- v VOL. YIII OIVIA.HA-KEBEASKA , WEDNESDAY. APRIL 9 , 1879. NO. 2'9. Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents THE CAPTURED CAPITOL The Triumph of Amnes tied Knaves not Quite Complete , Potatoe-faced Brigands and Oa- daverotiB Confederates Abundant The Caucus Cabul Wrang ling for the Spoils of Office. Thunnan's Ambitious Rivals sing for EheDe c'ratio Thronek 'Our Own Valentine tlie Idol of tlietJallery Girls. . His Devout Attitude During Prayer Captivates the Coquettes THEEB NOTHING SUCCEEDS BUT SECESH. Correspondence of THE BIB. .WASHINGTON , D. 0. , April 3 , 1$79. ; The President called an extra ses sion of Congress that some important legislation for the honor , safety , and general good of the country , might be accomplished ; but so far and Con gress has been in session over two weeks nothing has-been done but holding Bourbon-intrigues and wran gling overthe spoils of office. . - The Senate roeets- aailySundays ( excepted now ) at the appointed hour , twelve o'clock m. , and after the morn- jug hour this morning hour is us ually very stupid injthe galleries , who 'like Micawber are always waiting for something to turn up go into exclu sive session for a few moments and then adjourn ; a democratic caucus immediately follows the adjournment. "THEM FOOL DEMOCRATS" don't know what to dp-witkCongress now they have it ; the best mode of legislating to their several interests for it must be remembered that the Northern Democrat is one kind of a fellow , and the Southern rebel anoth" er kind of a man is a matter hard to settle upon. These daily caucuses held at the capitol , and nightly cau cuses , which meet here and there and everywhere , are very unsettlingvery , It is not lo be expected , in fact it is not in the nature of things , that the new Senate shouli hold its imposing honors easy at first things are man- rrawlswarkly just nowbut ; bye and bye the country will be aston1 ished to see how lightly , very lightly , honors and the affairs of government , will be handled. THURMAJ , THE KING , \ who has held sway over the Democrats so long , is now having a hard tussle to keep his usurpers at bay ; there are so many ambitious aspirants for the throne , each one attended by a well equipped army of followers , that there is danger of the old King losing his power : but he is a daring plucky old General , and whenever he unfurls his red flag to the breeze , a bugle sound is heard and all instantly "rightabout face ! " He is old fashioned in his ideas as well as personal habits , and does not like to have the younger members of his party rush in headlong with their new-fangled notions of law , and by whom the country is to be gov erned. It is very amusing to see him eyeing the rash youths from under his heavy gray eyebrows ; he looks at them askance and deliberately takes out of his pants pocket a silver snuff box , taps it affectionally , taking out a pinch for himself then passes the box around , a courtesy respectfully considered by those so honored which sets the younger ones to sneez ing tremendously. KEPEALS AEE IN ORDER now , and no doubt all the laws made by Congress since the rebellion will be repealed and new ones made to suit the party in power. There are wild notions entertained by some of the sanguine sons of the sunny land ; idle dreams of absolute power again power to buy and sell human flesh ! I heard one of these vigorous minded "gentlemen of the South" say : "Wo are getting back our power again. The time is not'far distant when Jeff. Davis will occupy a seat in the United I.- States Senate , and we shall command our slaves once more. " THE HOUSE . certainly presents a very sprightly ap pearance , and a very good looking body of men to be sure. If they would only behave as well as they look ( no doubt they all this advice when they left home ) , we should have nothing -complain of ; but it isn't their nature to behave , you know. There is your new member , Mr. Val entine , ( is he as romantic as his name ? ) The girls call him pretty , and he is in great .favor with the ladies at the hotel a sure thing of his success. His attitude during prayer is very devout and respectful. "Forgive our tres passes as we forgive those who trespass against us , " says the chaplain of the Bouse , and down goes Valentine's head. This is good behaviour , very , and a good attitude to strike for the benefit of the lookersonin the galleries especially the ladies whom Mr. Valentine delights to please. He thinks himself lucky in getting a good seat. It is a rather good site , "a fair- to-middling" one , with a good com mand of the Speaker's desk , and if he he is an eloquent , gifted debater with a loud tongue , Tie may possibly suc ceed in catching the near-sighted Speaker's eve , and thereby obtain the floor. It is"a dreadful undertaking ( that's just what it is ) for a new mem ber to try to get the floor , in other words to try and get a word in edge wise. Tha new member with a burn ing desire to make a speech , knowing his dear constituents from afar will hear and applaud , tremblingly lifts himself out of his seats with his finger pointing toward the Speaker , and his face moist with anxiety , calls , "Mr. Speaker 1 Mr. Speaker 11 Mr. Speak er ! 1 1" But Mr. Speaker who seems to be deaf to maiden speeches from the Republican side of the House does not hear , and the new member , often standing fcr ten or fifteen min utes , sinks into his chair rather limp. Peace follows. THE TIEE OF DEBATE which was opened by General Garfield - field last Saturday is being carried on with great fury on both sides. One is reminded of the amnesty debates so great is the excitement , only now the feeling seems to bo more revolutionary. During Garfield's speech I presume you all have read it in this there was great excitement on the floor , the Re publicans frequently applauding ; and in the gallanes which were densely crowded suppressed applause quivered like the sea at the coming of a grand storm. The power of Garfield's speeches lie as much in his eloquent manner of speaking as in the * word. He impresses his hearers ATitE "having perfect knowledge and control of the subject before him , * * & befug perfectly , satisfied with his own ability td command. Garfield fully believes in himself ! His self-con sciousness is at times' too striking and the force of his speaking is lost thereby byit ; is impossible to forget that General Garfield is before you , no matter how interested you may be in what ho says. Being a large , finely framed man , with a handsome pres ence , he commands attention at once. He speaks deliberately , clearly artjcu- lating his well-chosen words in a-loud tone , distinctly heard in every part of the House. At times his voice- has a blatant sound , a sort of flat preaching sound , but this is not frequent , I am glad to say. Ho used to be a Metho dist preacher , I believe. It didn't take long for the ' 'heavenly tones" to die out in Congress. SOCIETY HAS-BEEN 6CANBA1I2ED over the "nastiness" of the Oliver- Cameron trial that has just been de cided in favor of the venerable Simon , ' who , as the court admits , has been guilty of "little indiscretions" a mild way of treating the old "sinner1 ! vile acts. Of course .we all know that 'money and "posish"would be evi dence enough , no matter how guilty tKe old scamp might be. What jus tice could a penniless woman , who is neither young nor handsome , hope to get against such odds and Ben. But * ler ? Ben. Butler has conducted the trial in the lowest possible manner ; his cross-examinations of Mr * . Oliver were 10 low .and vulgar , that menhard- ened in criminal trials , turned away in loathing disgust. Whatever the facts of the case may have been , Ben Butler has been cunning enough , backed by the power of money and the house of Cameron-Sherman , to win without resorting to the basest vulgarity. Ben Butler is unscrupu lous in his dealings with politics and politicians wo all know , but we sup posed he had respect for woman. I am sure the female suffragists , who have always counted Ben Butler as a friend to the cause , will bring down a volley of abuses upon his bald pate , that will sweep off what little fringe nf hair there is on the back of his head. But Ben went in to winno , matter at what cost , and he did ! . CON. . Washington Corrcap3ik& t % * .Rev forte Trtmme The remarkable movement of color ed people from Ihe Sonth- the West is exciting much attention here , as well as considerable alarm in the South. It is due to two causes cheating the blacks as laborers out of their earn ing , and bull-dozing them as citizens out of their right to a free ballot. At present , the most marked phases of this movement are seen in Mississippi , Louisiana , and South Carolina. Let ters from Tennessee , especially from the southern and western counties , in dicate its progress there. In South Carolina , while there has been no vis ible movement made yet , there is a strongly organized movement on foot among the better classes of the colored people. For the last four years there has been a marked desire among the most enterprising negroes in the black counties of Georgia to get away to Texas. So extensive has this been , that the Georgia legislature has pro hibited agents from inducing laborers to leave the State. Alabama has not yet fallen into line as far as heard from. In South Carolina Messrs. Rainey , Cain , Smalls , Nash , and most of the colored leaders , are in sympa thy with the emigration scheme. In Louisiana , Pinchback , Menard , and others support it. Senator Bruce lends it his countenance in Mississippi. It is quite probable that the Nashville convention will take some action in the same line by appointing an executive committee to gather information and look after the whole matter. Perhaps the most practical action yet had is seen in the feeling mani fested by the great railroad enterprises now in progress in the West toward this laboring element. Jay Gould , for the Union Pacific , has , it is report ed , recently intimated a desire to em ploy 1,000 colored men on favorable terms on the Utah Ceutral road. Mr. Huntington , for the Central and Southern Pacific roads , will give em ployment this fall in Arizona to 1,000 men. Ex-Senator Patterson , who is now in the service of the Southern Pacific road , and will reside in Tucson hereafter , has taken this matter in hand in conjunction with leading col ored Republicans of his former State. It is believed that Arizona will be able to find emplopment for several thousand of these people. The country is well adapted to them , and the people will be very glad to re- pla'ce the Chinese , who are now going there , with American colored laborers. The colored people will do well , with out doubt , in New Mexico and Arizo na. The Indian Territory , if open to settlement , would afford available homes for thousands. There are near ly 12,000 people of color , formerly their slaves , citizens of or residents in the various Indian nations. The AtchUon , Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad has also indicated a purpose to femploy in New Mexico a large force of colored laborers. The Pacific Railroad has agreed to carry colored emigrants from. Omaha , who may be going to Southern California and Arizona , if they arrive in bodies at Omaha , at the rate of 1 cent per mile , or thereabout , which would make the cost of the whole journey from the Missouri River to Maricopa Wellsthe terminus until next winter of the Southern Pacific , not over 830. There is a decided inclination at the Califor nia end of the transcontinental roads to encourage emigration thither , and to that end fares are likely to be largely reduced , and the second class accommodations largely increased. Declined to Accept TTU Resignation Associated FrcES Dlspatch. Cnfccra ATI , April 8 , A. letter was received to-day by Archbishop Pur- cell from CardinolSimeoniBecretary of the Pope , declining to accept the arch bishop's resignation on account of hia long service to the church. The arch bishop was instructed to select a co- adjutator with the right of succession to the see of Cincinnati. BLiCK BUTCHEBS , Fragments of the British Army Slaughtered in South Africa. A Convoy of Supplies Surprised , " Captured and Guard Killed. t Swarms of Dusky 'Savages in the Valleys and the Mountains. The Zulus Victorious. AsDodated Press Dispatch. CAPETOWN , March 25via Cape Fort Vincent. A convoy of supplies pro ceeding from Derby to Lumburg , es corted by 104 men of the Eighteenth regiment , was attacked at daybreak March 12th on the banks of Intombe river by 4,000 Zulus under Unbeline. Owing to previous alarm the British were under arms , but were over whelmed by the enormously superior force of the enemy. Captain Moriar- ty aud forty _ men were killed and twenty are missing. The fate of the wagon drivers is unknown. Lieutenant Harward with forty men succeeded in in reaching Luneborg. One hundred and fifty men of the Eightienth regi ment subsequently proceeded to the scene of the fighting , recovered a quantity of rockets and ammunition and burled the dead. Twenty wagons containing supplies were lost. A re lief column for Ekowe will start March 26th. A party of volunteers have visited the battle field of Jaan- dula and found that the Zulus had left 100 wagons there but had re moved the guns and ammunition. ADDITIONAL DETAILS. LONDON , April 8. The Standard's dispatch from Oape Town says the Convoy fromDerby was obliged to en camp on the banks of the Intombus river , as it was too full to cross. Lt. Harward and survivors were encamp ed on the Luneburg side of the river. Although there had been some pre vious glarms the surprise was complete. The sentry only saw the Zulus when they were within fifteen paces. Lieut. Harvard's men poured a steady fire across the river. The Zulus lost heavily but were undaunted. Only fifteen of Capt. Moriarity's men es caped across the river. They were sleeping in wagons when attacked. The sentry was the only one who had time to fire. The scene of the sur prise is a hollow surrounded by long grass and weeds. One gun which the Zulus had not removed has since been recovered. The relief column for Ekowe number 5,000 men. BRITISH TBOQPS IN A BAD WAY. ; LONDON , April 8. A dispatch from Capetown says much sickness is re ported in Col Pearson's , command at Ekowo and provisions are getting very scarce. There is reason to believe 20,000 Zulus are posted near Ekowe. A dispatch to The Times from Dur ban says the soldiers reported as miss ing at the disaster on the Intombo were probably drowned. The sur prise occured during a dense past. Further fighting on the Intombe is re ported. Refuse to Beslgn. Special Dispatch to the Bee LONDON , April 8 i p. m. Wilson and De Blignieres , the English and French Ministers in the Cabinet of the Khedive of Egypt , refuse to give up their portfolios unless eo advised from home. The subject is being consid ered at both capitals this afternoon. The South African Cable. Special Dispatch to THE BEE. LONDON , April 8 i p. m. The cable to Port Natal will be 4,000 miles long , extending from the Red Sea ca ble at Oder around to Cape Guardafai , and along the east coast of Africa to Port Natal , where it will make a junc tion with the present land line to Cape Town. The cable will touch at Zanzibar , Mozambique , Sofala , Dela- goa bay , and thence to Durban as its submarine terminus from which point the land telegraph becomes available to complete the circuit to Cape Town. The cost of construction and laying of this cable is estimated at § 7,500,000. The contracting companies have about two thousand miles of cable con structed. _ Sliver in Germany. Special Dispatch to The Bee. BERLIN , April 8. The rumor that Germany intended largely to increase her silver coinage is denied. The French Cable Company. Special dbpatch to The Bee. LONDON , April 8. The whole 'cap ital of the Ponyerquertier cable com pany has , 42,000,000 , francs has been subscribed and one quarter paid. The steamer "Surbiton" from New York , February 18th , for Rotterdam , is reported probably lost. French Elections. By Associated Pre < s. PARIS , April 8. The Bonapartists are much elated at the almost certain triumph of Bodil , Bonapartist candi date for the chamber of deputies in the district of Champs Elysees , on the second ballot At Bordeaux at the supplementary election on Sunday for members of the chamber of deputies Louis Blanqui , who is still imprisoned for conspiring in 1870 against , the government of national defense , polled 3700 votes against M. Lavertuon. Gambettist re publicans , who received 4076 votes. Two obscure radicals polled 1500 each and if on the second ballot , which is necessary , tEese votes should swell Blanqui's score his return is quite possible. This is considered signifi cant. cant.The The Journal Des De Bats says edi torially that England and France should be prepared to adopt a joint resolution with regard to the Khedive which will cause their dignity to be respected. The Khedive should be aware of the end of the comedy he is playing. WASHINGTON. LATEST FROM THE CAPITAL. THE OHIO ALLIANCE. Special Dispatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , April 9 , 5 a. m. The movement of Ohio Democrats here to secure an alliance with the Green backers for the fall campaign has a much wider significance than a mere effort to carry Ohio. It was conceived by the friends of Senator Thurman and in his interest for the Presidency as against Senator Bayard and the Eastern hard-money wing of the party. I is intended that Thurman shall be the most prominent speaker in the next campaign as a Presidential candidate. Those who are at worK" in the move- movement believe that by this condi tion they can forestall the action of eastern Democrats , and compel them to yield to Western Democratic ideas a : finance. i Leading Greenbackers here say there will be no coalition in Ohio. They say the Thurman men have already approached them here , and have offered to allow them to make platform in Ohio , and to chooaa all offices on the ticket except that of Governor. These offers they have rejected * . They have been sold out by Democrats here and elsewhere , and they believe they have strength nough to whip both parties. THE FOUR PER CENT. It is competent for any person now desiring to invest in four per cent bonds , who prefers to obtain them from Government rather than a bank to get them directly from the Treasury through the purchase of new ten dollar refunding certificates The law authorizing the refunding certificates says distinctly that they are convertible at any time with ac crued interest into 4 per cent , bonds described in the refunding act. EDWARD KINNEY , a colored man who owned a farm in Hanover county , Va. , came here a few months since with a white woman named Mary Hall , and they were lawfully married , the lawi of the district permitting intermarriage of races. . On their re turn to Hanover county they were in dicted by the grand jury under the laws of Virginia prohibiting intermar riage between the races , tried , convic ted and sent for five years to the pen itentiary at Richmond. Special dispatch to The Bee. THE ARMY BILL. WASHINGTON , April 8 4 p. m. The Senate appropriation committee agreed to report the "army appropria tion bill to the Senate withouc amend ment. Senator Withers made a re port to the Senate to-day and gave no tice that he would call up the bill as soon as the Bell contest case is dis posed of. Blaine submitted an amendment to fine an officer who shall-appear within one mile of an election poll. Bayard tried to get unanimous con sent in the Senate to pas ? a bill re pealing the sections relating to the jurors test oath. Senator Edmunds said that unani mous consent would not be obtained , and that the bill must go to a commit tee and be considered in the usual or der. FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Associated Press Uoport. SENATE. WASHINGTON , April 8. The army appropriation bill was reported with out amendment. Senator Blaine gave notice of an amendment making it a penal offence , punishable with nne and imprison ment , for any military , naval or civil officer or any other person , except for the purpose named in the bill , to ap pear armed with deadly weapons of any description within a mile of any polling place where general or special election for representative to Congress is being held. Senator Bayard's resolution calling upon the Secretary of the Treasury for a statement of sums psid John I. Davenport , supervisor of elections at New York , since 1870 , was adopted. The Vice President appointed as a committee to investigate affairs of the Freedmen's savings and trust compa ny Messrs. Bruce , Cameron ( of Wis. ) , Gordon , Withers and Garland. Senator Bayard introduced a bill to repeal sections 820 and 821 of the revised statutes. He asked unani mous consent to put the bill on its passage without referring to any com mittee. It repealed the act passed in 1862 providing for test oath and dis- qunlihcation of jurors in courts of the United States. Senator Edmunds objected , and the bill was referred to the committee on judiciary. Consideration of the New Hamp shire Senatorial case was then resum ed , and after debate the Senate , with out action , adjourned. HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. Quite a debate started upon the propriety of instructing the chairman of the committee of the whole when the house shall be in committee on the legislative appropriation bill to award the floor in accordance with the rules of the house and not be bound by any list of speakerks which may be formed. After an informal discussion the subject matter was referred to the committee on rules. The House then went into commit tee of the whole on the legislative bill , consideration to be under the five minute rule and all general debate to be reserved until the political features of the bill are reached. The section in regard to the treas ury department having been reached several amendments were rejected pro viding for change in salaries. An amendment was adopted pro viding that the salary of storekeeper shall not exceed § 50 per month. Mr. Fort submitted an amendment providing that hereafter when legal tender treasury notes are reissued they shall be so reissued in the same de nominations as originally issued. Mr. Garfield raised a point of order that the amendment changed the ex isting law and was not in the interest of economy , which point of order was sustained bo the chairman ( Mills ) and the amendment was ruled out. After finishing consideration of sixty .pages of the bill the committee TOSO and the Home adfourned. * * * " CAPITAL NOTtS. Washington Special to the Chicago Tribune. SUBSIDIARY SILVER COIN. Senator Booth's bill for the inter change of subsidiary silver coin and United States notes , provides that the holder of any of the silver coins of the United States' , of smaller denomina tion than one dollar , may , on present ation of the same in sums of § 20. or any multiple thereof , at the office of the treosurer , or any assistant treasur er of the United States , receive there for United States legal tender notes. The trkHure. o- any assistant treas urer f ih r United States "WHO may re ceive any coin under the provisions of this act shall exchange the same in sums of § 20 , or any multiple thereof , for United States legal tender notes , on the demand of any holder thereof. THE NORTHERN FACIFC. The bill of the Northern Pacific road this year is a very simple one. It simply proposes "that ten years' time from the passage of this act is hereby given to the Northern Pacific railroad company for the completion of its main line and brach. " 1HE TRADE DOLIAH. Mr. Beck's bill to provide for re storing the trade dollar , and for its coinage into standard silver dollars , provides that there shall be no further coinage of the silver trade dollar pro vided for by section 3,513 of the revised statutes of the United States ; * and for the period of twelve months from and after the passage of this act , the outstanding trade dollars shall be receivable as a legal-tender for all debts and de mands , including customs-dues , owing to the United States ; and said trade dollars so received shall be recoined as soon as possible into standard sil ver dollars of 412J grains each , as provided for by the act of Congress passed Feb. 28 , 1878 , entitled "An act to authorize the coinage of the standard silver dollar , and to restore its legal-tender character. " MILITARY SCRIP AND LAND-WARRANTS. Senator Kirkwood , of Iowa , has in troduced a bill directing the Secretary of the interior to ascertain the amount of public lands entered by the location of military scrip and land-warrants in in the States of Ohio , Indiana , Il linois , Missouri , Michigan , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas , Arkansas , Louisiana , Alabama , Mis sissippi , Florida , Oregon , Nevada , and Colorado , whose enabling acts of admission into the Union contain a stipulation for the payment of 5 per cent , on the sales of the public lands therein ; and , after making such investigation , it shall be thb duty of the Secretary of the Interior to cer tify the amount so found to the Secre tary of the Treasury ; and it shall bo the duty of the Secretary of the Treas ury , out of any money in the Treasu ry not .otherwise appropriated , to pay to ouck States 5 p cenc on the amount of lands Jocpted by military scrip and , lyrtt warrants , -estimating said lands at the r te of § 1 25 per acre. Provided , That the Secretdtj of the Interior shall exclude from his tstimate and certificate all lands so entered upon which the said 5 per cent has been paid INPIAN CLAIMS. Mr. Voorhsjs has a bill vesting the Court of Claims with jurisdiction to try and determine all claims against thti United States , of Indian tribes , or individual members of ludun tribes , having treaty relations v ith the CJmttd States , growing out of or arising un der such treaties , or any law i > er' tm- mg thereto ; and all claims growing out of alleged depredations by such Indians or tribes upon the persons or property of citizen's of the United States ; and nil elaims of such Indians or tribes growing out of alleged de predations or citizens of the United States upon the persons or property of such tribes or Indians. HEW DAKOTA LAND DISTRICT. Senator Cameron , of iscoiuiu , has introduced a bill to establish a laud district in Jamestown , in the Territo ry of Dakota. It provides that all the public lands in the Territory of Dako ta , lying in the counties of Barnes , Stutsman , Lamoure , Logan , Kidder , Gingras , Foster , DeSmet , Ramsey , Cavalies , and Rolette , shall constitute a new land district , to be called the Jamestown district. LOCAL TAXATION OF LEGAL TENDERS. Senator McDonald's granger propo sition , to authorize the local taxation of legal tender notes , reads as follows : That from and after the passage of this act , any State or Territory of the United States may provide for includ ing in ihe valuation of the personal property of the owners or holder of any legal-tender notes of the United States denominated "lawful money , " owned or held by.aqy person or corpo ration , in assessing taxes imposed by the authority of such State or Territo ry , and may impose a tax thereon ; but the tax imposed on any legal-ten der Treasury notes shall not be at a greater rate than is assessed or im posed upon gold or silver coin of the United States in the hands of indi vidual citizens or resents of such gtate or Territory. Restrictions on the Cattle Trade. Special Dispatch to The Bee. MONTREAL , April 9. A cablegram says a further restriction upon the cattle trade has been established in England. It disqualifies any steamship that may have carried cattle from a scheduled port from all unscheduled privileges for three months from the date of the last voyage. Scraps. By the Atsodated Press. The Khedive officially states ho de cided to form a truly Egyptian cabinet and a new ministry has been formed under the presidency of Cherif Pasha. King Humbert yesterday paid a visit to Gen. Garabaldi. A terrible sporadic fever is raging at Cassa Blanca , Morocco , among both natives and Europeans. Business is at a standstill. President Grevy has signed the par dons of 232 more communists. THE O.IVE TRIAL. A JCRT HAS NOT YET BEEN SECURED. Special to the Herald. HASTINGS , Neb. , April 8. A hard day's work has only resulted in more challenges and protracted inquires as to the mental condition of the jurors. Judge Gaslin has ordered that the session shall not adjourn until a Jury is complete , The real trial of L P , I Olive and Fred Fiaher begins to-mor- , row. T.Bl TELEUK.4PH. New Torfc Monev and Stock NEW YORK , April 8. MONKY „ . 5 < g7 PRCIE MSP.CANTILE PAPER J&7 GOVEKMltNTS U. a , .Ml 116 } IT. S. 62C.Naw 1:4 : ! Newt 3 1C5J U. S IC-JGe. coupons 10l | U. S. to , currencies 12lf FTOCKB. Western Union Telt.-raph 106J PadBc Mall 13J New York Central- 1151 Kre ! _ . : 25J Ene preferred 46J Union Pacific. . . . . . . ' . . . . . . 72J Like Si-ore . * . 71 } niino 'Central. Bl Northwestern 61 } Northwestern preferred 01J RxV Wand 332 St. ft.ul preferred 82 * Wabasa 19j Chlcatro Produce. OPENING MARKET. Special Dispatch to the Bw. CHICAGO , April 8 4 p , m. Wheat Quiet ; 91Jc. Corn 31Jc. Pork 810 42 * . HHogE Steady ; heavy packets , $3 60 @ 385. CHICAGO , April 8. Wheat Fairly active and lower ; No. 2 gilt-edge , 9l @fl2c ; cloMd at 8Uc bid ; regular , 88jj < § 89c , closed at 88jc { cash or April ; 93i@04ic , closed at 93Jc for May ; 94j@95c , closed at 94o ( sellers ) fori June ; No. 3 , 79@79 c ; rejected , 64o bid. Corn Quiet and a shade lower for winter storage receipts ; No. 2 , nomi nal at 31jjc ; first storage , 34c cash ; Slgc for April ; S5j3oc | , closed at 35c bid May ; 3636c ( , closed at 36c bid June ; 37(539Jo ( for July. Oats Quiet ; shade lower ; No. 2 , 221 c cash of April ; 25o May ; 25f ® 2oJ < s for June. ! lye No. 2 , 44jc cash or April ; 49 ; o for May. Jarley Offered at 68c for April Pork Fair demand and lower ; 810 30(313 ( 35 cash ; § 10 37 © 10 40 for May ; 910 50@10 52 $ June ; $10 62 } for July. Lard Fair demand ; $640@642fc cash ; 86 426 45 for May ; 6 47 @ 6 50 for June. Whisky-Si 04. CLOSING. Wheat-93c bid May ; 94i@94 c for June. Corn Closed at 35jc for May. Pork Quiet and easy ; 810 30 © 10 32i cash or April. Lard Steady ; 56 37 $ ca h ; $6 40 for Mayt New ZorK Produoo. NEW YORK , April 8. Wheat Dull ; No Sspriug , 93@94c ; No. 2 spring , SI 03 @ 1 05 ; ungraded winter red , $1 01@1 lOi ; No. 2 do , 81J4i@114 | . Bye Srt-adyjTNo. 2 we tern , 58c. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , 45js45c. ( Oats Firmer ; mixed western , 31 ® 32c ; white do , 35s36Jc ( ; E gs Market easier ; western 13 13ic. 'Pork Jull ; mess , § 9 40old$10 85 new. new.Bsef Steady ; mess , $1050 ; extra do , § 11 M. Cut Meats S eadyj long rlearmid- " dles. So 205 ( 25 ; "MUTI do , § 5 4' ) Lard Quiet ; prime steam , ; G C5o ) 670. Whisky Dull ; SI 05 $ . e Pioauce. MILWAUKEE , April S. Wheat He-tvj ; 'opened ' f c lower ; closed tieavj ; h rd , § 1 CO ; No. 1 Mil wauUee 9Gu ; No. 2 do , ! )0c ) ; April , 88c ; May , 9-iJc ; June9Jc ; No. 3 Milwaukee , 7rf e ; No. 4 , 72@73i. Baltimore Produce. BALTIMORE , April 8. WJiea * Firm ; No. 2 red winter , § 1 12 @ 1 12 | . Corn Steady and firm ; mixed wes tern 43g@43gc. 0-sts Quiet ; white western , 32 ® 33 ; mixed. 31(5 ( > C2c. Rye Dull ; 545Gc. Butter Active ; l @ 20c ; roll , 15 ® * . jjrga Quiet and easier ; 1213c. Whisky Dull and nominal. Chicago Live btock. CHICAGO , April 8. Hogs Receipts , 15CO , ; dull and 5c lower ; choice heavy , 83 85@4 05 ; mixed packing , § 360@380 ; light , 83 703 85 , closed weaker. Cattle Receipts , 2500 ; in good de mand ; market strong and a shade higher ; shipping cattle , $4 205 20 ; butchers' st < 5ck , S2@3 70. Sheep Receipts , 1400 ; strong and active ; $4 006 00. St. Louis Produce. ST. Louis , April 8. Wheat Unsetthd ; No. 2 red fall , 81 03J@104 cash ; 8104 April. Corn Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 33@33Jc cash ; 3334c April ; 25c bid May. Oats Active and lower ; 2525c cash ; 26c April ; 251 c May. Rye Steady ; 48Jc. Pork Firmer ; jobbing , $10 55 ® 10 GO. Lard Steady ; 86 256 30 , accord ing to location. Bulk Meats Firmer ; clear ribs , 84 90 bid. Bacon Higher ; clear ribs , 85 40 ® 5 45 ; clear , $5 50@5 60. St. Louia Live btocK. ST. Louis , April 8. Cattle Inactive ; shipping grades 10@15c off since Saturday ; buchers' grades fairly active and weak ; good to choice heavy shipping grades , 84 75 ® 5 10 ; do light , 84 50@4 70 ; native butchers' steers S3 5034 60 ; cows and heifers , 83 00@4 50 ; corn fed Tezans , 83 254 40. Receipts , 1,100 ; ship ments , 400. Hogs Fair demand ; lower ; York ers and Baltimores , 83 503 70 ; pack ing , 3 25@3 60 ; butchers' to select heavy , 83 70 90. Receipts , 2,400. Sheep Steady and unchanged ; good to fancy , 84 50@5 25. Receipts 800. _ bood 111 Digested imperfectly couriahes the system , ilnca U It on ly partially auimilated by the blood. Pale , hag. gard mortals , with dyspeptic stomach ) , impov erished circulation and weak nerve * , experience a marked and rapii improvement in their phys ical condition by availing themselves of tnat sure resource of the sick and debilitated , Hostel ler's Stomach Bitters. Thb ge ia > tonic and alterative lend ; an impetus to the proeows M digestion , wnich injurean adequate develop ment of the ma'-eruli of b'.o-xl , fibre , and muca- UrtUrae- Moreover , it soothes ai'dstrenKtueus overwrought or wa ik nerves , counteracts t n- dency to hypochondria or despondency , to wr ich dyspeptic and bilious persona are peculiarly liable , and is an agreeable * nd whole me ap petizer and pruuowr of icpoae TheinUrmltiea ( ae , and of drlicatc feoulo constitution * , -re geafy relieved by U ; ud H is a re Jab e pre- veaUre of , and rsaw.y ( or , nul.rial { aver * . PERPLEXI tf < ; PROBLEM. The Dilemma in Which the Speaker Finds Himse'f. ' To Displace Atkins or Dis please Blackburn the Question. The Objeot Aimed at in Chang ing the Bules of the House. OTlmt-Broiuinent of the Army Bill. Professor Kiley's Successor Yellow Jack , Washington Special to the Globe-Democrat. Representatives Atkins and - Blackburn burn had a conference with Speaker Randall Monday on the Chairmanship of the Committee on Appropriations. Usage would entitle Mr. Blackburn to THIS CHAIEiUNSHIP , and Mr. Randall is not indifferent to this fact , but as Mr. Atkins is desir ous of remaining chairman of the com mittee , there is no alternative but to displace Mr. Atkins or displease Mr. Blackburn Mr. Blackburn is persist ent , and ta he thinks the chairman ship of the committee will strengthen his chances for the Speakorship of the next Congress. The Speaker favors Mr. Atkins , and will not displace him without his consent. The action of Mr. Blackburn has led the Speaker to return the name of JUDGE BTCKNEE to the chairmanship of banking and currency , this chairmanship having been tendered to Mr. Blackburn , and Mr. Buckner having been placed at the head of public lands. The speaker is also having much trouble with the committee on commerce His wish is to make this committee one that will look after the important interests of all sections , and keep the appropria tions down to a minimum figure for only important works. Mr. Clardy , ' of St. Louis , will take the place of Mr. Rea. THE BEVISION OF THE BULES. Among the new rules which the House Committee on Rules have agreed to report is one requiring a three-fourths , instead of a two-thirds vote to suspend the rules , and pass an appropriation bill. The purpose of this to put a check on the rive * and h&rbor bill , which is usually p&sten under a suspension. The proposition will bo strongly opposed in the H use , MS members are not willing to resign the tun-thirds rule. HE SK.M.m A > D THE ABUY BTLL Tiiere has been agrett desire to know how the debate would be con ducted in the Senate this week on the army bill , and prominent Senators are of the opinion that it will List a luiigtime. . Messrs. "Voorhees , Me D maid , VVhyte , B-tyard and others on the Democnttic aide have prepared elaborate Sjieechea lu favor of the pn > - po ed IngisLition , while Republicans like Messrs. Conkling , Edmunds aud Hoar have speeches on the other Side. There is uo previous question in the Senate and THE DEBATE 18 UNUiUTEI ) , but the IIMJ .rity can sit it out , and they say if the debate runs till Satur day th v will do that and force a vote , hmice there is a prospect that the hill will go t. the President on S tturday I-KOF Bl LEY'S SUCCESS" > B. The peat ot Entomologist of tle De partment of Agriculture will be ten oVred to Cyrus Thomas , of Illinois , in place of J'ro * . JBiley THE YKLLUW FEVER. Theme.nDeia nf thu National Board of Hexlih now in sesainn , have agreed to rec > nimeud a bLl establishing a riiiid quarantine , foreign and inland , and authorizing its enforcement by Federal authority. Jt is recommend ed that at rivdr cities and other points where the epidemic prevails to exer cise the most rigid surveillance nf ves sels. Althougk three members of the Board favor the refrigerating plan of preventing the importation of the germ of the yellow fever , the remain ing nine are opposed to it. The ex perience of United States SHIPS OF WAR which have been sent from the tropics to the extreme northern ration dur ing the winter to subject them to the freezing process , upon their return to the tropics have suffered an immediate revival of the epidemic. The United States ships Plymouth and Tennessee are practical instances of this , and are advanced as an argument against the refrigerating process , and will doubt less lead to the defeat of the bill pend ing in Congress. The Southern Sena tors and Representatives still insist upon legislation on the yellow fever and cholera epidemics before the pres ent session adjourns. Helping Their Fleeing Brethren. Associated Press Dispatch. PHILADELPHIA , April 8. A. large meeting of colored people was held thb evening for the purpose of raising means for colored refugees from the south now at St. Louis. Addresses were made by Bishop Payne and others , after which quite a large Bum was raised. The Cheyennea on the War Path. Aswxaateii Press dispatch. ST. Louis , April 8. A Topeka , Ka. , dispatch says : A special from Wichita states that news which is thought reliable reached there to-day that the Cheyenne Indians are on the war path. They broke away from camp and started in tne direction f western Kansas. Agent Mills and an army officer who went to remonstrate were ordered to leave. CAMPAIGN LIGHTNING. THE B.ESULT AT CISCINKAH. Associated Pr.-ss Dispatch. CnfCEfNATi , April 8. Out of twen ty-seven towns in Ohio from which re turns have been received the Republi cans have seventeen , Democrats seven , Independents three. At Daylon the Republicans elect the city ticket At Springfceld a very heavy vote was polled. The Mayor elected was the candidate of a combination of Pro hibitionists and Murpbyitei. At Chil- licothe the Democrats elect the May or by 300 majority. At Zanesville the Republicans grjn five councilmen. The Democrats e'ieol tne Mayor. At Ham ilt-.n the fcjuublicans elect thj Mayor. .tjjs ! city with one ward lacking elect all except police ' judge by majorities of 300 to 1,100. The ward locking gave a republican majority of 150 at the last municipal elcctii n. It is generally conceded on all sides th&t local and personal t on- siderations were lost sight of , nation al questions brine the matter at issue. The vo o polled was the largest of any spring election in L'incii > n.iti. THE MIChlGAy ELECTION. DKTBOIT , April 8. Up to the pres ent time a ) most complete returns from twenty of the most populous counties in the State have been received and give Campbell ( Republican ) for justice of the supreme court , a majority of 2,500 over Shipman ( Democrat-Green- backer ) , Qr avernor and Shearer ( Re publicans , for university regents , are probably elected by a-stnall majority. AT CLEVELAND. CLEVELAND ; April 8. TheRepubli cans elected their entire city ticket with the exception of poliea court judge. The council will stand 96 Re publicans , 13 Democrat * . JIT TOLEDO. TOLEDO , April 8The lucceu of the Nationals in tha city election yes terday , as indicated by partial returns last night , is fully confirmed by offi cial returns to-day. AT SPBDfOraLD. SPEIKOFIELD , III , April 8. The city election to day resulted in the success of the entire Rerublican ticket with the exception of treasurer , a Democrat. AT ALBANY. ALBANY , N. Y. , April 8. At the election here to dayDemocrats elected ten , Nationals twenty-one and Repub licans four supervisors. AT I'AYTON. DAYTON , 0. , April 8. Latest elec tion returns in the city show that the Republicons have elected nearly all the officers of the city ticket by 300 majority , and secured a majority in the council. AT XVNSAB CITY. ST. Louis , April 8. A Kansas City dispatch says the election passed off very quietly. The count is not yet completed but the election of L , M. Keeley , ( greenbacker ) for mayor is conceded. The independents and re publicans , elect the treasurer and four out of six aldermen. AT DUBUQUX. DUBUHCE , April 8. In the city election yesterday the Democrats elected John D. Bush mayor over Harrington ; also treasurer , recorder , and two out of five aldermen , the Re publicans electing marshal , assessor , and three aldermen. THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. Oat to-day in clear , hold , handiomg t < pe , " i BBLBAGUKED CITY. By Mrs. Oil bant 10 Cent * Out to-diy ii elar , bold , run-bom * typt , IMF R-'B" BALLADS. With 189 Comic Illustrations. ByW. s Gilbert a.C : .t The C.-mic Oper-"K. il. S. Picafore-'v , fonud td on U t $ < - uJLuK Out to-morrow , in e far , bo d , htndjcme typ * . SIB QlSBig. By Geonje U.Don Jd S' Centj L T.l = MEs : 4 ° 7 ARozues I ife by WllieCDfan lOc 436 M > GturciaL , by Ad Camljride , lOc 43S At Per Msrcj , by Junes Payn. . . . .rOc 4S4 Her E-t e was Her Fortune , F W Pot ton 20c 483 Cnwar Co S'ieiKa.liy F. * * . BtjbiDx.Bt.lUc 41 > . Th * loven toot'b , MsM. E. Uaddon. Oc 481 Vixen , tv JIw M. K B addon I0c. 479 Ciut. 1 p r.y i.ea , Mra&i i W. Baker. . lOc 47tf Tiiel ve of uria (1st ( hali ) bi EiuJe Gatx > riu V-c 476 The Sates of Par ] . , ( half ) byEmile Gab-uiau 20e 4 5 Mvn ieur Lee q (1st ( ball ) by J--rn le Cat 485 ITunsie .r Lecoq ( id half ) bLmile Gab - riau 20c 403 File Vo. 113 , by Exild Gaboriao Me toreae b all n < wrdeale/s , or tent , posture free. 011 rtcri .t o : pnce , by George Munro , 17 to z7 vaudewatea etrset , NVw York. We offer a first-class white lann- dried shirt , with an improved reinforc ed front , made of Wamsiitta muslin , 3-ply bosom and cuffs of 2,200 linen , at the reduced price of $1.50. The workmanship , fit and style of our shirts are placed in competition with any shirt sold in Omaha. Wegurmn- tee entire satisfaction , or will refund the money. We make to order every grade of shirts and underwear , give better good * for less money than can be got elsewheru. Our fancy imported afiirtings are of the choicest patterns In underwear Tie cannot be undersold. . Omaha Shirt Factory,252 Farnham , opyoaito Onind Central Hotel HAIR GOLOE. DE LA IANTA.S "NUT BROWN. " Tunis any hair to nature's most beautifcl brown by one ppllcation. Contain * no leaa or bad odor ; does not < ime off or stain the skin , and is clear and harmless as wat r. Jl.OO per bottle. De La Bantu's "Advice to Ladlea , " 13.00. Derel oper , $3.00. Money refunded U not satisfactory. DE LA RANT A A CO. 17ft State Street. CHI1 OH ! MY ney Medicine , cires Pains in the BkeksMecrl in * and all diseases of [ ) f theKidm-ys. Bladder - BACK ! " der ana Urinary Onrans , Dropsy , Gravel , Diab tes , Brignfs Disease uf the Kidneys , Retention or In continence of Urine , Nervous Di ea-es , female Weakness and Excesses ; HUNTS BEMEDY is prepared EXPBESSLY for these dis eases. l-mm Rev E C Taylor , D D , pastor First Bap tist Churcb : Providence , R I , Jarfy 8,1879. I can testify to the virtue of HUNTS REilE- DY in Kidney Diseases from actual trial , hiving been much b < nefliV > d by its use. E G TAYLOR. From a retired minister of the Mstbodist Epis copal Church : & 9 North 17th St. , Phila. , Pa. , April 18 , 78. WX.E.CLIUDear8irBUNTS REMEDY his cured my wile of Dropsy in Its worst form. Ail hope bad left us for months. Ail say that it is a miracle. Water had dropped irons ( .er right limb for months Forty-eight hours had taken all he extra water from the srjtem. AH other means bad been tried. None succeeded bit H"NTS REMEDY. ANTBXlN * ATWOOD. is HUNTS pure y vegetable REMEDY HUNT'S ' and is u led by the advice , of Physi cians. It placedHUNT'S the test of time for 30 years , and tnt | utmost reliance | mar be placed for Pamphlet to PROVIDENCE , R. L SOLD BY AM. DRUGGISTS. Jan-eedw PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the estate ot Frederick C Timme , deceased. Notice I * hereby given , that the creditors of said deceased , will meet the executor of said estate before me , County Jndze of Douglu County , Nebraska , at the county court room in aid county , on the 17th day of May , 1879,00 the 17 h day of July , 1879 , and on the 17th day of r-eptember , 1879. at 10 o'cl ck a. m. each day , forthepurpoeo of presnting their claims for examination , adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowel for creditors to pre nt their claims , aud one } ear fur the executor to settle wid estate , from the 1'th r y of March , 1S7J. this notice will be pukiiahed in the Omaha Wekly Bee t-i four weeks suecessively , prior to the 17tn day of M * , lJ79. WM. O. BARTHOLOMEW , meh28w4t County Judge. ILK Twenty to t * enty-four quart * for on ) dfilar by John T. Paulson. teb7sat-raon-wedtf AM Dv flnt-clas * dreito-maker , ap-ac- W Ucal cutter and fit er. to take charge U work-ri om at Mra. W b. Woods' Parlcr B * ar , Uniou Bluck , Utb stretu moa-wtdfkt CARPETS. UTeS' tOS K-A 1' J. B. DETTTILER'S CARPET STORE. 249 Doufflss 8t Omaha Neb nvlldtarlr BEAL ESTATE BROKERS. REAL ESTATE AOENCY , CrufcifctJLmi'j t Cb'j jr tj Fifteenth and Douglas apUdly OMAHA. NEBRASKA Boggs and 2Hi ! , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 850FornTian ; Strut OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. Of I North Side. cpp. Drawl Contnl Hoi * Byron Reed & . Co. , EEM , ESTATE AGENC1 IN NEBRASKA. Ktp a complete abstract of title to a9 R l UU in Oraaha and Douziaa Cotratr. carltl Nebraska Land Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , Crtighton Block , Omaha , A'ehi 4OO.OOO ACHES carefully selected land Eastern Nebraska for sale. Great Bargains In improvsd farms , and Oica O. F. DATO. WEBSTER SNYDEB , Late Land CoraVU. P.R.R. - J. JOHNSON , REAL ESTATE AGENT , SELL8 KOREIGN EXCXQE. . And Tickets by tba Be Stexoline * to &cd ( nun Euiuvv CrHce , 14th aao. Fi " .ua Stieota O ' 'A. HENRY C. RICKTFP , < v4.'fi f ' * ' ? JS5j3ksi tfes13 FURMANTAGTUR'R AND DEALER HATS , GAPS & bLOVIS. Opiiosi e I'osioK'CC , OMAHA , - - iNEbHASKA ncMidlv ITYOO WANT beautiful Soft\Vhlte Hands I and Fhia O mplexion , ue L. V. Streeter's Sulphurated Glycerine Soap , hiH > ex I cfcj all other loopxanJ cuniixjnt-Uv lot thir pnr ! pone. Gouantecd perfectly harmless to iht mitf ' stin. Can be a ed freely in water , and U * real luxury f t > r general Toilet Use. Sold r > y all dealers. L. V. STREETtR i CO. , M unlic turert , Xear York. CHAPPED HANDS CURED , By ojlnrf L. T. Streeur s Go's Camphorated Glycerine tfoap and Glycerine Tar Soap they are the only maps made that will wften the haudk and keep them from chopping dm ing the cold weather. Aalc fcr It. All dealers keep ! tj USB L. V. STREETER & Go's CIRCASSIAN BOQDET SOAP , The finest and most fragrant perfumed Soap mad i L. V. STREETER & GO'S TOILBT SOAPS. Oat Meal , Brown Windsor , WMta Glycerine Honor , Larender , Base , I'alm , Ray Rum , Turtl Oil , Almond , Mask , Violet Jockey Clai , Patch ; oosly , Lettuce , White Rose , Genuine Honey , Genuine Glycerine , Boquet Honer , Boquet Gly cerine , etc. , n made from the best refined stack Guaranteed PURE. TTse no others. They ai the bett. To architect ! , builder * , and ownerswtecaoffer a nuntcl. TUey are ebeaper. more durable , and oraamtBtal. and seed only to b seen ta be ap. PT elat dfnd for ntt'om nd prlc * llit. * ! B. HORTON & , CO. Muatftetarrrff of Maottl * ana GrmtM. . W alia nuratuttm the elebrated cook-nova "GENERAL" ( or wool or CM ! ( AntpmniunB awarded ilz jrania taemt'mtt KLlonU F lnto- ttther wfth a fall lljt of Cook and Bratlm Stor . OBERHE , HOSIGK & CO. , DEALERS B ? Hides , Wool , Tallow , Grease , Pelts and Furs , 1415 Harney St. , - JH I'lutupt ' remittances for Cunfijnments mchg-gm BROOKLYN MARKET. A. AUST 412 to 416 TFIBtEENTH ST1 SECOND HAND BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD At H. SCHONFELD'd second-haad bo k-s'-ore , 184 Farnham Street , Opp. Seaman's Bo * k Store frt 8 ly II n lSClrkSt..Cblc.yx i rfl. U. . RelUblo SpreliLitfor Caneen. XpIlep.T. Slutterlnz , Deafhew. Cnlnrrh. . / > wat andaUGentto-TJrlnnrTJ"- ArUfieUl Kr . tc. B * i eonndentfcU aid. Rfg j < * "T Erpma.