Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1878, Image 2

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Editor ,
Vx DO Kordeslr * any contributions whateri
of a literary or poetical character ; tad w <
> U not undertake to preserve. or to re-
rtrre the tame. Id any ewe whaterer. Ow
StiC ! raSeitntly lareo to more than top-
ply ear limited rpace in thtt direction .
CDS CommaFRTEKDS * re win alwaji be
rleMed to hear from , on all matters eon-
aeetad'witti eropi. country politic * . and
on any rnhject whatorer of ctncral inter-
t Ml to the pwple of our State. Any Information
mation connected with the election , and
relitins to floods , accidents , etc. . mil b <
tladly received. All inch communication )
boircvtr. mnit be brief ai possible ; and
th y mttrt , in all caeet he written HPOH
eae ride of the theet only.
AnrocxcsmcTS of candidates for offie-
whether made by golf or friends. and
whftherat notices or communications tc
the Editor , are ( on til nomination ! art
Toade ( Imply personal. and will be charged
RU.L Nun or vcrnc , in fall , mart In eacl
Md emu a 8 accompany any ootanonf-
cation of what nature scorer. Tils is nol
( stjnoed for publication , bat for oar OTI
* flsra < rtlen and as proof of ccod faith.
AI ! Communications should be addressed
te J5. ROSEWATER. Editor.
is the time for Omaha and
Nebraska to etriko for a ralrt
Orasha is preeminently the location
F. < * for this talked of inlut , and the
proper amount of energy will acoure
it. Immediate action is cocesiary ,
nd oar Congressional delegation
cainot commence work too toon.
Time , gentlemen , time !
CAN ADIAN journals are still rattier
boisterous. If they nro not a little
more guarded , Ut.cle gam may tafee
f that angry province acro&a hiskhee.
THE nation IB safe , and -pe all
breathe easier. The entire press of
the country unite in the declaration
that Pierrepont , ex-Miuiater to Eng
f land , baa called upon the President
What a relief it h to know it.
an eye to busi
ness , as is demonstrated by the fol
lowing itsm which appeared recent
ly In the Advertiser : "We need at
UrownvlUe two tranches of indus
try thai we can have if wo will
nmfto An effort. A fruit canning
factory , and a good Souring miJl
Bbould be put in operation during
the present year. Eastern men
who read this would do well to look
this way. "
THEY hare some very sensible
Democrats in California. One o
them , however , who had probably
been indulging a little too heavily
in that good old party drink , cole
tea , introduced a resolution char
aoterinng RB "the worst political
crime of the century , the Innugura-
Uon of a man who w&s not electee
President. " There were enough
eane Democrats in the Legislature
to join with the iiepublicans anc
rescue tbla man in hiu Mild career ,
by tabling the resolution.
SEVERAL prominent members of
Congress called on the Preeident
immediately after tbo passage of
tbo sliver bill over bis veto , for tbe
purpose of sympathising with him
for having received eiicn treatment.
We don't see any causa for a funer
al. The .President simply exercised
one of tbe privillges which the con.
jstitutlon of the country loft to bis
discretion. His reasons fur vetoing
tbe measure were returned -with tbe
bill , and Congress exercieed itn con
fctltubonal right by parsing it over
bis bead. There would bs noeeiiso
jn letting tbe measure lie upon tbe
table a month or two , out of respect
.fur the President , when tha inter-
eels of the country demanded in-
fttant acting. Tbe President eeonis
to take about the same view of the
mea should now perform
w > me heroic act of burglary. John
O'jVcil , of .New Jersey , served eight
years In the penitentiary for an act
of that character , and then wan-
Oerca over to .New York city. Hav
ing nothing to eat , urn ! no place to
Jay lus head , he clipped into a mia-
cirm house. There was music in
hie soul , and a hymn touched him
deeply. H9 told his story. Three
or four tears were Judiciously shed.
Employment was found for him.
JJo became a regular attendant at
the mission services , and has just
led lo the alter the leader o ! the
choir , with a lot of new furniture , a
sew carpel , and a redding cuke
thrown In. What an example. .My
voting , penniless frlead , go thou
nd do likewise. You might ! ryi
howwer , and ace waat luck you
will have in obtaining carpU , fur-
j Mire , ete , before coiuuiittlug
The nci. tjtlll , It Is probable thai
you will have to distinguish your-
i lf ta some way befora succeeuitig.
3iH ! Bomebodi' if you can't do any
er then repent and plead lu-
Certain parties In Kuox county
itcd immediate attention. Letters
been written to v&rious etat-
Bohemian Journals setting forth
rtatcments to the cilect that the In-
diaue are committing dcpradatious
in that count ; , and that hnudreJs
of citizens are prefiariug to move
Away. We do not believe a word
> ' it ; but nuteis the falsity of these
reports are at once j > rovou , it may
injure even as'good a > county as
KuoxY are aa-nred' by good
nnd respectable citizens of Knox
county ttmt all such rumors are
falpe * fn' . ' every particular. Three
roen 'inform us that the report
rorae from a few men who nro
Anxious to .have Onclu > Saui send a
compaDy of roldiera into that coun
try fiat they may make something
by trading with them. If this ver
non 'is correct , it is an infamous
p'ece of bu'lnesi , and tuo veuderd
of such sensational stories fhonld
be promptly dealt - with.Give UH
the trutb of the whole t qslncss , Mr ,
"No rome e'er felt the halter draw
With coed opinion of the law , "
A horse-thief will not have s
good opinion of the sheriff who cap
tures him ; justice is hated by those
who violate It ; decency is de'piaed by
those who are indecent ; honor IE
held in contempt by a scoundrel' ,
truth is ridiculed by a liar ; virtue It
often Bcofled at by thoee who do net
poesesa it , and the man whose reputation -
tation is in bad odor , and whoee
notoriety is co-ojten&lve with hie
reputation for political rottenness ,
does not entertain a friendly feelfug
for the man who exposes his crook-
edncfe , and la whom the people
have confidence. Hence , the inter
view between a Chicago Tribune
reporter and ex-Senator HitchoooK ,
in which the latter gentleman trae
offered an opportunity to abuse
Edward Rosewater , is easily under
stood. As to the bard names and
accusations made by the defunct
machine , they are not pertinent tc
the question at iscue aud would
not amount to anything if they
were ; therefore , they vill not be
noticed. But there is one portion ol
the Interview that deserves men
tion :
Reporter " \Vhat about hie
charges is to the Dead wood post-
office. "
Hitchcock "It is an old story
that bus beeu revamped , was thor
oughly In v&strgated by the Post-
o&co department in an investiga
tion which partook of the character
of a courtmartial , and the Dead wood
postmaster was thoroughly vindi
cated. "
Like other ' -investigations" of
postal irregularities in Nebraska , in
which the main object of thee sent
to investigate was to cover up the
truth , so was the Dead wozd post
master "investigated. " His Inves
tigation was a einipls refusal on the
part of Imbecile and conniving offi
cials to examine or listen to the
charges preferred. The man who
conducted an investigation here
pome time since , and did tuch a
poor Job of whitewashing , bia since
died in the gutter , a little bit drunk
er tbau when he was here. The
Adams "investigation" is not over
with yet ; and no man Is more cos-
nlzant of the faleehoods uttered in
the Interview referred to between
the ex-eenator and a reporter than
P. W. Hitchcock himself.
Lord .Napier has been dcs'gnated
as tbe person who la to act as com-
mander-in-chlef of the British
forces in the event of war.
Lord Napier was born at Ceylon ,
in 1810 , heuce is at the preeent time
Bixty-eight years of ago. Ho was
chief engineer In the army of Sir
Colin Campbell during the Indian
mutiny of 1857 , served subsequently
in the war with China , and in 1887
was placed in supreme command of
the military expedition to rescue
the British piisoners detained In
Abysrfnia , which ended In the de
feat and death ol King Theodore at
Magdala , the British army losing
only three men. This success was
rewarded by bis being created Bar
on Napier of Magdcla , with a pen-
ulon of 2,000 per annum lor him-
eelf and next heir. H9 now is gov
ernor of Gibraltar , a general in the
army , aud a colonel-commandant
of a regiment of engineers.
General Sir Garnet Woleeley will
be second In command. His cam
paign agalDEt King Cofler on the
western coast of Africa wss rcgnrd-
td and rewarded as a brilliant suc
cess , though It led to no results. He
is an Irishman , born in June , 1833 ,
and learned the art of war in Bur-
mah , the Crimea , China , the Indian
Mutiny aud Oudh. In 1570 he com
manded the expedition cent from
Canada to the Red river territory
for the suppression of the cbort lived
Independent government formed at
Fort Gerry against British authority.
At tiie cloee of the A&hantee war
he was ofiered a barouetcy , which
he declined , being already a knight
of the Bath. Ho also io a member
of the council of ludla.
IN a land where "affidavit men"
areas plenty as they are in Lonial-
aua , it la afo to predict that a politi
cal opponent as offensive as Mr.
Wells , will bo convicted nnd put
where ballots are not cast , aud where
ruffians oauuot break through and
kill. C ec.
Well , hadn't he ought to be , Mr.
EKE ? A man EO reckless with fig
ures might declare himself elected
president , ct-xt time. XS'otMus is
afe that ho gets his hnnda on.
[ t/reruotit Herald.
Ji he aad h's accusers could have
i fair trial , and Madison Wells was
.hou found guilty , no honest man
: otild iaivrpose an objection. But
jvfrybixljr knows that he will not
dnve a fair trial. It is note
ItjUi tnat not one of
ih corrupt accusers bos been
> r will te tried for their
ni-tieods. Docs the Herald be-
in ve Unit all thr rapcaliisy , and all
.he crlmee , ami all of the political
: ro < > lcdncH ! in that State during
: ne List tea yonra la to be charged
ip to the Republicans ? Would the
dLcrald puui.ili the Returning .Beard
'or alleged wroug-doiug , aud then
et the bdil dozers aud White
L/saguers goeootfreo ? What is sauce
tor thfi gooto is FRUCO for the gander ;
and If every alleged pubilo offender
In Loijir-if.DR Is to bo tried , do not
; ive jiwifts quite so muah the ap-
H-arunoe of a jug handla affair.
V.nd reon waa convicted after t
noak trial. Everybody , nlmcst ,
> eIi ! < v < ? 8 that ; and tbo American
eope ! will not ba satiaf wl unleea
xlh feldts are punished if both are
; u5lty or , a compromise makes a
jlank of tbo last few pages of iioule-
tua'a { .olitica1. history.
A'ow tl > e wool will fly. Two
Democratic "war horses , " or jack
iaorsea , are quarreling over the
authorship of tnu diver bill. Swing
iiid Bland are the disputants , and
( Vf should not bo surprised at any
Lime to learn that the capitol build
ing is flooded with "coah. "
Three Irealdonts at once ! Not 11
we know it , uuu we think wa do.
One keeps the country in water of a
sufficiently heated character al
A page of history is Mr. lease
Bassett , who bos been an employe
of the Dulled States Senate forty-
six years , bavin ? been given the
plae by Daniel Webster in 1832.
Wo know why the European
p > wers are so anxious to delay hold ,
me a congress. They have been
fixing their eyes on WanhiDgton ,
and Raying : "if that Is a Congress
we want none of It In ours. "
Senator Bruce , the dark states
man from Missiesippi , makea a prac
tical speech , and he frequently does
much better than eome of his white
friends in the chamber. Moreover ,
he Is evidently a gentleman.
Ep'eode hi a pollthal convention
at Titnsville , Pa. : "The chairman
Tha chair will not dispute the point
with Mr. Carter. " "ilr. Carter
The chair had better not unless be
takes his coat oQ. " The chair did
The inveterate to-per of the Cin
cinnati Enquirer manages to remark -
mark , "A feV months ago it was the
Pope's B. toe that threw some people
into hysterics , and now It's Mr.
Hayes' .V-toe that castd them into
convulsions. "
The Herald asks , "Is It diplomat
Icallv proper for Mlnlstor Comly , o
the Sandwich Islands , to wrlto let
ters to .hia paper , the Columbu
State Journal ? " Why not , pray
Is a minister to be condemned to
absolute Idleness ?
Gen Joa Johnston will not be al
lowed to walk unopposed Into Con
gre3. Taere are men in Virginia
who are so patriotic that , ratuer
than see the ex Confederate In Con
grera , they will even run for the
piaco themselves.
The iireccncilr.ble Editor liaahac
the President Just where he wantw
him. on the Boston Collectorahlp
If he had nominated Simmons Mr
Hayes would have been abused as
th'e tool of Butler ; as he didn't , he
is pitched into as the enemy of civil
service reform. The way of tha
President IB hard.
A citizen of Florida writes aa fol
Iowa to a Aew York magazine :
"The expedltured of the State gov
ernment , which bad reached nearly
5600,000 3 year , will now be reduced
fotvthe tlrat year of Gov. Drow'a ad
ministration to about $200,000 ; and
his excellency has already hsuod
his proclamation directive the tax
collectors to collect only abont three-
flHhaof the taxes assessed by the
last general assembly , as thst would
amply provide for the annual cur
rent expenditures. " We should
offer Inducements for some of those
oflloials to pack their carpet-bass
aud move up tbld way.
National Competition.
According to official returns the
balance of trade against England ,
in the year 1877 , waa over 975 000-
003. This is the result of competi
tion. Germany , for instance , which
has bsen trying for some time to
undersell England in foreign mar
ket * , hoa lately made considerable
inroads on India. From North Ger
many good.1 } ere sent to .England ,
whence they are chipped for Bom
bay. The South Germans make UoO
of 'the Ausiro-Hungariau steam
boats which run from Trleato , A
few traders think it worth while to
export goods to India directly
through Hamburg. There
Is a constant , large , and increasing
demand for needles in India , whiob
ia almost exclusively eupplied with
German rails. Large quantities of
zinc are supplied from dileala. Col
oring materials ( especially violet ,
magcnts , scarlet imd green ) are
chiefly scat from Berlin. In Bom
bay itself , and in the Interior , there
is a largo demand for Rhine aud
Moselle wines , and German b&er is
euppIantiuR Bass' pale ale , onoe ec
popular with Anglo-Indians ot all
classes. Saxony aud Sllecia supply
cotton and woollen goods In large
quantities , and the silk manufac
turers of Lyons and b'pitalflelda
( London } find that in the Germans
they have rivald who are likely to
contest their supremacy in the In
dian market. German umbrellas ,
and even eau de cologne , liaye a
large sale there. Ualicoa and other
American textiles also are in great
request in India.
From the United States , however ,
the most extensive aud damaging
competition with British fabrics
now exists. Besides food , buiniul
and cereal , there are numerous
manufacture ? , textile and mechnn >
ic , and a vast supply of raw mate
rials , A few years ago tba idea of
exporting American leather to Eng
land would have been sneeied at as
absurd , buc at present it is a fixed
fact. So with our cutlery , which eella
largely in Sheffield , that oegrlmed
Yorkshire town which for coatu-
ries has been the metropolis of the
finer steel manufacture * } . We sup
ply England and her colonies with
a variety of useful inventions ma
chines for sowii ) , washing , knife-
cleaning , egg-beating , elndor-flft-
lug , spple-pearlag , window clean
ing , and many others , from nut
crackers to quartz-cracker ? , A cev ?
trade has lately Resumed no small
importance. American unhoLjlcr-
OM are now BsndiijgtoJGreal Britain
hrce quantities of ready-mado fur
niture from kitchen caalrs and tables
to the most elegant ncccsEories of
the drawing room and the dormi-
torlej. Our native woods are eo
abundauc nm ! colld that there is no
occasion to use veueern , and thua
the furniture , being solid , be rs
much more wear and tear tlitm ar
ticles cf a similar class in .England.
The prices ore lower , too , bkilled
labor baiug to & largo extent , with
cheap machinery , substituted for
inanuei dexterity. lu addition ,
American window sashee , doors ,
skirting-boards , panel-work , wains ,
cote , and nlUdetcription of joinery ,
tre exported to Eugland , the prices
beiug notoriously low.
Of the tixty-four members of the
Bacred College , all but Cardinal
Gofle'roy Brosnais Saint Mure and
Cardinal JTcCIoakey were present
when Cardinal Petcl waa electr-d to
thoPontliicIal throne as Leo XIII.
The death of S'gr. Brosauls Hnmt
Mnra ai.rt elevation of Mgr. Peccl
rtduce the College's uumbera to
sixty-two. The dead Cardinal was
aged 72 , wa& born atSeunes , where
be died , und though he WES
an DUraifloutane , he mauesed
to stand well vitb every French
government Louis PMHIppe , the
Citlzen-Kbi ) ? , inado him a Bishop ;
Napoleon III. , Erap ror , had the
See of Reiinca made Arohiepieco-
pal , aua uudor the Bepubl'o Mae-
Maliou secured for the Archbishop
the Cardinal's hal. Roman tradl-
ilrm saya that "when one Cardinal
dlea three Ccrdlrsls die , " and of
late tl o tradition has very faithfully
proved true , which is perhaps iiot
surprising when we recollect that ,
as a rulu , the members of the Sacred
CcUct'e are olil and fe'ble men.
A ahlpTvreoked siilor waiting for
? sail is like a businesa man Giltiug
at home nnd nu slug a cough or a
cold. Get Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
and bo cured , only 25 cents a bottle.
Tne Beautiful City in the Boman
tie Valley of the Bine.
Its Commerce People and Prospects
Gorrttponckce of the See ,
CBEXB , Neb , Feb. 25 , 1878.
This city , in the beautiful vallej
of the river Blue , alweys has been i
favorite with the writer , ita seen
ery , Its coople , and its commerce
are all strong attractions. Tb <
grove dotted and orchard crownec
bills and dales attract for thel :
wealth of beauty.
The Doaue College brings to thi
town a host of young , happy people
who give life and gayety to th <
ttrests. The five churches &hov
that the higher sentiments whicl
iuyolro the future are not forgottei
in the absorbing rash of the present
The people of Crete are mostly Non
Englanders , although nearly everj
nation is represented.
Crete Is ono of the most progrea
siva towns in the State and hei
progress Is of a substantial kind
Her best buildings are o
brick. Band's Opsra Hous
cost 315,000. It Is a large commod
ious structure. Of course , it is foi
ahead of our Omaha Academy o :
Mua'o. 'Ihereia a large two-atorj
erick on the corner diagonally op
A fine elevator was burned her *
quite recently , but we are told thai
a much more extensive one will b ;
put In ls place baforo the nort crop h
ready for market. Slany tine build-
Inga will be erected , of which mo
A railroad from hero to Jb'lrth it
now under discussion r.nd a meeting
was held recently to consider how
to get the wbere-v.itfml to build it ,
rho road v/ould give a competing
ojt-lst to market , and would oosl
but little. Crete has now the 13.
& M. mala line while its southern
branch baa n termicus here.
The ruch bus begun hero , the
hotels and boaidlnj : homsa are cilled
to overfiowlue. and Mr. George W.
Iloper , the B. & M. l&ud agent , cud
bia assistants are busy us bees , with
a crowd ia Uie olflce nil the time ,
and excursions ( o tba rfiirrouuding
lands constantly arriving and de
The sales lately , made will ba
summarized in aiiotuer letter , as
well as otner Btat * Ucs of general
interest. Mr. Roper haa true west
ern enterprise , aud Is moreover a
most gsnhil geatlomon ,
The Union la ovrned aud edited
by Wells & Allou , is an all homo
piper and bus one nf the most com
plete printing eatabhshments in the
The Ssllno County Democrat h a
Mr. T W Meads for it * autocrat ,
and a mora competent printer ,
a more ploaelug frentlernsa , or f.
sounder man on the great financial
questions of tha day cuunut be
found in all Crcto.
has the burden o" tha patronage
from professionsl travelers , and un
der ita new landlord , Mr D W Bleb-
bins , Is becoming a popular hotel.
J. Donnelly & Co. is the firm
name of a house th-tt carries a stock
of gooda in the hardware line which
Id notex3ell6d by scy establlehmeut
m tbia or surrounding counties.
Shelf and lioavy hardware , stoves ,
tinware , WBROQ fatook , and In tb
rear is an extensive tin bhop. Farm
tools ore also kepi 2a stock. In abort
nothinr ; in this Hue is lacking in
Connelly & Co.'n extenplve store.
Mr. H. W. Oampbsll is m charge ot
the tin sUop , and as a workman ha
elands first in tovra.
Mr. M. B. C. True is one of the
trustworthy and "true" lawyers of
Crete , and has a most valuable prao-
tico.Lyman < t Smith , attorneys al
[ aw , have a large and constantly
increasing list of clients Mr. C.
Smith is devoting all of bis ener
gies to the welfare of luoae who
3eek his aid , and evnry one here
bnop/s the ability aud capacity of
the senior member of tLe firm.
Dr. Band , one of the best phys.
loiaus and most Fuccet-sful chemists
In : . ! ! this weetern country , is now
occupying a magnificent brick store
on one of the host corners in town.
The stock csrrled is cf course im
mense. Jiot alone in the druz line ,
cut as a physician , tbc doctor's services -
vices are iu constant request , aud a
crowd can generally be found In st-
lendauce upon him. We intimately
know a victim o ? inflammatory
rheumatism , In ita worn form , who
was completely cured In a few days ,
and if we remember correctly , 25 or
30 cente paid for all the medicine
Mr W N Relilsnder. a young man
rat an old hand with the mortar
and pestle , is in chp.rgo of the pre
scription department , Wo knew
Vlr. 11. In Lincoln , where ho has &
iot of friends.
Rjick&Son are donja ! lively
business with p.II tne wurL they can
tttend to , A general ctook of har
ness , S3 < ialery , oto. , fa Jiept on hand
Toogocd Bros , are tolling nil
ciuds of merehandiee ; tLay have a
argo store , and an extensive stock.
Wo found their cctm-ters thronged.
Woolf & Bsltzlay have a flne store
well stookiJ with dry goods , clotU-
nK , llOOt : ! .1ill ( fcllOK ! .
Fay fc Crosstoa also dt-ul In gen
eral merchnnd EC , ur.d bive : an ex-
casivo pairoaag. * , tn-J they ought
o hnve it , for these who sell good
good * at low prices srs * V"rthy of at-
entlon from the buying rjubllo , and
vo are reliably informed that this
Irm excels iu tboae particulars.
Mr. Matt Nemecheck bs recently
pstr.MSchcd a herni-y ? n. .klne shop
on Main strict , tioxt doer to Fay &
Cre aton , and will aiata to order
he bsst of harness of any kind aud
at the lowest living rates. All Mr.
N. asks is a trial and he will con
vince auy one that ho docs good
work cheap.
Mr. Joseph BrulecJr , wa found In
charge of the billiard hall on the
east elde of Mam street. Two ,
good Brunswick & Balke billiard
nbles ara bore , and Joseph knows
ust how to mix a nice drink , and is ,
> y the way , e clever fellow and a
Mr. Chaa. Chaps ! lias one of the
most patronize * ! currents shops in
the clly. Mr. Ciiftpe ! 'one tne
work on Bands Opera Houae the
Quest building in tha South Platte
country outside cf tb ? ca-utol city.
Mr. Chapel estimates th t during
1877 at lcst fitty buildings have
be ! U erected here , a 'gregitlng not
lesa than $50,000 , mutunpan aver
age of $1,000 for each house.
In Band's Opera Honee we met
our old-time friend Matt Uaugberty
who successfully J ? l t'lo Saline
oounty delegation in th "r contest
with the Hitchcock coml-isatlon of
nia county , in that long to be re
membered state convention that
met at Lincoln in the ful ! of 1876.
Mr. .Daughtv has an extensive law
practice , and Is doing a large amount
of collecting , and is the man for the
boslnefs , as prompt attention anc
square dealing can be relied 01
from him.
Genben & Gaesser are openlngui
an agricultural implement ware
house and office at the north end o
Main street , corner of Fourteenth
The new warehouse erected by thii
firm is filled full with the Buckey <
goods , Liddv'a plown , Brown's corn
planter and many of the best Imple
ments known to the hade.
Kerr&Burket have a flrst-claas
drug business in their neat , well
stocked store , and beddes the medi
cinal department they have a gen
eral variety of echool books , station
ery , wall paper , paints , oils , glow ,
&o. This is H firm of live , cner-
getlo men , and they are , we notice ,
aolng a good business. More anon ,
J. H. P.
Economy and the Public Schools.
The object of our public echool
system is to provide for the young
such an education aj will flt them
for any sphere in life in which for
tune places them when Abey be
come men and women. In assum
ing this responsibility the State boa
In view the general welfare of hot
citizens , without distinction of condition -
dition , creed or party. Taxes are
levied to enpi > ] y the means of carry-
big out this beneficentscheme of put-
Jiu education , and its character and
objcelH should raise it above the
phine of corrupt influences. But ,
unfortunately the public school eyr-
tem Da ? bsen dragged down to tLo
levtl ou which its operation has not
been wholly tree from abuses. It fs
to be feared that the selection and
remuneration of teickers are large
ly govemed by the favoritism of
politicians , and that the money
needed for purely educational pur-
popea is too frequently distributed
without due regard to the object for
which it is appropriated.
It is also claimed that while the
working teaouors in many cases do
not receive a proper remuneration
for their cervices large amounts are
wasted on au unnecessary tyatem
of echool supervision by principals
and vice principals. Ihe Herald
has taken the ground that while
economy in the publio scuoola
is very desirable n should not
bo nttalced by cnttlag down the
working teachers' salaries. Neither
should an unfair distinction bo made
between the eoveral teachers ol
the same grade , especially when
soms nave more difllcult duties to
perform than others , by reason of
the greater number of pupils uudcr
their charge. Economy must be
reached by paying fair ealurico to.
the workers and cuttiug off all the
elnecur.'sts and superfluous princi
pals and vice-principals. If tlie
statements wo print to-day cannot
be contradicted this reform should
bo commenced at once. * rom the
hives of education where tba honey
o' knowleURe is stored in the miuds
of the youujr. every drone should be
expelled [ iY. . Herald.
IIA'fl't Its.
docS ) lyr
Choice Foinily Groceries ,
Godfrey &
Manufacture' } of anti Dmlnrt to
Mustard , Cream Tartar ,
Tor onr Presh Boasted and Ground Coffett
and Nonpareil Dakinc Powder , and take no
other. 1'or sale bj all flrjt-oitss grocera *
291 DOUGLAS ST. , OftlAHA.
8 ,
THoleiale and Retail dealers in all kinds Of
No , 211 Dei * SM
I2th and lS4h , OMA11A.
t ep9 lyr
Capital ropressntsd
$ sooooooo.
Louses adjusted tnd paid at tbia cfice ,
504 18th Str. , State IJanlc Jluildiujr ,
rcb24deod&wl *
Groceries and Provisions ,
rry , Toyaand
0 ? ALt , KIPDS.
. 539 T3SHTH ST. .
Btw9 n Dcze'ss and Dodge , Omaha. cpl9 IT
Continental Hall.
ISO /Xireei A St. 6 f. Farn\am &
OMAHA , ZkilliU.
S .Fine Liquors and Cigars on hand. Io2fitJ
febl 8mo
Sect 9SarT ( { & fc'afiicg § oac [
elt cuO Hutfcc
Xv. 412 , 414 , 416 , 18. Sir. , Dmaa , 9Itb
In the DIflriet Court of the UniUl fctates.
for theD.sttictof Nebrata.
InthematUrof Henry L. L&tey , bankrupt.
To Whom it May Concent : The nnder-
fleaed Ofcarien b. ells ot Omaha , in said
District , hereby gives notlca of his appoint
ment ss Astiguee of the estate of Henry L.
Lstey. of uaa a. in the county of Douglas.
in atd Di'trict : nod who was , to-"i : on
the 27t' " day ot December. A. D. . 1877. ad-
juJged Bankrupt , urea tne petition of him
self by J L. Webstar , the Better in bank
rupt or fr said dletrlct.
Dated at Omaha , tba 22d day of January.
A.D. 1878. CD AS. B. "WELLS.
AwUnea ,
President. Cathlei
Cor Farnham & Thirteenth § ts
Capital , $10OOOO
Transacts a general banklnr bnalntf * as <
tells diaftfl on all the pilnclpal citiss of th
United States and Europe.
Buy jrold dust , givs.nment , city , county
aod state securities , ang tf
same as tliat of nn iacor-
porslod Bank.
Aaso'ajita kept la CU.T-
senoy os- gold subject ic
eight oheokwithout no-
GsrtiScGtea of d TK > sit ;
ipaned payable in tlirea ,
aiz aiid twelve moatlia ,
boarins interest at six
par coxit. pas * aoatus. ox
oa demand without ictsr.
Ailvasicea mrido to ous-
Gjasjrs on approved so-
ourltiag at sasrhat rates
of In tamest.
snd soil p'ola , bills
Stats , County cud dty
bonds ,
Draw light drafts ca
Sagland , Ireland , Soot-
land , cad all parts of En-
Aur I tt
IT. S.
Car jsr Ftrebam and TblrUe ih.Bt.
f ) l-nnlfi rrT ? ,
iiiu Ulili mmml
Fstablished in 1836.
Organized as t Katlcixl Dink August 20 , 1SJ3
Capital ani Pfffl-s OTer.$3O.OflO. $ : .
Spaciall' fiuthoited by the Bocretary of
Treatury to Kcceive cupscriptione to tha
D 8 4 } 3F cent flaM loon.
I&rntin Koutttt , Prti'
Auffuttu * Kountze , Vtt * Prat.
II W. YoifK. Cat\ier.
A. J Poppltton , Jttornty.
Jiv. A ( rrigbton.
f. II. Davit , An't Caihr.
Ihis bank receives deposit ! without recard
to amounts.
Issues tiico aertiScateB bsarins interest.
Dr&wo crafta oz Baa FranoUco acd princi
pal cities of tha United Statos. nl o London ,
Dublin. Edinbnr * and the principal cities cl
he continent of Europe.
, Sells pifsatatiokatsfT emigrant * la the
iBTTllinlll- Ogtl&tf
" * _ ,
MOTHERS who dose their tis. . iu . nm
drastic nrgntirea incur a fearful responsi
bility. The gsntlt ) . moderate ( yet effectlTel
laxitive. alterative and antl-bilious opera
tion of Tarrant'a Seltzfr Ap ! ent peoulltr-
ly adapts it to tha disorders of children.
1niio4eo < :2w :
Xa. 4J3 ! 0th Bet Firihn ted Hiraaf.
"Will by the aU of guardian spirits , cbUin
fcraaroDas view of the put. prtzent and
: aturo. No foec charted in e&Ui of tlsk-
nts aorlB-tf
For tlis
Pamphlet DworiMas tha
Ihaccly Health Lift ever ran Jewho jensa It
Io cure ditea'4 cr purche'o noaejrefand -
ed"j. . r . aiA-KSEt fc co. .
toe ! Prorr eto : a and Mr.nai4clurcr .
224 nd 226 Estt Wathington CL , CiilCAQO ,
_ _ er3dly
K3 & tf5 DoJ o St. Omaha. Neb.
i'i on Hand. Sep29
All centlcincn wiehlnz thtir fhltta done
ip la nrf-t claep style will do well to call at
MTf ork called for and delivered on fhort
Bhlrts . - W cents.
. - . . . . . . - .
Drawer * - . - . 10 do
U denbirts - - 1 < J °
Focke . - . . . . - . . . . | W do
White veft „ . _ . - 25 do
Gent's an.1 Ladle ? ' foods 6150r doi.
92m cHAS. M. BJ'lLKR yrop.
Jjnafacurer of Fire and EnrgJar Proof
Vault Doors. Jail rTork. Ac.
Cor. 14th nnd jacknon S < ,
-Repa'rincof ' all kinds cromptly done.
f bl6iijr
OSee and Residence :
305 Capitol Ave.
Dr. Emily B. Kolibins ,
L "of Philadelnala , has located at
No. 305 Capitol Ave. ,
Office hoan , 1 to 3 p. m. Calls attended at
all hours. . jan9J9y
.Cor. 13th and Douglas St.
Jtocm No. 2 , Wsschcr's Block ,
Omaha , Nebraska
IsVan Camp , M. D.
Dlspenrca hli own medeeineg. and besidei
rerular practice , makes ipecUlitie of De-
raneomenta and DueaiM pccnllar to woman ,
riitnla. Piles and other dueams of the Bes
om.OfJIOKCorn r of rarnX 3 nd l tl
Wreet. fir t door to therlfht. np-italn. Rer
donee. 18th Street , first door louthofthi
Second Methodist Church , Omaha. Nebra-
t . Address Lock Bar SIM.
Consulting Physician ,
493 Isath Btreet , - OKIE * . RBBABKA.
Ofiorlne hi : lerricet in all depnrtmonts o (
medicine and turgery. both in general and
special practice , acute and chronic diieaiei.
Can be consulted night and day. aad trill
Tisit all parta of the city and country on re-
oeiot of letterf or telenaus. 125-tf
Reiidenn andoSca Ko. 2)3 ) Dtxlce jtrett ,
t < OTth aide. bot. I2th and 13th. msrl-tt
V. H . B. .
Physician &
241 Ptraicw
3sr Profosilonsl Cva ! 'Ti
GS33&3EA ,
The lirseit aadtflst hotel bettrein CMoa-
(0 and Ban Francisco.
OpeceJ new September 30. 1873.
* _ Proorletor.
D A. Van ITamee , Proprietor-
The Metropolitan Hotel in centrally Joci-
: al. nnd is Crst cJa.t In a very reipect , har-
iag recently bien o : tlreir renorated. The
rullc Trill find it a comfortable and home-
"Ikc hours. marfltt
JS.OO and 83.0 Per
Located in the Busincai Centre ,
Convenient to all places of amcziaent.
.Elegantly furnished , containing all modera
jnrrovernonta. psssencer elerator. < lo.
J. H. CUMMINGS. Proprietor.
0. F. nni. Chief Clark ( lat of Qanlt
HoD n )
J. A. FSDJ5WA , Proprietor.
Cor. Tth and P itreeU. LINCOLN. KEB.
For the accommodation ef the
TERJiS. Two Mealz and Lodging. 75oU.
Single Meali. 25 eentii ; Iiodginir without
meals , 2ft cents ; Two horte ( tabled and
furnished all feed. 81 ; TITO houri forciihwi
hay and gtabllng. 25 cent ] .
Salt aka City. 17 : T >
S. TOWJR80H. . Frop'r.
myl8 < I3mo _
Uwiied ftiatea Hotel ,
Opposite Boston. and Albany K. R. d p t. )
BARNES. GILL & CO. , Props.
Dr.lKIoord'g Ztnet / Life reztores man
hood and the vlfcr cf ; outh to the rao't
shattered constitution in four weeta , from
whatever canpo arliiuj. Failure impossible.
Ihh life-restoring reratdy hcud ! bo taken
by all about to aorry , or who hnvo beocme
ceaktned from ezeres or anr other cause.
Bncce ; > in every caio U as certain as it
ii that iraUr will < in nli thirst. &t oer cue.
EolB A ent. Dr. JOd. JACQUES. 7 Univer
sity Plaoe , New York. Imualst ? Sapplied.
JnlyT dtt
24" Dtm&u-Si. , O31ABA. USB.
Chicago fc'cale Co. ,
68 & 70 "West Monroe St. ,
Cbicago. III.
Four ton hay scales860 ; old price. 9160.
All other sizes at a great reeaction. Al
scales warranted. Send for circular and
rrlo liru mtfdeod.twlyr
! > Wbitae H. O. Clark. S. Bausarauutf
Western Agents of the Pioneer Tobacco Company
No. a < 17 Dotislns Street.
niaS Street.NEBRASKA. .
J. B , F21E2TCS : &
Orders from the country promptly filled. Constant ! ? on hand , a choha lot oj CTM3
fruits , such as apples , rears , < ke. . alio poultry. Irro ordre j d ,
Ho. 191 Tarahan Street. Botwacn llth aad 12tl.
Pratt & Towle ,
OFTXGE SOS Tbirteentfe-St. . Omaha. 2
-A-dornlns Wonder of tlio "World. Harmless , Easily
Ap-pliod , and. Jt3n"eotl-v-o-
5rnti7 'a To 'WiImcroTe. . enriches , andbeantiCescocsrlezien . SOe
-B ( j fiftrf/.rorif ; jn Bntlzt-T nts.pond < rs.onol ! > , t-tautifies face and srmi-2Jo
Syarkiing Jirattli < i * Jtnlliaxi Cleans , beautifies snd rreftrvm the teetli. >
f'inl\an * trga < ior Cleans the head and ttirand eurej dandrnii . -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Bratilian * ( lives r rmsTient polifh tci jawelry. metfcln atd
h Rene * and bc ullfif furniture aca all
Exeeliic tlin * , nestcejs
rnrtiion nnptrta * i'or of IdectK. cmcrgcnct' : ' . and
anda < sbO9. WatrapHii ustcjuiHed , anil should b < srlthin mmtiliatui < ich &i every man
wnroan and child. iCtfcOo. For further pvrticular.i retard at these truly etraordn ! ry
arucloj. obtain free from your dealer onr twenty-page r > mi hist f r 2ddre s
3pp feb8 6m BRAZILIAN ER'Lll-NI ' CO ,44 like Slretl , Chicasa.
In Monument * . Head Btcn , Orates , Furniture Work. Pln-nbers' Slabr ,
. b r plt M n sent imported. Mrtlo , falati and Iron Jiantle * &lwv.y : oa
bund , buparlor Materials and Meehaaleal flciah u ranUed. Desgni andrriosifnr-
niihdfre of chare * . Orders by aail wlii racciTB rrompt attention.
281 Mie SiFoei , M Eoor lest of f ostcice ;
Lead Pipe , Sheet & Bar Lead ,
Slocls Tin , Pipe ax d 'old or ,
gr AjjTo.OIL ,
TO orSTcihitonSt ! , Cliicscro.
BBr wed iri men Air Ijr
* *
i BQrAX. toirtiito Ca.-ta sk p.fort : bimufcof PCM : TEcrrrjmi.r orr.v. ami brtht
tamn wooedR , which retains oil tne nctnrnJ b &llnff qualltlra or the olli. It cent ? WO : IVCI1
wK t.Vi thetar rfc > diijticlflthatrtMrapfdiycomuimtOKenrrcIhoiul oJ'luv . Tliou trf
OoLOK'pa If con < l no J ty I'lij-rfcians M liable to produce ntln cliseaw-i. "Thr wttmc
St \ i'-a ftoop rtndtm ll uo s rrf4-ptr , amileu. ilade only by Piuclias ft
Aioii.s.Clsrln'-Af. P M h alli > o > < > toi anrt rc * tl
Kotlc is hereby ciTen Ibnt a rhttte
icofiffjcj hnnrlnjt Qite the 1th < ! * of Jan
sary , A. D. 1878. and exe-nt d by J. D.
Howard ic Comranr to Caldwell. Hamilton
4 Company , toreenre the payment of a-cer
tain rmral'ory note for the ttzmo'tirohnn-
drol fifty-rir dollars sud leTentj-Bve cents
( SlM.75i. payiblo in thirty days frrm date.
D comb < T Z7th , 1ST7. berinj interest at tha
rate of twelre per eent nor annum frr.m
maturity until paid ; and payable at the
Banklnc llonso nf 0 > ldell. Hamilton A
Co. , t Orn.iha. Nebraska , and aoich said
mortnace WAS filed in the cffl01 the e an-
ty clerk of Bonglai nnnty. State of Nebri
ka. on the llth day of Janniry. A. D. 1S78 ;
at ll > > o'cUck. a. M. . and qpnn Trhioh
aortczge'hereis dne Kt the time cf tba
first publication of this not ! . on this -8th
diy of Fobraarr , 1JT8. tha mm of t o hun
dred ntty-tix and 75.10 } ' . : * ' W ) dollars ,
and intarett from Jorutir Kttb , 11:78 , atli
per cent. r r annum , and by whlrh raort-
gairathelolloirinz described property to
wit :
One pair o ! Fatrbants' arr scale" , one
trunk , one office desk , one inlrantzed iron
heater , three patent butter workers , one
waterpire with cccks and link , ona refilg-
eracor complete , onn and nne half burois
liui-ort'd salt , two rail in : trays for work
Ing butteona Qloba heiti'it jtove. ona
Iron force pump , two thd lamlwr. eto. ;
one dru-n in .ipe. 020 heatin ? ( tore , one
egg and j-oultry pi en , ese eSt upright
deaf. ! revjnti-sucreturn bsltjrtnhit. seren-
tT-nlnecsr crar wars tnorfjaifid to i 'd
Cald ell. Hamilton & Company , to ecrr.i
the met nf money mentioned therin and
hereinbefore sot forth , wll ! be foreclosed by
the sale of caid p operty at public aaetioc.
mi the building n-uber 16JIUrB y fat' ot.
formerly occupied t > y s ldJ. V. Wowurd A
On. . In thaaity of < > inna , in Kid toanty
and State on the 12th dar f March A. U.
1678. between the hoarj of lOo'clooS , a.m.
and 1 o'o'ock T > . w of td dny. a&d cin-
tinao ( ram day ( o day , between thoie hanr
until such sale shall be com-letcd.
In accordance with the I&wd cf the State
of NebrJiVa notice la hereby given o ! feIn
In corpora IcnoftJe Umnh.vl'ubllshint Co.
ae follow : to wit :
First The name of the said Corncritl-/ 1-
and shall be the < mahn Pabllslilcg Co.
8poo'l The principal place of transact-
inK the bncluil of ( al 1 Corer > tlon shall I.e
the city of Omiths , Donglai County. Neh-
T < V .
Third he general nature of lln busme
to be transact * * by s M Corp'.rAtion ehll
be to print and pnblirt Dail. . Ssml Wa k-
ly.'lrJ U'eekly and Weekly N w Papers ;
do cetera ! Jnh Prinliug. Bock Biniinj.
Book rnbllihlng. LlthograTliiog. BUreo
typing , Electrotpu ! and parcans nf aid
selling Printing Machinery. Pristine Mate
rials. Printing Sto k , and I.'own-aper Iran-
Konrlh Theamonnt of capital stock of
raid Corporation au horite-i - thall bs one
hcadred thausand dollars. d ! ! iad into
ih&r i of to hcndrcd and fifty dollars each
which shall ba paid in at the times and on
conditions u follow * io-wlts la such mae-
ner as the Board of Directors ( hall require ,
bn ! EO shsTO shall bo fold for leis than two
hundred and fllty do'larf , the sam to be
transferrnble in tuch a manner as may be
provided hv the By-Laws.
Fifth Thn time of commf ncement shall
be tte IStb day ofJancaiy. AD. . li' . cxJ
the time cf termination of said Corporation i
shall be tbelnh day of January. A.D. | 19X1.
unless renewed or dissolved sooner by a vote
of two thirds nf the rnplUl Etoek tbsrcof.
Blxth Ihe highe t amount of indebted-
nei or liability to which slid Corporation
Is at any time to satjrct itself shall not ex
ceed twenty five hundred dollars , and no
bonded or mortgcja indebtedness shall ever
b contracted by > aid Corpcratlon.
Beyenth Iheoficersof stid Cori > eratlon
[ bill liartsdent ! who shall also bo mat-
isinjr editor : a. Treasurer and a Secretary ,
who ehtll bi chosen by the Board of Dtreo-
tors in 'nob minnerandre'fotia such du-
tle s the By I.HWS of xadl Cnrp < > ration may
prescribe , the r card nf Directors to b five
is snmbtr , > nd who thai ! conduct the bull *
ness and ntfai'r of said Corparation.
By order of the Hoard of Directors :
: iiji.-i. PA. . Dewaibr 14. IKX llevn. f. *
* t Bcf a dutrriiiot eoU whlrt - > ! en " > J i
. . _ w . gen. Frtr * . as CV.M * .
rIJ. E. Stller. A CVv. Prop'r lltUA-irth
, o7toj / > jv ) .V Ctncri House.
In tbe District Coart for Don hs Countr.
Etbrask * .
In th maBUr of the tal of Philander H.
Beed. deceased. Pie ent , jfon. J mttVf
8aTnse.Judre ; at chambers. if craary2nd.
A D. . 1878.
It appearing br ths petition of Fyron
ccd , administrator of the eststa of said de
ceased , that there tr not su&elent personal
estate to par the Jubtj outstanding against
laid derfaced. taxes and other eiponi-a of
administration. c.nd that it u no'eisary to
sell tbe real estate of said deceased for such
It is ordered that the heirs at law. and all
other persons int-jr * T < I in Mid e tite. da
appear before sal ( Judge , nt tbe coart rootn
in tbe court how e of saM couary. la Oca-
ha Nerira k . rn the 16A day of .March ,
A.D. J87B. at 9 o'clock a.m. am : ( bow cauj *
if any there bc.- liT Hcastesbcnld nut B
grantto ! ralil iidmlnlrtrator tn sellsaij
real e t tc as in aid pettti n prayed ;
And it is further "rdered. that this erder
lo ho r causes be published fonr confecn-
tive weeks In the Omaha Votily B . *
newspayer in saH eounty-trevious tocaid
darofuearlns. J 46. W. SAVAGE.
Jud-o cf Dinrl-l Court , Jrd Judfctil Dis
trict of Kebwaki.
Or StignrvContt i , ConeentrnUxl ,
anfl 2 rbat Jnlce , Anti-Billon *
Grannie * . TKE"JLrTTI.E GIAKT"
CATHLXIITIC , or SXaltnm in
The novelty of ra < vlern MMlail , Chemical , and
Ph > umae ufe.i ! fnltnca. Ka umot ny loaf'r
luift. repulsive , .nd *
of cbeapv cnuie , awl bulky IsgrBiil-
cn ! . nhin va enn , oy a earofnl appfieation cJ
cni-micii trine * , extnvct all e , eailuirUc and
other racdiclnal prcpertlw frma the mogtTalu-
Iie ! root and herb * and amvsentratc them Into
a taln-jta Orannlo , Hcarcaly Janr'r ttcu a
mmtard iacJ , ttu un bo reuJL'v awailov d
byUicwecf tbeis ; > t bruttlre ttomscts and fa -
.S.oos tanurv. K.irh Utlo Pnnrntire Pellef
fprc ent , lnaBiotcon.tri. . > < l form , u rauclv
caliiartlo p-nrer a u embodied In any of "i
1/irct ) pUl * Joa-vl for i ala In dmg- top * . rroro
Uitlr wonjcrtol estliarUq p irer. In compirtwn
to U-clr elio , people irfco n To nol trt l tUem in
hrt to inppo-e tiat U-.CT ei tor ii or dnutta la
e ; t : b"tincbUiicitaIittiecAMit
cetlre mcdiclril pn-iclple * ot wiic > > Oer ara
eoiapn e < l belnz o tarmonlr l and moJUIe-t.
ona by Uie oucn. aa to produce a moM
arehluff and thorongh , r t senltr
and kiudjy operating , catbartie.
85OO Ileward H .icreby oCTercd by tte pro
prietor ft tfceie I'e'Ieif ' , to any cL mUt hn ,
upon annlyiti. will Cnd In tbem any calomel or
otner furnu of mercury , mineral poijoa , or la-
Jarloaa drag.
Delnjr entirely Tcgetable , cnpartienlar
care U required vtu'.e tuug thiin. They oper.
adewlttioiitdUtnrbancaloiheconitKutJoa.dlst ,
or cccnpatlon. For Jnandler. Ilcsxlaebe ,
CuDXlpatlon , Impure Blood. Palu
In the Shoulder * , TlgbtnrM of tbo
Cbeot , Dlzztneui , Soar Krnctattons
from tbo ntomach , & * d ta > t lu tbo
mouth. Billon * ntlscki , Pnla In TO-
Bleu of KlduoyK , lufraul F < * ver ,
Itloatcd fcelttigr'iboatbiomacli.nnali
of Wood to Mead , latgi-eolorml
ITltio , Cn oclat > ility nnd n.oomy
forcbodluics ( 3 Or. Pierce' *
aulurgBUve Pclletx. Inej
tto rtmcillil power of ny I ryufo
i-ror v > fret a rarlety of dbea . t w' J > to ay
that their action upon tbe animal
rronomy l aiilvor al , not u gland or
tUxaa e eaptar their .nuailTO Ira-
re - Aje Jo * nc : lopalr tie prowth * of
c Pellet * . Tter are tujnr-coil aoa lc-
cln d la jflw bottle * , ttelr Tlrtne * bejcg Iber
IB ioy eliaaM. v > ttat tter are al rf
and reJlabl * . Tito It not the cavs wltb lho.
lilc ! > are put ayn \ cfceap woolen pi
t nl boxe * . E lloct Uwi tor all dU-
wttre a rjixotlTe , Alleratlrw , or
. ' a to lU who
will five ti man rxi.'e
ieai. whoV
They ar V
5 cents bouie.
BW llwlll'e lyounc yo | aid ! ! f -