of liquors and cigan , OLD WOODFOKD
being one of iho brands set up by his
entlomanly assistant , Harry Erd-
man , who the traveling public will reg-
inize as a former superintendent of
he Grand Central Hotel billiard
room , and every one knows when they
call for a drink of Harry they will get
what they call for. .As we look through
the fine stock of old whiskies that
Mr. Higgins keeps , wo do not so
much wonder at the success ho is
meeting with , for he is certainly de
serving of the patronrge of gentle
men , for he allows none but gentle
men to stay in his place. This is the
headquarters for Schlits's famous Mil
waukee beer and Beesley's celebrated
ale and porter , bottled or on draught.
Have your watch repaired and war
ranted to run as good as now at Ed-
helm & Erickson's. ti
Pretzels at Pnndt's.
Mr. Baumeistcr , of the Northwest 0t 0B
ern Marble Workf , recently burned , t
wishes to announce to the public that cici
ho is still running the business at the ciC
old stand , on-north Eighteenth street , C
where will always bo found a fine n
selection of monuments and tomb sitf
stones of all descriptions. tftl
Another largo invoice of the latest tlcl tld
novelties just received at the Acknoid- cl
edged Leading Millinery Establishment
ATKINSON'S corner of Douglas 1
and Thirteenth streets.
Boal Estate Transfers.
Nnthan Shelton and wife to Minnie In
E. Hayden , lot 8 , block 2 , Henry
and Shelton's addition to the city of
Omaha ; $1,000.
Daniel Rudat to .Ferdinand Kaiser
, *
north one-half of No. 5 , block 17 , ty
Credit Foncier's addition to the city D
Omaha ; § 100. * W.
A. E. Tonzalin to the public , pla , COCO
Terrace addition to city of Omahat COS
. w. one-fourth of s. o. one-fourth of
section 21 , 1.15 , range 13 , o. P <
J. M , Maralon and wife to Geo.H.
Bogga & Lew. W. Hill , w. d. u 22 ft. CO
44 ft lot 4 , block 2CG , city of Oma
ha S200.
William W. Lowe and wife to A. E
Touralin , w. d. parcel in sec. 16,115
nrlSe § 200. '
Wm. F. Heins , county treasurer
John Sialon , t d. lot 3 , parcel in
C and lot 8 , block 16 , city of Flor CO :
ence § 1.98.
Something new in the way of bon-
neU just received at ATKINSON'S
the l acknowledged leading establishment Ini
comer of Douglas and Thirteenth ei
streets. bu
Over eighty millions of dollars of
Insurance capital of the oldest and atFc
best home and Fc
foreign companies rep
resented lo the agency'fof Taylor &
HoweU , _ - dlGif.
* *
L. W.XJolby , of BeatriceTis In the
city. . 4 '
Hon..Lew Ley , of Stanton , is in the
Bishop Clarkson has returned from
Al. Patrick is making a short visit
In town.
Special Agent John V. Fnray has
returned from Washington.
PhiL McShane left Mondayfor _
the east on receipt of news of hfs
wife's illness.
Superintendent Balbacb , of the
Smelting Works , returned from Lead-
ville Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lininger with
their daughter Florence , left Tuesday
for New York , where , on the 12th
Inst. they will take passage for Europe
on the Cunarder "Scythia. " Mr. Lin
inger has been long connected with
our city and Its interests , and until a
few months ago when he retired was
one of its largest merchants. He has
well earned his coming season of rest
and recreation , and the best withes of
a largo circle of friends will atttend
him on his travels.
Among the many arrivals at the
Metropolitan hotel are the following :
L. M. McBoag , Sioux City ; T. W.
West , Neb.jN. Tucker , B. B. Clark ,
CUrk , Chicego ; A. B. Smith , Denver ;
Walter Bapworth , North Platte , Q.
Trowbridge , Nebraska City ; W. T.
Clark , DCS Moincs ; W. J. Marshall ,
Fitchburg ; H. A. Chamberlin , Chicago ;
0. J. Pitman , Des Moins ; W. M.
Campbell , Troy , N. Y.T. ; H. Dyer ,
Chicago ; J. A. Marsha ] ! , Lincoln ; L.
N. CodeyBeatriceM. ; M. Dougherty ,
Crete ; L. H. Tibbets , Kansas ; J.
Hands&ll , do. ; G , H. Porter , St.
Joseph ; C. W. Lyman , Chicago ; L. C.
Dearban , Nebraska ; Mrs' M. Neelson ,
Wilber , Neb..F. W. BordeKekuknh ,
lo. ; G. J. Noes , Brnnswicb , Mo. ; L.
R. Lancasty , St. Joe ; Wm. Dailey ,
Bevell , H. E. Hett.Brownville ; C..H.
Clarke , Chicago.
Gents' Furnishing Department is now
full to overflowing with now and cheap
goods , amongst which is a splendid
stock of Gents' Half Hose at remark
ably low prices.
Gents' Summer Underwear in every
grade and price.
The Original One Dollar.Unlaun . -
dried Shirt , introduced first by us in
this city , and which wo still sell at
the same price in spite of the enorm-
oigirfraucs in material. . Many of
ourifriendssay-tbey never had a really
comfortable shirt till they wore this.
Try one and -ou will wear no other.
A splendid Una of scarfs and neck
ties , at very different prices than asked
by tailors. AU'tBo' latesT styles in
collars and cuffs.
Gents' Half JIoso forlhe _ millions ,
two'pairs ' for twenTy-five'cents , worth
twentyfivo cents a pair. Visit , this
department It will pay. .
If you have any galvanized iron
cornices , window caps or other work
to figure on , or to bo done , call on
John Epeneter , 333 Broadway , Coun
cil Bluffs , Iowa , who will give you
bottom prices and extra good work.
ap27-3w ! >
Murphy & LovottIns. Agency ; old
est established agency in this state.
Call on Lang & JTotick if you want
a good cook stove cheap.
Vermont maple sugar at Pundt's.
- t t '
Kid gloves ( Alexandria's ) , eveiy
pair warranted , at ATKINSON'S , for
about half the money that they can be
boughtrfor eltcwhere.
Omaha Chapter meets in regular
convocation this ( Tuesday ) evening.
Children's hate stacks of them at
ATKINSON'S , corner of Douglas and
Thirteenth streets.
Vermont maple sugar at Pundt's.
The Reception to Judge McCrary.
The details of the reception to be
given to day to Judge McCrary
has been perfected , and a delightful ,
though thoroughly informal time may
be expected.
At noon court will adjourn in order
to give the janitor time to get the
room in a state of readiness for the
occasion In the afternoon Judge
McCrary will be driven out
to ( Fort Omaha and Hans-
corn Park and through the
city. In the evening the reception will
come ( off at the United' States court
room. The committee particularly de
sire all members of the state bar to at
tend and to bring iheir ladies with
them. Th e reception will not bo a full
dress affair , but will paftSVe ef the
character of an informal levee. There
will be neither banquet nor music.and
the addresses will be very short.
Fostofflce Changes
r t
Nebraska , during the week ending F
May 1 , 1880 , furnished by Wm. Van B
Vleck , of the postoffico department :
it i
Established Clyde , Franklin coun ii
, Martin L. Hollenbeck , postmaster ; iiri iih
Dorrington , "Richardson county , Wm. ri
. Day , postmaster'Royal , Antelope ritl
county , Chas. H. Bligh , postmaster ; tlIt
Sedlor , Valley county , Jno. W. Beran , Ito
postmaster. a
Discontinued St. Mary , PUtte n
ounty. 0
Name changed Sherman , Nemaba
wunly , to Bedford. e :
Vermont maple sugar at Pundt's. S tlei
Go to the vocal and instruments ] oifij
oncert at the TTVOLI to night. ° 111
r r *
Hamburg FjgsjZSc a box. - - In
Why dose yourselves with nausea't- th
mediclnea , when a purely fruit
tithartic will cure you at once Ham- .
' ' in
urg Figs' Try them.
A large assortment ot coot stoves
reasonable _ _ prices , at Lang &
oti V .
Travelers , . tk
WYork , T - * 16djm
"l- . ; aA.A.y Z' -
VPS3 < 3f > 4 .1 ,
* 45J . -t&BBJ JC * JL < & > '
Omaha Base Ballieta Organiz
Pursuant to call , a-meeting of ball
players and friends of the game was
held Monday night at the office of Mr.
M. D. Hyde , in Union block , \he
object of tha meeting being to take
some steps toward forming a league of
the Omaha amateur clubs. Charley
Austin , bj reason of his experience
in the game , was chosen aa president
of the meeting and 0. J. Smyth acted
as secretary.
Tbo Clnso Cuts , the B. & M. club ,
and the Creighton university nine
were represented. It was announced
that the U. P. club would join the
league. It was decided to request the
above four mentioned clubs to appoint
three of their members to meet next
Friday and form the association.
We have the material in our city for
several strong nines and the interest
which is being manifested in the na-
tlonil game is a good portent for some
excellent matches. If the boys will
brace up and organize they will find
plenty of backers to help them on with
the necessary expenses.
21et Anniversary of the Pioneer
Hook and Ladder Company
Election of Officers.
Last evening the Pioneer Hook and
Ladder company met and elected the
following officers for tbo ensuing year :
Foreman Chas. Fisher.
First Assistant Foreman Fulton
Smith ,
Second Assistant Foreman Louis
Secretary Julius Treitschke.
Assistant Secretary J. O'Brien.
Treasurer H. II. A. Pundt.
President Philip Dore.
The treasurer reported $106.43 in
the treasury.
After the election tbe members of
the company adjourned to Masonic
hall , where members of the other fire
companies and various other .guests
were present and celebrated their
twenty-first anniversary in a right roy
al manner , "
Mr. Wm. Kennedy delivered a short
address of welcome , and was followed
by tbe newly elected foreman , Mr.
Fisher , who made a neat speech.
Addresses were also nude by Presi
dent Goldsmith , of the fire depart
ment , Chief Galligan , Assistant Chief
Mealio , Judge Hawea , James Sheeley ,
Messr * . Pundt , Cahn , Franco and
Supper wo3 then served , after
which Mayor Chase was called up.
He said that he was anxious about the
cause of the recent fires , and although
ho did not like to think there was an
organized effort to burn the town
down , nevertheless such might be the
case. He thought , however , that the
city had safe reliance in her fire de
Hon. J. E. Boyd , president of the
city council , being present , was asked
when the new "No. 2 engine house
would be built. Ho said that at
present no moniy was in the city
treasury , but after the first of July
there would bo , ' when he thought the
engine house would be built.
The , Men Refused a Raise of 25
Jf er Cent And Strike.
The employes of the smelting works
made a demand for an increase of nay
two days ago , but President Mead and
Superintendent Balbach , of the
smelting works company , being ab
sent , no action was taken. Yesterday
both of these officers had returned ,
and in the afternoon the men renewed
their demand , asking a raisa of 25 per
cent. This was refuted , the representatives
sentativos of the company claiming
that the wages paid were just and fair ,
and pointed to the fact that an in
crease of 10 per cent , had voluntarily
> een made in December.
Accordingly at half-past tbree tha
day shift struck and sixty-three men
marched up town with their dinner
tails. The company sent a request
to police headquarters that two or
tbree policemen be sent down to the
Smelting Work in the evening , to
guard the _ .property in the possible
event of any disturbance. It is repor
ted that there was some disturbance
by the men , but this they deny and
say that they mean to conduct them--
selvca rin an orderly way. At mid-
nightlast night there were about twen
ty meu doing the work of the night
shift so far as they could , but most of
the furnaces had to be shut down.
* Labor Protest.
TVTieieas , The wage-workers of
Counc.l Bluff * , Iowa , desire to protest
agaiostlthe infamous perversion of law
and travesty on justice by which the
toilfng masses of this country are de
prived of their inalienable and God-
given right to bo free , and ,
. Wlureas , Recent events show that
! is a fitting time for the voice of an
indignant and outraged psop'o to bo
heard , sn the defence of our sacred
rights. Therefore ,
Resolved , That our wannest sympa
thies aie hereby extended to the fear
less champions of labor and the rights
: man , DennisKearney , of California ,
and : J. P McDonnell , of Patterson ,
now suffering from an unjuit impris n
onment for daring to maintain n
the rights of their fellow-men. frm
Besolced , That as truth crushed to froi
earth will rise again , sa we recognize oiw
the fact that the imprisonment of w
Kearney and McDonnell but strength 01
ens and keeps alive the determination to
all of us , never to desist from tbe CB
fight until our principles are estab fo
lished. fem
Eesoltcd That of this m
, a copy reso
lution be forwarded toDenrfsKearney th
uidJ. P. McDonnell , in prison.for or
kheright. tic
That a copy of these re so ticmi
lutions be forwarded to aud published mi
The Patterson Labor Standard.Tho en
trish World aud The Chicago Stand- oh
of Labor , and in such local papers thde
will publ sb the same. . de
Fomra A sure cure tor constlpa-
Jon : Hamburg Pig , 25o perjboxyfor sti
lalebyaHdrogghto , \ .a. - * Ad
A regular meeting of the city coun
cil was held last evening , the follow
ing members being present : Dodge ,
Jones , Kaufmann , Keunard , Labagh ,
Hornberger , Boddis , Thieman and
President Boyd.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
Under the head of communications
and new business a communication
wca presented to increrse ihe police
force from eight to tan men ; also an
ordinance to establish the grade of
Sherman avenue.
A communication from A. Crulck-
shank &C6. regarding the sprinkling
of the streets was ordered to be placed
on file.
A communication from J. B. Furay
regarding the establishing of grade on
East avenue along the west side of the
government grounds in Shull's addi
tion to the city of Omaha was presented
Mr. Dodge said that so far as rafer-
iug matters or petitions to committees
on streets and grades was concerned
ho was getting tired of it. He said
that there had boon a dozen petitions
come into the council within the past
year , and that was the Isst of them.
Frank Murphy proiented a report
stating that there had been 164 street
limps in use during the month of
The mayor presented the following
names of parsons appointed by him
on the police force :
Earl D. Spears , reappointed , H.
Jacobson , re-appointed , Edward Gor
man , reappointed , Patrick . Ford
reappointed. Frank Jelen vice
James Norton whoso term had
expired , frank JJellanoy vica , J ) . B.
Houck suspended , Eleander Black vice
E. W. Erb jesigned ; John Donahue
vice Wm. Ryan resigned. E. S. Mc-
Cluce , additiou lnpolice ; Andrew G.
Donaldson additional police , also
Joseph 'Ganachue in charge of prison
ersatlab'r. Referred. * ' "
A communication from James B.
Porter regarding the-condition of
Farnhametreet and asking that it be
made pnssablo for carriages and wagons
was referred'o committee on streets
and grades.
J. 3. Kennard presented the follow
ing" : That , the petition of "many'citi
zens ia. reference to the grading of
Fif teenthstreet be complied with so
far as authorizing the city engineer to
establish the"-grade on ea'd street
within , the limits mentioned in said
petition and make an estimate of tbe
amount o'fgradoc"nsaid street. Tabled.
A petition was presented from
Catherine Welsh requiring tbe pur
chase of certain property on Market
street , sta'ing ' that she desired to
build on said land , but was prevented
from so doing by. reason of two houses
aud other obstructions now upon the
property , and-asking that the obstruc
tions be removed without delay. Re
ferred to city marshal.
A communication was read from
Dennis Cunningham offering to do the
horseshoeing for ono dollar per horse
per month for the year 1880. Ac
A communication from J. J. Galli-
jan , stating that at the burning of
No. 2 engine house 1000'feet of hose
was destroyed and recommending the
purchase of 1000 feet of new hose , was
referred to committee on fire.
A communication from the Oma
ha iron works offering to repair
the pumps of No. 3 , and stating that
the cost of patterns would be $25 ;
that they would belong to the
city : for doing the work it would
cost $58 GO , and offering to duplicate
the work if It ever happens again for
$33. Chief authorized to contract.
A communication from the city
marshal regarding the appointment
of Patrick Ford as sergeant of the
police 'force , and to 1ako charge of
them , while on night duty , was ap
proved and ap'pointment confirmed.
The report of the city physician re
cording the number of births and
deathswas ; ordered placed on file.
The city engineer presented a re
port ref the number and condition of
the bridges over North Omaha creek ,
which waa referred to the committee
on sidewalks and bridges.
A communication from the city
marshal regulating the duties of po
licemen was read and approved.
Mr. Stopheutpn aaid he was strong
ly in favor of letting the marshal have
entire control of the police force with
out any restrictions from the commit
tee on police.
Under the head of resolutions Mr.
[ jabagh presented the following :
Resolved , That the committee on
sidewalks and bridges have the neces
sary .repairs made and culvert side
walks on t3e southeast corner of 18th
street and St. Mary's avenue , to avoid
suit and damages. Adopted.
By Mr. Dodge That the city clerk
be and hereby is instructed to adver
tise for the construction and repair of
sidewalk now ordered , such bids to be
received at the next regular moo ting of
this council. Adppted.
By Mr. Thieman That the city at
torney be instructed .to withdraw the
suit now pending in the police court
against Ferdinand Streitz for obstruct
ing the sidewalk. Referred to the
city attorney.
By Mr. Dailey That the commit
tee on sidewalks aud bridges be and
are hereby directed to repair the
bridges on North Omaha creek to the
extent " of $400 , the same to be paid
out of" tbo special cash fund. Adopt
ed.By Mr. Daily That the city engineer -
neer be and hereby is instructed to
make a survey of Sherman avenue I
from the north line of Nichols street
north to the city tfmits , with a view
widening said street to the
width of . 8Q _ or 100- feet , which
ever may be moat practical , the lines
show the amount of property nec
essary to'condemn in order-to provide
the widths as above. Adopted.
By Mr. Kautmann That the com
mittee on sidewalks.and bridges have
bridge across South Omaha creek
Eleventh streat put iu safe condi
tion , co > t not to exceed $20. Adopted.
By Mr. Stepherson That tbe city
nanhal ba and is hereby directed to
inforce the city ordinance relative to
abstracting sidewalks and street * , also
ordinance rehtiTe-excava ingnn -
lerthesidewalki. Adopted.
The commrftyet ' on streets anctgrades C ]
eferrei back en 'ordinance levying a
pedal fax to pay for-grading-Douglas
treat and recommended its passage ,
- * " * '
Adopted ,
_ _
* * t - - * '
After tome remarks by Mr. Stephens -
s -n on the extension of. the fire limits
of the city , the council adjourned-
There is greaf demand for St. Jacobs
M.G. McKoon , Agt. Fire Insurance.
mayl-ly ' '
NOTICE Advertiscmenta To Let For Sale ,
Lost , Found , Wants , Bovrding 4c. , will bo ln-
erted In these columns once tor TEN CENT
per line ; each subsequent Insertlon.FIVE CENTS
per Une. The first Insertion nevu less than
: TO LOAN Call at Law Office
Mo D. L. THOMAS , RoomS.Crelghton Block
ONKT ' TO LOAN 1109 Farnham street
M' Dr. EdwardB Loan Agency. nov-22-U
C 10th and Davenport Street. 62S-4
A GOOD GIRL For general house
tl. roust speak German , 6C8 Fifteenth street
between California and Wotnter. 530 4
Dinlng-Boom girl at
Girl for general housework , two
WANTED ; references required. South
west corner 22nd and Webster. 621-4
: ANTED A good cook at
W 499-tf TIZAKD'S Palace Kestaurant.
1RLS at the Central Intelligence Office ,
G 208 Thirteenth it reel , up sta'H. iffl S
W southeast corner 16th and Davenport.
ANTED Stout boy at No. 018 Farnham
W Street , next door to Bee Office. 526-4
A joung min to work'inlaundry ;
WANTED St. 5133
rNTELLIGEN .E OFFICE , corner 16th and
L Darenport. 0 tt
2MUY Sells Lots , see 1st page.
AKD S TABLE for rent , 308 Davenport' '
between 13th and 17th , north side. . * > 22-5
KENT Double room , Jacob'H Block.
FOU 527-tl
7OK BKNT A boarding house of tm rooms ,
; JL bltaated south sldecf Pacific street be-
t" ecu Six hand Seventh street. Teniydolbrt
a ai jutb. Enquire C. E. Parker , gas office.
TT1 0R B8NTo-A sm ll house oftno rooms
! cor. o ! 22d and Uarney. Unquirc on ptcm
TTtOIl RENT Furnished roonwcheap ; by week
jj or month. Apply at AMEK10AN HOUSE.
, .
10R REST Front rooms , 706 Niuetecn h St.
betwten WeUtf r and Burt , 482-U
REM A splendid Photograph Gal ery.
71-tf L. B. WILLIAMS & SON.
" 17011 RENT Good nouse of seven rooms , vrith
Jj stable aud one acre of ground , on srath
Tenth Street.
Uoney to I oan on approved iccurity.
W.'tt. BARlLbTT , Heal Estate Agent ,
22 tf Office 217 2 > cuth Thirteenth Street
RENT New noun , 8 rooms , Filth anc
FOR . " Envuiro , J.JHIPPS ROE ,
mSOtf 497 Twelfth Street.
RENT-4 of room 569 Fifteenth street
Jacob's Block. 7vrnia reasonabla. 309-t
TT10R RENT harden Farm.
T > E11IS' Soils Lots , see 1st page.
FOR SALE The Omaha Bakery
BUSINESS and fixtures complete. Es
tab&hed 1814 Alto IMO horses and wa on
Reason for selling , I wish to-re'urn to my natito
country. FRED M. PETERSON , 616 Tenth
street , Omaha Neb. , . r i 123-10
SALE Lot 0 , block D , Shinn's addiUon
FOR . G. It. ARMSTRONG , Pootoffice.
OR SALE Cheap , several buildings by
F BALDWIN I BKHM , House-Movers.
"TTlORSALEOno horse and 3-spring nait
JJ Enquire at Be Office. 524-t
"J70R SALE Cheap for Cash ; one tno-scated
P spring wagon , nearly new ; corner Jones
andTenth-st. CIIAS. HOFFMAN. 517-4
T7IOR SALE Cottonwocd lumber of nil
J ; REDMONDS , Sixteenth-st. " 516-tf
± J $25 upf $2,500 BEMIS' column.lst pag
TOR SALE A small dnrelllng house , next to
JD U. H. Collins residency corner 10th. and
Capitol Avenue , fior information call at G. H.
& J. 8. COLLINS , 1315 Fambam Street. 505-tf.
Read Bemia new column 1st paga
EOR SALE Good house and lot , with i gooc
w < ll , comer llth and Pierce Streets. En-
qulroof Fred .Lang. , S. GE1S. 487-lm
Tl OR SALE A Grist Mill. Apply at
FOR SALE largo beer casks , good for cis
tern purposes , at KRUG'S Brewery ;
SALE A New American Sewlnp Machine
chine in good condition , with all attach
ments. Muctle sold before the 15th of May.
For information apply at ATKINSON'S Millinery
Store , corner Douglas and 13th Streets. 474-11
SALE Good bnck.
BALE Two of the celebrated J. U ,
Brunswick & Calko Co.'s Nonpareil Bll-
Hard Tables. Nearly new. For sale cheap.
230-tf - C. W. HAMILTON.
923 up to $2,500 , BEMIS' column.lst pagat
1 have rcmovrrt my stock to tbo
corner 14th and Cass. Tboie w anting any
goods hi my line .will do well to call , aa I am
offering less than cont. E. F. COOK. 428-lm
C-1 Bead BEMIS' new column , 1st page.
OSINAR has removed from Tenth Street to 1116
Farnham St. Git e bun a call. apl5-lm
A bunch ot keys. Owner can nave
them liy calling at this office and paying
for tnis notice. r ' 523-tf
(2,000 to all who
buy of J. MUELLER ,
* Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Circular with 3 Pieces of Music
Mailed free. fan Oeodaw-tf
301,0:0 : OB
I'rcwriptlnii IVoi1 nrtnccpccdyCnroo'
bcramil Weakness , lis of ilnnhood. and all din-
ariiersbroncntiJnbrlntliscretionorercsess. Any
'ieinrpJient . Addrew
fc CO . 7S .VUMUII t l X. " f-
Successors toB. FEARON ,
Opposite artiiJ Postofficc. . * '
CA- : .
L ,
> > i SoW
,3 ' ' Lot
LSdoz , 181
Dhoiee Buttered s perlfo ! a
" Mi
a- .
- < -
- - * - - "
, ' 9 " 3 it
ox *
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long lime and
Low Interest ,
Large tracts suitable for
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State ,
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Improved
Firms in Nebraska , many of
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre.
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Eesi-
dences from $3OOO to $20-
000. Many thousand vacant
lots in the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of Cily
Eeal Estate.
We also have
on "Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
1O percent , interest to all -who
can show good titles.
Maps of Douglas and Sarpy
Counties for sale ,
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Farn. St. , Omaha , Neb.
For Rent.
Splendid cottage , 6 rooms , all in the beat con
dition , fruit and shade trees , stable , hard and
oft water , and 4 Acres of Ground. $120 a year.
West Omaha , will sell foi ? 1GSO.
For Sale ,
House and fall lot on Webster Street , best loca
tion in the city , § 1,500 ; easy terms.
Twenty Thousand Dollars in small well secur
ed mortgages ranging from $200 to $1,000 , draw
ing 10 per cent interest , hare been lately i laced
in our hands for sale , at small discount. Per
sons having a litlle money to spare can make a
cote and profitable loan m this way , without any
expense or commissions.
For Sale ,
Church Property and Parsonage inSouth Omaha ,
near Depot , at a very reasonable price.
Cottage and Lot ,
New 1-story frame house , 4 rooms , 2 closcts'-lO
loot ceilings , double doors , etc. , 85 barrel as
tern , fall lot , Ml in No. 1 condition , B blocks
from High School ; $850 , on monthly payments ,
email cash paymcat required.
Real Kstate Brokers.
Hew nouses.
We are now prepared to build houses worth
from $400 to SHOO on our Iota in our new addition ,
28th and 29th and Famham.Douglas and Dodge ,
and sell on small monthly payments.
$ GOO to $1,000
Will buy you a , new house , with one of the finest
Iota In Omaha , on small montlily payments.
For Sale ,
House and Let on street car-track , Shinn-8 addi
tion , 31.9QO. BOGQS and HILL.
A New House
And full lot. one-half block from street can
Shinn's Addition , S1.375.
The Cheapest
Residence Property In Omaha must be sold in-
stanter , W } Lot 4 , Block 47 , with a No. 1 house
of 7 rooms and all well Improved ; southeast
corner 21st and Cass. Want best offer.
BOG03 and HILL.
For Sale ,
Fine young horse , well broke aud suitable for a
lady todrive _ _ BOGUS and H ILL.
We want & contract to have 200 acres cfland
broke at once. 0008 and HILL.
Cheap Lots.
Look at the loti in our new addition beat
lots for the money in Omaha , 29th and Famham.
Residence Lots for Sale.
200 Lots in Kountze and
.Ruths Additiqn.near business ,
good Burroundings.loiscovered
with young trees , and are the
Choicest , cheapest and nearest
business of any lots in the mar
ket. By all means look at lots
in Ko untze and Euth's addition
before purchasing elsewhere.
WIIA sell on monthly payments.
Pn.ces $400 to $650.
1000 Residence Lots
Fronting 8 , 0,10 and lltrTitrcct * . 0 to 10 blocks
south of depot , many of these lots are very de
sirable and for men of small moans are now the
cheapest and most easily purchased lot * In Oma
ha , Prices f250 to 8300. Monthly payment * .
HOtiQa and llmL.
15 Choice Lots
On Park Wild Avenue , only 4 to 4 block * from
Depot , J500 to SCOO. Monthly paj nicnt * .
BOOO * and HILL.
CG of the Finest Lets
jn Omaha , 10 to 12 blocks we t of Postoffico and
Court House , on Farnham , DouzIas.anU Dodge
streeU.-flnest views In the city from Jhcao lota
Prices 200 to $300 , on payments of 5 to 810
per month.
5 lloHses
- lot , Chicago street , between
i ; rents for $300 a year. Price
nouses and Lots.
New 2-story residence comer lot , choice loca
tion , 4 blocks fromPostofflce ; 83,500.
2 Howes and south J lot 1 , block 12 , on west
side of J.6th street , betwten Ualllornii and Web-
ter dtreetsj" $2,200
2-Story Brick House
'With full lot , 2 blocks from new Court House *
2,150. JS0003 and HILL.
KbYoek2 230
Lct2 , block SI m."iI"I" ! ! * 'MO
Lots 5 and G , block 25i " l JOQ
Bonth } Lots 1 and 2 , block 261 " I'ooo W
" " "
EMtjLot2.bocki121- ! . . . .I 2500 H
' " * ' "
6 , block'227 . . . _ 2
fret Lot 4 , block 205 111111" ! 2,000
t Lot,7. block 102 . - ISCJ
ttt Lta , block io2.v . . CJ
Jiddle i Lot 8. block 'jvj . - J-S ! CJm
-Mft Lot .block 102V : I'lSS. m
Immense Stock for
Fine Custom-Made
Men's Suits ,
Boys1 Suits
Children's Suits.
For Men ,
Boys , and
Under-Wear , Hats and Caps ,
Truiiks and Valises , at
Prices to Suit All.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
We are now prepared to take orders for the justly celebrated clothing o
this house , which for Durability , Style and Cheapness are unsurpassed. We
have now on hand the best selected stock of Clothing , Shirts , Furnish'n : *
Goods , etc. in the city.
Boston Clothing House ,
I CCDITUQWanted to read tha tallowing Tea- " '
I JltClCllOtlnionials of the STOAKES AUTO-
k MATIC PEN , by the use of which they can , with slight practice , make
LEDGER HEADINGS BO uniform and artistic in appearance as to be
quite beyond the comprehension of all not familiar with their pro
duction Several headings can bo made with ono dip of ink in two
minutes , which can not be duplicated by the moat successful sign
writer In as many hours. Visiting cards may bo written which ran
be equalled by Steel Engraving or Lithographic processes.
FIRST NATIOVAI Bis * , Chlcairo , August 27,1879 We hare /
used the Automatic Pen , and Ends it works perfect , and makes /
the finest Ledger Headings tv e ever saw. Any person can nee it.
KORTHWzarrajr NATIONAL BAKK/CblcaRO , HI. , September 4.
r ' rv . „ . 1879 The beat instrument fo rapid and uniform lettering I
/ * * / * - % A. - crer used. C. J. DORRANCE , Accoutant.
CIIAKTXR OAK STOVB MAXcrAcnrartto Co. , St. Louis , Mo , Feb
ruary 21st I am ntlng- the Stokes Automatic Pen for our
Books , Statements and Letter Packages and dud it very valuable
this and many other purposes !
A. L. BERRY , BookKceper.
. Shipping Clerks and Grocers will throw away' '
I their marking brushes after seeing the Angina- /
tic Pen work. Price , per set (3 ( sizes complete ,
with Desk Holders ) , $1. Circulars sent , ad
dressed with pen , OB application.
Gen. Western Agent , Qutncy , ILL
Bay no Other Before Having Seen the
Is presented to the Public as the latest produetion of
scientific , mechanical and skilled workmanship in the
manufacture of Sowing Machines.
In its construction we have had special reference to
the views of practical operators , and the result is a Ma
chine surpassing all others for
Simplicity ,
Durability , and
It embodies new principles ( recently patented by us , )
. and wo have added all real improvements known to the
Sewing Machine art.
' An experience of twenty-five years in the manufac-
of Somng'Machinca has enabled us to perfect a Machine
that combines more points of czccllouco than can be
found in any other Machine.
decl-tu-tf N. W. Cor. 16th & Webster.
Pianos and Organs Sold on Easy
Monthly Installments.
A , HOSPE , Jr ,
docit- < i 1510 Podge Street *
: m ir . JLj
1317 & 1319 JJOUGLAS-STREET ,
! Qivr A A
Positively no Goods gold at Retail.
Orders Solicited. Samples Sent on Application.
\ * * 4 * * * f-r tO - *