Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Monday Morning , May 3.
Serred to subscribers by carrier to any Mrtjof
the dty. every day , Eundtys excepwrf at fifteen
AajccaplainU about Irregtilaritie * , or taj
aroper'dilrmy d the Taper , U zddreued to
thte offlw ill receive prompt attention ,
t bkinA DABT BKI will be milled to sub-
foHowins rates , pay * " * ? r" :
KribenHtb * ;
/ .
kSy lanlvxnco : $8.00 irer Minum ;
4 months. TUB OIUHJL WEEKLT EM $ iOO per
Tear. '
therefore the-
Beportt , Railroad ana
f r
, iM wiraoas
Sboitly after eight o'clock on Batur-
. evening & fire waa discovered in
the barnof Allen Boot between Farn-
liana Ind Douglas. Before tbo a'arm
could be given the whole building"was
in flames and the fire bad communi
cated with the coal shed and outbuild
ings on Mr. Boot's and Dufrene's
premises. The effective work of th
firemen prevented the flames from
spreading , and the barn alone Tvas
burned to the ground. Lots 8800 ,
partially covered by insurance. }
The office of the U. S. collector
ot internal revenue will ba closed at 3
p. m. daily daring the month of Hay.
An old man brought into police
court yesterday charged with in
toxication , was let off by Judge Hawes
with a reprimand ,
The donation which was to have
been given to the pester of the Chris
tian church has been postponed on ac
count of sickness.
John Ohriety , convicted before
Judge Hawes of petit larceny , has
been released on a writ of error and
gave bonds for his appearance.
The members of the Y. JI. 0. A.
have moved into their new quarters
over Huberman'a block which are
fitted up In a neat and tasty manner.
-i-F6urboyBlivingin north Omaha ,
whose names are John Bruner , Alfred
Latey , John Knight and Lewis Stein
ran. away , from .home on Thursday
aft&rnoon'and when last heard of weie
near BUlr trying to get back.
, A workman , of Mr. Fitch , the
Sixteenth street barber , stole five
razors , two pair of shears , and a lot of
cigars and tobacco , and then struck
i 'out for another locality. - Mr. Fitch
was at dinner at the time of the rob-
A Dwelling House on Jackson
v Street Burned Early This
The Third Incendiary Fire
Within Forty-eight Hours ,
Between 12. and 1 o'clock this
morning a fire-was discoveied in an
old bam in the rear of the dwelling of
TVW.-.L. arauuiug , on tno north side of
Jaokion street between Thirteenth
and Fourteenth streets. The flames ,
when discovered , shot up quickly , en
veloping the barn , and the Manning
family , who had retired , wera quickly
awakened and routed out. An alarm
being sounded , the engines were eoon
at the scene of the fire , which burned
fiercely , communicating to the house ,
which was soon ablaza. Tbo firemen
did effective" work , but were unable to
save much of the house , although
three streams were soon playing on
tbe fin ) . The glare brought out an
immense throng of people to the spot ,
everyone being considerably excited at
the rumor that the fira wai known to
bo the work of an incendiary.
Tbe house was nearly or quite de
stroyee , the loss being about $300 , on
which there is some insurance. Bheds
in the neighborhood were slightly in
jured , but nothing to any consider
able amount , save the Manning prop'
erty , was damaged.
THE Bet representative undertook
to find out what ground there was to
the rumor of incendiarism , but despite
considerable intervianing nothing def
inite could be learned. One man ,
however , who was early at the fire de
clared that a man whom he met in the
alley back of tbe barn had poai
iively stated that there was
a very strong smell of coal oil
about the premises wheu the fire was
firji discovered. Mr. Manning de
clared that the fira must have been
cot , for there had been no light or fire *
about the barn that evening , and
his family bad retired some time before -
fore the blaze wai discovered.
Toe fact that wa have had three
firesVithm two days , each ot rhich
is strongly suspicioned to have been
the work of Incendiaries , leads our
people to question whether or not we
have an organized band of fire bugs
among us who are bent on destroying
the city. Everyone is considerably
excited , and all property owners are
asking , "whose turn next ? "
Mrs. H. L. Latey sings at the Bap.
tist church this evaninj at the close of
tha lecture.
Bargains at FnilriedeV ; "
We are Klliag goods at least 15 per
cent cheaper- than the shoe houses in
tbe Lugft'e&tters cities , and handle a
letter qaality of' oods than ever be
fore exhibited in the west.Ve have
Jbut one price , and that is Bed .flock
Our goods are reliable and our prices
low. We caniurnish you a very neat
drcfs shoe , and durable , at a mere
nominal sum , either in high or low
cut. W. B. LoRiifo & Co.
Oar stock of ladle * ' walking shoes
and slippers is so complete that we can
eupply f y elegant appearing shoe
that will' wear at s very moderate
jrice. W. B. Loanw $ j Co.
M" _ _ f _ - 1" "n-MM
A Long Political Battle , ,
which Lasts Seven
Hours ,
And Besults in a Viotory for
Elaine and an Honest
Delegation ,
A New County Central Com
mittee , -with Dick McOor-
mick as Chairman.
The Vagaries of the Apostle
"Paul Vandervoort and
Silas W. Miner. "
The republican county convention
met Saturday afternoon at the couit
house to elect seventeen delegates to
the state convention at Courribus ! , and
to transact such other business as
might come before it. Long before
the hour for assembling had arrived ,
the neighborhood was crowded with
the different delegates and theirfiiends
and numerousjimpromptu sidewalk
caucussei discussed the probable re
sult of one of the hardest contested
fighti ever witnessed in the county.
It then appeared that the Grant
boomera under the leadership of
Vanderroorl and Miner had formed a
coalition with a number of parties
elected on a Blaine ticket , the basis of
the coalition being an uninstrjcted
delegation to Columbus consisting of
ten Blaine delegates and seven Grant
men. The plan had been hatched up
the evening before , the object being
to spring the ticket on the other mem
bers of the convention and to force
it through by a lusty cry of anti-Kcse-
water , with a Paul and Silas Miner
as leaders of the chorus. From the
opening of the convention till its close ,
the fight was lively and interesting.
Every motion was bitterly contested
and at one time it looked very much
as if the convention would break up
in utter disorder or else that a double
header would be tent to Columbus.
Col. E. F. Smytbe , chairman of the
county central committee , called the
cnnvention to order shortly after two
, 0. H. Ballou and Will H ; Browne
were nominated ss temporary chair
man , on mot ion the election was made
by ballot.
F. J. Clark was chosen temporary
WhJle the convention were proper-
ing their ballots , an informal call was
made of the various delegations to S30
whether there were any contests.
Finally amid great confusion , the bal
loting began , when it was discovered
that the votes exceeded the number of
deloaa'es. Another ballot was called
for , but before it could be taken Mr.
Albro moved that local-factionalism
should be dispensed with , which , by
the election of Col. E. F. Smythe , who
modestly put the motion and was de
clared eltcted without any regard being -
ing paid to the previous nomination.
Col. Smytho now rose to the spirit
of the occasion , and soared on the
eagle wings of eloquence. A majority
of the delegates were too busily en
gaged in electioneering , tying and un
tying , to give him their attention , but
the crowd outside the railing applaud
ed his sentiments to the echo. Mr.
Smytho said he was In favor of the
man nominated bv the oj.w. . u cent -
t cuuuii , wnoever he might be , wheth
er Grant , Blaine , Washburne , Ed
munds , Sherman or tbe dark horse.
The following committee on cre
dentials was appointed : I. W. Miner ,
E. W. Simeral , Paul Vandorvoort , J.
S. McCormick , J. T. Griffin , and Geo.
A. Hill.
On motion of Mr. Edward Hose-
water the committee was instructed
to report back tbe straight delegates
aud all contestants , leaving the con
tests to bo decided by the convention.
The committee were out almost an
hour , and the chair called for
Hon. John 0. Cowan declared him
self in favor of the nominee of the
convention and urged harmony.
J. M. Thurston was in favor of
Grant as first choice.
Mr. Rosewater made a brief speech
in which he declared himself for
Blaine as Nebraska's choice.
Col. Chase was also for the choice
of the party.
Hon. J. L. Webster made a brief
but eloquent speech in favor of James
G. Blaino.
0. H. Ballon , Fred Nye and 0. J.
Greene also made remarks.
Some feeble calls for Vandervoort
were squelched by the earning in of
the committee on credentials , who re
ported the following delegates enti
tled to seats in the convention :
First Ward James Gilbert , John Ko-
* icky , E.A. McClure. E. M. Stenberjr. G.
Zimmerman , C. C. Thrane , by Paul Van-
Wo find that between W. Umpherson
and Alex Daemon for the seventh man for
this ward this is a tie.
Second ward James Armstrong , bvE.
W. Simeral , Charles A. Thieman , K.
Behm , M. C. Meany. Vaclav Fiala , E. W.
auneral and Frank Jelen.
Third ward-Henry A. Parish , Simeon
Bloum , James W. Anderson , bv Charles
Banckes , J. Rosenstein , George"Linde-F
D. Kent and Sam Beatty.
Fourth ward - J. S. McCormick. F. Ken
nard , SLAD. < . Balcombe , John Peterson ,
> y OJ. Rosewater , John S Wood , D W
Saxe , by I W Miner , and Ben Wester-
dahl.Fifth ward T Cummings , E A'PaVma-
lee , by John McDonald , Jr. . Jaineo Fagan -
gan , James Rhodes , George .Redman. Geo.
Uenson and E Leeder.
Sixth ward-J C Cowin , Chas Shiver-
Saratoga Henry Bechtel , E D Pratt
and Nicholas Alergen.
Chicajo J W Stewart , A Albro , .Sir ,
Mi-Ardie C Rohwe , K E Westgate ,
Elijah Allen by George H Hermann. |
Florence William Hill , John Cole and
Union G W Thomas , L R Binghara
and J W Bingham.
Platte Valley Wm Harrier , T J Clark
and F J Torry.
rowne , L Doll and.
S Parmalee , Martin
H G Barber.
Jefferson Charles Qfft , H C Timme
and Henry TeiU by KS Berlin.
They reported that there wag a pretest
against the Douglas delegation , which
It w asmoved that the report be adopted
except as to Millard precinct , about which
there teemed to be some dispute.
The committee held that no papers had
b en presented to show that there was a
C ° e * * ° -notion wa adopted.
Mr. Hosewater protested aginst
famythe holding the proxies of Dae-
msn and Umpherson , who had tied
in the First ward , one of whom was a
Grant and the other a Blaine man.
A long and heated discussion en
sued , the chair making the question a
J -personal matter.
The matter was submitted to the
First ward delegation , which reported
in favttr of Col. Smythe.
The motion that Col. Smythe reprg-
sent the tied delegates in the First
ward was finally carried amid great
confusion , several delegates voting
Mr. Rosawnter now insisted that
the voting should be done by wards
and precincts. He said that it was
impossible to tell who was voting and
who wssnot.
The question of the admission of
the Douglas precinct delegation head
ed by Joel T. Griffin now cirne up
and occasioned great contention ,
Vandervcort and Miner shouting
themselves hoarse and attempting to
bulldoze both tbo chair and the con
vention. A petition was sent by 17
voters against the admission oE the
Griffin delegation , whc had received
only 12 votes , and the 17 protestants
had not voted at all , because , as they
alleged , the polls had closed at 8:30 : , a
helf hour before tbe time.
After a long argument , in which
Mrr Rosowatcr appeared for tha pe
titioners and Mr. Griffin for himself
the contention decided to admit the
The contesting delegations from
Millard were next heard. It was
shown that there were five delegates
who-received 19 votes each and one
received 16 votes. It was moved that
the Richel delegation be admitted as
against theKelsey delegation. A viva
voce vote was taken , snd then a vote
by wards and precincts was taken.
A motion to adjourn to Monday
at 2 o'clock was lost.
It was finally carried by a vote of
27 to 26 , with raised hands , to take a
vote by wards and precincts , after a
liveiy discussion had taken place.
The vote proving very much mixed ,
a second ballot was taken , resulting as
follows :
For Richel , 34 * against Richel , 39.
Mr. Richel the retired from the
convention , saying that he abided by
the result and bore no ill will towards
any one.
The convention then proceeded to
permanent organization , and the tem
porary organization was made perma
Gen. Cowin moved to elect dele
gated and that lha seventeen having
the meat votes be declared chosen.
Mr. Rosewater moved that the tick
et already made up be adopted. Also ,
that a new county central committee
be elected. He said that it was grow
ing late , and that the committee
could bo chosen in a few minutes ,
while if it was delayed , it would be
very difficult to properly airange the
Vandervoort and Miner jumped to
their feet and denounced the proposi
tion as an infamou ? outrage , and
moved that the motion be laid on tbe
Mr. .Rosewater demanded'the vote
by wards and precincts.
The vote being taken to lay on the
table the motion to elect a new com
mittee resulted as follows :
Yeas 39 , nays 38.
Total number of votes cast 77/ / be
ing one more than there was in the
Considerable confusion ensued , and
a new bbllot was called for , which re
sulted in favor of tabling the central
committee motion , by a vote of 38 to
The convention then proceeded to
elect delegates to the state convention.
Thtra were two tickets in the field ,
headed and composed as follows :
For Delegates to State Convention.
John C. Cowin , 0. H. Ballou , M.
T. Barlow , G. M. O'Brien , E M.
Stonberg , Joel T. Griffin , Paul Van
dervoort , Gate Barber , J. M. Thurs-
ton , G. A. Hill , H. C. Timmte , R. E.
Weatgate , D. W. Saxe , A. W. Albro ,
Thomas Cummings , John I. Redick ,
E. F. Smytho.
Blaine Ticket. J. 0. Cowin , E. A.
McClure , E. M. Stenberp , J. J.
Brown , G. A. Hill , 0. H. Ballou , G.
W. Thorna ? , M. J. Bloom , George H.
Mermatin , J. C. Rosenfeld , J. S. Mc
Cormick , E. Rosewater , 0. A. Thieman ,
J. LVphafo , c. c. obubu , John
Rcsicky , M. T. Barlow.
Immediately after the vote was de
clared , a motion was raado to adjourn
amidst shouts and yells from the out
side crowd.
Vandorvoort , who was pretly sick
at tha defeat of his crowd , made a
vigorous attack on Mr. Rosowatcr ,
claiming that ho would keep the con
vention , all night listening to Bl line
reiolutions and that the scheme of a
new central committee was a job.
Mr. Rosewater insisted on the vote
on adjournment being taken which re
sulted 34 to 40 against adjourning.
Mr. Rosewater now moved that this
convention do now proceed to elect a
new central committee. Carried.
Mr. Rosewater moved that J. S.
McCormick bo elected cnairrnan of the
committee and delegate at large.
The vote by wards and precincts was
about to ba taken when an alarm of
fire sounded aud threw the conven
tion into still greater confusion.
On motion of J. S. Wood , Dick
McCormick was unanimously elected
charroan of the committee.
It was then agreed that each warder
or precinct select its own members of
The following fs the
J S McCormick , chairman.
First ward Gotlob Zimmerman , James
Second ward John Behm , E W Sim
Third ward J J Points , Simeon Bloom.
Fourth ward Frank Kennard , E Rose-
Fifth ward Thomas Cumings , John'i jc-
Sixth ward lewis Reed , John W. Mc-
Saratoga Louis Littlefield.
Chicago J W Stewart.
Platte Valley F W Corliss.
Elkhorn Gate Barber.
MaArdle Elijah Allen.
Florence J G Cole.
West Omaha Will Browne ,
Douglas D A Griffin.
Union Peter Hiler.
Millard John Bloom.
Jeffewon H Timrue.
Mrs Rosewater now introduced the fol
lowing resolution :
' Jlcsolvtxl , That James-G. Blaine is the
: hoice of this convention for president. "
The resolution was adopted , and a vote
of thanks was ( , iven the chairman of the
convention , Col. Smythe , for his efficienl
discharge of his duties , etc.
Notice of Mail Destroyed.
The mail in street letterbox on the
corner of Tenth and Marcy streets was
destroyed by fira Saturday at four
The last collection from the box wag
mada Friday evening about 6 o'clock ,
therefore all mail dropped therein
between that time and four o'clock
Saturday morning , is destroyed.
Very Respectfully ,
THOS. t. HALL , Postmaster.
FOUND. A sure cure tor constlpa.
tion : Hamburg Figs , 26o per box , for
sale by all druggists. '
Fine Buckichcat Honey , SO cents
pound. FLEMINGS' , Grocers.
Murphy & LovettIna. Agency ; old
est ettiblished'agency in this state. *
Hamburg Figg 25c a box.
A now stock of shoes , slippers and
ties received daily , to be sold at reck
bottom prices. H. DOIILE ,
Leading Shoe Store.
Eagle Mills Flour , only § 3.65 per
hundred at Wmus M. YATES' ,
' Podge street , near Skte'enth ,
j ,
A. D. Clarke , Esq. , came in Sunday
from the east.
Judge W. A. Carter , of Foit Bridg-
er , spent Sunday in our city and leaves
to-diy for hia eastarn home.
Lew May came in on Sunday and
Isft in the afternoon for Fremont.
Mr. Leander Ohesire , of the Union
Pacific freight department , left Sun
day for a three weeks' trip to his east
ern home in Flufhing , L. I.
Hen. Guy C. Barton is in the city.
Mr. Wm. M. Stephens is ill at his
Lieutenant-Governor Carnes and
wife are in town.
Herman Kountze came in Saturday
morning from Texas.
Mr. S. H. H. Clark is expected
home sometime this week.
Mrs. J. W. Green , of Marengo , 111 ,
is in this city visiting her daughter ,
Mrs. Robt. F. Strahorn.
Sir Arthur Kennedy , governor of
Queensland , passed through the city
Saturday on his way to England.
W. H. Dixon , of St. Paul , general
passenger agent of the Sioux City and
St. Paul railroad , was in town Fri
Willis Howe , general manager of
the Palmer House , Chicago , is at the
Metropolitan , accompanied by his
W. K. Ackerman , of Chicago , pres
ident of the Illinois Central , passed
through the city Saturday on his way to
San Francisco.
Mr. Thomas Curry , formt rly chief
electrician of the Western Union of
fice , has been appointed and confirm
ed manager , vice Frink B. Knight ,
resigned. This is a promotion which
reflects credit on the W. U. , as it
shows that they can appreciate and
recognize ability. Mr. Curry , in his
department , has few superiors in the
west , and TIIE BEE unites with a host
of fi iends in tendering him its con
gratulations upon his well merited ad
Among the many arrivals at the
Metropolitan hotel are the following :
Willis Howe and wife , Chicago ; > F.
W. Dearborn , New York ; G. V.
Briggs , Epwortt. la. ; E. G. Fowler ,
Sidney , Neb. ; Chas. 0. Linys , Cleve
land ; E. M. , Collins , Fremont ,
Neb. ; Frank Regess , Chicago ;
A Soloman , Chicago ; E. Dohly , New
York ; O. P. King and wife , Charitan ,
Ia.W. ; H. Ellen , Beloit , Wis. " ; Mra.
M. E. Shoan , Sioux City ;
P. Funk , Clinton ; Frank
Locker , New York ; G. M. Curtis ,
Clinton , Iowa ; A. P. Mungather , Mm.
Mary Mungather , San Jese , Cal. ; H.
M. Krcbes , Mansfield , 0. ; Wm. A.
Tredbull , Chicago ; R. Kundall , St.
Louis ; E. J. Gessett , Milwaukee ;
Thos. Hill Quincy , J. B. Wesleon ,
Lincoln ; John G. Davis , Benton ;
Otto Tump , J. J. Coleman , Lincoln ;
Mrs. E. Audrews and child , Mils
Maggie Heron , Wisner , Neb ; L.
Livy , Oltumron ; Sam. W. Chapman ,
Plattsmouth ; H. B. Scott , Joliett , HI.
A. Cruickahank & Co. are happy to
inform their friends that owing to a
break in the saurmmorlroto thoj are
able to offer the greatest bargains in
embroideries they have ever shown ,
consisting of
Nine thousand yards of Hamburg
Edgings , at the following prises :
2 cents , former price 5 cents.
9 cents , former price 12 cents.
16 ; cents , former price 25 cents.
25 cents , former price 35 cents.
35 cents , former price 50 cents.
Also some splendid value in Ladies'
and Children's Hosiery.
Come and BOO thcso goods carly , as
first selections will be the best.
Bakery , with furniture and fixtures
complete. Established 1874 Also
two horses and wagon. Reason for
selling , I wish to return to my native
country. FEED. M. PETERSON ,
516 Tenth street , Omaha , Neb.
Brown Eyes Close to theWvtdow.
mere Can De Ole Man Go t
'Tis Darkest Just Before the Day.
Keep One Little Thought Foi Me.
Mother , Dear , the Angels Gail Thee.
Marimon Waltz.
Little Chirper's Waltz.
Music'Books and Instruments.
Pianos and Organs on Monthly Pay
New Easels. New Mouldings.
New Ychet Frames and Novelties.
DODGE ST. , orr. P. 'o.
Bargains in boots and shoes. A
trial will satisfy you. At Fullriede'a
One Price Store.
Real Estate Transfers.
Chaj. E. Seagren and wife to Maggie -
gio E. Bassett _ , w. d. lot 16 , Thornell's
addition city of Omaha § 650.
Gcoago H. Guy , sheriff , to Meyer
Hellman , t. d. o hf lot 7 , block E city
of Omaha $65.
Annie and Wm , M. Dwyer to Isaac
H. Congdon , w.d. parcel of lot 9 , Cap-
iqol addition city of Omaha 1350.
Wm. F. Heins , county treasurer , to
Byron Reed , t. d. , lot 4 , block 99 ,
city of Omaha § 10.81.
Judith Bruner to John D. Creigh-
tea , q. c. d. , nw sec. 13 , tplS.ranea
12 e 6th p. ra.-$300.
Political Straws.
For a few days past Mr. Carr Ax
'ord has been canvassing several de
partments of the Union Pacific car
shops for the purpose of obtaining the
references of the employes for presi
dential candidates. Mr. Axford went
hrough the whole of the car depart
ment with the exception of two gangs.
The following is the sentiment ot the
carpenters , painter * , car repairers and
machine men :
Blaine 02 THden 30
Jrant ID Hancock. 10
Sherman . . . . . . . . . 16 Bayard 5
Vashburne 10 Hendricks 5
layes 7 Thuiman 4
Jdmunds 6 Seymour 4
larrison 1 Scattering 4
Total 157 Total 70
MISSING. A case o constipation by
using Hamburg Figs ,
In Memory of Our Dead Heroes
The following orders have been
issued from the headquarters cf the
Grand Army of the Republic :
No. 2. J
OMAHA , Neb. , April 26.
In compliance with rules and re
gulations , 'and general orders , No. 8 ,
from national headquarters , S-iturday ,
May 29th , will be observed as
memorial day by the Grand Army of
the Republic.
The mode in which these ceremo
nies may be conducted is left to the
judgment of pests , but it h suggested
that they invite the co-operation of
other organizations , and of the public
It is hoped the custom of preceding
years of planting flowers at the graves
will be generally observed.
Where no posts of the Grand Army
are established citizens are earnestly
requested to arrange for the proper
observance of the day , that the grave
of each dead soldier and sailor may be
appropriately honored.
Attention Is called to the following
resolution adopted by the department
encampment at Lincoln , Neb. , April
8,1880 :
"Rescind , That on Sunday , May
30th , the pest commanders assemble
their posts at their post rooms and
march in a body to some church where
the minister will deliver a sermon ap
propriate fcr the occasion. "
By command of
Department Commander.
Assistant Adjutant General.
All Aboard for Cincionatl.
The best posted man concerning the
excursion is Rev. W. K. Beans , paa-
tor of the Eighteenth Street M. E.
church. Ho has been working it up
for six weeks , and offers more anc
bettor inducements than any one else.
Apply to him for "tourist's certifi
cate" and full information.
Monday at 2 p. m. at the northeas
corner of 14th and Farnham streets
I will sell the balance of the Turkish
Hugs and Table Covers , Rare Coins
Sea Shells , Stuffed Birds , Minerals
Fans , Chinese and Japanese goods
articles of art and antiquity , and show
cases , to the highest bidder for cash
As this will be the last opportunity
for you to secure relica at your own
price , don't fail to attend the sale
Special sale for ladies in the after
Bargains , Bargains ,
At the reliable shoe store of
"Where a child can buy as cheap as a
Remember that we have but one
price only , and that all our goods are
marked in plain figures.
This is the place where you will al
ways get value received honestgoods
at popular prices.
It W. B. LOSING & Co.
Your wife wishes to see you at 46 !
TClavontk aivoot , bctnocn Harney am
Howard , Omaha , Neb. Letters awai
you at Omaha post office. 30-2
Gents' reinforced drawers , guaran
teed pantaloon fitting. A now idea
boat in the country , at Omaha Shir
Factory , 1410 Farnham at.
Over eighty millions of dollars o
insurance capital of the oldest an ;
best homo and foreign companies rep
resented in the agency'fof Taylor &
Howoll. d6if
Fine white clover honey at Flemings'
The New Bohemian Hall.
The proposed now Bohemian Hal
is taking shape and before the suinmo
ia over our Bohemian friends will pro
bably rejoice in a new and elegan
brick building in which they can hole
their lodge and dramatic meetings.
There are four Bohemian societie
.in the cily , the Lodga Palacky No 19
0. S. P. S. , the dramatic club "Tyl,1
and the turners "Sokal. " Each
> of these organizations have
appointed a committee , of four who
'will co-operate to form a Bohemian
'building association. The body wil
apply for articles of incorporation un
der the state laws and unite to erec
a neat and elegant structure. Such
B building has long been needed , anc
we congratulate the societies on the
prospect before them.
Travelers , stop at the Astor House ,
New York.- 16dlm
If you have any galvanized iron
cornices , window caps or other work
to figure on , or to be done , call on
John Epenoter , 333 Broadway , Coun
cil Bluffs , Iowa , who will give you
bottom prices and extra good work.
ap27-3w !
Cox On Friday night , April 30th ,
1880J at 12 o'clock , Aphelon , Son ol
Henry E. and Mary Cox , aged five
Funeral took place from the
residence , South Seventeenth street ,
between Leavcnwoith and Mason , at
9:30 a. m. Sunday.
[ Council Bluffs papers please copy. ]
SCHNEIDER Satu rday morning at 10
o'clock , Lawrence Scheneider , aged
44 years.
Funeral Sunday afternoon at ' 2
o'clock from Twentieth and Pierce
streets-Shull's addition.
Why dose yourselves with nauseat
ing medicines , when a purely fruit
cathartic will cure you at once Ham
burg'Figs. Try them.
Our patient , for whom we procured
the St. Jacobs Oil , is an old tn p of
74 years , who for four years liad been
suffering with Rheumatism and Swell
ing of the Legs. He consulted five
physicians without any help. We
tried the St. Jacobs Oil on him , and
thii wonderful remedy cured the suf
ferer beyond the reach of danger.
Oraog < mlle , N. Y , * - ,
'iottz City Journal.
The river is still rising slowly , and
.ho bars which had begun to show off
the mouth of Perry creek , are nearly
The Fontenelle , when heard from
on Monday was at Rosebud landing.
She is expected at'this city about Sat
The steim pipe of the Black Hilla
was sent down to this city on the train
yesterday for repairs at Dennis * ma
chine shops.
River freights between this city and
Pierre have ranged from 35 cents to
40 cents per 100 pounds so far this
season , which is about the same rate
an was current during the good water
of last season.
Car Load of Stiaw Hats just re
ceived at Frederick's , cheap.
A large assortment ot cook stoves
at reasonable prices , at Lang y
BESLET'S Stock Ale and 1'orter Bottled
ind on Draught , at Merchants' Ex
change , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge.
Leopold Spiedel , 201 Shumway
street , Buffalo , N. Y. , says he has
uaed Dr. Thomaa' Eclectric Oil in his
family for coughs and colds , and that
it is the best thing he ever knew.
NOTICE Advertisements To Lot For SaJe ,
Lost , Found , Wants , Hoarding &c. , will be
serted In thcso columns once for TEN CENTS
per lint ; each subsequent iasertion.JUVE CENTS
per line. Tha firat insertion never leaa than
ONKY TO LOAN-Cul at Law Office
D. L. THOMAS. Room 8. Cre ! hton Block
rONF.Y TO LOAN 1109 Famham street.
M Dr. Edwards LOAU Agency. nov-22-tl
"V\rAJ > TED Two s't'a for dinine-rocm and
1V chamber wcrk at the Dorau house , opp.
Too Tel office. MhS. DORAN. 510-2
"ITTAhTED A woman to wasb Ciaheg , and
W wash and iron tab'e clothn , at the
McKer.zia Dining Hall , touthwut corner 16th
n < ! Douglaa Street. Spl.2
'ANTED A good cook at
W 499-tf TIZABD'B Palace Restaurant.
Agoodw other andironer. W. A.
WANTED , corner 18th and Farnham.
TTTANTED A CompeteutRlrl to do housew or It
YY in axall family , must be a good washer
and Ironer , and understand cooking ; one that
will stay in at nights ; no o.her need apply. Ap
ply northeast comer 17th nd Jones. 491-1
Girl with reference , for eeuera
881-tf 1U4 Dodge htreet.
at the Central loie'ligence Office ,
GIBLS Thirte ath Mreet , up s' rj. 467-3
YY , southeast corner leta and Davenport.
\TTANTED First--las carpenter.
Y\ C. H. BROWtf , 13th and California.
"fTTANTED A joung m'nto workinlaundry
YV lllOFarntmnst. 613-3
Bma t boy to lean ) the Carpente
WAITED A. F. KAfERT & CO.,1310 D-dge
Street. i KXJ-t
TTTANTED To imest 5600 to 81,000 in apay
YY log business. Address R. W. P. , Bes
OftVe. 507-2
ITUAT1OH wanted by a yuntr , hnncet mat
of good habits , to drire and take care o
Sdf , or work In a store. Addrtsa C. N , Bee
Office. _ 503-30
A first-class book-keener for a
WANTED store ; must be s cady in habits
and have coed reference. Good wages will be
paid. Addrees immediately to B. Q. , Bee Office
TNTELLIGENCE OFFICE , comer 16th and
JL Davenport. 410-tf
T70R BENT. A sm ll house of two rooms
JD cor. of 22d and Ilarney. Enquire on prem
lies. 6U-tf
TV pine1 o ii x.u < o , KO jai page.
_ L ! McAUSLAND , ICth Street , betwe.-n Farn
niam and Ilsrney , 508-2
TT10R RENT Furnished ; by week
Jj or month. Apply at AMERICAN HOUSE.
T7\OR \ RENT Front room' , 706 Nineteenth St.
J betw en Wetstcrard Eurt. 4S2-tf
RENT A splendid Photograph Oal cry
fpOR RENT Good nouse of seven rooms , with
JJ stable and eco aero of ground , on south
Tenth Street.
Money to Loan on approved security.
W. R. BARlkETT , Real Estate Agent ,
22-tf Office 217 Scuth Thirteenth Street
T710R RENT New nouse , S rooms , Fifth and
J ? Pine. Envuire , J. PHIPP3 ROE ,
mSOtf 497 Twelfth Street.
RENT } of room 569 Fifteenth strse
FOR ' Block. 7 nns reasonable. ECKt-t
"T710R RENT Garden Farm.
Jj 6-tf T. MURRAY.
TT10R RENT Fcmi&hcd room lor one or
JD Keatlemen. J. R. BOYCE. 237
7 OTS BY THE THOUSAND Any prUe frosi
JU 825 up t $2,500 BEMIa' column.let pag
TITILK Twenty to twenty-four quarts or one
_ iyjL dollar by John T. Paulson.
"CIOB SALE AsTull dwelling house , next to
JD O. H. Collins residenc' , corner 19th aud
.Capitol . Avenue , t or information call at G. H
& J. S. COLLINS , 1315 Farnham Street. 505-t
B Sins' Sells Lots , uce 1st page.
FOR SALE large beer casks , good for cis
tern purposes , at KKUQ'8 Brewery.
T OTS BY THE THOUSAND Any price horn
.U g25 up to 82,500 , BKMIS' column.lst page.
T710R SALE Good house and lot , with s good
JD well , comer 14th anil Pierce Streets. En
quire of Kred Lang. S GEIS. 4S7-lm
FOR SALK CHEAP Full lot on Davenport ,
between 26th and 20th street ; tiLO. En
quire of K. K. H A First National Bank.
' - 480-SO
c - -
RE'siDEtfCE LOTS-260 of them
CHOFE TJEMIS * new column , 1st page.
"OOKSALE AaristSUll. Applyat
1" 472-tf L.B WllAIAilS & SON.
,171 OR SALE A New American Sewing Machine -
! ' chine in good condition , with all attach-
menta . lluet 1 e' sold before the 15th of May.
For information ipplyatATKINSOVSMUllnery
Storo.corner Douglas and 13th Streets. 474-tt
OR SALE Good brick.
F 334-tf T. MUBRAY.
. SALE Two of the celebrated J. M ,
Brunswick & Balke Co.'s Nonpareil Bil
liard Tables. Neirly new. For sale cheap.
230-tf C. W. HAMIL'ION ,
Lady's pocketbook , on April 30tb , be
tween Lacy & Fleming's itore , Douglas
and Fourteenth-fits and upper Farnham-et. Tbe
finder will be suitably rewarded by lear ng it at
C. F. GOODMAN'S , 1110 F roham st. 611-1
from my premises on California
STRAYED 2Sd and 2Hh , a red cow with
star in forehead and white spots under body.
Finder will be suitably rewardeed by returning
RESIDENCE LOTS 2,500 of ; hem.
CHOICE BemU new column 1st page.
mAKEN UP One cow and calf. Cow is white
JL with small red spots , .et ! horn turns
downward. Calf roan , aoout two weeks old.
Owner can harer same by calling and paycbarg-
m27erys5t West Omaha Precinct.
T70E A FINE itfcaiunnuB front , Doorss
Jj counter. Mantle , Store fitting , veneered
work po to 1310 Dodge street , A. F. KAFERT &
CO. , Builders. p8fcv at-ttv
S1NAR 1110 Farnbam street , pays highest
price for second hand furniture ; alSlm
I have removed my stock to the
EEMOVAL 14th and Casa. Thote wanting any
goods In my line will do well to call , as I am
offering IBM than cont. E. F. COOK. 423-lm
OnflFBEE GIFTS valued at | 2,000 to all who
) U U buy of J. UUELLER ,
Council Bloffs , Iowa.
Circular inth 3 Pieces of Muaic
Mailed free. ian Oeodaw-tf
lre crIi > Uon Ffce. For tie speedy Cure o
eniloalWuLcees.lx > s > oOUnhood. nod sit di -
rders brought on trJBduCTei.oncfeic fcfl. Any
Addre&i _ . ,
. .Tf\
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest.
Large tracts suitable for
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State ,
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Improvec
Firms in Nebraska , many o :
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre ,
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Eesi
deuces from $3,000 to $20 ,
000. Many thousand vacant
lots in the additions to Omaha
Hundreds of lots scatterec
through the City. Houses anc
Lots , Business Houses anc
Lots , and all kinds of City
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , a
10 percent , interest to all who
can show good titles.
of Douglas and Sarpy
Counties for sale ,
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Fara , St. , Omaha , Neb.
For Kent.
Splendid cottage , 6 rcoms , all in the best con
dition , fruit and shade trees , stable , hard anc
tioft water , and 1 Acres of Ground , $120 a year
West Omaha , will sell fez $1,630.
ForSule ,
House and full lot on Webster Street , beat loci
tion in the city , $1,500 ; easy terma.
Twenty Thousand Dollars in small well secur
cd mortgages ranging from $200 to 81,000 , draw
ing 10 per cent interest , have been lately f laced
m our hands for sate , at small discount. 1'er
sons bavin ? a litile money to spare can make
caie and profitable loan in this way , without any
expense or commissions.
BOO 03 and HILL.
For Sale ,
Church Property and Parsonage in South Omaha
near Depot , at a very reasonable price- , _ ,
poooa and HILL.
Cottage and Lot ,
New 1-story frame house , 4 rooms , 2 closets' *
foot ceilings , double doors , etc. , 85 barrel cis
tern , full lot , all in Ko. 1 condition , 6 blocks
from Iligh School ; { 850 , on monthly payments
email cub payment requlrui.
Real Estate Brokers.
New Houses.
We are now prepared to build homes wort
from $400 to iiCO on our lots in our new addition
2Sth and 29th aid FarnhamDouglas and Dodge
and sell on small monthly payments.
BOG03 and HILL ,
$ COO to $1,000
Will buy you a new houseTdth one of the fines
lota in Omaha , on small monthly payment : .
For Sale ,
House and Let on street car-track , Shinn3 add
tion , $ l,9oO. BQCQS and HILL.
A New House
And full lot , one-half block from street cats
Shinn's Addition , 31,375.
The Cheapest
Residence Property in Omaha must bo sold In
stanter , W J Lot 4 , Block 47 , with a No. 1 house
of 7 rooms and all well improved ; southeai
corner 21st and Casa. Want best offer.
For Sale ,
Fine yountr horse , well broke aud suitable for
lady todiivo. BOGGS and lULL.
Wo want a contract to hava 203 acres cflant
broke at once. BOOOSand HILL.
Cheap Lots.
Look at tha loti in our new addition bea
lots for the money in Omaha , 29th and Farnham.
Residence Lots for Sale.
200 Lots in Kountze and
Euth's Addition.near business ,
good surroundings.loiscovered
withyoun trees , and are the
choicest , cheapest and nearest
business of any lota in the mar
ket. By all means look at lots
in Kountze and Euth's addition
before purchasing elsewhere.
"Will sell on monthlypayments.
Prices $400 to $650.
100O Residence Lots
Fronting 8 , 0,10 and llth streets , 6 to 10 blocks
south of depot , many of these lots are very de
sirable and for men of small means are , now the
cheapest and most easily purchased lots in Oma
b . 1'ricea $250 to $300. Monthly payments.
BOOOa and HiZiL.
15 Choice Lots
On Park Wild Avenus , only 3 to 4 blocks from
Depot , toOO to JCOO. Monthly payments.
CG of the Finest Lots
in Omaha , 10 to 12 blocks west of Postoffice and
Cour. House , on Farnham , Douzln and Dodge
streets ; finest views in the city from these lots.
Prices 1200 to $300 , on payments of $5 to $10
XT month.
And two-thirds of a lot , Chlcazo street , between
12th and 13tb ; rents for $300 a year. Price
81,500. BOOOS and HILL.
Houses and Lots.
New 2-story residence corner lot , choice loca
tion , 4 blocks fromFostofQce ; $3,500.
2 Houses and south i lot 1 , block 12 , on west
side of ISth street , befwtcn California and Web-
Bter streets ; $2.200
2-Story Brick House
With full lot , 2 blocks from new Court House *
$2,150. BOGGS and HILL.
Lots land 2 , block 230 $2,759
Lot 5 , block 15 1,500
1 Lot 2 , block 81 600
Lots 5 and 6 , block 252 1,200
South i Lots 1 and 2 , block 261 1,000
East i Lot 2 , block 121 2,600
West 4 Lot 2 , block 121 2,500
Lot 5 , block 227 COO
188 feet Lot 4 , block 20S 2,000
X.O3E725 a OXC. S.AJE.XJ.
East } Let 7 , block 102 $1,400
West i Lot. 8 , block 102 1,400
Middle i LotB.block 102 1,400
East i Lot 8block 102 2,000
Lot 5. block 259 00
East i Lot 6 , block 101 1,200
West i Lot C , block 101 . . $00
Immense Stock for
Fine Cnstoin-JIadc
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
For Men ,
Boys , and
Coder-Wear , Hats and Caps ,
Trunks and Valises , at
Prices to Suit All.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
Wo are now prepared to take orders for the justly celebrated clothingo
this house , which for Durability , Style and Cheapness are unsurpassed. Wo
have now on hand the best selected stock of Clothing , Shirta , FurniihJnz
Goods , etc. in the city.
Boston Clothing House ,
Dfinif IfTCDEDQWaniedtoresdtnelollowioKTea/ |
DUUlV flltCrLnOtimonials of the STOAKES Auro-
k MATIO PEN , by the use of which they can , with alight practice , make
LEDGER HEADINGS so uniform and artistic in appearance aa to be
quite beyond the comprehension of all not familiar with their pro-
duction. Several headings can be made with one dip of Ink in two
minutes , which can not be duplicated by the most successful sign . '
writer in as many hours. Visiting cards may be written which n
( only be equalled by Steel Engraving or Lithographic processes. BAJTK , Chicago , Augnit ST. 1ST9 W bar *
used the Automatic Pen , and finds it works perftct , and ratkM
tbe finest Ledger Headings wa ever raw. Any penon can DM It.
. . . . , u. . . . . . . . NATIONAL BASZ , Chicago , 111. , September i ,
1879 The best instrument la rapid and uniform lettering I
ever used. C. J. DORBANCE , AceouUnt.
CnAKTiR OAK Siova MjurcTAcrctrao Co. , St. Louij , Mo. , February -
ruary 21st I am using tha Stokes Automatic Pen ( or our
Books , btaUmentt and Letter Packages and find it very nluibla
this and many other purposes ! /
A. L BERRT , BookHeeper.
Shipcing Clerks and Grocers will throv i-rayM
their marking brushes after seeing the Autima-/
tic Pen work. Price , per set (3 ( sizes complete ,
with Desk Holders ) , $1. Circulars sent , ad
dressed with pen. on application.
Gen. Western Agent , Quincy , HL
Pianos and Organs Sold on Easy
Monthly Installments ,
1. HOSPE , Jr.
decii-eod ISIfi itodge Street *
Uses a Straight Self-Setting Needle and
makes the Double-Thread
"Lock-Stitch. "
It Is the Perfection of Mechanism for
Fringing , Buffing , Gathering , Hem
stitching , Etc.
It is adapted to every variety of sowing , from the
lightest muslins to the heaviest cloths , and will do a
greater range of work than any other machine.
It has the most complete attachments ever applied tea
a Sewing Machine , and amen ; ; these we call attention
to our Adjustable TJndorbraider , which is superior to
all other braiders , and is not furnished with any other
It is the Simpliest , Easiost-Kunning , best-made , and
most elegantly ornamented machine in the world , and * - . * .
combines in one machine every requisite to produce a
perfect machine.
Ladies are especially invited to examine the "NEW
HOME , " and become conversant with its merits.
N. W. Cor. 16th fe Wflbarar. OMAHA. NEB.
1317 & 1319 DOUGLAS STREET ,
OM- :
apu-ti positively no Sold at Retail.
Orders Solicited. Samples Seat on Application.
| [ PRACTICAL HA.fHcn flnu UtUUHAlUK ,