Jaaaarj 25. i878. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE Ifl Eftrred to tttbEcriben by carrier , to any part of tie city , every evening , ( Sundayi excepted - cepted ) at fifteen eentj per week. All eoapUints aboat irrecularitlcS. or im proper delireryot the paper. If address to thw office , trill reelove prompt attention , 7'e OmaJta Daily See has by far the larc- ert ctrccUtioa both in Omaha and abroad a id < E therefore , the best and cheapest ad- Jif OaaKa TJaSy See will bo milled to tubecribers at the following rates , payable invmsilein adynce : IS.OO per annmn. 81.00 uzmcnths. l TM OaaJta WetMv JgafZ.OOper year. B V-rO * IKTtRESTIKO MI8CXLI.AKT. LATICT VOKBTAKT AJfO OOKUEKTIAL BETOKT8. RAIL- CO .D AKD rOSTOFTICK TIME-TABLM , BK > TBrBD PAGE. WELF & MCDONALD , IM PORTERS AND MAMJPACTU. JKEKS OF CLOAKS AND eUTTS. 50 Farnham street. BeplS tf Bead J. B , French & Co's new price list in another column. nSOtf BREVITIES. ' Bennett & Co. , hate and furs. First class job printing , at low. est figures , at the BEE office. lave boss are bringing $3.25 to $3.45 per hundred pounds in Oman * . Cify Clerk Taylor Is quite an artist. His drawings speak for themselves. Subscriptions are being solicited for the furnishing of the new First M. JS. church. The remarkably warm weather of the present winter is all owing to the heated discussions on bell. . The Bkaltng at the foot of Farn- ham street still continues good , and large crowds erjoy the sport every evening. The BEE job office is the place to get i w prices and FIRST CLASS work. work.The The private masquerade party nt Masonic -hall Wednesday was well attended , and a very pleasant time-was had by all. The opening hop of a eerlei re- ccntly arranged at the Barrack ? , tookjplace Wednesday eve. It was quite largely attended , and was a very pleasant affair , lasting from eight to half past one o'clock. Mr. A. T. El well , agent of the I'uilcd States Express at Council Bluffs , and Miss Carrie C. Test , also of that placewere married Wednec- dsy afternoon and left for the East , intending to be absent a couple of weeks. weeks.As As yet there haa not been enough cold weather to form ice sufficiently thick to cut , and the prospect is that tbo ice crop will prove a failure. And hence the complaining voice of the ice man is heard in the land. Regular quarterly meeting of Trinity Cathedral chapter to day. Holy communion 10 a. in. , imsineea meeting immediately af terwards ; evening service at 7:30 , with sermon by one of the visiting cergy. cergy.There There will be no meeting this evening at the First Baptist Church , as previously announced. Rev. Mr. Jameson , the pasfor , and Rev. Mr. "Williams , of Nebraska City , left to. day f jr Fremont to attend the quar terly meeting of the JScbraskaBlate Convention. Gen. 1. A. M. Dudley , for merly of the department of the Platte , has been tried at Santa Fe , Iew Mexico , and found guilty of conduct prejudicial to the good or der and discipline of the army , &c. , aud has been suspended from rank pay for three months. T. C. BBDNNEB , the standard grocer , haa the finest ana beet assorted stock of fancy imported ami staple groceries in the city. Yon will do well to give him a call , as he makes first-class goods a spe cialty and his prices are as low as tlio .lowest for the same quality of goods , and are clean and fresh. At the annual election of officers i'f the Flrst-Baptlst Church Wed- x'cKlay the following were chosen trustees to fill vacancies : Watson B. Smith , b.P. Brigee , W. T.Sea- man and A. W Phelps ; deacons , O. S. Wood , Uilah Hobby , Roswell Smith and Thomas Bonn er ; treasurer r urer , W. T. Seaman ; clerk , Wateon II B. Smith. The opening party of the Impe * lW I3ab Wednesday atClark'ohall was a grand success. The pro. gramme was well arranged , and the music by Hoffman and Neale was excellent. W. H. Clark is the pres ident of the club ; 8. B. Reed , sec retary ; and W. T. Rogers , A. Me- Jvcnzle , W. O. Sanders , and James X Woodard are the executive com mittee. Before ordering your commer cial printing call at BEE job office nad get figures. A. few days ago the BEE ex- poBsd a swindle that is being played by an eailern outBt , and yesterday n man called at the BEE office aud V.ited that he bad been bitten by the swindle about a year ago , and ha had Just got another opportunity to invest in the same enterprieei The circular , which Is sent out to jwraons all over the country by "Russell & Co. , of 37 Bond street. > aw York , " states that the recipi ent is the owner of an unclaimed lottery prize , consisting of jewelry valued at , for example , $200 , and i hat it will be sent by express on receipt of ten per cent of the value , i. o. I/ook out for this scheme , as it U nil a put up Job , as the jewelry is it worth one-tenth ot the percent- * - * < required. It is a new way of foi'3g trash for a good pnco. If yu have ever invested in a lottery v-m will DO likely to receive one of these circulars , as the names of ' ; I , SQ persons who have purchased 1-ittery tickets for the last ten yearn ? recorded , and these records ore vcaslble to the eender ? of these ter of appraisements. The Toniest Indian in America. After a Brief but Brilliant Career on tlie Stage He Ilcllres Again to the * 'Bosom uf ( lie Forest. " Corrjliiff iTltlt Iliiu JVnuierwus PrrB- eulbfrouilluffnlo Kill nml Ofbcra. Two Bears is the name of an Ogalalla Sioux Indian Chief , who arerived in the city Wednesday from Chicago in company with an army officer In whose charge he was. Laat summery while Hon. W. F Cody , better known as Buffalo Bill , waa taking his summer vacation out west , at the Indian agencies , he conceived the Idea or introducing a real live Indian on the stage m a play that was being written for him by Major Burt of this city , and which has since been most success fully brought out under the title ol "May Cody. " Ot course nohigh private of the rear rank" would answer - swer ; nothing but a real high-up chipf would GH the bill ; and ae- cordlngly at Red Cloud agency Buf falo Bill selected and engaged Mr Two Bears , and In the fall took him east with him and superintended bis debut before the delighted audi ences of the eastern cities. The debut was a success. Two Bears took the role of an Indian , ol course , in which the principal business was ( o roll around on tht stage and do some wholesale scalp ing. The critics admitted that hie part was beyond criticism. In fact , his acting was a little too realistic at times , especially when he had taken on too much fire-water. One day he had a difference of opinion with Nelson , the interpreter , aud a lively "onpleasantnesa" ensued. Two Bears bore down on Nelson with his tomahawk , and would have killed him had not Buffalo Bill op- jportunely rushed in and knocked Two Bara head over heels. Bill asked Two Bears what he waa about , aud ibo chief , with Washingtonian - ingtonian truthfulness , replied that he could not tell a lie he waa about to cut Nelson to pieces with bia lUtlu tomahawk. Bill coin- mended the chief for his straightforwardness - forwardness , aud told him ho might ba the fatner of a large family yet , if he only bad a fair show. Two Bears was so pleased at this en couraging remark , * hat ho forgave Bill for putting a bead on him , and thenceforward their friendship was as strong as ever. Two Bears was a great favorite wherever he appeared , and was o strong card in the Buffalo Bill com bination. He bad all the fire-water he wanted to driub , as everybody treated him. He never refused to "saiile with the boys" until he reached Cleveland , where an Inci dent happened that caused him to become a temperance man. A young lady electioneered him on the subject of temperance , and finally succeeded in inducing him to "swear off" and join the Murphy movement. The young lady gave him a blue ribbon badge in token of his pledge , and he has ever since kept the ribbon aud kept his pledge. He has not touched a drop of fire-wuter since , notwithstanding he has been invited thirty or forty times a day to drink. To every in vitation ho would emphatically re ply , "Wahneetchi , " which , trans lated , means , "I drink no more. " He has traveled all over the East visiting all the principal cities. Upon arriving at Chicago , however , be became homesick and made up his mind to return to his own pee ple. Before leaving Chicago Buf falo Bill gave him S150. n part of which he invested in a now suit of black clothes , a stove.plpo hat , congress gaiters in fact a complete white man's outfit. Bill also gave him a gun , a gold watch and chain and other presents. He also re- celved numerous presents from dif ferent ladies. Ho was turned over to the military and then sent to Omaha. He spent nearly all of to-day at the military head- < luartors He had a long talk with Gen. Crook , whom he regards as a great warrior. He doesn't talk any English , but as Gen. Crook cau con verse eomewhat in the Sioux lan guage and understands the signs , the chief had but little difficulty in making himself understood. Two Bears says that when he goer back to bia village and tells the young men of all that he boa seen ; of the number of warriors that he haa met ; I hat he could not count the towns nor the people in the towns ; that the Hioux nation , compared with the white people , is but as i > drop in the great Missouri river ; that he cannot count the number of the ladlen who have fallen in love with him ; then will the young men pronounce him the boss liar of the world. Iwo Bears appears very proud of his new suit of clothes , and especi ally of bis stove-pipe , which he fre quently smooths down with a little brush which he carries for the pur pose , aud ho does it with as much skill and grace as any man we ever saw. A valuable pin ornaments his nobby cravat. His long hair flows down over his shoulders and is kept in good order , he Laving learn ed to patronize the barber during his travels. The thick , solid gait ers , however , do not allow him to walk with the accustomed light tread of the moccasined Indian , and it is puepec-ed tnat he is al ready cultivating a corn crop ; how ever , this la n big step towards civ ihzatloii , as it is the Intention of the government to induce all the Indi ans ( o follow agricultural pursuits. To an observer it would eeem that Two Beam la without doubt the tonlest aud best dreaged Indian in America , aud when he returns to his native heath , the red heathens trill no flnubl tor a while look upon him with a Jealous and an envious eye. To an observer it would seem GIrton , the English college for < uiiiKti-fitrMM-M-m Mr viiiui""tn vr old "Spot , " but this is not the case , however , as he has great reverence for Spotted Tall , and considers him a great chief. S.TWO Bears will leave to-day for Yaukton , and thence go to 1113 new Spotted Tall agency. Lieut. Sohuylef , o ? Gen. Crook'a staff , will deliver this "ward of the nation" to Gen. O'Brien , who will see that he reaches his destination " right side up , 1th care. " CLOSING Our at BTJSHMAiN'S. All wool merinos at 25 cents Navy-blue , seal-brown and bronze 65 " Dress goods ( worth 50c ) 35 " A large , choice lot at from 20 to 25 cents ; see them. Ladiea1 and children's merino and Ihecy-lined hose at decided bar * gains. Ladies' , Gentlemen's and children's underwear must be seen to bo appreciated. In the men's gloves we are offering , you will be surprised to see the prices. Call and examine. A large lot of ribbons at 15 cents per yard , worth from 20 to 35 cents. Call at Bushman's if you wish to eecuru dry goods at the lowest living cash prices. 34 3t Have you aten that beautiful "Centennial Medal Award" at Cur. ner's. His NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO , Williams' block , 15th and Dodge , is SUPERIOR to any in Mow York. jan22tf lectnrc. On Sunday arrangements were made for Mr. O'Leary to lecture on his travels in Europe and America on Monday night in the Emmet Monument Hall , but owing to a meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic for the same evening , the lecture was postponed till to-night at 8 o'clock. Mr. O'Leary is a good speaker and a close observer , aud bsiug himself a worklngmau , his views on the social and general con ditions of the people on both sides of the Atlantic , will be worthy of attention. Hard to Beat fine-cut. Max Meyer - er & Co's. B. I. Hiumau , Esq. , of North Platte , registered at the Grand Cen tral Wedneday : evening. Dr. C. J. Fox , of Chicago , ar rived in Omaha to-day , and is quartered at the Planters' Hotel , as a guest of Mr. Willis Sweet. Jutlsre Valentine , of West Point , pissed through the city Wednesday homeward bound from Burlington , Iowa , where he went to attend the funeral of his mother. Among the arrivals at the Metro politan are the following : J S Tappan - pan , Franklin , Pa ; E Heifer , Chicago cage ; S D Stone , Plattsmouth , Neb ; J B Chappelear , McDonnells- villo ; J B McAfee , Topeka , BJ3 ; S 35 Blakeley , California ; G C Gat- ton , York , Neb. ' Among the arrivals at the Grand Central are the following : CSPJat- tenburg , Chicago ; A J Bernard , Buffalo ; F R Plumb , Philadelphia ; C H F Smith , a Ruger , New York ; H A Cooke , Quinoy ; Jas K Spons- ler , Pitteburg ; Craig L Wright , aioux City ; S A Flagler , Otlumwa. Mr. L. I. Kaas , of New York , a practical Jeweler of several years' experience with leading firms in the metropolis , has been employed by Max Meyer & Bro. , of this city , and in the few days he has been here he has already turned out such work as stamps him to be a thoroughly first * class workman. Covenant Degree Lodge , I. O. O. F. , meets this evening for work in the different degrees. All members aud fifth degree members of subor dinate lodges are requested to be present. L. A. bTEELE , Bec'y. Why will you pay a large commission - mission to agents , when you can buy a first class. ' piano , including cover and stool , warranted for five years , for $250.00 cash , at Max Meyer & Bro's. HORSES FOR SALE. At the Checkered barn there io a Hue lot of horses , from Missouri , for aale cheap. This Is a splendid op portunity for persons wishing to purchase good horses at low figures. jan212l * For Caps , go to Bunco's J23 2t Auction at Murray's every day. -27dlm The Neb. Farmer. tmDsenp'ns and adr't no'd at the Grand Cen'l News Stand. c23tf The rapidly Increasing demand for Ellert's Extract of Tarand ; Wild Cherry , is a positive indication of its merits. Thousands of individuals who have been cured of Coughs , Colds , Bronchitis and Incipient Con sumption , where other remedies have failed , are the best proofs pos sible that this is without doubt the best cough remedy yet discovered. ootl3-eoa&w-ly. A POISON , Deadly in effects , known as sugar of lead , enters largely into the compo sition of the eo-called hair restora tives if the present day , and many cases of death have resulted from tlielruse. Dr. J. Newton Smith's Hair Rastorativo does not restore color to the hair , but restores hair to the scalp , hence it does not contain nor need any poison. Note this fact , ye who are using poison hair truck. Go to C. F. Goodman's and see it. Disease and Death , when they reach our own household , are too serious for jesting , we use our best endeavors to drive off the dread messengers , and are only happy when we feel that they are at a dis tance At the first approach of that fell destroyer , Consumption , In the f nape of a cough or slight cold as well as more severe Bronchial or Oatarrbal Complaint * , we should at once use Eilert'a Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry. It has no superior in puch cases. Every bottle warrant ed to give satisfaction. Bold by all Druggists , octl § egd&wly A F r er Osaka M Commits a Mvrder at Ckeyenne. On Monday night laat fhillp A. ( jfeorge , better known as "Lon. " George , ehot and fatally wounded John Moore , a sergeant of Company A , Fifth cavalry , at Cheyenne. The victim died on Tuesday. Qeorgo was formerly a resident of Omaha , and waa employed for a time by the omnibus company. ' He was a hard character and bore a bad reputation while in Omaha , lie was engaged in sev eral brutal and unprovoked assaults , one in particular being the assault on Dr. Charles. The following account of the shooting affray is taken from the Cheyenne .Sun of Tuesday morning : Last night about 11 o'clock a shooting atlray took place near the railroad track , south of the Metro politan Hotel , which will probably result in the death of John Moore , Bergeant Co. A.'Fifth cavalry. The shooting is said to have been done by P. A. George , known about the city as "Lon" George , and employ ed by Ida Hamilton as a hostler. The ball entered the stomach of Moore , cutting directly through the liver. George was arrested by Offi cer Howard , at Ida Hamilton's sta ble , as he was in the act of saddling the well kuown horse "Whalebone , " preparatory , as it is supposed , to taking bis flight. Officer lugalls arrested. Joseph Marrou , a driver at Tdorpe's livery stable , as an accomplice of George's and both were lodged in the county fail. The wounded man was taken to Dr.JBarkwell's office on Sixteenth street , inhere bis wound was dressed by that physician , who pronounced his injury of a fatal character. It was deemed advisable to take the prisoner , George , into the pres ence of the wounded man , for iden tification , and he was accordingly brought down irom the CourtHocsu and taken to Dr. Barkwell's fllce , wbero Moore lay writhing on the floor in intense agony. As soon as George entered the room , Moore pointed him out , saying , "I think that is the man who shot me. " He then proceeded to describe George's clothing ; said he had on. a light overcoat and a black felt hat. The prisoner , as he then appeared , wore a light hat and bad no overcoat on. He indignantly denied having worn a light overcoat during the evening. Mr. A Gueck , who was present , was positive he saw George inhis | sa loon early in the evening , with an overcoat on such as described by Moore. This remark from Gueck exulted the wratn of the prisoner , who called him several hard names and become so obstreperous that the Sheriff was necessitated to remove him from the room , and soon after- war is took him back to the county Jail.Th3 Th3 wounded man was removed m an ambulance to Fort Russell about midnight , where he will re ceive the best of attention. He is a fine looking , gentlemanly appearing man , has a large circle of friends at the Fort , and is quite popular with his comrades. George , who is charged with fir ing the shotis a smooth-faced young man , about 22 or 23 years old , and considered a pretty hard customer. He came here from Omaha , where he was a 'bus driver. CAUSE OF THE SHOOTING. Sergeant Moore , the wounded man , gave a Sun reporter the following - lowing facts regarding the affair : He and a comrade from the fort had been sitting in the Concert Hall on Ferguson street , and upon coming out started to go up the alley-way between the Hall and Jesse King's wineparlore. The other soldier , who was In advance , was knocked down by one of four men. He cried for help and Moore went to his as sistance. Upon reaching the spot where his friend lay upon the ground he waa also attacked by one of the men , who knocked him down , seized his bat , and ran out of the alley to Ferguson street , fol lowed by the other three fellows. Moore followed them across the track , south of the Metropolitan , for the purpose of recovering his hat , and while advancing upon the party received the shot at the hands of "JLon" George. He is unable to account for the cause of their attack upon himself and companion , but is inclined to be lieve that robbery was their object. "Lon" George and Joseph Mar- ron both stoutly deny having any thing to do with the f hooting. Their preliminary examination is expect ed to take placa to day , at which time additional facts will doubtless be developed. Max Meyer & Co's Favorite plug is what you want. It is the best. It The gourmet talks eloquently about truffled quails , pate Ue foie gras and other such delicacies. Fin him down , though , and you'll find he admits the supreme Importance of good bread , biscuit , rolls , etc. Here all agree on the basis of true gastronomy. To be sure of the most delicious things baked from flour you must useDooLEV's YEAST POWDER. C. F. Catliu , of the Omaha Book Company , has been duly commis sioned & NOTARY PUBLIC for Doug las county. 24d2t Prof. Adolphe Maitre , Dancing Madter , graduate from Paris. Teaches ladies , gentlemen and ju veniles. All modern fashionable dances and gracefulness , Waltz , Newport , Saratoga , Landers , &o. , &o. Address or apply at 336 Cass street , between Seventeenth and Eighteenth. Hours , 9 to 10 a. m. ; 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p. m. References given. 22eod3t For Gloves , go to Bunco's. J23 2t Eaton , the photographer , will soon move in bis New Gallery , on the first floor. He prides himself on having the most complete one west of ISew York. ja2tf A flue line of imported Cheviot received at the Omaha Shirt Facto ry. They are going fast. Come and see them. them.THE THE ONLY PLACE In the city to obtain genuine Bottled tled Milwaukee lager beer is at Rlchter's , corner of Ninth and Howard streets. Family trade solic ited and all orders will receive prompt attention. eep21-8mo To close out a lot of Buflalo Robes from the British possessions , we have reduced the price 25 per cent. "Now buy Robes. " G. H. & J. 8. COLLINS. janlleodSt A Womaa Killed by * a Fiendish Half Dreed Indian la Conn * oil iflnfb. - A terrible murder was committed atCauncil Bulfis yesterday morning , the victim being Mrs. Smith , wife of an extensive grape grower resid ing at Council Bluffs. It appears that Mr. Smith , with his two child ren came over to Omaha on business on the 8 o'clock dummy , leaving bis wife at home with three other small children. It was during his absence that the deed was perpetrated. She was found dead In the cellar about eleven o'clock , with her throat cut , the body being still warm. \Vhen Mr. Smith returned to Council Bluffs at 2 o'clock , he was charged with the murder , but he soon convinced bis accusers of his innocence and that he know noth ing of the murder until in formed of it upon his return It appears that Mr. Smith had in his employ a half-breed Indian , and when be was looked for it was found that he bad suddenly aud mysteri ously disappeared. It then became evident to nearly everybody that the deed was committed by this In dian , and on examination it was discovered that the deceased had passed through a terrible struggle in her efforts to resist ravishment at the bauds of her murderer. We have been able only to obtain a few facts in the case , but will pre sent a full account in our next issue. An active search is being made for the murderer. . AC. WM. GENTLEMAN , DEALER IN Choice Family Groceries , PROVISIONS & PRODUCE , ar.E. Cor. IGtli & VOSH _ jn4d3m Godfrey & Dexter , Pnill ? ] ? ? AWTl QPTFG1 MTTTQi lUroiib liJj orM JJuLLo ! Manufacture of and Vcaleriin Mustard , Cream Tartar , NONPAREIL BAKING POWDER , Ask Tour Grocer For our Fresh Boasted and Ground Coffees and Nonpareil Baking Powder , and take no other. Voraalo by all flrft c.asa grocers- 291 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA. OcUOdly S. Motz . . , Wholesale and Retail dealers in all kinds ol Fresh W , Fruits NJD JKOX > TJCE. No , ? il Donjlas Street. Iletirccn 121 Ii and 13th , OMAHA. * Comignmcnl of Sutler & Eggt Solicited. s pl91vr Robt. Herrick , Groceries and Provisions , Gntlery Toys end Notions , CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE. 260 Dodge Street/ O . < 5c 2ST. W. UNES. TUB A NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Emnracas under one management the Great Trunk Railway lines of the West and North west , and. with its numerous branches and connections , forms the shortest and quickest route between Chicago and all points in Ill inois , Wisconsin. Northern Michigan , Min nesota , Iowa. Nebraska , Callifornia and the Western Territories. Its OMAHA AND CALIFORNIA LINE Is the shortest and best ronto between Chicago cage and all points in Northern Illinois , Iowa , Dakota , Nebraska. Wyoming , Colora do. Utah. Nevada , California , Oregon , Chi na. Japan and Australia , Its CHICAGO. ST. PAUL 4 MINNEAPOLIS Line is the shortest line between Chicago and ell points in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota , and for Madison. St. Paul. Min neapolis , Dnluth , and all points in the Great Northwest. Its LA CROSSB , WINONA & ST. PBTERL1NB Is the beit route between Chicago and La Croese , Wlnona. Rochester.Owatonna.Man- kato. St. Peter. New Ulm. and all point ! in Southern and Central Minnesota , IU GREEN BAY AND MARQUETTE LINK Is the only line between Chicago and Janes- ville. Watertown , Fond dn Lac. Oshkosh. Appleton. Green Bay , Escanaby , Negannee , Marquette , Houghton , Hancock , and he Lake Superior Conntrv. IU FREEPORT AND DUBUQUE LINE Is the only route between Chicago and Kl ein. Rockford. Freeport , and all pnints via. neeport. Its CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE LINE the oldest Lake Shore Route , as is th only one passing between Chicago and Evaneton. Lake Forest. Highland Park , Wsukegun , Racine. Kenosha and Milwau kee. kee.rCtLlUiC rCtLlUiC rAHCHlDttiWIVG BOOH OAKS are ran on all thronsh trains of this read. This is the only line running these oars oetween Chicago and Et.Panl ! and Minneap olis. Chicago and Milwaukee. Chicago and Wlnona. or Chicago and Green Bay. Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake Shore 4 Michigan Southern Michigan Central , Baltimore & Ohio , Pitts- burg , Ft. Wayne & Chicago. Kaukakee Line and Fan Handle Routes , for all points East and South-east , and with the Chicago and Alton and Illinois Central for all points South. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R. R. at Omaha for all far West points. Close connections made at junction points wllh train ; of all cross points. Tickets over this ronto are sold by al Coupon Ticket Agents in the United States and Canada. Remember , yon ask for your tickets via the Chicago 4 Horth Western Railway , and take none other. New .York once. No. 115 Broadway : Bos ton Office. No5 State street ; Omaha Office. 215 Farnham Stfoet : Chicago Ticket Offices , 62 Clark Street , under Sherman House ; 75 Canal , corner Madison Street ; Kinzle Street Depot , corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets ; Wells Street Depot , corner Wells and Kiniie Streets. For rates or information not attainable from your home ticket agents , apply to W. H. STKSKiTT.Gen.Pass.Ag't. Chicago. MIEVIN H08HTTT. Gen. Mang'r Chicago lan'J-ly _ _ The Only Immediate RelieJ , and certain euro : Doctor , , T , . , - . Strong's European Remedy. HFITlATfrTA ? ia evefy cnse u.cccl8r.al lU'UMLlIiOPrico $1. Prepared and mailed only by JM. HARDY. Box 172 , Chi ! oago. 111. nov28w4t * . . - Mirntsc Guide itlurtri' with numerous eagram from life trmehri il thei JllUltUOhCMjIcl k OV I Courtihip. M m f. t I'hTiiolociral Mj tfr and RcTtlaiioni oft illktnd of Ducftici. irjth hundreda of Talnable we p * 10 should marry .the irnpMin > enti to rnarriae * . their n and c-ire. Treats on a'l Dimira. fully frpfaimriz thf * u < e , ymptomtandmeanitocure ; it la the only res -len'iOe ork otlhe kind eTtrpuWnaed. and Iicnmplr i rrtrt - . Sect tealed ' n n-fprrt. ccurely on rece'pt ot ; cl ri.lre. . . Jr. C. A. Bontl UH , tr " " - Louti.Ma. Pitjblii } UJ i. . M w-i comtte or worthj to be published In both KnfflUh and Oermnn . Oco large and prorue5 11 nut ruled , jet low j-rlccd Tolume.Ticxe toeccctecu o T.T others * i Iradldlj illoitrateJ anrfmat erir > croaehln Gnat > ct auU10lebnUon. AGENTS WANTED ! F TPTlDsIotTr preTTTherointiirtAnUinjhUtorrolocr'wiB ry. better. ra > ehauca for Affrnts Kckiag ijlrtt cVw boot ron > laton ACordperlptImi and liberal t nnt , to V. s An married rttjrtbl * on the mjitoii ofUiewzualaTiUxn. itt tbutti GUIDE eta. , la rt tCfcoTrrln in th ut ; on how to prwerrt Ue health , and complexion , as r.flo fadrd cbeekj the tretanejaofToatbtheb itau inly true MamMreQuWe In t-a world. Price A ) cent 'jlfjil. The author miy be coarailed perxmauy it H til on UIT of the nblecU rnestlontdin hit vork < Hnf HTOBJ.OW1 , liTQHTOBJ.OW1 ut liTQ e peat , the bed-hue , that at "ncst-hld- inft" he excels Beecber ; as a sucker he ia superior to the cUpflhg pbrnj ) , while he equals Lydla Thompson at "drawing. " It is rather strange that they refuse the blood of a lady who has the hysterics , or who is prostra ted with" " any chronic female com plaint. Now it strikes us that all ladles , who are aQHcted as above in dicated , should at once resort to the use of that wonderful fcmalo medi cine known as English Female Bit ters , and be cured of these female troubles , that they may furnish good wholesome blood food to the starv ing bed-bugs. Full particulars can be had of C. F. Goodman , corner of 16th and Capitol avenue. Mothers will find Dr. Wincnell's Teething tfyrup just the medicine to have in the house fur tlie children , it will cure colds , coughs , sore throat and reeulate tlie bo wcL- < , try it. Hold by all Druggists. oc'.13 ' eod&wey SANTA GLAUS IN THE MUD. Everyone knows when he's in town Santa at Bunco's can always be found. This yoir. the mud boins nearly kneadeop lie thought he'd surely find us osloop. But hearing a rac * et out by the door. bunco saw Santa coining as often before Ihe old follow was in a terrible plight Covor'd with mud almost out of sight. But happy and iolly and ever so gay. II o opened his pack and till morn did stay He promised cold weather , the jolly oil sou. And to open the door up at the polo. Ho left mittocs forEila. Kitio and Jane , Kor Willie and - ' hn. sieves of the same : For mother , nice furtuis c\trso warm , And pain , n cap , so c'-od m a storm. Collars , alw.ijsau , ( c .a dr you know , For Johnnie when kse g > 'tmt as a bsauf For Jimmy , sus , i > adst . ever so Etroug , And hats for tbo K-T ! t i.mostat a cong Always go to Buuca a fur Hats , Ulovoa Suspenders , Shirt Collars. Keck wear. Va liees. Traveling bags . thin Muds. Elctv Buttons , ftc. . 242 Docglas St. . corner 14th. NOTICE. Advertisements ot To Let. Jftr 6 lo. Lost. Wnnta. Found. Boarding. Jro. will be inserted in these columns once for TEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent insertion , nvii UlSN'XS per line. The first ineeruon never less than \yj5NTY-yiVg CENTS. TO LOAK MONEY. _ _ ONEY Tu fcUAW uA. EDWARDS. M 181 Farnham street. nov"3m * HELP WANTED FEMALE. W-ANlED-Girl for general house-work at N. E. cor , lllh and llarney. ja2t' WAMVKll Uirl for general hou'awork at American House jl'Jtt WANTED Girl for cenoral housework" One bringing good recommendations and able and willing to work will be paid liberal wagt * . Apply atb W cor. California A 21st Streets It WAN1ED-SITUA TION. ANTfcD situation , a strong , healthy man io do any kind of work , address P. A. Bee Office. j. 2tT W ANTED Si.uation as nurse girl , sd- dress Q. M. Bea Office. j24 It * WA A 7 RD MISCKLLANKn US. WANTED borne one to buy oat a tmisi- ness , established It&f. and on a good paying basis : gcodiojsons in\cn for wan- h address y. M.lo ! Office , jlllvr WANTED-Partncr with $3000. I have a stock of General Merchanduo amounting to. from'SKOO to * 70JJ and wish a partner with tbe above amount to take a half interest ; a good chince fur a young man. Addicjs Merchant Omaha Bee. j Ui * fOR RKNT-R 0 QMS. l/Oll BENT The Library Rooms , enquire J ; on promises. John Q. Willis. _ TO _ If OR KKN1 Ono brick house , 1 rocrnsaml -L. cellar , with nil modern improvement ! llth and Pacific. Address Gzo 11 Peterson. WUOthSt. _ jan/Ttf 1 < OK KENT Hon. Palmer's honso. 21st A and Burt. W J C'OMNELL. dec2itf ) TpOKEENr llonse. Enquire of J Dr. Edwardi. Itl Farna-p St. d31 1m * FORRKNT Anew house 8 rooms and kitchen , pantry. 4 c'osset' , collar , etc. . on Casa bet , IMhand 1'Jth , caqu'reat llth andfainam , J. Jobnton. _ j5 tf FOK KBNT-Tho brick build ng at the Konhwcst corner J9.h and Burt Strts. formerly occupied as a grocery store. For terms enquire at John Cane s. Ur Jobn Baumer'a. 23.2 Farnhain ctreet. IGti \ , OK HUNT Horn c. on 21st fat. and r ich- * * olla Key riiposita. _ jil U * FOR RENT-MISCEL LANEO US. FOR RENT-Blaetsmith shop and dwel- ling ear. Cass and IGth st Omaha. j231t OR REM Saloon on 16th st. oiippeito Jeflerson Square. 622 , the old "Water Place. " _ ' _ j216t FOJt bALB-JtEAL ESTATE. 99nP/Mf ihn fifi of tbo north one half / < LL Ul 44 ' 1 1 ! ) DO of lot S in block 156. on 12th atroec. bet. Farnham and Ilarnoy. In- oulreat JolToo House 01 premises , ocfitf BOOSES AND LOTS f OR SALE. 1710R SALE-A lo 1 60x1 WJ4 feet . in Lowo's -8J addition , commanding a fine view , for 190. Addreae R. . Bee Office. _ c22tf FOR SALS MISOELLANSOOb E OR SALE Very cheap for cash , a (5ur- ley Compass , tripod and bet complete 5 % inch needle ; good 0.3 now. Call on Ueo. Smith , county surveyor , Court House , J23d3twlt PIANO FOR \LE-Chtap. . A. T.JIc- Millnn.N. W. cor. Uth and Howard sta. iT- e price , two -1J soholarahips ia the Davenport Basics : ! College. Apply or address. "B. . " Bee offlea CURED nAMS Brca fast ba SUGAR shoulder * and clear sides , alee choice kettle rendered lird at wholesale at packing house , south ou U P traci. Fat noes wonted. D. Cooke novlb 3m AOOTWNnnd SKOOrW-ttAATt 0001)3 . .t UU 'V..Hi. . aud Uoinmia- JJJOttrii . Ui L * sn.s - rret. High est price paid ' < r f.r-'juc , , bouschold goods and second * > " - ' ' r febl7-tf LOST At Masonic Hall , Wednesday eve ning , a gold car King : Cndir please leave eamo at C. F. Uoodcan's Drag fctoro , tinder Masonic Hall. _ j2 < 2t * STRAYED Oco dark iron gray colt 8 months old , any information ns to its whereabouts will bo thankfully receive 1 at 251 Davenport Street , or at the office of the Bee. )24U 1T7 ILL exchange 2) ecres of land in Ef- nnghamCo..Ills. . valued atS.COfor a Good Piano. Addrcs * P.O. Iox ! 625. 19t6 171UKSALE iwo thirds interest in an es- JG tibnhei ! and i rofitablo manufactnr ing business in Om aba. employing at pres ent -2 men. Satisfactory reason given for selling. For particulars inquire nt Law Office of T. W.T. ttichards , No. 509 Fourteenth - teenth Street. _ Abb AT Ihe b. K. corner ot l.th .ind Dodge Sts. for first class board and well fnrM facdroomsat reduced prices JZlCt "C'URLEAsE The east 22 feet of lot 8. C.blocs. . 310. A good location fora clack- smith shop. Enquire oi John Baumor , 232 Farnham Jtrest. _ 16tf _ MERCHANT TAILOX , Q. A. Lindqnest. the Mercnnr.t Vmlor. has received a fall assortment of Clotas , Ciusi- merea and Vesting : , for tall and winter which can be made up in the latest style and at reasonable rates. Satisfaction jnaran teed. _ septS Made by Agents selling our Kabber PRINTING STAUFS. Send for terms. Taylor Bros. Si Co. Cleveland. Ohio. _ gep29JAicly * UAR1) To all who are suffering from A. the errors and indiscretions of youth. nervous weakness , early decay , loss of man hood , &o. , 1 will send a receipt that will cureyouFREKOFCHARGK. This great remedy waa discovered by a , miedonr.ry in South America. Send n. self-addressed en velope to the Kov. JOSEPH T. INMAN Station D. lliblo House. New York City. oct9deodiwly . 3IAXCFACTO1I1EM. eiojaq SOOI.KI put joe i no oniratiB 0 } poitentw i uaqqof ' } 9 JS aeo m mmm snivia riTnicHJt GET * 0 SHSHfUQViOHYK GROCERIES ! HI lo h -AHD- KNIFETOTHEHIU ! GASH , CASH , CASH ! I will sell for cash or "Give Cradit to responsible - ponsiblo patties who ray their bills every thirty day : , at the fallowing prioes ; Compare my list with the FrancoJern a- JembTBICTliV Cas1 ! Price lists , and tally one for FEAKON. I have just received a nice line of new Seasons' 'leas , and have cut prices to the following rates : An excellent YOUEK Kyron tea for . 40 A very choice do do > io . . . . . 80 The very lest do do ia town . .l 10 Good Kzglisb breakfast tea for Very Gnest do do do . Japan tea sittings ( an excellent article. . . 40 do ( a good ( tcepcr ) for . . . . . . . . . . . 0 do ( very finest flavor ) for . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Gunpowder tea ( choice article ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 00 do do ( best for money- . . . 1 40 Imperial ( best in town- . _ . . . . . „ . . . . . . . 75 5tt > of good Rio coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 4KB very best Kio coffo - . 1 03 lib Arbackle's roasted coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 41b best roasted Rio coffee- . . . - 1 00 Best lard per pound - . „ . „ . . . . 10 ' eft Calhoun flcur per sack. war'nted..2 75 Bait Perless flonr per sacK . - . . . . . . . . .2 75 A family flour per laok . . _ . . . 2 25 Best candles per pound . - . . S ) Best matches 7 bozos for. . . . - . 25 Bran per .00 pounds . - G > Oats per bnahol . . . . . . - _ . - . 25 Corn do . . . - - . - 25 Early Hose Potatoes per bushel . 6 ) Best table sjrnp I or gallon . 75 Bo-t pickles do . < C Best lye per box - . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Best cheese per V > - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J5 Dried apples do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 Currants do - . _ . 10 Haisins New Valencias . . 12K Itaisms new Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Butter medium quality . . . 18 Butter frcth from dairy , choice - . . . . - . 3 Bo tapii'.osper bushel . - . . . ! 00 Mixed nickloB. pints . . - . . . 40 Chow chow do . -10 3 qts'ccinbcrrses for . 25 A full line of canned goods of standard brands at lowest living ratej ; alto wocden- wae. willow-ware , stone-ware , etc. . etc as chcanas the choipest. I don't sell a few articles below cost with the intention of making oust' iners p y for the loss , on other goods. Everything is down to the lowest pimible prices , and I guarantee a month's bill can be bought lower at my etore than any other place in town. E. Fearon , Corner of Witt & Dote Sts. P.8. Highest price paid for farm produce A good f table free for the accommodation of farmers' teams " . "thu4fn6m lias , in consideration of the hardships the people bavo to undergo in wading through the mad. reduced their prices as fol lows : atS-Peoplo will do well to give us a call. 10 Ibs A sugar for 1 00 101-aibs C sugar - 1 00 12 1-2 brown sugar - 1 00 9 Ibs granulated sugar 1 00 5 " good Kio coffee - 1 CO 4 " beat do 1 00 A No 1 flour - 2 40 Beet silver glos starch per Ib 08 13 pounds best S. Carolina rice 1 00 81-2 do dried peaches . 1 00 14 do do apples 1 03 Best a. ola-s:8 pr gal. . . . . . _ 45 Beat syrup rcr gal. . 6Qa 5 Atmoio's mince meat- . . 11 ISlbsbestSt. Louis xixx crackers. . . . . . . . . 1 00 Frazer'a axle grease 03 Tea pr Ib 25a80 Ver * boat eun powder tea 1 03 do Young Hyson . . 1 CO 22 pounds cat meal _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . - . 1 00 21l > can cora . . . . . . . . . 17X Pickles per gal . 40 iMlbs navy beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 10 Ibs blackberries 1 00 Best61b can paacbes . . . . . . 22 Best jib can pumpkin . . . . „ . . . . . . , . . . . . . _ 15 do do squash- 15 do do peaches - . 18X Best can lye 10 A i > ol broom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , . 15 Unadulterated coal oil 2u Host Cod Fish pr Ib - 18 51b pitted cherries - 1 00 Southeast Corner of 16th and Chicago. STS. OMAHA dc29tf THEY ARE Public Benefactors ! WHO AKE ? WHY , J.B. FRENCH & CO. , THJ5 They have raduecd the price of Groceries fully 30 PER CENT. , and I can now buy norr goods at their Store/or $20 than lean get far SsO at any other , and every article ! s warranted Just a * Represented. They sell 12 Ibs Uemarara sugar for . . . . . . . . . . . . * 1 00 Ij'A Ibs C Sugar for . - . . . - 1 00 10 Ibs A sugar for - . . _ . - I 00 9 Ibs Granulated Sugar for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Rio coffee 5 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 0. Q. Java coffee 4 pounds for - . 1 00 Japan tea per pound. . . . . . . . - . 25 Oolong tea do do . . SO Young Hyson tea do . - . SO Silver Gloss Starch do . . . . . . . . - . 8 Bulk Baking Powder do . 23 CJoal oil pergal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Molasses do . . . . . . . . . . - „ _ . . 45 Best Syrup Jo „ . . . . - 70 Pure Maple Syrup per gal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 30 Best 'White Russian Soap 20 bars for1 00 Kirti's Chicago soap 22 bars for - 1 00 Best cranberries per quart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Atmoro'8 Mince Meat per pound. 11 Bestlfamily mackerel per ket . 95 Best winter wheat floir per sack . 875 Best Spring wheat Hour per sick . . . . . . . . . 250 A No 1 flour - 8 Sj Best axle greaco per box . 8 Best currants 12 pounds. . . . . . 100 Best pittedchorrios 5 % pound . 1 00 Best blackberries 10 pounds . 103 Best gooseberries 2-lb can . H Best blackberries 2-Ib can . 12 Best poaches 2 Ib can . . . i Do 3-lb do . - . - 18X Best pie peaches 6 Ib can - . 23 Best String beans 2 Ib can . . . . 03 Best tomatoes 3-lb can . - H Heat Lima beans 2-lb can . - . . . . . 1' Best cove oysters 2-lb can . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Best bird seed per pound . 9 Navy Beans 22 pounds . - . -1 00 Choice dried apples 15 pounds 1 00 pounds . 1 00 Carolina Rica 1 J - - Best hominy 34 pounds . - . 100 ' ' . . 1 00 Best Sal Soda -6 pounds - Best New York cheese per pound . . . . . . . . . 14 Boston baked beans 3 Ib can. . . . . . . . . . . - . . 80 Apple butterfilb can . . 60 York State apples gal can . - . 40 Salmon 2 pour dean . 40 lo 1 do . . . . . . . - . „ * . . 25 Mackerel 1 do . - Lobsters 1 do - * 2 Clams J do . . . 18 do 2 do . . . . . . . . . . . . , . * 80 Baker's premium chocolato. . . - . 40 Durham tobacco pr Ib . . . . . . . . . . - . 63 Best fine cut do do - - . . 80 Best Ranker do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Crosse & Blackwell's chowchow . 40 Choice winterUippIes per bush - . . 1 00 Ooodt Sold on Credit. J. B. FRENCH & CO. , novlS IJT 191 rarnlmn Street. W. B. HUGHES , DEALEB IK Groceries and Provisions , FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS , Cutlery , Toy nil Notion * . 07 ALI , KIHDS. No. 539 TENTH ST. , Betwmn Doufllil and Dodge , Omih . sp91 ? HOIVriXC MACHINES. HOISTING MACHINES. THE REEDY Steam E ulicsiflHan ElevatorS Are the Boat Manufactured. Eend for Cir. cnlar and Prices. J. W. RUDY , Man'fr.r S3 , 85 4 87 Illinois 'St. , Chicago , Illinois , c- C. O. IXOTT322X. 4Sk CO. , Ag'nts/459 4 491 ISthSt. Omaba.Nebraska. novS 3m BOOTS AS U SHOES WM. SAAIPELD , BOOT AND SHOE MAKER , REMOVED from 15th St. opp. P.O. to 260 Douglas Street. deel22m W.V. MORSE & CO. . 50i & 506 14TH STUBET , We are carrying a Tery Heavy sstocli of Goods. Suited to the Western Trade , and Hill in all eases M , Boston or HOMED Invoices * _ _ . . _ _ And m nany cases we m Will Guarantee Eastern Prices , WITHOUT THE ADDITION OF FREIGHTS. As we can handle goods in Omaha on Closer margins than Larger Cities. Owing to the low rate of expenses. For western merchants daairinz MAKE SPECIAL FTGUEES ! And ship goods , if desired , FROM OUR UOSTOA OFFICE , US Summer Street. W , V , MORSE & CO , , aag29eod&wtf WHOLES AM DBALEES * A PMOlS HIS ill ililMl ! The Largest Stock In the West ! ! WINCHESTER AND SHARP'S RIFLES Waleh w sI ! i Uottoio Frit-ex. to 3 eslera 3esaa for Frier- A Full Assortment of Cartridges ITS & 174 FavnaMa-St. . Cor , tltb. Jobbers of Watches , Cloc&a and BROS MAX MEYER & CO. , 171 And 174 JTaszi2i .3S2. Street. Qzaaba WHOLSS-iiS DBALEES IN Totoaccos , JPipes9 . AJTP < GOOJPt3. MAX S2Z Sta-aJuuRi Staeoi. OBaXui Kelt. A6HZTC8 JOB I2B UJtttf Elite , UielBWST * Emeram ud Parlor 6em Planes , Hason & Han. : s Estey , Skoaiflger and Burdett Viclln Btrlnti. Sfcw. 4uo. Violin * . QniUn . fflatw. Bmi laitnineatj. tad Mnilesl M tehtndln. This f&vorito Brand of the Western Trade ia Received .Daily by Express , and will always ba told as low as any other Standard Packing , 13.0 D. B. BEEMER. Gen'l A"'t. MEAT MARKETS. ( JAS1I 1'JUIUES To Suit the Hard. Times , IN WASHINGTON MEAT MARKET , Cor. Sixteenth and Webster Streets , Opposite U. P. Bakery. Sirloin and Porterhouse SteakslOo per Ib Round andShonlderStcakB. . . . - 8 Roast Beef - . - 6 to 8 Boiling Pieces. - . . . . - -Ho 6 Corned Beef . - - . - 4 Pork.Steaki and Chops. . - S Pork Savage . . . . - _ . _ . . . . . . . . . 8 Bo ognaSansaio. . . . . . - . _ . . . 8 Liver Sausage and Head-cheese. . . C SmoXedHami - 12 Smoked Breakf tEacon.- - 10 Lard , per Ib - 9 POULTRY always on hand at lowest fig ures , No credit given. FRED. . HEINRIKSEN , PROPRIETOR. _ ja4 eodlm' JOSEPH HOWE , SOUTH OMAHA MEAT MARKET Best M-sa-is Always on Hacd at Lowest possible prices for caah. Thirteenth St. , near Leavenw'tSi _ decMly City Meat Market , SHEELY BKOS , fioten Itfetr Brit dan awg Bcnni } tea ( tlVJ'J gltitf , etttf , flattflrfIS , MUcil oak Bit > t < ff 5tt , aWtSloflJ aile Krtc * to Hlnii3 gaRmuft Jtttii. Jtttii.Rg Rg Rgo tlt Blot. 9 * Huff. 8roonh. Meat Karlct & ftaffing to. 412 , 414 , 416 , 13. 6tr. , Dmaa , 9Iib POT 9-76-ly * REA1. KSTATE BKOtvu-BS. . BOGGS&11IUL , Real Estate Brokers 250 Farnham Street , North Side , opp. Grand Central Hotel , OMAHAMEBBA8KA. . OMAHA , - - - - JOHN G. JACOBS , Real Estate Broker Jacobt' Slock , ear 3 51 A & Cap. Ave. OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. novSOlyr BT20H B1KD , L1TII Bvron Reed & Co * . THl OLDIST UTABLIBHlD Real Estate Agency Uf NEBRASKA. Keep a complete tbitraet of title t all rea itata In Omaha and Doruim county. Mt HUH AM I 1AILURINB. J. H. THIELE , MJfiRCHANT 484 13 &l. , bet. Fam. & Harney , OMAHA , REHIIASKA. ty * CUining and Repairing Done , seclidlyr _ JOHN HORA. T ailo R Lateit Paterns always on hand. SUITS MADE TO ORDER , JLftor Xjateat Styles. Best of satisfaction riven in CUTS. AI > a does Cleaning and Repairing and pvrpOMf doing the best working : , at the lowwt pot- sibie prices. Do not lorget to call 49110foljetffFarBlam&BaneySt OMAHA , fl > | GOLD PLATED WATCHES. W Ch * p * tInlb known worM. KimplAWat 40 U to ijenU. JASnn , A. Cocttn a Co , , DENTISTRY. JAS. S. DentisT OFFICE , No. 232 FARNHAM ST. , OMAHA , . . . .NEBRASKA. -Preservation of the Natural Teeth Hade a Specialty. _ gepltf . M. PADJU. William ' Block , Cor. 15th and Dodge its. . may8-tf A I. BILLDrGSj. 1. W. VAf Off. Dra. Billings & Kason , Tt3A fmrnhnsa. B1TWBBN 13TH A HTH .UP-STAIE3. Teeth extracted without pain by ass of H- rons Oxide. Ofloe ooen at all hoore. 1 > KES KB. MAX MONVOISIN. RAW FUR BOUGHT , -AND Fur & Busk Gloves MADE AND REPAIRED. 494 TEHTH ST , Near FAEN- rov2 3m ICE COAL. BEHZON & JOHNSON , LEALIBS IX Ice arid Coal O ( Eetwocn Farnham land Douglas. ) jau5 im 4p MUSIC Continental Hall. ZITHER PIA30 , ITIBT DAT ASD BVISI50. feT LaTaterbsolj Prop. 486 thirteenth. St. bet. Farnham & Barney. OMAHA , NEIIJU. auFine Liquors and Cigars on hand. loMtJ IjACNDRIEa. FAENAM STREET LAUNDRY. All gentlemen wishing ; their ( hilts done- up in first clatB style will do well to call at BUTLER'S LAUNDRY , 133 FJk.HNHA.Bi STREET , All work called for and delivered on ihort notice. ShirU - 15 cent * . Collar . * . . . M. .MH OS do Drawers . . . . . . . . .m _ . _ .10 do Ui.denbirts. . - . . . 10 do Eocks . . . . . . . . . - . „ . „ 05 do White Teit - S do Gent'i and Ladiot' roodi 41 Wpfr dor. i92m CHAS. M. BJlLER Prop. JJOTEtS. FRANK H. MEYER , ATLANTIC HOTEL , OMAHA , COR IQTH & HOWARD STS. Rooms all refiiUd and newy fLicithed. Beard by the djy cr week. Sarapib room.