T.HEQMABA BEE. JFK1DAY , NOV. 10 , 1876. THE OMAHA DAUY BEE la served to subscriber * by earner , to any TF part of the city , every evening , ( onnoays zrepted ) at fifteen cent * per week. or f .7S for t tx. months , and $7.60 per annum , wnen p. . it in advance. , . . . , All complaint * about irregularities , ad- rcMed to this office , will receive prompt at- I JlBn'0 > iABX DAIIT Bw ha * byfa , th5 larcwt circulation both inOinaha and abroad and U therefore , the best and cheapest ad vertising medium. . , , . tax OMAHA DULT BKB will be mailed to nbscribers at the following rates , payable Bvariably in advance : 88.00 per annum. 4.00 tiz months. ABYERTISING KATES On. Dollar per qu w ( X of an Jncli dwy and iquire , $5.00 per moalh for two < ! " . ' fe2a5 = = . rfsSrtssffSKSS e for Insertion , counting E , CUrged t the tune r contract * , hlch are tMUn e rdi on monthly W fthe rate ! a the Dilly. per month. TJUI Advrra * menU towricd under contrjcta , k Uken out before th. expiration of the Ume fiea. itia b clurgcd t trantlent r i * - . onU ln erted must be wholly of solid meUl not Sd So lache. in-rtdlh lor , er four lnch i for double o n lars * T t * c Addrwi OXAHA BBE , Omaha. M b. Jiell-jlmccr Apples , the choicest in uov9-3t BREVITIES. Hayes riz. Hurrah lor Hayes. Aiid still wo arem doiibt. And yet we are not happy. "Who's the uext President ? Advertise in the Salurday BEE. The Saturday BEE is the best advertising medium in the city. The memliers of the German baud are stopping at the Grand Cen tral. _ Please seud m church notices at an early hour to-inorrow morning ing- Wanted Four shoemakers , at J. H. Hengeu'f , 160 Farnham tit. 9tf Quite a number of Omaha horsemen are in attendance at the races at the fair at Council Blufls. 50 city lots , hotel and dwelling , at auction to-morrow morning. Stop paying rent and have a home of your own. See advertisement Tnihtce tale to-morrow morn- lug of 60 city lots , hotel and houses. Look up the property and bo on hand. See advertisement , Auction sale to-morrow morn ing of 50 city lots , hotel , and dwell ings. One-third cash , balance in eix and twelve months. See ad vertisement. County CommissionerMcArdle is wearing a new stove-pipe , which was presented to him by James E. Boyd , who hau promised him the same in case the Democratic legis lative ticket in Douclas county was elected. Tiie members of the German military band took a drive around the city this afternoon , a part on horseback and a part in carnages. They attracted considerable atten tion owing to their gay uuiformaud the procession presented a very at tractive appearance. Many of our German people occa sionally need rlhe services of a law yer who 'aider-stands their native language. Mr. Homci Stall , whoso office is in Hubermann's block , southeast corner of 13th and Doug las streets , speaks German. He at tends ( o business in all the courts. -The concert givenby Mn. Burns' infant class of over 100 children , came oil last night at the 18th street M. E. church. We ven ture to bay that there never was a better pleased audience than the one that crowded every nook and cor ner of the church. The tableaux from tno story of "Old Mother Goose" brought the house down We understand that it is be repeated , and if so they will have a full house. Mr. Frank Poindexter , of the new Ogden House , Council Blufls , was In the city to-day. He informs us that arrangements are being made on a large scale for the grand opening of that hotel on next Thurs day eveniug , the 16th Jnst. A very large number of invitations have been scut to prominent citizens of Iowa and .Nebraska. Arrangements will be made for a special train to .leave Omaha at 8 p. m. , and return at 3 a. m. next morning , to accom modate Omaha parties who may wish to attend. Tickets , admitting gentlemen and ladies and entitling the holder to supper for self and two ladies , $5.00. Extra supper tickets for additional ladies , $1.50. Music .by Prof. Hoffman's orches tra. Ticketa 'for sale at Meyei'a music store. Ilcntli ot an Old UcMdcat of Ac- braskn. Mr. Frank Becher died of apoplexy plexy to day at Columbus , leaving children. He was a .brother of Gus. Becher , of Columbus , and of Mrs. Koenig and Mrs. Philip Metz , of this city. He was one of the oldest residents of JNebrasku , coming here when he was a boy. For many yeais he was a telegraph operator at Colum bus , where l e has for a long time resided. He was elected County Clerk Heveu or eight limes in suc cession , and was a well-known and prom HIGH t citizen. and Gents' Uuderwear at popular prices , novlOtf At BUSHMAN'S. ' CKOCKERY , CHINA , GLASS WARE. Hulbie'e great doting out- sale at prgt. in Farnhath fctrcel. up-stairs. Persona. C. H. Eaton , of Chicago , is at the Metropolitan. Jerome Boot , ot Chicago , is at the Metropolitan. A. Variau , of Chicago , is at the Grand Central. Frank Smith , of Boston , is at the Grand Central. N. S. Smith , of Bockford , is at the Metropolitan. J. T. H. Jessup , of Chicago , Is at the Grand Cenlral. C. H. Lewis , of New York , is at the Grand Central. ( J. S. Blackman , of Chicago , is at he Grand Central. W. C. Whittemore , of Chicago , is at the Grand Central. Hon. O. P. Mason , of Lincoln , is at the Grand Central. C. JX. Htronc , of Emporia , Kansas , is at the Grand Central. Mr. J. S. Wright , the music deal er , returned from Philadelphia to- daj' . R. Rhone and M. Vilmorin , of Paris , France , are at the Grand Central. Joe Gibbs , the portly traveling representative of the Ohio & Missis sippi railroad , is in the city. H. A. .Newman , ot Nebraska Cily , collector of internal revenue , is at the Metropolitan. Mr. Laird , a prominent citizen o Juuiata , .Nebraska , was in the city yesterday and this morning. O. P. Killiugsworth left for Pitt- burg this afternoon , whither he was called by the illness ot his daughter. C. H. Frederick , the hatter , has returned from the East , having pur chased a heavy stock f fall and winter goods , which are already ar riving. Captain Jack Crawford , who has been scouting for General Crook during the Indian campaign , has returned to Omaha. He brought back with him several Indian po nies and other plunder which he captured from the Indians. He has with him "Curly , " which was Red Cloud's favorite pony. He ako brought back with him two squawj dresses and other Indian curiosities , which are now on exhibition at Julius Meyer's "Wigwam. " The ftcrmnn Military Hand. Three grand concerts one to night , one to-morrow afternoon and one to-morrow evening will be given at the Academy of Music by the famous Genaau Military .Band. This band is attached to the 31st and 76th Regiments of Prussian Infantry. They were granted a furlough by Emperor Wilhelm to visit the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia , where they carried off the highest honors ever award ed to a military band. They have met with the greatest sucBefis wherever .they have per formed , and are now making a flyIng - Ing vlbit to the Pacific coast prior to their departure for home. They ap pear in the full dress uniform of the Rifle Guard of the German empire. The programme for this evening is made up of the choicest selections , and we know that those who attend will enjoy a rare musical treat. The baud does not play on the streets at all , as the members consider this method of advertising unnecessary. The latest styles in dress goods at prices that will suit everyone , hovlOlf At BUSHMAN'S. A. Coiiilnctor lion as Living : With in hit There were several good stories told at the conductois' banquet last evening , but the one that created the most laughter was that which was related by conductor McElroy , from Pennsylvania. He said that a conductor on an eastern road was approached by a seedy looking in dividual , who wanted to get a free ride , as he didn't have any money. 'All right1 said the conductor , "go forward in the smoking car , and I'll fix you all right" Soon afterwards the conductor appeared m the smoking car to col lect fare from the passengers. He took up fare from everybody except the dead-beat and another man , who happened to be the superin tendent of the road. The superin tendent noticed that he had over looked this man , and asked him why he had done it. "Why , that's a conductor , " was the reply. "His appearance does not indi cate it. Look at those clothes , " said the superintendent. "Well , " said the conductor , "he can't help that. He's a conductor on a Western road , and he is one of those fellows who is trying to live within their salary. And that's what he has come to. " This was satisfactory to the super intendent , and the man obtained his ride without further inquiry. Air McElroy stated that there was nothing personal in the story. The linest Black Beavers at the lowest prices , novlOtt At BDSHMAN'S. I'olico Court. A man named Hall , who had not yet sobered up from his election drunk , was sent back to jail by Judge Porter this morning. Mary Wilson , who had both her eyes draped mdeep mourning , was assessed $4.50 for disturbance of the peacfl and drunkennssf. We will sell to-morrow , at 12 o'clock , one buggy ( nearly new } , with pole , one horse and harness a good opportunity for parties wish ing a nice family turnout. KURTZ & ALLEN , * li Auctioneers. CLOAKS , CLOAKS , CLOAKS. NEW ARRIVAL OF CLOAKB , AT tf'ELF & McDONALD'B. lOiit jH. L. .Laley has just received a very fine lot of New York Candies , TO-MORROW MORNING. Trustee Sale of 50 City Lots , Hotel and Dwelling House. One-Third Cash , Balance in Six and Twelve Mouths. Look Up the Property and Be On Hand. Stop Paying Rent and Have a Home of our Own. TUB LARGEST FORTUNES ARE MADK IN REAL ESTATE. 1hz Property Will Be fold at Auc tion and for the Most it Will Bring. City liots Safer than Banks and Life Insurance. RAKE CIIANCE FOK AN INVESTMENT PERFECT TITLES , AND WARRANTY DEEDS. 50 lots , desirably located in differ ent parts of the city , will be sold at bed-rock prices , at 10 o'clock tc- raorning Saturday , Nov.ll , 1870 at the auct'on store of Kurtz & Allen , m Caldwcll Block , Douglas street. The tide is turning , and this is the one that the great poet referred- in the following : ' 'There is a tide in the affairs of men , Which , taken at the flood , leads on to for tune. " Never were there such bargains offered in the way of real estate. All the real estate journals over the country concede that "Dottom is reached" ; and the general feeling among the best real estate men in this and other cities is , that the millions of idle capital hoarded up throughout the country is already seeking investment in real proper ty , and it will soon commence ad vancing to much higher figures than it can be bought at to-day ; so look to it KAILROAD MEN , WuKKINO MEN , CLEKKS AND OTHERS , for now is your opportunity to se cure for yourselves and families a "home" ; -rare chance to buy a lot cheap , for the property must and will b sold. Astor , Girard and nearly all of the millionaires of the world , made the bulk of their immense fortunes in real estate. Ask Byron Reed , the Kountze's , Creighton's , and otuers ot this city , what proportion of their money has been realized from real estate. J5ANK8 , LIFE INSURANCE AND KEAL ESTATE. When a man has his lot paid for he has something substantial to fall back on. He can't lose it. It is all the time growing more valuable. It's owner is a freeholder , and he has a comfortable , independent home before he knows it. It is the be.st savings bank ho can liud for Inn money , and is the safest and most promising investment that can be made at the present time , in thvbo days of rottenness , corruption and defalcation in banks , life insur ance companies , etc. ; but nothing short of a deluge or an earthquake can get away with city lots. THE GREAT CENTRAL CITY. Omaha , as a great railroad centre and the centre of four thousand miles of river navigation , and as a manufacturing town , with its splen did agricultural lands surrounding it , is destined to become the great central city of the country. Stop paying rent and buy a lot. The money paid out in way of rentals would , in a short time , buy : i home of your own. Below will be found a complete list of the lots to be sold , with the appraised value marked against each ; and the property will be sold for one-half or three fifths of such appraisal , should no higher bids be obtained : Appraise- Bl'k. Lot. meuta. 92 7 , Houth 22'feet with house and im provements $2,000 101 2 150 181 2 , 5 and 6 , 31otseachat 200 187 3 and 4 , 2 " " 200 188 1 and 2 , 2 " " 550 205 4 , north 44 feet ( Chat- wood House ) 3,000 207 8 - . 100 236 1 300 254 2 100 309 5 100 Bartlett's Add. , lot 1 (1 ( j acres ) 800 ' " " 16 (2 ( } acres ) 800 431 20 , in "Grand View" . . . 200 433 18 , " " . . . 200 438 14 and 15 , 2 lot" , each. . 400 4 3 6 , 7,13,15 and 16,5 lot- , each at 300 4-15 ISjigandSO.Slots.each 400 448 5 and 7 , 2 lots , each at. . 200 450 i 300 454 17 250 480 20 200 486 4 200 49(5 ( 12 200 2 6 , Credit Foucier add 100 20 4 , " " 275 20 7 , " " 250 39 1 , - " " 250 39 4 , " " 275 40 1 and 3 Credit Fon- cier addition , each at 250 40 4 , Credit Foucier add 275 41 2 and 3 Credit Fou cier addition , each at 100 67 5 , 6 and 8 Credit Fon- cicr addition , each at 150 GS 3 and 8 Credit Fon- cier addition , each at 100 TERMS One-third cash ; balance iu six and twelve months , with ten per cent , interest. Don't fail to see these lots. It is the cheapest first-class property in the market , and you will never have another such a chance. X or further particulars , maps , etc. , apply to Geo. P. Bemis , Cozzens House , Ninth and Haruey streets ; or to Kurtz & Allen , auctioneers , Caldwell Block , Douglas street. "FOREST TAR SALVE , " has no equal for Burns , and Healing Cuts and Indolent Sores. nov7d6t GROCERS ATTENTION. Lamp chimneys at Solomon's No. 1 by the box 40 cents ; No. 2 by he box 55 cente , A NOVEL BET. Which TVill be Carried Out as Soon as the Presidential Election is Decided. The following novel bet on the presidential election will be carried out by the parties to the following agreement , as soon as the election 3 decided : OMAHA , June 29 , 1876. Be it remembered that on this 29th day of June , 1876 , the follow- ug agreement is made between Henry Maret , of Omaha and Dong as county , Neb. , of the first part , and Gustav Beneke , of the same place , of the second part : Henry Maret , of the first part , agrees and does hereby agree that in case in the next Presidential election , Governor Samuel J. Tildeu is elected as President of the United States , he will and has personally to carry said Gustav Beueke , of the becoiid part , personally , withoul any aid , from the corner of Tenth and Howard streets , in the city of Omaha , btate of Nebraska , on a wheelbarrow up to the Grand Central tral- hotel , in the same city anil State , and back to the place of .starting. Guatave Beueke , of the second part , agrees and does hereby agree iu case Rutherford B. Hayes is elect ed iu said election to carry suit Henry Maret iu the same way anil the same distance. All to be done as soon as the elec tion of the winning party. HENRY MARET. GUSTAVE BENEKE. Sigued in presence of EDWARD WIRTII. GUSTAVE SCIIILL. Note The place of starting bas been changed by agreement to Sjouger Hall , oa Douglas street Due notice will be given to the pub he when the affair will take place The Couilnctor's The banquet given by the citizens of Oniaha to the visiting conductors of the International Brotherhood , at the Grand Central Hotel last evening , was a grand aflair. From half- past eight to ten o'clock Ihe 23d Infantry band played some choice sele'ctions , and at ten o'clock the dining hall was opened for sup per. Before being seated Mayor Chase made an address of welcome to the conductors. In the course of of his remarks he very appropriately gave a brief history of the railroad , and spoke of Omaha as a railroad centre. The supper was gotten up in the beat style of the hotel , a d every body did justice to it. The toasla and responses were as follows : Fjrst "Tho Conductor ' Broth erhood , our honored guests. " Re- spouse by W. L. Collins , Grand Chief Conductor. Second "Our national system of railroads. " Kespouse by Dr. Geo. L. Miller. Third -'The Union Pacific rail road , the great international line connecting the Orient with the Oc cident. " Response by Hon. A. J. Jt'oppletou. Fourth " The Locomotive De partment , the great power upon whach commerce depends. " Re- spouse by 1. H. Cougdou. Fifth "Our railroad conductors , the guardians of our lives and for tunes ; may their success be equal to their well-known courtesy , " Re sponse by Samuel McElroy. Sixth "The great west as devel oped by railroads. " Response by Hon. E. Wakely. Seventh "The Pullman Palace Car Company , the sure guaiantee of public comfort to trans conti nental travelers. " Response by Gen. C. F. Maudersou. Eighth - 'Thomas Herkiusou , the original projector of railroads every locomotive whistle chronicles his fume. " never-dying Response by E. F. Smythe. Ninth "The press ; look out for the locomotive when the bell rings. " Response by D. C. Brooks. The banquet was continued till a very late hour , and was throughout a very enjoyable affair. FINEOLD.KEHTUCKY BOUR BON WHISKY at M. W. KEN NEDY'S , 488 Thirteenth street. ItA A nice lot of boy's.ulsters just re ceived at Polack's. It Hagau's Magnolia Balm pre serves and restores the complexion , removes freckles , tan and sallow- ness ; makes the skin soft , white and delicate. Its application can not be fletected. niar20eod&wj.y LYON'S KATHAHION makes beau tiful , glossy , luxuriant hair ; pre vents its falling out or turning gray. It has stood the test for 40 years. Is charmingly uerfumed , and has no rival. oaar20eodwly Winter Apples ! Winter Appks't ' ! at 1. G. firunner's. uov9-5t Extra ( hoice Cider. Brunner'a. 9-5t Ulster overcoats ironi 39 to $25 at KAHN & WEDELL'S , nov6dlw $35.00 cash wui ouy a fine cassi- ruere suit , made to order , at sepStf J. H. STEIN. CENTENNIAL Oil Stoves for cooking and heating , for sale at 190 Farnham street. See advertisement in special column. seplStf Suits made to order for $35.00 at KAHN & WEDELL'S , uo6dlw 156 Farnham St. The latest style of Hats you can always find at atKAHNJ& KAHNJ& WEDELL'S , nov6dlw 156 Farnham St OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE , CLAM CHOWDER , OYttTER HITCHCOCK'S BULLIES. How a Couple of Them Attempted to Assault the Editor of the "Bee. " Last evening about ten o'clock , a disgraceful and uncalled-for attempt to assault Mr. Rosewater , editor of the BEE , was made by Paul Vau- dervoort and Bos Cunningham , who are two of the most noted of Hitchcock's strikers and bullies. Mr. Rosewater and Mr. Thomas F. Hall were sitting in the reading room .of the Grand Central hotel , engaged in conversation , when Vandervoortand Cunningham came up. They chimed iu by telling some election news from Beatrice to which a reply was made that they know it already. Cnnuiughamand Vandervoort then hegau bragging about the Hitchcock organization that it was compact and had the ele ments of success. They had sue ceeded in the State convention and elsewhere , and they were bound to win in the legislature next winter. Most of this conversation was di rected at JJr. Hull , who finally said that Mr. Hitchcock could nut count on any nflore than twenty-live votes. Vauderyoort next turned his attention to Mr. Rosewaler , abusing him iu violent lent language lor the part he had taken in the campaign against Hitchcock , and called him a rebel , u spy. Mr. Rosewater told him he lied , and that he was the oiiginator of that He. Mr.itoscwnter maintain ed his Unionism anil Republicanism in an emphatic manner , whereupon Vaudervoort grabbed him by the wrist. Rosewater told him lo let go , and then Cunningham shook his list in Rosewa- ter's face , swearing at him like a pirate. At this juuctu.e quite a crowd gathcn , ! around , and Al. Patrick , who su-\ that they in tended to assuult Roaewater , step ped forward and interfered , and in timated that if they wanted to whip anybody they might pitch into him , as he did noc propose to see two men assault one. This stopped ! the proceeding as far as Mr. Rose- j water \VM concerned , but CuuuiiiK- i ham and Vaudervoort then pitched iulo Hall , who told them they-lied. Cunningham in his remarks to Rosewater , charged him with try ing lo defeat the Republican party and with attempting to beat certain Republicans. Rosewater said his Republicanism was different from that of Cunningham , who had robbed the government , and that the Republicanism of the wiiolt : crowd to which Cunningham and Vandervoort belonged was nothing except an organized system of plunder | ind was ruining the party. The ailair created considerable ex citement among the crowd of by standers , all of whom condemned the conduct of Cunningham and Vandervoort in the most unmeas ured teruis , and it would haye been unhealthy for them to have carried out their intention of assaulting Mr. Roaewater. Hosiery and Gloves at very inter esting prices , uovlOtf At BUSHMAN'J. 1ST SEE McKelligou's card on fourth pa e. juue2tf A flue assortment of cloaks re duced to cost , novlOtf At BUSHMAN'S. Omnlm A Republican Valley Kail- road. Thegradinjj on the Omaha & Re publican Valley railroad west from the 1'latte river to Waioo is nearly completed , and the bridge over the river will bo finished to-morrow night. The laying of the Iron west from the river will begin on Sun day , and the cars will bs running from Wahoo to Omaha before the 1st of January next. SP2CZAJ. NOTICE. Advertisements of To Let. For Bale. Lost. Wantp. Found. Boarding , Ac. , mil bo inserted in these columns once for TEN CENTS jier line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVE CENTS per line. The first insertion never less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. 1O LOAN. OHEY TO LOAN. DR. KDWAKDS. 131 Farnham St. jy2tf _ MOSEY TO LOAN-D. L. THOMAS , Visscher's block. oc28tf WANTS. 1 OOO CUSTOMERS to patronize the -L\f\J\J now millinery s'ore. 251 Dodge St. . Hawkins' old confectiouery stand : first- class goods and dressmaking satisfaction guaranteed. MKS. J. A. WALKEK. oSOml WANTED A woman who understands housework. Good wages will bo given. Apply at southeast corner Twenty- tccondand California-fts. orStecle & John- son's. C. R. JOHNSON. _ not9 6t \ij ANTED Immediately , a girl to do general housework. Must understand cooking. A German or Swede preferred. Apply at Tin Store , 183 Donglas-st. . bet. Eleventh and Twelfth. nov9-3t SITUATION , as clerk or bookkeeper , by an energetic yonnc man , thoroughly ronversant with hotel business. C. , Bco noy9-3t * _ - W ANTED-Torent. a house with six to e551n'1.o n t in good repair , within WANTED A woman cook , dinine-room girl and farm hand , at the Donovan House. nov9-3t ELDERLY MAN AND WIFE for bouse- . . wort. WAI. EVERETT. Capitol-av. . oet. t iftecnth and Sizteenth-sts. nS-Jt * WANTED A situation by a good book- Tmnve8'S&T ' ? , ? < VJ references. Address. BOOK-KEEPER P. 0. box 510. city. no6cod til nolSf " ' "TTT'ANTED A partner with small capital TT in a good paying business. For pa r- ticnlars inquire of * 'P. " Bee office. s5tf FOR BALE. OOD TEAM. HORSE for sale cheap , or ? ? ? , ? ligbtop8n buroyE.D. . TITUS. 319 / Caldwell-st. nov0-6t a FOR SALE Cheap , one Cooper Engine and Boiler , in good order. Uavo been run one year. Engine 20-horso power. Ad dress WALE iCO. . . Box 366. Nebraska City , novo-lw FOR SALE At a very reduced pnco. two scholarships in the Davenport Business College. Apply or address. "R. , " Bee s21tf TftOR SALE-Houscs. lots farms , wild JL ! lands. J. W. LOVE A CO. . 2Sl-Farn- ham-st. nltf FOR SALE-Cottonwood lumber , by Red man i Son. Sixteenth and Izard street * , novltf FOR RENT. irORRENT-Storo bnildine. occupied as I California Frnit Etoro , d'asonallr across from l'o tofflco , W , J F OR RENT OR SALE A neat dwelling housa and lot. Seventeenth and Cuming. Apply to J. II. TIIIELE. Merchant Tailor , Thirteenth-st. * nov9tf T URNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD-At F 279 Capitol-av. . one block north of P. 0. nov7-5t * RENT Foqr rooms , unfurnished , suitable for small family , cor. Eigh teenth and Dodge-sts. rutf | 70R RENT. Store on Sixteenth and Chi- l' cago. Twenty dollars per month , octl-eod . S. A. BAYLOR A CO. f OR RENT.-G oed Pianos ' ! octiTeod S. A. TAYLOR & CO. E AT cottage ; 4 rooms. M.R.RISDON. nov4tf RENT A basement with bake oven , FOR 251 Dodgo-st. , Marshal's old stand. Inquire of JOHN G. WILLIS. nov tf RENT A house of six rooms , on the FOR corner of Twelfth and Ilarnoy streets ; also stable on the alley. 028dtf GEO. W. DOAJJE. TjlORRENT Furnished frontroom.north- JD east corner Farnham and Sixteenth-sts. oc27tf TT10R RENT A good frost-proof brick C cellar. 30x22 feet. Inquire on the prem ises. California .fruit Store , No. 260 Dodge st. oc2Uf . ] 70R RENT The beick building southwest P corner of Farnham and Eloventh-sts. In quire at 175 Jfarnham-st. oc35 ln > t 170R RENT Furnished room ; Harney-st. JC between Fifteenth and Sixteenth. D. KENNISION. oc21tf TCTURNISHEU OR UNFURNISHED rooms } to rent , immediately , corner Dodge and Eighteenth-Eta. ocCOtf FOR LEASE. rpo LEASE Garden within half mile of JLcity limits : good house , barn , two good wells ; 20acrcslnnd ; terms easy ; possession eiven immediately. Call on or address. J. Ji CUARLTON & SON. P. 0. box-UT. n2tf OYSTERS. TUNT , BARNES A GO'S BALTIMORE JLoysters beat any Chicago oysters in the world. J.E.EDWARDS.SoloAeent. o4tf COMMISSIONSTORAGE.SECOND-HANDGOODS&c & . . 213 Doug.-st. . pa cash BONNKK&CO. of second-hand furniture , nolcodtf CASH PAID FOR ALL CLASSES.OF new and second-hand goods. Consign ments of all kinds received on commission , at 237 Douglas-st. C. C. HELM1CK , Auc tion. Storage and Commission Merchant , novltf ESTRAYED. STRAYED-A sorrel filly , with three white legs , and a white strip in the face ; mane cut short near the withers. Any informa tion of her will be thankfully received , or any person bringing her to Homan's stable will bo paid for the trouble. DAN. LEE. noltf COAL. PIOAL-COAL-J. E. EDWARDS , com- V mission merchant , is now prepared to deliver Wyoming , Lackawanna and Iowa coal at lowest rates. 190 Fatnham-st. o4tf ! MUSICAL. EBEKZ'S QUADRILLE BAND will furn- i < h music at reasonable prices ; private parties a specialty. Residence southeast corner Twelfth and Chicago-sts. o25 Imf PIGS FELT , SPARE RIBS , &e. PIGS FEET , spare ribs , and other trimmings , now ready , at COOKE & BAbLOU'S Packing House on U. P. R. R , south-west of city. oct2tidtf TAKEN UP. rpAKEN UP-On the 18th of October. 3 JL miles north of Waterloo , on my premises , one black mare , about 5 or 6 rears old. with white star in face , and branded "T. D. " on left shoulder.- Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. no6Ucw5w M. J. BILLITER.- n AKEN UP A light bay pony ( raaro ) ; right hind and fore feet white ; bald face. Owner can have same by celling on CON RAD SOUL. 1 % miles north of Millard station , proving p.opcrty and paying charges. nov8-ltew5w * Ss P.URE BLOOD Is the life , but bad blood is the abomita- tion. From it and derangement of the kid neys and urinary organs , come most of ths pains and aches and all diseases of the skin. Dr. Green's Ring Cure is a remedy that is intended to strike at the root of this trouble. It acts as a diuretic evacuant in cases of Dropsy , Gout , Gravel , and all diseases of the Kidneys , while it acts on the stomach as a tonic. It moderately accelerates the circulation , gently encourages the action of the bowels , and powerfully augments the urinary secretion purifies and cleanses the blood , thus removing the cause of boils , carbuncles , scrofula and all eruptive and cutaneous diseases ; reduces inflammatory , rheumatic and neuralgic pains and aches , allays inflmmation of thekidneysglandsand ( fibrous tisncs and joints , softens and carries off gravel and other calculus depos'Ls of the urinary organs ; cures Diabetes , Bright's Kidney Disease , Lncorrhca , ( Female Weakness - , ness ) . Scrofula and all diseases arising from disorder of the nriny organs and impure state of the blood , and especially adapted to female complaints. It is a safe and pleas ant alterative , and cures without depleting the strength of the organs or the tone of the general system. In other countries iu rep utation was so high that it gained the title of "King's Cure , A daily use of it will in most cases prevent , and in all cases mitigate the attack of the diseases for which it is re commended. It is beneficial for washing eruptive discharges on the skin ; but for run ning sores , or severe pains in the joints nee Dr. Green's Crimean Linament , for man wwtow.1. , . . . T ( KiOTjby0 ( < Pi OMdnjtt ' * " mehn-ltegtfirt. MISCEIIANEU ns. tuojaq K > OU < I pcv 330)9 Jno ouinreio'o ) pajsanoaj oiv gjjqqof q"N jojija MI 'iON JOP J p.jajtis.u mm anv UHS NI raiiTia aiTssioH.it axr JO HY-DIO ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Frifcy and Salnrflay Aovf inlior 1O and 11. Two Grand Concerts BV THE WORLD-RKNOWSBD Wm MILITARY BAND. "iS-40 ARTISTS -40-5H Director CARL BECI1. GRAND MATINEE , Saturday , Novernber 11 , at 2 . m. " " " " * This Band is attached to the 31st Regiments Prussian Infantry. They were granted .a furlough by Emperor Wilhelm to visil the Centennial Exposition at Philadel phia. wheio they carried off the highest honors ever awarded a Military Band. They have met with the greatest success wherever they have performed , and are now nuking a Dying visit to the Pacific coast prior to their return home , ADMISSION 50 cents and $1. No extra charge for reserved seats , which can now be secured at Ebcrhart's Bock Store. Admis sion to matinee , CO cents ; children , half price. Performance commences at 8 o'clock. FIEE INSURANCE M. Q. McKOON , Agent. Eoom No. 2 , Creighton Block , : 031 AIIA NEBRA SKA. Reliable Companies ! Prompt Adjustments ! ! ImperialNorthern , of London$34 000 000 Royal , of Liverpool _ . . 25 000 000 Phonix , of New York _ 2 7i > 0 000 Continental , of New York 2 POO 000 Herman American , of New York. . . 2 100 COO Fire Afsociation of Philadelphia- 600 000 American , of Philadelphia 1 300 000 Pennsylvania , of Philadelphia 1 600 000 National of Hartford 1 100 000 Orient , of Hartford . - 800 000 Western , of Toronto 1 600 000 Soringfleld , of Springfield Mass. 1 500 CO ) Commercial Union. London 18 SCO 000 Roger Williams , of Providence , R. I 500 000 otil c.ish capital represented.-$97,000,000 malieodli ? BANKING HOUSES. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED : II ! IN JNBBBASKA. CAIfflELL HAMILTON &CO BANKERS. Business transacted same as that of an incor porated Bank. Accounts kept in cur rency or gold subject to sight check -without no tice Certificates of deposits issued payable in three , sis and twelve months , bearing interest at six per cent , per annum , oren on demand without inter est. Advances made to cus- omers on approved se curities at market rates of interest. Buy and sell < rold , bills of exchange , government State , County * ? nd City bonds. Draw bight drafts on England , Ireland , Scot- laud , and all parts of Eu- rex > e. Sell European Passage Tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE , aurl tf FRANK MURPHY , triOS LOWE , ' Viti-PrsHs . Ctchiar. STATS ! MIS B , crlhwcti Corntr Fri > li n andThirloa - . NE3KASKA1 - 8 1CO.COO Authoriicd capital 1,000.000 Deposits as smnll as one dollar rccoivai and compound interest allowed on the sane. eER ? KRTIFIEIITES OF BEPJSIT , The whole or any part or a deposit after remaining in the bank thrco months will draw interest from date of deposit to pay ment. The whole or any part of a deposit may bo drawn at anv time. an3-tf TJ.IS. DEPOSITORY. FIRST RATIONAL Corner Firnham and Thirteenth-Sis. iu OMAHA.taffls IN OMAHA. ( BCCCEasona TOIKOBNTZE ? BBOB. ) ESTABLISHED INII8S6. Organize as .a National Bank August 20 , 063 aid Promt Oicr { 3U,99i , , DIRECTORS : H. Kountze. President. I Jno. H. Creighton Augustus Kountze , H. W. Yates , Vice President I Cashiers. A.J.POPPLETON.AlUrney. This bank receives deposits without regard to amonnts. Issues time certificates bearing interest. Draws drafts on San Francisco and princi pal cities of the United States , also London. Dublin. Kdinburg-and the principal cities of ho con tin ent of Europe. < Sells v2S3a.se ticket * fnr emigrants in the Inman line ocU3tf A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth , nervous weak ness , early dcc.iy , loss of manhood , Ac. , I will send a recipe that will cure you , FREE OF CHARGE. This rreat remedy wa * discovered - covered by a missionary in South America. Send a enlf-a-ddresfed envelope to the REV. K T. IXHAK , p.ation V , RiU MISCEULAHEOUS. lhavo ow on hand the largest stock of unredeemed pledges over offered for sale in Omaha. , consisting of Fine Broadcloth Frock and Sack Coats. Plain and Fancy Cassimeis hnghsh .and German Worsteds. Diagonals. Ac. , with Pants and Vests to match. OenU turmshing Goods. Hats , Caps. Hosiery. Fine Linen Shirts. Fancy Cheviot an I Cotton Fine Gold and Silver Watches. Chains , Rings Ac. . Rifles. Shot Guns , Revolvers and Cutlery in Great Variety. * _ -.iMypriec8i-resolT0rW.uhajtheme.anes-tJna . ? in ' ? .wn tas purchased a coniplete outtit \ without grumbling. If this does not satisfy tho. public that my prices are way down , then I can only invite a call from each and every individual , within a radius of a thousand miles , when they can satisfy themselves , by personal inspection. Call and see me any time. lou will always find my store open. My prices are so low that I do not even take th . trouble to lock np nights. Henrv LaugMin , ; i5l.FarnIin.mStroot. Bot.IOth aiidlltli Omaha * Money loaned - - - - AflKMsofGoofisBongMaBilild mch4- MAX MEYER & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS I > The Largest Stock in the West ! ! Western agonU for WINCHESTER AND SHARP'S RIFLES Which we sell at Bottom Prices. Miscount to Dealers Send for Price Lists. A Full Assortment of Cartridges ! t72 & 174 Farnhaxn-St , . Cor. llth. Omaha , Neb. 239 Famham Street. Omaha Nob' JMtUJSIO J3EA.L GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE UNRIVALLED Knabc , Stciimay , Emerson and Parlor Gem Pianos , 3Iasoii & Han. Estey , Shoningor and Harriett Organs. Italian Strings. Sheet Music. Violin . .Qaitars."Flnte3. Brasdnstrumenls. and of Musical Merchandise. s. EH/G-TJTTE ; ° a " i % ATO. 20O FARtfHAM STREET , HARB-WEARING CLOTHING ! Men's Suits at $5 , $8 , $12 and $15. lToiit33.'s Suits at $4 , $6 , $8 , $1O and $12. .BOYS' SUITS AT S2.50 , S4.CO , $5.00. $8.00 aiid $8.00. Men's Furnishing Goods from $1.25 to $3.00per Suit 2 ] Gloves.JHats. Caps. Trun ks and Valises , the very best , at fifty percent , less , fte A NEW LUMBE& FIRM ! CHICAGO LM ER COMPANY , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Y Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , FELT , ZETC. SEVENTHAND DQUGI1A.S3 STREETS , Omaha , - - iauio3nilNebraska. . Wholesale dealer in ail kinds of "Foreign Ksaatma CW UI mtytm ni VK ES IE I Imported Swiss cheese. Limberger , Imitation Swiss cheese. Muenstcr. Sapsago. Phiiadel. phia. Hand cheese. Cream cheese. Holland herring [ by the keg ) Russian sardines. Auch orisCariarSardiollos. French au3taru. by the gallon. No. 2 ! Douglas street. Oiuahh Nebraska. , junel-iy COAL CO. , Hinars in all Varieties ofj ofjf 515 13th Etroat , Omaha , Neb. GEO. PATTERSON. AGENT J. PHIPPS KOE , KEEPS CONSTAHTI.Y ON HAND and 5 ! < i Tivelllia Street Omaha , Neb , maW-ly HoKEUZGOtf , IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF C1 I o TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. 174 Famliam Street , - - Oiualia Old Kentucky Whiakiea a Specialty ! Agents for the Eldorado Wine Co. , California. july2-ly PORTER'S ALE OL1ET.ft'L MAX MEYER rannijnFpq lilJJ dfiRIiLjilio Jobbers of Watches , loclis mid Jewelry. Fen miXiXiirssBKos' : SIIOAV MAX MEYER < fe CO. , 173 and 174 ! Farnham Street , Omaha , Nebraska ? WHOLESALE DEALERS IK Tel > accos9 . AJTO : E\A.NOY : GOODS. JNO. E. EDWARDS , AND DEALER IN V Fruit , Butter , Eggs , Cheese/iEtc. , Etc. \ 1 191 Farnham Street , Omaha , Consignments and Orders solicited. AM Cor respondence promptly attended to. Purchasing all qf } o& & *