Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1876, Image 4

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13. 1876.
It served to subscribers by earner , to an
my part of the city , every evemng.bnncULj
excepted ) at fifteen cents per week , or M. (
for sue months , and 13.00 per annum , whe
piid in advance.
A& complaints about irregularities , at
* essed tb this office , will Teceive prompt a' '
* - Tin'0iuiu. . DAILY 'Bns has by. far U
imrgest circulation in the city , rnd is then
fore , the best end cheapest advertising mItes <
Itos * OMAHA "DAILY BK will be mailed
tsbscribers at tho. following rates , pay&b
'invariably In advance : $8.00 per annul
100 six'months.
Rales el Adverting :
Local notices 25 Cents per line ; local
rertiJemenU 20 CcnU per line. No adve
tiiement inserted for less than 50 Cent
Special Notices 10 Cent * per line ; single i :
ecrtion not less than 25 CcnU.
Transient advertisements must invari
y be paid for in .advance. . ,
j > Utes for standing adrcrtisementa by ep
An ° L6 Notices. Statements , Tabul
work.-etc' , reouiring careful revision
copy , or'proof to bo furnished , must 1
handed in before 10 o'clock A.M. to insu
nsertion the same day. .
Special and local advertisements befoit
° Advertisements hclbro 1 o'clock P. M.
All advertisement * for the WKKELT v <
wwt be handed in before Monday noon I
ho eame week's issue.
Tack down your scalp belo
going to Ibe Black Hills.
The Trinity Sunday school anu
versary celebration was a very ei
tertaiuing afTalr.
A large number of persons le
Omaha for Cincinnati Sund :
and yesterday.
The people of Omaha we
agreeably disappointed in not ha
ing their regular Sunday mornii
incendiary blaze.
The programme for a real
first-class entertainment "is beL
the Eighteenth Street M.
arranged this for evenirg
Church. . / , „
At the Library Concert ne
Friday evening at the First Bapt
Cbufch Mils Fannie Kellogc w
bs assisted by Messrs. Sauer a :
Cahn , the Anous and otherx.
, Kiuiball. & White have put
a new boiler , aud repaired th
pump at thefr water works
recently damaged by fire and tu
are all'O.K. again.
* *
A meeting of tbeJField Spor
mn.Clut > will bo held this eveni
at the oflioe of Baldwin & Smyll
to make arrangements for a ti
ehoot All members of Ihe" clubs
requested to be present.
Dannie McAflee , the billii
expert employed at the Grand C <
tral hall , made the extraordim
run of 301 points at French raroi
Saturday nignt. This is the Jarg
run ever made , beating Sexto :
recent big run of 287.
Two dozen English sparro
* were recently turned loose in Coi
cilBluffc , and one of them flew01
to Omaha. The rest would ha
followed , but they were restrain
from crossing the river by an iujui
tion uv coorse.
McQavock's large frame stc
building , at the corner of iinth a
Xieaveuworth streets , was damag
evening. The water did not ha
lo some extent by the water Bund ;
a sufficient outlet on Leavenwor
street , and so it ran into the cell
of Mn McOavock's building , tee
ing-"down a portion of the bri
basement wall. The City Coun <
will be requested to make good t ]
Police t'onrt.
It was "blue Monday" at the B
lice Court , and most of the victin
were up for drunkenness. Thi
was the charge against W. J. Sbai
and Dennis Kennedy , who pai
their fines ; Dan Cailahan , whowi
discharged ; John JVlcDermott , dL
chargea ; J. Byand , also discharp
ed ; Aleck Burton discharged
Henry Meyer , discharged , am
Thomas Monahan , sent to jail.
Frank. Andrews and A. French
two suspicious characters , were dis
charged ou condition to leave town
George Eeed , a vagrant , discharg
ed on the same condition.
Allen "Wright , a colored youth
who did wrong by breaking into L
B. Williams' dry goods store anc
stealing some boots , was sent to jail
for 30 days 20 days at hard laboi
aud 10 days on bread and butter.
G.--W. Gratton left for Cincinnati
yesterday via Chicago.
J.j H. Bosler , of Cheyenne , the
well known contractor , is at the
Grand Central.
M. W.'Benscboter , s leading cit-
zen of Ix > up City , Nebraska , called
afftheBEE office yesterday.
"Will. H. Liynchard , cUy'-edilor of
the Uucoln Journal , wasin the city
Sunday , tn route to the Centen
nial. - .
J. S. Halbert and- wife have re
turned from an extended Eastern
trip , during which uey visited the
Centennial ,
Gen. Sheridan * and uon. For-
sythcjand Inspector-General Balrd ,
of his staff , arrived In town yesterday
morning from the East-and depar-
tad for the west on the noon train.
Gen. Sheridan goes west to look
over the ( Indian situation on the
Kobert McAusland and Mrr Z. T.
Sprigg ha/e returned from their
Centennial Trislt. The latter gen-
tlemaii brought back with him a
whe ; whom he married in Falls
CityMass. . , as will be seen by a
notice elsewhere. We advise Bob
JtfcAusland to go and do likewise.
PERSONAIi. A kifld word of
advice to those .ladies , who want ,
gome rare bargains : Go to GLAD
STONE & Co. , 14tii St/and you-will
get goods everything In the line of
ladies' wear aVcostjTis Gladstone
* G K.have determined to close out
-5J jelO-Gt
of every 4arletyj TJisDERWEAR ,
If-- GIATVS3 , etc. , at reduced prices.
At Pacific Junction.
* "
i * "Z ? ? * $ - /
There will be a grand shootin
tournament at Taclfic Junctioi
Iowa , June 15th , 10th and 17th , ui
der the management of Hou.'J.
Stone , Hon. Wm. Hale , Ge
Hales , ' 1. P. Ballard , B C. Whit
H. B. Williams , of Glen wood ; J. (
Hoflinayer , Council Bluff-j ; K. ]
JLivingatop , Plattsmouth ; T. !
Parker , Pacinc Junction ; D. U.Su
phen , Omaha.
2,500 binla have been secured f
the shoot. The entrance fees w
constitute the punse , aud it la e
jpected that a large number of lov
aud Nebraska sportsmen \\ill 1
present , as the tournament Is opi
to all amateurs.
The fourth match , on the 2d dn
at 1 p. in. , is for the cliauapiou-b
of the Northwest , at 6 double ai
15 single birds. Entrance ? f at
birds extra. 1st prize , 50 per cei
of purse and Champion Cup ; !
prize , 25 per cent , of purse ; I
prize , 15 per cent , of purse ; 4
prize 10 percent of purse.
In this match the cup \\ill be d
noted to the winner by .Nutt & C <
of Pacific Junction , subject to ch :
leuge every thirty days. If' he
one year , to become the witme
Fifth match , 3d day , is open I
grand sweepstake , made up ou t
bhooting to be governed by t
rules of the Nebraska State Spjr
man Association.
There will be plenty of birds 1
all private matches.
"Remnants" in Wall Fttper vc
cheap ! Croquet $1.25 to $ :
fages 75c up. I have too ma
: VEBY FlJSE Jialy Buggies a
and am closing out fine oue.s
prices of common ones. Low prii
rule at EBEBIIAKT'S. ll
A Kcntucfclaii Thinks of ]
OMAHA , June 10
I recently started west fromKi
tucky , witli a view of settling
some portion where the clima
soil and prospects would be enco
aging for persons accustomed t <
Southern climate. After cousid
able travel I deem it just to I
State and my friends in Kentuc
to state that I have been more tL
satisfied from my travels with l
beauty , fertility and richness
Nebraska. The vast -herds of cal
that I saw in the brief period of i
visit , and the almost universal p
valence of fine grasses , convin
me that as a stock raising coun
alone , few , if any , States can ex
I find the soil as rich as any tl
I have seen anywhere , and there
no doubt in my mind that ere ma
years elapse Nebraska will be
thickly populated us Illinois
Ohio. There la one advapta
which Nebraska possesses o
many other western states , name
her proximity to the vast mine )
regions of Wyoming , Utah and I
kota. This insures for her a hot
market from a vast manufacture
district. My faith in tnii elate L
led me to locate 1,000 acres ne
Lincoln City , I expect to ma
this my future home , apd have i
hesitancy in extending to my soul
em friends the best of encourag
mento , H. WATTS.
.For two weeks ending Juqept
1876 :
Seymour , Brown and Byfll
referees , to Geo. T. Mills , west J
feet of lot 7 , block 120 9,050.
Sarah J. Crowell to Victor I
Coffman , east 100 feet of south ha
of lot 7 , block 164 , 3,000.
John Y. Clopper to John
Bedick , west one-third of lot !
block 120 16,600.
John Y. Clopper ( o John 1
Hedick , interest in west 11 feet c
east 22 feet lot 2 , block 120 2,000.
H. M. Calawell to Theodore Mai
chart , north half of north west 3
14,11 740.
Josephine Burr to David Frank
lot 3 , block K , Shinu's second ad
dition 450.
W. M.Walker ; to w. H. Case , lo
15 , Thornell's addition 300.
Wm. H. Case to Sarah J. Welch
lot 15 , Thornell's addition 400.
Emma Graves and Fannie M
Buffettto 8. H. Buffett , south 22 ft.
of north 55 feet lot 5. block 137
Moses F. Shlnn to Emma Robins ,
lot 3 , block I , Shinn's second addi
tion 125.
A Burley , sheriff , to First .Na
tional Bank of Omaha , south 88 feet
if east J lot 7 , block 19SJ 307.
John A. Horbaeii lo E Andrews ,
Jght lots in Andrews' second adiji-
Joseph H. Nelson to Annie Ban-
tall , lot. C In Nelson's addition
! 25.
* Thos. Bryan to John A. Creighton
L w 1 , 14 , 11 374.63.
Hoyt Sherman assignee to Joseph
Iranacher , lot 8 , l > lk 340 , Omaha
Jacob B. Hendrix to Milton Heu-
rix , lots 2 and 3 , blk 20 In West
malm 450.
Edward Glllnieister to Henry
ock , nw 13 , 15,11-1,300.
Moses F. Shinn to A. J. Miller ,
1 4 , block I , Shinu's second add
Sheriff and Master Com'rto Wm.
Connell , lot 1 , bjocji 20Ji6,000. .
Thomas McCague to
ishman , lot 7 , blk 147-1,600.
Jonas Gisfllo A. B. Paddock , lot
blk 122-6,000.
Wardens and Vestrymen of St :
jnab'as church toBobertH. Clark-
i , bishop , In trust , lot 4 , block 21 ,
aaha 4,000. _
Remnants in wall paper very
sap atliehmann & Beard's.
edlw -
WE HAVE some very nobby pat
ns of PIECE GOODd left in our
Tenant tailoring department.
B will close out our summer stock
reduced figures.
r. HELLMAN & Co.
: and 223 Farnhamcor. 13th at.
imt-tiljyj > _
1 Potato Bug Exterminator,1
inufactured by K. H. iiennedy ,
laha. ap7emon-wed&sat-tf
A Comparison.
Let the HungryTVolfe Howl.
To the
The blackguard attack of 'J. M.
Wolfe ou iny ( Brown's ) directory
of Omaha , was entirely uncalle <
for , bull am glad that he .has thfn
shown his hatid , as it not only in
lures bimself in the estimation o
the public , but gives mo an nppor
tunity" to show up his ahortlon o
a directory. / „
I et IH examine Wolfe's director
as.coniparedjwith Brown's , -and be
If it will bear criticism. Sumla ;
morning's Jlerald and Uepublicti
has a , very weak effort from Mi
Wolfe ou criticism , and we may b
able to eoothe the ( Wolfe's ) savag
Wolfe says in glancing overa fei
pagrs of Brown's directory that h
finds 35' ! names without any ret i
dences. Thisia/atec. B-.twewil
allow it for his benefit , aud the ;
have 294 more names than Wolfe1
if you have a servant at work fc
you is it necessary to state tnatsh
also boards with you ? Custom doe
away with the superfluity. Thei
are several without locations admii
ted , but it was unavoidable. Th
duplicity of names in each are equu
Wolfe opens his directory b
stating that Omaha is beautiful !
located on both sides of the Missou
river. This was too big a straddli
so , after the .work had been printei
he was obliged to erase the woi
"both" and stamp in the woi
"west" , and erase an "s" froi
r * *
"sides. " 'A tine botch , indeed.
He has8. W. W. Clark for8. I
Giss for Gise ; Hcrmon KounU
for Herman Kountze ; F. E. 8icl
les for T. E Hickles ; S. L. JMcke
for J. J. Dickey ; J. W. faunett f <
J. W. Gannett ; FrankCurrier ft
H rank F. Currier , ( who Is an adve
User at that ) ; Mosmon for Morsmai
etc. P. A. Hunton , in charge U. i
Express , for 8. A. Huntoon , agei
U. 8 , Express ; J. W. Mahler for.
H. Mahler , ( who has a page adve
tisement ) ; Buckby , Fries & "Cb. , f <
Buckbee , Fries < & Co. , also adve
tisers. On the very first page i
name ? is 8. C. Abbott & Co , wil
John S. Cauldfield as partner , whe
the fact is Mr. Caulfield is dole
business at 222 Farnbam , instead <
188 Farnham. p. W. W. Woo <
man is down as oodman ; Beu 1
Wood is scratched ; Frank Pivoul
for Frank Pivonka ; Joseph Pa
tak's name and hundreds of othe :
entirely omitted. Notice the dashi
in the list of churches with only t
church organisations short.
Page 273 , "Immigration , " Go1
Garber , Tzschuch , Weslon , M <
Bride are what ? Secretarh
"George L. Brown , secretaries Lev
is b. Brown asst. sec'y , " lor Lev
Is Brown , Jr.
Page 40 , the heading is entirel
erased for the error. Van ? fame <
prop'r of the Metropolitan He
tel , where Wolfe boarded , Is en
tirely omitted , and Wolfe had to re
fund. Canfield , prop'r St. Cbarlc
Hotel , where Wolfe ba9 a $13 ad
vertisekiient ( In board ) , was Cau
But few ot the Bohemian name
are spelled correctly , while Browj
employed an educated Bohemia ]
to go with him to get Jhejn right
Where is C. R. Light's name , whi
has been a resident here for year
and has never been in one o
Wolfe's directories ?
On page 27 , under Newspaper *
and Editors , we find M. U. B. Bal
combe , etc. , for U B. Baloombe.
Page 23fi has Central Union Ag
riculturist , for Center-Union Agri
culturist , and only 1 publications
epresonted by Wolfe to 15y / ?
Brown. Only 1 Express Go. reprer
sented editorially by Wolfe Wolfe
has 74 alterations aud omissions to
32 in Brown's.
We have counted 723 names with
initials only , including those of J.
jvl. and L. W. Wolfe , above whose
names are two names spelled
"Wliia" for "Wina ; " and 18 with
initials only , on pages 214 and 215. .
Brown has fivej > ages of streets and
avenues , besides the map of Oma
ha , against one page of sheets in
Wolfe's. How has Brown repre
sented the postofllce department ,
and where is mention made in
Wolfe's ? Echo ! Where cau we
find information concerning the
ferry line ? Where is a list o
agents In Wolfe's1 Brown has 08
ind 60 attorneys against 49 o
Wolfe's ; 61 notaries against 23 ; 4
> bysiclaus against 22 , not counting
Hummer ; 30 hotels against 20 ; 5
groceries against 49. On page 5
he 1/Jth / } ine is erased in Wolfe's.
E. Livingston Is entirely omitted
n Wolfe's directory } Philip Lang
epresented as David Lang.
Wolfe mentions the "Hasscat
dditiou school , " when he means
lascall. Why don't he say what
e means. Ho calls Thomas Gray
horse tarlner ! What's that ?
fe ask him to Inform us. where
rjarey street" is. He says John
[ ancheste * 10 deputy county treas-
er , when he ' 'Is no $ och n thing. "
e has "Giacomi , " Instead pf
ia/2omini ; Lendquest , instead of
indquestj D. C. Brooke , instead
Brooks ; Homes Btull instead of
omerSlull ; F. Lasstrom Instead
Sasstronim ; Weef instead of
'elf ; Jj. Bunham instead of Burn ,
m , &c. , &o. , ad infinittim.
My directory was printed and
und in Omaha , and ougtit to be
tronized liberally , ( us js being
ne ) by people who believe ip
me manufactures.
Jy directory con tains several bun-
id more names ; id a larger and b.etr
prlii ted i > 3okaiid costs only } 2 CO ,
lilo Wolfe charges $3.50 to sub-
Jbers , and $4.00 to other parties.
? siiaw { I won't compare farther ,
1 should be compelled to prove
it Wolfe has no directory , but V
ly a cover I wjLIl Jev aJJ further s :
itroversy toadisciimihaUng pub ?
Bespectfully ,
Dorset & Co. , a Sew Firm , Exclc
cirely Dealers in the AUOTO
, Articles.
Dorsett & Co , is the name of i
new and enterprising Omaha firn
of exclusively buyers and shipper
iu butter aud eggs. They ar
located in the capacious building e
the southwest corner of Ninth an
Howard streets , where they hav
.ample room for storage ; the cells
being one of the best in the citj
They have been here three month ;
but have been in the business thii
teen years , having come here froi
Marshalltnwn , Iowa.
They are well known tbroughoi
the West , mid refer to the Omab
and Mnrdlmlltown banks.
They name their prices of butt
aud eggs at the different railron
HtatioiiH , and furn su shipping pacl
ages for the same without exti
charge. Thev pay the frelgl
themselves , aud charge no commi
sion. When a package is shippe
to them , the shipper knows exact !
what be is to got , aud tne trausa
tion is closed at once , which is tl
advantage gained by dealing dhec
ly with the purchaser. Dorsett
Co. , being packers of butter , ha'
facilities to purchase butter to ai
extent. They are a live , energeti
aud reliable firm , and the BEE tak
pleasure in recommending them
the public.
Their quotations will be giv <
from time to time in the commerci
reports of this paper.
Afbrultu City Notes.
Nebraska City had a concert la
night , given by her own music
The rain to-day , aud the rains
the past week , are very encoura
ing to farmers.
Bepresentatives of the C. , B. I.
P. railroad Messrs. Biddle , Dow
Foster aud others passed in a sp
cial car to Lincoln. They are he
to consult upon the feasibility of
road connecting their line with tl
s. W. A. Brown , of the Zebras !
City Press , has been confirmed poj
master , notwithstanding that a p
tition 700 strong was sent to Was
ington favoring another.
Pinney & Thorpe are now ru
mug their mill , which has bet
stopped for some time , owing to tl
bad quality of wheat ofiered.
The Nebraska City ministry ha'
called a mass temperance con ye
tion , to meet June If ) .
East Nebraska City is fast lash
her identity. The unceasing cu
ting of the Big Muddy will soon d
prive Nebraska Lity of her lov
sqburb. The transfer lands no
about three mjles above the tow ,
The proposition of ( Jougressms
Crounse fora pontoon bridge is we
The efforts of Senator Paddock i
procure the osaistance of the wi
department to change the cbann
of the river , are making him d
ssrvedly popular here. LINO.
! " s '
( 1 i
just received aqd atllow figures } '
1 * * M. HELLMAN < STCo. "
fjse S. H. Kenn dy's
Dip for skin disease and vermin In
iheep. aprlSmwastf
C. F. Goodman is general whole-
ale agent for Kennedy's Hemlock
emedies , for the United Staffs.
FJJ d II. , IC-i iiu ly'a Hemlock
terminator for house vermin.
You can save from 10 to 15 dol.
ITS by getting your suits made at
Aim & Wedell'a , 150 Farnham
reek Ihey are both practical
ifdrX and' in work * as well as in
yle they compete with any tailor
tb > suity. They also keep a fine
sortmentpf ready-niado clothing ,
rats1 'furnishing ' goods , hats , # aps ,
links , valises , &c.
156 Farnham St , bet. 10th &llth
PKUN KH and VAU8ES of every
scnplion1 ; especially iutoresljug to
> se visiting the Centennial
ices low.
p McKell on's card on
rlli page. jujieSU
L.EL .kinds o * rumps , wholesale
I retail , ai JR1 Farnham street.
OR SAI.E A cabinet Grover &
: er S-uwjiiK Machine , in good or-
for $40 ( forty oll&ra ) ; apply
tils ofllce. tf
lore now occupied by Busbmau.
> ly to Charles J. Karbach , 14th
Hainey streets. 2-jtw
Eceived lately , a fine lot of
LLES VESTti ; prices yery low ,
> HEfJL3fAN & CO.8.
it-til jy 5
Error * In Krown'n IHrectoty. .
The following names andfirmi
are those not to be found in Brown' :
Directory , and not published in m :
article in yesterday's Herald. The ?
are all m Wolfe's Directory correct
John Abney , D. C. Adams , Johi
Ahmanson , David B. Ball , Barfes
low Bros , Thomas Barringtor
Bean & Hottel , Levi Carter , Isan
Coe , Julius Featner , P. C Hirn <
baugh , grain dealer ; Ira P. Higbi
U. 8. gauger ; A. A. Hitchcock , I
S. Huutluglon ; the Willow Bprinf
Distillery ; James Morris , I
S. Htorekeeper ; C. P. Storr
U. S. gauger ; Capt L. A
Poland , James A. Poland ; Jot
Beddish , E. P. Boddis , auperinteui
ent Boyd's packing house , John ]
Smiley , W. T. Seaman , Mos
Sblnnjr. , J. Strickler , commissic
merchant , H. Suessenbaoh , clei
Willow Springs distillery , Jam
W. Vaunostiand , Dr. J. B. Plur
mer , Schneider & Buimester , sto1
stor , 15th street , are entirely emi
ted. The Omaha BEE , Omal
Herald , Omaha Republican , Omal
Brewery , Omaha Ice Compan
Omaha Mmeltlng and Ueflnlug O
Omaha Horse Bailway Compan
and many others are not in thege
eral directory. J. M. WOIFE.
It *
Nebraska Strawberries , Ire
every Jay.
Try our Hominy Flour ,
Hominy Meal ,
Hominy Grits ,
Pearl Sago ,
Pearl Tapioca ,
Farina ,
Bice Flour ,
Imported Oat Meal ,
Canada Oat Meal ,
Pearl Barley ,
Barley Grits ,
Imported Macaroni
and Vermicelli.
All these goods are fresh , and w
be sold cheap.
jelO&12 _ .
and' ALPACA DU8TEBS made
in the lattat style , to be closed o
at BOTTOM figures.
M. HEX MAN 4 Co.
satjno& July 5
original Introducers of the SNC
FLAKE * LOUB , manufactured
this State. A fresh lot just receive
_ -
Use "S. H.JCennedy's Hemlo
Liniment" for horses.
qp7m w&a tl
BQY8 , Youths' and Childrer
LOTHNy for tl e SHmmer8eaao
We will close out at reduped prip <
Eatmo& JulyS
OARDNER-SPKIGG-Inthls city , on t
Jst , by Her. N. W. Munroe. at the hoi
of the bribe's brother. Mr. Chas.
Oarilner. Air. 7 . T.'kfnss. of Omab
to Miss Annie Jf. Uarduer. of this cij
We clip the above from the Fall Rh
( Mass * ) News , of Juno 2. Mr. SpriggJ
turned home Saturday oveningjUMl wa8 e
tending and reccivinitlj biflirty congratul
tions of his map'yfflends. Mrs. Spriggs
well remembered aa a former Omaha lad
} ) 'f xtpnd them both nolcomo to Omaha.
Pledges left at the American l ti
office are non-forfeitable. If tl
pbwner is not able to redeem then
they will be sold for hia benefitan ,
.any money left hi our hands ov <
and above our claim will be place
subject to his order. Money loane
on Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry
Guns , Pistols , and all merchandlE
"ngenpral. Special rates given o
'any ' amount over $100. For rartlu
ui formation call on or addresn
M2 Farnham St. ,
Omalio , Nel ;
mayiSfilv AND HOLD j
CSejenne flolesale Wet
Coreected Daijy for the Omana Bee by'
Cuthbertson & Young
CommlMioa Merchant * .
orn. _
ats. do . - 135
grley Feed per 100 g. _ .
ran , per 100 Ibs. . . . . . . . . i 20
otatoes. Eastern. . . . . . . . . . . . . " " " i"o6
rreet Potatoes per 100 lbs- 3 00
lionsper 100IDS „ . , * M j no
ueU per 100 Ibs. 2 50
ressea Turkeys per Ib 173 ig
do Chickens do - 14
> U Battor.choice.per Ib. . . 25 30
inch Batter or tab per Ib 20
esh Efgs. per dos . 20
anges per bor. . . . . IQ oo
. .
5 ftogs 00
" . „ *
* $9 60
350 400
? 0 400 ,
Inr market Irrprr ffong and active.
it resolved by the City Connell of the Citr
r Omaha :
lat sidewalk bo.within fifteen days from
i date , constructed and laid to the tern
ary grade in said City , in front of and ad-
ung the following described premise.- .
qtS. cast side of Fourteenth street , in
ot5/oaatsld / Th tejnth Jtreot. in block
ich sidewalk to ba constructed of 2-noh {
) plank , add to be sfctftetia-width. : n *
used June 6th , 1876. >
1876.O.C.LUDLOW. .
. " City Clerk.
' virtue of an order of saleissued out of
- _ , w. - - . . . -3i6 , c1
. of said'Hny at the souio door of the
t House , in" the CBr of Oma-
in said Connty , sell at public
Ion UiB property described in said pMer.
it : The 5uth half of tlie north east
fer of section twenty-two ( ) ; and the
i half of the north-west quarter of'gee.-
twenty-three (23) ( ) . in tiwnship lirtean
norib , of rnngo ten do ) , Nlst of the
principal ? ? ridi n containing one
- ' - - - - is , to Douglas Conn-
ebraska. . ta .Usfy a. Judgnodejit of said
recorerW . 'Joh fl. eftr and
rttir :
NOTICEc-Advertiiements of To Lot , For
> alo. Lost.MVants , Found , Boarding , Ac. ,
will be inserted inthWe columns once for TEN
JENTB per line ; each subsequent insertion.
FIVE CENTS per line. The -first Insertion
never less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS.
M' ISlParnhamBt. jel2tojy2
LOAN $2,580 f-r two years. Inquire
.0 at law office of L. F. Maginn. m25-tf
IONEY TO LOAN Call at law office of
M1IONEY . THOMAS. Visscher's Block ,
HE fellow who carried the lillie in pot
JL yesterday from a residence in North
Omaha is known and unless returned it may
prove nnexpeneivs joke. H
: ANRED A waiter at "French Cof-
Ice House. " It *
By a German man and wife ,
WANTED . Could run a boarding
house or do housework of any kind. - Address
dress 51014th. lt
VJT in a small family. Must be good cool ?
washer and ironor. Apply at Cozzens
House Ninth and Harney streets. jolOtf
WANT a place as telegraph messenger ,
I or any place near instrument , for prac
tice. Had R R. experience- Fair writer ,
Wages second importance. Address X Y 7. ,
Bee office je2-lt
TITANTED-Girl to do housework. Ap-
W ply. from 12 to 3 o'clock , at third
"house south of railroad track , east side ol
Eleventh street. 10-3t1
A woman as cook and laun
dress , a * General Hawkins' . Hurt ,
between Twenty-second and Twenty-third
streets. JelO-tl
'ANTED A aining room Girl at the
W Donovan House. 9-3t |
"ITTANTED Immediately , two dining-
VV room girls at Atlantic House. 9-3t1
A man to work in Garden.
WANTED Bail , end of 18th St. 9-3tj
S'TUDENTS Wanted immediately to leara
telepraphy Situations guaranteed 01
money refunded. J. W. HAINKB ,
mall-Ira Business College. Omaha , Neb ,
- - . men and women to bnj
WANTED--1.000 oak wood at $8-50 pel
cord. Yard 233 Chicago street.
fob3-tf : S. P. BBJQQB.
HAY AND STRAW 15lh and
f \ RAIN AND FEED 15th and Chicago
\JT sis. WOODWORTH & CO. je2tf
SALE Best timber , cut oottonirood
EOR per" cord ; hard wood , $7 to $8 , de
livered. Also fresh milch cows. Southeast
corner Sixteenth and Izaril streets.
SCREWS for sale or rent , at iron
JACK , 534 Fourteenth street. je9 t |
I on Tuesday. Juno 20. at 10 a. m. . all of
tno property of the firm of Bruning 4
Yourox. consisting of 1 6-horso power en
gine and Boot's sectional liojler ; 1 cracker
machine ! 1 dough break ; 6 cracker cutters ;
1 dough trough ; l cracker bench ; 45 boxes
of craokera ; abe , water-tanks , pulleys ,
belts , and nnmeroui other articles. Sale to
take place at the cracker factory of said
firm , on Fifteenth street , between Howard
and Jackson. . WM. PRESTON ,
9-Stf Receiver.
THE six blocks from business ; 21 lots
averaging WOO esoh. on five years' time ; no
STATE ; 12.000acres best farm lands , only
OXE DOLLAR per acre. For HOMES in eity
or country i
| 7-tf Land Ottjce. Gfand Central Hotel.
SALE I offer my stock of DOMESTIC
EWli FASHION'S fortalo on account of
the failure of my health. For further in
formation inquire at residence on the lot.
No\2W { Dodge street , Omaha.
SALE CoUonwood lumber , bp Hed-
FOR mii tfqc. Sxtqgntband } IzardsUepts.
property , 'valuable land in Pierce ,
Sannders. Wayne. Cedar and Saline coun
ties ; also 360 acres of best land in Washing
ton county , two miles from Blair , Nebraska.
Apply or adJrots.J.'arkoGodwin , Attorney ,
Fourteenth and Joipu3 street * . mr2l-tf
IlOKHALlt-A'tjfcver & Baker cabinet
S120sewingmachinefor)3Scash. Ma
chine can be seen at the Bee office. 29-tf
"TTJQR SALE A New Amprican sewing
_ L ! machjne at very' Iftif f gtirps. Address
' r
' '
iplylo''M/'Beoptoos ;
FOR SALE At a treat bargain several
lots in Lowe's addition , for $80 each.
Address "A. " BBS ofllre. feb2tf
SALE A lot in Shinn's 3d addition
for $250 , $100 in cash , balance in a
year. A liberal reduction for a full cash
payment. Apply to "A. " BKK office , f 12tf
FOR SAliE. At reduced rates , a life
membership of the Bryant & . Stratton's
Business College. Davenport , Iowa. Apply
f.Jr terms afr'BEE ' offioo. ' noy6tf
TnOR RENT-Honse , comer Jones and
JD fourteenth streets , with six rooms , J15.
fnqnip pf Qc9. W. Ifomap. jelQ-tf
F OR RENT-A house with six rooms.
JV-tf L. F. A1AGINN.
FOR RENT House of five roosss : good
cellar and cistern. 412Eleventh street ,
between Jackson and Jones. je6-tf
FOR RENT-At $5.00. three departments ,
two rooms each ; well and cistern. 412
Eleventh street , between Jackson and Jones.
jo6-tf -
IOR RENT A brick cottage with seven
P > pom : well cfsftrn. ic. t QEarl ,
Herald office , j lf
TjlOR RENT One-half of a large store
-U roqm ; neit dopr' west of Dewey 4
StjjnaV. p2-tH J. E. EDWARDS.
FOR RENT House of seven ooms. eor
ner iwentleth and Oaas gtr oU ; cistern
and every convenience. 8. A. Taylor & Co
FOR RENT A piano , at 83.00 per month.
S. A. Taylor A Co. , office corner Four-
: eenth and Douglas streets , my24-tf
RENT House with six rooms good
well and cistern ,
, ' ' W. H. LAWTON.
pay20-f 14th ahd Farnbam str'eet.
" ' ' .11. it ' aiiili . . ft . I
FOU RENT A house wrh | gevetTrooms
' good collar and cistern ; C12 13th "be
ivppn Davenport and Dhjcaco. ' Iflff
8"ll - I . . .
L6ST. ,
P OST A bracelet with guard rhaln and
U charm attached. m rked with initial
'tiers ' , name and date. A liberal reward
ill be given for the same if left at the Bee
Bee. jo2-3t
TRAW ticks filled and delivered. ISth
6-ss. OOpWOBl H & CO ,
> OTINO ESTRAAbout tio"Twentiotji
fpst. . a rod cow. four or five years of
p. Owncif can have ( ho same by
llmg on Peter Back , on the ojd Hadley
Johnpon farm , proving prppcrty and pay-
: all eljarces. m27 ltew-5wf
UP-A black mare , between 8
and ( en years oldt abont V bands
h. PoHons proving property and paylqg
.necscan have it by calling at Westeates
iro's sale and feed stable on Sixteenth
ret. between Douglas and Dodge.
B <
L tera and Builders. Job Work & spe-
ty. No. 535 14th street , between Douglas
Dodse. : ma9-lm * ,
he 1
B. FHchpayd ea. h for Epeon4 hand furj
. niturs , 515-12th-St.'bet.FarpJ * PrtP * :
' r-
- -
REAT INVENTION Hearing Restored
with "Qarmoro' * Artificial Ear
; a"V t prcat success. For-circulars
Ig full iriWftsatwc , Apply to with
IP. ' AMOS M.'OfrAaK. ' '
iy20-15t Box 64. Bedford.
itica is hereby given that the city coun- F <
fthe'city or Omnha Will sit ai L ioirj
lualiiatioh. at Uio eoancil chamber In Com
Hall , for five consecutive days , ahd for
uch Jonrdr as may be necessary , coni-
ting'June 13 ; Iii76. at 10 o'clock a. m.
I persons interested snonla apply io the
i of equalization , as alter adjournmo'nt '
iianges < an be made in the -
order of the Council.
0. 'C. LDDLOW. 0
i.t ' City Clerk.
9J3t4is3i3 [ Sniscnwn.l ajojoq saouJ pui
30)8 Jno ouimvxa'o ) po-jsonboi cue uaqqof
q N J ° TQ ! 'l 'I ' ° N * * cptj pojopiBau
m mm
in nriTia m nosA OKT
Hw G. McKOON , Agent.
loom No. 2. Creighton .Block , Omaha. Nebrask
Eleliable Companies 1 Prompt Adjustment
frnperialVt Northern , of London34 000 0
Royal , of Liverpool. . 25 U9J 0 (
Phenik. of Now York 2 700 0
Continental , of Now York 2 POO 0
Herman American , of New York 21CO.C
Fire Association of Philadelphia. 30(100
American , of Philadelphia . 13000
Pennsylvania , of Philadelphia 1 600 0
National of Hartford 1 100 0
Orient , of Hartford 8000
Western , of Toronto 1 600 0
Springfield , of Springfield. Mass1 500 0
Faneuil Hall , of Boston 800 0
Home , of Columbus , Ohio 600 0
Roger Williams , of Providence ,
R. ! , „ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . „ . . . 500 0
Total cash capital represented 380 100 0
inaleodly !
5-Cent Cigar
Pure Havana filling , possessing all thede
icacy of flavor and sterling merit equal
the best TEN CENT cigar. Dealers wi
find it the most popular and profitable brai
in the market. Circular to the trade fo
warded on application.
JCS and 270 Bowery. New York.
Circulars to the trade forwarded on appl
cation. je7eod-lin
By virtue of Ta decretal ordar made by tl
United Stales circuit court for the district i
Nebraska , and bearing date on the 6th d.i
of May , A. D. 1876 , in a certain cause when
in the First National Bank of Omaha w :
plaintiff , and Jonas Qiso. Smith S. Call
well. Charles W. Hamilton and Milton 1
Barlow were defendants , I will , on the
at the north door of ( ho United States buiK
ing. jf ) the cjty pf Omaha , in said diitric
at ten o'clock in the moraine of said daj
sell at public auction the following d (
scribed property : The southwest quart (
(1-1) ( ) of the southeast quarter (1-4) ( ) and th
9outhwe , > t nnarier (1-4) ) of section six ( G )
the southwest quarter (1-4) ( ) of section nir
(0) ) , and the northeast quarter (1-4) ( ) of so <
tion twenty-two ( ) . all in township thre
(3) ( ) , north of range five (5) ( ' west.
Bpooial Master In Chancery.
' Oimu , Neb. , June 10,1S70. jelO-dt
By virtue of an order of sale issnei
nut of the District Court for Dougla
County. Nebraska , and to me directed ,
trill , on the 17th day of Juno , A , D. 1876 , a
10 o'clock a. m. of said day , at the sputl
loorqf thpConrtHuusqin the city of Oinah ;
in said county , sell at public auction tli
property described in said order , to-wit
roe oisfhalf of the north-west quarter.ani
the north-east quarter of tbo south-wes
luarter of section five (5) ( , township sizteei
116) ) , north , range ten (10) ( ) . east , situate ii
the County of Douglas , Nebraska , to satisfi
i judgment of said court , recovered by Wai
ter B. Beebo , plaintiff , against LawU J
Boyer et al , defp . . ndsptQ. .
mlGdltewSv Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an order of sale issued out o
.he District Court for Douglas County. No
> raska , and to me directed. I will , on thi
list day of June. A. D. 1876. at II
t'clock a. m. of said day. at the south dooi
> f the Court House in the City of Omaha , ir
laid County , sell at public auction the prop-
irty described in said order , to-wit ; Loti
hreo (3) ( ) and four (4) ( ) . in bHck ! qne hqndred
md sa en I107lTncl lot * one flfand two2J [ ,
n block three hundred and forty-seven
J17J. ' in the city of Omaha ; also , the west
ne-half of the northeast quarter of the
outhweat quarter Qf section four 14 ] , in
ownshln fifteen US1 , north , of range thir-
een , [ 131. cast of the sixth principal mer-
Jlan. all in Douglag county , Nebraska , to
atisfy ajudcmentof said court , recovered
y Seth E. Ward , plaintiff , against E. A.
IcClnre. administrator of the estate of E.
I.Taylor , deceased , et al. , dofendnnts.
Sheriff of said County ,
Special Master Commisiioner.
By virtue of an order of sale issued out of
10 district court for Douglas county , Ne-
raska , and to me directed. I will ,
n the 1st day of July , Jj. Z > . 1876.
; 10 o'cjock a. w. of said da.y , at the south
> or of the aourt house , in the city of
maha , in said county , sell at public auc-
on , tne property described in said order ,
-wit : Beginning at a point twenty rods
nth of the northeast corner of section
irt * two (321 ( , in township sixteen (16) ( ,
irth of range ten [ 10 ] , east , running thence
ist 160 rods , thence south 100 rods , thence
st 160 rods , thence north 100 rods to place
beginning , containing 100 acres of land ,
getner with all the appurtenances , in
mglas county , Nebraska , to satisfy a
foment of said court recovered by Charles
Wells-plaintiff. against Mary L. Thomas.
. May29.1ST6. m29 dltewSw
484 Thirteenth Street.
reoa Faraham nnd Haraoy ,
. repairing and cleaning done in I H
t manner. augll tf I '
ssiilon Threshers
i Gold BaslH for GrecnbnckN !
ta 10h rsp monntrd outfit can bo
htof J.jU. WETJffS. a Counpil
Bluffi , Iowa , ' ' i :
R $5QO , CASH !
adseelhem. urwrfUfopparticujars ,
; now on hind the lanrost ini , „ , - _ .
Oniaha nsjfctfilUW ever offered foi
English and German Wontedft ? rock nnd Sack CoatjPIain nd Fancy Ci
Furnishing Goodi. nal , f&Jfwith PanU and V sUto mSshl
Shirts , in all Grade , Colors'iSi.n7'JFino Shirts. .
. and Colors' \ . ' , Llne.n Fancy.Choriot an
Shoes. Gaitors.nndBrogans A * full MsoViu nt ofK " * a"a Sat < ' "Ii' Fin8C
T - / J . _
T-nO l/l v 1 rt t -
The Largest -"took in the VTe.,1 l \
Western agenU for
Whichwosell at Bottom Prices. * t
- - ' . !
1'C-I.UW k
Assortment ofCartrltlaos
172&174rarnliainSt. Cor. llth.
BrasaS.rn.nt , . and M
AVliolcsalo nndRotnllJ
. HLUthStMrt - Omaha. Neb.
MAX MEYER & BRO. : " 1
Jobbers orwatches , CJecks aud
172 and 174 Fnrnliain Street , Omaha
M. J.
Importer and Jobber of
& Liqno ;
So 174 Farnhnin Street , . .
Old Kentucky Whiikies a Specialty.
Agents for the Eldorado Wine Co , , California.
Bacon , JEIams ; and La
IVo. 514 Twelfth Street < . Omaka ,
Simpson's Block.
38 and 54014th"St.
Douglas and Dod < e
mck30 ly OMAHA NEB.
Commission Merchant
Ami Denier In Fruit , Butter , Eggs Cheese , VM
to. , IO1 Farulianf Street , Omaha , Itfeb. '
CoiisigiitiicutH and Orders solicited. All Cor *
' .spoudeiice promptly attended to. PurchaviH allj
iuds of Ciooils lor outside Parties a specialty.
& 'PRICE ,
-aiunniR.sM.iTEi : AU , EARTHEN DRAIN
9 14th St. . hot. Doturlos and Dod e.
? urwAEU Aip pifi ga3' § Tqe
UoIcW it < Tn Agenu . tor . .
i - .1.
ewart's Cooking-and Seating Stoves.
fearless" Cooking Stove
Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stove.
f iHek fill is si at ManafactiPiir's