l > IS. THEDAILYBEE Mornlnjr , January'IB. 1877. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE U served to snbieribers br carrier , to * ny t IT part of the city , every evening. ( Sunday * twpted ) at fifteen cent * per week. AH complaints about irregularities. Or mproper delivery of the paper , if ad- dre ed to this office , will receive prompt at tention. tn OMAHA DATLT BK has by far the Urrert circulation both inOmaha and abroad and It therefore , the best and cheapest ad vertizing mediim. THI OMAHA DAIIT BK wilt be mailed to isbscribers at the following rates , payable Invariably in advance : W.OO per annum. t ( V > six months Weekly f 2.CO per year. ADVERTISING BATES J5Sffi5 Sfig . .nU for each eubwqucnt taBerUon , per squire. OarJ AdvertUementa InBertod on oonrraci lor - $3. per month per per month for two square * , and .Quarr . Payable monthly. l2cUon from the above i made rtm ym-nt ' < > ' the lvertUta U reodend ulrujce. Advertisfmenta each s. For Sale. ji rorBent ihutlow Wanted , Lost , Found , fcc. , iuftttthe epedal column , are charged at 10 cent * v lice foftnVflnt InBertion , and cenU for fMfc Tabstxiueut Insertion. No Advertisement * wk i for leva tbau 35 cents. jS ertLancaU tu Uie txxal New * Column are tal2Une for rch Interthm. countinz " , . heading and fractional lilies aa full Unee. Bn. rreri . In the local columns , not . .S ert advertisement * , are 25 cent , per llu In ! & WEEEJA UEE are Adri'-tliwBHmt' ' rttt ? * lu the DJR- * monthly contract * which at card * on the Dally , per moutb. For ratM on Urge apace fa Biialneaa Manager , O3IA1IAOmahn. Omahn. Neb- BREVITIES. Imported Manilla cigars at Max Meyer & Co.'a. Get your job printing done at the BKK ofllon Fresh Imported cigars received this morning at Max Meyer & Co 'B. The livery men are coining money just now , thanks to the ex cellent eleighing. The members of the Maenner- chor are already preparing for their grand ball , which fls to take place nezt mouth. Wednesday's U. P. train ar rived from the west on time. 'Ihcre Is no snow of any consequence alone the line. The wife of Mr. A L Strong died Wednesday morning of con. sumption. The remains were taken to Illinois yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Livingston lost their daughter , aged four years , by diptheria , yesterday , and the funeral took place to-day. Lost : A gentleman's fur glove on Farnham street , between the BEE of fice and Twelfth street , Saturday p. m. Please return to BEE office and receive reward. Policeman Byrne , after having nad a week's shake of the ague , is able to be on the streets again , ready to shake the disorJerly ones out of their boots if they don't come along with him. MollieO' eil was fined $1 00 at the Police Court yesterday for druntenneps , and H man arrested for vagrancy was discharged , al though he would not have objected to have been boused in jail till spring. * The cantata , "N ewYear's Eve , " which proved such a brilliant suc cess at Clark's Hall a few evenings ago , will be reproduced at the Acad emy of Music to-night under the direction of Miss Van Boskerck Tickets can be had at Charles Rob erts' drug store ; also reserved seats , without extra charge. Mr. John F. Cronln was arrest ed some time ago as an accomplice In a rqbbarv , it belns charged that he put up the job and received nome or all of the money. He was ex amined and released on giving $500 bill for bis appearance at the nex term of ths District Court. A day or two ajo ; he was eurrendered by agreement by his bondsmen , and put in jail , eo that he could be brought baiore Judge Sedgwick on a writ of habeas corpus. This was done yesterday , and the result was as his lawyers expected. He was discharged , as the evidence 6howe < to the satiefaction of the Court tba there was nothing against him , am that another man received the money. On Wednesday , Mr. Gilderoy W. Griffin , United States Consul to the tSamoau Islands , arrived from the west , and went to Cbicsgo over the Burlington route. From there he goes to Louisville , Ky. , to visit his family , und then to Washing ton , where he has important busi ness to attend to connected with the interests of his consulate. Mr. Griffin was formerly Consul to Co penhagan , and upon the removal of the notorious Col.Stelneberger from the consulship of the Bamoan . Islands , was appointed , his suc cessor. Mr Griflln regards this group as the richest of all the Pa cific Islands. With a native popu lation of 50,000 , and 1,000 whites , and a climate and soil unsurpassed , thev present a rich harvest to enter prising American seamen. He thinks that with a favorable treaty t which can easily tie negotiated , the United Btates would control the situation Mr. GrifHu is alee a BU& cessful author , as the eales of "Mj Danish Days , " "Studies in Liter ature" and other works clearly es tablisu. The reading public will bi glad to know that he is preparing j work on the Samoan Islands , whicl will give our people an insight int < the resources and characteristics o this interesting people. We have just taken invoice am marked all goods "DOWK" at hot torn figures. J < ow is your time t tto < buy 'Jlothlng and Gent'a Furnish ing Goods cheaper than ever. M. HELLSIAN & Co. , Corner Faraham and 13th streets. J4-eodtofebi SENATOR SAUNDERS. HowtheKewB of His Election TTas Beceired. The news of the elec'ion of Gov tjaundera to the Senatorehip , was received with unbounded enthusi asm and huzzas by his friends in this city. A band of music accompanied by a large number of his ardent supporters , serenaded-his family at his house last evening. They then marched to the residence of Mr. E. Kosewater and played a few pieces. After this the BEE office waa vi9ited. Ihe office was illuminated ar-d a general greeting took place. At eleven o'clock the band , fol lowed by a large crowd of citizen * , proceeded to the depot and greeted the returning Senator with welcoming strains of music. A large number of bouses on the hue of march were illuminated , and shy-rockets were shot up , and a gen eral evidence of a jubilant feeling was manifested. Another Ubelons FaUrbondXnlled. The tiepub > isan and Herald ot osterday contained statements o the eflect that the BEE has been ind is subsidized by the B. & M B. R. Company. Its mansger baa ta : en occasion to disprove the charg es by Incontrovertible testimo ny. In the absence of Mr. Taylor , tue auditor of the road , a telegram was sent to him asking for authority to allow the cashier and accountant to take a transcript from the company's books , and make a full statement of all the [ acts under oath. This was granted , nd herewith accompanies the ver- fled statement of Andrew Bo e water , manager of the KKK. STATE OF NEBRASKA , 1 Douglas County , j " Andrew Kosewater being dul\ sworn , deposes and says th = a be is the business manager of the Omaha BEE , a paper published in the city of Omaha , at this date ; that he has been manager for a period exceed ing two years ; that his relations with Edward Rosewater are nd have been very iutimate ; that all financial transactions pertaining to the business of the paper , directly or Indirectly , have been conflied to dim by Edward RoHewater , and that he believaa that any receipts of money from any person or railroad company , directly or indirectly connected with any business or in fluence ot the paper , would have come to his fcnowledee. He fur- tner states that he has read state ments In the Omaba Bera d and Republican dated January 18 , 1877 , alleging or imputing that the sum of $100 had been paid as a monthly in Etallmeut to Edward Rosewater - water , in consideration of said Ed ward Rosewater's influence and that of the BEE in political matters. He further states that the aforesaid allegations are to the be.st of his knowledge and belief uMeily fal-e , and that the only rnone > s received by Edward Eosewater. directly or indirectly , that has come to nls knowledge are entered upon the books in the office. That these moneys were paid exclusively for job printing , advertising and papers , and are as follows : Job work , $280.75 ; advertising , $22 50 ; news papers. $50.00 ; total , $353.25 ANDREW ROSEWATBR Subscribed in my prese ce and sworn to before mp. this 18th day of January , A D 1877. ft. B. ] ALBERT VAN CAMP , Notary Public. bTiTE OK NEBRASKA , \ Douglas County. J ' < liarles M Carter , being duly sworn , deposes and says that he is a clerk ? acting in the capacity of cashier a d accountant of the B & M. R. K Co. in AebrasVa , and has access at this time , and has bad ac cesi during the past six months , personally , to all the books , ac counts and vouchers ot the afore said B. & M. R R Co In Nebraska , and that he knows of all accounts of money ? paid to Ed ward Koyewa ter , or the' Omaba BKE , or any of of its employes ; and that all the money paid io the aforesaid party , or parties , during the year 1876 has been on bills for job work and ad verlising.nowon file in this office , and that the amounts are : For ad vertising , $25.50 ; for job work. $280 75 ; newspapers , $50 1)0 ) ; total , $353.25. And he turther swears that no other amount than has been herein specified has been paid to the aforeoaid party , or parties , dur ng the years of 1876 and 1877 , by or for the aforesaid B. & M R fi. Co CHAJU.ES M. CAHTEK. Subscribed in my presence and eworn to before me this eighteenth day of January , 1877 ALBERT VAN CAMP , Notary Public. The Republican and Herald are challenged to produce similar une quivocal statements from Union Pacific Auditor.Gannet. Mi. Brooks is directly .charged with receiving $125 per month , and that his name has been on the pay-rolls His afll- davit and that of Auditor Gannett will therefore now be in order. The BEE never flinches from meeting any issue squarely. OSKS.LOOSA COAL. Long tried , und well tested ; tbe most popular coal in the market ? 6 50 per ton. IOWA COAL ( Jo JanlS-eodll 513 13th street ! ! ! Great Bargains for All ! ! ! THE BALANCE OF MY WIN TER STOCK , LADIES'FURS ! ! I MISSES'FURS ! ! GKN18' AND BOYS' FOB AND CLOTH > CAPS , HT I am JJETERMTN ED to SELL Al COST RA1HER than KEEP THEJ : OVCr NEXT SUMMER. SUMMER.FREDERICK FREDERICK , Ihe Fashionable Hatter , oppositi tbe Grand Central. tf Baal Skating Caps for misse and boys. janlO-we&sa2w THE OMAHA HOUSE h is tbe best one dollar and a hal - hotel between New York an i Sai Francisco. FREDERICK WIRTH , dec28tf Prop'r - CKOCKERY , CHINA , GLASS WARE. iHobbie's great closing out sale a cost. 222 Farnham street , up-staira jau 9-1 m McKelligon'p card 01 first page , jnne2tr "OLIVE HARPER. " A Representative of the "Bee" Gives an Interesting Sketch of this Distinguished A few hours with "Olive Harper , " surrounded by the comforts which the traveler of to-day enjoys , when , seated in an elegant Pullman car , he is whirled along ovr the Un ion Pacific , forgetful of time and space , he realizes that he can now fully enjoy a feast of reason and a flow of soul. In looking around he flees the "world on wheels , " and finds his temporary home is among the representatives of all classes ; men and women of every grade of Intellectual and moral position , and of every shade of opinion , are his companions , and if he be worthy he may choose the best as his especial associates. As in the world at large. 00 in the smaller world , there are ever to be found those who by the force of their characters , the resource1' of their mind , the warmth of th ir hearts , and the great magneti-m of fheir natures , make theitmlv"4 sh" social centres. This i < * not by uny effjrt of theirs , indeed they miv try to avoid and throw It oft , but it is their birth-right , and they never withdraw from , nor ahif l cre pen sibllity which it brinpn. Among those fortnn > te pprsona wnn those qualities in a marked I found "Olive Hnrp1 r " tiheis a woman a 'ittle ' above av erage size , and so well proportioned as to give one the idea of a thor ougbly strong and healthy woman , but for the lameness which for six years has compelled the use of crutches , she would be a very active person. Indeed she shows far more ac' i viry than the majority of women Has traveled far and wide , and re- Joieea in tiie God-given right of be ing able to take care of herself. Wild a finely developed and well- bilanced head , she has bright and almost penetrating eyes , through which a live soul looks out upon an active world. From this very Imperfect deacrlp tion of a woman who has will and brain pawer , and who dares to use it , some of the weakest of the weak er cex will say she is a strong-mind ed old maid , and in league with Anthony , tilantou , Woodhull & Co , The very opposite IB true ; Ehe Is strenuously opposed to woman's suffrage , and all the vancus ideas which they especially represent , cept the right to labor and to be paid for that labor " Olive " wife Harper i a loving and a most devoted mother , her husband , to whom she vas married after a widowhood of about foui years , and her three living children peem the central objects in hei mind I have rarely met a woman who seemed to feel so deeply the exalted privilege of motherhood. With bei it is the highest anioition , th crowning glory of woman. Som of my readers will want to know about her dress , and I will say that but for the ( act that 1 can epeak favorably I would be silent , for consider that the custom of the uav in constantly describing woman' ! dress as being her principal feature is an insult to her. "Olive Harper" seems to bellev that dress was made for woman , no woman for dreis. JNot being ec centric , she dresses with such ref erence to the fashions as not to at tract attention , which is certainly the true way. When I met her she was return' ing from a two months' visit to California , whijh was necessitated on account of her health having been impaired by her labors during the centennial , where she was the correspondent of the California A > ta , New "Xork Graphic , and other papers , und at the same time mem ber of the woman's club of " 70 , " entertaining forty or fifty persons at her Philadelphia home during the long months of last syminer , and being generally astir , as such a woman would be at such a time. " Olive Harper " is a Callfornian in all out birth , and from her lung residence there , WHS fully qualified to write her popular work , " Tweu > ty Years in California " Having been about me world a good deal with her eyes open , she could interest Americana with lec tures on many subjects While in 'Fisco this winter nhe delivered several succesaful lectures on Tur- key , and her acquaintance with the people and customs of that country are well portrayed in her amusing " Tame Turk. ' She has now in print in England a work entitled , ' -The Hands of Egypt , " which I doubt not will be very successful. In listening to her conversation with different persons , one isstrucK with the many subject ! with which she is familiar , and the varied man ner in which she addresses herself to her auditors. If tney are for gaiety and humor , she will fully respond spend ; if they talk troth and non sense , she wi'l at least try to make them feel comfortable , and at the same time give an occasional cen ter shot to make them feel that there Is reality in li'e. If , on the other hand , they looh at the practical side of life , if tbej love' their fellow men , and are willing to remove the veil enough to allow their hearts to be seen a little , and the motive springs o : their natures to show , they will in turn be richly rewarded by a reve lation of heart , life , and of earnesi llf longing and labors for the good o tbe "Buttering and helpless , that will fill them with the belief that so r. ciety is progressing , and that tbt day will come when men and women will realize the reality oi life and Its duties "Ol've Harper" is a practical . and as such a progressive woman , and in the near future I oelieve wil occupy a position still in advance of her present one , upon m < jnj question ? of to-day. Her love toi young children ia wonderful , and her strong magnetism and warm heart keeps them constantly around her. With instructions from a woman "who entertains such lofty veins of woman's grand duties and opportunities , which she is ad vanced enough to earnestly impress upon them , the amount of good ac complished can be known only in the future life. Earnestly do I hope that the forthcoming lecture at Cooper Institute , New York , .may be htari or read by all the women of America. In that , she may only show the great advanta ges which the women of America enjoy over their sistera in other lands , and yet with that , she can hardly fail to point directly at those responsibilities in consequence. I will close this Imperfect sketch with Yours in haste , . . & . Gamble * * * t Sidney. Almost the only point along the Union Pacific railroad that i at present cursed by the pre ence of three-card monte men and swin dlers of every name is Sidney. There tney are thick and nctive ; ev ery triln that passes Is boarded by some of these confidence raicals , and many an unsuspecting victim is drawn into their neis. It is noth ing uncommon for passengers to bet 50 o $100 , and at times $500 to fSOOare left in gambler's hands. The citizens of Sidney owe It to them- selvea to clear these chaps out or they will make It such a terror as to seriously injure their prospects. Napoleon > ld of the Muscovite nation : "Scratch a Russia i skin deep ami you'll find a Tartar. " If the Russians will only use B. T. Babbitt's Best Soap , they will prove the great French soldier a liar , for utter oleanlmwa will deny the lar tar origin. Elegant Plymouth Buck Gloves at Bunce'a. 182 MoBRIDKCOAL ! ! ! The BtriKe is ended , and we are in daily receipt of this celebrated coal , fresh from the mines. PRATT & TOWLE , Agents , Union Coal and Mining Co. , 60 13th 8t d30-eodtf To be true to oneself is to be true tothewoild. This is equally true in the commercial and moral duties of life. B. T. Babbitt was desirous of miking a toilet snap perfectly pure and good ; something that should not cover up evil and dis ease "under the mark of fragrance. Result His Toilet Soap , which for every excellence reacLes about as far as chemical art can go. Some of the liquor dealers say that they cannot sell so much liquor since the French ( 'offeee House has been moved to 252 Farnham street. . Nearly r-11 prefer that splendid coffee to liquors. dec5eod6m Take your oyster meals at the French Coffee House , 252 Farnham street , and you will have them firs rate. dec5eod6m "TOM and JERKY" can be found at M. W. KENNEDY'S , 488 Thirteenth street It "IMPORTANT. " " " Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods , Hats and Caps , Trunks , Valises , etc , sold at "LOWKR" pri ces than ever in this city , by M. HKLLMAN & Co. jan4cod febl EGG COAL , SI2 00 Per Ton NUT " 12 25 " KANUE" 12 60 " McBRIDB ; ( lump ) 6 50 " McBRIDE , ( nut ) 6 00 " FORT SCOTT , 7 50 " PKAIT & TOWLE , Agents. deSOeodtf 508 13th Street. LYON'S KATHAKION makes beau- iful , glossy , luxuriant hair ; pre vents its falling out or turning gray. It has stood the test for 40 years. IB .iiiarmiugly ventirued , and has no rival. nar20eodwly Hagan'a Magnolia .Balm pre- "serves and restores the complexion , removes freckles , tan and eallow- uesa ; makes tne skin soft , white and delicate. Its application can not be detected. mar20eod&wr.y For billiard tames , supplies , etc. , see advertisement of J. M. Bruns wick & Balke Co. aug5tfeb5'77 SAVE MONEY TO-DAY , At Bushman's Closing Sale JalGtf For every variety of Cake , and home-made and French Candies , go toLatey'e Confectionery , 15th street , south'of Postoffice. janl&-3t The most narrating symptoms of Bronchitis and Consumption are palliated and relieved by inhaling the hot vapors of the Solution of "Forest Tar. " It cures Catarrh. janlOdlm Any lady wuo win send us 15 - paid-up yearly subsetiptions , out- sloe of Omaha , for the Daily BEE , will receive from us b _ * express as a inft a new $75 Sewing Machine , ol any make she may prefer. tf 25 fancy cards with name lOc ; 50 Bristol 15c , H.Vandenburgh , Castle- ton , N. \ jan5t4f AT HALF PKICE. A lot of dress goods. A Jot of gloves. A lot of hosiery. A lot of ties. A lot of men's collars. Alpo a large reduction in ladies and gentlemen's underwear , cloths and waterproofs , blankets and bee comfortables. It ) short you can save money to-day at BUSBMAN'S CLOSING BALE OF WINTER GOODS. JanlBtf Business Cards , enow cards , Vis iting Cards , Ball Programmes , Ball Tickets , Circulars Posters , etc. , at the BEE Job Rooms , 138 Farnbam tftreet tf SAVE MONEY TO-DAY , At Bushman'a Closing Hale. jal6ti NATIONAL SURGICAL INSTI TUTE. The Surgeons of this- Institution Have Arrived , and are Best ged at the Grand Central Hotel bj Cripples of Every DflBcription. The surgeons of the National Wur- gical Institute , of Indianapolis , ar rived yesterday and are stopping at the Grarid Central Hotel The surgeons of this Institute have frequently - quently visited Omaha before , and have successfully operated upon and treated hundreds of cripples. They carry with them between three and four thousand surgical instruments , embracing every variety of appli ances for the correction and cure of deformities , and are prapared to ac complish aa effective wor6 wherever they go , as they do at ho'me. Their trips are made to accommodate their many hundreds of patienU all through the West , and to save for them their traveling and ether ex penses which would be incurred by an Eastern trip. Their patients are doing well , and the visits of these surgeons are hailed with de light by all who need their ser vices. They have their headquar ters at Indianapolis , with branch in stitutions at Philadelphia , Atlanta , Georgia ; Austin , lexds and San Francisco. They are tccompanled everywhere by a competent ma chinist to change , icpair and fltsur- glcal appliances. Long before their arrival this morning , their rooms , previously engaged by them at the Grand Central , were crowded with patients from all parts at the coun try , among whom all sorts of de formities prevailed. Among the number were many new ones , who were to be operated upon for the the first time. The surgeons will remain here to day , and Saturday , and we advise all who need such aid as they can give to call upon them immediately. AN IMPORTANT DECISION. The Iowa Roads Can Ran Their Trains Into Omaha. Information waq received in this city yesterday that , the Supreme Court had rendered a decision in the case of Council Bluffs vs. the Kan sas City , St. Joe and Council Bluffs railroad company to the effect that the Iowa law prohibiting railroad * companies , whose road terminate on the west side of the Missouri river , from running their trains across the Missouri river bridge into Nebraska was unconstitutional and therefore void. So it will be seen that the Iowa roads can run over to Omaha if they want to. The Council Bluffs Nonpareil says that the decision , however , is not one under the circumstances winch will materially affect the interests of Council BluSs. The suit was brought before the decision in refer ence to the transfer question was rendered by the Supreme Court of the United States , and as that ques tion is now forever settled in favor Council Blufb , all the eastern and southern roads will find it to their nterest to make their connection with the Union Pacific on the Iowa aide of the nver. THE programme lor the concert to be given by the Congregational hurch choir will be published soon , and It will convince the public that this concert will be the most de- ightful one given in this city this season. 11 Omaba Men Make Big Coal Strike. A few days ago the BEE referred to the coal bonanza which had been recently struck near Hamburg , Iowa , about fifty miles from this city , by an Omaba company , ol which M. A. Kurtz , of the auction firm of Kurtz & Allen , is president , and J. M. Stmeral is secretary. Th'e following concerning the same is from yest.rday'e Council Bluffs Aonpareil : "From information received from Hamburg , in Fremont county , we learn that an extraordinaiy discov ery of coal has just been made in that vicinity. In one place , at a depth of sixteen feet coal was found the vein being from 22 to 28 inches in thickness. Not satisfied \vlth that discovery , another trial was made within a half mile of centre of town , and at a depth of 137 feet a vein , was struck of about five feet in thickness , of the very best quality of coal , under which was found to be a very fine bed of fire clay. This vein of coal is estimated to be two miles wide. A company has been organ ized and is known as the Hamburg Coal and alining Company , with M. A. Kurtz as president , and J. M. Himerel as secretary They commenced sinking a shaft seven by fourteen feet , on the 10th inst This will be followed by another , one mile further south , at the jutctlon of the K. C. , tit. J. & U. B. and B & M. rail roads. If the above reported dis coveries are genuine , and coal 1-t is found ia such quantities as Mated , it is of great importance to that town and vicinity , and also to our own city. It will open up another source of coal supply to us , and by cheapening the price of fuel hasten the day when Council Bluffs will be able to compete with anv city in the west in manufacturing enter prises. " And the Nonpareil could truth fully have added , without straining a point , that Omaha will be equally benefitted with Council Blutts in the discovery. The concert by the Congregation al Church Choir will be given next Tuesday evening. Keep a sharp lookout for the programme which will be excellent. It Irish Blew from 9 to 11 this even ing , at the Casino. 7-tf ALX.COCK'S POROUS PLASTERS. Ask for ALLCOCK'S , and obtain them , and to avoid mbtrabU IMI VASJCIOHS. B. BKAXDRETH. Fnc't. Omoo , SOCtenal St. N. Y. GREAT ANNUAL CLOSING SALE AT THE POPULAR AND PROGRESSIVE HOUSE o A. CRU1CHSHANK & CO , FOB THE NEXT THIKTY DA2M Preparatory to stock taking , our aim being to close out our entire stock ot Winter Goods , consisting of FLANNELS , WATERPROOFS , NUBIAS , KNIT GOODS , ETC. , ETC. , and to accomplish this we offer STARTLING REDUCTIONS ! ! as the goods MUST KE SOLD to make room for bpring purchases. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS in remnants and short length goods that have accumulated during the season. This will prove an excel lent opportunity for many to secure Rtal Bargains that cannot be had at any other time. Especially would we call attention to rem nants of DREriS GOODS AND EMBROID ERIES. 500 yds Snow * lake Camel's Hair Cloth , at IGJc. 500 yds all Wool Empress , at 35c 500 yd * all Wool Cashmere , at 5"x5. 16 pieces Grey Twilled Flannel , at Iba20c : former price 25 and 40c. Cotton Flannels all reduced. 50 pairs Grey Blankets , at $1.25. 25 pairs White do , at cost. Children's Hosiery and Underwear at pricet th t defy competition. HARRIS SEAMLESS KID GLOVES will be offered during the sale at $1.75 a pair for 2-buttons. HAKRIS' VICTORIA at $1.25 Try our $1 00 Gloves in two but tons. Every pair warranted. If they rip or tear bring them back , and your money or new pair re funded. 50 pairs in lbutton , at 60o. Domestic Goods at manufacturer's prices. Come ear'y and get first choice. A. CRUIOKSHANK fc Co. 13-15-18 Great variety of winter Caps at Bunco's. 18(2 ( A fact Bunce has the largest and best stock of fine BUCK Gloves in Omaha. 1812 TO GET good bargains , call at the one price store of M. HELLMAN & Co. , Cor. Farnham & 13th Sts. Jan4eod-febl 12th Street Coffee House is now open for patronage. TRY It. jan9-lm "GRAND CONCERT" every night at the Billiard Hall of the Omaha House on Harney street , between 12th and 13th , by the $5,000 orchestrion. d28-tf SAVE MONEY TO-DAY , At Bushman's Closing Sale. j 16tf The "Forest Tar Soap" removes pimples , eruptions , and cures chap ped hands. 17dlw The person who took that muff from Tootle & Maul's f tore will re turn it or the name will be oxposed. 18 It * The Council Bluffs Nonpareil Bays : "A couple of young men , residents of this city , went over to Omaha yesterday and got them selves into trouble by drinking too much "hot scotch , " and the like. For this they were arrested and brought before the Police Court. They managed , however , to secure the postponement ot their trial until to-day , and gave bonds for their ap pearance , when they came home full possibly of regrets. " The attention of the proper au thorities is called to a dangerous bole in the sidewalk , on the north side of Farnbam street , between Tenth and Eleventh. Several per sons have already fallen through it and have barely escaped breaking their limbs , and as it was they re ceived several severe bruises. Be neath is a cellar , into which a pe destrian may fall at any time dur ing these dark nights and not frac ture their limbs but break their necks. It is not only criminal neg ligence on the part of the city to allow this unprotected place to re main a moment longer , but the city is liable for heavy damages for any accident that may occur there. Several railroad companie : have adopted the plan of issuing their editorial free passes for the present year with the photograph of the person accepting the pass af fixed thereto. If the photograph tails to identify the person using it the pass is taken up and cancelled. This plan , though rather a humilia ting commentary upon the honesty of the average- editor , ia yet a novel experiment , and will probably prove remunerative to the com pa nies However in some cases , this plan may not work s effectively as expected , For instance , in Umaha , there is a gent I em in who is often mistaken for a certain newspaper man , and vice versa. So the gentle man referred to could very easily us-e the newspaper man's pass over those railroads which have adopted the photograph plan. . BUTTS' DBPMSAEi niir r art periMic ia thctmtmtixof St -Uroulo ril * eases of . bothjjexe * . < , A * * a slologleal View of J ! rriaf U-rthenmriedmnd thi > M r"n' tnu ! tin mmniage , on the cirttrritf ot rrprodrd . "iun na the xcnt Inflnnltwi ol j-oKt rtuhoadandwonunhoud \llustnie4 \ tnokotXBpifa ot pnrite reading , which ihould be kept under lock in trr. Sent umlrr oral TartO cl . A PKIVATE MEDICAL THEATISB on 1 ditrue f Private iTatnrs In botn tnrt , the abturi ivl l. ran oi the lezual ij ittm , and the mraiu oi cure.L'O n , * * * "g"g"Tinzi. * T > nnoerieai jorz ) . | MEDICAL ADVICE on Stm l and Chronic Ditdic i rmiuUVnknr r.ks. . -j < f. Catarrh , Cannr.Knptnrf.thcOpmi - . workanitnndtr ml far 1U et A > bowing on the najcct , sent Mcnrely Bealed 03 - NOTICE. Advertisements ot To Let. For Sale. Lost. Wants. Found. Boarding. &c. . will be inserted in these columns once for TEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent insertion. FIVE CENT line. The first insertion never less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. TO LOAN-MONEY. TO LOAN. DR. KDWARDS. 181 Farnham St. jy2tf ONEYTOLOAN-L. F. Maginn. At- torney. Visscher's Block. Omaha. Jan5-lm M OVEY TO LOAN P. L. THOMAS. Visscher's block. janl-tf HELP WAfTED-FEM\LE. \ WANTED A girl , who c n cnme well rtcommended. for general noofe- work. will reieive good wages , by apolyine at257 Howard st. bet. 14th and 15th. jlS-3 * "VT7 ANTED Good cook , waiher and iron- VV er. at northwest corner of 17th and Capitol avenne. It * W PANTED A need , riri to do ( renerat homework , at 31 Darenport St. ian6-tf ! WA NTE n-SlTUA TION. ' \irANTED Situation a Merfcin VV eery. Address JOHN DUNN. BK * Offics. jnnl6-5' MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TTTANTED-A econd hand plu'form W scale VON DOKN. janl7-tf FOR SALE-HE \ ESTATE. FOR ALK A lot 0)xI27V4 ) feet , in Lowe's addition , commanding a fine view for $90. Address R. , Bee Office. n22tf 170R HALE One fine brick hens in the " best ri.irt of towi 4 room , kitchen. well andcie-n Rpasnn. Ic.tvinK town , Apply to HOMER S1ULL. Hubermann's Block janS.lm" TjlORSALE line ofthe finest farm ? in Ne- P braska , 267 cres , on'r ' two miles and a half from Omajia. fine house , and never failing spring , runiiinfr water Ac. . Will sell at a ereatbareain on lib ral terms W. J. C NNELL. Jacob's Block. dccll-eodtf 8AbE A new $75 S winir Maehne at very reduced figures. Apply at this office. n22tf FORS LE A new Victor SS5 Sewi Machine , for K5 cash. Apply at t ( See. n at FOR - COAL. / ( OAL-COAL-J. K. KDWARDS. commission - V . /mission merchant , is now prepared to deliver Wynminsr. Larkawanna and Iowa oal at lowest rates. 190 Farnham St. il-tf FOR SALE-MISVELLANEOUS. FORSALK At a very reduced price , two scholarships in the Davenport Business College. Apply or address. "R. . " Bee [ office. 21tf FOR RENT-R 0 QMS. J70R RENT LOW The spacious offices , until recently occupied by Jnde Red- ck , opposite the Court House on Farnham near 15th rtreet ; consistinc of three large rioms. Will be leased fornterm of years or y the month. Apply t3 OE . P BEMIS , Coiens tiouje , corner 9.h and Tlarney-cts. ianlS cowtf FOR RE T-Office rooms in Odd Fellows Block. 14th and Douelas- . Enquire 0 C H USKL or JOUN EVANS , at Odd Fellows Hall. janl7-'t FOR RENT-A turn-shed room in a pri vate family , in the central part ol the lity. Address H. 0 . W. Bee Office. ianltf FOR RENT Houses and room . furnish ed and unfurnished. DR. EDWARDS. 81 Farnham-st. nov7-to ianl7" TO RENT-MOUSES FOrt RENT-Two unfurnished rooms with conveniences for honcc-keepbtr. 412 Eleventh street opposite Krug'i rewery. jania-tf FOR RKNT A No. 1 , business stand bet. 14th and ' th-sts. - on Dnnzlas. one door north ofourshop. SHEELY BROS. janl&-tf FOR ttENT House , with six rooirs.in Shinn's addition , attha terminus of he street cir track. Enquire J. B. FRENCH. 191 Farnhim streetian'tf LOST. LOST A pocket book containing a small sum of money , a promiiory note , and card with owners name. The finder will be liberally rewarded nuon leaving same at- Evans'KToaery store , 14 and Dodgo. It MI3CEwLANEUU& Kl 9JOJ ipois ano animBTS 03 po ) onbei ajc sjaqqof mm : sraxiTia siv8iioH * QJIV & 0 Btuihiit , Office : $ it6crmann'3 SHocf , 13. imb poiigfas J > fr. , J. B. I > ETWJLLUSi'S STOKES OMABA. aSB- offere-1 tot m < Worsteds , Di id Fanjy.i > * , - . Hats. Fine Gold and Silver Watches / Mfh ± .3 : J ? " " ; Sh ° < G ° " ' - llCT'he" - -d r"- ' ' ' - Varie , , a call from each and every iLdiv duaf , - - . milej. when " they can wtisfy themselves.by pers. naUn.pectioTi S of " " " " 1 : " Henrv Laugldin. ' 1 FuruUam Street. Bat. IQth 7inth Omul , . Wholesale dealer in all kinds of Foreign C HARLES - DEALER m - FreiglU and Farm Wagons , ies , ( Sec , &c co --28 - Douclas-Sr. ' ( OPPOSITE ACAJEMY & IIS JEFELEliS h a-s of Watches , Oocks aiid Jewx-lrv and 174 F U3ALR1W D , , Tobaccos , Ii WOTXOJTS. AJVO SVAJWCV OOOI > * . - WHOLESALE DBALERST * _ fc , Pistols , fa The Largssf. tjok in * he West ! MNOHUSTKll AND SHARPS Which - > sMl st Bottom Prices. suftC eo 3 > eaf3rs Mead for ' I'rlc * ljst * . Full Assortment of Carr L A EV3 y0K tOS UNRIVALLED O , CT. Marjufactnrer of all kinds of Shew Oases an'd Fancy Toy Fu niture Picture Frame -Tlourdfiirs - Kept on a. Neb. G-ents' Furnishin ? G-o d Hat's Gaps , Trunks , VaUsses ! Stc . ETC. , ito , 242 FARNHAM STRBET. I - - . / v- * A * * -r } " TOMAHA , : N"EB - * = a'o > g' ff Bg1 ? 2 .1 I W a CO o - If ? - Ml \5 f * a a * i S ? b j a ? 5 a CO I * o a i o ) W ? o Tll2 > w JJ S * V § 52 CO . .u SI * fs S I i 15 : ° _ * ? CD i i - a fel g3 M - j -3 -3 jO - 1 ' jJ 02 J i o P _ ? ° i G. ANDRBEX. . or JIM. CISD9 or FIRE ANT > Burglar Proof Safes ! | VAULT DOORS , J/.IL WO UK , EU. 1 Repairs of every nature in this line prompt- i ly and satisfactorily done. New and second-hand safes always on hand. Manntacr on Harney stre t , ono dooi I west > f an Corn's machine shop * . O. MoKOOK , Ag at. com No. 2 , Creighton Block , OUABA . .HBBRA.SKA. . Reliable Companln ! Prompt Contmontal. of New York 2 900 non German American , Z 2 1M nflfi Orient of a. , 'fora IJ 1100000 800000 ! ' - * 'pYfnrfeTdlKiT " 1500000 - " " T- ' " $ 183 000 500000 represented OIL MEAL GROUND ANDFORSALb1 IK LAM OK SHALL QtUHTITIJW AT TEED irrr rrJC" ? * * * * /t trni < " & " * * . ZCTFEEDHOHFOHVILCiiCllffSlI " KftfiML- - O. C. CAMPBELL COOK lRXAOlXT 0 WI'SCEiEBeiTEOUfHODSHTIHOICeiLWt. ' COFFEE URNS ROASTERS. LADNDRY STOVXS AC. ' Sales from 70 to 7 > 000 " 637 Fourteenth street. . - - SPLENDID A GOOD NEW TWO STORT HOUSE FOR RENT. roou. Hat . , basement n the two storie. with .bore kitchen , besfdes elht CLosiirf AND PANTRY WELL AND CISTERN v. AI KI7CHIV 0OOX. i.--I'i-8 yard ? nd l n attached , has out- ? riln ? and * U " > Tnience . and it in every way a verr desirable pine. ADDT ! on premises , cor. I th and Learenworth FRANK BEECHKR. . fan6 2w H. ROI.FER who for the Isst three months hardellrered THE lOWER V IK CO At , and has obs rred. the general satisisfaation it rives. . for all that he can . .U. jfeave orders with WfRTH4S2 - latkSt. sot. r aid H. ROLFER HIMSELF 486 Mh-st. bet farnhamand Harner. FT'ED. L UTERBACH. ivprietor. Zith.r concerts riven everr day and ln even- Davenport House. Seutfdjca JOHN RICHARD. Farnham St Bet. 9th and 10th Efc I OMAHA. -