OMAHA DAILY BE * * > ' I , | TOL. VI. OMAHA , NEB. , SATURDAY MOBKTEKrGK AFRIL 28 , 1877 , NO. 39 S3 THE DAILY BEE E * POSEWATER , Editor and Proprietor. m. Itt. PA and 10ti- & . TEKMB OF SUBSCRIPTION Copy ( , i year , in aovanco. ; ( postpaid ) . . JS.OO " 6 months , in advance . l-'j ' ; " 3 months , in advance . 2.00 DRY GOODS. GoOuS1 Boots aDd Shoes &c. Hav'ng curchstd the bcs'nws lately eon * daeUd by OKCM. I b g ; o ml' ' lh atterlion of th * rublto to tny larz * * nrl careful rte ected * ock. Ha - ine jmrchared ihe old tock at a telo/ed r t and my new tto Jc beine farefnlly > e looted in New York Markets I can offer poodtit t < rie f nerer b'fnre rqaal'ed ' In Om-h < My motto ii "Far dealing and one prie * * only. " OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . JOB PRINTtNU. 1 } . Omth * Bee. 1SS Famharn Street. * MERCHANT TAILOR. Q. A. Lindqneit. theMercn .nt - Uor , hii Veeeived a fall assortment of Cloths. CMS - Beret and Vejtinrs. for spring and snmmT which can be made up in the latest style xr d at reasonable rates. Satitfaotion suarar- teed. sept 5 SOAP FACTORY. ' Premium Soap Works. Powell i Co. . Hill manufacture their Premium Soap. Five first preminmsawarded by the DouglM coun ty and State fairs , and Pottar atamie county Iowa Or r gnliiMtad from trip trade. DhUGS , P/INTS , OILS. 4c , .U. P-l R. TOUT. STORE , COR. 16TH AJ-DTVlBSTER. i Ke\r Stock "f Drngi Faints. GibWindow Olan. Teat , Toys and No' iom , Juet received , and will be fold at away tot.- ap2i-3m tom f cures. BEIffTISTS , 'OFFICE. Ho. ? 39 FARdHAM $ T Bet. 13& & Ma SU , - Oldest crecUeini' Osotists la fue A ft. BILLUJOB. A. W. KABOH. l > rs. < Sr IVason. 234 Farxthnm Street. , BETWEEN 13TH 41 TH.nP-BTAIRS Teeth extracted without pain by rise of Nl rnnf r Tid . Office open at all hours. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS SURGICAL ROOMS , T I. VAN CAMP , M. D. ' " ' 90ispeases | his own medicines , and besid fe nlar practice , makef specialities of Dr- ' * rangemenU and Diseases peculiar to womer. fistula. Piles and other disease * of the Re - urn. OFFICE Corner of Farei--- and Hlh Street , first door to the right , ap-sulir. R > - ldenc . 18th Street , first door south of the , Second Methodist Church. Omaha. Nebrar- ka. Address Lock Box 304. lanhd&wtf . AU3RICH. ECL13CTIC Physician & Surgeon. , 254 Farnbam street. oypo it * > tbe \ GraudVntl > uotol > pri2 tf 31KB. J.VANJ > ERCOOK , . Oif A BA 'Seridenc * andoffioa N. 2H2 Dodge ktreet , K rth tide , bet. 12th and 5 . V. H. COFFMAN. Si. B. . Physician & Surgeot. )4I rirnhlm SlrnL For Professional Serrieei Three Dollm a rlilt _ ep 10-dlv o.s. WOOD M.D ! , 'HOMCEPATHIST ' ROOM 1. CRBIGBTON BLOCK. Northwitt Comer FlfUnafh and DoasUi-8U. Residents 995 Sixteenth Street , Coraar of 3rae , Omaha. Nebraska. Cospoond Oxygen treatment for Chronio . OOo Hears 8 to 10 A. U. . 1 to 4 P. M. . und R to . M . MrSOdtf DR. A. S. VENUKATZ. Consulting Physician , HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED BIS - MEDICAL OFFICE. 99 Tenth Ptreet. - OMABA. ng his services In all departme"ts of medicine and snreery both in general and rpo-.Ul practice , acute and chronic diseasei. Can bo coctulted night and dav. and will visit al parts of the eity and country on re- eeint of letters or te'ecrams. ' 125-tf H.A.WORLEY.M.D. . HOMCEFATHIST OFflCE-Roem.Nw.tZ & ! 3.1icobt' Btoei COR. ' 'firrEEBTB-ST. & CAPJXDl * * , M-OFFICE HOITRS ! to 10 a. mlrS to 4 , p. m. c _ { aaStl H. C. JESSEtf. M. D. . kOMCBPATHIST limdeneti 2M BoZsrJ.'lKt. ISfJl OslZA-ttt. Office honn from 8 to 10 a. m. , from 1 to P. m. . ana from 7 to 8 D. m. oeUStf DOIT. OMAHA NEBRASKA. OFFICE SIOTWrt , nthittp tt ir . Treat * Chronic.Virulent and bpeoal i > aa- M iacluding ; Kervouj Debility and Vene real complaints- Chargic reasonable , an ? permaoeat curei made in the shortest time possible. Seminal Weakness , Spermatorrbea ( night losse * ! , Sexual Debility and Impotency ( loss ot lexual power ) , and all Impediments to Mar riage permanently cared. No mercury osed. Patients at a distance treated by letter. Med- leines sent everywhere. Confultation * free , oenunally or by mail. Office bonn : Da. m. to S p.m. Sunday v. m. to 4 D. m ian2tf DBPENSAEi j 7r"Ipenf'M ln U r I f. BCXTS'JIurrla . , eGaIci - < IViewt t S w ? s nd rS'SS5S | -es-wsssSiSS - - Ww : Ms ss r.a - CHETEXKE. livery-thing in a Thriving Condi tion , and Business'Im proving. The .Prospective Cheyenne and Black Hills Eailroad. The Black Hills Trnrel ou the Increase - ' . " crease , -re OorrttjMMidece of The Bte. Cheyenne , Wy.-T. , V > .pril Zi On coming into this town we were com pletely surprised while riding over the broad expanse of prairie lying between here and Sidney , without seeing a bouse , eave the station , house , we thought we had crossed tbe boundary line of settlement , out on arriving here , and ( It id ing Instead of a little town ot 2,00'J pec- pie , with small , inferior business houses scattered over a broad waste' of land , a city of over 5,000 inhabi tants , compactly built , wjth large and imposing brick blocks , broud streets and nicely graded , sidewalks in tbe finest condition , thn entire city showing such evidence of wealth AS is.fcund in but few of our Vestern towns. , A firm ciass of business men are supported by a large and steady trade. Everything is in a thriving condition and 'business of every kind it prospering. But few tramps are louud-ou Jhe streets of Chey enne ; everybody seems to bebu y. Nothing very exerting is going -on just at present. Cheyenne is gloating over lifer flattering prospects for thferailroad that is sura to be built from the U P. to tue"Hills , and. taking ev erything into consideration , this eeema the mo = > t natural "starting polut for this road. Jtf built from this point , which is the best point west uf Omaha. It would give them direct'communication with the D.Tp.R ; R.T which Is an exten sion of the K. P. R ii. This would give direct communica tion with all this broad and fertile land south , which is in direct com munication with Cheyenne. Capt. Evans present surveying from this point ; and doubtless his report will be made known soon. The de velopment of the Hills now demands " a railroad. "This would facilitate her lumber trade , which must be immense. It would develop her agricultural resources ; her grazing facll ties Could then be used to good advantage , to say "nothing about this place as a mining country ; but -judging from "various reports which we hear every day , there are noiv innumerable pay in mines , which seem to be almost inexhaustible. The Davenport & HIacK Hills Mill ing and. Comp'aby shipped a Jstump mill yesterday , the com pany will take coach for .Lead City to-morrow. C H. Ewers Is super intending the company. He has bad 17 years experience in mining and he tells us that the projects are more favorable than any dis trict he ever worked. He was out early in the spring , returned to Dav enport , and. organized a company. 3Ve. tmderMatnl frrjnr"liim tbnt Though the Hills are flooded with pe ; pie there is a great demand for men of capital. The trail to the Hills from this place is wonderful , a daily stage is run and persons wish ing passage are compelled to speuk seveial dnys ahead. THE CHfcYENJ.E KOUTE TO THE . . HILLS. We are informed by disinterested parties that it is good. Therangh'ca are well kept , giving travelers good jbq&rrjCandilodgine , foe drivers ac- cofflmodatipg. 'Ihe through trin , a distance of 290 milts to Deadvood , la made In ninety six lours. Cheyenne is doing but little ad- vertLdupr , because she has all she HU accommodate. All the travel trta the west , and south from Col- ora'Uand Kansas , goes to the Hills bywajrjf Cheyenne. They have the onlj telegraphic connection with the liilis. They are dome a very heavy express buSTness Ah immense \mail goes Ho the Hills by "way of this place. I speak of the amount of mail oompired wLh what I saw carried from Sidney. We shall notice the business in ournext. " GRIP. WASHINGTON. ( 1 r , Aspirant ) for the Spcatcrsliip. BpeciiU Corresponvence ot the New York ' \ ] Washington , Attu 23.-Geueral Banks arrived hereto-day , ostensibly - bly to attend to eot e business for . hia constituents , but n lly , it is be lieved , to look over tueVjeakership field , with a view of asu5ttaining Ills chances for election in a rtain contingency. He expresses-um. self as , fully in accord with th * PreeldenPtf- Southern policy , and etrneatly defend It upou-.the floor uf the House , should Bucb a defe.J e be required Mr Baadall is-also here , aud is con tl- jdent that he will receive the Demo cratic-caucus nomination. He was just sanguine of sacce H on tbe eve of thBr&SBambling'of theJForty- ' fourth Congress , when he was sig nally defeated by Speaker Kerr. Mr. BaridalHs certainly al this time the strongest of ttie Democratic caii- didatesran heTHuronly be defeat ed by-the others combining against him. Mr 'filortison's candidature , though ifmay not be earnest BO far as he id personally concerned , is certainly not in the Interest of Mr .Randall , as was tbe case when that geatleman was peeking to succeed Mr. ICerr. * llr. Morrison is reported - , ed to be determinedly opposed to "Mr. Randall , and ; f he cannot suc ceed in obtaining the. nomination himselfit is belieVed that he will work to 'secure the nomination ot Mr Cox Jt is belieYedthatJHr Cox and Mr. Morrison have a treaty offensive and de.'enslve , by which whoever1 of the two deveiope the greater-strength will receive the eupr.or"E-o'f the other. The Black burn elemprr , embracing ueaily t > ll those-who lllibugtered , to defeat tlje completion of the electorahcount , , , v.ilLnlhmttUrly KO" to Mr. Cox. At oest Mr , Sayler will not do-more than the third place in the ra--e. Hipwu * lele ation will not be " solid "for him. John Ihompson , who is desiru"a Qftrontii.uim54ipritld ! the irmfe- -Bergeatrrat-Arins is against . .Mr. Sayler because the ! election of tbe latter would bring deleat to himself , both of these gen- tleraen being from the same State. Mr. Thompson controls the Demo cratic organization in Ohio , and will use it to elect Mr. Randall if he can , aud to defeat Mr. Sayler in any event Thompson's fight Is for Ihompson. He will try to win with Mr. Randall , lut if he finds he can't do this , be will rally bis forces ( o nominate Mr. Cox. All the Demo- cralio candidates are conducting their campaigns upon the theory that there will oe no defection in the Democratic ranks. They affect to believe there will be no such de fection , but the anxiety manifested by many of the'r friends with reference - once to this matter shows they are not entirely free from apprehension After the issuance of the proclama tion convening Congress , the con test tor the spi akeruhip on both sides will rapidly develop. NATlOtf At * XOTES. The Reorgsuization of the Treas ury Department. * Gen..Sherman Watching tbe Eastern Struggle Closely. The Effect of War on the Grain Trade. An luterrlew with the Minister to St. Petersburg * Special to the Si. Louia Globe-Democrat. " \Vashington , , April 25. The reor ganization of the Treasury Depart ment promises to b8 more general thin has been anticipated. In a Short time United States Treasurer VVyman will be succeeded by Mr. Gi'rillan ' , now the deputy , Ellaflftb ( uuilitor ) , Taber ( fourth au ditor ) aud Mahou ( First Auditor ) , are to be superseded by appoint ments from th'e Southern and Cen tral States. Iowa , which has Car- peuter , as iTirst Comptroller , Mc- Crary as Secretary ofVar , Kasson , Minister to Spain , and "Williams , Commissioner of the liaud Office , is to be cut ciown in the bureau offices , but where is not yet deceded. BHEKilAN'6 8A.V. Gea. Bberlimu was busy in his office to-day studying the Turco- Russian war situation , with maps , charts and books before , him. He still adheres to his opinion hereto fore given in the World that it will te a most destructive war , and probably a projonged one. He also believes that it is one that Ameri can officers cau profit by , by obtain ing leave of absence and serving ou staff duty for half pay. WAK AND THE GttAtN TfcADE. The effect of the European war on the grain product of the United States baa leen investigated by the bun-ad of statistics , and the result ia altogether encouraging. It ap. pears that from September 1,1876 , to April 1 , of this year , the period since the harvest , there have been plactd in the English market Jrom this country 40 , 51,000 bushels of wheat against 62,240,000 tor the cor- .responding period of tbe year be fore , showing a decrease of over 13,000,000of.bushels in our expecta tions of ofWHEAT WHEAT TO ENGLAND. for the same date. The importation into Great Brltian from other saurces has been nearly 22,000,000 of bushels against nearly 35,000,000 for the corresponding period 'of the previous year. This shows that there is xiiitea deficit in England , as com pared with former years , and with tbe fcnpply cut off from Rnsola , the effect will be to stimulate American exportation of grain very largely , in the opinion of the Bureau. THE MINISTER TO ST. PETEBSBURC1. Our minister to St. Petersburg , George Hi Boker , who is on leave of absence , visited she State Depart ment to day , and had an interview with the President on yesterday , events have developed so rapidly since Mr. Boker left Russia that he is unable to give any additional in formation relative to tbe situation there. He ban , however , expected the declaration of war which came to band yesterday , and doubts not that the army haa taken up its march through Roumania. Mr. Boker has not decided whether be will return to Bt. Petersburg or not , though be has been informed that he can do so if he desires to. In the meantime the American legation will remain in charge of Gratio Washbure , First Secretary , who is tbe eldest son of the Minister to France. THE KUSSIAN MISSION. Wa > ne McVeigh , late of the .Lou isiana commission and at one time Minister to Turkey , is an applicant for the mission toRussia. CABINET SECBETB. In'fthe JCabinet yesterday there - > > an a general understanding among the eads of the Executive Depart ments , , in accordance with the wishes of the President , that the in quiries already made in the di rection of tbe better es. sablishment os civil service should bo * prosecuted as the princi pal matter of consideration until some general .result was reached which could be made tfiChnibJect ftf Cabinet consultation , with the view to the preparation of a bill to be submitted to Congress , with a mes sage from tbe president requesting its passage during tbe extra session. Is called to the perfect-fitting ahum and fine underwear manufactured by Ihe Omaha Shirt Jbcfory , Ph. Qgttheimer , propnetor. Hkvin/ opened an establishment for the ex elusive manufacture of thesrgoods , he .uarantees satisfaction in every casfif , both M to quality and fit , ant his facilities are euchlhat he is en abled to torn out better work at less pricesthan caupossibly , be'Offered elsewhere. A full line of gents' Tine furnishing goods constantly on nnd. Give him a call. ' I26ym EALEDTROPGSALs wjll be.received by l theCommijt'Ioneis ot DoacUa eonnty. _ jbrjtkaatttie office .f tve Connty ClnrK. on b turday , April 14th , lt7T at,3 i clock , p. ra , ; fo tbo conitracilon ot storie.cul-f ertacro stbecreek ; near the ioteneetl'ir ol Tenth ai'd 'oaesctreets. ia Umihs. Plan anl specifications icav be ie i , ! , County Clerfjonjace. Two-thirds othri \ cost will be laii by thecunnty and one-third by tbe city ot Omaha. 'Ibo right to reject any > rd illbid Isreeerrod LKWIB S. RtED. CfinntrJDlert i prlO-2twlt _ _ c WILL INTERFERE. The British Government , Being Called Upon by Austria to Fulfill Engagements Under the Trapartite Treaty , Has Kejsolved to luier- fcre Belwiea Russia and Turkey. It is Thought that Other Euro pean Powers WII be Drawn Into the Rumpus. The Battle at Tshurukson , Which Commenced on Wed nesday , Continued Thursday. THE EOBOPEAN VVAB. THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT TO IN- TEBFEKE. XlverpoolApril 27 The Courier's J pndon correspondent telegraphs that the British government haa re solved to interfere between Kuasia and Turkey , 1 have the highest authority for stating that her majea- ty'sgovernment has just been call ed upon by Austria to fulfil her engagement - gagement Under the tripartite treaty of 1856/or protecting the in tegrity of the Ottoman empire , and that the decision ha ? bssn come teat at a cabinet counc'l. ' The cabinet resolved as the first step , to make a formal request to the Bus isu gov ernment to stale the object ot mili tary operations now beldg underta ken against the Ottoman povern- meut and define the extent to which it is proposed to carry thtse opera tions. THE TRIPARTITE ALUAlsCE. It is learned that the Austrian government will address an inquiry of the eame purport to Russia France , the third party to the trip artite alliance , has not been required to take action in consideration o * the strained relations of France and Germany. The treaty enables any one of the three powers to act sepa rately in fulfilling its terms , or to call upon either or both powers to fulfill the treaty joint action. Aue tria ha3 obvious reason for net em broiling France , yet Auttria CANNOT ; LONGER HKSITATE from resisting Bussian invasion. Though Earl Derby was able to confidently state a week ago this country was not likely to be called on to fulfill the tripartite treaty , yet within six days the Britich gov ernment has actually been required to fulfill its understanding , and it is quite anticipated the momentous alternative of declaring againet Bus- sia will arise shortly. The situation ia regarded ut Vien na as Tar more urgent than Britisn statesmen seem to admit , and trie initiative of rnilltary action lies with Austria. It was reported last nignt that Lord Napier , Governor of Gib- ralter , bad been instructed to go to Malts , and that a portion of ihe- guarda are ordered to embark for Malta immediately These reports are believed nrematurs , although it is understood tht : strengthening ot the garrison at 3lil'a has been un der I'fflcial consideration since the government received from Vienna the requisition to fulfill the tripar tite treaty t'ALLINTO LINE. London , April 27. Foreign offi cers have received intimntion not to leave Servia All administrative officers in the war have been order ed to place themselves at the dis posal of the ( Servian war minister. The permanent committee of the Skuptscbina have been summoned to Belgrade. Abdul Kerim wishes Servians to occupy all important points on the UaiiubSj regarding Servia as an integral part of the Ot toman empire and bound to suoport interests of the Forte. ITALY'S INTENTIONS. Italy intends to occupy Albania as soon as Austria enters Bosnia. One-third of the refugees who crossed the frontier during 1875 and .1876 are now dead or have returned boms. Ouly the protection of Aus trian bayonets can induce the bulk of tne refugees to return. Without it they would rather die of starva tion. tion.The The Turks , it is reported , are mak ing arrangements to destroy the road from Bagussa to Trebinga. Furkish forces are very weak at the camp of Dubrawa. Four hundred men died within two months. At Tribinge there is a garrison of two thousand healthy men and eight hundred sick. About half the troops are Asiatics , who fail very rapidly. THE ADVAIiCING ARMIES. Erseroam , April 27. Russians are invading Turkish territory be tween Batoul and Buyadid , and have seized six thousand bushels of grain at Adjukooly. Turks are ad vancing toward Aledrianople in three columns. A battle is ex pected. THE RUSSIANS SUFFER DEFEAT. Constantinople. April 27. The Bussians have , occupied Glurgevo , on Danube. The renewed fighting near Batoul , according to accounts received here , haa reeulted unfavor ably for the BussJans. The Ottoman - . toman fleet is bombarding the Bussian lortified harbor of Porti. The porle haa issued ANOTHER MANIFESTO , which declares that Bosnian , - Bulgarian garian and Herzegovinian insurrec tions and Servian and Montenegrin declarations of war were instigated by the Bussian manifesto , and con cludes with the declaration that Turkey is ready 10 flght to the death for independence. SIMULTANEOUS OFFENSIVE MOVE MENT. Constantinople , April 27. It is stated that the Turkish commanders at Scutari and in Herzegovina have commenced a simultaneous offen sive movement bgainst Montene gro. gro.The The reports of un'riendliness be tween Turkey and Austria are de nied. nied.Pashas Pashas telegraphs from Boutam Thursday pv ' ing that the second .day of fighting reeulted 4n favor ol the Turks , who were well under shelter , and inflicted considerable on the BusBiau forces. Bucharest , April 27 Two Turk ish monitors , each carrying five guns , advanced yesterday to the mouth of the river Sereth , to take soundings. The Bu sians continue to concentrate at Barbaschi LATEST MARKET KEPORTS. YOBK PBOJUUCE. NEW YOBK , April 27 Flour Shade firmer. Wheat Uncraded spring , 1 75 : No 2 Milwaukee , 1 95a2 00 ; Ko 2 Chicago- spring , 1 93al 95. Bye Heavy ; western , 1 05- Barley Quiet and firm. Corn jc higher } steam mixed , 07 l-2aGSl-2c ; low mixed , 68usteam ; yellow , 69c. OaLs Strong and higher ; 47a62c. Egg-i Firmer ; 13c. Pork 16 50. Ltird Heavy ; prime steam , 10 121-2al025. Butter Unchanged. Whisky Firm ; 1 J3 CHlCAGOtJLilVJi SluUK. CHICAGO , April 27. Cattle Becelpts , 4,000 ; market dull and easy , but not quotably lower. HogsBeceipts16,000 ; market quiet ; 6alOc lower ; extreme range of prices , C 25a5 75 : sales chiefly at 5 35 < 5 40 for bacon ; 5 40a5 50 for mixed and heavy packing ; . 5 5Ua 5 65 for good to choice shipuern. Sheep Bscelpts , 1,000 ; market active and firm ; sales poor to choice , 4 00a6 25. ST. LOUIS PRODUCE ST. Louis , April 27. Wheat Higher ; 2 22 cash aud May ; No 8 do , 2 10211 Corn Q uiet ; Sza52jo , 52Ja54o. Oats Excited and higher ; 42Jc cush ; 40c bid April. Rye Higher ; 1 00. Barley Quiet Whlsfcy Higher : 1 09 Pork Inactive and lower ; 16 50 cash ; 16 76il68J June. Lard Dull ; lo I2J. Bulk Meats Quiet and weal ; ; shoulders. 5c ; clear rib , 8Jc. RT. LOUId JLIVK STOCK ST. Louis , Apnl 27. Hogs Steady aud unchanged. Receipts 2j)00. ) . . Cattle Easier and slow ; choiCe nnd fancy steers , 4 65a6 00 ; good to prime , 5 00a5 40 ; light to Jair , 4 60a 5 05 ; butchers , 4 25a4 35. MILWAUKEE PRODUCE. MILWAUKEE , April 'll Wheat Firm ; 3o higher ; 1 85 } ; May , 185J ; June , 1 85j ; No 3 do , 163 } . Corn Weak and lower ; 6GJa57o. Oats Easier : 41a42c. Rye Higher ; 1 00. Barley steady } 8 c. MEDICAL. KOTAPJIJT VE&si'Nk1. ' South Boston. May9.187" . H. B. Stevng. tsq. : Dear Mr I have had considerable eipen nee with the Vegeti e. i-ord > 8pepfia. g-i.ertl debility andimpnre blopi. thn Vegetine is dcpcrior to anything wbich J have ever us d I o minencod taking VtKotins tbout the middle of la t winter p.nd , after using a fee butt es. H en- tirel > cared me of dypei > sia. aid my tilood never a sinsoio d condition as i'the pros- jut time. It will afford m pi nsure to g TO my fartner particulars relativ to whit I know about this euol medicine tu any one ho wil call or address me at my residence. JSG Athcnp street. Very respetfu ly. MONROEP\KKER. 386 Athens ttreet. .DlfrtPEPSlA , Symptoms Want of apr > ttte. rising of rood and wind from stomach , a idity o tbe toinach heartburn , dr nrgj and wbittnpsa of tbet Egue in the morning , sense of uis- t ntion in the stomach a > d bowels , some times rumbling and pain : costivene s w. ieh is otfoasiocally ii terrup ed b diar- r oeapalenesot th urina. ih-j month is da my. or has a tonr or bitter taste. Other frequent sympto us are waterbra > h. palpi tation of the heart headacbo. aud disorders of ihe tenses , nj teeing double e c ' here is general debility , languor and aversion to motion : drjtction of the spirits , disturbed sleep , and 1 rightful dreams GAINED 16 POUNDS OF FLE8H. Ponth Berwick. Me. . Jin 17.1S72. H. B. Stevens. Esq ; DeirSir-I have had dyspepsia in i.e wont form fortha last ten sears and have taken hundreds of lollars' worth of medicine without obtaining any relief In September last t commenced taking the Vegetine , since which time my i health has steadily iicprq ed. My fed di gests well , and 1 have rained fifteen pounds of flo h. There nre sevtral others m this place taking the Vegetine and all have ob tained relief. Yours tru'y. TnOMASE. MOORE , Overseer of Card Koorc. Portsmouth Co.'s Mills. * * ( FEEL MYSELF A NEW MAN. ! e Natiofe. Mass. . June 1.1872- Mr. H. P. Stevens : J.'ear bir Through ' the adnce and earnest persuasion uf the Hev. E & . Best , of this place , I have been taking Vegetine for dyspepsia , of which I < have saffeied for ' ears. ' I ha\e used only two bottles , and already feel mjeelfanewman. hesjiectfully. , Dr. J. W. Carter. GOOD EVIDENCE. Cincinnati Nov. 26.1872. Mr. H. R. Stevens ; Hear fair The two j bottles of Vegeiine furnished me by your i agent my wile. as used vita great benefit , i 'for a long timosi e bas oeen troubled wth ' dizzi ess and co tivouess ; these troubles are now entirely removed by the useofVege- ( rhowaanlfo troubled with dtsp psia and generally debility , and ens been greatly benefited. Thomi Oilmoro 229 Walnut a.rcet. RELIABLE EVIDENCE. Mr H. R. Stevens : Dear Sir I * ill mos cheerfully add mv testimony to the great number you have already received in vor ot 3 our great and good medecioe. Vegctine for I do nut think enough can o ; aid ia its prai e for I was troubled ov r thirty jcara with thit dreadful disease. Cat rrh end had suchb d coaching spell'that't would seems a : th"ueh I could iiover breattc any more , and Veget'ne has cured me ; and I do feel to 'hark & id all the lime that there is BO peed a medecine a' Vegetino , and 1 also think it oneoi the bc < t medecrnes for coughs and we k sinking feelings at tbe > tom < < ch and advise everybody , to take tie Vegetine. or I can nsau e t om itts one ot tbe best medecines that ever was. " Mrs. ii. Gore. Corner Magaiine and v > alnnt jtrees. Cambridge , Maes. APPRECIATION' Chuleotown. Mass. . March 19. 18 9. H. K. btevens : Ihi" is to certify that I have used your "Blood Preparation"CVe- etine in my family lor several years , and think that for scrofula or cankerous humors or rheumatic affe tions , it cannot Le ez- cel'ed ' ; and as a Blood purifier and Siring medicine it b the best thing I have ever usei ; and I have used almost everything. 1 can cheerfully reccommen 1 to any one in need of such a medicine. Tours Respectfully , Mrs. A AUinsmoro. . 19 itufsell street. FBIPARKD BT Hv > S3 unnBj M. E4 w .5 Sr Xv Vtt .39 S OSTON . Jf4 fSA CffUSEl t .S1 YEQETINE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST -EOAI. NOTICE. Nancy Hoist , plaintiff , vs. Charles H Downs , Cornelia C. Downs. Lizzie C. Mer cer. Sarah V. Chase. O. W. 'rnith. The Omaha . ational Bank , and The Stata Bank of Nebraska. Defendints- Tbe faid defendants Ch rles H Downs. Surah V. Chase , and G. W. Smith , wll hereby take otica tbatthe saM plaintiff , has filed her 'petition igiinst caid de iendants in the District Curt. in and for DottRla1 county , ttato of CS'ebr iia. The object and prayer o said petit on i to fore close a mortgage given by CDsrleg U. Down and Cornelia C. Downs to vaid pic. tin or the e-st one-third ( % ) of lot se ca (7) ( ) . ii block eighty ? even ibT ) , in the city of Oraa ba. Nebraska. You are required to antwe ssid petition on or befo-o the 21 > t day a May. A. D. . 1877. NAKCVHDLST. By CHABLES F. MAHDKBSOX. her Atiy. apr7-esat-it FOREIGISrAFFAlRS The Porte Has Determined to Appeal to the Powers Against the Action of Russia. The Russian Fleet Now in this Country is Looked Upon With Suspicion by Canadians. It is Understood , However- * thai the Fleet Will Quit our Shores Shortly , and Stnd Off the Coast to In'flreept Steamships Carry- iny Munitions of War for the Turkish Gov ernment. - 4 O'clock IV 31. Keport. THE EASTERN QUESTION. THE VORTE WII4 , APPE&L. Lomlou , . ' pril 27. It IB reported that the i'orte has determined to appeal to iho lowers under tlit treaty of Pans against the action of Russm. The Turks liavedsfeated the Mon tenegrins and have advanced on Aliens. The Meriditea were utterly routed. I/.OKED UPON WITH SUSPICION. Montreal , April 27. The Human fleet now in American waters * is looked upon with suspicion by Can adians , many believing R'tssia tent the fleet to barrens the colonies in case England hhoiild be drawn into the conflict. Berlin , April 27. In the Reich stag yesterday , Gen. Von Moltke ex plained his speech of Tuesday , when he npoke of compensatory measures which must sooner or later be taken by Germany for massing of French trooj.y near the I ontiur. He meant measures having no offensive or ng- gres ivecharacter. He added : Our policy is necessarily pacific , without on thatuccouutreuouucingour free dom of action. Tl\iB \ was received by the house with cheera. The budget was finally adopted. London , April 27. - A dispatch from Pera says it in reported that a Turkish fleet , under command of Hobart Pasha , left Thursday night to take up position baforo Odessa. Telegraph wire at Ibralla has been cut by Cossacks , who ate three or four thousand strong theie. The Times special from Pera reports that EEobart Pasha is at Rustchuk on board an iron-clad , and must force his wny past Ibralat Galatz in front of th * Russian" In ordpf to xeturu to the Black Sea. London , April 27. The Tele graph's Paris correspondent says lie has confirmation of the intelligence of the threatening langHigo used by Russia toward the Khedive that the Russian reprisals would fake tht > form of a blockade of Alexandria. A Paris dispatch give1 * the textct another Turklah protest against Russia entering Roumauia be'oro her declaration of war Could reacb Turkey , contrary to the rules uni versally observed by civilized states Reuter' * telegraphic agency says war with Persia is expected in Tur key. Eucharist , April 27. At the open ing of the extraordinary session of the chambers yesterday the message of Prince Charles was presented , who said : . "Our presen tation to the Porte and powers to obtain their recognition cf neutral ity of Roumania was unsuccessful. Rjumama , abandoned by all , must rely on her own resources. We must undergo every sacrifice to pre vent Rjumania from becoming the theatre of war. " The prince will fight only if necessary for the integ rity of the frontier. NEW YOBK. TUB RUSSIAN FLEET WILL LEA.VE. New York , April 27. It is under , stood that the Russian fleet will take an early departure from this port. The officers of the fleet visi ted theTombs yesterday , and effec ted the release o' ' a number of sail ors arrested for trivial offenses , and they were sent aboard their respec tive vessels. It is understood that the object of their mission is to stand off this coast to intercept and cap ture steamships that are loading with arms and munitions of war for TflE TURKISH GOVERNMENT. It is also rumored tnat the splen did steamships "Colon , " "City of Tokio , " and "City of Peking , " have been sold to the Russian govern ment , and that several Russian sailing vessels have been put under the American flag. The Russian admiral , Bonfakcff , in conversa- sntion yesterday said he bad receiv ed no orders to leave here. IL LIN OIH. REPORT N' T BELIKVED. Chicago , April 27. The rumors that the Eastern roads con tern plated making another advance in grain rates to the East is not believed in railroad circles here. , REMOVED. The general superintendent's office of the Michigan Central rail road was last evening removed to Detroit. Mr. Henry Wentwortb , general agent , is now the only gen- era'l officer of the road in this city. CROP PROSPECTS IN THE WESTERN STATES. Chicago , April 27. Accounts from various points in Minnesota , Iowa , Illinois , Kansas , Nebraska , and Missouri are encouraging with re sjject to the prospects for wheat and corn. A vast amount of seeding has been done within the past two oc three weeks , the farmers being moved to extra efforts in order to offae.B8 far as possible the ravages of the grasshoppers , BO that the av erage will Jariiely surpass that of previous years. OHIO NATIONAL BASE , JIALL MEETING. Cincinnati , April 27. At the na tional base ball meeting yesterday the board remained in session about two hdura , and" set with closed doore. The principal matter under consideration was the pchedule o : games arranged and publisned by Harry Wright and Mr. Hnlburt , several months ago. There was SOME DISSATISFACTION with the schedule by the Louisvilles and the Hartford ? , and It required but a little while to settle ou the question at Variance , and with a few alterations the schedule formerly submitted was approved. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH CHHJAGO PRODUCE , CHICAGO , April 273 p m. Wheat Unsettled ; June , ,1 , 73J bid. bid.Corn Unsettled ; -May , 55c bid ; Juhe , SScbid. Poik Firmer ; Mny , 15 95 ; Juuer 1610al612 } . Lard-8teady ; May , 10 07 } ; June , 1017J. NEW YORK PROUUOE. WEW YOHK" , Apsil27. Wheat Irregular and unsettled ; but little doing ; May , 168 } ; June , 1 7IJ. Corn Irregular ; May , 55c bid ; June , 583 bid ; No 2 56c. Firm ; May , 40 jo : June , . Barle. Nothing doing. Clover fcjwd 8 C0a8 75. Rye- Feverish ; . , 92c ; May , 93c ; June , 95n9Sc. PICTUR" AND PICTURE FRAMES. A. Hospe. Jr. Pictures 2fr4 DODGE ST. . SAINT'LOUIS ! AKD THE EAST. JTHOM OMAHA & THE WEE5 The Ktauzo City , titj < 5oa and Co-ascll Eafts ? K. K , * JO CBAJfOE of e r between Om h M St. LonU , and bnt one bsiTresn Cms banndNewYcrk. TcU U the onlr Use rnnntas a nilBiBn J'Ali'ce Klecplnst ! > . CoapSi F.ant frfttti Om..lin Tlit Kt. i < -f IUH ! nniiMifi Vity to Si. il ? ArrSvnl of ti loa Pncl o Ezpi DAH.T ALL BEACHING Eastern and Western Cities. With I a 'ehan M ana in adTano * of oth UQM. inola equipped with Pullman Palace Sleeping Can" ; PALACE DAT COACHES A CHAIR CABS Mllltr'c Sifety Pliliorm ind CoipUr , & ANDTH3 Celetotea WesbjjMe Air Braie trSee that TOUT tickets lead vi * * * VIA BIAS I H. IBtt * Heists'for ul * 3 7nTSirra Bt , , Gr nd Csnt7J ilot l. BANK B. MOUSES TlV sl Aj.X IK F mMW J. 7. BARNARD. A. 0. DAWJS Gen'l Sup't. flw'l Pa l. St. Joseph St. PURE BLOOD Is the life , but bad blood is the abomina tion. From it and derangement of the kid neys and urinary organs. Mme most of th pains and aches and all diseases of the skin. Dr. Green's King Cure is a remedy that If intended to strike at the root of this trouble. It acts as a diuretic evacuant in cases of Dropsy. Gout , Gravel , and all diseases of the Kidneys , while it acts on the stomach as a tonic. It moderately accelerates the circulation , gently encourages the action of the bowels and powerfully augments the urinary secretion purifies and cleansesfiJ Jlood , thus removing the cause of boils carbuncles , scrofula and all eruptive ana cutaneous diseases : reduces inflammatory , rheumatic and neuralgic pains and acher. allays inflmmation of thefkidneys.glandiand Bbrous tisnes and joints , softens and carries off gravel and other calculus deposits of thf urinary organs ; cures Diabetes , Bright't Kidney Disease , Lucorrhoa , ( Female Weak ness ) , scrofula and all diseases arising from disorder of the uriny organs and impure state of the blood , and especially adapted to female complaint * . It is a safe and pleas ant alterative , and cures without depicting the stwngth of the organs or the tone of the general system. In other conntriea its rep utation was so high that it gained the titie oP'King's Cure. ' A daily use of it will in most cases prevent , and in all cases mitigate the attack of the diseases for which it is re commended. It is beneficial for washing eruptive discharges on the skin ; bnt for run ning sores , or severe pains n the joints us * Dr. Green's Crimean Linameat , for man and beast. For sale by J. E. and by C. F. Ooodman. moM7-1te8 > hd PROSPECTUS. Historical Atlas jf tie forlJ Ijj i Ii til ! it. fuit ] Vi | if This Atlas will be complete In the Sprint of 1876. and will contain the finest cents of Maps yet published. The Maps of the Uni ted States will be the finest ever published ; they will be elaborate in detail , finely execu ted , and will give a better idea of the ad vancement of our Republic for 100 yean than can be given by any other publication. The Maps of the old country will be from the best authors , and will be found complete and well executed. Every map will be accompanied by a his- torial sketch , riving , in a concise manner. such facU as will make them doubly -worth theiroost. No history or book of travel , not even the daily newspaper.can be read without the aid of an Atlas , and the want is not confined to profesrional men and scholars , bnt is felt in an equal degree by every reader. TEX Ba- TOBJOiu TtiB O7 TH * WORLD will not only meet an universal need. but will be practical ly without a competitor in its special field. The descriptive matter , though popular in tone , will be prepared in s truly scientific spirit. The historical portion will be excep tionally full , and the method of arranging statistics will be remarkable , simple and con venient. Each member of the family wil flnd something in it to invite and Tay pern sal. Ifo Seed of Wearing Ecady-Made or PoorTBtKfls any Longer. Great Reduction In Business Knits Made to IVB : jr. THE MHBCHAIT.ll Having Purchased a Larg- * Stock of Pi He ? Uowl" at he Proposes to Give the Publfc the Bejieflt , ol the aamn. Get Your Measure Taken afc Once , tf Paat aloons , on3y 359.0O. Business & This is Cheaper than. Beady-Made Suit" , Manufactured out of Poor J Cloth. Don't You. Forget it. Notice AIca Tfe * Reductions ! Drawers , 75 cents upwards ; Undershirt ? , 75 cents up"f Hu jKjudt'rt , 75 cents up ; Socks , cen t8 a pair up ; Rest Linen Collars , 20 f nts each , or 12.30 per drzeu ; White All Linen Handkerchief * , 40 centi eiicb , or $4.00 per dozen ; Best Liale Thread Gloves , 50 centa up ; Bf > - > t W-Jiite Shirt * cheaper than over ; Kid Gloves marked down ; Scarfa nt reduced figure- . F i AGENT FORAVILSON BROS. , SHIR I' 1ANUFACTUREKS NOW IS THE TIMEJIU DRESS UP f OR A LITTLE MOtfaY " FRA-NK J. &AMGKE. 1855. EXCELSIOR STOTE ELU8E , ' 1877. MXS.TO2T mcasus , Wholenle and Retail Dealer in ) TIN PLATE , METALS AND TINNERS' SIUCK. Stamped , Plain and Japanned Tin Ware , Tinuers' Tool" and Mn hiup ? , the Celebrated Granite Irou W rer Couipietw-Liuo of Camp aud Miners' Kquiiagp. . TJA.HT'EIIN FIHOEH ! > TJIX.rOA TJfc D. Prompt Attention given to Orders from the Trade. K-snd for Catalo uo nd I'riec Lilts. "No. 243 Farnlmm St. , Onialiti LOCKWOOD MOUSE. North of the Railroad , on the 81la of thu Guilt Fjlgo JJouso , W33II. , ' SEADQUAKTERS JiND OFFICE OF THE SIDNEY A BLACK HILLS DAILY BTAQE AND EX'-RESS ' COMPABY. ) i. New and Commodious Hotel for the accommodation 01" the U. P. H. R. Company Iravelers flnd the Public generally , with first-clnea ncccmnioUatierjs. Most Pie nt Bd Quiut location iubv City. yr SKWXY ECnSlSIIED A5D WEI.I. VB&TII.ATKI > KIMHIS. pr27' Jsiwinplo Xlooms for Coiiimeroluljaoii. . 3m ' , BOYS' , MISSES' AND CHILDRENS LOWEST PRICES ! i1 FINE BHOE8 a Specialty , at the Leading Shoe Store Orders by mall promptly attended to. HENRY DOHiS , OMAHA. NKBKASKA ap27tf O. S. GOOID IO SC & OO. , Mannfactarers' agents of WHrTNET.CARKlAOES.'andfJotiborslof Croquet , Bird Gages , Baskets , Base Ball Goo s Etc. Also agents for Jewell's CELEBRA TED BEFRIGEBATOBS , FILTERS & WATER COOLERS. TOR ! M.USTItATED - * tf. M. J. MoKELLIGON , IMPORTER AHD JOBBER OF Wines , Liquors and Cigars , f TOBACCOS. &c. Wo.174Famham Street , - - - - i H ! * e Old Kentucky Whijkies a Specialty ' * AX j Agents for the Eldorado Wine Co. , California. > . CHARLES B. WOODWORTH , DEALER IN Freight and Farm Wagons , Freighters Supplies , Buggies. &c. , &c. J28 Douglas-St. , ' - Cmahn. Iv'eljrRfcha. " dec27J ( OPPOSITE ACADEMY OF aMDBir ' [ r MORGAN & llfLini ETC AI WHOLEoAL A9EST8 FOB lf ; XABi > POWDSB C * 205 Farnham IptS-Jf.