. Bhenmatfpmneuralgia , sraepln and bruises will be relieved by Uncle Ham's Nerve an I Bono Liniment , Sold by all Ista.octl3 eod&wly DR. WINOHELL'b TKETHINQ SYBUi- a Bafe and Sure Remedy for Diarrhoea , Dysentery and Chil dren's Complaints generally ; it should be In every bouse wnere there are Children-Mothera give It a Trial. A well-spring of pleasure is a healthy baby ; beep your baby in peed health by using Dr. Bull's li Baby Syrup , the ft lend of Infancy. Price 25 cents. Uncle Ham's Harness Oil Oils and closes the pares of leather , effectually - ly preventing the entrance of damp ness , dust , &c. , and rendering the harness soft and pliable , while at the same time Increasing its durability. octlSeojrt&wly Distempers , coughs , colds , fevers and most of the diseases \\hlch horses , cattle , sheep , hogsand poult ry are subject to are rendily over come and cured by using Uncle Barn's Condition Powder according to the plain directions. Sold by all Druggists. ocH3ood&wly The injurious use ui improperly prepared pillfi and other loudly- blown remedies , recommended to cure all ills , Is much to bo lamented by all except the doctor into whose core you are sure to come. An hon orable and trusty exception to the rule isEilert's Daylight Mothers will find Dr. Winchell's Teething oyiup Just the medicine to have In the house for the children , it will cure colds , coughs , nore throat and regulate the bowels , try it. Bold by all Drugziats. ocllS end&wey Tbe rapidly Increasing deraacd for .Eilert's Extractor Tar and WL'd Cherry , la a positive Indication of Its merits. Thousands of individuals who have been cured ot Coughs , Gelds , Bronchitis and incipient Con * sumption , where other remedies have failed , are the beat proofs pos sible that this is without doubt the best cough femedy yet discovered. octlS-eoa&w-ly. a There la no earthly boon more precious than good henltb , and it behooves its possessor to endeavor to retain It. If you are assailed with euch provoking Ills as sick bend- aches , torpid liver , Bour stomach and a general feeling of wearinesa and disgust , don't go and commit Balcldebut take Eilert'a Daylight Liver Pills and be cured. Bold by all Druggists. cctIS eod&wly Disease and Death , when they reach our own household , are too eenous for jesting , we UCKJ our best endeavors to drive o3 ( lie dread messangbrs , aud are only bppy when wo feel that they are at a dis go tance. At tbe flrst approach of that Jol fell destroyer , Consumption , In the note Bhapa of a cough or filfcht cold as well to aa more severe .Brounhlal nr Catarrbal Complaint * , we nbonld at rea once use Eilerl'fl Eztrnct of Tar aud reame me Wild Cherry. It has no superior in an euch cases. Every bottle warranted pla ed to give satisfaction. Sold by all sir Drutrglsts. Ista ootlS eod&wly col his PROFESSIONAL CAflDS. bis drc sol del makes the : Diseases of Women Ep cot A SPECIALTY. out Consultation free at treat ngtcoms orpo- Uk tltfl Urand Centra ! Hotel , 251 farnharafct. , UP BIAIHH. where tfie Docter mav be cotter > ionad day or night. Medicine rent by mailer tor or express. Addre-zs P. O. box 505. Omtha. ' iebie 1m JS'e fatl % / . BtdiA. W. J. Connell. pur > Uodlcli & Council , pas citj : Attornays-aMaw. Thi ? OrncB : Opposite Court Honte. Omaha. fou Nebraska. wh G , J. KHHT. riec A TTOKNEY AT LAW. Offleo 490 Thlr * edwit OL teenth street , with J. W. T. Richards. ' wit ianll-tf lap ADAMS & SIEISRAI , , hau A TTORNEY6 at L w. Koom 6 Creighton the A. block. 15th and Cassias 6t. netfdb tillc MAKOERSoi the O. P. int ATTORNEY AT LAW. SM Farnham 81. . Osiah * . Nobnuki. the hue PARKS GOBW3CST U6 A TTOHNS1 AT LAW. Ilia and DoaeU his JjL Etrsets. with Q. W. Doane. ' . bad We TTOBNE7 AT LiW. OFFICE VU- l-rej scher'f Block. Oa tba. Nebraska. rem aarlctf act. T. T. to the TTORNEY AT LAAT. Ofiso. 490. 13th Street. between Fatatsm aad Barney. disp maha. Hebratfca. _ wbi WM. E. hau ed. TT AWYER. Crelrttaa Block. JLJ tbe and LUTHER R. into ftlSTICB OF THE PKACB. OBee Rera , . W t cn < r&BM CiMlTSlI San H" . to i him [ ATTnHNEVIJnconNSBLORATLAW . mor and Farnham Htre t . Oina'ua and belo G. E. PRZTCHBTT. fron A TTOHNET AND COUSSELOll AT LAW heel A. Ot3ce. 272 Farctaia Street. AddreiS anot 9 Omaha. alivi Q , ho and Counsalor at Law , the EVAN8TON. WTO. TER. bid fiegltter U. S.Lnnd ce CoHectiOKS Specitltt vraa cam hum > EAKKHUPTCY NOTICE. wotr yout Inlhe DhtrlotConxtofihe United Blatee. Jor the District ofJS'ebratka : In Bank expi ruptcy. terrc Intbe ir alter of Arthur Bnlies bankrupt. WS.B ri < Ulct of > ebraxXn. is : Thli i to rlva not 09 , That on the fth such day of F braary.AD lS"S.a warrant In banS- outd jnrtcy w s if i iied rut of tbe SlUriot Court "He of the United StiUj ( or tie Pletrict at No lr t . aciinjt tbe r.tito ofithnr ichl I'noXbteof I'm'ba. in the county of Docg- uttet 1s in raid Dsirit. : who ba b"n r djudjcd bsskrcpt on bis own pttitio-i. tboT Taattbo payment of acy dotU. and tbo dieaj delivery of soy property belonging to ( aid virtu b nkrnptto him or f hie use , at d tbe trans fer of any property by Mm ate forbidden by drnu law. ( ) law.Ti ice Ti t a meeting of the creditors of tbe laid bankrupt , to prove their deuts and to choose tllCU one or more actiiroeei of hii eftate. will be Witt beid at a court of bankrupt y tc bo boJdcn at rol ole. Om ba , In s-ld Dietrlet on thaXrJ dry ot a February. 1S78. at t o'clock , p. m. * t 41 PCUC < 8 ctreet at tbe ofSoo of J.L. W blfr l 'fqr..the KegUtcr in Bsakrurtey of caid "G court. Wai. UAlLY. . , U.S. Kar hal for ald District. febl2dUwlt ! wes Here COMMISSIONER'S SALE. who , in ? , By virtue of an order of rain Irratd oat of the Di trict Court in tu for Douglast'aunty wouli Nebraska , tad to me directed. I will on perju Thar d y , t e 28th day of March , A. teran P. . UTS. it W o'clock. * , m. . of Mid day , at the south doir of tbe Court Iloace. in did I the Llty of Omaha in raid onntyrellat tbe q pnblle auction tbe property defeiibed in said all 1 ere rte wit : Eeginrii.ga a point flvjand M.HO ohiins eat t. and & j 100 chain * north of stahb ti ccrntr to -oiion tironti-di (2S.iwen- ( ) plj ? ty-itTen ( Z7) . tlirt't-lonrS4) ( ) and tbirtyfive ( .35) ) . in towntb'p fifteen ( ' 5) ) ncrth of ranee cool i thirteen ( IS ) cast of tbe 6ii principal mer marb idian. Thecce cast thirty ( S ) rods , thtnce north Mventy.e gbt rods , thence weft was thirty iO ) rods and thence octh oeventy- half lent I7 ) tods to the placs of b giatintr. and t containing HJi acres more or leer in raid Bonglas County. Nebraska , to eitijfy a the i iudf r nl of said court rccorered by Qrorzo prov > < J ! . Barker plaintiff , ssaintt Ucorjo U. Harle < nesse and Eugenie M. Eatle. < cfed nt . JWM L. DAltROW. low t Matter Cotnroi'.iontr. work Thi [ rapid > mean Dr. I iogr ; < Price THEDAILTBEE TBE CMiHl rOBLISKISS CflMPIIT OFFIOS-T3S Faruham. tit. VtK end Mrt- . TKBMB Ot 8UBSCBIPT10N Copy , 1 year , in advance , ( postpaid ) . . 88.00 " C months , in advance 4.00 " 3 months. In aavance 2.00 Jolniuff l liurcb * Uiltish Army. A soldier has choice of five dif ferent kinds of religion. But while he is permitted to choose for himtelf. he must choose one or another. No man is permitted to absent himself from divine service on the ground that bo professes no religion at all , or that he profcsEoa a religion for which no provision is made in tbe regulations. He may be a Budd hist , a Darwinist , a Pantheist , or Polytheist if h likes , in principle , bnt he must be a Roman Catholic , Episcopalian , Presbyterian , Meth odist or Baptist in practice. There is no evasion of this rule whatever. Attempts are sometimes made to evade it , however. A recruit , when asked to indicate his theological preference by the sergeant of tbe company , replied : " 1 hain't got no religion , and I don't want none. " "You must attend a church of some kind one c * those I have named to you , " sid tno * ergeRnf. my eves if I do , " eaid he. he.The The sergeant wheeled his man before the officer of the company : "What is your religion ? " atked officer , when the matter was ex plained to him. "I hain't got none. I'm binfi- del , your worship. " "A what ? " "A biutldds free thinker. " "O. I see Very well. We usu ally pend pcreona of your railh to tiio Eomau Cuthollo church. You tilW want ; a coureo cf theological disci pline. The Catholics go to church early in the moruinr , and they are usually kept an hour longer than tbe others. That's the church for you , my man ; depend upon it. At the same time permit mo to say you are still free to think as much as you like. Sergeant , put him down aJ Roman Catholic. " Instead of evading tbe regulation by an opeu confession of infidelity , ho found himself obliged to go to church earlier on Buudayd , and to remain a considerable time longer , than ; if he bed made a choice when given a chance. [ Beaten Bulletin. Tlic Death of Jfero. .Nero wandered out into the streets of Borne , knocked at the do of his frlendf ; none would an or let him in. Ho came back , called for SplcilJns the gladiator toi to kill him , but Spicillus was . "VVhatl" eaid gone. he toEpaph- rodilus , his secretary , who had now joined him , "have I neither friend uorfoe ? " and he rushed out again throw himself into the Tiber ; but bh courage faiUni : him , and his P reason growing more clear once more in tbe face of appalling cal- unity , he wished for some quiet HoLe place where he might consider his strange and etidden position , aud Lo jolleut his thoughts for death. With bead muffled up , and covering Fn face with a handkerchief ) Jressed only in a tunic with an old l lolled ciosk thrown over his sboul- Pel , be trudged along barefoot in gloom of the early twilight , ac companied by Phaon , uporus and AU Spaphrodltua. As these four slunk ut of the Aomeutane Gate together He like common wayfaring Per nun , they ould hear the soldiers iu the Pile- orlau camp on tbo ngnt curbing Ind [ taro the beast and hailing Galba as ather of his country , " 'ihoyarein ursuit of Nero " taid An , a man as he Am laaaed them. "Any news in the Bat ity about .Nero ? " asked another , Lai here was no time to spare. They ouud him a broken down horse , Am rhlch he mounted , and they buried fall Bid on. At lost they reach- the villa of Phaon , patched pith thirst ; the Emperor apped ; up some water with hi ? Wh auds from a running tank , with Fre bitter jest , "This Is Nero's dls- Red Illed water. " He crept quietly into Put house on all fours through a hole Wlr tbe wall , and threw himself on WlrI first roattrHGS , prostrate with unger , misery and fatigue. Then Ked ordered a grave to be dug before eyes , as he refused to fly. He ade them to pave tne pit with mar * Inn Hen [ , and weeping * theatrically , he IUf repared , surrounded by his only Hat Ollc 3malniug friends , to play bis last Rub . "What an artist IP now about Win porlsb J" he exclaimed , but ere Mat words had left his llpa a ispatch from P.me arrived , rbich be snatched out of .fhaou'a uuds. Ho read It and shudder * Aril Ho had been condemned by senate to bo beaten to death dragged by ths boels , and flung the Tiber. 3-Tixing two dag- , bo felt their points. Greek occurred to him , and bo bc- 10 recite. He bagged Hporua Bill tet up a wall for him to kill Alco to kill himself first. At this JTrea loment the tramping of horses Milli olfieh of artnfed men were heard Brai Iow He broke out in a verse Qln. the Iliad : "The noise of/twift- Hell jeied steeds assails my ear. " In urns lothsr Element he would be taken evr par ive. "Uome then , courage man ! " Eeni cried aud feebly pushed point oi the dagger into Ohai throat. But bis nerve gone , and Epaphroditus Hhcn to his help and pressed it Ala. ma. The guards burst in and Ale ! nnld have seized him. "Fa this mrfidelity- murmured , aud pired ; , with staring eyes , to the of all who beheld aim. It Over b'e last pose , and , as the end of a life , it could not have been litcc d tdone. "la this your fidelity ? " SndA' had never made R better com- B' A' a It , " wntea M. Kenan. "Nero 0 * tering a melancholy plaint over Ittolidi wickedness of the ago and the didi jappearnuce of good faith and didi ! Let us applaud ! as fne Tloordi inia is ended nnd the curtain falle. lit tli in history ) O , Nature , with a 3d cusand : masL-e. thou hast had tne 3d 1st to find an actor worthy of auch in < . [ Good Words. 3dbteo bteo A'd Extra 'Gentlemen of the jury , " eaid a Oomn ipcarora lawyer , "what kind of Lath earing has been done in this case ? Bqoar we have a physician , a man OtiB from his high and noble call- Bond should f be regarded as one who tcorn to ataia his soul with jury , or be guilty of giving ut- Head Oarbc ance to an untruth But w at Llnse he 1 testify , gentlemen ? I put do Lard question to him plainly , as you do henrd : "Where was this mau BensL hbed ? ' And what Turpe waa his re- West1 UublusbinpJy , his features as Qoldc and placid as though cut from Diami Oastoi irble , he replied that the man NcaU slabbed about an inch and a Sweet to the left of the medial line , Sperm Whal about an inch nnd a half above Fiih umbilicus nnd yet we have do Bedfc ved by three unimpeachable wit- Kid fa that he was stabbed just be- Deenl the Young America hoisting An teli irks.Elko [ ( Nov. ) Post. . . _ SHEET diseases of Babyhood are so Iint ( Idly weakening that the quickest - c < l should be used to check them. Bull's Baby Syrup Is the unfall- Charm d remedy for thesa complaints. Doabl.d . 25 cent ? . d ( i COMMERCIAL. OUAHA , NEB. . March 5. ueua. SranulaUd Pttlb Powdered do Groaned do iteflned. out loaf do Staaaard 'A * do Eztn'O' do "C" do Yellow * do 03 09 Old Qomnarat 3m Fancy Rio Curie * " Prim * " Good " TUB : Tonne Hyioa San Powder Imperial OOiOEC Japan Dim nvir. .pplu per Salt Lake do dc Currant * ' ReiilDi. l&yeri per _ box . 1 70 O 25' . M. * M do seedless per do Valencia do Prunes. French do do Common do Peaches eastern do do Salt Lake do Peaches 2 Ib cans per a do SIbcans do Strawberries. 2 Ib cans do Blaokbcrrle * do Rhubarb , 'i Ib cans do Cherries do do Pine apples do do Tomatoes do 2 Ib cans do do 3 Ib cans do Corn , 2 Ib cans do 360 Pea- , early garden S Ib cans do PB&E , common do do Beans , stringdo do TIBH ASD OTBTlal. Balm on. 2 Ib cans per doz do Ib cans do Lobsters. 2 Ib cam do do lib cans do Oysters , standtrd.2 Ib cans per CAM do do l Ib cans do do slack , S Ib cam do do do lib cans do ' lAUf. Common per bl 203 Dairy fLC TOBAOOO. Black Goods , western per Ib d o Vlrrirtl * do l do LorilUrd do Bright VjrglnU do Natural Leaf do ncr , Choice. . Good COde Oomman do N. 0. TBClUMf. do GO 1101. Carolina perlb BAUXOCV do ( UVDUI < Wlrts UVDUIp r b 17 BOATS. Kirk's savem BOATS.P lb do 'WhiteBosriaa "do do India fr do Hchaofer'sCStLottisJSeraando Omaha soap Mo Qc SsOt Ot PaHi Hi Sh TaBa BrDr st , B , Co An Im An Cm ) QaHe He HeMa * Sir BDIWl : da Oal do Oai : ' BIO oonoxfj. Itlantio B do P Nebraska ! standard AA [ Kel Pepperell 0 But do B , " do S ndian Held do ( So do do tVCHAXIt Itnerican imcskes : janeatter ' noKtttei. kmosheag iiddefora ralleO.B. 0. do AA ' do AAA 13 FAUm. Vhite ! Lead , strictly pure , 8X do pure 8 ! < "ranch Zino HJs Lead 10 'utty in bladders SX QLA3S. Ch 71ndow Glass , 60 andGO per otnt. dlBeocni off I list. CARPET AND OIL CLOTH ody Bmssals carpeting , per yd I TS 3 COde ? do do 1 10 1 (0 ply do do 1 SO l tO No o-raln do do 40 to emp do do 10 75 ttel carpet do 40 63 lattinr do SO 100 cloths do 40 S3 st .nbber matUns do JOG ly Window shades per rilr i SB s CO er 71ndow fiztnies per doc I 50 latts do 9 00 31 K eals T. cA do BB do no rlincton ; ; 23 10 > 11 15 14 _ 18 16 LIOUOBSArOIWUfJE. h nines per cal I 07 leohclies rer cent do 183 reach spirit * do 139 arsb&U'sBr'bonwhlskrdo 125 tiler's do do 155 randy , very 2ne do 4 00 do common to fine do l 60 3 75 . 100 per cent do 1 50 3 00 ouand Gin. 90 per cent 1 75 , mixed Jama lea 100 cent. do 173A ! GO Knr. mm. 90 per ctMo 2 25 ennedy * bitters per gal 175 * do per casa 7 00 do in 100 ease lots 6 50 lampacnes. pints in baskets M 00 80 00 case 5 60 9 00 do very fine 10 CO terries 5 00 18 GO Edinburgh , per 2 75 Bass 4co' pale 2 75 Che ikes by ; e Sell ms roia k. rom d. aha. City s k ion. nge. < Keen ny of : my ) r : es land rago. as ; . md > . U. : v hlbli [ ih [ BUIC I ue , tvtt . Rntda , pcrfeot. 7 to 12 do 14 do No 1 stained do : 17 'A * American imitation Russia all Nos do IB For less thai : .nil bundle add one oent. Best slaughter sol * H 8CCo Best oak < o trench klp 1125 1 SJ do calf. leadinc braads 1 7 2 40 Domestic kips 75 1 10 do caffs 1 W 1 4tas > Hemlock , upper perfect S2 as Oak do do 26 8nin. do do 17 Linincs per doi I 00 10 00 Toppings do 9 50 Morocco ( booties ) perfoot 35 * 38 do oil dressed do 38 40 do Bimon per skia 1 00 8 25 do clovs kid 3 5 ] BootWebbin * per bolt 10 60 Oak harnees leather. PitUbori' 43 do Nol 40 42 do Not tt 40 Oak line leather M (6 Hemlock burae : IcUaer Nol 2S 15 do Ho S 23 SO Hemlock line leather a 44 fair bridle per side S 00 7 00 Team oollsjf per dos 4 00 SS CO Btsxe do do 19 00 2) ) 00 Scotch do do 8800 Concord do , S3 00 Collar leather ( blaokrer ) H M M do do Crai ) do 1C X Patoat dash leather do 12 15 Hinia a een hides p r ft 6 06 Vi Green cured hides do 7 C7 } Dry hides do 10 li Dry salted hides do 9. 10 Bhsep pelts each 8091 25 Ttllow pern 6 > fiNe No 14 to % per m U No 21 to 24 do 13 No 25 do 14 No 27 do 15 No 27 do 18 Foil bundles discount 25 per ojnt. BroierslOtoia CTB do ISXtolOO B Sheathing- and 16 ci S3 Planished 13 and 16 ot 89 do No 7. 8 and 9 41 Copper bottoms T1H FLATB. 10x14 10 best quality psr box 8 CO 10x14 IX do do 10 H ) 12x12 1C do do 8 CO 12x12 IX do do 10 63 < z2T ) 10 do do 8 0 } 11x20 IX do do in 53 Ur20IXX dc do 1775 Hoofioj , IO charcoal 1USO do 7 7 $ do IX do HiZI do 10 15 dodo 10 do &Gx23 do 15 00 do IS. do 20j 3 do 30 00 BLOCK riK. Large pins pertt 77 Small piss do 87 Bur tin do S9 irsc. Bhoettin 25 toSOincbe * do U dc 25toS5 do ptrshMt U Tinners' solder , extra reflnod do 2IS do Nol do IS do roofinc do l < IRON. Iron in bars per Ib Bast plow tteel do 10 Tool steel do II 20 Nail rods do 12 dorse shoe nallt do 6 Quotation * Iv Slonvoitin. Hink , prime 50175 do ZdaadSd 2StolO Wolverine 2 COioJ f)0 ) Oaeooon 40 do bfeilor 15to23 Muskrat. fan 05 do winter ( 8 do sprint ; 12 do Kittens 02to03 Jkunk. black prime 25 do narrow ctrlpod prime 20 do broad 10 3tter. No 1. larie 3 CO richer 200to703 iVolf No 1 larjo mcantaln 3 ? 0 do No 2 do 2 no do Nal small prairie 80 do No 2 do 60 A. 3eavor.-rell furred and clean per Ib 90 do stage and heavy SStoSO ted for No l Wtol oo iid do 25to50 eer tkins 15to20 Intelope 10to2S Imosseaf . brown A ) 9 do bleached 48 9 Ilarendoo 7X nsanii. " Linoake 16 > 4 leaver Creek A A 14 do dc BB 13 laymakers 88 9S Itis r.x. % H > i BB 13 TI CO 12 LIVE STOCK. TIf rative shipping steers 'owa f togs 3 75a3 9 ] beep , per pound 3V.-SS do gross iXa5 SPECIAL QUOTATIONS. OF RII I'oarnflcld ISrotbers. Reference , Omaha National and State Bantu ] utter choice roll. . _ * 1416 mod " _ 10al2 gga fresh candled 12 emons .Messina per box - 7 00 pples perbbl . . . 3 2Sa3 60 onltry dressed chickens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09alO tnrkeyg - Wall yatera 0 S Maltbj's celebrated Baddle Rock brand , select. . 42 Jk M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ S2 'edium. . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . 5 All kinds nuts , sardines , currants , citron , Ea lisina. choice brands of cigars , bacon , ima. lard , tripe , rigs' feet , etc. , etc. , con- antly on hand. Bend for our price list. optSCmo Eleiai RAILROADS. PULLMAN HOTEL CARS F are run alone by the as Chicago and Northwestern 01u Railway. ? u THROUGH znaiia & Chicago other road runs Pullman Hotel cars , iliman Dining cars , or any other form of WEFa , dining or -tnurant cars through be- the Missouri river and Chicsgo. Fa Ihla line of hotel oar ) is the finest and Mov [ that have over bean bui't ' anywhere for mod railroad company. No extra charge allp the usual berth chare : ) for compart- NOB onts in these celebrated hot3 ! cars. For B. yon are charged only for what you or' AH' THO Was OF . 16t Chicago ftnd Northwestern closa connection at Chicago with th chisan Central. Lake Shore. Ft. Wiiynee Itimoreand Ohio , and all other roadsfor nsict that the ticket agent sells yon tck- the Northwestern road , and rofui tc anv other. ITarry P. Deurlto Ticket aatnt , 245 Farnham St. . Omah , lickot ajrent , IT. P. depot. Omaha Charla Aiit'nt. Goa'l agft Omaha. tlantic & St. Western Railroad , In connectiyn with the Erie Bail way , tbe Great Broad-Gauge Boute betw. AST AND WEST Cincinnati and Chicago to New Boston and all points in New Kng- New York to Chicago. Cleaveland , AN . anil nil points in the Northwest Cii.cinna'i , Louisville , bl. Louis. Kan- , and Points in the Southwest. n iib THIS IS THE ONLY LINE mil the lonnecJion with the Erie Railway.which self-it through sleeping coaches between New never and Chicago. CUveland , Mansfield , threat . Dayton and Cincinnati without mcst . ily pj nge.TJBC33 machl buy. nning Pullman's Broad Gauge enyn are inst Palace Hotel Coaches. Best ! Cincinnati , Chicago and New York price senders by this line can take their meals years hour without leaving the train. Tbo by mall. fare on these coaches ia not surpasse 1 for all hotel in America. through tickets at lowest rates , pal- 212 Do coach locations and further information erning the route , please apoly at ticket Erie Railway in New York and New , at No. West Fourth Street : in . at No. 1C4 Clark Street ; and at the of connecting lines west and touth- Aik for tickets by way of the AUan- Great Western Kailroad. Cooper , Gen'l Sant. Cleveland. 0. bliatlHck , Gen'l Passenger Agent. inneti.0hio. fflTBUWll HISTORY , opm JUNITEDSTATEa Bcntoi J. Losnua , LL. D now iradjl On/y edidot , A confute or worth/ b * pabHthM in bot2i ill and German. One large u > 4 profnsely rated . i.4i4i-in , jet low . priced * Tolume.JVtbe.a > ntenuo - - . uooaa oipptnvcr Gnnc rfbr.tlon. AGENTS WANTED ! F of latcra cr r7whei in theCAnlZtMgbutorrof our wa % an rart cb vm for A { u KCklnf z r Car dtnpUoa > ai Ubertl trnni , to L.1IjilcMnia ST. PALli & SIOUX CITY. AND fflmii City & Pacific Railroad 100 Miles Shortett Route to St Paul. Minneapolis. Bulufi or Bljmark. And tne most direct route to Sioux City and all points in Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. Dakota.NO CHANGE OF CARS. Will ran elegant Drawing Room and Bleeping Coaches , owned and controlled by the Company , through without change be tween OMAHA , ootncon. BLOTTO AMD BT. PAUL. Trains will leave the Union Pacific Depot at OMAHA at 4 p. m. . and COUNCIL BLUFFS at 5:15 : p. m. . reaching SIOUX CITY at 10:20 p , m. . and ST.IPAUL at 11 a. m. . Time. 18 hours making T1S EOT7R8 lit ADVAKOI Or ALLOTHIK BOTTI8. Returning Will leave ST. PAUL a S p. m. . arriving at SIOUX CITY at5a.m. , and OMAHA at 10a.m. . SJVTickets for tale in Chicago and North western Railway offices Council Bluffs ; Un- Ion Pacific Depot ; and Grand Central Ho- tel. Omaha. that your tickets read via , S. C. 4 P. R. R. " F. 0. HILLS. Sai > erlntendr.t , Missouri Vallev. F. 0 Hiifc. Qen'l Ticket Art. Sioux City. J.H. OM5RYAN. Bouthwoitera Freight and Passenger Agt mav2d-tf Omaha. CHICAGO. Hod Mai S Facile EailroaS , THI GBJBAT CKNTKAL ROUTS TROM OMAHA TO GHIGAGO AM ) TKS EAST , " Tl DCS Molnes , I venpoik tad Bo k Island Tbla Boute being t cnjnly equlppcxl with elegant now Coaches , IBCC Sleeping Curiand having the advantage a smooth and well fcs > lated track , oCen the traveling public an Eait- trn Line tmeqnaled ( or Speed , Comlort tad Baietr : -o- All Passenger Trains are equipped with the ' . /wTurenouBS FATBBT Ai * BKAKXS and Miller's Patent Safety PliUarm Couplar. Two Fast ExDroBi Traini Lena Dal y , connac can ollow a AT DKS MOlNia with the Des Maine * Vali r iiallrcod for Oitaloora. Ottumwa , KeoLnk and St. Louli , AT GlimKELLwith the Central Kailroad ot lowx Jor all points north to St. Paul , AT WS3T LIBEBTY vlth tne Burlington , Cedar B ptj * A Minnfaola Kai'roid for Burlington , C iiar Bap'di , Pubuqne A 8U Paul. * t WILTON JDNCTION with the bQuth-lVcitain branch , lor Mnscatlne WaiMn Wn na rolnti toutn. TT DA7SMPOHT with tne Davenport A Bt Paul Ballroa I lor polut : north. AT EOCX I LATU nlth the Western Union tor Frecport , iielolt , Baclne , Mll- na all points n northern DUnols and Witoonztu. AT BOO : ISLAND with tbe Kockiord , Bock Is ! ud and 8S. Lculi Eallroad lor BL Louis nd point * icuti ) . AT EOCK31ACD Witt the Feoria A Bock tlsnd BilircWt for Feoria and polnU east. AT BUEEAU JDHC. , with branclj , for Hen ry , Lsss-n , CbUllccth and Feoria : AT LA HAT.T.K il\b t Illinois Central Ball- road lor poSnlj Berth and couth. AT CHICAGO with all the line * East , Horth nut arati. THBOCBH T1CKBT8 i ] sll Eutern cities via ihU Uac. cm ba prcdUTed , sal any nfor- tuition ofctibcJ , ecacernlnj roatai , at the Trtkrt OtSca le tb Union Faclfia L'erot , Ucaha. aad aUo * i tlwFrtttlp * ! tl k toaees alona ths line ct tbe V. F , K. S. to all Prlndr-cl ill Inlonantlan lezcrJinj Pazcangen and Trdzht checrfally rarnlchca , end Sleeping Out Berthi for tale at the Corapany'i Office , 263 FAIUJHAM St. , ( Orscl Cantral Hotel ) Oman * . . U. BMITH , B. BIDDLB , Qzn'l Fus'r A < c > t , Gea'l Bop't Chie fo. . _ Chlsaje , l W. CLAIB , U. 8. aj.a ' T uwo. ' Fauenger Agent , Qeu'l Woctern As'I , Omaha. OmahZ1 H. F : DEUEL , Ticket Agsnt , Omaha. THE f ASBMOH CiTK BODE , " C.J Baltimore & Ohio R.R. THE SHORTEST QUICKEST AND ONLT DIBECT KOCTE TO Oa WITH DIRECT CONNECTIONS FOR RICHMOND , LYKCJBDR6 NORFOLK , AMD THE SOUTHEAST. Kew Tori Boston i lHo1 THCJ3 J3A.C-JT. ' Travelers desiring a > Mai FltiUBii ud Ciirgrit.lc Ifl ? Ezi should remember that the i 1- En lUillliUU I IS 01LEBSATID TOB ITfl 31eeant Coaches , Splendid Hotels , Grand Hoi and Beautiful Alonntatn and Valley BveTl Scenery , r.nd the many ointsofHia- torical Interest along its route. Can Lou A. Fare : will always be L. G St. low as by any St.Omi therLine. * Mai 'ULLMAN PAIuVCE CAKB RUN THROUGH Sea ; WITHOUT CHAKGS Plat Oi BimKN THI POI CIPII. oOoi Inac MM AND E&STERN CITIES ; For through Tickets , Baggage Cheeks , ovemont of trains. Sleeping Car Acoom- lodadona Ao. , apply at Ticket offices at principal po'nta 0. ORTH. SOUTH. EAST OR WEST. 0. J , DORSKY , L. M.COLE. 8 sa't Gen'l Ticket Agt , Gen'l Ticket Agt. 0. HOS. P. BARRY. THOS. R. SHARP , S. fostcra Pass. Agent 33 as tor of Transp'n. U. lv 0. 0.B. PACTOK1KS. 0 OB Cl fieadfrnDar a Oaiy ! , sc Ul 01 Bj Lo enoo Offl Carriage Manufacturers , Jl ATERIAL AND WORKMANSIPTHE BEST ALIi KDJD9 OF WAGON AND OAB- iUAQH WOBK. 5th. St. , oor. Capitol Av. OMAHA. Octllyr SEWING MACHI i-S. ! W AMERICAN Bl " 1 Al MOTHER TRIUMPH ! nslalj arded at the Centennial iibitioa-OT.1 be machine and one ttcwcrlfdoaa una lighter than any ittipmachina : 4 i es theleaarnoise ; ha r-SetnngneeJIe. elf-threading ahntUe : skips the stitch : never breaks the . and is the most easily learned : is the Th durable < ; the best machine for all fam purposes. Exan.ine these celebrated chines before deciding which yon will They possess more Hood Points than machine in the market : in fact , they Trad ' what we claim them 'to be. The TradJ. in the world I Bend for &n illustrated J. list. ] Every machine warranred for 5 , Call and tea us or fend your orders . Attachments. Needlea and Oils machines constantly on hand. KENNEDT A MAKI'lN , Douglas St..Omaha. Neb. Neb.sei sei > 20d&wly NO 0 ! ali IS' A PHYSIOLOGICAL VerTOv Print * , areJ. I Jew of Marriage 1 BIESr , - * Wedf5ck ZtWT * c WBAGnideto * ni HI A LOR OMAN confident ! * ! TmttM on the LA HE8 dotiei of mim * t end Uii ooOs UQKt that unfit for It : tbe te 44T- creti of Htprodnctlcn ace - tb * IMflffBiei of Women. A book for prirtte , cousid * RRIAGE . emte redmr. SCO Pffei , prioi _ .V rfa PRIVATEMeDICAL ADVISEHI iLsonfcn oi Private Ketore initflg trom Bell bat Uie Thro t n < s iune * , Otarrb uptnra , ti Hmblt.tc price 10 cu. > - E. KAILROAIS. J. B.CmiNNELL.RM Utr. Tie MflFSrili Home between the North and South. Traversing the centra portion of the treat State of lows. , and inter * seating the numerous fAST&reTTRDMKLffllS , FOB- I OHIUAGO DAVJ5NPOBT ' , , DUBUQDE , DE8 MOIRES , 810DX OITY , OMAHA , Aad all Eut and West points. Connects at Otttuawa * -FOK- BURLTNQTON , MACON , KEOKDK. 8EDALIA QULNO1" , ST. LOUIS , HANNIBAL , KAA8AS CITY , MOBERLY , ATCHIBON , and the South. Southeast and Southwest. CONNECTS AT MASON CIT * -FOR- St- PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS ) iOUJTH , and all Minnesota points. How and Fliiflly OpboUtered Reclining Oh air cars ON EXPRK8S .TRAESa' STEEL KAILS , EXCELLENT HOA J OCR. AND FIBST-CLASS COACHES' fitted with Miller's Platforms aad Couplers , and Westinghouse air brakes. Mo better in- dneemtnts can be offered to travel in the di- reotioia named for the season of 1877 ; Qen'l Pass. * ad Tioket.Agent ; _ feb9-lT THROUGH TO CHICAGO WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. ! r , THE f With Gmooth and Perfect track. Elegant Passenger Coaches , and Pullman Sleeping : & Dining Cars. It is acknowledged bv the Press , and all who travel over it.to ba the Best Appointed and Beat Managed road in the country. Passengers Going East Should bear in mind that this is the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO. And Points Eaat. North and Northwest. Passengers by this route have choice of FOTJE DIFFERENI ROUTES And the advantage dt SIX Daily Lines of Palace Sleeping Cars trom Chicago NEW YORK. CITY , WITHOUT Al Express Trains on this line are equipped I Ali the Westinghonse Patent Air ' Brakes , and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect Protection Against Accidents in the world. Fnllman Pnlaon Sleeping A Dining Cars are run on the Burlington route. Information concerning Routes , Rates. Time Connections , etc. , will be cheerfully given by applying at the office of the Bur lington Route. Grand Central hotel , corner Fourteenth and Farnham. Omaha. Nebr. ToC. CE PERKINS. D W HITCHCOCK. Gen'l 3fan'gT. Gen Wett'n Pat Agt 0 I P HILL IP I I Chicago. Gen'l tarnt. Omaha. HP DEUEL , Ticket Agent , Omaha. feb5 lyr 3pp Ja TIME TABLES. , BK1HT88 ! if TS1I3S. it Oalon Piein * . J1 L AV . Aurvi. Dally ! 5jrprsss..J215 P. M 8 45P. H.ala do Mixed " 445 do 930 de get dd dd JreighU 500 ATM. B15 do getI do do 830 do 1115A.M. Time Card of the Barlligloi Koala. oft ma AKBITB OVAHA. . . . Express 10 00 A. M. ing hai A16 A.M. Mail ! .1010 P. M. ten ttitmdays Ezcepted ( Sundays Excopted- _ lye This is the enly line running Pullman nla Hotel dining cars. H.P. DEDEL , gen Ticket agent. Omaha. Neb. Chicago , Rotk Ulsnd & PicifU. Kallt510 A M. 110 * 0 P. M. Sxpress-4 00 P.M. 10 00 A. M. { Sundays Exeepteil. ahlcico & NoHhwesttri. dftllj.510 A. M. HO 10 P. M. ixpress 4 00 P. M. 40 00 A. M. { Sundays Exoepted. Kiain City & 5L Loais Short Urt. HorningBx A.M. 925 A. M. Svening Ex P.M. 620P.M. The only line running Pullman Sleepini out of Omaha to Union Doj.ot. St. ouls. FHANK E. MOORES. 0. DAWEH. Ticket Agent , qne don < P. i T. Ag't. . Omaha , Neb. aris ( JOB. Missouri. teni Imahi & NerthwaiUrn aid So ! CiJy tt coin PatlHe Rtilroadi. this BxpreBS..8:00 A. M. 2W I' . M sick Dally except Sundays. Sim B. & M. R. H. In N.bn.k. . earnyJnnBx-9C6 A. M. 3:45 : P. lattam'th Ao-6:0 ( P. M. 8SD A. M Omnibuses and baggage wasons leave the Pric Dee Grand Central Hotel fifteen minutes advance of the above railroad time. m mm OF MILS u S m OLOBIKO. . 4 N. W. R.K. 4:30 a. m. 3 r. m. mail . B , 3c m. 4:30 a. m. 3:00 p. m. case : R. I. ± P. R. K. 4:80 : a. m. 3:00 p. m. . B. A St. Joe 4:30 a. m. 300 p. m. caseF : City & P. 4:20 a. m. F . P. R. R. 11:30 a. m. 0.&N.W.R.R.7:80a. mi . AM. R. R&35a. m. 0&NW7:30. : .m. P ensure. mon A N W R 11:00 a.m. 11:03 p. m. Infa } AM 11:00 a. m. 11:00 p.m. erst R I & P 11:00 a. m. 11:00 : p. ia. fort B A Bt. Joe. 11:00 a. m. lfCO ; p. in. paid City A P 11:00 p m. thoc 4:00 p.m. ease * M in Neb. 4:00 p.m. edge Local mails for State of Iowa Isava bo cure a day. vis : 4:30 a. in. gnar Office open Sundays from 12 tel p. m. gnari : TUOb. V. HAIF Postmaster. trial POW Pri forS IS tab : expr G P All anxii Celol ' Powt that' & Co's oftb. ourf , everj that box. box.We We perfe If yo ring rely 3EST SIX CORD rt SPOOL-COTTON Thomas Russell'H ' BOLE AGENT. Also IRTHUR JAMES'11 ' "INTRLSSIC" NEEDLE.S. Owi homas Eussnll & Co. ( . , liion make SOLE AGENTS , NEW YORK. wrap recipi : red Snpoliea by Tootle & Maul , ' J. Brown & Bro , Stephtns H I & Wilcox , Omaha. , 3pp feb6 lyr CURE-NO FEE ! ! ' E t Wuhlnttoa itn.1. Chlcwk for U cor. of & i , mlnal Ti alniew * Debtlltr , * nd Lo t Manhood , nnnuxou Dr. O. U * cnduU of llx Rtfam School. nd HJM D urjiluf tb. Isrtml fnrtSc * In th. United Suto. LA lAreqnkiajctmlRMofc with bom. ftnd bond , aUI erwrlu fonmt nc fortntlcoU. Send Flftr CnU for MAK CriDE ! Vl5 pv . IllutnUd. MAIUUKI and pntlram wnd "V C.nt. [ at Sunpl. of Kul Sriitr and Clrenlir ofl mporlaAt InformaUon \ lCo t ' RHEUMATIC COMPOUND/ ! COLCMJC. . O Fcbnuy t , IKS. xwrt.X.C.m SeUm 4 Ca. : I Ul. great plnnre Ia ( Utlnf two boitUi.f jeer * Jhn B' BbramaUo \ Biponiid cQred a * of arerfbad auaeAor R&fa. maUim. It wa > recommcni ] * ! U ma by Mr. T. merof jo rclt7whow jcnrrfb7lt oM. , JOBV San. n Xait rri < n4 Ktnet. fVCK.fUA SOLD STALL DtltOOim. t . Belle ? . A Co Proyfn. l'ltt b r < ch. P . ; M EOOI EDUCATIONAL. flryanfs I TOH. TOH.ST. . JOSEPH , MO. 18 THE ONLY ONE WEST OR SOUTP OP tbe lakes with which Brrvsi's has any connection , or that ia conducted by an ex perienced practical accountant Best rooms , beat faculty and the most thorough course of instruction , while the welfare of pupils ia carefully regarded. Particulars and Specimens of Penmanship sent to any address THOS. J. BRYANT , Frei. angSdly s .o . ississ MEDICAL , , Consumrttion Cured. An old physician retired from1 active prac tice , having bad placed in his bunds by an Uast Ihdian missionary the loraiuia of a simple vegetable remedy lor the speady and permanent cure of Consumption. Bronchi tis ; Catarrh. Asthma , and all throat and lung affections , also a positive and radical cure for general debility and all nervous complaint ; , after having tested its wonder ful curative ponera in thousands of cages , fe-la it bis duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Too receipe will be cent free ofcharre to all who deairo it , with full direction. ] for preparing and successfully nsicg. Address with itanp. naming this I'lper , Dr. J . .C. STONE. North Ninth St. Philadelphia. Pa. Hwlm ACOO&HCOLB OR SORE THROAT ' Requires Immediate Attention. A continu ance for any length of time causes irritation of _ _ _ - the Lung * , or some chronic throat affection. Neglect often re- cults in some incurable Lung Disease. BROWN S BRONCHIAL TROCHES havoprovsd their efficacy by a test of many year- , and will almost invariably give im mediate relief. Obtain only Blown s Bron- hial Troches , and do not take any of the worthless imitations that may be offered. dccld&wlm Sf you feel dull , drowsy , debilitated.have frequent headache , mouth tastes badly , poor appetite , and ton true coated , you are suffering ! from tcrpid liver ; or biliousness , anIS nothing will cure yon so speedily and permanently aa to take BlHKO.Va LIVI * UroutATOX. or Medicine. ISPt PURELY VEGETABLE. The Chtapett , Purett and Set Ptfa Familv Medicine in the World. , AnefToctualspe- ' cifio for all dia- ea of toe liver , stomach and andspleen , RegulaUr the LITXB and pre vent Chilli and REGUOVTOR Fever , Malarious Fevers. Bowel Complairis. hestlossnets. Jaundice , and Nausea. BAD BHEATHI Nothing IB so unpleasant , nothing so com- nioa as bad breath and in nearly every case comes from the stomach , and can be so easily corrected if TOU will take Simmons' Liver Regulator , Do not naglect so euro a remedy lor this repulsive disorder. It will also improve the appetite , complexion and general health. PILE3II How many suffer torture day after day. making life a burden end robbing existence all pleasure , owice to the secret suffer from piles. Yet. relief is ready to the hand of almost any one who will use sys tematically tbo remedy that baa permanent cured thousands. Simmons' Liver Keg- alafr is NO drastic vicleut purge , but a tentie assistant to nature. CONSTIPATION I i SHOULD not be regarded as a trifiiog ailment in fact , nature demands the utmost f regularity of the bowel * , and any deviation from this de mand pavea the way often to [ serious danger. It is quite as necessary to remove impure accumulations from the bow ' els as It is to eat or sleep , and no health can be expect ed where a costive habit o * body prevail * . SICK HEADACHE I This dist-c-sing adiction occurs most fro- inentlo. Tbe disturbance of the stomach , rising from the imperfectly digested con- ta. causes a severe pain in the head , nc- orapaniod with disagreeable nausea , and constitutes what is popnlaily known as hesdnpho. for the relief of wh'ch take iimmons * Liver Regulator or Medioino. ! > IfANDrACTDBKD ONLY BT MACOll ; OA * . , andpSlLAUjCLi'HIA 'rice. Sl.OO. Sold by all Dru-jristt. > : | The Only Immediate Reli'J , i and certain euro : Doctor Strong's Enropoin llfmsdy. > irTTDSTflT4Eucce 3ful in every case , IMmflLtrlflPrieo $1. Prnparcd anj laileil only by Jas. HARDY. Box 172 , Chi- nzo. III. nov wlt Mc FITS EPIiiEPSY ORSiolsnesai Permanently cured no humbug by one lontq'p n'age of Dr. Goulard's Celebrated fallible Fit Powders. To convince Buffer that these powdera will do all wn claim irtbem. ! we will send them by anil , post . a free trial box. As Do. Goulard is only phynaian that has made this dls- a special ctndy. and as , to our knowl- . thousands have been permanently I by the use of these powders , we will larantoe a permanent care is every case , refund ion all money expended. AM ifferora should give these powders an earl,1 . and be convinced of tiioir curative wers. Price , per large box , 93.00. or four boxes 810.00. sent by mCil to any part of United atea or Canada on receipt of price , or by proC. . O. D. Address. ASH * ROBBJXS. SCO Fulton Street Brooklvs.N. Y. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured I sufferers from this disease that ire ixious to be cured should try Dr. Klstner'f ilebratad Consumptive powdera. These iwdero are the only preparation known will euro consumption and all di-eates . throat and lungs indeed , BO strong is faith iu them , and also to convince you they are no humbug , we will forward to sufferer , by mail , postpaid , a free trial don't want your money until yon are rfectlyatisfied of their curative powars. your life is worth saving , don't delay in these powders a trial , as they will ; cure yon Price , for large box. 93.00. sent to any Int of the Unlood States or Canada bymau edar receipt ef price. twllei Address , Katm ASH & ROBINS. God for t > 360 Fulton btreet.Brooklyn. Line , tt fan ' T. HEMBCXLD'S tboe sndtl I aitoc COJNCENTEATKD etC > XUID EXTRACT blood mor Blol BUCHU. coast rhei Carmine Wrappers and Labels. Sklr by bn pirtl wning to spurious articles palmed upon krtr "J I jpubllofor tbe past fire , c years on therep- rnr 0 of my preparations , I Am forced to 1 a radical cbange in toy labels and nnto.1 appers. ] Tbe genuine , of my original ioret . is printed in Carmine Ink and pro- eoale under supervision by tbe or " my , "LI T , HELMBOLD " I corer ' 77np " u Company * Pro If U. SOIPI eVTT STREET. But New York. SELLERS'LIVER PILLS I * ' Liter rill B f .l S tr Thirty ye r Stanford Remrl/ for lb ore or Llrrr Com } It'at ' J > UTnin > . Kick H i1 eU. ul all Denop f mcn'i of th Ur r. l "Htllcru * V-rmirnirr , th re l TTom l. - . troier. " p li < 4OO l --z Hiw rm. from m , 1 ia. ehlU,2je neU. WH-HirTrr , . " ! Lool" . M * . Pri \ Sunpl. ( each25e. If ywir rwit'ift _ , . lee t k--p rhrlfor" kaf. ar - , nat l 1 Pltuu-h rpyp * ; r EJIT FREE on application BRIQQS JfcBRO'S Flower and Vegetable Catalo gue. Our large crops enable us to , HEEDS X.OW. f6-wlm IC5E5TBE , K , Y. ot OHICAQO , ILLS. California s Favorite , BEAUTY Combined with DURABILITY Buus ivltli Hall tbe WJu < l that I Required to JRnn an Open Mill , aud Is never Injured by Htorniw. KVERY MILL WARRANTED _ For iiora Five to TFJV * fi i THIS MILL HAS BECOME UNIVEF- SALLY Favorite in California , where hnndreJs of them maybe aeen at work of a ) sizes. Many people buy Who would have no other even if it ml { ht bo given tolthem , 1hen mill * On barns and houses where they will bo ornamental as well aa useful , nnd there Ia no dr ger of their throwing out fans and killing sime one. The Inventor has had 10 years ex perience in the windmill and punip business and he Intends establishing a manufactory In Omaha to supply the state of Nebraska with TURBINE Windmills for Pumping Water , Grinding Grain , Sawing Wood , Cutting Feed , Churning Butter , Turning Grindstones * And scorcsof ! " other things , too numerous to mention. JTsrrltprlal Rights For Sale in oth" er States. "Agents WauUd in every Count in the State to whom good inducements will be given. Address A. H. SOUTHWICK , Patentee. i23diw3m GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. OMAHA. TMi Cat Illrrfnta th ftkaatrof Uiiog Fountain Nasal Injector , OB D DOUCHE. Tbls Instrument Is especially designed { or the rfect applicaUon of DB. SAFE'S OATAEEH ESUED It Is the only form of Instrument yet Invented rltb which flnlil moliclno can tie onirlol Mgtt p nnd tM-rferllu njyplird to all parts of the nSect- nival puso n , and the cluunbera or cavltlos ommunlcatlnx UicrowtUi , In which enrol and leers frequently exist , and from which the ca- irrbal dtocharre ( cencrallr proceed ! . The want eacceea In treating Catarrh heretofore hag rlaen larircly from the Imp jwlblMty of applying imi < die lit lhe * rjirttlc and ehamborH Itj any the ordinary method ] . Thla obstacle la the 87 of effecting cures la entirely overcome by ie Invention of the Douche. Its use Li pleasant 3,1 eo simple that a child eon understand It 'ull and explicit direction * accompany ich Instrument. then tue > l ultli Oils Instru- lent. Dr. boga's CaLtrTh Ccme > 1y cures recent -.ntticks of "Cold In the | Xleud " by a f ew applications. STWPTOMS-rreqnent pidacho , discharire falling Into throat , eomo- meii profit Af eatery , thick raucu0. puiilent. Ten-lvc , eta. In others , a drrne.-w. dry.walery , eai , or InBamml eyea , stoppldx up , or oUlruo- n , of nA3.il p M>u , ririglnx In ears , deaf * P85 , hawking uul ooughlnz to clear throat , Iceration. , ocaba from ulcers , TOlce altered , ual tvrnng , offf n lve breith. Impair , * ! or total prlratioa of een ° of ( mell an > l U Ui , dlzzl- 8 , mental depression. Ima of appetite , ludl- > Uon , enlarfml Um llj. tickling coiub. eto. nly a few of th < * se syuipUuru are lively to be resent In any case at one time. . nr.lajrP'B Catarrh IlPmpdy.whentueJ 1th Dr. pleree'n Naiinl Ooaelie.andao- mpanlbd with the con UtuUonal trr&tment hich is recommended In the pamphlet that npo men IwtJe of tbe Kemedy , U a perfect eclflcforlLUloAthsomedlseajio. 11 lj mild and e.want to ue , containing no utronx or canitlo UX orpnUona. The Catarrh Kemedy U * old at cents. Douche M 60 centsbr ail Drngg lit * . B. r. ruzBCE , jr. D. , p pv. . BUFFALO. N. T. CSSrSDOEASQCTT * IRQAllUNGS.LIYER&BLQDD. the wonderfal medicine to which the allct- are above directed for relief , the dlsooverer Ieve he DM combined in harmony more ot ; < ] . . , HV uAVUb i AIVT JIU6I1GWI IU13 lack 'onnd In the great Tarlety of moat obstinate euca which It baa N-en found to conquer. In euro of Uroueliltln , Bcvrre Ooag'hn , the early stage * of Coimnmptloii. H ta4 r.lsh < xl Ue motlcal faculty , and eminent rsiclanJ pronouoco It the greatoat medical corerr of the age. While It car 4 the MTcr- Cou/rn , Ititrengthen * the fyttam and part. tha blood. ly Ita rreat and thorough ol-porlfyloz proptnlM , It cure * all JIn , from tne wont ScroTnln to common otch. Plmple.or rnplon. Mercurial anfo. Mineral I'olooo , ami their effects are dlcatrd , and vigorous health and a aourul istltution ! OAtabllahcd. Eryslp laJ Salt. enm , Fever Sore * . Scaly or In. In ( hort , all the muneroiu Oi eAitea uuiued Iwl blood , ara conquered by ( his powerful , ; InTlgoraUng medicine. you fed dull , drovsr , debilitated , bare cap. color of etln , or yello-iiHn rown poM on or < bo'ty , freqnent hcartiche or dlzzln m < , torte In mouth. Internal heat or chilli alter with hot fliwhci , lav uplrltis and gloomy etxxlln ? < . Irreirular appetlto , and tongn. led-jon are lufTerln ? from Torpid Liver ' Blltoaane . " In manr caae o ) trer Complaint" only part of thew iptoms are eipfrlencwL AM a remxdy for uelrcaMM Dr. 1'lerce'i , Golden llc-Utol Dla- ha no e nal , * i It effect * tverfect cores , ting the Urer strecgtheneU and healthy. "SOLD BY DRUG6IST8 AT 81 PEH BOTTIE. pare-1 by n. V. PIKKCE , 3 I. B Sola rnprietnr. at the WOBLD'a Dlt > rxjiajLBr. . r. 4UOdeod4e7 rly CaU& < UM U LtfTBUU Kn OCK > I * FBJCB. jSmjbnJ/ win b , l&n. Cu b. mt Ta.Pl M.ac. by L T kl a 4 Bm-fcM aa4 "tr ll Stock. 80LB MAICrACTUIUTRif tt. w ixpci aiRoemrz , " and ta a r Aim.- tin ia.H rwtaa * Chart. * * tfe OTTMNM * alk4 br 23 evat * . I.CIiart.a > UL I a4 J uj earl foj hit Mrtmlara. .T. B.-I aad caa fvnj.lt pranptlr aa7 arr ! ! , f ta T * * n * r Wa ftfn nk - r.rma-xni > wuud to Mil oaraUploOooli U : dnkn. Expenses f M. A.V tin * 3. A . ( . EA > T It CO , tin. * ' , Q 4 8 Boat 8L. Cla ! Bee floiei ! - ON THE WNB OT THB - Union Pacific B. B. A LAND GRANT Off 13OOO,000 Aorea of the Best Fariiii 6 Mineral VX AM1HIOA. "fJoT 8OOOOOO IN THE QRSAT PLATTB VALL97. Tlio Garden of tJie - TOB BALE - HUH 1111 EHI Ten years' credit. Interest only 6 per cent. free Homesteads for aotnalaettlera. The best location for colonies. Boldiera entitled to a homestead of ISO aerwj Free pusea from Omaha to purchasers o railroad lands. Descriptive pamphlet * . * with sectional maps , and THE PIONEEH , handsome illustrated paper contAlniar * the homestead law. mailed freo'to all part * Of the world. AUJresa. L. BURNHAM , Land Oommitiiontr U. 1' . Railroad , made by Agcnte ae. Ing our Itebber ntnTma . Send for terms Baylor Bros. Jk o. Cleveland. Ohio. sepl Old Reliable Continuons all-rail route ! No change of Cars I C"d Hood , one management I FROM CHICAGO TO PittlJtUTff. UnrrMura. JJaltimort , Vi'athinglon. New Krfc. Great Short Line TO BOSTO-NT Via New York City. Reaches all pointIn Pennsylvania and Ne Jersey. Fnllimu.T" Cars On all Express - ' MAGNIFICENT CAKt , . ' Equipped with celebrated WESTISGHOTJSE AIE BRAKES And Janney's New Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. Elegant Eating Houses , With ample time for meals' . Leave Chicago as follows. 8 A. M. . . ExeeptSunday. With the Popular Vestibule Sleeping Car. reaches Fittsbnrg 3:30 a. m. ; Harrijburg. 11:45 a. m. ; Philadelphia t p. m.t N 7 Yorkfip.m. . ; Boston 6:15a. m. : Balti more 6:30 p. Washington 9 p. m. next 6-1K P . TIF . Atlantic jnnlly. Kxprea ) With Drawing Room and Hotel Car , retches Pitt-burg 12U p. m. : IJarrUharg icp. . m. : Philadelphia ! : Vl a. m. : New York. 6:45 B. m. ; fpecial Philadelphia Sleeping car on this train , which remainIn depot unti7:30 [ a.m. . Affording Philadelphia pa - -encrir * ft fall night's rr t. 91 ft P M * rlKl fc :3CT > ro-i- . A" * " * Kxceot Saturday. With Drawing Room S'eeping Car. reache * Pittabure. 7:3) : p. m. ; narriiburg3:60 a.m. : Baltimore 7V > a. m. : Washington 9 05a , m. ; FhiladclphiaSa. m. ; New York 10:35 s. m. : toton ! 8:40 p. m. Through Balti more and Washington Sleeping Car on this train. Fare Always as Low as Any Other Line. -Through tickets tor sale at all prind- pal points In the West1. A k for them VIA the Fort Wayne and Pennsylvania Line. K. K. MYERS. Gen. Pass. andTicket Agt. . TO Consumption , that scourge or nnmanitx. s the great dre < id of the human family , in all civilized countries. I feel confident that T am la posseedon of the onlv sure , infallible rerUedy eow known to the profession fsr the positive and speedy cure of that drtad disease , and Its unwelcome eomoomitanU. Ti * . Catarrt. Aithma. Sibnehitit , ffemmu Drbilitv , &A , &e. I am n old fogy. I beliero In medi cine. Twenty-eight years experience MS bttay practitioner. In the best Consump tion Hospitals of the Old and New World , has taught me the value of proper medication , bothloeoland eomtitulional in the Cure of this frrdntenemy of our race. I have found it. But I am disreninz. I started out to say to those Buffering with consumption or any of the above maladies. that by addressing me. giving symptoms. they snaU be put in pcsiewion of this treat boon , toUhcmt charge , and shall have tb benefit of my experience in thousands of eases successfully treated. Full particulars , directions for preparations and use. and all necessary advice and instruction * for sne- eesstnl treatment at your own home , will be received by you by return mall , free of charge , by addressing Dr. JO1IN N. 167 Jraerson street , marT-wlv i. KT. FAYY Avsrrfot Jiljknt prLu al CcGlnnlal Ezpnultloo lo f/ie t\xljj ywititttt n.t acrllnca ami lattlfj uar Otr rf rj.trlenna a 4 ftnnnug Tb l t tobacu. rcr ciule. A unr Mug atrip traite-maik I * clo ( j tmiuli't on I&frrlor cooi.1. m Ibxt JVi/tM' Eat t. rt eTftyj-Ios. BoH l > y all del rv fftrl for MOM free , to O. A. JiCUO.i A Co , M. T. , fcttnbore. V