Eifa DAILY BEE. THE CITY CIRCULATION OF THE DAILY BEE 13 greater than the ccin all other Cln-ulfttlon of Wned City - Omaha Dallies , and erceeda that o. urnf , 110 ropies per day. Jiii. OilAtiA DAILY BEE togucwcnbcnjby carrier to any part cf , r1tawdsS ex.Ftd at Clteon ti per woofc Any c npI lnU about taOTljritfc * , or to- pn.jwr < Mrery ) of the par-cr. U addreiwd to this Bffic * ffl rwdne r-nnapt auaitici Tie Onaka DzSy Btf be nailed to cub- , - , r t tbc f , | .j-.i'le mwiWfly i . * 4.oC fix rotmtbs. The OnMha PHf Ber has by far the l rpwt n-UjUra < ! ' I" < > * * " ' " ' -rrad. Mnl i * dloa. ' . , JLtHJUUP A > O 1BT A > T * OOMHIWCIAJ. MfOPts I > - . rtf TIlIKn PiOE At Last. Ve are gratified to announce ihat the Annual lllnstratetl Review of THE Hzchas fimdiy been completed , and is jiuw being j.rinted at this office. The cistrilution uf copies to city tubscriVrsvill be ujade to-aiorrow bj the carriers. Parties who de iret. inspuct ile T-ork and lervr-cnioi * iny ! ' . * cull at tli. .fail-- Vsbull SUH Jy tLeu as fast us we can do the jfriiumg. * The supply of raPul8 < atnnot be twined out a8 fabtas an ordinary news paper , as great care has to be taken this prcsswork. The principal delay was owing to the slow work of the artist ? and en grarert. > BREVITIES/ Ffttcnon cells OoaL Read Polack's cardadvcriiBgnienL Baths 25c , cor. lOtli and Dodge , J2 Please send in church notices ti * morning. - Do you need a Hat or Cap 1 r > EDZBicr > ' 8 prices are the lovrost. tf Read B znis & Bowers' Kel tiie Column 1 Bwxains ! Nebraska boats the world for blesjant winter weather. # - Down goes the Price of FBEDEK JCTC s Hats end Winter Caps. | nl7-tf The Board of Trade will hold a special meeting to-night to make fi Jal arrangements for the St. Louis excurs ion. The Omaha Pioneer Hook and : Lidder Company arc making an off-rt ; to sell their truck. They ask § 900 fur it. s John Hosicky , editor of The : Pokrok ZapadUj ias received two cac- tjs canea asf present from L. A. : Sahlesinger , "of Denver. They are quite a curiosity. Last 'evening a drunken man raised a disturbance in the grocery store of Riopen & Dietzen , and finally 3Ir. Riepen bounced him into the stree't. Riepen was nrrested for as sault and batter- , but was discharged f at the police court A Xcw York dispatch cays : ' "Paul Astrich , a Hungarian , aged-CS , is now in this city , after walking all tw ! way from Omaha. Cfe fulled an a firmer in Washington Territory , and Ilursday leaves fr the ihip that brought him out , over a year ago. " There has just been placad on the express train between Omaha aud Chicago ou the old reliable "Burling ton route" a Pullmin palace sleeper of which has just boon rebuilt r.nd re- fjrnished nt great expense. The car B. is named tbo "Pacific" and is a nsog- luScently finished sleeper. The Omab-v HKE Lithographing Company are prepared to promptly orosutc all kinds of chanty and state work , viz : Jurors and tTit s s certifi- it " tSftea , county warrants and nil kinds th blanks ; also school , x nty , U.wn , city , thSI' tabroad and eor } > unition bonds of any dcsisn , certiGcates of stock , uiplomas air for schools and universities ; ulso for ou county und state fairs. tin Judge W. B. Peyton , hoisknown tinA to ba one of the most popular colored c tizeiis of Omaha , married Thursday evening to Mrs. Aurora Cjr.mli , nt the bride's residence , 167 Capitol avenue , the "Her. John A. Fauchp , of the A. JL E. Church , officiating. Tiic cor iu my was wi ness-d by a select pirtyof friends. Music for the oo- c-i iuu was furnished by I'rof. U. 13. Neale , Jr. During the evening an H elegant supper was prepared for the ytiests , who did ample juiti-e to the ly out. A very sociable time was had by all present. rci The Republican , in speaking of ur the Bennet failure , says : "Tho firm at was not in debt for rent nor for other sic bills , and the attack of THE BES is J ciuzed more by revenge for not ob- toi tajiing the Bennsts'jwtronnge thwi tlic by desire to publish news. " THK bE made no attack on the Btfnnet * , but till 110 aimplypublished their failure as an at ileni of news. The Republican isjnatl thi because it did not get the item for its chen Thursday morning and evening edi- 3110 uons , although the alFair occurred Wednesday afternoon. THE BEE had tin Ho sti share of advertising patronage mi Iroin the Bennets , und lias no occa- tic MUH to find fault with them for any foi transactions they may have had with de thia paper. If TUE BEE published dem their failure- out of revenge , then is ihelTerjldguilty of the same thing is for it publishes" in substance the snmo account of the failure as that in THE thi BCE. pk [ A Call of OJIAIU , Jan. 1C , 1870. cri : A mocling of the employes offlio TJ. P. railroad will bo held in the oar ras uhops at 7 p. m. on the 18th inst. , to of consider the rights and wrongs of de : csjployes in connection with the late itecision of the Supreme Court of the SOD relative to . ma United States garniahecs. sell < leportera of Omalia and Council tot jilufls papers invited to attend. in the Ask your dealer for the "Golden P.ule" cigar. _ _ Tne Helping Hand Society of the , ' . Jthcran Ch'urchrill give the first of 4 series of their -Slereopticon and ff ' \ ' blcau entertainments on 'Eridayd ' > sht , the 17th inst."a -tttcImlh _ < craji : * < lurch. . Single tickets , 25 t tas course of six eights , * ? ! , tts-thu-fri . THE STATE CAPITAL , * * Senator Van Wyck Determined to Seduce Sf ate Printing Expenses , The ( Stock-Gnrwers' Committee Pushing their Claims on the Legislature. A Large Number of Bills and Resolutions Introduced. Corntpoadencc oi Tnc EEC. SENATE 5IOEMXG SESSION. LIMTOLX , January 17. Under the call for resolutions Senator Van Wyck asked that the resolutions ollered by him ycfiteiday be referred to tl-e standing committee on pnnting , with instructions to report a bill containing a plan by which the expenses of print- iug might bo reduced. Thu resolution was adopted aud so rcfened. The Sen ator thbn asked and obtained leave of i absence on account of sickness iu his family. AL < 0t of Jiebil'fe read a tiist time this murniijg wci 61-voral to amend the pieacnt law iu the matter of "mark * aud brands , " and r < .ve me One autnorming county oiBcei-s to pur chase delinquent lax lands ou behalf of the county. One to provide fcr payment of bounties on vrild animals dcstroj ed. Mr. Birkhauser reported a resolu tion that the report of iho connaiitte tin revision on "impeachment" fahould be amended nafpJlotrg : "That it shall bo unlawful for any justice of the peace to bavo liis oflico with a practicing attorney. " A petition from the bar of Douglas county was to day presented to the Douglas county delegation protesting against any radical changes in the criminal code. The committee api iniei by the St t.h. Growers' convention is actively a. voia.ai.ig the member * of the Legislature. The object sought by them is the organisation of u cuunty to be called "Pine , " embracing all the northwest portion of the State , sov- _ cral hundred square miles in extent' , and to suspend the herd law within its limits. It includes the canyon and sand hill region of Nebraska and the valuable pineries. Much beautiful agricultural exists there , but it u claimed that the settlers can find in the forests that abound , .a cheap material fur fencing in their lands. To exclude such a large portion ot the State from he operotiod of tbo Homestead and Timber claim Liwg , and virtually chse t t < > settlement creates some hes.ta- Lion among members ; but < m the ti. < ? r mnd the interests o our iimmme tat- le business demand encouragement and protection. At noon the Seuato adjourned till o-morrow at 9:30 : a. m. OMAHA , DODSE. LIXCDIX , January 17. This morn- ng 3Ir. Scott , of York , occupied the Speaker's chair , as Mr. 31atthewson was unable to bo present , on account of sicknees. After the usual preliminaries the llowinj * bills were introduced. By Mr. Hickman Memorial and ioint resolution relative to the tn is- 'ors at Omaha , Pluttfliuoutb. and l\c- jraska City. This rccommuuda the reduction of By .Mr. Carder To provide for the payment cf inonoys paid -as taxes i-n lauds whoso title rests in t'-e State. . This bill providua for the refunding of money paid on school lauds previ ous to the owners having obtained a patent. By Mr. Ferguson For the relief of Samuel Bacon , while siipcrinUndfiit the Bund Asxh.ui , p'rcvidijip ; for payment of S1/J38 to said Samuel Bacon Bj Mr. Burns to allow counties , cities and towns to traiibfer money "in treasury from one-fund t'v.inother. By Mr. Br.idiey For the relief of PharlfM W. Brooks. By Mr. Bwime't ' To regulate iho Unit's of State officers. "By Mr. Bennett To provide for the redemption and oancbllatum "of 5100,000 ' of State Funding Bonds. By Mr. Gilbert In relation , to nnendtnent of the triiinn.il cede. B/Mr. Bennett To Kinend tlionci the incorporation of cities "of Iho JwtV-ljss. This bears entirely upon construction of water works. The largest a ortuiunt of masks ; it ai Max M over & Co.'s. tl EIOHaEUS. " Some Interesting Items Oon- inhi hiai cerning theBmte. " aim in Io Has Spld His Body to a Medical College. lafl fliu * _ , . ; > ! iu If the date has been published cor- ' iubl iuP rcctly Richurda'will bo liung on n Sat- blWi urdny , the J6th of April , notwith Wi standing Friday has alway been con- st iidcred haugruau's day. Althou h n Judge ! Gaslin , in proncuncing sen nadi tence , ordered him to bo confined in di jail at Ivoarnovj Uufijlo oonnty , loal until the fat'il day arrived , ho was al alP' nevertheless taken to the penitentiary P' Lincoln Thursday. On his waj- In thither he was toTall appearances very sh hecrful , conversing freely with evorv- .11 ami apparently not caring a con- CO binontal about hib impending fate. an ( Mid that ho had cold his body to a anm medical college provided the institu vrl tion would furnish him-with the com to forts aud luxuries of life until his n fleath. As yefc we have.8oen no state- j be mcnt as to the nlaco where the brute j th jto bo hanged' or who is to' od Iwiig him , ( but wo suppose her that tfio 'oxecution will take j and lace at Minden , the county seat ' . It Keaniiy county , in whicli his l rimes were cdmmitted , and that the " iheriff of the county will officiate. He tried and convicted for only one his six murdurs , that of Peter An- lerson , the Swedo. In his testimony lichards admits the murder of Ander ; . although uhaping his testimony to lake it appear that he had acted in slf-defensf. It wits no doubt owing this that the jury'spent two hours vnt coming to a verdict of guilty in first degree. Closing Out hai Cheap A lot of Men's .Boots , . . * Jjadies t Shoes , 3twj'.H.rf ; ' - Shoes , 'Mssca' ' ,7- SI003'1 ? c".0hildions . f " > Shoc-a.- "i , , ' . , , , t n ' - - - ! > - ' -f - - / > AT3)0HES - " . . . , " Shoo'Store , " ! Ct2 COMBING OHEXENNES , A Probable Solution of Their Mysterious Possession of Arms and Ammu nition. It is yet a mystery how the Ohey- ennes obtained their arms , while im prisoned at Fort Robinson. The most plausible explanation is that while they xrcra imprisoned they had but few iveapono , most of which ivcrc revolvers , ami which they either con' cealcd from the beginning , or which were fimuxqlcd into their pnssetsion by some friends. Whcu they broke forth from the building they managed to secure a few additional arms from the guards , cud then they took a hur ried dojnrturo to the spot where they entrenched themselves , and where without inucb doubt the } ' hail previ ous to their surrender concealed arms and ammunition.1 It will bo remembered th.is when they were there were bat comparative ly feu- arms found in their posses sion. Their supply of food was very likely obtained irom the cattle run ning at largo in the vicinity. Ere this they hava pr.ibably captured a Fiifh- citmt number of hXiraos to mount the whole party. Their adveiftures certainly , tainly form a romaikably iutei eating and thrillingchapter of Indian histjry , refieciiui ; great credit upon them as irarriors and strategists , while , on the otkpr hand , our military forces are ooverod with any tiling but glory. THE 0. D. 0. A Defense of the Omaha Dra matic Club A Critic Criticized. To tlioEditorofTiiEBEE : In THE BEE'S report of the enter tainment given by the Omaha Dra matic Club , your critic s.iys that the play was poorly rendered , without specifying what parts were better than others. There certainly was a wide difference in the talent displayed , iliss Slojean was praised for her rep resentation of' 'the leading part"when the fact was , that she appeared in a subordinate character. Allow mete to suggest that in this part she should pay more attention to dressing , which is i : more important than appearing beautiful. The leading characters in It the play are the drunkard aia his wife , both of which were finely ren dered , jlrs. 1 hori.tonwho appeared as "Mrs. Morpan , " did some fine act ing , and gave evidence of possessing the : essentials necessary to success as a pathetic actress. "The Landlord" pV was well played , as was also the part * of "The Drunkard's Daughter. " Mrs. Da Yontoii , who appeared aa "Mra. Slado" is entitled to great praise , thia being her first appearance on any stage. The club , as a whole did well , when it is takeninto , consideration that it was their first appearance in public , and ihat they linve only been orja- nircd a short time , ft is hoped that Kt their next performance they will have a larger und more upprociativo . audiuncc , and a more charitable ard just appreciation and not ice from the press. FAIKPIAY. J. When in Lincoln , otop at Spencer's European Hotel. The latest novelties in neck-wear and the bust linen collars , 3-ply bands , til at the Omaha , Shirt Factory. th Masks end trimmings at Max in Mover & Co.'s. A LAMP ACCIDENT.r ThcNcrve and Presence of Mind of a Lady-Savo Her House thwi with from Destruction by" Fire. th geFJ The other evening a lady , residing FJ on Fourttenth street , mot with an accident which for n time threatened the residence with destruction by fire of antJ herself with severe injuries , but ofU ou ing to htr renmrkablo presence of mind thcso calamatits were both happily averted. Her husband was arPi absent , aud die was sitting iita- sewing PiH machine engaged in doing some atitch- H ing. By some accident the c il oil St lamp fell off the machine on to the lo floor , -breaking to pieces and scatter loY ing the ignited contents upon the car pet. Iu sin instant ihe floor was in ablaze its blaze , and the iLiinoa soon ran up the so wall in the vicinity of the stove. In soPI stead of becoming excited and ruu- J.St ningoutfranctically.indscreaniing fire , StW W ninet3'-nine women out of a hun H dred would have done , and thus allowed br brJ. lowed the flames to get an uncontroll J. able headway , she grabbed a loose piece of carpi t , which fortunately Iiippcncd to bo lying near , and this she threw upon the burning floor , Lent aud : with her hands .ind feet she scr commenced battling with the fire per and smothering it. For several IKS . minutes it was a lively contest , and when she saw thntr the fire was likely get the bettor of her , she called to lady iu an adjoining part of the house to bring her two blankets. With I ] this reinforcement ahe finally succeed in mastering the fire , but not until now carpet had been badly burned the wall .ind furniture in the room had been considerably scorchod. j wag indeed a narrow escape. The dy certainly exhibited an amount of "nerve" and preai uce of mind pos sessed by but few v omen. Bonner'sis the placoto buy and sell A furnituro. Call at 253 Douglas street. [ T TRADE NOTES. JTo trouble to show goods at Ihe 03- Y ' store , 2011'rtrjj/wim , street. net < Ewers & Co. pay cash for second tand furniture , stove ? , &r. . wt _ _ declSoodtf 4- .Wolf & McDonald , Importers and - uinuiacturers of Cloaks and Suits , 710U 50'Earnliam ' ' streot. sepl8eod-tf Mc EWERS & Go's is the place to buy j ousehold goods cheap , 229 Douglas. ! dcclSeodtfI } I A CLOSE CALL. A Bleeping Family Almost Suf focated to Death by Gas from a Hard Coal Stove. Occasionally the gas from a hard- coal stove escapes and almost suffocates slesping persons be fore they are aware , of the danger. A very serious affair of this kind occurred in this city n few nights ago , by which ft lady and her two children and the servant giil came very nearly losing their lives. The mother aud her two " oc cupied a room up stairs. Dining the night the mother was awak ened by the violent vomiting of her children. Upon awakening tlio could hardly speak , and felt utterly powerless to move ; it seemed as if she was being hold down by some heavy suffocating weight She could not get out ofbud , but t > ha managed to arouse the servant in the adjoining room. The servant was also affiictud iu the same way , but by mustering all her encgies she succeeded in crawling o.ut of bed , and eliding down stairs , bhe then crawlpd to the next house and alarmed the occupant * , who teen came to the assistance of the suffering family. At first it was thought they h < ul boon mysteriously poisoned , , but il was discovered that tie upper part of the house was filled with coal gas , which had como vt vu from thtj sitting-room below through : a stove-piiysJiole. It appears that ! the top of the solf-feeder stove had either boon left open . or had i sprung ; back so that the gas had for etv- ; : oral hours boon escaping. Thisexplain- ee ed the mystery. A doctor , who had been summoned , soon arrived , and spent ] several hours in resuscitating the mother , who had.become speech less , and would have died in another hour had she not been awakened by her children. The children , too , were sick for some time afterwards. It was indeed a close call. Persons cannot be too careful in watching their hard coal stoves , especially when there is any chance whatever for the gas to penetrate to ( ho bed chamber. ATTENTION ! SIR KNIGHTS. You are requested to Assemble at the asylum iu Masonic Hall , Saturday evening , at 7:30 : o'clock , January 18 , 1870. " E. A. AU.EX , Em't Commander , M. C. No. 1 , K. T. Masks in great variety at Max Meyer & Co.'s. Horse Bhnkets , 95 ? , at Solomon's. Just received by McKelligou & Co. , two car loads Sterling winter wheat flour. They have a largo trade in this brand. It is Bold by the principal grocers. PEKSOilAIj FAKACiKAl'HS U. S. Marshal Daily is in town. H. L. Latey arrived home Thurs day from Leadville , Colorado. E. tF. Bartk-tt , Hie lawyer , has re covered from his serious illue3. . Hon. A. J. Fbi/ulotun 'pnt to Kau- 60S City hist evening on l"gal business Billy Ogden , representing G. II. & . S. Collins , left for Grand Island to day on business. George Il s3 and .Too Graff left for LeadvilleColoradoyc-stcrdsyto make their fortunes. Pat. O'Hawos has returned from the Arkansas Hot Springs , greatly improved iu health. Mrs. Berkctt , of Salt Lake , who has been visiting Mis. D. 0. Clark , returned home yesterday. Alice Harrison , the actress , passed through the city last evening on her way from San Francisco to Boston. . Major Wells , U. S. A. , was among the V/est-boiind Union Pacific passen gers to-day , his destination being Sun Frimcisco. Coiincilmrai Jciikiinon left to-day for Idaho lo superintend the building a bridge over Snake river for the Utali Northern railway. Among the arrivals at the Withnell are the following : Anton Inglemer , Philadelphia ; T. B. Carruthers , N < YoiiC < ; Charles Kinsman , Boston ; , T. . Gelding , Chicago ; 11. J. McClean , . Louis ; 0. J. Ho well . -II : D. Bigc- low , Chicago ; Arnold Barber , Now York. < Among the arrivals at the Metropol itan are the following : W. J. Ncl- son ; Albion , Neb. ; D. F. Jameson , 4' Plinois ; "W. G. Barney , New York ; E. Cowles , Now Yoik ; Mat. Steadman. Iowa ; A. H. Sonic , Milth wjiukee ; Frank Glass , Innjt ; 0. D. Hyde ; , Tekiunah ; C. J. Stoovill , Ne n braska City ; A. Townsend , Fremont ; iutc B. Bose , Chicago. IIN tcII , SPEOIAL KOTISfcS. fein TT srw-r = _ j j. s = js = j a : JfOTiCK. Aclvcrticn > nt To Let , For Sale inc , Found , AVantj , Bonnitn , &c. , m'O. be In re wrted In tboho columns rive for TEN CENTS S7 line ; each8uhquonttnsertioitFlV CENTS ? lino. The first iniertion u6\-er ie s lira Ml r.VKiTT.PIVK GENTS TO - A MONEV TO LOAN Uul at Law Xlffico of I > . L. TI10MAP. Crnickshank's Building. EiUS & 7JOWER3. Kcal litata Agents. IStli and DOUGHS Sts. , aMajs hare Jloncy to offO Lujn on fir , ! Cla > lienl Ksiaie Security. Mf < fOul HELPWAHTEO 1111 a I the ! 1HL Wanted ct 2iS Douglas Etrcet. IiO gridttf Tr. - . . . for cnors ] house * ' * * , 707 ath Sticct. iJSjlC " En -ul for dinmroom / room ; alaosirl for UUhoiworfc. Jll fuurtc-ntli SfeTtmtn- and L'arcnrort. / IS si 0001) 'Girl ' wanted for general Cji'jIre230FariiliamS ( : . To TTAyrKl * ) CirltodopraLTal honsework at " c. IHvenport street 2cT tf pai ! WflHTID siTtJATlOi . KTS. iird rT7"ANTED Situation by an etp riencid mil- wit . , Omaha. Jf .Md = & I'Ji'tascn , 213 rsrubtm oth 17 2t s due Ten REKT-KOUSES AND LAND. ezc. ens liEMIS & B'oWEKJr Kiw Keal sge E'tato La to o coiiimi.CTt lan-ain < in the market. and ntrcs OR RENT A fun > Mi < Hl hrcse of 3 rooms to and l * MB lIf < unU , Apply to MO liOt Street. 0 t [ 1H3. 15,1 KE > T The tirat httlc ttorc ( with nx > ro Orru vr = Nve ) , pnl'alile * * " for small familv ) ne\t to > h4nfc i CoX ca Pcorias sticct. I ' - - :02 Eenus a Hotter ? . jio era the i You FCB RENT nCOMS. title ! _ or I ; i1 Furnljhii'd room , IJ Jafks-i : . SPECIAL KOTICES-OONTINUED. WAHTED-KISCEIUNEL'US. /"I EXTLEMES Mill flndbard and roe at 002 \JT 13th &t. , bet. Dodge" and Capitol arcnuo. 'T\7"ANTED Sltu-"tou to do een nl bousc- 1 V M otk iu an American finulr bj a romiic- tontgirl. AddicssA , Bee otflce S73J.G W A > fTEDSevoudhand Furuituro , by C. B. FITCH , 515 ISthttrect , bet. F nilamisnd . nihJTT-Cni WASTElr Frur po l bu lne s men who ha\ta rv8p ; tabloa | > iuiran'e , a ucclint energy a dh'rcc , nbrf eiicut. io eatu all they huLe , for air force In Ncbra'La. Must ba nt Ics t SO j ca b of age ai d g < wd t-t'isuitn. To the nwn vci > c n picnic u * wo will ftinranleo from JO O to Sl.S.'O the fitU je-ir. Irtftr uiennho hnve had experience In solic'lin . Jlcn ho show ability for thcT bush es.i wilt be prctootid to re ponsib o t o-itioua. / ddrt > , giing age , i-ast "bi.ginias'iypricnce , arj naiai.tcamiiiti.i-1. W J. IOLLAM > 4 1.0. , ChiiagO , III. FDS SALE-REftL TSTA7E. HOL.-Lfc , Lot , t-torre , L-iids , Fartn-i ! Kcct b--rtri'iS Iu tLc inark-t. llu-id Semis ti b-j ur ' inn real estate liai. next coluum. HISCELUHEOUS. J7lOIlf-ALECIIUAr-5teru.pUon , No. 2J ( J.1 Vi'ill nnpnfi 0CtO timeg. Inquhoa U otEce. janlCtf Statement of City Clerk , From July 1st , ( , > December 3ht , ( in- dusiic ) 1S7S. Total amount of ccncral fundbtibfoit to draft ? 437 04 Dajtict vcrlip dra\ui from slid fund , Juli'lst , 1 73 5 831 77 Hal in ycn'l/iwii , July lit , ISIS , . . * ! ! OW ti Paid from Hie sciicro ! fnml In July , An * . , fccjit. nud Ccr. , as lyl r' * * : 5-3lanrSOt ity oificcrt . .5231354 I'olicedepartiLent . . . . 214G&9 Fire ' dejurtmeiit 3IDS 51 Ml , cllrcua Ut.ls . . i. . anj 00 Street luj'airs. . . . U & 5 OS IJaiisooia P ik . . . 3 06T ! 13 * 23 901 35 Balanci , in gm'l fun ! , Jan'j 1st , 1S73.S402 Amount of outstanding indebtedness , rlmipt ble toihe grncrfl fund , Jan. 1st , 19TO. , . . ' . > 12f l I hertliv certify fiat ( ho foreoinr statement Is correct - Z. TAYLOlt , 17-.1t City Clerk. ' IS,000 VOLUMES SOLD. POPULAR"NOVELS. . SSTFor Sale at all oo\ttlleri and en all Hit Itailroaiif. lly Alphon-e Dandet. Fr.mi the German of 1. . W trner. "FOHBIDDEfJ FRUIT , " By IW. . } ! acklind < T. By HepilGrcu.l "AT A HIGH PSIOE , " . From the Gerraui cf K. AVeruer. Cst Each Volume Complttt rnul le on Heccipt of Retail J'ncc , Sl.fO , by ESTES & LAUJUAT , BOSTON , * 12,000 VOLU1TES SOLD , C03DIISSIOXE1VS SALE. Bj virtue o an order of tile , i ued out of the District Court in and for Dotiglis oountv , fctato of Xcbraska , and t me directeil , I will "on the Uthdiyof Folr. arj.A. ! ) . , 1870 , nt 10 o'clock a. in. , of Kti.l ( Jar , at the south door of the court house in the city ol Omilii , in E.iid county , tellatmblie ] auction the property described m said order , lo-nit : LoUt (2\ three ( S ) and four (1) ( ) , lu block fnurlct n (1 1) ) , tiiuated in Wct Onwha , L'ou.las cuouty , Nebraska , together with all the appurtenances thcrrtintd belousinjf , to satisfy a judiine-it if said court , reouwCJ by ilary H Ifall , plUniff , acai St "tho nulcoonu heirs of Lcn ! C. Loomls , deceJBd , and Andre.v J. Lofliuis , deftiidaiits. W SIME11AL , 17 3t _ Sriccial Master CVinimi-cioncr. St , NioholastbrGrirls&Boys. ANEW YEAR'S GIFT : "St , Jftefolas I m not its equal aininy f ! > t ChiUr&'f magazines all oiwr the tccrlj. " THB ClUICMO. ! ! ! Special Announcement. Ou zind after January 1st , 1879 , new subscribers to ST. Ki < noias fcr the year 1870 , will K > entitled to the numb. is for Nov. an ! 3)E ) , , I8T8. Fnife. ; Tliu 'Nmruibcr number , the first of tlia volume , cuiiUuia jjic . opening , ch of xpters - > j A SERIAL FOR BOYS ; "A JOLLY 1'ri.LOWtinp , " by Frank If. Stockton , lo ran thtouyh the year ; and A SERIAL FOR G1HIS ; by SCSAS COOLIDQE , b ins in Febru ary , while the entire volume will bo crowded with good tldiiga by the best writers and nrtiats. The Christinas Holiday Number , containing contributions from . ) .us G. V.rnii-HFK , CHARLES DOULLY V'AR- MR : , MARY JIAPES DODOI : , FrsAx COOMDGE , JULIAX DAWTIIOIIS1 , I iOJ I THAXTIE , 3Ira. BuENfciT ( .ii-horof "That La < < s o' Loicrics" ) , and ijumy others , pronounced the finest number of ST. MICUOLAS ever jpaued , is includ ed in : t subscription for 1879 , or v.'ill be bent , post-paid , for 23 cents. PJHCJ3 , 55. A YJ1AR. November and December numbers TO ALL new subscribers i.ftcr December ! ! lst , 1873 , whobcgin their subscriptions with the 61n January , 1870 , number. &uo-friptions received on nbova terms by nil r * and po luM-ltr * > TITSOIIS to Kiib c.,1 ic d.rect s1iould ntc name , pohtofflce , Countj andE'rto , in full , a'ld ' nd tvith remit tance in check , 1' . 0. moneor.ir ' , or rc i tered- Ictter. to - SCRIBNER & . CO. , 743 and 7J,5 Broadway , 2Y , SCIENTIFIC TKIRTY-F3U3TH Y AB , The Most Popular Scientific Paper in the World. J Only $3.20 a Year , including Post age. Weekh' . 52 Number s a year. 4,000 book pages. THE SCIKMIFIC AJ > KT.I < US is a larcc First-Class iVeeM' Se-3 > jM ] > erof Sixteen Ta ci j.rimcd in the most bsauUfn' tlylt , pivfiu'ly illustrated iiitfi tpleniLti cngraeinja , rc ; > r < .sen'n.j tl e newest Imci-tinn * ai u tlic moot ruvcnt iclvanccj S the Arf ! and be PIIOHS , IncIuiHnir Sew anJ In- tc.r > tins fVU in A ri ulturu , Horticultun- Hume , K eit h , Medical J'r"ie * . SociJ Science , P- Katural : Iliitny , Go | gy , Abtronoiny Tiie mo \ilnablc pra t'tal paper" , hr oniincm Trrftcr in MlilL-iuTnniliU i > L'ofcnw , nul Irt found in in.Seicntitii Aratr > .in , Tcrnis S3 2 per j ir , $ . ( ! I lia'f ; c , wbuh inchrjt'S p * titc , i > t iiii to Agai tj > Wn9 'pios , tjn cm S.ild b\ aIr > c sJtslcr . lic- reit ; br J o > Ul onio t in'NX A OO , lubhshtrs. 7 Purk How , : ; c\v Yr . ' 1" connection uith Tlio * . Ff'entific Arccricjn , JIN i CO. ale Solicitors of American ami l'itent , lia\c usJ ? 4 jcart ic.ieiiCf | , the iar cst cstahlUhinent in t .o < > ill. l'.Ucnareohtae ; ) < l oa the brsl tcrois. sne if1 n.t c. i * in-ulo in The Scie-tillc Amc i- cancf . .H Jnvtnti.ns iiate-.tel tbroiiih this AjpencjniUitha ramu and re-Ucmc o { th ratontes. Bj- the itn.mn'o cir iUiion thus gittn , | niMic attpn io i is due tcdtotbc tacrita I * e iii-w p tent , nd talcs oriuJroJuetion often easily ! etff etoJ. Any ] * crMti uho ha- * mad ? z new i Jbcovcrj' or invention , ian lecertaln , fn e of charge ; v li then > itent can | robaoly l > > obtmsod , bj n'ritin , ' 10 < nndcr i.tied. Woafoi s nj ffec our Ilaml Hook al nr"the 1'a'cut Laws , I'atciiU' , Cai wts , Tradc-3t-rLe , their cos's , anil 1 OTV procured iih luiiU l r i > rocnr.nT jcirainx-5 on invent us. Addretsfur the r.t cr , wcon ifnh-jr I"at m Cralich OfTue , Cor. K & 7thSfs. , M'Bfhin' > . O. . _ , . -t _ k' LEGAL NOTICED - , , , . oa Uktnat Court , Douglas Comity , Kcbraska. xuituil K. Kogcra w. X. R. lijrtlett. tt aid. dtfmidants. WaUn-e R. lartlttt ! , Jjmi.3 Mc- CracKcnand . Sallic V , ' . McCractcn. Yen wifi take noti.-c that t > anniel E."Roscni ; , as ilaintiffId. . i n the 27tfc day ot Xovemb-r. A4 > . . fi'e .i pet tionIn the DittristCi.url in aud > unt > and f iak > cain < .t jolt , imple < rtud \ithtbc : Union I'laBs Jlnl-vid Company an < l ith-ts. Tin object and ] > ra > ernt ea'd jTiitj'/n S ihat an account.mmvl-o tatetrof the smoiait sain phiii.ig on a CB tain n-jte and mottle -iccuttiiaral.lclncrctl to him by sai.lVcCraefc - , on or ob.ut Jn y 1ft , ISoS , nimil us tlio Be irrount due oa a certain o'hcr note anlnioit- , executed and delivered by Vid XlLCrackon1 * aest ooueJno. A.II.itbach. a'wii t Hjiy SOth , IfCS , 301 tbat Of lotj and land de cnbed in iU ui.'rt- as follows All lot four (4in ' ' . . > .t 251 , | lot tbrtc ( J ) in block 251 , I u > ? iii.nhotbe ! lion luie , between tectieua 2 aud 1.7. ! , i t-vm fun north of range 'S cist , all VHKT i. ' tlio rity , .f tnaba , in ad countv , and that Iho amount iiimetl to ba dua p'aintiff , toirit : the um nl ' P3 , tn be dtvlarrd a iitn upon Mid pivmiw * , portion tbereuf AIU ! the wme sold to taUs'y Kimc , and for jwicrnl relict are therefor * rtfuilreito an-nrcr faid j - on or before the 3d iay ! of F hnury , Is79 , Iudmfnt WII be tatcnapaJn-it y t. 0 , W. AlUJKOiE , AttVlor H'tff. REAL ESTATE. mis & BOWFJ COLUMN. LOOK AT-THIS LIST ! ! oi ' list of llesidmce Lois and conic ' and $ et lia.iija.ins , ciihcrfur cash , putt c iiiionihhj i > n\im.nts \ , or lony time jjireu if a house is ImHl. If/ore Alices udmncc in flip Residence Lots For Sale. IL-il. lot on IHnUe St , naar Ibth. 2 lutM on Jsim near 22d St. 1. lots in f.ntliii .t 1-aac's addition , 12 Iota in Shii.n's addition , S1CO to § 12j each. 1 lot on Kartty , 11 JS.b and tuth. 1 corner lot , Cajitol iio anJ 12th ; wi 1 cut it ti ] > . 1 lot on 1 > cnporl , near 221. 1 lot on 2Ctli , near liiut , c' 1 lot on Cj = f , neir 2.1 ! St. 1 lot on Chicago , lunr 23fi * t. 1 lot on 231 and tslitnrnia Sts ; a' ' Half lot on Izard street. Half lot on Coa-rstrcct. 1 acTo on S2d etiect. 2 Iocs ririlKn k laanes' alili'iou , cheap. Jj t uti ( .alifr rnU , near V3J. 100 lotk in E V bmith's d ition , \erylow price- ! and * cry doiirablo property. 1 tot on Wobst'r fctrtxt , nwr luih. * 1 two aero lot in Itanlett'a ndcbtion. Ha'f-acro lot , Ilartniau'a adJiuon , bctw. l th and lOili streeta. 43 lola in Rssd's aillKlon ; ury desirable and ilifsp. 7 lota in Griffln 4. Issue * ' addition from $325 to JI2S each. Alaii u nuniter in nbo.tc addition on terrca. The most deeirablc | vta jit Kountra & Kuth's addition at bottom pri-t * . Cell on us before } ou 2 lots in Swofsey's rddltion ; cheap. 1 lot in Nelson's addition , S lots in Kvrnlz ? i. Jiuth's addition ; tlicap , 1 do do do do 5900. 1 do do do do siW. 43 lots in Millard's aild.tion , 8750 to $3iO. 8 lots In Phmu's flret addition , JSOn. Slotj - uijotainfercy Hospital , tiitap. 1 lot oa istii , near Clilcugo. 3 lota in Godfrcj 's uJiiitioii , t $300 S100 each. Ii lot. in Ifeac and Sclui-n's ftdditlou , only 50 cadi. 1 lot OH Masou , neir llth , iSOO. lut on Leaxcnworth itrect-VS55. 1 lei on JUtcv t let , H20X 1 lot on D.irenport street , 8 .f CO. 1 do do do 315CO. 1 lot on California street , SOO. 1 lot on Leivurttorth street , jl.OCO. 1 lot m Heed's addlton , 1W. 2 lots in ! ! c id' ajdit'o-i , ZOO each. 2 lots 011 20th street , % > Oeach. Half hit on Man j btrOLt , S400. porty five lots in Mum a addition ; dsirablc indtry ch ap. 1 lot ou Hint , near lo'h itreet , Corntr lot on Cuminr , S1AW. All of the lots in { Micros additionsJ7i eyh. Good lot on ItoiigBetroot , for51200. A lev , lot4 in Shinn's ilr t aa.Jiti.ui wil ! be suM on vrrj ettj ttrniK , in blovks , 2 , 7.10 atd 11' , < 3COti > * 3l"0 each ; nl-o , in blockii 1 and Via ihiun's secoM addition , : fuw lota at S125 Wch. L-jts 1 , Z , "i und S , on 23d ttrtet , between Cali fornia aiid Websttr , 6 , ( " 0 t lot. On 8th , nrarKuitSt ,31,000. th > x32JfL.tmXc ! > > on'iil Won for 8710. 1 lou on Ja.Lson , nea. 15th ttrcet , SIZW. 1 1 it OB Chita.-o street , near 2i.t , * 5,000. 2 luts on Plo-cr , near 10th , 12tO for both. 30 Ms In b. V GniUh'o addition , for S.IOO eacli. 2 : ) do An ( Jo dii for * 2 ' 5 eacli. 11 do do do Jj tor S2:0 each. 12 do ilo dj uo fer $ * * 30 each. Iuj ! o < icof ihesa lot ? ; thev iirocheap. We have several bundled imrvmcd farm . Wo h e a uiillion aercj f wild limb. \\'o hare oxer a tlitu.iud acres snliuilau prop erty for sale. We h-.i o t "n huii'lru 1 hoiues and lots. Vic ) a > \ < : ImsiiKsi 1 ts. Wo lute I > M i'lcsj pn.pertj. Wo ha\e prrpcro' to iciVt or lease. We li ie money tIon. . Tf/e do > < t'rHtrul Itnul aiphey and tiiiiiico . Uame und see us. Bernis & fewer General La'M and OKO. P. UKIIIS , Notary 1-ublic. L. 31 l0 ! KliS. or. 15th Jiid IUH Ms bOLiiMis - erA - A , H , Gladstone & Go , : 10J Fra A siiar. . . S 1 00 11 IlaC pn .ir extra . ICO 12 tto Golden C ! > ugar . i tO t } ! bs smualitHl s\ig&r . 100 J < 0 tugnr , 1411s . 100 Coffee , lair llio , 7 Ihs for. . . . . . . . . . 1 tt Coftce , extra due luo , 1 Ibs for . 100 I'rimc Hlo 0 ft * for . 100 Coffee , bent roaetcd. 41 1w ! . 1 W Cotfwi0. . . CCH.-1 , 4 H. . . ' . . 1 W Very finest OOcoIficSJlba . 1 W Tuw jicriwmiil . . . 40S 1' ' 7S do 4n Ut--t 1' . & 0. niotUodOeinan. Itf bora . 1 Cv Uoet V.1ilto Kassfcin-Soau. 20 bars . 1 OC Flour. A Jfo.lcpriiinli'et | | * rsatk . . . . S 0 > -Eirst nrinttrwl-iat ior vk. . S M t V.iletich mien ; * , lllusfor. . 100 IJuLrrCW t.nrrant > , 15 Cj for. . . . 1 CO Beat new 1'ninos 12 S * . , . 1 M Best new 111 jeklcrries 1211.3 for . 1 W Best ilnea peaches ( Inivcs ) 12K tut . 1 00 Best api'Icn , new. It ! S fur . 1 toW Tooaco ) , tine-cut , good , ir tb. . . . . W O'lJcn Jhrea.lp.-r Hi . 75 Dlackwell A Co.'e Oonutoo Durham lo- baeeo , 1 B . , . ' 4 Catlin'sOSprlb.r . m . 37 * u < ToUaeco , per E > . 6& Thjugbt , very lln < st per Ib . 70 nclixui. . 21 iw . v. . . . 1 00 Fei'gnrn&nts . , . . 1 fO Huiumy , A Cl.i.lce 1'earl 36 Its for. . I W Best Caia4i. oat tntrU. J3E > for . 1 60 Hice , bent S. C. , 11 Ibsfor . 100 Ilxv.lS } Ibs for . . , ; ! > Gerniau mustard ; r buttle . " Jlur-n ; radl'ili ror b > tile . Appier. 1 t$9l $ CB . . . . llt.f. ' , 30 Mrin l > tMiiiifi > can . . . - . oLu.kocrnes , ia can , - . . . . Chein s21J > can . . . . . . . J4 i : C..m , ourltst , Yarmouth . ' . ' - . ' . 15 * . . . . 11 u * * u xi > i. - * * * * * 13 - . . . . i4 ; 3ujcall , . . , 15 neiSl } > can H wiKrnes. 2'A can - - 1 * , . 3B > caii 3 far 1 M ics,6t ! > tin lie io fou baked tf am Sd'can ' " ' at'ncudij h talU US ( an - . . 25 O'ife.fc.KS 2h ! fan. 'Si 7ouJemd in ! k r * ' ' wp f f. > 2J 3arnjniadc , pcatfi , 2IU.TUI - * . " . " fr * Vf p-.j Initter 5 & can M Ba'rtinp iio iierl > ulk p < 5r Ki W Ut-Bt st. LCHJ Cractcr ? 17R ffr 1 e * Eforcb , Sdrer Ol x f-tanh , IH.T Ib 8 liui Iaimar-tHireh , 2OHa tor 100 . A. 11. Ahidstouc it Co. , " CASH GRQOERS 216 and 218 Douglas Street , and331 Tfili tetntlt. . " ' ( nut , HIRAM POMEOY , Agent , V tat tatn 25 ! FAHHHAM STKtfeT , 013 n ( Successor t < i Jaco'j ' Gish , ) Tlio Iarc t and bast ttocfc 6f " * * alj - caiVcts , cofrins > and abroad i In tbc city I bj ' cti wld LATEST I'AITSRNS WAYS ON HAND in SUITS HADE TO OHDER. AFTER Z.ATEST STYLES l -atfefoct'on ' jiren in CUTS. AI u * lee _ jisisoiq ASO RErjurara and purpoicsilofi ; the work , at the . Unrest pnasXjeprk DC 5 forget to csll - - j _ i9110th , bet. Parnham & Earnev . OMAHA. NEHRASKA- ' HEHSY SffiCEEB , G ! AHCY8TEAHDYEISC .CLEANUTQ Ddce COS Twelfth St. , o Suvc S5 to 30 Per Cent. They Must be Sold , at Cost or Below Cost , My En tire Stock of Men's ' , Boys' and Children's ' Men's Overcoats , Boys' Overcoats , CMMreu'a Overcoats , and Ulsters. Men's Casahnero Suits , Boyf ' Cassi- mere Suits , Children's Cass.mero Suits , Red Flannel Under- wearCotton Flannel Un- der\voar , Knit Un derwear , Hats , Caps , and Gloves. If you want Bargains call early at 240 Farxsharn Near Fourteenth Cail ea'l.iud . pet Bind.us and si > c inonej- . SPECIAL ORDNANCE , JYb. 1SS. For Levying a Special Tax for the Construction and Bepairintr of Sldewaliis. Be U oidained Ity the City Council of Hie City of Omaha , SEC. 1. Tliattlie several sums eet opposite to the follttrittff de criltil luMcUe John B Suttrai. lot , Mink 71. f nulii , $ S4.fO G. C. iloivicll , O/ : John T. Clark , 0' 4 ' . Inlet lot 1. Mock F. Omalu. $ Ji 0. Alfred l > . Allen , lot * , l > l'i < .17,0imiiii ! fC. 1L A. Jiron-n , Kt C. M - k 7 > , Ouulu , sK 01. Pelurl'idlits lutO.LI < ' 72. Or .il a. S21 73. Julm .h. inpBuii , l.t % i.lfc V ) . } ( ) niaLiG ! 61. JJin l iotni s n ) .f t. l.k | > l , Onulu , 13 2 > \ EJ Siwllen eK , ' "t 7 1 k .lo , f iaha , ! 5f III S' el'e l 's. 1. 1 - , l.lk Gmrhj.SN ? 61. Jo ! ts f-alHi , lei \ W U2i , Ow hk , 20 SI. r.JIbert 0 Munntli , lot C , Kh. < .k ' 92i. Oerain , U5 . , OH rtCiajCB'J , Iv. 7 , bfrck 192 ] , Omtua ( , fll K. - , Oi'trcri ' 0 JJonnell , lot 8 , hlwk 19 % , Omaiia , S17 CO. Mtrcs KaHvi. 1 < 4. e , bfcric 10 4 , OmaUi , 33 60. J. J. JUllaiii , l t 10 , Jotk 157J , OuiihaeS4 15. Amhio'e IVifcj not4 ! Ink S..Omah 2110. il. . 1) ) h Ho in t r lot 6tl < v k f.ujii ha iT 55 Ciuorxe Arutrtif , lot 10 , Iwciv 2 , Airu lniiii-.i , additinn , * U " * 0 , ' ( Sroivc Ami-trem- > t-3i , biok " , ArmtronKs nddilion , til 0. George \niwt'tnj , l t IS , b ! < x.k 2 , jlriii tronjs addition , § 11 & 5. r.lit TE ane.lul 1. 1.hiek 15 , Ciuaba , $ ia 12. , Fnxivk .Vurrhy , lot A b'ock AJJ.Onwha.SlS S ) Dion I. Emcij , t-4 , . - arai Jr.iii ! , w , lot 3 , bl < ck 2351 , OiiwWSM * * i i1 Th } xr , 1 . 1 , l.l < .ik UiU , Oinshn , $31 7l > . Gtu Warnn hmith , lot 3 , blk O , Oimilja , ! < Ceo Vr'arn 11 Pmith ( rijjiurhiglot 1 , Wcxts7 , Omaha , 551 8-1. Iteini : tha c.t mill iptu < , oiip"o\ed by tno $1 ; CityCouiiCtlf < .rc"n5tr 'tiii. * nd r > > * Wii the sulcunlkij i. > Iron * o. antl a.ljoiinu said pn-misei by A It. ifoel , i ' pns' qce o { a c jitract ciittr- ed into bjtht Cit < rOfttaba witU-rM f li Ifoel , b ' taal after tlicfmlura of tiie < wr r thcie-f to do tlicnn > etier , due n tti , ) io uiil the HUHC arc II licrebvrcspe' ti Jy lo.icj aud a < JsKfJ ngaSnst catii of 'aid lots " r'-i of lot * , n * Hfenit ) s , T ty 11 able to the Citv rrxanurer uiWnn thirt(30) ( ) da } j from thi ; date. wce ahull take effect aul be iu 33 loreo fn > m a.i i ! c > r its , Jai . " ! & , l7 ( Signed ) G. W U-tfGK ? , TAVLOB , City CI rk. Anprovod , .Tan. S 1S7' ( Bumcil ) ii. If. WrtKUll , JUjor. The abnro utx K < cflm < M 'li liprvant on the 7th day of Fcbrn iry 1 > 79 | lcr v Irun date 10 jx rctnt pinlty and intcret t at 0 e rate o' one JH.T cent. iicr month in advan'-e wih tie added. ClUtlb. HAlilJLU. , Civ treasurer. jaiilluRt For HomGS or Investment. $11 DAVIS &JSNYDER , SALE AT TfIE VKIiKlSKA LAM > AOKSCT , ClXUToS IStOXh. CHOICE OMAHA 1'ROtT.TSTY. S5 Residence Hurt street two bl c5s 01 , from the 14 trcct tailway. It-moohx > ten rooirtti giw , water , 14bK and furtuco , sjiinnuir tiite } > .i , f I mxl wooii bK honM' , lance horn , ( > < , etc. Oh < of the piost ooni | > ) eto rt d iiee V tftedty.mcelv located apt } 65 oflci dat crj luwp'Iic on e * y tenns of in . mcnt 11 Re icnce in Sbinn'-i fist additionw , itii sit full Io . < ly tlireo Mutt 'mu treet nulwi. ) . IKHU * ban t < > t loonii nd in ( irrf ct owi r. CJfoumla irap'u' nl , Iru L tict ? . faiiiil ! > ery , etc , etc. , a > > giHMlnuu. VullfdJ forinuibfir thau actual valnc. - . r.csidmrc eorn > Cutnlnj } nd 2oti ! fit. , flrat-ch s toutiou o .i f r Prick oottac aad fciU lot n . ITtli .ipil lth ktrecu. o-tly , iliri * Wet ti ffin jKMt"Ulco lwr baru , . tc. Only ? 3,000 aud i n- Oil ntedialc ittf E < T-.VXI nice oottnfrcs on istli strcf.t , ni Hue of tlic 1mt i ttrset oar . Nwe I t8 ; traits , i-hada Ire1) , etc. t WiJ fcll the two fo ' ags ! * Firat-ebM bmts * with 'fn roam * , ami a large (30 ( bam , on Laji.Uoitc lot in Xelaou's sdauioa ; only (30E Sl.CcO. But f 100 t-uh .r&qmred. E ' mi . Kfe an't residence I t iiortli niit oorncr Pavtn- port nd Twenti sccotaJL htrea * . S | < l > JKli < l \ i w anil ihoice nuLhbMbofil , Oua EUJiit : 's walk to lluh School. ' ' Two hamaome Iota adjoinin : ; Browrioll Hall. Very , coirvcUKtit to UU H. < . - J _ , , Two hundred re Mem Iot fn Oipttol arenue , Uodfre , D4v njorf , Wcbstw , Hurt * t < l Cumin ; btriew ' , Jini in ShelVm sm ! , Htur/it houiUzeV , y rirkor'fc ! ' ! ! cen Tfiomclrs aiir e < n f c ! > -"r IX iie , nd SU- f nry \ , yJv fott. st \ - eant pr iierty m th , inw , far"ahy retail DdflHKg. 1 Tveutj-tvro ftctonjiie ifnth de of Donpjas tlrcet , r.e r IStli , offered' at a < acrft--o anj to te { St ' very c uip > * 0berbn. * ! i ii rrpjiery .n all th * phnciriil street * i-fftrrd at T ry i flgarotjor Ula uiaetli. Yvn aml-t n acre tr ite f bi > d wear the nty Gi all OirovUoQs at atat-faietlia. . ' and Look a.1 < wr H.t at pwi | rfef and prito bflfot * a in 8. _ Cr Hch PAflJS MMZ Suifs'Mac'e te 0J § 25ttw ! * < r , vjneard , \ Af Martin's , 214 Farnham. Frt ilut " _ pnll-Sm ; Call DOMMiSSOtt MERGHA8T , EVeshil'ti iiutter , I' , to ? S&tflH'S OV lEBs ! . 41' j nvrt-em J i ill O u U E. H OCTutwa V 3 . .f * n * , * * * , ! Jt * * - , . , . " - -J i. - -rf" S " > k > . Tenth Street , * i 11K Omaha ' Neb. nn 1 , - - . * it * * . 115 * a Is wf 2 i'i ( L ? B fia § al 3 \J AKEHICAH WATChES -ST M-WHD ! R3. Gents' size , iu eil rca ea . S12.W < jS < X ) f 0 Gents' size , in s-old com.3 . # 4 xOU Gents' eize , ijiher Swm watchw . S7 OuiJ5 Ladies' gold vatrhen full Jeweled . S2i jSlDO DIAMQrD R\C3 ! , SOLlTAIi.ES , SI5@S500. Onyx or Uustrrs Uiimund earring . Solid U-Xaratland riiiesowii . . f olid IS-kpjut do do do . . . .S1.SO@-30 Finw gold rinss , ct with tupaz , CUCICIE , pearls , nmjthist , p jnet ; , orruhy..S3.PO@SS Kit u oldsle\r btiUoiH , sttas al'ove. . . ? ) ' ! > ; < SO Ladies seu , in niblur , ho.ii or ji.t. . . , . Ladies eolid p > ld rot . t Ladies' solid jfolil , ci" eo . $7. Ladies' * oliil ? old ct-nl , on > x or pearl. .SC F BO gold caff and thawlp'.p . Jr Sterling ailrer tea Fpfc. is , per set . i Sterling sil erteble xpooiw , fcr f . Sl SterhnaU > ern-V in rinjp . . . Sterling Iherratih chains . S Fiucjro'd ludie' * watch ih iii3 . Hue gold lodtea' nock chains . S1 < X < < > 100 Gents' gold w tch chains . $9gr7i Fine 'old 'Oikets . S5 < rrS20 Kino poid Jocket , with cameo , onyx , ctc..S10 < jjJ10 ; Steel gpectaclea . fi-Vfijii Bradliiin pehb'o . S2.50 CLOCKS. ' -J Imh t.aielcr's lemurs ' 2.50 4-u.cli puile ! rs $1,25 ; Lao-t ia eudar.forcfKcu WOO 1'eiiuulum c.ocka. . . . $ I.Eftjr20 I Lartu Vicuna rex-uators ! , own imp'tat'n..Sli@7S I Curkoocl k S7.50 < * ? 15 i French bri nre and marble S12ig3 CO G it < l in an l ItoltTcry in Morocco cn e G Id | end g for t < tket or ch rm Gold ti'Othpit.ks and rureens | Sdver-heid cams , lar e a o tuitnt ? 3 < S10 uold-hexcl cune , own malce , ISk 7.10 $ $50 SILVER PLATED VtAPc. ( Only the beat , u Ko er ? , iler.den , otc. ) I Tea f ew , 4 plato gec@S100 Ca ront. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.S & , Tea so'nper ; -et si ' # 3 I T blesi" n8 , ryreet , . . Knives , ! . 5175 150 Fraii and cake basket * , 3 { .late S iffS23 Cttps , gold-lined 76c@ 5.00 Card-cases , SnufT-boxes , Match- safes , etc. at bottom prices ; fine Pocketbooks et-books , Pocket-knives , _ Wcrk-boxes ; Dressing-cases and IVreerachanm pipes. The Jewelry business Revolutionized ; we prefer a large business with small profits , instead of a small business -with large profits. "We are confident ; that our goods are newest ; the quality tha finest , and our prices THB LOWEST in the city. Orders from the country carefully filled. Goods sent O. 0. D. per Express. No trouble to show goods at MAX MEYER & BRO.'S. -Morgan & Gallagher , ' 5 0 M AHA , XEB EASE A. AGENTS OF THE HAZARD POWDER McSHANE & SOHROEDER , J3LTEKS AXO SHIPPERS OF es fs ESS pad K . J * & - 1 d n Hi o y i i c n A n u t h u 5 , 174 FarsihRm and 510 Eleventh Streut , Oniabn , ITeb. WE LUT Bl'TTtB AND 1 O . AT HIGHEST ALVKRI-T 1'RICF , ASF. PJJ' > - T vi ! > t NaUoitai r nl , Om > h ; ! i. " JJ"n n ' i'fcjtrlu.f , Onuiki : Ut t tv MavMe\ A f < -T it ! . An Iu urMtUy . SPECIAL FOR Levying a Speeml Tax for tbo Grading of Faruham Sirt'ot , from tlso cnntcr of IDthStieefc to the cen ter of 20th Street , in the City of Omaha , County of Douglas , State of Nebraska : De il Onluined by the City Cmtncil r/ /Ac City of OnvUta : SEC. I. That the fe\eml stnn set opposite to iho follcwlng-desciiljed pfetcifoo , County of Douytas. lot 5 and B.Hk 113S1IP > . S-jm'J h Nichols , ej of Int 7 , block IIS , 136. ! . Peter Uoos b t > ot v j of 1 t 7 , J3. AVm r b cc ry , n 30' f w * of lot 7 , block 113 , ltl ST. A .1 Ifani om , M J of M 8 , Woe' : 113,819-85. W K Mrcefcr , vtU of lot S , Mock 113 , * 10 D5. Anna M ( J 31 Cunu'ck , n 22 fi of eas-t i cf Jot 8 , ! " 'W V S ctii.y."eJ c ! lot 8-a 22T of n 4J ft , blk IS , 83 33. An-ia 31 G jl'Cormk-k. s Si'vt cj uf tit S , block j'll jlfl.r < 5 , lots 5 i Hl 0. block 117 , 81W CU Caroline K Head. e41 ftH o. ' Tot 7 , b : < xk 117 , 39 S3. C C Hcase : , v 2r of lot 7 , Nock IU , * 1B 91. < J rol e U Hea.l , lot S. Mo k 117. S50 SI. Win A i n von , lets 3aul 0 , Work 11(1 , Ml ! ) CJ. Eflwanl Hostwst' r , lot 7 , Unk 110 , 53 4. Myers. , lot S , W. k 118 , * r0 81. FTlioin , oiil < > 45 , l * > ck Hi. ( fiO 5-1. Helen IJ Clar , c So of ! < 't 6 , tio. k 115 , > SJ 45. Feli' II Little , 23' ot lot ( I , bloc * ll.St25.33 JMI M. Porter , lot 7. bl-ick 1'f , W > Si 1 W T Ricl'Srds , lot S. Mock 1'f , ? 60 31. Acidic L Ambro > s , I'A. 5 , b otk ill , 813 52. Acidic I. Am rose , wl to' 0 , block 114 , S2 SI. Sarah F Bartiett , e } lot rt , o"ocfe 111 , ST > 91. Samuel Chandler , ee 1.1 7 , bUvk 111. ' ) W. Kste L Orar , i It I 7 , buck 114 , < ie d,1. Oeo Warn n vruitli , 1 t S , Moex 114 , ? SO Sf. City of Umaha , ( Jlarfcet Street. US' , U fctt UO 73. C C Kon-el an' Ittner , s * 1 C3. C A Krown ( l'i'i erlot 1 , Work 142 , * 81. TrutteMof J 0 U > wn. 1 12 , biocl : 112 , tJT C U Ilron-n , 1 jt 3 , Mo k 142,858 t > 3. City ( olOmaha , lot 4 , bock Ui'yf.fl S4. II I11'tccl [ Co. of lloa , . ! * * ] , Kit 1 , S3 ! 81. II f Pcutl , [ Co. of Dougltt ] e y"of lot 2 , Wixk 41,8725. Samuel UO'DICK , [ Co. of PoujI's ] vtSSIf ct M 2 , J6cfclfl , 52 58. , aaoClaj , [ Cc.otD.3Csi : l | . .t 3 , bloifc 141. , 53 ! S4. f Mat tic S Brown. [ Co. of Uot'Klos ] lot 4 , Mock U.SfiJ S4. City of OicfJia , lot 1 , bloeh 11 , S80 84. Gt > t W .rren binith. In 2 , bl < . k 14 < > . f0 SI. V'w I' Swcwsey , Kt 3 , ) ! tk 1 K > , & . ' * 84 Alfred RnriOt I"1 bfefk 140 , * E9 1-4. .Ibhn Bi'kcra C\ lot 1 , hJk 1W.J40 SO. U F Puriif , w J ! 1,1'lock. 13 , ftp ! > 4. John I I.'nJick , 7 .t V , hit" * 135 , SSO bS. Jcbfi 1 Iteditk , lot 3 , bUHc 138V 9 > f. Anna'-I Oo.xlrhli , J-14 , luc-rlc J3 * , J8 fU , Total ainopnt , $2 31 4i. ( JJiogthc tc > tand < ? x'e' ! > < .6 , appro eil h } the ity t ounril f < ratine t.tut znuhrgnf F n-I > am ( trout , in frout f't'l ait ] iniiu taidrcm | MS bt ( dwartt 1 liyan in pnrteaice c f a Mtr ct mien d | to bj the Citv ot oiu.ilia , with him , I * , niJll.c ' niMtarelierel'j i re tettivvly lovieian , ' a - , w cd jaiu t earh f fa-d ! " * - , jorU of lots , and prein i-1 , T-iyable tntliecitj treasurer wilhin thirty 0)da-u ) Inm itu date. EBO. 2. Tlii ordintn * hal ! toke effect and be farce fmiaand after itu [ nwwi/e. o.v. LI.SIXOKI : , Ai tin iTE-Went cwliud. Passed Jan. 7th , H7i > . Z. TAYLOR , f CJtr Clerk. Approved , Ja . 9th , 1579. ( ,3hjB d ) B. H. WILKUK , JIajor. ' Tll aboTO Ux bf n nww delinquent en the 7tb ill t ebruary167 . after which dafelOjx.1- nt. pcrdty ard mr > e t at > h ra of oue pee nt. r rni < > iitli , in * < J < incc , will la. xttled. CHKH W. J. WEL8HAHS , iucceasor to City 1'rade of Etarn Clark & Son ) AGENT , . . , , . ? ' / . COB , ? OURTEtHTK AND UUDSE , OSAHA , IUB. " GUY fVlEAT KABKET. - - - - - " f\esp con -Anti > on bend a br e ot cf all tiu& j " fsA ujul 3alle-t Jr afcf , Bey , I'eaL | . . ittoEP' > ik Oaireow ! , * . * afl Jnnil" at na . & 3 t ri-sb Veretable * Coutantly on temd. Hand bo com food foodSHBHLS7 SHBHLS7 BROS &t V REAL ESTATE AGEIIGY , CrvidHhiinVt Jt Ctft A'm DuiHtv/ , Fifteenth And Douglas Streets , OMAII \ . y r.BH.\SK A REAL ESTATE AGEMT , S3L.S r'OrvEJOM KACHANUE. AndTickctit hv tlio Li. S jamsbil Lined t6 and fn m Eurupc. Office , 14ti ! and Furnham Stroeta mchCdly OMAHA , XEH. _ and HEAL ESTATE J\ro. 9 ? ' FamlHKH Mresi , OMAHA , . - JS2BRASKA. Onicx- North Sid * . oi > | > . Hrmbd Ceutn ) Ih-te Byron Reed & Co. , otnisr sgi VIIU IIXD REAL ESTATE AQENCI Keep n xvlSf lete t. ' u-rt cf title tu Utp in Uiaalia aiiU 1 . .a iita Conutr _ Nebraska -Land Agency , DAVIS & SHYBEB , Crelijfiton Black , Onudia , Xtr. . 'tOO.OCO ACKES carUiUJy actsS.td JacC Eaifrn he'invO.-a ' \ ril < ln inj > rf\ed fare. " , uid Co. aa ctj 0. f. iwjnv PAT1.J , w EHST R ' XA UBK , Lut L m ! Com'r r P K K. ip-eb7t SEVERAL BLiHD NICE. SEE HOW THEY KICK. After tttijr mon'b" of e iy naitin ? ibt old foictfvlmg t. es and t'nsr credit ire rom- p U.-cl lo.y I. m the ImnritoMo , and oar by 0119 they conic ( uinfcnTNyifmm ( At Ib * fttfg c ! meats , BROS&t lite rstco I thtefcllffeeti uer ayraracci.H MJ'IC ; a.e tbettamlanlreiesfcr meat m ( am ; . . 'jf'jf lloiling Ueef. . . . . - „ . , . r * < * ' -5c per Ib Com 'V'.v..i. . 4'to 5c " Rotwt-f ? ' . . " .UiS'4tn Sc " nib stoak. . . : ; . : . . R. r to oc , Koima" I Mutton . „ „ . * 8c Pork . . . . . ; . _ . , . . . . . . . J ! to 5c Veal , . rr . lOo sLard . : . 5 > b To * an < l Lirer Pudding . a.tfi 8c . " Butchers , LoirfaRniTKbpanliiin : hous es stjpplicJ at a epia } falby" J. JI. YKWSA , - 17U ffaralkm street. T TII ft nl. AVEMJE. Ab > m > Iant SUtWu , Spacious Yi . * , Harind Straw , baled arA 1ooei Mu k tt h In b ' ' milrb tan. TfSOSOUCHBRED JERSRY-BULL , S2. OEDIBrANCE NO. 385. " A < ORI > l'AXCE f ii D.l ueitlin on. ( crdinnce entillctl , "An urd'nim e ] . nurtat m ceruin sirtvU in he dty f On.ha andwicKdiBifihr.iiwior.iiU c Chap Mwen- 'r-t ( i nti d 3J rtes"of c.dlcaoce re L l.g ud cWwiA. ! ! ' ' hte uera otdi- cf the dlK I Ou.jha tie it Ordaitefi b-j tit < , Cii'j Council of the. Cilij o/Qi ia7itt. brcnoxl. That Scition f eV > * * Id ordi nance lo ainen&rf t ia to r < au fol o alter tbt-nord "toJ'bi the fortieth 1 r.r , "tleitnth "Street totke eoit i.B of > 'i th tree1 1 * h. r - "Sjr devoted to tLe Hay , Straw and Wjcd liar- kut" SBCTtwi This orJhisjx shall iaka effsct a. lU&t ALL. tntuty cctuity. Pas U Dec. Wtlj. MJJU Att * > - Z TVYLOB , itvt Ik. ft Ai..rc\-eO | , jJanaary fcASTO. fi , nTwjLIJLK , JUjor JaolSdift