Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1878, Image 3

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and best hotel between Chic-
Opened new September 30 , 1873.
M$30tf SJO. THRALL ,
A. VAN NAMtE Jr. . . PfoprUtar.
The Metropclilan Hotels coatrally lee -
o Ud. and li first-jlMi in every respect ,
laving recently been entirely renovated ,
The public will find it a eomforUble and
hcBjellko home ma3-tf
S. O. Reichard , Prop.
Eleventh Fnrnham and Harney.
TCRVB : Transient cuntorn , to tl 25
per day. Table board i > er weeK , ft50 ,
Corrtr eed FIfMi-Ar. ,
.QO and 12.50 Per Dav
Located in the Business Centre.
-Convenient to all places of amusement
:21erantly furnished , containing all modem
Improvements , passenger elevator. < to.
J. H. CUMMmaS. Proprietor.
0. V. HILL , Chief Clerk ( late of Ganl
Jlouifl 1 nnlCt
J. A. FEDEWA , Proprietor.
"Cor. 7th and P streets. LINCOLN. NEB
For the accommodation of the Travelling
TERMS. Two Meals and Lodging , TScts
Single Meals. 25 cents ; Lodging without
meals , 25 cents ; Two horse stabled am
furnished all feed. * 1 : Two hours furnished
hay and stabling. 25 cents.
BELF. augSd tf
Salt take City. U : T.
3. TOWJSSON. Prop'r.
United States Hotel ,
( Opposite Boston and Albany R. R. depet.
BARNES. OILL & CC.f Props.
Treating rooms 35 * Farnham Bt. ( Opposllc
the Grand Central. ) aprHtf
JoJin I. Rediek. W. J. Omnell ,
Bedick Council ,
'OFHOB : Opposite Court Honse. Omaha ,
. S. HUNT.
& TTO'rlNBTfl at Iiw. Room 6 Crelghton
A V.oek. 15th and Douglas Bt. negdh
AT LAW. 342 Farnnam B . ,
? ATWW. MthsndDonjU
A1TORNB with Q. W. Doane. ,
A icher-i Block : On * h . Nebrjj
A TTORNBY AT LAW. Ofieo. * 90.1SS
J3L BbSetrtetweenJarnham and Harnej.
Cain * . Nebraska ,
T AWYER. Oreighton Block.
Omaha. Nebraska.
J > onglw-rt. . west entrance Oaldwell
e. _ ° M
Over Hnbermann's Jewrlryistore , Cor
h and Douglas Streets. Omaha Neb.
t . Ot3ce , 272 Farnham Street. Addresi
icckBox 9 Omaha. .
. O. TONN ,
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Thii Is the only line rnnnlnc Pnllman
Hotel dining
. . _ , . WOO A.
undays Excepted.
BhlsiJO & Northwitlen
KIDCII City a St. Lauli Short Ua .
ornlnc Kr A. M. 9 X A. M.
entngEx P.M. 620P.M.
The only line running Pullman Sleeplne .
Bt. Joe. Mlnoun. _ . . .
-Omtht & Mtrthw rf r , d 8oi ! Cily 4
Paalflc Rillroidi.
M llEirreii-8OOA.M. . 8:00 P. H
Dolly except Sunday * .
B. & M. R. R. In N br k .
Ee rnyJnnBx-9p5A. M. BSJ-M ?
8:50 A. M
PiatUm'th Ao-6:0t P. M. :
Omnibuses and bBreage wagons leap the
efflcTQrand Central floUI fifteen znlnntw
Inidvanoe of the aJiove railroad time.
, OL08IHO ,
0 ? * V. W. R.R , 4 0 a. m. 3 p. m.
0. B , A a. 4:80 a. m. 300 ; p.m.
0 Bl I. i P. R. R. 4SO . m. 3:00 p. m.
0. B. * St. Joe 4:30 a. m. 300 ; p. D.
B. "Oity 4 P. 4W a , m.
U. P.K. RUtaOft. . m.
O.JkN.W.R.R.7:30a. a :
B.AM.R. RSZ5a. m.
04NW7.-30. .m.
oruncB. '
* N W R 11:00 .m. 11:00 P. m.
§ B4Mll:00 . m. njW-m' >
RI4P 11:00 a m. llJW P- .
O B A St. Joe. 11W a. m. 11:00 p. m , '
B City & P 11:00 p Q.
TJ P 4:00 p. tn.
B it H In Neb. < :00 p. m. }
Local mail * for State of Iowa leare on
CBoe a day. rii : 4:30 a. m ,
0 os open Bcnday * from 13 lol P. a.
TH03. F. BAIT Postmattar.
tm itvlllroitvousoth'u and will fun ! ? 71
oat success anddelGht ) f triepoo
ple.'ln fact , nsthin < r of thr kind has ever
beea offered ft the American people which
CBS EO quickly found its way into their cfeod
favor nd hearty approval as E. F. Kttjr-
KIU'S EltTiB WISE or IBOK. li 46es all it
tyoiotos. and thus gives itntVdrzal satisfac
tion. It , i < guaranteed'to cure the wont
cose of dyspepsia oHndige tion. kidney or
liver discos vreiknefs. nBrvPccSntf/ -
tipatlcti. acidity oftetomach. . 4c. get
the genuine , only to d in $1 bottlci. Depot
and Office 25 ? North Ninth St. . Philcdel-
phia. A k fcr kunkel's. and take no other
Sold by all druggists.
E. F. KUNKIMJ BtnKB Wix 07 IROJT , is
a cure turs tor this disease. Ithos been
preeo'ibed dally for many years jn the prfe1' ;
tice of eminent physicians with unpsraleled
success. Symtorci are lost of appetite ,
wind and rising of food , dryncj ; in mouth ,
headache. di lne > 9 , Eleeplesnes and low
* ririts. Get the genuine not fold In balk ,
but in 41 bottles. Ask for E. F. KoSFBi/g
BrrrgBWisiOF IRON and take no other.
J1.CO per bottle , or siJt botllfs for 85.00.
AH I ask li a 6f this valuable medi
cine. A tM l trill f onvi'ce yon at once.
Depot and Store , No. 256 North Nintb
Bt , A U vice free.
E. ? . KtryEsieVo8 STEUP nerer fails
to remove all kinds of worms. Beat. Pin
and Btoma'h Worms are readily removed
by Kunr el's Worm Byrup. Dr. Kanfcel is
the only successful physician in th-s coun
try that can remove Tpe Wcrm in from two
to fonr hour * . Be has n * foountil head anl
all parses alive and in this trace o : time.
Common Feme teaches i tape worm be re
moved , all o her Worjig can be rnidily de
ft royed. Ask for a bo.t'o of KCXKES'S
WoaH STBUP. Price Sl.OO per bottle. It
never falls Or send to the doctor for circu
lar No. S59 North Ninth St. . Philadelphia.
Advice at Office free. d'cSldaodiwlyr
City & Pacific EaMs.
lOOUIIOi Shoriost Roule foSt Paul , Minneapolis ,
Dululh or Blimirk.
And the most direct route to Sipnz City
and nil points in Northern Iowa. Minnesota
and Dakota.NO
Will ran elegant Drawing Room and
Bleeping Coaches , owned and controlled by
the Company , through without change be
Trains will leave the Union Pacific Depot
at OMAHA at 4 p. m. , and COUNCIL
BLUFFS at 5:45 p. in. , reaching SIOUX
CITY at 10:20 p , m. . and ST..PAUL at 11 a.
m. . Time. 18 hours making
Returning Will leave ST. PAUL a 8 p.
m. , arriving at SIOUX CITY at 5a.m. ,
and OMAHA at 10 a. m. .
vTickets for sale in Chicago and North
western Railway offices Council Bluffs : Un
ion Pacific Depot ; and Grand Central Ho
tel. Omaha.
awBe sure that your ticket * read via
'S. 0. 4 P. R. R. " F. C. HI LLS.
Superintendent. Missouri Vallev.
V. C Hills. Oen'l Ticket Agt. Sioux City.
South western Freight and Passenger Agt
Bax20-tf Omaha.
Tic Leaiint Thrall Route
between the
North and Stmtla.
Traversing the centra portion of the
great SUte of Iowa , and inter
secting the numerous
And all East and West point * .
Connects at Otttun\a
and the South' , Southeast and Southwest.
and all Minnesota pclats.
Now and Finely CpbolatarMl
Reclining Oh air cars
fitted with Miller's Platforms and Couplers ,
and Westinghoceo air brakes. No hotter in-
dncemtnU can be offered to travel in tne di-
rectioxa named for the season of 1877 ;
Gen'l Fats , and Ticket Agent.
Tnrougi ) to Cnicago
fiie CMcaio BarMen & Oflinej
With 1U Bmooth and Perfect Track. Blcsamt
Passenr r Coaches , and
Is acknowledged by the press , and all who
travel over it. to be the best appoint
ed and best managedroadin
the oountrr.
Passengers Going 13an
Should bear in mind that this is the
Beat Rente to Chicago.
And all points east , north and northwest
Pasf oncers by this route have choice of Tour
Different routes and the advant&re of
All express trains on this line are qnipi < ed
with Westlnghouse Patent Air Brakes , aad
MUIer'i Patent Safety Platfona and Con-
piers. tbe most perfect protection tralnit 10-
ridtnta in the world.
Pullman Palace Bleeping and Dinias Can
are run on the Bnrllncton root * .
Information concerning rontw. rates ,
time , connections. Ao. , will be ohwfnlly
riven by applying at the offlee of the Bni-
ington Route , Orand Central Hotel , corner
fourteenth and Farnbam. Omaha. Neb.
Gen'l Snpt. , Gen'l PMjenwsr Ag't ,
Chicago. III.
J. 0. PHI1LEPP1 , H. P. DEUEli ,
ha. Tloket Ac't.Oma
tTfr nil * bite flood for Mlirty Jfin
Remrfj for tli eor crLlTer Comp
ui. Sick Htadaclie. aai all Dcra
I E > rnu of the Llwr.
. ' "SellfiVVrnMriic * . the rrtit Worm Pe
? * troTT. " * * IM1I4 40O Urg , lire -verms rrom mj
cblH.3 yMrtoil. Wm.S rver.St. Looli. Wo. Pric
eieaTta. If TMir drucclitdon t k p thec.fcerlfor
f ( htm. E. E. PtXLERS A CO . Prop' ! . rill hirt h. r
[ n the Circuit Court of the United States ,
for the District of Nebraska :
Huth A. P. White trustee , vs. Lncretia A.
Waters , et al.
In pursuance and by virtue of an ezecu-
ionisiued out of the Circuit court of the
Jnlfctd t tales for the Diitrict of Nebraska , :
tearing date November'27th , 1877. and tome
directed and delivered , I have evied upon
md taken all tbe right , title and interest of
te said defendants. Lucret-a A. Waters
md Oocrco Waters , in and to the following
ands anil tenements , to-wit : AH in Knox
ountv , Nebraska : The west ono-half of
cction number twenty-five 123) ) , township
lumber thirty.ose ( SI ) , longe number two
I ) wo't ; all of which t sh-vll expose to sale
md cell to the highest and bet bidder at
inblio pale as the law directs , on the 23rd
ay of January. 187S. at 10 o'clock ara. at
be north door oi the United States postoffico
md court house building , in the city of Oraa- )
la. Douglas county State and District of K-3-
inuka. Said sUois to _ tisfy a judgmen
if the said court tbtalMd at its November
erm. 1577. whjjeirKjttlth A. P. White ,
rncteo is plaintSff K Lucretia A. Waters
.nd George
U. S. Martha1. , Diftrict of Nebraska.
9 1
\ ,
n the matter of the citato of JoiephJMc-
Cartney. deceased :
Notice it hereby given to the creditors of
aid citato to appear before the county
udge of Douglas County. Nebraka , at th ;
onnty court room in siid county on the 2tct >
ay of January A. D. 1878 ; on tbe 2lt day
f March , A D , 137 * , and on the 21et day of >
( ay. A D , 1578 , at 9 o'clock , a m , each day ,
cr the purpose of prejsnting their claims .
Or adjustment and allowance.
dccl94t Administrator.
tale of Nebraska , Douglas county , ss :
At a county court , held at the county
ourt room , in and tor taid eoanty. Dec.
ith. A.D. . 1877. 1'rcient. C. H.'Kedgwiok
onnty Judge. In the matter of the Estate
f Paulina Kellner. deceased.
On reading and filinethe petition of Anton
. Kellner , praying tbat administration of
Restate of said deceased may be granted
Ordered. That Jan'y S9th. A.D. , 1873. at 9
'clock , a. m. -assigned for hearing taid
etition , when all persons interested in
lid matter may arpoar at a county court
be held , in and for said county , and ehow
ansowhytbo prayer of petitioner should
ot be granted ; and that notice of thoTen-
eney of said petition and the hearing there-
f , ba given to all persons interestel in said <
latter , by publishing a copy of this ordsr '
the Omaha Weekly BB * . a newspaper
tinted in eaid county , for three successive
eetf. prior to said day of hearing.
| A truecopy.J C. H. EBDQWICK.
dec26dlt w2t County Judge
„ . : SS -
. frrf.
Copy , iye w. 1& advance. ( postpaid ) . . $8.00
- u months , in advance . 4.60
" 3 months , in advance . 2.00
Aft Indian Girl tr'elzert nd Hilled by
a Cuttle Fish ,
Frotri the Victoria IB C ) Colonist.
Early last August a party of Cape
Flattery orMakaw Indians , returnIng -
Ing from a vieit to their /fiends ( the
8onglahof Vi ria ) , encamped the
first afternoon mil on ttoe beautiful
bay of Metchoaen , V. I. The we&th-
er being very fine , moat of tbB par
ty went bathing , and among the
number & maiden of \ erhaps eigh
teen summers , bad accompanied
her grandfather op hia trip. Desir
ing seclusion , she went round a
point away from the other bathers ,
and being known es a bold nwiffl-
mer is supposed to have taken a
header into deeper water. However
taken , it proved to have been a
plunge into the arms of death , for
when the swimmers reassembled
around the camp fire the maiden
was missed , and , notwithstanding a
diligent search that evening , could
not ba found. The following morn
ing with sad hearts the party
loft ; but very soon those in
the foremost cenoe on rounding
the first point saw ( the water being
calm and clear ) a human body as if
seated on the sandy sea bottom ,
with what seemed like a flour bag
immediately behind it. The natives
knew what this meant. As soon as
the canoes got together two of the
moat active young men managed
with daggers ec to disable the
monster ( for it was a gigantic devil
fish ) that the octopus with its
victim waa brought up to the sur
face. The foregoing facts have been
communicated to our informant by
an intelligent and respectable half-
breed woman frcm Metchosen , who
saw the body of the drowned girl
with some of the prehensiles of the
mullesk still adhering to it. She
compared the head of the octopus in
size to that of a fifty pound Hour
sack , full ; said the tentacles weie 12
in number , of different sizes , and
the largest about the size of a man's
Meat and Grain.
The revolution in the cattle and
provision trade which is now upon
us , will probably involve the follow
ing results , according to the Graph
ic :
1. The meat consumed in the
North Atlantic Btatea will , in the
not distant future , be killed and
dressed in Illinois , Missouri , Ken
tucky , Texas , and the other creat
grazing States and territories of the
2. Our meat exports are destined
to become enormous , but the meat
sent abroad , as well &s that sold on
the Atlantic slope , will ba killed
and dressed in the West , and will be
forwarded by refrigerator shipa to its
3. The whole business of selling ,
killing and preparing beef and pork
for market will ba transferred to.lhe
West , and the occupation of cattle
dealers , perk and beef packers , and
cammisslon meichants in the East
ern and Middle States will be re
duceo to a minimum.
4. The value of grazing lands Jn
the Wetit will be greatly enhanced ,
and local abattoirs and packing
houses will be established on the
lines of the principal railroads.
5. What the East will lose in the
handling of cattle , and the prepar
ing and packing of meat , will be
gained oy the Westm the enhanced
value of lands and of cattle where
they grown.
All these results are the consequences -
quences of the extension of our
railway system. The first effect of
the opening of the trunk lines is to
concentrate business in the old cen
tres of trade. But subsequently it
leads to a dispersion of business am
the opening up of new loca"
markets. The grain trade will
in the not distant future , be affected
in the same way , and Western pro
ducers will decline to pay tribute to
Chicago , Hi. Louis , or Milwaukee
Grain Will be bought by seaboard
merchants at all the local centre
for its disposal , and will be shipped
direct to JNew York or other sea
board cities without stopping at any
of the old centers of grain tjafilc
In time , doubtless , the English
merchants will , by aid of the tele
graph , buy the grain themselve
directly from the smaller granaries
throughout the country , and have i
shipped ( through from the West
to Europe. It is evident that the
nest decade will see an importan
change in our methods of market
ing meat and grain , but everything
seems to point to a large increase o
the business of the West and the
growth of local manufactories at the
expense of those of the Eastern am
Middle States.
A Lung-Tester.
Eastoa Free Preis.
We don't want a Moore township
girl for a lung tester. At a singing
school up there the other night a
young man was bragging about the
strength ot his lungs , and invited a
girl in the company tohit him inthe |
breast. She said she was left-band
ed ; had Meen washing that day and
was tired , and aidn't feel very ac
tive , but at his urgent request nhe
let go at him. When his friends
went to pick Lira up he said he
thought be would die easier lying
down. He lost all recollection ol
having any lungs , but the young la
ly consoled him by saying she
lidn't hit'him aahard as she might
lave done , because aho rather liked
State of Nebraska , Douglas county , es :
At a county court held at the county court
com , in and for said county. December 24.
i.l ) . 1S77 : Present , C. U. Sedgwick. counT -
T judge. In the mttter of the adoption
fan infant bastard child Jwboto name is
inknown. by George Stoeckor and wife ,
eaid child now being in possession of ono
Sellie Foster ) .
On reading and on filing the verified pe-
ition of Oeorge StoecSer. praying for a
lecree gifing him the care , custody , control
md maintenance ot the above-described in- '
ant child by legal adoption.
Ordered , that January 29th , A/D. 1878. at
o clocfc a.m. . is assigned for hearing eaid
etitun. when all persons interested in raid
catter m ay appear at a county court to bo
leld , in ard for eaid county , and show cause
thy tl e prayer of said petitioner should not
e granted ; and thatnotice of the pendency .
if Raid petition and the hearing thereof bo
ivcn to all persons interested in Mid mat
er , by publishing a copy of this order in the
niaha Weekly Be , a newspaper printed in
nd county , for three successive weeks
rior to raid day of hearing. [ A true copy. ]
O.H.SEDaWICK. County Judge.
dec2o 3t
By virtue of an order of lale , issued out
f the District Court of Douglas county.
ebraskaand to me directed. I will on the
8th day ol January , A.D.1878 , at 11 o clock
a the forenoon ef said day at the south dcor
f the court home in the city of Omaha , in B\ \
aid county sell at public auction the prop-
rtydescribed in tain order to-wit : The
onthwect quarter of the northwest quarter
nd the northwest quarter of the soathweft
narter of tcition twenty-five (25) ( ) . and the
ontheact quarter of the northeast quarter
nd the northeast quarter cf the southeast
nrtar of lection twenty six (26) ( ) , intown-
bip fifteen (15) ( ) , north of range twelve (12) ( ) , Bi
an 9f the sixth (6) ( ) principal meridian , BiK
ontaining 160 acres more or less , in Doug-
is county. Nebraska ; together with all the K :
ppnrtenance * thereunto Belonging , to sat- )
fy a judgment ot said court recovered by LlA
'rederick P , Burgett. plaintiff ; againet Jer- A ]
miahBehm. F. Allie Behm and Alfred B.
Infrene , defendant * . C !
breclal Master Commieioner. iBi
/p xiwgiwg
If is not advisable for any of us to
' task our energies , corporator fflenlal-iat )
in the eager persuit of wealth or fame or
knowledge , how many transgress this sal
utary rule. It must be a matter of treat
importance to all who do < o to know how
they can retain the Vigor so reeklessly ex-
Sended. The remedy is niether costly nor
ifficnlt ta obtain. H6stettei'tf Stomach
Bitters is procurable in every city , town ,
and settlementin America , and it compen
sates fcr a drain of bodily or mental energy
more effectually than any invigorant ever
presciibcd or advertised. Laboring men ,
athletes , student * , journalists , lawyers , cler
gymen , physicians , all bear testimony id its
wondrously renovating powers. It increas
es the capabilities for undergoing fatigue ,
and counteracts the injinious effectst upon
the system of exposure sedeatary habits , un
healthy or wearyeome avocations , or an in-
talubnous climate and is a prime alterative ,
diuretic and blood depntant. J22-29
E. F.Kunke 't Bitter Wine oirorti.
Has never beta hnown to fail in the cure
8f weakness , attended with symptoms , in
disposition to exertion lo s of memory , diffi
culty of breathing , general weakness , horror
of disease , weak , nervous trembling , dread
ful horror of death , nijbt sweats , cold fcot.
weakness , dimness of vision , languor uni
versal lasstidude of the muscular system ,
enormous appetite , with dyspeptic system ,
hot bauds , flushing of the body , dryncss oi
the skin , pallid countenance and eruptions
on the face , purifying the blood , pain in the
back , heaviness of the eyelids , frequent black
spots flying before the eyes with temporary
suffusion and loss of sight ; want of atten
tion , etc. These symptoms ail arise from a
weakness , and to remedv that use E. F.
Kunkel's Bitjpr Wine of Iton. It never
fails. Thousand ] are new enjoying health
who have nsed it. Oct. the genuine. Sold
only in SI bottles : Take only E. F. Kunk-
ol's.Ask for Kunkel's bitter Wine of Iron.
This truly valuable tonic has been so thor-
onuhly tt sted by all classes of the commun
ity that it is now deemed indispencible as a
Tonic medicine. It costs but little , purifies
the blood and gives tone to the stomach , re
novates the system and prolongs life.
I oniy ask a trial of this valuab'e tonic
Price 81 per bottle. E. F KUNKEL. Sole
Proprietor , No. 259 North Ninth St. . below
Vine. Philadelphia. Pa. Ask for Knnkel's
Bitter Wine of Iron , andtake no other. A
photograph of the proprietor on each wrap
per , all others are counterfeit.
Beware of counterfeits. l o not let your
druggist sell you any but KCNKKI/S , which
is put up only as above represented. You
can pet six bottles for . All I ask is one
simple trial. Advice at office tree , No. 259
North Ninth Street.
Tape Worm Removed Alive.
Head all complete in two hours. No foe
till head passes. Seat , Pin and Stomach
Worms removed by Dr. KCNKBL. 259 North
Ninth St. Advice free. No Fee until head
and ail paises in one , and alive. Dr. Kunk-
el is the only successful physician in the
country for the removal of Worms , and his
WORM SYBUP is pleasant and safe for child ,
ren or grown persons. Send for circular o
ask for a bottle of KUSKEI'S WORM STRUpr
Price $1 a bottle. It never fails. Call a-
oOce. 259 North Ninth Street , for advice ,
( free ) .
OMAHA , NEB. , January 24.
German Motti < *
Golden Laundry
Hams perlb. :
Bhouldrf do
Tallow do
Bacon do
Breakfast bacon do 10X911
Dressed hen f" 100 6 COafi 50
Bt. Louis W. W , Floor per bbl U CO J2 CO
Nebraska spring do 4 < H4:60 i
Bran per ton 14 00 15 00
Corn meal per 100 120
N. Y , factory per Ib " *
American Bwiis to !
Imported do
Limb or g dt IS
M&llory. pink o : ccrple
PtcifloMilij 6
31mpsom jprasue 6r
[ lOBSlilS 84
" CanbrU 1G
Jabct t-4
7abot t4S3 '
Esxltof Loom S3 10'
Sw York mill * 36 nx
ffomeuttt 36 11X
6-4 1
do 8-4 84)4
do 9-4 24
do 1M 27X
aaovK oorro .
Ulnntia 11 8
do P
Nebraska standard AA
epperoll Ode
do R
ndian Head
do do
do do
i&n caster
'alleO.B , 0.
do A A
do AAA 14
Fhite Lead , strictly pure , 9 %
do pure 8H
rench Zinc 14 %
.od Lead 10
ntty in bladders 3VJ
rindow Glass , 60 aadCO per c nt. disoonnt
off list.
Quotation ! ly Jtfoncoi : n.
link , prime 0975
do 3dandSd 25tolO
Wolverine SOOtojOO
do inferior 15to2S
Lnskrat. fall 05
do winter 18 :
do spring < 12
do titteni C2to03
tunk. black prime 25
do narrow striped prime 252D
do broad 10 '
Her. No 1 , lam 3(0
Ishsr 200to700
rolf No 1 large mountain
do No 2 do 2 fl.1
do No 1 small prairie 0
do No 2 do SO
eaver.woll furred and clean per Ib 90
do stag ? and heavy 25toW '
ed for No l GOtol 00 [
id do 25tc50
cer skins J5to20 >
ntelope 10to25
moskeaff , brown aa 9
do bleached 88 9
larendon 97X
moikeac I6X [
saver Creek AA ,
do do BB
Amoske Ado 31 30
30 mi
do DD K 12X
do T
do A 11 10
do T 11
do X 15 fit
do 18 16
HUB wlass per gal 107
Alcohol 184 per cent do 225
Trench spirits do 230
Marshall'sBr boniralskrdo 123
Miller's do do 1 56
Brandy , very flne . iOO
do common to line do 1 63 375
Gin , 100 per cent do 150 BOO
Holland Gin. 80 per cent 175
Hums , mixed Jamaica 1UQ
per cent. do
New Eng. rum. 90 per ctMo _
Kennedy's bitters per gal 175
do per ease 7 00
do in 100 case lots 6 50
Champagnes , rtnU.ln baskets 24 00 30 CO
ca. 3 5 50 9 00
do very fine 10 50
Sherries > ' 5001650
Ale. Edinburgh , per 2 75
Ale. Bass & co's pals 2 75
auinneas Dublin Bloat 2 85
Johts. stud nr and ollls 30 ft nd
under 21 CO
Over 20 feet each additional foot : 1 00
FenomgNo 1 8) ) 00
do No 2 160C@1800
1st common boards W ia
2nd do do 18 00
A' stock boards , 10 and 12 Inohn < 0 03
B' do do do do 2000
' 0' do do do do S2 00
bt clear 1. IK. IK and 2 inah 2S 00
do d do S5GO
do 3d SO COde
do narrow , No 1 SO CO
Flooring , clear 35 00
do 1st common 27 CO
1st clear ceiling H ia h 80 00
2d do do > 4 do 0 CO
1st do do 5 ? do 22 GO
2d do do H do 80 CO
1st do tiding 1900
2d do do 1700
1st common do 16 00
A' shingles 3 25
Extra No l shingles 250
Common No 1 ehintici t GO
Lath per 1000 3 50
D&H pickets pe 100 300
Square do do 8 03
OG Batten per lines ! fool Ol
Roach do do X
Carbon Oil. 110 ° per ga- 17
Head Light Oil 175b per 27
Linseed raw do 61
do boiled do 64
Lard Oil extra do 0
do No. 1 do 75
Benzine do 80
Turpentine do 45
West Va Lubricat'p Oil do 20
Golden Machine Oil do 45
Diamond Crcsent do 55
Castor Oil do 110
tfoatefootdo do 90
Sweet dodo do ISO
Sperm dodo do 240SO
Whale dodo do SO
Fish do do 60
do stagy and heavy 90 IOQ
Red fox No 1 1-50
Kid fez No l 150ta
Deerskin.redand short blue , per Ib taso
Antelope 25
Beit slaughter sole M 838
Best oak 10
French kips $1 25' 163
do calf , leading brands 1 73 2 40
Domestic kips 75 1 10
do calfs 10 } 1 4J
Hemlock , upper per foot 23 *
Oak do do 6
Grain. do do 17
Linings per doj 700 looo
Toppings do 950
Morocco ( booties ) perfoot 35 950SJ
do cil dressed do 36 40
do Simon per ekin s oa SS5
do glove kid 35) )
3oot 'Webbinz per bolt 40 60'
Oak harness leather. Pittsburgh 13
do No 1 (0 43
(0H 43to
do No 2 H to
) ak line leather 46
lemlock harness iKiher No 1 25
do No 2 23 0
Hemlock line leather 23Vt
fair bridle per side 600 700
Team collar ! per dcs S403 2500
itaee do do 1900 2000
botch do do S3 CO
'oocord do 3900
Collar leather ( black ) per ft 18U 24
do do ( rusfot ) do U 20
Patent dash leather do 12 15
I een hides per n > 6
ireon cured hides do 7
> ry hides do 7lu
) ry salted hides do 9 10
Iheep pelts each
Tallow per ! D
Firat Quality No is to 20 per D > 4H
do No 23 to 21 do < $2 $
do No 26 do 5
do No 27 do 5J *
Charcoal , betheidea smooth No 24 do 554
do do No26do 6
do do No 27 do 6X
Double refined. No 24 do 7
do No 26 do 7K
do No 27 do 7 *
Russia , perfect , 7 to 12 do 14 .
do No 1 stained do' 17
A' American imitation Russia
all Nos do 18
for less thar. full bundle add one cent.
No 14 to 20 per a 12
lo 21 to 21 do 13
To 25 do 13U
Io27 do IS
No 27 do 16
full bundles discount 25 percent.
BruierslOtoia n
do 12 tolOO 89
loathing H and 16 os 89S3
Planished 13 and 16 ox S3S3
do No 7. S and 9 S3tl
Copper bottoms * 3
0x14 1C beat quality per box 8 tO
OxHIX do do 1160
12x1210 do do 80
12x13 IX do do 105 }
14x201C do do 803
14z20 IX do do lu 50
11x20 IXX dc do 1775
Roofing , lu charcoaVliz29 do 775
do IX do 14xK ) do IfliS
do 1C do H > r3S do 1500
do IX do 0:29 do moo
Large pics rorB 27S7
Bmall pies deBar S7
Bar tin do 30
Sheet tin 25 to 3-1 inches do H
do 25to35 do pers 12
Tinners' solder , extra refined do 12S
do No 1 do ISIf
do roofine do If
Iron in bars perlb s
Cast plow steel do 10
Tool steel do IS 30
Neil rods do 12
Horse shoe nails do 6
Native shipping steers
Hogs . . . . . . 3 75a3 93
Sheea. per pcund
Calves do gross
J'oiertflclrt Brothers.
Reference , Omaha Nat tonal and State Bnnlu ]
Putter choice roll - _ . . . . & 1416
" med " 10al2 >
Zegs fresh candled 2ia23
Demons Messina per box 7 U )
Ipples perbbl 3 25a3 5J
oaltry dressed chiokeos 0 ° .alO
turkeys 09all
ystors C B Maltby's celebrated
Saddle Rock brand , select 42
I & M 32
4edinm _ . . - . 25
AH kinds nuts , sardines , currants , citron ,
alsms. choice brands of clears , bacon ,
lams. lard , tripe , r-igs' feet , etc. , etc. . con-
tantly on hand. Send for our price list.
. m ratc
! wanted to tell oarStiploGooiite
I.CiSHoao St. , Cincinnati , O.
Consnmption Cnrad.
An old physician retired frotn active prac-
ce , having had placed in his hands by an
last Ihdian nrionary the formula of a
Impls vegetable remedy for the speedy and
ermanent cure of Consumption. Bronchi-
is ; Catarrh. Asthma , and all throat and
ing affections , also a positive and radical
ure for general debility and all nervous
omplainu. after haying tested its wonder-
il curative powers in thousands o cases ,
e1s it his duty to make it known to bis
offering fellows. The rcceipe will bo sent
ree of charge to all who desire it , with full
Erections for preparing and successfully
ling. Viddrets with stamp , naming this
aper , Dr. J. C. STONE. 44 North Ninth St.
'biladelphia. Pa. 14wlm
a the'r own localities oanvwinc for the
'iretide- Visitor , ( enlarged ) Weekly and
onthly. Largest paper in the world , with
lammoth Chromes Free. Big commission
agents. Terms and outfit fres.l 11 l
. 0. V10KERY. Augusta. Maine.
( sep6wfimo )
I GENTd can succeed with the I lustrated
\ . Bu'orv of the Grrat Eaitern War. Pro-
> : c'ns ' niwready .viilions will be scl" ,
d treps QooiEpeed's Book & Bible House ,
hicago. '
are run alona by the
Chicago and Northwestern
Omaha & Chicago
No other road runs Pullman Hotel cars.
Pullman pining cars , or any other form of
hotel , dining or restaurant cars through be
tween the Missouri river and Chicago.
This line of hotel can is the finest and
best that have ever bsen bui't ' anywhere for
anyriilroad company. No extra charge
over the usual berth cha-g ) for compart
ments in tbe'e celebrated not 1 can. For
meals ym are tfharzedonly for what jou cr-
The Chicagj a : dNorthw stern
akoa close con i ction at Chioago with the
michiganCeatia' Lake Shore. Ft. waynoy
Mallimore andjOhio. and all other roads for
the east.
Insist that the tcket agent tolls yon tick
ets by the Northwestern road and refuse tc
take anv other. Barry P. JJexe't
Tirlcet agent , 213 Farnhara St. . Omaha
J.Sdl. 'licket agent , U. P. depot. Omsha.
Charlei Af in . Qcn'l agft Omaha.
Hoci Islam ! & Me
TU Dei Uoinef , Iravenport and Bok Island
- o
Thli Boute b lng t ougMr equipped with
elegant new Coachei , lace Sleeping Can , and
laving theVadTantage aimootaand wellbal-
uted track , oflor ; the travellnz nubile an Eait-
ern Line nneqnalod lor Speed , Comfort and
Safety :
All Pauenger Tralni are equipped with the
PA-raar re BBAEHS and
MUIer'i Patent Balaty PlaUorra Coupler ,
Two rait ExprasB Trains
I/eire Dally , connec cm ollow .
AT DEa M01NK3 with the DeiMolnea Valiey
Ballroad for Osialoosa. Cttnmwa , Kookuk
and St. Loub ,
AT GBINKELL with the Central Ballroad ol
Iowa , for all point ! north to St. Paul ,
AT WEST liaEBTr with tee Burlington ,
Cedar Bspids & Minnesota Ballroad for
Burlington , Cedar Rapids , Dubnnce & Et
Paul , at WILTON JUK CTION with the
Eontb-'Wtatern branch , for Mascatlne
Washlniton and polati soutn.
TT DAVESPO3T with the Davenport 4 St
Paul Ballroad for points north.
AT EOOE IHLAKD with tbe Western Union
Ktlltoi.1 for Freeport , Belolt , Eaclne , Mil-
vgu-c , Bad all polnti n northern XLUnoIf
end Wlctanttn ,
AT BOCK ISLAND with the BocUord , Bock
Itlan-tandHt. lonli Bcllroad forSt. Lonla
and points icnti.
AT EUCI ISLABD with the Peoria 4 Beck
bland EillrosS for Feorla and points eut.
AT BDKEA0 JUHC. , with braneu , lor Hen
17 , Laccn , Chllllaotn and Feorla :
AT LA. BALLS f Uh i Illinois Central Eall-
zotd fez points north and aonth.
AT CHICAGO with all tha lines ait , North
and or b.
IHEOUOn TICKETa to all Saiiern cities
tlathii line , can be procured , end any Inlor.
mstion chUiacd , taaaemlssj routot , at thl
Tltksl CSra in tis Helen Pacific Bapot ,
Osurui , and sUe et the principal
along the line cf tbe U. F < B. E.
Cioetexa caraaila te ; all
Srinalpol Srclera 5ol
All ! ccrmaUcn rcssrulnn Passengers aid
Frctzht choorlully lornlshcd , end Sleevlnj Or
Btrtba for tile at the Ccmcany'i Offlce , 393
FAKHHAtt Bt. , ( OnniCcatnl flotsl ) ( hash *
ft. . M. SMITH , H. EIDDLX ,
Gea'l Fsss'r Art , Qan'l Fap't
CUcajo. _ C
W. CLAIB , 8. B. 3TEVER8 ,
PaJMnger Agent , Gen'l Wcaleni Ae'l ,
Omaha. Omsir.1
H. P : DEUEL , Ticket Agent ,
Calling Sickness I
Permanently cnreJ no hnmbns by one
month's usage of Dr. Goulard's Celebrated
Infallible Pit Powders. To convince suffer
ers that thoee powders will do all we claim
forthcm. we will send them by mail , post
paid , a free trial box. As Do. Goulard is
the only physician that has made this dis
ease a special ctcdy , and as , to our knowl
edge , thousands have been permanently
cure 1 by the use of these powders , wo wili
guarantee a per tanont euro in every case ,
or refund joa all money expended. A'l
sufferers should give these powders an earl. "
trial , and bo convinced of their curative
Price , per largo box , 83.00. or four boxes
for $10.00. sent by m6il to acy part of United
States or Canada on receipt of price , or by
express. C. O. D. Address.
350 Talton Street Brooklyn . T.
Cured I
All sufferers from this disease that are
anxious to be cured should try Dr. Elssner's
Celebrated Consumptive powders. These
Powders are the only preparation known
thatwill euro consumption and all diseases
of the throat and lungs indeed , so strong la
our faith i ° them , and also to convince you
that they are nohumbuz , we will forward to
every sntforer , by mail , postpaid , a free trial
We don't want your money until yon are
perfectly satisfied of their curative powors.
If your life is worth savins , don't delay in
giving these powders a tnal , as they will
surely cure you
Price , for large box. S3.CO , sent to any
part of the Unioed States or Canada by mail
on receipt ef price.
Address ,
360 Fu Iton btreet. Brooklyn.
Carmine Wrappers and Labels.
Own in ? to spurious articles palmed upon
Iho ubliofor tne past five years , on the rep-
itation of my proparaticns , I Am forced to
nake a radical change in my labels and
Trappers. The genuine , of my original
ecipe. is printed in Carmine Ink and pre-
ared under my sapervision , by the
ffnnnfactnrins : fi
Wow York- ,
. , , H. T. HKL5IBOLD.
Tiew of Marriage 1
* ILtWjl ' .l S8M-to wed „ < ;
duties ol marrURg anil thl
cautei that unit for I : ; the tt.
crcti of Bsprodnction and
Ma Diseases of Women.
I A book for private , eoni'il.
I ent readicg. SO > pau , prkt
i MaK HaJOeti. .
II divorners ot a frivatd Ifaiuro anitoz Jrcra Otli .
3U3C , Ezccsies , crCeeret Oiieaaes , witli the belt
ianiofeure. 254 Ianepaert.prlce OeU.
A CIiIHICAIj LECTUliE on the aborg dlirtttt and '
aa cf the Throat a o < l lungs , Catann upture. thi
plum Habit,1C. , price 10 eu.
ilher book sent pojrpaldon receipt ol prln ; orafl three ,
--Tjz 0r wi.foa.rtifully Illnitrated. for7i et. .
DB. SUTTB , So. JJ S. &Ji St. Bt. Iionu. Ho.
, Reluirea Immediate
Attention. A continu
ance for any length of
time causes irritation of
the Large , or some
ironic throat affection. Neglect of tea re-
jlts ia" some incnnble Lung Disease.
ave prov d their efficacy by a test of many <
ears , and will almost invariably give im-
icdiate relief. Obtain only Brown's Bron-
bia Troches , and do not take any of the
orthless imitations that may be offered.
n r.3 lili arded at the Centennial
libUioa-oT > he machine and one
ttcwctrdoaj uns lighter than any
ad mt hirlj ; i es the leut noise ; ha
self s insaiiilf , elf threidins shuttle :
never skips the s.itch : never breaks th *
thread , and is the most easily learned : is the
most durable : the best machine for all Jam
ily rurpo8 . Examine these celebrated
machines before deciding will
buy. They possess more Hood Point * than
any machine in the market : in fact , they
aroiust what we claim them to b * . The
Best in the world I Send for Ja illustrated
price list. Every machin * warranrcd fors
yoatK. Call and see us or send your orders
by mail. Attachments. Needles and Oils
212 Douglas St .Omaha , .
the lakes with which BBTTST'P has any
connection , or that is conducted by an ex
perienced practical accountant
Best rooms , best faculty and the most
thorough course of instruction , while the
welfare of pupils in carefully regarded.
Particularsand , Specimens of Penmanship
Consumption , that scourge ot numanity ,
isthegreatdreadof the human family , in
all civilized countries.
I feel confident that I am in possession of
the onlv sure , infallible remedy now
known to the profession fcr the positive
and speedy cure of that dread disease , and
its uuwelcome comcomitants , viz. Catarrh ,
Atthrui. Jiibnchitii , Nereotu DeM\ty , &e.
&e. I am an old fogy. I believe in medi
cine. Twenty-eight years experience as e
busy practitioner , in the bet Consump
tion Hospitals of the Old and .New
World , has taught me the value of proper
medication , bothlocatand constitutional in
the Cure of this creat enemy of our race. I
have found it. But I am digressing. . I
started out to say to those suffering with
consumption or any of the above maladies.
that by addressing me. giving symptoms.
they sha be put in possession of this great
boon , without charge , and shall have tne
benefit of my experience in thousands of
cases successfully treated. Full particulars.
directions for reparations and use , and all
necessary advice and instructions for suc
cessful treatment at your own home , will
bo received by you by return mail , free of
167 Jefferson street ,
mar7-wlv LOUIBVILM. KT.
In the circuit Court of the United States ,
For the District of NebraeVa.
First National Bank of Offlaha TS. Detlnf
S.evers , et. al.
In pursuance and by virtue of an order ol
S'ale on attachment issued out of the Circuit
Court of the United States for the District
of Nebraska bearing date : December 2Kb.
1977. and to me directed and delivered. I
will on the 13th day of February , 1S73. at 10
o'clock A. Mat the North door of the
United States Post Office , Custom and Court
House building in the City of Omaha. Doug
las County. SUte and Uistrict of Nebraska.
sell to the highest and best bidder at public
Auction , the property described in sa'd or
der aa follows towit :
Tne following property situated in the
town of Fremont. Dodge County , State and
Dis trict of Nebraska , commencing at a point
in the centre of Maple Street on the south
line of sixthi treat.projected eastwardly from
Irvine Avenue , thence north and on a line
with the centre of sail Maple Street , about
three hundred and forty six feet to Military
Avenue , thence eastwardly along the south
si jo of Military Avenue to Platte Avenue.
thence south along the west sidaot Platte
Avonne about three handled and forty six
f otto the north-east corner of fractional
block eleven , in RKittle'g addition to Fre
mont , thence westerly aloap the south line
of Sixth Street , proected to the nice of be
ginning. being the plat of uronnd Tying east
of the line of the centre of Maple Street pro
jected north to Military Avenue and boun
ded north by Military Avenue , east by Plattp
Avenue , and zcnth by fractional block
eleven in R. Eittle's addition to Frrmont.
also fractional Block eleven aforesaid and
the appurtenances thereto belonging.
taid property being offered for sale and
will be sold to satisfy a judgement of said
Court rendered at the Adjourned November
term thereof in the year 1677 in favor of the
First National Bank of Omaha , PlaintiS.
and against defendant. Elisha. 0. Croiby ,
District of Nebraska.
Attorney for Plaintiff. j9 w5t
George Rogers , plaintiff , vs R. Parry , whosa
first name is unknown , defendant.
Before Luther R. Wright , justice of the
peace , for Douglas county , Nebraska.
On the 22d dav of November. A D , 1877.
said justice issued an order of attachment
in the above action for the earn of two del
lars. GEO. ROGERS.
Omaha. Dec. 20.1877. dc21 evfri3t
State of Nebraska. Douglas county , ss
At a county court held at the county court
room , in and for said county. December 21 ,
A.D. 1877 : Present. C. H. Bedgwick , Coun
ty Judge. In the matter of the estate of Rich
ard H. Willis , deceasrd.
On reading ; and on filing the verified peti
tion of John G. Willis , praying for a final
settlement of his accounts as executor of the
the last will and testament of Ri'harcl H.
Willis deceased , and his discharge , his final
report having been duly filed.
Ordered , that January SOth. A. D. 1878. at
[ 0 o'clock , a.m. . is assigned for hearing
said petition , when all perscns interested in
Eaid matter may appear at a county court
to be held in and for paid county , and ehow
c&us why tha prayer of petitioner should
not be granted : and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hearing there
of be riven to all persons interested in said
natter , by Tnbli'biaga copy ol this order
n the Omaha Weekly Bee. a newspaper
printed in said county , for three successive
weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
IA true copy. ] C , H. SEDCJWTCK.
dc:6w3t County Judge
To Mathew C. Wilbur , Abley 0. Wilbur and
George R. Smith.non resident defend ants.
You ere hereby notified that on thoSJth
iay of December. A D , 1877. a petition was
ilel in the District Court within nnd for
Douglas conntr. Nebraska , by Kenben Boss ,
uninr. plaintiff , against you as defendants ,
he object and prayer of which petition is.
hat an account mabe taken of the amount
lue upon a certain note and mortgage exe-
lutedand delivered on the 18th dayofOc-
ober. 1869. by the said M. C. Wilbur and A.
3. Wilbur ta tbe said Oeo. R. Smith , and by
he eaid Qco R. Smith duly assigned to the
aid plaintiff , and that in default of the
laymen t of rail amount so to te found due.
pzether with interest , costs and attorney's
ee. within a short time to ba fixed by the
ionrt. the premi > es described in taid runtt-
ape to-wit : Bl ck 21. In Smith's addition
o the city of Omaha , to-gelber with the p-
inrtenances. may b * ordered to be sold , and
he proceeds applied to the payment of the
imonntso found duo to said plaintiff , to
other with interest , costs , and a reasonable
urn. which in prayed to be awarded as an
.ttcrney's fee herein , and that thereupon
ou and each of joa , may bo forevo' exolod
d from all right , interest and equity of ro-
'emptiou ia or to Raid premises or any part
hereof , and for general relief.
You are required to answer said petition
n the 23th day of January. 1678.
OEO W DOaNE. Att'y for Plt'ff.
dc21doy frilt
' A Tas no Tlj ezp etM from CooaamptJoo , all rea
JJcs baring felled , and Dr. H.Jaaet was expertnei
flg. he aeeldentally nada a preparation ef iDdltn
beep welch cured tls enlj child , and now fires thl.J
lp tm ta rce lpt of t o itiopi 10 p j expense , P
up ale cnrea olfbt aveiti. caoiea at tb stomach. F
twill break a fmh cold In twentr fonr honn.
Address , CTUDDOCK 4 CO. , /
032 Race bt. . Fhlla. . iwmhiK tliU er.W
AKitraFine MIXED CARDS with name ,
t\J 10 cents post paid. L. JONES & Co'py
atsau. . .
510 TO 25 pet Uay Sons and o'S.-t
SE-rjerie vpur ni n lo tell ar ancle aa 8T.J * * ! T 1 Farmers ac4 _ > ji.-tE ho | p
Turbine Mil IS
- .
It is the Simplest , Cheapest and only permanent TCHd Mill in ezlsicnci. Whi'it *
severe storm iiill tear into pieces and scatter over the fields all other winlmilljOauvine
only an unsightly wreck u a monument of the folly of spomiinz messy for rattle trapt.
appare * tJy put up on purpose ; to be blown away , the lurbinoHi11 | will go unclthsd
through the severest gale ? .
C3 0c
.2 fee
o 9 S
IS * s >
J = m o < H
tn i ? >
t- * LJ ° 3
so c >
a c
3 :
e >
2 5
j . J 1 5 3
= B ffl P C3 " *
m fe 3J
as r =
= 5
The whole weight of the rotating wheel rests on a steel point ranniac on a plate of- *
harde&ei , atcel at the bottom of acupot oil.'thus saving all extra friction. Owlorto its
peculiar construction , the Turtine takej the wind alike from all qnartera of thocompa a
without the necessity of contanty ! facing it around in a shifting wind. There is no ro---
er wasted ; and the Turbine Mill will work with lesi than half the wind rcqatrei to ran a j _
open mill. _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The inventor ol the Turbine has established in Oakland. California , a fares factory
'or the manufacture of these mill ; , to supply the rapidly increasing demand for them oatl
'acific Coast. Bo is now on a business tour throwh the State ] for tae purpotcof estb
ishing agencies for the Turbine in every State and Territory oist of tco Siono NeT d
mountains. To do this he will give agent * splendid opportoaitic5. and will suirant's tbr t
hey will , on an average , make 10) per cent profit in manufactories those mill ; . They wilt-
ind the inducements superior to those offered in any otter business.
Parties from a distanca will be supplied with irons ready for use , accompanied by
drafts and specifications for building mills , at Tery reasonable figures.
Parties wishing to investigate the ouaineu. will do well to ciU at the Oiand Cratrat
lotel. Omaha , where there ara models and photograpLr on exhibition , and when tneT
will ficd the inventor , who will alrrais be glad to give nil fhe informatFon dssiroJ , asl
show parties a large c llection of splendid views cf Mills in operation in California.
/L. H. SOTTTHWICK , Patentee.
jfPS.Vrantmttd Superior
a-Ja ! tf T
to an Pum in t\e MarM. J23djrwm
BOSTOS. Nor. 15 ! 1871.
Mr. H. R. Stevens :
Dear EIr-In the spring of 1869 I wa *
stricken dews with fever which had a lent
and almost hopeless run. The best medi
cal advice being in attendance , 1 was taken
through the fever : but it left me terribly re
duced and weak , with excruciating palm in
my side , bask and hips. I wai completely
prostrated with kidney complaint , and no
medicine seemed to reach my case *
In this condition I was persuaded to
Vegetine by a friend whom it euret of
ame diseate , and it seemed as though
could feel the effect of tha first dose throng
my whole system ; and from tbat moment 1
began to mend , gradually growing better
from day to diy ; and I followed on with
the Vegetine , nctil it completely restored
me to health , since which time I have been
able to perform my duties as a police officer.
eniorinif good health : and there is no
doubt about tha great value of Vegetine in
kidney complaint and similar ditcasM.
I am * ir. repect'nlly '
LAPAYETTEFORD , 161 Broadway.
All Diseases of the Blood.
If Vegetine will relieve pain , cltanse.pnr-
Ify and cure such diseases , restoring the pa
tient to perfect health after trying different
physicians , many remedies , suffering ; for
years. Is it not conslusive proof , if you are
a sufferer , yon can be cured T Why i thl §
medicine performing such great cures ? It
wor E in the blood , in the circulating fluid.
can truly be called the Gaeat Blood Pur
ifier. The great source of disease originates
in the blood : and no medicine tbat does not
act directly upon it. to purify and renovate ,
has anv fust claim on public attention.
Sevsntv-one Years of Aee ,
EAST MAESnyitLD. Aug. 23 , 137U.
Mr. H. R. Stevens :
Dear Sir I am seventy one years of age ;
have suffered many years with kidney com
plaint. weakness of my back and itomach.
I was induced by friends to try your Vege
tine. and I think it the best medicine lor
weakness of the kidneys I evcr _ used. I hive
tried many remedies for this complamt.and
never found so much relief as from the Veg
etine. It strengthens and invigorate * the
whole system. Many of ray acquaintances
have taken it. and I believe it to be good for
all the complaints for which it is recom-
Would Give B Dollar ] f or a Dose
BOSTOS , Feb. 13,1571.
Mr. H. R. Stevens :
DearSir I have been badly afflicted with
kidney complaint for ten years ; have suf
fered great pain'in my back , hips and side
with greht difficulty in passing urint , which
was often and in very small quantities , fte
quently accompanied with blood and excrn
dating pain. I have faithfully tried moi
of the popular remedies recommended fo
my comrlaint : I have been under the treat
ment of some of the most skillful phy i-
ciana in Boston , all of whom pronounce *
my case incurdble. This was my condition
when I wai advised by a friend to try the
Vcgetlne , and I could see the good effects
from the first dose I took , and from tba
moment I kept on improving until I was
entirely cured , taking in all , I should think
about six bottles.
It is indeed a valuable medicine , and i :
I should be afflicted azain in the same wa ;
I would give a dollar for a dose , if I conic
not get it without. Respectfully.
Boston. Nov. 2 , 1873.
H. R. Stevens , Esq. : Dear Sir From a
poor , emaciated sufferer , the Vegetine has
restored me to perfect health.
I have for years been a terrible sufferer
from canker and dyspepsia , at times ren
dering life almost a burden to me. I am
now fifteen (15) ) pounds heavier than when 1
commenced the use of Vegetine.
I will make mention that I was also t
great sufferer from kidney complaint , caus
ing excruciating pain through the small ol
the back nearly all the time. Thj , too ,
Vegetine has cured , and I am now a perfect
picture of health , and. I will add. happinesi
all caused from the use of a few bottles ol
Vegetine. Respectfully.
No. 1 Union Place , Boston. Maw.
Vegetine is composed of roots , barks , and
herbs. It is very ploaiant to take ; every
jhild likes it.
7EGEME is soM 1)7 ) all Diwisis.
If you fesl dull , drowsy , debilitatedhave
frequent headache , month tastes badly ,
ioor appetite , and tones : coated , you are
innorlng from torpid liver ; or biliousness ,
md nothing will cure you to speedily and
jeraanontly M to take BlMJtos'a LIVIS
iTOB. or Medicine.
Pureit an .
ram ily Medicine in
he World.
An effectual spe-
lifie for all dis-
ia of the liver.
tomach and
andspleen ,
Regulate the
Jims and -
rent ChilM and REGOtATOR
fever. Malarious _
'ever * . Bowel Complaints , Restlessness ,
Jaundice , and Nausea.
Nothing is so unpleasant , nothing so com-
aon as bad breath and in nearly every ease
t comes from the f tomach. and caa be so
asily corrected if Ton will take Simmons'
liver Regulator. Do not neglect so sure a
emody or this repulsive disorder. It will
Iso improve the appetite , complexion and
eneral health.
How many suffer torture day after day.
aaking life a burden and robbine existence
fall [ IcMuro , owing to the secret snffer-
DR from piles Yet. relief is ready to the
land oi almost any one who will nzo sys-
ematically the remedy tbat has permanent *
y cured thousands. Simmons' Liver Re -
ilit'r is NO drastic Ticlent purge , but a
entlo aBttstant tc nature.
SHOULD not ba regarded aa
a triCing a'lment in fact.
nature demands the utmost
regularity of the bowels , and
any deviation from this de
mand paves the way often to
serious danger. It Is quite as
necessary ta remove impure
accumulations from the bow
els as it is to eat or sleep.
and no health can be expect
ed where a costive habit of
body prevails.
This diit essirg adicticn oeear * most fro
nentlo. The disturbance otHhe stomach.
rising from the imperfectly dizestfd con-
nts. causes a severe pain in tha head , ao-
ompanied with ilisaereeable nausea , and
lis eonctitates what u popularly known aa
iok headache , for the relief of wh'eh take
immoni * Liver Rezulator or Mediaine.
J. H. Z IXTK & CO. .
rie , tl.OO. Eold by all prugjrists.
t'fi -
7M Cirt Illmf nfMllM khaatref UiTeg
ifcsal Isjectofi
te :
This In itrameat is etpxbSljdealgaed for th
perfect appUcaUon of
It 1 the only form of lartrnment yet IcMiitwf
wltti whlcfl Hold medicine can be oirrlnl 2 < c4
up and ptrjectlapplinl to alt pirts of the sSnf
td natal paeugex , unit trio chambers or cavlUe
communicating Iherefflth. In wtilch mm tad
olc n freqaently exist , and from wfclch tba c -
t&rrbal dlaclurire fencrally proceeds. TtoTr
Of anooeM In treating Cntarrh beretoforo
arisen larrelr fron tbe IrnruwAlblUt ? ot npplj
remodiealo tbese carttiej and chambers bjaay
of the ordinary raetbo-l . This oboUcU la th
r y of effecilnr card Is entirely OTenxna * by
the Invention of the Douche. Its nso U pleaiwnC
and BO etmple that a chiU can nndencuuf It-
Full and explicit direction" Bcolmpanr
each Instrument. When nsed wltn thlj tojtro-
mect. Dr. Saga's Catarrh Ucmaly cores recent
r = . msttacks of "Cold In ttio
Head " by a few application * .
-Kr n nmt
headache , dischartre Iillln/r / Into throat , MDK-
timea profase , watery , thick rauau , parulent.
offen tTeetc. In others , adirnes * . dry .rsjerr.
weat , or Inflamed eyea , stoppbj ? up , or obitrwj-
Uon , of naaal passagtw , ringias la carl , deal'
neas , hawtin and coughing to clear throat.
, Kaba from ulcers. Tolce alter t ]
nasal twang. offenrtTe breath. Impaired or total
dcprl-ration of nse ot m U and ta te.tli2l -
ce , mental depression , low of appetite. Indl-
P U03 , enlarged touiLs UckUns oonia. eto.
Only a few of these ( ymptoms are IlVejy to bo
present In any ca e al otie U = e , -
Dr.Saxe'f Catorrbi S mi > dy.wti iawd
with Dr. Pierce' " Naiml Doncbe.and ao-
oompanied with the constitutional tmstmeat
which Is iToomuiendrd in the paraph > t that
wraps each boule of the Braedy , Is a perftct
epecifle for this lantavrae dl a * . It U mild and
pleasant to use , containing BO > tron or estuUo
drnxorpolMn . The Catsrra Bcm Ij1 li * otd at
CO cent } , Douche at 80 all DrnsglsU.
S. T. JXJSBCT , X. D. .
Br aa lain ! TOM praetlen. metfUsr li
period of T r % burliur within ttat dme trtiM
miaj Uioosinil tesei ot tie * < ll-eii pocolLir
to woman , I bara b ea enablM to txirtett
moot potent and iwretabla mMlcine tKu nct
tbe Indications preientdd by thai clau of dl J
e& > a witlt poalure certainty and ezactaeaa.
To dejljrnata tMs satsnl eptclflo coiapocsdt
I taw named K A
Dr.Pierce's Favorite PrescriptioB. '
Tba tfrai , ttavsrtT. It tmt a tebl expKtaJca
of m high apprariujnn of la value , toM epee
my own obocrratloa. A * a eteob -
Mrrer , I haTfvtrWJe wltnewin lu paaltlre rfr-
lolta In the few special di ca. M InciJf nt to tU
epant or anirci of woman , tlaxlixl it oct & >
( lie climax or er owning arem ol mr
medical career. On lu merit * , aa a po < i-
ttre , aafe , and eStctnal rtmexly for this ola
St ( IlMajM. aod ane Uiat will , at all timed and
aider all areanutanc ! i. act LlccUy aod In fiar-
oony with tba laws watch frarvm tb female
iriten. I am willing to > uke ny tvputatloa RS i >
pnyilelan. Kar , area mere , to ooofldcat sta
thit It will not dluppolat Uie mMt
expeetatloni of a uln Ie invalid lady wao n n It
for any of tbe ailaecu for which I tecnnmtnd It ,
that I offer and * eB it under A JPOMTIVJ * .
O DAK ANTE E. If a tencfl'-lal effect U not
experienced by Uie time two-third * of the eoo-
tenu of the bottla are uxcd , I wiL : on retnm of
the botUe , two-nrili ot tbe medicine
most perfect eonfldenen In ltsTtrtnc < , Iooad ! n't
oTer ft aj I do noder the. enndlUons ; but fc i-
Inf witnessed lt > trnlr miraculous ecrm la thm-
unds of caua. I toclwarranted and
perfectly Hare la rlsklujc both , tny
repatatloa and my money on Ita
tnorlt * .
The following are ma * ? th9 o defaces In
which my JParorlte > Pre eripttou ti *
worked ccre , as if by nucle. and with a cer
tainty Barer before attaloea 07 any mollcln * :
Lenoorrhom KZCCMITO Flowing. Painful
Monthly Periods. Snpnreh wh n from un
natural eanxw. IrrepiiarlC I , Weak Back. Pro-
bpso3or falllnz of the Uie , u , Act Ter > um and
Bctrorersion. iWrtuff Doi i Sensation * . Inter
nal Heat , Nerrooj Deprevlon. DeaUitr. Df-
poodencT , Threa nel ili-v % rrta c. Cnronlc
Con eation. InSammttion and tlceradoaof tfiB
Utertu. Impel ney. Barrenness or Sterility , fe
male WcAluiMS. and very many otfc r cbnmiQ
HUeAees Incident to woman Dot aentioced here.
la all affeetuna of thi * nature , my Far rl'.a
Pre criptlon worka cures the marrel of
the world. Thlamedlclnoldonoextola < a
care-all , bat it admirably fulffll * a ln l -
nem of parpo c. bcln < a most perfect
pcciac in ah chrcnlc duea e * ot Ui K.iiut 17-
tcm of woman. It will not ril'if point , cor will
It do barm , la any "tatc er condii ion.
TBOM who de lro further lnftrm tlon vn
thrsa snbcct obtain It tn TE no FLO
Coxxos SEXSC jtzaiCA.1. ADVISER , a bvt
of OTer Vtt pafto , Mnt , pngt-paid. onrree tpt
of tlJO. It treat * mlnai'lT of tlc o dlieatct
peculiar to Ffinales awl pliei ratten Tuioah
adil-e In regorJ to tLa m.iaif mtat ot the &
affection * .
, , , MDrror.T . ,
BUFFALO , y. r ;
C LCM BC * . O. * FefcrBary J , 1ST * . "
rihr < 4 Co. ' t taki treat ptea r > ta
tat t * b * il i f joar MJohn4 n > to Rbrum tt A
Camponnd " enrnl ara of a rtry ba4 mc of R3 < >
Jim. Il wat rK luii < Kl l Mm > / I
J < m 8 ru 31 Kail rMen 1 Ptrwt.
pnrj : : .m SOLV ar ALL cnuG-usrs. \
ItK. . teller * A Co Pmi > 'r . Pltl.hitnh. I' .
Ed&wl ?