Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1877, Image 5

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The Gibbon Normal School Bill
Passes the House.
The Geological Survey A lively
Discussion Passage of the
BUI in .Committee of the
Y/hole , but Probable
failure on its Final
Aii , " Indiscreet Professor Gibson's
Reform Scliool IHH.
Gorrerpondtnctcf The Jlee.
- LINCOLN , February 7. j
The morning was Lpcut in listen
ing to reports of committees , and
the passing of a few billa amenda
tory of the civil code.
came up ou final passage , and re
ceived forty even votes. I under
stand tbat the bill has many warm
friends in the Senate , nnd if it
paseea that body , Gibbon will have
a normal school. The frieuds of the
bill are very bauguiuti of its passing
the Senate all right.
The House then went into com
mittee of the whole on the bill providing -
viding for a
ot the State. ' 'The diecut. iou over
this bill was long and spirited.
Northrup thundered and Wolfe
howled. The former could not rest
easy until ho was certain that he
hail demontitiated the constitution
ality ol the fciirvey , which was tuo
first thing ho did ; theu he went on
to tell how he was satisfied that un
der this State there u aa coal enough
to last for all time to come ; there it
was lying , simply waiting for the
uood people of Jssbraeka to send
down their uliafLiaud bring it forth ;
give Prof. Aughey the $10,000 a
year for two years , as asked for in
the bill , ami he would tell where
the chaffs should go down.
Creightou was opposed to the bill
He did not believe that fcuch a lux-
iny. could b atlordcd the&e
grasshopper times. Besides , the
judgment of : i child ten years of age
should be sufficient tu understand
that the amount asked for was too
Hraall to accomplish anything.
If there wni to bo n sur
vey ho wauled a good one ,
aud when the proper time came
he would move to make the appro
priation twenty instead of ten
thousand dollars per annum. The
salary of the geologist was to be
three thousand dollars per annum ;
the chemist eleven hundred dollars
per annum , aud a bert of clerk to
both was to receive six hundred dollars
lars per aunnm. He contended
that with the amount left , the geol
ogists would uot be able to bore one
fifth of a hole , and ridiculed the no
tion of a successful geological survey
under such an appropriation.
Johnson , of Hurt , intimated that
the bouse had been bored a great
deal of late , by mauy , aud at H cost
ot three dollars per day. Here
Creighlon interrupted , and said that
if his observation amounted to any
thing that statement was true , aud
further , that n
' l
- , - -
had been ued most ofvthe time.
Johusou advocate ! the bill ; the
State uerded it , the people demand
ed it , aud the appropriation was :
Gib cu opposed , aud moved that
the committee recommend Ihut the
bill be uot passed. bomcoue amend
ed by striking out the wotd "not , "
and Sadder gait ed the floor. He
commenced by saying that the
geological burvey would bo a good
thing ; nudpr certain eircurnstancea
he would favor it , but wua opposed
to the bill as presented ; Johnson
disputed Sadler's right to the floor ,
and claimed that ho wus not talking
ou the amendment. Sadler said it
was hit *
of getting at the amendment he
would reach'it EOOU. After a great
many interruptions , he fiui.sucd his
speech on the merit's of the bill , aud
informed the house Miat they might
do what they saw fit with the
Bush favored the bill. The west
ern portion of th > State wanted it ,
had a right to it , and should have it
If tbe appropriation was not eueugh ,
it would do something.
Gibson theu went for the bill
He charged that one object was to
furnish employment for certain people
ple who had nothing cite to do. He
read a letter from the superinten
dent of the Omaha school , in which
the latter npofce very highly of
Prof. Aughcy ; he thought the Pro
fessor was underestimated by the
people of the State , but he did uot
think mucn of the bill ; it meant ,
nret , Prof. A. ; second , the Univer
sity ; and third , the people of Ne I li
braska ; that Profe ser undoubtedly
struck the koy-uoto of the whole
Bush again eaid'thut men of busi.
ness , thinking uieu , in investigat-1
ing the advantages ol our StateJ
always inquire ! as to the fuel prob
lem and ho cousidororl the bill
next in importance to the reform
school bill '
This bill provide * that the boring
stall be done with a diamond ,
augur , and Creighton suggested that si
this instrument alone , would cost sicc
twelve hundred dollars , at tbe very cc
lowest figure. The amendment ? , IX
Inserting twenty or fifteen thousand IXCo
dollars per annum were lost , and Coin >
the bill was recommended after cut
ting down the salary of the oDicers ,
as follows : The ueologist , from
three to two thousand dol.ara per m
annum , chemist , irorn eleven , to a
mx hundred doL'ars per annum I in
douol think the bill will piss the 111
house. It only ro.cived thirfy--ev- 111cc
eu votes to-day , and on final pass cccs
age wdl need forty-three. cs
haa been , in my judgment , aud I fn
know that such is the opinion en
tertained by many members , grossly
out of place in asyinning the role of reh
lobbyist in the inter t of this bill. reev <
The conduct of ccrUiii members of ev
the faculty has been strangely in evK
consistent on one or twa questions tli
Involving appropriations , but per tliS
haps it may as well be passed. S <
the house discussed Gibson's bill for 01
the establishment of tb
a reform hchool
for juvenile ou ndere , In committee
of the whole. The
passage of ( tie eii 1
bill was re-commended substantially eiiat
as introduced , with ( lie exception atPC
that it Is to bs loot-ted
- on the agri tb
cultural farm. GABE. tbat
Caravansaries of Lincoln tne
Leadii. Ones Thereof.
A Few Facts Concerning the Same.
Corre'ptmd'nce of the See.
Lincoln , February 5. Lincoln's
hotels have ever been a matter of
pride to her citizens. And indeed
it is a subject of general note , and of
jmportance to the people of Nebras
ka , that the hotel accommodations
are so ample and BO good as they
are ; for it is at this place that the
largo political gatherings are hold ,
and where United States Senators
are made and sometimes unmade.
The impression made upon a person
visiting a city is favorable or other
wise , just a his hotel accoramoda
tions arc good , bad , or indifferent.
This is one of the reasons why
everybody on going to Lincoln ia at
once influenced and E truck with her
desirable location and business ad
J. J. Imhofl , proprietor ia a line
three story brick structure 66x93
feet , situated on the corner of llth
and P etreeta. Its appointments are
complete in every particular , inclu
ding an plectrie call end fire alarm.
This hotel is tbe great political
headquarters of the State. In Its
roomb plots and counter-plots have
bjen concocted , and In many instan
ces , I fear , transactions have occur
red which In future years have , and
will lead to heart-burnings , bitter
regrets and contrition of conscience.
But to the genial Mr. Imhoff , party ,
faith and creed are alike all re
ceive the same kind and courteous
treatment As an Item of interest ,
aud to show that politicians are not
slow on beef , I will give the state
ment of the number of pounds of
f leak and roasts consumed for four
days iluring the State Convention
in September last. It was 2,900
pounds. Tbe arrivals for January
count up to two thousand one hun
Balliutinc Brothers , proprietors , ia
a large aud commodious house , sit
uated on the corner of K and 13lh
streets. The fare at this well known
hotel Is first-class in every respect ,
and is surpassed by none in tbe
State. It ia , however , only kept
open during political contests and
sessions of the legislature.
Two blocks below the Tichenor ,
ou 13th street , is the *
J.N. Townley owner aud proprietor - J
tor , is one of the best hotels in the
city. The leading men of the B. &
M. make this their headquarters
when in Lincoln.
The house has thirty-six large and
well furnished rooms. The travel
ing public will find the journey O.
K and will find Mr. Townly to be
i pleasant sociable gentleman. The
Meiars. Wight aud Skiuuer , pro
prietors , is situated on the corner of
5lh aud O streets' . This hotel is a [
hree story brick , fire proof , furnish
ed with all mcdern improvements ,
ind has just passed into the mau-
igement of the above named gea-
leraan , who axnereanced hotel
Mayor Fraukiiu , who reteire to-
lay , during bis regime kept the
'ood name of the house up
o what it bus always been
llrat class. The people of Lincoln
ind the traveling public can con
gratulate themselves on Major
Fraukiiu being his successor , as he
ia a well known aud popular hotel
man , and no extra assurance is
needed further than his name to '
guarantee to commercial men aud
the people at large tbat the Metro
politan will be in the future , as in
the past , ouu of the finest and best
kept houses in tbe State.
One block nearer to the depot ,
tud on O street , stands the
r. L. Brown , proprietor. This house
is built of brick , is three stories
ligh , and has 30 rooms ; the rates
51.60 per day. The house is well
conducted , aud is first-class. Mr
Brown is a leading man in the
Grange , and his house IB
he headquarters for the State
3rauge organization when in
Liiucolu. Ihe temperance con
tentions are also held at this house.
? arties visiting the city will find
he Pensylvama a desirable place
o tarry as the tables are always
lupplied with tbe best tbat the t
narket affords. The
icolt Atwood proprietor , corner of
and P street , two blocks from
tie A. and N. Depot , and near the
ight of the old Atwood Hotel , is a
lesirable place to stop at when in
jincoln The building is orick. The
barges are , one dollar and fifty
ents per day , and tbe rooms large '
ud airy.
Senator Dawes and wife from 8a >
ine county , are at the Commercial.
Senator Uarfield , ot Butler couu-
y , and Representative Paddock , of
taming county , together with their
rives , are at the Commercial.
Senator Van Wyck and wife are
t the Tichenor.
Murrace , of the B. & M. head-
uarters , is at the Townly.
'Beth P. and Mrs. Moberiy , are
uests at the Palace. a !
Senator Blauchard , of Dodge , is dl
oppingat the Tichenor.
Will A. Stinchcomb , of Adams ish
juuty , hangs forth at the Metro- h
slltau. L. [
rreipondente of Ike See.
Lincoln , February 5. Mr. King .
lau , with three loaded wagons and .
small company , started this mornin
ig for the Sioux Eldorado. It is <
kely the State Journal has finally
m eluded that a little yellow dust
m be picked up in the Hills , judg-
ig from the number of persons now i
reparing to locate in that -country
om Lincoln.
It rejoices the heart of your cor- -
? pendent to be able to state that ai
a saw and beheld with his own
res , the pious faces of Senators to i
iennard , Gilham and Bryant at di
te M. 12. Sabbath school yesterday , PI
sveral members of the House were m
so in attendance , but as their faces test
sly are familiar , I cannot give H
ieir names. st :
Judd "Wright , the good-natured saw
c-deputy U . S. marshalhas remov- w
from Tecumseh to the capital , th
id is now nicely esconsed in the thPi
jpular Metropolitan. He invited Pi
le writer to dine with him to-day , th
id it is needless to say that if he Ui
did not satify his appetite with the
epicurean display of fooflj it was his
own faiitt. Success to Wright is a
matter of course
The stenographer's bill introduced
by Calkins , providing for a reporter
for each district court , at a salary of
$1,000 per aunuu. , and a small sum
per hundred for making transcripts.
Any proceeding may be waved from
being reported at the discretion of
the judge. An ambiguous clause ,
"this shall notmclude arguments to
the jury , " is attached to one sec
tion. It may refer to "all oral pro
ceedings ot the court ; " or it may
refer to the clause saying "that the
reporting of these proceedings may
be at the discretion of the judge "
So the bill Is imperfect , and unless
it be altered in the House ( may occasion - j
casion trouble , as eomo conceited |
pettifogger may demand that his I I
dry platitude rehearsed before a jury , i
shall be printed
An act to declare the true iuteu
and meaning of the term "ecnoo
district" in certain sections relating
to bchool district bonds.
Ambrose's bill pertaining to lieus
of sub-contractors aud other woik-
men , designed to. protect those em
ployed by the chief contrao'or from
being swindled out of their pay , bul
aho open o the criticism that it
legislates in favor of this class while
it may interfere with the rights of
thn person who lets the contract ,
aud seems to complicate mat-
teis where the original contrac
tor Jets to somebody else , pud
that contractor to another , as is oft
en the case in railroad and other
large contracts. It bcems to me the
old law which the original contrac
tor is responsible for the work and
holds his lien on the property is
better than tula innovation upon
the time-honored custom.
In committee of the whole the
revenue law , which is an embodi
menl of most of the kills and reo
lutions introduced at various times
since the beginning of the sesaiob ,
was ably discussed. That portion
relating to tne taxing of property
usually held exempt churches , be
iievolentinstitutions , public beulits ,
etc. was the occa&lbu of consider-
erable exhibition of oratorical skill.
Brown is a firm opponent of the
principle that ibese institutious
should be exempt , and with marked
ability in two or three speeches ex
pressed his views. Howe favored ,
first taxing all above $1,500 , but
afterward of exempting all. Bry
ant , with his ecclesiastical
views , endeavored to prove
that senators have no right
to tax that which I ) dedicated to the
Most High , and ia no longer in the
Hands of men. He claimed that it
would be as reasonable to tax the
"rippling water that flows in our
brook * , or the very air we breathe. "
Calkins was of the opinion that
the theory "tax all classes of prop
erty , " is correct , but doubted the
expediency of BO radical a change
at present , aud said tbat aiuco the
State seemed determined to help
zburcbes , etc. , now , , that the help
should be given to the poor ones ,
ud hence moved to amend by tax
ing all property In excels of $3,000
in value.
Covell believed if it is right to tax
tbe very bed upon which a poor man
lies , it is not unreasonable to de :
mand that churches and church fur
ilture should be made to assist in
bearingthe burden.
Ambrose stated tbat he could not
record his votein favor of taxing
hese aud kindred institutions.
Chapman claimed that every dollar
lar taken oil by exemptions was
that much more added to the
general burden , aud while >
tie would not oppose ( he exemption
3f the grounds and buildhigs actual
ly used for religious and other kin
jred purposes. He thought to con ,
tinue the present general scope of
the bill would allow the societies to
father large bodies of land and im-
wealth about them , which
tvould not be in actual uao by them , >
which he considers a flagrant injus
Sice to allow to be free from the gen
eral burden of contributing to the
support of the government. The
ill finally passed the committee
? xempting all property allowed to
be exempt by the new constitution.
The bill making the county offi
cials In effect salaried officers , by ;
requiring all in excess of certain >
imounts , varying acco.diug to the
x > pulation of tbe county , to be paid
ute tbe treasury , was given tbe
'auction of tbe committee , as also
he bill defining the duties of the
Secretary of State , and allowing
lim one deputy at a salary of $1.000
> er annum introduced by Senator
There seema to be a disposition
n favor of
in the part of this body , hence bills
ire being disposed of rapidly with g ;
he impression prevailing that next
Jaterday must bring tbe session to b >
close. An extra cession is beginy
dng to be looked upon as a thing ;
o dread , as tbe Lard worked states
g |
nan seem to be tiring , and ar anxj j (
DUB to return to look after their
lusmess interests at home.
tlb tld
'he Howe Case is the All-Absorb a
ing Topic. n
ubllc Opinion on the Adniissibllitr
of Hearsay Evidence in Con-
dueling Investigations.
nmipondtncs of The Bee.
LINCOLN , Neb. Feb. 5. Cl
The House met at 2 o'clock this ,
e it
fternoon and commenced
Intro- ui
ucing bills aud memorials. This tl
the last day for such fielding , Picc
ence skirmishing was lively , ccpi
any bills and memorials were in- io
educed but none of special impor- tt
mce. The house went into com- ttot
ot 1
dttee on tbe whole at half past lo
mr , and took a recess at six ; noth-
ig of importance came up and the
ouse adjourned for an evening
Yesterday was Sunday , and our te
rer-taxed legislators were gathered aim
various sunny places , discussing m
le two
-the Rosewater vs. Howe matter , aiai
ad the probability of an extra ses- aiat
on. Your correspondent ventured
ask the opinion of several sound ,
isinterested politicians , as to the thvi
ropriety of the ruling of the com- vidc
ilttee on the admission
of.certainty 81
alimony In the Rosewatei vs. 81ot
.owe controversy , which , m a
ilct leual sense , must pass as hear
ty evidence. These gentlemen
ere of but one opinion t. e. that
le ruling was not only grossly im-
oper , but very unjust. These are of '
reasons , aud ( hey cover the enffte
re question.
R0 >
of a journalist ? Clearly , to protect
society by exposing wrong , ' aud to
encourage faithfulness in the dis
charge of public dutiesby commend-
iug acts that are worthy. How ia
a journalist , necessarily confined
to his sanctum , to know what is go
ing on in secret political circles ?
He must be informed at all times ,
as to .what Is transpiring in every
part of the civilised world He re
ceives a telegram from thb West ,
and finds himself obliged to prepare
a half column obiluary notice of
some Ralston tot the next Issue , or
to explain tbe theory of Chinese im
migration ; or it may be a telegram
from the Kaat , announcing theover-
throw ot Gladstone , and the ascen-
daucy to power of a Disraeli , and a
biographical sketch of the career of
the new premier inunt appear in the
morning ; and so ou , ad infinilum.
Every moment IB occupied , and
theu he is hurried. Rumors reach
him tbat corrupt schemes are on
foot * at the capital. Next , men ,
the chaiacters of whom be
haa 'never heard questioned , state
to him that there io foundation for
the rumors that fill the air. Still
another comes a reliable man
and eays , my friend furnished the
money to buy the influence , or vote ,
of this or that individual , to assist
in forwarding a certain measure , or
to assiat in elevating a certain per
son to office The person who is
thus charged with bartering away
tbe influence and rights of his con
stituents , and with selling bis char-
ae er as a man , holds a public poai-
sition. These statements are laid
before the editor in his souctum.
He has not time to leave his post
and make a personal examination
into the media of the case , aud what
is he to do ? Again ,
as a journalist ? If he be not a cow
ard ; if ho is not placed in the edi
torial chair by pome corporation to
poison the minds of the people on
all questions coming up wherein the
corporation isinterested ; if be is
not the tool of a ring of political
trickster * , aud editing a paper for
the single purpose of bolstering
up their pretensions , or covering
up their bhort-comiugn , then ,
his duty is plain. What is it ? To
inform the people of what their ser
vant is doing Such a course is
sometimes hard always disagree
able , but an honest editor , a
true Journalist , can have no
political friends , no political
enemies. He must look at the
case as it is , judge of the facts from
surrounding circumstances , do what
bis judgment tells him is right , and
the people will always sustain him.
Further , in nine cases out of ten ,
public men are convicted on juct
juoh hearsay aud circumstantial
evidence as the editor or the BEE
proposed to place before the senate
: ommittec. Men who trade in pol-
tics men who make it a business
to Fell their character and influence
it every opportunity
ire generally shrewd and cautious ,
ind tbe only meaus by which they
ould be convicted on direct evi-
ience , would make a criminal of tbe
witness , and that is more than the
3ublic have right to expect of hunan -
nan nature.
About the only evidence , then ,
tV'hich an editor can obtain as to
vhal public men are doing behind
ho curtain , la in a local sense , hear- [
iay , and to follow out the reasoning
f the senate committee , would
itifle every aflortmade towardpuri-
ying the body politic.
The question now arises , what
vould be
jetwpou the parties and tue public
n a matter like that now pending
efore the senate committee , to
vhich Mr. Rosewater audHotvoaro
he participants , and the public not '
mly the jury , tut the real party In
crested. There are really two points
u Die case'Did Rosewater's infor-
nation justify him in making the
ibarge as a journalist , and is Howe
uilty ? And how are the public to '
iolve those two problems ? There is
ut oue way , viz : To let Mr. Rose-
vatergo before that committee and
tate every fact in his possession ; let
urn give tbe name of every one of
ds informants , and just what they
old him ; for \ ( one public man is
alsifying about another , it Is but
ustice to the public , as well as to
he party accused , that the
if the falsifier be made known. As >
n editor , Mr. Rosewater is a pub
ic monitor , something after the
imple manner in which a boy or
irl may be the monitor of a school. >
mischievous boy may not always
e in eight , but if there is a disturb'
.nee in tbe direction of his desk ,
his fact , combined with bis well-
nown character , will 'justify tbe
chool ma'am in investigating the
ad. So , on precisely the same
rounds and for the same reasons ,
Ir. Rosewater could not pass by
lie deak of Church Howe and hear
be jingling of coin inside , with ah
he circumstantial and hearsay evi-
euce as to how it came there , com-
ined with the reputation of Howe ,
nd the known fact tbat coin had
een dropped m somebody's desk
lighty close by , if not in his , and
0 his duty without calling public
ttention to tbe facts. So , I say ,
Ir. Roeewater should have been
ermitted to tell tbat committee
veiything be knew , and the source ;
f his information. Then , let Mr.
[ owe
u d If possible show that the
barges are false ; let him show that
10 smoke was coming from match-
burned by the mischievous boy
nder the next desk. If he can do
mt , then be stands before the peo-
le "of the State vindicated. If n
> mmittee deny to Rosewater the
rivilege of presenting the case of a
lurnalist and no one disputes but
mt he has a good one then the
? ople are with him , and no amount
whitewash will make the outside
The ruling of the committee was
ojust , as viewed by those with
bom I have conversed , and has a
mdency to quash investigation , '
id allows public men to insult then *
listers with impunity.
Many members think they will go
the expiration of tbe forty days ,
id perhaps they will ; but from ;
hat information I can gather , I
n inclined to believe there will l > e
The committee of the whole spent
le evening in discussing a bill pro-
ding for the funding of the m-
jbtedness of each county in the
tate. The committee arose with-
it recommending the bill.GABE.
irreipondence of tlte See.
LINCOLN , Feb , 7,1877. J
Mr. Van Wyck created something
a sensation by sending to the
jcretary's desk the following in-
restinn paragraph from the Cbica-
Times. :
To tie Editor.
About the 12th of January I re
ceived a letter signed , by one James
Wagner , Douglas Grove , Neb , in
which he claimed that twelve fam
ilies had ely twenty-five pounds of
flour , aud no other kind of meat ur
flour upon which to subsist , " and no
money with which to buy more.
To-day , Feb. 3 , 1 received another
note. In which distress is picturpd ,
and calling upon a generous people
for relief. These p = ople are strangers
to meanly knowing me by my dona
tions to them s'uring the gracshop-
per raid of 187 { I shall be glad to
receivb money ( locations for them
in small amounts , &fld will have the
names of donors published in all
the leading dailies of the city , ( with
the permission of the publishers ,
gratis. ) 1 am satisfied that a few
dollars will help these people at this
time , and I will cheerfully forward
to them anything left at my office.
Room 14 , 205 South Clark street.
Truly ours ,
DR. 8. W.
To the Editor :
Douglas Q rovo. Nob. . January 27. Pel mil
me to call your attention to our need of
ircad and clothing. Tvrelre families of ue
have only a few pounds of flour left , and tve
shall itarve unless we get aid from some phi- [
lanthropio people other than here. Or. b
W. Ingraham , V03 ( South Clark street , hat
our chipping address , and will a tend U
rending or shipping anything left at his omc
for u . iiesoecfly yours.
After the reading Van Wyck 01
fered the following resolution , whicl
was adopted : "WHEREAS , A notic
haa appeared In the Chicago papers
that suffering exists in .Nebraska
and money is solicited by parties Ii
said city of Chicago to relieve such
distress ,
Eesolved , That we are not advis
ed that any such destitution exist
as to justify solicit ing aid outeid
the S .ate. That we discountenanc
any attempt to procure such aid , be
lieving tbat the State is abundant ! }
uble and willing to provide for th
necessities of its citizens , and ehnuh
misfortune render assistance neces
sary , we advise tbe charitable to res
pond to no appeals except thos
made by the governor of the State
The Governor signed the bill in
troduced by Brown , of Douglas , re
lative of the competency of jurors in
certain cases , and which was pub
lished in full in my letter of yester
day , also the bill legalizing the cor
poration of the city of Columbus.
The concurrent resolution iutro
duced some time since relative to
an additional congrepman , the bil
of Birkhauaer , limiting the term o
office of County Sheriff and Treas
urer to two terms , and an amend
ment to the Code of Civil Procedure
The bill exempting school lands
from further taxation died in the
early stages .of Committee of the
whole of the incurable indefinite
postponement in its most malig
nant form.
The House does not want to ad
journ the 16th , and so reported
their refusal to concur in the Senate
resolution. LINO.
An Interesting Keyiewof the Meet
Ing of Both Houses of Congress
Preliminary to Couutlng the
Electoral Vote.
Special Carretpondtnee of the See.
Washington , February 1. The
oint convention for counting the
alectoral vote adjourned an hour
ago after a session of a little more
lhan two hours. AH the telegraph
will have informed your readers the
votes of six States were received
ind counted without objection ; the
seventh being Florida , on which
rock the convention split aud dis
solved , to meet no wore until the
uigust provisional tribunal of 15
'hall have rendered judgment on the
; ase of the alligator btate , accord
Ing to the law and the evidence.
Fhe members of this tribunal were
Sling into the Supreme Court room
'or a preliminary sitting as I left the
Japitol , while at one of the doors
ihereof a closely packed crowd of
lewspaper reporters clamored for
Twelve hundred tickets having
jeeu issued to spectators to witness
he count from the galleries , and all
tners , except those entitled to the
leer , being excluded from the south
ving of tbe building , the crowd was
lot dense m the ball , but comforta-
ly large. The fifty extra police-
nen who were appointed to pre-
lerve order did not seem to 03 over
vorked , nor did they seem a very
ormidable body of officials Hav-
ng been summarily drafted from
he peaceful walks of civil life , It
vas evidently only by dint of severe
iffort that tbe majority of them
imilated that commanding look of
LUtbority which your true police ,
nan feels bound to assume. It is
tot at all probable that these impro-
rised protectors of the general pub >
ic prevented any of the numerous
lick-pockets , said to be in the city ,
rom operating , but they doubt-
ess exerted something of a '
epressive effect on the
aultitude of tramps who werepres-
nt to see a fair count These latter
entry were on band in the rotunda
n force , and into every available
liche and retreat they slunk and
ook up posts of observation at a
ery early hour in the day. It islet
lot known bow many of them be-
snged to Watteraou's tatterdema-
ions , probably not many , as the
lectoral bill had a chilling effect on
he patriotism of that class.
The crowd were kept in line on
ithersideof a passage way through
he center of the rotunda , through
rhich the august Senators , arm-in-
rm , marches to the Hall of Repre-
entatives at 1 o'clock. Half an
iour previous to this time , the >
louse appointed Messrs. Stone and
kokDemocrau , tellersan act which
rought Kasson to his feet with
be remark that the chair had not
espected the right of tne minority
i making the appointments.
Speaker Randall , in his obstinate
tyle , thought the chair could take
are of its appointments , whereupon
Caaron dispatched a note to the
lenate to the effect that that body
hould appoint two Republican tel-
rs , and his views were" carried out
y the selection of ( senators Allison
ad McMillan. When the Speaker
nnounced "the Senate of the Unl-
ed States , " and the the members
rose to receive them , it WES exact-
ST one o'clock. Vice-President pro
ym. Ferry first entered , attended
ythe venerable Bassett , assistant
oor keeper , bearing in bis hand a
irge valise shaped box , which he
eposited on the Speaker's table.
he sena'ors followed inpromiscous
rder , and took seats on the Demo-
ratio side of the House , at the right
f tbe Speaker.onkling happened
B get so near Blaine that I thought
t first an inscrutable destiny had
laced them In adjoining chairs in
rder that tbe audience might have
oem to reflect on the position these
lenators occupy that qf being per.
sonal enemies. But A closet glance
discovered the judicial Hoar wedged
in between tnfem. Senators Fro-
Hughuysen and Hatnlin hobnobbed
together on s front seat ; Morton
and Sherman appeared to condole
with one auotheroe the de.'eat of
their plan for counting Ifa a .fresi-
dent without the aid of provisional
tribunals ; Paddock , Hitchcock
and latloui aat in a Hue
near tbe c'ehte * aisle ; .fcu-
muiids' venerable head iooibed .up
from the rear of the Senatorial cir
cle ; other Senators were scattered
about In groups , made up regardless
or political fellowship. The Demo
cratic memliera tthoseeeata ths Beu-
atorb had taken , fbUnd plates else
where as they could. Hu'nSetCfet
didn't ' seem to want a seat , for he
flitted about conflaJiaUy. talking
and latighihi : with everybodjr. It
requires it more imiTesalve event
than has ev'jr vet transpired in the
Republic toaweSaiiitldl luto'scflot/.i- /
A glance f.t the galleries sufficed
show that "the publib" wssn'ton
hanji in the cnstomery strength. In
he north gallery , called by courtesy
the "gentlemen's , " Instead of the
usual mass of black faces to be seen
on ordinary daya , dotted here and
lucre with a white face , there now
fluttered the feathers of ladles hats
aud gleamed forth the starched
fronts of "foiled shirts , " while all
around the circle a mixed assem
blage of laJies and gentlemen , in
telligent and well tlfeSietl as to ap
pearance , and keenly attentive ,
looked dowu and awaited the com"
mencement sf the count. Over the
speaker's table the newspaper men
were gathered in force , and that re
sort being one of the most iucon
venient place possible for pceintf ant
hearing , except to those In the
front seats , tcose back seemed in an
attitude of constantly craning their
necks into the air , over th(3ir ( more
fortunate neighbors' heads. On tbe
front feeat I observed the vetrans o
tiewspaper row : Boynton Nordhoffk
Adam , Qobrlght , Wight , el. al.
some of them armed with opera
glasses , and others of them ready
with pencil and paper to "do" the
On the floor , seated and standing ,
were various distinguished gentle
men who had come to witueas the
proceedings. Justices Field and
Miller had seats in tbe urea m front
of the Speaker's desk ; Secretary
Chandler and Postmaster General
Tyner sat In tbe hall on borrowed
chairs ; Gen. Sherman , with a mil
itary cloak on one shoulder , and
looking grizzled , wrinkled aud gray ,
walked about talking with mem
bera , and finally took a setU in front ;
Secretary Iloboaon , looking as fat
aud Jolly as an English country
squire , sat beside Gen. Stoughton ,
of .New York ; Gov. Woodford , of
tbe same State , lounged about the
lobby ; ex-Senator Fenton looked
on from a seat in the rear of Judge
Crounse ; and paying close attention
to the proceedings from a favora
ble location.
As soon as Mr. Ferry had ascend
ed the steps of the platform , and
shaken hands with the speaker as
if he hadn't see him in nineteen
yeara , he rapped to order , and an-
aouuced that under the constitution
lie would now proceed to "oppii all
the certificates and count , and de
clare the votes in the presence ol
the two houses in joint convention
assembled. " He didn't make any
re'erence to his powers as delined by
the new Jaw , thinking , doubtless
that it hadn't left him any , to speak
of. Irnhht opening announcement ,
the Vice President's \-oice trembled
slightly , and it waa in other ways
apparent that he felt the gravity
md novelty of the occasion. But
he made averystraightforward and
diguilied job of it , nevertheless , and
finished by stating that the States
would be called in alphabetical or
der , beginning with Alabama. The
papers from that State were accord-
ngly banded out from the wooden
jox aforementioned , and the Vice-
President tore them open and hand
ed them to Senator Allison , who
jroceeded to read them. They em-
iraced a certificate of election of the
'lectors ; a sworn statement of
tbe returning board , and minutes
of the proceedings of the electoral
college. Not especially interesting
n themselves , the reading of these
documents claimed tne close atten
ion of the large concouise in at
tendance in the ball. Atone period
taring the r ading of these first re
turns , somebody accidentally broke
a elasa in one of the lly-aoors of the
southern lobby , and immediately
here arose a buzz all over the
iiouae , as if that slight diversiou
were a welcome excuse for the ebu-
ition of the pent-up emotions of
he audience.
The reading of both gets of re-
urns that received by messenger
md that received by mail having
> een oruCred , the proceedings prom-
sed to be tedious , when Conkling
irose and suggested that only one
eturn be read , the other to be ex-
imined by the tellers. To this there
vaa no objection , and it was adopt-
d. When the Alabama returns
md all been read and the result
mnounced the Vice President asked
f there were any objections to the
rote. There being none , he said ,
'there being no objection , the votes
f Alabama will be counted , " and
he tellers recorded the same in due
California , Colorado , Connecticut
nd Delaware were next taken up
n order , nothing occurring to mar
be monotony of the proceed-
ngs. As the leading progress-
d there was a general
eloxation in all parts of the hall.
If embers of the convention lounged
u their seats , or vieited around
imong their friends ; the reporters
eased to crane their nesks ; the
lute-rooms were full of smokers ,
ind here and there in the galleries
ou.d be observed a lady or gentle-
nan surreptitiously abstracting
ites of lunch from some obscure re-
reatof a pocket. Everybody being
n an easy humor , it was notatrauge
hat a little lapsus linguae by the
/ice-President should cause a gen-
ral outbreak of laughter. All
mew tbat the Florida returns
vould be opened after those
f Delaware , and the Vice Presi- ,
ent beta ? , doubtless , full of the
ame thought , allowed it to get tbe
tart of him when he came to re- ,
uest the 'slier to announce the re- '
ult ot tbe Delaware vote by calling
or the result of the returns from
Florida was soon opened , how-
ver , and there was better attention
n tbe part of the audience as the
apers were being read. There were
10 less than three separate returns
rom this State , one signed by a
nijorlty of the returning
ioard for the Hayes' electors ,
ne set by a minority thereof as
be person of Attorney General
> ) ke , for Tilden , and the tnird
nade up by order of the Democratic
egislature on the 25th of last month ,
dso for Ti'den. The reading of the
ast i : . med document promissed to
HJ very lengthy as a tabulated' role of
he Btate by counties and precincts
ras contained in it , 'but on tbe rec-
jommandation of senator Conbling ,
seconded by the suggestion of Sen
ator Paddock that the table would
be printed in the Record , the aflair
; vas cut short.
When objectrous were called foi ,
David Dudley Field arose and sent
to ! n < clerk's desk to be read a vo
luminous doea'mentwhich partook
more or the natufS ai an argument
than an objection. The ctefiz could
not bs heard well , and not much
attention wSp.iid to his rhetoric ,
anyway. The Keptibltean objec
tions were presented by JBwnator
Sargentand EepreaentativeKafiSon ,
there oeing one for each of the two
Democratic returns. They were
shoffeaiteafiinH no argument.
Then Senator Jones , of Florida ,
nroee and in his own individual be
half presented n objection io tbe
vole of on6 ttt the1 Republican electors
torsou the ground tnrit he was a
U. 8. commissioner
Thus ende'f the objections , and ft
was at once apparent that nothing
more was to be done. Clr. Ferry
announced that under the law , the
disputed Florida returua must go to
the tribunal for decision , and that
pending their o > llbaratons , the j
joint convention stood adjourned.
The Senate thereupon withdrew ,
the House resumed its separate sit
ting , and the initial proceedings In
the struggle to seat a President were
at an end
It Is thought the case of Florida
will occupy perhaps a week before
the tribunal , wheu the convention
will re-acKeifible and take up the
balance of the Hta'.ea lu order ,
"tours , < fec. ,
CorrctFondtHCt oftke See
Llnddltl , February a. The House
met this morning fliid adjourned at
noon without having accotnplifthed
very much that would be interest
ing to the leaders of thd HEE.
Creightou was one of the comit-
tee eiJgee l in investigating the
asylum , aud after fabii g his brain ,
for more than a week In trying ! o
find something damaging to that
institution , waa obliged to
But the Democrats were represeut-
ed on that committee by him , and
they expected him to do his duty.
He had failed , and something must
be did , or the Democrats would fail
on their "record. " This morning , >
as a result of hia labors , Mr. Creigh-
toh introduced a bill , ' governing
the purchase ot supplies fprpuolic
institutions under eiecutive con
trol. " It simply instructs the offi
cers to advertise for bids. The dif
ference between that ank the pres
ent system is , thai the advertising
will have to be paid for. But it all
joes toward making up.
you know , and that is enough. The .
Mil was refered to Mr. Neville's j ;
Switzer'a bill , by which it was
intended to bring county treasurers
iown , so that a mietake in their
settlement with the State would be
mposaible , has
Nothing is needed in this State
nore than a law that so governs
he settlement between county treas
irera , and the stale Auditor that :
he treasurer can be checked down.
o a cent. Perhaps something may
> e lixcd up yet , that will touch the
ieslred point , if the tumbling rod ,
> r some kindred bill docs not come
ip to occupy the time. [
It will lie unhealthy to steal
lorors hereafter. Any person who
ndulges in thatnast time may look
'or not more than fifteen nor less
han three years in tbe penitentiary.
Such an inducement should control c
he paasiou of the most ordent lover
> f other men's horses' and other
itock : ti
Mr. Stevenson , and a great many
> ther men of Otoe county want
elief for horses taken during certain
Indian raids of early date. It is a
relief , " however , to know that
Jncle Johuv Irwiu has withdrawn
iis claim.
The judiciary committee reported
Ewans' bill , an act for the enforce
ment of sec. 3 , article 14 , of the
onstitution , concerning drunken-
iess , tack to the house without
ecommeudation. It was referred
igain , and there is a possibility that
t will go through in some shape. If
t snould become the law , no titate
ifflcer in the future will
The reaolutiou expunging from
he records of the State the 1m-
eachment trial of David Butler ,
vas reported back to-day with the
ecommendation tbat
V. division waa called for on tbe
rote adopting the report of the com-
uittee , and the motion to adopt
revailed by a vote of foity-eight
o ten. A lively discussion is antlc-
pated when this resolution'comes
n its final passage.
Any on , from the committee on
rays and means , asked leave to re
tort , but
ibjected. After working a week on
he general appropriation bill , the
nest important document of the
eesion , tne house was not ready to
eceive it. Yet , it is not strange.
The committee appointed to in-
estleate the charges pro'erred
igainst the B. & M. railroad in con-
lection with the latesenatonal con-
est , also asked leave to report , but
he members were anxious to starter [
or home , and did not have time to
learit. I understand that tbecom-
aittee is
n acquitting tne B. & M. of using
3ul means to accomplitlng their
ilans. but that a minonty report
dll be presented , exonerating Mr. >
litchcock of being in any way a ,
arty to the
majority of the committee hold-
Qg that he was at least cognizant
f what was going on. I may be
aistaken as to the action of the ,
ommittee , but think tbe above m-
Drmation correct The House will
aeet Monday at 2 o'clock. ,
London , Feb. 8 Advices from
Jombay report continuous rain
terms prevailing in India , which
lave seriously damaged the cotton
Md will
Tne Electoral Commission will
Take the Florida Case Into
Private Consideration.
And it is Expecled they
Beach & Decision
Searetary Merrill's Condition is
Yer7 Critical.
lint Little Hopes Entertained of His
.Lincoln , February S The Howe
investigating comtfiHteo reconvened
at n a. in. , and after e
James R. 1'orter as to Cowan'ti
rnissiou of Howe's guilt of the
charge of bribery , wituesslw 3 naked
to state what Patrick admitted to
him concerning the bribery or mem-
bers. The queatiou waa objected to
by Howe's counsel and the objec
tions sustained by n majority or the
committee. Thereupon senator
Fentustfu" entered his protest ngalnat
this decision nnd demanded that
the committee request the senate to
deline their duty in taking Patrick
and Barker admissions.
.Lincoln , Feb. 8. Commiifeo ad
journed to take instructions from the
Senate That body , by a resolu
tion , instructed them to talte such
ieetlmony as is unlis'iy ' allowed in
InquteitiWaf committees. If any
Bvidence had" tte n ; of could be , pro
duced tending to
jn the part oY the party charged
svith others to uae or aci rt money-
tor votes. At two o'clock
nit tee met m secret aud after a
irotracted session decided to allow J
he witnesses to state what Patrick
jr Barker may havt said with icf-
reuce to Howe in the alleged brl-
jery. At 3:30 : they met again in
jpen session 5 no witnesses were
ireaentand it had been understood
hat the committee would meet
limply for the purpose of adjourn-
Then all the witnessed cotild be
> refrem. Ihe committee claimed
hat it was their understanding the
uvestigation should proceed : ted
) iit other parties present said their
inderstandinK w a as above stated ,
ipon which Thummel moved to ad-
ouru till 0 o'clock to-morrow. Fer-
uson moved to amend to S o'clock
Saturday morning , with thn under-
itauding that TtSTIMONV.
nuat at that time be presented.
L'hiirston objected , stating that he
ould not potnibly be" present at that
ime , whereupon Ciimes raovet ! to
idjouru stnc effe which carried.
James , Thummel aid AorUi vot-
ng "aye , " and Fergudon "no. " [
"heir report will be read to morrow
ir next day. LINO.
WASH ING ixhs. L
Washington , February 8. The
iredeutiala of Senator Garland , of [
VrkauR3 , were tiled
Windom called up tns House bill
o pay Mr. Eads half a million dol-
srs. After discussion it was pest.
wned inaetimtely , and the Indian
ippropriaticn bill was resumed.
Amendments were agreed to as
bllows : increasing the approprla-
ion for feeding tne Crow Indians
rom 75,000 to 100,000 dollars ; ap
propriating 47,000 for paying sddi-
ional employes in the Sioux agen- '
siea of Nebraska and Dakota ; ap
propriating $50,000 for removing
md settling the Yauktons Sioux to
he Missouri river and 'uciease the
ippropriation for their susteuanco ,
ind that of the Ponca Sioux , from
51,000,000 to $1,250,000 ; $150,003 for
removal of Pouca to the Indian
Cerritory. .Agreed to.
The House of Representatives in-
icrted a clause directing the Presi-
lent to prohibit a removal of any :
> ortiou of the Sioux to the Indian
territory , unle s Consress hereafter
lulhorizes The Senate committee
truck out hat clause by umend-
nent , which was agreed to. ;
Other amendment * of the com- )
nittee waa agreed to , including ono
triking out the fourth Eection ,
vhich authorizes the commissioner
if Indian affairs to use the money
ippropriated for one tribe foran-
ither whenever In bia judgment It
an be more advantageously used.
Agreed to.
The bill was then reported to the
Senate , and amendments made In
he committee of the whole concur-
ed in , aud the bill passed.
Senator Paddock , by request , waa
elieved from duty on the cominit- '
ee on public buildings , and Senator
larvey , from the committee on ag-
The chair presented the Pacific
ailroad bill , which will be unfln-
ahed business to-monow.
After executive session the Senate
ook a recess until to-morrow.
Mr. Hale rose to a privileged
uestion and read a letter addressed
o him from J Madison Wells and
rhos. C. Anderson , stating they
? ere confined in a damp dark dun-
eon of the cellar of the capitol ;
hat yesterday by order 01 the
ipeaker they had been transferred
o a much better room and that they
lad been brought back to the cells
order of the SergeantatArms
y - at-Arms , >
nd that on account of the bad air
n the cell Goy. Wells was now
ickin bed.
Mr. Hale said his attention nad
ieen called by this letter to the
natter. He had gone to the cell in >
irhlch the prisoners were confined ,
nd had found it a damp , dark room ,
nto which the
sunlight could never
tenetrate , which had to be ulumin-
ted by gas. The air waspolson-
ius , and one of the prisoners , an old
nan , over 70 years of aire , laid ends
ds bed of sickness. It was iuhu-
nan to keep them in such a room .
nd he therefore offered a resolution
theflergeant-at-arms to reno -
no ve the prisoners to a well lighted
md ventilated room , where their
lealth may net be endangered. :
Mr. Cox said that it was in this L :
ame cell that the Republican Con- )
rress had incarcerated Stewart and
> win. TheprisonerawereconHned
nd in close custody by the sergeant
s-arms , but they could release
hemselves by simply purg'ir ?
hemselves of contempt of the house
and answering questiona which
they hail refused to answer.
Mr. Wilson stated , after frequent
fruitle-j r.ttmpt3 : . > tee witnesses ,
he had t'MvitSed only by an order
from t h * b'iK.-aker. He could not es-
cspe the inv rtbslon that the officer *
in the Sergeant atirms' otllce did
not wish the prisoners to be well
treated. He honored the Speaker
for honest efforts to lelieve tht > ir
"uflenugs. It was oJjbof rent to the
feelings ol the American peple :
that the House aboii'd ' trtat wtl >
such cruelty an old man becauct Lf *
had stood up for whit ho knew waa
Jioune went into committee
of tfct- whole on the deficiently ap
propriation bill , a"d Mr Foster , bv
formal arueudioent , conected tLt
"tateuient of Fp akrr Ivuudall re
cently that the DemucrMs had re
duced the expenditure * 31 > , OUOWI >
the past year. The actual reduc
tion , including deficiency , was § 17-
Mr. Randall compared the appro
priations of the Fony-thirt and For-
ty-fourth Congresses , showing that
the fornifr appropriations were
$359,000,000 ; the latter had already
appropriated $145.000 , and would
add about S142OCO,000 more , mak
ing a saving of J69OCO,000. But
for the Seuaje's resistance of re-
treuchmedt it would be SSOOCOOCO. ,
Mr , Eoster adhered to his former
statement. Time would show who
Waa right.
Mr. Wuldrou opposed the first
amendment adopted In the com-
mittcr of the whole appropriating
$500,000 fst ( elainL * against the In
terior Department.
The electoral commhsiou will
take the Florida case into private
couaideratiou early to-ui rrow
morning , aud it is expected will
reach a decialon during the day
The Deraocrata have little hope for
anything more favorable to them
than throwing out of Humphrey's
electoral votn. The contest in the
Louisiana case will bo over tLe legal
ity of the returning board itself , the
law calling for five members and
: he four members who acted not
filling the vacancy. It will be
claimed there has been no canvass
of Ih votes and that no electors
jave oeen appointed. Prominent
Democrats eay the commission haa
adopted a line of proceedure that
must throw out the vote or Watts ,
b * Oregon postmaster.
SecfStMy" Merrill's condition Is
very critical , aud little hope is inter-
of his
CHICAC y , Feb. ff ,
Flour Firm.
Wheat Active and higher : No
2 , 1 30al 31 i , closed at 1 30 | caih ;
1 80al 80 | , closed at 1 30 * for Feb
ruary ; 1 OJal 30J , closed at 1 31J
for March ; 1 31Jal 33J. eioaed at
I 32 } for April ; JNo 3,1 20 ; rejected ,
Corn Moderate , active and low
er ; new high mixed , 41e , new
mixed , 40a41c ; No. 2 , 42a42jc ,
Closed at inside bid for cash ; 42a
112 Jc , closed at inside bid for Fet > -
ruary ; 4JJa4Uic } , closed at iunide
bid for March ; 4Ga46ic , closed at
& 0 for May ; rejected , 39ia40c.
Oats Quiet and firm ; No 2 , 36c ,
sash ; 36jc f.T > > bruary and March ;
J6fc for April ; & 5cforMay ; relecl-
sd , 27ja2Sc.
Rye No 2 , 70a70jc.
Barle3' Firmer ; No 2 , 62 $ , i'ashj
31c foi March.
Drewed Bog- < Unsettled ; mo-
Jium to gooil conditioned 7 16720 ;
: hoice shipplnjr , 7 25.
Pork Moderate , active and low-
.T ; Id20al625 cash or February ;
16 IS'jalti 30 for March ; Iti 4 ? ; 16 50
For April ; 16 G7 alG 70 for May.
JLard J Owef ; 11 U7i caah or Feb
ruary ; 11 JOall ' 12 } for March ;
122all25 for April.
Bulk Meats Shouldew. " Gc ; ehort
rib , 8 c ; short c'ear , SJc.
Whiekj- Regular , c.ilfcj nt 1 Ofia
10(5. (
Closing board Wheat firmer ;
31 | for March , 1 33J for April.
Joru Eaain'J 42a42Je for March.
3ats Nominal. Pork Kaeier ;
6 27 } for March JLard Ej.sier ;
10 05 for MarcJK
CHICAGO , February 8.
Caitlr Receipts , 5 000 ; good
grades in demand at previous prices ;
sales fair to choice , 4 20a4 90 , with
sales ot extra to fancy at 3 G0a6 CO ;
itockers unchanged ; poof In choice
jutchers , 2 75s4 00 ; market closed
lull and easy for all except the best.
JiogB Receipts , 13ifiO ( ; market
'airly active , but oalOc lower ; ba
son , tt 00a6 10 : crarkerf , 6 20u6 50 ;
neavy shippers , 6 30a6 70 ; about all
iold and market closed steady.
Sheep-Receipts , 1,000 ; lair di -
rnand ; sales , common to bet , 3 2oa
2s'EH * VOKK , Feb 8.
Wheat Steady and price * uu-
Rye QuieL
Barley In buyr ' favor-
Corn Higher aud in good de-
maud ; new western mixed ungrad-
( f , 56a59c ; new , no grades , mixed
Oats Firmer ; ? 9aMe.
Eggs Unsettled ; western , 20a
Pork Quiet but steady ; new
ness , 17 00al7 25.
Dressed Hogs Firmer ; weatern ,
25a7 37 } .
Lard Atll25all32 } .
Butter Unchanged.
Wblslry Unsettled ; 1 07al OS.
ST. Louis , Feb. 8.
Wheat Higher ; 1 64 cash ; 1 54 |
'or March ; No. 3 , do , 1 48al 4S | .
Corn Dull ; 38Jc cash ; 40c for
Oate Quiet ; 35c.
Rye Inactive ; 68c.
Whisky 1 06
Pork Lower ; 16 25al6 76.
Bulk Meats Active ; shoulders ,
ia6Jc ; clear rib , 8a8Jc.
Lard Held higher ; $11 00 asked ;
11 62jc bid.
ST. Louis , February 8.
Hogs Receipts , 2OCO ; better
jacking , 5 75a6 10 : extra heavy ,
Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; strong
md active ; choica to fancy,5251
00 ; good to prime , 4 60.i5 12 } ;
ight , 4a4 25.
Uta of Kebraiks , Dongbu Conntr. it :
At a county court field at the county
lonrtroom. in and for gaid county , Feb. 6th
i. D. . 1I7Preoent. . C. 1J. Sedgwlck.
Bounty Judge. In tbe matter of the eatato
if Jobn K Smith , dec-aied.
On readioir and fitine the petition of
lames 8. Bheareriilirinbtratnro'aiid tatate
iraying for his disc irga aa each adminis-
ja or and the allowance of hi * final
icconnt. Ordered , that M rch 6th A
3. . 1877. at 10 o'clock a. m. . it aligned f'r
learinz laid petition , whan all pcr nn in
.treated in laid matter B 7 api > 9ir nt
ionntr onrt to be held , in and for Mid
Bounty , and ihow caae why tbe prayer ot
petitioner should not be gran ted : and ihat
ictlce of the pendency ot said petition and
he hearinr thereof , be given to all persons
nterested in laid matter , by publishing
opy of this order in tbe Omaha Weekly H K
newspaper printed in said Cona y. for
bree in-eeiglre weeks , prior to mfd dar
f hearinr. C. H. frEDHWICK.
IA true cop ? | . County Judjcs.
Sift " *
T-iU o S -
1. ft s yfc'C. . . . * . at dTA 'I
i.l tVrcu.teTr ,
- - r A.H .