Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1879, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    VOL. 15. OIMAHA EBEASKA , FRIDAY , OCTOBER 3 , 1879. NO. 91
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
Its Path Traced No Further
Than Lake Michigan.
Grave Apprehensions of the
Fate ot Wise and Burr.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat , Oct. I.
\ The passengers in the "Pathfinder , "
Prof. Wise's trans-continental-bound
balloon , which left Lindell Park at 5
o'clock Sunday afternoon , are still un
heard from , and the probabilities now
seem to be that they have met as sei.-
aational a fate as that which overtook
Prof. Donaldson and Grimwood , the
young journalist , who bc it four
years ago left Chicago fOrvauTurriel
trip , and of whom nothing was ever
found or known after lsave a decom
posed and mangled iody thrown up
by the waves on the Michigan shore
and recognized as the remains of poor
Grimwood , and some fragments of
balloon netting And tattered muslin
all that were left to tell the tale of a
perilous vojage that ended in death
and disaster to the two men who ven
tured their lives in the mid-air ship
that was was wrecked on the lake erin
in the pinenes. The victims of the
latest aeronatic adventure , if
they should turn out to be
victims , as present circumstances
strongly indicate they are , are Prof.
John W. Wise , and Mr. Geo. Burr.
The manner of their departure from
terra firma was explained at length in
Monday morning's Globe-Democrat ;
( ho breakage of the netting ; the char-
aoier of "the ballon material ; -the
quantity of the gas ; the peril of
tnac surrounded the space
whence the air ship made its initial
spring ; the conjecture * of the multi
tudes who witnessed the ascent as to
the probable result of the trip , and
& * - the fortunate escape of the amateur
aeronaut of thia paper , who didn't ge
up , for no other reason in the world
than that there was no room for him
all these facts were pleasantly al
luded to and set forth ; but now it be
comes the duty of the chronicler to
deal with the subject with a sterner
and .more sympathetic pencil ,
aid to preface his gloomy in
ferences with the hope that , in the
end , all may turn out for the better ,
and that the Professor and his com
panion are still in the land of the
living with every prospect of coming
back to greet their friends again in
the flesh. After the "Pathfinder"
iras loosed from its moorings it took
its final departure from view m a
northeastern direction ; since then it
was heard from at several points along
this line , the last point of view report
ed in a special to thia paper , being L
porto. Ind. , when it was noted as
heading for Lake Michigan , and so re
ported in yesterday morning's Globe
Democrat. Since theu not a word u
information has been received in this
city , either by Mr. Mabley , the cloth
ier , with whom Prof. Wise was to
communicate as soon as possible after
his landing , or by Mr. Burr.President
of the St. Louis National Bank , to
whom Mr. George Burr , a relative ,
was to telegraph his safe landing
at once. Mr. Burr and Mr. Mabley
that the balloonists are' ' lost , and
those of the public who have inter
ested themselves to inquire into the
matter have also made up their minds
that St. Louis is to be entered in the
great record book of disasters as the
startiug point of a balloon ascension ,
the result of which must remain
mystery until accident or long re
search is pleased to reveal it. Many
of those who saw the "Pathfinder '
leave Sunday afternoon predicted
that it would not be an ordinary bal-
Ifton voy&ge. The balloon in the
first plce was not of the capacity ,
even \rhon sufficiently filled , for such
an extended trip as Prof. Wise an
nounced that he intended to make ; in
the next , it was not more than hall
inflated when cut loose ; and , finally ,
it was not provided with sufficient bal
last , tackle , provisions or any of the
ordinary contingencies of an extended
trip through the upper air. The ar
rangements altogether were apparent
ly on a scanty and incomplete scale ,
and , with the experience which Prof.
Wise's years gave him reason to claim ,
it certainly afforded an opportunity
for questioning the preparations for so
extensive a trip as was announced.
Indeed , The Globe-Democrat reporter
who writes this article has made an
ascension which did not involve much
more than a trans-Mississippi journey ,
in broad daylight , in a larger , better
and stronger ballon and the appoint
ments for that ascension were of a far
superior character to those of Prof.
Wise's last Sunday. Add to this that
the balloonist always dreads the dark
for a descent ; that the dark is unfav
orable to anchoring a balloon , the de
scent being , even in daylight , the most
difficult and dangerous part of the trip ,
and the reader will understand that
Prof. Wise and his companion , in their
insecure air-ship , that could not yossi-
bly remain up for twelve hours , if in
deed it could sail for that length of
time , had a terrible death staring them
in the face from the moment the
and that their escape was only a ques
tion of miracle , and of the most ex
traordinary sort of miracle at that.
A report was on the street , yesterday ,
that a balloon had been brought into
the city by one of the express compa
nies. AB this seemed to furnished a
. clew to the aeronaut , a Globe-Demo-
Vrat reporter visited the various ex
press companies in the city , but ascer
tain that the rumor was unfounded ,
and that it was only one of the many
flippant assertions that were made in
regard to the balloon and balloouists.
Mr. Mabley'a store was again visited
at a late hour , and Mr. Burr was also
sought , but both gentlemen were as
ignorant as the rest of the public ,
although they expressed themselves
that they \rould certainly be in pos
session of information if any were to
be had , in regard to the voyageurs.
Every possible source of news was
scoured by the reporter , but in Tain.
No one knew anything , and almost
everybody had given up all hope all
united in the apprehension that the
two men are lost.
The theory that they fell into Lake
Michigan and were drowned is not be
lieved , and the latest solution is that
they descended at night in the piner
ies in the north of Michigan , where
they are now , either dead , or maimed ,
or wandering aimlessly in search of an
opening toward life and civilization in
those wild woodlands.
Bjr Associated Press.
. The Grand Duke Frederick of Ba
den , son-in-law of the emperor of
j Germany , will go txj Vienna on the
21st inst. , on an extraordinary mis-
JulesJFerryFrench miaiBterofpublic
instruction , speaking at Lyons , said
the ministry would accept no com
promise on clause 7 of the education
* -
bill -
Charles F. MacDonaldsuperintend
ent of the United States money order
system , arrived in Berlin Wednesday
to negotiate a new postal money order
The St. Petersburg Golos states
that 11,854 persons were incarcerated
in the central prison , Moscow , during
the summer , 10,477 of whom were
condemned to exile in Siberia.
' Owing jo the unfavorable reports of
the labor market1 ; in" " America , tht
Nctrth Wales Slate Qilarrymen's Unioa
have declined to give further pecuniary
assistance to members desiring to emi-
It is regarded certain in Berlin that
JBiswarck will not take an active put
in the forthcoming session of the Prus
sian diet. He will bo represented in
the diet by Count Stalbery Werm-
grode , vice president of the Prussian
ministry. (
A dispatch from Brussels says at a
largely attended meeting of iron-mak
ers at Charteral , it was stated that or
ders for iron and all information from
foreign iron markets justified belief in
the general and lasting revival in the
iroa irado.
It is officially announced in Madrid
that the government of San Domiugo.
will dismiss the military officers , who
caused to be shot two insurgent Do
minican generals taken last , winter
from a Spanish vessel at Puerto Plata ,
on board of which they had gone for
refuge , and will pay an indemnity to
the heirs of the slaughtered generals ;
and also that San Domingo will salute
the Spanish flag.
The affray near Castle Bar , Ireland ,
Tuesday , in which two men are repor
ted killed , is believed to be an agra
rian outrage. It is reported four men
fired on the Marquis of Sligo's agent
and that fire was returned. Accounts
of the affair are very conflicting. The
JSIarquis of Holport and his agent have
received letters threatening death un
less the rent is reduced.
Fierce Mfrhttngr in Louisiana.
New Orleing tpecial to The Globe-Democrat.
The fiercest fight within the Demo
cratic party ever known is now going
on between the supporters of Wiltz
and Ogden , the rival candidates for
the gubernatorial nomination by the
State convention which meets at Baton
Rouge on October G. Each faction is
striving to carry the primary election
on the 3d , and every means is being
used to that end. Wiltz is the repre
sentative of the local ring which con-
troll all offices and carry all elections.
Ogtlen is best known as the
leader of the White League on the
14th of September , 1874 , when the
Kellogg government was overthrown ,
and on the" 8th of January , 1877 ,
when Nicholls was installed into the
executive chair. The bitterness be
tween the factions in something unequaled -
qualed and liable to split the party.
Already a number of street fights have
occurred , during which pistols were
fired and knives used , but without se
riously injuring any one. Late on
Saturday night a man named Pat
Tracy , and a strong Ogden man , was
waylaid and cruelly beaten by a mob
supposed to be acting in the interest
of the other factioi. In consequence
of these affrays the community has
become alarmed and the gravest fears
are entertained of an outbreak before
the primaries come off.
Meteorological Summary for Month
of September , 1870.
Mean daily barometer , 29.971 inches.
Mean daily thermometer , 70.9" .
Mean daily humidity , 60.1 per cent.
Highest barometer , 30.408 24th.
Lowest barometer , 29.529 26th.
Monthly range of barometer , 0.898.
Highest thermometer , 8826th. .
Tiowest thermometer , 37 * 24th.
Monthly ranije of temperature , 51 ° .
Greatest daily range of temperature , 35 °
Least daily range of temperature , 7 °
Mean of maximum temperatures , 72.2 ° .
Mean of minimum temperatures , 51.7 ° .
Mean daily range of temperature , 20.4 ° .
Total runfall ! . inches.
Prevailing wind , North.
Total movement of wind , 6.683 miles.
Maximum velocity of wind and direction ,
32 miles per hour , from the North 7th.
Number of foggy days none.
Number of clear days , 15.
-Num er of fair days , 12.
Number of cloudy days on which rain
Number of cloudy days on which no rain
fell , 1L '
Total number of days on which rain
fell , 8.
Dates of auroras none.
Dates of solar halos none.
Dates of lunar h tlos 26th and 27th.
Dates of frost-8th , 12th , 13th , 18th ,
20th and 24th.
Sergeant , Service U. S. A.
Omaha , Neb. , Oct. 1,1879.
If ynur baby is restless while teeth
ing , get Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. A
dose of it will relieve the sufferer at
once. Only 25 cents a bottle.
The advantages inyfte use of Dr.
Price's Special Flavoring Extracts are
decided , as they are put up in bottles
of full measure ; made from the true
ruits and aromatics , without poison
ous oils or ethers , pure and true.
We offer a first-class white laun-
Iried shirt , with an improved rein-
iorced front , made of Wamsutta mus-
In , 3-ply bosom and cuffs , of 2200
linen , at the reduced price of 81.50.
The work nship , fit and style cf our
shirts are placed in competition with
my shirt sold m Omaha. We guaran-
tse entire satisfaction , or will refund
the money. We make to order every
jrade of shirts and underwear , givev
setter goods for less money than can
ae got elsewhere. Our fancy imported
ihirtings are of the choicest patterns.
[ n underwear we cannot be under
Omaha Shirt Factory , 252 Farnham ,
opposite Grand Centra ) Hotel.
"urns any hair to nature's most beautiful bronn
> y one application. Contains no lead or bad
odor ; does not nine of or stain tbe > kin , and a
lear and harmless as water. $1.00 per bottle
DC La Banta's "Advice to Ladle * , " 33.00. Devel
per , $6.00. Money refunded if not satisfactory
DE LA BANTA & CO. , 170 State Street , CHJ
1- > " i , r - K
r , , sr. . 4. i , f : . * .
The Eepublican- Postmaster at
BlackfilIeS. ( 0. ) Again-
Assaulted !
White League Democrats
Draw Their Knives and
Threaten to Cut His $
Heart Out.
Ex-Senator Vjckers , of Mary
land , Lying at the Point
of Death.
" * * _ LJ ! _
. - . ' / "
Vanderbilt aud Flood"the Larg
est Single Bondholders in
the Country.
Quarterly Interest Amounts
to the Sum of $50,000.
National Banks Mysteriously
Reducing Their Capital.
"You Damn Blactc Nlggfer. "
Special Dispatch to Tnx BEE.
WASUINCTON , October 2 4 p. m.
In a letter to The National Repub
lican , Postmaster Nix , of Blackville ,
S. 0. , says that three days subsequent
to.hi . , alternated assassination he was
agam * attacked by a small party of
white Democrats in a store ,
where he had gone to make some pur
chases. These persons , with knives
drawn , cursed and threatened him ,
saying : "You , a d d nigger , have
got the poatoffico , and we are not go
ing to stand it. " By the assistance ol
the proprietor of the store Nix suc
ceeded in getting away without being
of Maryland , is lying at the point of
death at Chestertown , Md. , from an
attack of heart disease.
Special dispatch to TUB BEE.
WASHINGTON ; October 3 , 9 a. m.
Among the checks sent out from the
treasury m the payment of quarterly
interest on the 4 per-cent loan , was
one of § 50,000 to the order of Wm.
H. Vanderbilt , being the quarterlyin-
terest on § 5,000,000 registered
in his name. Mr. J. Flood , of San
Franciscohas , also $5,000,000 of regis
tered stock of five per cent , bonds ,
which have not yet been called. These
gentlemen are the two largest single
holders of registered stock.
from the tax on the capital of banks
and bankers , other than national and
savings banks , has declined very much
for some months. The Treasury
officials think the banks deliberately
evade the law. Certain wealthy New
York firms , which have branch houses
in Europa , are suspected of managing
their affairs so as to rharge all their
capital to Iheir foreign branches. In
their returns to the internal revenue
collector they jstate , therefore , that
they have no capital and thus evade
the law.
of St. Louis , is here to ask the De
partment of Justice to sustain him in
the vigorous prosecution of the
officials of theNational Bank of Mis
A Grand Industrial Parade.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
INDIANAPOLIS , October 2 , 4 p. m.
The Grand Industrial parade is a complete -
-plete success President Hayes and
Sherman , escorted by the military ,
were at the head of the procession ,
which was reviewed by Mrs. Hayes
from a platform in front of the post-
office. It was two hours and five
minutes in passing that Point
, Senator Conkllng Very Sick.
Special Dispatch to TTIE BKE.
UTICA , N. Y. , October 3 6 a. m.
Senator Conkling has been very sick ,
although the fact has been kept from
the public. He has bven confined to
his bed eight days. He sat up yes
terday for the first time. It is doubt
ful if he will be able to take any part
in the campaign.
Tbe Erie Management.
Special Dispatch to TUB Bus.
NEW YORK , October 3 6 a. m.
Something mysterious is going on in
regard to Erie to-day. The Herald
says the English reorganization trustees - i
tees have arranged with Vanderbilt
to elect his son Cornelius president ,
and Jewett will take a position with
the Western Union Telegraph.
Memphis Revives.
Special Dispatch to THE BIE.
MEMPHIS , October 2 4 p. m One
death reported this morning. No
new cases. Ferer footprints are rap
idly disappearing , and the city is as
suming its wonted business activity.
Refugees are coming in and resuming
their various occupations.
Neec of Popular Education in the
Associated Press Dispatch.
'NEW YoRk , October 2. The re
port of the general agent of the Peabody -
body Education Fund states that there
is a necessity tor the Federal govern
ment granting some aid to the South
ern States in their efforts to educate
the ignorant classes , greater than ever
before , as the evils that grow out of
popular ignorance spread a blight over
the whole country. With two million
children still without the means of
instruction , the danger of the titua-
tion is apparent The school popula
tion of Virginia is 280,344 white and
202,800 colored. Of these , but 203j ,
000 were enrolled in the schools of ' |
1878. In North -Carolina the school 1
population waa 273,767 white , and 1
143,612 colored. The total enroll
ment'Was 228,000. .
Stilson Hutchins Receives As
surances From Cypher
Special Dispatch to the Bee.
NEW YORE , October 3 6 a. m.
In order to straighten up Tilden wit'
the Democracy , Stilson Hutchings
the proprietor of The Washington
Post , cams here for an interview
Cypher.Sammy repudiated his recen
assertions , and closed by saying , "
am not now and have not-been "doin
anything to obtain the Presidentia
nomination. "
A Guerrilla War.
Special Dispatch to Tbe Bee.
VIENNA , October 2 4' p. m. Th
disturbance is East Roumelia is be
coming a guerrilla war. There is a
gang of 600 well armed diechargec
soldiers in the mountainous district
of the west.
Ine Attack an Cabul.
Special Dispatch U , thr Bee
SIMLA , October 2 , 4 p. m. The
cavalry brigade of Gen. Roberts' ad
vance guard reached Zabid Ahad to
day. The whole expeditionary force
will be concentrated for an attack on
Cabul by Sunday next.
Deadwood's Sisters of Charity fair
netted over 81000.
Game on Indian creek has never
been so plentiful as at present.
The celebrated bribery case was be
gun in Deadwood on the 22d ult.
The Bobtail title to the Caledonia
has been absorbed by the Homestake
Homestake stock is now selling at
840 a share , or 8400,000 for the
whole property. _ -
The ore body on the Golden Gate
as at present developed , is over one
hundred feet in width.
The deepest shaft in the Black
Hills is at the Justice mine. It is 230
feet from top to bottom.
A young rascal , pretending to be a
nephew of Aucust Belmont , has been
duping the people of the Hills.
Deadwood's new water works re
ceived their first trial at the recent
fire. Owing to a deficiency of hose
the trial was not satisfactory.
They now talk of changing the
name of JDeadwood to "Burntwood , "
which would be far more appropriate.
It had forty-two gambling-houses anc
no fire engine.
J. C. Blair , of Whitewood , threshec
78i bushels of No. 1 wheat from
field of 25 acres. This averages
31.9-25 bushels to the acre/withoui
any irrigation.
The High gold mill , formerly
known as the Elliott mill of Golden
Gate , which was lately moved to Ter-
raville , will be ready to drop her
stamps in a few days. The crushin
capacity of the mill has been increase :
by the addition of ten stamps.
Prof. J. G. Smith while excavating
for a building on his addition to tht
town of Deadwood , struck a vein oi
gold-bearing quartz which promises to
eclipse all the bonanzas of the Hills.
The vein shows a face of fifteen feet.
The noted despe'tido , Bad Lane
Charley , was arrested on the Red-
water last week. His raids as a horse-
thief are said to be without number ,
the theatre of his operations extend
ing from Texas to the British Poa-
Paid for His Leg.
Associated Press Dispatch.
BOSTON , October 2. In the Su
preme Court the jury awarded John
E. Green , who lost a leg in the Wol
laaton disaster on the Old Colony rail
road , October 8th , 1878 , 815,633.
Green sued for 820,000. The com
pany will not contest its liability , but
the amount.
Tammany and the Elections. *
Associated Press Dispatch.
NEW YOKE , October 2. The man
damus proceedings before the extra
ordinary term of the Supreme Court
to compel the police commissioners to
appoint one Tammany inspector in
each election district , were adjourned
to-day , owing to the illness of Judge
A Grand Stand Falls.
Associated Press Dispatch.
DETROIT , Mich. , October 2. An
Adriana ( Mich. ) special gives the par
ticulars of an accident that occurred
at the county seat fair grounds in
that city this tfternoon. About 2000
people had assembled on the newly-
jrected grand stand to witness the
races. The centre of the grand stand
gave way with a crash. The front fell
outward , and the back fell into the
river , precipitating the mass of people
among the ruins.
The work at once commenced to ex
tricate the dead and wounded , and
the Opera House was opened and
many of the dead and wounded , as
fast as extricated , were carried there.
Many of the injured were taken away
by their friends , so that the actual'
number injured cannot be given.
The killed are M. 31. Merck. Adri
an ; Mrs. Hubbard , Jasper , Mich. ;
two boys , about twelve years of age ,
named Hyde and Mosher ; David
Plumadore , Petersburg , Mich. , aged
eighteen ; William Mulzer , Adrian.
Buried Booty Unearthed.
Associated Press Dispatch.
BALTIMORE , October 2 In Septem
ber , 1878 , the National bank of Balti
more was robbed of two tin boxesone
containing 835,000 in bank notes ,
belonging to the bank ; the other con
tained bonds aggregatirg § 28,000 , de
posited by the late CoL William
Boone , together with stock certificates
and private letters.
Friday last , a young man hunting
in the woods neat Woodbury , saw two
men Bounding for something buried.
Tuesday last the same person saw two
men digging at the same place. At
night the young man with several
friends , went to the spot and by dig
ging unearthed a tin box , which con
tained CoL Boone's bonds and a num
ber of his private papers.
Magnificent Display of the
Products of Saunders
County , |
Thousands of Peoplft From All
Parfs of .the State in
Attendance !
The Omaha Militia Prepared to
Capture Lasting Honors
"From the Cannon's
- Mouth.
The Perky Boom.
Special Dispatch to Tne Bee.
WAHOO , Neb. , October 2 3 p. m.
The Saunders County Fair is prov
ing a grand success. I wish every
person in Omaha could see the dis
play in floral and agricultural halls.
The military have their sham battle
Dictator travels against tine , and
the free for all race takes place to
morrow afternoon. A. SAUNDERS.
Special Dicpatch to Till BEH.
WAHOO , October 2 3 p. m The
grandest fair ever held in tic State
will be continued to-morrow. ' Dicta
tor travels against time in the tee for
all. New races and new features have
been arranged for to-morrow. Ten
thousand people are on the grounds.
The military stop over for another bat
tie. E. F. SMTTHE.
New Tore Monev and Stock
KEW YORK , Ocbber 2.
MONEY 6@7l
0. 8. 68i881 105 ]
0. S. 6-208 , New _ Iv3 >
New4Js 1051
O. S. tte , currencies _ . . . 121
U. a New 4 per cent „ . . . . . ' . 102
Western Union Tele.-rai-Q 93 !
Pacific Mail 32' '
New York Central. 119
Kris _ 1. . 36 ]
Erie preferred. . . . . , 591
Union Pacific S6
Lake Shore 04 ]
llinols entral _ „ . 9j
onhweatefn , { 84'
Sorthwestirn preferred _ 101
flock Islanfi - . . ' 39 ;
St. Paul. . . . ' . . * ? . . fS1
St. Paul preferred 97J
" ' " " " ° " " ' " ' " " "
c. , B. &Q ! . ! . ! . ! . . ! ! ! ! ii3) )
I7an. &St. Jo. ' . 24 ;
Chlcaso Produce.
Special Dispatch to TUB BEE
CHICAGO , October 2 4 p. m.
Corn 3Cic.
Pork Quiet ; § 9J90.
Hogs Firmer ; heavy packers3 25
@ 360.
CHICAGO , October 2.
Wheat Less active and somewhat
unsettled ; No. 2 gilt edge , 81' 04 |
© 1 05J , closed at § 1 05J bid cash ;
§ 1 041 OGJ , closed at § 1 05J Octo
ber ; SI 06f@l 08 | , closed at § 1 07J
bid November ; § 1 08g@l 09 | , closed
at § 1 081 December ; new No. 3 , 98 ®
99c , closed at 98 c ; Nos. 1 and 2 red
winter , SI 09 @ 110 , closed at SI 10.
Corn Moderately active and ave
raging a shade higher ; No. 2 and high
mived , 36g@36gc , closed at 36j < § 36c
cash , 3Gg@3Ggc , closed at 36 c bid
October ; 3636fc. | closed at 3Gjc
November ; 37 @ 37ic , closed at 3c
May ; rejected , 35c.
Oats Quiet , without important
change No. 2 gilt edge , 2G @ 2G c
cash ; 2GJ@26jjc , closed at 2GJc Octo
ber ; 27j@271c , closed at 27Jc bid No
vember ; 27c December ; 31J@31c
closed at 3l c May ; rejected , L'4c.
Rye No. 2 , 69Jc cash or Octo
ber ; Gl c bid November
Barley No. 2 , 74@74Jc bid cash ,
74 c October ; 7677c November.
Pork In light demand and higher ;
$9 90@9 95 cash ; $9 90 October ; $820
@ 8 22 November ; § 8 72J@8 85 Jan
Lard Quiet ; 6 25 cash ; SG 27J ®
6 30 October ; S5 65 < g5 67 November ;
85 67 @ 5 70 January.
Bulkmeats Boxed shoulders , S3 85
< § 3 90 ; short clear , S3 40 < § 3 45 ; short
rib , S5 505 60
Butter Creamery , 18c26c ; good
to choice dairy. 10 ? ? .
Et'gs 19@19o.
Whisky At SI 08.
Wheat No. 2 spring quiet and
steady ; 'SI 05@1 05J seller October ;
81 07@1 07i November , closed at
8107 $ .
Corn Steady ; 3Gc October ; 3GJ ©
36jjc November ; 3737ic " May.
Oats Dull and nominal.
Mess Pork Quiet ; 89 879 90
) ctober ; S8 408 42J November ;
§ 8 72J8 75 January.
Bulk Meats Sh.rt rib sides , § 4 85
id October.
St. iouia Produce.
ST. Louis , October 2.
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Opened higher , but de
clined ; extra red , $1 10i@l lOg cash ;
81 Of@l 11J October ; § 112 112J
November ; § 114115 December.
Coin Inactive ; 35c cash ; no op
tions ,
Oats Higher ; 24jc cash ; 24jjc Oc
tober ; Sole November.
Rye iligher ; 63c.
Whisky Steady at § 1 08.
Pork Quiet at § 9 90.
Dry Lalt bleats Unchanged ; small
lots , So 15@5 75@5 90.
Lard Nominal.
St. Louia Live Stocfe
ST. Louis , October 2.
Hogs Packing lower ; other grades
firm ; mixed packing , S3 25 < § 3 45 ;
Yorkers and Baltimores , S3 403 55 ;
butchers to select heavy , S3 45@3 65 ;
receipts , 5500 head.
Cattle Weak and slow , but not
quotably changed ; receipts , 700 head.
Sheep Quiet and unchanged ; re
ceipts , 800 head ; shipments none.
Milwaukee Produce Martlet.
MILWAUKEE. October 2.
Wheat Firm ; opened Jc higher ;
closed nrmhard ; , § 1 07J ; No. 1 Mil
waukee , SI 06 ; No. 2 do , $1 05J ; Oc
tober , SI 05 | ; November ; SI 07 ;
December , SI 09 ; No. 3 do , 98cNo.
4 , 91 c ; rejected , 86jc.
Corn Steadv , quiet and in fair de
mand , No. 2 , SGJc. .
Oats Quiet and easier ; No. 2 , 26 .
" Rye Quiet and steady at 69c.
Barley Higher and active ; -No. 2
spring , GWc.
Chicago Live StocE Marnet.
CHICAGO , October 2.
Hogs Receipts , 26,000 head ; ship
ments , 7,300 head ; mixed packing
grades off , not a house operating and
trade lifeless at § 3 203 40 ; choice
heavy and prims light bacon grades
firm ; extreme range of prices on
light good heavy , S3 453 80 ; bulk of
sales at S3 G0@3 75.
Cattle Receipts , 5200 head ; ship
ments , 1300 head ; there was a shade
more life in trade , but values were
dull and unchanged ; shipping grades ,
S3 504 60 ; stockers , quite easy ;
butchers' stock weak and lower ; west
ern and through Texans in large sup
ply and lower ; many largo droves re
main unsold.
Sheep Receipts , 900 head ; ship
ments , none. Trade slow and mar
ket at a decline.
New York Produce.
NEW YORK , October 2.
Wheat Steady ; receipts , 354,000
bushels ; ungraded spring , SI 16 ®
1 21i ; No. 3 spring , SI 17@119 ; No.
2 do'Sl 21@1 22 ; ungraded winterred ,
8119@1 28 ; No. 3 do , 8119@1 20 ;
No. 2 do , SI 271 28J ; No. 1 do ,
S127128J ; mixed winter , $1 26 ®
@ 1 26J ; ungraded amber.Sl 221 28A ;
No. 2 amber , SI 27@127fc ; No. 1 am
ber , SI 28J.
Rye Firm and quiet ; No. 2 west
ern , 78c.
Corn Demand active ; receipts280-
000 bushels , ungradsd. 52 @ 54jc ;
No. 2 52J@53o ; round yellow , 63c ;
No. 2 , October , 53Jc bid , 53fu asked ;
November , 54 c bid , 54c asked ; De
cember , 54c bid ; 55\o asked.
Oats Moderately active ; receipts
38 000 bushels ; mixed western , 35 ©
37ic ; white do , 3640c.
EgeaWeak ; western , 17A19c.
Pork Dull ; mess , 89 50@9 75.
Lard Quiet ; prime steam , 86 45 ©
Butter Dull ; western , 9@27c.
Cheese Quiet ; western , 7 © 12c.
Whisky Nominal.
Failure of the Government to
Pay Its Debts the Cause
of the Outbreak.
List of Officials at White Hirer
Associated Press Dispatch.
DENVER , October 2. The causes of
the Ute outbreak , as stated .from
Washington , are a mistake. There
has been no encroachments on their
reservation. Prospectors never went
to Washington to urge Congress to
disregard the treaty. The northern
Utestwho attacked Tturnburgh , were
iioY interested in the demand of the
Los Pines Utes. The cause of the
outbreak was probably s
failure of the government to pay
87900 due under the Brunet trea
ty of 1873 , by which the San Jose
mining region was ceded by the Utes
to Colorado. Congress and the Colorado
rado people have never asked the
transfer of the Utes to the Indian
The tollowing is a list of those at
White River Agency , probably : Agent
N. 0. Meeker , wife and daugnter ; Jo
sephine Agreventy , Frank and Henry
Dresser , E. L. MansfieldW. H.Post , ,
Mr , and Mrs. Price and two childaen ,
Fred Shepherd , Geo. Eaton and a
boy named Thompson.
By Associated Press.
The Grant party will enter the Yosemite -
semite Valley to-day , They will re
main until Monday and then return
by the Big Tree and Merced to San
General Tyner , assistant postmaster
general , and friends are one hundred
and fifty miles east of the scene of
Thornburgh's disaster , with a moun
tain range between them , and free ,
from danger unless the outbreak
among the Indians is more general
than was supposed.
The investigation of Senator Ingalls
continues at Topeka , Kas.
The Chicago and Northwestern rail
road has purchased the short road
known as the Toledo and Northwest
ern road rurning from Tama City to
Toledo , Iowa , and will extend it to
Traer City , a distance of ten miles.
Frank F. Boynton , receiving teller
of the North Bank of Boston , is a de
faulter to the amount of 824,000 ,
caused by sptculations in California
mining stocks.
Silvador , the Indian who murdered
Paul Rieger , in Maria county , Cali
fornia , last spring , was hanged at
San Rafael yesterday afteinyon. He
confessed to five other murders. He
met his death with firmness.
The steamship France , from Havre
to New York , brought 860,000 in gold
coin In 20-franc pieces.
The arrears of pension claimants to
the amount of $20,734.s07 , have been
settled up to October 1st. The aver
age amount of arrears in each case is
8545. The uhole number of cases
settled in September it. 289.
The following is the coinage of the
United States mints for September :
133,532 p'eces ' ; value , 81,896,120 ;
silver , 2,369,200 pieces ; value 82-
369,092 ; minor coinsl,469,150 pieces ;
value , 814,964 ; total 3.998,912 pieces ;
total values 89,279,906.
At a recent meeting of the Wash
ington monumental society a letter
was received from Dom Pedro , Empe
ror of Brazil , formally presenting the
society the stones which he has sent
to this country to bo placed in the
The joint executive railroad com
mittee has voted an advance in eastbound -
bound rates to a basis of 35 cents engrain
grain , 40 cents fourth class , and 50
cents for live hogs from Chicago to
New York , to take effect October 13.
fire at Fremont.
Herald Special.
FEEMONT , Neb. , October 3. The
Farmers' Hotel , with the barns be
longing thereto , caught fire at 8
o'clock this evening , and the barns
were both destroyed.
They were all in a blaze before the
alarm was given. This is the third
time these barns have been burned.
The stock in the barns were all got-
ien out. The heat was intense , and
our firemen did all that was possible ,
and did well to save the hotel , which
s only about thirty feet from the
jams. The loss is estimated at from
82,500 to 83,000. Partly insured.
Prospects of tbe Eepubli-
can Ticket in the
Empire State ,
A Fauorable Outlook for the
Man on Horseback.
Secretary Evarts Interviewed
Concerning the English
Washington Special to tbe Globe-Democrat.
A prominent Government official ,
who has spent several weeks in New
York , said to-day that the political
situation in that State was all that he
as a stalwart Republican could wish ;
that the defection of Curtis will not
seriously affect the result , as , after a
careful survey of the ground , he could
find nothing to warrant the belief that
Mr. Curtis would be able to carry
more than
with him ; that he was aware that ho
perhaps felt more interest in the suc
cess of Cornell than was to be expect
ed from an official under the present
administration , but he found that
New York Republicans , while taking
very little interest in the many plans
of the administration for the political
advancement of some of its members ,
were thoroughly in earnest in
securing the election of Cornell ,
even at the cost of sacrificing a few
aspiring reformers , or crushing the
Presidential aspirations of gentlemen
who thought a Democratic Governor
at Albany would leave them more
room for manipulating a boom ; that
the election of Cornell meant that the
New York delegation to the Republi
can convention of next year would
cast their votes for the "silent man , "
whose name is a tower of strength
among the Eepublicans of the Empire
Secretary Evarts attention having
been called to the reportthat the Pre
sident contemplated offering the Eng
lish mission to Gen. Grant , he stated
that his first knowledge of such a de
termination was from newspaper tele
gram ; that he had had several con
versations with the President regard
ing the filling of the mission.
Grant's name had never been men
tioned in that connection with
it , and he did not believe
that the President had ever entsrtain-
ed an idea of tendering it to him.
The Secretary also prnopunces as
absurd and ridiculous the statements
sent from here that he himself was
considering the propriety of accepting
this position. The name of the gen
tleman to whom the English mission
will be offerred will not be made pub
lic until after the fall elections , as he
particularly desired that no mention
should be made before.
OH ! MY have
are so , your diseased Kidneys Do
not delay , but try
. U at once HUNTS
BACK ! Great Kidney
and Ijlv r
Medicine , u is
prepared EXPKEaSLY for Diseases of tha
kidneys. BL.dder , Liver and Urinary Organs ,
Dropsy , Gravel , Diabetes Bright' * Disease of the
Kidneys , Incontinence or Retention of Urine ,
and Female Weakness. HUNT'S REMEDY
has neverbenn known to fall.
MOORESTOWX , Bur. Co.N. J .Sept. 18,1878.
WM. E. CMRKE- Dear Sir : Eighteen months
ago I had "rop yaround theheartmy physicians
and friends despaired of my ever getting well.
The first bottle of HUNTS RKMEDY gave me
irreat relief. I feel I owe my very existence to
HUNTS REMEDY , and I am deeply thankful.
SPRISOFIELD , Efflngham Co. . Gco.May 17,1879
WM. E. CLALKS , Dear Sir : I prescribed
HUNTS REMEDY In a complicated case , of
Dropsy which I had been treating for eight years ,
and I find HUNTS REMEDY is the best medi
cine for Dropsy and the Kidneys I have ever
used. W. H. WILSON M. D.
has cured bunU 11 H | i
dreds wh have El II IV J %
been given up by § * f
Physicians. It
cleanse ? , puririe- _ m mm
and strengthens W M f VV m *
the whole system. ! * § | U | 11 W
All who use < ' | lBYLlf I
enjoyifoodhcalth. " " * " " * 1
Pamphlet to
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
At a County Court held in the Couity Court
Ronm.inandforsai.lCountysept mber2HhA.
D , 1879. Piesent , WM. O. BARTHOLOMEW ,
Connty Judge.
In the m ; tier of the estate of William Fenwlck ,
On reading and filing the petition of Catharine
Fonwkf. praying that an instrument hereto
fore file 1 in hb cou t , purpoiting to bo the
las. will * nd tesiam nt of 'aid deceased , mar
be proba'ed and allowed as such last will and
tes ainent , in and f > rthe State of jxebiaski ,
and tha' . administration thereof miy ba grant
ed to petitioner , as executrix :
ORDKRED that October 21.h , A. D. , 1979 , at
9 o c'ock. ' a. m. , be a-slgned for heari g sa'd pe
tition , when al peraons lute ested in said mat
ter nuy annear at a C unty Court to be held , in
and for said County , and rhow caise why tno
I > ra > erof pctltlimor she Id not be itrintadand
th it not cj of tie pnulency 01 sal 1 petition and
the hearing thereof , be given to all persons In-
teres ed in Bald mrtter , by publishing a copy of
this order in the "MtUA WEEKLY BEK , a news
paper printed iasiid County , for three successive -
sive weeks , prior to said day nlhetri g.
[ A. trua copy. ] WM. O. BAttTaOLOMEW ,
sep32w3t Count > Judire.
District of Nebraska , sa :
In the Circuit C > urt of tht United States , for tbe
District of Nebraska.
George W. bmiih vs. E. A. McClure administra
tor et al.
In Chancery.
Foreclosure of Mortgag . Public Notice is
hereby given , that in punuance of a decree en
tered in the above cause , on tbe 7th day of June.
187J , I , William Daily , Marshal and Special
ii aster In Chancery of said court , will on the
2nd day of October , 1879 , at the hour of 8 " 'clock
In tbe forenoon of the said uay , at the aorth
door of the United States Court House , in the
Ci y of Omiba , * tate of Nebraska , sell at public
auction the following-described property , to-wit :
LoU one (1) ( ) and two ( i ) , in block three hundred
and forty-seven (347) ) , in the City of Omaha , In
Douglas Connty , of Nebr ska together
with all buildiugs and improv ments thereon.
Marshal xnd Master in Chancery.
KE.TSEDT & GILBERT , Counsel for Complainant.
To James B. David , non-resident defendant.
You a e hereby notified that Byron Reed and
Lewis S. Reel as plaintiffs on the 6th day of
September , 187D. filed their petition in the Dis
trict Court , Third Judicial Di trict , in and for
Douglas C unty , Nebraska , wherein you are de
fendant , the object and pnyer of sild petition is
to d dare forfeited all rignt , title and interest
you may have , hid or have to lo. number tnirty-
geven , in Nelsons Addition to the City of Omaha ,
Nebraska , b > not a bond for a deed given
to you by one Joseph U. Nel-on , in the year
18 6 , and recorded in the County Clerk's o i ce ,
f ir said Connty , Ii book B of mortgages , at page
574 , and to cancel and declare of n elect said
bond by reason of your failure to perform the
conditions * f said bond , and plaintiffs pray also
for such other andfurtber relief as may be quat
able and j ist. You ere required to answer sai'l
petition on or before November 3rd , 1879.
teplO > 5t Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Old Reliable Carpet House ,
( Established in 18GS. )
Omaha is increasing in population very rapidly ; new res
idences are being built in every direction. It is estimated that
the emigration into Nebraska and adjacent States this year -will
reach over half a million people. I am after them to sell them
Carpets and other goods in my line , Can't call and see them all
but take this plan to present them with my compliments.
Below you will find a Schedule of Cash Prices that cannot
be beaten in any town in the country :
Best body-Brussels carpets , $1.25 to $1.60 a yard.
Best tapestry-Brasselscarpets$1.00l,10 and $115.
Best 3-ply carpets , $1.00. to $1.15.
Best Lowell and Hartford extra-supers , 85s to 90c.
Best Philadelphia extra-supers , 2-ply , 80c to 85c.
All-wool 2-ply , 60c to 75c.
Wool and cotton 2-ply , 40c to 60c ,
A good cotton and wool 2-ply , 50c.
Splendid Eag Carpet for 50c.
Hemp carpet. 20c.
Office-matting , 40n to 50c ,
Straw-mattings , 25 to 50c ; oil-cloths 40c to 75c.
Is at least five times larger than any stock of Carpets
west of Chicago , As for prices , I will duplicate any
body's prices when number of goods are given and name
of manufacturer , provided the goods are in the market
Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Oarpet-
Lining Stair Pads , dumb
Cloths , Cornices ,
Hassocks , Lambrequins Cords and TaS'sals ; Jn faclL _
evB'rything'kept in'a'FirsPclass Carofc Itouse. ' "
Orders frorajabroad solicited ; satisfaction guaranteed.
Old Reliable Carpet House , OHAIU.
$8.00 DENTISTRY $8.
Artificial Teeth , Artificial Teeth ,
Artificial Teeth , Artificial Teeth ,
For Bight Dollars , For Eight Dollars ,
For Bight Dollars , For Bight Dollars.
The mid6"11611 ' ! Is prepared to 'nrn'ah to the Citizens of Omaha and rtdrdty , upper or
set of teeth for EIGHT DOLLARS. Superior workmanship and perfect St guaranteed.
Remember the place C. 3 = ZE'-A.TJIH. . , Dentist
Williams Bloc * . Cor. 16th and Dodsre.
To Bullock and Company ; non-resident defend
You are herety noticed that yon have been
sued in th County Court for Dougla * County ,
State of Nebraska , by Frederick Krug to recover
the sum of three bun Ired dollars , money alleged
to have ben paid out on your behalf and at your
request for frright and storage on ground rice ,
and prays Judgment for said sum with interest
at 1 per cent , per annum , from April 5th , loTl ,
124J sacks of ground rice of 100 pounds to sack ,
as your property has been attached in said Coun
ty , in said action. You are required to answer
said action , on or before the 6th day of October ,
A. D. 1879.
13wlt Attorney for Plaintiff.
Ladies Purchasing
Madam Fojfi Improved
t3T For health. Comfort
and Elegance of Form , it
has no rival , and Is really
\ the most perfect Skirt-Sup
porting Corset made. For
sale by all leading dealers.
Manufactured by
New Haven , Conn.
In the matter of the Eat Tie of Jesse Wffliam9de <
ceased. "
Notice Ii hereby given , that ( he n editors o
said tiecea eil. will meet the administrator of
taid estate , befor me , < ouniy Judge uf Douglas
County.Nrbra ka , t the County Couri Room in
said Conn y. on the 5th day of N.vember , 1879 ,
on the Stb dv ol January , l&SO , and on the Stn
U } of Mar h , 1830 , at 10 o'clock , a. m. , e > tch
dav , for the purpoee i > f presenting their > Iainu
for examina ion , adjustment and allowance.
Six months are allotted fur creditors to pres nt
ihtir cliims. and one year for the administrator
to B- ttleaid estate , from tbe 2th day of siepteni-
ber , 1870 , this notice will be published in the
OM H W EKLT KKE for four weeks .u cessively ,
piior to the 5th day ot November. 1-79
septlQwU County Judge.
and Lota on short notice. Will also fill lots on
reasonable terms Orders may be left with Be
mis & Bowers Cor. 15th and Douglas.
an24tf MARTIN Q'llCX SetreUrr.
LLEN RUTHERFORDllate Third Auditor
U. 8. Trea nry ) . Atto ney and Counielltr
at Law , 26 Ormt Place , Wellington , D. C.
Having been Third Auditor of the United stales
Treasury for six yean , I am thoroughly famlHir
with the course of business before the Govern
ment Department ! . Special attention given to
the settlement of accounts of all Government
Officer * , Postmasters , U r > hJj , Mtil Contractors
and others , vvill practice before the supreme
Court of t e U. S .Court of Claim * , Patent Office.
General Land Office , 4c , &c. Refers to Hon.
SamTF Phillips , Solicitor Gen-ral U. S.IIon.
Ja . Gi flllan Treasurer of th U. 9. ; Hon. J. U.
McGrew , tilth Auditor U. S. Treasury
In the matter of the estate of James Tolly , de
Notice U hereby given , that the creditor ! of
said deceased , will meet the administrator of
said estate , before me. County Judge of Douglas
County , Nebraska , at the County Cooit Room in
said County , on the 23rd dry of October , 1 79. on
tbe 23rd day cf December , 1879 , and on the 23rd
day of February , 1:80 , at 10 o'clock , a. m. . each
day , for tbe urpoeo of prese-iting their claims
for examination , adjustment and allowance ,
bix months are allowed for creditors to p-e-ent
their claims and one yr for the administrator
to settle said estate , from tbe 23rd day of Aug-
nst , 1879 , thin notice will be punlisned In the
OXAHA WZZXIT bet , I r four weeks succeuively ,
prior to the 23rd day of October.
lepSwlt Ceunty Judge.
h' .H > IY G. RIGHTER ,
Opposite ostofllce ,
Groceries. Provisions , etc.
Hu Juit moved from his old stand to comer 6th
an I Fierce Sta. . where he has pat In a new ami
Fre-h Stock f Ooudand can ofl rba-g ln that
annot be duplicate I in the City. Ha ha * atao
sil.xra. in connection with his store , wb re can IE
e found a choice variety of Ikuora. atl-lf
Medical Dispensary ana Surgery
N. E. Corner lath and Uodfv. Up Stain over
Merchants Exchvue.
Omcs UOCBS : 9 a. m. to 1230 p. m. ; and
o 0 p. m. ; before or after hours call at
xarXtxr Famham. norlltf
OFMOE 415 Tenth at , Near Jonee.
To Nervous SuSerers The Great
European Remedy.
Dr. J. B. Simoaon's Mciicl ie it a
tx > itire cure for Spermatorrhei , Impotency ,
Weakne-s nd all disetses r&raltin ; from 3 II
Abuse , as Nerroun Debility , Irritabi It , U.ntal
Anxiety , Languor , Lassitude , Depr ion of
Spirits and functional derangements ul tha Set-
voui system gener UyPalns la Back orSideLosa
of Memory ,
PrematU'e Old
es that lead to
Consumption. "
Insanity and
an early grave ,
or both. Noj
matter how * . _ _ . _ , - ATTXX ,
shattered the _ , _ ,
system may be from excesses of any kind , a short
course of this Medicine will restore the lost func
tions and procure H alth and lUpplness where
Defori was despondency and gloom. Th Speci
fic Medicine IB being used with wonderful
Pamnhlets sent free to all. Wnta tar them
and get full particulars.
Price , Specific , fl per pacluza , or six paeka&a
for 96. Will be sent by mail on receipt of nwn-
ey. Address all orders ,
Nog. 101 and 108 Main St. , BuffJo , S ? ? .