THEDAEDYBBB TO OOBBZBPOKDESTS. WBJMJ iroraenre any contribnUon what ref of lit 7cr poetical duration andVt will not undertake to preierre. or to re- wrre theiwo * . * n anycaeonhaterer. Onr SUB It rflfflelentlj laree to more than snp- cly enr limited * P c ia that direction . Ops Cottmr'FKiKfDS we will alirayi be Blasted la h ir from , on all mattari con- seciad with < TOI > . coontry politics , and on any faVJt-ct whatever of Kfneral Inler- ; ett to ti peeple of onr Bute. Any infor- " mttrsn connected with the election , and relatinzto floodi. accident * , etc. , will be cladiy received. All nch communications Borerer , mutt b brief u pojeiblo ; and they nest. In all ease * be written upon tee tide of the ih et ocly. rouriCAL. 'AintocscnttHTB of candidates for office whether made by * * U or friende. tad whetherae notices or comnnni'-atioaj to the Editor , * r ( until nomination ; nro &ade ( imply personal , aqd if ill be charged as dT rti" mentf. BJLXAK or ir msi is foil , must in eh tnd every cate accompany any common- cation of wttl nature roevwr. This is not U'.snaed for pnblio-lioa , tut for our' oirn ifccufactlon and u proof of rood filth. All CoaaxonieaUoTit sLcnld be a4drejed tsE.r.OSEWATER. Editor. THS editor of the Herald mag- nttnlmooily excludes himself from the President's company by request- tng Rutherford to look en honest man ia fte facs. TaK director of minis BUS every , thing in rsad'nezi to turn out the ehinlngjsilver dollars as provided In thob'Jl nowavreiting the President's signature. IT li considered certain that the President wilt veto the eilver bil' ' , and that Conklicg will come to the front and lead the fight in favor of sustaining the President's action. .Both Eidea are preparing for a great FlrugRlei and the future of the New York Senator will be largely influ- ccced by tha result. JAMBS GORDON BENNETT has an nounced hit determination to eeek n ew discoveries in the Arctic regions. Ho has purchased and manned a vesnelwlth that object in view. It is eaid that Stanley will command the expedition , and in that event would it not be well for the explorer to write bis book entitled " An Ex pedition to th Worth Pole" before starting ? ELSEWHERE la this teeue will to found the entire speech of Sanator Santidera on the Sdver bill. Hi3 thorough and comprehensive re view of the question , and the ability with-which ha treats the ( subject , caunot fail securing for him the commendation of even his most iu- diffcrent of fnends. The tpsech is not a display of words , but embraces condensed facts , logically and forci bly presented. "Tun reward a radical , ( meaning Re-publican , ) patriot receives from & Democratic court , " is the very jnat otnlemeut made in tbo tele , graphic headings of the Omaha Herald , with regarn to the Ander- prosecution. The same piper to mention anything about the patriots "Who dia so much tele graphing between QramarcyPark and Portland , Oregon. Perhaps , though , tbo Herald man left that matter to be attended to by "a bet- t r man" than he. 'And after all , we always have thought , and for that matter , still think , that if the editor of tha Herald had attended to that Oregon matter , instead of eadlnjj "a lustier man , " tbo Democracy - mocracy might have eccurert fiat Oregon vote. And if it Ibod , Nebraska would to- d&7 have a repreeeatative In the Cabinet. Wo never can give np tots vlow ot the case , and nevtr shall got over the rsmoreo we at not having urged tha great and pare physician to go In person. Although "a better man" waa ppnt , Cronn w s lost , and with the dtaap- paanaoa.of his nose , wag lost lo Nabr&slift the patj msga which Ohio noV enjoys. THE ZXPJECTCO BK5CJLT. General Andorsor , of ttio Loul&i- BiaB turnlugBoard , has teen ccn- teacal to two years in the peuHeu- Urr at bard labor. No ono JB jBurprieeJ at the result unle a it be D surprise at tbe milduc&B of tbo mteucc. Jsleholla may pardon him bat it Is nardly probable. It IB elated that he said he tfould pardon him if convlctod , but even If he did pay DO , there is no _ relianoo to bo placed on his honor. Those Louis iana bulldozers love honor juat as & % rcs.t many men love work they cm stay right by It , year in and out , and not touch it. It has prjven beyond all question fiat the men rho bear the roputa- Sion of ( being the wore x wpecUblo ot the Louisiana Democrat * prom ised that persecution for opinion's rate should cease. It WBB also promised by the Royenuuent that the White League proseoutiosa Bhonld be dropped. Tais cam * promise waa tha result of an earn- twtly expressed wish on the part of Xouiolaua Htatesrneu of the Nlcholls "brand to bury forever the political jinichct. There la no doubt but that every interest of the people of .t.'iufsifuia demanded this coinprom- J o , aalbpy have had enough pohtica luring the last Un yeara to ruin any State. But they have IwoieiTtlielr own pledges , and the result ia on their own heads. How- * > rw , it l p-obable that Nlcholla would like to do aa'he agreed and himself to do. waa hy ISi. Hmalloy , the better and jnorerepectRbIe element of the "Democratic party iu Louisiana ia utterly hflple ? " It ia at the mercy of what the writer above mentioned calls tbe "last ditchers. " Thpsemen have not yetaoMpted tha results of thpwcr ; , aad ihey are determhied to tolerate no man who proclaims hira- pelf a ineinL-er of tlie party under , whose uldscce trcoeon was con quered and the TJtiiou rcatoied. rfho end of the o "Wbito League persccationB is not yet. TnE followhig passage taken from the close of the Introduction to the reports of the United States ento mological commission , now going through the press , will be read with interest. The term "temporary re gion" refers to the fertile couutry beyond the Mississippi and eouth of the 40th parallel , which is more particularly subject to gra nopper ravages ; and the confident and en- com aging statements of the com mission will relieve any anxiety as to the future of that rich agricultu ral region : "We cannot well close this Intro duction wtihcut some statement of our views as to the locust prospects for the immediate future , since our opinions are constantly blng asked for. That the insect will , Jn the fu ture , again pour down at times from Its breeding grounds Into the tempo rary reg'oa , unless by the co opera tion of the two governments inter ested , It is prevented from so doing by the course we recommend , or by some still more feasible course yet to bo discovered , there can be no reasonable doubt , yet in proportion as the country becomes settled will the locust Injury be more and more caaDy controlled. But we do not give It as our deliberate opinion that tbero will be no eerlous injury In snch temporary region the coning fium- mcr , and probably not for several years to come. We rsat this conclusion , firstly : on our personal examinations tbe past autumn over much of the coun try named ; secondly , on the reporta of correspondents In said country ; and , thirdly : On reports from the extreme northwest on permanent region. These show that none of the insects of any confluence that hatched ia tbo temporary region ro- xnnined to lay eggi ; that scarcely any egga were laid by the scattering autumn swarms , aud that with few exception : , the permanent region east of tbo mountains Is likewise re markably free of eggs. " WATER WORKS. Mr. Roecwatcr : DEAB SIB : What will It cost for water works in thia city , eay fifteen miles of pipe , ninety hydrants or lire plugs ( blxty double and thirty feingle ) and where will you get the water , and how furui&b. it to the city ? G. The above reaches ua throu2h to day's mail , and ns it relates to a very Important aud live subject we shall take occasion to dwell on euch general facts concerning it as are admirable In euch brief considera tion. Tbo questions propounded are rather out of the order of their Im portance. It is tiret neccesary to kuow the source and nature of sup ply oefore dwelling upon the char acter of the works. At the risk of repeating what has already been said on thia subject we will state that the question of course , dependiug as it does upon a deiinllu aud permanent supply , is doubt- Imsy ! answrad by the selection of one of three known perma nent water courses the Missouri river , the Papillion creek , or ILe ] Elkh > rn. The quality of the Mis souri river water , when filtered , IB unexcelled ; Its proximity and un- llmiLiblc supply give it the leading prominence ; tbe only objectionable feature to the Missouri has been its changeable channel. This difficul ty is now liable to ba settled by con fining the channel by rip rapping , cr some other method , and in that event the BIhsauri river will doubt * less ba ths souros for our water supply. The Papillion , though affording a permanent aource of supply , con tains poorer water , and though it affords facilities for a cheap pumpIng - Ing reservoir , It has no advanta ges over tha Missouri river ou account of height , aa it I ? but from twenty to thirty fost above love water of tha Miasr.uri aud its distance from the city irocld entail an expense of ei ht miles or more of main pipes. Tao Elkhorn river has a permanent limitless sup ply of gowi clear water , its slavatfou above the KIssouri river bolng 160 feat , the expense of pumping for the general supply cf the baik or tba city would be saved after tha pipe was once laid. It would , however , require tunneling through the di viding ridge this side , which is from 800 to 403 feet above the Missouri nv r ; &ud which would entail con- ederablo ! additional expense for conduita across the streams this Pide between the JEikbora aud Omaha. This source of supply would : so ruiioh more than the Missouri river plan that the interest on tha oxccsa would in ten yeara ex cc d the original cost of the latter and its working operation ; hence , there can DO uo doubt that the Mte- eouri river is both the cheapest and beet source on which to base the supply for water works of Omsha. The cost of works on this buis will vary more or less with die system adopted. To the consideration of this question we will devote our at tention in another ieaue. TUB Republican had more or lees to Pay iu its luat issue about one cx- KenatorHitcbcocic. Kow , it ecems to us we have board of such a man. Let UM ooo ; well , realty , we cannot remember bo must have lived a long time ago. rhat'a it. The clufiaio editor of the Kepublicau has bsea reading In eorae history of the Roman republic , and has there met with the name Phlneus Welllngto- niua Hitchcock. We know that we bad seen or heard of the man , but it being a long time ago , vrehad forgotten tbo circumstance. Referring to Senator Conkllng's uoHCCimntable silence on the silver bill , the New York Times renmrlw tiar''NothIng ! short of loavea and flahe * will move his fiery eonl. Lut f-omobody try to snatch a bdo waiter from Ills grasp , and ( ho lion will roar. " Bnt lie has promised toroar when tbo veto comes. POLITICAL KOTES. Tlie Senate restored the franking privilege , last week , In , of course , the interest of an oppressed public. The Atlanta Constitution la as- euied that Bebator Hill will not vote 10 sustain a veto ot the silver bill as it stands , and expresses its thankfulness - ness for small favors. The profession of door-keeping , however noble in itself , seems to bd unfitted for Uje descendants of ex- Presidents , or else the Washington papers are making a great ado about nothing. Ihe selection of Bayard Taylor as Minister to Germany is distasteful to the Pennsylvania politician whose beau ideal of an ambassador IB a weazened old man with a par tiality for widows. Every time Gen. ' Grant opens his lips on the old Sumner tiiBputo some statesman gets a rap. This time it Is John Jay , who , " the ex-president says , wanted to be minister to Eng land himself. : A large share of the Domocrsfic preea seems to beilovo that the White House has been built with returnins boards [ Chicago Trib une There are some Republicans who seem to be foold enough to be lieve it , also. Mr. A. H. ( Stephens is credited with saying ; the other day : " 1 want to die ia the harness " He added that If biaheilth continnca RS good c3 it Is now , he would bo a candidate for election to the nest Congrees Jomi Youns : Brown. Boyd Win- cheater , Luke P. Blackbaru , Judge G. 8. BHokburu , Thomas L. Jone ? , Milton J. Durham and J. JProotor Huolt , are among the Democrats of Kentucky who aspire toflll the gov ernor's chair for the next term. The Illinois Democratic State Committee has fixed upon April 11 as the date of the Democratic State Convention for the nomination of candidates for State Treasurer and Ft tto Superintendent of Public In struction. A bill Is to be reported In the Sen ate appointing a committee of five , not all ot whom shall be advocates of total abdtinence , to investigate the subject of alcoholin liquor traf fic. The provision admitting Dem ocrats upon the commute1) Id n prop er one , all tnings considered. Is it compatible with the dignity of a Vice President of the United States to go about the country pre siding at political meetings and tpnlis dividing conventions ? Tom Heiidrlcksdoes this , and does it , too , as Vice-President. But Thomas isn't enough of a v. p. to hurt. J. Madison Wells offered fo sell the Presidential chair to Mr. Kev- Itt for $50,000. The offer was spurned by the chairman of the national committee , and the result wan. what wo This is tbo simple truth of history in a nut shell. [ Omaha Herald. Is that so ? This , we suppose , settles it. The virtuous chairman , probably , want ed .Louisiana for the eatne price as Oregon. The trouble no doubt arose from the fact that the THden barrel had its bead knocked In too long before the event mentioned. [ Inter-Ocean. TEio Hilling Passion , sctaa Capital CerresponJerce. A French l"'Jy , distinguished in society a3 having had more adorers that any other woman , died the other day , leaving her husband a freedom Mo had lone sighed for aud no aucient nail. The beautiful lady c/irAuni Franch forbad coldJCrom going to a boll. But thsu she must also go to another ball two nights afterwards , instead of staying in her bad. in vain the doctor told her it vould ba her death. Toe lady coughed badly , but replied : ' But , aay friend , do you not un derstand that a womau of faehioa can afford to die , but ciuuot afford to miss Count Hoperini's ; ball , where all the most rand world will be ? Will 1 die ? Eh bun you shall see ; I give directions for a more grand funeral than Paris has yet seen. I send for Worth lout de xutic ; I make mydelf fitted for A itnceul ( French sheet ) , in which I flatter myself my adorers shall still ilnd ino charming. VoUa " At the ball the was rather more beautiful and bewitching than usua' , and rarely if over had a Fnlou wit- uessed a triumph of euoh eclat ; but the next day the beauty couldn't move and h.d to send for a priest , while her husband was made sad by glancing over the losg Itemized prosp30tU3 for the funeral. Placing her fair hand in that o' her husband , tha lady bsid , in faint accents : "Afon ami , if you love me , swear that you will do something whiou i shall asi. " "I ftwear. " "Then eco that all shall be ns I have llrectcd , especially the black plumes on the horses' heads. " A d her rniud being easy on thst point , she faintly asked tde priest to read something from the Bible , and when he requested to .kuow what particular chapter she liked best , she replied : "Alas ! I know ths Good Book so little ; but attendez. my father , it there not iu the Baorod Volume that sweet little etory o. ' the youug Jo- ooph tmd Mrne. Potlpbar ? Kead to me that , I pray you. " Aud with that reminiscence of the Good Bock the famous belle was rocked into eternal sleep. A writer in Nature says that by comblniug the telephone with the liinesegrsph he can produce a talk ing picture which will move and gesticulate as a man docs when he l-i earnestly engaged in spjaklng Tins he proposes to do by taking instantaneous photographs ot the speaker at Intervals of a quarter or hslf a second , anil these , after fix ing , are to be placed one below another on a etrip cr ribbon of raper wound from one cylinder to another. As each picture papses before the eye it tb to be lighted up t > y an electric spark , and the man will thus bo presented to us at successive momeute , while the recording phonograph speaks the words which the man uttered. It nicy be years before producing the form , motion , and natural voice of the original. Who dare say now that tbo time will not come when whole dramas will bo produced nd libitum from actual p&r.'orniancee , with such fidelity that they cannot bo distinguished from the original ? Rev. Dr. Field says , in the Evan gelist , that "personally the late Pope was a man to be respected and to ba loved. It is thirty years this comics May since we first saw Pina IX , in St. Peters , and ridins about the street ? of Home. As wo look ed into that kindly face , It Tsras eesy to seethe character of the man ; thr.t he had a tender heart and the best intentions , but that he was not a man born to rule. Has he been a simple parish priest , or a bishop In eome quiet corner of Christendom , where wars and revolutions did not come , be would have been revered and loved as the father of his people ple , as a truu paster , the sympathi zing friend of all who needed his care , a good ehopnerd who cared for bis sheep , and watched tenderly over hia flock. " HON. ALViX SAUNDER'S Speech I" the Un I ltd States Senate On Hie feiivcr BUI. MR. PKESIDEST : The financial question is without doubt the most important subject that will interest Congress the present session. I do not know that I shall bo able to add materially to what baa already been said on this subject of remonotizing silver and restoring it to Its former position as a legal tender. Never theless I shall beg the indulgence of the Senate while 1 present a few- reasons why I shall oppose the amendments pioposed by the differ ent fcJenatora aud vote for the bill so far as its provisions In regard to ro- monetization are concerned juat as it onme from the House. If 1 for one moment could bo made to ballevo that by supporting tbo bill I was in any way aiding in doing an act of irjaetlce to those to whom our government i3 Indebted I would at oncn abandon the idea of giving even the pemblanca of eup- port to the measure. But , sir , wheu I legsslate simply to atid'to the cur rency of the couutry an additional amouut of the same kind of consti tutional coin that the lr w provided for when these debt3 were created , I conceive that no wrong Is being dans , but that on the con trary , I would in thus leg- l-tlaiiug ba increasing Cue means wherewith to meet these obligations , thus making thulr payment the more certain. Tne amendment of the Senator from Wisconsin [ air. Caiasron ] pro pose to rnal-e the silver dollar con sist of 429 sraina of &dver , nine- tenths flnc ; and amendments of other senators pro' jt > o changes of a like character , but all fixing It at higher flyurc-d. If I blieved , elr , that the rcsiouetuatton of silver of the same weight and fineness poa- sessc'l by it before . .be act of Uebru-1 are , 1873 , waa p ooud , wou'.d not have the effect to reatoio the silver dollar to Its old position side by side with gold , I might ba Jisposoa to vote for his , cr souioj'imiir.r amend ment. But , sir , I do believe that thu reatoraticn of the old dollar will have tha : etlcct ; cue ! I further be lieve that the man ; reason for the great decllno In silver in the Euro pean markets has grown out of the fact that tbo United States have de monetized silver , and out of t'je other fact that th , United States had baen produciug more silver than in former years ; and that , on tnis latter account , an alarm was created upon the supposition that the world would soon be flooded with silver. And even now , sir , there is an idea prevalent in many parla of Europe , that our silver pro duction is largely In excess of the real facts. If any cue has f.ny doubts about the demonetization not of 1873 hav ing had- much to do with the de. preclation of silver in the markets of Europe , let him turn to the table and figures showing the prices of silver bullion in .London in pi lor years und there see when the de cline took place. It ia my opinion that he will s t once concede the fact that that set was the primary cause of tiio decline. From the year 1850 up to and Including the ynar 1872 silver bullion wad isevcr lesj than sir pence per ouuc in the .London market , and the average price for those twenty-two ye rs was a large fraction over slxty-ono pence , which made our silver dollar during the whole of those twenty-two years a large premium over gold the avar- t c premium for the whole of that time being over twt > per cent. But , sir , beginning with the year 1873 , the year In which the act .stopping the further coinage of tbo legalteud- er dollar was passed , diver declined m the London market to ihe aver age price that year of a little over fifty-nine pence , and continued gradually to decline , until in 1876 it sold as low as 11 fly-three pence , aud 13 worth now , I believe , about fifty- five pence. Aud now 1 ask if the United States government can af ford any longer to as3i = c In beariug the market of her own productions ? Sir , I thinK not. Tno amendments nroposed by several of the Senators to the effect that the silver dollar chr.ll be made a Ie al touder for small amounts only I will most certainly oppose with all the powers with which I am possessed. I want no more de preciated currency. In my opinion , sir , the greuteut mistake tlmt was made In all the /iiiauci&l notq of Congress was iu nut mnkiug the paper ruoney ressivaole inr all debts and putting it ou an equally with gold. That very cc ? , wnlie J prob ably sav cl ltd tens of millions to the rovernment that it would have had to pay to procure gold with hloh to pay the luteredt on our national debt , ccul me people hundreds of millions by tha additional price that was put upon all imwmert goods. Lst iw lock at the operation ol this system for a monieut. When Imported goods were received In 2Ne\7 York tub duliosnad co be paid ' in gold , tlio merchant kuowlnz'iliat his eu tonicr3 from the country would pay for the seeds Jn greeu- daoke , which , ns in well known , were at a largo discount , amounting on an avprago for the lost ten years to more tnun 17 per cenl and in tha last thirteen years on on avoraga to over 25 per cent. No-v all this additional oc3t was put upon the > ; oods iefore telling to tbp.iyauntry t ado ; ind v jen you add to thia the percentage required by the retailer , it can easily bs e.eii that & very large irzrt of the cost of all imported goods v > js paid by the coneuiaer to meet the discount on the paper currency. Then I beg of the Kanate to give to ihe country no more depreciated currency , as It ccrtaihly will do if it limits the amount for which the silver dollar shr.ll be a legal tender , liat us not commit luother mistake by creatlug t ; third distinction of inequality in the currency of the government , but mate the filvcr dollar In all re- speeu a legal equivalent of gold. Either make silver equal to gold , so far aa the law can do It. or blot it out of the Hat of coin a of the couu try. What id right and proper for the retail dealer thould be the same for the wholesale doKlcr. Thtre should be no ditfereuce made hi the value of the money circulated by the Government ; it Btiould bo so resu lted as to affect all interests alike. 1 believe , sir , in a return to ppeclw payaicntd nt as early n day as is pmotlcabK Hn l I been in Con gress when the bill was parsed , In Feoruary , 1870 , Cxin : ? a day for a return to opocie pa > rxiaufrtl would not have voted for it , but now that moct of the damage that auch a law was calculated to do hsi already been felt , and severely felt it was , I am Inclined to the opinion that it would be well to try and carry out tne law , and to this end I want sil ver rcraonetlzed and made a legal tender for all sums and for all kinds of debts ; and with tbid added to cur stock of gold I shall feel e.nfa in the undertaking. But if we have to provide for all o'ir indebtedness in geld I shall have such fears of fail ure that 1 would , rather thr-u risk it , favor a repeal of that act. With kold and silver , both beicg legal tenders , I shall have no fears ot tha govern ment being ready --eAiDie by the fixed day , January 1 , J879 The laws of the United States of 1S34 and 1837 , recognizing gold as sixteen times the value of silver , put the relative value of gold above that adopted by any other commer- cial nation , none other HO far as I am Informed making it higher than 15 } to 1 ; eo that I cannot see the ne cessity of the amendments of Sena tors to this bill giving a still greater relative value of gold by increaa * ing the iiember of grains in the silver dollar. Again , this increased difference would widen the distance between the ratio of the values of the two metals and that recognized by the Latin union , and thus make it more difficult for us eyer to agree with the union upon t n international standard. It is my opiuiou , elr , if Congress were now to reinstate silver to its former legal tender position , that no incouvenleuce whatever to trade would bo experienced in consequence quence of the quantity that would bs put into circulation- Neither gold nor silver would bo used to any great extent as a circulation med ium , and especially in the cities. Paper money , so much more con venient to handle , would bo the klud of cutreucy uaedin making all exchanges , and no nioro of either silver or gold would ba used than for the purposes ot convenience in making email change. Most of the coin would go into lha vaults of the treasury and of tauk& for the re- domptiou of the paper money when demanded , and thus exchanges would go on without Inconvenience or less to anybody. I have no confidence in the re. marks 1 EO often hear made , that 10 per cent. cr8 _ par cent , ur any oilier large psr ceutago would be lost by depositors m savings banks , or by anybody else , If silver be rsmoue- tized. Why faould it ba so , Mr Preaideat ? To-day the greenback paper dollar is woith nicety-eight cents in gold , while a silver dollar in said to oe worth about uiuoty two cents. Why tliia difference ? In not diver , that has an intrinsic and marketable value of ninety-two ceuis without being coined , worth as much ua ihe reg aud lamp blacken on which the gieenbackfostamped ? It is thh , Mr. President : Tue gov ernment has endorsed the paper dollar and has said it flmll be taken for all kinds of debts , "except duties on imports and intercut on the pub lic debt , " while this same govern ment has said by the act of Febru ary , 1873 , that bilver shall not be ta ken as a legal tender for more tnan $5 In suy one payment ! Thla , sir , is the reason why pllver to-day ia lower in the markets han green backs. My friend from Michigan [ Chris- tianoyj admitted in his speech the other day that silver would rise in the market up to , us he thought , 95 cents. Why limit it to 95 cents , when , if remouetized , it would answer all the purposes of gold ? Does he suppose that the business men of the country who are import ing goods or who have deots of auy other character to pay would pay gold when they could purchase sil ver , even at 99 cents to the dollar , which would count to them one hundred ceuis ? To-suppose Ptioh an action is , I think , to very much undervalue the business taotaud sa gacity of the people who have oc casion to use large sunib in the transactions of their business. Sup pose , Mr. President , that iu 1873 , in stead of demonetizing silver , Con- gresti bad demonetized gold , and that to day the silyer dollar , as it was given us by the fathers , waa the only money that would pay import duties and interest ou the public debt , will any one pretend to say that silver would not bo worth more than gold ? The fact Is , the depre ciation of silver is mainly due to the act of Congress in driving it out of existence as a legal tender. Then what is wanting to restore it to its former position ? It la simply noth ing more nor less than to put it where it was found on the lat day of January , 1873. . .Let tne government remoiieuze sliver to day , indorse it ana make it receivable for all debts the same as sold , and to-morrow tne silver dollar will bo worth more thau greenbacks , and will be worth Trithin a small motion of a cent ot gold , and sll tnis fright that has bean created with the depositors In savings-bauka and with others will have pasjed away as a dream ; and in doing tbid there can ba no viola tion of tt legal obligation or the abandonment of a moral principle. Even In London , the recognized centre for regulating the values of bullion , the best business men arc taking n more hopeful and a more reasonable view , as I would think. ot the etfeot of the change tbau many of our own people As an instance of this , I present tne fol lowing view of the situation , given by one of the leading bankers In London , and taken from a late num ber of the London Times. He Bays : Attentivn consideration ot the probable effect of silver remonetisa- tlon in America would probably do much io e&lm down any alarm that may have been raised by hasty talk about repudiation aud the liko. In the first place , it is necessary to sep arate altogether the "silver" men from the "poft-moaey" partisans of the agricultural States of the interi or. Thla bill for the remunetiaatlon of silver has nothing or little to do with projects for the issue of uulitu- ited paper , except so far M tha pars ing of the zneumn-e might do much to render euch i = tue useless , Re pudiation is a word that can in no oenee apply strictly to the United States. Snpposin ? it should decree silver as the sole lawful money to morrow , and WQ doubt whether Dondfaolucr would lese much by the change. At the present price of sil- ( Contimtcdon JhirdPagc. } C.H4 LEADING JELA dec29 lyr M. R. RI5DG ? * , GEITEE'L INSUSAKCE AGENT , REPRESENTS : Royf.l Cr.nadr.n , ( Cari al ) . . . . . .J6 GCO 000 Westchester. N fdo 1KO M The Merchnntt' . rei > ai-k. If J. . . . . . 1 O"0 0 0 Ulrard F re. Ph ladeohla ! . 1 f < > . CW Mortbwoitern National.- . . . . . . . - . 000 0 0 Oleni Falls , N Y Wo 10 Britiih America Astnrsnce Co. . . . . . 1 200 ( CO Uoithern Ins. Co. of Jfew York 4(0 0 0 fet > 213m ] S. Motz , Wholesale and Retell dealers in all kinds cf FRESH FISH , FRUITS , JPROJOTTOE. Ko , ? il Donzias Street , Between 12i and IStb , OMAUA , at. Coatiffitmmti of Butter & East HoKeitcd. ftMiii tt DOC * * f til otters. TUy exa t * ftrarl uu 5oHd ltu i tt tu4 M Lrtmi. Kntvcsa r Piict. „ _ ay iU boy tt a. Cu t * - ' - - - fry BUt _ , „ - . . . . .w OIT. * * ul W t&n Arru" fist . krtlelet. " 7 tia GmV * t * rl ftw SS , - r c : aer . " " Ok Q. BANKING HOUSES. FRANK MURPHY , BIN B. WOOD FreeidenU Cuhier STATE BANK OF NEBRASKA. CorFarnham & Thirteenth Sts. OMAHA , - ITEBSA8KA. Capital , $1QOOQO. Transacts a general banklce business anc fells drafts on all th principal o.tiea of the United States and Europe. Bar gold dust. jTenmont. city , county , and state iecurni : ! . aug if THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED [ 90S ! IN NEBRASKA. CALDWffiHAULTflH&CO BASTSSES. traxia&oted CE.B fhnt of en incor porated Sanic. kept in cur- or grold ctzljjeot to ht ohcoEc witiiont en tice CJeriiflcatca cl dcuoslt * is&iiad. paynftla in throe , sis and t-wolvo "basu&aK izitsreat at per CGE.I. per nsx uo , o ? on dodand witliont inter est. est.Aivanoaa Aivanoaa rnscia to ona- omera on approved so- curitiea at anarket rates of inter ast. Buy and eeil tro3d , Iilla of ostoiiaiLge , government State , County and Oity bonds. ight draata on ? eland , Scot land , and all parts of JEfo- Soli Snx-opesn Tickets. COLLECTIONS PBOMfifLY MADE , s-rltr n. s. riRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA Ccror Firnhsm and Thlrtaeiih > 8 ! . F&lablishcd in 1856. Organized ai a National Bank Augutt 20 , 1303 Capital ana Ptsfls ? OTeL$3SfllflflO. $ Specially antho-izol by the Secretary o Treasury to Hocclve Enpjcriptioss to ths OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : llcrman Knuntt , Pret * . Avffif * > uKovnti , Viet Preit. U W. Yat't. faiMcr. A.J Poppk > ! au , Attorney. Jno. i f'righton F. H. Jq i > , 2't Cai\r This bankrecsives deposits -without retard toamoanU , lasnestiiae esrtificates bearing interest. Draws orafta on San Francisco and princi pal ritica of the United dtates. aiio London i > oblin. Kdl bcr" and the principal cities o he continent of Europe. _ b iu piecAco tiokaU f r emigrants in ths li-- TAflRANT'S SEUlitH APtR ENT. SIOTHERS who dose tbeir darlinrs with drastic rnreitivej incnr a fearful re poail bll'ty Too.jntlc. modorata ( yet effectirs laxitivei altsiacle ana anti Inllons ot r- tion of T.rraat' * 8ItiT Apwloat peouiiar ly adapta it to tha disorders of children , " MAOI TCKOr THE DEPABTCD. NP. 4981011 Bel. Fershiw si Ksriey. Will by the aid of rnardiaa spirlU , obtain fcranyonoa vie-r of liepaat , prcasntant future. No feei charsed in cass of riok- c 9 nrli'-tf eend For Pamphlet Dsscribinz the Ciimnlatiyc HEALTH LIFT ! The only Tlosl.b Lift 7erinadowbcn3u eii GU KAKTSSD ! To eara < Sueao or purcha-e mono ; refund- " * ' J. 1 * . JVIAItSB : Ss CO. . ° oleProrr etoiond Mhnufco nren. 224 ind 223 East Wtihin3on ! 3L , CHICAGO , A. J. Carrlnsre Mannfaotiirer. 253 A 2W Podce St. Oaialia. Neb. ona Bugovt on Sand , 8cp29 LATJSDRIES , PAE AE STREET LAUNDRY. All rcntlrmen wishine their fhirta done up in first clots style will do well to call ai BUTLER'S LAUNDRY , 133 F IUVEEIH STREET , All work called for and delivered on short notice. BhirU . . . . . . . . 15 cents. _ . . . . . . . . . Collar „ „ _ . _ . ( G < ! o Drawers. . . . . . . _ _ . . .m.10 do U'derebirU. . . . . . - 10 do Socks--- . _ . . . . . . . . . . . 08 do White vest _ 25 do Gent's and Ladiei' roodr $160 per doz. * * > CHAS. ii. BjlLEH ftop. BSIVOLAH PROOF iAFPS. Minnfactnrer of Fire and Burglar Proof Vault Door * , Jail Work , ic , Cor. lith atld acckson S , .K PK ring of all kiads proaptiy done. f b6Jiyr PHYSICUNS < ND SURGEONS. C.W , BOBBINS , M.D. , HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN , OQce and. Residence : 305 Capitol Ave. 19dlyr Dr. Emily B. Koblius , GENEBAJD TRACTITONEB , IiSteof PhiiadeVoia , haa located at No. 305 Gapito ! Ave. , Office hears , 1 to 3 p. in. Call * attended at all hours. Cor. 13th" and Douglas Si. No. 2 , rwscAer'a Blockt lia , Nebraska 8URGICALKOOMS. I , Van Camp3 M. D. Diipenies his OTTO medooioei , MjolAr prastico , mnkes ipsoialitiii of De- rantsment * nnd ! * * * 8 peculiar to women. fistula. File * and other dueaie * of the 0ICK Corner of Tarclm and llth Street , first door to therisht , np-italn. Ree- decce , ISth Street , first door south of the Becond Methodist Caiiroh. Omaha. Nebrai- ta. Address Look Box oOi. ItnSldiwtf DR A. S. Consulting Priysician , JIAB PERMANEHTLY LOCATED HIB MEDICAL OFPI02 , 493 Tenth Street. - OVABA. RVBMIKI. OScrinphia lerricea la all departments of medicine nid enrory. both in cenoral and jj.SK.iai prcotiee. acnte and chronio disease * . Can ba consulted night nd dar. and will visit all parts of the city and country on re- : aiot of Icttou or teleitimi. 1K8.J.E.VAMI > EBCOOK , a. I > . ON ABA - NEBRASKA. Residence andoBotfco. 203lJodfe street. North eids. bet. 12th and 13th. narl-tt V. S. C02TMA2ST. M. D. . X4I rinhsa SIr ror Profeaalonal Binrltaj Tim DolUn a ttit _ t'- - . l-r HOTELS Al ! ) HtSfAU RANTS. ciimuL im , .8EBSASKA. The Iwjest and best hoUl behrwn Chica go and Ban Jranoljco. OpcBoJ naw Beptainbor SO , 1873. MlCOtf 6KO. TURALL. i Froorietor. Corair Rudeloh'St. d Fifth-Ay. , OSJOA 6 0 PHICIS acoucEa TO JS OO and 32.50 Pes ? Located in the Business Centre , Convenient to all placet of Elcsantly furaished. eontalolnz ill modem mproTOmoTiU. paeeeuser eloTstor , io. J. H. CUMMINQH. Proprietor. 0. F. En : . . Chief Clerk ( lata of Gaoit Hoato _ nelSti NATiOfiAL HOTEL , J. A. FEDEWA , Proprietor. Cor. 7th and P streotj. LINCOLN , NEB. GOOD STABLES snd STOCK YARDS For the accommodation of the Travelling Public. TERMS. Two Moa 8 anil Lodzing. 755t . ingle Meals. 25 cents ; Lodging without neals , 25 cenU ; Two hcrso : abled and famished ail feed. $1 ; Two hours foraiihed nay end etablinz , 25 cents. QIVB MB A CALL AND SEE FOK YODR- SELIf. _ aaeSd tf TOWNS03T HOUSE Salt Iiake City. 17 : T * 3. KftTOXftWltf. Prop'r. myl6dimo ilnf < i ! Wiatef , motel , BEA H STREET , BOSTON. Opposite Boston and Al'uanr It. K , _ BARNES. GILL & CO. . Props. CAKPXTS ; H3 . OUABA. XE5. novlldiwlT Dr.JRicord's JZ'mtt of Lift renorsi iztn- hood and the vigor of yonth to ths QiOit chattered eonntitnti-n in four week ? , froa. whatevercaujoarinne. Failure Imposaibl , This Iife-rd torine rtraedy hond ! be t i.n by all about to carry , or who have become weakened from CXCOM or any other casre. Success in every c : n as ovrtmn nj it ! ( bit watar will qnecrh thint3 . er cae. Sole Agent. Dr. .10.1. JACQUES. 7 Univer sity Place , Now York. Drugu ! * Supplied. iuly ? dtf < .ccto-oi tt nverr dvcrtltar ihould lial . Hcnt fcr tin cents by SCALES. DOWls WITH HIGH PHICES ! Chicago &cale Co. , 68 & 70 Weat Monroe St. , . HI. rfl Pour ton hay scales , 450 ; old price. $169. All other eizvs at a great reenetion. Al c Is warranted. 8 nd for circular and price lut. GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS D. WLitiicy , _ H. G. Clark. . B nterciu 3 WHITNEY , CIiAHK & CO. , Western Agents of ths Pioneer Tobacco Company , WHOLESALE GROOEBS ; ( AQ2NTS TJUPOET POWDER COMPANY. ) No. 24.7 X > oufflaa Strost. mas OMAHA , NEBSASKA. JB , FRS2TCS & GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ALL CONSIQNMEHTG RBOSIVS PROMPT ATIEHTIC Orders from the country promptly fllled. Conitantly on hand. choice lot of r * J ttaiU , ucn as apples , pears. 4c. . also poultry. Jive or dressed. * p35-tf Ko. ID ! Farnham Streot. BnUreen llth and IZth. ( Saeef twn to Cr Isbtoa A8K5TS FOB HAZAED POWDEB COMPANY1 209 Fftroham St. . GROCJBR8 , AND WHOLESALE DJEALEKS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC CHEESE No. 019 ISUi 8TRBET BETWEEN FARNHAM A POUQLAS. OMAHA IJBBHASKA : COAX. TJKAI-T.KN. Pratt & Towle m OITIO2 508 TliirteentSa-8t. . s. WHOLE8AL3 AND BET AIL = S * " : Bookseller and Stationer ! ! DEAI.IB CLO'TH AID PAPER WINDOW SHADES AKD SHADE FUTURES Sfo. 222 3FAMWHL&3S. OMAHA. - - naiU Doubls and Single Acting , Power aud Hand .MINING KACHTJJEKY. Belting Hose. Brass & Iron Fiitiiigo * Pipe , Steam. Packing : at Wholesale at. Ketcil- HalladayWind Mills , Church , and School Bells. A. L. STKAHG. 20i Parnluam St. , Omaha , Web.aprl 0. 7 WHOLESALE DRUGGIST.- AND DEAUB IN Paints , Oils , and Window G-lass. A1SO GENKBAi VHOLESAIE AQENl FOB Jftanedy'i Hemlock Sheep Dip. Konnedy's Hemlock Liniment , Cersedy'e Zztnct Caaadsnsis , Rawllns' Metallio Paint. SSS Douglai and 180 FAENHAK ST. , 02IAHA , FSB. _ . i i * "ce3 ly KENJSTARD & FORSYTE , ( Sueceison to Martin ft Kennird. ) WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS , - AND JOB3EH8 IN - PAINTS , OILS , SQ16RS pzorEirroaa OP THE TRIUMPH DRUG AKD SPICE MILLS , AID UANCriCTCBCES 07 Omalia , HAKE OUR PEB10NS AND CUB HOMES ATTKACTIVr ; . \Vonder-prtlio "World. ZZoruilces. Caell j pzf&oilf and * j-JnVsotl-voil * * y jfaui/ian 7oi7rttne Improve , rariches , and beautifies comi Iexicn . . ---SOo fltnvtiMSrnni- ! * Mril'iat 'E nts.powderscools.beautifies face and arm ; _ 25o fi-yarlKrg Branlian Erillianl Vlt&n * . beautifies and i > restr s the U5.h -25o /rar > Jt Jittrtfftvior v'ltans tbe head and bmrcnd cures dandrnff- _ 25o Pratilian tbeja-fVwint Dienen , iccreieta and prforres tsehair .50o /rtui/iun Toiltt ! * ' Sonp tocbicos all sntaiior toiiet prapsrMiisoi- . _ _ _ . . . . .23o 7'rcWtnn i.ot loU &KTJI-'Ihc fa TO nts fdimilr cleaner and beamier . . _ I0o jrtUitxt J wndry ibffp * ixho Qncoi of the Latzitlry * * r- i-t H-IJ-ITUT- TO- * jjranlianKnOianl Qi eJ permanent roliih toj tr lr . metIsard gl 's . 23o JJratWan ( 'it Poliih Renews cna beaatifiet faraitur * ana ull wood work. . . 25c Branlian Self-fcti * % Stove PoKtJfzeel * in tims , nestne * * aaJ ueaa-y IQa 5rrWiun Tmptriol Limajtu > it Kor aecldeot , eiorrrene es. and all cl " 3u of pains and &eh * Wsrruotrd unKjuilied , and snonld be within mmt'diate ro ch of everr maa wuman ncd child. 2t50o. For further partiealarj rc crd.n < th s tralr eztraoralsary articles. cbain free from your dealer onr twantT-rasapaninh'e'.or .tdd.eai VTP febSCm BRAZILIAN DR.LU HI CO .44 . .IKB Street , Chicago In Moaameata. Head Stonet. Orate * , Fornitarj. Work. Plnmb j ' 6Iab . eta. fccotch Oran'ta MonnmenU lmrort a. Marble , Elate and lion Mantles always 'a hand. Superior aaterials and Mccimiieal SaUb snarnntteu. De.i nB andpnM lur- nUh dfre ofehane. Orders Dy mail > iii weive prompt att .nton. Slreet , M Bcor M e OMAHA. - BaptH CHICAGO SHOT TOW3B COMPANY MANUFAOTTJBEW3 OF OFSHOT. . 4 ISifeiraF-A AS si ia ? = s rx ll * 5 " " l > = - "ri gifM - j V4ii s * S 3 a > . glr S Sy cro E , W , BLATOHFOBD & CO , , AlA3UFAGlj E i OF / Lead Pipe , Slieet & ; Bar Lead , Blcols Tiw , , PipOr and SSoldsr , LINSEED OIL AND Oil , CAKS , OTCT > 3BKW W01ICITJJW. 70 North Cliaton St . ? aug 23 wed Iri Q < n iw lyr FOR TIK LAUNDRY OR TOILET. & EQITAX , to UTiIto CartDo JV n. for It b mc < lc of POTK VCOTrTiIJI.K OIIA , and by thi eame prperaf. which retains all th nitnral heallnif quallllss of tb oils. It on H fu > ntC31 i&tha importfd nrtlcla tliat it coming into pp etiol-lu. Tlif uw of COLCJVr lacoi lcinclbyrhy of \ _ 't > Soap ri ! cr IS * only by riu .Ttn < ? O uaui. Cln-inritl. - ami retail WflRIf In their own localities canrwine for tha Firtnd * Vuitor. ( enarited ) ) Weekly and Monthly. Lars est paper in the world , with mammoth Chromes Free. Biz commission to a ents , > Terms and outfit fr , L 1 1 > P. 0. V1CKBRY. Anjnsta. Maine. wtrfta mrp lDtn hosoriblT aad tut W. B. HTTG55BS , DtA'.SI I * Groceries and Provisions , FOEEIGN & DOMESTIC GOOD ? , CnlleryToyMi > I I7oloi > . or > tL Ei.voj No. 539 TSNTS ST. , Bef rt B DcaB'u ' ead D de * ,