HE DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED 1871. SHKD E > X T HOK.M.NO ASD BVKMKO , BIGOT hCKEAT , T THE OMAK A PUBLISHING CO : OFFICE -No. 138 Farnham Street. TSniJS 0V SUBSCRIPTION One copy , 1 j ear , in advance , ( postpaid ) . 88.00 C month * " " . 4.00 3 month * " " . 2.00 THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE i ULS CRIPTION One . . 'jo . 1 year , in advance , ( postpaid ) . fi.00 G months , " s . LOO 3 months , " " . 60 THE ELEVATION OF MOSES A Mormon Promising , Prepossessing mon Promoted ia the Council Elder Moses Thatcher Elected % , One of the Twelve Apostles , &eo. Q. Cannon Blazes Brilliant ly on Polygamy versus Monogamy. The Question of Statehood Quietly Considered uy tlic Saints. * Copious Showers Eefresh the Withering Verdure of the Valleys. Chief Justice Schaefier Steps Down and Out. Correspondence ot TUE Bui. SALT LAKE , April 11. I have not troubled THE BEE with much of Mor mon matters of late , so probably afew items recarding them may not be un acceptable by way of a change. Your readers will recollect that a few mouths ago , I drew attention to the death of Orson Hyde , one of the sen ior members of the Council of tha Apostles. The vacancy in this body was yesterday filled at the general con ference ] by the election of Elder Moses Thatcher , of Logan , to be one of the twelve apostles. Mr. Thatcher u a young man of great promise , hand some in appearance , general in man ners , and an excellent business man. Hia connection with the Utah North ern railroad , as well as position as his position as President of the Ztoii Co-operaveMercantilo Institution has brought him in association with many of the citizens of Omaha. His election is favorably regarded by the church , who esteem the introduction of young and vigorous blood into the presiding council cf the church as iv ry salutary , whilst the Gentiles , whiTi.ike any interest in such matters , regard the selection &s about as good a one as could bo made , as they look upon htm as a liberal-minded man , well acquainted with the world and its ways , and though a thorough Mormon , nut a fanatic. Mr. Thatcher nas born in Sangamon county , Illi nois , in Februii.Vy , 1842 , but has long t > een ti resTdeaCrtjf tljah. Ecclesias- blup , he was the presiding elder over all the churches in Cache valley. He was a member of the upper house of the Territorial legislature at its last session , and financially is sound. The only noticeable feature of the general conference at present in ses sion ( which has been largely devoted to the reading of financial , statistical emigration and other reports ) , has been the discourse of Hon.Geo.Q. Can non , M. C. , for Utah , on Sunday afternoon. It naa a brilliant effort devoted largely to contrasting the ad vantages of the Mormon system of marriages with mongamy. Nothing could be gathered from his remarks as to what were the intentions of the leaders of the church with regard to their future course on the marriage question ; he also seemed to studiously avoid any reference to the reported effort that is being male to obtain the admission of Utah in the Union. Many think that the Mormons will be willing to have certain provisions in serted into the enabling act regarding the marriage question. Many leading statesmen of both paities are of the opinion that since the Supreme Court of the United States has rendered its decis ion the matter should be withdrawn from the arena of national political questions , and in no way can it be so easily and advantageously accom plished as by the admission of Utah aa a sovereign State ; but I must confess that the Mormons themselves appear to be taking but little interest in the mitter , or if they do , they are laying low to watch developments. So great has been the drouth and heat of this spring that the residents of some well established settlements thought of removing on masse and en tirely breaking up their towns The thermometer at 100 degrees in the shade and no water in March , was so unexampled and so threatening that breaking up seemed to bo their only safety. But , thank Providence , during the last 24 hours , copious showers have fallen on the thirsty laud , .and the husbandman , the herdsman and the miner are all correspondingly happy. "There's millions in it , " as Col. Mul berry Sellers would say. _ Thoremoval of Chief Justice Sdhaef- ferj though long desired , by the legal profession " , when it did come , came suddenly. We trust the Hon. W. Corbin , whom President Haye's Kas nominated for his successor , will be an improvement on the late incumbent. To show how peculiar our late chief justice was , I will mention , that no sooner did the press dispatches an nounce his removal than he at once dismissed both grand and petit jurors and adjourned his court sine die. If Mr. Corbin does not accept , it is pos- Biblc that we may be without a court for some timoaud with the very many important suits pending that would be a calamity to the parties interested if- to no one eke. WINDSOR , A YELLOW FEVER WAIF. A CHILD JOTJRNEYS ALONE FBOM MEM PHIS TO SAX FRANCISCO. San Francisco Chronic'e. Aprel D. A. Mr. Mr. Sneathandseveral Eng lish ladies and gentlemen visited the office of the Chief of Police last night and stated that they had just arrived on the overland train. At Omaha they found younjj girl named Anna Wcichsl r , aged 6 years , who had been passed to that point by the conductors on the various trains from Memphis , Tennessee. Around the neck of the little waif was a tag , on wh > ' h with difficulty was de ciphered , "C3. Steiner. " Little An na had iu her possession $15 and a let ter which stated that her parents had diei jf yellow fever , and requesting all charitable persons to assist her ja. reaching her Destination in YOL. OMAHA , NEBRASKA. MONDAY EVENING. APEIL-14 , 1879. . 53. cisco , and to bud a relative named Abele Paulucci. Several police officers were directed by the chief to hunt up this person , but up to a late hour last night their search had proved unsuc cessful. The girl is being kindly-cared for by Miss Thimbleby at the Lick House , who is anxious that Anna's relative should be found , ai she pro poses to leave for her destination , Brit ish Columbia , in a few days. FOREIGN. The Khedive of Egypt Forcing His Subjects to Disejorge. Garibaldi and-Victoria Interview ing King Humbert. Tne British Endeavoring to Convince Yakoob Khan of His Folly. A Variety of Interesting Items from the Old World , Unsuccessful Attempt to As sassinate the Emperor of Russia. Egyptian Affairs. Special Dispatch to. THE Bis. LOKDOX , April 14 6 a. m. A dis patch from Cairo states that business is completely suspended , and is likely to remain so till the decision of Eng land and France is known. The gov ernment is collecting money through out the provinces ? using every means of compulsion. An immediate levy of 10,000 soldiers has been ordered. A special envoy has been sent by the Khedive to Constantinople ; he took with him a large sum of money for the Sultan. Chicago Times Cablegram. THE KHEDIVE AND THE SULTAN. LONDON , April 12. The pressure brought to bear on the sultan by the representatives of England and Prance with respect to Egyptain affairs has been apparently successful , although in some quarters it is .feared that the khedive will defy the sultan's threat to depose him and send Halim Pasha to succeed him. The opinion is also current that when the special messen ger from the khedive reaches the sultan and the latter is fully apprised of 1 % the khedive's cide of the matter , and of the strong popular support which his plan received in Egypt , he will withdraw from.his present position and , as he has done in other cases , take sides with the khedive But the holders of Es yp- tian bonds are elated with the belief that France and England will 'insist on the khedive's reiuoval or the rein statement of the commissioners whom he has dismissed. The result of the cabinet co-jncil at Paris to-day has not transpired. THE KHEDIVE'S ARMY. There are reports thaj the khedive has been contemplating his new move ment for some time , and that he has made extensive preparations for re sisting any plan to remove him. The khedive is now in his forty-ninth year and there are reasons to believe that for some time he has entertained the ambition of throwing aside to a cer tain extent his subserviency to the sultan and becoming an independent monarch. He has an army at his dis- posalof fourregimontsofinfantrynum- bering 12,000 mun , a battalion of chasseurs 1,000 strong. 300 cavalry , an excellent artillery service with 1,500 men , and two battalions of engineers , which consist of 1,500 rank and file. Besides these thcro are two regiments of black troops from Soudan , 1,000 strong. His navy consists of seven ships of the line , six frigates , nine cor vettes , seven brigs , eighteen gunboats and twenty-seven wooden transport ships. HIS FINANCIAL SCUEMK. The financial scheme proposed by the Khedive , and which is 'the bone of contention between himself and the French and English bondholders , is baaed on the belief that without at all increasing the taxes of the wealthy classes iu Egypt , and by compelling the foreign residents of Egypt , now exempt from taxation , to bear their proportion of the public burden , a sum to pay the interest on the bond ed debt and provide a sinking fund which in twenty years would ex tinguish the debt can be easily raised. THE CONFLICT OF OPINIONS in political and financial circles here respecting the matter is becoming more acute , and though the bondhold ers have thus far to a great extent ob tained the public ear , the other side of the matter has its advocates , who will probabljMuake themselves heard in Parliament on its reasBemblit.g after the Lastcr recess. Destructive Fire at Cairo. Special dispatch to The .Bee. LONDON , April 14. A dispatch from Alexandria says that a great fire is raging in Cairo , and has destroyed blocks of builSings Hundreds of yards long. Prince Milan Scared. Special Dispatch to th < - Bee TIENNA , April 14. A shell buried in the road exploded near Prince Milan while he was walking at Nish , Tuesday. His aide de camp was wounded. It is "not known whether the explosion was the result of a plot to assassinate the Prince. Striking Miners. S pedal Dispatch to The Bee. LONDON , April 14. The masters' committee at Durham has fully de cided to call a meeting Wednesday to discuss the proposals of the miners. The men at twenty more collieries will strike to-day , a majority of them be cause of threats. Russian Boundaries. Special Dispatch to the Bee. - ' ST. PETEESBDBQ , April 14. The Empefor , at the reception of ambassa dors said all was going on very well. It is inferred from this that the pro ject for a conference of the powers is being favorably received. Russia has sent a circular to the powers urging - ing a hastening of the work of vari ous boundary commissions , above all the one at work on tba line of the Balkans. Snootincr at tne Oaar. Special Dispatch to The Boe. WASHINGTON , April 14 4 p. m. Col. Wickham Hoffman , American charge d'cuTaira at St. Petersburg , t el-'graphs to the State Department that an attempt was made on the life of the Czar this morning while Hii Majesty was walking near the impirial palaces. The assassin discharged five hots at him without effect , and wai arrested. CONOKATULATION/ Secretary Evarts has telegraphed to the Czar President 'Hayes' congratula tions upon his escape from assassina tion. Samoa , tipecial Diipit h to Tus Bss. LONDON. April 14.-A dispatch from Berlin states that Germany , though entertaining no idea of annexing the Samoan island , intends to protect German interests and prevent Ameri cans from establishing themselves there to tha detriment of other na tions. Gen. iManteufel ha declined the governship of Alsace-Lorraine. bcrap . By tlie Associated Pro * . Free trade in Germany seems to gain by constant agitation in its favor. It is doubtful if the new elections would give Bismarck a large majority. J. H. Cartier , De Villemessant , journalist , and long director of the Paris Figaro , is dead ; age , 67. Waddington , French minister of foreign affairs , has informed the coun cil of ministers that the Matacong affair is in process of settlement. France withdraws eight men who landed en the islond. The council came to no resolution with regard to Egypt , simply deciding to act in an tagonism with England. At the Mikado of Japan's banquette to the ministers recently he censured their extravagance and luxury. A notification from the Prime Minister followed , ordering a cessation of all superfluous expenditure in the devel opment of commerce and the stoppage of expenditures on public worka. The Emperor's household expenses aie reduced. The government directs the exportation of rice , resulting in the largo loss of grain now held open to. market. From Osaka Okinna , the hnance minister , and Enomoto , late ambassador to Russia , are appointed to negotiate a revision of matters. A colossal bronze statue of Dr. Liv ingstone was recently unveiled in Glasgow. Hob'ftrt Pasha is about to marry a young lady said to be "both pretty and accomplished. " The sUtue of Lord Brougham , which is to be unveiled Cannes on the loth of the present month , is said to be the first statue of an Englishman ever erected on the Continent. A French Gener.il named Moulin has been put under arrest , and is like ly to be discharged from the army , for refusing to allow a regimental band to play the "Marseillaise" during an in spection of his troops. The increase of crime in Switzerland has wrought such an effect upon public opinion that the Federal Council bus voted , 27 to 15 , to re-establiah the death penalty for murder , which was abolished some years ago. Sir Samuel Baker , writing of Cy prus , says it is the most ill-favored and pestilential of islands , owing largely to the accumulation of filth forages in its principal harbor , which , however , can be dredged with little difficulty. The Cremation Society of England , after consultatioi with the British Home Secretary , ' has concluded to suspend operations until authority can be obtained from Parliament for its proceedings. This will bring the matter under discussion in the House of Commons. A man recently ventured to go to sleep in a railroad car in England , and waked up' to find a man trying to "chuck him out o' window. " He put a atop to that , but the fellow made off with his watch and chain , dropping off the foot-board unhurt and escaping in the darkness , The experiment of lighting the Holborn "Viaduct with electricity was discontinued at the end of the stipulat ed period of three months. The cost was 14 shilings 34 pence per hour , as against 1 sliding llj pence for gar lighting. The illuminating power was about seven times that of gas. ' A Liverpool druggist was lately fined for selling castor-oil pills which had "no appreciable quantity nf cas tor-oil" in them , though they con tained rhubarb , aloes , ginger , cayenne popper , soap , and a variety of other ingredients. They seem to have been a popular substitute for castor-oil , and it was stated that 250,000 boxes of them were sold per year. Among the recent diabolical crimes in France the following are related : A widow , named Jean Deschamps , conceived a passion for her dauzhter's lover , a man named Francois Profol , and persuaded him to help her to strangle the girl. The crime was per petrated in the most savage way. The mother was condemned to death , and the man to hard labor for life. A youth named Olivier , aged 16 , called on an old relative , a widow named Leclerc , living alone at Batignolles , and while her back was turned smashed her skull with a crowbar. Her cries aroused the neighbors , and the preco cious murderer was captured as he was making off with her jewels and other valuables. A reconciliation has at last been effected between the Emperor Wil liam and the Duke of Cumberland- The Duke renounces all claims on the Hanoverian crown , and recognizes the Constitution of the German Empire. The Emperor surrenders the Welfian fund , (15,000,00) ( ) , and recognizes the Duke as heir-apparent to the Grand Duchy of Brunswick. The formal proclamation of this reconciliation takes place at the celebration of the golden wedding of the Emperor , to which festivity the Duke" accepted an invitation , and , in order to make the end of the story as good as the beginning , the reigning Grand Duke of Brunswick has declared that he wishes to abdictate on the fiftieth anniversary of his ascension to the ducal throne , Sept. 7,1830. . t WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON.f The Inflationists Anxious ib Air Their Wild Cat / Plans. A Huge Number of Bills Await * iUK the Shadow of a CImnc . Judge Kelley Ready with Moth Eaten Schemes for the Nation's Belief. THE CAW. OF .STATES. Special Dispatch to th Be . WASIIIXCUOX , April 14 , 6 a. m. There is much interest felt in all po litical circles regarding the course which Speaker Randall may pursui to day in recognizing members. It de pends wholly upon the speaker which of thr members of the Maine delega tion shall be recogn'zed , for since the foundation of the government it has been the rule that the States ghall be called for bills in order , com mencing with the State of Maine. The inflationists have endeavored to hare the rule changed this session so that the States shall be called in their alphabetical order , but that proposi tion has not yet been entertained. While the speaker has not indicated what his course will be , there is not much probability that the inflationists can get any of these measures referred to committees to day , unless the Republicans shall de cide that it is more to their party in terest that these wild schemes should be presented by 'the Democrats and their full plans be thus developed. There are eleven democrats who are hard money men in defiance of caucus action ; Brickuell of Indiana , Blount , Cook and Hammond of Georgia , Oly- mer of Pennsylvania , Covert of New York , Denster of Wisconsin , Hurd of Ohio , Johnston of Virginia , Morse of Massachusetts , and Tablet of Mary land. Judge Kelly will introduce the House the bills by which it is pro posed to require the treasury and alj the siib-trcaauiiries to redeem with legal tender money , subsidiary silver coins , whenever presented for redemp tion in sums of 5 dollars or multiples thereof , and this bill also provides that the further coinage of trade dollars shall be stopped ; that they shall for twelve months be re ceivable at par for customs or any other obligations due the United States , and that when so received they shall be recoined into standard silver dollars. LATEST FROM THE CAPITAL. MAINE TO THE FRONT. Spsciil Piapatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , April 14 , 4 p. m. HOUSE All members from Maine rose. The Speaker recognized Lad a , who offered a bill to put the coinage of gold and silver on the same footing. Conger objected , asking a days' no tice. The Speaker overruled it. An appeal was taken , but the morning hour expired , and Ladd'a bill was not referred. Monroe , of Ohio , offered a resolu tion against undertaking the curreucy or tariff business this session. Lost , by 108 to 117. In the Senate Blaine spoke on the army appropriation bill. He said the federal soldiers in the South averaged one to each county , and Democratic Senators could not meet in the cloak room without blushing over the pre tense of fear. CATTLE DISEASE. Information at the Treasury De partment from various official sources is that pleuro pneumonia among the cattle in this country is slowly disap pearing , owing to the prompt action of federal officials in connection with State authorities. HOW LONG ? ECHO SATS UNTIL JULT. Washington Spedal to the Chicago Tribune. It now seems that the present ses sion will last until July. This is the opinion of those most competent to judge. The discussion of the legisla tive bill in the House will probably not be finished for ten days. The de bate upon the army bill in the Senate is likely to consume two weeks. After the disposition of the army bill the Senate will next consider the legisla tive b.ll , and in such .1 slow body will take at least a week to dispose of it There will also be a pro tracted discussion in both houses over the President's vetoes , first on the army bill and next on the legislative bill. The veto messages will of course be sustained. This will be followed by caucuses , negotiations , and parleys to avert the danger of leaving the government without appropriations. The Democrats realize that they have not the strength requisite to carry out the programme of ihe extremists of their party , hence it is thought that a compromise of some kind will be reached. This is the opinion of the conservative Djmocrats. POLK VS. HARRISON. Ex-Doorkeeper Polk will go before the Grand Jury here Monday and give his testimony against Mayor-elect Carter Harrison on the charge of hav ing obtainedmoney on irregular pay rolls when Chairman of the Committee on Civil Service Reform. CARD FBOM ALEX STEPHENS. Alexander Stephens , ii. a card pub lished this morning , referring to a telegram from Atlanta , Ga. , which has gained currency in the West , says : I notice in the issue of your paper this morning a telegram from Atlanta , Ga. , dated yesterday , stating that in an interview , which was to be pub lished in The Constitution of that city , I had said : "The bogus Presi dent will not veto the army bill , " etc. Now , who was the author of this tele gram I do not know , but I do know I never did use such language toward the President of the United States in any speech , or interview , or conversa tion whatever. I entertain for the present Chief Magistrate too much respept to apply any such epi thet to him personally , and my well known opinion as to the legality and irrevocability of the tenure of his office ( however I may have differed from the highest commission , by whom the matter was , in my judgment , con stitutionally settled ) would forbid the use by me of such a term 'toward him personally. RECTIFIERS1 BONDS. The reotifisrs have presented a me morial to Commissioner Raum , pro testing against the clause in the inter nal revenue bill , passed at the lait session of Congress , requiring recti fiers to give bonds. MARKETS Ki"VtLEGKA.PB. ; New York Money and Stock NEW YOBK , April U. MONEY . 4(37 ( PKIJIE MERCANTILE PAPEB . 530 GOVERNMhNTS 0. S. Bo , 1SS1 . ICi U. S. 6-208 , New . 104 Newlji . 101 U.S. HMOtf , conponj . 101 ; U. S. r * . currencies. . . . . . 121 U. S. New 4 p r cent . STOCKS. Western Union Tele.-raph . . . . . . . . . .1C6J Paciflc Mall . 1SJ New You Central . 115 Erie . „ . 5 } Erie preferred . 40 Union Pacific . T5f Lake Shore . 71 | nilno Central . 85 Northwestern . . . . . . . . . . 624 Northwestern preferred. . , . . . 91 * Rock Island . . . . .381 BL Paul . . . 43 } St. Paul preferred . , . . . 82 Wabain . XO } Cnicopo Produce. CHICAGO , April 12. Wheat No 2 regular , 87c cash or April ; 91g@9Uc May ; 93c bid June ; No. 3 , 7878c ; rejected , 63c. Corn Fairly active and firmer ; regular No. 2 , 31 c cash or April ; Sole bid May ; 35fc bid June ; 3Gjo bid July. Oats Quiet but firmer ; No. 2 , 22c bid cash ; 22c April ; 25ic May ; 25c June ; 26jc July. Rye No. 2 , 44c bid caih ; 48Jo April. Barley No. 2 nominally ; 67c casher or April. Pork In moderate demand ; old , 8860 ; new , § 10 36@10 35 cash ; $1030@1032 May ; § 10 42 $ June ; § 10 52i10 " 51 July. Lard" Higher , SO 17 < g6 20 each or May ; § G 25@6 27 c June ; S6 30@S 32 July.Bulkmeats Bulkmeats Shoulders , § 3 65g)3 ( ) 7.0 ; short clear , 84 955 ( 00 ; short nb , § 4 80@4 824. Whisky-Si 04. OPENING MARKET. Special Dispatch to the BBS. - CHICAGO , April 14 4 p. m. Wheat Quiet ; 82 c. Corn 33 c. Pork § 10 22i. Hogs Steady" ; § 3 50@3 90. New Tort Produce. > NEW YORK , April 12. WheatFirmpr rejected spring , 77c ; No. 3 do. 93 . < 394c ; No. 2 do , § 1 03J ; ungraded do , 9497c ; ungraded win ter red , 81 01@1 23 ; No. 2 do. 81 13 @ 1 14 ; No. 1 do. SI 14j ; No. 2 amber § 1 11@1 llic ; ungraded white , SI 12 ; No. 2 do. SlM@lll ( ; No. 1 do. SI 141 11 . Rve Firmer ; No. 2 western , Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 33o ; mixed western , 31 @ 32Jc ; white do. 34i3Cc. Egus Weak ; western , 1213. Poik Weak ; mess , § 9 40 < < ji ) 50 for old ; S10 50@10 C2i for ne.v. Cut Meats Dull ; long clear mid dles , § 5 15 < 3o 20 ; short do. § 5 37i. * Lard Weak ; prime steam , § 645 © C55. C55.Hutter Hutter Dull ; western , 5@24c. Cheese Weak ; western , 7 < SSc. Whisky Steady at § 1 OH. Chicago Live btock. CHICAGO , April 12. Hogs Receipts , 8,000 head ; ship ments , 6,000. head. The market is & shade loner and dull. Mixed , § 3 40 ® 3 Go ; light , $3 50 < g3 70 ; choice heavy , S3 70@3 90 ; closed ste-idy. , Cattle Receipts , L.OOO head ; ship ments , 2,400 head. The market is steady. Shippmg , S4 < § 5 15 ; stockers and feeders quiet and easy at § 3@4 10 ; butchers' stock , S2@3 70. j Sheep Receipts , 400 head ; ship ments , 700 head. The market is slow at S3 40&5 25. St. Louis Produce. ST. Louis , April 12. Wheat Dull and lower ; No. 2 red fall , SI 031 03 | cash ; 81 04gl 04J May ; $1 OljOl 03i June ; Ne. 3 do , $1 00 @ 1 00. Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 33J ® 33c cash and April ; 33g33c | May ; 34jic June ; 35f@35c July , 37c August. Oats Inactive ; , No. 2 , 2GJ@25c cash ; 25g250 bid .May. ' Rye Quiet and-'unchanged at 48ic. * Whisky Steady at SI 04. Pork Higher ; jobbing , S10 50. Lard Dull ; n imiffclly $ G 20. Bulkmeats Firmer ; shoulder , $1 GU to arrive ; clear rib ? , S4.35Q4 90. Bacon Hicher ; clsar ribs ) , $5 37 $ @ 5 40 ; clear , $5 50. Milwaukee Produce. MILWAUKEE , April 12. Wheat Firm ; opened fc higher ; closed quiet ; No. 1 Milwaukee , hard , 99c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 9Gc ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 89fc ; April , 87ic ; May , 9Uc ; No. 3 Milwaukee , 77c ; No. 4 , 74c ; rejected , 64jc. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , 34c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 , fresh , 23J ® 24o. 24o.Rye Rye Firmer ; No. 1 , fresh , 46 c. Barley Dull and neglected ; No. 2 spring , fresh , 60c ; April , 5Gjc. St. Louts Live btocs. ST. Louis , April 12. Cattle Easier , but not quotably lower ; in light supply and little doing. Hogs Qniet and unchanged. York ers and Baltimore3$3 50@370 ; smooth heavy , S3 753 90 ; rough , 3 253 50 ; Philadelphias , S3 90@4 00. Sheep Weak ; good to fancy , $4 50 @ 5 25. _ The Afghans. Special Dispatch to Tns BKB. LAHORE ; April 14. A Jbad feeling is growing against theJBritiah among all tribes interested Jjin Khyber pass. They complain that the British are acting as though they intended to keep the pass in spying out hill fastnesses. Garibaldi and Victoria. Special Dispatch to TUB Bo. RojiEjApril 14. Garibaldi was tak en in a carriage to the quirioal Sunday I and the King conversed with him pri- j vately in the carriaee for half an hour j Queen Victoria will probably visit the King and Queen of Italy at Monza. Funeral of ( Jen. Rlcbard Taylor. 8p clal dispatch to THE B . NEW YORK , April 14. Tha funeral of Gen. Richard Taylor took place Sunday from the church of Trans figuration. The Rav. Dr. Houghton read the burial eervicaa. Among those in the church were Governor S. J. Tilden , ex-Mayor Wickham. President Jewett , of Erie railroad , Gen. Smith and Parke Goodwin. The pall-bearers were Hamilton Fish , Chaa. O'Connor , Secretary Evartjj , D. D. Withers , ' William R , Travew Geo. Tickfler Curtis , August Belmont , Chu. L. Perkins , William Constable , Abram S. HewittSenator Bayard and Mayor Cooper. The remains were interred in Marble cemetery. Yafcoob Kann. Special dispatch to The Bee. LONDON , April 14. A correspond ent at Lahore says : Maj. Cavagnari will probably go to Cabul with a small escort to endeavor to convince Yakoob Khan of the futility of furtherr resist- ence. It is certain that Yakoob is in citing frontier tribes against the Bn- ( " ELECTRIC BRIEFS. By Auoclited Press. There is very little change in the condition of the ice in the Mackinaw straits. Toward Lake Michigan it looks rough , compact and solid. Pre vailing winds are northerly and pre vent the wind from melting rapidly. Unless we have warm rains soon it is not likely that the straits will be open before May first. Dr. John S. Parsons , arrested in the Pact of robbing the Yankton and Sioux Falls stage , Thursday night , was brought before the United States Commissioner at Yankton , Friday eve ning and waive i an examination , and in default of 83 , 000 bail was remand ed to jail to await trial. The prisoner , who is a man of education and well connected , claims that whisky and the overzealous machinations of govern ment detectives have broughthim into trouble E. H. Brown , manager of the West ern Union telegraph office at St. Louis , was before the grand jury again Sat urday , and refused to produce the tel egrams called for by subpoena duces tecuin , whereupon the case was re ported to the criminal court , and Judge Laughlin ordered Mr. Brown into the custody of the city marshal. HYDROPHOBIA. Special to The Chicago Tribune. MILWAUKEE , Wis. , April 12. At an early hour this morning a sailor named Peter Snell died from the effects of hydrophobia at his residence , No. 311 Reed street , south sidn. The facts connected with the case are these : Capt. Paul Harry , of the schooner Mary Lyons , who boarded with Mr. and Mrs. Snell , had a dog , a yellow mongrel cur , that appeared to have been voted the freedom of the domicile. One afternoon late in in January or early in February last , whilfc Snell lay stretched upon the floor for a nap , this cur , which happened to be in the room , discovered a scratchon his ( Snell's ) inse and lickeditrSnell meanwhile raising no objection to the proceeding , as he with _ others formerly . .believed in the curative properties of the salivia of a canine. The scmtch healed and was soon forgotten , and the death of the dog , which occurred a week or two later , under circum stances that led to the belief thai poi son had been administered , did not serve to awaken any fears of danger. About a week ago Snell complained to his wife about a severe pain in the re gion of the heart. It made an invalid of him , so to speak ; yet he did not take to his bed , but walked around and about on the streets on Monday and Tuesday of the present week. During Tuesday evening or early Wednesday morning his throat became affected. The glai.ds swelled so as to render swallowing difficult , and the mem brane became parched and feverish , while the pain in the chest appeared to reach the throat also. Dr. Serin was cnlled , but the remedies prescrib ed by him filled to produce any relief , and as Snell gradually grew worse it was observed that he manifested an aversion to water , and at such times as it was offered appeared to suffer a spasmodic convulsion. Then the in cident of the the licking of the scratch on bis nosa by the dog , and the subse quent death of the animal under peculiajfsymptonis , was recalled , and it became evident to the physician that he had a clear case of hydrophobia on his hands. Snell rapidly grew rorse ; the light became painful to h's e/es , his aver sion to water seemed to increase , while the swelling of the throat grew constantly. Food and water had to be injected into the stomach at last , as it was impossible for him to swallow either solids or fluids. Of course , un der such circumstances , death became a question of hours rather thin days , and final dissolution occurred at 6 o'clock this morning. During the closing hours of his illness Snell con tinued rational , and was perfectly harmless toward those who attended him. He assured one and all to have no fear of approaching him , aa he would do them no injury , and he was enabled to keep his word , as his spasms never rendered it necessary to hold or even attempt to secure him. Two dogs that were bitten by the cur belonging to Capt Harry in fights , have died within afew weeks of hydro phobia , and it is believed that other curs in the neighborhood may be sim ilarly affected. The seaman Snell , whose death is here recorded , was 30 years of age and married , but has no children. We offer a first-class white laun- dried shirt , with an improved reinforc ed front , made of Wamsutta muslin , 3-ply bosom and cuffs of 2,200 linen , at the reduced price of $1-50. The workmanship , fit and style of our shirts are placed in competition with any shirt sold in Omaha. Wegurnin- tee entire satisfaction , or will refund the money. We make to order every grade of shirts and underwear , give better goods for less money than can be got elsewhere. Our fancy imported shirtings are of the choicest pat ten is. In underwear we cannotbe .undersold. Omaha Shirt Factory,252 Farnham , . opposite Grand CentraTHotel. BRACING HIS CHARACTER The Zealous Friends of Olive Swearing for Him. AttorneY Laird Fined and De barred by the Court. Aisocl&ted Preu TtUpUch. HASTI > O % Neb. , April 12. Th ar rival of Major Burt in command of the company of soldier * hus allaypj all alarm , if any existed. Thedefonee began to-day introducing testimony ttt to the character of Olive. Ria neigh bors and stock growers in Cuiter county generally cive Urn a good chnraoter a * a law abiding citizan Seventeen witncwes were examined nn thijjsoint. , It ia aupnoaed the de fense wirt'probably close Monday. During the examination of a witness to-d .v a dispute arose between Mr. Luird chief conse' for the defense and Mr. Thurston for the prosecution , iu the course of which , the 'court assum- inn that Mr. Laird made a remark rpflecting upon It , fined Mr. Laird S25. Mr. Laird then arose and pro tested in a speech , gaining applause , and was disbarred until the payment of the fine and left the court room. Governor Nance and Adjutant Gen eral Alexander are here and were thanked foa invoking the a < d of the military , whose presence has a whole- aome influence. The Cheyenne * . Anodnted Preis Dispatch. "Si. Louis , April 12 A St. Louu Globe-Democrat , Topeka , Kansaa.spe- cialsays : Gen. St. John had a consul tation to-day with Jim Cannon , In dian guide , scout and interpreter from the Southern Indian agency regarding the reported design of the Indians to make another raid this season. Cannon said the Cheyennes and Arip- ahoea are sulky and will bear close watching. The capture and turning over to the civil authorities for trial of the Cheyenne chiefs , who led the raid last year caused a great deal of dissat isfaction in the tribes sympathizing with them. Cannon thinks they can be quieted , however , and kept on their reservation if early and impor tant measures are taken. NEBRASKA MAIL ROUTES. THE OFFICIAL LIST. To th Editor of Tils BEE : WASHINGTON , April 11. Judging from the numerous letters I am re ceiving from citizens of Nebraska , asking for information in regard to new post routes established in the Stat&during the last session of Con gress , I am led to believe that the list has not been published there. I in close herewith a list of the routes es- tiblishcd , and if your paper has not already published the same , I think you would do a favor to many of the readers of THE BEE by publishing the same now. Respectfully , A. SAUNDERS. From Oaceola to Silver Creek. From Saint Edwards via Neoma to Dayton. From Niobrara , Nebraska , to New Spotted Tail , Dakota. From David City , via Appleton , to Linwood. From In man's Grove to Paddock. From O'Neill City , via Verdigris Valley and Walnut Grove , to Nio brara. From Hastings via Orchard , to Bunker Hill. From Hastings , Nebraska , via Mil- lingtnn , Guide Rock , Amity , Salem , White Mound , Ionia , and Rotterdam , to Cawker City , Kansas. Fn m Thayer , via Cresswell , to From Decatur to Wisner. From Lincoln to State Penitentiary. From Hastings , via Ludlow , Corn Hill and Mapb Grove to Alvin. From Elaorado , via Boonesville and Cascade to Saint Paul. From York , via Arborville and Otis to Central City. From Nelson , Nebraska , via Henri etta , to Bullville , Kansas. From Madison , via Emerick or Ke- yaPaha , to Newman's Grove. From O'Neill City , via McCann's RancliP , to Camp Robinson. From O'Neill City to Emmett. From Key * Paha to Red Cloud. From Tekamah to Lyons , From Fremont to Everett. From Culbertson , via Frontier , and Ariekare , to Frease. From Culbertson , via Wauneta to Frease. From Genoa to Saint PauU. From Keya Paha , via Grand Rapids , Otter Creek , Silver Lake , and Rock Creek , to a point near the no th west corner of section seventtvfti , township thirty-tTC north'of range eighteen west , to be called Menlo From Fulls City , via Grange Store , Aspinwall. and Nemaha City , to Brownsville From Saint Paul to Jacksonville. From Springs .Valley , via Nora , to Nelson. From the Forks to Kent. From Syracuse , via Helena , to Tecumseh. From Kearney , via Cedar Creek and Beaver Creek , to Sweetwater. From Grand Island , via Orchard and Henry , to Hastings. From Keya Paha to Rosebud , Da kota. kota.From From Moline to West Salem. From Ouster , via Myrtle , to Doug las Grove. From O'Neill City , via Atkinson and Creighton , to McCann's Ranch. From Smithland to Lawn Ridge. From Albion , via Neoma and Cedar River , to Central City. From Henrietta , via Nora , to Nel son. ' From Woodburn to Cherry Hill , v , From Wilmot , via Midway and Precept to Beaver City. From North Platte , via Birdwood CreekStarn's and Patterson's Ranche , Dismal River , Middle Loup , and North Loup , to Poor and Louis Ranche on the Niobrara River , at or near the mouth of Antelope Creek. From Kearney , via South Loup , Pleasant Valley , Cedarville , and New Galena , to Lena. ' From South Loup , via Centennial , Sweetwater , Cedarville , and Myrtle to Douglas Grove. From Rising City , -via Cottonwood to York. From Loup City , fia Cedarville and Ashley , to Georgetown. ! From Riverton , via Corra , to Smith Center , Kansas. From Columbus , via Saint Anthony and Prairie Hill to Saint Bernard. From Ponca . , via West UnjonIonia. * * C 'l . Daily Branch , and Silr rte to Ponca. From Hed Cloud in T OTS. From H ° nriet * i to Hehror. From Elsing City , via Orton to From SMney to Greeler , Colorado. From O'Neill City. vi Wph t9r' "Ronche and "Waht,8aw Mill to From Scotia to North Lonp. From North Platte , ris Orefghton , to Poor's Rnnche. From N liah to O'Neill Ciiy- From Stockville , yia 8tr > w j to Vaughn. F'om Bpr-'ri1 * * , via Dover and Re- ser-e Ci v. to 9 > ele City.- From Danenbroc to OrcL The Southweeten , PooI- AisocUJwl Prw Mipitih. f CmfiAoo. April 12 The South western Rate ABoc5ationwhich forever over two years ha . - mct fullv main tained a pool over r > u"ir < e from Mii- nnrl river points to St Louis and Chicago , was formally diatolved to day heoiuce of the refusal of the St. Louis roads to allow the Chicago and Alton msd extension a proportion of the business from Kansas City. The 0. & A claimed its share of huslnefs , but the St Louis rosdt in > ited that the claim was unjuit and refused to consider Manager J. C. McMullen'i propoiition to arbitrate the question. It is understood that the break was instigated by tome of the executive board in New York , and thntwhen matters have shaped thernielv s in that city that the pool will be renewed on an equitable baiis. In the mean time shipper ! may look for lower freights from Missouri river point * than has been seen for yean. TTATR. OOLOE. DE LA BANTAS "NUT BROWN. " Turns any bair to nature' ! mcut beautiful brown by one ppllcatlon. Contalni co lead or bad odor ; doei not i .me off or italn tha skin , and is clear and bannleoa u vraUr. $1.00 per bottl * . De La BantVa "Advice to Ladiw , " $3.00. Dave ] oper , 80.00. Money refunded if not utlifactorr. DE LA BAXTA & CO. , 170 State Street. CHI CAO < > CAOOH ! MY ney cures Medicine Fains REMJO' In the ' , Back , side or loins . aud all diseases of 41 the Kidneys. Blad. BACK ! der ana Urinary Orzans , Bropey , GrarsI , Diabetes , Brlgbt's DUease of the KiJnejs , Retention or In continence of Urine , Nervous DI-ea es , Female Weakness and Excesses ; HUNT'S REMEDY is prepared EXPRESSLY for these dis eases. From R - E < J Taylor , D D , pastor First Bap tist Church : Providence , R I , Jan'y 8,1879 I can testify tn the virtue of HUNTS REME DY in Kidney Disease * from actual trial , hiring been much iKnentted by its use. E G TAYLOR. From a retired minister of the Mittodist Epis copal Church : 8 9 North 17ih St. , Pbila. . Pa April 18. 78. Wii. E.Cl. DearSiK-HUNTS REMEDY ban cured my wife of Dropsy in 1 < * worst form All hope had left us for months. All say that it Is a miracle. Water had dropped from her rizht limb ( or months Forty-eight hours had taken all ihe extra water from the svstem. All other means had been tried. None succeeded but IH'NTS REMFDY. ANTHONV ADTOOD. is HUNTS purc'y ' ve-jetable REMEDY HUNT'S ' anil is used br the ailtice of Physi cians. It h-.8 stood the test of time for 10 jtars , aud.lh < utmost rehan < REMFDY mav be pUceil ii it ONE TRIAL1 WILL CONVINCE YOUSeud f.-r Pamphlet to V M. E. CLAKKH , PROVIDENCE , R. L SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Jan-eedSw NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposal * will be reserved by the Board of Public L < nds and RuiMing- the State < f Nebraska , until two o'clock , p. m. , Saturday. M ly 3J , 1S79 , for the erection of two ings to the Nebraska II < spiul for the Insane , in accordance with ( .1 ns and srecificat 01 s on file In the otflca of he Comtii sion r ot Public Land * and Build 1'it R. Eac'i bid must be accompanied by a Ko d nd sufficient bond , or other go < 1 security , in the turn < f five thousand dollars , condi'i , i.ed tha' if te IdJ. r is av rded the contract he wi 1 within filteen da\9 ext-c.iie a tatis actory bond tniliestae of Ncbra-k , m 'he p.n 1 sum of twl o t > e mount ( J the cni.tract price fu. the e 'Ctl.in of 8 id imp.vtmtn's , wth gooi and sufficient se untie' , to be approved by tte Board , conditioned for the faithlul perform in of tha cont-a t in > 11 respe t > Tha Board ro-erves the right to i fleet any or all bids. All proposal should be addressed to the Corn- mi sinnei of Pub ic Lands and Bui dings , and m irked "Prof osals for election of Hospital for the 11 tiane Hy order of the Board o ! Public Lands and Budding. F. M DAVl . OomniMluner. LIKCOL5 , Nab. , April 2d , 1S7S. lp2deod3Jl LEGAL NOTICE. To Ephraim D. Pratt , Ma-tha W. Piatt , Matthew MfCahiil aad Thomas Bryant , con-resident de- i en Jan s : You i.l take notice that on tha llth day of > pri .1S71) , a petition was filed Iu the District C urt within a d for Djug'is Cojuty , Nebraska , byMir > ilcCreary , pl.inliff , aainrt-jwu , im- pleaded ith others aa deien lants , the- object ai.dptajerof whicn petition i that an acoocnt may t e fc kn of the amount due upon a note , executed ana de'irercd ' by the f > ! d Epbraim to. Pratt to the said fliln'iff , for t' e turn of 88,725.- 10 , dated August 11 , 1:78. and payable IB tne jearalt r dao witn iaerest from date at the rate of 1-2 per cent , per annum ; a-d that a cer- Uln mo liftge klvcn > > y 'he said E. D. Pntt acd Mirt" 'W. iTatr , bis wife , to secure the patment t t HI rtn'e , on the touth hilt ot the s mtheast { of the southeast } of section 4 , hi township 15. iiorh of range 13 east , containing SO seres of laid , in 8'id County of Doujlas , m-y b < fore- cl.irf au siid land order..u to be sold In default of the c-ymento * the sum found due on rail no e , with c. a ( hurt tii to be fixed by the Cour , tog-ether with a reasonable attorney's fee therein. a.d tnat uoon the confirmation of u i ale th ralid fend < ntsm y b * forever bared an.i f rec o td cf nd from all ri ht , Intereat and equity < f r demotion in and to said cremues , or any pan thereof , and fo' genetal relief. You are required to answer said petition on the 28th day-olMay , A. D. , 1879GSO. GSO. W. DO\NE. Attorney for Plaintiff. April 12. 79. ap2er satit THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. Out to-day in clear , hold , handsome tj pt , A BELEAGUKED CITY , By lln. Olipbant 10 Centg. Oat to-diy in clear , bold , handsome type , THE ' -B B" BALiIjADS , With 189 Comic Illustrations. By W. S. Gilbert 20 Cents The Comic Opera , " ! ! . M. S. Pinafora" Is found ed on these balUds. Out to-morrow , In clear , bold , haodsozn * type. SIR G1BBIE , By George McDontld . . . 20 Cent * LATK ISSUES : 437 A Rogue's Life , by Wilkie Collins . lOc 4S6 Jly Grurdkui , by Ada Cambridge . lOe .435 At Her Marcy , by James Payn . HJc 484 Her Ew was Her Fortune , F W Rohlson.ZOc 453 Cowit ronsdence , by F. W. Robinson. .10o 432 The Clovjn Foot , by Miss If. E , Braddon.lOc 431 Vixen , bt Miss M. E.Braddon . lOc 479 Cast Up by the bea , Sir Earn 1 W. Baker. 410c 476 The Slaret of Paris , (1st ( htlQ br Emtl * t Gabort-jr . _ . . .i . Z'V 478 The Slaft * of Parif , ( id balQ-brEmlle GatxiUa . . . . . 20c 465 Monsieur i Joq ( lit half ) by Emile Gabo- nau . < . . . . . . . . tOe 485 Monsieur Lecoq (2d hall ) by Emile Gabo- nau . 20c 408 File No. 113r EmUeCabcrbu. . . . . . . . . .20c fJA PERFtTJIbD , FaehionaK * . Chromo. LDy OU Satin , Snowfiake and Lace Girds , 10 cent * Name hi gold and jet , postpaid. Large eommis- > Ti > n to agents. Cir-ular and term * Int. Ad dress the Franklin Pr - > ting Co. , Northford , Con necticut. * urSwl34 J B CO'S Crown > - i r no 'ART PACKAGE , $7fr , pi 11 Ou. Gl .T > Hi AI-E T ! > * : . ! WORLD wo inr.pl i iiiUilj t - v , * t paid , JS CZVTS 1 fcitrv , k t.tul n "f STAP-E and PROFIT- A3L3Nova" FKEE. J ERUiE'-i CO , VT Broadway , ICUfCI > 'e YwIc. V - UCITCL ErtBMishe out ttj U. 9 , THE DAILY BEE\ \ JOB DEPAETMENT. BA1LROAD IOOX AND COZO WORK A SPBGl/LLn FIIST-CUSS WORK PROMPTLY EXTMTI VXKTIOWEATM. 910 Faxntiam Street , bat. Ota aed lOtk CARPETS. J. B. CARPET STORE. 249 Douglas St Omaha Neb. OTlldAwlv REAL ESTATE BHOX RC. i lioggs and till ! , < REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 250 Farnham Strut OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. Or ; North Bide , opp. Grand Central HoU ITKCS Run. una . uia Byron Reed & Co. , OLDI3T EaTAJUSHU REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. Keep a complete abstract ot title to all Rea > K tat In Omaha and Douglas CouutT. mavltf Nebraska Land DAVIS & SNYDEji , Creighton Block , Omaha , Ntbt 40O.OOO ACRES carefully tel ct d land Eastern Nebraaka for sale. Great Bargain ! In Improved ( arms , and Otca WEBSTER SXTDEB , ' . . . . < LateLandCom'rU.P. R.R. _ p-teb J. JOHNSON , REAL ESTATE AGENT , SELLS FOREIGN EXCHANGE , And Ticket * by the Bee Steamship lice * to and from Europe. Office , 14th and Farnham Stie ta mchMly OMAHA. HEB. _ HENRY C. RIGHTS , C2Vj > 7 ? 7 ! i " rtife'S * t rc ! 35 iT-'Si t--- rr-- j - Sy ? Jv-X s"1 T s-.X ? 'V\ ; r.v & N ggp FUR MANTACTUR'R AND DEALER. IX HATS , CAPS & GLOVES. Opposite Postoflice , OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA nchlCdlT IF YOU WANT Deantifal SottWhite Band * and Fine Complexion , use I * . V Streeter'a Sulphurated Glycerine Soap , hich ex eels all other soap * and compounds for this pur pose. Gcarantetd | erfectly harmlm to the mos del'cate skin. Can be used freely is water , and h real luxury for general Toilet Use. Sold by all dealers. L. V. STREETER 4 CO. , Manulao turers , J ew York. CHAPPED HANDS CURED , By nsinK L. V. Strtetcr * Co's Camphorated Glycerine tioap and GlycerlneTar Soap they are the oil > Buaps made that will soften the hkr. < I * and keep them from chapuc during the cold weather. Ask tcr It. AJ1 dealers keep UJ USE L. V. SIBEETEI & Co's CIECAH3IAN BOQCET SOAP , The finest and mo t fragrant perfumsd Soap read L. V. STREETER & CO'S TOILET WAPS. OatUeal , Btowii Windsor , White Glycerine Honey , Lavender , Roou , Palm , Bay Rum , Turtl Oil , Almond , Mas * . Violet. Jockey Chit , Patch ously , lettuce , White Bone , Genome Honor Genuine Glycuine , Boquet Honey , Bcqaet Gly cerine , etc. , are mida from the test refined stock Guaranteed PURfi. Use no others. They u the N st. noSWSmo f To archil ecta. bander * , tad trot Indoetmeau in MarblalZfl Iron Mnntil nnrt Crat'a. Our Iron minttU m rrfS-n < l to marble. tl t or 107 other nutcrial thit caa bcnied frr a murtel. They are ebeaper. more durable , an * ornamental , and need only to b < * seentnbcap * pr'etafetf end for eatvngq * and prlc * lift. * ! and tanpl * room. 701 and HBS. Main St , f I/ouiM . NORTON & CO. Hinntetarrri of If t t Ii un Onw * . W tun muvlKtm th celebrated ooo * itora "GENERAL" for TOX ! or e" fcrtprnnteaM . ( awarded ibc Tear * ra intention t * leak F tnjto- ptberjrttha fall toe of Cook nd U'tiiDf Sum * . _ OBERNE , HOSIGK & CO. , DEALERS IS Hides , Wool , Tallow , Grease , Pelts and Furs , „ . 1415 Harney St. , J9Trompt remittances fr ComtigasMnU mchOm BROOKLYN MARKET. , A. AOST . X 412 to 416 TF STBENTH- : SECOND HAND BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD At K. SCnoSFZLD'ri second-hand txxk store , 184 Farnham Street , O ; p. Seaman's Book Sior > febS ly ESTABLISHED 1808. CHEMICAL DYE WORKS J.BOEKHOFF.PBOP. CM.8TH AND FAKNHAM STS. Send for drcnlar acd prio list. Ladfr < and PoU * Clothing Dy d and Cleaned In a aa' KT - tury manner. xarVerehantC Good * a Spec ' B. B , BEEMER , COMMISSION MERCHANT. WTiolesale Dealer In Foreign and Dom -oriult Butter. Ezgs , Poultry. Uame. Haosr . > n ir RMhm.aadAmBtV BOOTITS oreraK -