TTIEDAILYBEE r. Jmiuary 10 , 1877. BEE Is e ed to subscribers by ccmcr.o anj an r vart of the Uty. every eoninc. . ( Sundays . ' -vt < "D at finoon cents i > er jteek. - ill coiarlainw xbout irregularities , 01 i rrorcr delivery of the paper , if ad' - Ji lo this offlcc. tc'.ll recciro proiojit at- OUAHA DAILY Use hat by fr.r tbi t eirrulatlon both InOmahaandabro&i and cheapest d. u > thcreforf. the best tnetli3H > . DULY BKI will bo limited U at the following rales , pRyubli n adrauce : 5 .W l-cr annum J2.CO per year iJ > T3RTfSIN < Jl KATES ( t ID VKlIar per * < iura ( U of n Inch deep an / < Ut3n tiisrtJUj ) lor one luti Hlou , and fift i u > r * cli subeinent liiKvrUou , per Bquait iU Aflx'erUtcnseuta Inseitnl on contract fo .iu.ufiia cr s jtfir. JI.'M i > cr mouth i * i rp JjJkJ jxr moi'tii fur two Bquartx , an f t fof t ! ' * tqnart. ! . I'tyalJ inouthly. M.-aabIe mlucl on rt ci tljo alKno is nwd ' * pares. . * fcr tha a > lvertisinK I reudcrr ftUviaic. AdveUmcst euch ms , For Bal < y .r lUot , Kituntious Wanted , Lett , Found , kc , - iwiboi'iTt * ! column , tre charged at 10 ccut . M1'if Tor te first Insertion , unit rrtul * to f r * .il > - . > . | 'i it insertion. No AdvirtiwincDl . r lir Uv liiau 25 cente. \.u. > . , iwiiti In Use I/Jcal Near * Columnar each ins Ttion. coimtir IIPP for - cr * > \ - , " r f * 1 2 nml fractlouil linen u full Ihiw. au . : : "t rewrws In Uio local columun , nc . . . < ! is mhcrttpniMi ! * , arc'i" cent * prrluii V-U--UMlu liiit 111 the WEEKLY 1JEE tr rc J at the MUJO n\t \ * an in tbo Dally , ei coutntcli" , wlilcU ar . < an r > irfJOiilSily of ih rai.I the Daily , ir uioutti. liiserU l under coutracu Ml AJM-rU-HWi't * r lu c-t.t Iwfure the nxplratlon of the tiui irt Kl , \ < il lw rfurgwJ at tranalcut ratm. * il * H-liin frt liuni-lle boUy of solid mcli trldth for -nugl liKlara in - 1 w4 r i > l two t M > . . or four incbra fur & douli'.e colnnii r n'p * on large ri ce kc. , Addi * n s Manacer ( O3IAIIA UKK , Omaha. Nob. BREVITIES. ( Jutyonr Job iiriuliug doue a Living Statues at Academy to night. No opera ghisbeu allowed. N D n't fail to f-ec "IheLtvinj .A rt .Sluiuea" at Academy to-uight Tbo gi cutest nensation fron Now York cit ' , at Academy to ! 'l ll ! . Look out for thieved. Then IIP lots of ( hem biicakinc arount t wn o' nights. No wonder it is quiol in Omaht just now , ns about halt the peopli are down at Lincoln. Lwk out for livelier limes , uov t -it the boyrf in blue have rcturnet from the seat of war , ' . p. Woohvorth/i'.B. McMm ia\ , and Gus. Andereou have beei aj'rwimed notaries public. Mr. i'rcil. Taviubas been prc mot'd to Ihe ateiMnnt csshierehi of the Firet National Bank. The I'.ncft line of Silver Fili grw Jewelry , as eete , necklaces ant 'iartu , can be eeu at the leadinj jc\veItT3 , Mas JMeyer < fc Bro.'s. The Psrish Aid Society invite all tla farishionera and friends o Trm itj pariah to a sociable 01 Thursday pveninij next atthe hous f Mr. 1'ojipleton , corner of Dodg arid JXhieleeulh slreetp. Max W < jr & Bro. , the Icadiui jewelers , vho ure always ahead , re e ved to-day a large assortment c Silver Filigree Jewelry. Lost : A gentleman's fur glove o Farnham street , between the BIE : ol fice and Twelfth street , Saturday p. ir Ploa-e return to BEK olllcc and recei\ The "Enoch Arden company,1 \vh " old" an Omaha audience no long . ' * , are meeting with a merited od * luiuisbraent. They are laid uj ' HeatrKe dead-broke , and an now ai ii g for the walking to be come joou. A-eplendid musical entertain is being arranged under thief of the Couyregatioua ehunw. and will take place in abou twi dayj < . Th.i choir of the churcl is to bs assisted by tie ! very bes talent in the city. Mix Meyer & Co.'a specialties > Cigars , JJara to Beat fine cut flttg , Garret's Scotcl tiuiill , imported and Scideuberg'i Key Weal Cigare. P. A. Bergijuist , mail carrier o tbc first ward , who received ouNev Years , nueh a larce money testluio uinlof-hid t > ervices from hia numer * ua friends in that district , requesli u to lutum his sincere thuiiks t < thcui for the same. Hix companies of tlie JNiuth In funtry came in from the West Sun ( by afternoon by special train and marched up to the Omahi barracks where they will remair for the winter. They have had t hard-lime of it , and will appreciate the uciufortablo quarters to whicl they have been assigned for th < winter. Judge Porter uad before him ycbtcydsy a couple of" printer * on the chhrge of disturbam-e of thi PCJCO. It appears that they wert laboring under the influence of toe nmuh "btnlgo'- Saturday afternoon , "ud got into dispute with home ether typos ou the subject of "rats. " A dibturb-uieo and arrest followed , but as they didu't have a jcent , HIE Honor discharged them. Two or three other cases of drunk aud dis- -turbauce of the peace constituted the tni.iuiug's business at the Pohct Court. Court.Mr. Mr. hi'er , proprictorof the pop- ul r wuL-ert hall on Twelfth ttreet , between Farnbam aud Harney , hw ust made several noticeable im. JprovementB in his establishment. He has put In two now pool tables , one round cornered and the othei square-cornered , and a billiard ta ble , all o tie latent desigug. The concert room has been parti tioned otl , and handsomely furnish , ed , the chief attraction beluga grand concert piano for tne accommoda. tion of private parties. Mr. fcifer't bsr is Piipplied'with the choices ! wines , liquors and cigara , and as be if a ple.-mnt gentleman , .he place is liberally patronized by gentlemen. < . : IJB , ail al Jaul2- D D. ilallorj oysters , loeeived daily by at10 hM , FarurmFn street erbeera. juu-13 15 i7 A NEW TERRITORY. That is What the Black Hillen Want , and U is to be Called El Dorado. An Inlenicw ullli Dr. C. W. Heyer the Gentleman iYkom the Min ers Im\o Elected as a Dele gate to Congress to At tend to the Mutter. Dr. C. W. Heypr , of Deadwooc one of tlie editors of the Black Hill Pioneer , arrived in the city yestei i lay afternoon , and put up at tb < 3raud Central Hotel. He is th euUemau who has been recentl elected by the miners as represents live from the Black Hills district t the legislature of Dakota and as delegate to Congress. Sunday n'gl j rppresentative of the BEE had tli pleasure of a most interesting miei view with Dr. Meyer , whom h found to be a gentleman of scholai ly tiainmeutH and possessing vsst a rouut of piactical knowledg and experience. He ia an educate pliymcian , and when he struck tl hills dead-broke he found that h medical knowledge was aa Food as s i'Id ' strike , and he at once bega to realize a comfortable iucomi Ho became connected with the Pu necr and at the earne time couth ued the practice of abe devoted considerable time 1 bahiiijg In short , Dr. Meyer is 'rustler , " and the miners probabl could not have found a better ma fir their legislative and cougres sicDH ! representative. 1 How is it , Doctor , that the m : nere can elect a delegate to the leg Hlalure or to congress from an In dim : reservation ? That is somt tiling f don't understand , " said w "We have 110 right to eithc legislative or congressional dele K-Vo , " said he , "but at th same time we have a large nun ber of people living in a chaoti stale , and we think they should b recognized by the national govern inenr , and have some laws by whic' capital should be protected. Go\ Pcnuington , of Dakota , has writte to me that be has no right to organ izfthc-BIackHillsaswearelivingc au Indian reservation. Butweclaiu however , under the tieaty of 186 that wears not ou an Indian resei Vation , and tba * we cannot bo e he'd under the treaty of 1872 , fror the fact that euch treaty was nc ratified by con gi ess. " "You are then seeking to organ iio a new territory ? " we asked. "Yes , sir ; I propose to ask fo Eome action on the pa t ol the go\ eminent byhicli we may Le 01 ganlzed as a separate territory ou ! bide of Dakota. Our interests at not in consonance with those of D hota , for the reason that we are mining people. So long as th agricultural country is trihutar to the mining country , we of coura can legi ] ale after such a manne that it may be to the interests c both the mining and agriculture sections ; \vhenevertheagricu' tural-oouutry censes to be tributar t1) the mining territory , then t course their interests become antaj onistic. The eastern part of Dakc ta is what we call a commercial an agricultural country , that is , a coun try that raites itb crops for shippin ; purpose ? . \V hat we wish Is a sufti cieut amount of territory to suppl. our wants , eo that we may legislat harmoniously for that part of th country for which we ask a di vision. " " VViiat will be the area of tha territory ? " we inquired. " We ask that Hghty Ihousaui square miles be set apart for the ne territory which we desire , anc which is to be called E Dor l'1 , the uoundaries o which are to erf end from the forty third parallel of latitude to the forty seventh , and from 102J meridian o lougituJe to the 107th. If we can' secure this our lirst desire then on second proposition Is that one degree greo may be taken from the West cm boundary ot Dakota and adde < to Wyoming territory , as mir inter cstfi are more closily allied to thosi of Wyoming than to Dakota. Ai matters now stand serious injury frequently results to our citizeni who are compelled to make thi long nnd perilous journeys for then to testify and tran'actothe'r bustneri before the courts ot Yankton. ] have known of numerous instance ! where persons have been un fortunate enoucu to be witnessei of crime and have teen carriec uway hundreds or miles from theii places of business to testily befon Hie courts at iauktou , and upor returning to the Hills have fount themselveo ruined , and were compelled polled to depend upon their friendi for a new start. "Of course the success of th < Hills as a gold-bearing district n now settled beyond a doubt , is i not ? " "Most certainly. It isa fact , bul not generally known , that'ovei $7,000,000 was taken out last sum mer. " "What are the leading mines ? ' "They are the 'Hidden Treasure , on Hidden Treasure gulch ; tin 'Charles Wesley' and 'Sarah Comp ton,1 on False Bottom ; 'Qoldet titar' and 'Alpha , ' on Gold Bun the Bit ; Cheyenne' and 'Blue .Lode on Yellow Creek , 'Golden Gate and 'Father DeSmet , ' 'Seek IK Further , ' on Deadwood , 'El d < Refugro , ' American Flag' and 'Flor ejice1 on Bear Butte , and 'Web Foot' at Custer. "Deadwood "s bound to be a bi { city , is not ? ' "Mo t a.uredly. . Thai's a set tied fad. There are several othe Rood points for towns : bpearflsh on the tinearfish river , will be thi centre ot the agricultural district Galena , which is in thf centre o the t > ilv > r-boanng quartz region 01 the Bear Butte ; IScw Chicago , 01 False Bottom , surrounded by om hundred locutions of silver anc quartz mines ; Lead City on Goli River ; Gayville on Deadwood Thes ( points from their accessibility anc splendid supply of water are certair to be thickly settled and will b < large towns. " "How is the newspaper business. ' "With the Pioneer it is a b'g sue cesa. The mind's support tin paper liberally We have had thi telegraph since December 1st , an ia the spring we propose to put iu i steam press , and run ft large daili as there will be au immigration c 100,000 people there during th summer. " Dr. Meyer exhibited to us severa fine specimenfs of mines iu whic ! he is interested , and informed u that during the coming summer ; large number ot stamp mills woul be brought in , and then there woul be gold and employment enougl for everybody. He leaves to-da ; or to-morrow for Yanktou , and wil go from there to Washington t endeavor to accomplish theobjec of his importalnt mission. He wil probably be absent sixty days , ' Ontnhn 1'ooiilo Iu Florida. fivKR they come and yet there i room. Every boat brings a ne\ supply. On the littlij schooner DC lin came Dr. H. P. Jensen and wif < aud Dr. Edd. Neve , from Oraalu Neb. . These two gentlemen com for the purpose of opening a oru store , aud jeweler's store. Thei etock is now on the way. Dr. Jen fcon , we are told , besides being first-class druggist , is also a we ! read physician ; and Dr. Neve i said to be one of the finest dentist known 10 the northwest. Thric welcome , gentlemen , in this ou sunny land , aud may yea never re gret your venture. To such aa yoi we look for the development of thi country. Also by tne same boat came H -L. Swart , from Canada , brolher-in law to Dr. Jensen , and Mr. Ficlu from Terre Haute , Ind. [ Guai diau , Tampa , Florida. Don't forget it Bunco bus a ca and gloves for you. 2t The greatest sensation everkuowi at the Academy to-night : Of all the preparations for dress ing burns , ' -Forest Tar dalve" i the best 10-dlw There will be special meetiug c Fire King No. 2 , at engine house tc morrow evening , 16th just. , at o'clock. All members are reques ted to be present , as business of in ] portance will be transacted JOHN A. MCSHANE , President Magnificent art pictures by Hviui statue artists to night at the Acaii emy. O8KALOOSA COAL. Long tried , aud well tested ; th most popular coal in the market 26 60 per ton. IOWA COAL Co jan2-eodtf 51313th street. Take your oyster meals at th French Coffee House , 252 Farnhan street , and you will have them firs rate. declSeodCm Some of the liquor dealers sa ; that they cannot sell so much liquo since the French Coffeee House ha been moved to 252 Farnham street Nearly all prefer that splendid cofle to liquors. dec5eod6m The famous New lork statu troupe at the Academy to-uicht. OJNlONB. We have a car load of Ouioiif which we will sell m lots of te : bushels and upwards , at 50 cent per bushel. janl3-2t * J. B. FRENCH & Co. Honesty in commercial labels i one of the most important safe guards to seller and buyer. Who one reads the brand B. Tl Babbitt' loiletSoap , be may know that it i the best soap for the nursery. There fore it is snfe to reason that nothinj can equal it for bath and toilet. I is not artificially scented , yet a sweet and pleasant a ° it is pure am effective. The most harrassing symptoms o Bronchitis and Consumption an palliated and relieved by inhaling the hot vapors of the Solution o 'Foiest Tar. " It cures Catarrh. jaulOdlm CKOCKERY , CHINA , GLASS WARE. Hobble's great closing out sale a cost. 222 Farnham street , up-staSrs jan 9-lm. 12th Street Coffee House is uov open for patronage. TRY It. jan9-lm "GRAND CONCERT" overj night at the Billiard Hall of the Omaha House on Harrey street between 12th and 13th , by th $5,000 orchestrion. d28-tf For billiard tames , supplies , etc. see advertisement of J. M. Bruits , wick & Balke Co. aug5tfeb5'77 Business Cards , onow cards , Vis iting Cards , Ball .Programmes , Bal Tickets , Circulars. Posters , etc. , al the BEK Job Rooms , 138 Farnbaa street tf Hagan'a Magnolia Balin pre nerves aud restores the complexion removes freckles , tan and sallow- ness ; makes the skin soft , whitt nnd delicate. Its application can not bo detected. mar20eod&wij LYON'SKATHABIONmakes beau tifiil , glossy , luxuriant hair ; prevents vents its falling out or turning gray It has stood the test for 40 years. L charmingly perfumed , and has nc rival. nar20eodwlj Stacks of Gloves and Mittens a' ' Bunco's. jan2-2t THE OMAHA HOUSli is the best one dollar and a hal : hotel between New York and Bar Francisco. FREDERICK WIR-TH , dec28tf Prop'r Any lady wiio "Will send us 15 paid-up yearly subscriptions , out slue of Omaha , for the Daily BEE will rective from us by express as Sift a new $75 Sewing Machine , o any make she may prefer. tf THt SNOW STORM. The Boss One of the Season. The enow storm that ragec all yesterday Is the first oa < of any consilience that we bav < had this winter , and hence is th < boss storm of the beason , yes , ii fact , of thiee or four seasons , for WIde do not remember any that havi quite equalled this one. We though we would get it all in a cbuuk , asi had held off so long. The stofn began at North Platte about mid iiigbt , and rapidly extended Wes and East , reaching Omaha in a fev hours , and proceeding across lowi and Illinois , arriving at Chicagi about noon. It isalsonowsnowluf ing all along the mountain divisioi oFthe tlnion Pacific railroad. Oi the eouth it took in Kansas City and on the north it circles aroum the north pols , In fact it is a snov storm of general fxtentj being ac cumpauicd by heavy wind , firs from one direction and then fron another , but principally from tin north , drifting the snow hither an < thither , thus making it impossibl to estlmale anywhere correctly it average depth. It varies from one sixteenth of an inch lo four or fivi feet , according to location. It i generally the deepest on the dido walks , of course. The street cara have laid up , am persons living in the northern par of the city are compelled to stay a home or foot it The only train from the East yes terday was the Chicago , Burling ton & Quiucy , which came in 01 time , but we will bet that none o tho.Eastern trains will be as luck ; tc-morrow morning. The Union Pacific trains were al moving yesttrday and that' about all that could be said of them : telegraphic communication wa cm of ! ' owing to the supertluou amount of electricity In the air "TOM aud JERRY "can befoum at M. W. Kennedy's , 488 Thirteen ! ! btreet. PKI180NAL PARAUKAPIIH. C. Ferris , of Sidney , is at th Grand Central. E. B. Chandler , ef Grand Island is at the Giand Central. S. Appleton , Charles H. Piersoi and 1 > . F Dearbom , of Boston , ar at the Grand Central. John Newman , traveling repn seutative of Max .Meyer & Co. , lei for the West Sunday. E. J. Swords , Agent of the Chica go , Burlington aud Quincy railroad at 317 Broadway , New York , is a the Grand Central. The members of the New Yorl Classical Living Art btatue compa ny arrived in town Sunday , am are at the Grand Central. With Bunce's caps to keep yoi warm , you can laugh t at wind an < storm. 2t See the free showin frontof Acad emy , 6 o'clock this evening. "BAB AR" BSS-OFFERED * OR 8AL Having accepted an interest in i wholesale house in New York , t < begin March 15th , guaranteeing nn a certainty of $10,000 yearly , I wil sell my business here , the "Variet : Bazar" the best established , bes advertised , aud best paying busines. for capital invested in the West Established 10 years , and doing i first-rate trade ( an increase of II per cent over any previous year. Business is Books , Toys , Stationery Wall Paper , Birds , Baby Buggies Library ) &c. , occupying corne brick. SO feet deep , 2 floors au < basement , ( fine stairway to 2 < floor ) , in a splendid location. Mus have half cash down. If sold BOOI no bonus for good will , but will sel at cost of stock and fixtures. If no sold by March 1st , ! withdraw it putting & party here to run it fo : me. Ihis is a rare chance addon offered. I go East January 15th returning February 1st. Thosi meaning business , address or call a Eberharffa l' " once azar , Omaha , Neb. tf. S. Not one dollar of indebted ness on the stock all paid for. jin-MlO _ [ 18 ] General O'Neill. General O'Neill delivered a ven telling and instructive lecture OL Irish emigration to the West , iu Washington hall last night , tc quite a large and appreciative audience. We pity the many whc failed to hear him , as they would have received a lesson that mighl tend to the turning point of theh future fortunes , for he clearly de fined the inanj advantages to be attained , even though a little pri vation may at first be endured , bj settling on the free lauds of the West We have not space to re count the strong arguments he ad duced in favor of the project. We believe the General is actuated by no other impulse than simply tc ameliorate the condition of his race , We say he should be heard through the length and breadth of this val ley. He was serenaded by the Father Mathew Silver Cornet band , who also played at the ball. Mr , M. J. Lovern introduced the Gen eral in an ornate manner that IE peculiar to him. [ Daily Times , Scrantoi * , Pa. , Wednesday morn ing , January 10th , 1877. Beautiful formed women at the Academy of Music to-night. Irish Stew from 9 to 11 this even ing , at the Casino. 7-tf Don't fall to see the living arl statues to-night. It is related of David Garrick thai he once dropped a shilling , and rais ed a great fuss over it Foote , th ( actor , being present , exclaimed , " ] wonder where it has gone ? " "Gone to the devil ! " growled Garrick , ' Trust you , Davy , for making a shilling go further than anybody else ! " retorted Foote. Garret's anil- ling reminds one of B. T. Babbitt' * Best Soap , which goes further that any other in the world. fj MaJorwKewson's Black Hills tnrc at the Academy or Mnsl Sntnrdav Eventual. Major Nevson commenced hi lecture by saying that he appearei before bis audience in the identity clotbea he wore when roaming eye the mountains of that far on * coun try now known as the Black Hilh He did this { he bbtter lo impress hi hearers with how one looks d voii of civilized life and outside of civil ization. He [ ( .poke of hia needle gun , that had Drought down a coupl of Indiana , and alluded to the ol black bat ho wore as the only on he could procure in the hills ( hi other hat having been stolen ) , an humorously commended the meril of this one , Wherein it being so d ! lapidated nobody would steal i With his pockets full of rocks ( pt there by excited miners , and nc one cent for dinner ) he trudge daily through the hills , gaining ir formation froth every source. The Indiana call the Black Hill blact Pah-dapha-Paw-bie-Sapha They derive their name fr m th deep green foliage of the vast nua ber of pines which grew upon thei Biimmit , and \vlnch in the dii tance look black. They ria right out of ii plain of 1550 or 80 miles in extent , and M > hie 01 th rock piojecled apparently into th sky. The pjaina abaut them seer almost boundless ; not a tree i many cafes is visible to relieve th eye from gazing out upon nothing ness. He left on the Cheyenu route ; described the scenery ; poi trayed the character of a so calle "tender foot ; " vividly pictured th rocks and peculiarities along th way. Here were new made grave Passed down ttie Bed canyon , whic was finely described ; pointed 01 where parties had her-n killedand , L finally arrived at Ouster. Near Cm ter he met Capt Jack , the scou who , busy as a bee , rceompanie the party into theory. OusterCit was clearly picture'--JH ! ( bceueri its situation , ita veil"- , its people , ii government. Then came a tri description of miner's life. Ho' gold was procured wag lucidly tel < The voineu of the - tills bald , dasl ing , masculine characters , wei produced to life , and yet not a wcr was said to offend the most delical ear. Calamity Jane was the leai ing figure. How men were di ceivcd about gold in the rock , wi made the subject of cousiderabl humor , and yet spiced with soil advica The Major now passed rapidly b Moiitana City , on the Whitewoo gulch ; up the Deadwood gulch < Deadwood , which he set forth as a active , busy , bustling town , wit some of the ( sharpest minds in th Hiils. Spoke of the amount of gel taken out of the Deadwood gulch then visited Qayville , a busy towi Centnl City , and Golden Gat < The amount of money required t work a deep placer claim was full and distinctly stated In closing , the Major said : "Th auriferous deposits in and aboi this section put at iefiauce all get logical knowledge , all old mineri practical experience , and any 03 who attempts to give u theory as t how the rock with the gold in it gc where it is , is out at sea lost , wit no rudder to guide him. Born claim it is a wash ; some that it i caused by a volcanic eruption some that the gold was brougr down by the glacial perioa ; som that most of the so-called veins ai simply blow-outs ; some that a this disturbance of nature was caui ed by a chemical combustion , an some that they are all true fissui veins. However , if urged ver strongly , 1 would give if as my b < lief that at one time all thiscountr wan under water ; that the vei oxydized , tcud was formed , i which were pebbles , quartz , poi pbyry , greenstone and other eli ments ; then a volcanic eruptio threw up this sedimentary deposi producing not only blow-outs , bt well-defined , true fissure veins. "There are thousands of acres < pine land , " said the speaker , "i the Black Hills ; acres of agricu tural land ; acres of grass land , an whoever goes there must be as frt gal , as industrious , as economic ! as iu the States , and when sc they will find a wider fieli for action a greater recompense fc their labor. "In ten years froi now , the Black Hills will have population of over half a millioi Telegraphs and stages are alread there ; inside of two years n railroa will penetrate that now almost ur known region. The Indian wi pass off the stage of life , Cultur and refinement will take the plac of barbarism and rudeness , an where to-day stands the uncout log-cabin , will rise the capaciou farm house and palatial resident The rocks , then , will laugh with ic dustry ; the trees , then , will danc with joy over the anticipation of a : Eastern trip ; the grasses , ther will sing in contemplation of th lowing herds ; mother earth , ther will put on her holiday attire , whil amid them all , the old scarre miner , havinsr become rich , wi ! stand , with bis silk hat and broad cloth suit , complacently viewin the scene , and laugh heartily at m present true pictures of "Life in tb Hills. " 25 fancy cards with name lOo ; 6 Bristol 15c , H.Vandenburgh , Castle ton , N. * . Jnnl5t4 SEK MoKelligon'B card o first page. fune2tf Handsome formed women at th Academy to-night. .Nobby neckwear at Bunco's. jan2-2t AL&COCK'S POROUS PLASTERS Atk for AULCOCK'5 , and obta-r them , in to avoid mlurable B. BRAKDRtTH. Fxo 'i. Offloe , 3O4 , Cpnal et. fff. - DISTRICT COURT. Drawing of the Jurors for the Feb ruarjr Term. The next term of the Dougia County District Court begins Febra ary 5lb. The following Are th grand and petit jurors as drawn b ; the Clerk of the Court , W. H. IJam and Sheriff Burley : GRAND JURY. Edward B. Willis , William f Hennesay , Eleazer D. Evans Frank J. Crawford , William H Lawton , Charles Bankes , Ed wan O'Sullivan , George McKinzie , Hr , jerry Mabbny , John Klinkei Philip K. Heelan , Silas P. Briggs Calvin H. Frederick , John Ma Kuire , William Reeves , Wiley I Dixon. PETJT JURY. Otto Julius Wilde , HansBreckeo field , Frederick Cronemeyer , Job : G. Burney , James App'eby , Orvill P. Chubb , Eobert C. Steele , Wllbu F. inilmer , Frederick Welsh , Jo < A.GnfflnPl.iIander H. Reed , Fred erickScbroeder , Feter Olsen , Adolp Bleick , lavid Harpster , Russell I Hills , Albert , T. Peck , TLomas O' ' Connor , Joseph J. NobesVillian Maronoy , Edward Leeder , "Dai Shanahan , John Friday , Joseph H Taylor. PROSPECTUS Historical Alias of Die fcrtt JILUSTKATED. iri i M ? ii * tail ] Mi ; tf ltkniti This Atlaa Trill be complete In the Sprin of 1876. and will contain the finest nries < Maps yet published. The Maps of the Un ted States trill be the finest ever published they will bo elaborate in detail , finely exect ted , and will give n better idea of the ad vanrement of oar Republic for 100 yearsthn can bo given by any other publication. Ill Mare of the old country will be from tb best anthers , and will be found complete an well executed. Every men will he iccompanied by a hi ! torial skc'ch , ( ( iving , in a concise tnannoi such facts as mil make them doubly wort their coat. No history or book of travel , not even th daily newsp&por.can bo read without the ai of en Atlas , and the want is not confined t professional men and scholars , but is felti an equal degree by every reader. THE HIE TOBICAt AlLiS OP THK WOULD Will not Onl meet an universal needbut will bepraotica ly without a competitor in its special field The descriptive matter , though popular i tone , will be prepared in a truly scuntiC spirit. The historical portion will be excel tionally full , and the method of arrangin statistics will bo remarkablesimple and eoi vcnient. Each member of the family wi .find something in it to invite and pay pen sal. To make this Atlas still more compreher she and useful , we shall add a concise hiet < ry of the Surveys of the United State/ / ) , an a map of Ohio. Indiana , Illinois. Wiscoi sin , and Michigan , showing the bcso. m < ridian. and township lines , and the rani and township numbers. This matter will E BO comprehensive that , any one with ordinal intelligence can learn to describe and dee lands. Tbe practical knowledge that can t obtained from this one item in the Atlf would have saved many a man his homi which has been lost through a wrong de ; riction THE ENEMY OF DISEASE ! THE FOE OF PAINs sicjQ. " , and Beast. K THE GHAN OLD T < & . 2T G LINIMENT Which has stood thotaetof 49 years There is no gore it will not heal , no lamt ness it will not euro , no ache , no pain , th : afflcta the human body , or the body of horse or other domestic animal , that doc not yield to its magic touch. A bottle cos ! ing25c..50o. , or $1.00 , has often saved tb life of a human b < vnt and : estored to HI and usefulness ma > alaable horse , mch20diwly ' " 'VSG-ETHSTE Bays a Boston phyticUn , "haejno equal i a bloc'l purifier. Hearing of it ? many wor derful cures , after all other remedies ha failed. I visited the Laboratory and ooi vinced myself of its genuine merit. It i prepared from > t rks , roots and herbs , eao of which is hit ) 17 effective , and they ai compounded in such a manner as to pr ( dnceaatocishing results. " Is the great Blood purifier. VEG-KTINE Will'cnre the worst case of Scrofula. VEG-ETINE Is recommended by physicians and apott coarioa. coarioa.VEGETI E Has effected some marvelous euros > i cases of Cancer. Unres the worst cases of Tanker. VEG-ETINE Meets with wonderful success in Murci rial diseases. YEG-STINE Will eradicate Salt Bheum from Jthe syi tern. tern.VEGETINE Curos'the most inveterate cases of Erysn Removes pimples and Humors from th facVEGET-'NE Cures Constipation and regulates the bon els. els.VEGETIJSTE Is a valuable remedy for Headache. VEG-ETjNE Will cure Dyspepsia Hestores the entire system to a health condition. " VEGETINE Cures Pains in the Side. VEOJflTIK'E Removes the canao of Dizziness. Reliev g Faintness attbeStomach. VSJQETUT3S CnregPftjns in the Back- VEGETHT23 Effectually cures Kidney Complaint V-EGBTISTE Is effeative in its cure of Female Weakneei Is the Croat remedy for General Debility Is fcc nowledgcd by aH'clisscs of people t be the best and most reliable blood pun fier in the world. VEQETINiS IS SULD BY ALL DRUG GISTS. tMkind of Dis ti * . vith hundrtiU of Taluablc n cii o sbonM marry , the IniptdiTuentf to mamuv. thtirr re and cure. Treat * on all liKaKf . tally explaininj : tl xtiic * . tymptnmi and roeanf to cure : itli taaonlrrc : rif n'illc wotk al the kind ertr publldttd , and If ctinp" t ' Tf rr Trtpctt. B nt Meanly tealed on receipt of 0 t ld.rru , Ur. c. A. It.-m\Hx + 3. p Jforth ilttb rtrr DR. BUTTS' OISPENSAE-i \ * ela thetmtmectofSeznalw e J > t-a es of both mts. rnarncffe , ou thenryrtnriof reprodn * . 'on and tlie § crrt lnflrmiti * ot yont ainhood and womanhood AnllliittRtolbooVotaSpaKi or rrinto readinr , hich § houd U kept under locVai y. Swnit un Vr ai forfiOcti. APIIIVATE MEDICAI , TBZATIS2 on all dittai f aPrl'rateiaturein boOiinti , theabuici and. ( T ) n ol Uie J real > itf m , and the meant ol curt.L'X ) paj tt'i'nmmfi.KTgniriUKtltoiSSctt. MEDICAL ADVICE on S-inalan.l Chronle Diwaw ( iriinaleiknnt. . Catinh , Cancer , Karrurt , the Onio .jjittc.aiUpiework ! lent under teal for 10 eta , A tiree txtoks confining 490 P3ff a andererTthiaewor j-jwmcmthcju cct , aent lecurely aeiied on n clpt cf CO ct > . AilreM , Dr. Buif t' W.I2H.8thtt.8t. Louii.rfSol dKao NOTICE. AdvoitisemenU of To Let. Fo Sale , Lost , Wants. Found , Boarding , ic. will be Inserted in these columns once for TE : CENTS per line ; each subsequent inaertior FIVE CENT line. The first Insertio never ldi | than TWENTT-FIVB CENTS. TO LOAN-MONEY. TyrONBY TO.LOAN. . . DR. KDWAKDt 181 Farnham St. > ONET TO LOAN-L. F. Slaginn. A ( M torney , Visscher's Block. Omaha jan3-lm ONEY TO tOAN-D. L. THOMAE .Visscher's block. HELP WASTED-FEMALE. WANTED A treed girl to do genert housework in a small family. Gei man preferred. Inquire 212 Farnham-sl jt > plit-3t WAJHTED-MALE. \TI7ANTED Cigar makers at S. Scholpp' W 4Slffenthst. bet. Farnham and Hai "ey. jan9-lw _ WANTED -ROOMS. \irANTED TITO or three furnishe TV rooms , in private family , byaccr tleman and wire. Address X. 9 , BKE Oficc iant3-2t FOR SALE RE \ L ESTA TE. FOR SALE A lot 60ilZ7K feet , in Lowe' ' addition , commanding a fine view , fc * 90. Address R. , Bee Office. n22tf FOR SALE One fine brick house in tl best part of town , 4 rooms , kitcher well and cic'orn. Reason , leaving towr Apply to HOMER S1ULL. Hubermann' ' Block janS.lm * PORSALE One of the finest farms in Ne F braska , 267 acres , only two miles an a half from Omaha , fine house , and neve failing spring , running water ie. . Will se at a great bargain on liberal terms. W. J CONNELL. Jacob's Block. deell-eodtf 1/lOR SALE At panic prices and on mo : C liberal terms : 198 lots , 122 acres , tw hotels and several houses , located in diffoi ent parts of the city. North east , font and west. Several of these lots are locate in theheartof the city. On Farnham , 13t and other streets near the Post Office an Grand Central Hotel. This property will b sold lot by lot and in acre or half acre piece : GEO. P. BEMIS. Cozzens House , 9th an Harney streets. dec9-lwsaUwedt FOHSALZ-SEWINO COR SAliE A new $75 Sewine Maehin at very reduced figures. Apply at thi ofSco. n'2tf OR SALE A new Victor Sis bewi F Machine , for S.5 cash. Apply at tt office. n -t FOR SALU-COAL. jnOAL-COAL-J. E. EDWARDS , com Wmission merchant , is now prepared t deliver Wyoming , Lackawanna and low coal at lowest rates. 190 Farnham-st. jl-i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FORSALK At a very reduced pnce , tw scholarships : n the Davenport Buslnei College. Apply or address. "R. . " Be { office. 21 FORSENT ROOMS. . . . RENT LOW The spaciom offices until recently occupied by Judge Rec ick , opposite the Court House on Farnhni near 15th ftrcet ; consisting of three larg rooms. Will be leased for a term of yearn < by the month. Apply to GEO. P.BEMIE Coszens II ouso , corner 9lh and Harney-tt . janlS-eowtf FOR RENT To gentlemen only , aneal ly furnished front room , location cor venient to busines ? . Addre < " i P. L. B. BF office. Jan8-Et * Tjl OR RENT The basement and th gtoi U rooms abore the banking office c Caldwell Hamilton & Co. Inquire at the office. jani-'Jw FOR RENT-Honses and roorag. furnisl ed and unfurnished. DR. EDWARDI 181 Farnham-st. novl7-to Ianl7 * TO RENT-HOUSES FOR KENT House , with BX rooirB.i Shinn's addition , atthe terminus ( the street car track. Enquire J. I FRENCH. 191 Farnhvc street' iin"-tf SAFE MOV1NU. PERSONS havin ? safes to nrovo cithc up stairs or down stairs orany olh ( place , will do we'l by calling on L. Durgar BS he is prernred at all times to do auc jobs at prices that defy competition Patii fartion guaranteed. Orders left at Irwin , Kllis'g Store will be promptly attended tc L. DUQGAN.C06 13th street. - - - MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. OMAHA HOTEL COMPANY. The indebtedness of the Omaha HoU Company tn excess of claims in litigation i $50.COO. Claims in litigutisn are 39.4C with intorfst from May 5th. 1875. but are no acknowledged as an indebtedness of tb Company. Omha Hotel Company. B ; S. S CALDWELL. Prest. E. D. PRATT. Vice Prest. CLINTON BRIGGS. CHAS. W.HAMILTON.Directors. Directors. GEO. E. BARKER Eec. janO-lew4w OMAHA HOTEL COMPANY. The annual meeting of the stock holder of the Omaha Hotel Company will be liel on the 5th day of February. 1877. at the of ficer of Caldwell. Hamilton & Co. , inOmahn at 3 o'clock p , m , , for the purpoie of elect ing directors for the ensuing year , an transacting such other buine < as may b Drought before them. OUAU v HOTEL Co. By S. S. CtLDWKLL , Prest. GKO. E. BtUvtB. Secretar : iarjO-ltow4w MISCELLANl' cioqiiosp auiraqoano > joq B pud pu B jco oainiBTo'oi ptrjsouboj OIB BJ9qqoj q N jo ( - OHjopsj ptJ iii ( ! a sinrao QHY srais HI SHIITia I1TBZ70BA. QNT 30 HY-DI C Office : 13. un5 pougfas fr. Cmabn , . In U taenceofrrprodncUoni bowl t " > e married relation Slal and lemil -O.UTK and middle ageU ihould rc . and jjreKrreit : uuijni information , which no one can afford to be wiU ut ; on how to preierre the health , aad complexion , at tveto laded choeka the treahncMotyouthjthebe tai nly true Marriage Guide In t-e world. Pnce Mcen rjfail. The author may be contnliedptnonauyort it J en anv of the iublreU mentioned In hn work-AOdn A 9 OUTJ AfID HOW AND'MERE TO DO IT S , book of SO pDc3 crerr jylvct tifcr ibo'ilrt Ua tforcluaitaccontncu. fcenHcrtencentsb } nUCATIONAL. S nz.m oi = t ' I PB * s > . * P E * - . MISCELLANEOUS. 1 have ow on hand the largest stock of unredeemed pledges o\er oflore-l ioc m < n Omaha con tiDB of F > e Broadcloth Frock and Sack Coat ? , Plain and Fan'y v asm-u.-t , Fnzluh' and German Worsteds , Diagonals , Ac. , with Pants and Vests to match. 8 > nt Furnishing Goods , Hats , Caps , Hosiery , Fine Linen Shirts. Fancy Cheviot -T ! r'un Shirts in all Grades and Colors ; Valises , Traveling Bag' , and Satchel * . FineC.V.f Tioot * Shoes , Qaitors. and Brogans. A full assortment of Fine Gold and Silver Watches Chains , Kings Ac. . Rifles. Shot Guns , Revolvers ami Cutlery in Great Varic'y. My prices arc so low that the meanest man in town has purchased a complete outfit without grumbling. If this does not satisfy the public that iny prices are way down , then I can only invite a call from each and every individual. , within amdi-isof a thoc and miles , when they can satisfy personal inspection , tall and ? eo mo any tin * . You will always find my store open. My prices are so low that l do not evu UKC tb trouble to lock up nights. Henrv LangMin , 151 Faruham Street , Bet. lOth nnd IIth Omahn Money Loaned mehll- CTJLOOB Wholesale dealer in all kinds of Foreign Imported Sie3 chsese , Limberger , Imitation Swiss cheeso. Muenstcr , Siiuaeo. phia. Hand cheeso. Cream chsese , Holland herring [ by the beet.Russian f.trdinos. Anrh oiiaCariarSardiellos. French mnsUrd. brthe gallon. No. 232 Douglas street. Ou.aba Nebraska. ionnl-'ir CHARLES D. WOODWORTH DEJVLER IN Freight and Farm Wagons , Freighters Supplies , Buggies&c.&c 228 Dcraalas-St. . . . C in ah a , Nebraska. dec27J ( OPPOSITE ACADEMY.OF JS1USIC. ) [ tf MAX HEY2SR & BJKO. . illUj 'FH ! ff ! Uj .11 111 orWatcbes , aii < I Jewelry. MAX METliR & OJ. ITS and 174 Pnrailisaa Street , Omsliu , Tf WEOLESALS DEALERS ES IVOTZOIVS. & COf - WHOLESAL ifioo 0iotnc ! fl ! JUob , ilblulp , Si ao Largest Stock in the \ e.-- % ? tj for WFNCHgSTFJK AND SHARP'S RJPLB8 l st 2tU > a Pnc . to S alors Meiass for Sl'ricc A Foil Assort ent of Cartridges f 174 garEtiaa-i-St. . Tf > r. ni > . Qjtr.nh & BBO. . rca IHE UNRIVALLED Knalie , Steiawaj , Emerson an < l Parlor 6ein PIcnos , .llison AMnn Estej , Sliociager a d BnrdcU Orpana. Italian Swinjs. Snoet Muaio. Violins , finltssj. Plntca. Crass Instrument' anil of iniuiul Merchandise o , cr. "VxriijjDS } , Manufacturer of all kinds of Show Cases and Fancy Toy Furniture Picture Frame UN Kepi osi JFciid. Special attention given toreiairof all kind of polished and ceelly furnilure end icunca Instruments. Address. 237 r ss-st . Omaha. Neb. , feci C-ents' Furnishing G-crds , Hats , Caps , TrunJss , Valdsses Site. , 33ie , Sto. 242 FARNHAM STREETTYTVr A TT A mCOB.rOUBTEdNTH , i OMAHA , tf SA3BTBSS. G. ANDREEN , -UAiigyACTnanit or AM , nans o/- FIRE AND Burglar Proof Safes ! VAULT DOORS , JAIL WOrtK , Eta. Konaira of aver/ nature In this line proant- ly and satisfactorily done. Hew and second-hand rafei always on heed. Maautaa ory on Harney stre t. one door west of Van Dorn'i machine ' hoj , OUJB1 , - - HU94UA. FIRE INSURANCE "M. G. MoKOON , Agent. Hcom Xo. 2 , Creighton Bltwk , ReilaWe Companlet ! Prompt Aujuitment cuu am - 25 000000 z. of New \orfi- . _ _ „ _ 2' Continental , of New York..Zr : german American , of New York- 2 100000 American , isoocco 1 CO ) COD - - 1 100 000 Orient , -r u. for.l- . . . . . - _ _ _ . " OX ) COO W t n , ' o into _ _ " 1600 OCO Soring a l. , 1. , . i.ringSeld Mass. 1 500 CO ) Commew . l0n London _ 1S3TOOOO Koser Viil zii , of Providenco. K. I Total cash capital reprcsented $97.000.000 raalS eodly OH , MEAL GROUND AND FOR SAlh1 IT ! LAKQE OR BUAtt QUASTITIES AT CASOpaELi's FEED 353zLi. Eiahth and Farnham eitreett. . . IEED HOM FOB MILCH CflffS' & BOUSES Woodman J : Taft harine given up that branch of their bayinoss. < Xti2tf o. C. CAMPBELL. Z. rt COOK WHOLESALE ASD R'TAItFR OK COOKABDEEATf'-CLTfllS SOLE KZSTKBK A.f NT KOK ! H'S ' CEIEBHWDWROUGHT iBSbuWHJME. COFFEE URNS ROASTERS. LAUNDRT 6TOVE3 AC Sales from 70 to 73.COO. 53TFourteenth street. - Omalm SPLENDID A GOOD NE\V TWO STORY i OUSE FOR RENT. Has bajcment with ki chcn and eight rooicg m the two stories above , besides CLOSETS AND PANTRT. WELL- AND CISTERN AT HITCH * * DO R NIC * , yard and garden attached , ha * ou - fanildmpi and all convenience * , and is in every way a verr desirable p aco. Aprly 6n premwes , cor. 16th and Leavf nwcrth FRANK BEECHER. _ H. ROLFER. who for the lust three months has delivered THE ZOWER VEIW COAI , , and has ob 'rvcd Ihp general f tu factlon it gives. . . for all that he can fell. Leave orders with i 482 13th St. azd ifaraey H. ROLFER HIMSELF Fa-nham and Harney. FRED. LAIITERBACH. Proprittor. conctrlBiTen Terr day and even- Davenport House. Proprietor. Farnham St. Bet. 9th and St ? . OMAHA . NEB , Hotel IsTNew nnd atted up In > tat Style. jan > m