n"j DogKft-bay fruifrHrees from1 the extravagantly colored , pictures ehownhy the traveling agents. * ' { Priming must be. done before or wait till after the sap flowB.j. Use wax or paint to cover large.wounds. Cows should be dried off from four to six weeks before calving. Give them generous food of moist hay , but little grain. Bee that plows , harrows , corn- markers , corn-planters , seeders , singletrees - gletrees , harness , and evwrything needed in putting in crops , are in. perfect repair. i Let the boys , * hen home from school on Saturdays , " ' builrt neat houses for martensblaebirda and wrens , and put thein up'about the bouses , barns and fruit yards. " Hot beds can be made early next Snonth for tomatoes"cabbages ! , pep pers , egg-plants , etc.-They areeim- ple and easy of construction , and anyone can have them. Germany has established dairy echoolefor girls , giving practical in struction in the business , which has been followed by a marked improvement - provement In butter and cheese- -making. tiheep owners should bear in mind that the United States imports an- " niwlly $50,000,000 worth of wool. "We ought to produce wool to a pro- lit with a heavy protective tariff on foreign-wools. The peddlers of apple trees grafted - i ed onCanada stock are bumbuggers of thejworst kind. But the people n.eedrnot be humbugged unless they wanted be. It Is a free country , and none of then- natural right should be takeh. Fruit trees can be profitably washed with strong soap-suds oi lye. jylt can be done any time now untillthe busy season commences It kills dorman insects , removes monies and linchens , and improves thfc trees generally. It has been estimated by a Paris- an. who has devoted considerable attention to the subject , that France will require to Import In the South and ISaat of that country about 690- 000 quarters of wheatfrom February to August , 1877 ; Switzerland , 520- 000 quarters ; Italy , 69,000 quarters , and .Belgium , 899,000 quarters , or an aggregate requirement of 2,690- 000 quarters , equal to 20,720,000 bushels. A correspondent of.the Kentucky Live Stock Fiecord says : Except clear \vatec from the brook , there is scarcely anythins more healing than dry earth , and , like "scratch- es'Vm horses , foot-rot in sheep is a local sore , and may be treated in the frame way , as I have frequently cured scratches by the application cf dry earth. Just at this seasoiit with snow , wet and frozen ground , the application of this remedy might not be practicable ; but there is two-thirds of the year when it would be , and I will say that if the plan is followed the breeder will have no trouble from foot-rot , and his sheep may KO into winter quar ters in good keeping to stand the in clement weather. Quantity of Seed for an Acre. The following table from Mr. Gregory's annual seed circular , is inserted aa giving useful informa tion , which is often wanted by our friends in guiding the amount of t&Bir Heed purchases. Heedmen vary much hi their di rections for the quantity to be plant ed to the acre. In the following list we give the quantities of the more common eorts used by practi cal farmers : Hwarf beans , in drills , 1 } bubhele ; small vines , i bush. ; large vines , 1 } bosh. ; beets , in drills , 4 pounds ; cabbage , In hills , } Ib ; cabbage , in toed to transplant , 2 oz. ; carrot , in drills , 1 to 1 } IDS. ; mnsKmelon , hi hills , 1 to 1J IDS. ; mangold wurtzel , in drills , 4 Ibs. ; onions , for bulbs , to sell green or tc trace in drills , 6 to 8 Ibs. ; onions , for dry bulbs , in drills , 3 to 4 Ibs. ; onions , for sets , in drills , SO Ibs. ; onion sets , in drills , 10 bush. ; potatoes , in drills , cut , depends on number of pieces , 8 to 14 bush. ; rad ish , in drills , 5 Ibs. ; spinach , in drills , 10 to 15 Ibs. ; sage , in drills , 26 Ibs. ; squash ( run varieties ) hi hills , 2 to 2 } Ibs. ; squash ( bush va rieties ) , in hills , 3 to 4 Ibs. ; toma toes , in bed to transplant , 2oe. ; tur nips , m drills , lto , IJlba. JOB PRINTINB. JOB Printing House JM * oi , * i A THE LARGEST -AND MOST COMPLETE Ai t * - ' PROMPTLY ILLEDi 'CHEAP AND VALUABLE BOOKS. -3 _ * * * -O * * For Farmers ana Stock-Ballerg. t" As ah 'Inducement for farmers and stock raiserqip.Bu' scribe for the BEE , the publisher La completed arrangements for rectlving all the leading works on agriculture , stock .raising , and all other works pertain ing te the specialties of farming , or cattle , sheep , horse , or other stock raising ; , also , treaties on grains , vegetables , and other produce , &c. , atjTafeB.from 15 to 80 per cent , be- few the retail prices. The benefit of thk reduction will be extended Exclusively to our patrons. As an illustration we herewith append a feVof the leading valuable works , which really should be in the hands of every farmer who wishes to ex cel , at the terms specified. We will furnish the WEEKLY BEE one year in addition to the books named , for the prices referred to.- ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE , A Book for Young Farmers By Geo. Waring , Jr. ; 254 pages ; cost , $1.00 with the Weekly BEE one year for $2.50. HEW AMERICAN FARM BOOK. Originally by R. Li. Allen , re vised and enlarged by Jjewls F. Allen , 526 pages , embracing a com prehensive and thorough treatise o every branch agriculture , cultiva tion of the land , changing of crops , raising cereals , vegetables , &c. management of cattle , horses , sheep hogs , fowl , building houses , cisterns , fences , making all necessary usefu calculation , and in fact embracing everything of value to the farmer , Cost , neatly bound , $2.50 ; with tin Weekly BEE one year , for $3.75. AMERICAN POMOLOQIST. Apples The most complete trea tise on apple culture published ; 293 illustrations , 750 pages ; cost $3.00 , with Weekly BEE one year , for $4.00. HARRIS ON THE PIG. Breeding , behaving , manage ment and improvement , with nu < merous Illustrations ; cost $1.50 : with the weekly BEE one year , for $3.00. THE SHEPHERD'S MANUAL. A practical treaties on the sheep * ; illustrated ; by Henry Stewart ; cost $1.50 ; with Weekly BEE one year , for $3 00. MODERN HORSB DOCTOR. Causes , nature ana treatment of diseases and lameness in horses ; cost $1.50 ; with Weekly BEE one year for $3.00. BROOM CORN AND BROOMS , a treatise on raiding broom corn and making brooms on a small or large scale. Cost 75o ; with Weekly BEE one year , $2.50. THE AMERICAN OAVrut DOCTOR , a complete treatise on the diseases of CATTLE , BHEEP AND 8WIMJ. 876 pages , illustrated , cloth gilt. Cost $2.50 ; with BEE one year for $3.75. GARDENING FOR PROFIT In the Market and Famuy Garden ; by Peter Henderson ; finely illus trated. Cost $1.50 ; with the Week ly BEE one year for $3.00. THE WHEAT PLANT , Its origin , culture , growtn , develop ment , composition , varieties , dis eases , etc. , together with remarks corn , its culture , etc. ; profusely illustrated ; 706 pages. Ooet $1.75 ; with Weekly BEE for 13.15. FARM GARDENING AND SEED GROWING , By Francis Brill a IXH > K useful for every farmer , gardener and tiller of the soil. Cost $1.00 ; with WEEKLY BEE one year $2.60. BARRY'S FRUIT GARDEN , 460 pages , well illustrated and com plete. Cost $2.50 ; with WEEKLY BEE one vear for $3.60. MISCELLANEOUS Have x oil a uollar' . FOR ONE BOXtUtR We Will Mesa , jrostngo Paid ONE YEAR. 1. It contains AUi THE NEWS Of the pact seven .days. collected by theagenUand correspondents of the New York Dally WOULD , and In fulness , accuracy and enter prise in th'i respect Is unequalled. 2. Its AGHIUElVrCRAi DEPART. MENT contains the latest newi of farm ex periments at home and abroad.contribntions by home and foreign ( writers , fall reports of the Fanaers'Clnb of the American Institute. and quotation ! of valuable and interesting articles appearing in the agricultural week lies and raagatines. 3. Its ORANGE HEWH. to which atten tion U specially called , is a feature which can be found In no other paper. All the resour ce * at the command of a great metropolitan daily newspaper are employed in its collec tion , and the result is a page each week where the members may fina a complete re cord of the work of tfctj order in every State la the Onion for the pastlsoven days. In ad dition -to this weekly record , TEX WORLD tires the cream of all the local grange pa- pen IB erery State- . This department is and will continue to be under the charge of one of the active vembrn of the order- 4. For the Flit ESI E DEPARTMENT n addition to it , other attractions , such as poetry , ImiteeUany , humorous extracts 4e. aurau the coming year , there will be no lees iBSd one hundred short tails by the best wriUn of fiction in England and America. 5. The MARKET REPORTN. brough iown to the hour of publication , are the that subject in the United SUtes. For accu racy and completeness the market reports of tsm Woiuwe Unrivalled" "TEC WOSLD Is not only the beit but the saeapett newspaper erer offered the farmer. " Beal.Weekl7(104 ( WOB. ) 83 a Tenr. Dallr ( SIS Nos.1810 per Tear. Specimen copies sent upon application. fHE WOBLli , ' 85- Park Row , N. 1. " IO CONSUMPTIVES : Consumption , that scourge of humanity. j the mat dread of the human family , in dl civilized countries. I leel confident that I am in possession of h onlv sure , infallible remedy now mown to the profession for the positive md speedy cure of that dread disease , ard ts unwelcome cqmcomitants , vis. Catarrh , i < ( Aina. SibneMtu. Jfervou * Debility , ttc. tc. I am an old fogy. I believe in medl- ! ine. Twenty-eight yean experience as a > usy practitioner , in the best Consnmp- ion "Hospitals of the Old and New world , his taught me the value of proper Dedication , both JoeaUnd'co 4fif iKonaJ in fce Our * of thisgreatenemyof our race. I * found It. , But I am digressing. I itarted out to say to those suffering with jonsumpUon or any of the above maladies , by addressing ime. giving rymptoms. ' ? * 1-118 "H * n PO eMion of thisgreal ! ' * < " < ! . > d shall have the nnoe in thousands of eated. Full particulars. 1-101"11,1"8' andal } - instructions for sno- own h"ne. will Dr. JOHN 8. BtiNETT DORSETt Af' SBEPHFRb. SUCOE68OB JTO BBBTT ACO. . No. 163 Haraey street. Buyers , jPaoIcere , AND WHOLMAH DBALU8 IS ; Country Zrod.uoo. BUHER EG88 AW POULTRT A SPECIALITT. OKADA. March , 3 Our to-days quotations are w. follows : delivered to our address at different RJK. depots. Fresh roll butter 12Ho. Eggs IDs per do * . Old packed butter W to as. to quality. Cash on delivery. DORSET ! A SHEPHERD. Agents for the CELEBRATED LOWSB VEIN COAL. Special contracts : made for coal in oar load ots. - SIDNEY MARKET REPORT. OOBREOTED WSSKLTBY D. J. M * CANS A CO. if lour ( Col. ) Snowflake W 5 per 100 " Neb. yt. Calhoun . . - 3 75 per " " Waterloo Mill * 360 per " " " Corn Meal 2 00 per " " Corn in gunnies. . . i 25 per " Bacon - . - - 13 per pptun Lard . . 1 * per Coffee . . . . - .27939 per " Tea - . .50975 per " Syrups in 5 gal. kegs - 100 oer gal. Tobacco 5091 0 per pound Beans - 7per " Wagons $75.9125 00 each Harness . . - . . . . . . . .4 l9M Mules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909125 00 Horses 40&00 00 ' THE BEE AS A Oirculatins : Medium IT HA.H- ( J,02O SUBSCRIBERS ! REAOHINO A POPULATION OF OVER 36,145. FACTS FOR BUSINESS MEN WHO ADVERTISE TO CONSIDER. Business men who adverute will do well to look at the subjoined statement of cir culation of TBI Bit , November 1 , 1876. Merchants advertise in newspapers to reach the people. It therefore pays to investi gate and ascertain the best medium to ac complish that result. The circulation of THE BES is larger than that of any paper in the trans-Missouri country , excepting Ban Francisco journals One additional fact worthy of note : THE BKK is not merely a local or Bute paper , but A NATIONAL JOURNAL. Its constantly Increasing subscription list embraces persons in nearly every State and Territory in the Union , Th great difficulty establithing newspapers is met In secur- the first three thousand subscribers. When that number is once reached , the list rolls np at a rapid rate. Its news becomes more varied and of general interest , and its advocates help to increase its subscription list by thousands as readily as iU.agenU se cure hundreds at the beginning. Nebraska is one of the largest States in the Union. Many of its counties are inac cessible to railroads. Yet there is not a county in the State which THB Bet does net reach. As an illustration we will men tion a few of the leading counties in the State : Adams county. 28 dailies. 2d weeklies : Cass. 30 dailies. 176 weeklies : Clay. 18 dallies , 43 weeklies : Dodge. 34 dailies. 149 weeklies : Douglas , ( ontside of Omaha ) . 20 dallies. 185 weeklies : Fillmore , 19 dailies. 3n weeklies ; Gage. 23 dallies. 46 weeklies : Hall. 34 dailies. 8 weeklies : Jeff erson. 3 dailies. 34 weeklies : Johnson , 12 dallies. 75 weeklies : Lancaster. 62 dailies. 56 weeklies : Lincoln county , 48 dallies , 25 weeklies : Meitick. 20 dailies. 24 weeklies : Nemaha. 17 dallies. 91 weeklies : Otoe. 25 dailies. 82 weeklies : Pawnee. 3 dailies. 48 weeklies : Platte. 39 dailies. 20 weeklies a Richardson. 14 dailies , 97 weeklies ; Ballne , 29 dailies. 82 weeklies : Barcy. 15 dallies. 109 weeklies : Saunders. 38 dailies. 136 weeklies ; Sewmrd , 34 dallies. 64 weeklies : thayer. 10 dallies , 68 weeklies : Washing ton. 35 dallies , 74 weeklies ; Webster. 39 weeklies. TOTAL IX THE 8TATRS 1KD TKBBROKIES. Zfatltet. WeeHltti. Total. . , al man. to keep informed on all the i r provementa and discoveries of the age. It pays the head of every family to In troduce into his household a newspaper that s instructive , one that fosters a taste for investigation , and promotes thought and encourages diienssion among the members. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICA ! * which has been published weekly for the last thirty-one jean , does this , to an extent beyondthatwjf any other publication ; In fact It IB theDnlylweekly paper published in he United State , devoted to Mannfaotares. Mechanics , Inventors and new Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences. Every nvmber is profusely Illustrated an its oontenss embrace tha latest and most in teresting information pertaining tot he In * dustrial. Mechanical , and Scientific Prog' ress of the world : DescripJjM with beauti ful engravings of new invWtions , new im * plements newprocewef , and improved In" dnstries of au kinds : Useful notes , re ceipts , suggestions and advice by practical writers , for workmen and employer ! , in all the various arts , forming a complete reper tory of new inventions and discoveries ; containing a weekly record , not only of the pro-ress of the industrial arts in our own country , but also of all new discoveries and inventions in every branch of engineering , mechanics , and science abroad. The Scientific American has been the foremost of all industrial publications for the past thirty-one vears. It is the oldest , largest , cheapest , and the best weekly illus trated paper devoted to engineering , me- ahanibs , chemistry , new inventions , sci ence and industrial progress , published in the world. The practical recipes are well worth ten times the prescription'price , and for the lionse and shop will save many times the : est of subscription. Merchants , iarmera , mechanics.engineer- , nventors. manufacturers , chemists , lovers > f science , and people of all professions , if i find the Scientific American useful to .hem. It should have a place in every fam- ly. library. Ktudy. office and counting room : n every reading room , college and school. K new volume commences January 1st. A year's numbers contain 832 pages and everal hundred engravings. Thousands of rolnmM are preserved for binding and ref- irence. Terms , (3.20 a year by mall , in- Inding postage. Discount to clubs. Special lircnlars , giving elub rates , sent free. Sin- ; lo copies mailed on receipt of 10 cents , tlay be had of all news dealers. PATENTS. In connection with the Eci- ntlfic American. Messrs. Mnnn A Co. are elicitors of American and foreign patents , nd have the largest establishment in the rorld. More than fifty thousand applica- ions have bean made for patent * through heir agency. Patents are obtained on the best terms , lodels of new Inventions and sketches ex- mined , and advice free. A special notice s made in the Scientific American of all in- entions patented through this agency , with he name and residence of the patentee , 'atents are often sold ia part or' whole to arsons attracted to the invention by such otioe. A pamphlet , containing full diroo- ions for obtaining patents , sent free. The clentifie American Reference Book , a voi- me bound in cloth and gilt-containtng the 'atent ' Laws , Census of the U. . and 142 en- ravings of mechanical movements. Price. S centr. Addruss for the paper , or cono-rningpat- nts. BIUNN A CO. , SI Park Row. New 'ork. Branca Office , for. t and 7th 6U. . rashiorton.D.-O ORE. sow ucADVi. NITED STATES . | ui.prDti : To.o > T xuLauiiM bj u ( WfMHt anbor.or worth ? to b Had In both Eagltoh mm * Oenutn. Ono Urj MONEY AND COMMERCE OMAHA NHB. , Marob 2,1877. Oold , at Omaha Buying , 1104 j selling , II06. DRY aOODS. The wholesale trade during the past week has been quite active , and the spring orders areooming In very rapidly. Borne changes will be found in our list of quotations. GROCERIES. The quotations are about the same as last week. Business for the month just closed was very nailsfao- tory. Bales as reported being much ahead of the corresponding month of laat year. year.PROVISIONfl. PROVISIONfl. Butter Best roll in muslin 16 to 17 cents per pound. Eggs lOall cents doz. Poultry Scarce and hi grod de mand ; dry picked turkeys , per pound , Ilal2c ; dry-picked chickens , OalOo ; ducks and geese , lOallo. Game 2.26 per dozen of mallard ducks 2.00 per dozen of mixed ducks , and 1.60 per dozen of teal ducks. Wild jreeae , 60a76c , as to size. Potatoes Peachblows , 86c. Bose , 850. Turnips 1 00 per buihei. Cider Scarce at 7 60 per barrel. Asparagus From California , 76 cents per doz. bunches. FBOI18 ETC. Apples City trade at 3 00a8 60 per barrel. Oranges Messlua , 4 50 per box , Lemons Meesiha , 6 50 per box , Cranberries Jersey , in bushel boxes , 4 60 per bushel. New Dates. Unchanged. Mats aud boxes per Ib lOcts. .New Prunells. In fancy boxes per Ib 20ota. New Figs. In assorted packages per Ib 16 to ITots. Fresh Cocoauuts. Per hundred 3.00. California Comb Honey. In 2 Ib frame and 60 Ibcises perlb2Jcts In 2 Ibcap Una per Ib 20cU. OYSTERS. Booth's Oysters Selects , 38o ; Standards , 23o ; Anchors , 18c. IJVE HOGS. Live hogs are quoted at6.00@ * 5.25. GRAIN. Wheat-JNo. 1 , i 06J ; ISo. 2,1 04J ; tfo. 3 , 95 ; rejected , 80. Corn Western mixed , 27o. Oats No. 1 , 30 ; No , 2 , 27 ; reject- > d,25c. Barley No. 2 , 40o ; No. " 8 , 25c ; ejected , 20o. Rye 660. LfVE STOCK. Steers on foot per 100 Ibs $ 8 7Ca4 00 Jalves do do I BOaS 00 logs do do 5 60(96 ( 75 Iheep do do i SOaS 03 PROVISIONS lams per Ib. 13 'boulders ' do 9 dodo fallow do 8 ) reesedho s per 100 800 850 HOCIKIB BUOAM. Irannlated owdered fruaned lefliied. cut loaf Itanaard 'A' Extra ' 0' C" fellow 'C' oorrn. lid Government Java perlb 30 82 'aneyRlo do 24 25 Iholoe " do 24ffl 84 'rime " 4o 23 food " do 21 22 TIAB. 'ounr Hyson Inn Powder mperial long apan lichtgan Applet alt Lake do ! nrranta lalslns. layers do seedless do Valencia runes. French * laspberries do Common 'caches eastern do Salt Lake 'caches ' 2 Ib cans do Slbeans itrawberries , 2 Ib cans llackberrle * Lhnbarb , 2 Ib cam Iherries do 'ine apples do tomatoes do do Sib cans lorn , 21bcass 'eas , early garden 2 Ib cans do ' > as , common do do leans , strine do do r H AKD OY8TIU. lalmon 21beans perdoi 4 20 do Ib cans do 8 70 lobsters , 2 Ib cans do 3 00 do lib cans do 200 Inters , standard.2 ) b cans per case 5 00 do do 1 ) b cans do 1 TC do slack. 2 Ib o ns do 2 30 do do 1 Ib cans do 1 40 ALT. lommon pa bbl 2 35 2 GO 375 HIT , Thoice per cal 80 1 00 food do 60 65 lommon do 66 7. 0. molMs * ! . do SO 85 BIOB. larolina perlb (98 ( Untooo do 7 OAKDL per Ib 10 Urk's caron per ib 10g do WhltaRuMlan do v do India do 7 > chnfer's(8tLonis)3ermando ( ) Imaha soap do rtr/u TOBACCO. lUck Goods , western perlb (8 do VIrrinfa. do 58 63 do LoriUard * o 65 70 [ right Vlrcinta do 60 66 latnral Leaf do 80 1 00 BREAD STUFFS t. Louis W. W. Flour1 per bbl 8 60 10 OC tebraata'epring do 2 60 2 75 ( ran per ton 13 00 orn meal uorlOO 1 00 CKDEI r. T. factory per Ib 14H315 .merioan Swim 4odo 21 mported Swiss dod 21St StId limbnrc d ( Id CAHPE1 AND OIL CLOTH. ody Bnusels oarpetinir. per yd apestry do ply , do agrain do [ emp do ag carpet [ attine 11 cloths ubber matting rindow shades rindow fixture * [ atU HEET IRON. WIRE BLOCK TIN. COPPER Ao. in in bars per Ib S ut plow steel .do in eel steel do 18 inSO a til rods do 12 one shoe nails do 6 SHUT IMK. irst quality No 15 to 20 per & do No 12 to < 4 do do No 26 do do No 27 do aarooal.both sides smooth. No 24do do do NoMdo do do No 27 do onble refined. No 24 do do No 26 do 7V do No 27 do 7H nssia. perfect , 7 to U do do Nol stained do 1 I American imitation Rnstia all Nos. do 16 For lesa than full bundle add one cent BOH. 025 do 5 do JS 027 -do oorrn. Braiiera 10 to 12 87 do lift to ICQ 87S3 Sheathing 14 and V os ' S3 Planished 13 and 16 01 89 do No 7,8 and 9 , 41 Copper bcttoms 36 Tin PLATI. 0x14 1C. beet quality per box 9fO OzU IX do do 12 0 > 2x12 1C 'lo ' do Wt9 3x12 IX dtdo do 1200 4x20IC dodo do 910 4x20 IX do do 14 CO 4K01XXX do do into Roofing. 10 charcoal 14x20 do 850 do IX do 14x20 do 1100 do 10 do 20x28 do 1900 do IX do 20x28 do 24 00 BLOCK TIK. Large pigs per ft 27 Small plgi do 27 Bar tin do 20 Sheet tin 25 to 30 inches do 11 do 25 to 35 do per sheet 12 Tinners' solder , extra refined do I do No 1 do U dodo roofing do 18 OBYQOOM rnm , Americsa Amoskeag Cocheco Garners Memmack Mallory. pink or pnrple 7H Pacific MU1 6H Simpsons 1H Bprague Wamsntta ri Washington Robes 8 BUAOBID POTTOM. Lonedale " Cambric Cabot Cabot Fruit of Loom New York mill ! Wamsntta Pepperell do 8-4 2-i > 2 ° 9-1 25 do 11-4 32 % x BSOWB OOTTOM. Atlantic B do P Nebraska standard AA Popperell 0 do R do E Indian Head do do do do American Amoskeag Bates Lancaster TtCttXBB. Amoskeag BIddeford FallsO.B. 0. do AA do AAA JU > . Amoskeag , brown do bleached Clarendon AmoskMS Beaver Creek A A do do BB Haymakers Otlsaxa doBB do CO OAKT05 AmoskeagA do BB do DD Arlington ; Bleached Unbleacto 11 W 17SO 011 > AND QLA88. OILS al 74 Carbon oil er : ode Coal oil do Lineeed oil , raw d 80 Linseed oil , boiled do 95 Lard oil , No 1 do tl 1031 15 do extra do Benzinfc , do 3 W < t Virginia lubricating do 65fiO Tll& oil do fiO Turpentine do fiO10K PAIITS. ft 10K White lead , strictly pure per do do pure do do do sine pure French do do do do do Aiher. do Red lead do Putty it bladders do wrsDow OLAU. CiteonntSS off lilt. FURS ] Mink , prime 251 75 do 3dand3di 50 1 00 Wolverine 3 SO Racoon 603K do inferior 3KIS Huskrat , fill IS do winter S3S7 do sprint S7 do Kittens 7 Skunk , black prime 91 CO do narrow striped prime 50 do broad 25 " Otter. No 1. large T (1C ( Fisher 9 m Wolf No 1 large mountain do No 2 do a on do No i small prairie 1 flfi do No 2 do 10 Beaver , well furred a"d clean per Ib 1 10 do stagy and heavy 90 I m RedfozN < fI I'M Kid fox No 1 40 Deerskin .redand short bine , per Ib 30 Antelope - 25 LUMBER Joists , studding and sills W ft and under 17 OG Over 20 feet each additional foot ! 1 00 Fencing No 1 1900 do No 2 1700 1st common boards 20 00 2nd do do 1600 'A' stock boards. 10 and 12 inehts 45 00 'B' do do do do 3500 ' 0 * do do do do 25 00 1st clear 1. IX. IK and 2 Inch 50 00 Id do do do do 40 00 3d do do do do SO 00 Flooring , clear < 0 00 do 1st common --0 00 do 3d do K 00 do 3d 50 (0 do narrow. No 1 35 00 1st clear celling K Inch 30 00 Id do do 3000 1st do do 22 CO id do do 0 00 1st do siding : 19 On id do do 17 00 [ st common do 16 00 A' shingles 3 25 Extra No 1 shingles 1 50 Common No 1 shingles 3 00 Lath per 1000 250 D AH pickets p 100 SCO Square do do 300 0 G Batten per lineal foot 01 Rough do do LEATHER. Best Buffalo sole M 36 Matamoras do 30 34 Best oak 10 (3 Baltimore oak eole 48 French kips II if ) 200 do calf , leading brands 175 240 Domestic kips 75 125 do calfs 110 160 Hemlock , upper per foot 22 28 Oak do do 25 3 rain. do do 25 Linings per doc 7001000 Toppings do 10001200 Morocco ( bootleg ) per foot S3 45 do oil dressed do 36 40 do Simon per skin 300 do glove kid COCO Belt leather , per eli * CO Boot Webbing per bolt 15 COM Dak harness leather. Pittfburg' COifi do Rol tea do Ho 2 a Dak line leather 44 ifi Hemlock harnewC * * ther No 1 87 do No 2 85 37 Hemlock line e&thar 42 44 Fair bridle per side GOO 7 W1 ream collars per doi 2400 00 Stage do do 13 00 20 U3 Scotch do do 6 no Ooneord do 3300 Collar leather ( black ) per ft IS 24 do do ( nust ) do 18 3) Patent d&sh leather do 18 lireen hides per tt Qreen cured hides do 6 dodo Dry hides do 10 313 Dry salted hides do 9 10 Dry calf tnd kip do 12 3heep pelts each * , 300125 Fallow 'per IS LIOUORSANDWiNZ. High wines per gal 1 f 7 Uoohol 188 per cent do 23) ) rrenoh spirits do 250 aarshaJPs Brbon whiskydo I ' } Miller's do do 155 3randy , very fine do t on do Inferior brands do 150 375 Hn. 100per cent do 160 300 lolland Gin. 90 per cent 175 do per case 725 do in 100 ease lots tn Jhampagaef.pinti in baskets 24003060 tortwino , inrr br'ds per case 560 900 do Terr fine 1050 Sherries 5 001650 Ue , Edinburgh , per dot 3m Ue , Bass & co's pale 3 00 luinness Dublin stout 300 turns , mixed Jamite * > 100 per cent do Tew Eng. ram. 90 per fit do Cennedv'a bitten do W IPBflWfttH ft ihoolit kco - EGRETS * * ' ' * , I kind of Difcun. Hh htradrtdi of nlntbt * net.p 10 thould ntrT74he impedinfiiti to mmrrUgv. thf ! r i it < nd can. Tmt > on ill DlwiMt , toBr eipUlnlnj ; th UK * . lynntointandmeaDitocimt till til only rrt mate vorkol the kind rrcrpnbUihtd.iiKii > cnmi > creirmptet. ScottmrtmljmlMlon nolptol yt Idrm , Dr. C. A. BonAinf K , 4U Kortli JTiith "r ' Loon. Mo. Ert bJi h d In 1S27 mariS-dtwmg HISTORY /UNITCD TATE . DaBownadj ! OWyedliln. i cc mplm or w nliy l ktoUUluil In botb uidCtanuui.OMUmaiidproraMly Invtrmfred. jtt lov-pxlard Tolnae-3Vtc < uecc&tnu o if ot&er lplfilcUiUy UlutnMd acomnit of pproMhin Onc < ntnuUI Cri t > racl . AGENTS WANTED ! ' " < nrta ( tnlerwt narwliCTi la utUnOInf UMoirvI cmr eoaa fbnM , rar * ehmnc for At t letilBCrt " tm MM " "r WLentaJtt RAILROADS. O. < fe 3ST/W. LIKES. THE A NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Embraces.nnder one management the Great Trunk Railway lines Of the West and North west , and. with its numerous branches and connections , forms the shortest and quickest route between Chic * go and all points in Ill inois. Wisconsin. Northern Michigan , Min nesota , Iowa Nebraska. Callifornia and the Western Territories. Iti OMAHA AND CALIFORNIA LINE Is the shortest and best route between Chicago cage and all rolnts in Northern Illinois. Iowa. Dakota , Nebraska. Wyoming , Colora do , Utah. Nevada , California , Oregon. Chi na , Japan and Australia. Its CHICAGO. ST. PAUL 4 MINNEAPOLIS Line is the shortcut line between Chicago and all points in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota , and for Madison , Bt. i'anl. Min neapolis. Dnlnth , and all points In the Great Northwest. Its LA OROSSE , WINONA A8T.PETERLUIB Is the best route between Chicago and La Crosse. Wlnona. Hochester.Owatonna.Man- kato. St. Peter. NewUlm. and all points in bouthern and Central Minnesota. Its GREEN BAY AND MARQUETTB LINE Is the only line between Chicago and Janes- ville , Watertown , Fond dn Lac. Oihkosh , Appleton. Green Ray , Eseanaby. Negannee , Marqnette. Houghton. Hancock , and hs Lake Superior Country. Jta FREEPORT AND DUBUQUB LINE Is the only route between Chicago and El gin. Rookford. Froeoort. and all p"ints ris. Freeport. Its OHIO AGO AND MILWAUKEE LINE Is the oldest Lake Shore Route , aslsth only one pss'inx between Chicaco and Kvanston. Lake Forest. Highland Park. Wankegan , Racine. Kenosha andMllwan- JCQ6 * PULLlrAK PALACEDRiWIMQ BOOM OAB8 arefttn on all through trains of this road. . -fhis Is the only line running these oars between Chicago and St. Paul and Minneap olis. Chieagoand Milwaukee , Chicago and Wlnona. orChioago and Green BayT * Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake Bhore * Michigan Southern Michigan Central. Baltimore & Ohio. Pitts- burg , Ft. Wayne 4 Chicago. Knukakee Line and Pan Handle Routes , for all points East and South-east , and with the Chicago and Alton and Illinois Central fet all point * bouth. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R. R , at Omaha for all far West points. Close connections made at Junction points wilh trainr of all cross points. Tickets over this route are sold by al Coupon f icket Agents in the United States and Canada. Remember , you a k for your tickets vi the Chicago * North Western Railway , and take none other. . Ne York Office. No. 415 Broadway : Bos ton Office. No. 5 btate street t Omaha Office. Vf > Farnham Stfcet : Chicago Ticket Offices. 62 Clark Street , under Sherman Home ; 75 Canal , corner Madison Street : Kinzie Street Depot , corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets ; Wells Street Depot , corner Wells and Kinzie Stree's. For rates or information not ateainable from your homo ticket agents , apply to W. H , STKNNETT. Gen. Pass. Ag't. Chicago. MABVIH HUOHITT. Gen. Mang'r Chicago ! an9-y ] Free floaes ! ON THE LINE 0V THE "Onion Paciiic B ; R. A LAND GRANT OF 12,000,000 Acres of the Best Fenin & literal Laiios iH AMERICA. 3OOOOOO In Nebraska , IN THEfGREAT PLATTB VALLEY. XJie Garden , of the West. FOR BALE sai mil m ] OEfr _ s' credit , interest only 6 per n nt. mesteads for actualcettltrs. Iho best location for colonies. Soldiers entitled to a homestead of 160 acres. Free pafsea from Omaha to purchasers o railroad lands. Descriptive pamphlets , with sectional maps , and THE PIONEER , i handsome Illustrated paper containing the homestead law , mailed free to all parts of the world. Address , O.F.DAVIS , Land Comtnittioner U. P. Jiaffnad , Omaha. ffA J.O.GRINNELL. Receiver. lie LeaJiDFSoofli Route between the North and South. Traversing the central portion of the great State of Iowa , and inter secting the numerous SAST&mTTRMKLINES , FOR [ JHItJAGO , DAVJSNPOBT , DDBUQUE , DE8 MOIAE8 , 31OUX CITY , OMAHA , And all East and West points. Connects at Ottcunwa * FOR BURLINGTON , MACOJN , KEOKUK , SEDAJUIA EiUINCl , ST. LOUIS , BANNIBAL , KAJNSAS CITY , MOBEBLY , ATGHI80N , and the South , Southeast and Southwest. CONNECTS AT MASON CIT1 FOR Si. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS ; DUUITH , and all Minnesota points. Now and Finely Upholstered Reclining Ob air cars ON EXPRESS .TRAINS- STEAL RAILS , EXCELLENT ROAD BED , AND FIRST-CIiAfeM COAUHjW Btted with Miller's Platforms and Couplers , ind Westinghouse air brakes. No better in- incementa can Le offered to travel in tne di rections named for the season of 1877. A. RUSSELL. Gen'l Pa s. and Ticket A ent. feb9-ly "THE Baltimore & Ohio R.R , IHE SHORTEST , QUICKEST AND OS LT DIRECT UOCTE TO Wilton 9ail Baltiore ! WITH DIRECT CONNECTIONS FOR EilGHNON LYKCHeDRyOfiFOLE. AND TEE SOUTHEAST , Im Tori Boston AND THE 33A.8T. Travelers desiring a Pleasant , ad O.m'ortable Id ; should remember that the IS OILKBRATED TOR ITS Elegant Coaches. Splendid Hotels. Grand and Beautiful Monitain and Valley Scenery , and the manyipoiats of His torical Interest along ite route. Fa e will always be is low as by any D ther Line. PULLMAN PALA.CE CARS RUN THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE BITWCKK THC PBIMCIPAL mm AND umm mm. For through Tioketf. Baggage Cheeks , lovementof trains. Sleeping Car Accom modations Ac , apply at Ticket offices at It principal points fORTH. SOUTH. EAST OR WEST. ! . R. DORSEY. L. M. COLE , ics't Gen'l Ticket Agt. Gen'l Ticket Agt. .HOS.P. BARRY. THOS. R. SHARP , Ve.Ura Pats. Agent Master of Transp'n. n > ar29-ly i ARRI AGE of the Mxnml niton , Itf aboK * eUlunt dWorerio ! a th - - - - - howe iemtit rettii ; < * n hnriuprnKmtbBb * iiuiand jeompttzion.r . . . . < L Jt ' * - - - T U * fjxird thf itr Irw MUIUI oc.ccv fJb fpbJnt/nwotloDeiltnhJivorkXddni | PROFESSIONAL CARDS. G. J. A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office 0 Thir- ± \ tee&th street , with J. W.T.Richard * ianll-tf C. F. MAHDERSOT7. TTORNKf AT LAW. 843 yarnham Bt. , A Omaha. Nebraska. W. J. CORNELL. -TIOUNSKLORAT LAW AND DISTRIC'3 \J Attorney for Second Judicial District. Office. Rooms 1 and 2. Jacob's Block. Omaha , Nebraska. PARKS GODWIN A TTORNE1 AT LAW. Hth and Docila A. Stre U. with O. W. Doane. L.F. HORNBY AT Li W. OFFICE-Vls- L soher'i Block. On % ha , Nebraska. marl6tf T. W. T. BICHARDS , AT LAW , Offlee , 490.13th ATTORNEY Fatnham and Harne ? . Omaha. Nobratki. WM. L. PEABODY , T AWYER. Creighton Block. JLJ Omaha. Nebraska. O.K. BAIXOU A TTORNEY AT LAW. Offlce.Creighton's f\ . new block , southeast corner room , firct door. Omaha. Nebraska. G. W. AMBROSE. AT LAW. 2SO Douglar St. . ATTORNEY . E. D. O. ERF3LING , JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. Offlce-Cor. cJ Tenth and Loavcnworth-sts. sep9tf LUTHER R. WRIGHT -TUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Offlce- fj Dougiaa-et. , weat entrance Caldwell Block. lanU E. ESTABROOK , TTORNEY AT LAW. Offlce. Crelghlfln A Block. Omahc. Neb. IT. J. BTTRNHAM. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT L W .o Over Hnbermann's Jewrlrylstore , Cor 18th and Douglas Streets. Omaha Neb. G. E. PRITCfHETT. AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ATTORNEY Thirteenth Street. Addrou Lock Box 9 Omaha. DEXTER t. TH03IAS. AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ATTORNEY No. 8. Visoheri Block. Omaha. Neb. - JAMES O. ADAMS , A TTORNEY 'AT LAW. Oriee. rootnfi JCreighton block , corner Fifteenth and Douglas streets. lanlS-tf A TTORNEY AT LAW. Ofiee-room A. 6. Creighton block , corner of Douglas and Fifteenth streets octll-d&wtf JOHN T. BELL. stenographer and notary. OFFICIAL taken in one-fifth the time usually required. Office , southeast cor. 15th and Donglan. marl3-3m CHICAGO. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE FROM OMAHA TO CHIGAOO AND THE EAST , 7' De a This Eonte being t ougUy equlpp u vlA elegant new Coaches , lace Sleeping Cara. and having the ? advantage a smooth and well bal > luted track , often the traveling public an Ewt crn Line nnequaled for Bpeeu , Comfort rcil Bafetr. All Passenger Trains src equlpj d with ibt WESTTROnODSK FATOKT AlS BlLlKBa i Patent 8 f < - PluWorm Coupl r. Two Fast EspreaB Trains Leave Dal y , councc a M nilow s AT DEH M01VK8 with the UBMoln Vni.or Bailroad for Oskalooca. Ottumws , Kcokuk acd St. Louli , AT GBiNKELLwlth the Central Bailroad ot Iowa , for all points north to St. Paul , AT WEST ilBSBTY with the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Minnesota Railroad for Borllngtoc. CoJ-\r Rapids , Dubuqne i St. Fan ) , ot WILTON JUNCTION with the Bunth-W tern branch , lor Mnscatlne WuMnzton ind rolats sontti. wT DAYEPPOET with the Davenport i 3t Paul Bailroad for points north. AT BOCK ISLAND with the Western Union Bailrcad for Frrcport , Belolt , Baclne , Mil waukee , and all polnU n northern Illinoli and WUcocHn. AT BOCK IHUUJD with the Bockford , Bock IiIandandBt. Locls Sallroad for bt. Louis and points tocth. AT BOCS IHLilTO Trith the Feorla A Bock I land Kallrosd for Peoria and points east. AT BUBSAU .TUNC. , with branch , for Hen ry. Locca , Chllllcota and Feoria. AT LA 8ALLG with tne Illinois Central Ball- rod 'or pclr.tj caiih and south. AT CHICAGO TrJtb all the lines Bait , North and i a'li. THRODRK TICKETS tn 11 Satarn dlla via till Un * , tsn be prcccred , and any information mation obtained , concerning route * , at thf t * Castfiru. Feints. All Infonotlon regarding FuMngszi and Freight cheerfnllr Inmlihcd , and Bleeping Car Berths for sale at tha OcmpanT's O&to , 253 FARHHAM Bt. , ( Granil Cntrala0tcl ) Omaha A. U. SMITH , B. KIDDLE , Gen'l P 3 'r Ae"t , Gcn'l Sop' Coleago. Cf.laagn. W. CLAIB , a a BTHYEBfS. Puienger Agect , Gen'l Wettom Ag't , Omaha. Omaha H. F. DEUKL , Ticket Ageat , Omaha Through to Onicasjo WITHOUT CHANGE QF CARS. The CMcaio Burliimtoii & Unincy RAILROAD. With its Smooth and Perfect Track. Elegant Passenger Coache * . and PULLMAN SLEEPING AND DINIM CABS Is acknowledged by the press , and all who travel over it , to be the best appoint ed and best managedroadin the country. Passengers doing KM $ Should bear In mind that this is the Beat Route to Chicago , And all points east , north and northweft Passengers by this route have choice of Four Different routes and the advantage of SIX DAILY LINES PALACE SLEEPING CARC raou CHICAGO TO araw TOHK WITHOUT CHANGS. All express trains on this line are equipped with Westinghouse Patent Air Brakes , and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Cou- pleis , the most perfect protection against ac cidents in the world. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Dining Cars sire run on the Burlington ronta. Information concerning routes , rates , time , connections , &o. , will be cheerfully riven by applying at the office of the Bur lington Route. Grand Central Hotel , corner Fourteenth and Farnham. Om-xha. Nob. WM , B STRONG. D. W. HITCHCOCK. Gen'l Supt. . Gen'l Passenger Ag't , Chicaco , 111. Chicago. 111. J. 0. PHILLIPPI. H. P. DEUEL. Ao-nntt. Omahi. Ticket Agt.0maha < -cres neuralgia. Kaco i2-Ache. Rheumatism. Gout i Frosted Feet , Chilblains. iSSore Throat. Erysipelas. Bruises or Wounds in man or Animal. A valuable horse had swelling and hard lumps E apin his throat : could not i 2 swallow ; applied Giles' Liniment Iodide of ammonia - * * nia : instantly soreness and Inmps disappeared. I ILfell and cut my hand on a Crusty nail , applied the lin- Wimet. hfaling it np with out experiencing soreness , III No stable or family should * JTbe without it. THOMP- CSON & BROS. . 17th and wVineSts. , Philadelphia. ft Sold by all druggists. Depot No. tsL Sixth Ave- Qnue , New York. Only 50o Jjand P T bottle. J. K. TSU. A. nt. TIME TABLES. mm no mmh j mm , Union Pielfle. LBAY * . A MV . Daily Express 1215 P. M. 3 < ? PM % do Mixed 445 do 930 de do Freigh * B 00 A. M. 515 do do do . , 830 do 1115A.M Tim * C ni of Vit Birlfagtoa Rot . L1AVX Oil ABA. iiarra OVAJU. Express..4 40 P. M. Kxpre s 10 00 A. M MalU 10. A.M. Mali : 10 40 P. M ISundaya Excepted tSnndayi Kxcepted. This is the only Una runningPnllmai Hotel dining earn. H. P. DEDKL , Ticket agent. Omaha. Neb. Chiotgo , Rook liland & Pacific. Mallt. . . S 10 A M. tlO 40 P. M , Express- P.M. , 10 00 A.M. ISundays Excepted. Bhleigo & Norttiwt t rn. Mali : 510 A. M. J10 40 P. M. Express4 00 P. M. 40 TO A. M , tSoadays Excepted. Kiattt CHy & St. Lonit Short Um. MorningKx A.M. 925 A.M. Evening E * P.M. 820P.M. The only line running Pullman Sleepinsr CMS out of Omaha to Union Depot. St. Louis. PRANK E. MOOBES. A. C , DA\VBS. Ticket Agent. Gen P. iT. Ag't. . Omaha , heb. St. Joe. Missouri. Omstit * Norfhwertirn Bitd SIoix CHy & PKlfle Hfllroid * . Mail Express.-8:00 A. M. 3:00 P. M Daily except Sunday * . B. A M. R. H. la N.brtiV. . KearayJunEx-9:05 A. M. 3:45 P. M Bt. Louiii Ex-.9.ST A.M. 4:00 P. X PlatUm'th Ac-6OC P. M. ? :50 A. M Omcibuieo and baggace wsnor.i leave the ofice Orcnd Central Hotel fifteen minutes n.adranee of the shore railroad time. m CLOSIIE OF Miiis ii EOCTZ. tUE. CLOSI. . r. it. 1. K. U.1P. R. R - 4:00 11:20 1A8T. C. A N. W. R. R - Jl:00 : 4:00 C. R. I. A P. R. R - 11:01C 4:00 : B , 4 M. R. R - 11:00 4:00 SOUTH. C. B. 4 St. Joe . . . . - 7(20 4:00 : 0. A S. W. R. R _ 8:20 : 8:20 KOSTH. 0. 4 N. W. R. R . 2W 7:45 Chicago and all Eastern cities. Nebraska City , end Council Rluffs. due at U:00 : a. m. . closes at 4:00 a. m. . and 2:40 p. m. St. Louis and St. Joseph , duo at 11:00 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. : closes at 3:40 a. m. 3 48 j > . m. Omee open Knnduvs from 12 to ] p. m. THOS. F. HALL. Postmaster. _ SOCIETIES Ancient Free and Ace. Masans. CAPITOL LODGE. No. 3. A. F. X A. SI Chartered 18W. _ Offieers-G. W. Linlnger. W. M. : H. K. Jackson. S. W. ; R. J. Sharp , J. W. : Byron R d , Treasurer ; Wo.R. Bowea. Secretary- 237 members. COVERT LODGE. No. 11. A. f . Jc A. M. Chartered 1866. OBeers-J.S. Gibson , W.M. : W.I. Baker , B. W. : J. BteBen. J. W. : C. Hartman , Treasurer ; J. 3. France , Secretary. 16C members. ST. JOHN'S LODGE. No. 25 A.F.'A.M. Chartered 1K9. , , ODcors Alfred Kelley , W. M. : John 8. Taylor. S. W. : J. B. Bruner. J. . ; J. G. Jacobs. Treasurer ; K. E. French. Secretary. 83 members. OMAHA CHAPTER. No. 1 , R. A. M. Orgamied 1859. . , Officer * Byron Stanberry , H. P. ; J. J- Monall. Jr. . K. : William Copley , S. ; C. 7 : Goodman ; Treasurer : J. G. TaylorS er tary * 193 members. OMAHA COUNCIL. No. 1. R. 4 B. M. Organized ISO. , , _ Officers C. F. Goodman. T. J. M. ; Byron Stanberry. D : I. M. ; G. Stevenson. P.O. W : M. Hellman. Treasurer. Jean Bchons , Bee COMMANDERY. No. l.K. T. Established 1865. OHeers : C. J.Catlin , C. : Ed , Haney * G. ; .W. Lininger , C. G. : C. F. Goodman. Treasurer : WillsamS. Bowen.Reo. 133 members : Knlghis of Pythias. 0 ? THE GRAND LOD9S 0 ? NEBRASKA. O. C T. 8 , . Shropshire. Omaha. G.V 0. . Anthony Rels. North Platt * . 8. K.ofB.anaB.B. JS.jrreuca.Omahk O. M. at A. . A. D. Marshall. Lincoln. 0.1. G. . D. A. Moffatt , Omaha. G. 0. 6. Jacob Frank. Omaha. G. L. . W. W. Wardell. Falla City. .Ths order numbers twenty-two Lodges in NeBrartii. with a total membersUp of neaib one thousand. NEBRASKA LODGE No. 1. B of P. Offleers-D. A. Moffatt. P. 0.-J'J. Mot- ell. J..C. C. ; G. W Ahlquie * / C. : E. Pi ! rtaca.P.V.G.MeKoon.i : M Spencer. M. ? . .J. B. Bhropufci . K : R. b. : OVO. AnlQuirt , K. A.I Georsr. i-ytw. I. 8. : 0. E. ' PYTHIAS. Planet Lodge. No. 4 , ( German ) . Officers for the ensuing year : 0. C.-Gnstav Fries ; V. C. . Rudolph Troesin : Prel. Sebastian Blnemle ; K. of R. & 8. , Dr. A. Hotten- roth ; Banker Jocob Frank : Fin. Beer. . Samuel Aloti. Trustees , A. Anst.JnHnj TrelUchke Udd r-ellowshlp. STATE LODGE ; Officers Darius Hartson , . GA. . F. Borden. V. G. ; B. B. Weist. Secretary ; M. Goldsmith. Treasurer. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall Monday evening. BEACON LODGE. No. 20. Officers W. I. Baker. N. 9. : Frank Barlage , V. G , ; Chas. E. Weeks. Secreta ry : Adolph Meyer. Treasurer. Meets in Odd Fellows Hall. ALLEMANNEN LODGE. No. 8.1.0. 0. T. Officers Jnllus Rndowsky. N. Q. ; Her man Tebbins. V. O. ; G. Striffler. R. B.S P Clanssen. P. 8. ; Henry Lehman. Trearnrer. MeeU at Odd TFellowi Hall Wednesday envening. German Order ot the Harugarl. NEBRASKA STATE LODGE. Officers Chas. Banekes. D. D. G. B. ; D. Bt. Gyer. 0. B. : Alf. Arnemann. U. B. ; Aug. Anst. Secretary : Henry BIttr. Treas urer. MeeU every Thursday at 207 Farn- ' ham-st _ _ THK BUKNU ULUB. Officers John Wilson. President : M. W Fleming , Vice-President : William Andenon Treasurer : William Flemlng.Socretary : Wm. Llddell. David Knox , ana Wm. Anderson. Council en. THE BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTTVB ENGINEERS Division 183 meets secona and fourth Sat urday evenings of each month , corner 14th and Douglas streeU. E. B. Wood C. E , : B. R. M thls.F. A E , OMAHA MABKNERCHOR. MeeU Tuesday and Friday evenlngs-erer ? week , at Thiele's Walhalla. Officers Frank Herten. President : Jno. Reich art. Vlee-Pre- dsident ; Edward Wirth. Corresponding Sec retary : Julius Treitschke * Financial Secret ary : Albert Nast. Treasurer : Herman Meyer. Dirigent ; Fred. Schless. Blblotheque ; Wm. AlstadtStandard Bearer. Number of Mem bers 70 : active singers. 24 ; passive 44 ; hon orary number * S ODD FELLOWS' LIBRARY. Officers John Evans , President ; B. B. Weirt. Secretary and Librarian : M. S. McKee . Treasurer. Number of volume * . 800HOME LITERARY SOCIETY. . MeeU every Tuesdayevantng at7.30o'elock. In the basement of the United Presbyterian Church. Eighteenth and California Streets Officers E B Knox. President : J L Mc- Cagne , Vice-President : J L Brodish. Becre- tarv : D J Baldwin. Treasurer. DOUGLAS COUNTY BAA ASSOCIATION Officers A. J.PoppIeton , President : B. B. B. Kennedy. Vice-president ; J. W. Saran. Treasurer ; A. Bwartilander. Corresponding and Recording Secretary. Organiied Augcrt TOth. 1375. Membership. 40. IMPflOTED ORDER OF RED MEN. Council flre Kindled every Monday even ing. Wigwam over Martin' * drug store , north-west corner Douglas and Fourteenth streeU. E. O'Sullivan. C. of B. : Jame ? Donnelly. S. : Wm , M. Bamberger. 8. 8. ; O. Stevenson , P. : Geo. Karlle. J8 , : C. Hartman K. of W J OUBNSYMAN TAILOR'S BNIOB. Meats &rst Monday in every month at Tar- ner Hall , at 8 o'clock. Officers Presidwt C. Hamman ; Vise-President John He" * * ! ; Recorder and Correspondlcr Becretarr. B. Hay * . ' Trauorer. Gnstav Bwazuon. OMAHA LODGE No. 2. I. O. 0. T. Established February lit 1855. PresentOBicers Robt. V. Brinkley. a. G. ; Milten Rogew , V. G. : C. C. House ] , Bee. ; John Evans. Treasurer. MeeU every Friday evening in Odd Fellows' Hall , north-weft corner of Dodge and Ffteenth StreeU. ODD FELLOWS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCI ATION. Organized June 21 , 1873 Officers J. W. Nicholas. President ; R. G.Ryley , VlcPre - Ident ; E. B. Weist. Secretary : John Evani. Treasurer. MeeU first Wednesday In nntb . Are one ef the most valuable of our na tive fruits. Cooling and astringent , they form when tomponnded and medicated the very best and safest remedy known- for Diarrhea. Dysentery. Flux , and what is commonly railed the Bummer Complaints. These are Always troublesome and sometime * terribly fatal , especially among Children : Many lives might be saved by giving them rompt attention , and care. Oil the other and. many lives are sacrificed by the use of preparations eontatnintrlaudanum and other plate.DrtrGreen's Blackberry Cordial i lustwhatftreprefeentrtobe : apure medlca- * ted < wjfinonnd opntalnJnt ; .nothing : injaripw , to the system , yet prompt and eFestive to check and caiB tM eri41M e&fmenj4Bdi women. Being made without alcohol. It il the very bested safari 9a > for chtldreBj , 'After this diseaseis , cheeked ; the , body it generally left ortfknddebilltlitedrAdaay _ , . and. tmoderata ns , of , DrnlGrrcti' | BJtt r , Tonio will revive and build Urfj. giTingtoE * and vigorto tfje whole syiten.hn . in- , crfiawd andb a&5v appStheJ ' I j ourdraq- gfrt does not Jieep pr..Green , ' * c imily inedi- cirtes.'senUWthe'proprietort. S.'T. fBart ruff&.C'o..jBnrlimrton..IpwjMana they wil , eniyou trlajiamples , a'well an circaJar * andteitimonial * . , ' > . ; , > _ . . I ] For ial by J. K. I h , andi by C.F. Good- maa. mch20-e8thdl MEDICAL. AMERlCAJTSUKHICAL 162 Harney-St Omaha TO * TH * TRtJTVE T Or ill Cn ! i if Sirpij , Ckt33ic Clwin k ikfirzllisc S.U.Mercer.ll.U. 5nr ? on acd in oharc ( ihronio Diseases. J. ' \ Denlje. X. D..t , charge of Dbea s of TTO. Kar and Thrc * * . VEGETINE. -IS Tlie Great FAMLY MEDICINE. HEALTH EESTOm General Debility. Debility is atermujsd to denote deaden" rvorHcod. The nutritive constituent * ot the blood arc 'n less than their rernlar pro- i portion , while the watery partis in exc . Debility is of frequent occurrence. . . It Is in cident to a variety of dineates. The lower limb * are apt to b swolleen. ThepatieaS Isfeebl ann rannot bear much exertion * The circulation in irrezular. but almost al' ways weakPalpitation of the heart id a very common symptom. Violent emotion often throws the heart in to the most turaultnouv action. Tb vital functions are lanruldljr performed. The muscular strength i dimin ished : fatigue follows moderate rr ( light fp exercise. The breathing though quiet when at rest , become * harried and erea painfully agitated under exertion , as is running , ascending height * , etc. The ner vous system is often greatlv disordered. Vertigo , ditxine . and feeling of faint- new are very common. Violent and obrti- nate neuralgic pain * in the head Mdp.breastT and other part ? of ths body , are also fre quent afendant ? upon the disease. The ? secretions are sometimes 'diminished la female * the menseVare aln.o < t alrriyn either imspended or very paa : ally performed. The bile is soantv. ana co tivnneg . w/fh / nn- hoilthy evacuations from the bowel anoT dyspeptic state of the stomach , arotitreoe-1 * ly comiscn Bymptonju. MARVELOUS EFFECT. H. R. BiSTKJiB. Dear Sir : I havrf used Vcgetine. and feel its duty to sc- knowledge the great benefit it is h dona me. In the spring of the yecr 1S ! I war lck from gentral debility , caused br ovey work , wast of sleen and proper rcit. L was very weak a d much emaciated. ! tried many remedies , without rrc ivine any benefit from any of them , until T was persunecd to try Vegotine. Before I had taken thu one wee my improved condition rave mo renewed hope and courngo. 1 eon- ' tinneitotaka it every day. gaining morel streneth until T was -"mplet ly restore * to health. The effect of thi * rnmedy. in , ca * of general debilitv i indeed mirrellnnj , ELtZAJETH A. FOLKY. 21Webatcrstrp" Charle'ton. Mais. SWOLLEK , . LKBISOS. K. H. . Jan 29.1870. Mr. STIVZSS : Dear sir I write tbircota to inform yoaof tbe effect of onr "Blood Pn-ifier" noorr my system. "Whenleommec'-edfciklngit. * yar ago. I wa' very much debilitateil. M limbs were swollen so that it was impomiol * for mo to get into or out from a carriage. and very painful to go up or down stairs. Iddecd. I could scarcely stand en my feet. My anpetita was gone , my strfneth failing- rapidly. After ueinor your medicine for a few weeks I b g n to improve. My appetite improved and my strength returned. I can. no w perform my duties aim.nnr e with my wonted ea a : nnd I feel I owe it to Vie - TIKX. Yours gratefully. MBS. C. A. H. A PERFECT HIRE. . . . D'ar Sir Thi is to erify that VsotTO * made a perfect cure of me wb n my attend ing physician hd pronounced my case con sumption. and said I could cot survifa many days. MRS. T.KDSTOX . 35 ( Took street. The facts stated by Mr * . Lediton are p c * tonally known by me , and they are trne. A.D.HAYNES. Would not le Without VEGETTNE ! TOR TEN TIMES ITS COST. The great b n 1t I have -eceivtd from. the use of VEOETIN K indnceg me to give ) my testimony in iti favor. I believe it to her not onlv of great value for restoring the health , but a preventive of diic&xri peculiar to the spring aud summer teutons. I would notbe without it for ten times it * cost. _ EDWIN TJI.DKN. Attorney and General Agent < orMassachu * netts of tb Craftmen's Life As'uraneej Company , No. 49 Scars' Building. Boston , Mats. PBXT > RKO BV H. R STJKVKf S. BOSTON. MAFSACflUSXITfU YEQETINE IS SOLO BY ALL DRUGGIST THE EWE5OT OF DISSASE ! THE FOE OF PAIN ! To "r Tga. and Beast. THE GRAND OLD LINIMENT , Which has stood the test of < nya n. There la no sore it will not no lam -T ness it will act cure , no aeho lain , that amoU the human body , or body of a horse cr other domestic " that does not yield to iU magic tou bottle cort- Ing 26c. . SOo. . or tl.OO. * Jn saved tha life of a human beln stored to Ufa and usefulness many ible horse , mcaaodiwly Is the act of discharging from the throat and chest matter that arijeslfrom colds. In stead of scattering and distributing it through the bloo < l. and poisoning it. Sy thus assisting the Lungs. Throat and Cheat. Dr. Green's Expectorant cnres Colds. Coughs , Asthma. Bronchitis. Croup. . Dyp- thena. Whooping Cengh and all affection * of the Lungs. Throat and Chest , and th first stares of Consumption and Typhoid , Fevew Its qualities are Expectorant ; Bd - ' live Pectorial and Alternative It do s not stop the cough as most preparations ; by1 their anodyne and astringent effects , retain ing the mucous and oSendingmatter'ln | th blood and causing permanent diseasa ot the Lungs , but it cure * by loosening the coajk and assisting the lungs and throat to throir off the offending matter , which causes tha cough , thus scientificmakicic ! ! tbe > enra perfect. It at once nlKiviates thrfisastdij- trensing cold on the lungs , soothes and sU&rS Irritation , and breaks up WhoopinrCougs. No better remedy can be found for Ajthsra. Bronchitis. Croup and all affections of ha Throat Lnnr * and Chest , and if rnatinuJd in use will subdue any tendency to C6nstin.p- > tion. Lung and Typhoid Fever- t , If the liver is torpid or tha bowel * consti pated , a few dcses of Dr. Qreen'fc Liver Pills will axaiat nature. No better cathar tic can b found. ti" i For sale br C. F. Goodman and J. K.I i , ' mcbl4-lteSthd-lv i Ajare ths eiperienee * of this llfij. noiwi are without its jllvrr lining. Trouble * and cares como ; soae abide with us : some pa awr t1 13/ * > ? body 5 * vigorous , to-mcr- row it la dead and gone ; life at best Is short an5t9KretP.rool8m how * perpetuate is is still unsolved. Life , however , can bo prb- . loaged. the weak and feeble body mad * strong , no matter from what cave indnced. nd Jn'toad of beine a burden to dlspeptfct and debilitated bodies , cnn b mad an en during pleasure : but how T Simply by the dallv and moderate nro of T > r. Ore n's Bit- to Tonic. This truly mHiciral nn-para-t tlon not a cheap and tr0rr rticl . in tended simply to stimulate and then leava the second state of the bodr wor n than the orst. but it gently relaxen the bow l * . itim * ulatestheliyer.makinz it work off the poi- lonous bumorof theblood.oontrolji and regu lates digestion , thereby removincth" canso nf headache * land low spirits. Toicvp ! flatn- lenor and foul stomach , giving toco ni ? itability to that organ with a Increiwd anri Wealthy appetite ; regulates female weaVnew , prevent * fever aud ague and malarious di- eases , protects the system fro JE nnwhnesomn ! air and impura water , nod vitalhM ana tones the whole body ajainst all attuks ot disease. Try it and voa will find It ptavan1 ! to the taste andheahng tc tha hodv. .In sudden or s vre ea c < of LIVPT Coin -f > iaint. or in constipation of th bowels , rj Tew doses of Dr. Green's Live- Pill * -rill M RisttheTonioinaenre and if yoaaraphak insr with the ague. I" . Green's JfusPfll will drive itaway. For stle by C. . V. Goodman nn-jt J. Ish. , o-ithra > in vaTft i will learn of - ' -n. FREE , far -ar i. debihty. premutnrs lost manhood j and , all xiisordtrt. brfr ; b zoesies. Anrdniyjisth t \ddreM. DAVIDSON 4 CO. SewTork.