Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1877, Daily Edition, Image 1

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An Animated Debate Over news
Three Hundred Dollars Worth of
Time CoMumed in Discussing
a'Trro Hundred Dollar
January 6.-TheDemo-
Lincoln ,
crate bad been rocked to sleep to
of "Canvass the
their own tune
vote , " when the House adjourned
until half-past one. Prior to the
reading of the message by the Gov
ernor's secretary , a resolution pro
viding that "the Secretary of State
be instructed to furnish each member
with ten copies of
ber of the House
selected by the
daily papers , to be
members- was offered. It came
up for final action this afternoon.
The entire afternoon was occupied
in the discussion of this question ,
and many things , both grave and
witty , were spoken.
Ewen , of Nemaba , objected on
the ground that such an act on the
part of the house would be uncon
stitutional. , . .
Gibson , of DougLis wanted to insert
. He would
sert four , instead of ten.
vote against the resolution in any
form , but if the house would adopt
evils he 'favored the
one ot two ,
Seville , of Douglas , insisted that
on constitutional grounds , the bouse
such a resolution
had no right to pass
tion No perquisites were allowed
save" mileage and per diem. It only
remaiued for members to interpret
the meaning of the word perquis
ites. He also delighted his friends
by stating that at one time he had
been a membe. of the Illiuo a leg's- '
Crei'ghton expected to be classed
with the penurious members of tbe
legislature , but if membeis were
bound to have newspapers he
wanted the lowest sum. He looked
into the pockets
at it as voting money
ets of the members.
Sadler considered it for the ben
efit of bis constituents. They
should know what their representa
tives were doing , and many of them
were not able to subscribe for
Pa.Allen. of Butler , wanted to know
the custom of former legislatures.
The Speaker stated that the last
legislature allowed 20 copies to eacu
Harvey , of Furn as , suggested that
the last legislature did many illegal
Notwithstanding the old custom ,
Allen was still opposed to the reso
lution on constitutional grounds.
This gentlemen declaimed against
the resolution with great animation.
Mr. Small was in favor of the
resolution , and toped the Demo
cratic members would be successful
in "making a record. "
Walters , of Dixon , was sarcastic.
He represented his constituentsand
they thought reading matter a good
thing. His constituents did not pay
heavy taxes ; indeed , many of them
were quite poor. He thought it
would be a good thing He vould
take all the newspapers he could
get send them to his constituents ,
t.nd the wealthier portions of the
State could pay for them.
Then Jiorthrup took bold of
the question. He expounded the
Constitution , and talked about the
Roman Emperors. He would lifce
to send a newspaper to every one of
his constituents. He thought that
without newspapers hiscon&tituents
would be like the Romans who H
Emperor pasted his edicts so high
that the people could not read
them. Andrew Johnson never de-
fen .it * ! the Constitution with more
enthusiasm tlian did Judge North-
rup delend that "Klo-ri-ous" instru
ment to-day ; all of which resulted
in his favoring the resolution.
Moore , of York , said that if the
Lezislature would supply every
man in the State with a newspaper
who is unable to pay for one , it
would be the best investment the
State could make. He offered an
amendment looking a long way in
that direction , but it failed.
Wolfe thought the Democrats
were carrying out their old policy
that of keeping the people in igno
rance. Wolfe and Creighton in
dulged in shooting a few arrows
across the house at each other , but
as no apples were hit , I will let the
matter pass.
Bobbitt , of Cass , wanted his con
stituents to know what he did.
Bear Introduced a resolution
pledging each member to send the
the papers to those of their constit
uents who are unable to subscribe
and it was lost. The original reio-
lution , calling for ten copies , was at
last carried.
Harrison , of Hall , introduced a
resolution providing that the va
rious newspapers represented in the
House should be provided with all
necessary stationery. The discus
sion had not proceeded far when J.
.1U.07 , T. Bell , of the Herald , obtained
-iddl , permission of the floor , and declared
.isa . that such a resolution was not in
accordance with the wishes ot the
it insult to
pros * ; he considered an
the papers represented there. Tbe
resolution was then voted down
A resolution ordering several
hundred copies of the Governor's
message printed , in the English ,
German , Bohemian , and Scandina
vian tongues , was referred to a
spesial committee.
The House then accepted an in
vitation to attend the Hon. J. M
Woolworth's lecture before the
State Bar Association , and adjourn
ed until 9 o'clock Saturday morn
ing. k QABE.
H nse 1'roceedings.
The Senatorial Race Hitchcock's
Democratic Alliance Con
demned by All Lead
ing Republicans.
The Bread and Butter Brigade Te
nacious , but Disconsolate.
OerrapondcMe of the See.
Lincoln , Jan. 5. All day ye ter-
aay the House was Kept in waiting
for the report of tbe committee on
rules. They assembled after din
ner , but immediately adjourned un
til 10 o'clock this morning. They
are now in session , and listening to
the musical voice of Zediker , who
is engaged in reading the rules.
Thete are to be thirty standingcom-
mittees. The Democracy has a little
dozing to do on the canvas * * of the
vote , and it is probable tbi t the
House wilt waste considerable time
in discussing that question.
As the house has transacted no bus
iness as yet , there are few real facif
to discuss outside of the senatorial
Tom Kennard's alliance -with
the Democracy in the Senate
day before yesterday , has created
quite a little breeze. lam informed
that Messrs. Baird and Griffith pro
nounced this actjof treachery dis
graceful in the extreme.
Probably such a spectacle as is
now seen n ver occurred before in
the history of this State. Here is
Hitchcock , with a lobby com
posed of every federal offi
cer In the State of .Meoraskc ,
or nearly so , and in a legislature
with over eighty Republican major
ity , who ever before heard of n
open , undisputed coalition with the
enemies of the party. Hitchcock
has done this , in defiance of all rulen
of party or decency , and expects
and hopes to be elv. .vu oy republi
can votes.
The resolution offered by Mr
Spickwell , that the .Legislature
sbouid canvass the vote of the exec
utive officers of this State , came up
this morning. SpeakerJSancerulf-d
the resolution out of order , on the
grounds : 1st , That he as speaker ,
had received notice that such votes
were to be canvassed ; 2d , That the
records of the last house showed
that said votes had been canvassed ;
3d , That the house s bound to take
judicial notice of the canvass , and
the fact that the present list of rfti-
cerd had been sworn in. GABE
Three or Wore of its Surgeon * About Is R -
visit thit City.
Another Opportuni.y Offered for the Relief of
of the Afflicted of our State without going
io Indianapolis.
The surgeons will be at the Grand
Central Hotel , Omaha Neb. Jan
uary 18 , 19 , 20 , 1877. They will
have with them this time a much
finer outfit of braces and appliances
than heretofore , ana in every re
spect will come fully prepared to
treat all surgical cases , Paralysis ,
all kinds of deformities of the
face , spine and limba , diseaspd
joints , diseased eyes , Catarrh , pri
vate diseases , Files , Fistula , etc.
Remember , these surgeons are
from the old reliable .National Sur
gical Institute founded by Dr. H.
R. Allen.
jan2- 9 13 16 17 IS 19-w3t
How often we hear the above re
mark during these extreme changes
ofweather. . ( Jolds. coughs and
sore throats were never more prev
alent among children than now.
Now we are going to urge you to
try a remedy vhich has excited
comments by physicians all over the
country , who acknowledge their
surprise at the wonderful and hap
py results from its use. That reme
dy is the well known preparation ,
Hale's Cough Cordial. Your own
druggist , Martin & Kennard will
tell you that it ia the best cough
medicine they ever sold ; and will
warrant a cure or return your mon
ey to you in case of a failure after
using one-half bottle. It is very
pleasant to the taste , making it a
very degrade remedy lor children.
Has basement with kitchen and eight
roou.s in the two stories r.boye , besides
Nice yard and parden attached , has out
buildings and all conveniences , and is in
every way a vcrr desirable place. Apply
on premises , cor. ' 'Cth and Leavtnworth.
[ 6.51
An iDnftmtal work a
plgu , a private counxlo
? * r. MM to the tB&rried nuu I BI
_ . . . riaceable on tbe myfen
ifSflSBSftEr of the § exual 7itemiti abuse
IwifllstfT1 cfIXnt ( Uccoveriet In th
S3 551 tS Ja idence of rrprodaction t how t
e truly harpy it. the maitird relalion. Mai and ienak
uunz and middle agtd ahould rea- and preserve it3
tiutaiiut inlormation , which no one can adoru to be mtn
ut ; en how to pre-erve the health , and completion , an
veto fcdrd ch < vkf the trc hne of Joutbi the but an
nlrtrue Mamaf-Ouide in t-e irofld. Price SO cent
T MtiL The author may be coniulted penonally or b
lail o.i n of tne f nbiectj mentioned to hj work-iddw
AMOVlll Afmt wantea erery-
vhert. liurfneti honorably and flr *
$250 dan Particular ! ten free. Addrtr
VA/OBTB * ! . . St VoajV -
It is Said that May Has Received
a Challenge from Bennett to
Fight a Deul.
If May Accepts the Deul wi'l '
Probably Come off in Canada.
New Yora , January 6. Intimate
friends of James Gordon Bennett
say it is unquestionably a fact that
Fred May has already received from
Bennett an invitation to a hostile
meeting probably in Canada or
that it is understood between the
two that such a message is to be
sent and received , -tsennett is out
of tbe city. It is understood he
asked General Bichard Taylor , son
ex-president Taylor , and a gentle
man thoroughly conversant wilh
such affairs , to act as his friend , and
Taylor who has been lately staying
in Washington has consented to
perform that service.
Fred May , accompanied by his
cousin , named Fred K. May , of
Baltimore , left the city last nigbt
The latter came from Baltimore on
Wednesday night and stopped at
Glenhall , where a consultation was
held yesterday between the cousin
and Fred May's father , Wm. M <
During the consultation Mi.
manifested considerable agitaaou.
The cousins left the city shortly af
terward , and , it is stated , took ; i
northward bound train. If a hostile
meeting takes place , it will be in
Canada , pos-ibly near Island Pond.
New York , January 6. It was
reported last week that Coles S.
Morris , a well known lawytr , was a
defaulter. Ibis was denied by a
card published by Billings & Co. ,
his business associates. It was sta
ted by his physicians that he was
suffering from mental derangement.
It now appears he fs a defaulter ,
having misappropriated trust funils
amounting to a large sum. He ait
mits his mental abberatlon as only
asubserfuge to enable him as far as
possible to settle tbe matter. The
facts in the case appear to be as fol
lows :
The three orothers Co' " ' * -rrii- ,
Andrew and Benj. C. Morrle , heirs
to Coles estate and trusteees of tne
other heirs , Mrs. Echolling and
Robert Webb , a minor , has two
brothers , dying Coles becomes tru- > -
tee of the entire estate , consisting
of valliable real estate in New
York and Jersey City , the revenues
of which amount to between $400-
aud 00,000 The Hollmga e tae
is under to lose heavily , but Morris
is making settlrirouls so far as in
his power , having transferred bis
residence on Fifth dvenue and other
real estate to Mrs. Hollings. The
amount misappropriated is estimat
cdat a half a million dollurs.
A special from Foitland , Oregon ,
says : Gee C. Cole , postmaster at
Portland has been subpoened to
Washington to testify before the
congressional committee on Walte-
Croniu affairs. He is supposed to
know something Important con
cerning the case. He leaves bv
steamer to-d .y ( Saturday ) .
It is reported that the position of
commisaioner of patents has been
tendered Hm. Clinton Macdougall ,
of .auburn , N. Y. It is not known
whether he will accept.
A special to tha Evening Tele
gram from Savannah Ga , says the
congressional committee on Florida
investigation has arrived here and
are satisfied that the evidences of
fraud on the part or the Radicals are
snfflcient to give Tilden the plecto-
rial vote.
Denver , January 6. The House
of Representatives yesterday passed
a bill establishing a law to enforce
tbb death penalty in this State in
cases of murder in the first degree.
The bill establishing salaries ot
State officers is being discussed and
wi.l probably be voted upon to-day.
Dayton , January 6. Harry Ad
ams , convicted of the rrurc'er of
Henry Mucharu , iuat February , was
to-day sentenced to be han od
April 27th. He received the sen
tence without the least apparent
emotion , manifesting the same
same stolid indifference which has
characterized him ever since his
arrest , upon the night of the mur
Is called to the perfect-fitting shirts-
and fine underwear manufactured DV
Iks Omaha Shirt Ihctory , Ph.
Gottheimer , proprietor. Having
opened an establishment for the ex
clusive manufacture o * these goods
he uarantees satisfaction in everr-
casa Loth as to quality and fit , ant
bis facilities are such that he is en
abled tc tain out better work at less
prices than can possibly be offered
elsewhere. A full line of gents'
flne furnishing goods constantly on
and. Give him a call. 126ym
January 6. The Senate commit
tee on Privileges and Elections mrI
again this morning and continued
the examination of Gov. Grover ,
who , in reply to interrogations pul
to him by Senator Mitchell , stated
that he made no announcement ol
the decision beyond nliug printed
decision and executive Office counter
protest filed by Mi. Odell.
Spann's Keiormatlon.
The Chicago limes , of ( Saturday ,
in its report of the Moody aud
Bankey meeting of Friday , Jan. 5 ,
contains the folIotviPK iuregaid to
J. 8. Spaun , Ibrmerly of
this city , who seams to be adher
ing to his recent reeolution of ref -
f jrmation :
"Spuun said he thanked God that
he could say he knew by a brief but
blessed experience that Oed had
been good to him and had saved
bin' . He , came to this city sur-
rouude'd 'by the m .s1 ; adyerse cir
cumstances , and those wry troubles
had led him into the oresence of
those who called hs attention to
his spiritual needs. He saw how
destitute he was spiritually , and lift
sought aud tound divine pardon and
aid. He had since found a happl-
nf a and a peace he had never
known before , and he had seen
many others possessing this same
peace and happiness. Day by duy
his faith and his determination to
preaa forward increased. ' '
Macreaay , tne grea actor , said
that one of the most disagreabie
features of theatrical life , was the
necessity ef an hour or so spent iu
washing off stage paint eyery night.
If he had used B. T. JBabbit's Bwt
Soap , the result would have been
accomplished iu a very few min
IiYON's J4A.THAJUON makes beau-
'iful , glossy , luzuriant hair ; prevents -
vents its falling out or turning gray.
It has stood the test for 40 years. Is
jharmiugly Derfumed , and has no
Carl P.osa is giving English opera
in .Liverpool.
Holdene's oimplcs are called RII-
gel'B visits.
Miss Julia P.ive made a decided
success at the laat Harvard Sym
phony Concert in Be ton.
Miss Emma Aob. jill give her
hrst concert in JTe r'5or& , al ohlck-
erinjf Hall , January 8' .
Celia .Logan says there are nearly
one thousand ballot girls idle in
.New York , and now Iha' their pt t
won't support them their mas must.
Ui Mnwka will arrive In Han Fran
cisco from Australia in March , and
give concerts in that city , assisted
by SIR. Husini , 8ig. Eosati , and Mr.
John Hill.
There is said to be but one su
premely happy actress in America ,
and that is Miss Dickensou. Anna
is happy because she likes adverse
Qeorgie Drew and Maurice Barry-
more , of Daly's Fifth Avenue The
atre In New York , were married last
Hund y. The former i-s a daughter
of the late John Drew , the weil-
known commedun.
M. Victor Masaohaj- dedicated Ins
new opera , "Paul et Virginie , " to
Capoul , who created the role ol Paul
and secured fer the opera muoh of
its success.
The receipts from Ihe drama
"Around the Wwrld in Eighty
Days , " from the various European
theatres in which it has been per
formed , reached the burprising sum
of $1,000,000. The author's sliar *
amounts to $100,000
Is the act of discharging irom the throat
and chest matter that arisesfrom ! colds , in
stead of scattering and distributing it
through the blood , and poisoning it. By
thus assisting the Lungs , Throat and Chest.
Dr. Green's Expectorant cures Colds ,
Coughs , Asthma , Bronchitis. Croup , Dyp-
thena , Whooping Ceugh and all affections
of the Lungs , Throat and Chest , and the
first stages of Consumption and Typhoid
Fever. Its qualities are Expectorant , Seda
tive Pectorial and Alternative. It does not
stop the cough as most preparations do , by
their anodyne and astringent effects , retain
ing the mucous and offending matter in the
blood and causing permanent disease of the
Lungs , but it cures by lee tning the cough
and assisting the lungs and throat to throw
off the offending matter , which causes the
cough , thus scientifically making the cure
perfect. It at once alleviates the most dis
tressing cold on the lungs , soothes and allays
irritation , and breaks up Whooping Cough.
No better remedy can be found for Asthma ,
Bronchitis , Croup and all affections ol the
Throat Lungs and Chest , and. if continued
in use wilt subdue any tendency to Consump
tion , Lung and Typhoid Fever.
If the liver is torpid or the bowels consti
pated , a few doses of Dr. Green's Liver
Pills will assist nature. No better cathar
tic can be found ,
for sale by C. F. Goodman and J. K. Ish.
Victims of youthful imprudence
j who have tred in vain every. know.
! remedy , will learn of a simple pre
scription. FREE , for the'sneedy cure
ofnervious , debility , prfematurf deciy , lost
manhood , and all disorders brought on by
excesses. Any druggist has the ingredients.
Address. DAVIOSuN ! CO. 86 Nassau-n. .
New York.
Just tte iiiinjf ior HonseKeepers
I have tbe general arency in Nebraska for _
the ncirly-uatented and very successful oil
stoves , manufactured by the Florence S. M.
Co. . the bestand only per'ect oil stove made ;
economical , clean , compact , portable , and
adapted to all kinds of cooking , and has an
attachment designed for heating. Call at
Edwards' Commission House. 190 Farnham
street , and see it in operation. Good agents
wanted for all unoccupied territories.
BlStf A. G. aloCKTON. Oen'l Art.
Utah Mining Districts
Extraordinary Fvll ol
Terrible Snow Slides in tne Canyons
yens , Resulting In Great
Loss of Life.
Men , Women and Children Buried
Alive Horses Covered and
Crashed Down With
llich Silver Ore Developments
Rapid Change of Ownership
iu the Flagstaff.
Corretfondtnaof The Ste.
Alta , Utah , January 1. We have
been having a terrible show storm ,
the worst since the winter of 1871.
It commenced Sunday , the 24th
ult. , and lasted until the 30th , and
in tne Wahsatch range , especially
in the canyons of the Cottonwouds ,
that means snow-slides ; and wo
have been getting them with
a vengeance. The first was
on the 26th , when the trtstle
work and part of the black
smith shop near the new boarding
house of the Iris tunnel were taken
away. Next comes the reports of
two slides down the canyon , taking
away the shed of the VV. &J.V
Tramway in two places. And on
. . . .Jay eveninc news came that two
men , Ch rks Stautij i and L.uis
Labrie , Frenchmen , were caught in
a slide at the Beaufort mine , on the
side of Bald Mountain , about twc ,
miles from town. It was after dark
when the news came , but your cor-
rnpondent started with a party of
men to get them out. We found
tnar ti e r& > f of their cabin had be-u
L.I . - . > , Cttisluug them under
1' - snow. Labrie waa found
lying in his bunk partly undressed ,
and to all appearance bad never
moved. Stautini was binding over
him , his hands raised ever his head
as if he had heard it and started up
trying to save himself. They were
both well known here aid respect
ed. Saturday night two slides
came down from the mountain on
the south side ot the town , one
crossing the main street at the low
er end , and only a fewrods from the
houses. The other not reaching the
street at the upper end. Two slides
are also reported on the Big Cottonwood -
wood side of the range , near the
Keed & Benson mine , one taking
away . .apportion of the\lramway
shed near the boarding" house , and
one breaking in the door of the
lower ore house. Except the mim
mentioned above th-re are no re
ports of lives being lost.
A. A. Jackson , a prominent -
loon keeper of Alta , and who has
lately had a lease on the Yankton
Blade mine , left here on the 20th to
go to Suit Liake , to make a sale of
ore , takingwith him about $1,600
worth of time checks belonging to
bimsel ; and partner , which he had
cashed at Salt .Lake , and sold the
ore for about 14,000 , and on the 2.d {
he left Halt .Lake for
Ogden , and has not been heard from
since. Some of the Uieu wuo have
been working for him , have not had
any pay for three mouths , and
should he not be found , or the mo
ney recovered , the greater portion
or the loss will fall on laboring men
Mr. Jackson was well known and
liked here , and almost every one
iiad confidence in him.
The Flagstaff , one of the largest
and best mines , changed hands , or
rather management qui'e suddenly
a few days ago The stockholders
reside in England , and through
some mifamanagetnent of the par
ties here who were in charge , the
mine was run in debt , and it passed
into tbe hands of the creditors until
such time as the mine could be
made to pay its indebtedness. The
parties holding it have been taking
out and shipping large amounts of
ore , and it is claimedhave not only
recovered the amount due them.but
have been getting wealthy out of it.
A few days ago , Mr. A G. Hunter ,
oue of the largest owners iu Eng
land , arrived in Salt .Lake with full
ppwer to act lor the other stockhold
ers , and remaining in that city
only 24 hours came up here with an
attorney and theU 8. Marshal , art !
stopping only to roake out neces.- -
ry papers , proceeded immediately
lo the mine , took them by surprise
and obtained possession. It is said
there are immense bodies of ore in
ught and it is regarded as one of the
363t mines in the Territory.
The Reed and Benson , South Star
and Titus , Grizzly , Prince of Wales ,
and the Wellington , have all bean
taking out large quantities of ore ,
but on account of the bad weather
have not been ablj to shin. Should
the v , eather get settled s > o our pack
era and teamsters can wors , te :
coming month will be a busy time
fyr them , and will show the largest
shipment ol ore ever made from our
camp in the same length of time
Had just mailed this letter when
report came that the boarding
iiouse at the Wellington mine , a
large two-story house , two miles
Jrom town , had been buried in a
snow slide and six persons killed
A party of men have started up
9 o'clock p. m. Men have re
turned and report forty feet of snow
where the house stood. The reel
was taken off by the slide and carried -
ried 300 feet up the hill , the other
side of the gulch. They dug down
twelve feet in the snow and run
down iron rods twelve feet more ,
and could not reach any part of the
house. A lartje party will go uj
again to-morrow and iry to find th
bodies. The persons known t >
have been in the house are J. W
Brown , John Varco , J B. White
and John W. Parks and his wife
and little girl.
Will send further particulars
when the party returns. Doc.
A Farmer's 5ew Tear's Sociable
The Cern Crop Better Than
nal Meeting of tbe County As
rlcultnrnl Society.
Otrretfondtne * of the See.
January 2 , 1877. j
Yesterday , the first of the year
was celebrated hf nearly all the
farmers of this district. A very
pleasant social gathering was im
provised at our Agricultural Hall.
Excellent music was on hand , am
a right merry social hop was in
dulged in. Oldandyouug , marriet
and single men , old bachelors uut
old maids , all joined in tha
light fantastic exercises with
a will. The ladiea witn
most commendable zeal , 01 course
prepared a mot excellent supper
for the occasion , which was partak
en by all iu a manner betokening
their appreciation of the good thinj.- !
laid before them. Jt is only to be
rearetted that January 1 comes but
once a year.
Corn is now nearly all onbbed.
The yield Is much better than was
anticipated durhrj the grasshopper
invasion. It will average about 20
bushels to the acre.
The Dod e County Agricultural
society will meet in annual session
on the 20lh inst. It is to be hoptd
that a large attendance will be had
as some very important budiuct-s
needs to De traiihaoted J. M S.
Are one of the most valuable ol our na
tive fruits. Cooling and astringent , they
form when compounded and medicated the
very best and eafest remedy known for
Diarrhea , Dysentery , Flax , and what is
commonly called the Summer Complaints.
These arc always troublesome and sometimes
terribly fatal , especially among children ;
Many lives might be saved by riving them
prompt attention , and care. On the other
hand , many lives are sacrificed by the use of
preparations containinglaudanum and other
plates. Dr. Green's Blackberry Cordial a
Inst what it represents to be ; a pure medica
ted cqmponnd containing nothing injurious
to the system , yet prompt and effective to
check and cure these diseases in men and
women. Being made without alcohol , it is
the very best and safest remedy for children.
After this disease is checked the body is
generally left worn and debilitated. A dafty
and _ moderate use of Dr. Green's Bitter
Tonic will revive and build it up , giving tone
and vigor to the whole system , with an in
creased and healthy appetite. If your drug
gist does not keep Dr. Green's Family medi
cines , send to the proprietors , E. 1. Bart-
ruff&Co. , Burlington. Iowa , and they will
send you trial samples , as well as circular
and testimonials.
For sale by J. K. Ish. and by C. F. Good
man. 7Bcb20-eSthdly
By virtue ot a writ of execution isaed out
of the District Court of Douglas county Ne
braska , and lo mo directed. I will on the
12th day of J inuary. A. D. , 1877. sel1 st
public auction the go > ds and chattels levied
on under siid writ , to-wit : 1 mower ; 1 lum
ber wagon. Scows , in hogs , 2 bay mares 1
bay colt. 1 black colt , 2 cultivators 1 har
row , 1 plow , 1 corn plow , 1 sulky rake , 3
cribs corn , estimated at 5't1 bushels. 2 lots
barley estimated at iOO bushels , to satisfy u.
judgment of suid court recove ed by Cyrus
II. McConniek * C-.mpany . againt Geor/e
E. Warren and Abraham Dennis , said sale
to take place on the premises of the iaid
DennH m section nine (9) ) township ( 6)
ranee ten (10) ( ) east at ono o'clock p. m. ,
It Sheriff.
OF 1870. Just the book for the times.
Gives a full history of the National Capital
and Government. Shows how the govern
ment has been managed since its organiza
tion. Explains how jobs are put through
Congress. Gives a full history of the WAw-
Ini Frauds and Selknap Scandal. It gives
the lives of Hayes , Avheeler , Tilden and
Hendricks. Grand chance for agents. Ad
dress. J. H. CHAMBERS. St. Louis. Mo
State of Nebraska. Douglas county , ss :
At County Court held kt the county court
room , in and ,
A. D. . 1S76. Present C. H. Sedgwick.
County Judge. In the matter of the estate
of Jo-eph Banma" . deceased :
On reading and on filling the verified pe
tition of Willhelmenia ilanman , praying
that the last will and testament of said de
ceased be probated , allowed and established
and she appointed executrix.
Ordered , fiat Jannary31st. A , D. 1876at9
o'clock a , m. . is assigned tor hearing said
petition , when all persons interested in
said matter may appear at a county court to
bo held , in and for said county , and show
cause why the prayer of petitionsr should
not be granted ; and that notice of ho pen
dency of said petition and the hearing
thereof , be given to all peroons nteres ed
in said matter , by u copy of this
order in the Omaha Weekly BKZ. a news
paper printed in aid county , for three suc
cessive wi eks , prior to said day of hearicg ,
jan3-w3t _ County Juige.
Historical Alias of tie flori :
This Atlas will be complete In the Spring
of 1S76 , and will contain the finest eerie : o ;
Maps yet published. The Maps of the Uni
ted States will be the finest ever published.
the ; 17111 bo elaborate in detail , finely exccn
ted , pnd will give a better idea of the ad
raaob oUt of our Republic for 100 years than
can be rivoa by any other publication. The
Maps ot tie old country will be from the
best authors , and will be found complete and
well exacuted.
Every asp will be accompanied by a hiv
tonal axetcn , giving , in a concise manner
such facts at will make them doubly worth
their cc.i.
No hiitory cr book of travel , not even the
doily newapiptr.caa be read without the aid
of an Atl&g , and the want is not confined to
professional raan and scholars , but ic felt in
an oqnsl degree by every reader. THE His-
T02ICAL .fiTLAS GT THE WORLD will not Only
meet an universal need.but will be practical
ly without a competitor in its special field.
The descriptive matter , though popular in
tone , will be prepared in a truly icientific
spirit. The historical portion will be excep
tionally full , and the method of arranging
statistics will be remarkable.simpleand con
venient. Each member of the family wil
find something in it to invite and pay pern
sal.To make this Alia * still moru coraprehen
sive and useful , we shall add a concise histo
ry of the Surveys of the United States , and
a map of Ohio. Indiana. Illinois , Wisccm
gin , and Michigan , showing the base , me
ridian. and township lines , and the range
and township numbers. This matter will be
so comprehensive thac any one with ordinary
intelligence can learn to describe and deed
lands. The practical knowledge that can br
obtained from this one item in the Atlat
would have saved many a man his home.
which has been lost through a wrong des
In Winter Quarters.
General urook and Staff at Chey
A Reporter's Sketch ot the Diffi
culties of the Late In
dian Campaign.
Three Thousand Troops to Cover a
Half Million Square Siles.
Sorrerpondmct of Th * See.
Cheyenne , W. T. , Juuuary4
Gen. Crook arriveu from the north
last evening and put up at the In
ter Ocean Hitel ; where he with a
number of other distinguished offi
cers , have assembled to participate ,
us members and witnesses of tbe
coming court martial. While some
ILaslern papers tend penny-a-iiae
paragraphists pud reporters , have
seen flt to carp at , and tind
fault .ivith Gen. Crook's Indian
campaign , we of the "West ,
can better appreciate and
understand the almost insurmount
able obstacles and dilllculriea that
General Crook and his command
had to contend against and over
come. If Eastern papers would
show a little mere knowledge of the
geography and topography of the
region they so learnedly ( ? ) talk
about , it would be more to their
credit. Gen. Crook's citnpaigu extended -
tended over and through Wyoming ,
Montana and Dakota , and when
we reflect that Dakota contains 221-
000 square milia , Montana 173,000
and Wyoming 110,000 square miles ,
it gives us some conception of the
magnitude and extent or the
marches and countermarches that
bis command had to make to either
overtake or entrap the wily enemy.
Here LJ a military theatre of 604,000
'quare miles , a trifle larger thsu
Austria and Prussia , and o y about
3,000 tr&ops of all branches to guard
it and meet the foe tnereupr n. It
would tux the military skill of a
Von Moltke or the genius of Xapo-
[ eon the First to meet the contin
gencies of the ' 'situation , "
with such meagre and in
adequate materials and means'
as were placed at the disposal of
Sen. Crook for the prodiguous work
: o be done ; and the only wonder is
: bat tbe gallant General has been
able to accomplish as much as he
ms already The power or Sioux
and Cheyennes , Is certainly broken
forever , and a summer camp ign
will give the Indian war the final
coup de grace Ail honor and
) raise pay J , where both due ,
md so well merited. Business still
continues brisk , while the travel to
he B'acK.Hills ' is on the increase ,
riOtv. ithstnndiuic the recent heuvy
now storm Church revivals , so-
uiables , bails and private parties is
he order of the day jst now.
1A CompUte Pictorial History of the
limes " "Jhe best , cheapest ,
and mist successful Family
Paper in the Union. "
Harper's 'Weekly ,
Ifoticet ofthePreei.
Harper's Weekly ceould bain everrfamily
hrough out the laid , aa a purer , more in-
eresting , higner toned. bettcr-i.lustrated
paper is not published in ibis or any other
onntry. Commercial Bulletin. Bostod.
The iVeekly is the only illustrated paper _
of the day that in its essential characteris ics
s recoecized as a national paver Brooklyn
The leading articles in Harper's Weekly
n political t"pics _ are models of high-toned
iscns'ion , and iu pictorial illustration ?
are often corroborative aretment of no small
orce. Examiner and fhronicle , N. Y. .
The Weekly has to a still larger degree dis-
anced all competitors as an illustrated
newspaper. Its editorials are among the
most able of their kind , and their other
coding matter is at once learned , brilliant ,
nd amusing. Its il uctrutions are abun-
ant and of rare excellence Christian Ad
vocate , N. Y. ,
Harper's Weekly , one year _ . . . . _ 5400
$100 includes prepayment of U.S. postage
> y the publishers.
Subscriptions to Harper' * Magazine ,
V'eekly and Bazar , to one address for one
year , 810 CO ; or two for Harper's Period-
dais , to one address for oney ar , J7CO :
estage free.
An extra co , y of eit icr the Magazine ,
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verv club of five. Subscribers at Si 00 each ,
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Back .NaLers can be supplied at any
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with any number. When no time is speci-
ied it will be understood that thn subscriber
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urrent volume , and back numbers will be
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A Complete Set of Harper s Magazine ,
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ieen published , rendering available for ref-
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