THE OMAHA BEE TUESDAY APRIL 25. 1876. You can get 9 Ibs. of A sugar for $1.00 , CHINA T STORE. BREVITIES. City Council to-night. " The summer terms of the Hara- "toga schools begin to-morrow. About forty Bohemians went We * > t to-day to locate near Schuy- ler.lNorth Bend aud Grand Island. 1-The Grand Coumiandery of ? emplar of Nebraska is in _ in this city to-day , aud will continue ta-morrow. Owing to the publication of the testimony of the recent postal inves tigation , we are obliged to condense our local news to-day. Lehmanu & Beard are doing a rushing wall paper business. They shipped 10,000 rolls this morning to Cheyenne andrfTutermedlate points. - , The "Northern Association" will give a hall at Pioneer Hall , corner Jones and Eleventh streets , Saturday euening. The North Star Society last evening presented to Mr. N. N. Vindquest , at his residence on St. Mary'a avenue , a birthday present. iu the shape of a star badge , a very beautiful ornament. That buffalo robe , which was mentioned In the BEE yesterday , as having been captured during Gen. Crook's expedition , was tanned by Hax.Alonvoisin , the fur skin dress er , and lined by Hubermau , the fur rier. Mr. John McShane was mar- rie'l this morning to Miss Mary Lee , daughter of Mr. John G. Lee , at the Catholic Cathedral. The cere mony was witnessed by quite a large number of invited friends.and a reception was afterwards held at the residence of the bride's parents. The Arious after closing up their year's business last evening , found they had $160 in the treasury , and all debts paid. After the meet- jng they proceeded to the Concordia and Mienuerchor Society Mull and indulged in a little sing. The Tennessee Jubilee Singer.- deserved a larger audience , last eve- uiug than the one that Heard them eing. They possess cultivated voices , and their selections are rendered in artistic style. Those who attend this evening will enjoy a musical treat Work on the Third wardschoo house has been begun , and the ex cavation is now being done under the supervision of Patrick Welch , who has the contract. Mr. Thomas Alderson has the contract for the stonework. This building will be a great improvement in the Third ward , and will advance properly iu its vicinity. This morning the men engaged the excavation for the Third Ward school house , dug up the bones of an Indian , who hud probably been buried there twenty- live years ago , or moie. The bones were pretty -decomposed , ex cept the bkull and some of the teeth. The length of the bones indicated that the deceased had been a man of yery large size. Several trinkets were found with the bones. The copper scalp-rings , had pjrtions of ecalps still clinging to them , and the number of ringd indicated that he had taken seventeen scalps. Personal. John Finn , of Chicago , is at the Grand Central. J. A. Jones , of Boston , is at the. Grand Central. Mr. J. J. L. C. Jewctt has return ed from Buffalo. .N. S. Porter , of Ponca , is at the Metropolitan. Roderick Rose , of-Davenport , is at the Metropolitan. 3. E. Wheeler , of San Francisco , is at the Grand Central. Chas. H.Laurence , ot Chicago , is at the Grand Central. t , George MoorerepreseniUEStel's ( oil house , went West todajon bu siness. Will H. Lynchard , city editor of the Lincoln Journal , called at the BEE office to-day. T. I * . French , Cedar Bapids , of the firm of Adams & French , man ufacturers of harvesters , Is at the Metropolitan. Mrs. John Homer accompanied by her son , Jarrived here last even ing from Tulare , Cal. , and will re main here a week , visiting her sis ter-in-law , Mrs , Jacob Gish. They are en route to .Lowell , Maes. , their former home. Centennial JtnjEntertainment. . Judging from the preparations being made by the First Baptistand Eighteenth Street M. E. Sunday schools for the three nighui"enter- taiumeut commencing with next Monday eyemiig , it will urove a grand Buccesa.There will be over one hundred performers taking part in these entertainments. Ju the Old -.Folks' Concert some thirty of our . . best singers will render the solos and choruses , and they are to be a is : supported by excellent instrumental I music. In the cantata "Columbia's Ibi Centennial Party , " there will be 50 2 G ( performers. To-night , at the" Baptist church , there is to be a rehearsal for the Old Folks' Concert , and all who take pai tin that concert are expected to be present. la Two thousand copies of the Jan uary supplement of Ouialia Illus trated now on hand , and will be sold in the next week m lots of live of copies at five cents each. Those ofm PR-tubing any will have to call at II I " , once. ' ' aplStf I * ODD FELLOWSHIP. Fiftr-Serentb Anniversary. To-morrow will be a great day among the Odd Fellows , it being the fifty-seventh anniversary of the in troduction of the order into theUni- ted States. The event will be cele brated In grand style at Council Blufls , and there will be a'very large attendance there from different cit ies in thisTiart of the "West. Omaha will be larpel'v represent ed , as about 250 Odd Fellows are go ing over from here. They will meetat Odd Fellows'Hall at 9 a. m. , and proceed from thence in proces sion to < ho Union Pacific depot , and there take a special train for Council Blufls. The following is the programme of the day at Council Bluffs : 1st Meeting at Odd Fellows Hall. d. Grand parade. 3d. Ora tlou , by Brother John Van Valken burg. 4th. Banquet 5th. Re union at Odd Fellows' Hull. Glh Select party in the evening. P. S. Committees rfill receiv visiting brothers QjJ fcLqf train ? , Processionwillf Q act , , mellows Hall at 11 o'clock a. m. SELF PROTECTION. Gilmer , Salisbury & Patrick's Black Hills Stagro Line to be . Fullj Armed. Mr. Voorbees , the agent at Ft. Laramie. of Gilmer , Salisbury & Patrick's stage line , telegraphed to day to Matt Patrick , at Cheyenne , to send up a supply of arms and ammunition to FtLaramie , as they wanted to protect their stages and wagons from the Indians , in addi tion to the protection of the milita ry , which has been ordered along the line from J < t Laramie to Custer. The stage company will send out passengers in bodies large enough to protect themselves from the In dians. "Keep it on your mind. " Eber- hart sells you WALL PAPER at other dealers1 prices that is , I will duplicate any price offered you ! Stock VERY MUCH THE LARG EST ! You can buy a Hat or Cap for lesa money at Frederick's than any oth er place in Omaha. He keeps noth ing but Hats and Caps , and is a practical hatter. Go to him and get the worth of your money. ap20eodtomayl A magnificent show of parasols all sizes and styles at TOOTLE & MAUL'S. apr22eod3t WALL PAPER for the million at LEHMAN & BEARD'S , Painters and Paper Hangers , 509 and 511 12th street , between. Faruham aud Douglas. It The largest and cneippst : stock of hats in Omaha is found at Bonce's , aud as Buuce sells furnishing goods in connection , he is thus enabled to sell bats at close figures. Call and see. apr21eodlw TBUNKS , VALISES , SATCHELS , SHAWL-STRAPS , etc. , for sale at M. HELLMAN & Co.V. eodtomlS The Danish association will give * their lastannual ball for the season at Turner Hall , Saturday night , the 29th of April. The ball will com mence at 9 o'clock , and the price of tickets arc > 50 cents for members , and 75 cents for non-members. 2512 STEP DOWJN" AND OUT of those old winter clothes , and get a stylish ready-made suit , for spring and summer wear at POLACK'S , where you can buy anything in the clothing line cheaper than at any other place in the city. It Ser. SuffenBeijjer an //Souqlag etrafje , " kr fo tout 6eIIt ift [ o feft an ciiieu , , oft en" flebunben , bajj cm , ,33w6adter" ) [ ddt ) bwerfy bajj berfcIBc ganj uncablia [ ; tft. 3)ton ) belau } } > tct Gr tocrbe nod ; , , SM" nwben. Sr. ) llrel. _ BOYS' , YOUTHS' and CHILDRENS' CLOTH INQ of epery variety and at low prices at atM. M. HKLLMAN & Co.'s. eodto ml5 * For Millinery of the latest Hovel- ties , go to LEHMANN'S , 228 Farn ham street aprl2tues&tlm SEEDS ! SEEDS ! ! SEEDS 1 ! Prepare your garden and buy LANDRETH'S SEEDS , Most reliable in the country. PUNDT , MEYER & KAAPKE. aprlStu th sa All-wool plain and twilled French Uebeges , of the finest quality , just received. TOOTLE & MAUL. apr22ood3t McBRIDE NUT COAL , Ihe belt fuel for Cooking Stoves. per ton. PRATT & Towi > EAg'ts. ap4tf 518 13th street TO THE PUBLIC. I wish to inform my many patrons well as the public in general , that am obliged to close my place of iii&Iness until WEDNESDAY , April , 1876 , on account of renovating ay establishment. * FERDINAND SCHRCBDER , T Boss Barber in Barber's Row , w 4t2 06 Thirteenth street hi Plaid Grenadines , just in , the iteat patterns. pr22eod3t TOOTLE& MAUL. A larger , betterand cheaper stock E ; Dry Goods than ever at Bush- n lan's. It will pay you to examine tic lem before purchasing elsewhere. bo . * * * - * - - „ A f A SUGGESTION. . , < : , , How .to Obviate the Flooding of Cellars on Farnliain and' Douglas Streets. In view of the fact that the cellars on Farnham and Douglas streets are more or less flooded at every heavy rainstorm , as the center of the street' is much higher than the" sidewalk , the BEE wishes to offer a timefy suggestion or two. The grades ot the streets in the city are.madewith reference to the established curb lines. The centre of the street a ' ' not established by any ordinance , but is subject to the action of the City Council. In large cities it has been practically de monstrated that it is advisable to have the street bed one foot tel the curb lines. This has been done in Chicago. The cost of doing this on Farnham or- Douglas street would be but a mere trifle , and if they were sunk one foot , and then the stonecutters put in , there would be no more flooding o cellars ; for. in case thejgutters | overflowed the surplus water-'woiild run into ttie street , aud not over the sidewalks , which are now in many places lower than the centre of the street , and iu some places even lower than the curb Hues. It would require the removal of 2J yards o earth per running foot , which at 30 cents per yard , would make 75cents per foot front , and for 22 feet fron would amount to $16.50 , or $8.25 per 22 feet fronfbn each side of the street. This is a matter that the City Council , as well as the property holders , suould take under imme diate consideration. This much needed improvement , which must be made at some time , would re quire no change in crade. Quit stock of CLOTHING is com plete now. We have just received the Latest Styles in Suits , Spring Overcoats , Etc. Prices "VERY LOW , " to suit the times. M. HELLMAN & Co. apr25eadtoml5 IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. Council fire kiudled every Mon day evening. Wigwam over Mar tin's drug store , northwest corner of Douglas aud 14th streets. E. O'Sul- 11 van , C. of B ; James Donnelly , 8. ; Wm. M. Bamberger , S. S. ; G. Ste venson , P. ; Geo. Karlle , J. S ; O. Hartman , K. of W. LYON'S KATHAIKON makes oeau- tiful glossy , luxuriant hair ; pre vents its falling out or turning gray. It has stood the test of 40 \ car * . Is charmingly perfumed , has no rival. mar20eodwly HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALK pre serves and restores the complexion ; removes freckles , tan and sallow- ness ; makes the skin soft , white and delicate. Its appplication can not be detected. mar20eod&wly A bargain in Hals and Flowirs at Lehmanu's , 228 Farnham street. apr2tues&tl m AlcHeliigon-B card on econd page. fune2-tf STONEWARE RECEIVED. Two car loads of stoneware just received , aud we will keep a full assortment Jrorn this time forward. ap9 2\v CLARK & FRENCH. OUR JIERPJIANT TAILORIN G DEPAKTMENT has been latelyjrepleuiahed with the latest styles of IMPORTED aud DOMESTIC PIECE GOODS. Call soon to have the advantage of the selection. M. HELLMAN & Co. , Cor. Faruham & 13th Sts. 25 eodttny5 We mean just what we say when we advertise. We have a larger , better , and cheaper stock of Dry Goods than ever , aud are selling them at prices that cannot be sur passed. Only one price asked of all. Please call and examine them at BUSHMAN'S. ap9tf BLACKSMITHS AND HOUSE- BUILDERS. I have just received ttree car loads of bar Jron , all sizes , which will be sold cheaper than at any other house in town. H. BERTHOLD , 164 & 166 Douglas street , bet 10th &llth. 22-2w [ 6 ] FOR SALE A cabinet Grover & Baker Sewing Machine , in good or der , for $40 ( forty dollars ) ; apply at this office. - tf * INE SPRING PANTA OONft made to order for $12.00 a pair , at 21-3t FKA.NK RAMGE'S. Black Silks , satin finish , to com pare with samples from any direc tion ; examine qualities before send ing elsewhere. apr22eod3t TOOTLE & MAUL. Jftw Millinery moat Beautiful Designs , at Lehmann's , 228 Farn- tmm street. al2tues&tlin We have an elegant assortment in Gente' FURNISHING GOODS. Fine white and colored shirts , un- lerwear of every -variety , nobby ityles of lies , &c. M. HELLMAN & Co. 25eodtomyl5 WORKLNGMEN ! To enable you to pay your taxes vithout loss of time , the County treasurer's office , for the next two reeks , will be open evenings from hi lalf-past six to half-pasteight A. C. ALTHAUS , dc Treasurer Douglas Co. , Aeb. ( ii Omaha , April 15 , 1876. apr5-2w ed I ] 1XTRAGRDINARY BARGAINS m Dress Goods , Ties , Edgings , No se ons , Cassimeres , for mens' and in jys' wear , at BUSHMAN'S. 19tf go [ Continu 'd from second page.J POSTAL INVESTIGATION. Wrave Charges Against Yost and Yanderroort. * " Drankeuess In the Public Service. Dcad-Beflts/iu / the.TPostal Cars. Mailing Trunks for Bummers. ofl3 froin Japan. Criminal- Collusion With -Lottery j tC ( lainblers. , { . Yandervoort's Perjury. * [ Reported by John T. Bell. Official Steno grapher of the Third Judicial District. ] Frances Moore called on the part of the prosecution : being duly sworn aud examined by Mr. Rosewater - water , testified as follows : Mr Huutinston. What is your busiueas , Mr. Moore ? A. Postal dark on the Union Pacific road. Mr. Rosewater Do you know ot any instances m the service where parties not connected with the mail service and not sworn in were put on substitutes on the road ? - " A. I know of ouly one instance , 1 believe. That pa ) ty was taken on , whether he was sworn in or not i don't know. Q. What was his name ? A. W.H.Clark. Q Where does he reside ? A. He resides here , boarding here , but I don't know where he boards. His place of business is on the cor- nei of 14th and Dodge , , Q. Hou of Elaiu Clark ? A. Yes , sir. Q. Do you remember whether , iu the month of Nov. last , a man named Zeigler traveled on the train with you in the mail car from Oma ha to Ogden ? A I remember his traveling to Ogdeu iu the mail car , whether it was In the month of November I don't know. Q. What was his business ? A. His instructions was to weigh mail iu the car. Q. Did he weigh them ? A. He didn't ; have any scales. He was instructed , I believe , to get scales at the depot , but they wasn't furnished. Q. Where is he now ? A. I believe he remained at Og deuQ. Q. Did he remain at Ogden after the time you speak of ? A. Yes , sir. Q. He had ( no connection with the service ? A. No sir. Q. Do you know whether he paid fare ? A. I don't know whether he did or not. Q. Do you know wnether Jauy- hody paid fare in the mail car ? A. Sometimes men arc iu the mail ear a short time , and the cou- ductoj collects fare. Q. 1) you know what his repu tation was iu Omaha before that , as a respectable , honest man ? A. 1 never knew the man until about a month before that time ; 1 never heard his character spoken of that I know of ; I never heard any thing about it that I know of. Q. Do vou know what Air Zeig ler is now doiug at Ogden ? A. The last time I was there-he , was a clerk in a hotel. Q. Tending bar ? A. No. Book-keeping and such duties as a clerk in a hotel would do ; he wasn't a bar-keeper. Q. Did he have any baggage with him , and if he did not , do you know whether his baggage was sent out ; whether a trunk was sent out with him on iliat train ? A. I don't think there _ was a trunk sent out on that train ; if there was I didn't see it ; there was a trunk tent out iu our car after that. Q. For whom ; for him ? A. Yes , sir Q. That was passed through In the mail car marked for Zeigler at Og den ? A. I don't know as it had any mark it. Q. Where wad that trunk taken from ? A. From the Omaha depot. . Q Aud where delivered ? A. At Ogden. Q. It was delivered to Ziegler , or who ? A. It was delivered to Ziegler. Q. Did anybody collect anything to your knowledge for It ? A. No , I believe not. CrosH-exaiuiuatiou by Mr Van dervoort : Q. Drf you know whether it was the intention of the Union Pacific road to weigh mails that trip ? A. Yes , sir ; i believe so. Q. Mr. Ziegler had instructions to get scales , but they wasn't furnished in time ? A. Yes , sir. Mr. Huntiugton Was this trunk sent out by the order of Mr. Van dervoort ? A. Not to my knowledge ; I don't know anything about that. Q You got no order from Vau dervoort ? A. No , sir. Mr Rosewater Did he have an order from Vandervoort when he first came there to go along with you ? A. Yes , sir. Mr. Vandervoort Is it not an order to the -postal clerks when i there is a person in the carrot authorized to ride without a ticket to notify the conductor and have him collect the fare ? , A. ies , sir ; that is the order , 1 i believe. * , . i Mr. Rosewater Mr. Zeigler'per- formed no duty on the train at all to i your knowledge ? c A. Nothing in the way of weigh ing. He helped us with the mail , t Q. Was he sworn in ? A. I don't know. * - f Mr. Yost Did he have a pass ? t A. Yes , sir. I Mr. Huntingtou Who did he \ liave a pass from ? \ A. I don't know. Itwasapaper a dgned by some one , that , satisfied IN the conductor , I know. , " a Mr. Rosewater V as i t from Van - I lervoort ? a A. I don't know. h Q. Who was in the car with you ? h A. Mr. Lewis. Thomas F. Hall , called ou th'e c : < mrt of the prosecution ; being duly iworn and examined by Mr. RoseIf vater , testified as follows : Mr. Huntiugton What is your bi lame ? y A. Thomas * . Hall. hi Q What ia your business ? A. I am out of business now. ui Q What has been your business ? A. I have.been a manufacturer cc lad a foundry and machine shops. Mr. Rosewater Do yon know a to aau named Ziegler , and if so , what er 0 you know of his general reputa- ion and character ? yc A. I am not personally acquaint- much with Mr. Ziegler myself , have teen him , but I am not de inch acqdaiuted with him. I have en him intoxicated several times , to Q. What is his general reputation town ? 5 A. I think his reputation was not te > d. [ Mr. Yost Have you ever heard it talked about ? A. I have heard fclm spoken of as a kind of dead beat. T , suppose that would cover it , but I don't know that to be a fact myself. I am ac quainted with him , but am not much acquainted with him. I have seen him ride around with Strickagooddeal. 2--Mr. Yost Does that constitute a ead beat ? i A. Well , no ; the fact ia-I am not much acquainted with him 1 just know his general reputation. Selh T. Cole , called on the part of the prosecution : being duly sworu aud examined bv Mr. Rosewater , testified as follows : Mr. Huntington. What is your name ? A. Beth T. Cole. Mr : Rosewater. Were you acquainted - quainted with Mr. Zeigler a gen tleman who lived in this town , and if so did you ever employ him and in what capacity ? A. Mr. Zeigler was in my em ploy aud also that of my father-in- law. He was in my employ about a week , while 1 was going from here to Laramie , during the block ade on the U. P. He kept niy books , aud my books were short about'$7.00. Mr. Zeigler tried to make it out he had loaned It to a party ; aud I went to that partv and he denied having borrowed it Mr. Zeigler tried to get him to say he had loaued it to him , aud tried to prove it by another party but couldu't doit. I told him I had no further use for him , aud I discharged him. The other day Mr. Herfert told me Zeigler was employed by himand Mr. . Rosewater. That would no be testimony , what some one else told you. Mr. Huntingtou. What was your bubiuess at the time Mr , Zeigler was in your employ" ? AI was in cue mail service. Q.V hat did Zeigler do for you was keeping hotel and'Zelg ' ler was clerking for1 me in thai t ho tel ; right there on the corner ( point ing out of the window ) . ' Q. Planters House ? A. Yes sir. W. E. Fletcher , called on the part of the prosecution and exam ined by Mr Rosewater , testified as follows : Mr , Huntiugtou What is your name ? A. . W.E.Fletcher/ Q. What is your business ? A. jjMy business has been the ice busings. Mr * Rosewater Were you ac quaint with Ziegler , a man who left here with ? A. I was ; I'a ' < n well acquainted with him. Q. What ishia general reputation so lar as you know ? A As far aa-1 am acquainted with him it is not very good. Q , What isyouracquaintance ? A. He was in my employ eight or nine mouths aa book-keeper and collector. Q. How did he leave your em ploy ? A. He left in my debt. He col lected money and appropriated it to his own purjto e3. Q. Wh'it were his general habits as to sobriety ? A. Not very good. I discharged him for that and for using my money. Q. Do you mean for drunken ness ? A. YeSjSir ; aud because he would not return money he used. Mr. [ luutiugtou Waa he drunir , or did lie drink ? A Oil , I have seen him tight fre quently Mr. Rosewater You discharged him for being a drunkard ? A. Yes , sir. Ho would not fix up the books or straighten them at all. Mr. Yost Was this beforeorafter he was with Setlit'ole ? A : 1 do not know aleut that. Mr. Rosewater He clerked at Seth Cole's , in his hotel , about a week ? A. He worked for me in the fall of 1S74 aud some in 1875. I think it was in ] 875 I discharged him. jame ? Donnelly , called on the part of the prosecution , being duly sworn and examined by Mr. Rosewater - water , testified as follows : Mr. Huulingtou What is your name ? A. James Donnelly. Q. What is your business ? A At present justice of the peace of the city of Omaha. Mr. Kosewater Were 3011 ever in the employ of the United States railway mail service ? A. 1 never was , sir. Q Did you aver travel in one of the United States railway mail cars ? A. I did , sir. Q Where from and where to ? A. From the Ninth street depot in this city to Ogdeu. Q , What wsia your object in trav eling there that Is , what business h d you traveling iu the mail i-ar' ' A. One of the mail cleiks , Mr. Morris Sullivan. I was acquainted with him in the city of-Detroit and Grand Haven in ' 55 and ' 6. He is employed in the mail service , and his brother was dangerously ill in the city of Lincoln , aud he wanted to see him and lay off one trip. He- came into the postorlice building aud made arrangements for me to go in the car and take his place. Cap. Smith wanted to'go , but he was diiuking some and he didn't ' like to let him go. i Afr. Huntiugton Was you sworn < iu ? A. No , sir. Q. You went without being sworn in ? A. Yes , sir. Mr. Rosewater Did you perform any maill service going out ? A.ea. . sir ; both going and com ing I worked very hard. I tell you it is no pleasant place to be in the mail service. The ou'y time 1 was iu the government service was un der Jimmy Buchanan. Q. Did you have any conversa tion with Mr. Vandervoort to-day ? A. Yes , sir. I went Into the of fice and asked for Mr. Tost. Thev told mo he was up stairs in room 4. came up and found it lucked. I went down and met Mr. Vander voort coming across the street , and inked hituif he could tell me where ) Mr. Yost was. He said no , and isked me my name , and I told him Donnelly. He said the case was uljoumed until 2 o'clock. Tasked aim if I would have to come , and S ! 10 said not unless I wanted to. S 0 Q. Did he advise you not to orue ? tl tlI A. He sriid I need not come uu- I ess I wanted to. Q. Did he ask you if you had teen summoned as a witness , and if T ou had been out in a mail cai , and w lad been sworn ? in indc A. Yes , sir , and I told him 1 had dcV lot been sworn. dcar Q. Then hetqldyou. you needn't arhi ome ? hi A. Yes , sir | -unless I didn'tnvant ar ' j'corne" He said they llad no pov - to compe ! me to come. ge Air. Huutiugton When was it ou went out in the mail car ? nr A. Two .years ago last fall. CO ( Jros.H-examinalion by Mr. Van- ervoort : th Q. Did I tell you 1 had no power th compel you to come ? * . rei ( A. Yes" , sir.- ' ' ve Q. Didn't Morris Sullivan geta no ilegram to go to Lincoln ? tu A. Yes , sir ; and I went out at tal the request of Morna-feuHivan. He told me thafcHr. Vandervoort said any man be recommended was all rlgbt. Q. You got the notice the some day you went out , didn't you ? A. Yes sir. ; ,1 went about half an hour afterwards. Q. Do you know me ? A. No , sir ; I never spoke'to ' you , I think , until 1 met you at the polls last election. ; W. H. Clark Calledon the part of the prosecution , being duly sworn aud examined by Air. Rosbwater , testified as'follows : .Air. liuutiugton What IB your name ? A. William Clark. Q. What is your" business ? A. I am clerk for Elain Clark & SOIIH. SOIIH.Mr. Mr. Roaowater Have you at any time been employed by the United States railway mail service ? A. I haveiiot. .Not regularly em ployed. Q. Have you at any time travel ed in a U. P. mail car , and if so , when ? A. I have. Last'September , I be lieve it was , 1 went as a substitute. , Q. Where did you go to ? t A. From Omaha to Ogden. * Mr. Huntington Who employed you as a substitute ? A. 1 can't say. I got'it from F. M. Moore , mail clerk. I only knew him in the transaction ; no one else. Mr. Rose water , Vvas you a sub stitute for Mr. Moore ? A. No sir. I was a substitute for Mr. Lewis , the partner with him , who laid off. Q. Were you sworn in when you started on the trip ? A. No , I was uot sworu in. Q. Had you had any experience in handling mails before ? .A. i had none particularly. Cross-examined by Mr. Vauder- voort. Did you see me in connec tion with that atldir ? A. < Nasir , 1 did not. Q , You never spoke to me , did you ? A. I don't know that I ever did. Q. The arrangement was all made by-Mr. Moore ? A. Yes sir. S. H. H. Clark , called on the part of the defense , being duly sworn and examined by Mr. Vandervoort , ( e tilicd as follows : Q. There is two charges here. I would like to have you Jestify in re gard tony - connection as charged with having persons not connected with the postal service traveling on the trains. AI will say I don't know any thing of that kind. Q. Wasn't I the firat chief head clerk who took steps to break up the practice of persons traveling on the mail cars ? A.ou are the first one who cur tailed the number of pawea in that line. We have given you less passes than any of your predeces sors. sors.Q. . Haven't 1 always co-operated with you in preventing any imposi tion on the company ? Aou have. Q Have you any fault to find witn the way the railway mail ser vice has been managed in connec tion with your road since I have been managing it ? A. I have not. Cross-examined by Mr. Rosewater - ter : Q. Did you ever employ anj' per- squ by tne name of Zeigler to wei = h mails on the Union Pacific road ? A. I never did- Q. Have any of the Union Pucilic mails been weighed to your knowl edge at any time last November ? A. I oan't say as to November. We weighed 15 days during the fall. I don't remember whether it was in November or not. That is at Ibis end of the line and at the other end at the territorial stations. J. C. Morrow , called on the part of the defense , testified as follows , upon being duly sworn aud exam ined by Mr. Vaudervoort : Mr. Hunliugtou What is your name ? A. J. C. Morrow. Mr. Vandervoort Is not it the order in my office that no substi tutes shall go over the road without being sworn ? A. I believe so ; that is my un derstanding. St. John CJoodriph , a witness call ed on the part of the prosecution , being duly sworn and examined by Mr. Rosewater , testified as follows : Mr. Huntingtou What is your first name ? A. dt. John S. J. , I generally write it. Mr. Rosewater What is your business. A. I am not in any business. My on is in business , and I am with him. him.Q. Q. Were you foreman of the spe cial grand jury that investigated this assault ? A I was From your impression there dur ing that trial would you be willing to believe Mr. Vandervoo't under oath from what you learned dur ing that investigation ? A. I would not say of Mr. Van dervoort any different to what I would fcay of any man who might be as flatly contradicted as he was by statements made by other wit- uoses in regard to a ccr'ain fact. / would not bHevc him , or any man , lei ' htm be inn ° lvn brother , ivhose. testimony ' wassojlaVy contradicted , as his is. He swore positively about a conversation , and was flatly con tradicted by other witnesses. Mr. Vandervoort Who was the convocation with ? A. The conversation was proven afterwards by James R. Porter and a man I have forgotten his name from Saunders county , that you remarked about the card in theRe - pubUcan that if the BEE didn't re ply to it , Rosewater would get licked , and if he replied to it in any ways saucy he would g t licked. You denied that there was any conversation on thattnbjeccinyoin afflce. Q. Who with ? A. With anybody. Thequeation ivas asked you about a conversation in regard to a fact at any time in pour office , and you said "no. " rhere was other conversations in egard to it that took place in your tlice , aud Mr. Yost and these other nen contradicted that just as flatly. Q. What was that with reference o ? ' A. That was witli reference to the Q ame thing , hut the details are not fresh in my uind. Q. As far as niy recollection goes , P < he question was asked me whether tu [ had had any conversation with . I. Curufujjs in my office ? A. It was not in reference to that , 'he conversation referred to tnere th ras in reference to a conversation es M. Cumings" office , aud that you euied there. I never saw Mr. at t randervonrt until he came there , nd I don't know as I have seen im since.I do not aay this out of ny ill feeling I have towards hltm would eay it in regard to mankind en rally. Mr. Huntington How many wit- coi BSSCS testified with regard to that raversation ? A. I think two. With regard to ie conversation In Yost's office , tere was a good many. I do not member the details of that con- asked. I could srsatiou. It was jua at remember who asked it , but ley have got it and all they asked * iken1 down. There wag some disI I aP- crepancy In regard to that conver sation. Q , . Who was testifying there ? A I don'c remember whether Mr. Vandervoort did or not , but Mr. Yost himself contradicted It. He said he was writing and over- beard the conversation going on , so I am satisfied there was such a conversation. It may not have been Mr. Vandervoort , but there was. some witness who swore that no such conversation took place. Mr. Vandervoort. There is a discrepancy between me and Mr. Yost in regard to when that con versation took place. I think it yi an 'after the card was pdblishe'l aud Mr. Yost thinks it was before. The witness. Mr. Miner testified in regard to that conversation , but whether he testified it was before or after I do not remember. Mr Va'ndervoort. Was not the question asked whether Mr , Miner and I had a conversation ? A. That may have been in regard to the conversation in Yost's room. Mr , RosewaterT From the gener al tenor of the testimony there was you led to believe that there was a kind of understanding I won't call it a conspiracy between Vander- vonrt and Yost aud Mr. Miner to The Witness I would not in clude Mr. Yost. This testimony led the grand jury to believe that Mr. Vandervoort and Mr. Miner , aud it almost reached Mr. WilLse himself , although it was not as pos itive , that they were kind of egging the thing on. The opinion of the grand jury was , aud it was almost a unanimous thing , that these men instigated Curry. Mr. Miner testl- tied the first he , " knew anything .about"it ' . , Mr. iCurry came'Up and 'asked him to write thi | card. Mr. Overall testified positively that he passed Miuer and Curry hi front of Caldwell block" , and that Miner told Curry that that attack on the colored dance houses never should go unno ticed ; anil then therfe was a little conversation between them , and Miner took out his note book aud began to write. He said he didn't want to stand there looking on , but he was certain that Mr. Curry wat influenced by others. Mr. Porter testified { that he told Andy Rosewater - water of this probable assault , and Andy testified that the reason b.3 did not tell his brother was that he didn't think that there was as much importance attached to it as Porter attached to it , aud when he saw his brothei , something caused him to forget it. Porter thought so much of it that he went and told Andy Rosewater himself. Q. He said he got his information from Vandervoort ? A. . Yes , sir. J. S. Gibson , called on the pait of the prosecution , being duly sworn aud examined by Mr. Rose water , testified as follows : Mr. Huntinglon What is your business ? A. I am in the clothing business. Mr. Rogewater Were you a mem- oer of the special grand jury that in vestigated the assault made upon nie by Curry and others ? A. Yes , sir , I was. Qv During the investigation of that ca e , and from the evidence given there by Mr. Vandervoort and others in this rase , would you now be willing to believe Air. Vauder- voort's statements under oath. A. I will say I have not had much acquaintance with Mr. Vandervoort and if 1 am to answer the qup&tion \ will say that , although I am not at liberty from my oath to reveal any testimony taken' in the grand jury room Mr. Huntingtou That is all gone up after the trial. The Wituess .No , sir ; I don't understand it that way. I under stand from the charge of the court that I am not to reveal anything that transpired in the Qrand Jury room. I will say that Mr. Vauder- voort's testimony I was satisfied was not true the testimony he gave un der oath oecaiife there was other witnesses who testified to the con trary. Mr. Vandervoort What was the discrepancy In the testimony I gave there ? A. I would have to tell what the testimony was to tell the discrep ancy. It was with regard to con versations had with certain parties in your office. You said it did not occur , and two or three atherparties said it did. Q. Aud can you testify that the question was not asked me whether 1 had any conversation with Mr Miner in ray office ? A. That may have been the ques tion. The answer was , there had been no conversation in your pres ence. G The other matter was , and is , a difference of opinion between Mr. Yost and myself as to to the time. My impression Is , T was asked whether I had had any conversa tion with Mr , Miner. Are 3-011 sure the question was whether I had had any conversation with anybody ? A. Your testimony uas entirely different from that of the o'her wit nesses Mr. Rosewater From Mr. Yost's , also ? A. Yes , sir. Mr. Huntington Who makes se lections of juries here ? A. I don't know who does. I know who should. The county commissioners should select the names to be chosen from , and the fiherlB serve them with notice. Mr. Vaudervoort This was a special Grand Jurj. Who selects a special Grand Jury ? A. I can't tell. Q. Did you ever speak to me or have any acquaintance with me whatever ? A. No , sir. Q. Yet you are willing to swear you will not believe me ? A. J am willing to swear 1 would not beltove about that matter. There wan three other witnesaes whoswore ibsitively against you. 1 " (7o be continued. ) I. O. O. F. The members of the several lodges f the city and sojourning members if the order desiring to go on the sxcursion to Council Bluffs , Wcd- icaday , April 2Cth , will meet at the Tall at 9 o'clock a. m. , sharp , i'rom there to march in procession the depot. The train will leave the U. P. de- \ ot promptly at 10 o'clock a. m. ; re- irning , leave Council Blufls at 12 m .Ladies will join the excursion at ie depot , where committees will scort them to the proper train. : Tickets at Evans & DurnaH's , or the cars. COMMHTKE. \VEIDENSALL , Sec'y. It ONE LOOK at the stock nf WALL APER at Lehmann & Beard's will inviuca you that it is by far the ARGEST in Omaha. 11 HAT3 AND CAPd of the t LATEST SPRING STi LES at received and at low prices by . * - M. HELLMAN & .Co. . Ag jul MISCELLANEOUS. BONANZA EXTRAORDINARY ! Black Millers ! Attention ! ! ' I HAVE NO WON HAND OVER A HUNDRED OP Tie Slabs' Celetetei Sptini A Target ffles , Bresctedio Metalic Cartridge. Calibre 56-100. 33 inch barrel : range. 1.000 yards. AH new- , which I wil henceforth sell at half my former price. Sharps' Kifle * . above SO.OO. & former < 89' price. ° ° for-c $ i.50. pncc1 Will ' ( ? keep ) - Srbinc.s- Black Hillers ° talio supplied cartridee. at those same prices calibers all as th-ou rifle k the season. All other Crst-clasj rifles at proportionately low prices. I have 1-iAe lot of now. navy size revolvers , full nicklo plate , breech-loading inctaiiecartri < Jjr < - . wliich a I wi 1 sell at halt wholesale , cost , Now is your opportnnity to eet a. first-class rifle and re volver at a reasonable price. Examine my stock before parcbasinir elsewhere Kc- . - incmber the place. HENHY LAUGH LIN 151 Farnham St. between 10th & llth. Omaha. Nebraska. Loancfl - - - Money - - A mchH-lin MAX MEYER & CO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IFLES , ' GUNS AND AMMUNITION. The Largest Stock in llie West ! ! Western agents for WINCHESTER AND SHARP'S RIFLES Which wo sell at Bottom Prices. DISCOUNT TO l > EAIEn.S-SEXI > : KOU ritlCE-U.STS -A.Full .Assortment of Cartrlrtgei-i. 172 & 174 Farnham St. Cor. llth , MAX MEYER & BBO. 239 Fnrabam Street. Omaha , NolO GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE UNRIVALLED T Kualic , Sleinway , Emerson aud. Parlor Gem Pianos , 3Iason & Hainlii V Estey , Slioulngcr and Bnrdett Organs. Italiaa Striupj. Sheet Music. Violins. Guitars. 1'Iutes. Brass Instruments , and all ! kina of Musical Merchandise. _ F. A. PETERS , Manufacturer and Dealer in Riding Bridles. Collars. Halters. Whipa , Jlorse Blankets. Harness Oil. ic. apr3 tf S7'l ITuviilittin Street. B. & J. WILBUR , Books and Stafi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 513 14th Street , - - Omaha , ETeb. ovll-Cm CLARK & FRENCH , Iu Corner of Farnham. and llth Streets. BOX 201 , - o : nri r.v. rcji5. mayl-yl ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MAX MEYER & BRO , , WiTnUMAFl/RQ / AMU TflWFTFl * ffAluMMijlio iiiJJ JLtlijliJjik Jobbers of Watches , Clocks ami Jewelry A.GE7VTS ITOK MAX MEYER & CO 172 and 174 Farnham Street , Omaha , Nebraska , WHOLESALE DEALERS INs -s , Tobacco ® , . AIVX > C. F. GOODMAN , WHOLESALE RUGG -A.n li.l > ealer In PAINTS OILS & WINDOW GLASS Omaha * Nebraska , S.C , ABBOTT. S. C. ABBOTT & CO. . Booksell AMD DEALERS IN Wall Papers , Decorations and "Window Shade No. 188 Farnham Street , Omaha , Web , Iul > HslicrH * TINWARE AND TINNERS' STOCK , Sole Western Agents for Stewart's Cooking and Heating Stoves. TIME t , 'Fearless" CookingStove. . Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stove. ill of f Mel lill te soli at Manufacturer's Piie : < fteiilit Affli apiiB tf ITOIt 3lirCE STEELE & JOHNSON , Simpson's Block. 38 and 510 Idtu St. Douglas and Dodge. nch30 ly OMAHA NEB. J . J. X KELLIGON , lull or ir juJ Jobber of TOBACCOS IATJD CIGARS. > 174 Farnliom Street , - - Osnalia Old Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty , jents for the Eldorado Wine Co. , California. iy2-iy PORTER'S ALE OF OLIET.ILi. '