Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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    Tuesday Moralng , May. 4. ,
- Pter m Sells" coal
Additional Itfcal on first page.
Frederick is.Ihe . Leading Hatter.
Soda at Base' * . to-night
See W. B. .Bennett &Cb.'s adv.
third pag& - * * f-
A privatVMay parly will be given
mtllMonicHallon'Thuraday ovenicg
next Ticket * can bb procured of E.
Wymaaorat the door by all holding
' 'Dulcimer Jack" is the name of a
man who found a pocketbook on the
Farnam etrcet pavement yesterday
containing over $30. It belonged
to the proprietor of the Delmonico
Bdoon. Jack restored it to the owner.
He h an honest man.
_ Chief Galligan announce * the
following appointments of assistant
chiefs : S. N. Mealio No. 3 , E. G.
Btley , Hooka , Sol Prince No. 3 , I.
Schurb "So. 1.
The ball and banquet in honor of
Professor Nordemkjold at Masonic
Halloa Saturday evening was a grand
success. Con ul Vinquest preuded
and speeches wore made by Mr. J.
Nordwell , A. Sundmn , 0. Od win and
Geo. Hansen. An elegant supper was
provided and music And dance finished
up the evening.
Received to day ! A largo invoice
Bro's , knives and
of Roger * spoons
sold at the very lowest
forks , that
est cash figures at Edholm & Erick-
aon's , the jewellen , opposite the post-
office. _ _
Eecepiion to Judge McCrary.
At a meeting of the executive coun
cil of the Nebraska State Bar nespcia-
tion it was ordered that a general invi
tation be extended through the press
of this state to all member * of the bar
of Nebraska- and all members of the
legal -profession , in attendance upon
the co5rts''within the state to attend ,
with "their ladies ; the reception to
Hon. George W. McCraty , tendered
by Ihij association , on Wednesday
evening , May 5 , 1880 , at the U. S.
cooryiocae , OmahaNeb. .
D. G. HULL , Secy.
LOST Between Sixteenth bridge
and Fort OmaTia , a gold and black en
ameled bracelet. Finder will please
leave the Bame at Edho'm & Erick-
seri * * jewelry store , and receive suita
ble reward. Engraved inside "A. R.
W" . m3-3t
Wo havoln Stock
600 Parasol , which wo will
sell at very low prices this week.
Ulsters ,
Linen , Alpaca , Silk and Wool ,
all atverylow prices.
"Linen and Gingham.
- Ladies Suits.
Lawn , Linen and Gingham.
the most complete in the city.
Wa have some special things in Cor
sets , and you will save money by ex
amining our stock.
wo added to our immense stock of
Buttons , Fringes and Trimmings , and
now show all the novelties of the
season. HUKTZ'S STOBE ,
m-w Creighton Block.
I desire hereby to return my sincere
thanks to the railroad men and others
for their assistance in saving my prop
erly during the fire on Saturday.
Attention , Citizensl
When there is a fire , always go to
the box nearest to the fire and pull
the hook down once slowly. Then let
it fly back to its place again and do
not pull it again , for if it does network
work at the first pull it will not work
until it is lixed. If the little bell on
the ] inside is ringing do not pull it
for there ha * been some other box
pulled. J. J. GALLIQAN ,
See Dreis Goods at Gjc cheaper
than Prints. See them at 8Jc , lOc ,
12c , IBo , 20c , 25c , 30o and 35o. We
sell the best intrinsic value ever offer
ed m0auha in our all wool goods.
Tisit Bushman's during the week and
ask to see their all wool Dress Goods
at 35c , whether you want to buy or
cot. It will pay you.
Felix Slavon.
To tbe Editor ot TUB Bu :
While admitting that all the suffer *
era by the Tenth street fire are worthy
of sympathy and encouragement from
our citizens , I wish to allude to Felix
Slaven in particular. Being a poor ,
'industrious man , running a boarding
' house M well as a store , and having
Ihe contents of each ( even all wearing
ajjparel ) entirely destroyed , it certain
ly is tbe duty of hii numerous patrons
to' rally round' him now * ' and pay
him up , BO that he may atart'again.
r * " DEBTOR.
VGo * and , ee every department brist-
liag with attractions at Bushman's.
t *
IT py * to trade at Kurtz' * . xn-w
If you Wat5 * good railroad watch ,
go to Bdholm & Erickson , the jewel
ers , opposite the postoffico' We keep
a fjoll Block , ofJSampden , Rockford ,
Elgin ! Waltham , Springfield and Swiss
watche * , in gold or silver cases.
Tbe Jewelers.
-risit Kurtz's atore. m w
Eisgait TftresaJQobde , Bushman's.
M-G.McKoon , Agt. Fire Insurance.
raayl-ly „ * -
j machine ,
" cornerieth
= * If
Barney Shannon'Run In for
" " Drunkeness ,
A Farnham Street Saloon
, Keeper Blazes. Away
at s Soldier.
Daring the progress of the county
'convention Saturday "afternoon
Barney Shannon appeared on the floor
in a state of beastly intoxication. He
became very obstreperous and an
nounced that he was thirsting for the
blood of Mayor Chase and Mr. Rose-
water. Before ho could he accomo-
dated he was arrested by Marshal
Westprdahl and tiken before Judge
Hawes , charged with being drunk and
disorderly. He offered to pay hi * fine
but wished the mayor to understand
that ho proposed to , get even with
Mayor Chase and Mr. Roeewater before -
fore the evening was over. Judge
Hawea told him if he made any move
ments tint way ho would find him
self in jail inside of five minutes.
This quieted Barney down and he
meandered towards home.
Early on Sunday morning a dis
turbance in the saloon of Julius Ross ,
on Tenth atreet , came very nearly re-
suiting in the death of one of the
participants. It appear * that several
parties had been drinking heavily dur
ing the night , and about 2 o'clock in
the morning became very noisy.
Among them was a soldier from the
barracks , named Lee , who had a few
words with the proprietor. Ross , who
was pretty full , suddenly pulled a pistol
tel on him and called to him to''throw
up his hands. " Leo instantly com
plied , but had hardly got them over
his head before Ross fired , the bullet
entering Loe'a hat , scarcely an inch
above bis head , and penetrating the
wall behind him.
The report of the pistol was heard
by officers Gorman and Norton , who
came running to the spot and arrested
Ros. Ho was brought before Justice
Hawes and gave bail for his appear
ance at 3 o'clock yesterday , the
charge being preferred against him
of assault with intent to kill.
A lively fracas occurred Sunday
afternoon on Sixteenth street in the
Caledonian Retreat , the principal par
ties involved being John McDonald
andPatsey Malone. Tbo squabble
which lasted from three until G p. m. ,
finally terminated in a regular drunk
en fight , and the police were eent for ,
all being absent at the roll call at the
time. Warrants were issued yes
terday for the arrest of the guilty
From date my stock of groceries
will be clotcd out at cost. Persons in
debted t j mo will please call at the
store and settle within a week. Store
and fixtures for ealo or rent.
May 1,1880. 316 16th street.
Mr. Higglna ; proprietor cf tlio
chants Exchange , on Dodge and Six
teenth streets , has laid in during the
past week a large stock fine old whis
kies and liquors , besides a heavy line
of Key West cigars. During the whole
of this week Schlilz's Milwaukee
Bock beer will bo on draught.
To tbe Editor of Tax BIX.
I herewith state that the safe re
cently purchased by me of Mr. An-
dreen , of the Omaha Safe Factory ,
withstood the heat of Saturday morn-
Jdg's fire admirably. Everything in
the safe , when opened , was found to
be in as good condition as when placed
therein. F. SLAVEN.
New Ruchings , new Colaretts , new
Novelties , almost daily received at
A Flourishing Institution.
It is a little over a year s'nce ' Mr.
H. Schonfeld opened the Antiquarian
bookstore , at 1116 Farnam street and
announced himself as ready to pur
chase second-hand books of all kinds
at a fair and reasonable price. Since
that time the "Antiquarian" has be
come a favorite olace of resort for all
book lovers and the little business
which Mr. Schonfeld opened with two
shelves of books as his stock in trade ,
has increased until ho is now the
largest purchaser of second-handbooks
west of the Miesisaippi river. There
are hundreds of book * which having
once been read become valueless
to the owner who would gladly
exchange them for others
or sell them if he knew of a place
where such a sale could be made. Mr.
Schonfeldt is ready to buy for cssh all
second-hand books which "may be
brought to his store , offering a high
price for literature of all kinds.
His shelves are now stccked with a
largo collection of standard work * of
history , poetry , fiction and ecience ,
which ho offers cheap for cash or in ex
change for other books. Yielding to
the wishes of many of his patron * ho
also keeps a fine line of new book *
bought directly from the yublishor ,
which he sell * from twenty to thirty
per cent cheaper than they can be pur
chased elsewhere in or ont of tbe city. :
The bargains offered in this line are
very great.
A * this is the month when tbe gen
eral clearance of household effects „
take * place , it would pay our people
in overhauling their libraries to bring
any volumes which they have finished ,
reading and do not care to preserve L
to Mr. Schonfeld , and receive either
cash in return or other new and )
elegantly bound volumes in exchange.
A visit to the ' 'Antiquarian" "boo * : ° '
tore will convince any one that its
proprietor means what he says.
Decidedly the best bargains ia Nap
kins in Omaha are now being closed
out at Bushman's.
There will be a grand lunch served 01
he Grand Central Billiard Hall to-
light ai
Hosiery JHoiiery at from
er pair at Buiuain'A ]
_ Judge Dundy came in yesterday
to attend the U. S. court.
Mayor Chase and wife spent Sunday
in Lincoln and returned yesterday
from Lincoln.
St A. D. Balcombe went west yes
terday on official business.
CoL Stanton left yesterday for
an extended western ( rip in connec
tion with the paymaster' * department.
Henry Dohl kas returned from the
east after buying a largo stock of boots
and shoe * for summer wear.
A. D. Clarke , Esq. , came in Sunday
from the eact
Mr. Leander Chesire , of the Union
Pacific freight department , left Sun
day for a three weeks' trip to his east
ern home in Flushing , L. 1.
Among the many arrivals at the
Metropolitan hotel are the following :
W. N. Button , Chicago ; E. H. Roger * ,
Milwaukee ; John Price , Fairmont ;
E. W. Reeff , St. Paul ; V. Fleckin-
atein , Rochester , N. Y. ; Charles
Stand , Rochester , N. Y. ; J. 0. Curd ,
Davenport , Iowa ; P. E. Merritt , Di s
Moines , Iowa ; L. T. Caulkins , Fair
mont ; P. G. Raymond , Council Bluffs ;
J. E. Cramer , Fairmont ; A. M. Haw
kins , Durham , N. C. ; Dr. H. G. Aus
tin , Coulterville , Cal. ; F. G. Homer ,
Kearney , Neb. ; Alex Miller , Sioux
City ; John H. Roe , Kearney ; H. A.
Bushnell , Appleton , Wis. ; J. W.
Long , BoonojG. 0. Clemens , Lapelca ,
Kansas ; H. N. Orr , Cheyenne ,
Wyoming ; H. M. Kaiser , Des Moines.
BELLEVUE , May ] . Sunday evening
the people of this place enjoyed the
privilege of attending a musical enter
tainment given by fiva of Mrs.
Latey's most talented pupils assisted
by several of Bellevuo'a musical pro
digies , the concert being for the bene
fit of the First Presbyterian church.
A large audience greeted the singers
and their reception was most cordial.
The programme was carefully
selected and rendered to per
fection , the audience testifying
by their repeated applause
to their appreciation of the perform
ance. A number ot soloi , trio ? and
quartettes were given by the Misses
Wilson , Maul , Sharp and Rogers and
Mr. J. T. Clarke , of Omaha , all of
which were warmly received. Miss
Maul's zolo , "Maid of the Mill , "
gained such enthusiastic applause that
she was compelled to respond and us
'an encore sang "Bonnio New Moon. "
Miss Alice Rogers presided at the
MISSING. A case o constipation by
using Hamburg Figs.
New Muslin Underwear at Bush
man' * .
ADJUSTED Messrs. McKoon & Co.
have paid the insurance on my proper
ty destroyed by fire on Saturday tomy
entire satisfaction.
Schlitz's Milwaukee Bock Beer ou
draught at the Grand Central Billiard
Napkins ! Napkins ! Boarding houses ,
botch ; and restaurants can save money
NOW ! NOW ! at Bushman's. We do not
believe in shamsand humbugs in ad
vertising. We mean just what wesay
when we advertise. Call and see us.
A. Crulckshank & Co. are happy to
inform their friends that owing to a
break In the eastern markets they are
able to offer the greatest bargains in
embroideries they have ever shown ,
consisling of
Nine thousand yards of Hamburg
Edgings , at the following prises :
2 cents , former price 5 cents.
0 cents , former price 12 cents.
IGj cents , former price 25 cents.
25 cents , former price 35 cents.
35 cents , former price 50 cents.
Also some splendid value in Ladies'
and Children's Hosiery.
Come and see these goods early , as
first selections will be the best.
Bakery , with furniture and fixtures
complete. Established 1874. Also
two horses and wagon. Reason for
selling , I wish to return to my native
country. FEED. M. PETEBSON ,
616 Tenth street , Omaha , Neb.
Special sale commencing Monday ,
May 3 , and to continue throughout the
season at BUSHMAN'S.
Immense assortment. Twill silk ,
with neat natural handles , with fancy
handles , with imitation shell and cellu
loid handles , with clear horn handles ,
with fine pearl handles , unique ivory
bandies and ebony handles , including
all the novelties in styles in brocaded ,
striped , fringed , eta , etc. , with elegant
finish and lustre , at BUSHMAN'S.
Over eighty millions of dollars of
insurance capital of the oldest and
best home and foreign companies rep
resented in the agency'fof Taylor &
HowelL dlCif
If you have any galvanized iron
cornices , window caps or other work
to figure on , or to be done , call on
John Epeneter , 333 Broadway , Coun-
il Bluffis , Iowa , who will give you
bottom prices and extra good work.
For the benefit of all sufferer * , be
jood enough to bring the wonderful
itfect of St. Jacobs Oil before the pub
ic. For twelve long years my wife
iuflered with Neuralgia in the head ,
nd often had the moat terrible pains.
few weeks ago I bought a bottle of
hat wonderful remedy St. Jacobs
il and am perfectly astonished at its
aarrelous effect ; half a bottle thor B
oughly cured my wife. I gladly would
tave paid aoy physician fifty dollars if
IB could have done the same ; there-
ore I wish that everybody m y learn
value this true medicine. 1
Youngstown , 0.
Why are 4840 yards of land bought
n credit , like a drinking song ? Be-
ausa it is "an acre'bought on tic. "
7hy isa man who breaks a window
nd then pays the damage like Dr.
lomiB Eclectric Oil in curing Rheu- .
latism ! Because it breaks the pain
nd tfen ; make * it all right ,
Failure to Elect a Secretry Af
ter Eighteen Ballots.
_ t
Last night the old board of educatlo :
held their final meeting.
Present Bloom , Gonnoyer.Gibion
Goldsmith , Long , -Marsh , Merrill
Point * , McDonnell , Btaley and Preai
dent Kennedy.
The committee on claim * reported
on teacher * ' and janitor * ' pay roll
after which resolutions of thank * t
Praiident Kennedy and Secretary
Staley were voted.
The new member * wera sworn in
by Judge Hawf B , and the old board
adjourned tine die.
The new board commouced opera'
lions by electing Mr. Bloom ta tern' '
porary prciident and Mr. Btaley as
temporary lecretary.
A committee on credential * , con
listing of Messrs. Long and Merrill
wa * appointed , who nportad Mrasrs
Bloom , Connoyer , Gibson , Bauruferd
Kennedy. Long , Marsh , Merrill , Me
Connell , McKoon , Staley and Wood
ward a * entitled to coat * in the nssr
The board then proceeded to elec
officer * for the ensuing year , Messrs
Woodward and Gibson acting ai tell-
era. Mean * . Mtnh and Kennedy
were placed in nomination for presi
dent , and Mr. Marah was elected on
tko second ballot.
Oapt. M r h wa * called on for a
speech , and in a few well chosen
word * , expressed the pride he felt a
being called to 10 responsible a po
Messrs. Bloom , Longand Connoye :
were the candidates lor the vica-presi
dency , and Mr. Bloota wis elected on
the iccocd ballot.
Balloting for secretary was the a be
gun upon. There were no nomina
tions made , and the first ballut stood
Connoyer 6 , Woodward 4 , Baumford
1 , blank 2. The next ballot resulted
Woodward 4 Connoyer 5 , Baumfcrd 2 ,
On the next ballot , Mr. WcodforJ had
5 rotes and Mr. Connoyer C , and al
the ballots following were G to 6.
When the fifteenth ballot had been
taken , resulting in the usual 6 to G
Mr. Merrill moved to adjourn for ont
week. Lost , 5 to 6 , the chair voting
in the negative. Mr. McDonnell moved
to take a five minute recesi. Loet ,
to 6.
Another ballot WAS take ? , after
which Mr. Bloom moved to adjourn
which waa lost by the usual vote !
Two more ballots were tiken , and
then Mr. Staley nmla a m ttun to
take a recess lest ; Mr. Blcom then
moved to adjourn , which was carried.
Commissioners Proceedings.
SATUBDAY , April 30.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
Present CommiisioneriOorliis and
A petition waa filed April 27tb ,
1880 , asking that license be granted
G. Pappinhagen , to sell liquors at
Millard , and the same was laid over
for two week * .
The following was adopted :
Resolved , That the county treasurer
be , and hereby i , directed to draw
from the general fund § 22.90 and ap
ply the t ft MO to the payment of the de
linquent personal tax of Wm. Harri
er for the year * 1872 , 74 , ' 75 , 77 and
78 , for services a * juror.
The following accounts wore allowed
from the general fund.
B P Knight , service M commis-
aioner , April , 1880 ? 100 00
F W Corliss , service as commis
sioner , January , 1880 10" 25
fp } . pifTel , service nscomgu _ .
sioner , January , 1880 100 50
J L. Lamb , grading 4000
J B Manchester , caih expended. . . 7 7
FredDrexel , " " . . . 82
W P Hennesy , woik on delinquent
list 89 84
J J Points , ealary for February. . . 72 50
Henry Eohwer , surveying 7 00
Wm O Fartholomewcashezpended 42 00
T7 P K K Co. . transportation 16 70
Stephens & Wilcox , goods for poor 8 13
Joseph Eedman 690
Chas Childs. wocdforpoor 41 60
John 8 Caulfield , pens , rules , etc. , 1 70
IN Robinson , work on road 29 50
Wm Harrier , balance as petitjuror 5051
Peter Gees meals for jnrora 19 00
Nebraska Gailight Co. , fas for one
month 898 9 !
J H Taylor , hog for poor farm 25 00
Paul Nelson , ice and water 10 56
Gee H Guysheriff jailor and guard
March , 1880 9300
GeoHGuyeheriSjailor and guard ,
January , 1880. 9300
Wm Peters , work on road 37 50
P O Hawes , balance fees in state
cases 50 40
Gee A Hoagland , lumber 49 73
Brown & Co. , groceries for poor. . . 5 00
J R. Conkling , ! extra service , Jan-
nary and February 2900
K , C Moore , medical attendance. . . 30 00
PSLeiisenring , medical attendance 3000
CEKuighl , work on road 600
Chas Kaelbe , burial of pauper 3 00
Thos Donahoo , damage for right of
way 125 00
Adjourned to May 1st , 1880.
County Glcrk.
SATUBDAY , May 1,1880.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
Present Commissioner * Corliss ,
Knight and DrexeL
A license waa granted Adolph Saltz-
man to sell liquors in Saratoga pre
cinct for six months from May let ,
The official bond of H. J. Hoi's ,
justice of the peace for Chicago pre
cinci , was presented and approved.
The coroner' * bill for juror and wit
ness fees in the casj of Mrs. Charles
Ban ekes waa disallowed.
A petition waa presented asking that
a license be/granted / George F. Stevens
to * ell liquor at Waterloo , and the same
was laid over for two week * .
The following wa allowed from the
general fund :
Henry Kelsey , justice fees J13 70
O E Pamp , blacksmithinff 9 50
John H Campbell , hauling lumber 13 50
Ed Casey , hauling lumber , etc. , . . 12 00
Fred Zan , work at poor house 16 00
B H Pickard , work on road 19 40
Martin Cannon , wood for poor. . . . 4 00
R Roberts , work on bridges 7 00
A ndrew Dauble , work on road 150
Wm Johnson , hedge taken for right
of way 25 00
Joseph Cubley , witness fee 2 60
D Shanahan , groceries for poor. . . . 2 CO
Gee H Guysheriffcom. and board
ing prisoners for April 303 55
Wm Ijams , clerk of commissioners
of insanity , to Jan. 22,1880 300 25
Andrew Murphy , blacksmithing. . SO 55
Omaha Republicanblank booki.etc 3780
C H Goodrich & Co. , duster 600
J A Creightonrent of county court
rpom.Oct. Nov. and Dec. , 1879. . 75 00
Chicago Lumber Co. , lumber 176 16
Foster & Gray , lumber 1656
Louis Bradford , lumber 95 93
Kuhn & Co. , medicine for poor. . . . 5 50
N 1 D Solomon , goods for poor
house 12 10
Little & Williams , goods for poor
house 100 25
Wm Anst , meat fprpoor , . 30
Milton Rogersiron buckets for
Jail 10 50
Henry Hitter , goods for poor 500
J B Detftiler , goods for poor house 4 05
H Brewster , work on road 5000 I
John G Jacobs , coffins for poor. . . 12 00
Chas Riewe. coffins for poor 400
Martin Wilbur , tales juror 1000
Five persons , witness fees 4000
N Pierce , salary for April and
CMhexpended 61 45
Mrs IN Pierce , salary for April. . 20 00
Carrie Wohlenberg , work at poor
honsa 16 00
Tames B Hull , work at poor house 14 40
Sir persons , coroner's jurors 6 GO
3b | persons , coroner's witnesses. . . . 600
Adjourned to the 3rd rait
eh.o . ing t'Kgrtj'f.
Eeported that John A. Creigh-
tou. Will be the Owner.
Fixing Over Creighton Blojck.
" i3
It is reported on good authority
that John A. Creighton will shortly
begin work on a hotel in thi * city , he
having had the matter under advlie-
ment for lome tima put. The inten
tion at present is to convert Creighton
Block into a hotel by building on an
other story , and adding on a 22 feet
addition in the rear. The interior of
the building will be entirely remodeled -
ed , and perhaps nothing but the out
side walli and floora will remain as
they now are.
Mr. Crelghton his bids already
from parties in New York and Chica
go and from the Kitchen Brothers ,
proposing to Icaie a firit-clasi hotel
property of him for a term of year * ,
and he is now planning to build such
a hotel ES will satisfy the demand * of
the citizen * , and of sufficient capacity
to accommodate the business.
If the additions ipoken of prove
inadequate , & wing .will be extended
ont to Dodge streat , with a frontage
of ii feet , Mr. Creighton having ro-
cantly purchased the two lots lying
just west of the postofficafor that pur
pose. To do this the alley between
Douglas and Dodge streets will have
to be arched over , aud will necessitate
the bu'lding of two main fronts.
Several other plan * have been con
sidered , but this ono is now thought to
be tha HKst practical. Our informant
aays , however , that if this scheme fall *
through , and an entirely new hotel
ha * to be tuilt , John A. Oreighton i *
the man who will build it , he having
been convinced that a first class hotel
in Omaha , properly managed , would
be a paying investment.
The Union Catholic Library Associa
The Union Catholic Library associ
ation met in its new rooms in the
Creightou block Sunday afternoon and
traimct.d bustno.s of importance.
It may be well to state that the pur
pose cf tliis crgan'zation is , the es
tablishment of a library in which will
be found the wi.rks of the greatest
minds tint have written on science ,
religion , phiksiphy , and h's'ory , and
the works of the best novelists will
a'eo bo iVund there ; nor will the writ
ings of fair minded eminent protestants
be wanting on their shelves. The
works will be Eelocted under the di
rection of the bishop , than whom a
more learned and liberal ccmor cm
not be found.
The library rooms , being pleasantly
located and tastefully fitted up , will
afford to all a desirable place to spend
the evening , and particularly will they
furnish a means at once delightful and
attractive , by which our young men
may spend these hours which are at
times pisicd in a manner worse than
The asscc'ation , although under the
spiritual direction of the bishop , de-
niea the right of membership to none.
It-lias now over-59 member3nds -
determined effort will bo made to in
crease that 'number to 200 before the
llth inst. when the election of offi
cers will take place. To that end two
committees have been appointed to so
licit members. One will call upon the
ladies and the other upon the gentle
men of the city.
In order to vote at the election all
dues must bo paid ; hence an opportu
nity will be given all these who have
handed in their names , but have not
paid their dues , by calling at the
Creighton houo , corner of Capitol
avenue and Thirteenth street , where
the secretary or tre urer will furnish
them with a certificate of member
ship. Also , any who may desire to
join the association may do so by call
ing there.
Bryan , Texas , Jane 11,1879 ,
J.C. Bicbardsoo , St. louls Dear Bin
ot Quinine daring ; the day , but With no
effect ; tried Clnchonla ( alkaloid ) Snlph.
Clnchonidla , Salaclne , etc. , etc. , bat the ;
boy got wane all the time. I reluctantly
ent down to my drag ; store for your
Febrifage.and I write fuit to gay that he
neyer had a symptom ot fever after com-
menolnc Febrifuge , to date , being now
orer a month ago. I feel that X ought to
Say thla much In behalf of your medicine.
ATT a regular M. D. , but retired from
practice 3 yean ape and dcTotlnj my
time to drug buslnegi.
Very respectfully.
Stockton , Mo. , Aug. Uth. 1879.
ff. O. Richardson , St. Ix > nls-t ear Bin
Clifford's ] Febrifuge la the best tblns ; for
Chill * and Fever that we bare rei
handled. There never has been m case
that wa NOT eared by tt tbat was taken
according to direction * In thi * part ol
the country. Teen truly ,
CMUlcotho , Bio. , July 80,11879.
J. O. Elchardson , St. Lools My Deal
Sir : Here li something reliable ! 1C yon
can make any nso of it pleas * do so. We
have told hundred * ot bottles with Ilk *
result * . Your friends ,
Boyce ft Oftrander.
ThUlsto certify that X had the Fever
and AKOO thi * summer and the me of
one-third of a bottle of Clifford' * Febri
fuge promptly oared It. It 1 * tbe * p edl-
est cure I nave known of.
of.OE0.0AH.OB. .
Office of U. S. Novelty Mfff. Co. .
New York City , Augurt 9,1878.
. FeTcr and Ague , and a-ttfrtrylne
erery thing ; I took one-half bottle of
Clifford' ' ' Febrifuge , and It cored me
permanently. I believe my cae wonld .
have been fatal had I notfound thi * M
did. Yours truly ,
H.W. _ ot ,
" '
Manager" " " iJ.'B. N. WK Co. "
RICHARDSON A co. ( tt.uui .
Marriage Bells.
Sunday" Miss Bertha Roaenthal
iiater-in-law of Mr. John Merritt
wai married to Mr. Charles Shaw , th
ceremony taking place at the residence
of Mr. Merritt , Judge Anderson offi
dating. A large number of friends
of the contracting parties gathered to
witness the nnptialsandtepti5ed to
their esteem of the happy couple by
many elegant and costly presents
After a delicious supper the company
dispersed with a thousand good wishes
for the happiness of the bride anc
groom. THE BEE joins with them in
their congratulations for a long anc
happy life.
Murphy & LovettTns. Agency ; old
est established agency in this state.
WE wish hereby to expreo our
thanks to all our fr.'enda and ac
quaintances for their sympathy to us
bereavement , caused by-the death of
our niece Laura T. Smith.
IT pays to trade at Kurtz's , m-iv
Ginghams are now refa'led ' for less
than the usual whole-alo prices , at
Thegeccral management of the Neb.
Lair m < i Collection Agency , has been
assigned to Mr. D. S. Benton , attorney
at law.
The many friends of Frank Currier
will be pleased to learn that he has
re-opened his photographic rooms on
Farnham staeet , betwoea Thirteenth
and Fourteenth , whora ho is prepared
to execute work in hia line in the
highest style of the art and at prices
within the reach of all. As an artist
Currier has few equals and no eupe-
Call on Lang & Fotick if you want
a good cook stove cheap.
Hamburg Figs Sc a box.
Why dose yourselves with nauseat
Ing medicines , when a purely fruit
cathartic will cure you at once Ham
burg Figs. Try them.
A large assortment ot cook stoves
at reasonable prices , at Lang &
nd on Draught , at Merchants' Ex
change , N. E. Cor. ICth and Dodge.
Traveler * , stop at the Aster House ,
Now York. ISdlra
NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Bale ,
Lost , Found , Wants , Boarding 4c. , will be In'
sorted In these columns ouco for TEN CENTS
per lln ; each subsequent Inscrtlon.FlVE CENTS
per line. Tbo first insertion never lea * than
TO LOAN-Ctll at Law Office
MONET . TUO1IAS , Room 8 , Crelbton Block
TO LOAN 1109 Farnhun street.
MONEY . nov-22-U
Dr. Edvrardfl Loan Agency. - -
Dining-Eoom Rirl at ' , l
Demotic servant w ha can milk ,
WANTED wash and dress. AddrocS
519 3 H , Bee Office.
Girl for general housework , two
WANTED ; references required. South
west corner 2fnd and Webster. 621-1
WANTED t girls to go in the country.
520-3 03 Thirteenth Street.
TED Two g'rls for dining-room and
WAr work at the Doran house , opp.
Tbe Bee office. MRS. DORAN. 510-2
A woman to wast Clshea , and
WANTED and iron table cloths , at tbe
McKenzis Dining llall , southwest cornrr Uth
and Douglas Street , 504.2
A rood cook at
WANTED TIZARD'S Palace Restaurant.
at the Central Intelligence Office ,
GIRLS Thlrteeuth htreet , up sta'ra. 467-3
southeast corner 16th and Davenport.
WANTED A good working pour , for light
f Ann work ; state price. Addres
518-3 D. Bee Office.
T r ANTED FirsUlaSs carpenter.
V\ C. H. BROWft , 13th and California.
T1TANTED A young ruin to work in laundry ;
VV 1410 Farnhun St. 513-3
TKTANTED Sma-t boy to learn the Carpenter
YV trade. A. F. RAKERT & CO.,1310 Dodge
Street. 506 tt
TTirANTED To invest $500 to 31,000 in a pay-
YY ing business. Address R. W. P. , Bee
Office. 607-2
TNTELL1GENCE OFFICE , comer 16th and
JL Davenport. 410-tf
AND STABLE for rent , SOS Davenport"
between 15th and 16th , north side. 622-5
IOH HINT. A smtll house of tire rooms ,
cor. ot 22d and Harnejr. Enquire on prem-
_ C McAUSLAND , 16th Street. betwcn Farn-
hfemaud Darner , 603-2
RENT Furnished ; by week
EOR month. Apply at AMERICAN 110USE.
RENT Front room' , 706 Nineteenth St. ,
FOR WeUter and Butt. 432-tf
10R RENT A splendid Photograph Gal cry.
T70R RENT deed noiue of seven rooms , with
J } ( table and one acre of ground , on south
Tenth Street.
Money to loan on ipprored security.
* W. R. BAR1LETT , Real Estate Afrent ,
22-U Office 217 Scuth Thirteenth Street
RENT New nouie , 8 rooms. Fifth and
FOR . Enynire , J. PHIPP8 ROE ,
m30U 497 Twelfth Street.
RENT } ot room E69 Fifteenth street
Jacob's Block. Ttrmg reasonable. 309-t
RENT Garden Farm.
SALE Cheap for Cash ; ono two-seated
spring wagon , nearly new : corner Jones
and Tenth Et. CHAS. HOFFMAN. 517-1
TT10R BALE Cottonwocd lumber of all sixest
JD RKDMOND-S , Sixteenth-it. 516-tf
MILK Twenty to twenty-four quart * or one
dollar by John T. Paulson.
cb fs C-mon-wodtf
TflOB SALE A mill dwelling boose , next to
J ? Q. H. Collins rendenc * , corner 10th and
Capitol Avenue. I or information call at G. H.
& J. 8. COLLINS , 1315 Farnham Strtct. S05-U
FOR SALE Good house and lot , with good
wall , corner llth and Fierce Streets. Eiv
qulra ct Fred Lang. S. GE1S. 1871m
R SALE A Grist Mill. Apply at
172-tf L.B. WILLIAMS & SON.
nOR SALE A New American Bering Machine -
chine in good condition , with all attach-
meat * . Hurtle loldbefon thelith of May. $
For information apply at ATEIN6OVS Millinery
Store , corner Douglas and 13th Streets. 174-U
0R SALE-Coodbnck.
SALE Two of the celebrated J. 1C
FOB & Ealke Co. ' * Nonpareil Bil
lard Table * . Nearly new. For sal * cheap.
I hire removed m > stock to tbe
comer llth and Can. Those wanting any
roodglnmylln * will do veil to call , M I am
iffering less than cont. E. F. COOK. 123-lm E
ETNAS hat moored from Tenth Street to 1118
3 rarnhamSt.Qtn him a catt. apl54m
. breach of ksyt. Owner cut hare
C theai bycalllnJ atthig office and paying
4 623-U
4 f
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest.
Large tracts suitable for
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State ,
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Improved
Frrms in Nebraska , many oi
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre ,
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Residences -
dences from $3,000 to $20-
000. Many thousand vacant
lots in the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of Ci-y
Real Estate.
"We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 pears time , at
10 percent , interest to all-who
can ehow good titles.
Maps of Douglas and Sarpy
Counties for sale ,
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Farn , St. , Omaha , Neb ,
For Rcut.
Splendid cottage , 6 rooms , all in the best con
dition , fruit and shade trees , stable , hard and
soft water , and 4 Acres of Ground , $120 a year
West Omaha , will sell foi 81.GSO.
For Sale ,
House and full lot on Webster Street , best loca
tion in tbe city , $1,500 ; easy terms.
Twenty Thousand Dollars in small well secur
ed mortgages ranging from $ ' 00 to 21,000 , drawIng -
Ing 10 per cent interest , have been lately placed
in our hands for sale , at small discount. Per
sons having a little money to spare can make a
eaio and profitable loan in this way , without any
expense or commissions.
For Sale ,
Church Property and Psrsocagein South Omaha ,
near Depot , at a very reasonable price.
Cottage anil Lot ,
New 1-story frame house , 4 rooms , 3 closeta'-lO
loot ceilings , double doors , etc. , 85 barrel cis
tern , full lot , all in No. 1 condition , 5 blocks
from High School ; $850 , on monthly payments ,
email caia payment required.
Real Estate Brokers.
New Houses.
We are now prepared to build houses worth
from $400 to $300 on our lota in our new addition ,
26th and 29th and Furnbam.Douglas and Dodge ,
and sell on small monthly payments.
_ HOOPS and HILL ,
$ GOO to $1,000
Will buy you a new house , with one of the finest
lots in Omaha , on email monthly payments.
For Sale ,
House and Let on street car-track , Shhm-s addl
tion , $1,900. _ BUC03 and HILL.
A New House
And full lot , one-half block from street cars ,
Shinn's Addition , $1,375.
_ BO GGS and HILL.
The Cheapest
Resilience Property hi Omaha must be told in
stanter , W j Lot 4 , Block 47 , with a No. 1 house
of 7 rooms and all well improved ; southeast
corner 21st and Cass. Want best offer.
For Sale ,
Fine young" horse , well broke aud suitable for a
lady todrive. _ BOGua and H ILL.
We want a contract to have 200 acre ! cf land
broke at once. _ BOQGSand HILL.
Cheap Lots.
Look at the 'lot I In our new addition best
ots for tbe money in Omaha , 29th and Famham.
Residence Lots for Sale.
200 Lots in Kountze and
Ruth's Addition.near business ,
good surroundings.lotscovered
withyounjj trees , and are the
choicest , cheapest and nearest
Dusiness of any lots hi the mar-
set. By all means look at lots
n Kountze and Euth's addition
Defore purchasing elsewhere.
Will sell on monthly payments.
Prices $400 to $650.
100O Residence Lots
"rontine 8,9,10 and llth streets , 6 to 10 blocks
south of depot , many of these lots are very de-
irable and for men of small means are { now tbe
cheapest and most easily purchased lots in Oma-
ia. Prices $250 to $300. Monthly payments.
BOQGa and ffiuL.
15 Choice Lots
> n Park Wild Avenue , only 3 to 4 blocks from
) pot , 1500 to JCOO. Monthly payments.
GG of the Finest Lots
n Omaha , 10 to 12 blocks vest of Postofflco and
Court House , on Farnham , Douzlas and Dodge
trcets ; finest views in the city from these lota
'rics $200 to $300 , on payments of < 5 to $10
> cr month.
2 Houses
And two-thirds of a lot , Chicazo street , between
2th and 13th ; rants for $300 a year. Price
1.BOO. BOG03 and HILL.
Houses and Lots.
Hew2-etory residence comer lot , choice loci-
Ion , 4 blocks from Fostofflce ; $5,500.
2 Houses and south i lot 1 , block 12 , on west
side of 18th street , between California and Web-
.tercets ; S2.KX )
2-Story Brick House
With full lot , 2 blocks from new Court House *
$2,150. BOQGSand Hlf.U
Lots 1 and 2 , block 230 $2,759
Lot 5 , block 15 liHJO
2. block 81 500
LLot 5 and 6 , block 25 * l.SOO
South i Lota land 2 , block 281 1,000
Bait ilot 2. block 121. . 2.500
Westi Lot 2 , block 121 2,5oO
stlLot7 , block lt . " liOO
Lots , block Vf2. . . 1,400
1 Lot 8. block 102 1,400
JLot8blockl02 , , . 2,000
t 5. block 259 r 800
Diameter Wheels , 28 to 52 inches , BOYS
and JIM'S Sizes.
Diameter , 16 to 28 inches.
I am Agent for a Large Manufacturing House East , and wil
Sell at their Price , Treight added.
. X. X > . SOX
so ac. a ? c JNTTS
Wo are now prepared to take orders for the justly celebrated clothlngo
this house , which for Durability , Style "aud Cheapness are unsurpassed. We
have now on hand the beat selected stock of Clothing , Shirta , Furnishing
Goods , etc. in the city.
Boston Clothing House ,
D fl HI * / _ M C IT D C D 0 Wanted to read the following Teaj
DUUllC51 LliUtlmonials of the STOAKES AUTO- ' /
STATIC PBN , by the use of which they can , ' with slight practice , make
LEDGER HEADINGS so uniform and artistic in appearance as to be
quite beyond the comprehension of all not familiar with their pro
duction. Several headings can be made with one dip of ink in two
minute * , which can not be duplicated by the most successful sign /
writer In as many hours. Visiting cards may be written which tan '
lonly be equalled by Steel Engraving or Lithographic processes.
FIRST NMI05AI HARK. Chicago. August S7,187&-We hare i
used the Automatic Fen , and finds It works perfect , and makes /
the finest Ledger Headings we ever w. Anv person ran UM It. f
NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BAKK , Chicago , m. , September 4 ,
1879 The best instrument fo rapid and uniform lettering i
ever used. c. J. DORRANCE , Accoutant ,
CIIAHTBR OAK STOVB UunrrAcrtnuxo Co. , St. Lonb , Mo. , Feb-
231 " " 21"t I am using the Stokes Automatic Ten for our
> 5 \ Books , Statements and Letter Packages and find it yery valuabla
> this and many other purposes ]
- \ - - A. L BERRY , BookKceper.
f *
Shipping Clerks and Grocers will throw sway' ;
[ their markinp brushes after seeing the Aniitna-/ /
tic Pen work. Price , per set (3 ( sizes complete ,
with Desk Holders ) , $1. Circulars sent , ad
dressed with pen , on application.
Gen. Western Agent , Qnincy , 111.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Western Department for Imported and Key West Cigars
Send for Price List.
raw ! MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , IVeb.
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of
. . ,
922 Douglas St. , Near 10th , Omaha , Neb ,
1317 & 1319 DOUGLAS STEEET ,
.pint Positively no Goods Sold at Retail. .
Orders Solicited. Samples Sent on Application.