Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1877, Page 4, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAIU BEE : JANUARY 22,1877-Eight Pages.
TO r
Ws BO soi desire any contributions whxtei
of literary or poetical character : and
will not undertake to praierre , or to i
serve the same. in any case whatever. 0
Staff is sufficiently large to more than et
ply our limited space in that direction.
AXNOUXCEHEXTS of candidates ( or offici
whether made by self or friendi. a ;
whether at notices or communication !
the Editor , are ( until nominations :
made f imply personal , and will be chare
u adrerttiemnnta.
OOK COOMET FRIFND ? we will always ' ,
pleased to hear from , on all matters co
neeted with crop . country politics , a :
on any subject whatever of general inti
et to the ] eeiile of our Suite. Any infr
mation connected \-tl\i \ the election , * i
relating to floods , accident .etc. . will
gladly received , All uch commun'catio
however , must be brief a ; possible ; ai
they must , in all cases be written ut > i
ne iideof the sheet only.
All Communi'-fttionb should be a-Mresf' '
to E. KOSEWATER. Editor und Publishe
A GOOD country for sourgrapes-
"Pembina "
THE Herald is still for the undi
dvj Herald.
And his firat name is Miller
GWYER has , we tit
derstaud , consented in the intere ;
of harmony and "regulare" to shaK
bands with Senator Saunders.
THE Senatorial contest in Illinoi
promisps to be protracted. The ir
dications now point to a com
promise Republican candidate.
MILT.RR baa , on various occi
eJons been fo-csd to swallow cro
but this time his digestive organ
appear to revolt agaiiut that diet.
ANDYEW Jon > soN's successors
Senator Keyes , has been defeatei
for re election to the United State
Senate by the Tennessee Legi'la
AMBR SE i > dscsnso
lite. Thp champion acrobat of Ne
Vaska wants it distinctly under
stood that he never Tanted to se <
him on any previous occasion am
does not want to see him uow.
OLD Subsidy Pomeroy is matins
another desperate efibr. for th ;
Kansas SenatorshJp , but if ws cat
judse the temper of KaiHfc * Rspub
linaus there is no disposition to en
dorse the old corrup"o'-iisr.
A communicetion favoring th <
repeal of the usury laive , which ap <
pears elsewero , does not meet oui
views on that question. Comment !
on ths ? subject are however defence
for the want of time and space.
THE WnKKiY BEI : ha non
reached a. circulation of 3,820 , ant
still new &ubFcribers are comiue in
It is the first journal in Nebraski
that has attained a sub-criptioa lis
to exceed 2,000 It will now seer
reach four and be advancing to
ward its fifth thousand.
THRKH is balm in Gilecd. The
Nebraska City frets peeks to draw
consolation for its political woundi
by pointing to the fact that its Lin
coin correspondent predicted th <
election of Governor Saunders ,
That is just what General Van
Wyck thought when ho cast bis
firrt vote for United States Senator
THE Herald doe * great injustice
to the Cfiairmsn of the Senate com
mittee on buildings , by charging
him with deserting th late lament
ed -'in a body " Tom. ban many
sins to answer for , but this was not
one of them. He came over only
after be saw the cau e was loat , and.
in the language of the immortal
Shakespeare , "Poor Tom'acold. "
SENATOR ? Paddock and Saundew
little realized during the territorial
existence of Nebraska , that the
then Governor and Secretary would
at a future period be again broughl
together by the mssterious changes
of time , aa tue most honored repre
sentatives of a populoua and grow
ing State. It is worthy of note
that during all these long
years these gentlemen have
been strong au l fastidious friends ,
both bave secured their positions bj
the uupurchased vote of Nebraska's
legislators and both at the time ol
thair election were untrammelea
by any piouiisea of appointments.
In speaking of this tfo wl h to cor
rect an error made by our correspondent
pendent Gabe , wberein he unin
tentionally did injustice to Senator
Paddock by nn allu Ion which
would imply that no senator had
heretofore been elected without im
proper influences.
Tb p30j > le of Nebraska are to be
congratulated therefoieupon having
in the national senate two repre
sentative who will co-operato for
the welfare of tueir constituency ,
and who thoroughly understand
the wants of the State , having
both advanced vruh its growth from
its territorial infancy to its present
prosperous and p-ospectiye condi
The proposed plan for the aettl
mont of the Presidential mudd
does not meet our approval. It
* fb stavery unconstitutional t :
nedient to remedy a defect lu tl
federal constituti n. A more sati
factory and tully as si fe * way 01
of tlie difficulty would be to allo
Hayes and li'den to throw dice fi
the Presidency.
It is proposed to constitute ab > ai
for the decision of disputed que
tions , to be composed as follows :
1 Five members t the Senate.
The.-e of course will be Republ
2 Five mftmbei ? of the House.
These of course will be D mi
3. Five members of the Supien :
Court , to bechosm in the folio win
manner , V'E : Four of them selec
ed by the committee , and comprii
ins : two Democ at9 and two Repul
licaus , the fifth to be ehosen by th
other four.
Up to the choice of the fifth Juds
we have a board or boards cornpoi
ed of ssvcn Republicans and seve
Democrats. Now , the question ii
how shail the odd Judge be belecte
and what snail ba bis politic :
Jaith ? The twoRapublican Judge
will probably suggest a Ropubhca
brother to fill the vacancy. Th
two Democratic Judges will suggas
a Democrat. Neither will be like
ly to yiald reauily , for on thechoic
of this fifth Judga , in all probabili
ty , will defend the whole que tioi
of the Presidency.
And now we reach the kuotb ;
problem , bow shall tue choice b
made 1 Shall it b : made by place
ing the names of the rema'uinj
Supreme Judges in a hat , shakiuj
them up and drawing for the re
raainiug member. If so , you migh
iust aa well omit the entire batch o
Senators , Representatives ant
Judge ? and simply put the name ;
of the nine Supreme Judges in tbi
iat , and draw oue name to deoidt
the Presidency ; or Better still lib
Tilden and Hayes , decide by tossmf
joppers for the prize. To assume
that this political predictions o
the Supreme Judges will have m
bearing on their verdict is vertuallj
to contradict the conclusioni
if the conference committee
that drafted the bill for the proposet
Jouiproraiae They propose to create
3. high court of arbitration made uj
Df sevnn Republicans and sever
democrats , leaving tin casting vote <
o a person whose selection ia to hi
Ibtermined by chance. No mat
: er bow much confidence tha Su
> reme Court may inspire at
n court sitting judicially upon :
inestion brought before them ir
their judicial capacity , we have nt
more confidence in them as politi
? iana , uittine in judgment as such
: ! mn we have in mny other eminen
men chosen faay from the C binei
3t tne Keuale Chamber. No mattei
n-hat formalities are to be observed
u organieiug the proposed higl
jotirt of arbitration , the final ver-
lict must necessarily depend upon
the chance of the judge who has the
casting vote.
It strikes us that it would be rnon
n conponauce with the spirit if noi
with the letter of the national coir
titutlon to allow the President o ,
he Senate to count the eltctora
rote , and if the Supreme judges an
o have anything to dpwitl
bin great problem let them act as i
ourt and not aa a political returning
THE BEE extends its thanks foi
he numerous congratulations which
aave been sent to us in the past few
lays upon its final success in the
ix years' campaign. We resret
hat want of time , from nosrlected
; vork of the past two weeks , pre
ludes personal response to all ol
THERE was gome very tall , as
if ell as some very short swearing at
jincoln in the investigation o.f that
jorrible case of "forgery. " Why
jot send for Mr. C. E. Perfcins , and
et him taue a swear at his own
ian manual , and several other mat
ers. Gerald.
Mr. Perkins will come of hia own
iccord , and his testimony ill eflec-
ually silence the malignant eating
louse acrobat whose endorsement
> f forgers and perjuers like Flana
gan strikingly exhibits hia true
A YictoryofRefonB.
Jhieaf o Tribune 19.
Hr-G v. Alvm Sauoders , the last
Governor of the Territory of Ae-
) raska , was yesterday chosen by tbo
sgislature to represent that State
11 the Uaited States Senate for tke
nsulng six years from the 4th ot
tferch next. The present Senator ,
Hr. Hitebcoek , was a candidate
or re-eltotion , and had an
rgauized suyp-r , but We was
veighed down with the salary grab
eoord , snd was ao regarded with
.Hfavor on account of an overplus
f devotion to the Pacific Railroad
nterests , and nor all the power of
mronuge acd the potency of the
Machine could force him upon the
in willing Republicans , who-e num-
) c-rg were surlicient to control the
itup.tion and at the list secure the
lection in Gov. Kaunders of an
ther and a better representative of
he reform element of that party.
FroM orniir till eight , fr m ary da
Hf ' . . .
With tears in n r y ,
Anil witk num rou sigk ; .
A Mtthir wai iriel inc * neap -n f iekl
A ilinptr , all woven witfc cardinal red.
Which sh flovr ih < d trimapkantly ov r k
keU ,
laeu krouiht it with T nc * " * o > on (
bai flam
Of the child o ktrkncs ,
Spank s aik , ip > nk >
IUurti"beUow dht ,
"Uladonit , " quotkim * .
Sp k , ipuk , iponk-
Spank , ipant , ipank.
Thtre't a maiden who it now f rtparinc
But do y luppoia
That tha fair creator * knowi
Thattk * thtifhthas on t even e Ur d h
That era loog ihe'll ba playing a methei
cad part ,
With h-r pr-ei ui younc aarliar clasp
close to h-art.
And a ilipper carterioc alter * hit ba
That Bonn h will Itarn
Toipank. rpank. ipank ,
And thtuch bellow 4 h ,
Hhe willrieht merilei
8paik. ipank ipa-k.
The Chaplain of the Colorxd
State Senate is a negro , Rev B I
Watson , of tbs Methodist Episct
pal Church.
The Kapti tH have made rapi
progress in fi. ting up their summr
campaign plan on Point Thai
Uuqu % , Chautuq'.ia Lake.
The widow Van Cott hasjiee
preaching hi the Thirtieth str c
Methodist Church , New York
which ha1 * b an ciowded from en
trance to chancel-rail with attenti v
Rer. H. A. Buchtel , a retnrnei
misiion ryBowstationod at Knight
town , Indiana , writes that they ar
in the midst of a great reviv l , hav
ing as many as 240 inquiries at i
single m-eting
The Pope has sent A letter te ;
German prelate , warning the Cath
clic clersry a Jiiutt the accsptanc
of the infallibility dogmx from an ;
orher cauae swe ns a belief in it a
a Divine decree.
A Trritr ? ' in the Irish Church Ad
vecata fctntes that at the recent opsn
ingot a ehapel in England , s .ve :
Baptist ministers werepro'eut wni
iad been clergymen of the Estab
lished Church
Rev. Jame Presley , D. D. , wh (
ras formerly well-known in thi
Qnit , d Presbyterian Churah , hai
iecliued. it is said , nn invitation t <
the First Presbyterian church. New
irk , Ohio , and returned tohishotm
near Pittsburg , Penn
The Moody and Baukey idea o
jreacher and ninijer collal > . 'rstt > fr ii
jetting into the regular churches
The Clark Street Methods ( Jauroi
n Chicago hn Rev. M. M Park-
luisc to prsacli anil Rav. W. A
3psuer to sing the Gopel.
The juexiugttm Methodist Confer-
snce ( colored ) will m et at Mays
yille , Koutucky , March 4th , 1877
Bishop Bovrmau presiding. Tni-
jonfernnce embraces all of K > M.
ucky * ud parts each of Ohio and
[ ndiana , and is doing a good vrorl
for Methodism among the colored
The Unitarian ministeis are ma
.urins a plan 'or the holding : of min
sters' institute * , to meet biennially
jut in the > -ear = when the National
"onlerenee does not meet 'Ihej
ill Ia t each on" we k , and will b (
devoted to Inctu es in spscial de
iartmnt . Tlie first will be bole :
n September nest.
Rtv. B. W Parker , who wnl
> ut from NSK London , Ceuneeti
; ut , forty four years ago , to the
3andv.-icl : Ulands , on a while ship
6 now visiting his home for the
jrst time. Seventy thou and pnr-
ions have been receive' ! into -he
; hurch in the Miiuili since ttie lirsl
; ntrauce of ths missionaries.
Th United Bfp ' > ? report , foi
K7G4.U7S churni c > . j n increase ol
58 , Ii3fcia ! meuiUeit. an inereac o
r,8u5' 1,92 mini itors , a.i itcrease o' '
16. During the year , $638,799 were
aiRed for 11 purpusss ; of ihh auru
? 3'29 96 wer'or the support of tin
maulers. This church has an ofli
; ial pubhshiug uous > c at Cayton , O
Th revivitl nieetin-js undci
Me r3. Graren and inland , at Mus
jatiue , Iowa , are fepueQ of as un-
jrecedented. The entire oi'y and
ill its surroundings fcre under the
nfiuencf of this wondpiful work.
Jjoree of the young and some ol
he most prominent and wealthy cit-
zeus are the suhjsc'sof this remark-
ibis revival.
Ihe ' 'AsiociatioH Dorainicale '
i new French Roman Catholic so-
siety for the promotion of a better
tbservance of the Sabbath , \ re-
> ortod to be making great progress
n F ftnca under the patr > m ga ol
he bishops. The motto of the As-
ociatiou is a taymc of the present
'ope : "France will only be saved
> y a return to the e&nctificatiou elbe
be Sunday. "
Rer. Dr- Riley , Protestant mis-
iouary , says th l the assumption of
he presidency by General Porfirio
) iaz will not harm prote-tant m-
eresta in Mexico. General Diaz
epre ents the liberal interest * of
he republican party , and ia not aa
.dvocate of the Roman Catholic ra-
time The Epibcopalisus , at least ,
eceive encouragement from the
; ovornment.
The ilormvian Year Book for 1877
eports 13 bishops in diQereut parts
if the world , and 97,362 "member * .
) f this total 67,413 are to ba found
u the missions. The territory oo-
upiad y the "brethern" is divided
nto three pro rincas German ,
Sritisb. and American. The Ger-
nau province contains T,749 mem
iers , the British 5,675 , and the
Lmerican 13,763.
Thu K-formed Church of the Tin
ted States , popularly known a * the
taruian reformed . reports for 1876
ne General Synod , six Distiict
lynntls , forty-five classes , 664 min-
slsrs , 1.333 conjrregulons and 141 ,
92 members. The contrib ti' > us to
lenevoleut object ? were S71 9SS ;
t'e contributions to locf , ! onj ot" ,
33J,193. The nnmber of students
itepiriiig for the niicietry is 162
Iho Universalist Register /or
877 reort ] j the statistics of the lf-
lominatiou for the United States
and Canada to be twentr tire Sta
c 'nvention" , represented in one gw
eral convention ; 69 associations , 8 !
parishes , wi'h 41,029 families ; 6 !
church orgamaations , with 39,9-
members ; 641 Sunday schoali , ha'
ing 59,463 teachers and scholar
7 3 church eaifices , worth , above s
i&debtedhess , $7,465,495.
At the Broadway Congregation
Tabernacle , New York tha pat
arnonlv rented , the prices rangta
from $35 to J325 a year There a :
SCO paws , which afford sittings fi
1,650 peop1e. The income derm
from the rents in a year amount '
$37 000. Out of this sum the Re
Dr. Taylor receives $14000 , an
SI 250 is paid ror bis life iusurane
The church is said to be out of d b
and there is a surplus every year <
from $4 000 to S8,000.
The Indian H < > m * Mission to U
Hanthal * reports 118 adults baptise
laat vear , and the wholejiumbsr >
2 133 pre ent communipantb ]
has been decided to ordain two i
the S nthal to be mifcpiouarii
among their countrymen , and 1
have pastoral charge of some of tl
churches ; thirty m n and tw
women have bsen selected to a <
, tiaveling Elders , andtoengag
in homo-to home visitation. Thre
Sinthai reading books have bee
published , und other works a e i
Rv. Dr. Twin } ? , in reply to a
open letter from Bishop Hunting
ton , sy9that an average of flv
cents a week from the 180,000 corr
rauricants , and from the same uun
bar ofuou-communicants , includin
children , making a totol of 560,00
persons , Trould pive u ug regatc c
81,456.000 , which might be distribi
ted BS follows : Domestic Mision >
300,000 perannumn ; Foreign Mis
sioiip , IUJ,00 ( ) ; Home Missions i
Colored People , 400,000 ; Indian Mis
sions , lOii.Ou'O ; education of youn
man for the ministry , 100,0 > 0 ; age
and infirm clergy and widows an
orphans of deceasbd clergymen , an
36,000 ; work among the J wn ; 10 ,
000 ; work ninwug the Germans an
r-candinavians , 10,000 ; work ii
Mexico , 20,000 ; Bible and Prayer
b.wk Society , 20,000 ; Church publi
antion , 20 000 ; an average 10,000 t
each of forty-oue dioceseu , 440,001
Ten picfures from the Johuntoi
aolleition have been presented ti
.ho HnstoB Art Museum
The attempt to cultivate the Eti
ualyptus tree in the yard of the Un
ited 8tata Court House , at Charles
town , S C. , has failed in couss
Qjuence of the recent frosts
Mr. Coxwell , the eminent .Eug
Uh aeronaut , eudoraua the opiuiot
that the North Polo maybereachoc
uy balloons under favorable circum
ituuces and during comparatively
mild weather.
The State of Maine pays a $ '
jounty for every be r killed withti
ts limits L t y r wa.3 apparent
V a R-iod one , or rathe' a bad yen ;
for bears , for 549 were killed , cost
ng the State S2.475
At Marshal MacMahou's recep
.ion on December 25 , Jules Simor
srixa a guest , and pre < enied his wife
[ * a ra was also a number of Senator :
ind Deputiea of ths Left who wen
jresent at iho Marshal's re idenci
'o the nYst lime.
Gau Chrnzy , cominsnding it
( Liters , has interdicted the a-lmis
.ion in thst country o the Djauun
ind all other Constantinople news
papers , which are stimulating Mus
iulmans into the so called "holj
ivar'1 with Russia.
In the coal slia'e at VVgikon
Jwitzeriaiid , a heries of pintsd fij
Doles , cov icd wi'h wicker-work
iav been fouiid They are nup
Du&od to be the most ancient ovi
iencas yet kuowu of the existeuc <
> f man , and belonging to the parlor
nterveuing between the two g'acia
This is he way the Ashtab.fs
appeared In Paris : New
Deciembss 80 Lwt night
h ? express train on the Pacific rail-
oftd tra.s siopp d by a considerable
! ell < cun of snow on the woods :
> rdgo ! near Ash Sabula , near Sail
jake. The train , pieceded by ii.
uo'.7 plow , bucked some hundreds
L f metres , then started under a full o' steam to try and force s
jRssate. The bridge brohe undei
be strain , nd the train fell iulc
be river from a height of 75 feet.
't is believed that 100 passengers
yere killed , and about 52 wounded.
A belief in eolor-poisonmg bv
neaua of green dresses and green
vali papeia has already been forced
ipon the public by some tclerablj
lonclusive evidence ; but it seems
hat the mischevious propensities ol
his color are lar from being yet ex-
> osea. A French savant , Mr. Paul
Jert , has just exhibited against it
.rtielfc * of impeachment of the
; ravest character , supported bj re-
orfs of whole series of atartlinu
xperimeuti. If hi theory is true ,
t is nont only the ar.-enic used in
reducing the color which does tha
njury , but the aciual color itself ;
, nd a mere ray of green light is c-
iable of affecting the health ot tha
lersou esp B"d to it. apart from all
id nfforded to it by the smell or
tiesence of arsenic To deaaon-
trato this alleged fa t , M. Bert ban
ubmitted several specimens of the
ensitive plant to rays ot diilerem
olors thrown upon them through
taiued glass , and in every case
nose which were treated lo the most
rilJir.iu green light with ,
red and died in the short-
st time. In those plants which
f re exnoscd to a red light a ps-
uliar phenomenon was observed ;
be tips or frpikrs of the leaves pro
3nged tnem"8lvea and grew for-
v rd in a lean and hungry fashion
lOiizmtally with the branch from
rhicb th.y sprang ; wUile in a blue
igbt t'ie contrary efleut was pro
, uced , ihf npikes standing out Jtb-
ujnly and pcrpendicularJy from
hfir slem On "ne of their planti
eing closed 4 sort of Jaiifiru ,
laving red gla s on one side and
reen on the other , inated of
hrinking away from the poison on
heir rigiit to the ro-eate antido'e
n t'ucir leit , the leaves , us if by a
( ttal fascijation , turned with one
oiiboiit the other way and literally
joktd death in the tace.
The early worm gata caught.
Gold ia not yet se low that peep
refuse to take it
The dentist who was in a tig )
place managed to pull out.
If a prisoner cannot be bailed on
let some interviewer pump him ou
Texas hotel keeper * wish evei
wind would brine them a .Nortl
Do not take it to heart if a patei
Medicine man asks you how yoi
11 ver is
Ole Bull is not partial to the mu
ie ef Wagner. It is too much f <
one fiJdle.
There arc so many courts that tl
tailors do uot know where to brie
their suits.
When whisky is down to sixt
ceuU corner store merchants natui
ally set low spirited.
A.n Illinois sirl rjlayed Lojan
photograph for the jask of spadei
and said , "He's a trump "
Tne korse that has sp ? * ri and bo
tona Ii the animal on which a ma
should bet his bottom dollar.
They do not know how t
dispose of tne Vanderbilt property
' will there's
but where there's a
way. '
Tha arrival of a short man in
Western town is mentioned in th
papers under tbo head of "pereoni
A child sat down on a hot stov
htarlh ia Fittsburch , and was pei
tnanently branded with the wordi
"Bass Burner "
Vandsrbilt's great motto wai
"Mind your own busiuesi" ]
everybody would do that they migh
become millioHaircs.
The world goes on well enoug ]
without Commodore Vanderbill
There it no man living whose plac
can not be readily filled.
Bates says the cremation chap
have been ranking incinerating re
marks on his friend , Baron voi
Palm , and they must be stopped.
A little boy in Stocktoi. , Cal ,
stuck a red hot poker into the bunt ;
hole of a ke % that contained a pouni
of gunpowder The result was al
that h * could have expected.
A Broad vay india-rubbsr firm re
cently telegraphed to St. L uii
'Arcticshoes , St. Louis Bias , are no
built in this eity. But vre can ssnt
you a modal of the Great Eastern. '
TSae Boston Transcript says tha
Ml true mus c is in the middli
note * We had remarked this fac
when a member of the Philhar
monlc Society found ten cents in i
ptperof tobteco.
Millions of swallows went aoutl
frem Caii ornia * as usual last fall
and have just returned in mid-win
tar , which is very unusual. Did tbi
political atmosphere down then
disacrse with them ?
It is said thatuaorgw Washingtoi
3haved himself , and it is sublime U
think of tue father of his country ii
lis shirt sleeves , with a towel 01
ais arm , tearing about the housi
for a piece of paper.
Bascher ajsd Tilton rods tORethe
n a p lace car ea the .Navr Yorl
Central railroad Ifo other passeu
ten were in the car , yet they die
not avail themtelves of this first
class opportunity to fight a duel.
The Farmer's Vindicator explain !
something by saying : "Weaskoui
read-rs to exusa all shortcoming !
n this issue , ai cur foreman ha ;
jsen quite sick and none of th <
other bauds understand it as well.1
A little boy was very mush ex r
cised for fear he would not know
lis father when he got to Heavau
but his mother eased his mind bj
saying , "All you will have to do i <
to look for an angel with a red
nose. "
A San Francisco lawyer receiver )
a wooden jackass as a Chrutmasl
; ift from his fellow practitioners in
he Police Court , and he says : " 1
: nov. how hard it is to pick oul
stable presents , butlr.lmost thinfe
MI insult was intended "
An eager young man rang the
aell t t a Washington street house
Sunday evening , and the eldest
laughter came in with smiles to lei
lim in , and just as she opened the
ioor , a small boy , all out of breath ,
reached the front gate and yelled :
'Ho , Jim ! Bill s-iy ? as how you
uust come right home. He says aa
low 'taint you * turn to wear that
tore shir ; ibis week , no how ,
cause you wore it laat Sunday , and
ie says as bow he's got a 'ointment
o go and see a girl over in
But Rome , and ain't he just hop-
j'n' mad " The young man on the
ioor-stsp looked as though there
rrai a pain in him somewhere.
Rome Sentinel.
A monument to the great Swedish
laturalist , Jjinnreus , was unvallpd
n Stockholm yesterday , the 100th
inuivewary of his death.
William B Martin , of Pifsnurg ,
isked a companion lo sing the revi
ralhymn. "The Sweet By end By , "
ind at the close of the first verse
tilled himself with a pistol shot.
It is understood that the decision
> f the Virginia-Maryland boundary
inc Commissioners is against the
ormer State , the-citizena of which
nil thus lose the greater part of the
aluablc oyster beds in Pokomoke
The temperance promoters nave
jst besu convicted of a great blan-
ler in London. They 1ml opened a
eople'rt c.illee rooms at low prices ;
rut a Correspondent who sallied
urth on a. lute terrible night to test
heir utility found all the gin places
: rwded and ablaze xvith comfort ,
ml the "People's Cafes' cl'-st-d , at
1:30 p. m. Thepxcu.-e made by the
uannjjers was tbat it did uot "pay"
o keep them open after working
Recpntly samples of mud c
na : silver were sent to San Fran-
itfcco. At first there was a pretence
> f secrecy as to where the stuff came
rom , but later a company of cap
talists were told that Mud Spring
O fgon , was the place that yelelt
such richness. These men wei
cautious and wculd not invest an
money before an iuvesticatioi
They sent some of the mud to Pr
fe'sor Silliman of Yale Colleg
who informed them that the sllvi
had been added by human agenc ;
and evidently parsed through
quartz mill. Ihe authors of U
fraud are to ba prosecuted.
Ihe people of Los Angeles took
very unique method of preventir
a tbreatentrd influx of Chinese 1
bors. A parly of six hundred a
rived there a few days ago ar
camped near the new depot. Tl
citizens immediately started a r
port that the peculiarity of theclin
ate causes the no-n to grow to
formidable long h , and that the Ii
dians invariably seize Chiname
by their elongated appendages an
wring their heads oil. A few mil
utes before the time for the depar
ure of the train for Indian Wella tl
Chinese seized their baggage , dasi
ed it from the cars , and stampede
ovei hills and out of sight ,
The census of Paris la loofced fo ;
ward to much interest In 1700 th
populat'on numbered 720,003 iuhi
bitanta Toward the end of th
e'ghteenth century it had dimii
iehed to 620,000 , and continued t
decrease until 1801 , when it nutc
bere-I 546.000 From that time :
has steadily risen , fn 1831 it w
774338 , In 1836 900 1T6 Twent
years later it readied 1,538 613 I
1860 the annexation ofallthedii
tricts comprised between the ol
Octroi boundary and the fortifies
tions had the effect of swelling th
numbers to 1,700000 and to 1,82 :
000 in 1886 These additions near ! ,
doubled the area ot the capital. I
1872 the population showed a aligb
falling off compared with 1870 , bs
ing 1,851,702 , against 1,800,000 ii
ike later year.
There are six universities in Rua
sia , two in St Petersburg , and on
each in Moscow , K'ssan , Odessa
and Kharkoff. In 1866 there wer
in all of them 3,591 students , li
1871 the number had increased t
5,301 , but in 1876 it had dimmuhei
again to 4,492 As a rule Rusii&i
students bave no resources of thei
own , and aie obliged ! o give lesson
to support themselves. At Moscow
many of them especially the medi
cal students , are said to be in :
miserable condition. From 187' '
to 1873 while S.a-.M atudeuts finishei
their course ot studies. 2,911 wer
compelled to desist without takiuj
their decrees Several scholarships
of tha amount of from $100 to $2fii
yearly , have been founded D , n
Government and bv private lib-ral
ify , but there number i tttll far be
low the number o' students whi
tiKV no means of subsistence bu
miserable paid lessons.
When a man in ew York ha
auce taken a 'ine house he doean'
like to leave it even if his incorni
bes-in-i to fall. It makes people talk
iud his position may be effected
There died not long ago a gentle
man , who up to hia death , bad beei
paying $10,00 ' a year for his house
ind aould leave nothing for his fa
mily. He took it when times wen
lush and didn't Rive it up. Ii
London , where rentt are bi he
than anywhe e except New York
no one hapi'd such a rent as tin :
uce Lord Palmerston , when Pnmi
Minister , paid the some SUM fo
Dambrige House iu Piccadilly . Hi
ras childless , eighty , had an incoiai
sf 20 000 a y-ara lu real estatt nnt
salary , and his \vife nud upward o
20,000 a year more , London m i
with 100,000 a year In the mos
sol.d securities are contf-ut will
aouses ranted at ' ,000 i veaThs
London rents of t\s two ri3bes
uen it , England did not amount t <
| s7,000. Their propsrty vras wortl :
? 80,000,000.
A bslieve iu color-poisoning bj
ue ns of green dressen and greer
arall ppera has already been forcec
ipon the public by ome lolariblj
ionclu'ivc evidenoo ; but It seeup
, hat the mischievous propensities 01
his color are far f om being yel
iilly exiiosed. A French savant
ii. Paul Bert , has ju t exhibited
i ainnt its articles ot impeachment
) f the gravest character , supported
> y reports of a whole series o ]
itartling experiments. If his theory
s true , it in not on'tne arsenic
isad iu producing tba color which
toes the injury , but the sotual coloi
tseif ; and a mere ray ofgrcsn lighl
s eapsble of aflVctiag the health 01
he person exposfO to it apart from
ill aid afforded to it by tha srasll 01
) re-jenc of arsenic To demonstrt
his clleed dst , Mr. Bert has sub
nitted saveral spaeimsr.a of the
ensitive plant to rays of diOsrenl
: olora thrown upon them through
tined glasi , anfl in every ca s
hoe which wer treated to the
nest brilliant green Jight withered
ind dipd in the shortest tims. Iij
hose plants whicli were exposed to
red licht a peculiar phenomenon
v observed ; the tit > 3 or bplkes ol
he le&vea prolouge-i themsalvei
md grew forward in a lean and
lungry faibioa , horizon t lly with
he brancu from which they sprang ;
fhile in a blue light the contrary
ifteft was produced , the spikes
landing out abruptly and pcrpen-
licuJarly from their stem. On one
ftbe plants being inelosad in a sort
if lantern , having , red-glass on one
ide and preen on the other , instead
if shrinking away from the poison
> n the right to the roseate antidote
'n ' their loft , the leaves , as if by
ataJ fascin&tiou , turned with one
onsent the other way and literally
uoKed death in the face.
Ostrich farming is carried on
nth the bc3t success at the Cape oi
Jt > od Hops choice birds are worth
350 eaeh They feed on grafs like
attle , and icquire verv little car * .
Jsua'ly they are tolerably docile ,
iut at the breeding season they b-
onae irritable , aud will often attack
. person who ventures too ueai
hem Eac'i bird yipWa from S150
o J200 worth of feathers per -year
? hoae from "he female are gray ,
nd the 8 from the male black , ex-
tpt a single white plume which
; revs under each wintt , and whieh
3 the most valuable of all.
The neble red man is tba pull ,
baok on the outskirts of civilisation.
Mr. Hill Keith , of .Lake Forest ,
to. C , having loat his wife laityear ,
was married to her mother on
Christmas day.
Bvery onca in a while some
scientist tises and says that the
moon is dsad. This scicntifie fact
is what inakea youn * lovsrs on a
frosty night linger at tha gate and
look up at the corpse.
A Louisiana paper wants to know
what a New York citizen would
think if ne saw in .New Orleans tba
most beautiful girl * In the world ?
Probably he would think of in
New Orleans more lasses.
It recalls what Dundreary said
about it : "Y a * , she was a nice
girl. I WAS e going to mary her
m-myself , but I d-didu'tgetup that
in morning , or somatiog of tb-that
sort ; I d-don't w-weeollect now ju-
juth what it wath. "
A man In Cincinna'i owned a pet
panther. Ha wentoflrecently with
his wife and family for a visit of a
couple of days , leaving the pet pan
ther and his mother in law to keep
house. On his return hit grief can
be imagined on diecovery that It
was the panther that was dead , not
the mother-in-law. The old lady
had talked the poor animal to
A fashionable London preacher
recently said : St. Paul remarks ,
aud I partially agree with him - . "
An agad Pailadol hiau is so de-
voul that he often drops on his
knees on the streets and loudly
prajs for those whose sinfulness he
There are 43,000 clergymen m tke
United States ; but even th s num
ber hava not succeeded in working
the morals of the community up to
that point where ail will pay on a
crowded horse car.
On a panel in a church wall in
Valparaiso , Chili , is a painting rep
resenting the emperor of Germany
and Princa Bismarck gquirming in
the flames of hell , while the aevil
is poking the imperial chancellor in
the back with a red-hot fork.
Leonard Harper Johnson , of Vir
ginia , has devised a new religion.
Its leading ideas are that Johnson
is to have one-tenth of the money
of his followers and as many wives
s hi can get. Thus far he has ob
tained more wives than money.
There is many a true believing
Christian man who bides a mean
act from hi * cctupiuious , but who
his very little respect for the invis
ible scuols that see him. And yet
he is the very man to brag on an-
w York Graphic : It IB easier
for x camel to go through the knee
nan idol than for a young man to
go through ii church fair without
bcin compelled to buy tickets in
the raflle ot seven pincushions
ctuSatl with br&u
A traveler viiting a cathedral
was show u by the bacristan , among
other marvels , a dirty epaque glasj
phial. Aftur eyeing it for some
time , the traveler said : " Do you
36ll thia a relic ? Why it ia empty. "
"Empty , " retorted thesacistan , in
dignantly. "Sir. it contains some
jf the darkue-,3 that Moses spread
aver the lard of Egypt "
When a man jumps out of bed as
the whistle blows for quarter to 7 ,
lights tlie fire , carries in the coals ,
ires > as the ehildrei , draws the wa
ter , blacks his boots , shaves nim-
lelf. eats his broakfoit , has family
worship when a man does all this
and then goes down on the eight
a'clock tinin , iiu realizes the fact
that como things can be done as
well aa others , and that there is
aothiug like living in the country
in the winter.
Presbyterian minister ( portent-
jusly ) : "James , there la a very
ireadful thing ! You have beard
; hmre is oue .pauud missing from
: ne bnx ! " Jame * ( the beadle who
s s'rougly sus-pectudj : "Deed , sir ,
so they were ttlhn' me. " Minister
solemnly ) : "James , you and I
iloue had access to the box "James :
'It's . it muat lie
just as yo fay. s r ;
jetween u tvAn' the best
vay'll ( > e , you -o pay the one-half ,
m' I'll pay the tither , an say na
nair about it I' " [ Punch.
Watterzon would not have Cro-
lin's nose for 53,000.
Aucustus Scnell is the now bosa
) f Tammany , vice Kelly. H hopes
ie Scheli ba as big a man as Tweed.
Rev. E. E. Hale has a new story
jailed "The Adventures of a Pull-
nan Car. " it doea not let Tilton
Kentucky can raise a bigger neu
ral army than any other State.
iVatterson's Q st draft is for 10,000
The debt ot New York city in-
ire sed $3,000.000 during the last
re r. The city is for Tilden and
eform. It * whole debt la now
An exchange says , "Crocket ,
Texas , has a reading club and is se-
ioualy talking of local option. "
TVheu Crockett is right it should go
It ia srid that before Senator Nor-
vood becarae a politician , he was a
irthlnolo ist in fact had a perfect
) as"iou for birds But he never
ould a ascribe K briok bat , even after
ia because a politician.
Too Cold for Kissing.
The St Joseph Chronicle , of the
6th , forcibly illustrates the severity
if yesterday' * cold snap ia the fol-
owing interesting incident :
Lait nicht was no time for kissing
n the open air. This is what a
ihap says who tried it at a gate on
tenth street , and had to thaw the
ips of himself and sweetheart r part
vith a burning match before being
, ole to home Besides this ,
ie sot both of hia big toes frozen ,
lis left car frosted , and will proba.
ily have lo substitute another nose
or the smeller th t he was carrying
round this morning. The truth of
he matter is , he's in a fearful pligh4 ,
ind credits it all to