V THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JANUARY22 , 1877-Eight Pages. HONEY FOR THE LADIES. A Danbury girl says a frosty mue tache is just like H p'ate of ice-cream "What would you do , madam , 1 ? ' " "Sir you were a gentleman what would vou do if you wen one ? " Whenever a lot of men underlain to crowd women out of a legitimati calling they make St. Paul respon sible for it. fcweet things in compliments Totty ( archly ) "And ycu'ye nevei been in love before ? Astonishing ! ' Horace "Oh , no. It would hav < been astonishing if 1 hd. since ] hare never seen you before ! " "P , " asked an up-town boy "what is meant by Paradise ? ' "Paradise , my eon , " replied the father , glfiomily. "Paradise is th latter part of n xt summer , when your mother goes on a visit to youi grandfather. " It ia sad to rt llect that the young woman who vas this Christina * working a gr e i bull-dog on hej Charles Henry d , jiuk slippers , maj be working a t > i e basement to hi * black pants next Clmstmaa. Sucli Jilife. - - Kute Claxton was saved at tht Brooklyn Theater by having a pet ticoat with her. Tins confirms oui opinion that no right-minded young man should attend n entertain ment without one. Those auburn-haired young la dies with noses buggestive ol a cold morning , and -fiho missed fl e dur ing the leap-year just passed , now sadly sing , "It may b four yean and it may ba forever. " "Do you reside in this city ? " aiked a masked m&n of a masked lady at a masquerade party the other evening. He felt sicr when Bhe said to him in a low Toice , "Don't be a fool , john ; 1 know you by that wart on your thumb. " II wu hi wife. He purchased his sweetheart a pair of ten button glores , and handed them in at the door him- elf The eervant-girl took them , and , going to the foot of the stairs , bawled up : "Please , miss , 'eres a young man ei has brought a pair ol legglu'tt. " The young man with an umorella and eye-glass who takes up his posi tion in full vi&w of the street cross ings on a sloppy day has become an object of considerable nympathy eince the introduction of India rubber - ber " Wellii ctons" for women. "I wish 1 wore you about two hours , " she said with great tender- neps. "And why. my dear ? " he asked with considerable interest. "Because , * ' she said , toying affec tionately with his watch chain , "be cause then I would buy my wi'e a new e t of furs.1' "What men need wives for" is discussed in the recent issue of an agricultural exchange. Any man who has gone around the house at 2 A. Al. , pistol in band , looking for a burglar , with b& wife ahead carry ing the lamp , ought to bo able to antwer that question. A fashionable young man lately presented bis sweetheart with a tring of pearls As she hung them joyou&ly around her neck a cloud ame over her brow , and uhe crUd , "Beloved , do not pearls betoken t &n ? " "Nary tear , " was the response ; "them's imitation " So many unsettled questions re main to vex American society that the Rr at Parisian problem , How to make a lady's 17-uutton glore that hall combine the advantages of & goatskin undershirt at.d a pa cni duplex shoulder-brace , has not re faired the attention it deserves. Anna Dickinson l 'nt very happy in love fcceneo , but when it cornea to moping around under the bed in the next act for the tyrant whom he married Just before the curtain fell1 , the critics bur t into tears and the'galleries focus their sympathy on the plate where the dust Is stirred up. Mistress "You're going to your brother's weeding to day , aren't you , Martha ? " Martha "Yes , 'etn , and I was agoin' to ast you , ' much o' the > ro | jf Yer see we're an' aud com- same Mghtu , figcer , pletchon , and style , as they say If yer could lend me a gown 'ter in ! " We are glud to see thai the ladies are again forming reading clubs for the winttr. The reading club is an organisation that discusses the char acter of bhakespeare'b Portia for fif teen minutes and the best manner of cutting a basque on the bus for an hour and a-h lf , and rarely fails to b of great prcflt. Mr . Spilkins biui seventeen calls New 1 ear's. The milkman called first at 6 a. m , then came fourteen men In succession with snow BUOV- 1s to ask her if she didn't want the sidewalk cleared , and the buUher called with his bill ab-mt 3 In the afternoon , and finally Spilkins him- elf called at 11:55 p. m. AdonlB "Miss Jor.rdo you con sider Brown o sv fully ugly ? " MiisJ "Dgly ! No , indeed I Why we all think him oxuamely nice- looking ! " Adoi'Ia-"Well , 1 waa talking to him on tue stair ju"t now , and a lady passed , and I heard her say , 'That's the ujliest man I erer saw I1 And there was nobody there but him and m / " The following conversation illus trative of Pjris life , was overheard m tbeCafe Anglau : "What a pretty woman ! " "Tea , she is a chanrer. " "And that monsieur , is it her hue- band ? " "O' . , no. " replied the other , ippiJ g his a' uthe ; "I should say certainly Lot , for I have eoen them driving ver/often , and , indeed , tbe ; were at Baden Ucether. " A young rn n who was courtier11 a Boston girl upset n can ot Kero ene upon her pet dog. In theflur ry of hie anxisty to repair the mis fortune be picked -he animal upan.i set it before the stove to dry. Th ? experiment could not have been en tirely successful , as she wrote him that night : "We have met for the last time. You can't extrwt any mere of the equare root of my fcflec tion. " HLAP AND VALUABLE BOOKS For Farmers ana Stock-Kaisers. As an inducement for farmer and stock raisers to subscribe for th ( BEE , the publisher has completec arrangements for receiving all tb ( leading works on agriculture , stock raising , ad ail other works pertain ing to the specialties of farming , 01 cattle , sheep , horse , or other stock raising ; also , treaties on trains vegetables , aud oth r produce , &c , atraes _ ( from 15 to 30 per centt belo - lo v the letail priced. The benefit of this reduction will be extended exclusively to our patrons. As ar illustration we herewith append s few of the leading valuable works , which really should be in the hands of every farmer who wishes to ex cel , at the terms specified. We will furuibh the WEEKLY BEE one yeai in addition to the books named , foi the prices referred to. ELEMENTS OF AGrtlCULTURE , < V Book for Young Farmers By Qeo. Waring , Jr. ; 254 pages ; cost ] fl.OOwith the Weekly BEE one year for $2 50. NEW AMERICAN FABM BOOK. Originally by B. 1 . Allen , re vised "and enlarged by Lewis F. Allen , 526 pages , embracing a com prehensive and thorough treatise ol every branch agriculture , cultiva tion of the land , changing of crops , raising cereals , vegetables , &c. , management of cattle , horses , sheep , hogs , fowl , building houses , cisterns , fences , making all necessary useful calculation , and in fact embracing everything of value to the farmer. Cost , neatly bound , $2.50 ; with the Weekly BEE one year , for $3.75. AMERICAN POMOLOGIBT. Apples The most complete trea tise on apple culture published ; 293 illustrations , 750 pages ; cost $3.00 ; with Weekly BEE one year , for $4.00. HARRIS ON THE PIG. Breeding , bshaving , manage ment and improvement , with nu merous illustrations ; cost $1.50 ; with the weekly BEE one year , for $3.00. TUB SHEPHERD'S MANUAL. A practical treaties on the sheep ; illustrated ; by Henry Stewart ; cost fl.50 ; with Weekly BEE one year , for $3 00. MODERN HORSE DOCTOR. Causes , nature and treatment of diseases and lameness in horsea ; cost $1.50 ; with Weekly BEE one year for $3.00. BROOM CORN AND BROOMS , a treatise on raising broom corn and making brooms , on a smail or h rge scale. Cost 75c ; with Weekly BEE one year , $2.50 , THE AMERICAN CATTJ E DOCTOR , EI complete treatise on the diseases of CATTLE , SHEEP AND SWIMJ. J76 pages , illustrated , cloth gilt. Dost $2 50 ; with BEE one year for f3.75. GARDENING FOR PROFIT En the Market and Family Garuen ; by Peter Henderson ; finely illus trated. Cost $1.50 ; with the Week ly BEE one year for $3 00. , THE WHEAT PLANT , Its origin , culture , growth , develop ment , composition , varieties , dis eases , etc. , together with remarks i corn , its culture , etc. ; profusely illustrated ; 706 pages. L'ost $1.75 ; with Weekly HER for F3.15. FARM GARDENING AND SEED GROWING , By Francis Brill a book useful for every farmer , gardener and tiller of the soil. Cost $1.00 ; with WEEKLY BEE oae year $2.60. BABRY'S FRUIT GARDEN , 160 pages , well illustrated and com plete. Cost $2.50 ; with WEEKLY BEB one year for $3.60 MISCELLANEOUS . ouqaaiia > u ; qaina oaojoq rcoud pas joojt luo otnmvTO o ? potranbai en uciqqof QHV mm si raciraa tiTsnoHji OUT HV-DIO Jfttwhat , u&cmrtnnt3 SJlorf , 13. un5 pougfas fir , _ MEDICAL. _ forest Tar. For throat , lanes asthma and kidneys. TAB SOLUTION , FOREST for catarrh , consnmption bronchitis and asthma. TAR TROCHES , FOREST throat , hoarseness , ticklini cough and purifying the breath. TAR SALVE , FOREST or healing indolent fores , uioers , cute burns , and for piles. TAR SOAP , FOREST hande , salt rheum , skin dis eases , the toilet and bath. FORt.OT TAR INHALERS , or Inhaling for catarrh , consumption asthma. FOR SALE BT ALL DRVOOISTS. aep2S d8m _ Are one ef the most valuable of oar na tive fruits. Cooling and astringent , the ] form when compounded and medicated thi very best and safest remedy known foi Diarrhea. Dysentery , Flax , and what ia commonly called the Summer Complaints , Thesa are always troublesome and sometime ! terribly fatal , especially among children ; Many [ ires might be saved by d-ing then prompt attention , and care. On the othei hand , many lives are sacrificed by the use ol preparations containing laudanum and othei plates. Dr. Green's Blackberry Cordial I lust what it represents to be ; a pure medica ted compound containing nothing injurioui to the system , ytft prompt and effective tc check and cure these diseases in men and women. Being made without alcohol , it if the very best and safest remedy for children. After this disease is checked the bndy u generally-left worn and debilitated. A tiarl ) and moderate use of lr. Green's Bittci Tonic will revive and build it up , giving tone and vigor to the whole system , with an in creased andheal.hy appetite. If your drug gist does not keep Dr. Green's Family medi cines , send to the proprietors , E. T. Bart- ruff & Co. , Burlington , Iowa , and they will Bend yon trial samples , as well as circular and testimonials. ForsslebyJ. K. Ish. and by C. F. Good man. man.EXPECTORATION. EXPECTORATION. Is the act of discharging from the throat and chest matter that arises from colds , in stead of scattering and distributing it through the blood , and poisoning it. B ; thus assisting the Lungs. Throat and Chest , Dr. Green's Expectorant cures Colds , Coughs. Asthma. Bronchitis. Croup. Dyp- thena , Whooping Ceugh and all affections of the Lungs. Throat and Chest , and the first stages of Consnmption and Typhoid Fever , its qualities are Expectorant. Seda tive Fectorial and Alternative. It does not stop the cough as most preparations do. by their anodyne and astringent effects , retain ing the mucous and offending matter in the blood and causing permanent disease of the Lungs , but it cures by loosening the cough and assisting the lungs and throat to throw off the offending matter , which causes the cough , thus scientifically making the cure perfect. It at once alleviates the m jst dis tressing cold on the lungs , soothes and allays irritation , and breaks up Whooping Conga No better remedy can be found for Asthma. Bronchitis. Croup and all affections of the Throat Lungs and Chest , and if continued in use will subdue any tendency to Consnmp tion , Lung and Typhoid Fever. If the liver is torpid or the bowels consti pated , a few doses of Dr. Qreen's Liver Pills will assist nature. No better cathar tic can be found , for sale by C. F. Goodman and J. E. Ish. mchl4-lteSthd-lv - - IUTCE neuralgia. Face Ache , Rheumatism. Gout Frosted Feet. Chilblains. ; Sore Throat , Krysipelis , Bruises or Wounds in man 'or Animal. valuable horse bad swelling and hard lumps his throat ; could not swallow ; applied Giles' Liniment loduleof ammo nia : instantly soreness _ and lumps disappeared. I UUfell and cut my hand on a rusty nail , applied the lin O imet. healing it up with out experiencing soreness. Ill No stable or family should it JTbe without it. 1HOMP- 5S OSON & BROS. , 17th and * . .Vine Ste. . Philadelphia. S f ) Sold by all drnggifcts. g "JDepotNo. 451 SlxtF AT * . nne New York. OnlySOc and Wper bottle. T . IT & TQTT rm. A A * * * " * ' . BITTER As are the experiences of this life , nont ire without its silver lining. Troubles and saxes come ; some abide with ns ; some past the is , tomorrow iway. To-day body vigorous row it is dead and gone ; life at best is short find the great problem how to perpetuate it is still unsolved. Life , however , can be pro- lojged , the weak and feeble body made itrong , no matter from what cause induced , ind instead of being a burden to dispeptic ind debilitated bodies , cin be made an en- luring pleasure ; but how ? Simply by the laily and moderate use of Dr. Green's Bit- Tonic. This truly medicinal prepara- jon i not a cheap and trashy article , in- nded simply to stimulate and then leave ie eecond etate of the body worse than the list , but it gently relaxes the bowels , stid llaUs theliyer. ranking it work off the po ! lononn hnmorot the bloodcontrols undrvsn * ates digestion , thereby remorin the cause > f headaches I cJ low spirits , relieves flatu- ency and foul stomach , giving tone and liability to that organ with in increased and lealthy appetite ; regulates fr male weaknesi prevents fever and ague and malarious ais- : ase , protects the system from unwholesome lirand impure water , and vitalizes and .ones the whole body against all attrcks of liseaso. Try it and you will find it pleasant x > the taste andhealmg to the body. In sudden or severe cases of Liver Com plaint , or in constipation of the bowels , a taw doses f Dr. Green's Liver Pills will as- liet the Tonic in a cure , and if you are shak ir with the ague. Dr. Green's Ague Pill nil drive it away. For sale by 0. P. Goodman andby J. E. [ sh mehll-lteSd-lT ' ' t = d 6 G. ANDREEN , -MAKOFACTDRfcB Of ALL KINDS OT- FIRE AND Burglar Proof Safes ! VAULT DOORS , JAIL WOrtK , Ct . Repairs of every nature in this line prompt ly and satisfactorily done. New and second-hand safes always on hand. Hanntas v on Ilarney stre t , one door west f an Dora's machine shops. OMAHA. nnl'Stf LEGAL NOTICE. JohnK Edwards , TtrloffniJk Co. Chitago 111 Individual rame of firm unknown. Before J ngust Weiw , Justice of the Peace In and for Douglas county Neb. On the 6th day of January. 1877. sail jus tice isjaed an order of attachment in the iboTe a.-tion for the sum of 9T > 00. J. K. LD WARDS. Ianl7-w"t MU.'M 111 Apn ! vmntMI coRn * . BuitDm toivormbly and firj > 69U rutlralan ! Mil frra &ddm > < > Hruw Mr , f on ' o < lK Croira. Prri * t > a Obiea.Vluon' Krao , Fet DDL IAO. nSivfloo * w a Mll- tin * > . t SclntbeHhan t9trj5tCoEi.lt ! t i Un 3 M A H & . ajirt ; ; H 1 C A G Viruunt Irnpro'-mrnit UATD taicen i > u < e CP-VBTOI reduniu GitJo , * na placing j . Hh Etotl BtiJf "Uldicf to 1U roUlai ij KW and Eleeaci U A T MMO n VKPIKG CAUi equipped with the"We3in2&ouMAJr Brake' nd ' 'Mlllei Platlorm ' e tablishlng wmlortt ,1- and commodious Eilln ? Hcuresoticrln < ivl > t cmlirte ol trevellnr the age can prodnit J onsi tolOfart Errres * Traics rnii eiuy wy dally over tha various line * ol tbl roau thun lecnrlnr to the traveler 'eelecUng thi route sure and certain connections In inr ill "otlc-a homavTieh U sro. Prt tDC.I COBM6OttOt . AT MIS8ODRI VALLEY JUNCTION fo : Sioux City , Yaukton and points reached vl : Sioux City and Pacific rsllroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION lor Fort .DoiUa Des Moinef , Ottawa and Keokuk. AT HAESHAiAIorSt. Paul , Ulnneapolin Diilnth. and uorthcostern n&luu. AT CEDAR BAPID' ' Jor Waterloo , Ced : Falls. Chariot Cll , Burlington and 8u Ixxiis AT CLINTON arDubnque , DncWth , Pral rie du Chien , La Crorse. and all point * OP tin Chicago , CUnton and Dubnque , and ChiraKu flubuque and Minnssota rsilroads. AT FULTON lu Freeport , Rccln * Mlllwai. EMiUid all polnta In Wisconsin , AT CHICAGO with I1 rallf ar UECI leadlc > nt 4 Chicago THROUGH TIOKEIV o iuj saiuxn atle via t"Ua Uce can DJ jin , curej , snd any Information obtained , concern mg Routm , KAMA , etc. , , the Ticket OZt ? In th Union Pacific Depot Onuha , aud nliop tbe principal Ticket Offices on the line ol U. < 0. P. . ft. AU information regardine pxiaengera oi tr ight ehesrfullv iurniihed , and eltyplcg cs ; oyrth ! for sale it tbe Company's office , i' > bVrnhsra st. ( Grand Central Hotel ) , Omaha. SVBaggKge chocked through Irom Omaha--e = W. HrsTENNETT , MAKTIN HUGK1TT. Gen'IPacsInge'r Ag t. GUI. Sup'u D. E. KIMBALL , UAH. AT5INS , Ticket Ao't , Omaht. Gen'l As' : Omaha J. B. MOUNTAIH , g. HAIGHT , Weet'nTr BT Art. . Omaha. a. . I = ° S IS it ! Mica Wf Pel w VS I = THBAKORTQ WESTERN KA LWAY. Embraced under one mxnagtmtnt the On. a Trunk Railway lines of the West and North west. and. with its numerous branches anc connections , forms the shortest and quickes route between Chicago and all points in 111 inois. Wisconsin. Northern Michigan , llin neiota , Iowa Nebraska. Callifornia and thi Western erritorics. Its OMAHA AND CALIFORNIA LINK Ii the shortest and best route between Chicago cage and all points in Northern Illinois Iowa. Dakota Nebraska. Wyoming. Coloa do. Utah. Nevada. California , Urcgon. t ti- on , Japan and Australia. Iti OUICAOO. ST. PAUL & MINNSAPOLK Line is the shorteH line between Chicari aud all points in Northern Wiicon in anc Minnesota , and for Madison , St. i anl , Min neapolis , Dnluth , and all points in the Greai Northwest- Its LCKO'SE. . WINONA 4ST.PETEKL1N1 Is the best route between Chicago and Li Crose. W nona. Rochcsterlwatonna Man- kato. S' Peter. New Him anil all point ! in bonthcrn and Central Mi nerotn. Its GREEN BAT AND MARQDKTTE LINE Is the only line between Chicago and Janes ville. Watertown , Foml du Lac. Oshkosh Appleton , "reon May , Esc aby , Negaunee Marquette , II ouch ton , Ilnncick. and the Lake Superior Country. Its FREEPORT AND DUbUQUE LINE I the only route between Chicago aud EI- crin. Rockford. Kroeuor- , and all points via Freeport. Its CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE LINE Is tve oldest Lake Shore Route , as is the only one passion h tween Chicago am j -anston. T.aki Korest. Ilich an I Park Waukegan , Hacine Kencsba am. Milwau keo. PCLLMlt rALACZnBJWIVIO BOOK CAE3 are runon _ all through trains o * this road. ibis is the only line running ttese cirs between Chicago and ht. Paul and Minneap Mis. Chicag nnd Milwaukee. Chicago am Winona or Chicago and Green Hay. Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake Shore * Michicun r-outhern ichigan Central , Bal iiso e & Ohio , Pitts- burg , Ft. Wayne & Chicago , Kruxakee Line and Pan Handle Routes , for all point : Esst and South east , and with the Chicago and Alton anil Illinois Central foi a 1 point South. Close connections are alto made with the Union Pacific R. R. at Omaha Itr all fai West points. Close co nectio s made at junction pointi wilh train ? of all cro.'i pointy. Tickets ov r this route are sold byal Coupon icket A gen IP in the Uni ed states and Canada. Remember , you a k for your tickets via the Chicago A North Western Railway , ant take none other. New } ork Office , No. 15 Broadway : Bos ton Office. No5 btate s'reet ; Omaha Office. 245 Farnham Street : ChicagoTUket Offices 62 Clark Street , under Sherman HOUBS ; 7o Cacal. corner Madi'on Street ; Kinzle Mrett Depot , corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets ; Wells Street Depot , corner Wells acd Kinzie Stree s. For rates or information not attainable from your home ticket agentd , KP , ly to W. II. STTMJKTT Gen. Pass Ag't/Chicago. MARTI * UUGHI.T. Gen Mang'r Chicago ian9j ST. PAUL , & SIOUX CITY. - AND - Sioux City & Pacific Railroads , 100 Mile ; Shortest Rou e teSt Paul , Minneapolis. Luluti or Eliirark , And the most dire t route to Sioux City and all points in Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. , NO CHAN IE OF CARS. Will run elegant Drawing Room and Sleeping Coaches , owned and controlled by the Company , througi without change be tween COUSCIL BLcrra AKB ST. PAUL. Trains will leave the Union Pacific Depot at OMAHA at 4 p. m. , and COUNCIL BLUFFS at 5 : p. m. . reaching SIO f X CITY at 10.2n p.m. . and ST .PAUL , at 11 a m , T < ai9 , IS hours making TKf FOUKS IS ADVAKCK Or ILLOTHKt ROTTBS. Returning Will leave ST. PAUL a < p. w. . arriving at SIOUX CITY at 5a.m. , aodOSIAHa at 10 a. m. . ( HTTickets for sale in Chicago and North western Hallway offices Cennnl Bluffs ; Un ion Pacific Depot ; and Grand Central Ho tel , Omaha. that your tickets .read via "S. C. & P. R. R. " L. BURNETf. Superintendent. Missouri Valley. F. C Hills G-n'l Ticket . ut. Sioux City. J. H. O'ljRYAN. Southwestern Freight and Passenger Agt. raaySO tf Omaha. Gkeai Fans ! Free Homes ! ON THE LINK rF THE Union Paciiic R. R. A LAND GRANT OF 12,000,000 Acres of the Best FaraiBi & Mineral LauJs IN AMERICA. OOOOOO In Nebraska , IN THF. GREAT PLATTE VALLEY. rho On.rd.on of tlio "Wear. FOR SALE 2I.T PBIKS M OEFI COHPHITOIIIS fen years' credit. Interest only 6 per " -ent. "ree Homesteads for dctnalsettlers. Cho best location for colonies. Soldiers entitled to a homestead of 1GO acres. Free passes from Omaha to purchasers o ailroad lands. Descriptive pamphlet ? , vith sectional maps , and THE PIONEER. i handsome illnetra ed paper containing he homestead law , mailed free to all parts jf the world. Address. O. F. DA VIS , Land Commitsioner U. P. Railrvad , Omir/n. Jf S J. B. ! > ET WIL KITS JRPST STOB.BI 249 Dovcl < u-Sl. OUAIJA. IfBB THB IF.02I MOU1DHR8 UNION. No. 130 Otasora-rnsidint. A. S. Wrigley : Vice Ilio &i deatlemn : llccording Secretary rui . a.utio row ; Financial Se-retiry.A. J il059..e , Uonoaponding KepresentaliTe A. S. W. slw ; IretEurer. John B- Sheller ; In'Iac'vor.-.T'.lUaa LuinbDoorkeep9r. i"r ak FcratnitsTiVtttc3. . Cha . A. bparrow. Theme * Gentifciun. A. S. MISCELLANEOUS THE JSJflW YORK irg American Largest Oirctilat on AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE. I. It publishes all the news Th sei vant of no man and th > ; Iave of no party i can afford to and d s tell the t.-ut1 ab u all. all.II. II. It is impa tial and imlepandent. Be lipvinrin inlelligcat snfTr ge. i' aim ! : to fur nish voters the fullest and fair st infor.-a lion , to qualify them fet the wisest dischar ; of their responsibility. HI. It is , as italway was. eesentiall : republican It may quar el in the futnre aiit has done in the past with errors of Re publican leaders or corruptions in the Re publicm party ; butit c-in never cease tn b true to Republ ican principles r nd e 'i ecial ly to those golden dcctrinej of civil servii1 reform , hard money , the s nctity of ihi National faith , ana eqnal ju tice to al cbsses at the south , which formed the cor nerf tones of Gov. Hsye's adm'rable letter o accebtance. IV. Its moral tone is pure and clevtaod The family circle is reyer profaned by any thine which appears in the columns of tin Tribune. V. The choicest standard and current lit teratnre of the diy is presented in its col umr.s , including correspondence , oems stories , and reviews from the most talentei and popular writers. VI. It is the best and cheapest Farmer'i paper published. "The Weekly Tribuni has done m > re to make good farmers thai any other influence which everexisted. V'lTbo _ market repo'U of the Tribum are indispcnsiblo tev ry buyer and celle in tlie ceuitry. Quotations are iriven daih and week ! of almost every ariiclo bough and sold in the markets of the wor.d. art with unvarying and almost infallible ac curacy. Its cattle , butter and c-eose , ani other markets are thd recognized etandard yill. More copies of the Tribune an paid for and read by the American peopli ihan of any other newspaper ot eqnil pnci in the country a fact which is the be * demonstration f the vMue of the paper. IX. The readers of The Tribune renro sent laro > y the best enterprising and pro gressive minds of the country. Person ; who are interested in pure politics , the ad vancw of science , and the progress f opin ion , will find their demands met by Thi Tribune. X. Public approval and prosparity havi rewarded the independent and selfresp ctfn course ot The Tribune. It has a larger sni stronger corps of earnest w , rkers among it friends than ever before , and constantly re ceives from old and new readers words o encouragement. TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE. ( Postage free to tlie subscriber. ) Daily ( By mail ) one year . . -$10 00 Semi-Treekly-Om T ar- . _ . - 3 00 Five copies , one year . . . . 12 00 Ten copies 'and one extra ) one year . . . - . . . . . . . . 2500 Weekly One year . 2 00 Five copies , one year . - . 7 fO i en copieo , oneyear . . . . . . . . . 12 60 Twenty copies , one year. . , 22 0. . Unity copies , oneyerr - 30 00 Each per s MI procuring a club of ten 01 more sub cribers is entitled to one extra Weekly , and of fifty or more to a Semi- Weekly. To clereymen the Weekly Tribune will be sent one year for II 60 ; The Simi-Weeklj for S2.50. ape tte Daily for $ ? . tew Specimen copies fiee. CJrA ! > rents and canvassers wanted ir every town , with whom liberal arronge- ments will be made. tar All remmittancos at sender's risk , unless by draft on New York , poatal order , or in rcgistred letter. Address simply RAtLROADS. CHICAGO , & Pacific Raita THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE FEOM OMAHA TO CEIfAW AND THE EAST TUDra Molnsc , nvienuand Tale Boute beirg t ougrUy 9qulppe < ! wl Jogant new Coaches , lac f Sleeping Can.aE-1 laTing theSadrantage a smooth and well tca- toted track , oflers the travwllng publican KsM 2rn Line nnequa'.ed lor fipoeu , Comfort ns All Passenger Tralni are equlpm * ! wit' , th" WETnNeuonsK PiTKSi Am BcAJias ttntl Uillrr'i Patent atpt7 Pl tfnrm Coufki. Fast Express Trains Leave Dal T. oonnec : n o' T I 4.T DBS M01NKS with the l > es Koines V iie Railroad for O k looea. Ottumwa , Keokuk acd St. Louis. & .T ORINNELL with the Central Railroad ol Iowa , for ill points north to St. Paul , IT WBOT LIBSRTY with the Bnrlmgton Oedar Capldi Jt Minnesota Railroad for Bnrllngtort.Oodjir Rapids , Dubuque 4 8t. Paul , at WILTON JUNCTION with the Bcaib-Wctttm branch , for Muscatir" WwMn Os Pi "ointa soutn. fT rATENPOliT with the Davenport A St Feu ] milroid for points north. iT KOCK IBLANI * with the Western Union Kallrssd for Trport , Belolt , Racine , Mll- wackee.uid all points n northern Illinois snd WlK Mi- IT BOCK ISLAND with tha Rockford , Bock folanj and Si. LorJi K-Uroad for St. LouU uid points icnUi. IT BOCK IBIAHD vJS the Peoria A Bock Itinn1 IjJIroj-d for Peoria and points cajt. i.T BDaEAU JUKC..wIth branch , lor Hen ry , l M > n. ChlUlocth aud Peoria. IT LA BALLS with tnelllinolii Central Rall- rtd for pointi north and nontb. IT CUICAHO with all the line * East , Ncrtb end 5 uit. THBODQH TICKETS to Ml Eaiterr eiti-j IB thU line , f ao Is prccuro-i , tad snj Isfar- nstlon obtalcej , eoaoarnlng rante , st thi Octet O ca In the Pnica PzMGc Ccpr' . toKha , e&i also et the prlnclp'sl ilcV i B Jens tb Uasol tbc U. ? . U. B. . if- frlaclpr.l B rtcnt potMta All Inloraiatlon rcstrtUng Pszsangtr * IEC SVtlaht chearfully tainlnhsd , and Sleeping Ci : rtki lor § 4le at tha Oompany'i Office , 26' ? AKNDAM St. . ( Hnn'l Osnti l Hotel ! Oo V 1. M. SMTXH. H. R1DDLK , Ben'lPaa'rAK't , Gen'l Bnn- Chicago. Chicago , W. CLAIB , 8. 8. BTEVENb. Passenger Agent , Gen'l Western Ag't , Omaha. Omnhs U. P. DKUEL. Ticket Agent , 'hnnha J. B. GRIN ELL. Reetivir. DmA Lie i connection with the Chicago. Milwau kee & St. Paul Railway , aud tha 3-raat Bast & West Line - FORMS AN - CJneqntJled Route - FKOM - Omaha to St. Pnl AND OTHER dffinn.soSL Points T 'assengers by this route bt.Tf. s Counsi BlufEs on the afternoon tailsi will mtka direct coaoeetttn at ths diCewnt Jon - tons with the St. Paul j. hetel bill * and twufcr. rEEOTJOHTICK2T3 POJ2 SALS , At til the principal tieirot cacti. t. RDPSELL. Gen'l pMS. MarshalltcTrn. Iowa. BAKKIMU HOUSES. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED : ' BACKING HO'JSE IS JSBBKA8KA. CALDWELL HAMILTON SCO BANKERS. Business transacted same as that of an incor porated Bank. Accounts kept in cur rency or gold subject to sight check without no tice. Certificates of deposits issued payable in three , six and twelve months. bearing interest at six per cent * pr annum , oren on demand "without inter est. est.Advances Advances made to ous- omers on approved se curities at market rates of interest. Buy and sell pold , bills of exchange , go-o-arament State , County nd City bonds. Draw ight drafts on England , Ireland , Scot land , and all parts of Eu- roioe. Sell European Passage Tickets. COLLE.TIONS PROMPTLY MADE , aurltf FRANK MURPHY. CMOS LQWi , Pr iidiB . YiiPr : d * L 3CN. WOOD. Ctihi.r. STATE orlhwa.i Corn r Fa- him Thlrfot ) - OtlAEA NEBRASKA Capital- . I 100.CCG Authorized capital- . . . . . 1.000.000 Deposits &s small as one dollar received and compound interest allowed on the same. OYEB CERTIFICATES 8F DEPISIT. The _ whole or any part ol a deposit after remaining in the bank three months will draw interest from date of deposit to pay ment. The whole or any part of a deposit mar be drawn at anv time. aaaa-tf TJ. S. DEPOSITORY. FI2SST BANK OF OMAHA , Coritr Firnhim and Thiriaenth.St * . OMAHA. ISL-COI3SOB3TO EO0XTZK BBOP. ) ESTABLISHEDJIN 1850. M a National BinV ; Augutl 20 1883 Ciflti ! uj Mil Oier ,111,111 , , BIRECTOR8 : H. Kountze , Prftti tent I Jno. H. CreleMen uaiutu. Kountzj , H. W. Yite * . Vle President | Cwhltn. A. J. POPPLETON. AtUtnej. This bank receives deposits without regard to amounts. Issues time certificates bearing interest. Draws drafts on San Francisco and princi pal cities of the United States , also London. ' " ' Wblin , Edinbnrg Burope. Sells passage tickets fir emigrant ! in the Inman line ocUStf PROSPECTUS Historical Atlas fit' tte World ILLUSTRATED. hi i Tisnta hi Fmtj Vi ; if Itiruti. This Atlas will bo complete In the Spring of 1876. and will contain the finest series ol M&ps yet published. The Maps of the Uni ted States will bo the finest ever published ; they will bo elaborate in detail , finely execu ted , and will give a better idea of the ad vancement ot our Republic for 100 years than can be given by any other publication. The Mnp : ot tha old country will be from the best authors , and will bo found complete and well executed. Every map will be accompanied by a his- tcriM sketch , giving , in a concise manner , such ft eta as will make them doubly worth their cost. No history or book of travel , not even the daily newspaper.ean be read without the aid of an Atlas , and the want is not confined to professional men and scholars , but is felt in an equal degree by every reader. THE HIS TORICAL ATLAS OF THB WORLD will not only meet an universal need.but will be practical ly without a competitor in its special Geld. The descriptive matter , though popular in tone , will be prepared in a truly scientific spirit. The historical portion will be excep tionally full , and the method of arranging statistics will be remarkable.simple and con venient. Each member of the family wil find something in it to invite and pay pern sal. sal.To To make this Atlas still more comprehen sive and useful , we shall add a concise histo ry of the Survey * of the United States , and a mip of Ohio. Indiana , Illinois. Wiscon sin , and Michigan , showing the base , me ridian , and township lines , and the rang * and township numbers. This matter will be BO comprehensive that any one with ordinal ; intelligenee can learn to describe and deed Unurt. The practical knowledge that can be > oS. .aed from this one item in the Atla * < * culd have saved many a man his home , which has been lost through a wrong dei- riptionOR. OR. BUTTS' DISPENSARY | * jr eln the tmtmtnt ofSexoal * n lo TliMasesofbothtM. ofllarriag nVmDlatia orrtprod l the tftnt infinnitle. of joulk apun , MET ICAT. THEATI3B on a T 1 Private : i.iirs n 1 _ , > mn , the abuwi > nrl ' r jcl the Tnalijr'-in aUt' f , Citarh. Caner , Kuctnre , the Oplun > uthf , i- vl.nfwt - rit * tder * al for 10 ct . Al rirPObco ocotri-IriUn-i , , -rae-viererTtMnjtwortf iv ri o tt fciu'vet , t t Lurn y ea3cd on rUt -Ut of CO ou. AV-cx , O.Brtts' Dispensarj POROUS PLASTERS. Atl for A'.LCOCK' " , and o ! > fcin th m , sn4 so avoid mlr bl9 1 AIT CA.'JTOM . B. BRVrfUITH 7ro 't. dec2-dw3m