BhenmaUsm , neuralgia , Grasp ] and bruises will be relieved by Unc Sam's ] Serveanl Bono Llnlmen Bold by all ita.octl3 eod&wl DK. WINOHBLL'b TJfETHIN BYBOf is a Safe and Sure Kerned fbor Diarrhoea , Dysentery and Cbi dren's Complaints generally ; . ' flhonld be in every bouse wnere tbei are ChildreruMothera give ItnTrla Uncle Sam's Harness Oil fills an closes the pores of leather , effectun' ly preventing tbe entrance or dami sera , dost , &c , , and rendering th harness loft and pliable , \rlrile at th amo tlma increasing its durabllKj octlSeort&wly Distempers , coughs , colds , fevei and most of the diseases whlcl borses , cattle , eheep , hogs and poult ly are subject to are readily over come and cared by. uelng Unol Sam's Condition Powder ftccordlni to the plain directions. Bold by a ] Droggiata. octlSecdeewly Theinonou3 ] use tn improper1 ! prepared pills and other loudly blown remedies , recommended ti H core all ills , is much lu b larneutet by all except tiio doctor into \vLofi < cura you are euro to come. An hon. or ble and trusty exception to th ( rate lsEilert'6 Daylight 'Oh , my back ! " How oflen wi hear these wor s. Pa'n in the baci arises from K'.dnev ' JJlsesee. Eunl'i BE MED X cures all di-exee" of the Kidneys , Bladder , and Urinary or pan * . Family physicians uat HUNT'S BEilEUl. There Is no earthly boon more precious than good health , and It behooves ita possessor to endeavor to retain it. If you nre a ° ? n'Ibd ' with Buoli provoking ilia as sick head aches , torpid liver , sour etoniHch and a general feeling of weariness and disgust , don't go and commit euioldebut take Eilert'a Daylight Uver Pills and be cured. Sold by all Druggists. oct3 eod&wly Disease and Death , when they Teach our own household , are too serious for Jesting , we use our beat endeavors to drive ofl the dread messengers , and aru only hsppy when we feel that they ure at a dis tance. At the nrst approach of that fell destroyer , Consumption , in the ahapeof a cough or slight ooltl as well as more severe Bronchial or CatarrhalComplamt' , we should at once use Eilert'u Extract of Tar and "Wild Oherry. It has no superior in encb cases. Every bottle warrant ed to cive satisfaction. Hold by all Druggists. ists octlS ood&wly PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR , All makes Diseases if Women A SPECIALTY. Consultation freeat * n > oomi oppo site Grand Central Uotol , 234 Farabsro St. . Uf hi A 1KB. where tae Doctor may ba fonad day or night. ii'eu'plno rent by mali or exprest. Addrejs P. 0. box 503. Crash * , feHolm ftn / . Rtdick. W. J. Connttt. Kodiclc ! k Council , Attorneys-at-Law. Orrrax I Opposite Court llouee. Omaha , Nebraska. 3. KTTHT. AT LA77. OSes 4 0 Thir teenth street , with J.f. . T , Richards. fanll-tf ADAMS & A TTORNEY : i at Law. Room 6 Crelihton . block. ISihandDouBlisSt. noMh C. F. AT 1AW. IJ3 Parnnam St. . ATTORNEY . PARKS GODWIN TTOBNETi AT LAW. nth and Donsla . Streets , with Q. W. Doane. : AT LAW. ATTORNEY , Oa % ha. Nabrwia , T.W. T. SSO A TTORNEY AT LAW , CJuoe. 4ffl. ISlh .fa. Street , between Farnfcaa and iitra * , ymaha. Nebraska. _ _ _ T AWYEIU Orrisntpn Block. J-l "a. Sobrw : . S. WH.IGHT. BTIOB OF THK PEAOB. Office entrssoo N. S. A TT HNEV , ict cOTJNGEkOBATLAW ± \ fifflje-O13 18tb Street. bet. fted piraham ntre t . Oif. ba Ucb. G. E. * TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ATLAVT A OSoe. 272 Farciam b'trooU Addreci Iieek Box 9 Omaha. V7K. Q. TO ! , Attorney and Counselor at LuV/y EVAKSTON. WYO. TER. Regltter U. S.Land Cfr-Co'leet'ons s Sptclatt ; BANKRUPTCY NOTICE : la ( be DL-trlot fouit of the United Statti. JOT the Wallet of Nebraska : InBtck- ToptOT. Inine matter of Ar'harBmklestrskrnpt. ' f indtt of > brajL-n. te : Thb Is to sire notco. That on th tth itr of Ft binary.AD 3873.a warrtnt in bani- rnptry tns ictned cut of the District Conrt ot the United Ststee for tbe DJstHct o : No lr * . scilntt the etite of Arthur Jineib of Lm btt. la the onnuty of Door- IM In f aid Dit irict. who has bean ( .djudged s bankrupt on hit own petition. Tn ttb payment of acy deits. and the liviiry of any property belor.glsa to said bankruptta him nr to bit ate. a d the tract- f r of any property bj are forblddto by few.That That a int ttnt of the crjditors of the tald kaakrupt , to proretheir destrrnd to : br > oee one or more aselrnee * of bis estato. will ba held utaeonrtof bankrapt.-y tobo boldenat Omaha. Inid District on the -ftrd day of Tebniaty. 1E78 , at < o'doc ! : . p. n. tt HI Dut.a § street at the oIDee of J L. Webster Kcqr. . the Itegljter In Bankruptcy of tsli emit. Yi'tl. DAILY. U.S. Earehal 'or eatd Dittrict. febtld'UwIt OMAHA AND SOUTH-V > EST 6N n. R. CO. Th * nnn&l meeting uf the ( took holders of the Omaha and truth Vrrttcrn hailroid Oo. will be held at the cSce of tbe BarHas- ton and AJlsronri Ri < r Zl. R. Co. in Neb- TM a. at PJntttmcath. Neb. Tocrfrtsy the S8ih day of February , insu.rf at 11.30 a. m , for the eles.ioa ofDlroUon ; &nd aai other bariaess that day lepiliy come befcra the 16 wit Jna. N. Deaiion. Botton. Jan. 22 , 1878. _ Secretary. c n * uccetd Hh the I Icttrnled AGENTS olll * OrfnlEtuttr * fro- MCtns nowresdy. f.illlnc' vi'l ' be sold , d rei Ooodtpeed's Book & Bible loago. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Br tirtue of an odir of rale l-mtd out of the Di-triot Court in ana for Dour's ' J ouoty ICebraika. and to me directed , I trill on Ttursdiy , to * ZSth tliy of .March , A. 1 > . , U78. t 10 o'clock , a. m. . of day , t the tenth doir of tbe Court Honte.ia the City of Omaha in raid occty , f e'.S at pablio anctlontbe property desenbcnj in calil era rtowiti hegmri g at a point five cd 24.1CO ehtins attaii < l fij.lOOcbains north of ft oorntr ta breilone twentr-nx (2 ( < ) ( n- ty-f tr (27) ( ) . tbirtiourS4) ( ) nd tbirlvfivo f j. in townth p fifteen ( ' 6) ) north of rtnea thirteen (13) eatt of the 6h principal mer idian. U hen co east thirty ( M rodv. thence north esrenty-e.ght icds. thentw west thirty JO ) rods and theace Jonth fa iint (7s ( ) iodn to the place of beKi tontaininc 1 < M acres moro or leir. in aid JJoudag Coau'y. Kebtiuka. to fitisfy a roag eni of etid i-onrt recovered by Qt OKC . iJtrktrpliintin . efralnU Ueorze ( i. Earlo Eulo. .tfebdRntJ- . AVM L.DAhROW. iiaiter Committiontr. 1 Tilth rtimeroissrrrirti : 1 from lilt 1-tcliM U the. . oals.tivY should kror Cocniiip Mumtc. t' HiTiio'-opril Nrutr' xnd I rtl oit oft SfTmliyitnn.hoirloru - u K . IS" ro"JTJI > lupedmf at < to iwrltre , thtir a. Lr * ud care .Tretu on mU Ducu > , Jufly MpfiHiiiiB V cynirfpan nd to cut : it li lat anly r II olUi * klnd TIE OMmPUBLISHiraPmPROFBIET8 [ OFVICE-T3& farnbaM. . 9th nii 10A-5 TEK1IB OF SUBSCRIPTION Copy , i year , in itdrac. . ( poitp&id ) . . f 3. * ' 6 noBthe , in ndTaase. . . . . 4. " 3 months , in advance 2. { Concluded. ) ver , say fiftyflve pence per ounc < the loss to the bondholder would t much smaller tli n is commonl supposed. If paid cfT at par in gel in New York , his cue thousand do ! lar bond would be worth 205 4s. i London , and if paid m diver J would be worth 191 12s. , a dlffei ence of 14 12s , or 7 } per cent. enl > and it is not for a moment to be sup posed that the dlfierenco v , ould re main so great for s blugle day wer silver again "monetized. " W should probably eco it an once Jumi to fully five shillings per ounce , a I which price the above loss would b nearly obliterated. It K not n y purpose now , Air President , to enter into an inquiry as to why tb act w&q passed de monetizing feilver , but lo deal will the quuoiiou &s I fiu'i it , and to d < ail 1 can to ntone for thewroogdom by using all honorable means to re store the law as it was before thai act was passed. I have no duuo that thare were muy ; who though ! from the rapid Increase in eilvei bullion about the : ime that law ? & ; passed that silver would become &c plenty that it wouiu bo worth bui lit tin ; but tbe increase in tbe silvei production has not tut the last few yeara kept pace with the in crease that wa > 3 realized , say from 1870 to 1S73. In 1870 the vtiole product of silver in rhe Uuit- edHtates wacauoutcixtecnmiUIone , while in 187U , jaot ibis year before this di-KionuUzattou act was passed , it reached the largo sum of J:8(10- : ( ( 000 , and I have no dcubt that this rapid Increase nnd much to do with frightening eotno parties into the belief that their only safety consist ed in dropping biivor from the cur rency as anything more than a token. But , sir , the reeult has shown th&t the great increase then realized was not to be kept up , for since that date iho increase in the production uf el Ivor has bsen quilo moder ate , and not in the same proportion tion to tbe increase in gold as com pared with ths yecre to which I bare alluded. Had the increase continued as shown , eay , from 1870 , or a few years prior thereto , up to 1873 , there might have been some sauea for the fear of an oveteupplv ; but , even had that Leon the case , : t seems to mo that tbt > United States should have been the last country to strike down its own Industries and I j own produc 8. Who would haA e thought a few years ago , when silver eras commanding a large premium > ver legal tender paper , that in so short a time the noiioy power of the jountry would have tweu petitioning ; Uoneress to repudiate allver and Irive it out of existence as a le sl- ender. coin ? Bir , u.y people de- uand the remouetiz-llon of silver , lot only because it has heretofore > een one of the ieg&i and can&titu * ioual currieucics of the country , > ut also on the sensible ground that t ts a production o : our own coun ry , that this era is fcund m abund , nce in our own bills and aountains , and mat therefore mrs should be the last government to demonetize and de- troy the legal value of biiver or iven lessen the amcuut and value if silver as an article of production , iut evfin admitting all that can be aid of tue increase by the opponents T this bill , does any Eenator believe bat either England or Germany rould have demonetized B liver if hey had been producers of it as wa re ? It seems to my , sir , a most inuattiral ihiug that a government ike ours should be the first to enact law to cripple oue c" the most pro- flc sources of her weulth. Sir. this h'o and cry about our be ig overburdened silver if this ill becomes a law is nothing more or leas than a scarecrow. It is all one to frivjhtsn the people , and I appooe to friglueu the Senate too. Vhy , fair , it all the minis in the Fulled State * wore put at work to- ay in coming silver dollars and rere run day and nlgLt they could ot produce even HO much as ona ollar to each person iu tbe United tatea before the contnencement of le next eeseicn cf the present Con- rasa ; and , while it xoud ! add to iu olronlnting medium and benefit 10 business of the country , tbe cnouut could nut be large euuugh i tb next year , or by tnc accumu- , tlon of several yc&ro. to create a 'isouable ' fear on the p rt of the editors of the government that the > uds to nny great number would ? paid in silver instead of gold , ben way should there bo such a > sire to limit the cr.jr.nge , and why desire to limit tl-e optr Uon of le silver bill to ono year's time , aa is been suggested ? Can it be for e purpose of speculation ? It is is continual tlnKeiing with the inuces 01 the country , this constant tanging of the lava regulaung e oaine , that has created most of o distrust , inaction , und suffering nong the jieoplo. It Is better far , mobo no changes iu the law and dure the lUs WP than to ba ntinually cbacging the law or niting its operation to short per is. is.Mr. Mr. McCulIoch , the English thor , whose writings on political enemy and other kindred subj j jte , etand deservedly high in the eraryand financial world , Ja aN jing to the damage to trade and inmerce arising from the frequent anges In the valuu rf coin , cays 0 wlnghoweverto Improvements the arts and to ths exhaustion of 1 and the discovery of new mine ? , B value cf the preclcas motalt > is J cess.Hnly Incou&ttJnt , though , jf > except the oCec.'fl produced in B sixteenth century ny the dia- yory or the American mines , it es not appear to Live varied so uch at other times as might Lave en anticipated. Sreat niiEuhirf has. fcbnreverbeen seatedly occaaioCv * ! by the suiges tbat have been made in ) et countries in the weight and netjmes in the purity of coins ; d since ths impolicy of tli . e tinges hua bosu re ogniz- elaillar and still moro ex- isive disorders have pruufi from 3 Improper ue of "substitutes coins. It i j 'ndr'd quite obvl- 3 that no change con take place the value of money without pro- rnonally btfestlug the pecuniary editions iu all contracts and reomcnu . Much , bowovcr , of influence of a chs jgo depends its dlreutiou. An Increase in } value of mpney id , for reasons it will afterward be stated , uui- mly more prejtmlcial in a public ; nt of view than It * diminution. e Inttcr , though injurious to indl- luals , may sometlces ba produc- 9 of .national advantage ; but ) h can never be the CESO wiUi the mer. fhe eflect of demonetizing silver 3 to immediately advance the ce of gold in thd market , and the astroua effect of he same has ; n felt throughout our whole intry. But let diver be again de a legal tender and its value 1 Increase , while gold , Una Ing it i a competitor clothed with' all i powers it possesses aa a legal- derveil ! naturally decline until the two will come together withoi in any way disturbing the values < exchanges of the country. Paws this bill , sir , and at onca it creased activity will fcoteeu tbrcugl out the land. Thousands will t encouraged to seek the gold and si ver mining regions ; an increase demand for labor will be realized hope will once more enter the hear i of many of our desponding peupl < and from that day forth I prodlc that prosperity r.ill be read on th faces ot thousands who are now i : the "slough of despond. " Sir , tc day if it 3ould be announced ibrougl the land that the silver bill ha passed , it would eend a thrill of Jo ; to the hearts of more people thai any one public "act has done flee tbe day when it was announced tha Abraham Lincoln had broken thi chains that bound four millions o human beings in slavery. .Not tha they would expect any Immcdlad results ; i not that they would expec money to be showered upon then without Its being first sought foranc earned ; not that they would expod to find it in a cheaper dollar witb which to transact their business ; but , air , U would tie because tbapeo * pie would read lu this act a dlepnfli. tion on tee part of Ccngreaa to legis late for the whole people , and not for special InterentH or special class. es , as hau , in their opinion , bteii heretofore doue. They know congress caunof leg islate money Into the pockets cf the people , but that it can bo leglslkte aa to encourage tbe industries o ? the country , and thus give an oppjrluu- ity to develop our mlnea and put thousands of willing laborers to work lu the various avenues that would by that act bo1 opened up throughout the country. ' The constitution says that Con gress shall have the power "to coin money and regulate tbe vslue thereof , " and in pursuance of this po < ver Congress did regulate tie value of the silver dollar by legiels- tlEg it uut of existence ; and what baa been the reauU ? Dlstrubt , in activity , want , and poverty. Then let Congress be jnut to its constitu tional powt-rs ; be Just to the credit of the goveiument ; be Just to the necessities and wants of the people , by restoring the coinage and value cf lue old silver dollar. Do this and the sleepiug energies of the people will awaken , Idleness aud want will vanish , labor and Industry will revive , and propperlty will gladden the hearts snd hompa of the people. COMMERCIAL. OifAHA , NEB. , February 26. per Ib Powdared do rioCned. cot loaf da do Ultra 'C1 do 951 10 "C" do 0)4 ) ' TtKoir' do C < U aotm. 31iOoT raia n < > ' T * r-erlb SO 34 ; ancyRIo do 25 " do 24 do U 23 o 3 IB luuii , , .v p Ib if S 80 lun Pcrwdtr do s 80 mperial do 4C S W ) toloss do < fl S3 ' do SCdl 70 pan PsicD racrr. * Iebir > a Apples p rll 03 09 aHlik. So do ' UH 12J ttsmsis do a a laisins. layers per box 110 42 22 do psodlui perlb 13 Ii do Valeacia do 10 11 'ranei ' , French Co IS do CcsaaB do 11X 'eacoca ' eastern do 03 ( y do Baltl.ak do J ? 'Biotas 2 Ib'ciE ! rrcas $3J % do 3 Ib cam . do 4 ! a trawberrir ; . 2 Ib cam da 3 SO llaokbrrlo. do 2 75 Lhubarb , 2 Ib cant do rin fcerriea do do 100 'lc ' app ] So do 3 SO 'cinatoe ' * uo 2 Ib cans do 2 75 do 3 Ib cans do 3 S3 bra. 2 ib cent da S BO t < X ) c&i.bri ? garden 2 Ib cans do * 4 S ? rt , do do 2 75 cans , stein * do do 2 50 riss AJTD ovsT aa. Jjnon , 2 Ib cans per del 0 do Ib cans ds 97 ? obsieri , 3 ib cans do 3 00 do lib cans do 2 00 ysters , standard. Ib cans per e&e 3 W do do l Ib cam do 170 do slack. 2 Ib can : do a UO do ita 1 U ) cans do * 140 lo Wh ! Jo . - I = . d . . - . r - fy tuba tou > : < ! o 6-x OMAHAECAP srraaa IolU v .von ) Hen Laundry iltu OVliiO i imi. perlb. ; , MS' IIow tie t 7 do 9 io a eakfutbfkcon do _ _ J 9\l \ ftiVUfi * * fwrr * , tools W. W . Hour per kbl Jl 03 iZ.Oj , brwka prin do 4 00 4 60 an 1 > eriSwlte § m meal pirlOO 120 CMESSE j T.faetcrr P I13814 ! | " rieaEewiJ- ? 6 a - .ports ! 8wi do jibnri dc * 18 BBYaOODS atrlcaa t 3t eCO 6H s irrimbfik 8H , Uvry. plat o ; carpi * 6k apc3J ; * cus ainVtea is * H * JOl p * > ItOf L90TB 12 wlorkiai * „ "H .6-4 16 ' ' & to U-4 WX aaUo il do P brafk& "itndard AA > p 7aU O SS 3o u a ? do K ' ' " 'dT'vfla" I * do do to 12 KWX12U , ct 81-3 8 1-2 TIOKIKH. eax 32 18 deford n Iso. B.C. J6 - do AA do ite Lead , etriutty Pt . P-H do TUTS " R'n nei Siao ' - . 1 ! > J I Lead ' ' * lu tj Jn blad-jert * - 3X GUI S. idow OUi3 , 60 andCO per cent. dieooQnt off list. HUn wine * " i - per nl IP Alcohol issuer of at do 22 French jln j do 23 Manhalfa.Ur'bon wtiityio I 2 Uiller'i do Jo 1 EH Brandy , vry na . * Ol do common to fins < ! o 1 EO 3 71 81a. 100 r r cent . uo I BO 2 Ci Holfsad Gin. 0 per oant 1 7 ! Bans , mixed Jairsic * 100 Per coat. do 1 759 * CC New En * , mm. 90 per eCdo 2 Z p r ir&I IT ! do vx .i 7 K do in 100 W'o lot * 8 F cs. riaU iajia3t u 24 M 30 a cue ' 550 3 OC do Tcr/ fine 10 K Sherries 5 00 W W Ale. Edinburgh , per 2 TS AU. Bua it eo't r ' ' > 7S Qulanon Dnblla stoat 2 K LL'MBU Joliu. stad ac und uU JO ft nd ander 50 1 Over 20 leat each adildonal foot ; 1 < ? enemirliol . 2) i do No 2 16X313' ' 1st common boardj 20 i 2nd do do IS i A * itock boards , 10 and U lnah ; n i B' do do do do 3 < Ti C' do do do do * ? i lit clear * IK. IX sad a Inoi ' t do ti do do M do narrow. Ho 1 SO i f loorini. clear : do lit coarsoa 87 ' lit clear sailing S i nci i , : 5d do do j , do S : t let do do K do 32 1 2d do d5 k dft * ) t lit do tldlnc 19 1 2d do do 17 0 lit ccaaoa do IB G ! A' .hinxls * GC z ois : Common So 1 htnrl > C Lath per 1000 -35 I > * Q pickets pe 103 BO Bqnaro do do SOQ 0 a Batten per lineal loot Q Rocch do do PAINTS. OILS ANB GIA5I. oits. Carbon Oil. 110" per st- 17 Head Msht Oil 175 * per 37 Linseed raw do 61 do boiled do IacdOU extra do do no. 1 'do 75 Hensine do Turpeatin. do WestVa Labrioat'jt Oil do (5 olden Machine OU do Diamond Oresent do Osstor Oil Ju 110M JTeatzfootdo do M Bweet da . - , ddo I "C Sperm do do 340M tfhalo do do M Fi h do do 80 do tn-r 3 ° S ' Redfo Nol I'M Kid fox No 1 Deerskin .redan d fhort blu . pe ? ft Anwlocs _ -ZATHKR. " Boat ilaoclitersoto Bwtoak . . . , „ rrssont'-l 1 25 1 53 ioeif.letdlni brand * 1 78 2 toO Doawtlo kirs O do eaU * , 1W t 2 Healook. upper psrfoot Oak do do , pcroas 31 3 do ofiiiowed do. „ S . Sf do BInion p C CO 1 - do g a * * , „ UomlocE harn3 : ith Nol * * to line . Ifair biidfo P U9 8 (3 ( T s Scotch d- > ao Jonoorddo 3otlar leather aiwap4rt 1 . 34SO do do ( ra et ) do M SO ? at 2t dsjti Isather do 12 15 HIJjlS } eon hides Jnxn cured hUw r ? do 10 do . O Hieep pelts SCS. Callow _ IHEET IRON , Kir.2 BLOCK T ! . OOEa ao 6KIST IIOX. IVf dodo oZltoM do do oM do do Ko27 do 'i ; ; smooth I > ioZ4 doNe dodo deco No 26 do rt6i do co Eo27do 6i < > eubler flnfcd , Ilo2i do 7 do No S3 do 7M do No 27 do lw ia. rcrfo5t,7tol2 dodo M ' do Solftain d do' 17 A * Araerlcin raltition Rocria all NOB do 16 For I E8 that. lull b&ndii add one cent. GiLVAKIMD IBOf. f o 14 lo JO per aTe To 21 to 24 do Io25 do fo 27 oo Jo 27 3 Jail buailcj ulsco-nl S5 p r c nt. oorria. irezlert 10 to . . 13 . IT tttS3 S3 S do " " "No 775 nd' 41 55SCO 5iK 10 best auaifty per box SCO > xii 1 uo do 10 Du 1x1210 do do 8CQ 2x12 IX do ao 1C6JOi LrSOIO do do Oi lz JIX do do IP Si IsMlAX fit/ , 17 7u .ooang . , IU charcoal 1123 JS 774 - do IX do aa Mi- do da 1'V do 20x23 ac iU < edo DLOCZ Di , argu piti PUb maU igi do artin do lieettln irltoro do do * " > toB do laners' solder .extra rifiac < < o do Koi do U do rooflai do II mort. on tn bars per Ib 8U Mt pTorr atoal 4 ° 8K Bclateel ao IS K allroaa do U ono et&o nail * do 6 FURS Quotati Ins , prtrn * f CC76 do Zdand&d MtolO 'olrerlno 1 CCtvi Ou coa 43 do interior 15to2S UJkrat. fall 05 do winter 1 8 do tpriac 12 do dt'.cns Mto03 cuak , black rrims 25 do narrow nrirod pru&t rode do br&Mi 10 : tr. "o 1. larr - s uu Bher JOOtoTOO oil Ko 1 Isrr rooznttla ajo : Mo 2 do 2 00 io No 1 aiuaii prairlo en 3o Ko : do 50 iaver. well forrtd sad oieaapcift 90 io tUn and beary Sto50 > d for Mo 1 oVtoi CO Id do 2StoSO ssr ikiiifl 15io30 itelope 10to26 hosEees , braira flj B do blsaoiid ia 9 innua. Aver Orek AA do do SB. 13&S &S km 14IS > HB IS > CO 12 S FACTOKIHS. Daily , TERIAL AKD WOKf.lAri8IPTHE BE AU. KlnDti OP WAOOK AND OA2J J rtli St. , cor. Capitol Av. G iAKA. Ootllyr oft'-e . 'he ' stsmaehie the l beret y of the tem. invrh'ch ' certrfc ttjvterioua pr > - e or" > soicg on. Xhee r - t in the p-odncttoa of thst worderfal ifyirg agent the blood * which iu tiUte lealth rnibei Icden rfith tbe e'ecaenU of ility to ther-aioicet parts cf the B/stsia. t hsa tht > stomach isLe ; Lo liver and bowotg ren-Jerine ths flrnt ; ( ti'h tud fro latt-r ccnitip&ted. Iho iu slio snfiers by fyzipathy. and tick is arc cuesnaercd. KcstfjT' Stoa-oa ton roioms thi ; it ate of thir.r1 , gUcs j ! rioTnanent tune ani icr arity to the ouch and its wociito > . : sizs. tbe bowels I liver , and enenrsi comrleta nomieh- it and Increases viiror of tee sjiftsm. Ic 10 mo t popmar < a well as efficient anti- and tonic In America. peptic 2)-27-lp It Till toil you E-jiaf a&d inl niniy trYB STOCK. Native shipping itcois . - . . . Com 2Ha3 JTocs 3 7Ba1 Bbeep. per posnd 3K > 3 Calves do ETOIC . - . . . iSti SPECIAL ODOTATIOSS. P.otcnn T < l . \Refcrcnct \ , Omaha , National and Elate Bank Batter cboioflroll. . . . . . . . . - . . . . - . . - 144 " med " . . 10ml Ejijg fresh candled . - . . 1 LeuoD ieaiiia rer box . . . . . . . . . . 7 C 'Apples per bbl . . . . . . . _ . . - . „ . „ - „ . J 25a8 C Poultry dressc-d chickcca . . . . . . . . . 09al * * icr fT * ' . . . . . . . 09 1 Oyct ra-O H M'altby'8 celebrated &xlde ; Hoci brand , i elect - 4 H 4 jvi. . _ _ . . . _ . _ . . _ . 8 All kinds nute , sarilinoj ) , currants , citrcn rairini. choice brands of sisari. bacon hami. Iurd , trifo , pies' feet , etc. . etc. . con sUiUy on hind , bend for oar priw list. octS 6mo our Bobber fcAirra. Send fo ; terms , Taylor Broi. o. Cleveland. Ohio. RAILROADS. PULLMAN HOTEL CARS are ran slone by ths Chicago and Northwestern Railway. THROUGH BEfkVECN Omaha & Chicago No other road runs Pnl'nan Hotel c rs , Ful'man ' UiLinccars , or asy other form of hotul.niniosr or restaurant rirs ihroush bo- twe a the uJis'oorl river and Chlugo. Tn ! line of hotel car" in the finest and beat that have ever been bni't ' anywhere for any riilroad company. No citra charge over the ufual b rth ch r for compart- m nt8 in thsie calnbrcted hot 1 earn. For meals yea are csarxoaf ny ! for what yon cr- < ler. The Chicago and Uorthw 6Ura ' iih th mikeceioseoonnectiou' t Guioafo ISchiirAn Cen'ial. Liks Shrre. Kt , Wayne * Ua'.iliaorinnd Ohio , and all other roadefor the east. Insist thit the tCK. ? > t a cent sells you tclt- ctj br the NorttwesUrn ronj and refai t < 7 take an other. Harry P. Z > eulfe7 JWtet apent , 2 Tarahan St. . Omah J. Sett. T i3rot ageut , U. Pi decat. Oinaha Giarlft AtHn . Oea'l af't Omaha. ST. PADlj & 810UX CITY. Siani Oily & Pacific Bailmb. iOO Miles Shortcit Route ! o5l Haul. WlnnetpoHt. D Birth or B . And tne seat direct route to Slnux City and iil rointa in N rthern Iowa. Unnwota and Dahota , 1'OCIIANOEOF CARS. Will rnn elegant trowing Room and E'.cjplne Cowhes. owned and controlled br the Company , through withoutcuange be- tWMU OStASA , 03CSCIL BLUMS * HD T. PirL. Trains will leave tbe TInion PaolSf Depot at OMAHA ot 4 v. m. . and COONClIi Ur.TIPKS at 5:15 p. ra. . reaehinSIOG'S. OIT7 at 10:20 Pm. . an < ! ST..PAUL at 11 a. m. . Tine. 18 Soars maeing r HOURS IK ADVAHOl uF > LI.Cram BOTICS. Returning Will losv BT.PAOLs Tp. m. . arrlvinc at elOUZ OtIV at5 a.m. . and at 10 r. . m. . VXiexets for tale in Chicago end North western Railway oScaa Council TUnffa i Un ion Pacific D p t ; &ndilra&d Central Eo- - - * tiat ticieta read via KTBee sour 8. C. A. V. S. R. " F. 0. HILL3. 8Eperint M-K. , Msonri ! Valier. . C Hills , Oen'l Ticket A . Blcax City. J.JJ. O'BKTAN , ' rn i'rcUht and Paeeoncer Agt n" FTn Ao { - < w u . . 'c/j xLx rvi' Pfl' V Tolanrl % , Powtin U'lilwi Mlli'du ' S Liiitfl ISiiwU e rat-iiib , THK 9BKAX OENTHAL KOUT3 FEOM QSUfiA TO CHICAGO AHD THE BAST , risl > ta Holrcs , L T 'irN-rt sue ! JiMi I<nd Thl Knnta bclcg i osiWy tqulpped with ilcgant . ne-r Coaclies , Iscr Sfronfng Carr.asa ivlng thrfadTantsgo : caooth and ell tsl * rrtid trsrt , oS rrtcatiaTehttz tmbllo n Ka t- -m Lice nncqualed lor fff , Ccalart an4 WetTJ o All Fazsecgei Tntst ire olpp 2 wltb tne f/Bsrr'irsuBji Pieasr AK ismcss end UUer1 ! PaUnt Beiatr Plstforr : Cs pler. ---o - r&st K pre H Train ! Le&r * Dally. conn ca s nnow i LT DE3 HOINEBsrlti tte UasMolnea YtJH allro 4 for Osislccta. Uttainwa , Ceokok cdBt.Loni- . .T GBtNyTEIiwith tb ntral Ballroalol Iowa , for all point * caitb la El. rani , iT WEST LIBSBTT- with tie WsrUsglon , OM r S 7lls 4 HSnswcis Bal'road for llnrtoa. CeJu Ilaplus. Imbu aa A tit. ii. fcl WILTOK JOTCXIOK "Itb th tt-T74Jtiin biaacu , ! ii iluiiitlne Wnsalunon ca v lnts roatc. T DAVKHPOET T/Hb the C renpcn & fit Pul BfVLrut4 Zci points north. .T SOUK leLAKr vita the Westsra Union Sftllrcsl lor Iteeport , B Iolt , Bsrire , Mll- wiaiea.anl all pcinta u northern Bllnoli ad Wtaacita. .T SOCK I2LAKD irltb tbe BocUbnl , K < yk rjlaEdsEdBt , Looia KallioJ forBt. Looli sni polctirc iii. T BOOT X&LAHC rS the Jfeorla b Bo k Iilzna Kailroal ( or Fsorla end polnti east. T BnBEi. ) JUHC. , itlth brcnen , fsr Hen ry. Lieoii. CkUHc ih aod Pccrla : S LA 8 IIS irltl : t nilnoli Ocatral Ball- rot ! : ! oi potdis sifth 2C < 1 south. X CHICAGO withsjl the Iloea ut , north nasrrs sc .11 iiit ra 'a ' Vhli Un , esn U ; 7rueure4 , unl itny slj. . ' . i obtaiEU , tti TrJr iont , at to ? ( OSca la ten Union rii ± 2n fr-cl , ii , niiiuMBt tts i-T jdrnl the llnef to T ? , ? , H. B. All i rrfyh * therrol ! tBrnl b-1 , w < 4 8i r'n ' ; Osr .T'B OJBt . Sod utni lor sale s the CCBIT' 1KB RAM Si. , ( Onzi C&ntTn' Hotel ) Omaha . H. SMITH , B. EIDDUS , 0. B,8T3VESb. Passenger Agent , Cen'l Wtaterc Art , ' H. P : DEUEvTlcisl EHE f Afflflfaffffl GM BOOIS. " iaiiimore&QM8R.R. EC3 SHOP.TEST QUICKEST io i DIBKCT CONSBCTIONS PCS New Yorfc T.'ivelers d , ; rins a eii Pl ! ! it , iii njsfirisS ! * ' irj Lou'.d remember that tha lite ai'l ' Olilo 18 CCLinFATrD rOB ITS : cant Cc ch s , Bjileadld SoioT nd Beautiful Mountain nnd - -m fitnory.tsd tte aanyipoiDts of Hl - col latoreBtalooK it * route are will always bs 3 low as by any cher Line. fLLMAN PALACE CABS RUK THROUGH rITHOUT CHAJTO3E BKr < r t THI rwKOipAL l TEEH AND EXTERN CMES ; or through Ticket ? . Baggage Check * . -omentnf trains. Bleeping Car Aceoia- I > ion 4c. . apply at Ticket o&ce ; bt principal poinu RTH. SoniH. EAST OR WEST. a , DOESKT , L. M.OOLB . I t Qen'l Ticket Agt , Gen'l Ticket Agt. DS.P. [ BiRKY. iHOS. B. SHARP rtera PMJ. Asent Master of Tramp' 1rl ai r29 IT rl VAILROASS. J. I. aRINNELURMtlvtr. Tie MsFriuiU Bon between the North and Suutb Traroriing the centra portion of tha gr-atetatsof Iowa , aadlsttr- g cting the nnmero a -FOK- OHIIJAGO , DAVJCNPOB1 ] DDiJDQUE , DBS MOINE SlOtfX CITY , OMAHA , And all But and Weit pointa. Connects ' at Ottnmwa BCP.LINGTON , MACON , KEOKUK , 8EDALIA QUIKCY , ST. LOUIS , HAINIBAL. KANSAS CITS MOBEBLY , ATOEIBON , and the South , Southeast asd Southweit. COKINECTS AT MASON CIT ] 70K 51. PAUL , MINNCAPOLtBi CS and all Mince ot pcInU. Hew and Finely Ui.i * iEt Reclining Chair cars ONESPRaSS TRAINB' 8TESL KAILS , EXCCLLKNT ' "A3 AKD FIHST-CTJ.ASS OOO tttted with Miller's PUtfsmu and andWestlDghoojealrbrakec. No better lr. ' dnconitnU can be offered to trawl in ta ctl rectloie nataed for tbe nesonof i ' Gen'l Parj. anTfieketAceat ; febSlT > _ _ _ THROUGH TO CHICAGO WITM9UT CHANGE OF CABS. THHSTllBIfOfi iVith Cmooth and Perfect , Icgant Pdtssnger Coaches , and Pullman Sleapine & Lining Cars. It is acknowledged b thn Prera. and all THO travel over be tha Beat Appointed -d Beit Managed road in the country. Pessesgers Goin&r 5J at Shoild bsar in mird thnt thir is tha 3EST ROUTE TO CHICAGO. And Fointa East. North and Iioriiwegt. Pa 'engcrs by thli ronte have choice of FOUE DIFPERENf. ROUTES ind tbe advantage of 6IX Daily Linei of l'alc Heaping Cera from Cnie&co r " > NEW YO B : CITY. WITJSOTJT' Ml EZPM Trftici en this line are equipped irit\ the We'tlnghonse Patent Air Brakei. and MilletV Pctsst oafety Pla'frrm ami lonj ! > Iers , the ac § : Perlect Proteition Agiinst Accidents iz the irncid. Pollmnn Palncn Slcciilnz Jk ? tiling C' rs nro ran en tUo Uuriingion ronta. Information concerciasr Rontef. Rates. time Connections , etc. , T it ! be cheerfully riven brcpplyin * at the oQe nf the Bar- inc'oa Ronts. Grand Ceatral hotel , corner a Farnham. Omaha. Nohr. . D TT U1TCHCOCK. 6m' ! Mif'ffr. Gn Wnt'n pat f-et IQPBILLlPI I t , oro. Gfn'l . < & * * ! ! . Ojnokt * H P JJEUZL , Ticket Aeont , Otnaltn. feb5 lyr 3.p | TIME TABLES. i 188 imm if Olios I.I4.VC , AK2IT3. 5sprsi .12 15 P. jfl8 P. tt. do Mixed. . . . . 4 do 930 do di Jwteht . . .BOO A. M. 515 ds do ( is - a 33 do 11 15 A.M. Time Ciid tf til * Birilif Ion anU. tliVB OXAJIi. 1ESIV1 OMAHA. fizcresi .10 X A. M. iailt J51&A. M. Ms. ! ! ! .10W P. E. ttasdiya xc pted Ibnndaya zc i > ted. This Is the anlr line ranninr Pnllcan lolei dining cars. n. P. UfiUBL. Ticket agent. Omaha. Xeb. Chicago , Hotk Islaid ft PaslJIa , ! aut..s 10 A M. no M r , y : xpress-4WP.M. 10 CO A. M , ISundnja Kicertsrt. Qfiisajo & nurihwtiiiri. laili .510 A. M. I 0 JO P. M , . . . . M. 40 00 A. it. ! xrrss . -4 00 P. . , . . .i „ . , . n , .j XSBIS * "Ciry"4 L Uouli Ohori Uie. fornine Cx. _ . A. M. 9 25 A. m. IremneBx P.M. 8COP y The only line fanning Pullman Sleeping ircont of Omaha to Union Depot , tic. onis. FRANK K. MOOESS. . 0. DAWES. Ticket Agent , ( ton P. T. Af't. . Giutia , 2eb. t. Jco , Misonri. ' & NcHhwa-.tero s d Sloix City 4 Psslflo Railroads. l aily ccj.t Sundays. Q. & M. R. K. In Ncbmki. iirnyJnnKx-3CS A.M. 3:49 P. littsn'th Ao : OC P. M. 8:50 A. M Oranihszcs nnd bnsgace w cnn leave the 3co Grand Central hot l 6fem > n mlnste . Advance of the a rrc railroad time , IMS iii2 EIJ'IE ! ' 5f BULS ij mm _ 0. at H. 7. li.U. iSO a. m. 3 p. m. 0. i : , A a. 4:30 a. m. 3OQ ; p. 2. 0. K. f. A P K. K. 4:30 : 1. m. 3:00 p. n. C. B. Bt. Jo < :3U . ic. 8OQ p. m > 3 , City t P. 4:85 a. m. U. P. R. n. 11:20 : . m , 0. i H. W. R. R. 7:30 a. n : B. * K. S. R8 : & .m. 1 > * NW7:8U. a-m. oaxnra. C ft N W R lljOG a.m. 11:00 p , m , a RAM 11:00 n. m. 11:00 p.m. D P. I & P ilCC . za. 11:00 rta. B B 4 64. JOB. 11:00 a. m. Ilu0p. ; a , j Clt/ap 11:00 pm. ff P 4:00 : p. . B & M ia Neb. 4:00 p. m. [ Jocal maili for State of Iowa IMT ba co a day. vii : 4SO s. m. ) Qc open Basdayt from 13 tel p , m. THOS. F. HAir Postmaster. hn P ! ! cirlSr ! ! il Uldl Jiif SIX GCBD SFOCL-CGTTOIT Thomas Russeii , " BOLE AQsirr. A to 'S522C3 IfiM ! ! ! ll J&gflEd' "IMTRI EIO" NEEDLES , oiuas Hnssell & Co. . SOLE AGEXTS. SEW Y03K. : Supulica b ? Tootle & Maul , T. J. Brown & 3ro.f Stepbtcs & "Wilcox , Omaha. Zpp feM lyr rdrf H , > tat priat M CrafnnliU Kxr 'Illoa tn rtrf j qmltrta B < ertri7 < oj < w < i lwV e 1' ' eftrerfn < < wl fjm iy. Tht made. Ai oar bias strip trvlm < ik I * Md tn Icfolcr eoodi. m thit Jdrtevt' < Art 11 reiyplaf. Sold > r til dealers. Send torte to C. A. JicziOif A Co. , B CURE-NO FEE ! ! 1ST Cut Wr-klna-tou * tratl. ChlctW. for Ii1 r of & i. Chronic Bar * Spflelil DWvtx , Scmliu.1 > t knMt : on * DcbUltr. uJ Lo t Manho d anBumtl ftgndoaUof tl > tfffsi PC boo ! , aodoown " " " ' " " " iiM t7o > i > d Sut . i p w. Ill . IKS ol tn < imm Kid "tOn M for E.mpl * f K J > dj sad dculir oflra TUAt ) Bfar9 oo3 u ± Mad B&raiiJ' > xiU EDUCATIONAL. ST. JOSEPH , MO. IS THB QNIiY ONE WEST OU 80UTP 0 the Ittej with which EaTTjcr'a hu an ccnnectiou , or that is conducted by an ei Ptrianced practical accountant Best rooms , belt faculty and tha mot thorough conrte of initructlon , whlloth welfare of perils if carefully rcirarded. ? artioalar > and Specimens of Penmanihl iimttoanyaddreta TKCS. J. BRYANT. Fr . aogSdly 5 : FAK21UG LANIMi - OH THH LINB OF IflS - Union FaciHc R. R , ALAND GKAIiTOJ 19.000,000 Aorca of tha Best Eariia & l I ? ; THE GBJtiT PLATTB VALL37. oZ ttic 'V r. BALE - FIT peiEjj rail m KH ? . : X n year _ ' crfdlt , latsrost only 6 per tv& . ? rco tinmat ads for actnalsottiers. Th ? bc t location for colonies. Soldiers ffntttizd to a tomestaad Of 150 & : ra. o parses frotn Omaha io porchsjcra o dd lanaj. DsmpUva puiurhlet ; . with cectiansl maps , and THE PSGKSER. hand.'omo illoztra'.ed paper conto'aing the homeataod law. mallei fre > n all parti of the world. Address. L. BURNHAM , L-j-id Gomnittunur IP. . Omaha. BF.TVJNG 3I.VC1II B. W AMEiiOAN ANOTHErTTRiUMPH ! arded at tha Conttnnial iibitica- . - ! = he machine and CZ4 ti < iTcitfiioaa nns llfhtor than acy nfi aivhius ; en thelesjtnoiie ; ha lelf-settingnsjl's. ' elf'hre di = B shuttle ; never skips ths stitch ; never breaks ths thread , and I ; thamoet easily learned ; is 'be Dnt durable ; the but maohina for nil faro iiy rurpoeeo. .Esi inn tsoio cclcbrat-H tnacuin ! ' before das'Sing whi-h you wiii bay. 'they possess more tiood Point * than isEasMne in the niaikat : in fnt. tbey iratasl r.uat no elsIm them "to l > c. The 5 t 5a the world ! Sue : for ia illuFtrate.- ! nrce list.vr ? msahlno wurranrcJ fn& ? es d. C ll and * oa n ; or ( " "d ysn * n-r j > Kail. AtUohmaataedl. . - * and tor all aehne. ; .vtistantly on rpnd. KESMEioy * ai. .Ki'iH , ! 12 Dancias "t .Omaha. Keb. 5iEnic.ii , , Gonnmnxjticn Onroti. Ac old physician retired frotn active prflo- .Icr , having had placed in his hand ? by ar uut Ihaian m:8ciuii ry th - lonwula of .trnpla-jesvUhle . remtd ; lor the speed > and > ernanent onra of Joneciup'loc. Proncbi- is ; Catarrh. Asthma , and all throat tnd anca&ctons. also a po-itive and r&dio l rnre for dcVl.t , an J ' 1 nsrvoi ; mplalnt' nftcr barinf t'ted lu wccder- ul onratiTo jo er = la thons'indsof c ea. .eJs it hia dntr to mcks ii known to uls offering lellows. Ttio I6csipe will be T * of "iiari'O tn J1 wbi desir" it. Tith full ' ' " hlladelihia.'ra. H-ln TO Con3ULj&-.ion. teat seocr < e or nnmanlty , cthogreat dread o/ tie hsmin faciity , in II flvlUtuj. cuontries. I feel confident that I am In poietMion cf js only euro. Infallible remedy now sown to the profefsion fcr the rasltlve thatdr ad di aaso , acd > unwell omc oomooinitants. vii. Cafarr * . : fl.l.ra. Jr&neilu. ffercaiu Debility , &e. e. I Rtr. % a olJ f"y. I bellevo is aedi [ co. Trrenty-eichc years experience as a n practitioner , in the b t Csc.uiir tn HosriiKls of tbo Old and Nrw * oId. hia taught me the value of proper ! ledicatlon. both foraJand conttHutianzi in le Gur ot this oreat enemy of oar race , I fonad it. Bat I a = s din ic r * T 1 cut to say to tbcao sa * rinir with imptioa or any of tha above maladioi , iat by addressing me. zivinr rrrapioms. toy kha > # be rnt ia powwsion of thiscrsfti > on. trJtJUai charge , and h " have Its j > ssnt of E7 ozi > rienca iu thncs.indj of | ise successfnlly treated , Fallpartiouims. i Ttctions lor preparatioaz and use , icdalj | : c ury advice and instrncticss for : oc- > : ; tni ( Mtaent ct yncr oia hooie , will I i resoived by you by rctnrn m l ! , fteocj j w.fc .dAgjJSffcBrn . ! = BT > 167 Jeffenon street , r7-wlv iiotnsTiLis. HT. R'li'S S ' . . - / I ma ocrtAin cute : Doctor j Stronit'ii 5 B ra-Jy. . - , . Price SI. Prcr-ared an-1 died only by J . HARDY. BOT 172 , Chi- ; -j. Hi. nor awlt K ycu fsel dull , drowsy , . xinent hmdicho. costh Uatc * b\d ! ; , or app tite , and toners coated , yon are fferiny from torpid UTOT ; or biliotuneis. d nothing will onr yea so epcsdily and rmanently as to take bmuox'sj Lrrzi tJLAT" or Medicine. PURELY VEGETABLE. RU Cktcmat. .rut u VUTI ; . j uwyga g < ; > i , igj to for , all dl - | J 5Sk& ? ' of t > : lirer. "jj % & } 724 'a&9 ( * jX-i i K ep ! a , s&XuF3i 5331 t i a 7sr2 , So- * . Complaint ) . hc tiadlce. and Naose . BAG BHZATHI Nothing is io nnpIearant.D. ID a * bad breath and in nearly eery can iona iivoi tha Item ck , and can b Be ill7 corrected if you will take Simmons' tit E grolator. Bo not neglect so tore a r.edy .or this repulsive disorder. It Trill o improro ths appetite , compljxion and fiial'cetJth. FILE8II few many stsl > r torture day after day. kins ; life a burden and robblne eTistanca ill picaanre , owinc to tbo secrt snffer- ; Jr-r ; ptl" * . Tet. relief is ready to the idof ( Mn-oitany one who will use sys- : nlcally the rataady tiaihasiwnnanent- sorMtbosjir.ds. blmmon * Li'irltta i-r is 170 'Irzitie rlcleat puige. bat a . .ie asotsta."t * aat je. C3NTIPAT10N I SEO\'LD cot be regarded M a trifling a'lment ia fact , nature demaad * the utmost regnlf-ity of the boweJs , and any deviation from this de mand rives the way often to serious danger. It is quite as necessary to remove impure accumulations from the DOW * els u it Is to eat or sleep , and no health can ba expect ed whera a costive habit of bodyprevails. SICK HEADACHE I his dist-cjilag affliction ocean nojt fra- nto. ! The dlrtnrbanca of the stomach. liagfrcathB Imperfectly digested ccn- tf. ciDSt- severe p * > in in the head , ae- ipscied with diiajtr"ble nans-.a. an < i i onnutii a > hat Is popularly ini wn - Mead L > -ead < hp. for the relief of wh'ch take imon ' Liver Eealaor or Med jr. H. ZEUT. JT & co. . MACON. OA. . and PEILADELPEIA : e. S1.00. Eold by aUDniTCistf . iuneTdltawiwlT iua usaamtotn r < ; ! Bl IPIDMI -Ai ittt&rjyifitt : ' I K .OK sO. ; ! B California's Favorite. BEAUTY Combined with DURABILITY RHUM irith llaJi tbe Wind that is Required t Rail an Open Mill , and is never lojnred by § t KVERY MILL WARRANTED For fiom Five to"TEW Y AUS. C9oT oT o o > oTo to 0. o J = o tn t o = Ul J C3 03 THIS MILL HAS BECOME TJ2STIYER- B. LLY Favorite in California , niere hnadre is of then : stay be seen at work of a ) sizes , ilany rtoplobuy " ? n 5Vho wocld have no other even if it miiht be given to Jthom. Thess milh Dn barns and hoa < e whore they will oe "rcamenfcil as well as njeful.and there U no dan. ter of their thrawiae oat fans and killing some ono. The Inventor has had 10 years ex. perience in th : windmill acd pump bnsincsi and ho intends establishing a sannfactory laOrsahato supply the state cf Hebmka with rURBi ! ? Windmills for Pumping Water , Grinding Grain , Sawing Wood , Guiting Fcsd , Churning Buttar , Turning Grindstones Ind scores of ctLerihtnss. toaaumsrouato mantian. Territorial Rights JTo- Sale In othi , A ronta tVanUd in every Count in iho State to wiom good indacements will ; C given. given.A. . OUTHWICK , Patentee. GRAND fKNIRALHoTED. OMAHA. i Or Sn ar-Cootcd , Concentrated. B o ! and Herbal JTnleo , Autl.Btllont Grannie * . THE"I.nTLK GIAjrr CATidnTIC , or Jlaltnm In POTTO Physic. The norelCT of motlern ilMleal , Cbemle&l. and Pli nnc utleA ) Sxjicnco. Jf a tuo of IIT loBMr taking Uie luge , repnltlre , and nau cuj pili' , composed ot cheap , rrude. and bulky tcgredl. enU , wh n wo c&u , bv a oanrnl appiicat&a ai l science , exfnct Ait the ruuurtla and othar ce irlnal prop rtin frocittio m tTalo- eM root * ar.clf'crb' . and concentrate teem ! ata a ralnnto Unoula , nearrely larcer Ulan a mnvtard e < 1 , ti t am ba reaaUy by lboo of the mo.t Kiuttlra itPmachs &u fv < - tJlons ta * ! * . Knrtl llltle Pnrg-BtlT PelUf renrC"ent , In a mo t conccntrsred Jorttt. at 2&r.e& calhartlo p-jwer w la cnlxxli * ! In uiy of ib * Urn pills Jonnd for ealo Is drcjr hop rron ticlr wosde.iol CAitnrao p"Ter , tn comnsrljoa to their si , popple who hare not ttl l tt'em r Brt to rpp-vg they ore har h or drwtlc ta elect : but nch Is nnt at all > tacas , theiliffureni ac'JrQ medicinal pr.roiplm of nhicii they ara rori.x > Nu-l b li'ar o bim nizod Had mo ll3i-t. oar br thn oiSrn , M to prxiaco a mokl earch'nx vA thoroa h , yet aenll ) ejil kluJ.y o oraUuar. cathtrt.c. $ tOO Ileward i , ireby offer * ! br the pn > p-ip'cr of t rO l'e.'eu , to n.ny ctcmL-t v ao , upoTiamlrslt. will Hod In them ny colocal or outer fnrnit nf mercury , Qlceral poison , or la Jarlon * Iloluircutlrelr Trgetab1enaritrttcnir carats reqnire < l wh..o i lng iheni. Thproner- * Ue wlthuat uutarbance to Uie coiutUuUon. a'.tt , or o < vup tlon. For Janidlc > , Headache , Conslpetloii , Impure uiood. Pa lit In tbe .Sbnuldero , TiKbUier of tbe Chcut , DIzziuetiH , Scar ; raetatton Ironi tbo .stomaeb. Bad Ut-te lu tbe raonlb , 3tlloan attack * . Palu In re- Bleu of Kidney * , JiiwnmJ l > vor , Uluated fu llusibontStiunacliHn li of UZood lo H-ad , lil b-eulorcd 1'r'ae , Un ociabililjr nu4 Gloomy Foret > adta ? , t--p Or. PlsreeVt Plea - = .lt X > urtuUYe | felleta. In exu'iaaUoo of tiie rescjuU power of mPurp uFeliet * i ? > er bo great a variety of rltw. cH , I wiJi to iaj J t thrlr action opoa the animal economy 1 auIrcr i-J , not u irlaud or tLueno excaplu ? their aanauva Ira- jrct * . Aj ou a not i p-iir the properties of tbr o re ! . > .A Toe/ are iur- > iue > i and J- cionod ! a si w bnt Je > , telr virtues Iv'.ng UiTe- b prston * ! unimpaired Jor any length of time. In itny rJI ia ; * . ) . . t ttov are Alwttn hua nsd reunblo. Thla U not lie ca.ith the 8 ollU wUoa are paJ cp IB > * ) d n cr pMteboArl boxed. Rco ilcct Uui for all dl - eaM whe-fl a Lazctlvu , Alterative , or PnrcaUT < s U tnctlc sd. tbe > e llU TiflrtsJ ? U1 ciTe tha matt perfect tatutacilon to all wba OM theui. * - . * Tboy arc M > Id by all IFrafflitx a * f > 5 cent * a bottle. " - . . . - - , J.- p1. . t , Br in liBTaesic prictlc * , eztcr a-rflTe-urh ; atlee of yearnurtA ? wiaila t"i iSne treciol - * p csr a Wfcun , I tivo b a ea Ued to pvrfoet a 5 t pottnt sad afrre abla nalicic * t at mtrt h * t = OUc&U03i prefentod by Uiat olus ? f dl- aw with pn iara ourtajity acd azaotaeu. dl natanl tyeeSHa cosponrrl , Ir-Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Tb term , hTW r r , U bet a fwble erpretiricn t my h a > pprectatloa of IU Taliu.b d upon ly < rw penonal obicrTStlon. Aa a ao i ob- rrer. 1 Kara , irhlle Trltaewia * IU poilUra r - ' . ' .ts ta the ff-r > clal dLicuca Incilenl to the ipoiata organism of iroman , tingled It out u he climax or crOTruInflT vesa of my JcCItaJ career. Oa lu merit * , a a po4l- ? < S sara , ara effsctaal remedy for this el&os ' dlues. . aA m that trUX at all times aod -itrali eliramftanees set kindly and In har- : ony wltb. jt L > which fmra the femal * r 'etn , 1 szi KlUlKx lo etake my reptrucii- & uyslel n. > * y. eren cons M eonfldent am I Mi it WT1 t , : disappoint U.o m < xt uc iln * c cc'jUlonj "f a Blc le Inralld lady who n i It T any of the Mir'nti for which 1 Mxwramend It. iat 1 offer und netl U c = Jer A POSSTIVi ! DARAATKE. If a bccefl'-Ial efl t is not cperlenoed by the Uac tiro-UilnU of the con- au of th bcri- ; ira od , I wtlt , on return c { bottle. Mro-thlrl cr lha medjctne harln ; CP taken accnruiw to ditlon * . and the eara jag one iorirtlcl I recommend 1 % jro = ; 'Jy J-i i : ; ICJ-T r W t r It Had I not the o t y cct conflile GOtalUTlrtne4Ionnidnot rer it H' I n _ : er 'J-.0.-C bor.d.lnnt ; but har- r ltne * * < xi i t/ulr mirarulonj cnree tn tlicu * ads ot c-r.i , I ieel vratrtuii u and rfcctly & ! a la rUiluff bottx B'T ) i'au > tlon and my money oa lt lurltn. j The foli < rrtr.c re * mon th9 diseases In Uic ay Farorif * lre erptiou bar ) rked care * . M1 IJT ai ric. and with a c r- Icty nirver 11aualnrd ny anr medic ! it acorrh./ , Hxce * lTe Tlowtn ; . Fainfol onthly rerlo < l5 , San > re nr TOJ when from na tural CJH-CJ. Irresnlant j , We.Jt Back. Pro- ? as. or falUn g of the Cte t , Anterenlon and jtroTerjln" . lieartnir Dor - aensatlTu. Inter * 1 Hint , lierr'nu Uepreatlon , I > etiilitr , D - ndener. Threatened M Kamaire , Chronic njrtntion. InHa = 2aon and Clicratlos of tha fcrusjImpoteEC. , JJarrencaM , or sterilitr , Te ll * weJuie < , a d very many other ccrocla se&ses Incident to wman not msntlonr-1 Hera. all afftcilcrj of tals nature , my Favorite vacriptlon worts cores the marrel of ie world. Th'innxJIelne IiIoDotextnlaja re-all , bat it adalrably rulalls m alngle- > of purpose , being a most perfect Kite tn eT chr"Uio dlMa e of MXIU ! tys- n of Taaan. It will not dl'ippolnt , nor will Jj harm. In ac j < c e or cocdluon. raos * who Jflrw fortaer l--'om tloa an > se snbJor.U c n obtain tt In TH2 fiopt-f * a-jos azxax Hr.oiCAi. ADV'ISEB , a book over 900 patre * , reit , poeVpalii. on receipt , _ ii It ti'itli mlcnteir of tnoca dlce xs cullar ta Ferni. * * , anil irtTn mncn vainable r1e In iTiird ta Co m ing-cment ot taOM eeQana. fAVOHlXE rKESCHOTIOW SOUS 7 XLl. DBCCOISTS. HVPIEBCEIDlnaj'pl , ' JJUFFJLLO , y. r. married aadni i ri * ? bleoi th mj-ttr t- -xI i " -I . J ih > md ! rrs. and pn Tel : -fififonrttwa. . wvch rvfmo tffow tob * in : - . . im u chc k * th trr ! ui 5fClr < * uih : hhMt s rttrriiTJtloi-le la t , tot Id. fric * c he oucnt ! d pf r i n j 7r h EKT FREE on application BRIQUS i BRO'S Jf lower and Vegetable Catalo gue. Our large crops enable as to 1,1. Hf.Kn * I.ow. f6-wlm C5 ST B.NY. or CHICA60.ILL9. FITS EPILEPSY oh FallingSicl2 3. a i Pnnan otly cnrsJ no hcmbog by CUB montt } ' uaso of Pr. Oonlnrd'f Celebrated Infallible Fit Powders. To convince suffer ers that theee powders will do all we eteira for them , we will sand them by mall , post piM. a free trial box. Ai Do. Goulard U the only physician that has mace ! this dis ease a special ctady. and ta , to oor knowl edge. thousands have been permanently onr i by the use rf these powders , ws wfll g-uarinUe upaT'tanoat care ia every cast ) , nr refund ; OQ all money ezpendtd. A-l afferors cheaJd tivo ih so powders an earl ; trial , and be convinced of their cnratlv * powers. Prio . rerlarj box. 53.00. or fonr boie 'or 910.00. tent b ; m6l toanypartof UnlUd States or oanadn en receipt of price , or by express. C. O. D. Addreu. & B4dBBaN8. Fulton Street Brooklyn .TT.T. All sntterera ( roc tble dliti e .iat tro anxinns to be cured -boald try I-r. Klmer'i " lebrs.t-d fonjumptlro poT-durs. Ttne Powder * ru. the on.r preparation knows that ffiil eureccscnpti n aa-i .11 di > caMsl of ta thr'-tandlnns ino > ed , no strotjU oar f ? h - them , and sli' U e&nvu ce yon that they ara sdhcmbt. ? . va vrUl forward to rerysuSerer brziil pct pvid.afreetrlai bcs.We We don't wMt your mccey nntll you ara perfectly satisfied vf thtt caratJre pow rf. If yoor life Usr'h savins ; , don't d lay ia g ivicj thep poirdcrs a trial , as they win surely onro yoi Price , tor Urge box. S3.CO. e at u > tar part of the CnkfC States or Canada by aaaD on receipt e ; price. Address , in Itou btre t , M H. T. HEMBOIDJS FLUID EZTHACT BFOHU. Carmine Wrappers and Label * , Owning ; to spurious articles palmed upfla thenibllefor tne putt fle years , on thertp- ntation of my prepiratitne , I Am-forc * ! to make a radical chania In my labels and wrappers. The genuine , of my original recipe , is printed in Carmine Ink and pre pared under my supervision , by th * H , L HEL BCLD K U. S - Tr STRiBT. OB SORE THROAT P.equires Immediate ) _ ien.l./n A condna- anc for any length of ti = , e causes irriUticra of _ the Lnrzf , er some ; chroaio threat affection. Neglect oftsaro- sulta in ton.e incarible Lung Mse i . BROWN S BRONCHIAL THOCHE8 have proved their eficacy by a test of many years , snd will almort invariably give 1m- 1 mediate relief * btain only Crown's Bron- hia Irocbcj. and do not take any of th * ffnrlhle-s imitations that may bo offered. A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage I A Cside. ta WrUcck anf ° -oofldjntlal TrtaUM on Uu datiei ot mtrrUrj aa4 ts canm th t unit : lor ft < th * st ems of B prodnctien an4 th * SIssaM * of WOBSU. A book for prlntr. coatld- rata mdlaj. J80 psfts , ; rl , _ _ _ / \ ChlVATEMtDICAL ADVISCTt On til duoratrt 01 Private R ' utars ariun * . Iron Sta tu 3. iteM s. orBecro * DIMIMS. w&i the bol Wipfofcu24 _ -/rjr . . pric50rt A CtrraAL LZCrnaS on the abort > KS sad " , Dplam Hnhlt ta. price Hi cts. uh > r book i < nt pofptU on Tvcelpt of prleet or an thiw. ( onltlnlij .100 ra brutlrally Ulaftrttcd. I" M ets. iUre DE. BCTT8 , Ho. 13JT. Ki 6 * . et. Lenls. Ho . BUTTS7 DISPENSARY J Dt * i 3 of N'th > - > . : Br.nm'VSInrrinjreGnhlsl , , „ ,0 tt IcamilBMOJ r ° oU nh < xd ana womanhood AnniiiitmmbnokoWniirM r prUus rradirr , vhlrh BhonJd be kept under toe * aa * y. 6 nlnii < l T r l forSOctt A PRIVATE MZDICAt , THBATISj : ( men di e M r c P rlvata I'atare in botn f-zu. "H ; sbnxs and . ti a l iTitem , awl Uie < t mm-rinf * . tr t under > JorS3ctJ- MZDICAI , ADVICS en 8Ttuiaod Cnnmie X rucy rnlt ) WnknM. , OUrrh. QinnrKuptDi < , tiieO ( > lni , x s.Xp < ! rrwnrk > r.tBn < ] rr tmilor Ul CM.AI Sr-o t < oi TOnulnm ? 48Opa 3o and en rrthlaiworn i-Vct. ti > nt escnrsly sealed on r ' Dtpen ! ir * ji'- * HISTORY CBirriHRUL ' , &t : I > J. , LL. DM oow n 11 On/y cdl'iov wtfcD l < armfUU n worifij ta D a IUhl In both and Oernuin. On lun kad profujel j Jliutrntrd. T l w.rtc J thiconk l , or T WtjrJiplia'ltllj ' UutnuJ Mroaiit r.pvroMhhif Crnyf . -ni iml l CeltbnUm. AGENTS WANTED ! f" nnrtnililCTM T ry b nTa o > Onai i ) l cf7o < u r ja rrh oc . VSELLERS'LIVCR PILLSj TSeUtri'Ll. rPilH C r to I PrrTBlrtr jrr * * * ; 8UM 4 RnaHtor tL ear * ef UTCT Ctrtet.f kl > ttlTnM . fcack HftvlkcU. % &I * . ! Peru I m ntiT * f th _ Uver. _ iemt Wmn Dr-ij jirtr5c. Jfyoori .jit.rrt'Mi swMJio " T R. t .O'er .r * t * vwn r - w , nf < K X 1 My * ' fl-'J1 * Ll'7 heir R"-i f. SA , HISTORY or T it hath f . sUiL HOI Oem > an. O Urse . U Crmal AGENTS WANT2 trravi&f latuect ererjwlxr * U u > MrUjMi tutoror - - '