je 2. JR OMAHA BEE. TOM How He Won a Price Bible at Han. day School. BY MJLBK TWAIX. fcabbath-school hours were from 9 until half-past 10 ; and then church service. Two of the children always remained for the sermon voluntarily aud the others tlways remained too for stronger reasons. The church's high - backed - uncushioned peva would seat about 300 persons ; the edifice was but a email , plain affair , with a sort of pine-board tree box on it for a Pteeple. At the door Toin dropped back a atep and accost ed a Sunday-dressed comrade : "Say , Billy , got a yaller ticket ? " "Yea. " "What'll you take for her ? " "Wbal'U " you give ? "Piece of lickerish and a fish hook. " "Leas see 'am. " Tom exhibited. They were satis factory and the 'property chauEed. hands- Then Tom traded a couple of white alleys for three red ticketa and some mfle or other for a couple of blue ones. He waylaid other aa they came , aud went on tickets of various colon ten at fifteen minutes longer. He en tered the church now with a swarm of clean and noisy boys and girls , proceeded to hia beat and .started a quarrel with the first boy that came handy. The teacher , a grave elder ly man , inter/erred ; then turned his back a moment and Tom pulled a boy's hair in the next bench , and was absorbed in bis book when the boy turned around ; stuck a pin in another boy , presently , in order to hear him say "Ouch ! " and got a new reprimand from his teacher. Tom's whole class were of a pattern restless , noisy and troublesome. When they came to recite their lemons , not one of tiiqm knew his verses perfectly , but had to be prompted all along. However , they worried through , and each got his Toward in wniaH blue tickets each with a passage of Scripture on it ; _ each blue ticket was ruv 'or two "veraea of the recitation Ten blue ticKets-equalled a red one , and could be exchanged for it ; ten red tickets equalled a yellow one ; for ten yel low tickets the superintendent gave u very plainly bound Bible ( worth forty cents in those easy times ) to i the pupil. How many of my read- . era would have the industry ami application to memorize 2,000 YMSfcP , even for a Dore Bible ? . .nd yet _ Mary had acquired t o Blblea In this way it was t Q patient work of two years ar < j a boy of German pareutagn had , < von four or five. He once recite , , 3,000 verses without stopping but the strain upon his men * . * ! faculties was too great , and be , was lltlle better than an idiot i from that day forth a grievous mis fortune for the echool , for on great occasions , before company , the Superintendent ( aa Tom expres sed it ) had always made this boy come out and "spread himself. " Only the older pupils managed lo keep their tickets and stick to their tedious work long enough to get a bible , and BO the delivery of one of those prizes was a rare , noteworthy circumstance ; the successful pupil was so great and conspicuous for that day tbat on the very epot every scholar's heart was fired with afresh ambition that often "lasted a couple of weeks. It is possible that Tom's mental stomach had never really hungered for one of those prized but unquestionably hia entire being had for many day longed for the glory and eclat tbat came with it. In due course the supenntendent Htood up In front of the pulpit , with a closed hymnbook m his hand and his forefinger inserted between its leaves , ana commanded attention. "When a Sunday-school superinten dent makes his customary little speech a hynm-booa in the hand is as necessary as the inevitable sheet of music in the hand of a singer who stands forward on the platform and singe ) a solo at a concert though why , is a mystery ; for neither the hymu-Dook nor the sheet of musio Is ever referred to by the sufferer. The superintendent was a slim creature of thlrty.flve , with a sandy goatee and short sandy hair ; he wore a stiff standing collar whose sharp point * curved forward abreast the corners of his mouth a fence that compelled a straight lookout ahead , uud a turning of Uie whole body < ? hen a side view was required his. chin was propped on a spreading Cravat , which was as broad and as Jong as a bank note , and had fringed < ends ; his boot-toes were turned sharply up , in the fashion of the day , like sleigh runners an effect patiently aud laboriously produced by the young men sitting with their toes pressed against a wall for hours together. Air "Walters was very earnest of mien , and very sincere and honest at heart ; and he held pacred things and places in such reverence , and BO separated them from worldly matter that uncon sciously to himself his Sunday-school voice had acquired a peculiar in. touatiou which was wholly absent on week days. He began after this fashion. , children , 1 want you all to Bit up just as straight and pretty as you can , and give me all your atten tion for a minute or two. There that la the way good little boys and girls snould do. I see one little girl who is looking out of the window. I am afraid she thinks I am out there eornewhere perhaps up in one of the trees , making a speech to the little birds. Applausive tit ters. ] I want to tell you how good It mjfcee me feel to see so many brigm , clean little faces assembled In a place like this , learning to do right and be good. " And so forth aud so on. It is not neuesnary to set down the rest of the oration. It was of a pattern which does not vary , and it is familiar to us all. .The latter third of the speech was marred by the resumption of fights and other recreations , among cer tain of the bad boys , and by fldget- inga and whisperings that extended far aud wide , washing even to the bases of isolated and incorruptible rocks llktt Hid. aud Alary. But now every sound ceases suddenly , with the subsidence of Mr. Walter's voice , and the conclusion of the speech was received with , a burst of f-ilent gratitude. A good part of the whispering had been occasioned by an event which wa more or less rare the entrance of visitors ; lawyer Tliatcher accom panied by a very feeble and aged * man ; a fine , portly , middle-aged gentleman with iron-gray hair ; and a dignified lady who was doubtless . the latter's wife. The lady was leading a child. Tom had been restless and full of cba&nge and re- pinings ; conscience-smitten , too _ he could not meet Amy Lawrence's eye , he could not brook her loving gaze. But when he saw this tmall newcomer , hii soul was ablaze with bliss in a moment. The n zt mo ment he was "showing off" with all &m might cuffing boys , pulling hair , m i king faces In a word , using every art tbnt seemed likely to fas cinate a girl and win her applause. Hia exaltation bad but one alloy the memory ot his humiliation in this angel's garden and that rec ord in sand was fast washing out uniier the waves of happiness that were sweeping over it now. The visitors were given the high est seat ol honor , and as Boon as Mr. Walters' speech was finished he In troduced them to the school. The middle-aged man turned out to be a prodigious personage no lesa a one than the county judp- altogether the most august creation these chil dren had ever looked upon and they wondered what kind of mate rial he was made ofnd : they half wanted to hear him j v.r , and were half afraid be might , too. He was from Constantinople , twelve miles away so he had traveled and seen the world these very eyes had looked upon tbo county courthouse , which waa said to have a tin roof. The a we inspired by these reflections waa attested by the impressive si lence and the ranks of staring eyes. This was the great Judge Tuatcher , brother of their own lawyer. Jeff Thatcher immediately went for ward , to be familiar with the great man , and be envied by the school. It would have been mu ic to his soul lo hear the whispering- "Look at him , Jim ! " He's a go ing up there. Say look ! he's ageing going to shake hands with him he is shaking bands with him ! By jings , don't you wish you waa Jefl ? " Mr. Walters fellro "showing off , " with all sorts of official bustling and activities , giving orders , deliv ering judgments , discharging direc tions here , there and everywhere that he could .find a target. The li brarian "showed off " running aud making a deal of splutter and fuss that intect authority delights in. The young lady teachers "showed off " bending sweetly over pupila that were lately being boxed , lifting pretty warning fingera at bad little boys aud pattiug good ones loving ly. The young gentlemen teachers ' showed off" with small scoldings aud other little displays of authori ty and fine attention to discipline and most of the teachers of both sexes found business up at tbe I1- brary , by the pulpit ; and it was business that frequently had to be done over again two or three timeswith much seeming vex ation ) . The little girls "showed off" in various ways , and the little boys ' "showed off" with such diligeuco ' that the air was thick with paper wads and the murmur c { scufflings. And above it all th.e great man eat and beamed a majestic smile upon i all the hguse and warmed himself in the Sim of his own grandeur for lie waa "showing off too. " There was only one thing want ing to make Mr. Waltei's ecstaoy conieplete , and that was a chance to deliver a bible-prize and exhibit a prodigy. Several pupils had a few yellow tickets , but noue had enough he had been around among the star pupila inquiring. He would have given words , now , lo have ibat German lad back cgain with a oound mind. And now at this moment , when hope was dead Tom Sawyer came forward with nine yellow IJohetD aud ten blue oned , and demanded a Bible This wa * a thunderbolt out of a clear tky. Walters was not ex pecting an application from this source for the next ten years. But there was no getting around it here were the certified checks , and they were good for their face. Tom was , therefore , elevated to a place with the Judge and tbe other elect , and the great news waa announced from headquarters , it was the most stunning Bttrpriee of tbo decade , and the new hero up to the judical one's altitude , and the school bad two marvels to gaze upon , in place of one. The boys were all eaten up with envy but those that suffered the bitterest pangs were those who perceived , too late , that they them- Eelves bad contributed to the hated splendor by trading tickets to Torn for the wealth he had amassed in selling whitewashing privileges. These despised themselves as being the dupea of a wily fraud a guile ful snake in the grass , Thepme was delivered to Tom with as much effusion as the super intendent could pump up under the circumstances ; but it lacked some what of the true gush , for the poor fellow's instinct taught him that there waa a mystery here that could not well bear the lignt , perhaps ; it was simply preposterous that this bov had warehoused 2,000 sheaves of Scriptural wisdom on his premises a dozen would strain his capacity without a doubt. Amy Lawrence was proua and glad , and she tried to make Tom see it in her face but he wouldn't look. She wondered ; then she was just a grain troubled ; next a dim suspic ion came and went came again ; she atchedj a furtive glance told bur words , and then her heart broke ; she was jealous and angry , and the tears came and she hated every body. Tom most of all ( she thought. ) Tom was introduced to the J udge ; but his tongue was tied , his breath would hardly come , his heart quaked partly because of the awful great ness of the man , but mainly because he was her parent. He would have liked to fall dotvn aud worship him , if it were in the dark. The Judge put his baud on Tom's head and called him a fine little man , and asked what hia name was The boy stammered , gasped , and got It out : "Tom. " "Oh , no ; not Tom it is " "Thomas. " "Ah , that's It. T thought there waa more to It , maybe. That's very well. .But you've another one , 1 dare say , and you'll tell it to me , won't you ? " "Tell tbe gentleman your olher name , Thomas , " said Walters ; "and say 'air' you mustn't forget your manners. " "Thomas Sawyer air. " "That's it I That's a good boy. * me boy. Fine , manly little fel low. Two thousand versea ia a great many very , very great many. And you never can be sorry for the trouble you took to learn tt em ; for Knowledge is worth more than any thing there is in the world ; it's what makes great men and good men ; you'll be a great man and a good mnn yourself , some day , Thomas , and then you'll look back sud say : It'e all owing to my dear teachers that taught me to learn It's all owing to the good supenn tendent , who encouraged me and watched over mo , and gave me a beautiful Bible to keep and have it all my own , always it's all owing to right bringing up. That is what you will eay , Thomas and you wouldn't take any mo ney for those two thous and verses noindeedyou wouldn't. ' And now you wouldn't mind telling me and this lady some of the things you've learned ? no , I kuow you wouldn't , for we are proud of tha Uttte boys that learn. Now , no doubt , you know the names of all the twelve disciples. Won't you tell us the names of the first two that were appointed ? " Tom waa tugging at a button hole and looking Bbetpish. He blusted now and bis eyes fell. Mr. Walter's heart sank within him. He said to himself , it is not passible that the "boy can answer the first question why did the Judge ask him ? Yet he felt obliged to speak up and say : "Answer the gentleman , Thomas ; don't be afraid. " Tom still hung fire. "Now , I know you will tell me , " said the lady. "The names of the first two disciples were " "David and Golliah ! " Lot us draw the curtain of charity over the re&t of the scene. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS. DORSETT & SHEPHFBD. SUCCESSOR TO DORSETT 4 CO. No. 163 Barney street. Buyers , I aolcers , AHD WHOLM1LS DKILHB IX Country 3Produ.ce BUTTER EGGS AND POULTRY A SPECIALITY. OMAHA. March , 31 Oar to-days quotations are as follows : delivered to our address at different R. R. depots. Fresh roll butter 12Ho. Eggs 10s per doz. Old packed batter 10 to as to quality. Cash on delivery. DORSETT ± SHEPHERD , - Agents for the CELEBRATED LOWEK VEIN COAL. Special contracts made for coal in car load ots. SIDNEY MARKET REPORT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY D. J. Mo. CASN & CO. flour ( Col. ) Snowflake . --$4 85 per 100 * Neb. Ft. Calhonn 3 75 per ' ' Waterloo Mill * . 360 per ' " ' 2 00 ' Corn Meal per " ' Corn in tunnies I 26 per ' Bacon 13 per pound Lard - - U per ' Coffee. . - . . Z7i929 per ' Tea 50975 per ' Syrups in 5 gal. kegs - . fOOoer gal. Tobacco - 5031 SO per pound Beans - 7per " Wagons - S75.01S5 00 each Harness - 11(322 ( Mules - 90@125 00 Uorses „ - . . WfltOO 00 HATS , CAPS , &o. Consummation. " I have filled mv mission. It is done 1 How glorious is relief t The 'Ides of March" a victory won A nation freed from grief. The Hatter is' himself again" With "armor girded on.'r There arc no Richmond ! In the field , " save Bunco the "Champion. " His shield's his clock , so choice and rare. Fastidious tastes to please , Poetio" crowns with brims compare For office , street , or common wear , Forjournevs long , or tours afar , Dicplavedln all degrees. Now who would be without a hat. Fray speak not allet once , Man's not * nan "fora * that , and a' that. > Vho'd compromise the CkitfOraeal Of public opinion , like that , like tbat. To batters BO. without a hat And."break nobrcad" with Dunce. RepHlr my friends with piirte in hand To Bonce , tbo Champion Hatteri stand , The silver buckles on your feet will lead you to this hat re-treat Yourself to a bran new one. At this vast Emporium. Bunco's Hat Emporium corner Fourteenth and DouKlas sU LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Default having been made in the condi tions of a certain Chattel mortgage execut ed by the KnUhts of Pythias Hall a < * oeia- tion. to John laylor. dated September 1st. A. If. , 1875. and dnlyreoorded in the record of mortgages , in the county of Bonglaa and State of Nebraska , on the lit day of Sep tember. A. D. . 1875. in book "R. " of mort gages on JIBRO 201. Notice is hereby Riven that said mortgage will be foreclosed by the sale of tbe property described therein to-wit : 85 yards two-ply oak carpet. 30 yards two-ply red diamond figured carpet , 35 yards striped matting. 2 desKs.l four-light gaf'.chandelier with globes one three light gas chandelier with globes , toeether with gas pipe. and all fixtures , one covered walnut upholstered sofa , liz carved walnut upholstered chairs , six brus- § eis carpet upholstered lounges , 20 perfora ted wooden bottom chairs , 12 patent metal spittoons , 12 common small earthen spit toons. 17 window curtains , 6 cane seat arm chairs , 33 common chairs , 4 platforms , 1 al ter. 4 pedestals , 2 stoves and pipe. 1 clock , 1 melodian , together with all other goods and chattels belonging to the said KnignU of Pythias Hall Aesociation now in orlhero- after to be brought into the hall , fitted up and furnished by said association being tbe third story cf T. Martin's new building sit uated on the northwest corner of 14th 'and Douglas streets Omaha , Neb. Said sale'will take place on the northwest corner of 16th and Chicago streets , in the city of Omaha , DoUalai county Nebraska , on the 5th day of April , A. D. .1877 , commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. , and also a continuation of said tale will be had and take place at the north west corner of 14th and Douglas streets in game city and county at the hall of Raid Knights of Pythias Hall Association in Martin's block on tbe 6th day of April A. D , , 1877 , commencing at 10 o clock a. m , . Amount due on the note secured by said mortgace is 8381.25. and interest from the 1st day of September. A. D. . 1875. less ? 35.00 of said' interest heretofore paid by raid association. Attorneys fees and costs are included in and secured by 'aid mort gage. JOHNTAYLER. , . . Mortgagee , By STBICKLAMD 40'BmiN , his Attys. Omaha. March 15th 1877. marchl5-20t " LEGAL NOTICE. George R. Wetmore plaintiff , vs. Fred erick Brind. defendant , before Luther R. Wright. Justice of the Peace within amd for Douglas county , Nebraska. On the 20th day of February. A. D. , 1877 , said Justice issued an ordjr of attachment in the above action for the sum of 113.50. GEORGE R. WETMORE. . Omaha. March 6th. 1877. marl7-e sat3t LEGAL NOTICE. David H. Dickinson plaintiff , vi. George Stanwocd. defendant , before Luther R. Wright. Justice of the Peace for Douglas county , Nebraska. Oi the ZlBtday of February. A. D. . 1877. said Justice issued an order of attachment in the above action for the cum of one bun- pred dolllart. Omaha February 27th.1877. DAVID H. DICKINSON , By D. L. THOMAS , his attorney. mar3-uat 3w CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of a Chattel Mortgage dated January 6 , 1877. and recorded January 8th , 1877. in book U. ot Mortgages , at page 215. in the County Clerk's office of Douglas County Nebraska , executed by Wiley B. i Diion and K. G. Floyd to Edwin Haney and I in tbe conditions of which default has been made. I will on the 8rd day of April. 1877. between the hours of 10 a m. . and 4 p. m. , in the Billiard Hall of Dixon * Floyd. No. 240 Farnham street , city of Omaha , sell at public auction the property as mortgaged. being : The bar and fixtures in said room , one large bar mirror , one large ice cheit , one iron safe' one desk , one Morning glory stove , ten pictures , one clock , fifteen chain , three Brunswick billiard tables with balls. racks , and cues , and everything belonging and apertaining to them , gas fixtures in said room and one small show CMS. The amount due this date is 9818.60. to which is to be added accruing interest , lees , By J. C. COWIK , his Attorney. Omana. March 12th. 1877. marlvltawapr MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. THE E1OBMT OF DISEASE ! THE FOE OF PAIN ! To M * : a and Beast : THE GRAND OLD MT3"S TuiiXTG LINIMENT , Wiloh has stood the test of 10 yean. There is no sore it will not heal , no lame ness it will Aot cure , no ache , no pain , that afflcts the human body , or the body of a horse or other domestic animal , that does not yield to its magic touch. A bottle cost ing 25c..50o. . or $1.00 , has often saved the life of a human being andf estored to life and usefulness many valuable horse , mchZOdAwly ST. PAUJL. & 8IOTJX CITY. AND - Sioni City & Pacific Railroads , 100 Mile * Shortest Reu'e teSt Paul , Minneapolis. Culutti or Blsnsrk. And the most direct route to Sioux City and all points in Northern Iowa , Minnesota N CHANGE OP CARS. Will rcn elegant Drawing Room and Sleeping Coaches , owned and controlled by the Company , through without change be tween OVAEA , couxcn , BLcrra AKD ST. PAUL. Trains will leave the Union Pacific Depot at OMAHA at 4 p. m. , and COUNCIL BLUFFS at 5:45 p. m. . reaching SIOUX CITY at 10.20 p .m. . and ST.TPAUfi at U a. m. . Time , 18 noun making TEX BOOKS IX ADVAXCJ OP ALLOTffltB EOTTI8. Returning Will leave ST. PAUL a 8 p. a. , arriving at SIOUX CITY at 5 a. m , . and OMAHA at 10 a.m. . earTickets for sale in Chicago and North western Railway offices Council Bluffs ; Un ion Pacific Depot : and Grand Central Ho tel. Omaha. 3S-Be sure that -your ticketa read via "S. C. 4 P. R. R. " L. BURNETT. Superintendent. Missouri Vallev. F. C Hills. G Ti'l Ticket Art. Sioux City. J.H. O'BRYAN. Southwestern Freight and Passenger Agt , ' marZO-tf Omaha. MONEY AND COMMERCE OMAHA NBB. , March 31.1877. Uold , at Omaha Buying , { 104 ; selling , $1 06. DRY GOODS. 'Ihe wholesale trade during the past week has been quite active ) and the spring orders are coming In very rapidly. Some changes will be found In our list of quotations. The quotations are aliout the same as last week. Buslnea for the month just closed was very Baiisfac- tory. Bales as reported being much ahead of the corresponding month of last year. PROVISIONS. Butter Best roll in muslin 16 to 17 cents per pound. Eggs lOall cents don. Poultry Scarce and in good de mand ; dry-picked turkeys , per pound , Ilal2c ; dry-picked chickens , 9alOc ; ducks and geese , lOallc. Game 2.26 per dozen of mallard ducks 2.00 per dozen of mixed ducks , and 1.50 per dozen of teal ducks. Wild treese , 60a75c , as to size. Potatoes Peach blows , 85c. Rose , 860. Turnips 1 00 per bushel. Cider Hcarce at 7 60 per barrel. Asparagus From California , 76 cents per doz. bunches. FRUH8 ETC. Apples City trade at 3 OOaS 60 per barrelt Orange ? Messina , 4 50 per box. Lemons Mefcslha , 6 50 per box. Cranberries Jersey , in bushel boxes , 4 60 per bushel. New Dates. Unchanged. Mate and boxes per Ib lOcts. iNew Prunells. In fancy boxes per Ib 0oto. New Figs. In assorted packages per Ib 16 to 17ots. Fresh Cocoanute. Per hundred 8.00. California Comb Honey. In 2 Ib frame and 60 Ibcises perlb21cts. In 2 Ibcap tins per Ib 20ots. OYSTERS. Booth's Oyuters Belecta , 33c ; ( Standards , 23c ; Anchors , 18c. LIVE HOGS. Live hogs are quoted at $6.00@ $6.26. GRAIN. Wheat Ao. 1 , 1 06 § ; ISo. 2,1 04J ; No. 3,96 ; rejected , 80. Corn Western mixed , 27o. Oate No. 1 , 30 ; No. U , 27 ; reject ed , 25c. Barley No. 2 , 40c ; No."J5 , 25c ; rejected , 20c. Rye 66c. LIVESTOCK. Steers on foot per 100 Ibs 3 75a4 00 Calves do do 4 50a6 00 Hogs do do 5 FXX5 75 Bheep do do 4 50a5 00 PROVISIONS Hams per Ib. 13 Shoulders do g 9 Tallow do 7k 8 Dressed hogs per 100 800 850 ROCERIES SUGARS. Granulated Powdered Crnsned Refined , cut loaf StanaArd 'A' Extra * C' "C" Yellow 'C' coy . Old Government Java perlb SO S2 Fancy Rio do 34 25 Ohoico " do 23 24 Prime " do 22 23 Good " do 21 22 TUB. YonngHyson per Ib Gun Powder do Imperial do Oolong do Japan do 309 DBIID raurr. Michigan Apples per Ib ' 6 7 Salt Lake do do 10 * 11 Currants do 7M _ 8 Raisins , layers per box 2 30 $2 40 do seedless perlb 10 14 do Valencia do 10 11 Prunes , French do ' . & Raspberries do 89 do Common do 30 Peaches eastern do 1011 do Salt Lake do 1112 Peaches 2 Ib cans per CAM 13 50 do SIbeans do 4 75 Strawberries , 2 Ib cans do 3 20 Blackberries do 4 GO Rhubarb , 2 Ib cans do 3 00 Cherries do do 4 00 Pine apples do do 280 Tomatoes do do S 2093 40 do Slbcans do 4309459 Corn , 2 Ib cans do 3 50 4 00 Peas , early garden 21b cansdo 3 25 Peas , common do do 2 SO Beans , string do do 2 SO FISH A1CD OTBTIKS. Salmon , 2 Ib cans perdos 420 do Ib cans do 2 70 Lobsters. 2 Ib cans do 3 00 do lib cans do 2 00 Oysters , standard,2 ) b cans percaie 3 00 do do lib cans do 1 70 do slack. 2 Ib cans do 2 39 do do 1 Ib cans do 1 40 1,1,7. Common pe bbl 2 35 2 50 Dairy 875 Wlrts per Ib 18 Kirk's saynn per Ib G do White RnuUn do K do India do 7 8chafer's(8UiouisGerm ( ) ndo 6 Omaha eoap Mo 6) PLUS TOBACCO. Black Goods , western perlb 46 50 do Virginia do S3 M do LortlUrd do Ri 70 right Virginia do 60 C § atnral Leaf do SO 1 00 BREAD STUFFS St. Louis W. W. Flouri per bbl 8 50 10 PO Nebraskaspring do 2 60 2 75 Bran per ton 12 00 Corn meal per 100 1 CO 3HIIS N. Y. factory per Ib US915 American Swiss < o 21 Imported Swiss do % Limburg d ( 16 CARPET AND 01U CLOTH. SHEET IRON. WIRE BLOCK TIN. COPPER 4c. ron In bars per Ib 3 Cast plow steel do 10 Tool steel no 18 20 Natilrodi do 12 Horse shoe nails do 6 BHIKT moil. First quality Nolfi to 20 perlb 4V do No 12 to J4 do 4 { do No26 do 5 do No 27 do Onareoal.both sides smooth. No 24do do do No 26 do 6 do do No 27 do 6J4 Double refined. No 24 do 7 do No 26 do 7W do No 27 do TH Russia , perfect , 7 to 12 do K do No I stained do 17 * A' American imitation Russia allNos. do 16 For less than full bundle add one cent OALVAKixro BOK. No 14 to MO perlb U * No21to24 o 13 No 25 do 14 No 27 do 15 corrik. Tlnneri'Jolder-extrarefined do do No 1 do IS do roofing do 15 WJOOOM FElBTBi American. ArnoskM * Cocheco Garners Memmack Mallory. pink or purple Pacific Mull Simpsons Spragne Wamsntta Washington Robes BLBAOBID COTTOM. Lonsdale " Oambrio Cabot Cabot Fruit of Loom New York mills Wamsutta Pepperell do BROWS OOttOK. Atlantis B do P Nebraska standard AA Pepperell 0 do R do B Indian Head do do do do QWQHAKH American Amoskeic Bates Lancaster Amoskeag Rlddeforit FallsO.B. 0. do AA do AAA / AVI. Amoske g , brown do bleached Clarendon Amoskeag Beaver Creek AA do do BB Haymakers Otis axa doBB do CO CARTON n-ASKlLS. AmoskepgA do BB so i do DD as _ Arlington ! 10 W1MMM.H M 17 . . . . . . n FAIN I .011 * AND QLAS8. si , do do pure do do do sine pure Freonh do do do do do Amer. do 11 912 Red lead do 4 % Putty in bladders do WrjTDOW QLAM. Discount 35 off lift. FURS ] Mink , prime 1259175 do 2d andSdl 50 100 Wolverine 350SO Racoon SO do inferior 35 Muskrat. fall 35n do winter n do spring si do kittens Skunk , black prime HCO do narrow striped prime 60a do broad a Otter. No 1 , large TOO FUher 900 Wolf No 1 large mountain 00 do No 2 do 200 do No 1 small prairie lie do No 2 do W Beaver.well furred and clean perlb 1 < 0 do stagy and heavy 90 100 ' Red fox Not I'M Kid fox No 1 40SO Deerskin.redand short blnei per Ib SOK Antelope K LUMBIR Jolsti. studding and till * so ft and under 1700 Over 20 feet each additional foot ! 100 FencingNo 1 1900 . doTo3 1700 1st common boards 2000 2nd do do 1600 'A * stock boards , 10 and 12 Inchii 4500 B' do do do do 35 00 0' do do do do 2500 1st clear 1.1M. IX and 3 Inch 5000 2d do do do do 4000 3d do do do do 30 GO Flooring , clear 4000 do 1st common SO CO do 3d do 2500 do 3d 20(0 do narrow. No 1 3500 1st clear ceiling X loch WOO 2d do do X do 30 Oft 1st do do y do 22(0 ( 2d do do H do SOW 1st do sidinz 1900 2d do do 1700 1st common do 1600 A' shingles 325 Extra No 1 shingles 150 Common No 1 shingles 200 Lath per 1000 960 D AH pickets pe 100 300 Square do do 3X ( > 0 G Batten per lineal foot 01 Rough do do LEATHER. Best Buffalo sole 34 Matamoras do 30 Best oak 40 43 Baltimore oak ( ole 48 French kips 8140 200 do calf , leading brands 175 240 Domestic kips 75 123 do calfs 110 160 Hemlock , upper per root 22 23 Oak do do 25 Grain. do do 25 Linings per dos 7001000 Toppings do 10 00 12 00 Morocco ( bootleg ) per foot 33 45 do oil dressed do 86 40 do Simon per skin 300 3S5 do glove kid 00no Belt leather. per side no | opt Webbing per bolt 45 70 Oak harness feather. Pittsbun * 43 do Nol 40 43 do No 8 58 40 Oak line leather 44 16 Hemlock harnessftethor Ho 1 37 B9 do No S5 37 Hemlock line eather 42 44 Fair bridle per side 600 7 OP Team collars per dos 24 00 SB 00 Stage do do 19002000 Scotch do do 3600 Concord do 3300 Collar leather ( black ) per ft K 24 do do ( rnsst ) do 18 20 Patent dash leather do 13 Ureen hides per ft 4 Green cured hides do 6 Dry hides do 10 912 Dry salted hides do 9 10 Dry calf and kip do 12 Sheep pelts each ! 8091 V > Tallow : ner B .7 LIOUOH8 AND WINE. High wines per gal 107 Alcohol 188 per cen t do 220 French spirits do 230 Marshall's ' Br'bon whlskydo 125 Miller's do do 155 Brandy , Terr fine do 400 do inferior brands do 150 375 Gin. 100 per cent do 150 300 Holland Gin. 90 per cent 175 do per case 725 do in 100 ease lots 50 Champagnes , pints in baskets 24003060 Portwine , inrrbr'ds per case 550 900 do very fine 1050 Sherries 5001650 Ale. Edinburgh , per dos 300 Ale. Bass A co's pale 3 00 Guinness Dnblia etout 300 Rums , mixed Jama'c * 100 per cent do New Eng. rum , 90 per ct do Kennedys bitten do Murig Guide lllmtiiit MARRIAGE vitb unzaeron * eoffrann from life Inehet ill thel quiiitife ihoald fccotr i Conrtihip. Mim { f. t' SECRETS ! lolojlcml Uvitrr , Bmlitiocf oft' ' 6exn& ! fyftexn , how to cir llklnd of DiKuef. mlh htmdmli of nlaiblt nct'r < 'ID ihould m T7the iDtpcdtmrott to nunitrr. thtir r re and cnn.TmtU on til Dlfcun. ( any eiplunln ; th < Jiu c , tjmptomi tndrartni to curt i lilt ti only n-n rlemifle vorkottheiJodererpnbuilud.iiidlieor'p- ! tp t. 8 nti cni Iyi l doni e lptot fii- mi. Dr. C. A. BOBAWM M , OS Worth fifth tr- Louii.Mo. Erttblulud ID 1ST brBmmJ. Lowx , LI D..l wraljl Oxlt edition Which li co 4 > ( < orwnt2i7totxpiblUb l In botli EnelUh and O rman. Oo l -t > ul profusely JIustratcd. ? low trloi rolnme.ttcfo uiftcoaUaUoi BlMtrwM aoxmnt of ippTOcto * Grand AGENTS WANTED ! rut iTliSc .rarid i for Aieou e Mo n4a < m tordMalpa < m jr. RAILROADS. C. .LINES. THE 4 NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Embraces under one management the Great Trunk Railway lines of th West and North west , and. with its numerous branches and connections , iorms the shortest and quick tt route between Chicago and all points in Ill inois , Wisconsin. Northern Michigan , Min nesota. Iowa- Nebraska , Callifornia and the Western Territories. IU OMAHA ANt ) CALIFORNIA LINE Is the shortest and beet route between Chi- eogo and all points in Northern Illinois , Iowa , Dakota.Nebraeka. Wyoming ! Colors- do. Utah. Nevada , California. Oregon. Chi na , Japan and Australia. Its CHICAGO. ST. PAUL 4 MINNEAPOLIS Line is the shortest line between Chicago and all points in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota , and for Madison. St. Paul , Min neapolis , Dntath , and all point ? In the Great Northwest. fi LA CROSSE , WINONA AST. PETER LINK Is the best route between Chicago and La Crosie. Winona. Rochester.Owatonna.Man- kato. fat. Piter. New Dim. and all i > olnts in Southern and Central Minnesota. Its GREEN BAY AND MARQUETTE LINE Is the only line between Chicago and Janes- ville , Watertown , Fond du Lao. Oihkoih. Appleton , Green Bay , Eecanaby. Negaunee , Marque.tte , . Hoaghton. Hancock , and he Lake Superior Countfv. la FREEPORT AND DUBUQUE LINE Is the only route between Chicago and El gin. Rockford. Freeport. and all points via. Freaport. Its CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE LINE Is tbe oldest Lake Shore Route , as Is th only one parsing between Chicago and Kvaneton. Lake Forest , Highland Park. Wankegan , Racine. Kenofba and Milwau kee. FCLLMAf PALACE DKAWIXO BOOM CABB are run on all through trains of this road. 'Ihis is the. only line running these care between Chicago and St. Paul and Minneap olis. Chicago and Milwaukee. Chicago and Winona. or Chicago and Green Bay. Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake Shore Xr Michigan Southern Michigan Central , Baltlmo e & Ohio. Pittc- bnrg , Ft. Wayne & Chicago , Kaukakee Line and Pan Handle Routes , for all points East and South-east , and with the Ob > ago and Alton and Illinois Central for all points South. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R. R. at Omaha for all far West points. Close connections made at junction points wilh trainr of all cross points. Tickets over this route are sold by al Coupon licket Agents in the United States and Canada. Remember , you ak for your tickets via the Chicago A North Western Railway , and take none other. Now York Office , No. < 15 Broadway : Bos ton Office. No. 5 btate street : Omaha Office , 215 Farnham Stfeet : Chicago Ticket Offices. 63 Clark Street , under Sherman Ilouea ; 75 Canal , corner Madison Street ; Kiniie Street Depot , corner W. Kiniie and Canal Streets ; Welli Street Depot , corner Wells and Kinzie Strce's. For rates or information not attainable frnm your home ticket agents , apply to W. H. ST-KXKTT Gen. Pass. Ag't. Chicago. JlARVm HCOHITT. Gen. Mang'r Chicago ians-ly Free Homes ! ON THE LINE OF THE Union Pacific K. B A LAND GRANT OF 12,000,000 Acres of the Best FaFffliii & iJf AMEHIOA. In ftebrnskm IN THKfGRKAT PLATTE VALLEY. Gurdon of the TVeet. - FOH SALE - IT PRICK HIT Off ! EOKPlTITfillS Ten yeara' credit , interest only 6 per rent. Free Homesteads for actual * e tilers. Tbe best location for colonies. Soldiers entitled to a hciaeatead of 160 acres. Free pauses from Omaha to furchasor * o railroad lands. Descriptive pamphloto , with sectional mips , and THE PIONEER. a handsome illustrated paper containing the homestead law , mailed free to all parts of the world. Address. O.F. DAVIS , Land Commvuioner U. P. Railroad , Omaha. Kill J. B. Tie LeaJiDE Brnm lute between the North , and South. Traversing the central portion of the great 6 tate of Iowa , and inter secting the numerous EAST&TOTTRUELIN1S , -FOR- CHItJAGO. DAVENPORT , DUBUQUE , DES MOIiNEB , 81OUX CITY , OMAHA , And all East and West points. Connects at Ottumwa- -FOR- BURLINGTON , MACOJS. KEOK.UK , SEDAUA QUINCi , ST. LOUIS , HANNIBAL , KANSAS CITY , MOBERLY , ATCHI80N , and the South , Southeast and Southwest. CONNECTS AT MA8ON CIT * -FOR- Sl. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS ; DUuUTH , and all Minnesota points. Mew and Finely Upholstered Reclining Cb air cars ON EXPRESS .TRAINS' STEAL RAILS , EXCELLENT ROAD BED , AKD FlRST-CLANFt COACHES' fitted with Miller's Platforms and Couplers , and Westinghonse.air brakes. No better In ducements can be offered to travel in tno di rections named tor the season of 1877. A.RBSSELI , , Gen'l Pars , and Ticket Agent. feb9-ly . "THE raiHBKN CITY FODTE , " Baltimore & Ohio R.R. THE SHORTEST , QUICKEST AND OKtT DIRECT KOCTE TO fasliiDita anl Baltimore ! WITH DIRECT CONNECTIONS FOR RICHMOND , LYMURf1 ! NORFOLK , AND THE SOUTHEAST , Kew Yorfc Boston AMD THE EAST. Travelers desiring a Speei ; , Pleasant , and Csntfortalile Tilj should remember that the IS CSLCBRATKD FOB ITS Elegant Coaches , Splendid Hotels. Grand and Beautiful Mountain and Valley Scenery. a"d the manyfcoints of His torical Interest along its route. Fa > e will always be as low as by any other Line. PULLMAN PALACE CARS RUN THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE EXTWKIK TBE FBIVC1FAI. 1E5TEHI AND EASTERN CfflES. For through Ticket ! , Baggage Checks. Movement of trains. Sleeping Car Accom- moda'ions Ac . apply at Ticket offices at all principal points NORTH , SOUTH , EAST OR WEST. E. R. DORSET. L. M. COLE. Aes'tOen'I Ticket Agt. Gen'l Ticket Agt. 1HOS. P. B ARRY. THOS. R. SHARP. Western Pass. Agent Master of Trnnsp'n. nar29-ly i of tin KZIUI ijitraj , it * bn * > l eU. . tent dSicoTnia ! n th v ideoce of reproduction i bowb .etroljhtppjrti.thein rri trtI Uon. Ml tnd ftE l ' ana middle aged thoultl rfft. ana pujerrett : t 'Ung jiutilui icfjrmation , which no cna cur afford In t mth ut ; on how to ptwerre the health , and complexion , an * ire to &O1 chrclu the treahseu ol Touthj the but at. iilr tree MirrUireOGicle in te vorU. Pnca 0cent Tim anther m r baeonfnUedpenonaUTorn ; nv of the fabltti mtntlaaal In hli vork ddni C3 * fil PMCFESSIONAL CARDS. G. J. HUNT , A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office 491 "Air- XX teenth street , with J. W. T. Richard * . ianll-tf C. F. MAlfDERSON. TlOUNEY AT LAW. 2U Farnham St. . A Omaha. Nebraska. "W. J. CONNEIiXt. /COUNSELOR AT LAW AND DISTRICT V/ Attorney for Second Judicial Distriet. OSoe. Rooms 1 and 2. Jacob's Block. Omaha. Nebraska , PARKS GOB WIN AT LAW. Ulh nd Dougla ATTORNEY G. W. Doane. ' A TTORNEY AT I/iW. OFFlCK XJL scher's Block. On hs. Nebraska. T. W. T. RICHAKDS , A TTOKNBY AT LAW , Oflco , 490.13A xV. Street , betweefi Itaraham and Barney. Omaha. Nebraska. WM. Ii. PEABQJ > Y , TT AWYEB. Crelshton Block , t i Omaha. Nebraska. O. H. B3T.T.OU A TTORNEY AT LAW. Offiee.Creiirhton'a XV. new block , southeast corner room , first doer , Omaha. Nebraska. G. W. A.MBKOSS , A TTORNEY AT LAW. 2SO Douglaf St. . XX Omaha. Neb. E. D. C. ERFLING , IUSTICE OP THE PEACE. OEce-Cor. v Tenth and Leavenworth-st * . LUTHER R. WRIGHT TUSTICE OF THK PEACE. Ofice- { J DouiUa-st. . west entrance Caldwel ! Block. lanli E. ESTABROOK. AT LAW. OSce. Cieljhton ATTORNEY . Neb. N. J. BURHHA2f. A TTOHNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Jri Over Hnbermaan's Jowrlry ! tore. Cor t"th and Douglas btrcats. Omaha Nch , G. E. PRITGHSTT. A TTOP.NEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW A OEce. 511 Thirteenth Street. Addrea Lock Box 9 Omaha. DEXTER I * . THOMAS. A TTOHNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW -C\ . Office Room No. 8. Vissohar's Block , Omaha. Seb. JAMES O. AUAMS A TTORNEY "AT LAW. Office , room 6 JCCreighton block , corner Fifteenth and Douglas streets. ianlS-tf E.W.SXSSERAI. . A TTORNEY AT LAW. OBea room XI H. Creighton block , corner of Douglas and Fifteenth streets octU-ii&wtf JOHN T. BELL- stenographer and notary. OFFICIAL taken in one-fifth the tltso utnallyrcqnired. Office , Fontbeast cor. 15th and Douglas. HHrB-Sm CHICAGO. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE FROM OMAHA TO flimUtiG THE EAST , "VS * Ces ilolnss , l-arcnport ana Sett This Boute being t otigtly MnJpwd Tlti elegant new Coschea , lac ? Stepping Car * , eni hiring the ? adTBaUgo a nootn nnilwell bal- Iieted track , offers the txaTeltojr p.ibllo u Kcst ern Line nneqoaleJ ( or Bpee'1 , Comlcrt tnt : Safety ; All Fs enger Trains : re cquippod with tbe WESTIHSHOUSIC PATSPT Ai BSAICVS sad Milter's Patent & > Wf PJatfcm Coupler. Taat Exprees Trains Lea ra mi y , connec z as olla ° r > AT DES MOlNtS with the l > ca Molnes Valiejr Ballroad for Oatiloo a. Otttimwn , Keokuc end 61. Louis , AT OKINNELLwith thq Central Kailroad ol Iowa , for all rolutu north to St. Paul , AT WBST UBSRTY with the Burlington , Oedr Rnplds A Mlnnesotn Ral'road for Bnrllaetcn , C dar Rapids , Duhunuo i St. Pr.ul , it WILTON" JUNCTION with the Eouth-WeXfrn branch , for Muscatlne 'W.-'thinrtcn fccd points scuta. TT UATKNFOET with the Davenport A St Piu ! llftiirced 'cr points north. AT SOCK ISLAND with the Western Union lUliroad foi Frepport , Belolt , Racine , Mll- WBakw.yaS all painta n northern Illinois ird "Wisccartn AT EOCK ISLAND with the Rockford , Kock Itand ! end St. Saali Setlroad for St. Louis cud polnti tontlj AT BOOK ISLAHD Tl t the Peorla 4 Bock Iilsnd SrJlio d f r Feoria and points east. AT BUREAU JU37C. . with braich.for Hen ry , Lvon. Cn'Btco li and Peorla. AT LA.BA-LL ? Slhtnellllnols Central Bsll- ro j Icr ? alnJ n'ltlh ami couth. AT CHICAGO wb ! rttbo \ llnei East , North and ! i 5 b. THnnCGfi TiC JTTS to U Krjtara dHe viathli Uns , can tn rrccnreJ , and my Infer. mxtlon obtained , eoaofmlnj rontei , at th ( Ttcbt OScs ( In tha Or.K.a PtdCo Dcpol , Omacti. endaltnft ton fiiacipal tlotet oAae * KlODg the lice of il-o U. F. K. B. ffftroagtt all ovnta. All Intorrcatlcr. 'Cg ruin Fauongen na ftdght cheeriuliT ! dr = : sVd , ona Sleeping Car Earths for nlo tt the Comwnj'o Offlao , f.3 ' PA2HHAUSt.1 { rsndC = tril'EotclJOiaan A..M.BUITJ1 , U. iSIDJSLE , aen'lP j 'rA't , W. CLAIB , B. 13. STEYEKB , Passenger Ap > nt , On1 Western Ar1 ! , Orishn. Omaha H. P. DBOEU TIciet Agsct , Chanha Throng ! * to cnicago WITHOUT CHANGE QF CARS. The Clilca/o BarliDgtoii & 9nincy RAILROAD. With Its Smooth and Perfect Track. Eletasi Piuseneer Coaches , end PULLMAN SLEEPiWl AMD DlfilfJO CARS Is acknowledged by the presa , tnd all who travel over it. to bo the best appoint ed and best managodroadln the country. Passengers , CJoIng Eaat Should bear in mind that this Is the Bast Route to GMoago , And all points east , north and northwest Passengers by this route have choice of Pour Different routes and the advantage of SIX DAILY LINES PALACC SLEEPING CARS CHICAGO TO NEW YORK WITHOUT CHANS3. All express trains on this line are equipped T7ith Westinghouse Patent Air Brakes , and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Cou- pleis , the most perfect protection against ac cidents in the world. Pullman Palace Sleeping ani ! Dining Cars are run on the Burlington rout * . Information concerning routes , rates. time , connections. &o. . will be cheerfully given by applying at the office of the Bur lington Route. Qrand Central Hotel , corner Fourteenth and Farnham. Omaha. Neb. WM. B BTROJNO , D. W. HITCHCOCK. Gen'l Supt. , Gen'l Passenger Ag't , Chicago. 111. Chicago. 111. J. 0. PHILLIPPI. H. P. DEUEL. A ntt. Omaha. Tinket Az't.Omaha _ , neuralgia. Face JZAehe , Rheumatism , Gout Feet , Chilblains. Sore Throat. Erysipelas. Bruises or Wounds in man or Animal. K : A valuable horse had S swelling and hard lumps his throat ; could not Sin : applied Giles' Liniment Iodide of ammo < nia : instantly soreness , and lumps disappeared. I BJUfell and cut my hand on a nail , applied the lin- Orasty healing , it up with out experiencing soreness. ill No stable or family should Si be without it. THOMP- QEON& BROS. . 17th and VineSts. . Philadelphia. f\ Sold by all drngguts. "Depot No. 451 Sixth Ave- Onue , New York. OnlySOo Sand * 1 P r bottle. 3. K. FSH. Annt. V HM the'heat stock in Omaha , and makes the ? Lowest Prices f Charles Shiveric v > - S Bedding , mirrors , and evervthinp" pertaining to the Furniture and TTn. holsterv trade. Parties desirins * goods in this line will find it to their call before purchasing. CHARLES SHIVERXGK. 203 Farm * am Street. feb21 ret > nw TIME TABLES. mmi mo wwm B Union _ LI ATE. * Miv * Dally Express ia 15 P. M. | OT M. do Mixed 445 do 950 j ? do Freight ggOA-M. 515 dele d lo do . . . --830 do 1115A.M. s Tlm Card of to * Bs l' q1on Resit. LMA.VK OX1SA. ABSITlt . Kxrrw. 140P.M. Express - 1000 A.M. Maill i 10 A. M. MaW - 10 40 P. 5t. tSundays Exempted tSnndays Excepted. This is the only line running Pullman Hotel dining caw. * H , P. DEUKL. Ticket arent. Omaha. Neb. Chieljo , Rock liland & PteiRo. Mailt J 10 A M. 110 W P. M. Expresg-4 00 P.M. 10 00 A. M. ISnndays Exceptod. Ohle Eo & Norlhwailtrn. MallJ 10 A. M. 110 40 P. M . Express - - 4 00 P. M. 40 M A. M. ISundavg Exempted. Kinoi City & SI. Louis Short Line. Morning Ex. A. M. 9 K A. M. Evening Ex . P.M. 620P.M. The only line tanning Pullman Sleepias Cars out of Omaha to Union Dflrflt. St , Louis. FRANK F. . MOORES. A. C. DAWKS. Ticket Ag nt. QenP. A-T. Ag't. . Omaha , Neb. St. Joo. Miisouri. Omihi & MoHhwailMn ind Siou * City & P elS Riilroadt. Mall Exprcss.8:0n : A. M. 8:00 P. M Daily except Sundays. B. & M. R. R. In NtbniV * . KsarnyJunEx-9:06 : A.M. 3:45 Pi M - St. Louis Ex..9:57 A.M. 4:00 P. JI Plattsm'th Ac-fiOC P. M. 8:50 : A. M Onnlbaj" ; and bmage wa < ons leave tbe oilce Grand Central Hotel nft en minutes in.advance of the above railroad time. OF M ROCTK. "OK. CL05 . WIST. r. v. A. v. U.IP. R. R 4:00 11:20 0. & N"W. R. R 11:00 : 4CO C. R. T. 4 P. R. R . . . . .11:00 : : 4:01 B. 4 M. R. R > 1:00 fcOT SOUTH * C. B. & 8t. Joe 7:31 4CO 0. & B. W. R. R 8:20 8:3) ) KORfH. 0. 4 N. W. R. R 2:50 7:15 , Chicago and all Eastern cities. NebraK City , and Connell RluffF , due at 11:00 a. m. . clones at 4:00 n. nt.f and 2:4-1 p. m. St. Louis and St. Joseph , due at 11:00 a. m. and 7 30 p.m. ; closes at 2:40 a. a. 245 p.m. OQa open Sundays from 12 tel p. m. C. E. YOST. Postmaster. SOCIETIES Ancient Free and Ace. Masens. CAPITOL LODGE. No. 3. A. F. * A. H 18W _ _ . Offlcers-G. Chartered W. , Lininger. W. M. : B. K ! Jaakson , 8. W. ; R. J. Sharp. J. W. ; Byrcn . Reed , Treasurer ; Wm.R. Bowen. Secretary. i 227 members. COVERT LOD9E. No. 11. A. * . 4 A. M. Chartered 1866. Officers-J.8.Gibson. W.M. : W.I.Baser. 8. W. ; J. Steffen , J. W. : C. Hurtmaa. . 16D Treasurer ; J. S. France. Secretary. members. ST. JOHN'S LODGE. No. 25-A.F. XA. M. Chartered 1859. . . , . „ OBlcera Alfred Keller. W. M. : John G. Taylor. S. W. : J. B. Brnner. J. W. ; J. . . Jacobs. Treafurer : E. E. French. Secretary. " 3 members. OMAHA CHAPTER. No. 1. R. A. M. 1859. Greaniicd Officers Byron Stanberry. H. P. ; J. J. Monell.-Jr. , K. : William Copley. B. ; C. 7i GoodmanTreasurer ; J.G.Taylor.Secretaryi members. 193 OMAHA COUNCIL. No. 1. R. 48. M. 1863. Organised OOcers C. F. Goodman. T. J. M. ; Byroa Stanberry.D. I. M. ; G.Stevenson.P.O.W : Reo. M. Hellman , Treasurer. Jean Schons. W WeUOTWOATjVARY COMMANDERY. No.I.K. T. Officers : C. F.Ca'tlin , C. : Ed , Haney. G. ; Q.W , Linineer , C. G. ; C. F. Goodman. Treasurer ; willsamS. Bowen.Reo. 133 members : Knlphts of Pythias. OFFICERS OF THK GRAND LODQB OT NEBRASKA. 8. C T. 8. . Shropshire , Omaha. G. V C. . Anthony Reis. North Platte. G. P. George K. Mooney. Crete. G. M. of E. . August Aust , Omaha. G. K. of R , and B. . K. E. French. Omaha. 9. H. at A. . A. D. Marshall. Lincoln. O. I. G. , D. A. Moffatt. Omaha. O. O. G , Jacob Frank. Omaha. 6. t. . W. W. Wardell. Falls City. The order numbers twenty-two I.ocz s in Nebraska , with a total membership of nearly one thousand. NEBRASKA LODGE No. 1. Ill of F. Officers D. A. Moffatt , P. C.J - J. Men- ell. J. . C. C. : G. W : Ahlquist. V. C. : E. H. French. P. ; M. G.McKoon. M.S. : Burai Spencer , M. F. ; J. S. Shropciba. K : R. b. | 0. 0. Ahlqnlst , M. A. ; Georis IUrw. I O.I C. E. Bouton. 0. G. KNIGHTS OF PYTinAK Planet Lodge , No. 4. ( German ) . OOeeri for the ensuing year : C. C.-Gnatav Fries ; V. C. , Rudolph Troesin : Prel. Sebastian Blnemle ; K. of R. 4 S. . Dr. A. Hotten- roth ; Banker Jocob Frank : Fin. Seer. . Bamnel Alotc. Trustees. A. Anst , Julinj Treltsehke Udii fellowship. STATE LODGE. Oflears Darius Hartson , f * . G. : A. F. Borden. V. 0. ; B. B. Welit. Secretary : M. Goldsmith. Treasurer. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall Monday evening. BEACON LODGE. No. 20. Offlcers W. I. Baker. N. G. ; Frank Barlage. V. G , ; Chas. E. Weeks , Secretary . Meets in Odd ry : Adolph Meyer. Treasurer. Fellows Hall. ALLEMANNENLODGE. No. 8.1.0.'O. V. Officers Julius Rudowsky. N. G. : Her man Tebbins. V. G. ; G. Btrilfler. R. SPi GHnssea. P. 8. ; Henry Lehman. Treasurer. Meets at Odd ZFellows Hall Wednesday enventng. German Order of the Harugarl NEBRASKA STATE LODGE. OOcers Chas. Banekes , D. D. G. B. ; D , St. Over , 0. B. : Alf. Arnemann. U. B. : Aug. Anst. Secretary : Henry Rltter. Treas urer. Meets every Thursday at 207 Farn- hatn-et TlllS UUKWH OLDS. Oflosrs John Wilson. President ; M. W Fleming. Vice-President : William Anderson Treasurer ; William Flemlng-Secretary ; Wm , Liddell. David Knox. ana Wm. Anderson , Couneilmen. THE BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVJ ENGINEERS Division 183 meets secona and fourth Sat urday evenings of each month , corner 14U and Douglas streets. E. B. Wood C. E.i E. R. Mithls. F. A E , OMAHA MAENNERCHOR. Meets Tuesday and Friday evenings , even week , at Thiele's Walhalla. Offlcers Franl Herten. PresldentjrJno. Reichart. Vlee-Pw dsident ; Edward Wirth , Correspondiner Bec retary : Julius Treltftchke * Financial Secret ary ; Albert Nast. Treasurer ; Herman Meyer , Dirlgent ; Fred. Schieas. Biblotheqne ; Wn. AlstadtSUndard Bearer. Number of Mem bers 70 : active singers. 24 ; passive 44 : hon- orarraeabert 2 ODD FELLOWS' LIBRARY. OOcers John Evans , President ; K. B. Weist , Secretary and Librarian ; M. G , McKee . Treasurer. Number of volumes , 600HOME LITERARY SOCIETY. Meets every Tueedayevemng at 7.30 o'clock , in the basement of the United Preebyterian Church. Eighteenth and California Streets OOcers K B Knox , President : J L Mo- Cague.Vice-President : J L Brodbh. Secre tary ; D J Baldwin. Treasurer. DOUGLAS COUNTY BAA ASSOCIATION Officers A. J.Poppliton. President : B. E. B. Kennedy. Vice-President ; J. W. Savage , Treasurer ; A. Swartxlander. Correroondins and Recording Secretary. Organised Auzcsl I0th. 1875. Membership. 40. IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. Council Ore kindled every Monday even ing. Wigwam over Martin's drug store , north-west corner Douglas and Fourteenth streets. E. O'Sallivan. C. of B. ; Jamei Donnelly. S. : Wm , M. Bamberger. 8. B. ; G. Stevenson. P. : Geo. Karlle. J. 8. ; C. Hartman K.ofW. J OURNBYMAN TAILOR'S UNION , Meet * first Monday in every month at Tar- ner Hall , at 8 o'clock. Offloert Prcsideit C. Hamman ; Vice-President John il lr > ) | Recorder and Correspondlnr Secretbry , B. Haye * ; Trtuur r. Gnstav Swansea. OMAHA LODGE No. 2. I. O. O. 7. Established February1st 1856. Present Officers Robt. V.Brinkley. N. Q. : Milton Rogers. V. G. : C. C. House ! , tkc. ; John Evans. Treasurer. Meets every Pridaj evening in Odd Fellows' Ball , north-west corner of Dodce and Ffteenth Streets. ODD FELLOWS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCI ATION. Organized June 21. 1S73 Officer * J. V. ' , NicholsJ.Prerident : R. Q.Ryley , Vica-Prsj- ident ; E. B. Weist. Secretary ; John Evans , Treasurer. Meets first Wednesday in eacfi oath MEDICAL. VEGETINE. IS The Great FAMLY MEDICINE. General Debility. Debility it Ktermnied to denote deficien cy of blood. The nnttitive comtltnenU of the blood are in le s than their rrsralar rro- portion , while the watery p rt is in exe * j. 1'ebility Is of frequent occurrence. It IS In - cidenttoa variety of di * a es. The IOWBV llmb are apt to be swolleen. The patient is fcebl" and rannot bear maih exertion. The eirculaltnn i ir-cnlir. but almost si- ways weak. Palpitation of th e t eart ij a very common symptom. Violent emotion ofUa throws the heart into the moet tnrculraons action. The vital functions are languidly performed. ThemmcuIaritrenEthijdimin- ubid : fatiy e fo'lows moderate r slight exurcifo. The hreatMnc thonsh quiet when at rest , becomes hurried and even p iofnlJy ngitnted under exertion , a * in rnTininir. aieendinr hl tMj > . etc. The ner vous fystesi is often greatlv disordered. Vertigo , dirzinoii" . and a feelin ? of f int- n * are very common. Violent and obsti nate nenralgfe rain' in the head sM , br * t nd other parts of the bodv. are also tn- qucnt at endants upon the.dira . / > e. The secretion are sometimMI'miniihed. . la females the mtnscs'are aln..ot al sy eitbor ruspended or verr paa 'ally p rfonned. The bile is tuantv. andro'tiveneit. with ua- heslthy evacuation * from the bowel" and dyspeptic state of tbe stomach , are etxtrenw ly common symptom * . MARVKLOUS EFFECT. H. R. STZTZRS. Dear Sir : I have o d Vegetlne. and fril it a duty to ac knowledge the { Treat benefit it is has dons me. In the sprlnp of the yecr 18P2 Iwa * sick from gea ml debility , caused by over work , want of sleep and proper r" t. I was very weak - > d mufh emaciated. I tried many rsmedip * . without receiving any benefit from acv of them , until I wK persuaced to try 'Vegetipe. Before I had taken this ocewo kmy improved condition pave me renewed hop * and counce. 1 con- tinnel to t i It every d y. triinini more rtrensth nntil I w ormpletely restored to health. The effect of thi * remedy , in case f general dehilitv. is inrlerd marreUnw. ELIZABETH A. FOLKY. 21 Webster itre t. Charleston. Mafi. SWOLLEN LIMBS. LXBAKOX. N. H. . Jan 29.1S7P. Jf r. STZVISS : Denr sir I write thi no's to inform yon o the effect of four "Blood Purifier" upon mycyetem. Whenleomrafnedtalcinfrit. K y ar ago. I w very much debilitated. M limbo were swollen to that it was impoMiole for me to get into or out from a carriage , anil very pairful to go up or down stairs. Iddeed. I conld scarcely stand on mv feet. My appetite wan cone , my strfnarth falling rapidly. After tijinc your medicine for few weeks I rivan to improve. My appetite improved and my strength returned. I c n now perform myilutle a a nurse with my wonted ea 9 ; arc ! I f el I owe it to Via - TI5E. MR ? f. A. H. TILDEN. . , A PERFECT TURK. CHJULISTOWX June 11.1361. Mr.H.R.Srxvrss ; D'ar Sir This is to rer'ify that Vgorrixa made a perfect cure of me when my attend- "nit physician had pronounced my ease con- juaption. and raid I could not survive many days.MRS. MRS. ifimsrnt. 35 Took street. The fact * stated by ifr Lediton are per- onally known by me , and thev re true. A.D.HAYNES. Would not le Without VEGETTNE ! rORTEN TIMES ITS COST. The great bcn ? I have received from the ue of VEOF.TINK induces me to ( rive my testimony in itt favor. I believe It to b not only of great value for restoring the health , bnt a preventive ofdicc es peculiar to the spring and summer seasons. I would not be without it for ten times its EDWIN TTLDEN. Attorney and General Apen * Tor Maisachu- retis of the Craftmen's Life Assurance Company. No. 49 Sears' Building. Boston. Ma s. . PBXF4R1CD BT M. Ji STJETSJTS , BOSTOP MAFSA CHUSE1TS YEQETINE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST Is the act of discharging from the throat antl chest matter that arises ! frnm colds , in stead of scatterinc and distributing 1C through the blood , and poisoning it. By thus assisting tbe Lam. Throat and Chert. Dr. Green's Expcct"nnt cnres Colds , Conxhs. Asthma. Brnnchitis. Croup. Dyp- tberia , Whoopln ? Cnuich and all affection * of the Luncs. Throat and Chest , and the > first sUpea of Consumption and Typhoid Fever. Itft qualities are Expectorant. Seda tive Pectorial and Alternative. It does not stop the rough u most preparations do. by their anodyne and astringent effects , retain ing the mucous and offending matter in the blood and causing permanent disease of tha Lungs , but it cure * by lorseninjr the cough and assisting the lungs and throB ' o throw off the offending matter , which ues tha conch , thns scientifically mak" he cure perfect. It at once alleviates lost dis tressing cold on the lungs , f ' lid allays irritation , and breaks np V .njrCoagh. No better remedy can bo r or Asthma. Bronchitis , Croup and -lions of the Throat Lnnra and Che .1 if continued In use will subdue any * " -icy to Consump tion. Lung and Typhoji * i 'rer. If the liver Is torpid < .tie bowels consti pated. a few doses of Dr. Green's Ltrtr Pills will assist nature. No better cathar tic can be found. For sale by C. F. Goodman and J. K. lib. mch4-lt 8thd-lT JBITXSR. As are the experience of this life , nos are without its silver lininir. Trouhls and cares come ; some abide with us ; some pass away. To-day the body Is vigorous , tomorrow row it is dead and gone ; life at best ia short and the great problem how to perpetuate It is still unsolved. Life , however , can be pro longed , tbe weak and feeble body made- strong , no matter from what cause Induced , and instead of beinir a burden to dispeptia and debilitated bodies , can be made an en during pleasure ; but how ? Simply by the daily and moderate use of Dr. Green's Btfr- te Tonic. This truly medicinal prepara tion t not a cheap and traihy article , la- tended simply to stimulate and then leave the second state of the body worse than the first , but It gently relaxed the bowels , stim ulates the liyer. making It work ofTthepo1- sonons hnmor'of the blood.controls and recc- lat s digestion , thereby removing the can * i of headaches land low spirits , relieve * flatn- leney and foul stomach , giving tone and stability to that organ with an increased and healthy appetite ; reculates female weakness , prevents fever And ague and malarious dis eases , protects the system from unwholesome air and impure water , and vitalizes and tones the whole body against all attacks of disease. Try it and 700 will find it pleasant to the taste andhealing to the body. In sudden or ssvere cases of Liver Com plaint , or in constipation of the bowels , a few doses of Dr. Green's Liver Pills will ar tist the Tonio in a cure , and if you are soak lag with the ague. Dr. Green's Ague Pill will drive itaway. For sale by C. F. Goodman andby J.K. Ish. mehll-lteSd'lj AMERICAN SUKttKJAL INSTITUTE 132 Himej-St. Omaha Nebraska 111 Clumif Sirjprj.Eimalc . O S.D.Mercer.M.D. Surtrcoa and in efca-fs ( ! hronie Diaease * . J. C. Deniso. M. D..I charge of Diseuos or Kro. Cur and Throat. seoleodAwt * ANKOOB M FESTOHEB Victi of ypmhful ini ] > n. i aeo who ha tried in vain every * row. riraeily. wll learn of a rmpre scription. FREE , for the spooare ornervions. debility , prematnre dec ta t manhood , and all disorders brouch' br excesses. Anydrnjyiithssthainzrtxi. ati. Address. DAVIDSON it CO , 86 Naesaa-ct. . New York. ost5 adJnrl