Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1879, Morning Edition, Image 1

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VOL. YIII OMAHA , NEBRASKA , SATURDAY. JANUARY 18 , J879. . . . . ] ST0. 180 ,
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents
The Law Makers at Lin
coln Put their Thoughts "
on Paper.
And Present the Same to
their Respective Houses.
Bailroad Regulation Schemes In
troduced by 'Several
Various Matters from the Cap
Departed for TUB BIB. . . '
LIXCOLN , January 1C , . ' 79 , So-tlaj-
Mr. Scott introduced a resolution in
the House to have a secret committee
of five appointed to inquire into the
facts in reference to the freight and
passenger tariffs charged by the dif-
_ _ railroad companies , in this
State , and report the facts found to
the House at the earliest date possi
ble ; and to report whether the rates
are unreasonable compared with the
financial condition of the people ; and
to report whether if unreasonable
tariffd nro charged , if they can bo
requhtod by lav ? , so as to practically
beheat the people , having a just re
gard to all the interests of the States. .
This was agreed to and the following
-is the committee : Messrs. Scott ,
Lovelund , Trowbridg , Dempster , and
The following bills were introduced
in the House this afternoon :
By John Sparks An act to regulate -
late railroad tariffs in the State , the
maximum rates to be : Passenger , 3
Cents per mile , and for children under j
12 years of age , not more than half f
rates } for freight , per car of ten tons , i
ten miles , o cents per milo ; for twenty
miles , 3 cents per mile ; over twenty
miles , 2 cents per ton per milo. Pro
vides for carrying less amounts and
penalty for not complying with tHe
act.By Mr. Vandeinan An act
hibit tbo killing or shipping of wild
birds between February 1 and September - I
tember 15 of each year , and prohibit
ing the destruction of wild birds'
eggs.By Mr. Warrington An act to de
fine the boundaries of Goiper count'- . < .
By Mr. Clark An act to amend au j
act entitled "An act concerning coun- j *
officers. " ' :
ties nnd county
By Sir. Starrclt An : ict to approc
priatc money for the payment of j
bounties for the destruction of wild j
animals ; § 7,1,00 , or such part as 13 j '
necessary j
By Mr. Hanson An act to amend j ?
the herd law. - , , _ A . j
This provides that tlm county com-1 v
missioners of any county may call an j 1
election , and if a inajotity cf tha I
vote * aru in favor of the suspension of j
the general herd law from December I c
15th to May 15 of every year , it shall. . Jj
be done. Accompanying this "ia a | J
petition from the citizens of Bnrt j *
county asking for this amendment ,
which will undoubtedly bo passed. 1 E
By Mr. Fisher An act to amend °
eectitm 2 of an act to yunrd Against ac
cidents in the use of tumbling rods ,
provides for punishment for not comj j a
plying with the conditions of this act. . J
Mr. Troivbridgeinbohalfofthocom- ;
initteo on count } boundaries , etc. , J rj
submitted the following ropjri ; _ . ; *
Your committee to ; vlion : was reI I
forreJ H. It No. 9 , an act to dcfino j
the boundaries of the" county of n
iNauw , recommend that it do pass. :
January 1C. Senator Birkhauscr | t :
introduced a joint resolution asking
representatives of Xebraska in Con-
grew to u o every" lawful means to
socurc the repaal of the law creating
national banks , and the passage of a i
law providing for the .vi hdrawal of ,
national bank currency , and the aub-
stitution of greenbacks.
Senator Gout-nil nioveuMKallhe fol
lowing standing committees be empow
ered to employ cl-nks , and report the
names of the saiiuto th President of
the Senate : Judicijrv , FinanceWays
mid Moans , Claims , Accounts and Ex
penditures , Railroad , Laudand Leases , j i :
Enrolled nnd Engrossed Bills , and
Stxlo prison.
Senator Van Wyck objected on ac
count of the number , nnd because
many of thorn had no need of-a clerk.
The resolution was laid over till to
morrow morning.
At thrco p. 1:1 the Senate adjouruod
till 9.30 to-morrow morning. _
Messrs Jamoa Croighton , Paxton t
and Carter nra hero as a committee
from the convention of cattle men
north of the Platte , au account of
which recently ri > pc.ired in Tun BEE.
uoosafAWitrjfotHf SESSIOK.
The House came together at the
usual hour this afternoon , and after
the routine business was completed ,
proceeded to the more weighty mat
ters.Mr. . Ryan introduced a memorial
and joint resolution to have the law
that allows certain railroads in this
State to remove suits against them
from the State courts to the United
States Courts , repealed.
By Mr. Day To locate and estab
lish a State Normal School atFremont ,
Dodge county , and at Hastings , Adams
By Mr. Babcock To provide for
the ro-lovy and collection of errone
ous tares. Thisbill couitemplatesthat
when any errors arc made , or assess
ments not made through error , that
when euch error is discovered the
property shall be levied upon , and tax
By Mr.Wurrington To attach
Ouster county to the Fifth Judicial
By Mr. Dodge To regulate the ta-
of interest in Nebraska.
This provides that the legal rate of
interest in this State shall be six per
cent , per annum.
Sir. Sparks railroad bill was read
the second time this afternoon , and
was referred to the railroad commit
tee. An effort was aiado to have it
referred to a select ? committee of five ,
bat this was defeated by the railroad
delegates , aud they are chuckling i c
over'tlio report that will probably bo \
made upon it , if it is ever again heard'
from. '
The Grrifl/ and Valentine'bill for
relief has been reported back to the
House with the recommendation tba
it be passed , which was agreed to , ant
it v ill now be read again and go iut <
the Senate fur that huuorablo body to
sit ( down ) upon it.
Mr. Gibson thin afternoon present
cd a petition signed by a majority 01
the Omaha Bar , protesting against any
radical change in the code. This pe
tition -vas referred to the Revision
Committee , and will probably have
sonio effect on that august body.
A petition has been circulated to
day to hive H. A. Newman reinstated
as internal revenue collector. Quite
a number of prominent individuals
signed and quite a number did not.
In the Senate this { .fternoon , the
honorable Senators did no business ,
but to meet and adjourn.
The presence of so many strangers
in town the past few days , attending
the venous woe tings , and especially
the Grand Lodge of GoodTompl.vrs ,
has been very marked , and as a con
sequence , both Houses have been fa
vored by visits , and the -presence of
The two E/'ues. Lave -evidently
settled down to the conclusion
that the various committees _ are
going to do the work , as very little
business 'df moment is being done in
either house. They do not scam
averse to taking a recess at any time ,
and are very willing to rest from their
arduous duties on the slightest pre
text , but may be they will find more
work to do when the committees begin
to report. COLFAX.
The Passage of'tlie Industrial
Deputation to Diaz's Do
Special to tba Intcr-Oceua.
VEBA Cucz , Mexico , January 14 ,
via Brownsville , Texas , January 15.
The industrial deputation arrived last
night , and as norther was blowing ,
came to anchor. Wo ran into the
harbor this morning , and landed at 3
o'clock , a reception committee board-
inx the vessel to direct the debarca-
tion. '
Away out at sea from Vera Cruz
the white , spectre-looking peak of
Mount Orizaba rose , and then the
towers of the old city. Wo passed by
the dingy-looking fortress of Ulna ,
leaving it to the southeast as we
steamed up the nortii channel. The
ivhito surf line marks the spot where
the reefs are hidden , and where , no
loubt Cortez Avrecked his ships when
iio lauded at this very spot in 151 ! ) ,
ind sent back v.-oid to hia royalmaator
hat ho hud buraod thorn to cut elf all
ihauce fur retreat. j
Lenviag tfc v * sol , wa Tver. ? sc rt-1
sd by the rccuptiun. couKiuuec to tl.e j
CommercialOlub HoUuU t ) trtxakhst ,
md wo lunehod at noou at Ycr. . Ci i. '
lotul. The G venior ai d AicaV'o ;
"initeu iilUcej af iri c. i. , ;
> arty.
The city is ourroundod by a wall or
:5rcle : of walls , and is loaxtod in the %
aids * , of cheerless-looking saud-hill . j .
Che houses are.mostly "built of a kind J
if whitu coral called uiadici > 'ie , taken ] '
rom the adjacent sea. The affect ii | i
) lcasing , the stone giving a certain air j
if grandeur to the edifices. . .
ire evenly l.iid out , running
md sputhwcst , suid vice versa. The
> avements uro madu of cobble-stonea
iiken from- tie ! river Antigu i , I am ,
eld. Tlio sidewalks jire chiefly of a , j
ciud oj composite of lime , sand and [ '
efuso. 11
TIIE nousna j.
ire mostly two-story , aud aj f ear to bo ;
ouuiodiuus. : Their architecture is j
lomething of the 31 < orish order , and ' '
10 two of them are alike. The fainij j 1
ies occupy" the upper stories chiefly , }
ho ground fluor buing used for a I
itorc-room. U'hero arv a number of J <
n flic city. The first wo saw was The
Hole , formed by the customs waio
louses. There- arc aLe the Plaza de
Yrmas , Plaza de Calcta , where the
Hexicun railway station ia situated ,
ho markot-placa of S.iu Augnstin , and
everal others. There arc said to be
ibout 1,100 houses in the city , cxilu-
ive of churches , to accommodate 12- ,
100 people.
n the city were the palace , the Pub
ic Library , founded in 1503 , the the-
ire , the market places , and some of
he churches. I shall go more into de-
ail concerning these things in a letter
rhich I shall mail to-morrow.
We will start for Ansava at 2
i'clock , nnd nrrlvo at Mei.ict to-mor-
o\v ( Wednesday ) . All well. Thcr-
noiiluter , SO.
Cobb Tragedy.
r eUlnpBlch ! toluc Ore. ]
NouwiCH , Conn. , January 17. The
list r.tciio'in the Cobb tragedy was en-
iiled this mnrning. Mrs. Cobb was
cutcnccd to , ( imprisonment for life at
Vethersfield. The jury stood tento"
hree for conviction in first degree.
ipedal Dispatch to The I ! o
LONDON , January 17 4 p. m. In
lonscqucnco of a street accident this
ifternoon a crown of psoplo ansem-
> led in front of the London Coinpa-
iiea' bank. A report spread that a
un had begun on the bank , causing a
usir of penplo to Lombard street. A
real run on the bank followed. An
mmeuse crowd now lines the street ,
md the presence of police is necessary
o u > gulate traffic.
LONDON , January 17. The Vice-
oy of India telegraphs that the Ko-
lis nns attempted to plunder Cabul , >
jut Yakoob Ivlian tinally succeeded in
restraining them.
PAEIS , January 17. The minister-
al statement , read in the _ French
jhambers , has added to the political
sxcitcraent , and there 5a increased
laminence of a cabinet crisis. Rumors
ire current that < MacMahon will re-
quest Gambotta to form a new cabi
net. The Dufauro ministry is certain
ly doomed.
LONDON , Jauuarj' 17. Thomas W.
Booker & Co. , Glamorganshire , iron
masters , have failed. They o\vo the
Bristol aud West of England Bank
00OJO. ,
Special DIsjMtdi to the DEB.
LONDON , January 18. If reinforce
ments aud supplies come up in time
Ges. Stewart will advance on Cabul
from Candahar , which is now lively
with traders , British troops creating :
considerable business. "SteCart re
connoitred the road to Cabul , winch
is in a state of anarchy though preYed -
Yed for defense. Shore Ali is 01-
pcctol in Turkestan where the Rus
sian agents are trying to make such a
dejmnsitration as to iiiduce tlie Czar ,
make a ne'.v frontier alouo.
What a Dawsou County Man
Has to Say Concarning Him
and His Gang.
Says that the Evidence
Already Obtained "Will
Surety Convict them
The fearful crime perpetrated , as
3 believed by I. P. Olive and his men
upon Kotchum and Mitchell is still
ajitating the public mind. A promi
nent citizen ot Dawson county who
mows the whole outfit , and "who is
well posted in regard to the evidence
which will bo produced at the trial ,
stated to a BEEreporteryesterday that
ufricient evidence had boon obtained to
convict nearly every man arrested BO
farand ho has no doubt that they will
not only bo convicted but hung. Ho
was considerably surpriijed upon read
ing the article in The Herald ihOlive's
behalf , and ho cannot account for it ,
and wo may add that there are a host
of other persons who cannot see why
The Herald should attempt to assist
such man as Olive. Our Dawson
county friend says that Mitchell was
regarded a good nnn , and
tint Ketchuni , although ho may poss
ibly have not baen a saint , yet he was
it Christian when compared _ with
Stevens , the brother of Olive. Many t
of the men who are doing the talking
in behalf of Olive are men wli ? are
afxakl 'of him.or -who owe him or
whu4JJC under some obligation to him.
Wnei : tiio prisoner Tfivo .been triciT
yjteu will the pcupjo be satisfied tUSt
UK ? ii hf ; men have been Arrested , for
they ure , e.xid our Dawsou county
friend , sure to" be cunvirtod , in-spiio
nf Olive's money and his consequent
Phil. Dufrand , the young man now
in jail at Plum Creek , who was depu
tized by Sheriff Gill.ui to accom
pany him with Mitchell and
Ketchum to Ouster county , is said to
be the only ouo who stands any
chance of uscaping. He is generally
regarded as innocent , and lias many j
warm friends _ nt Plum. Creek. It is j
understood that Hun. J. C. Cowin , ot j ,
this city , has been engaged to defend
The Northern Hostiloa.
5R-chl | dHjutcli t Tun KKK.
January 17. Yesterday two I'uuners
from iho hostile Indians in camp in
the British possessions arrived at one
uf iho villages of .this agoucy. They
state that there are about 400 Jodgds
of hostilea ( Minncconjou and San
Arcs ) who want to come to this j
agency , and settle down under governj j
nint ! protection. They are desirous
of learning as snon as possible on
ivhal terms the United-States govern
ment will permit them to como in.
The Cameron Dynasty.
3) ) > edial illip tch to The Ucc
PirrsBUuo , Pa. , Januaij 18. The ,
enemies of the Cameron dynasty are
moving heaven and earth to prevent :
Don's ro election to the Senate on
Tuesday next , but the attempt will bo
ii failuro. Bob M-icIvt" lo - * im. . ]
his died , mnnijuilatetl the legisb4- > * ? (
inachiuen- to itia result.
so as msuro . I
It t
Senatorial Battles.
Spxfol Dispatch to the Beo. I
January -13 6wm
John A. Logan was nominated at
Sprinpfield on the first ballot.
The Wisconsin Democrats nomina
ted E. G. Ryan for Senator The
Republicans held -JO ballots. Keyes
was leading Carpenter by 3 votes.
Connecticut's Now Senator. j
Dupatch to Tlie licit : ,
HAKTFOUD , January 17. Republi
can caucus sat until 2:30-morning :
igroed 0. H. Platte for Senator.
Your life is in danger whan you al
low a severe cou < jh or cold to go un-
: hpcked. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is
* cheap , harmless and reliable reme-
Curtis any hair to nature's most \tcviiifrJ brown
jy out ppHcntion. Contains ro lead or ted
ior ; di ) & uot i inic off or Elaln the lan , am' u >
lear MM ! liirailesa as water. $1.00 per bottle.
Jc La liinla'a "Advice to LaJics , " S3.W. Ccvd
. notni ' - tnni
pyiS < 5-00. IJvney refuuJoJif not - -
RAXTA CO. , 170 Sale &tre t , QH1 [
' lUvlp
E.-F. Cook J
. - . ,
r * i"i f
bTuv o
The Senate Btscuss the Bill
for the Protection of
Lengthy Discussion on Various
Important Points No Re-
' suit Beached ,
Resignation of the Temocratio
Membsas of the Teller
" * : ' "e
* ? _ _ _ _
t n
Proceedings of the House and
ss.-'ciitori'r&Tli ort.v' " * _
' " * * " "WASiiHoros January" * 17.- The
credentials of Senator .Houston , of
Alabama , were presented.
Senator Allison , from the commit
tee on fin n nco , reported adveisely on
the Senate bill to authorize the killing
of fur seal and fur bcarin ; ; animals
within tboliinifH of Alaska Territory ,
and it was indefinitely postponed.
At the conclusion of thu morning
business , the bill to amend the patent
laws , was considered.
Mr. Hoar submitted the following
amendment :
' And whenever a patent hiss been
issued to t\yo \ or more persons jointly ,
describing or presenting the nutter
which was .the invention of only one
of them , and for which the inventor
thereof might lawfully have taken a
separate patent to himself , said inven-
may bo secured to the first inventor
thereof by n re-issue of the patent so
jointly issued , upon proceedings had
HS in other cases of ro-isauo , and with
the consent in writing of the assignees
( if any ) of such original patent , such
re-i sue to inure to the benefit of all
all persons claiming under the original
patent , us if their claims had _ arisen
under the patent so re-issued , except
as provided in the sixth section.
This amendment led to lengthy dis
cussion , and upon reaching a vote , it
was discovered that no quorum was
present. A call of the States was
ordered and a quorum having respond
ed Senator Edmunds moved that the
Semite proceed to the consideration"
of executive business , which was re
jected. Aft r some difficulty in find
ing a quorum the amendment of Sen
ator Hoar was agreed to years 33 ,
nays 8.
Senator Davis (111. ( ) submitted an
amendment providing that it shall Iio
lawful to grant any reissue of any
pittsnt for any invention except the
invention \\Inch was embraced in the
original patent. When the vote was
reachtd it uoa og.iiu disco * , mx-d tlrat
no quorum jias prereiit , 30 Senators
onlv voting.
Senator Wallace said tl t ho and
the Sonatfir fp-ia 33olawart ( Bayard ) ,
jl ueij in l e 6iuUt.i' < l Lrcui further.
liorvice 'ii the Teller speciui commit
tee ti investigate the recent elections.
jS > nator Conkling said lie did not
w ish to inak any objection to the re
quest ot thu Sanator , but it was not
in do any business Avithout a
quorum. He did not know that it
would bo valid to excuse the senators
DAW and suggested that the rcqnost ' f.
Iio over for the present or be with- ' '
drawn. Ho moved that the Senate i.
adjourn. I (
Senator Wallace hoped the Senator ;
would-withd raw that motion as it was
important to acL upon hia request this j :
evening. j
A call of the Senate was ordered j I
anil : i quorum lespunded. Senator j
Wallace said ho made the i equtst to ;
bo excused , as gentlemen who rep'ro- '
scnted the minority of the Senate on , r
the Ti llor committee were now about , , r
stattiug north from New Orleans and J
others were going to Charleston to , : :
conliiuic the invesh'gation. It wns
impossible for him to go toOharlesfon , '
and JBaynrd could not go , as he was in , c.
TC33B. i I
Sonatoj Hoar hoped the rcqnost ' jj
would lib over for the present , and in
explanation said there had boon some j c
talk about himself and .McMillan , who I c :
were inombers of iho committee going j
to Charleston , but they had concluded ! H
not to go. If the Democratic mem
bers should .ill be there they would bo
in the majority.
Senator Wallace siid nothing of the
Kind was contemplated.
Senator Hoar replied ho was satis
fied of that fact.
It was finally agreed that the matter -
tor should bo arranged between the j
several members ofjhe : commilteoand
the request of Senator Wallace to ex
cuse himself aud Senator Bayard was
The "Vice President appointed Scn-
item McDonald aud Randolph to fill
tha vacancies.
Senator Plumb ( Kansas ) offered a _
resolution providing for tntTpaynieut
of fifty per cenluiu of the amounts.r'e-
quirecl by law to bo withhold from
certain railway eompiiiies , ' for trans
portation service * rendered for the
government Referred ! "
Tha Snsrctary oJ Wjtrrocomnioiids
the bjll.
Adjourned till Monday. - ' - *
The House went into committee of
the whole on the private calendar.
On motion of Mr. Gunter , chair .
man of the committee on land .
jlaims , the Senate bill was passed de-
Suing th'e manner in which certain
land scrip may bo assigned and located
by actu 1 sattlcrs.
The House went into a committee
) f the whole onpnvlito
"After laying aside several bills to report .
port to the House , the bill was reach- :
jd for the piymont os $200,000 to the
trustees of the Protestant Episcopal
seminary and high school in Virginia
For rent of the buildings during the
nrar. Quito a lengthy discussion
unsued. The opponents of tie ! bill
isserting it was a war claim and the
friends of the measure stating that it
was a just bill foa rent of property ,
uul the government was ns much
bound to pay the rent for this build
ing aj for uy athor building occupied-
> yit.- Without reaching a vote -tho
; ommitteo rose , ana the House' Stl- -8
journed until to-morrow.
Tno Ntbrastei CoJlectorshJp.
Special Dispitch toT3ic Keo. * s . - - ' . i ;
LINCOLN , January 17. Capt T. SK
iptchell , of Otoe county- has"'be"eri'
uikcd to accept-flie osftioiui .iEft'ernjiVj
ievenue collectoc for 2\obraska5 a1id"lii'
; , . M ai .i i JuJi * " .
recommendation ia now on the way to
Washington for hiaappointment. . It
is not known whether he will accept if
Tha Choyennes Defy theJ3oldiers
from their Impregnable
Position. .
A Soldier Killed while Recon-
Associated Press Dispatch.
CUEVESXK , iJanuary 17A courier
has just awived from the scene of hoa
tilities five miles distant from the po
sition held by the Cheycnnes at las
writing , with information to the cf
feet that the savages had assumed the
most inaccessible position of auy c
the many from which they have re
cently etopdthe troops * , bay , , Jlo
also states that a partyxtf five soldihra
who * wero" d'e'tachud for thff piu--
pose of ascertaining' the position held
by the Indians , while engaged
in this duty they -unexpectedly fount !
themselves within short rifle .range of
over half a score of Indians , the latter
discharged a valley at the squad , kill
ing private Harbor of company H ,
Third cavalry , and gaining possession
of his carbine , pistol and ammunition.
The comrades - of Rirber though
exposed to the fire of the Indians ,
used desperate efforts to pre
vent the Indians from obtain
ing either his remains or equipments ,
but without avail. Captain Wessells
believes the Indians cautiot be dis
lodged from their present .position
nithout the sacrifice of a greater
number of lives than he deems advis
able , and has in consequence dis
patched Lieutenant Dodd , of the
Third cavalryyto-'Red Cloud agency ,
vith a view to obtain the assistance
of a dozen Sioux scouts ,
well versed in the Indian mode
of warfare usually adopted by
[ ndiaus. Galtfomen Bowman and
3halk , arrived here to-day , and re-
lort the loss of forty head of horses ,
md the trail of the thieves indicate
: hcm to have been Indians , and pos
sibly Little Wolf's band. Agent
[ rwin and Rod. Clud arrived to-night
; o learn the particulars of the late
events , and report the excitement at
Pine ityige agency as intense.
Destructive Fire In New Yorlt.
Awoaatetl I'rrug Dispatch ,
NKW YOKK , January 17. A fire
broke out this evening at No. C2
Worth street and spread rapidly. The
fLimcs were 'first seen on the third
flotir , and before the luemen could
fairly to work it ly Lapread to .No. 58
Worth street , aim in ; i short time the
buildings right through to Tho'mab
street were in a lilaze.
While Fire Commissioner Uonner
and a number of firemen wers on the
lloor where the -firtj originated , thw
floor began to" give way , an i thuy
were cotnpel'el to heat H hasty rafioat
to the Thoi)8" ! ) ) > siiot2itTo. . Tivy- .
iur ( ; not a niongirt" ; jjjg'ui ! jiiu >
ruT.ihu lasl intFi"u5tSp u"tno iloor g
way \rith a crach 'aud flames burst
out on both side's.
Dcspito.thc combined efforts ( iftfco
firemen tlic HHIIICS aprcatlxvitli torr'bio
rapidly , and soon omjnunicattd to
[ so. 04'- Here cvo'rythif'jr seruiul to
t ) . m like n tinder. Stream after
stream of water was directed on the
imilding , but to no-purpo. < e , and floor
tfter floor fell in with a treiueiuluoas
: f ash" .
The flames soon took hold of Nos.
G and GSVortli street , utid from that
ime the firemen sremed to yive up all
lope af saving any t-f the storeB , and
ueg.m pouring water on adjoining
AH the buildinga wcro occupied. by
Iry pooch iptrchuiita and impur eis ,
mil about 10 o'clock nere in a blaze ,
ind as the woolen7 E'lk8 r-nl prints
raught fire , the fl.amcs shot up from
ho cellars tf > a. great distance above
he roofa of the buildings.
At 11 o'clock thcra was nothing loft
> f three buildings bnf the walls , yet
he fl tmes from the burning mass of
; oods , now and again , darted up , but ;
ho firemen poured in a copious supply
> f water , and soon had the flames
omplotely under control.
f TEJ SfiRAPlf
No\v York Slonev anrt Stock
: NEW. YORK , Jamnrj 17.
MONRY 2@3l percent }
i.s.f < > , ifcsi. .frrrr. IOGJ
J. o. lSt > 5 , Nirv. i. ; . ' . . . . .
r. s. D-2 <
F. S. 5-20 , 1EC-S . lOi .
r. S. B-2ya , NCAV . 107 *
rcwjji . , . . . . . icej
r. i > . 10VT ( toup6ni. . ' . . . ItM
r. S JCow 1 percent , .
r. S. 6 * , curr icies . . " . 12 }
Stocks active and buoyant bigher.
i'estcru Onioa Teleyrapn. . . , . 05 }
. . ,
fs York Cer-trnl . 134
lie . „ . 23
: riaj.refurro < l . . .jj , . , . , 38
. .
Ake Shore . . > . ' . . ' . . ' . ' . . - 'r : . . ' " . . . ' i..C. ' . . r
lliriolo Ccntral.S.- .
, Chicago Produce
CHICAGO'jfanuary 17.
Flour Quiet and unchanged.
"Wheat Fairly active nnd firmer ;
hade higher ; STo. 2 , 82 < S82iu , closed
.t 82 c casti orJan. ; S35S3tc , closed
.t 88Jc bid for Febnrary ; 64(284 ( c ,
losect'at 84Jc for'March ; . Ko 3 , 8
i69c ; rejected , 5151 ( | < i ; Kb , 2 red
viritor ,
Corn Quiet and steady ; shade .
ligher ; UO.T high , "
and high mixed , 20S20c , 'closed
.t 20c bid cash , 20 § < 3'-i9c , ctosed at
S < 3 for January ; 30t330Jc for February
uary ; 30 c for larclr 8i 34ic ,
3-i c bid Jor April ; rejected ,
Oils Dull ; about nominaI-Nbi ; 2 ,
cash ; 23i@23cforMa | ;
llye No. 2 , 43jc fcnshT-
lie for January ; 44e for'Pebruary.
Uarloy No , < i2.0394c cash ; .93 < r
or FebrucrV ; extra No. 3 , 49@51c
ash ; 49Jc fir February.
' Pork Aci ive ; stron e and'hKflier ;
lid , nev ,
7'22t@8 25 for February ; . 3 37ir ( ?
$8 50S3 52i for April. " -
LirdIFiii active
- - rly and higher ;
- , _ . cash ; $5 TOgtr ro1- fur
rainvJAry- 80(35 ( 824 for FeoruEry
590502ii " for March ; § 6-00-for
ipril. , " . : ! : ' T > I
Uulk rvk IslSiioaiders , - . .8280 ®
-caah- ; short .nb.2.53
" *
' '
'WHfsky Steady ; ' 0 . '
Butter Ordinary to fancy cream
ery , 24@30e
ES-JS 20S21c.
Wheat 83c asked for February ;
84ic for March.
Corn 20c for JauuarjGOic ; bid
for Fobruary.
Oats No market.
Mess Pork-68 . >
- 02. for February ;
$3 174 for March. "
Lard 60 75 for February ; § 5
5 87 * for March.
St. Louis Produce. . ' " *
ST. Louis , January 17.
Flour Firm bu slow ; unchanged ;
medium.and high grades scarce and
wanted ; double extra fall , § 3 5033 Co ;
treble do , § 3 80(33 ( 90 ; family , $120 ®
Wheat Higher ; luactivo ; No. 2
red fall , 94.J9430 cash ; 91Jc for Jan
uary ; 94 c for February ; No. 3 do ,
S9DS9ic ( ; No. 2 spring , 7Sc.
Corn Higher ; active for future ;
No. 2 mixed , 29ta29jc cash ; '
3ft o < for February ; , 31$34j
March ; 32 { < 332Sc for'April ,
Oats Easier ; 22&22c ca3h21'c ;
for March. " " "
Rye Higher ; inactive , 44c.
Barley Dull and unchanged ; prime
to choice spring , C070c.
Whisky Steady ; § 1 04.
Pork Higher ; § 8 25.
Lard Eaaier ; small lots , § 5 70.
Bulk Meats Strong and inactive ;
10 to 20 day shoulders , § 2 7o2 80
cash ; § 3 00 for March ; do clear ribs ,
$3 8o@4 00 ; clear do , 84 10@4 20 ;
day clear at Quincy , $ t10. .
Chicago .Live Stock
CHICAGO , January 17.
Hogs Receipts , 33,000 ; steady ;
choice heavy , § 2 80@3 10 ; light ,
§ 2 C0@2 80 ; mixed shade lower ; § 2 GO
(3285. (
Cattle Receipts , 3,800 ; strong and
active ; shipping , § 3 25@5 oOjbutchers *
stock firm ; cows , § 2 00@3 00 ; steers ,
§ 2 703315.
Sheep Receipts , 1,000 : quiet and
easy , § 2 75Q3 40.
Milwaukee Produce.
MILWAUKEE , January 17.
Wheat Activ nnd firm ; closed
bteady ; hard , tfec ; No. 1 Milwaukee ,
7c ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 83 c ; Janua-
y , 83\c ' \ ; February , 84c ; 3iarch , 83c ;
S'o. S'Milwaukee , G9c. No.-l Milwau
kee , 60c ; rejected , 48c.
Corn Dull and nominal at 28c.
Outs Dull ; 19c.
Rye Weaker ; No. 1 , 42c.
Barley Unsaleable ; No. -spring ,
Now York Produce.
NEW YOKK , January 17.
Wheat Quiet and firm ; rejected
spring , 75 ( T8e ; ungraded do , $1 00 ;
hoice No. 3 Chicago spring , 02@05c.
Rye Dull ; quoted at 55 ®
Barley Quiut and unchanged ; No.
wcstorn , 70o.
C' ru Xomiually unchanged ; No.
4f4cin store. 47 Jo ! liut. .
Oats Dull ; t-.nditi dbwnward ;
lixed western 30i ol c ; white west-
Eg ! > s Firm ; wcstprn 27(327ic. (
PoA-Duli ; .isefig ; § .7000770 old
SS 87A(59 ( 25 new.
Kwf ( Juiot .iiul steady.
Cut Meats Quiet ; lon clear mid-
3iea § 4 75 ; snort do , $1 G04 75.
L.xrd Quitt ; prime steam , C 20.
Butter Nominally unchacgcdw ; es-
fcern , 10g3Sc. (
Whiaky $1 10.
St.JLouis Lavobtocir. ;
Sr. Louis. January 17.
Cattle Steady aad unchanged ;
butchers' &tock strong ; all grades tirm
in light sliij > p5n supply ; export
steers , § 4 7oci5 00 ; good to choice t <
ihipping , § 3 2o@4 75 ; native butch-
) rs' stetrs , $2 7oQ3 55 ; cows and ,
luifers , § 2 00-v3 25. Receipts , 485 ; rc
ihipmcuts , 9,200. w
Hogs Active ; Yorkers and Balti-
norcs , § 2fiO < 32S5 ; parking , $285 ® in
I 00 ; butchers' to Philjd'lphios3 20. inst
Icceipls , 9,200. stcc
Sheep Steady and unchanged ; faire cc
o good , $285@337i ; choice to fancy , cc'll
3 GO ® 125. Receipts 300 ; shipments , 'lld (
New Yorii Ltve Stock.
NEW YORK , January 17.
Cattle Only It car loads arrived ;
uarket dull aud unsettled with few pi
ile3 ; e advance from last WedncE-
lay , and se\"eral car loads held ovi r b (
Jr lack of bids ; extreme range § 8 25
10 25 ; westem dressed beef , two
ar loads selling slowly § 4 oOfto 50.
Sheep Receipts , 1,400 ; no further
.dvance in price , but a little firmer
nd quicker ; sheep , § 5 37.\SG \ 00 ;
jmbs , S50 20.
Hogs Barely one car load arrrived ;
tone for sale alive ; feeling stronger
nd tendency upward ; nominal quota-
ions ; § 3 50 ( 3"70 for fair to good corn , ,
Coal Miners on a Strike.
. ,
j , s
PHILADELPHIA , January 17. Fire' '
ollicries , in Qirardville district , . have
its. tly 2,000 miners' on"
Sf.ural [ stoppage ' is" " fearedin' ' * ' the ' ; i
Lose not thy own for want of ask-
ug it ! Lee not your infant fOT Want
if Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup , whim any
Iruggist will sell you for' 25r"cents a
The nnusualx'numlJer ; of murders
.nd suicides occurring in this State
furing the month of Djecemb r-/ / ? the
ubject of frequent ramcrk , ? and it 1ms
coined difficulbio accountforsamany lSaor ,
iirso Bhortatime | rb t'in con versa- ' or
ion to-day with French , the Grocer ,
ie advanced j an idea whch _ possesses , dl
lot only"ndvplty biit plausibility , iio ;
ays that duriijg.them ? ntl { of Novem-
K.T and the first twentyfive'ays f Jnat t
at ,
variety of'5iiferior"ade3.snch ' 1C
wild bo picked "iip"id Ihe-iuar - 1Cnc
] rom these the requisite Lrain food ;
b < 5obfiiued ; an4 the resuH
iaa been mbroscne s , , , jealousy , dis. , cc
onten. and inBonie'insfances insaui- ,
yfri'fre-peopjo' ' getting"wrsq a.nd
rbnse , when luckily , on Chriatmasday , Sp
carload of " 'Uod H" arrived Now
ery thing iai serene. The j > ooplear3
lappy nd since the.ajrival iiot.-n mur
ler or suicide Kasj 'occurred.JFreuch ,
* sure3-us that lie -will nuvoY again bo
'Ufcof "RedH.-1 lp
The Administration Terribly An
gered at Gonkling's Op-
The Yclloiv Tcvcr Experts Pre
paring their Kcport.
Gen. Sherman Interviewed on
the Ft. Eobinson Mas
Pathetic Appeal of Mormon
Women to the Judiciary
* - - k j
- - mviii
the part of the administration toward
Conkliiig is shown in an interview
with a very near friend of the Presi
dent. In speaking of Conkling' *
course ho reiimrKed that if
ho was President Hayes ho
should serve notice on Conklirg that
if nominations now pending were not
confirmed 'hs would call on an extra
session of the Senate aftar the 4th of
March , and nominate John Kelley
for collector and Augustus Schell for
naval officer , and let it bo understood
that it was the Republican Senator
from New York that made this coursa
necessary in order to carry out civil
service reform.
Yellow fever experts are engaged in
preparing a preliminary report to bo
ready within a few days. Medical
members of the commission are prao-
tically unanimous in the opinion that
yellow fever was imported into Now
Orleans from Cuba through the very
lax quarantine of that city , and legis
lative members are practically unani-
tnottain favor of a national quarantine
Gen. Sherman , when asked about
ifTair at Fort Robinson , said : "Why
Jo you call it a massacre ? A number
af insubordinate , cuuning and treach-
arous Indians , who had no more re-
jard for the lives of our officers and
loldiers than if they had been dogs ,
Utompted to escape from
: ustody .md used violence to carry out
their rebellious acts. They ver
treated just as they deserved to be ,
ind it is folly to attempt to extenuate
such a crime by soft words. "
-iTr3ir\retT&7 > one of the Trfofm-
lelegatca on behalf of Mormon Wom
si ! , spoke to this Judiciary committee
n a pathetic voice ns follows : "Wo
lave been driven westward from State
0 State , aud at last took refuge on
he soil not belonging to the United
itates , but to Mexico. Wo
vere thought unfit to live
tndcr the American ilag , and
re took that wilderness in which to
i-ailtl up a civilization of our own and
a worship God according to our con
ciuncc. AYhen the United States
3ok possession of our territory wo
ere again hunted by Gentiles , who
) llowed usthore , and who saw that
e had comfortable homes , good hus-
inds , and were -rearing children
1 our faith These men have
irrdd up the Christian women of or
juntry who , in appealing to you to
irther afflict us , know not what they
r > . Wo have no dram shops , no
supers , no outcast women , no illigit-
nate children. Force this cruel law
-let the Gentiles rnlo that
xritory , and you must build
risons for our husbands and alnu-
3usesfor our children. What shall we
3 before your laws 1"
Mrs. Williams said , "My father ,
righam Young , loved his children ;
tvned them and provided for them.
fill the Government of the United
tates make these women outcasts ,
ho are honored wives and mothers ,
rown gray in rearing son ? , good citi
jnsof the United States. We thought
10 constitution of the United States
ould protect us in the free exercise
f religion. " * '
, pi
Sewpjr.Saulsb"ury fubijjTf ted a .res.-
utkiji IJuig , tha Sioretery , cf the
reasary. . -information ) .as 'to the )
txrf cijrfipensairorfpnid fo bnnk-
3 , brokers , coninaries , i '
r individiiajs for service * injuyotia' '
ng the. sale ! of 'bnrfcd - Vr'bonda
' * " ' ' "
umJ882 tpithdpreiejiJ'uL\ , \
The President to-day : i , inate.d
lexnndcrK Hagncr.oi Maryland- , '
ssociate' JJisHce of * the Suprcnio'
jur for thfs Dlslricf of Tolumbfa
' "
co .Olin/ jptired.Sqnator , . Whyte .
ys-tlra apjiointni'ent iann excellent
JudgeHzfRncr-Ts ( n Etaihich'Ro1
ilflicah'Has ; been"a. RepubUcaii'caji-
da fox Gaugrass several .tirac , and
an ex.ceU nt lxwycr. * * - '
I *
tho-Rcpubh'can Senatorial caucus
J H8rlfdr3 , 'ociafiiona great jswr- Aniopg .Hawloy'a frlenda ,
ho.1wouln beenrery confident
j -wouln .pul through. Jt.haa been
3-socrot tha the administration was
jsiroiis of ( Hawley's nomination ,
though-iafe , < j ria aclive part in' the
ratcst. - *
, - . -AtBcxlillsclonary.
BOSTON , January- . - Treasurer
harles JJenapiid bas" losi ? 60'Dbo'of , !
inclj'piiho JMawauliuscita .Hpme
ttiaionary"Society , by baa'ioa'ns and
OKCU9S6. .
* Tour Choice of the
* G6 S n O * W f4 M f * * * \ M N JT f ,
ever brought to Omaha ,
you wiH find it to YOUB
INTERESTS to examine
We have commenced our
Sale of Winter Goods , and
will offer many bona fide
bargains throughout our
establishment ,
Having lately visited
New York , we are enabled
to sell many goods for less
than cost of production ,
Cloaks , Dress-Goods , Hos
iery , Gents' ( fine quality
unlaundried ) Shirts , Un
derwear , Table-Linens ( at
SOc per yard and up ) , Napkins -
_ 4
kinsliadies' Collars and
> *
, Bo\7s , etc , , etc.
The Lowest Cash Prices
always Guaranteed , and
15th and Doulas
> 8iid Eostal Card for Samples ,
iK , OIIDFSAXCE locitina : a main lefcr in Sew
erage District Number One , in the City < (
Omaha , ai.d ruakmu' the bune a part of the
scwtrwje system in tald ilinrlct.
Jo it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Omaha :
Sr.c. 1. Ttat the followiu ? descnhtd mam i
Bwerbean'l ' thotacici * hereby located In s w-
no district number o > * , iu the city of Onuha ,
uu m.iile a jwrt ol the > y ! m ot ee-xtngo csiab-
3hod ia taiU district to-wit :
Eesinninjrat'he line f-f sewer on Fourteenth
tree' ' , at the mtorsc tion ot Ball Fourteenth
tre t wih AUrry vrect , ami from thence run-
in ; ? < " 'If Dfa.l ' ( ! JIarcy * trc t to the inl' '
frse en ( it the fane nilh Rltee'ith street ,
bence cojthctljr Io'ij > iuJ rffteenth street to
tiain rxctlnuoftiu same with M-swh trcet ,
mxa pntoxljQbrfg- Muon ctrrck tot ha
. < * . , ieo > oothe . . „ > , ly along , eajd . SsrentMntti ' trcJt r
tec pf Ulf.'r > j
15 g aiid northcrlr ( line to . , . , . . , . . , j. . , . . . . .
& Kmh'iwfditi-m tatheCitrrfOiaalu [
> * * 4uit ajofirf gatd-Pia'ccitrcst toTwtn
m r slia'J bc > f MlCii din.eiiiidirf nnd situ ant be
tv t-nemctr stal' moiidii : p * and the
'ounc1' siialli'j > [ ru e PaUnotor thns locstul
Fonrtcetth- street sewer.
. . -
sfbe TivoatcJ m sd district reg n . > the saw-
r bcrtby located * s an outlet.
f-rc. 3 This ordinance shall take cffcctanj
c in lorATfrOm aud after its pissage.
( Sisned ) 0. W. I.IMXGpn ,
. . - . . . . „ Actiis President City Council
Fused , January 8th , IKK ) .
' AU2. . TAYLOH , C ly Clerlr.
Api-ioved , January ( hb , 1S7 !
. ( feigned ) . K. H. WILBUR , Mayor.
- JanHSi
Of < d Eland-
-i OYSTERS- - -
- - x - 'x -
of th oysters he
uta op , Mr. Booth , from nnall beginnutr : < , hss
ectnaathelATireit Oyster Pucker and. Shipper
f itha-'Vorlil. WtiUm huvcm " will "a.l it to
icir Sjlvanta e to order rf i > . B. HEE IKK ,
TTOT. 2f 1878. (3in ( ) WesVm Aitt. , Omaha
! JAi C" fr > v
Keep < on ca to order , ail kind
Ittrr > k 5attre9i > oi of every iption
TCT ws od sncw. S-fiitinJ chain rctrpW
tertd , , CatT fits , niaici atulhy % all Xinibo
arpeA atiiT OH Clotuv. Furnlturo repair * :
Icuifd acd tarnhbea , an.i hai caned. '
M aSesi & HKMaltv ol tlno and Plain Wiiidin *
i * KSfMHC On nte , tlie V.'tof.Torth Conteo
il-U Ii l-Br/mu Utat in use.
3"l'u.pilr.and rt-coLJoa BillianI Tables.
n h
Previous to Inventory of
. Stock.
Will be found in every de
partment , to reduce stock-
and make room for a large -
and increasing trade ; * '
Domeatics , cheaper than aver.
Lonsdale Muslin , 8Jc. ' ' "f
Fruit-of the Lcom , 8jc.
Wamsutta and X. Y. Mill , lOja. ' *
Calico , 21 yards for ? 1.00.
Cotton Flannels , 6iiSc. (
Ginghams , 13 yards for $1.00.
Yard-wido Sheeting , GJc.
Children's Merino Vests , 25c.
Men's Merino Tests , SOc.
Ladies' Merino Vests , 50c.
Gents' TJnhundried Shirts , SOc.
Six Honey-comb Towels , 50c.
Honey-comb Spreads , Goc.
White Flannel ( good ) , ! 20c.
Colored Flannel ( g od ) , Ii3c.
Cloaks ! Cloaks ! . .
Will close out the batuice of our -
stock at a terrible sacrifice.
Politeness guaranteed , whether you
purchase or not.
VOlt PAT CASH at Omaha for
Choice Roll
[ \ > mni Ki to medium
PraV.u < .hkkKn ) .25 i ; r U < i. Dressed pool
Iry nnntetl.
Commission Charged for thete
Qgfl * WYXJl-'tr
Manufacturer of FOHS.
I5ru ST. , Gnu Doou FROM DODQE ,
Opposite Post Office ,
, - - .
F YOU WANT bo..itim ! Sott.Wtite Hando
n.1 Fine Comjrfexioni n e Ij. V. Streoter'a
iulphurated Glycerine Soap , which ex
els all other > oa | < aml comuoundi for thispnr
tine. Guarantw I ( fv-cty ! hHrniltss to themes
olicateokin. C n be used freely ag water , and.
a real luxury t > r xtrn > Toilet f . Sold by
II dealer * . L. V. isTKLLti.U A. CO. . JLumfao-
T usins L. V. Strecter Cos CaingluOrated
HycBrino tioap aud GlycerineTnr Sonp
-they are the only BOIUS maiitf that will doften
ie hand % and ketp thciii from th pciiig duiirz
iaoM oeather A k fcrit All dealers keep It
JSE L. V. Sntssrsis & Si's
her finest rfnJny t fragrant pertnmed Soap tnxla
- " - TOILET SOAPS.t i
Oat fear. Bn TO Windsor."White Glr. rin < i
; rjnc , etc.'arp v de front the I-csbreSjinl stock
-GuarAnteed i'TJUE. Use no other" . They are
herbust ;
eaq find a goodaaiortraenl ot >
At ( a LOITER FIGURE than . .
any ! other ghee boose la the city ,
P. LANG'S , :
md a parfect'Ct Jiruite d. tnxa verr reason
ible. , ( ; detllly . *
3HBMICA3J DYE " \7OBKS ? , . "
Send for ciroiUr an ) "price lutl Ladits and "
Septs'Clothing lrctl aivj. Cleaned in 3 gatufae-
IS'Hcrchints'CocxUn Specialty. ' 1
( formerly ot Gish t Jacobs )
con.snUy on h.vid the most eomp. t
itock f MLlallic Carets , all Units oi Wood Co
iss and shroud * ia the city.
t3 Qtdti9 by telegraph eolldtod tad
itt nd d to.
* *