MEAT MARKET * . Citv Meat Market SHEtiLY B OS. i5 , Eprf , fiaUftoto. StUflotI unk' SBilb bor StttaalriSf aCI aSt 9rtnt JOHN L. HILL. No. 484 Fourteenth St- , Keeps constantly on hand. of A.11 T ? Inds. Poultry and game of every description. Smoked meats , dams. Shoulders Ac. . Goods delivered in any part of the city free of cost. Oysters a speciality. Prices reasonable. novZStf IT. P. K. . R. MEAT MARKET 1 6th Street bet. California d W brtr. We keep on hand a large supply of fresh salted meats. Also a large stock of fine Sujir Cured Him * * nd Bretkftti E ; o . At the lowest rates. W& . AUST * KNUTH , ciayU ly Proprlet PROFEbblOHAL CA D8. G. eT. HUNT. A TTORNET AT LAW. Office 4MThir- Jteenth street. > ith J. W. T. Richards. janll-tf C. F. MAXDERSOTT , TTORNEY AT LAW. 242 Farnham St. . A Omaha. Nebraska. W. J. CONNELL. COUNSELOR AT LAW AND DISTRICT V/ Attorney for Second Judicial Distriet , Office. Rooms 1 and 2. Jacob's Block. Omaha. Nebraska. PARKE GODWIN A TTORNETt AT I AW. 14th and DongU JA. Streets , with G. W. Doane. L.F. BLflGINN , AT Li W. OFFICE Vie- ATTORNEY . On Out. Nebraska. marlStf T. W. T. RICHARDS. A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office. 490.13th JL\ . Street , between Farnham and Harney. Omaha. Nebnmka. WM. L. PJSABODY , T AWYER. Creighton Block. 1 J Omaha. Nebraska. O. H. BAIXOU A TTORNEY AT LAW. OEce.CreiEhton's XJL new block , southeast corner room , first door. Omaha. Nebraska. G.W. AMBROSE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 280Douglaf St. . Omaha. Neb. Buckingham & Greene , AT LAW. Odd Fellow's ATTORNEYS . Nebraska. E. D. C. ERFLING , TUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office Cor. tl Tenth and Leavenworth-sts. sepBtf LUTHER R WRIGHT JSTICE OF THE PEACE. Offlce- Donglas-st. . west entrance Caldwell Slock. i an 14 G. STEVENSON. TUSTICE OF THE PEACE. No.fl. Creigh- tf ton block. Omaha. Neb. Collections a specialty. specialty.E. E. E3TABROOK , AT LAW. Office. Creighton ATTORNEY . Neb. J. S. SHROPSHIRE , A TTORNEY AT LAW. Room No. 1/8. jtE. . Corner 15th and Douglas'Streets. Omaha. Nebraska. N. J. BTJRNHAM. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW J\ Southeast Corner ot 15th and Douglas Streets. Omaha Neh G. E. PRITCHETT. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW A Office. 511 Thirteenth Street. Address Lock Box 9 Omaha. DEXTER L. THOMAS , AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ATTORNEY No. 8. Visschers Block. Omaha. Neb. JAMES O. ADAMS , AT LAW. Office , room 6 ATTORNEY .Creighton block , corner Filteenth and Douglas streets. janl8-tf E.W.SIMERAI , . A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office room ± \ 6 , Creighton block , corner of Douglas and Fifteenth streets. octll-d&wtf MISCELLANEOUS. Through to Chicago WITHOUT CHANGE QF CARS. r\ [ le CUcaro BurtiDgtofl & Qfli RAILROAD. With its Smooth and Perieet Track. Elegant Passenger Coaches , and PULLMAN SLEEPING AM ) DININfl CABS Is acknowledged by the press , and all who travel over it. to be the best appoint ed and best managodroau in the oonntrv. Passengers doing East Should bear in'mind that tLU is the Best Route to Chicago , And ail points east , north and northwest Passengers by this route have choice of Four Different routes and the advantaee of SIX DAILY LINES PALACE SLEEPING CARB rmoit CHICAGO TO WE W YORK WITHOUT CHAB8 * . All express trains on this line are equipped with Westinghonse Patent Air Brakes , and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Cou- pleis , the most perfect protectior against ac cidents in the world. Pullman Palace Slesping and Dining Cars are run on the Burlington ronto. Information concerning routes , rates , time , connections. Ac. , will be cheerfully giveii by applying at the office of the Bnr- Dngton Route. Grand Central Hotel , corner Fourteenth and Farnbam. Omaha. Neb. WM. B STROJNU. D. W. HITCHCOCK. Oen'l Supt. , Gen'l Passenger Ag't. Chicago. III. Chicago. 111. J. 0. PHILLIPPI. H. P , DEUEL. Acentt. Om h Ticket Ag't.Omaha ' 1ft WT , rL u : iiy PennsylvaniaR.R. Line , Condensed Time Table. NOVEMBER , 1876. TBAJHBLKAVE CHICAGO DEPOT , Corner Oaaal and Kadltan Rtre eta.1 West Bid On arrival o ( Trains from North and Sonthweit Snini with tio. 2. Ko. 6. u , 4 Through Can Day Ex. Pac. Ex. TO NEW TORK. Ex.Hnn. 9001 m 515pm 220pm 1130 " 483 " 165am 537 " 301 " 700 " 440 " | | Manafleld. 765 " 520 " MaSfe. ' 952 " ! 7 JO II . 1023 " 742 J1 Canton. . . . . . 10S9 80C Alliance. . . 11 SO " ! 840 " Rochester. 125m 1112 " Pittsburgh 280 " 1215 a Lv. Pittsburgh 820 " 10 St Ai. Crsjon _ " " Altoonx. ? 83 655 ro Harriiburg _ _ II50 1105 roA. " Baltimore : 615p to „ , , „ m A.Ct " Washington _ 807 " nf n Ctof P " rhUadefpM * 420 " nfS10 TtS " 650 " tit 11 52 " 1040 " th f " Hartford. . . tilSpu c : " Pprlnrfeld- 220 " too at " Providence 425 " 348 " ato' i Ar-Boston. , fi 15 f m 4MI ( > p o' o'P THIS IS rtLK usflS ? LINji P That runs tne ceiepratKt , cr-r. ? . . . pAUAf beca CABS from Chlniga to Baltimore. Waihln can cadf ton Oty , FhllaielphU and New York. df WTTHODT CHANGE. th e Ajk lor ticket * via Fort Wavn u * in P BBTlTanJ Lli. oi oiP P * UekeU tewteat al principalttetot ttk lo-nta , cumuii mea. F.K.KTEB3 O.P.4T.JV CHEAP AND VALUABLE BOOKS. For Farmers and Stock-Raisers. AH an inducement and stock raisers to subscribe for tlie ORE , the publisher has completed arrangements for receiving all the leading works on agriculture , stool raisin ? , ai d ail other works pertain ing to the specialties of farming , o cattle , sheep , horse , or other stock raisin ? ; also , treaties on grains vege'ables , and oth r produce , &c aerates from J6 to 30 per cent , be low the Detail prices. The bench" of thin reduction will be extended exclusively to our patrons. As an illustration we herewith append a few of the leading valuable works which really should be in the hands of every farmer who wishes to ex cel , at the terms specified. We will furnish the WEEKLY BEE one year in addition to the books named , for the prices referred to. ELEMENTS OF AGhlCULTDKE , A Book for Young Farmers By Qeo. "Waring , Jr. ; 254 pages ; cost , tl.OO with the Weekly BEE one year for $2 50 NEW AMERICAN FARM BOOK. Originally by R. L. Allen , revised * vised and enlarged by Lewis F. Allen , 526 pages , embracing a com prehensive and thorough treatise of every branch agriculture , cultiva tion of the land , changing of crops , raising cereals , vegetables , &c. , management of cattle , horses , sheep , hogs , fowl , buildinghouaes , cisterns , fences , making all necessary useful calculation , and in fact embracing everything of value to the farmer. Cost , neatly bound , $2.50 ; with the Weekly BEE one year , for $3.75. AMERICAN POMOIGIST. . Apples The rno"t complete trea tise oi ) apple culture publishfd ; 293 illustrations , 750 pages ; cost$3.00 ; with Weekly BEE one year , for $400 HARRIS ON THE PIO. Breeding , bshavlng , manage ment and improvement , with nu merous illustrations ; cost $1.50 ; with the weekly BEE one year , for { 3.00. 3.00.THE THE SHEPHERD'S MANUAL. A practical treaties on the sheep ; illustrated ; by Henry Stewart ; cost 11.50 ; with Weekly BEE one year , for $3 00. 00.MODERN MODERN HORSE DOCTOR. Causes , nature and treatment of diseases and lameness in horses ; cot$1.50 ; with Weekly BEE one year for $3.00. BKOOM CORN AND BROOMS , a treatise on raisingbroom corn and making brooms , on a small or large scale. Cost 75c ; with Weekly BEE one year , $2.50. THK AMERICAN CATTLE DOCTOR , a complete treatise on th diseases of CATTLE , SHEEP AND SWINE. 376 pages , illustrated , cloth gilt. Coat $2 50 ; with BEE one year for $3.75. GARDENING FOR PKoFIT [ In the Market and Family Garden ; by Peter Henderson ; finely illus trated. Cost $1.50 ; with the Week ly BEE one year for $3 00. THE WHEAT PLANT , Its origin , culture , growth , develop ment , composition , varieties , dis eases , etc. , together with remarks com , its culture , etc. ; profusely illustrated ; 706 pages. ) ) Cost $1.76 ; with Weekly BEE for ' F3.15. FARM GARDENING AND SEKD ; , GROWING , , By Francis Bnll a book useful for avery farmer , gardener and tiller of the soil. Cost $1.00 ; with WEEKLY BEE one year $2.60. BARRY'S FRUIT GARDEN , 60 pages , well Illustrated and com. plete. Cost $2.50 ; with WEEKLY BEE one year for $3.60. MEDICAL. AMERICAN SURGICAL INSTITUTE 162 Hamer-St. Omaha Nebraska FOR THE TBEATXKKT OF ill Climi of Sorgtrji Chronic Disease : & Definfe S.D.Merocr.M.D , Surgeon and in charge of Jhronio Diseases. J. C. Denise. M. D. , in iharge of Diseases of Eye. bar and Throat , epleodftwt THE ENEMY OF DISEASE ! CHE FOt OF PAIN ! To M&o : ! and Beast. S IB THE QRAN OLD MTTST A2TG LINIMENT , s ] in Which has stood the testof 40 yean There is no sore it will not heal , no lame- ess it will sot cure , no ache , no pain , that met * the human body , or the body of a erse or other domestic animal , that does ot yield to its magic touch. A bottle cost- ig2Sc..50c. . or $1.10 , has often saved the feof a human being and * estored to life ad usefulness many aluable horse. meh20d wly > thimi mi LEGAL NOTICE. Sti tats of Nebraska. Douglas county , ss : j At County Court held uttha connty court COl om. in and for said county.Decemb r , COlA. . D. . 1876. Present r > . H. Sedgwiek. A.Co r.nnty Judge. In the scatter of the esta e of Joseph Banma- . deceased : On rea-linr and on filling the verified po itii tion of Willhelmeoia llaumin. praying itiiwi lat the last will ana testament of s id de- Stt asedbe probated , allowed and established est no. she aopointel executrix. thi Ordered , t at January.ilst. A , D. 1876 at 9 thiD. assigned for heiring sad D.he elilion. when all persons interested in tei lid matter msy aupear at a connty court to coi held , in and for said county , and show CO ! inao why the prayer of petitioner should pet ot be granted ; and that notice of the pen- no1 ency of said pe'ition and the hearing tht lereof , be given to all persons nteres ea inl isaid matter , by publish n r & copy of this coi rder in , the Omaha Weekly Bi . a ncwf- a i aper pnnted in aid connty , for three nc- thi mive wteks. prior to said day of hearing , he. . , . „ , C.H. BKDQWICK. ( 5 aS-w3t Coufcr Jad < . . SPECIAL QUOTATIONS. DORSETT & CO. No. 163 Harney street. Buyers , Packers. AND'WHOLISALI DEALERS IN Country Produce. BUTTER EIGS AND POULTRY A SPECIALITY. OUAHA , Jan. 18 , Our to-days quotations areas lollows : delivered to oar address at differen * R. R. depots. Fresh roll butter 16c. Old packed butter 10 to 14c as to quality. Fresh eggs , by express. 20c subject to candling. POULT W DELIVERED AT OMAHA. . Live turkey r8c per n > . Live chickens 5c per tt. Coops'1 furnished free of charge. Cash on delivery. DORSETT & SHEPHERD. Agents for the CELEBRATED LOWEH VEIN COAL. Special contracts made for coal in car.load lots. THE BEE AS A Circulating Medium XT H.A.S 6O2O SUBSCRIBERS ! BEACHING A POPULATION OF OVER 36,145. FACTS FOR BUSINESS MEN WHO ADVFRTISE TO CONSIDER. Business men who advertise will do well to look at the subjoined statement of cir culation of THK BIB , November 1 , 1876. Merchants advertise in newspapers to reach the people. It therefore pays to investi gate and ascertain the best medium to ac complish that result. The circulation of THK BRC is larger than that of any paper in the trans-Missouri country , excepting San Francisco journals One additional fact worthy of note : THK BKK is not merely a local or State paper , but A NATIONAL JOURNAL. Its constantly increasing subscription list embraces persons in nearly every State and Territory in the Union , Th great difficulty in establithing newspapers is met in secur ing the firtt three thousand subscribers. When that number is once reached , the list rolls up at a rapid rate. Its news becomes more varied and of general interest , and its advocates help to increase its subscription list by thousands as readily as its agents se cure hundreds at the beginning. Nebraska is one of the largest States in the Union. Many of its counties are inac cessible to railroads. Yet there is not a county in the State which THK BKK does not reach. As an illustration we will men tion a few of the leading counties in the State : Adams county. 28 dailies , 26 weeklies : Cass , 30 dailies. 176 weeklies : Clay. 18 dailies. 13 weeklies ; Dodge , 34 dailies , 149 weeklies : Douglas , ( outside of Omaha ) . 20 dailies. 185 weeklies ; Fillmore , 19 dailies , 30 weeklies ; Gage. 23 dailies. 46 weeklies ; Hall , 34 dailies. 8 weeklies ; Jeff erson. 3 dailies. 34 weeklies : Johnson , 12 dailies. 73 weeklies ; Lancaster. 62 dailies. 56 weeklies ; Lincoln connty. 48 dailies. 25 weeklies : Merrick. 20 dailies. 24 weeklies ; Nemaha. 17 dailies. 91 weeklies : Otoe , 25 dailies. 82 weeklies : Pawnee. 3 dailies. 48 weeklies : Platte. 39 dailies. 20 weeklies Richardson. 14 dailies. 97 weeklies ; Saline. 29 dailies. 82 weeklies : Sarpy. 15 dailies. [ 109 weeklies : Saunders. 36 dailies. 136 weeklies ; Seward , 24 dailies , 64 weeklies ; Thayer , 10 dailies. 68 weeklies ; Washing ton. 35 dailies , 74 weeklies : Webster. 39 weeklies. > T TOTAL IN THB 8TATK8 AND TKREITOBIKS. Dailia. Weekliet. Total. Vebrnskn 2.245 2.23J 4,478 \niona Territory. . . 1 1 3alifornia 9 10 19 Colorado. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 S ' Connecticut 4 4 Dakota Territory . . . 41 41 ' district of Columbia. . 1 4 ? lorida _ Idaho . . G 6 Illinois ' 7 30 47 ndian Territory 1 1 own 51 572 & 16 ' fansas - : l 26 18 tentncky. . . . 26 26 jouisiana 1 1 ilaine 2 2 ' Maryland. . . . . . . . ' Hassachnsetts Michigan 2 12 14 Minnesota- tlipsissippi. . - 1 1 Hissonn- 16 35 51 Montana Nevada few Hampshire 3 3 few Jersey - few Mexico. few ork 18 25 41 hio - . 11 20 31 regon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 ( 'ennsylvania 17 21 38 Pennessee 6 6 rexas -tnh 53 125 178 rermont 3 3 'irginia . . . 1 1 rVyomlnp 139 104 243 Visconsin- . - 3 9- 12 Washington Ter - 3 3 foreign mail- . . . . . . . 1 13 14 Total .2.6.1 3.384 6.020 Grand Total 0 HOTE.LSAND RESTAURANTS. rRAl CfflTRAL HOTEL , [ OMAHA NEBRASKA. The largest and bast hotel between Chica- and San Francisco- Opened new September 30,1873. ! MpSOtf QS6. THRALL. Proprietor. „ [ HE METROPOLITAN IE A IELi OMAHA -NEBRASKA , . I. A. VAN NAMEE , Jr. , Proprietor. The Metropolitan Hotel is centrally lo A lled , and is first-Massin every respect , ] aving recently been entirely renovated , W be public will find it a comfortable ana omelike house ma3-tf THE OKIOLNAJL 3RIGGS HOUSE Cori.r Rtadolph-SL d Fifth-A . , BeTs Ts OBICAOO 1LL1X01S. r1 In InHi Hi HiRi Ri RiM OiRt RtW RtW Mi [ InCa Ca CaTo To ToNi Ni NiN N ( N ( N < NN N ( N ( Br ShPI PRICES REDUCED TO PI 2.00 and $2.50 Per DaT. ° ° Located in the Business Centre. Ai onvenient to all places of amusement.Ai legantly furnished , containing all modern ° nprovements. passenger elevator. Ao. J. H. CUMMINUS. Proprietor. JJ ( 0. F. HILL , Chief Clerk ( late of Ganlt Mi loase. ) ocl6U P - fill fictor's Restaurant , ? ' IM FirsteM , bet. I0 i d Illh OMAHA NIB. Lo PE2T DAT and WIGHT All meals served to order. Attached to PrNe ie above is a ban also seperate apart- NeW ent for ladlm. d > Z > ' Sh Pe > PeI LkUAL NOTICE. I ate of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss ; At a connty court held at the county inrt room , in and for said county. Dec.27th D. . 1S76. Present. C. H. Sedgwick. unty Judge. In the matter of the estate Max Henry Stein , deceased. At ! On reading and filing the verified pe- ion of Elise Stem , praying that the last Ne ill and testamentof the said Max. Henry Pel ein deceased , be allowed , probated , and tablished. which said will is on file in is court. Ordered , that January 24th. A. , 1877. at 9 o'clock. , m. . is assigned f < r arine said petition , when all persons in rested in < aid matter may appear at a unty court to be held , in and for said Ru nnty. and show cause why tbe prayer of ititioner sconld not be granted : and that itioe of the pendency of said petition and hearing thereof , be given to all persons tcrested in said matter , by publishing a An py of this order in the Omaha Weekly Bxx. An newspaper printed in said county , tor Bi ree successive weeks .prior to said day of La ring. C. H. iJKDQWICK. A tnM eoyr. ) Couaty J.dce. An Bti MONEY AND COMMERCE. OMAHA , NBB. , Jan. 18,1877. Gold , at Omaha Buying , 1105 a 1 05J ; selling , fl-,07 a 1 07 } . COMMISSION PROVISION , PRODUCE VRU1TH , ETC. Butter Freah roll or prints la Uiuslin wrappings , 18a25n , as to quality. Fresh Eggs 23a2Sc per doz. Poultry Is working scarce , and good dry-packed turkeys are worth 10al2c per pound ; chickens , 7a8c ; geese , wanted at2c ; ducks , lOallc. Game is all.outlawed. . . ' FKUITS Apples A trifle firmer at 2 76a j ( 3 00 per bbl. Cranberries In light stock and firmer at 13 00 per barrel for Cape Cod , and 4 50 per Jersey bushel box. California Pears and Quinces In good order , at 3 50 per box of forty pounds. Oranges and liemons A carload of Messinas jobbing at b 00 per box New Dates In small mate , 10 per pound. i\ew Figs In boxes , drums , bags and baskets , 10al2c per pound. California white comb honey , In sectional frames , 21c per pound. Booth's Oysters Selects , 47c standard ? , 37c ; anchors , 30 ; . Groceries Coffees an sugars have advanced/ will be seen by our price list Trade * continues fair. Wheat No 1,1 08f ; No2,1 06J ; No 3 , 95c ; rejected , 8Jo. ) Corn Western mixed , 26c. Oa's No 1 , 28c ; No 2 , 25c ; re jected , 20c. Barley No 2 , 40j ; No 2 , 25c ; re jected , 20c. Bye 50c. LIVE STOCK. Steers on foot per 100 Ihst 375a400 Calves do do 450a50C Hogs do do 520 5 35 Sheep do de 450a500 PHOVISIONS Hams peiClb. 15 Shoulders do 9 dodo Tallow do 8 Dressed hogs per 100 800 850 ROCEHIB 8DOAK8. Granulated per Ib Powdered do Crushed do Refined.cut loaf do Standard 'A' do Extra 'C' do "C" do fellow 'C' do 007TH. Old Qovernmentyava perlb Fancy Rio do Choice" do Prime " do oed " do Till. Foung Hyson per Ib Inn Powder do mperial do ) olong do fapan do DBICD FECIT. Michigan Apples ialt Lake do Currants Elaisins , layers do seedless do Valencia > 'runes , French Raspberries do Common 'caches eastern do Salt Lake 'caches 2 Ib cans do 3 Ib eans * itrawberries. 2 Ib cans Hackberrle * Ihnbarb. 2 Ib cans . Cherries do 'ino apples do tomatoes do do 3 Ib cans torn , 2 Ib cans [ 'cas , early garden 2 Ib cans do 'Bag , common do leans , strine do FISH AND O lalmoc 2 Ib cans do Ib eans jobsters , 2 Ib cans [ do lib cans tvsters. standard.2 ! b ct do do 1 Ib ei do slack , 2 Ib c ns do do 1 Ib cans [ SALT. lommon per bbl 23S 250 airy do 375 BTBUP. B Ihoice per gal 100 Of lood do 65 lommon do 55 OfOi I. 0. molasses. do 85 Oi uoi. OiHi [ larolina per Ib HiHi Langoon do Hi OAKBLIS. HiFc Firts perlb 16 Fcfit ' ark's savon per Ib fit do White Russian do fitCo do India do Co chaafer > sStLonisGermando ( ) CoCo imaha soap do CoPs FLUB TOBACCO. Ps Hack Goods , western per Ib 48 50 PsQi do Virginia do 52 55 Qi do Lonllardi do 65 70 right Virginia do 60 66 latural Leaf do 80 100 1 BREAD STUFFS Si t. Louis W. W. Flour ! per bbl 8150 1000 SiTi fobraska spring do 260 275 .an per ton 1200 orn meal ocr100 1 00 CHEES , Y. factory .merican : Swiss mported Swiss imbunc [ CABTOHi .moskeagA do BB do DD rlington" Bleached ricassee.H 9 do T 11 do 12 do T 12H * do X do XX 17 do XXX SO CARPE1 AND OIL CLOTH. ody Brussels carpeting , per yd 1 75 200 apestry do do 110 140 ply do do 120 1 40 igrain do do 40 40 emp do do 20 75 ag carpet do 40 63 fatting : do 30 100 il cloths do 40 85 nbber matting do 200 rindow shades per pair 1 25 250 rindow fixtures per noi 150 atts do 9002400 IRON AND STEEL. 0 on in bars per Ib 5 ut plow steel do , 10 oolsteel do 18 20 2010X all rods do 10X 6AL7AVUKD ROK. a o 14 to to 20 perlb 12 o 21 to 24 do 13 1 o25 do 13U ele ; 027 do 15 hai 027 do 16 last Toll bundles discount 20 per cent. em OOPPIB. Sat niters 10 to 12 37 SatA do 12XtolOO 35 A leathing H and 16 oi 41 Wimi lanlshed 13 and 16 os 41 mi do No 7,8 and 9 55 pper bottoms 35 DRY GOODS nnrra. AT meriaan moskeag icheco AT ATI arnera I emmack AT allory. pink orparpl ! ATC KdficMilli m peons P rague 7 ' amsutta 6 'ashington 6TH r obes TH ? BLKACHIH COTTOHS. AT snsdale 36 UM ATS " Cambric U ibot 4-4 9 f\ \ ibot fAT uit of Loom 58 11 ATfi BW York milli 36 12 amsutta 36 12 ' attervills 8 II abody AI ! Pepperell AIri do AT ; do ATn do AT ! ATu T. ilantio B via i do P nut sbraska standard A A He ] ipperell 0 tan do R do B , dlan Head do do do do do do A ims. mixed Jams'en 100 Fzcl per cent do Jen sw Eng. rum. 90 per ct do FAJ mnody's bitten do A.I mencan 81 f mosk ag ites mcuter KIHOS. TIC oskeag ddeferi First quality No 16 to 20 per Ib do No 22 te 24 do do No 26 do do No 27 do Charcoal.both sides smooth.mNo24do do do do do Double refined. No 24 do No 26 do No 27 RuMi .perfe5t.7tol2 do No 1 stained * A' American imitation Russia 16 For less than full bundle add one cent. DIXIIO. Amoskeac IS ] Beaver Creek AA 13 < do do BB _ _ 13 Haymakers * 9X Otis axa 1 * doBB 13 do CC 11 Shetuoket B 15 do BB 16K PAINTS AND OILS. Carbon oil per gal SO Linseed oil. raw do 75 Linseed oil. boiled do 80 e 1 ftVlMlS Benzine do 25 W st Virginia lubricating do 35 328 Fish oil do 65 Turpentine do 60 pAtsra. White lead. strictly pure per tt 10H do do pure do do do xino pure French do do do do do Amer. do Red load do Putty in bladders do 4K 5 WISDOWOLAM Disoount25 oB lilt. Mink , pnme 1 25(9 ( } 75 do 2dand3d 60 100 Wolverine 3 60 Racoon 60 do inferior 25 Mnskrat. fall do winter 22 do spring 17 do Kittens Skunk , black prim. U 00 do narrow striped prime COK do broad K Otter. No 1. large TOO Fisher BOO . Wolf No 1 large mountain 300 do No 2 do 200 do No 1 small prairie 106 do No 2 do 80 Beaver.well furred and clean perlb 140 do stagy and heavy 90 Red fox No I Kid fox No 1 40SO Deerskinredand short blue , per Ib SO Intel ope 25 LUMBER FoiffU , studding and sills 20 R and under 1700 ) ver20 feet each additional foot ! 100 fencing No 1 1900 do No 2 1700 st common boards 2000 tad do do 1700 A' stock boards. 10 and 12 incite * 4500 B' do do do do 85 00 C' do do do do 2500 st clear 1 , IK. IX ud2 Inch 4500 d do > lo do do 4000 d , do do do do 300(1 ( flooring , clear 450 do 1st common 32K do 2d do 300 do 3d 226 do narrow. No 1 4000 st clear ceiling K inch 350 i do do X do sen st do do 55 do 27 K 1 do do H do So t do siding ; 2200 i do do 190 st common do 1700 A' shingles 325 Ixtra No 1 shingles 250 ommon No 1 sninglei JO iath per 1000 2S & B. pickets pe 100 300 ijnare do do 300 G Batten per lineal foot 01 .ouch do do LEATHER est Buffalo sole 34 36 atamoras do 30 34 est oak 40 43 altimore oak sole 48 renchkips 11 40 200 do calf. leading brands 175 240 omestic kips 75 do calfs 110 160 emlock. upper er foot 22 28 ak do do 25 rain. do do 25 inings per doi 7001000 oppings do 10001200 oroceo ( bootleg ) perfect 38 45 do oil dressed do 36 40 do Simon oer skin 300 325 do glove kid 00 el t leather , per side 00 oot Webbing per bolt 45 70 ak harness leather. Pittsburg * 43 do Nol 40 42 , do No 2 38 40 ak line leather 44 46 emlock harnu83oath r No 1 37 39 do No 2 35 37 .emlock line either 42 44 air bridle per side 600 700 earn collars per dot 24002500 tage do do 19002000 cotch do do 3600 onoord do 3800 ollar leather ( black ) per ft 18 24 do i do ( ruist ) do 13 20 atent dash leather do 18 Rion 18i'A reen hides per ft > i'A reen cured hides do 6 ry hides do 10 012 ry salted hides do 9 10 ry calf and kip do 12 beep pelts each 309125 allow per Ib LOUORS AND WINE igh wines per gal 111 Icohol 188 per cent do 220 ranch spirits do 2 SC arshaU'sBr'bonwhiskydo 125 filer's do do 155 randy , very fine do 4 00 do inferior brands do 1 50 3 75 in. TOO percent do 1 50 3 00 olland Gin. 90 per cent 1 75 do per case 7 25 do in 100 case lota 6 50 lampagnes. pints in baskets 24 00 30 00 ortwine. inf rbr'ds per case 5 SO 9 00 do very fine 10 50 lerriea 5 00 16 50 le , Edinburgh , per doi 3 00 le. Bass ft co's pale 3 00 uinness Dnblis stout 0 Al tic nii CHICAGO , A IslanJ & Pacific Bailitf. B : CHE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE FROM MARA TO CHICAUI- AND THE EAST Dei Molnaa , i/at upon aid O9k lilacs rhis Route being t oughlv equipped will- gant new Coaches , lace Bleeping Can , st ring thead vantage . smooth and well bai ted track , otters tbe traveling public an East B ( Line nneqnaled for Speed. Coalort + j > 3 tetv. All Passenger Trains are equipped with the KSTIHOHOUSK PATXKT AlB BBAKK and iDpT' Patent Safet ? Platform Coupler. o wo Fast Express 'Trains Leave Dal y. connec f si o How i DE8 MOlNKSwlth the 1X Moinei V Sallroad for Oikaloosa. Ottnmwa. Keokuk ted St. Lonlj , GBIKNELL with the Central Ballroad of towa. for allpoinU north to St. Paul , WEST LIBSBTT with the Burlington. 3edar Bapldt Minnesota Bai'road for Burlington , c , ir Rapids , Dnbuque & St. PauL at WILTON JUNCTION with tbe 'outh-WfstPTn branch , for Muscatine iVwiinirton nd points soutn. nAVENPOET with the Davenport A St aul PaUroad tor points north. BOCK ISLAND with tbe Western Union ZallroaJ for Krecport , Belolt , Eadne. MU- , raukee.ftnd all points n northern D 11 noli EOCZ ISLAND with toe Bockford , Bock ! * nJgn'J8t. Loob Bfllroad for St. Louis nd point * mutk. BOCK ISLAND t1- the Peoria & Bock land Baflrosd lor Peoria and points east. BUBKAU JUKC- with branch , for Hen- , Jeton , CUn ) > h and Peoria. LA HALLE with tee Illlnob Central Ball- nd for points north and south. CBIClQO with til tbe lines Eut , North nd a xc XIBOUGB T7CKBXB to all JKutein elU tdi tbli Una , > an be pnxrre * ! , t34 any Iniiv. Ne- tlon obtained , eoccernirg ranUc , el it-j kt Ofice In tha Union Fwi < 3c rpc . lane , end also at tir nrtEcIpcl ticket " Ko ng the line a ! tt D. P. R. fc. Tat f < d > I ill Intoriu&OoQ reguillnj fsu ui n . . aj light cheerfully ftrcishod , end Hlcepicj Cu wai tns tor nlc at the Company' * Ofilc * , 25 * lot BNBAU St. . inn < f Central Hotel ) Otrmh. lotnc ncnd nd M. SMITH , H. SIDDLX ndni 'l FlwT A 't. n'l . " en Chicico. Chicago. casl W.CLAXB , H. B.STEVENE ) , and Fmenger Agent , Oen'l Weitern Ag't , Toi Onaka Urn RAILROADS. Ctap Fans ! Free Hues ! ON THE LINK OF THE Union Pacitic R. R. A LAND GRANT OF 12.0OO.OOO Acres of the Best FanaiDE & Mineral Lauds IN AMERICA. 3,000,000 In Nebraska , IN THK GR4AT PLATTE VALLEY. Tlie Garden of tbe West. FOR SALE [ TAT PHICB THAT DOT CflMPHITflllS Ten ysar ' credit , interest only 6 per eat. Free Homesteads for actualsettlers. The best location for colonies. Soldiers entitled to a homestead of 160 acre * . Fre passes from Omaha to purchasers o railroad lands. Descriptive pamphl.t * . with sectional maps , and THE PIONEER. a handsome illustrated paper containing the homestead law. mailed free to all parti of the world. Address. O.F. DAVIS , Land Oommiinontr U. P. Ra J. B. GRINELL. Liae Nortk and mutk In connection with the Chicago. Milwau kee i St. Paul Bailway. and the Great East to West Line - FORMS AN - Unequalled Route - FROM - Omaha to St. Paul AND OTHER Minnesota Points I Passengers by this route IMTI&C Coanri Bluffs on the afternoon trains will make direct eonnecttti at the different Junc tions with the St. Paul Avoiding delay , hetel bill * aadtrantter. THSOUGHTICKETB FOB 8 ALE , At all the principal ticket office * . A. RUS8BLL. Qen'l las * , aad Ticket Agt. Harahalltown. Iowa. JOB PR'NTING. ' TUB BEE JOB Printing House H HIE LARGEST to -ANI ) MOST COMPLETE 0 THE WEST ! PROMPTLY FILLED w 11 orders must b cash subject to edlM > on on delivery. This established plan nablei nj to for- ish work at TBB LOWSIT rmioia. Pi WE PRINT AND FURNISH Ml ILL HEADS , CtMl LEG All BLANKS , Ct LETTER HEADS , ENVELLOPE8 CIRCULAR * } , PAMPHLETS OOK8 , TAGS , BALL TICKETS , n BALL PROGKMMZ8 , JC j. , IHROMATIC WORK OF AIX DESGRIPTIOHS PROMPTLY AND AT THH OWEST CASH PRICES.W' fANHOOD Ai Victims of youthful imprudence I who have tried in vain every know at , Iremedy. will learn of a simple pre- "scnption. FREE , for the'gpeedy cure nervious. debilityt premature decay , lost inhood. and all disorders brought on bv posses. Any druggist has the Ingredients. iwYork. lores * . DAVIDSON * CO. 86 Nissan-it . . . - ! 41 oot : LEGAL NOTICE. Me Orthnrd City Ayrieultural Work * , and ortmouth fgneultural WorJu , non-rtn- felt defendant * . rou are hereby notified that on the 28ti s of December 1876 a bill of partlenlars sI filed in the County Court of Douglas I nntr. Nebraska , by Dan Burr as plaintiff. * against , on as defendants , he object prajer of which U the collection of cue n.drS.B5'i ' twcn7 < loIl r anl * < > rtT * BW t ( li0.43) ) claimed hy said plaintiff fo- ih paid for freight of defendants goods for repair * and storage d caidgo.ds. u an required to answer laid bill of par- alan on U * . 5ta dnv of February 1817. BAHKMH * HOUSES. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED : BANKING HOUSE IN JN-EB.RA8KA. CALDmL HAMILTON SCO BANKERS. Business transacted same as that of an incor porated Bank. Accounts kept in cur rency or grold subject to sight check without no tice Certificates of deposits issued payable in three , six and twelve months , bearing interest at six per cent * per annum , oren on demand without inter est. est.Advances Advances made to cus- omers on approved se curities at market rates of interest. Buy and sell s-old , bills of exchange , government State , County -nd City bonds. Draw ight drafts on England , Ireland , Scot land , and all parts of Eu- roT > e. Sell European Pi Tickets. COLMONS PROMPTLY IADET anrltf F8ANK MUKHMY , tflUS LOW ! , Prld iL Yl.Prgid..l ! 8CN. WOOD. Caihiir. STATE SAV1N8S BANK , rthw.ttCor.erFir.him Thirl * * ! > ) OHABA KXBRASKA 0 plUl $ 100.000 Authorised capital 1.000.000 Pepositi as small as one dollar received and compound interest allowed on the same. IflUITiEES ITE1 CEHTIFIMTES IF DEPISIT , The whole or any pan ot a deposit after remaining in the bank three months will draw interest from date of deposit to pay ment. The whole or any part of a deposit mar be drawn at anv time. an2-tf U. S. DEPOSITORY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA , Coner Farnham and Thirt nth.8ti. OMAHA ( enocisftoaa TO KOUMTZI BIOS. ) CSTABLISHEDilN 1858. Iroantze u a NaUonal Bank 'August 20' 1863 tylttl ui PnElj Our SIIMH , BIKCCTOKS : l.Kounbe.Prenlent I Jno.H.CrelgMen UflBstut Kountu. H. W. Yatet. VteoPrttldent. I Cashier * . A. J. POPPLETON. Atlt : ney. This bank receives deposits without regard amounts. Issues time certificates bearing Interest. Draws drafts on San Francisco and prinei- al cities of the United States , also London. nblin , Edinburg and the principal cities of e contin ent of Europe. Sells passage ticket * f r emigrants in th nmanline oetlfltt tana & lit Louis M Lin 1876 ! 08 MILFS WED TO ST- LOUIS ' The KansAo City , St. Joe and CoujicU Blnfts B. B. u the only direct Una to 3AINT LOUIS ! AND THB EAST. FROM 1TMTATTA & THE WEST FO CHANGE of can between Omaha and Bt , Louis , and but one between Om * b * and New Tork. This ii the only line running a Pnlace SleeplBK Coacb East from Oraaba via St. Joe aad KamuM City to St. Lonls OB Arrival oftbeVn IOB Paclflo Ezpreaa Train. VA$8TJi 3. TRAINS DAItTPi N S < REACHING fa Eastern anil Itstero 1th less changes and in advance of other lines. ThU entire in. U equipped with oilman Palace Sleeping Cars PALACE DAY COACHES A CHAIR CAB lIUHi S.fHy Platform . .d , AND THI f estimilioiise Air Me. . arSee that vonr ticketa read vU-wi AN8AS O1TT. ST. JOS * COUNCIL BL VrrSBAILB BAD. IA OfiAIA & ST. LODE 1 leketi'for nl at S3 larsaia Bt. . and. 6r ad Ontrel HctU. tAMC LIIOWII nrtrtAf.T.tSSFarataiS- is. UAHoy. eaoTti. BRVDBUBY. 1. BARNAKD. A. 0. DAWKS. flen'lSup't. am'lPMi. Ac't. St. JoMDh St. JOMT > > > lentennial Reduction Of ADVERTISING. S3.250.4O orth of NKWSPAPER ADVERTISINO given for , S700. nd a THREE MONTHS' NOTE TAKEN in payment from -advertisers of responsibility. A PRINTED LIST. ving name , character , actual daily and weekly circulation , and schedule rates 'of advertising , sent free to any address. Apply to IEO.P. ROWJEXl.dc CO. , NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENTS A W . PARK BOW YORK. fftfA. A. J. SIMPSON'S ARRIAG * FACTORY. Established 1858. T mei tor are be loc an : T thei the ; MISCEU.AWEOUS. - Has the best stock in Omaha , and makes the Lowest Prices I Charles Shiverick. FUR N ITU Bedding , mirrors , and pertaining to the Furniture and holsterv trade. Parties desi goods in this line will find it to their interest to call before purchasing. CHARLES SHIVERICK fobaimonwenMattf 203FanLQanL Street ESTABLISHED 1846. The JMi , Brunswick &Balke Co Factory Mo. 7. 9. II. 13. 15. 17 and 19. Uujh St. North Water ted iiichLru j | , Offl , . . n Warehouse , 47. 49 and 13. State St. ChUuju. SOLE MANUFACTURERS Of THE Patent Novelty Beveled Billiard Table" . hai a inppl j of articles < A Rare Chancel , TO Q-IET AT PRICK * . TostlL ii-crease the circulation of THE WEEKLY BEE. and introduce it to many new readers throughout the entire West , we have arranged to famish The Bee to New Subscribers fo * 6 Months With any one of the subjoined list of valuable books below enumerated for The &mall &uun of l. af. These books-are neatly bouudSn elothlwith fancriilt edge , with a te l Engraved Vignett or Colored Frontis Piece , Making a very handsome book forjthe parlor , and suitable as ! A. New Year's or Christmas Present I rthis m < Coffer ; , heldoutto tetters up of clubs , to whom A. R/are Opportunity offered at a'nomi cost , afvary handsome and valuable Literary and Historical Collection. Thin wilCalso afford Country By Getting" Up Clubs ro P TTRE CHEAP L OF GOOD SUBSTANTIAIi READING. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF : THE BOOKS , ANT OF WHICH WILL BE FUHX- ISHED. AS STATED , WITH 'The Omaha Weekly Bee , " FOB , SIS MC1TTHS On Iteceipt of IJST OF BOOKS : esop'a Fables ; Don Juan ; Oull'iTer's ravels : Robin Hood : Lalla Rooke ; Pope's [ omer's Odyssey : Pope's Homer's Illiad ; lobinson Crusoe ; Arabian Nights ; Die * onary 'of Lave ; Franco Prussian War : anruage and Poetry of Flowers ; Don nlzotte ; Scottish Chiefs ; Wandering Jew ; neodotes of Napoleon ; Barns Poems ; By- ; ns Poems ; Byron's Select Poems : By- m'l Choice Poems : Cook's Voyages ; : oors'i Choice Works : Dryden's Virgil ; erfect Gentleman ; Perfect Lady ; Life of apoleon : Milton's Poems ; Mysteries of aris ; Royal Fortune Teller : Dream Book ; sett's Lady of the Lake : Lay of the Lost [ instrel ; Marmion ; Coleridge's Poetical and Dramatic Works : Tala and Storiej Ireland ; Anecdotes f Lord Nelson : Cook's Letter Writer : Dryden'e Poetical Works : The History of England ; History of the BussUn W Goldsmith's ; Poetical Works ; Life of Wellinaton ; Life of Cromw ll : Life of Nelfon i Pope's Poetical Work < ihelley1 * Select Works ; Walter Scot lords of the Isles ; Woodward's Sela Poemi : Exploits of Kins'Arthur. Partiw subcrlbing for the Weekly BK. months , can secure the paper with any of the above books for $1.25. Remittances should be forwarded to BUSINESS MANAQ'K BEE. OMAHA. . . . NEB. dAw-tf THE . ? 0HNSONORGA-T , MAPUTACTURED BY THE iohnson Organ Company FLATTSMOJTH NEBRASKA. Klrat pmulnmawarded at the Stcte Fa'rat Oraabt , 1875 , oyer all comprtnora. Hr.t mV .B-n wherever exhibited. Elegant black walnut OKI ; ivory fronU to key > . ebony tLitt Mplni ; mortlceeclothed : action as qn. . k and perfect aa th * beet pUno ; tuning in-lToltini trfect : six octa-e . Price list u Jowas t atof anyfirst ltu Initruaifnt. ETery crvnn I R arra ted lortb * urm ol nvo yean. An moiiciana pronounce themperfect. Look loyco * t rw > t and trytbtse ornni bet re porcfax'ng elsewhere. Addrew JOHNbON ORGAN < O. . Plati.moulh Heb rREMONTMOUSE. CHICAGO , II L. 'he 'Palacx" Hotel of America. JEWETT ILCOX , Minager. JAMES COUCHProprieier.I h Tremont House , tbe "Palace Hotel" of Chicago , is unsurpassed in all the appoiot- nta. luxuries and comforts of a first-cUss Hotel. Situated in the heart of the business tion of the city , it offers superior inducements to. and il the favotite home of the plear- seek'r.commercial travelertourist and business men. Prices hive benmade to suit limes , ranging from 13.01 to $4.50 per day. according to size and location of rooms. > ms. without board , can be secured at $1.00 to * 2.00 p r day. with one of the fin t res- rants in the West atta hed to tbe Hotel. he undersigned having assumed the management of the Tremont. hopes to welcom re his old friends , acquaintances , and traveling public generally , and trust * whenevr y visit the city they will favor him with aih re nf their prtronage. -