Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1877, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAID BEE : JANUARY 22,1877-Eight Pages.
TO r
Wi DO HOT dciire any contributions irbatere :
Kof a literary or poetical character : andwi
will not undertake to preserre , or to re
icrre the sumo , in any case whatever. On :
Staff is sufficiently large to more than tup
ply our limited apace in that direction.
AXNOCXCKHKXTB of candidatei ( or office-
whethcr ma Jo by self or friendi , anc
whether at notices or communicationi t <
the Kditor. are ( until nominations ari
made dimply personal , and will bccharcec
u advertiiemnntx.
DUB ConsTET FRIPND ? we will always ; b (
pleased to hear frum. on nil matters con
nected with crop . country politics , anc
on any subject whatever of general inter
est to the I eeple of our Suite. Any information
mation connected inih the election , anc
relating to floods , accident , etc. . will b
gladly received. All tuch commun'cation
however , must be brief as poible ; am
they must , in all cases bo written upon
me aide of the sheet only.
All Cornmuni'-ntio.ib should be aHdrestO (
to E. ROSEWATER. Editor and Publisher
A Goon country for sourgrapes
"Pembiaa. "
THE Herald is still for the under
drj | _ Heralil.
And bis lint name is Miller
EX-SENATOR GwvEnhas , we un
derstand , consented in the interest
of harmony and "regnlan "to shade
hands with Senator Saunders.
THE Senatorial contest in Illinois
promisps to be protracted. Tbe in
dications now point to a com
promise Republican candidate.
has , on various occa
sions teen fo'csd to swallow crow ,
but this time his digestive organs
appear to revolt against that diet.
ANDYBW Jon > soM's successors ,
Senator Keyes , has been defeated
for re election to the United States
Senate by the Tennessee Legnla-
"SK A.IOK AJIBR SE it d sconso-
l te. The champion acrobat of N"e-
b-aska wants it distinctly under
stood thut he never wanted to see
him on any previous occasion and
does not want to see him uow.
OLD Sub-idy Pomeroy is matins
another desperate efibr. for ths
Kansas SenatorshJp , but if wa can
judce the temper of Kansas Rspub
Moans there is no disposition to en-
done the old corrupt 'o'Mat.
A communication favoring the
repeal of the usury laws , which ap
pears elsewerc , does not meet our
views on that question. Comments
on thU subject are however deferred
for the want of time and spjce.
reached a circulation of 3SUO , , and
still new subpcribers are comiuc in.
It is the first journal in Nebraska
that has attained a subscription list
to exceed 2,000 Itwill now soon
reach four and be advancing to
ward its fifth thousand.
THKKHis balm in Gilead. The
Nebraska City frets peeks to draw
consolation for its political wounds
by pointing to the fact that its Lin
coln correspondent predicted the
election of Governor Saunders.
That is just what General Van
Wyck thought when he cast bis
first vote for United States Senator.
TUB Herald does great injustice
to tha Chairman of the Senate com
mittee , on building , by charging
him with deserting ih late lament
ed -'in a body " Tom. has many
Bins to answer for , but this was not
one of them. He came over only
after he law the cause was loat , and
In the language of the immortal
Shakesppjue , "Poor Tom's cold. "
SCMATOR3 Paddock and Saunders
little realized during the territorial
existence of Nebraska , that the
then Governor and Secretary would
at a future period be again brought
together by the mssterious changes
of time , aa tue most honored repre
sentatives of a populous and grow
ing State. It is worthy of note
that during all these long
years these gentlemen have
been strong aivl fastidious friends ,
both have eecared their positions by
the uupurcbased vote of Nebraska's
legislators and both at the time of
thair election were uutrammelea
by any promises of appointments.
In speaking of this wo wish to cor
rect an error made by our correspondent
pendent Gabe , wherein tie unin
tentionally did injustice to Senator
Paddock by nn allusion which
would imply that no senator had
heretofore been elected without im
proper influences.
The paople of Nebraska are to be
congratulated therefore upon having
in the national senate two repre
sentatives who will co-operato for
the welfare of tueir constituency ,
and who thoroughly understand
the wants of me State , having
both advanced with its growth from
its territorial infancy to its present
prosperous and p-ospectiy condi
tion. , ' ,
THE PROPOSED co iiritoMisB.
The proposed plan for the settlement
mont of the Presidential muddle
does not meet our approval. It is
* fhstavery unconstitutional ex-
nedient to remedy a defect in the
federal constituti n. A more satis
factory and fully as fe a way out
of the difficulty would be to allow
Hayes and li'den to throw dice for
the Presidency.
It is proposed to constitute a b > ard
for the decision of disputed ques
tions , to be composed aa follows ;
1 Five members of the Senate.
The-e of course will be Republi
2. Five raftmbei. of the House.
These of course will be Demo
3. Five members of the Supreme
Court , to bechosi-n In the following
manner , V-E : Four of them select
ed by the committee , and compris
ing two Democ ate and two Repub
licans , the fifth to be ehosen by the
other four.
Up to the choice of the fifth Judge
we hare a board or boards compos
ed of saven Republicans and seven
Democrats. Now , the question is ,
how shail the odd Judge be selected
and what anal ! be his political
_ faith ? The twoRapublic .n Judges
will probably suggest a Republican
brother to fill the vacancy. The
two Democratic Judges will suggest
a Democrat. Neithe : ill be like
ly to yield reauily , for on ; he choice
of this fifth Judga , in all probabili
ty , will defend the whole qnettion
of the Presidency.
And now we retch the kuotby
problem , how shall tue choice be
made ? Shall it b : made by place-
ing the names of the rema'uing
Supreme Judges in a hat , shaking
them up and drawing for the re
maining membar. If so , you might
just aa well omit th entire batch of
Senators , Representatives and
Judges and simply put the names
of the nine Supreme Judges in the
hat , and draw one name to decide
the Presidency ; or Better still lite
Tilden and Hayes , decide by tossing
coppers for tha prize. To assume
that this political predclictious of
( ho Supreme Judges will hare no
bearing on their verdict is vertually
to contradict the conclusion *
of the conference committee ,
that drafted the bill for the proposed
compromise They propose to create
a high court of arbitration made up
of eevrtn Republicans and seven
Democrats , leaving tha casting vote
to a person whose selection is to be
determined by chance. No mat
ter hour much confidence tha Su
preme Court may inspire aa
a court sitting judicially upon a
q-iestion brought before them in
their judicial capacity , we have no
more confidence in them as politi
cians , Hit tine in judgment as such ,
: huu we have iu any other eminent
meu chosen say ftom the Cabinet
or the Senate Chamber. No matter
what formalities are to be observed
u organizing the propos&d high
court of arbitration , the final ver
dict must necessarily depend upon
the chance of the judge who has the
casting vote.
It strikes us that it would be more
n consonance with the spirit if not
with the letter of the national con
stitution to allow the President of
the Senate to cosut the electoral
vote , and if the Supreme judges are
o have anything to dpwith
his ureat problem let them act as u
court and not as a political returning
THE BEE extends its thanks for
he numerous congratulations which
have been sent to us in the past few
days upon its final succass in the
six years' campaign. We resret
that want of time , from neglected
work of the pa t two weeks , pre
cludes personal response to all of
THKRE was gome very tall , as
well as some very short swearing at
Lincoln in the investigation o ! that
horrible case of "forgery. " Why
not send for Mr. C. E. Perkins , and
et him taKe a swear at his own
sign manual , and several other mat
ers. Gerald.
Mr. Perkins will come of hi * own
accord , and his testimony trill effec-
ually silence the malignant eating
louse acrobat whose endorsement
of forgers and perjuers like Flana
gan strikingly exhibits his true
A Tictorj of Rcfor .
Chicaio Tribune 19.
Ex-G v. Alrin Saunders , the last
3overnor of the Territory of .Ne-
> nwka , waa yesterday chosen by the
Legislature to represeat that State
n the Uaited tates Senate for ttee
ensuing six years from the 4th ot
Jerch next. The present Senator ,
Ai. Hitehcoek , was a candidate
or re-election , and had an
organized eupp-r , but ke was
reigned down with the salary grab
eoord , and was aln regarded with
d f vor on accnunt-nf an overplus
of devotion to the Pacific Railroad
uteresfs , uud nor all the power of
patronage and the potency of the
machine could force him up'on the
uiwillinirRepublicans , who-e num
bers were aurtlcienr to control the
itURtlon and at the last secure the
election in Gov. Kaunders of an
other and a batter representative of
he reform element of that party.
From -rniir till night. fr m ary ! day
Hi * ' . .
With te re in hir y i.
And witk numtroBi sigh : .
A ttbir wai wiel ins * weap in f aaiekt
A ilinptr. all woven witk cardinal red.
Which sh fl r ihtd trimmpiantly oT r kr
Iken broueht it with T ni u > on thi
Of the child omktrknea ,
Spank syavk. p nk-
ItkurU."bellow dh .
"Olaiionit. " quotktkt.
Spkik , ipaik. pank.
Spank , ipant , ipank.
Thtre'c a maiden who is now preparing to
But do y luppnia
That th < fair creatnr * kaowi
Thattk * thtaxhthas on < evea exttrtd ker
That rn long iht'll b playing a mether'i
ead part.
Witk hr pr-ei ui younc aarliir clasptd
close to h-art.
And a ilipper caneriac abort hii bare
That soon h will Uarn
Toipank. 'Dank , ipank ,
And thcuck bellow h ,
t-he willritht morile
Spaik , frank ipaik.
The Cbapl.iin of the Colorado
State Senate is a negro , Rev B F.
Watson , of tbe Methodist Episco
pal Church.
The .Hapti'tH have made rapid
progress in fi ting up their summer
campaign plan on Point Thau-
tauqua , Chaut uqn Lake.
The widow Van Cott has been
preachinj ha the Thirtieth afr * , t
Methodist Church , New York ,
which has bsan crowded from en
trance to chancel-rail with atteuti vo
Rer. H. A. Buchtel , a returned
r&i iion rynowstationed at Knight-
town , Indiana , writea that they are
in the midtt of a great revival , hav
ing a many as 240 inquiries at a
single m-eting
The Pope has senr a letter te a
German prelate , warning the Cath
olic clergy s aiuit the acceptance
of the infewyiity dogms. from any
other sve as a belief in it as
a Divine decree.
A rrritr'in the Irish Church Ad-
vecat itales thut at tha recsntopsn-
iugot a ehapel in England , lives
Baptist ministers were pra eut who
had been clergymen of the Estab
lished Church
Rev. James Presley , D. D. , who
was formerly well-kuown in the
Onit.vl Presbyterian Chureh , has
declined , it is said , an invitation to
the First Presbyterian church , New
ark , Ohio , ami returned to his home
near Pittsburg , Penn
The Moody and Baukey idea of
preacher and sinijer collal > . > rxttir ( i
zetting into the regular churches.
The Clark Street Methodist Church
in Chicago hm Rev. M. M Pxrk-
iiurac to prsauli aud Rav. W. A.
Span : r to siag the Go.pcl.
The juexiugton Methodist Confer
ence ( colored ) xrill meet ut Mays-
viile , Kentucky , March 4th , 1877 ,
Bishop Bowmau presiding. Tnis
conference embraces all of Ken-
: ucky aud parts each of Ohio and
Cndiana , and is doing a good \rork
for Methodism among the colored
The Unitarian ministers are ma
iurins ; a plan 'or the holding- min
isters' institute * , to meetbipunially ,
aut in the years when the National
Conference docs not meet Ihey
will la t each ons wc k , and will be
devoted to Inutu es in cpscial de-
artmrnt . The first will be hold
n September next.
RfT. B.V Parker , who wnt
out from N . ' London , Connecti
cut , forty four years ago , to the
Bandsvich l I&nl. , on avrhtloAhip
B now visiting his home for the
first time. Seventy thou and p r-
sona Lave been received info ihe
church in tha I l mta since the first
entrance of ths misvormries.
Th United T5fp-- 'p'j report , for
LS7C.4.U7S churni < . ill m-rease of
08,1 3,885 meniheifan ini'reaceo'
7.8U5 : 1,92 miuntors , an lucrease of
16. During the year , 3339,709 were
raised 'or all purpuess ; of ails sum
f329 296 wer- for the support of the
ministers. This church has an ofli
cial publishiug nou- at D&jton , O
The revivkl meetin-js under
ft3e5srs. GraYM aud inland , at If us-
catiue , Iowa , are bpoken of as un
precedented. Tha entire oi'y and
all its surroundiuga are under the
influence of this wonderful work.
Scores of the young aud some of
the moutprominent and v/oalthy cit
izens are theaubjsc'gof this remark
able raviyal.
Ihe ' 'Association Dominicale'
a new French Ror&au Catholic so
ciety for the promotion of bettnr
observance of the Sabbath , ja reported -
ported to be making great progress
in F Ance under the patr mega of
the bishops. The motto of the As
sociation is a eayine of the present
Pope : "France will only be saved
by a return to the canctificatiou of
the Sunday. "
Rev. Dr- Riley , Protestant mis
sionary , says that the assumption of
the presidency by General Porfirio
Diaz will not harm prote-tant in
terests in Mexico. General Diaz
represents the liberal interests of
the republican party , aud ia not aa
advocate of the Roman Catholic re
gime The Episcopalians , at least ,
receive encouragement from the
The dloraviau Year Book for 1877
reports 13 bishops in diQereut parts
of the world , and 97,362"memb r .
Of this total 67,413 are to bo found
iu the missions. The territory oc
cupied by the "bretheru" is dividwi
into three prorincas German ,
British and American. The Ger
man province contains 7,749 mem
bers , the British 5.675 , aud the
American 13,763.
Thb K-formet1 Church of the Un
ited States , popularly known a * the '
German reformed. reports for 1876 ,
one General Synod , six Distnet'
Synods , forty-five , 684 min
isters , 1.333 conreg\tnna ! and 141 ,
692 members. Thecontrib'Uiotis to
benevolent object ? were $71 9S8 ;
t'ie ' contributions to loc..l object * , |
$33J,193. The nnmber of student * '
preparing far the miuMry is 162 [
Ihe Universaliat Register /or
1877 reports the statistics of the dp-
nomination for the United States
and Canada to be twentr two Stata
C nventona : , represented in one gen
eral convention ; 69 associations , 88 !
parishes , wi'h 41,029 families ; 656
church organisations , with 39,94' '
members ; 641 Sunday schoels , hav
ing 59,463 teachers and scholars
756 church oaificea , worth , above al
indebtedness , $7,465,496.
At the Broadway Congregational
Taboruacle , New York the pew
am onlv rented , the prices ranging
from (35 to S325 a year There are
SCO paws , which afford sittings fo
1,650 people. The income deriYe <
from the rents in a year amount to
$37 000. Out of this sum the Rev
Dr. Taylor receives $14 000 , and
$1 250 is.paid ror his life insurance
The church is said to be out of debt
and there is a surplus every year o
from ? 4 000 to S8,000.
The Indian Horn * Mission to the
Hanthal * reports 118 adults baptisec
lait vear , and the whole numbar o
2 133 pre ent corn noun Iran tb I
has been decided to ordain two o
the Santhal * to be iniwuouaries
among their countrymen , and to
have pastoral charge of some of thn
churches ; thirty rn u and two
women have bsen selected to act
* s traveling Elders , and to engage
in homa-to home visitation. Three
Santhai reading hooks have been
published , and other works a e in
Rev.Dr. . Twing , in reply to an
open letter from Bishop Huntington -
ton , sayi- that an average of five
cents a week from the 180,000 com-
rmiricauts , and from the same uum
bar ofuou-communicants , including
children , making a totol of 560.00C
porsoiif , Trould Kive aiu r.g. < rcgate of
1,456,000 , which inhjht bn distribu
ted s follows : Domestic Missions
300,000 perannumn ; Foreign Mis
sions , * OJ,000 ; Home Missions lo
Colored People , 400,000 ; Indian mis
sions , lOO.Ou'O ; education of young
man ror the ministry , 100.0.-0 ; age "
aud infirm clergy and widows and
orphans of deceased clergymen , and
36,000 ; work among the J w ; 10- ,
000 ; work ninong the Germans and
-candinavians , 10,000 ; work iu
Mexico , 2(1,000 ( ; Bible aud Prayer-
b.iok Society , 20,000 ; Church publi-
eation , 20 000 ; an average 10,000 to
each of forty-oue diocese * , 440,000.
Ten pictures from the Johnston
onlleition have been presented to
the Bostoa Art Museum
The attempt to cultivate the Eu
calyptus tree in the yard of the Un
ited 8tata Court House , at Charles-
cown , S. C. , has failed in COUHS-
quence of the recent frosts.
Mr. Coxwell , the eminent Eng
lish aeronaut , eudorMbs tbe opinion
that the North Polo may bureaclipd
by balloons under favorable circuna-
aiauces aud during comparatively
mild weather.
The State of Maine pays a $5
jounty for every bar killed within
ts limits Last yr was appRreut-
iy a good one , or rathe' a bad year
'or bears , for 549 were killed , cost
ing the State $2.475.
At Mar&bal MacVInhon's recep
tiou on December 25 , Jules Simon
was a guest , and presented his wife.
Tti re was also & number of Senators
and Deputies of ths Left who were
iresent at the Marshal's re idencs
b the first time.
Gati Chnzy , commanding iu
Algiers , has interdicted the admis
sion in thst country o the Djauure.
and all other Constantinople new-
japers , which are stimulating Mus
sulmans into the so called "holy
war1' frith Russia.
In the coal slia'e at VVsikon ,
Switzerland , a series of p > intd fir
soles , covoicd wi'h wickar-work
lave been found They are nup-
) ufecd to be the most ancient ovi-
lencos yet kuo\vu of the existence
of man , and belonging to the period
ntervening betweeu the two g'acial
This is tha way the Ashtab.i'a
disinter appeared in Paris : New
Yorz , DiU'itmhss 80 List night
the express train on thePacific rail
road was sroppisd by a considerable
collection of enow on the wooden
jrldgo near Ash tiabula , near Salt
Lake. The train , preceded by iis
suotr plow , lacked some hundreds
of metres , tlieu started under a full
he d o' steam to try and force a
passage. The bridge broke under
tha , and the train fell into
tb * river from a height of 75 feet.
It is believed that 100 passengers
were killed , and about 52 wounded.
A belief iu tilor-poisonmg by
means of green dresses aud green
wall papers has already been forced
upon the public by some tolerably
conclusive evidence ; but it seems
that the mischevious propensities of
this color are Inr from being yet ex
posed. A French savant , Mr. Paul
Bert , has just exhibited against it
article * of impeachment of the
gravest character , supported b ? re-
rorts of a whole serias of atartline
experiments. If bi theory is true ,
it is nont only the anenic u ed in
producing the color which does tha
injury , but the aciual color itself ;
and a mere ray of green light is ca
pable of affecting the health of tha
person ezpcand to it , apart from all
aid Hfforded to it by the smell or
presence o/ / arsenic To demon
strate tlii * alleged fa t , M. Bert has
submitted several specimens of the
sensitive plant to rays ot difierent
colors thrown upon them through
stained glass , and iu every case
those which were treated to the most
brillir.ut green light with
ered and died in the short
est time. In those plants which
wire exposed to a red light a ps-
ouli&r phenomenon wa observed ;
the tips or spikes of the leaves pro
longed tnem"8lvea and grew for
ward in a lean and hungry fashion
hoiizmtally with the branch from
which tluy sprang ; vrliile in a blue
light t'ie contrary efleut was pro
duced , the npikes landing out ab
ruptly aud perpendicularly from
th ir stem OJ > "neor their planti
being closed ju sort of Jan fern ,
having red glas on one side stud
green on ihe other , ius > ted of
shrinking away from the poison cu
their right to the roeate ° autidofe
on their leit , the leaves , us if by n.
fatal fascination , turned with one
consout the other way and literally
looked death in the face.
The early worm gets caught.
Gold Is not yet se low that people
refuse to take it
The dentist who was in a tight
placa managed to pull out.
If a prisoner cannot be bailed out ,
let some interviewer pump him out.
Texas hotel keepers wish every
Tfind would bring them a North
Do not take it to heart if a patent
Medicine man asks you how your
liver is
Ole Bull is not partial to the mua-
ie af Wagner. It is too much for
one flJdle.
There are so many courts that the
tailors do uot know where to bring
their suits.
When whisky is down to sixty
cents corner store Merchants natur
ally set low spirited.
An Illinois girl clayed Logan's
photograph forthejask of spades ,
said "He's "
and , a trump
The borse that has spe < * d and bot-
iooa In the animal on which a man
should bet his bottom dollar.
They do not know how to
diapos * of the Vanderbilt property ;
but where there's a will there's a
way. '
Tha arrival of a abort man in a
Western town is mentioned in the
papers under the head of "personal
A c.hild tat down on a hot stove
hearth ia Fittsburch , and vras per
manently branded with the words ,
"Bass Burner "
Vandsrbilt's great motto was ,
"Mind your own business" If
everybody would do that they might
become millionaires.
The Tforld goes on well enough
without Commodore Vanderbilt.
There ii no man living whose place
can not be rendily filled.
Elites cays the creuation chaps
have been making incinerating re
marks on his friend , Baron von
Palm , and they must be stopped.
A little boy in Stockton , Cal. ,
stuck a red hot poker into the bun-
bole of % ke ; that contained a pound
of gunpowder The result was all
that h could have expected.
A Broad vay india-rubbsr firm re
cently telegraphed to St. L uis ,
'Arcticshoes , St. Louis sias , are not
built in this eity. But we can ssnd
you a modal of ihe Great Eastern. "
TSo Boston Transcript says that
nil trua mas c is in the middle
notes We had remarked this fact
when a member of tha Philhar
monic Society found ten cents in a
ptper of tobaeco.
Millions of swallows went soutk
frem Call ornia * as usual last fall ,
and have just returned in midwinter
ter , which is very unusual. Did tbe
political atmosphere down thcra
disagree with them ?
Ic is said that uaorga Washington
shaved himself , and it is sublime to
think of tue father of his conutry in
his shirt sleeves , with a towel on
his arm , tearing about tbe home
for a piece of paper.
Baseher and Tilton rode together
in a palace car on the Ktr York
Central raiiro id No other passen
gers were in the car , yet they did
not avail tliemielvsn of this first-
class opportunity to fljjht a duel.
The Farmer's Vindicator explains
something by saying : "Weaakour
readers to exuaa all shortcoming *
in this iR'iis , a4 our foreman has
been quite sick and none of the
other bauds understand it as well. "
A little boy wa very mush exor
cised for fear he would not know
tiis father when he got to Heaveu ,
but his mother eased his mind by
Baying , "All you will have to do is
to look for an augel with a red
nose. "
A S u Francisco lawyer received
a TTooden jackaw as a Christmast
; ift from his fellow practitioners in
the Police Court , and he says : "I
tnor. how hard it in to pick out
suitable presents , butl r.lmoat think
an iusslt was intended "
An eager younf man rang the
sell t.t a Washington street house
Sunday evening , and the eldest
daughter came in with smiles to let
litn in , and just as she opened the
door , a small boy , all out of breath ,
reached the front gate and yelled :
' Ho , Jim ! Bill say ? as how you
must come right home. He says as
how 'taint your turn to wear that
store shir ; this week , no how ,
'cause you wore it last Sunday , and
how he's 'pintment
ic says as got a
o go and see a girl over iu
But Rome , and tin'c he just hop-
) in' mad " The young man on the
loor-stsp looked u though there
was a pain in him somewhere.
'Rome Sentmol.
A monument to the great Swedish
naturalist , JL/iunreus , was unvailed
n Stockholm yesterday , the 100th
anniversary of his death.
William E Martin , of Plt'snurg ,
asked a companion to sing tlie revi
val hymn. "The Sweet By and By , "
and at the close of the first verse
tilled himself with a pistol shot.
It ia understood that the decision
> f the Virginia-Maryland boundary
ine Commissioners in against the
former State , thc-cilizena of which
will thus lose the greater part of the
valuable oyster beds in Pokomoke
The temperance promoters have
ust been convicted of a great blan-
ler in London. They had opened a
> eople'rt oiillee rooms at low price ? ;
> ut a correspondent who sallied
urth on a Into terrible night to test
heir utility fount ! all the gin places
3rwded ana ablaze with tioinfort ,
jut the "Poople'b C.ifes' closed , at
3:30 : p. ru. The excuse made by the
uanajiers was that it did not "pay"
o keep them open after workiug
Recently samples of rn'id cnufaln-
nz silver were sent to San Fran-
clfcco. At first there was a pretence
of secrecy as to where the stuff came
rom , but later a company ol capi
talists were told that Mud Springs ,
O gen , was the pUce that yeleled
such richne-s. These men were
cautious and wculd not invest any
money before an investigation
They sent some of the mud to Pro-
fe'sor Silliman of Yale College ,
who informed them that the sliver
had been added oy human agency ,
and evidently pa sed through a
quartz mill. Ihe authors of tbe
fraud are to ba prosecuted.
Ihe people of Los Angeles took a
very unique method of preventing
a threatened influx of Chinese la
bors. A parly of six hundred ar
rived there a few days ago and
camped near tbe new depot. The
citizens immediately started a re
port that the peculiarity of the clim
ate causes the no to grow to a
formidable long h , and that the In-
diuns invariably seize Chinamen
by their elongated appendages and
wring their heads oil. A few min
utes before the time for the depart
ure of tbe train for Indian Wells the
Chinese se'zed ' their baegage , dash
ed it from the cars , and stampeded
ovei hills and out of sight ,
The census of Purls is looKed for
ward to much interest In 1700 the
populxton numbersd 720,003 inha
bitants Toward the end of the
e'ghteenth century it had dimin
ished to 6 0,000 , and continued to
decrease until 1801 , when it num
bered 546.000 From that time it
has steadily risen , fn 1831 it was
774338 , In 1836 900 1T6 Twenty
years later it readied 1,538 613 In
1860 the annexation of all the dis
tricts comprised between the old
Octroi boundary and the fortifica
tions had the effect of swelling the
numbers to 1,700 000 and to 1,825
000 in 1866 These additions nearly
doubled the area of the cspital. In
1872 the population showed a slight
falling off compared with 1870 , bs-
ing 1,551,702 , against 1,800,000 in
tke later year.
There are six universities in Rus
sia , two in St Petersburg , and one
each iu Moscow , K-a an , Odeda ,
and Knarkoff. In 1866 there were
In all of them 3,591 students. In
1871 the number had increased to
5,801 , but in 1876 it had diminished
again to 4,492 As a rule Russian
students have no resources of their
own , and aie obliged ! o give lessons
to support themtelvca. At Moscow ,
many of them especially the medi
cal students , are said to be in a
rniserabls condition. From 1870
to 1873 while 3,224 students finished
tvieir course oi studies. 2,911 were
compelled to 'desist without taking
their degrees Several scholarships ,
of the amount of from $100 to S2CO
yearly , have been founded b. ia
Government aud bv private lib-ral-
ify , but there number is irtill far be
low the number or students who
hKVt ) no means of subsistence but
miserable paid leaaous.
When a man in ew York has
once taken a iiue house he doesn't
like to leave it even if his income
begins to fall. It mates people talk ,
aud his position may be effected.
There died not long ago a gentle
man , who up to his death , had been
paying $10,00' a year for his house ,
and eould leave nothing for his fa
mily. Ha took it when times wera
flush and didn't Rive it up. In
London , where rant * are higher
than anywhe e except New York ,
no one ha pa'd such a rent as this
since Lord Palmerston , when Prime
Minister , pai-J the * ome sun for
Cambrige House in Piceadilly. He
was childless , eighty , had ail incorae
of 20 000 a yars iu real eatau nnd
salary , and his \vife bud upward of
20,000 a yaar more , London men
with 100,000 a year In the most
sol.d securities are content with
houss rented at ' .000 yeaThs
London rants of t\.o two ri3hest
men it. England did not amount to
$7,000. Their propsrty vras worth
{ 80,000,000.
A bslieve in color-poisoning bv
me ns of green drej en and green
wall papers has already been forced
upon the public by some lolaribly
conclu'ivc evideiiBO ; but It seems
that the mischievous propensities of
thi. " color are far f om being yet
fully exposed. A French savant ,
M. Paul Bart , has ju-t exhibited
against its articles of impsachment
of the gravest character , supported
by reports of a whole series of
startling experimauts. If his theory
is true , it u not on'tne arkenio
usad iu producing tha color which
does the injury , but the p.otual color
Itself ; and a mere ry ofgrean light
is * pable of aflVctiag the health f
the person exposed to it apart from
all aid afforded to it by the srmll or
pra-ience of arsenic. To demonstrate
this alleged feat , Mr. Brrt has sub
mitted savcral spauimer.a of the
sensitive plant to raya of diffsrent
colors thrown upon them through
stained glasi , and in every cae
those which wer treated to the
most brilliant green light withered
and dipd in the uhortest time. In
those plaufa which were exposed tea
a red light a peculiar phenomenon
was observed ; the tips or pikes of
the le&voa prolonged themselves
and grew forward in a lean and
hungry fasbioa , horizontally with
the brancu from which they sprang ;
while in a blue light the contrary
effeft was produced , the spikes
standing out abruptly and perpen
dicularly from their stern. On one
of tbe plants being inelosad in a sort
of lantern , having , red-glass on one
side and preen on the other , instead
of shrinking away from the poison
on the right to the roseate antidote
on their loft , the leaves , as if by a
fatal fascination , turned with one
conent the other way and literally
looked death in the face.
Ostrich farming is carried on
with tbe best sacces at the Cape of
Good Hopa Choice bird * * are worth
i3of ( each They feed on grass like
cattle , and lequire verv little cara.
TJsuaMy they are tolerably docile ,
but at the breeding aea on they h-
cotne irritable , aud will often attack
a person who ventures too ueai
them Eac'i bird yields from S150
to $200 worth of feathers per -year
Those from 'he female are gray ,
nnri those from the male black , ex-
ptpt a single white plume which
groA'3 under each wintt , and which
is the most valuable of all.
The noble red man is the pull-
baok on the outskirts of civilisation.
Ifr. Hill Keith , of Like Forest ,
N. C . having loat his wife laatyear ,
was married to her mother on
Christmas day.
Every once in a while some
scientist rises and says that the
moon is dead. This scicutitla fact
is what makes younar lovers on a
frosty night lingwr at tha gate n3
look up at the corpse.
A Louiiiaua paper wants to know
what a New York citizen would
think if He saw in New Orleans the
most beautiful girls in the world ?
Probably here Id think of in
New Orleans more lasses.
It recalls what Dundreary said
about it : "Yaa * , ahe was a nice
girl. I WAS c Koiug to mary her
m-myself , but I d-didu't get up that
m-morning , or aorneting of th-that
sort ; I d-don't w-weeollact now ju-
juth what it wath. "
A man In Cinciuna'i owned a pet
panther. Hawentoflrecently with
his wife and family for a visit of a
couple of days , leaving the pet pan
ther and his mother in law to keep
houso. On his rtturu hii grief can
be imagined on discovery that It
was the panther that was dead , not
the moth-r-in-laxv. The old Isdy
had talked the poor animal to
A fashionable London preacher
recently said : St. Paul remarks ,
aud I partially agree with him . "
An ajed Pailadol hiau is so de
vout that he often drops on hw
knees on the streets and loudly
pray * for those whoso einfulnesa he
There are 43,000 clergymen in the
United States ; but even tli s num
ber hava not succeeded In working
the morals of the community up to
that point where ail will pay on a
crowded horse car.
On a panel in a church wall in
Valparaiso , Chili , is a painting rep
resenting the emperor of Germany
and Princa Bismarck pquirining in
the flames of hell , while the devil
is poking the imperial chancellor in
the back with a red-hot fork.
Leonard Harper Johnson , of Vir
ginia , has devised a new religion.
Its leading ideas are that Johnson
is tohava one-tenth of the money
of his followers and aa many wives
s h2 can get. Thus far he has ob
tained more w'vea ' than money.
There is many a true believing
C risian : man who hides a mean
act from hu companions , but who
his very little respect for the invis-
inlf aciiols that cee him. And yet
he is the very man to brag on an-
Ni\v York Graphic : It ia easier
for s. camel to go through the knee
oan idol than for a young man to
50 through u church fair without compelled to buy tickets in
the raflle ot saven pincushions
.tuffad with bran
A traveler visiting a cathedral
was shown by the bacnstan , among
other marvels , a dirty epaque glasj
phial. Aftftr eyeing it for some
time , the traveler said : " Do yon
call this a relic ? Why it is empty. "
Empty , " retorted the sacistan , in
dignantly. "Sir. it contains some
of the darkness that Mo es spread
over the lard of Egypt "
When a man jumps out of bed as
the whistle blows for quarter to 7 ,
lights the fire , carried in the coals ,
dres > a the ohildrei , draws the wa
ter , blacks his boots , shaves him
self , eats his broakfott , lias family
worship when a man does all this
and then goes down on the eight
o'clock train , he realizes the fact
that * ome things can ba done as
well as others , and that there is
nothing like living in the country
iu the winter.
Presbyterian minister ( portent
ously ) : "James , there ia a very
dreadful thing ! You have heard
thare is one 4pauud missing from
the box ! " Jarnej ( the ba.vlle who
H s'rongly au&pectudj : "Deed , sir ,
so they were telim' me. " Minister
( solemnly ) : "James , you and I
! oue had access to the box " James :
"It's just aa ya pay , B r ; it must lie
between u * fvj. ! Au' the best
way'll je , yon fo pay the one-half ,
an' I'll pay tbe tither , an say na
mair about it I1' [ Punch.
Watterzon would uot have Cro-
nin's nose for $3,000.
Augustus Sctiell is the now boas
of Tammany , vice Kelly. He hopes
he Schell be as big a man as Tweed.
Rav. E. E. Halo has s. new story
called "Tha Adventures of a Pull
man Car. " It does not let Tilton
Kentucky can raise a bigger neu
tral army than any other State.
tVatterson's fi et draft is for 10,000
The debt ol New York city in
creased $3,000.000 during the last
yew. The city is for Tilden and
reform. It * whols debt Is now
An exchange says , "Crocket ,
Texas , has a reading club aud is se
riously talking of local option. "
When Croekett ia right it should go
It issrid that before Senator Nor
wood became a politician , be was
orthlnolo ist in fact had a perfect
ptsf-iou for birds But he never
could describe a briek bat , even after
ho beoaoie a politician.
Too Cold fur Kittslug.
The St Joseph Chronicle , of the
16th , forcibly illustrates the severity
of yesterday' * cold nap in the fol
lowing interesting incident :
Last nicht was no time forkigalmj
in the open air. This is what a
chap says who tried it at a gate on
Tenth street , and had to thaw the
lips of hirnacl' RIM ! sweetheart zpart
with a burning match before being
aole to srart home Beaide.s this ,
he not both of hia big toes frozen ,
his left ear frosted , and will proba
bly have to substitute another nose
for the smeller th t he was carrying
around this morning. The truth of
the matter is , he's in a fearful pligh' ,
and credits it all to kiting.