DOETtFOBGET That you can buy Goods of the undersigned at unheard ofEoV Prices , Sold at 3c ' , 5Ck 8c and -.irtlcle < , . * C and jSSp , 400,50cpcr ound gi- . Upwards , nnd a 'present r -/eniritU cvcrj peund'of Tea GOE'X'JEIEIS. Brown , lie , 20 , 22 and SSc pfCpoTmdOrbafl Coffee , lOc , SOs , and an cztr iJc4OoOce ( or SSc * per pound. | . 61'ICBS TbetiBOsV comple'o assortment In .Omaha and tt prices txlow"al ] competitors. 'Try us. * IlAKING POWCEK J5o and upwantl * t , FLAVOKIKG L\rfiACTS-At 8c per bottle rand upward. i g f . ESSENCES At Be aboUIeJ t I' * > BHOE BLAOKI > G tt If. . STOVE BLACKING , arge box at Sc. CLOTaEtf-UaEIrm8to Ito each. CLOTHES PIJ.32 dozen for Co. BHOE BRUSHES , 8c , ICc and upwards. Scrub JBrnsh- fis , 6c. Horse Brushes , 15o. Carrot Tliks , 2c. loilet Soaps at SOc a dozen and upVarda. Wu - Ing , Cc. i-eppet ; i > kw fand-ftsncli. Mustards ! lOc each , llop , Ifie.Aito Omasa. 2 for 15c.- Com SU'ch , 8 : per pound. Laundrv SUrch , extra quality , at gc per poTmd CUron. OrangB aad'Lcmai Peel a fee per pound. mJow and vooden TVVg cheap ash Boards , 15c. Broom ' ,0 . "Jd Food S on pound pscksgesjth cuttle Fish Bone at Mackwell s Durham , We per pound ; Beet Plug Tobacco at COc , and fine .rariety of Cigars and Tabacco and the best Co Cigar la Try them. 3OXT We allow no one to umderselLns. Superior quality ol Syrups at 70o per gallon , $2.COperkcg. LAUNUUV BOA KS told at bottom tom prices. DRIED FHUITa , extra quaUty at low prices. CtvACKEKS , best in market and as cheap as the chtapest. ' TVe havn alsoaddsd the following goods to our stock , which wo propose to sell cheap. Camphor Guint \Vhi e Wax. Bulpnur , sa. Jam. Ginger , Borax , Paraeorie Salt Peter , Luiduman , Alum , Liquorice Drops. Aqaa Ammonia , ttreurtbenlni PUster , Cubebs , Pans 6penn cilo ! , Wldtlng , Quinine fills , Cuttle Fish Bone , SweetOU , * * E geThyme , Castor Oil , Marjoram. Machine Oil , Caraway Seed , ttnstard Beed , _ Cilrdonon Seed , Bnlphur Camphoi and Tar Soaps. ' v * Andan Immense Variety of Other Goods too Knmer- OSB to mention , trhichf we plcdgo ourselves to sell cheaper than other Dealers. Don't Forget It , and give na a call. ExamIne - Ine goods and compare prices. Spec ial rates to parties baying to sell again.- Orders from the country fillei. f Prices guaranteed and sent O. O. D. RE3IE3ItEK OUR NUMBER , 113 North Fifteenth , adjoining L. B. Williams & Son , Dry Goods Store , Omaha , Neb. W. R. SENHETT & GO. ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW. j WM. A TTORNEY AT LAW Campbell's Block , JISlhBtreet.litt -een Farnham andDonglas. OMAHA , NEB. A. C. TROfP , 1 TTORNEY AT LAW O3Veo In Uanseoia's Ji. Block , with Qeorge 3V. ritchett , 1600 FarnhawBt. OMAHA , WED. DEXrERL THOMAS , A TTOBNEY AX LAT/CrnIdBB nk B&Ud A. t ° y. A. M. 'JHADWICK , TTORKEY AT LAW Office 1604 Famham \ A. 3WARTZLAMDE TTORNE.y ATLAW"-Cor. ISthandr mh ai rest mayatt WILLIAM A. FONDA , \ T.5ORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. JHoon No. 6 , Frcnzer Block , opposite Post Office. , r OMAHA , NEB. W.M. L. PEAMQY , T * AWTER Offlco In Crelghtan Block , next to JJ tort Office , OMAHA , NE BKABKA. JtOZART fUBLIO. COLLEOTIOJTB HAD ! E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. TTORNKY AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF TnE PEACE Southeast corner Fifteenth Douglas St. Attended " O'BRIEN & BARTLETT,5 ' - . , ornbS ; Pnlon Blook.FUteenth anf Farnhaml A L. ROBISOK. ' ' AT LAW. Boom Croljhton LTTORKE'S' . ' Neb. Inni-tt ATTORNEY AT LAW. f KWBACH BLOCK , COR. DORJOI5TH 8T8. OMAHA , NH B. W. J. Connell , Attorney-at-La w Office : Frour ) emi , up sUliV7in Hanscoali new brick building , N. W. corner FUtwntn and Farnham Streets. WalterJSenneit , Attorney-at-Law , Oincic-OTer Byron Reed ' & Co.'s Bea.Estate Office , 212 Fourteenth Street tehlS-tl JOBH L Ksoicx. CHAS R.BXIOTX. REDICK & REDICK , A11 oTn e y s"a t-L a w. Spedil attention wlUba , rirenVto Ur ults acainst corporations of every deBcripaon- tJactloe In al .the CourU of th Btata nd Jtot United State * . Office. Faraaani St. opposite Court House , - ADAMS &SIMERAL , , TTOBNEYS AT LAW Room 8 CreigUa L Block. Uth f nd Dough * streets.r ao dh C. F. SANDERSON , ' . . TTORKST AT LAW Sil Faml ai Street L Omaha Nebraska. ' ' PARK CQDWN , TTOBNET AT LAW-l * h sat Doogtal Stncte , with O. W. Doane. T. W. T. Q. 3. HORT RICHARDS &nHUl T , Attorney s-at-Iuaw , Orric 215 South rourtctnth Street szs-isnETEiDiar'B < EAST INDIA 2 w f c § i.a OB-o -SB 1 (1flf ( ISf I BOLE OSUHA Keb , DHAHA PUBLISHING . , PBOPRIETOR8. , &et SA .an1 JWi Sfreett g -XBBJIS.OF BUB8CRIFITOH , sjr 3 advance ( postpaid ) 8,00 So months " .T ? . . . 4.0 months " " 2J > TIMETABLES. . M - - 0 , K.-'W. Hi R. . : a. m. , S p. M. 0 B.iQ..iJOa.m.SpBl. UjB.4 P. B. E. , ISOfc. ni. , Ip. m. O. 8t.Joei.SOaBi.,8p.m. 1 City & P. 1:30 a ; m. , U. P. R. R.,1130 1. m. B.M.R.B,8:75sBi. : 0 & H. W. , ISO ft. m onxnto. ' 0 & H. Wi R. R. , 11 a. m , il p. DV. B i.Q.,111. m. 630pm. C R. Li P. , 11a.m. 11 p. IB. 0. B , & St. Jw Jl a. ffl.,11 p. m. - JJ. & It. in Neb. , 4 p Jlrtcal mulls for States Iowa leatt t 0 . Jy.vis : 4:30 ft. m. Office open from lit to THOMAS F. Arrival ondDepartHre eiTrabu , liiTS. ' ' lUIT SWh'Express. . . . 1206p.m. 830p.m. do Mixed 6:10 p. a. 435 p BL idof , Freight. . . 630 a. m. 1X0 p. m. do ' do . . . .8:16 a. m. 1130a.m. TIV 5 CARD OF THE BUBLDCCrTOH EOCTE. UAYB OMAHA ASOT1 OKAOA. Express SUOp-m. Express lOMfca. 1IaU..i..VKB--OOa.m. Mill .10:00p.m , Sundays Excepted. Sunday * Excepted , , CHICAGO , ROCK , ISLAND &PACOaa , | - -OOXWpim ' press a : p.nt | 10:00 * . m. Sundays Exoepted. OUICAQO & NORTHWESTERN. ( . . ' . . . . " . . . & Jn. I T-SOp. a. , Expre . ? . . : > p. m. I WOO , m. Sundays excepted. KANSAS CTTT , ST. JOE & OOUHdL BLUJW. t , , LUVB. AMUTK. ErpraaVJZr Catfc ) . to. | MaL _ JZL'7Mj > . m. < -Ine only line running Pullman Bleeping Cars out ot Omaha te Union Depot. OMAHA fc NORTHWESTERN ANDBIOUXdTY & PACIFIC RAILROAD ? . Express 8:00am.r | , 2J6pm. Dally ExcepiSiaa ' [ SJJH ] 9.0) am > ltlt3outharl0:2& amBloomlngtonilv)5dOam ) ; eameyJncarT ) 6 pm Bed Cloud QT.B25 am Jlod Cloud ( arr)7 ) S pm B10omlngtonar)3 ( ) &pm Omaha ( arr.4:56p m SEPUBLICAN VALLET RAILWAY. Hastings f.v ) 8:06 ajn. I Bloomington ( arlSOp.m ) Bloomlngton 1-85 p m | Hastings ( ar ) ( t66 p m SIOUX OTTT tt ST. PAUL B. R. Uall 6:10 a. m. I Express 100 a. m. Express 8:40 : p. m. | Mall 730 p. m. ' ERIDQE DIVISION U. P. R. R. , Leave Oaiiha , daily : 8 a. m. , 9 a. m. , 10 s. lls-m. , 1p.m. , S p.m. , 8. p , m. , 6 p. m. , fl m. i LeaveConndl Bluffs : 8S8a. m.B:26 , OS5 a. m. , 1135 a. m. , 1S5 p. m. , "t-S5 P m. , SS p m. , 6-i5-p.m. , & 26 p. m Four trips on Sunday , leaving Omaoa at 9 and a. m. , 2 and B p. m. ; Connofi Bluffs at 9 5 , a. m. , and 2:26 and 6SS p. m. * f tuaxan , TKADH. Leave Omaha : a.m.,7 ft. m. , 8 0 a m , , p. m. , 1:60 p. m. , 735 p. m. LeaveOouncU Bluffs : 7:16 a. m. , 8:40a.m. : , 0a.m. , 635 p. m-,7.-OOp. m. , 7 0 p. m. , p. m. Daily except 8un > Iay. OMAHA & BEPUBUCAN VALLEY B. B. IS1TI. AKKITB. 4I jj io.45a.rn. 4:85 p.m. DaHv exceot Bundar. COMMERCIAL. Omaha Wholesale Markets. OMAHA , May 3,1880. BUTTEK AND EQOB. ChoiceUble ? ackeralots fresh eggs , per doi , Honey M018 . uhlckene , per doz . 2 00@2 25 Ducks ! ? . . . . 7@8 OROOEKIES. EUOAK8. OutLoaf . 'owdsred . Granulated . Btandard"A" . OffA . Extra " 0" . - * - SYBUFS. Extra choice and very brieht. . . 48a52 Bright Table Drips . 45a48 few Orleans Mollasses . 48a50 Uo , prime to choice . 17al8 { io good to prime. ; . Wai ? Uofairtogood . 16J&16 * BICE. Choice § f Good to prime < 4 f1 DBiEDuKurrs. NawPrunea Old Prunes Ourr&nts.choice now BladcBerries Raspberries * Pitted cherries & inchjgan ertd Apples N. Y. Sliced Evaporated ' State Peaches Salt Lake Peaches , i California Peaches. 5 CANNED OOODS. , "S"Oy8ters , 2 ft ) cans , tf case. . S 75 do do lib can.percase. . 225 UghtWeight Oysters 2 Ib $ caw 2 90 Salmon , iTtb , tfdoien 1 70 do 2IbSdozen 276 Standard Tomatocs,2 ft , t ? case 2 60 < " 3 ft , t ? case S 35 Standard Peaches , 3 ft , V case. 4 CO " " 2Jb , tcase. .360 BaspberrieB,2lb , case. 300 Blackberries , 2 ft , < ? case 270 Corn , 2ft. case 2 504 00 Apples , Gal , Vdor. . . . . . 385 Narrow Fat Peas,2 ft , V case. . 3 80 String Beans. 2 ft , p r case. . . . 2 40 r SUNDRIES. Nutmegs. Pepper Cossia' . -27 Rope 11 | Greenwich Lye.per case 3 90 Beansper bushel. . . . . 80 Cheese full cream 14 -U1A8B. 'Window Glass , 60 per cent dis count off list. HARDWARE. IRON. Horse-shoe bar. . . . . - . . 6. Norway nail rod 12 " STEEL. Cast plow. . . * 9 Am. cast , tool 16@17 25@80 WAILS. Tens , upwards. 5100 BYd'd's shoe 'g , " mule" . . . . ' Omaha nails tens , upwards. . . 0 00 Nw'stfshn 23fS PtltnAm nails 23SS DKY GOODS. BROWN COTTONS. 'H" ' 8 ! P" . 7- j ' ' * " " * - " 0"- ! ! . . . . . 8S-71 o "B" 86-7J do "E" Indian. Head fc - DENIMS. Amoskeaff 17 Beaver Cfeek , "AA" 14J do J'BB" 13J Haymakers 10 . . . . . . Otis "AXA" . . 16 do "BB" . 14 do "CC" . 13 Warrea "AXA" . 15 do . "BE" . ,14 do 41CO" . IS DUCKS. Plymouth "AAA"- . . - 15 NeVB df ord , 10 ta . , 16 . . . . . . 12 BLEACHED COTEON8. . . . . : . 10 } do Cambric . 13 Cabot . . . . r. . . 9 Fruit of the Loom. . . : . . . : . . . . 11 > ewY6rk Mills . . . . . 13 Hills'Mnslin . . . . . 10) ) 8-4 24- " " ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' do . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . 9-4-27 . . . . . U-- J TICKINGS. 20 jjg _ Pearl Bivw..T7. .V. . . . . . . . . .7. 17 Holyoka. . . . . . . . t. . . . . . * 10 - Albany . . ! ; 7 iJublon i 7 Harmony . " . AS ? . . . 6 American 7 j7. -.ii - . - 7 ' Merrimack. . . . . 7 MerrimackBhlrtings 7 Eichmondf . . . . .Tr. . . . . . . . 7 Sunpeons Mourning . 77 -7 Amoskea ? . . . . . 11@12 Awning stripes . . . . . . , , , .19 , Lewiaton , A..4..f\/ x i " , \ . . < k..h - \TA . lo17 v-.rf , LUMBER. r M * J ' -Ij Tnming- ft , asd tinder. . f. . 120 00 , Eachidd. f t over 18'per H. . . . 60 Tenoing , No. 1 , 12to20ft - 22 00 " . No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft 2000 Sheeting , Dressed , No , 1 2000 " " No.2 1900 Common Boards , Diessed 2200 STOCK BOARDS. AStock 4000 B " 8500 3 8000 Common Stock 25tl ' /LOOBINQ. No.J.Hoorfng M ) fo.2 " 8600 No.3 " . „ * . : 2500 Yellow Pine Fleoring , No. 1. . . 45 00 * SIDING. No.lSididg 2500 No.2 " i. 2260 .3 " 00 No.lPicket8 , perM . 82 60 2 " " . 2500 * * JTNIBHINO. , andSin. . . 6500 No.l 1 in. . . 6000 No. 2 " 11,11 , nd 2 In. . . 4500 No. 2 lln . 4000 No.3Finiah.ln . 8500 BHIP LAP. FlalnShipLap . ; . . * . . ! . ' f 23 00 O.G.I " No'l . ' . . . . 8000 " " No. 2 . 2500 _ OEILIKa. Beaded , 6 in. , No. 1 . 2500 " " No.2 . 2800 Beaded , 4 and 6 in. , No. 1. . . . 4000 * " " " No.2. . . . 85 00 Corrugated Ceiling , No. l..i. 60 00 BHTKOLES. A Star ( belt ) Shingles. . 375 No.2 " . 800 Jo. 3 " . 260 U.TH . 400 Lime.bbl . 135 ' bulk , per bnah . 40 3ementbbl . 2W owa Flaiter , bbl . 260 tlchigaa Plaster , bbl . 275 Hair , per bush. i 2. . ' . . " 25 Tarred Felt , 100 Ibg' . - .8 00 Straw Board , " . 400 O. G. Battens , per 100 ffclin. . . 125 7eU Curbing. . . . . . 8000 Bo ngh J. and 2 in. , in Batta.per IfrUftlln. . . . . „ . M FOSlb. Cedar Halves , 7 In . 18 " " 6in . 16 11 Quarter.SIn . 16 Oak,4z4 . 80 " 4x6. . . . : . j 40 O. O. Casing. 6i and 6 hi. , per ' ! lOOft.lin . 300 Oak Plank and Timbar , per M. 4000 Clear Poplar . * . . I. : . . 60 00 Black Walnut . 10000 HIDES. ( reen Hides , per Ib . Green Cured Hides . _ Dry Hides . 12@15 Dry Salted Hides . 10@12 5heePlPelt . S0@l 00 Tallow . 4J5 1LIQUORS. WINFS , ETC. High "Wines , V gal . , 110 Alcohol , 180 tf cent , $ gal . ' * . . . 216 Trenoh Spirits proof . 120 Marshall's Bourbon Whisky . . . . 1 25 filler's Bourbon Whisky . 1 50 Brandy , very fine , tf gal. . 4 00a8 00 do common to fine . 1 60o3 75 Gin , 100 per cent . 1 40a3 00 do Holland , 90 percent . 125 .oms , mixed Jamaica , tf gal. . . . 1 25a4 00 do New England . 2 00a2 60 Kennedy Bitters tf gal . 160 do do tfcase . 7 00 do do do 100 case lots 6 60 Champagnes , pints in baskets . .20 OOaSO 00 ) omestic Champagne . 12a20 'ort Wine tJ case . 5 OOalO 00 Sherries . 5 OOalO 60 Ales , Edlnbnrg . 2 75 do Bass&Co's . 2 75 Gninnesa Dublin Stout . 2 75 1J2ATHKU. Best SlauahtorSole . S3a35 Best Oak . 38a41 French Kips . 1 lOal 45 Vench Caf.leading brands. . . . 1 25a2 10 Domestic Kips 65 al 00 Domestic Cafis OOal 10 lemlock upper , # foot 20a 22 ) ak upper , foot ' 24 xrain , upper , $ foot 20a22 jiningB , V doz 7 OOalO 00 toppings , doz 900 Morocco , ( bootleg ) tf foot 85 do oil dressed 85 do Simon per skin 2 75a3 00 do Gloveikid 325 Boot Webbing , tf bolt 40a50 HARNESS LEATHER , No. 1 Pitteburg Oak . ' 41 Jo. 2 Pittsburg Oak 88 STO. 1 Cincinnati ! Oak 36 No. 2 Oincinnatil Oak 33 fo.lHemlock ' . 36 No. 2HemTock 3 * OOAL , RETAIL Anthricita 1060 Jloagbnrg 1200 Vyoming 860 hkaloosa 550 bwaNut 500 White Breast 6 60 PROFITABLE PATIENTS. The most wonderful and marreloua success. In cases whew persons are slok or wasting away rom a condition of misenblenesi , that no Ono knows what ails them , ( profitable patients for octora , ) is obtauied by the use of Hop Miters' "hey begin to cure from the flnt dose and keep t tip until perfect health and strength is restor ed. Whoever is afflicted in this way need not suffer , when they can get Hop Blttira. See other column. This is no apology for whisky drinking ; t is a medicine that can not be used to in- axlcate ; it produces & tonic effect , at well as acts SL A cathartic. In fact Simmons' Ldrer Eegnlator is pronounced an unexcep tionable medicine. IMPORTANT TO SUFFERERS. The greatest benefactor is the one who reeves - ( eves p. in and cures dluas * . Dr. Eilsbee has accomplished both by his miraculous discovery of "Anakesia " an absolute , easy , rapid and Infill- ble cure for PILES in all stages of dSTtlopment- 20,000 sufferers testify to I Is virtue. It is a aim- de suppository , aetlnjr at an Instrument , poul- .Ice and medicine The relief is instant , and curt certain. Price 91.00 pir box. Samples sent free on application to "AnakeMs" Depot , Box 8493 , New York. For sale by all flat-class druggists. druggists."I "I Aa AU pjaved out T a common complaint in hot weather. II you < eel so , get a package of Kidney Wort and take it and you mil at once feel [ U tonic power. It keep * up the healthy action of the Kidneys , Bowel * and Liver. nd thus restores Jthe natural life and teeugth to the WBSJV hndv. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy cure -"Consump tion and all disease ! that lead to it , inch as stubborn coughs , neglected Gelds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth ma , pain in the side and chest , dry hacking cough , tickling in the throat , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , 'and all chronic or lingering diseases of the throat and lungs , Dr : King's New Dis covery has no equal and has established for itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and use it in their practice. The form ula from which it is prepared is high ly recommended by all medical jour nals. The clergy and the press have complimented it in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a trial bottle free of cost , or a 'regular size for $1.00. For sale by d(5) ( ) J. K ISH. Omaha. BucKien's Arnica Salve The BIST SALTS in the world for Outs , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt .Rheum , Fever Sorea , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satiafao- tied in every case or money re Bonded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Bdly J. K. TSH. Omaha. "It is well known , that a relationship ex * i.t between piles , constipation , kidney aid liver- trouble In Kidney ' -ranedy that acts on to gen and rrttowt health by gen * fly aJduaJnatureV mtern1 process. MUST MAKE A "LIVING. " THE AMUSING CONTZSSIOIT OF AN HHf EB- 'AHX POL-VBffDBB. London Telegraph. KjThe last mentioned individual I found in Whitecrossstreet , St. Luke's , ' and this "fake , " as ho himself desig nated itrfor the warthevendinV of "liver pills , " and which he assured ms were exactly the same as wera Sold at the'doctors' shops. "And why shouldn't they be , " said he , "they cost nothing or neit door to it. I can buy 'em all ready made up for half a crown a pound , and a pound will fin a pint pot , which gives a very good profit when they're sold put at , fonr for a p nny. They have to pay a penny for a couple at the doctors' shop , so they am't bad treated. How long have I Been in this line ? Well , I've been a street doctor going on fortwentythree- years , and a1 ! the time I've never been fivemil < .s out of London. I don't know how many there are at it. I know about a dozen in the same linet but there are a good many more than that. None of us sticks to one thing long to the curing of one complaint , [ mean , It deponcU on the neighbor hood. When I first started I worked Woolwich with my ' 'MIKACOLOUS MINE OILS. ' n who work at heavy lifting and lauling , and are 1 kely to get strains and ricks of the back , have a super * ititious belief in the 'nine oi's. ' It is he same wherever you go. What xe they ? what , the original nine ? Jlcssed if I know , nor iheyM don't mow , either. But that don't mike any difference. I use to give"'em one sperm oil and call it the nine. It went down wonderful round the docks nd at the gate of the areenal , when here would be , p'r'aps , a couple of houaaud men going in and out of the ; ate night and morning and at dinner lines' I was working at the ladies' hoemaking before that , along with another young fellow , and being out f work we started the etreet- .octoring business. My mate had > een in the theatrical scene-paint- ng line , and could picture a bit on anvas. He painted a back scane for he stall , representing 'before' and after. ' Half the painting was a lot f poor fellows looking dreadful bad , ome of 'em with their arms in a ling , and some with their legs band- ged , and some with crutches and ticks , all of 'em having beea strained hernselves at their heavy work , and hey were being turned away from the ates ot the hospital , and writ under im were the words 'Discharged in- urable.b The other half of the paint- ng showed a sort of an angel coming "own and showering on 'em out of a pttle a regler drencher of the 'nine il * , ' and there they was a tearing off heir slings and chucking their ticks away and waving their crutches , and hooraying. This , besides the > jard and trestle ; , and a lot of octora' bottles with sperm oil in 'em , wassail we hed to start with. When say we , I was tne principal , being mord Kenteel-looktrg and having the ift of the gab. We hit on an idea to ive the thing a start. The firat day I mde a pitch near the-docks it was ilonday dinner time , and there was eon a crowd round the picture , most f 'em chaffing it and me , too , while I cept on pattering serious about hav- ng juat come from America , after ; iving a man who had found out the irtues of the miraculous oils , and who was making a rapid fortune , a houaand dollars for the secret , on ondition that wouldn't work it till I rot to England. It was sixpence a > ottle , but I didn't sell one of 'em , nd I didn't expect to yet awhile. But when the crowd was thickest there come up to the outiide edge of it a POOR FELLOW LOOKIN1 TERKIBLE ILL. and with one arm out of his jacket leevo. He began to abuse me most awful for trying to swindle poor ifHicted people out of their money. Hero's a chance for you ! ' he cried out , if your nine oils can do such wonders , try 'em on my shoulder. I'v iaen laid up with a sprain in it these nine weeks , and havn't done a stroke o * work. Cure me , I havn't got any money , but I'll give you the jacket off my back. ' 'My poor fellow , says I , ! can't promise to set you right on the pot , but alep up here , and I'll try what I can do for you. ' And the crowd , made way for him , and up he came. I helpad him off with his hirt , and there was his shoulder and > ack with a blue and green bruise , as arge as the crown of my hat. I rubbed away at him for about five minutes with my oils , the crowd each minute [ rowing greater , and then says I , now tell the people free and fair , low you feel after it ? ' He tried to > ut his feelings were too much for lim. 'He ' worked his bad arm like a windmill for a minute or so , so as to how that I had quite cured it , and hen he picked up his jacket , and handed it to me , saying , 'Take it and welcome , and I wish , Jor your sake , he pockets of it were fuU of golden oin. ' It was a telling hit , I can aa- nre you ; but when I handed him back iia jacket and hsH-a-prown with it , and shook hands with him , YOU might lave heard the hayrooing a couple of treeta off. I sold every bottle I had n less than five minutes , and had to iromiae to be there again next day with a fresh supply. I needn't tell you it was my mate who acted the man rith the sprained shoulder. We did wonderfully well. , Day after dayfqr months , I used to take about two4 sound ton , and it was * * < ' * MOEE THAN IHBEE-QUABTZBS PBOHT. And it might have gpno on , but for my mate taking to drink , and grow- ng too lazy to do anything in the jusiness. At last he'd do nothing at all but go about and amuse himself , and sponge on me for the money to do it with.Then ! he took to gambling , and wouldn't ba satisfied with half our' takings. It was all owing to him , he said that the game was what it was , and if I didn't treat him handsome ie'd 'round' on me and have me pelted out of Woolwich. So I had to breik with him , and shifted my quarters to Poplar ; and being now regularly infer for street doctoring , I came -out .hero with my Pill of Faiths. And my old Gardner he folio wed me there , and was always drunk , and attended me at my pitbhes , and telling the people most awful lies as to what my pills were made of. 'They're only bread , ' IB used ! to say. 'Look here , this'll show yon. ' And he'd take up a tiand- : ul , and stuff 'em into his mouth. 1 ised to bo his partner , ' he'd say , 'and [ know all about 'em. And I tell you here's no more good or harm In 'em than there is in chewing a . .bit of.old cru t. ' " "And was'it spl" N "Well , ; o tell the truth , thor& wain't any , lie .n what ho caid about h 'en ibeing' Dread. They was fbrea'd and nbthing else. But he'd no reason to be so Blessed malicious , and it served him right to be paid out for it. " "And who paid him out ] " 1 did. I could not get no peace of my life , on ac count of his coming upand jbolticg my pills by .the handful ; ! if * JTJBT TO SHOW THEY WAS ONLY BREAD. So one day I got the doctor's man who made 'em for me to shove a little something of a wilent nature'in about a handful of 'em , and I kept these in front of all the rest , handy for him to grab at if he came again. Oh , yes , he came again ; } \ IWhatj.yoBiain't done selling yourruhbtohing bread pills ? ' he hollers put , when I'd got a good many people abontjiije. 'You ought to be ashamed ofJiflBrsey/sais he1 , Celling the people little bits of dirty bread for measun. Lee ] : Eere , ' ' s V he to the people , this will show yon -what they 'are made of , ' and he snatched up a lot of the planted ones , and chaws' 'em and swallows 'en. That cured him of _ - * - ) ? " 3 ? WSl JPa3Zfl 3i interfering. He never came any more. " The Ijateat Oat Story. Boston Jonnui. A prominent resident of Longwood , Mass. , odds another to the list of cat stories. He had occasion , recently , to drown four kitens four or five days old. After they had been in the water some time he buried them in the. center of a heap of refuse , covering- them up , and thought nothing more of the matter. Two days later he missed the catrnd when be walked into the barn his , ' ears were saluted " wittTa' faint meaw , proceeding from" . barrel. Investigation showed that .the cat had dug out her kittens , brought them backhand restored them to consciousness. For days after that the man could not visit his barn with- "out being followed by the cat , who watched every movement he made , and seemed determined to keep post ed as to the futura whereabouts of her offspring. It'is perhaps needless to. add that after pussys * efforts he did not have the heart to attempt their destruction again. . . NOT A BEVERAGE. jf Tne/ars not a boveraze , bnt'a ' medicine , irith curative properties of the highest degree , con taining no poor v.h"sky or poisonous drags. Theydo not tear down an already debilitated system , but build it up One bottle contains more hops , that is , more real hop strength , than a barrel of ordinary beer , fiycry drujrglst In Roche ter sel's ' them , and the physicians pre scribe them. Evening JJxjresa on Hop Bitters PUZZLE. Weary mortals racked with palnfC1' Ever seeking but in vain , Sweet relief from mortal ills ! / { Try , I pray , Waft Liter PiUit * & as sure as morning's light Cometh after shades of night , O'er thy life , health's sun dlrma Shall arise , in Joy to shine ; Light and health , and joy and mirth , In sun-beams sparkle round ttj hearth ; Vital energy shall start , E'en to muscle , brain and heart ; Rid the Liver ol its load. Purify the We , the blood , 'Intercept ' disease and death , 'Leaving fragrance on tny breath. Lighten life of half its Ills , Safe and potent liver Pills. Sold at wholesale by Cr F. Ooodma , , ad Kennanlanrl Fnrsvth. O rnaha. aprSJ&w 45 Years befor THE GENUINE DR.C.McLANE'S ZltER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills tfeat flesh is heir to , " but In affections of theLiver , and In all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseasea of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre ocratory to , or after taking quinine. As \ simple purgative tHey are unequaletl. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has a red- wax seal on the lid , with the impression.McLANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of C. , McLANE and FLEHINO BEOS. asff" Insist upon having the genuine DB.C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS , pre pared by FLEMING BROS. , Pittsburgh , Pa. , the market being full of imitations of the name SIclMne , spelled differently , but same pronunciation. _ COUGHS , BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. What a Well-Known Druggist says about , Allen's Lung Balsam. MOTHERS , READ 1 OAKLAITO STATIOS , Ky. QESTLHOES : Th demand for Allen's Lung Balsam is Increasing constantly. The ladles think there is no medicine equal to it tor Croup aJd Whooping Cough. C. S. MARTIN , Druggist. Bold by all Medicine Men. genlous. 7 obiectatofind. Bend stamp forpaok" ge. DR.E.O.ABB Y Buffalo N. Y. Gentle Who want glossy , luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair must use LYON'S KATHAIRON. This elegant cheap article always makes 'the ' Hair crow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure' result of using Kathairon. Swallowing POISON IK OATARRHAL HUGEOUS , causes : FOUL BREATH and disgusting expectoration ; ORAOKLNa PAINS In the bead and forehead ; DEAFNESS and lots of smelling power ; BRONCHITIS , Hay Fever , and other diseaes. THE ACTION OF OATARRHAL VIRUS through the mucous membrane has been finally discov ered. WEI DE MEYER'S CURE. THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY ( or these dtseajes. Is as certain In Its effects as vaccination for small pox. D. O. McKttVir , Govt. Inspector , 187 Mott St. , N. Y. , cured ol rery bad Chronic Catarrh. „ R. O. BucxBinur , at Lord & Taylor's , Broadway , N. Y. , cured ot S YEARS CATARRH ; 1 PACKAGE. S. BSSZDICT , Jr. , Jeweler , 697 Broadway , N Y. , ( I dy ) , cured of Terrible HAY FEVER. R r. C. J Josia , New Brighton , B. I. "Worth ten tlm he cost. " , BIT. GBOjA. Rras , IKIJay SL , Brooklyn. "It has restored me to ministerial labors1" BIT. ALEX FRUZB , Cairo , N.Y . : "II "has work ed wonders in six cues in my parish. " D .R-'O. DCJUUH , Dentlrt , SSI Sixth Arenua _ . Y.'cnred of CATABRUAL INFLUENZA. MILK. Aixn , Opera Pnma Donna , OATARRHAL BRONCHITIS. "Great benefit from Its use. " Mis. Emu C. Howzs , 39 W. Washington Square , N. Y. , OATARBU 30 YEARS ! Cured by two CUrtEO ! CURED ! CURED ! CURED ! Q. O. PRECEPT. Prop. West End Hotel , Long Branch , Cured ot 20 years Chronic Catarrh. E. H. Baow-r , 399 Canal St. , N. Y. , Cured of 11 years Chronic Catarrh. J. D. McDosAtD , 710 Broadway , N. Y.Sigt r-ln- Law ) Cured of 40 years Chrome Catarrh. MRS. JACOB SWARTZ , Jr. , 200 Warren St. , Jersey City , cured of 18 yere chronic Catarrh. A. B. Thorn , 1S3 Montagu * St. , Brooklyn , ( self and soi. ) cured of Catarrh. A. McKursBX , R. R. Pres. . 33 Broad St , N .Y. : ? "My" family experienced immediate relief. ' ' &C.VI he. . Ac. . &a. &e. P DR. WEI DE MEYER'S PAMPHLET with the remarkable testimonials on > record , SENT TREE , by his Agents , MSBSES. D. B. Diwrr and. COteDcy StN. Tt. : or by Drnegists. The OTBE is delivered at Sl.Mapackac.Jr Think of a REAL CURE for an obstinate disease , at this trifling cost. decSeod BURLINGTON & MISSOURI MV- ER R B. OO. IN NEB. I A'Spidal Meeting of the Stockholders of tha Bnrllrgton and SJlssourl Etrer Railroad Com pany in Nebraska , win be held at the office of .he Company in Plattsmottth , Nebraska , Tues day , the 4th day of liar A. D. . 1830 , st 11 o'clocs , a. m. , to consider and act upon the ( utetloa ot consolidation with the Chicago , Bur lington k Quincy Railroad Company , and any changes , issuance or cancellation of stock which may be found necessary as a part of the plan ; au j any other business which nay legally come JSeforetlM meeting. J. N. DENIS ON , BorroiC j n. 24th , l&O. . Secretary. D3-BO _ A Cf n * I ) np r ( iay at home. Samples worth f5 frea - > 3 lUipZuAddre s 'non ' * Co. . Portland Maine ; ' "CrTYjHEAT MARKET. . Keep constantly on Hand aiarga lot oi an kind Freth and' Salted Miaft. Beef. Veal. McttonPork Game , jfowl , and all kinds of wn > agetTTreah Vegetables "Constantly on hand Can and be convinced SKEEIEY QR9C. FEVER AND AGUE. FORTIFY THE SYSTEM. And you are irmeJ against dL'ca e. The finest * onlc for this purpose Is Hosteller's Stomach -Bitters , which renders digestion easy and com- Tlete , counteracts biIioujn ° E3 , and Keeps the powels in order , acd so genial an i beneficent are it * effectsthat not only is the body invigorated. And regula' d by its use , but despondency banished - ished from all the mind. For nle by all Druggists aid Dealers generallj' CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO. Manufacturers STANDARD SHOT BE 6DKE TO BUY IT. THP BJSr IN'MARKET. E. W. BEATCHFORtt & CO. Manufacturers of Le d Pip , Shea * and Bar Lsad Block Tin , Pipe enl Solder. L nseed Oil and Oil Cako. ORDERS SOLICITED. 70 KORTH CLtNTO.-i STREET , CHICAGO. sep2Seodlf VECETABLE SICILIAN RENEWER. This standard article is compounded n 1th the greatest care. Its effects TO as wonderful and satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to Its youthful color. It removes all eruptions , itching and dandruff : and the scalp by its use becomes white and dean. By ita tonic properties it restores the capillarr glands to their mormal vigor , preventlng-bald > ness , and making the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing nothing baa been found so effec tual or desirable. Dr. A. A.Hayes,8tataAs3ayerof Massachusetts , says of It : "I consider it the best preparation tor its intended purposes. " BUOBHTGHAM'S DYE , Forthe Whiskers. This elegant preparation may be relied on ta change the color of the board from gray or any other undesirable shade , to brown or black , at discretion. It Is easily applied , being in one pre paration , and quickly and effectually produces a permanent color which will neither Rub or wash off. MANUFACTURED BT XC. Jf. rur A "g 3C z ; > G 9.9 Nashua , N. H. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. IRON TURBINE WIND ENGIN MAKOTACTUBED BY Mast , Fees & Co , i Springfield , 0 , The Strongest and Host Durable WIND ENGINE In the World. Hundreds in use in Iowa and Nebraska. Sold t > y Dealers In nearly evrry county. This cat represents oar Buckeye Force Pump which ia particniariy adapted to Wind Mill nte , aa it works easily and throws a constant stream , and does not freeze up in the cold est-weather. Send for price list to W. H. EAYNEE , Western Agt , Omaha , Neb. 1 NOHOB. OXAIU & NOBTOUUI NIB. IUHWAT Co. , 1 GENERAL OFFICE , \ OIUBI , N > B. , Februar ? 2d , 1380. ) "VTOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the JL > ( stockholders of the Omaha & Northern Nebraska Railway Company will be held at the office of the Company , in Omaha , on the 1th day of M y , A. D. , 1SSO , at 10 o'clock , a. m. , ot eald day for the transaction of business In volving the interests of said stockholders. By order JNO. A. HOBBACH , Vice Prcst 0. 4 N. Nsb. B'y Co. H. W. TAXES , Secretary. fl-w.US Only Direct Line to France , GENERA-TRANSATLANTIC COMPAN New York and Harve.Pier * 2N.B BETWEEN Morton st , pier of company. Travelers by this line ai oid both transit by JEn glish railway and the discomfort of crossing the channe lin a small boat CANADA , FRAXOHTL , Wednesday January 21 12 noon. AMEBIQUE , B. JoueiO , Wednesday Febrnary 4 , 11 a. m. FRANCE , TRUDILL , Wednesday , February 18 , 11 a. m. PRICE OF PASSAGE ( Including wtae ) : - TO HAVRE Flnt Cabin , $103 andSO ; Second Cabint55 ; Steerage , t26 > lncludtngwinebedding and ntinsils. LOUIS DEBEBIANrA ent , B BroadwayN. T. 7BANK E. MOORES , No. 214 , West Side lith Street , Bet Farnham and Doughs , Next Door to U. S. Express Office ( Sign ot Pala < ti teamshlp. ) 01IAHA , NEB. m2-Cm Machine Works , J , F. Hammond , Prop. & Manager The most thorongh appointed and coirplete Uachme Shops and Foundry in the state. Castings ol every description manufactured. Engines , Pumps and.erery-cUss ol. m vMnnry made to order. Special atter .oa V'Ten to Well AngnrgjPiiUers , Hangers , Shaftins > Bridse Irons , Geer Cutting , etc. Hans for new VMMmu tffafftMtMi Draught * IngjHodels , etc. , n tly eiecnWd. 258 Harnev St. , Bet. 14t and lOtn GO EAST -TIA THE Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It Is the SHORT. SUKE and Safe Route Betwoju COUNCIL BLUFFS AS3 CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE and all points EAST and NORTH/ IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC 6REATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES . THAN ANT C.THER ROAD IN THE TVKST. It Is the ONLY ROAD betwera COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Is run PULLMAff HOTEL CAES ! In addition to them and to please all classes of travelers , Itjcive * FIRST-CLASS MEALS at Its EATING. STATIONS at 60 cents each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES ARE VrlE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST-OIASS U you Irish the Best TraTeUng Aceommod * tlons yon will buy yonr tickets bv this Route X2TAKD WILL TASK NONE OTHER ? All Tickets Agenta can sell Ton Through Tickets -ria this road and. Check usual Baggage Free of Charge. OMAHA TICKET OFFICES-MS * Farnham St. Cor. Hthand at Union Padflo Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorado Central and Union Pacific Ticket Office HAN FRANOISCO OFflCK-S New Montgom. ery Street. For Information , folder * , mare , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Tlckot Office , address any agent of the Company , or MARVIH HUCHITF , W- STEKHETT , Genl Manager , OenT Pass. Annt , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Oen'l Agt Omaha & Council Bluffs. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC ART St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Route ! 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From Council Bluffs to And all polnta In Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dikota. This line is equipped with the Im proved Westlnghouae Automatic Air Brakes and Jtlller platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT Is unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Boom and Bleeping Can , owned and controlled by the com pany , run Through Without Charge , between Union Padflo Transfer depot , Council BluflB , and St. Paul. Trams leara the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs at 6:16 p. m. . leaching Sioux City at 10SO p. m. and St. Paul at 11:05 a. m. , making . MBEN HOURS IK ADTAKOT OF AHT OTHEK ROUTE. Betnrnlngleave St. Paul at SSOp. m. . arrtr- Ing at Sioux City 4:15 : a. m. , and Union Padflo Transfer Depot , Cooncfl Bloffa , at 9-JO a. m. iiTBe sure that yonr ticket * read Tta-BL 0. fc P. B. B. " T. 0. nrr.TJi Superintendent , Missouri Valley , low * . P. K. ROBINSON. Asa-t O n1 PastvAnia. tff J. H. OTBTAH , outhwertam ITelght and PsjwntisT Anal , mSOtf Council plqfft. SHORT LINE J.88O. JHE K.C.ST.JOE&C.B.R.R. , Is the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OUAHA and the WEST. No change ot cars between Omaha and St. Louis and but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With less charges and In advance of other lines. This entire line is eqnipoed with Pullman's Palace S'eeplng Cars , Palace Day Coach- e , Miller > s Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated westlnghonse Air-Brake. X2TSEE THAT YOtfVl TICKET READS J 3TV1a Kansas City , St. Joseph andTSI 5rCouncilBluffsR.R.vla SITES 2TJoo and3t.Louis.-Ca Tickets for sale at all coupon stations i the West. J. F. BAKNARD , A. C. DAWES , Gen'I Supt. . Gcn'l Pus. & Ticket A t * St. JosephMo Et. Joseph , Afo , W. C. SEACHREST , Ticket Agen. , 211 Fifteenth Street , betwren Famham and Donglas , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEHON , A. B. BARNARD , Pau. Agent , Omaha Oekl Agent , Omaha. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I BURLINGTON &IJUIMCY With Smooth and Perfect Track , Elegant Paasen- jrer Coaches , and PULLMANSLEEPINC&DININC CARS. ItisacknowIedgodbytbePre8S , ndallwho travsl over It , to be the BIST Arronmo and Bsn HlxtaiD Road In the Country. PASSENGERS GOING EAST Should bear In mind that this Is tha BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Northwest Passengers by" this Boot * hare choice o FODB.DIFFEEENT EOUTES , And the Advsitaga ot SIX. Daily Lines ot Palace Sleeping Cars from Chicago to New York City Without Change. &JI Express Tstfot on Lhls Una are equipped with the Westinehouae Patent Air Brakes : and lllller's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect Pro tection Against Accident ! In the world. PBLUUN PALACE SLEEPING AND DIMM CAM Are ran ot. the Burlington Boat * Information ccntefolng Bootes , Bate * , Tims Connections , etc. , will be cheerfully given by applying at the office of the Burlington Bonte , fill Uth St..Omaha , Nebraska. 0. R. PSBK1MJ , D. W. HITCHCOCK , Genl Uanazer. Gen. Wesfn Pass. Agt J. O. PmLLIPI , Bt Joe. , Ho Qeneral Agent , Omaha. H. P. DETTEL , Ticket Agent , Omaha. ONLT EFFECTUAL + KIDNEY REMEDY AND SPECIFIC FOR Bright' * DUease , Elabvtes , Nervous Debility , Pain in the Back , Loins or Side , Dropsy , Gravel. Incontinence and Retention ofUrineand Female Complaints. Send for our treatise on theKIdneys , ent.tled "Echoes Ton Should Heed , " a little pamphlet containing a great deal of information free. Excelsior Kidney Fad Co , , SOLE PROPRIETORS. X2TSold by D. W. SAXE * CO. , Omaha ti NERVOUS DEBILITY Vital Weakness and Pro * . tratlon for overwork or Specific No. 28 , cessf Ql remedy known. Price $1 per rial or 5 vlalsandlirrevitlof powdeVfor 86 , sent post- fres on reo'lpt of price. BUMPHBETS * HOUEO. MED. CO. . 109 FulUn Et , New Tort [ Most Catalogue tree. ] _ apiedawfim THE CELEBBATZD Oval Steel Tooth Harrow Uanntactored by DZ GROOT & GXDD1XGS , F/n dv Lae , Wll. F. DTOOOPEB , Writ * ( or pticet Agent , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEi Its main line runs from Chicago to Council IhnfnaCarj foreaUngrparposesonly. Onenirr Bluffs , passing through Jollet. Ottawa. La Salle. great fratero ot our Palaca Cars Is a SMOK1 > enjor iour . . nnell. , _ . .Stuart , Atlan tic , and Avpca : with branches from unr * n Junction to Peoria : Wilton Junction toMusca- tlto. Washington. Falrfleld. Kldon. Belknap. Kansas City. LeaTcnworth , and Atihiaon , ooS ? Centrovllle , Princeton. Trenton. Gal latin. Came nrctlons belnitmade In Union Depota. I ron. Leavenworth , Atchlson. and Kansas City ; TUK puiNCiJPAi. R. K. coforecnoss c * Washington to Slpourney , Oskaloosa. and Knox- TIHS CHEAT TUBOCQII 1O.SK ARE feAt vlllo : Kcokuk to Farmlnetoo , Bonaparte. Ben- ' toosDOrt , Independent , Eldon. Ottnrawa. Eddv- At CIIICA'GO. with an fllrerstos lines for U * viUe. Oskaloosa , 1'eIla.Monroe , and DeeMolnes ; East and South. Newton to Monroe t IXs Molnes to Indlanolaand wtntenetrAtlantlc to Lewis aDdAndudon ; and A-oca to Barlan. This Is positively the only AnvASHisoio-v nnoKTs , witu p , a ft bfc Ilallroad. which owns , and operates a through line from Chicago Into the State of Kansas. At LA SALLE. with 11L Cent. R. R. Through Express Passenger Trains , with Full- At I10BIA. with P. P. * J. ; P. D. A E.I L B A jnan Palace Cars attached , are run each way dally W. : Ill-Mld. : andT.P. * W. IWs. , between CHICAGO and PEORIA. KANSAS Crrr. At HOCK ISLAND , with 'Mllwanke * > " " Cor/KCic liLurrs. LEAVZXWOKTU and ATCHI- Island Short Line. " and Rock lil'di 1 8OX. Through cars are also run between Milwau AtDAVENroRT.wlth the Davenpor" kee and Kansas City , via the "Milwaukee and C M. & St. P. H. B. Bock Island Sha , Une. " At WIST I.IBBRTT. with the R , a R. A N. I The " Great Uock Island" Is magnificently At OKLN KILL-nth Central low u.R. equipped. Its road bed Is simply perfect , and Its AtDZS MoUVii.withQ M.AF.D.R.R. track Is laid with steel rails. At COUNCIL liLurrs , with Union PacincILK. ' What will please you most will ba the pleasure AtOJtAnA. with B. * Mo. n. It. R. In Neb. ) ' of enjoying xour meals , while passing over the . beautiful prairies of Illinois and Iowa , In one or At OTTUMWA. with Central oarmagnlncent DlnlnK Cars that accompany all St.L..hPaCL.andC.B.&Q.R.R < J . Througu Express Trains. You get an entlro At KEOKUK. with ToL-Peo. 4 Wsr. meal , as good as Is served In any Orst-clags hotel , . . . ' lorseventy-nve cents. At CAMIKOV. withlUBt.J.R.B. Appreciating the fact that a majority- the AtATcnuox. wtthAtck-TopekaftBaatalaf people prefer separate apartments for different A ten. * Neb- and Cen. Br. if. P. It. Rds. purposes ( and the Immense passcncer business At I.EATIMTORTII. with Kan. Pac. sad Kaa , of this line warranting It ) , we am pleased to an Cent. 1U lids. nounce that tbla Company runs .Pullman Palace Slteptii Can for sleeping purposes , and Palace rUT.I.MAf 1ALACE CAK.H nro rnn thron h to PEOKIA , J > T ! tfOnTEX , COUNCIL BLUFFS , KANSAS C1TT , ATCU1SON , and l EAviWOKTII. . Ticket * via thU X.Inc , known a * the "Great Bock Island Route. " are Mldbf all Ticket Airenu In the united States aoil Canada. Par Information not obtainable at TOUT * homo ticket oOBec , a4drcM , I _ . H. ST. JOETN- . ' Oen'l Eaperintcndent. Uen'l Tit. and Fasa'rr Act , GHAS. SHIVERiCK. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS * ' . W everyrning pertaining to the Furniture and Upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE 1208 and 1310 Farnham ap 21 mon th eat Street. Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivatep * * * MANUFACTURED BY S. P. MAST & GO..SPRINFF1ELD , 0. They also make Buckeye Improved Iron .Beam Walking Cultivator , -with or without Springs , The New Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or two Horse Style. Inquire for them , at the best dealers. F. H , PUGH , Gen. Agent , Omaha , Neb. fkt ! Sana tnnil T-cst 3T rdldnn A raaLn-Unn of Hop JJuchn , Sliudrabe. d c.anTr' h af tJi9 licit and most cunu ' , .r' l-Ivep mlator , and Lire l storta - A ; tnt 0.1 earth. Ho cllirun or ill L-calth cm rosdblT lontr eiiit whc llopirtt nro used , to Tancdandperfect " irotholroTimtioja. lit JEl'CnrwU.'oaiiJ to lie ajtd anil l flnm. To til whoso emploTmcnta causa IrrcgularltTof thoboiTCls cr uri aiyorBa3Scrwlio require an tixr , Tonic and mild Stlamlant , Hop Ktten r fcellnfs or fjmptonis are. rtt cdlsca"o or nilmentTs , ; ese Hop BJttcrs- DoatTaltuntUjoTiaro8irt.batlf you onlr feel teulcrialacrablc-.uso the WtteraiUonce.Il may avoyourliro. unms help. Donot aaernorlctyonr5Hcndsn bet cio and urcotlieaj to nsoJJop Bitters. . Jh ! , " . P11'1 * I1 * M < j < ie ever " l3i the . * .Invalid " * Friend and Hope , and na toaoa or f aauiy should bo without ; them. Get eome this djiy. | Ho ? Ooroa CCEibthorwSetest , safest and beat Aalc Children. cnncs % use of opram , tobacco and narcotics : Hop Bitten Jllj. Co. Send far Clrmlir.f TESTIMONY. The Cashier of the First National Bank , Troy Ohio , says : TROT , O. , December 30th , 1879. DR. BOBUKO UIDICIHB Co. , Piqua , O. : OIXTLBSDM I was troubled with Bhenma- tism last spring in the acute fjm so badly tha * I was unable to use my hand. Through the recommendations of my f/iends , I was induced to try your Rheumatic Cure , which Immediately began to soothe , comfort and allay the pain , and in a short time I was relieved ot this diitresslng disease. I take great pleasure in recommending' this valuable remedy to those similarly affected. Yours respectfully , JNO. L. MEREDITH. These remedies speak for themselves To try them Is to be cured. If you cannot iret themof yonr DrUKJslrt , by remlttinjr s $3.00 we will end yon four bottles of the Rheumatic Cure , or six of the Pile Kemedy. by express prepaid. Give plain direction for shipping- The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Go. , PIQUA , OHIO. mZi-dawtf C. F. GOODMAN , Agent , Omaha. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINfa TRADE MARK. TbO Great. rtACE EnirllBb Bemedy , An unfailing cure for Sem inal Weak. ne3Bperma- torrhea , Im that follow as sequence of Selt-Abuse ; lose of Memory , Universal Lassitude , Pain ! n ths Back , Dimness ot Vision , Premature Old Aje and many other Diseases' that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. 3"Full particulars In oar phamphlet , which we desire to send free by mall to every one. /STho Specific MedkmoU sold by aH drngTists at tl per package , or six packages for 95 , or wll be sent free by maO on receipt ot the money by iddroesiug The Gray Medicine Co. , No. 10 Mechanics' Block , Droorr , HIGH ! SOLD IK OilAQABY J. K. I3H , AND BT At DRUGGISTS EVEaYWnKBE. lelS-dav wteitnjtrtirbwntQwn. rermjasdfSontflt A dress H.H U UCo. Pcrtland , X * Only Remedy [ HUT ACTS JIT THE SAJTE TI3K QtS\ \ fTHE E iVE R ) THE BOWELS , and the KIDNEYS , ] Thi * combined , action fiva it von- \ darful power to cure all dueaset. 332X. Are We Sicl Because tee allow thete fft to become clogged or torpid , JanA\ \ poisonous Tiumorsare therefore forM ! | into the blood that thould fa naturally. BIMOUS ESS , JUDXF.T COEEL41XT8 , CUl.TAItr DISEASES , FEaAtE WEAK NESSES. An > NEBTODb DiSOUDEBS , Jy causing ffes action of tliese ors < tm\ and rettoring their power to thrmc < rfi\ \ diaensf. 1T"yfi , Triiytonncatr.lwltlirilrs.Co-nl'patl-hTJ Wliyrriiliten dOTfrdiMinIrrr < 1Kld4rj < | I HhyeailBrenenon't or sick h-ada V , hy bare sletpltss night * t Ujg jtmEr WOUT an * rfjo fucXA. It If a dry , vtyttctfa eompovndaati j One p l e ' 5 21 rrak-sflx n . j Git U cfyour Drugiflit , he itf.u enlrf u foryw. Prlec i * . , A new and and hitherto unknown remedy-fo al I diseases ) of th * Kidneys , Bladder.and Urinary Organs. It wfll positively cure Diabetes , Gravel , Drop sy , Bright' * D Iseaso , inability to retain or taotl the Urine , Catarrh of the Blaeder- Ugh couaA and scanty urine. Painful Unnatiar , LAM > ! BACK , General Weakness , and all Temxli Complalntd. It avoldes Internal medldnef , Is certain Inlti effects and cures when nothing- flu can. For sale by Dragsirt * or sent by sail lit * upon receipt ot the prico. 12.00. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. . PBOFRS , Toledo , O.T tarScnd yeur addreM for oar little book , L How a tifo was Saved. " JAMES K. BH. Agent tor Nebraska xa 179 5 , h cuT < aW < , ctii . tl Intycf fnnu , Hinmt , Ctnav . - n ct Oucue * . t raitcvrtM. lJ ? A < iV. ( ' ( ltwl icffirtCltYff ! TcAAiji ttA4J _ i V i/vlSBJ' Cosjrf-it ej cjioMjJljr y . _ -j . i5ii2 O-id teot'nucf. frc U B4 car *