r x V _ ' V wi < ik. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE VOL. YI. OMAHA , NEB. , THURSDAY MORNING , APRIL 5 , 1877. It/ THE DAILY BE E. HOSEWATER , Editor and Proprieto 0/7YC&-13S FanJiam. 6 t. 9lk ondWXA- TEKJIS OF SUBSCRIPTION I Copy , i year. In iirtrance , ( postpaid ) . 0 monthi ) . in advance * * 3 months , in advance . DRY GOODS. S.P. SZOKSE. Ury Goots1 Boots Having purchased the bus'ness lately c ducted by IIAJIL7T OKUM. 'V ' I beg to mil the attention of the public my larg * > and carefully ee ectcdBlock. Ill ing purchased the old stock at a redui rate and my now stock belne carefully lected in New York Markets I can ol goods at nrices never before equalled Omaha. My motto is "Far dealing a one price only. " aprf-lm OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. JOB PRINTING. Omaha Dec. 134 Farnhain Street. MERCHANT TAILOR. U. A. LindauOEt. tbo ilercnant Jailor , b received a. full assortment of Cloths. Cat mcrcs and Vestincs. for spring and sumn : which can bo made np in tne latest itjle a at reasonable rates. Satisfaction juara teed. sep SOAP FACTORY. Premium KOHPVorkp. . Powell iCo. . si manufacture their Vrcmium Soap. Fl Grft prcmiuiniiaitnrdcil by the Douglas con ty aud Suite fair ? , and 1'ottr. < ilaraio cout IOIYH. Orders Hieitwl fmm the trade. Oh. Aj 23' > "i.Js'-v 'jr A A. tt . ti llk.C 1 > f i A. 6. EU.UKGS. A. W.KACOIf. IDZSIET'X'XSTS 23iFaruxnm Street BSTWHEN isrn i HTII.UP-STAIBS. Teeth extracted without pain by use of N runs Oxide. Draco oren at all hours. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS SUEGICAL BOOMS I. VAN CAMP , M. D. I iOispensos his own medicines , and besld regular practice , makes specialities of Dt rangements and Diseases peculiar to women Fistula. Piles and other disea of the Ret urn OFFICE-Corner of Karaivs and lit Btreet. first door to the tight , up-stairs. KM idence. 18th Btreet. first door south tffth Second Methodist Church. Omaha , Nebrw k . Address IioekiBorSUJ. ian31d4wtf BIKS. J. F..TANDEBCOOK , M. D. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Residence and office'No.J 202 Dodge street North side. bet. 12th and 13th. marl-tf V. H. COFFMABT. M. D. Physician & Surgeon 241 farnham Street. For Professional Services Three Dollar * i visit _ eeolO-dlT O.S. "WOOD M.D , , HOMCEPATHISl ROOM 1. CREIOHTON BLOCK , Northwest Corner Fifteenth nd Douglai-Sts Residence 995 Sixteenth Street , Corner o 3rc.ce , Omaha , Nebraska. Compound Oxygen treatment for Chroni Diseases. Office Hears 8 to 10 A. M..1 to 4 P. M. an J 6 to 8 V. M. eerSOdtf DR. A. S. F NU KV , Consulting Physician , HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED HIS MEDICAL OFFICE , 491 Tenth Street. - OUAHA. NKBEABEA. Offering his services in all departments ol medicine and surgery , both in general and epeial practice , acute and chronic diseases. Can bo consulted night and day. and will visit all parts of the city and country on re ceipt of letters or teloerams. i23-tf H.A.WORLEY.M.D. . KOMCEPATHIST OFHCE-Roomv.Nos.l2&13JlCOb ' Blocl COR. FlFTEBNTll-ST. A CAF1TOL-A V. CJrOFFICE flOURS-S to llTa. m. . 2 to 1. * nd 7 to 8 P. m. ianSti H. C. JESSEN , M. D. . HOMGBPATHIST Offiteand Retvirncc : 201 Howard. bet.ltth Office hours from 8 to 10 a. m. , from 1 to 4 p. m. . and from 7 to 8 D. m. octlStf DR. DON * . OSIAUA NEBRASKA. OFFICE-510 Thiriienth St. L'p stain. Treats Chronic.Virulent and Special Diseat- j including Nervous Debility and Vene real complaint * ' Charge * reasonable , and permanent cares made in the shortest time possible. Seminal Weakness , Spermatorrhea ( night losses ) . Sexual Debility and Impotency ( loss of sexual power ) , and all Impediments to Mar riage permanently cured. No mercury mod , Patieats at a distance treated by letter. Med icines sent everywhere. Consultations fre * . oenonally or by mail. Offlce hours : 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday p. m. to 4 D. m ian2tf OR..B.UTTS * riaje of both ' AThysloloeicslTiewofAUrriag wrtn mimed ixj the e c-nVmolitiii niiniare , oathemyrtmMortvptodiM n ( p j jje rt Inflrmltin etna na hooduMlwominhoo < l AnU'.uitntcdbookoiaarpatm brpri ate nrndui ? . vturlnhouldbekcptuudcrktckaa rfr. ( ntuotl rffnu IbrWetj. A PUIVAT2 MEDICAL TltCATlSE on U dir w f 11 Private Nature in bet i trxn. the Rbojei atnl t. Til n of ttiv fr jraal EiYrm , aod the tnct&j ot cure l.Xfv ) I ith mfrrmTflrr * , rt4ntdcrBe&l torSScts. HEDICAi ADVIOK on Sf null and Chronic Dimmer imina ! Wnkn i , CaUrrti. Canrrr , KupJnre.theOpim Ii'jttc. , .i0rlf > r > rk 'ntlmrr leal for 10 . A. brce booka confining 460 pa es andcmTthln vorl uowlnRonU .iipcrt ; , aent ercvirely Bealcd on n rtpt of 6O eta. AAlirw , Dr. Butts' Piipen Jr- C * W * 5 " . " marCS-difcwSm ENGRAVERS. W. . KNOWLES. 8UCCEESOK TO i. E. BICX. FIR T CE.ASS WORK AT tOW BATES. Box 769. Davenport , Iowa. feb-17-3ra WASHINGTON GOSSI Office Seekers , Broad Brims Stove-Pipes. How the Camerons' Win-Wi of the Washington Widow. The President and liis Itcforu Mrs. Hayes and Her Reform. Ttoe Here ol" tlio Day. Oomtpondmcts'of the Bee. Waabmgton , Apnl 1. Waahii ton is insufferably dull usually af Congress has adjourned ; there-d ( not seem to be anything left 1 buildings , department clerks u tbo debris ; but now the city is full of ofllce seeKera the streets pi sent n lively appearance humai ty very human , going and comii from the White House to the I partmentp , and from the Dupa ; menta to the White Hoube with i anxious , eager iook on. their fact I see a very few that look Dem cratic ; now and then a fellow tta has a "smile" all over hhnremin one of that extinct race. The broad-brimmed slouched lit so fashionable last winter , has givi away to the tall antediluvian stov pipe worn m the days of thepilgri fathers. The wearers of these hn look awful hungry , and have , suppose , come after their bread at butter. An official position is i longer one of honor. It meai simply and not BO very simp either , considering all the intrica wire pulling "business. " The fc low that has the most money , < has friends who have money , win How some of the situations are pr < cured in the departments , the fu lowing advertisement in one of tl evening papers will illustrate : " $200 will be given to any on procuring me a situation in one < the departments. Best of refei ences. Address S. M. H. , bts office. " After all there is nothing BO bril liant in politics as diamonds an gold I Think of THE CAMERONS , and weep if you happen to belong t that large class of humanity tha ire "poor , but proud , " as you chances for a seat In the Unitei States Senate are decidedly slim Now do you suppose that poor eli 3imou Cameron , who has outlive * liis usefulness , could have had sul icient influence over the Leglsla : ure of Pennsylvania to cause then jo extend his eeat he has just va sated in the U. 8. Senate to his soi Don , if It had not been for the pow jr of money ? Not a bit of it ! J Don has no reputation for being i jrilliant statesman. I have nevei leard of his making a speech pos libly he has but he has an eye t < Business ; owns oil wells deep am ich , coal and iron mines mile. eng , and also owns the votes of the niners and controls the Peunsyl rania Legislature. Who wouldu'l > e rich ? * Poor old tiimon. at the ripe age o ; iighty-nine , is tired of being a pub ic servant. The climate of Wash- ngton doesn't agree with him as Bellas it used to the atmosphen s too hazy ; and be has been the Hctlm of the wiles of a widow. He ittempted to act the "gay deceiver , " ind flu-ted with her tender affeo- ions , and she "went for" the old nan'a purse-strings a mftn living n Washington as long as he has loesn't have many heart-strings to ; ofor. But Simon says he didn'l [ o it , and Mary Oliver has gone to Courting justice to get what Simon's ourting didn't give her money ! THE WASHINGTON WIDOWS xe very suscepucie , ana so are the K > liticians to the bewitching smiles iestowed upon them. Ah ! they re enchanting creatures these ridows are , and the way their wily aares are set would out-cunning 3e most cunning fox. There are EVO classes of politicians the lions nd the foxes ; but both , in spite of leir sagacity , fall alike into the ap prepared for them. A new lember especially is victimized , iy the way , right here I will give a ord of ad ice to the wives of Cou- ressmen : By all means accompa- y your husbands to Washington. I will give you a fair sample of ow these unsuspecting innocents re ensnared and their fragile heart- : nng8 pulled at. A card , with a lack edge all around it , bearing the ame of Mrs. General , or Colonel , r Major , or Captain So-and so , is mt in. The lady is pretty , has a ne appearance , end looks as sweet ad demure In the lovely little wid- W'B cap nestling around her dim- led modest face. Sne talks in a > rightly manner for a few mo- leuts long enough for the victim i become deeply interested and ten she uses the strings to her bow she has several of them most tfully ; she subsides into a most ejected attitude ; her beautiful Igut face has assumed an expres- Dn of lovely woe ; thus she appeals his sympathy at once. She has a n , perhaps , that she wishes to be page in the Senate in some way ust she have bread or maybe she ishea an eighteen hundred dollar srkship in the treasury ; she must something to support herself ; ir early life was one of luxury ; a ere school girl when she was mar- id ; she is not fitted for hard la- r ; what shall she do ? Her bus- nd's great grandmother was born the State the honorable gentle- an represents ; and in the most aading way she tells her pitiful > ry of want and suflering , and ith tears in her eloquent eyes she gs his pardon for having intruded on his valuable time. In all ten rness , and witn a face beaming ith soft pity , he takes her little ivety band ( she is sure to pull oft e glove of her right band while king to him ) , and pressing it ntly and thri Imdy , assures her at he will "Rive her case a most careful consideration. " To sure ; of course he will. She aidly invites him , in a disinterest- way , to call she would be * ased to see him , on her dear , ad husband's grea t-grandmother's eount ; and then she gracefully WB herself out of his presence th a smile of triumph lurking in a corners of her parting lips , wbich jans , "I've got that fellow. " m't be too sure , my lady ; some aes the shoe is on the other root. it the average Congressman is so 1 of human nature that it is pret- hard for nim , to resist the many temptations which beset him on sides. THE NEW ADMINISTRATION is BO young and tender yet that i impossible to tell how the child v thrive under the civil service form ; all reforms are commendat but sometimes they are very beat ful in theory , yet most disastrous practice. While the reform is working order and Carl Scburz a the "colored man" have been cognized , Pat. Sitting Bull and 1 Mary Walker should not be forg ten. Send,8t. Pat. , to Kansas drive away the grasshoppers ; i lieye Sitting Bull ( ho must be tire by giving him a place on sot standing committee , and send I Mary Walker on an oxpediti to explore the Rocky mountaii then the referm will beasuccei You in Umahu are near neighbc to Iowa , ain't you ? I sbould thii Iowa , which was the banner Sta for Hayes and Wheeler , would fe aggrieved over not haviug a ti seat onthe cabinet coach. I pi sumo Mr. McCrary is satisfied ; yt it ncems to a very odd streak judgment to put Mr. McCrary , wl is such ii flue statesman and lawyc with no army experience , Into tl war department , and Gen. Deven wbo was in the army , and is apra tieul General , into the Attorm General's position. Well , the wai oi u politician are past findiiJ out No doubt President Hayi know hia o.vu business. I hope 1 : does-Home men don't so X'll a tend to my bu&iuees , wbich in I mind everybody's busmeca a mo : delightful occupation. The papers all over the countr are teaming with praises for Mn Hayes , becanse she is going to wor a reform in the social world by nc wealing blazing jewelry and ion necked dresses. There Is surely good chance for reform in this dl rection , but society Is at a low tid now , as it always is after Congrea adjourns. We'll wait and see ho ; the good lady will dispense honor at the White House next wintei when fashion is in full blast. A Mrs. Hayes is a dark-skinned , spare looking woman , I presume sbe i too sensible to wear a Jow-uecket dress ; it wouldn't be becoming ti her style in the least , and perhap she hasn't got diamonds and pearls This being Holy week , the pioui portion of Washington are in sack cloih and lamentations , ' especially that part who belong to the unsuc cessful sevens ! The successfu eights have been on a regular tan of thanksgiving ever since the thirc of March. What a people wt Americans are t ever restless and never satisfied ; we go recklessly along at break-neck speed , and uc topping us till we are brought up a itauding against some wall , where ill the ex-politicians are sure to go. I'hoae wre a woeful set of fellows bat went to the wall so flatly the lay the NEW SENATE ffas Bworn in. Poor Bout well was beuornest and sourest looking man ; Massachusetts did well to swap him or Mr. Hoar ; and you Nebraska leople , judging from appearances , , lso made a good exchange. Mr. iauuders looks and acts as though te meaus "business , " and that is vhat we want the oomingsession. ? his country demands executive uen , and Governor Saunders looks ike a man of that sort. Sitting be- idemein the gallery Jhe day the Senate adjourned were two young romen ( maybe they were widows ) , cho were commenting upon the ; oed looks of the new Senators : 'Oh ' , what a fine-looking man ; oesu't he look like a Senator ? " 'What ' lovely white hah : and wbij- : ers ! " "I do wonder if he is mar led I" But the Governor was all ttention below , and quite uncon- cious of being the object of BO much cl miration. We from the gallery are all uriosity when a new member lakes his "maiden speech , " and tie poor fellow gets the benefit of avere criticism , and if perchance , e should hi in his embarrssment tell you 'tis one thing to make a aeech to a country crowd , and uite another matter to make a leech in the U. S. Senate get hia ingue twisted and talk about a military soldier , " as I heard aSeu- tor who wasn't very new either iy , why he ifl forever doomed ; mt blunder never leayes him. By mere Blip of absent miudedness , en. Butler called Sam. Cox "tfhoo ly"aud ever since when Sammy as made an attempt to put in his II , some sleepy republican has roused and waved him aside with ilon't bother me ! " \ GOV. WADE HAMPTON , j ho arrived here Thursday mornj j ig , Is now the hero. Washington ways has a hero , and everybody is inging around Willard's hotel , here he is stopping , to get a look him. Ho is said to be a fine spec leu of physical manhood , with irk eyes , hair and complexion , aged with roseate hue , which be- ieaks him a child of the "sunny > uth " He ia very graceful in anner , and most attractive and jreeable in appearance. He says came here because the President viled him , and it would have been est discourteous not to have ac- pted the invitation. He believes e people of South Carolina elected m , and wish him to be Governor the State , and he will Hold on to e fort with a death grip. As yet 3 have not learned what the Pres- ant intends to do with him. him.C C N. ATTEMT1OHI called to the perfect-fitting abiiti d fine underwear manufactured by ie Omaha Shirt ftictoiy , Ph. ittheimer , proprietor. Having jned an establishment for the ex isive manufacture ol these goods , uarautoes satisfaction m every > e both at to quality and fit , ana i facilities are such that he is en- led to tarn out better work at less cea t ! an can possibly be offered ewhoro. A full line of gents' e furnishing goods constantly on il. Give him a call. 126ym LEQAu NOTICE. 0 William M. Bamberre and Lncy M. nberge. con-re idents. defendant ; . on are hereby notified that on the 5th f Match. 1877. Charles Mideley corn iced an action against yen in tne.Connty irtfor Doiutlas county. Nebraska , to re- er from you. the sum of $300.00 and inter- thereon from February 2. It77. at the > of 12 per cent , perannntn on a promis- notepayableto nim. principle 8300 , in * > 3t at rate afortzaicl , date November 2d , 1 and papable six months after date , order rf attachment was issued in said ion and your property taken under tbo le. Toazrereonired to answer on the day of May. 1877. BROWN ATBURSTON. pr4-w4t Attorney ! for plaintiff. VERY LATESr. Some Startling Developmei Expected in the Tweed Case. Sale oftlie PeDiirf & Ro < Island Railroad. N Anotner Family Arrested Ju Kt sas Supposed to be the Mur > derous Benders. Crazy Horse witb 000 Warriors About to Surrender. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH FROM Tl LEADING COMMERCIAL CITIES OF THE COUNTRY. ETC. . ETC. MlttuiKlit Kcitort. POLITICAL POINTS. QOV. 1'ACKAKD SPKAKS. New Orleans , April 4 Go Pac&afd made a speech in the cai cus to-day , declaring he would insi on his claim to the governorship i the end. THE KUODK ISLAND ELECTION. Providence , R. 1. , April 4. Prei eut returns indicate that republica candidates for governor and Hoi tenant Koveruor have been electe by iOO to QOO majority. For the first time in three yeai the republicans have elected the ec tire stute ticket. NEW YORK. BURNED TO DEATH New York , Apnl 4. A suppose Frenchman entered a house 01 Twenty-seventh street last night and , after upbraiding Lucy Freemai because of the life she was leading lighted a match and set fire to he jlothes. She ran to the parlor am then to the street , where a police man extinguished the flames , bu she was so badly burned she died ii i few hours. EXPECTED DISCLOSURES BY TWEED Efforts to prevent consummatloi ) f the compromise by realease o Tweed have been made the pas reek by men still in the legislature tnd the courts , said to be most in < rolved by expected disclosures re- yarding the passage of the Tweed iharter. A DISASTER AT SEA. A bark arrived here with the rew of one vessel and a portion ol Another that had been m collision > fi the coast of England. One was uuk , carrying down four seamen , 'be other bad been abandoned. DAKOTA. THE UPPER MISSOURI. Yankton , D. T. , April 4 The lissouri river is full of ice and rl&- ig rapidly. Reports from above bow it to be clear. Boats will isjte rcgulay Uipct hereafter. The arroll , which left on Saturday , is ed up eighty miles above , watiing > r the ice to pass. She has on Dard two hundred and twenty-five Hack.Hillere. POTTED TAIL'S BAND OOJUNO IK. Dead wood , April 4 A courier om Spotted Tail's band arrived at apt. Vroom's camp , near here , to- ight. He reports Spotted Tail , ray Horse and 900 of his warriors re camped on the Belle Fourche , bout fifty miles north , en route to is agency , to accept the terms of sace. Sitting Bull still holds out , at has but few warriors. The re- jrt causes great joy here. ARKANSAS. CHE BENDER FAMILY ARRESTED. Little Rock , April 4. A special i the Gazette from Alma , Crawford tuntyj jrives the latest in regard to ie Bender family. George Keifer id family , supposed to be the orig- al family of Benders , of murder- is fame in Kansas , were arrested are to-day by Kaunas detectives bo have been shadowing tin eifer family , and are confiden tat they have captured the rig > > irties Detectives have been fo me time past working as farm borers in this county , quietly atoning the movements of their larry , upon whom they sprang the ip to-day. KENTUCKY. SUDUEf ? HALT OF A BURGLAR. Louisville , April 4. Henry Johu- n , the supposed leader of a band burglars , before the commence ent of bjs trial to-day , sought to cape by descending forty feet > m a window in the court house. B used 4 small piece twine and , d hardly proceeded four feet len it broke , allowing him to fall a brick' ' pevement below. When 3ked up Johnson was found to be riously injured. A paper of pep- r and a } arge knife were found ha j possession. . OHIO. ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE. Cleveland , April 4. John B , uggeman , an ex-councilman and 11 known citizen , made a desper- i attempt at suicide at his real ace this "afternoon. Mr. Brugge- in was a candidate for street com- ssioner on the defeated ticket at > late municipal election. This itical disappointment and ill ilth are the supposed cause of the Hopes are entertained of hia overy.r " JLLINOIS. SAL OF A'KAILROAD. Jhicago/April / 4. The Peoria & uk Island railroad was sold with appurtenances to-day at auction , ler a decree of foreclosure of first rtjjage bondholders to R. R. Ca- , Rock Island , for 1550,000 , sub- : to an iiicumb.ranee of $150,000. isequently the first bondholders only $400000 and the second rtgages realize nothing. The d originally , in 1870 , cost $2,000- The amount of bonds was $1- ,000. , FOBEIGJS NOTES. ondon , April 4. The Times pe rks the Inck of elation in pnblic ing at the signature of the pro- > ! , and weighing variona infln- ea which pilght incline Huwia * aceor waV sajB : It is doubt- ' true that war can onty b § car- ried on at an immense sacrifice , i those witb anything to lose ki this and permit their zeal to < accordingly. All intelligence fi St. Petersburg conbrins this oj ion , but at the same time accou of Russian war preparations are numerous and consistent to be fi tious. _ _ MARKETS BT TELEQRAI CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO , April 4 ilour Firm ; western extras , fi ' 7n ; common to fancy extras , 6 50a7 75. ; T Wheat Active , unsettled a rad higher ; No 2 gilt edge , 1 3 ( , /egular , 1 27al 28J ; closed at 1 2 cash , 127al 2Sf ; closed at 1 2J April , 132al 33 } ; closed at 1 3 ! May , 1 33al 34 } ; closed at 1 i for June ; No 3,1 20al 20 } ; reje ed , 1 00al 02. Corn Fairb active and hlght No 2 , 38c ; cash or April , 42Ja42 } closed outside bid for May ; 42Ja4 for June ; rejected , winter recoip 37c. 37c.Oats Oats Quiet and weak ; INoJJg edge , 33 } < ? | regular , 30a31c ; clos inside ; cash or April , 34a34t , ck ed inside for THXyT rejected7"2 < > } c. Bye No 2 , 64c Barley JNo 2 , 55a55c cash ; 5 April. Pork Higher ; 1436 cash , Api or May. Lard Higher ; 960 cash or Apr ; 9 60 May ; 9 70 June. Bulk Meats .Shoulders , 5c ; she rib , 7fa7f c ; short clear , 8Jc. Whisky Fair demand ; steady i 105. 105.At At Close Wheat } c higher. Cor lirmer and.unchanged. . . Oats , ui changed. Pork , unchanged. Larc lirmer and unchanged. CHICAGO UV-BSTuUK. * CHICAGO , April 4. Cattle Beceipts , 3,000 ; marke 'airly active and steady ; values we Maintained ; Bales /air to chnic ihippers , 4 40a-5 20 , with few sale ) f extras at 5 37a5 75 ; poor to goo > jutchers , 3 00a4 00 ; stockers quota it 3 25a4 25 ; closed steady. Hogs Keceipts , 10,000 ; niarke ipencd firm at 5alOc higher ; sale if light weights , 5 25a5 35 ; mixei lackers , 5 25a5 60 ; shippers , 5 40 i 00 ; market closed dull with ad ranee partially lost. Sheep Receipts , 2,000 ; marke [ uiet ; valuta steady and unchanged ST. LOUIS PKOJJDCE. ST. Louis , April 4. Wheat Excited and higher ; 1 5' ' ash ; JNo. 3 do , 1 63. Corn Higher ; 39ja39fc } cash ipril , 39a39J. Oate Firmer ; 35c bid cash. Bye Firmer ; 68Jo. Barley Quiet and unchanged. Whisky Steady and unchanged Pork 14 37 } cash. Lard Firmer ; 9 50 asked ; 9 37J id. * Bulk Meats Firm ; clear rib , 7 jc , ST. LOUI8"LIVE STOCK. ST. Louis , April 4. Hogs Beceipts , 3,000 ; stfiady and ilr demand ; light shipping to good orkers , 4 40a5 00 ; bacon , 4 60s 00 ; butchers , 4 99a5 25. Cattle Receipts , 2fSq-ticuvabu ! ot quotably higher. JSEW YOBK PBOJUUCB. NKW YORK , April 4. Wheat Opened higher ; closed 3iet ; advance- about lost ; ungrad- I , 1 33al 43 ; JNo 2 Chicago old. loat,143. Bye Quiet. Barley Dull and heavy. Corn Unchanged. Oats Unchanged Eggfc Western fresh , 16al6c. Pork 15 00al5 15. Lard Prime steam , 10 00. Butter Steady ; western , Ila20o. Whisky Shade firmer at 111 } . NEW YOBK LEVE STOCK. JNEWYoBK , April 4. Cattle Beceipts , 2,000 ; market ill and weak ; 1 00 per head lower ; ira grades not quotably lower ; Ir to strictly prime , 10 25all 60 ; or- nary to medium , 9 OOalO 00. Sheep Beceipts , 5,000 ; market sier but prices unchanged. Hogs Beceipts , 5,000 ; market a ade firmer ; 5 85a6 00. BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. kANDREEN. VANUFACTCBKB OF ALL KINDS OP FIRE AND urglar Proof Safes ! VAULT DOORS , JAIL WORK , Etc. pairs of every nature in this line prompt ly and satisfactorily done. New and secondhand safes always on band , nnfactory on llarney street , one dee west of Van Corn's machine shops. tAHA. . - NEBRASKA inl5-tf HEARSES. THE MOST IN THE WES1 , ir A dulta and Children. . - i. 1 kept by O. W. Homan at the Omaha ) ry Stable , on Harney and 14th street. aprl-lm LEQAU ADVERTISEMENTS. U. S. MARSHAL'S SALE. the Circuit Gpurt of the United States he District of Nebraska. son. Bartbolow & Co. ) 's. v ( . Kin * and Susan T. Kinget al. J pursuance and by virtue of an lias or- if sale issued out of the Circuit Court of Jnited.States for the District of Ke- [ bearing date Feb. 14th. 1877.and to mo sted. I will on the 5th day of May. 1877 . Imted ° ' States ' m > Jthe north door o postoffice and court homo linr.in the city of Omaha. Douj.aa ty. state anddlitriet of Nebraskarsel ! e highest and best bidder , at public Ion the lands and tenements described id order , to-wit ; A part of the parcel nd within the northeast quarter of sec- eleven (11) ( ) . in township twenty-four north of range HI 6) ) . west of the sixth iVSfX " & ! ? ad nown and defined Mill Lot ' of twenty-five 'and fifty hun- ths (2550-100) ( ) acres on the reccrded plat e town of Oakdale , and being situate ie county of Antelspe. etate of Nebras- -wit Ihe mill site and > - : twelve and a acres of ground , together with the mill ill other appurtenances thereunto be ing. Said sale is tosatisfy a decree of court , daledthe twentieth day of De- ber , A..D. , 1875. and wherein Hanson. iholowACo. t pla'ntiffs. and K. Q , c and Susan T. Kintr. et al. . are defnnd- WILLIAM DAILY. i. Marshal fcr said district of Nebraska ttdal Master Commissioner , aprt-lt TELEGBAPHI Wade Hampton Leaves Wash ! ton for Columbia , S. C. He is Interviewed Reporter. And Gives the Country His Op ion of Chamberlain's Letter. The Democrats of Atcklsoii , Kans. . gain a Victory. 4 O'clock P. 91. Beport. LEFT TOR IIOMK. Washington , April 4. Govern Hampton left this morning for C lumbia. lu an interview laat nigl in answer to n quentiou regardh the l 8t letter of Chamberlain to ti President Hampton said : I had i tended to prepare a brief reply that letter concerning some of i mioHtateinenta or facts and circun stances , and repelling some of tl charges uujuitJy made , but l been unable to do so. Of course make AMPLE ALLOWANCE for a man in his position and trus that people will De equally generoui Reporter To what partioula point do you refer to in the lettei ? Gov. Hampton Well , in the ilra place he is entirely wrong as to th fact of troopa ever being sent to th Htate house. When Gen. Buger ar rived in Colombia , late at night , hi was sent ( or by Gov. Chamberlain and told that the state house wai surrounded by an armed mob whicl was ENTIRELY FALSE. Troops were quartered m the stati house that very night al Chamber Iain's request. The militia com panies which Mr. Chamberlair. styles unlawful organizations arc composed of some of our best citi < zens , and have been in existence for a long time , some dating back prior to the war. Before Chamber lain fell from grace with the Demo cratic purty of South Carolina he utten addressed these very UNLAWFUL ORGANIZATIONS , Eind in some instances joined iu procession. He is an honorary member of several of them and has presented some of them with flags ; it will not do for him to say such : hinga. Reporter How wore his state ments with respect to hia election , &o. &o.Gov. Gov. H. They are equally wani ng in truth. The Supreme Court > f the State , consisting of three Republican judges , unanimously leclded the Mackey ( Republican ) louse iliegal , and yet in tne face of his Mr. Chamberlain allowed this rery house to count the votes an/1 leclare him Governor , proposing iu lis letter to stand by that procedure. K. I suppose you feel now as if our path was cleared ol most of he difficulties that were presented ? Gov. H. I can't say action with eference to troops wdl materially liter my cnances under the laws of iouth Carolina. Soldiers can be ar- ested for offences against the State , ud imprisoned. If I wished , I night have issued an order or writ a case the PLDIERS FAILED TO RESPECT IT. could have arrested them all.I risbed to avoid this , however , and referred to settle it otherwise. Reporter Is there any particular hange you intend to inaugurate re- arding any one tniug ? Hampton-1 intend doing many lings , and more especially to frame healthy tax law , based upon REASONABLE FIGURES. also believe in educating the col- red people , but if I favor the idea f separate schools , I will recom- lend a state college for white and DO for colored people. I think this 'ill be more acceptable. The pub- c school system will of course con- nue to be carried on. R What will you expect will a the result of your recognition aa ivernor ? H. In my judgment the result ill bo the best indication of wls- > rn of Mr. Hays' policy , which will ) sustained by the whole country. KANSAS. MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Atchisou , April 4. The nunici- il election in this city yesterday suited in a grand triumph for th ernocrats , who elected four out o fe couucilmen , the marshal , city torney , one justice of the peace id one member of the school board ie mayor waa elected by both par s , W. F. Downs' name being on ith tickets ; aldo several other can- dates had no opposition. The th has heretofore gone iJOO Bepub- : an. PENNSYLVANIA. 1JANK SUSPENSION. Harrisburg , April 4 Yesterday arning it was announced that > ugherty Eros. & Co. , bankers , had led. Considerable excitement ex- ed , and when the doors opened a ge crowd entered. It was then nounced the bank would im- jdiately pay 10 per cent , to its de- aitors , with the hope ot being able make a better arrangements to- , rrt the evening. There bad been Heavy withdrawal ot funds since > failure of the City bank last [ > tember. KOKEIGN NOTES. iMinburg , April 4. The Queen's eatre was destroyed by fire last iniug. Henna , April 4. Tne Porte is paring a reply to the protocol , as Kiting the dignity and independ- ; e of Turkey. tussia ad vines Montenegro to re- ince its claim to tne Messees dls- t , and to make peace on the ces- i of Kalsshin. CAIJFORNIA. THE LICK ESTATE. an Francisco , April 4 yester- ' morning in the Nineteenth dis- it court Richard G. Floyd , Charles Plum and Schonewald , trustees the trust created by the late nesJLIck , commenced fuit against in H. .Lick and a number of other intitfs. They ask the court to sanction and approve of the ct promise recently made with heirs. The suit is for the purp ot disposing entirely of all confll ing claims r.nd placing matters such shape that the wishes of 1 testators can be carried out. THE WATER TROUBLES. The mayor yesterday addresset letter to Charles Webb Howai president of the Spring Vail Company , demanding that wai connection be at ouce reslofed Portsmouth square. Howard ar wered , declining until provision w made for paying for the same , ai stated if tne connection was ina by any pomnu whatsoever witho the cousout of the water compau ; such person or persons would beHELD HELD PERSONALLY RESPONSIBL The mayor then engaged a plum or , who performed the work nece sary to restore confidence , thong with reluctance , fearing troub with tbo water company. Tl ; mayor stated his intention , if necei sary , to call out a sufficient uurubt of police to insure the water supply BLOOMINGTON. Political Notes , Personalities an Business Jottings. Communicated , JBloomiugton , Neb. , April 2. ] thought I would como and se < > i : YOU ha-I shed any teare oyer whal ho poor little * Insignificant , ftdver- .ismg eheet , the Uloomington 3uard , says about you. You should lot publish any thing about bis dear and omce friends , and as you are lot "good authority for anything rou publish , " 1 don't see why he , ud all his friends are so anxious 0 see the BEE wheu it comes. I inly wish we had more such papers , ml if we had one here like the ) EE , there would not be so much aeauness carried on. I think if the Juard man had studied hia gram mar and spelling when he was a oy , he could get up a better paper luiself. Web. Eaton has juat returned om Washington City and reportsif e had not gotten there as soon as e did , tiol. Males would have been instated in the postoffice at Bloom- igton , but as he arrived there be ut a stop to that. Oh , Lord , give us a rest from such leu as Eaton claiming the honor f figuring mall routes through om Kearney to the Black Hills. wonder whereDake was at that me. Birds of a feather will flock igether. Where do we nnd the etuncl Hitchcock land office nng ? a usual , at the Democratic head aarters. Theie is a complete road jateu from the U. S. laud office , ow what doea all this mean ? Is putting up a Job to run an inde- jndent ticket this fall , combined ith the Democrats to beat the Re- iblicans in this county ; and if we ished we could name some of their indidates already selected. But ie staunch Republicans of Frauk- 1 county will nominate a ticket lat will rout them worse than the luier boy did the flock of geese , id I can see already defeat inscrib- 1 on their banner as plain as the iwn of day. Buck & Greenwood are quite flour- jing merchants here ; as aru Ala - a , Cole & Shaffer. Mr. G. H- Shepherd has the most actice here of the land attorneys. Mr. JRoy Tinkham , our county ? asurer , has been quite sick , but is > le to attend to his business again. Mr. Dorsey is better and is seen the office with Marshall , as clerk , ie Republican City News man ya Mr. Dorsey is the only land of- : er in the State who had no ene- ies when he came into power , and is achieved none since. How nice ( or real nice , as the lardsays , ) it must be not to have iy enemies. I should like to be at simple-looking to have people ink I had none. Henry Hulburt doing a good business at the tel. I wonder if tbe editor of the lard has called on Capt. Presson G. H. Shepherd to see if that itement in the BEE signed by Jitizen" waa true. If so , we mid like to have him arise and plain. When the Guard gets up d tells his experience , I will ite again. I hope , though , 1 am t on the "wrong track , " for 1 iuld like to have the good opinion the people if the ix > rd is willing. .L.K. PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES. L. Hospe Jr. & Co ooking-Classea , Pictures'- I&egildingc 4 DODGE ST. . LEGAL NOTICE. lorge R. Wetmore plaintiff , TI. Fred- t Brind. defendant , before Luther R. iht. Justice of tbe Peice within and for ( laa county. Nebraska , tbe 20tb day of February. A. D. , 1877. Justice issued an ordjr of attachment e above action for the turn ef 113.50. GEORGE R. WETMORE. laha. March 6th. 1877. mar7-e sat3t DVERTf8Ni ! AND HOW AND WHERE TO 00 IT | | | jk of Ml pages everr adTeitletr ihoulcl Li cmiiliiK contracts , bent for U > ceats bj k _ Advertising D ic u h . . . i i > * T 3 U. * B * ! < i I. SO f-i " } ' 3rni-r 3 rl itarn nt MISGELXiANEOUS HELLMAN & CO. . MERCHANT TAILORS , Manufacturers of Clothing1 ! | tN -AKD DEALERS IN- N Gents' Furnishing G-oods , &c. , &c.- 321-23 Xferxiltam St Corner ISthStroot , ONE PRICE BOOHS MAUKKD IS I'LAIS WUI-K55 itbl-diwly M. J. MoKELLIGOtf , IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF - 4. . . . . . . . . . ; . -f IWines , Liquors and Cigarsj 4 . f- TOBACCOS. &c. No 174 Farwham Street , . - - l nh Old Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty Agents for the Eldorado Wine Co. , California. CTOmsT S. -TJLFZELID , - WHOLESALE AN1 > RETAIL - . . - . * . ! Bookseller and Stationer ! - DEALER IH - IL9TH AND PAPBR WINDOW SHADES AKD SBADB FUTURES Ko. 222 FARXlHf&lB > MAHA. . . . may ± t-tf A. HUBERMANN , M And Buyea ? of 11 and 513 Thirteenth Street , Omaha. Nebraska The attention of publb is called to my large and STOOIC of FT hioh is now ready for inspection. The constantly increasing facilities , together . with rsonal euporin tendency of the manafacturinp. warrants a Grit claia stock of goods. All my fur ? arc made in the best workmanlike manner , manufactured of choice and galect ins , and. owing to the advanttge of buying rair material from first hand ; . I can , afford soli greatly below New York prices , bingle sets aent to any part of the country nnd if it satisfactory can be returned at my expense. AH kinds of furs are kept on hand 4 to the Latest Style * . AW Skins Dreuod oad Manufactured According OTlBtf _ A HTTBERMANN. , GREAT WESTERN Clothing Hall O-AJSDST & CO. , - DEA1JEE8 IN - Gents' Furnishing G-o.ds : , Hats , laps , Trusts , VaOisses 2to. , Etc. , } - - OMAHA , icnuu MORGAN & GALLAGHER , ( SHCcew0ra to Orelgbtoa ft Morraa. ) VHOLESALE GROCER : A9ENT8 FOB HAZABD 1'OWDEB COMPAKY O5 Famh&m St. . Omaha. JNO. . EDWARDS , IJEAJiBB IN . mit , Butter , Eggs , Cheese , Etc. . IA1 Famliam Street , Omaha , STeb. Conslgmnento and Orders solicited. Al ! Cor * pondence promptly attended to. Pnrch&Ning aJ [ nds ol Goods for outside Parties a specialty. _ _ . * # * * qo- Zin ri and 3slsrB in all Varieties of COAL ! SEND FOR QUOTATIONS. ce : 515 131i Street Ufflala Net Georie Fallersoii Pratt & Towle , MUTEKS OF AEITHBAOIl'E AND BITUMINOUS COAL ! OFFICE fc08 Thirteenth-St. . Omaha , ob. 'hie HighLest Oasli IPrice ! Paid for QOOB MERCHANTABLE HOGS , il i-vv STIR/IESIET. ivvJ. . PHIPPS KOE Packer and OoatndMdos Dealer : -a a 13- ORGAN , MAPUrACTURKD BY THE > hnson Organ Company PLATT8MOUTH , NEBRASKA. lass agasasSsSSb iSJSSaSE trythcn oresni b