THE OMAHA. BEE. " " ' .TO CORRESPONDENTS. will lw y b Him COUNTRY FJUKNDS we pl < ued lo hear from , on all ui.itun ConnertnJ wllh crops , country polltln , ana on ny ub- wt whatever ol general Interest to the people ple ol our State. Any Information connect- ftlwilhthe election , and reUtlngto floodi , .fcUenU. c. will be gUdly received. All uch coniiuunlcaUoni , however , mutt. b M-iolas osulbla and they must In all case * IN * written upon one side of U e theetonly. . . contrlbntloni whatever Wit ! K > any . . ( A lilerarr or poet'cal character ; and we will nol uuJertatc to jirewrve , or la return . Onr Stafl lliosjiion , in nny case whatever. i . . . ( rti.leiilly larga to more than wpply our muled xiuci * iu Hut pflUTICtL. . . " > r olBce .MN..UNC-KUKNTS > ! canJi.l.U * . . and -whether mide by Bell or frieu.l. , to the commuuications rliMlirr as notices or . until nomiuilioiu are made it .r. ure ( will be charged as ad- .imply person * ! , and xcrtl e All o.mmnmrations should be addressed to K. IMMEW'ATKI. . Editor and Publisher , Oraw- C-AI.I. TOR Kiri'llIll.lCAX STATE t'OXVEXTIOaf. TO KLKOT DKLKOATK8 TO THS BEPOBLICAS TION1L CONVENTION. The Republican electors of thestate ol Ne- bra ka are hereby called to send delegates from the several counties to meet in btate Convention at Fremont on Tcesday , the _ 5d day of May. 187C. at : ? o'clock p. in. , for the i.urpoce of electing six delegates to the lie- publican National Convention , to be held at Cincinnati on the Hth day of June next , to nominate candidates for President ane Vice President of the United States and to transact such other business as may properly come before it. The several counties are entitled to repre- entation in the State Convention as follows SUUBKB OF DILEO1TB8. Adam * . 4 Keith - Antelope' . v 2 Knox lloone 1 Lancaster. Ilurt . . - . . . 3 Lincoln , liuffalo . . _ _ . _ . . . _ S Madison Butler. . . . . . 2 Merriek. Cays. . . . . . . . . . . . n. . . . b Nemaha.- . „ . 4 Clay 4 Nuckolla 1 Cedar . . 1 Otoe Colfaz Pawnee . . Cheyenne. . 1 Platte - - . _ Kichardson. . Dakota . . . . 1 Saline . . _ . 1 Sarpy Dixon. . _ . I Saunders. . . . - . 5 Soward. . . Onuglas . .IfllStanton. I'llmore. . . 3'Shennan. ' . . Fmnklin . _ 2Thayer | Kurnas \VashingtonJ- ( Jatro . . _ . Webster. . . Hamilton York ' _ Hall 4 Oreeley and'Valley. 1 Hurlan. . . . 4I'help3 | and Gospcr. . 1 Howard 2 Uandy.Chase.IIitch Jefforson- 4 cock. Frontier and Johnson 3 Red Willow . } Kearney 11 Wayne and Pierce- 13y order of the Stale-Opt * ? ! Commit * * * . CK. . YOST. C. 11. UKK. Secretary. Chairmen. Lincoln March8lST3. LET us rejoice , the country is safe , Contingent Congressman Pat. C- . Hawes will be iu our midst within a lew days. THK Black Hilla treaty will now be taken in hand by General Crook , who will exchange compliments o lln season with the Sioux chiefs. WIIVTSE , the retired aud disgust ed editor of the Hitchcock organt thinks there is music lu the air , and the BEE iucliues to the same opin ion. WHAT is Nebraska going ; to do about the Centennial ? The exhi- bi.ion is nearly open , and yet we hear of no preparation or shipment of any specimen of our products. What have the Ktate Centennial commissioners done ? and if not , cannot something be done yet to re deem this Slate from disgrace ? BLAIX1T.S VIXltlCATIOftV Among the public men whose reputation and good name ia dear to the great mass of tha American l > eople , none stand more deservedly high than does the recognized lead er of the Republican party in ( he lower House of the National Legis- . lature. When , a few days ago.grave charges assailing the personal iuteg- rity of James Q. Blaiue , were flash ed across the continent , the Demo cratic papers , and those who fear Mr. Blalue'd ascendency within the Kepublicau party , were very loud iu their exultations about his midden aud precipitous downfall. None appeared more jubilant over the Indianapolis revelations and none were more venomous in their commeuts than the Nebraska or gan of Tilden , the Omaha ] Herald. That sheet had Blaiue buried be yond possible resurrection. Now that Mr. Dillon , the President of the Union Pacific , has publicly con tradicted the slanderous charges against Mr. Blaine , It is to be hoped the brass collared organist A'ill have the decency to retract his defama tory statements , impartial men who are conversant with Mr. Elaine's public career have never doubted his ability to secure a full vindica tion. tion.The The ground work of the accusa tions against Mr. Blaiuo was based ou alleged statements of E. H. Rol lins , treasurer of the Union Pacific , aud upon alleged statements of Morton , Bliss & Co. , New York bankers , who , it was claimed , ne gotiated the $64,000 draft said to have been given to Mr. Blaine by the O. P. railroad officials. These charges are effectually re futed by Mr. Rollins himself , who publicly denies that any money was ever paid to Mr. Blaine , direct ly or indirectly. Morton , Bliss & Co. also make public denial of the statement that they ever handled either a draft , note , check , or other evidence of value in which Mr. Blaiue was known or supposed to have any interest , CICI CI directly or indirectly. In addition CIfs fs to this testimony , Mr. Blaine has also produced statements from I * w . Thomas A. Scott , who was president wcr cr dent of the Union Pacific at the 'I time the $64,000 transaction is 'Ipi pi alleged to have taken place , and cr Mr. Bcott flatly contradicts that th story. ot "Mr. Sidney Dillon , now president fe of the Union Pacific , who was a director feb b- rector of that company at the time boc oc the alleged transfer of railroad stock tb to Mr. Blaiue is taid to have transpired , has'alao furnished an absolute denial ot the whole story. Ia addition to these s-pecifiC - refuta thV tions , Mr. Blaine has made a public V statement in the House iu which he sa saV iuvites the moat rigid investigation V ; into his public and private acts. PC Thus the cock aud bull stories , hatched by the leading organ of i Jui Indiana Democracy , have been completely exploded , and we ven ture to predict that even the ex- fir confed's of the House will not un "sil dertake the fruitless job of praying sio i Q' Blame a bribe taker. VANDERVOORT'S _ * I/1 / The charges preferred against Yost and Vandervoort"are nowJpr the first time , before the public. The testimony produced iu this issue to Van- sue relates almost entirely dervoorL Although , as ia well labored ui'- known , the prosecution der serious disadvantages the con duct of this investigation , no body can read that testimony without coming to the conclusion that Vandervoort is officially reck less , incompetent , and unreliable , and morally an infamous scoundrel. The testimony relating to Vander- voort'a sobriety may appear alto gether lee voluminous , but inas much as the.lulea . of the postal service prodibit the employment of persons addicted to the use of liquors it ia very pertinant and proper , That Vaudervoort has violated tnis rule on various occasions is proved by half a dozen witnesses. The negative testimony of men whenever never saw him drunk , ia simply ab surd. The charge that inexperien ced parties , not connected with Ihe postal service and not have , under hia been permitted to act as postal clerka is fully sustained by responsible witnesses. The barge that he allowed dead beats to travel in the mail care is sus tained. The testimony shows that Vaudervoort had sent one Ziegler from Omaha to Ogden in the mail car , ostensibly for the purpose of weighing the mails , but iu reality ( o beat hia waj | lhrough. It waa proved that Zeigler hud uo tcales M'ith which to weigh the mails , that he did not weigh any thing , that he traveled to Ogdeu in the mail car and remained there. A few days later Zeigler's trunk was forwarded in the mail car and de livered to him without charge at Ogdeu. Four witnesses swear poa- lliyely that Zeigler's reputation was that -of a dead beat and drunkard - ard ; two ot them swear that he is & thief ; and thia is the kind of a man Vaudervoort employed to handle U. S. mails. Vanderyoort'd explanation of the motives for issuing an official order to the railway clerka in behalf of Pattee , will hardly clear him from the suspicion of corruption in the ejes ; of those who know Pattee's waysand Vaudervoort's natural in stincts. Tae most terrible and crushing testimony against Van dervoort is , however , the proof of hia perjury before the Grand Jury The foreman of the grand jury , Mr. St. John Goodrich , solemnly declares that even if Vandervoort was his own brother , he would not , and could not , believe him under oath , in view of the teatimouy given by Vaudervoort before the grand jury. jury.Mr. Mr. J. S. Gibson , another member of the grand jury , declared his cou- viction that Vandervoort swore falaely AVheu he testified before the grand jury , and ( hia fact ia substan tially-confirmed by two other mem bers ot the grand jury. That this perjured vdaiu indirect ly encouraged the Curry assahl there is uo room for doubt. The fact that he swore to a falsehood iu order to cover up his consultation with Miner about Curry's card in Yost's room and he absolutely de nied the subsequent talk with James R Porter in hia own room concern ing the coming assault , leada to the natural conclusion that he insti gated and encouraged it. Whether these disclosures result in Mr. Vandervoort's removal , or whether the department shall see fit to ignore them and retain him , the people of Omaha and Nebraska must henceforth look upon Paul Vandervoort as au infamous char acter , who , if he had his just de- berts , would wear a zebra suit be- hiud the bars of the Nebraska peni tentiary. A QKEATEK portion of this issue of the BEE is devoted to the publi cation of testimony produced during the postal investigation before spec ial agent Huutington. Injustice to all parlies , and in order to ena ble the public to judge for them selves how the investigation was conducted , we publish a verbatim report of the questions asked , and answers giveuas well aathe rulings of the officer charged with the in. vestigatiou. While there is doubtless much that would be considered irrelevant in any ordinary court of justice , it should be borniu mind th HMfeti- ijaUons by special detectives are usually informal. The extreme length of the testimony preveuts its lublication in one lasue. early ill the testimony in this issue re- ates to the charges against Vander- roort. To-morrow we intend to hi mblish the concluding portion , la nainly relating to charges against LT03t. iuki ki : fa EVEN the .Bourdon papers are tompelled to admit that the Demo- ratic Congress is an unmitigated w . allure. The Washington corres- iuof tondeut of the Boston transcript of riles : "Yesterday an old Demo- rat freed his mind in this fashion : have thought the1 Republican ccCi arty grossly negligent , and even Cidi riminal , iu its mismanagement. I diat bought our party would brinRorder ut of confusion but I have to - , cons - kt * s that I am disgusted. So far as ktM id behavior is concerned , the Dam- M crats see the Republicans and go yc hem a hundred per cent , better. ' " on RS ACCORDING to Somersault Miller , Je testimony duringthe postal in- tic estigation was a farce. We should be y it wa- ? rather a solemn farce for so i raudervoort when'four tal , four uuim- eacuable witnesses testified that he in i iminitted perjury before the grand iry. sej blc blcn JONKS delivered the ue ; ivt section of his speech ou the j l\vr currency standard at the ses- ( del on of the United' States Senate ( ' " ' " " " * * * ' isterday. \ ' , Ch i POSTAL INVESTIGATION. Grave Charges Against Yost niid Yaudorroort. Drunkenness iu Dead-Beats in the Postal Cars. Mailing Trunks for Bummers. Smuggling Goods from Japan. Criminal Collusion With Lottery Gamblers. TauQcrvoort's Perjury. [ Reported by John T. Bell. Official Steno grapher of the Third Judicial District. ] Charges preferred against Paul Van dervoort , Chief Head Clerk Rail way Mail Service : First Periodical drunkenness and disreputable debaucheries. Second Allowing inexperienced and incompetent persons not con nected with the postal service ( and not sworn iu ) to handle the mails. Third Allowing persona not con nected with the poslal service to travel iu railway postal cars for the purpose of evading payment of transportation charges. Fourth Forcing mail clerks un- 'der his charge to participate iu lion- political railroad bond election cou- tesls , and offering bribes to parties for voting with the faction in w hose interest he was working. Fifth Aiding and abetting a no torious lottery swindle conducled at Laramie , Wyoming , by James M. Pattee. Sixth Conspiring In and active ly encouraging a plot for the pur pose of inducing rowdies to assault Edsvard Rose water , editoi of the Omaha BEE , which plot culminated in a murderous assault upon said Rosewater , seriously endangering his life. Charges preferred against Casper E. Yost , Postmaster at Omaha , Ne braska. First Employing a habitual drunkard as chief clerk of ( he Oma ha postoffice , notwithstanding re peated publio protests , and causing confusion and disorder in the distri bution of the local mails. Second Actively aidiugand abet ting in frauds upon the United Htatea ty furnishing James M. Pat- tep , a notouous lottery BwihUIer , with United Stales mail sacks , which , after being filled by said Patteo with lottery circulars , upon which the stampa were cancelled m Pattee's lottery shop , were trans ferred directly to the U. 8. mail cars without inspection at the Omaha postoffice. Many of the stamps cancelled iu Pattee's lottery shop had been previously used iu the transmission of mail matter received by him. Third Awarding a mail contract iu consideration of a bribe. Fourth Smuggling goods from Japau through ( lie mails. Fifth Encouraging and partici pating iu an assault upon Edward Rosewater , editor of the BEE , in the Omaha postollice while the said Rosewater was peaceably seeking t procure his mail. Sixth Conspirjnc in and actm-ly encouraging a plot for ill" purpose of inducing rowdies to ns-Jault Ed ward Rosewater , edilor f the BEE4 which culminated in a murderous assault upon said Rosewater , serious ly endangering his lifo. S. A. Orchard , called on the par of the prosecution , being dulyswori and examined by Mr. Rosewater testified as follows : Q. State your business and how long you have been in the employ of tne postofllce department ? A. Assistant postmaster of the Omaha postoffice , and have been in the employ of the postollice four years next August. Q. Have you at any time been ab sent for any period from thia city , if so , when and in whose company you traveled ? Some time last fall did you travel with Mr. Vander voort to California ? A. No , sir ; not last fall. Q. Itseemait was in March , 1875 ? A \ ea. sir ; I did. Q. How long were you traveling together ? A. About a month , 1 believe. Q. Did you at that time , during this trip , see Mr.Vandervoort under a state of lutoxlcation , or did he partake freely of liquors on the wav ? A. 1 have seen him when he had something to drink. Q. The question is whether Mr. Vandervoort , during this time , was intoxicated ? A. WellI , wouldn't call it Intox icated ; that is , ho wasn't drunk. He never was bo but what he could get around anywhere he wanted to go get mound aud converse with persons , i never saw him but what he was around and talking. Q. Did he show by his talking that he was drinking ? A. He showed undoubtedly lhat he was "drinking some he'1 noisy. 0. During that time in California did you know of his frequenting any 1 houses ofill-repute ? t A. The usual way out there in that country is to "take in the town. " ( Q. And you took Jlie town in ? Mr. Vandervoorl We went through the China to.wu , is what you mean by that ? A. Y s , sir. Mr. Rosewater Did lie go iu liouses of bad repute ? A. I don't know. Q. Was there any difficulty dur- ng his stay in San Francisco with adiea where ho was stopping in a louseof bad repute ? A. Not that I know of. Si Q. Have you any nokwledge of ils offering improper advances to idles ? . A. No , s r. I know of bia taking this China business , but I don't now as they were houses of ill- ime. Q Did you go with him ? A. Yes , sir. I can't tell that they -ere houses of ill-fame , I had noth- ng to do with the women there. h Mr. Vandervoort We took an ti fflcer with us. Mr. Rosewaler Were you ac- 01fa uainted with Mr. Alexander , faI onnected with the postal service in I laliforuia , and do you know of any. 01 ifficulty between Mr. Alexander nd Mr Vandervrort there ? A. Nothing particular , I believe I -nothing I know of myself ; I don't dl now about thatat all. Q. Duringyouracmfaintancewith ai Ir Vandervoort iu this city , havn aiui ou ever seen him under the iuflu- ui nce of liquor ? f A. I have seen him just the same 1" I have seen olher men. I have CO ten him take a drink. se Mr. Huntington The real ques- on here is , has Mr. Vandervoort load en under the influence of liquor ad as to bring scandal upon the pns- dcki service ? ki A. No , air. I never seen him so th town. tu tuI Air. Rosewaler Have you ever I en him associate with disreputa- vo characters , and conduct himself nil a boisterous and scandalous man- ch rin any way ? coital A. No , sir I never did.v Cross-examinatiou by Mr. Van- i rvoort : tal Q. When Jwe went through that linatowu we went through under tal the guidance of a policeman detail ed by the chief of police ? A. Yes , sir. Mr. Huntington Who was this chief of police in what town ? Mr. Vandervoort San Francisco. ( To the witness ) Didn'Jt ' you under- Btoii.1 that was the custom that every person going to San Francis co took in Chinatown ? A. YeSj sir. Q Didnt you understand that when Senator , Cameron was-there Le aud hii party went through Chi natown ? A. Yes , sir. Q. Were we invited by the post master there to go through the town ? A. I don't know personally about that. that.Q. Were not-Air. Alexander aud I ou good terms all the time from the time we went there until we lelt , and are we not on good terms to day ? A. While lie was there you seem ed to be on good teriUH. Q. He was here fitter our trip over there ? A. Yes , .sir. In my first exami nation 1 wisti to correct part of what I said ; we did go into a house of ill fame. Mr. Rosewater Were they white people ? A. Yes , sir. Mr. Vandervoort We were ac companied by a policeman ? A. xes , sir. Mr. Yost You went where the policeman took you ? A. Yes , sir. Mr. Rosewater Did you ask the policeman to take you there ? A No , sir ; we didn't know where they were taking us we just weut along. John R. Manchester , called on the part of the prosecution , being duly sworn and examined by Mr. Rosewaler , testified : u follows : Q. What is your business ? A. Deputy county clerk. Q , Are you acquainted with Mr. Vandervoort ? A. Yes sir. Q , Did you at any time see Mr. Vaudervoort intoxicated ? If so when and where ? A. I saw him under the influence of liquor. " Q. Did he give miflieicnt signs so yon could nee ho wasn't all straight ? A. I will state the case and where I saw him : I win going to DCS Moines last fall ou business on the afternoon train ; I was in the first- class passenger coach , and I saw Mr. Vandervoort in the coach a little ahead of me ou the other side , with a party ot gentlemen ; I didn't know who they were ; iu the course of the evening he saw me aud called me over and offered me something to drink ; he had a bottle tle with him in his pocket , and he took it out aud offered me some thing to drink ; I believe I took a drink with him ; I stayed , and talked a little while aud went back to my seat again ; I saw him during the trip over there , and he seemed to be having a pretty jolly good time ; that is all 1 know iibont it. Mr. Huntington. Did he mani fest any boisterous demonstrations during the trip ? A. I don't know ; there was a good deal of loud talking ; they seemed to be having a good time generally ; there was several if them together ; the gentleman sit ting ahead of me , a banker from Red Oak , asked me who the parly was. was.Mr. Mr. Rosewater-Did Mr. Van- dcryoort , during that trip , act in a manner as if he was intoxicated ? A. Well , I should have said ho was pretty full ; yes , before we got through to DCS Moines. Q. Did you ever see him in the company of disreputable charac ters , conducting himself in a hois- tentus manner ? Did you know anything of that kind ? A. I tin uot. Cross-examination by Mr. Van dervoort : Q. Did you kuow any of the par ties with me on that occasion ? A. I don't think I did. 1 think they were all fttrangers let me. Q. Was not one of Ihe gentleman with me on that occasion the con ductor of the train ? A. 1 HIIW the conductor of the train sitting down with you occas ionally. Q Was it a demijohn or a bottle of whisky I had with me on lhat occasion ? A. It was what I call a small bottle tle a pint bottle , I believe It was not a demijohn. Q. Did 1 interfere with anybody ou the train ? Wasn't you the only party I invited to parlake ? A. I believe so. Tliat is all I saw. saw.Mr. Mr. Yost Did you partake ? A. I believe I did. Mr. Vaudervoort Were you a candidate for the position of chair man of the county central commit tee last fall ? A. I was nominated , sir. Q Were you defeated by "tho subscriber ? " A. I was , 1 believe , on au aflirnia- live | proposition. Edward O'bullivau , called on the part of the prosecution , being duly sworn ami examined by Mr. Rosewater - water ' , testified as follows : Mr. Huntingtoa What is your first name ? J A. Edward O'Sullivan. 1 Q. What is your business ? I A. Constable in Douglas county. Mr.Rosewater Are you acquainted - 1 ed with Mr. Vandervoort ? i .A. Yes , sir. Q. Have you ever seen him nn- I der the influence of intoxicating liquors that is , in a condition of Intoxication ? A. Yes , sir. Q. How many times have you jeeu him in that way ? A. Twice , particularly , that I can lay he was. A great many men .vould he under the influence of iquor and you can't notice it. It ion't affect their business any. Q Wasn't he under the influence f liquor when you saw him , so that le couldn't do his'business ? A. Yes , sir. tl Q. When did that occur that you lave recollection of ? The particular ime ? A. As near as I can judge it waa a ni the eve of the election last all ; that was the first time ; [ he next time was up at iny wn house , after the election last nil ; I believe two or three nights ft fter.i. . fttl ( i. How do you know he was tl ruuk tlsc A. I had conversation with him , sc nd when I get in couversation with in man 1 can tell whether he is nder the influence of liquor. I Q. Have you known , of your own tlj ersonal enowledge , any parties not ounected with the railway mail srvice , traveling iu the mail cars ? IS A. I have been on this road for a tug time since Mr. Vandervoort's 18 rlmiuistration "on this road and I on't know , of my own personal SK uowledge , of any person riding in le oars without any authority , lough I have heard a good deal. ic : Cross examined by Mr. Vauder- oort : Q , . Ton allude to the eve- th ing just before the election of ca mirman of the county central caD I tmmittee ? D ( A. Yes , sir. Q Wasn't I jible to walk and an Ik ? A. You were able to walk and en jus Q. Are you willing to testify uii- der oath , regarding an oath as you do , that I was intoxicated at all ? A. I have been sworn , and I am positive when you came up to my house apd I met you at the fence surrounding the house I lived in at the lime , when you came to me and beeged me to do all that lay in my power to have you elected chair man of the county central commit tee , that you were considerably un- der.the influence ofliquor.- * Q. Did you do all that lay in your power ? * A. I did sir. You made a special request of me ; you told me these words ; you came up to , me in this way ; you wasn't able-to stand up , and you leaned right over the fence and said , "Ed. Sullivan Ihere is a difficulty between you and I ; there is a wide gap open , but that gap can bo closed if you will use your intlu ence with Michael Meaney , a dele- gale to the county convention to help elect me chairman of the coun ty central committee " Says 1 , "Mr. Vandervoort I can't ' do much for you , " and he says , "your influ ence will defeat or elect me , " and I says , "Mr. Vandervoort then you are elected. " Q. And I was ejepted ? A. Ye * * , sir. Q. If you were ever removed from the railway mail service state when. A. I received my discharge on the 9th of January , 187G. Q. Haven't you stated repeatedly that my treatment of you officially was kind , and that you received as many favors as anybody ? A. I have. I have elated fre quently that while I was m tap ser vice you treated me the same as any other man in the service. I have made that remark quite fre quently. Mr. Rosewater During the elec tion I haye brought charge against Mr. Vandervoort of forcing clerks in his employ to vote at a nonpolitical litical election. Were you employ ed on the road at that time ? A. Yes , sir. A. Did Mr. Vandervoort use any threat to get you or force you to sup port the party that way lighting these bonds ? A. No , sir ; I had not spoken to Mr. Vandervoort for two days be fore the elect'on , and on the election day Mr. Vandervoort didn't speak to me. Mr. Vandervoort Did I try to m- llueuce you in any way ? A. No , sir , not at that election , and I don't'know ' that you have on any previous occasion , to the best of my knowledge. C. C. Sperry , called on the part of the prosecution and examined by Air. Rosewater , testified as follows : Mr , Huntingtou What is your name ? A. q. C Sperry. Q. What is your business ? A. I am deputy sheriff. Mr. Roscwater Have you known Mr. Vaudervoort since his residence in Omaha , and if so , have you over known him to be under the influ ence of liquor intoxicated , ! mean ? A. Yest I have known him , I guess , ever since he came here. Q. Have you seen him under the influence of liquor at any time , and if so , when ? A. I have seen him two or three times pretty well under the influ ence of liquor one time in particu lar , one election night ; .1 guess you was along witli me that night , down here at the restaurant. Q. Wasjie so intoxicated it waa noticed generally ? Was he boister ous ? A. Yessir ; he was pretty full pretty full. Q. What demonstrations , if any , did he make there ? A. I guess you and I went in Ihere together ; there Wits three or four -of us together. The first I noticed I heard some loua talk from him to you , some threats to thresh you if you mentioned his name in the paper any more. He was threatening to thresh you , or wear you out , or something like that. ( i. How did the conversation end ? A He ( limed and said something to lue about the election , and I gave him a short answer , and ho turned ouo way and I turned the other. Q. You are sure , from your recol lection , that he was intoxicated Ihen ? A. Oh , yes. I guess he won't de ny that , or anybody else. Q. Have you any recollection of any other tinier ? A. I seen him over here to the corner saloon once ; over to McCaf frey's , over here. The boys were having some fun abaut it. They thought Van was pretty full. I saw him there then , and ( he boys were making fun of him. Q. Did you know this man Ziegler - ler that used to live here ; and if to , what general reputation did he have in town ? A. Yes , i knew him. He didn't have much of a reputation at all , only as a bummer. Q , . Stale whether you are acquain ted with the chief clerk of the Omaha ' postollice , and whelher you from I your own personal knowledge know 1 he is a habilual drunkard ? A. I don't Know who is chief clerk now. Q. Jim Allan ? A Yes. 1 lould say , from what I have known of liim for the Iii-it live years , lhat ho is drunk more of tiie time than he waa sober. Mr. Huntiugton What reason have you to know he was drunk more times than ho was sober ? A There was a good deal of the lime I have seen him a good deal i of the time in the cilice , and around , i CVoss-examiuutiou by Mr. Van dervoort. Are you willing to swear that 1 " " drunkard am a "periodical" ? A. I uou't know. I would have to get at the definition of that , Van , Urst. Urst.Q. Q. Was there anything more of that time you spoke of than that I ivas with the boys .and was rejoic ing over the election ? A. Well , you was pretty full , Vau. Vau.Q. Q. Had I been drinking anymore ban you had ? A. Ves , I guess you had. 1 was able to walk ? A. Yes ; I didu't see you down my : Q. How long have you been ac- uumted with Mr. Rosewater ? A. About six years , I guess. Q. jou have always Dean bosom fiends aud political associates ? A.V have e always belonged to 8 he Republican party. 8ii Q. Did you ever have any per- ii oual diflicuity with Mr. Rosewater iifi the postofllce here ? fif Yes sir ; we had a little diflicuity. don't know lhat that has auy- lu uiug 10 do with this matter. luV Mr. Yost When was that ? ti A. About the last of December , . tiw 871 or 1872. ol f Mr. Rosnwaler It was January , oldi 872.Mr. dibt Mr. Vaudervoort Q. Do you con- btai der me an habitual drunkard ? aim A. Well , I don't know. IK Q. Do consider " IKw you me a "period- w sal" drinkard ? Ik A. Will , 1 will have to look lo le deliuiUoii of that word Before 1 in ai awe : that. Q. Who was 1 with thatm'aht ? dc o you remember ? A. I thiuk Sweezy was along ye id Ben Barrows. I don't know tr < nether you .was with the Jacobs fit owd or not. I thiuk you were st getting up from the table when we went in. There was quite a crowd there. I know Jacobs didn't come out with you. Mr. Vandervoort I know we had some champaign at the table. I took two glasses. Mr. xost-If the same provoca tion occurred again as that which caused your difficulty with Rosewater - water , you would do the same thing again , would you not ? A. Yes , sirIwould. Mr. Rosewater But if there was not more pro vocation than there was for Yost to partlcipat The witness. In regard to Vest participating , he never had no more to do with it than the man in the moon. > Q. He instigated it , tho-igh , didn't he ? A.-Well , I don't know that he did. did.Mr. Mr. Huntinglon. Did Mr. Yost assist you In any way ? A. I don't thiuk he did. Mr. llosewaler. Why did he plead guilty in the police court then ? Mr. Yost. That is one very r'ool- ish thing that I did , and I have al ways regretted it. Mr. Rosewater. At this time Mr. Yost was assistant postmaster , and he went outside of the delivery box es to assist in the assault. Mr. Huntington. What was the provocation for this whipping ? The witness. It was a general running assault upon the postofllce lhat come out in the UKE , and also charging me with being a gam bler. Yost want connected with it in any way. R. Patch , called , on the partol the defense , being duly sworn and examined by ftlr. Vauderyoort , tes tified as follows : Mr. Huntington "What is your business , Mr. Patch ? A. Conductor on the Chicago & Rock 11:111(1 railroad. Mr. Vandervoirt Did you. ever see mo Intoxicated rr boisterous on your train ? A. I never paw you on my trainer or anywhere else under the intlu ence of liquor. I never saw you in toxicated on my train or any\vh.ere else , Hugh McCallerty , called ou the the part of the defense , being duly sworn and examined by Mr. Vau dervoort , testified as follows : Mr. Huntinctou What is your first name ? A. Hugh. Mr. Vandervoort Since you have been in that store haven't I been in the habit of buying cigars and deal ing with you all the time ? A. VPS , sir. Q. Have you ever seen me under the influence of intoxicating liquors in yoursaloon.or around your saloon , in any way ? . 'A. Since I have been over there , I never saw under the influence of liquor. Before that I was not ac quainted with you. Q. For the last six or eight months have 1 taken any drinks in your place at all ? A. I don't think you have ; you always got cigars. Mr Rosewater How long have you kept that place ? A. A year ago the last 20th of February. Q' Have you attended the bar there all the time ? A. Not all the time ; my brother is there when I am not. Until tiie beginuingof this spring I have been there nearly all the time. Mr. Vandervoort Do you consid er me a periodical or habitual drunk ard , or any drunkard at all ? A No , sir ; I do not. I was as- tonibhed when I heard of it. I do not consider you any drunkard at all. Morris Sullivan recalled by the defense and examined by Mr. Van dervoort , testified us follows : Q. Are you acquainted with Ed ward O. Sullivan , formerly em ploy ed ou the Union Pacific road ? A. Yes , sir. Q. State your opinion as to his truth and veracity ? A. According to his every day doings , I wouldn't believe him un der oath ; 1 have got good reasons for saying so , too. Cross-examination by Mr. Rose- water. Q. Are you not somewhat under instructions in this matter ? A. JNo , sir , I am not ; I can give you very good reasons for what I swear to now. Ed. O'Sullivau ac cused me of telling stories about him. That was when Lew Hiii- niau was chief clerk. I told him I would bet him $50 he couldn't produce witnesses. He told me he was too poor to bet $50 , and I told him 1 would jjive him $50 to pro duce witnesses. He reported to Sickles that I was trading on the road , and I told him to produce witnesses then and he refused to do it. it.Q. Q. You never know Mr. O'Sulli van to teslity falsely , to your own knowledge ? A. No ; but I know where he was told lies right aloug. Q. Was he under oalh at the lime ? A. No , sir. Qus. Watson called on the part of the defense , beiug duly sworn and examined by Mr. Vaudervoort , les- liiied as follows : Mr. Huntingtou What is your name ? A. Qus Watson. Q What is your" business ? A. Postal clerk on the Union Pa- citic road. Mr. Vandervoort Are you ac quainted with Ed. O'Sullivan , for merly postal clerk on the U. P. road ? A. J am. , Q. lu case Mr. O'Sullivan was prejudiced against a party , or di rectly interested in damage to a party , would you believe his testi mony ? A. I wouldn't like to. Q. Is not his reputation among , his acquaintances rather bad for truth and veracity ? A. Where he has got an ax to grind , or where it would be a bene i fit to him to tell a falsehood , I think he would do it. Q. Do you thiuk if he had a spile to wreak on anybody because of hia removal , he would hesitate to ( ell a lie ? A. No , sir , I do not. t Mr. Rosewater Did you ever know of his giving any testimony jnderoalh ? , A. No , sir ; 1 never knew him to iwear at all. Elward Rosewater , the plaint'it ta n the case , beau : duly sworn , testi- si ied in behalf of the prosecution as 01 illows : in gLjst ( all , I thiuk it was after the _ ocal county election , 1 met Mr. /andervoort , with some other par ies. I think he addressed me. He th ras considerably under the influence thfi liquor in ltct : , he was * almost fi ruuk , though not quite enough to e flat. He acted quite boisterous , pi : ud tried to pick up a quarrel with le at the time. I told him I did ot want lo get into a controversy rith a man under the influence of an quor ; that when he got sober I ioi rould perhaps respond to his ques- on. kuit on.Crossexamination by Mr. Van- it crvoort Q. Do you claim to have told me to i ou didn't want to get into a con- toha oversy with a man under the in- ha uence of liquor ? A. Yes , sir. I mem to. u Q. 1 am very certain you said nothing of the kind ? Mr. test Who was in the party ? A. Mr. Sweesy and some otucrs. Mr. Vandervoort. I claim that you never told me anything of that kind. I state emphatically there was nothing of that occurred. He never _ said anything to me at all about being under the influence of liquor or about not talking with me because I was. Mr. Rosewater. I wish to state I had -nothing' rte drink that day. In fact I never was drunk iu my life. life.John John S. Halbert , called ou the part of the prosecution , being duly sworn and examined by Mr. Rosewater - water , testified as follow ? : Mr. Huntiugtou What is your name ? A. John S. Halbert. Q What is your business ? A. Postal clerk on Ihe Union Pa- clfic road. Mr. Rosewater -How long have you been in service ou the Union Pacific ? A. I came here a year ago last New Year's day Q. During your service onihe line of the Union Pacific , do you know of any instance where parties not employed in ( he regular mail ser vice were put in charge or allowed to handle mail matter on ( he train ? A. I never knew any one put in charge of mail matter. Q. I mean allowed in the mail cars any persons traveling in the mail cars ? A. No , sir ; I psn't tell about that. Q. Do you know of any persons not connected with the mail ser vice regularly , who participated in handling mail matter ° the' trains ? A. t think I took an uncle with me once as assistant. . He took the place of my partner , who was East. Mr. Huntiugton. Was he sworn in ? A. Yes sir. Mr. Rosttwater Any one else ? A. That is the only party 1 took with me on the train. Q. Were you on the Irajn any time last fall when roan named Zeigler , not connected with the service In any way , waa traveling ou the mall car ? A. 1 was at the depot and heard a conversation between him and Mr. Lewis about lusgoiug. I don't know that he went out. T hgre was talk of his going tu weigh mails I saw him in the c > ir , but I didn't stay until the train Ittt , and 1 couldn't swear any further than that. that.Mr. Mr. Huutiugton It frequently happens , Mr. Rosewaler , lhat we have to employ inexperienced per sons lo assist with the mail matter iu the cars , because of persons be iug sck | or ou leave ot absence , or something of that kind. Mr. Rosewater You never knew of persons going through with mail matter inexperienced persons ex cept the case you have spoken of ? A. No , sir ; I knew only that one time my uncle went with me. My partner's wife was sick and lie was at the hospital with her , and I took my uncle , to save his salary for him I hail charge of the car , and what he didn't do I did ; I remem ber that very well , ior it neurly used me up. Mr Huutingtou What was your partner's name ? A. J M. Goodwin was my regu lar partner. Cross-examination by Mr. Vau dervoort ; Q. You kuow of no one not sworn going out ? A. No , sir ; I have no means of knowing whether they are sworn or not ? Q. Is it not a rule in my office that n.o one- goes out who is not sworn , and ( hat no one who is in experienced is allowed to look over the mnil , except what he known V A. Yes , sir. When we send out a sub.situe ( we always take help enough to throw the mail. Q. Is it not true that tliis sending out men ia done to save the clerk's salaries where they are poor men ? A. lessir. Iu this case it waste to save thesalaiy of Mr. Uoodwip , a po > r man , whose wife was at Rome having au operation perform ed for cancer. Mr. Uoodwiu was away a month , nearly , and we only made ( he expenses to him five or six dollars for the whole month. Paul Vaudervoort , the defendant iu the case , being duly sworn and examined by Mr. Rosewater , testi fied as follows : Q. State if you acknowledge this order to be yours , ( banding witness a paper ) ? A. I do. Q. Was that order ever counter manded ? A. It was countermanded after the necessity for it had ceased. Mr. Huntington 1 really don't see the point of this , Mr. Rosewaler. Where there is no law against lot teries , men engaged in that busi ness can use the mails and you can't help it. 1 tried that at Leaven- worth. You may us well try to slop the Missouri river , as to stop Pal Ice getting hiy mail. There ia no law against him in Wyoming , and he left Nebraska because there was a law against lotteries here. Mr. Rosewater I would like to have the order taken down by the reporter anyway. Mr. Huutiugton reads the order iu question , as follows : OMAHA , January 19 , 187(5. ( Clerk , Omaha and Ogden : GENTL.KMKN : You will keep a strict count of the number of letters you receive and deliver to Ihe Laramie - mie post ollco ! for J. M. Pattee. | You will put a note Ju the _ "Go Back'Vdlrected to Puttee , uiarkTiip- : . the envelope "Private , " stating the " number of letters. | Very respectfully' , PAUL VAUDEKVOOUT , C. H. C. Mr. Huntingtou Now , Air. Vau- lervoort , wo will have your state ment A. J. M. Pattee came to me and old me that he suspected there was collusion between the clerks in lia office and those in the Laramie lost office to rifle letters directed to lim. I referred him to special igenLs Furay and Sey bolt. I found hey were both out of town , where- ipou I issued that order , thinking waa the only way to detect fraud , ! ind referred the matter to the pecial agents afterwards , and my ctiou was approved by them. Q. What special agents ? A. To special agent Soy bolt , cer- aiu , and I think to Furay , ( oo. I bowed Seybolt a copy of the order En n the book. I believe thttt is all vel regard to that. icr Mr. Rose water Was the order revoked ? ver 4/n A. The order was revoked after ic occasion was at an end. Q. Did Patlee ask you to discor- ue t'lis ? A. No. He asked me in the fir t lace to issue it. Q. How did you know the occa- m was passed ? A. I had it on the books am uith , id I never keep an order in force nger thau that. a Q. Did you i.Hsue au order o' that inn for any other party in this ty ? A. No , sir. ; I never had occasion for any. other party. M. Yost If you had jou would ive i--uedit ? A. Moat certainly , and had it kept the same way that was. ( Continued on 4th pcgc. ) MISCELLANEOUS. Great faero .A. . O-A-HIlsr Sz CO. , G-ents' Furnishing Goods , Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises Etc. , Etc. Farnliain St. , Cor. 14ih , Omaha. Nebraska. inchll If IfAiffprnnai Aiffprnnai Pflnrmn Beats Them All. & H r- B ? B f 00 C * = J U S - H 1 B m * s : O-J J = * " H s ' 3) ) tt * H Everybody invited to call aud examine It , hother with a view to pnrclusinior not. Company's Office , 212 Douglas Street. Omaha , Neb . . . .7.11. ' . i 'JuinMvrH WimttMl. racht-Ciu ESTABLISHED 1846. MM.Bmiiswick& . Factory Koi 7,9,11,13,15.17 and 19 , Uuah St. . Norlh Warer and Micht.jin Streets. Office and Warehouse , -17,4 ! > aud 5'J. stale St. , Chii o. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE Patent Novelty Beveled Billiard Table. The Grand Central Blllianl roeiu , Onnba/hm just b en supplied with seven new Nonpareil Novelties. The projirletqr. H. K- Smith , has a supply of article * on h-uid , and Is to receive orders for Ilio company. leMS ly THE JOHNSOM OBGAS" , MAFUFACTURED BY THE mson Organ Company PLATTSMOUTH , NEBRASKA. I'lrst prouumavariled ! at the State Kairat Omaha , 1875 , o\er all cmn | > ctitnr * . I-irxt pro mlum czhllilted. black walnut , fronts - , rlinnr wherever Elegant cases i\ory lokc-vs sharps l.raji pins ; ii..rikes clothrd : action as quick and perfect as the best ] > : .inr > . tiininc aiulroiciii perfect ; aii u-tiiTos. Price list us low as that of any first-cla's instrument. Krcry organ full warranicd for thr * term of five years- All musicians pronounce ahem [ erfect. l k lo you interest and try she-te organs before purchasing elsewhere. Address , JOHNSON ORGAN CO. . riitt'niotith. Nch. American Surgical Institute , 162HarneySt. , Omaha , Neb. o . f. ° . I J ? ? ! . ? ,4.10" : . of a" clse3 ° ' surRcry. phvuical ilofonuititM. chronicili- < M. .t. . S. .l > .4MbKCKIl. M. D .surgeon in clar'o ; W.M Mcl'fjKU. VNaud A. A. I'AltKKK i"jstant surKCoiH ; J. . . . C. . . . . DKNIdR . . . . . . in . . , . chinro . of ili-iu ? ! < of cyo ind eir : ; VICTOR 11 * * OrrMAN inclmrge uf ilNeascsin women : L. 11. AUNUliD . elei'triciun . in chirrcof nervous diseases. Communications should bo addrejjeil to S. . D. .M r.-i-r. , \f. It . .illeodJtnrtiin PRATT & TOWLE , -A.grearxt ; fox- MINERS OF ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS OAL Office , 518 , 13th Street , Omaha , KTeb IOWA COAL CO. , Minars and Dealers in all Varieties of COA SexxtT Qw.oi3jvtrioM.iS4. . Office 515 13th Street , Omaha , Neb , CEO. PATTERSONACENT KESNEDTS HEMLOCK -1 ! KEMEDY FOR - SCAB AUD TICKi Gallon Makai 50 io 100 ready for uio , which 3 lo 5 Cenit a Gallon. Kennedy's Hemlock Exterminator , ' ' inwardness" for bcdhuirs and hou e sts. Vermin cannot live where it is ujcd. Potato BUJJ Exterminator. Manufactured by S. II. Kennedy , Omaha. HORSEMEN USK ennody'sHemlockHorscLiniment ulorsed and in use by the U. S. Army and terinary surKuoni. and for foot-rot and rew-worm in sheoii it is a remedy. C. V. aOODMAN. IV holfali * it and Agent for the nted H'-ite. sold byai ! .l-.iIerH. nor8-d.Vwly Neiinilgi i. Face illIHiemiiuti m. tlnnt , r.rt .1 IVil.I'riilM.iins. . > i'o KryMiielJ * . tJriii'ej'or Wounds iu ir Animal. A \aluilde liorjo icclline and hard lnuipi n his throat ; oul l not a . r , .niiuicnt 1 H'I < of ammo- .i.i : u.-Miitly serenest ! . u-cd I „ „ ! lump i-.ipi JjL'ol ! ind rt.l my hind on a nisty M-iil -ii'i-li < ! th-ilin- niet , III ? it up with ut cx-ri : iiem , < oiviiv ? . * J st tlife t.r laiuil'Jifiiild 10 trilhi'iiL it. THOMAS < BKUrilKltS. 17th and t * . . rlnli'lel.liiJ. ' | by all driij.i-.ts. No. 411 Sixth Ave- iue. .Vew.nk. . OulySOc ind tl per bottle. J. K. LSJ1. Atcent. A. KLKIV. GREAT WESOT FILE CO , A , sc IIBJOII : > BEJ : & PROPRIETOR. Manufacturers of all kinds of FILES & BASF § S From the best cast steel. , . - , ; - -ies . ! rc-cutaml , warranted clodasnew. ilill picM andt < tone masons' toolssharixined in the hcstiiianucr. .Messrs. Schrocderand KUinaruboth prac tical file cutters and machaiiUU.and will ex- ecu to _ all kinih ; of re-ciitlins Ac. entrusted to their care on reasonable turiuf. Goodsscnt by eXjire s and all orders for work executed pronir > tly. Office Soutd side oft Capital A von no. be tween 13th and llth Streets. Omaha. Neb. nov.idlyr : Mrs. A. Sarp , Office. 1 2 Harncy Ftrcet. next to Keede > Drill Store. janSCnJ 253 ami aw I > otl < ? St. "