Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
Scandalous Charges Made
Against Congress and
Its Committees. -
The Pacific Railroad Pool
and thi-Corruption
Fund. *
* .
Vest Takewip.the Senate's Time
To Eehash'Dld Democratic
Nebraska Gets 'A 'Sharo"bf Ap
propriations For Biver Im- „
The President Vetoes the Rid- ,
er Appropriation Bill ,
How weJHaye Been Gulled on
- Sugar , . _ _
Special Dispatch to'.Tns VIE.
WASHINGTON , Hay 3 , 4 P , . m. The
artic'.o . in Theiapital-created quite a
sensation here. The article'states
that for some time pasl "a scandal has
been browingaTthe capitol which bids
fak to riva.1 infdisgracc , if not In mag
nitude , the history of Ibo Credit Mo-
belier and Pacific mail. The s'ubject
matter in thoao premwesis the land
grant extension job scheme , by which
two unGnisned 1'acific railroads ,
which haJ5&led" Iiejr issues , "
propose to' avert flip consequences of
tneir failure ttfcitnply with the terms
under which they received their land
grants , and such are the ciecumstans ? a
of the caieihaUha nropcg4i00' Jon
amount ! substantially to"a fieW 8raut"
in defunce of the promises a'aj pi-ft.
forms of botjynr.lio3.for.tch.a-hst eight
years. But'th'o bcandal ia mot in violation
lation ofparty pledges ; It is in the
methods that liave been , and
ara being employed to secure the re
sult. A'Vtnerablo lrbbyi6fr who has
had charge of the Huntiugton and
Gould inter jtfoc a "number of years ,
is at tbo head offlio ! land grant syndi
cate , and his payrollcitliscia casher
or stock"plicell'w here it will do most
good , is naid t < Purnbrac $ not-only the
ususl number 'ofj . .professionals"
carry congressman in their pockets
but several eminent newspaper re
former. ! and a number ofjligf inguiahcd
otatesmcn holding place * on the n
propriato committee.
The Capital further charged that
certain cp ihKeeV of the'houso" were
packed in'tho interests of the railroad
" "
lobby. -
It is thought the whole question
will bo investigated , and the charges
thoroughly siftud.
The president has sent to the .house
a message vetoing the deficiency ap
propriation bill. The veto message is
About three-quarters of a column in
length. The president's principle
objection to the bill' is contained in
the conclHafflg asBagD'arfdllowB r * *
"The bill gives a marked and delib
erate sanction , attended by no circum
stances of pressing necessity , to a
questionable , and , as I am clearly of
opinion , the dangerous practice of
tacking upon appropriation bills gen
eral and permanent legislation. The
practice opens a "wide door to hasty ,
Inconsiderate and sinister legisla
tion. Itinvites attacks upon
.the Independence and constitutional
powers of the executive , by providing
an easy and effective way of conrfrain- "
Ing the executive discretion. Al-
thongh of latethis practice
has been resorted to by
all political parties when clothed
with power ; it did not prevail uutil O
years alter/the / adoption of the consti
tution. " /
BpecUl Dtop tch toyn to *
WASHINGTON * , "May 5 1 a. m.
The river and harbor bill reported
yesterday appropriates between eight
and nine million dollars. vAmong the
items are the folloxring ? Break water ,
at Chicago , § 145,000 ; enags and wrecks
from the Mississippi , Missouri and
Arkansas rhore , 5200,000 ; Misiis-
eippi rifer between the month of the
Illinois and Ohio rivers , $250,000 ;
from St. Paul to Des Moines rapids ,
? 150,000. from Des Moines rapids .to
the mouth of tho'UKnor * river ; § 100-
000 ; survey of the Missuuri river from
Sioux City to its mouth , $30,000 ;
Missouri river , for removing enags and
wreck * , 65,000 ; Missouri river at
Omaha and Council Bluffs , $20,000 ;
Mistouri river at Eastport and Ne
braska City , $14,000 ; Missouri river
at Glasgow , $20,000 ; Missouri rive r at
Sioux City , ? 8000.
The committee of expert * cent out
by the government to investigate the
question of coloring sugars at Dama-
rara have returned , and are now7en-
gftged in preparing tholr reportwhich
will be ubrmtted to congress -atjian
e rlp day. The report will be exhaus
tive and interesting. It will show
among other things the important
fact that the government of the United
States , at well as that of France , "has
boon swindled in the matter of the importation
portation- eugara from Demarara
e\cr since the adoption of the color
standard. -i _ _
SENATE. , , . t - ,
SpscUl Disja'ch to The Bee. ' '
WASHINGTON , May 4 4 p. m.
The senate > y a voto-of 29 to 27 resolved
' -
solved to'resume consideration of the
bill for the relief of"Holladny. .
Pending debate the morning hour
expired.uL\r , , , - * . . . fj
Vest spoke in favor of the Spofford-
.h-eljogg resolution , , , '
- '
T T7i r t * , _ }
Senator Vest said that he. proposed
to introduce nothing more partisan
tEEn theriatnre of "tho"issue necessari
ly involved. s > The minority report
contained no argument or reason but
only abuse " and reflection upon the
character "of senators on this side of
the chamber. Their righteous indig
nation lies in the fact that the major
ity don't construe ; the constitution as
they do ; and contrary to what they
believe is Tight , declare that Kellopg
is entitled to a seat in this senate.
But the main-feature of the minority
report is the charge of disloyalty
made-'igainst.those senators for seatg
that were in the rebellion or Eyinpa
th izod with the rebellion. This is a
gran-i argument. Those who do not
vot/j the republican ticket are disloyal.
This ia a sufficient one. What proof
have Lougstreet , Mosby and Key ,
postmaster-general , givou of their tor-
rowf6V having gone into the'rebollfonP
or of their allegiance to the country ?
Nothing more than their joining thts
ranks of the republican party.
He passed into a review of the his
tory of the Packard Jegislatnre , and"
declared that it never had a legal ex
istence. The principal objection to
the unseating of Kellogg on this rade
of the senate chamber -comes fi.vm
southern senators and not from r.orth-
ern. He then took up the armament
of'res "
adjudicata , and maintained
that'the eliato had power-to -
the case.
Senator Carpenter asked' whether ?
the judgment of the senr ; e jn fa
case of a disputed seat was , nol final
Senator Vest Never 'during the
term of any5senator cap tno Benate
be stopped from a judjr ment on the
legality of hw title ; - M ionre js the
state is not represented in iho senate
the right remains.
Senator Carper'tar _ Wh 8hould
this ru o of ' 're- adjudcafa" ; apply in
judicial eourlr . and ot apply h ro
Senator t The fallacy of the
Sf f f 'Osition liesin his assumption
that tnu flenate js aitting as a court'on
tha r , ! ats of their members. It is
Profv' dod in the constitution that the
* ta .e'should be represented by sena
JtSl < -
SenatorCarpentar It Is immaterial
whether we say wo are a court or not ,
we are to examine facts and thenforn
" judgments. This is judicial action ,
and-it is immaterial whether you col ]
. it'juHicial or legislative proceeding * .
The principle involved is. whether a
case that oncahas been decided can be
ro-opened ; this is a question of righl
between individuals.
Senator Vest Then eccording to
the senator the state of L9usiana ( has
nothing to do with this question.
Senator Carpenter Nothing'at "all.
Senator Yost resumed his argument.
Ho quoted from testimony and created
a great deal of amusement by quota
tions of contradictions and evasive
statements made by witnesses. He
said that he referred to the testimony
simply tu show the class of men that
the republican party placed in author
ity over southern states. Kellogg de
termined to act expeditiously and be
fore the storm of reform had swept
trim and his associates into deserved
oblivHmT HJwbuld rovWo-fcr him
self by receiving the election to iho.
United States senate. Ho had been
Fraudulently elected governor of
Louisiana for four year-according ,
to reports signed by the senator from
Wisconsin . ( Carpenter ) , the senator
from Massachusetts ( Hoar ) and the
Senator .Hoar The report contains
no reference to the election of Kel
logg , but to the election of state offi
cers in 1874.
Senator Vest But it was exactly
; ho same returning board , and if this
was true in 1874 it must have been
true in 1872 and 1876. He then went
on to speak of the rewards which had
icen conferred upon members ot the
egislaturo and other friendijof Kel-
oggrrTo sum-up the whole , .said.hQj ,
ho presidency returning board is
$230,000 $ , mainly civil appropriations.
Dhia , then , is the price of the presi
dency. The sum of $1750 , however ,
was omitted , which Hayes and Sher-
nan last summer paid to Oassanave
n payment of judgment against him
n the courts as a member of the re
timing board.
Senator Yest road a letter written
> y Cnssanavo describing his tour
Among the friondi of the adndnlstnT-
ion begging for their money. _ _ He
upplicd to Secretary Sherman , "who
iffered him $1000 , but ho refused it
int of respect for the great financial
ffioer of tha government. Finally ,
towever , the money was paid by Pros-
dent Hayes and Secretary Sherman.
Iow , why did they pay that money ?
Yhat was the obligation } But this
ransactiou bas become a part of the
ilstory of the greatest fraud ever
> factlced on legislative rights.
Senator Yest devotecVthe remain-
er of his speech to a description of
be industrial prosperity of the South-
rn states as the best answer to the
harge so widely circulated that con-
taut war was waged on the colored
Tha chair appointed Senators
ieck , Withers , and Allison a coufer-
nco committee on the Indian appro-
riation bill.
Senator Hamliu called up the bill
o facilitate the negotiation of a
reaty with Iho government of Nic-
Senator Edmunddnovod the
ill bo considered in sections.
At 4:10 pvm. the doors were closed
and after a short session the bill-was
az'scd in open session as reported
rom the committee.
fter executive session the senate
Mr. Orth made his personal oxplan-
tion and criticised Springer , who ob-
ained permission to'reply at some fn-
uro time.
The speaker then Jaid before the
ouso the president's veto of the rider
ppfopriatton bill , which was read and
eferred tov the committee on appro-
jrlations , and bill laid upon the
pciker's table. This postpones its
onsidoration until the house sees fit
o call it up.
The housa resumed consideration of
ho bill to amend'tho laws In relafion
ointernal , revenue"tho pendingques-
ion being on the motion pf Mr. Con-
; er to strike out the section relating to
tamps. Thomotbntwaj rejected.
Mr. Conger then 'moved to strike
out the clause which , was also rejected.
The bill wa * then pissed as amended
-byavote'pfl341o72. ;
On motion of Mr. Blackburn the
house went into committee of the
whole on the postoffico appropriation
biU | Mr. Carlisle in the chair. , Gen
eral debate was limited and the' till
was considered by clauses. * " * '
: -On motion olMr Shf Jby an amend-
jo- * . > _ ini v
"ment wai adopted appropriating $6,000
ti enable the pcstraaster-general to
purchase card cancelling and post
marking machines-
Mr. DunnelL offered an amendment
to make the appropriation $1,800,000 ,
for transportation on railroad routes.
Pending consideration the commit
tee found itself without a quorum and
immediately rose. JMessrs. Wells ,
Singleton of Mississippi and Hubbell ,
were appointed a conference commit
tee on the Indian appropriation bill.
The house at 4:50 : in the afternoon
Special Dispatch to THE Bu.
WASHINGTON , May 5 , 1 a. m. The
house .Indian affairs committee has
adopted by. a vote .of 7 to 10 a bill to
transfer the Indian bureau from the
. interior to the war department.
The Machine Quartett Losing
! Their Grip in the Pivotal
Blaine Secures the Lion's Share
"of Illinois Delegates Thus
"Far Chosen.
A 'Bitter Fight for Power and
- Prestige in Tennessee.
Organized Movement in Chicago
To Nominate Washburne ,
The ' "Journal" Says it is None
pf His Business The Peo-
* pie are Bunning Hun.
New Hampshire Democrats
Refuse to Instruct for Til-
den To-day.
„ The Fight in Tennessee.
Special dispatch to Tbe Bco.
NASHVILLE , May 4 noon The pro
ceedings of tha republican state con
vention , to meet hero Wednesday , to
appoint twenty-four delegates to the
Chicago convention , and to nominate a
candidate for governor , rail be marked
with : confusion and excitement , as far
aa ascertained from numerous
delegates. Already in east and west
Tennessee delegations are divided be
tween Grant , Blaine and Sherman ,
whilein Middle Tennessee , the
xlelegatiou will bo nearly solid
for Grant. The majority of the
convention will favor the appointment
of Grant delegates , and will insist up
on their instruction for the ex-presi
dent. This action will bo bitterly op-
posecPby Blaine and Sherman men ,
who express a determination to resist
itwith all power "at their command
and a prolonged fight on the question
anticipated. The Grant men are over
The Pivotal State.
Special Dtapatch to The 15co.
CHICAGO-May 4 4 p. m. Six
republican county conventions wore
! iold in Illinois yesterday. Blaine
controlled those of Mercer and De-
Kalb , and Grant those of Jersey and
Tazewell. The delegations from Edgar
and Casa were divided. It is becom-
nfifrnore evident every day that the
third termers are becoming very
seriously alarmed over the uncertainty
of the pivotril state of Illinois
While' the Blaine mon hero
are disposed to bo over
over-confident , and their realizations
will doubtless fall somewhat short of
their expectations , it is certain that
np to date Blaine leads in Illinois.
Eiogan's second appearance shown , ho
s not at all pleased with the pros
pects. Ho positively refuses to bo
interviewed. Eugene Hale , of Maine ,
is in town and delivered an address to
the Bbine club last night , ,
R. W. Patrick and J. Sterling Mor
ton , of Nebraska , are in town.
A Fatal Claim.
Special Dispatch to The Bco
LKADVILLE , May 4 , 4 p. m. At As-
; or City two miners fatally shot each
n a quarrel over a claim.
Bound To Dominate Waahburno.
Special Dispatch to TUB EBB.
CHICAGO , May 51 a. m. The
Evening Journal , which haa been re
cently "booming" for Washburne ,
says editorially : ' 'ThoDaily News of
o-day publishes what purports to bo
authoritative statements from the
Eton. E. B. Washburno to the effect
hat ho is not n candidate for presi
dent , i We have known that all along ,
and hivvo said so time and again. Wo
are f ally aware that Mr. Washbnrne
does not seek the nomination , and
hat owing to his personal relations
with General Grint he will not con
sent to be a candidate against Grant.
But the people who propose to nomi
nate Mr. Washburne have not been
consulted , and do not mean to consult
iis wishes in the promises. He is
heir candidate , no matter who his
candidate is , and they moan to secure
his nomination if possible , regardless
of his own personal wishes. That is
the plain fact of the matter. "
New Hampshire Against Tilden.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
COKCOEP , N. H. , May 6 1 a. m.
Dhe democratic state convention will
neet here to-day , and will be a very
ull one , with probably COO delegates
jresent. There Tvill be no instruc-
Ions , although if any were attempted
Cilden instructors would be voted
down by two-thirds majority. Frank
Jones , M. V. JJ. Edgerly , Col. John
3. George , and probably Judge
Singham , will bo the delegates-at-
argo. Of the ten delegates probably
one-half will incline towards tlilden
f he carr healnp the New York trou-
> lei otherwise none of them.
Chicago's Chinese Immigration.
Bpedtl Wg tch to IBS BM.
.CHICAGO , May 5 1a. . m. The
'Holer Denmark is overflowed with
tbout one hundred Chinese , coming
{ from New York- after leaving Cuba.
They seem not to know exactly whith
er they are drifting. Soma think of
going to San FrancUco , others of re
maining here. The Chinamen feel
very comfortable and act consistently
in the presence of 2CO Swedish and
400 Bohemian emigrants , who are
booked for the far west.
Special Dispatch ( o Tbe B a.
LONDON , May 5 , 4 p. m. More
than 7,000 Iron workers in north
England are on a strike agalost a re
duction of wages. *
Wolff & Co. , of Buenos Ayers and
-Paris , " fafed. Liabilities , 200,000
Epoclil Dispatch to The Bee.
BEULIN , May 4 4 p. m. A well-
informed St , Petersburg correspondent
dent- writes that a war between Kussia
and China is inevitable.
Special Dispatch to Tni Ba.
CALCUTTA , May 5 , 1 a. m. General
Stivrart officially reports to the vice
roy that Ghuznia ia quite incapable of
resisting artillery ; that in its present
condition it h absolutely worthless as
a military position , as the walls are in
ruins. He states that there is no.
probability of an attempt on the p
of the insurgents to use it furtb--jr for
that purpose , oven if they s oui De
i gathered in sufficient numr j-j B0 near
j to Cabul , which he regi > B M practi
cally impossible. G uerai Stowartbas
now arrived at C'DU1 , having accom
plished the ob ect of his expedition
to the more southern portion of the
country , 'and has assumed chief com-
miud at the capital. He speaks of
the receipt of a communication Musa
Khan , in which the latter says he will
return to Ghuznia M soon as possible.
Tribal gatherings are reported in tno
Candahar district , although it in not
believed that they contemplate more
than a kind of skirmishing warfare in
the vicinity , Candahar being too strong-
and well gairisoned to render it prob
able that they will attack that post.
DUBLIN , May 5 1 a. m. The
freedom of city was yesterday con
ferred upon Captain Potter of the
United States ship "Constellation. "
The ceremony was attended by offic'als
of the city and a large.number of. spec
tators , and as the mayor handed the
freedom in an elegant casket to Cap
tain Potter ho made- short address
in which ho thanked the captain -and
through him the generous people
across the Atlantic who had
come to Ireland's help in the time of
trouble , and added that he feared the
distress , for three months until the
arrival of a new crop , would be worse
than it had yet been. Captain Potter ,
in a few words , suitably accepted and
acknowledged the compliment ten
dered him , and said ho accepted it
more for the e he % ? ? y'l j honor to
represent than for bSiedj and trust
ed that the apprehension expressed
by the mayor would proveexsggorated.
Special dispatch to The Bco.
LONDON , May 5,1 a. m. The iron
Cousett workers , at a meeting called
for the purpose of considering tbo
present relations between the iron
masters and themselves , decided , by a
majority of four to one , to maintain
the strike till their terms were agreed
Jpacial Dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , May 5,1 a. m. The emi
gration agent of Accrington Lanca-
ihire has received application fromthe
United States for one hundred female
weavers or heads of families , and the
irst of them will sill for Boston
15 th inst.
Special Dispatch to the Beo.
YOKOHAMA , Japan , April 16. An
sip'iosion ata coal mine near ISTagas
d killed fifty persons.
A now Methodist church is to bo
built at Estherville.
A now town has been started in
Mills county and is called Potter , after
Burlington is making arrangements
to place the telephone in the public
A. movement is on foot in Muscatino
to organize a company to heat that city
with steam. J
At Cherokee , April 24 , three chil
dren wore poisoned by eating wild
parsnips which they had gathered
along the river.
Belle Plaine , Montezuma , Daulap ,
Pomeroy , Albia , Osceola , and Carroll
will each build school houses this
season , at an average cost of $13,000.
The western half of Iowa is suffer
ing very materially for lack of rain ,
while the eastern and southern , , half
rejoice in bountiful showers.
A highly sensational story comes
from Grundy Centre , Grundy county.
It is to the effect chat the notorious
Bender family of Kansas father ,
mother and Kate are living there
and have been under the close watch
of Colonel Buty and a corps of ether
detective from Kansas. Colonel Shat-
tuck , of the northwestern detective
association , _ has also .received word
that the family are unquestionablythe
Benders. J *
The building ia Jefferson this sea
son is equal to that of any previous
year in its history.
The survoy-o the Toledo & Northwestern
western branctf'of the Chicago &
Northwestern is completed to the
Des jMoihes river , 100 miles west of
the junction with the main line Of
this 74 miles is now under contract to
bo completed July 1.
Wo offer a first-class white laun-
dried shirt , with an improved reinforced -
forced front , made of Wamsutta mus
lin , 3-ply bosem and cuffs , of 2200
linen , at the reduced price of $1.50.
The workmanship , fit and style of our
shirta are placed in competition with
an d shirt sold in Omaha. We guaran '
tee entire satisfaction , or will refund
the money. We make to order every >
grade of shirts and underwear , give [
better goods for less money than can ,
be got elsewhere. Our fancy imported >
shirtings are of the choicest patterns.
In underwear we cannot be under
sold. _ _
Omaha Shirt Factory , 252Farnbjunl
opposite Grand Central Hotel ,
j ' i * -1 < " r .
The San Francisco Supervisors
Prefer Damaging Charges
Against Mayor Kalloch ,
And .Will Push the Case to
Immediate 'Trial and
* * " * ! _
A " Colored Woman and Five
Children Burned to
SpecUl Dispatch to The Bee ,
BAH FBANCISCO , May 4 noon.-Tho
board of supervisors held a meeting
last night , Mayor Kalloch presiding
The" judiciary committee filed a jODg
report reviewing the history c'f
bor agitation and the part * &orne In it
by Kalloch , | findiog t flt fce nas en
couraged ihe liwle jj and discontented
element , advic a them to parade the
Btreet's an endeavored to keep them in
aucht poaition and temperameutas to
C-ommit an cnibreak whenever it would
suit his purpose ; that he has impeach
ed the honesty of the whole communi
ty , accused various branches of
the city government of cor
ruption and dircliction of
duty , and under pretense of counsel
ing the mob agitnat violence , has In
sidiously advised them to be in readi
ness for bloodshed and overthrow of
the authorities. They expressed the
opinion that Kalloch is unscrupulous
and unprincipled and devoid of
integrity and fidelity to public inter
ests , and that the time has arrived for
the board to express their condemna
tion of hi ? acts and recommend that
prompt action to be taken to vindicate
the fame of the municipality by
judicial inquiry into Kalloch'a case.
The molion'to adopt the report was
put by Kalloch , who announced that
it was carried. The roll was called ,
resulting in a unanimous vote for its
adoption. A resolution was then
adopted authorizing the finance com-
mitte to cause judicial proceedings to
be instituted against ihe mayor for his
removal from office , and empowering
them to employ counsel and prosecute
the matter to speedy termination.
Great satisfaction is felt among the
better classes over this action , "which
is also regarded as a complete vindica
tion of Charles
againi t Kalloch.
Horrible RoaaU
Special dtepatch to The Bee.
RICHMOND , Va. , Mac 4 p. m. _
Martha Jones , a colored wriman
locked herself and her five children in
ber house and set it on fire. All were
burned to death. 1
A Veto.
peclal Dispatch to The Bee.
ALBANY- , May 4 4 p. m. The
governor has returned tno Dm taxing
Foreign capital emp\oyed ia the 8tate
to the senate wit1 , , , . Wa agnature. ;
Special Dipat ntaaloBcc
HoD'roK , Texa , May 4. A. Har-
ria & Brothers , wholesale dry goods ,
.ailed ; liabilities , $168,000.
Our Petroleum Trade.
Special Dispatch to TUB Bra
NEW YORK , May 3 1 a. m. Mem
bers of the New York Petroleum Ex
change met in annual session yester
day. Milch interest was taken in the
proceedings as it was known that ta-
tistics of the trade would be given in
the address and reports of the officers.
George H. Lincoln , president of the
Exchange alluded (6 the great busi
ness done in petroleum during the
year. Production had been increased
from 60,000 barrels per day in April ,
1879 to.72,000 barrels per" day at theE
resent 'time. The stock of crude oil
E eld in pipe lines increased from
6,600,000 barrels to 10,000,000
barrels. Consumption increased
40COO barrels per d iy. The strong
probability of a rapid decline in the
Bradford district at a no distant day
consequently makes a ton months'
supply not excessive. Fluctuation in
crude oil has been very marked , de-
cling from 81.10 to G3Jc ; then ad
vancing to S1.28J , and since declin
ing to 2l c. These changes led to
speculation , often reaching a million
jarrols. Foreign countries have been
enabled to obtain petroleum at a lower
irice than ever baf ore ; had greatly in
creased exports ; but the over-supply
created thereby had had the effect to
cause the present dullness. The final
result must ba increased consumption ,
ispecially in the cast , and would bene
fit the country trade in time.
pedal dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , MayjG , 1 a , m. For
he upper Mississippi and lower Mis
souri , valleys warmer , southerly shift
o cooler northerly winds , followed by
clear weather and rising barometer. 81
pedal DItpatcb to Tni Bit
PONTIAC , Ills. , May 5 , 1 a. m. A
pecial train bearing General Grant ,
Hon. E. B. Washburne and others ar-
ived here at 12 o'clock. The recep-
ion committee met him at D right ,
and on his Arrival here he was met by
layer Johnson and escorted by 100 @
inion veterans. He proceeded to the
'hoonix , where an address of welcome
iraa delivered by the mayor and re-
ponded to. After dinner he held an
iformal reception in the corridor of
be hotel , and was sent on his way re-
oicing. ni
peclal Dispatch to The Bee.
LA SALLB , His. , May 5 , 1 a. m. ui
'hero were 2,000 people at the eta- th :
ion , who cheered vigorously and te ;
assed in line , shaking General tedr
rant's hand , upon his arrival. Many drwi
lao shook hands with Mr. Wash- tii :
nrne , who , when called on for a tiive
peechV'Jjimply'tbanked them for the vebt
loner conferred upon. Grant.
At Bradwood three cheers were
iroposed * for Grant. Washbnrne
wanglusbftt and led in three cheers It ,
with a will. He did the same at Card' *
ner and D wight.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
SPRINGFIELD , 111 , My fc * m > _ _
General Grant and p ? ' arrived here
on a special tram r 5:15 _
: m > They
were met at Lmc | n forty mlea ] north
of this city by the reception commit
tee appointed by the citizens.
N w York Mono ? and Stock
NEW YO&KMay i.
u'Jne ft per cenb . . . . . . . . . 107
JEW * Central . * . . . . . _ _ . !
a B. * Q . _ . 121 ;
New York Central- . _ ' . „ . 128 ]
Lake Shore . . . 104 !
SI * . _ . . „ . . . . 41 }
Enaprelerrod . . . . . . . . . . . * * . . . . . . . . 63 ;
Northwentern . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Northwestern pretend. . . . M . , . _ 108
St. Paul . . . . . . . . 76
St. Faol preferred . . . . . . . . . . -101
Wabain , St. Louis and Pacific. . . . . . 87
preferred . . . . _ . . _ . C5 :
Han. iSt. Jo . 32
Han. A St. Jo , pfd . . . * . . 7CJ
Kansas jc Texas . _ . . . . _ w. . . . . . 34
Onion Pacific . fcC
Central Paci2o . - . . . 71 ]
Northern Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Side
do preferred. . . . . . . . . oi
Western Omoa Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . .K4J
Pacific Mall . _ . . . . . _ 3 i
U. P. Land Grants . . . .110 }
Chicago Produce.
CHICAGO , May 4.
Wheat Active , unsettled , stronger
and higher ; No. 2 , § 1 13 @ 1 14j ,
closed at § 114jfor cash ; SI 12 @ 114J ,
closed at § 114@114 | for May ; § 109
@ 1 11J , closed at § 1 11J for June ;
81 04i@l 06 | , closed at § 1 OG | for
July ; Ifo. 3 , 97@98c ; rejected , 80c ;
No. 2 red winter , § 1 08.
Corn Active , stronger and higher ;
No. 2 3Gi@3Gc " , closed at SGjc for
cash ; 3G3Gic | , closed at 363GJc |
for May ; 35jj@3Uc , closed at 3Gc for
June ; 3Gl@3Gtc , closed at SCjc f Jr
July ; rejected , 35c.
The markets were firmer bur , quiet.
Wheat No. , § 1 13J@1 itf Jor
105J for July.
Corn 3CJo for
for Juno ; 3Gg@3Gx'1c f0'r' ' juy" ]
0 < lt3 f 9IC fr-c 2920c for
-r ; - . - y ; © ]
Jane27Jcfo-.juiy ; >
Fork ? ! iO 00 for May ; $0 95 ®
1002Jfjr Juno ; § 10 07A@10 15 for
July. .
Lard § G 87G 87i for Juno ; $ G Q2\
for July.
Bulk Meats Short ribs , § 5 97i ® ,
6 10 for June ; § 0 15@G Yfor' Jufy.
cnicafroLlve ScocKMarKet
CHICAGO. jjfay 4
Hogs Receipts , 19 500 head
s'eady feeling throu aout and valueB
H cr' * ° ° ® 4 35 mailjy :
? 425@435for mixcd pacing.
mixed to
Choice ho y 354 55 ;
' 'logs , § 4 30@4 40 mainly ,
ittle Receipts , 2,600 head ; steady
a shade firmer for shipping ; { 100
© 4 50 for common to chcico ; mixed
weight cattle sailing best ; limited de
mand for exports and butcher * , weaker
on rough heavy aud common ; active
movement however and good clear
ance ; mixed , $2 00@3 GO. mainly ;
stockers , $3 00@3 GO.
Sh bp Receipts 2000 head ; values
Veaker but trade activeiCO@4 ; Oli
for clipped ; § 5 75G 50for common to
St. Louis Live Stock.
ST. Louis , May 4.
Cattly-j-Supply light and prices
steady ; light steers , 900 to 1300 Ibs. ,
in good demand at $3 80@4 20 ; good
shipping steers , $1 254 40 ; prime to
fancy heavy , $4 504 70 ; cows and
heifor4 , § 2 903 50 ; feeders , § 3 50 ®
400. Receipts , 900 head.
Sheep Scarce and wanted ; fair to
fancy , 4 50@G 00 ; clipped , $3 00@4CO.
Receipts/2502 head.
Hogs ActiveYorkers ; , $4 104 20 ;
bacon4 154 20 ; butchers' to select ,
$4 304 40. Receipts , 3500 head.
Milwaukee .Produce Market
Wheat Firm ; opened | o higher and
closed steady ; No. 1 Milwaukee , hard ,
$1 17 ; No. 1 Milwaukee. ? 1 12 ; No.
2 do , § 1 11 ; June , § 1 09 j ; No. 3 Mil
waukee , 97c ; July , $1 07 ; May ,
81 1L
Corn Steady and in fair demand ;
No. 2 , 36gc.
Oats Strong ; No. 2 29jj.
Rye Firmer ; No. 1 , 76c.
Barley Higher and scarce ; No. 2
fall , G7c.
- ai
St. Louis Produce.
ST. Louis , May 4.
Wheat No. 2 red , § 1 10i@l 10 | for
cash ; SI 101 10J May ; 81 03g@l 04 |
June ; § 1 031 05" July , 90c for the
year ; No. 3 do , 97 c. SB
Com Better ; 32 @ 3L3 for cash B
27i@28c for June ; 3333c July. Sb
Oats Lower ; 30J for cash ; 30Jo b
for May. Ji
Rye Dullat73ic. is
Barley Dull and unchanged. isPI
Whisky Quiet at § 1 06.
Pork Firm ; § 10 15 bid for cash ; te
810 17 for June. teEC
Dry Salt Meats Unchanged. ECP
New York Produce lei
NE\V YORK , May 4. i
Wheat No. 3 spring , § 1 133114 ; PT
ungraded red , SI 18@1 2GJ ; No. 2 do , Jl
8128 ] ® ! 29 ; No. 3 red Kansa ? , 81 22 ; JlP
No. 2 amber , 81Gt ; ungraded white , se
21@1 23 } ; No. Tdo. 81 23i@l 25 ; w
No. 2 red , Sfay , 81 271 28 | .
Corn Ungraded , 50@52c ; No. 3 , h
50@50 c ; No. 2 , 51i@53c ; yellow wes bi
tern , 54Jc ; No. 2 , May , 47 048. BE
Oats Mixed western , Ic better , 42 BEat
343c ; white western , 4248c. inm
Eggs Wsatern , lW@llc. m
Pork Old mess , $10 8G@10 90.
Lard Higher ; prime steam , $7 20
32 J. W
Butter Dull ; western , 12@16. pat
Cheese Dull ; western fine , 14 ®
I4jc ; skims , 9@llc.
Whiaky Nominal at 81 10.
DCS Moiues complains of its glucose
luisanca. The smell of it ia its dis-
igreeable featuro. _ - ,
30 SOZODONT who wish to make
hemsclves pleasant and pretty. Bet-
er than Enamel on the face , or taw-
Irv dresses , it sets off the human face
iritn pleasant smiles and dental beaa-
ies , and gives fragrance to the con
versation. No lady hould neglect to
mve a bottle on her toilet-table.
SPALDINO'S GLUK spilt on a chair ,
rill prevent a man who sits down on
, from getting np oanly. - -
Correspondence of THB
SIDNEY , May 3 , 1880. Sidney la
the largest and oldest town in western
Nebraska. It is the only important
town of Cheyenne , * very large and
wealthy county , -whoso cattle are
worth $12,000,000 , Much gran wai
burned from the prairies during Ml
and winter , and no rain haa fallen for
six months. The gross U low about
starting this spring , and the cattle are
thin and weak. The preliminary
"round-up" has already begun , but
the main work will commence on the
10th of May. Cheyeaao , Keith and
Lincoln conn tiM are almost exclusively
engaged in grazing , and a consolidation
of the stock interests into one grand
stock company ia frealy ipokon of.
though not yet an accomplished fact.
They held a meeting aomo time since
and elected Mr. Hamblin stock in
spector. It is his duty to examine the
brand < of all stock shipped from the
country. The cattle interest has rap
idly increased during the few years
past , end will probably be the domin
ant interest for many years to come ,
if not always. Other interests may
spring up to overshadow it in the com
ing decide.
The agricultural interest will not
be very great till a wonderful increase
in rainfall is reached. The toil is not
uniform ; in some places it is ahaoat
worthless , but over ono half o ! it is
comparatively good and might yield
bountifully under propitious circum
A vein of coal underlie * nil south
east Wyoming and southwest Nebras
ka. In some parts of Wyoming it
cornea to the surface , but aa it is traced
east ward it is found deeper and peeper
erabaddpd beneath the surface , and at
Sidney it is ninety feet below. A big
bonanza will be unearned for Sidney
when her coal c D0 obtained at a
nominal cost n'f § 3 per tonTherQ is
no indolent for mvastment in the
ont rprwe at present , as none of it
oould be shipped. The Union Pacific
railroad is the only road through the
place and they wonld discriminate in
favor of the Wyoming mines , In which
they themselves are interested , and
thus choke all encouragement to indi
vidual enterprise.
A railroad has b on projected be
tween this place and Deadwood , but
we are not informed whether it has
been definitely determined to build
from tiiia laCe or Cheyenne. Snr-
voyora prc now surveying from Jules-
\.org , thirty-five miles east from here ,
to-Donver. Itt is asserted that this
road will be built at a Tory early date
in order to shorten the route to Den
ver.The freighting business bat ween this
point and the Black Hills is a great
factor in Sidney business. This be
ing the nearest point on the Union Pa-
cine railway to the HQs ! most people
go by this route.
The sta-e route from Cheyenne , -we
learn , hai been discontinued.
Tratt & Ferris sold their forward
ing business to George H. Jewett &
Co. last fall
Dougherty & Co. have sold their
forwarding business to John W. Bail ,
a live business man , well and favor
ably known in the wholesale and re
tail business at this place for several
The late express robbery caused
jroat excitement at the time , but all
is quiet again. C. K. Allen , who was
arrested for complicity in the matter ,
is out on $10,000 bail , and the old
night switchman , who haa since been .
shadowed by detectives , recently died
in Denver by bunting a bloodvessel.
Some Sidney people have caught I
ho mining fever , and are goh.g to I
Piikin , Colorado , among them N. P.
Hazen , who sold his drug store to I" m
Maple Widnette aod Clary , the form mB
er proprietors of the American house , I 01
and A. M. Stevenson , a lawyer. A
Beison & Shnman , former proprie
tors of the Moore hotel , have dissolved
partnership , and hereafter Mr. Beason
will give his undivided attention to
his stock ranch on the Rawhide.
Robert Shnman haa taken a female
partner to assist in running the hotel.
AS. . Brown ia about removing his
store , together with ita branch at ci
North Plotte , to Ogden , Utah.
8. Hindman has the management of th >
the Lockwood house noir. This ia ae
one of the largest hotels in the west ,
and connected with it is the office of
the Black Hills Stage company.
J. W. Griffin bos consolidated the
Metropolitan and Grand Central
hotels , and will be found an attentive
and obliging host.
0. . Borquist , the county treas
urer , has a large double front drug
Btore , over which is the Borquist hall. ha
A. J. Haskoll has the only lumber rw
yard in the place. He reports having
shipped tome of his lumber from the
Sidney has four attorneys , V. Bier- ft
bower < , J. W. Fowler , E. M. Day and
Judge Geo. W. Heut. Judge Heist
ccnnsjl for 0. K. Allen in the ex-
preis robbery case.
Sidney has a graded school of three
teachers ; there arc only two other Ofl
schools in the county , one at Lodge
Pole 18 miles east , and one at Ante
lope , 25 miles west. Cll
At the district court in this county CllK'
May ] 6 Woodruff was added to the id
penitentiary list. "Boss" Stout says
Judge Gaslin ia his partner in the
penitentiary business , for the judge
Bands the workmen and be gives them
No storms of conecquenco have
harassed ; this place for a long time ,
but a stage driver reports plenty of
snow a short distance north of here ,
and says the snow was thirty-five
Inches deep in Deadwood Sunday
morning last. JAY.
The Marshalltown water works are
nrorth ( $125,000 , and are more than
paying expenses.
KAIL3. A cure
WIEE A . - Inoi
J tit W
& SON ,
We shall from Week to Week
Advertise Specialties in onr
We'start off this week
with an Importation of
which we can show bills and
receipts at the
42 1-8 CENT PER YARD ,
Which is the cheapest they have
ever been sold and
being the ONLY HOUSE which
can AFFORD to sell them at
that price ,
The above is a RARE BAR
GAIN and it would be well
for all whoarein need of these
Goods to take ADVANTAGE
of this offer immediately as it
will continue for a FEW DAYS
In all the New Shades ,
Dress Novelties ,
Silk & Satin Brocades-
Pekin Stripe/clvcs ; ( ;
and a LaRGE 'STOCK of
everything in
Dodge St. Cor. Fifteenth.
Bryan , Texaj , June 11,1S70 ,
J. O. BichJtrdsoa , St. lxjnlI > e r flirt
My boy , n Tear * old. bad tettr erery
other day , or er ry tblrd day. for about
month * . X n * d a * mnch a * 19
of j Qnlnla * dorinc * faa dar , bat With no
effect ; tri d Clnchonla ( alkaloid ) Bolpb.
Cinchonldla , Salaolne , etc. , etc. , but the
boyfotwono all thetlaie. Irelnctaatly
lent down to my dnur tore for your
Febrlfnxaaad . I write ] ait to lay that be
Barer bada symptom of fnrer after com *
a rrrolar M. D. , but retired Croat
araoM * 3 yean ao aad derotlac mj
um to Arox boiln * .
Ter7 re * ectftdlr.
Btoektoa , M . , An . Mtk. Hit.
JT. O. RIehardp-n , Bt. IxiaU-Dear Mri-
JllaTbrd'fl rebrlfoce la the belt tfalar for
Ealll * aadlTeTer that we hare em
aa < Bed. There nerer has been a cae
hat wa W OT cored by it tbat was taken
teoordlac to direction * la Uil * part ol
heooxmtry. Tonn trnly ,
CUnioetfce , JKo. , Jmly > elS7 ! .
J. C. Rlchardion , St. tool * My Dcaz In
Iri-HereU omotkla * nllaklei If Ton
aa make any 00 of It { > ! do > o. W i.
T oldhoadreda ot VittlM with Ilk * -
etolu. Tour friendt
Boyce A Ottraadcr.
TUatatoflfvtUy that I hBdtb Z > r r
ad Axn thla nmm r and tba oa of
nc-th&a ol bottle of CUSorA't F bri-
DCpraraBtl7 cored It. It 1 * ti p < U
cure I MVO known of.
Ufford'i Febrtftn , and It cor d m *
ernuuiently. IbeUnTe my cane would
arebe ' nf t lhjidJt not iooncl tMi
did. Tom * truly ,
H. w. POO :
Manager "U.S. N. .
CEKEEAL v , .i0i aT
ompetent : New York Tuner. oa
Unrac * rcpairod tnl recnlatrd. Crder * lift At ha
Y1IAN-S BOOK STOKE , 6.10 Fifteenth SL.oear nu
tofficc , promptly atUndid to. m3-U * !
$500 Rewaro. prt
win p y the abOTB reward for any CIM ol
Ter Complaint , Dyipepeis , Sick Headache , In-
rotion. Constipation or CostlTencsa WB cannot
with West' * Veeetable Lirer PHI * , when the
recti n * are rtrictly complied with. They wo
irely regetable , and nerer ( ill to gire attirf -
. Snjar coated. Larze boxe * . contalnlnr 30
* . 25 cent * . Forsale by all drn-rist7B -
ol counterfeit * and imitation * . The cenu-
manntactated only by JOHN C. WIST i CO ?
Pffl Maken18I183 TT. KadUm Ht ,
Oago. Free trill package aent by mailpr-
on receipt ot a S cent ataap.
bold u wholenle by 0. F. Goodman , J.K. Isb ,
15tb and Douglas Street.
Orer 3,000 retidenee loli : total * bjthU a/ren-
cj at pilcetr wigiup Jn m 121 to tiWO tub , and
locauameieoriart rf tha dto. txl hi irtrr
Jirecilcn from the Po tofflc , north , ttH , loath
or w t. and Tiryinr in dUUoc * from one
block to OD or two milca from MOM. c ll and
etamlno our lull
fc Teiat choice lot * In Orlffln A bun * idJl-
tlon. ert of content , bctwrca St. Hairt arm
ue wid Ibmcr gtreet-feoo to 900.
SO acra Jiut east ofbairaeki on SMndmSt.
IhU to choice laod and will ba wH Terr cbein
for cash In 5,10 or io acr * ioti ; now b your lima
to sfcuro a barjiln.
Choice lot at end of itro t car tracks on fiann-
den itreet for $475.
Choice lot , F rnh m and IZlth itrwta. 90x l
feet for tl.KO will dirlde It.
Cheap lot * In Credit Foncbr addition , tooth ot
U. P. depot-100 to WOO.
Forty lots on Park Arena * and dcorzia tmt.
on road to park , and ntar bead o ! St. M rr' from 1123 to $300 each , fltftn ym' *
time at eight per cent InUrwi to toot * who wOl
pat np good lubtUntial baildingt. JVr farther
psrllouUn apply to.
O. P. BXHIS , Actnt.
Fifteenth and DcnjUj Street * .
A nlco lot on Harner and Twentjr-flnt tre t ,
for $815.
Two choice Ioti on ! 0th. DMT St. itarr'i aren-
ue. 60x165 feet each , for SS50 and * 00.
Two choice lota near 23d and Clark afreets , in
E. V. Smith's addition $300 and $360.
Fifty Ioti In Shlnn'a flnt , aecond and third ad *
dlUons fortUO to $ 00 each.
Lot near ISth and Pi rce , $450.
ZloUon namernear ! 4th 81 , $809 each. 1
lot on Hth ntar Howard itmt , $7oO.
40 lot * in Grand View addition , tr " '
bridge and depot , from $16 U . > rr
One acre , 117x170 f f M < * up -
of Poppleton'i n- - "
T * " 18ln , outn
f w" n . for $2.000. or will
iked loUai from $050 to $500
on te south , forme rlyonned byC. H Downs
and more recently known a * th Petklna 15 acra.
Only Ioti hare thna far bwn pUtUdr-Uon
Farnham and 8 on Doozla * street
for the choice. B yeirs time
tereatv. thow who wia b
* " - *
OrfMObooae * and loUaie offend for Oi *
by this offlca They are Mattered all or r tke
S coed Iota and 3 chmp homei near
and 12th rtreet. SSS
mat b rzaln for fome one. TheM
2 * l" ' ' lj 'r. Coren Jmt'
biodr. Call and exarnine.thto iJJfijont any d.l.r
. 8t .
The cheipat acre loU In the dtyof Omaha.
are the o offered fornle by thU agency In PaJjJ
PLceand Lowe'ittcond addition ; on CmnlnJ.
° t"0
w u" orttImeDefor.
JeT me-
flfth part of one of theae acre loU will nil for aa
much aa we offer full acre to-day. Theyire
' anco wtt
College. Price * ranpinir from tlfid
acrelot. WI ImmedUul
chance , and get plat and K
itret ? " $14008heran ATea e * of HkbotM
ti' Iol ° 0 * , l lwe Uth nd IHh ( treeti
2 nc lot In Hrtssaa'i addilloD. ti80 to ICOO.
Choice lot la Tboneiri addition. HM
8TenJ.I W lot * In BirtleU' * addiUon , if
rods andJJ acre , each , Prlew T90 to
eaco.T.er2i 3M Sh' each. ! IoU
_ , tree
onthotPoppIeton' . mrw r Uencitor B408L
2 larje Iota near 18th and dark ftretU
330 feet Comer , '
22 nice and cheap lot * , Terr Dew to the tra-
tnesapart of the dty. locUed Tny fn
oath of the Conrent '
. and M. Xary's STtfi
Just toutn ( f and
adjotnlnp the crowd of
1C. Wool 1 worth d WJ. . Com SS .
cheap and Terr dedrmble , belay ao handy to b -
IneM pan of dtT. to new rorerBJBtet d X , Bill
iroris , white fead work * , V. P. depo ; irtoek
- etc. Call
8chlMrMH lot * en 14th Mreet , betirwa
2 choice corner lot * near llthaad Fainham
itreU , 65x124 feet 91.110 and 11,169. and rrry
wy terms to porcb er * who wUltoproTe.
Also 4 lot * on 24th , betveea Far&kam aad
Doaglat rreett , $050 to $1 , 69 each and km *
ea-2'M of the beat bssine * * IoU fa the dtr of
X3-AlsoTeryTalnbIeitOT propirU i In aj-
ach1 eTCTT * vlatn W < x-OW to tl.000
40 choice residence lot j la
° f "
Sth 19th and 20th ( treets. 1800 to * 6M each and
cry e y term * to tboe whowOl baSd. CaB aad
xxmine flit and get fun partlcnnn.
OEO. P. BDU8. Aftnt.
Beurifnl buildtog dta en ife * , Taae
ICth xtnetbetwe n Poppleton sad the Dudley *
Jams property ; 2 3 feet ett froaUn oa to *
| t ] ? epthWU1 "
Can and retail
, >
tth ( Poppletonplace. . This U jilt lte , all and
price and term * of BEMlSAiint.
.S 'f ' , Jlat "o11 ° r od JJoininc I. V.
mlth' * additloo. and loeaUd between S&th and
winder * itreeU , at raaaoaaKe prkes.od. long
Imc to buyer who ImproTi. SOUS. Agent.
Sllolsin Horbaeh'fnntaaiiwcood addition *
16th , 13th. Uth and 29th street * , tMtvera
licholxa , Paul , Sherisaa and ; dark ( beetc , Tery
andy to U. P. Shop * . imeHln ? work * , etc. .
uginz in prices from from $160 to $1:100 each.
squiring only traall payment down and loax
at 7 pr cent Interest to thote jrho win la.
rove. GSa P. BEJC3 ,
15th and Doegta * Stre.-t.
Geo. P. Bern is ; ,
15th & D * gkts St ,
> . - * iti -