ic : > BEE J ALLY OMAHA TUESDAY EVENING , APRIL 25 , 1876. "NT5 - V . * L2 VOL. V. THE DAILY BEE BEE. ROSEWATER. Editor ind Proprietor. OFFICE 138 FarnHam Street , feetwoon 9th. andlOtb. EERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : CODT. i year , tn advadcc , ( postpaid ) . . 88.00 " G months , in advance 4IJ ; | " 3 months , in advance 2.00 FREDERICK. USADENG HATTER. CHEAPEST HAT STORE.1 IN THE WEST , FOR ! HATS. CAPS & FURS. novl-dm6 OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OMAHA WEISS BEER BREWERY 18th and Nicholas. Hot tied Weiss Heer , * 75c. perdoi. * Bottled LaKerl'ecr. 100 " Bottled Stock Ale. 1 25 " " Bottled Porter. 125 " " All orders promptly filled and goods de livered. E. ENGLKR. Prop. BAKERS. Bcindorf i MauS. 210 Douglas Street. TVm. TTrlau & Bro. . 1S1 Douclas Street. nov30-dmG * BOOKS AED STATIONERY. II. .V J.Villnir. . Fine Books and Pictures a fppcinlty. Uth Street between Fnrnham & Douglas. nov3Mm3 ( * J. J. Vrnhanf. Farnhsia Street , between 10 and llth. nor30-6m C. F. Catlin. No. Stt Donelas street. nov 30-3m CRACKER MANUFACTORY. MoClnre .t Smith. 1S3 Harney Street. be 1th and 12th. dec 15-tf CIGAR MANUFACTURERS t West tc Fritschcr , Farnhara Street. * novS9-rm3 * S. JcrRerfon. Cor 10th and Jackson Sts. nov30-6m * CANDY MANUFACTORY. ' H. L. Latey. Dongla = Street. COT. 12th. dov30-6m COAL COMPANY. Pratt & Towlc. M8 Thirteenth Strret. nor 30-lyS * WHOLESALE CHEESE DEALERS. Tacol. PfunJ & Co. . No. 222 Douglas St. nov 30-6mI CLOTHIERS. T. S. Oilwon. Crpiuhton Block.nov nov 30-6in < 5 * A.'Pollack . ' : Co. , Farnlinm Street. nor 30-Cm3" DRY GOOU3. Vf. M. Bushman. nor30-6m Hnmlct Drum. Tenth St. nov30-Gra * HJoTin II. F. Lohmnnn- . New York Dry Good ! Store. 228 Ftirnhaw SI root. novSKm * ' DRUGGISTS. A. B. Snowden. Cor. 13th and Farnham nov30-6m ° Itroets. - WHOLESALE GROCERS. Little & Williams , 275 Douglas Street. nov30-lv6" HOTELS. Atlantic Hotel. Chas. Hoserodt , Cornerof and Howard Sts. nor30-Cm3 * E. T. Vsre. City Hot $ 10th St. . between Farnhnm and llnrncy. novSMy WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS , John Bauraer. corner of llth and Farnhnm Streets. nov 30-9m JOB PRINTING. Omaha Bee. 138 Fnrnham Street. C.F. Catlin. No. 223 DaugU trect. ov 40-fiin WHOLESALE LIQUORS AN1 > CIGARS. S < ul bendorf & Co. . Cor. lllh and Donelas nov ' ! 0-uiG * C. Krutli. 377 Douclag M. HOT 30-ly3' Henry Hornbcrjtcr. xw uouglas ctreot. nov30-Cm MERCHANT TAILOR. O. A. Limloucst , the Merchant ailorrhas received a full uortmcnt of Cloth' . Capsi- mcrcj and Vcsmn ; * , lor fpriiiK and summer which can l > e made up in the latest style and at reasonable rates. Satisfaction eunran- ced. m > t5 MEAT MARKETS. J. M. YerRa. 179 Farnham St. nor 30.1y3 ] fih ) Street Meat Market , P. 0. Toule. * 1-CmS co - SheclyBrog. ( City Meat Market ) . * Street. nov30-lr3 _ U. P. Meat Market. Wm. Aust & Knuth " , ICth Street. novSO-lyG" Jacob Iluba. Omaha Meat Market. 10th St. * between Farnham & llnrncy. nor 30-Gnu Brooklyn Meat Market. A. Aust. 414 i 416 hirteenth Street. dec- ' PAINTS , OILS , iC. R. C. Hiccll. 229 Douglas Street. 80AP FACTORY. Premium Soap Works. Powell A Co. . Mill manufacture thpir Premium Soap. Five firtt premiumsawarded by the Douglas coun ty and State fair ? , and Pottawatamie county Jowa. Orders solicited from the trado. QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE. Geo. C. Honbie. 222 Farnhanj. Stredt. * S0-6m nor - MAX MONVOISIN' Fur Skm Dresser. TANNKJt. French Stejiin Scouring. Kid Gloves and Furs Cleaned. Ill Farnhaia Street , oppo site the HE Office. A - 232 FARNHAM Sf. QfflQRNo rr STAIRS. OMAHA. Bit 'jti' it Ktii Sts. ' Dentists iu the city jj33Gd : uradlsluB' . . NASOX. . B. BILLISOS. A. W. I > i.s. Killings & 234 FarnTinm Street. , BETWEEN . . ' 4'ai.UP-STAIRS. oy use of Nl TeethZ x Qae. dec . TELEGRAPHIC. peclally Reported lor the Omaha Dally Bee. by the Atlantic anil Pacific Telegraph Company. Congressional. SENATE. WASHINGTON , Ai.ril 24. Mr. Sargent , of California , sub- inilteil the following resolution , which was agreed to : Resolved , That the secretary of the treasury is directed to inform the senate of the amount in each , of average and of taxable capital , and of average and of taxable deposits on May 31 , 1875 , in savings institu tions having capitals to stock or bond of respective states and terri tories , together with the amount of tax collected on said capital and said deposits m each of said states and territories during the fiscal year ending lime 30 , 1875 ; also the amount of average and of taxable deposits in savings institutions hav- in capital stock on Slay 31,1875 , to- Kether with the amount of tax col lected upon said deponits on each of said states and territories during the fiscal year ending June 30,1875. Mr. Sargent indicated that in his opinion this would not be a proper provision to make. He did not think from what he liad read in the newspapers of late that spec ial agents were proper pcrsous to in vest with these titles. He then re ferred to the late sensational ac counts sent west by special agents of alleged internal revenue frauds from California. He pronounced these statements to be entirely without foundation. He read an extract of the internal revenue col- lectois in California , and oompar- ing them with the total amount col lected in the United States , he said the total amount collected for the last hbcal year in the Putted States was S103 590,458 , of which $2,083- 69.5 were collected in California. Mr. Sargent exhibited figures to show that under collector oedgwick there had been in two years an increase of 40 per cent , of collections over the two years before he entered into office. Mr. Sargent then showed that the tax on spirits collected was between 1-23 and 1-24 of the whole amount collected in the TJnittd States. In conclusion , he intimated that sinis ter motivof ] were at the bottom of the attack on the internal revenue onlcfer * in California. Mr. bhermsm taul theoOlce of supervisor - pervisor of Internal revenue was created in J867 and 1868 , when the business of the internal levenue bu reau was niueh greater than now. Ot late those cilices had become quasi political ones , and the reason \vli3' Ihey should l > e dispensed with was very well set forth in the letter of the commissioner of internal rev- en-ie in regard to special agents. He said they were no more or less than detectives , and had no business to furnish information to the press , and the e who did ought to be dis charged at once. The letter of the commissioner , Pratt , had stated as his opinion that there is no further necessity of continuing the ' olllce of Mipervispr , and he refers'to the recent - cent wliisky trials in Chicago , St. Louis and Milwaukee to show it. Mr Jones , of Nevada , was enti tled to the lloor ; be reviewed the history of gold and silver , and the relative value of the j-ame ; silver he described as an American currency , ana gold as u UriH li currency ; he argued against copper , &c , but gold and silver were ijp ! onjy universal money Used ; he refers to the prodi gious expenditures of the llornau ejnperors. He also refeired to the period of tjip jhrk ages , when living men and woiircii were passed from hand to hand as money , arid when the price of a hawk was equal to the price of a man ; he reviewed the origin , history , &c. HP referred to the prodigious expenditure * and Jargele.-s of iloman emperors and the lavibli of gifts of precious metals. He reviewed the origin ; md history of bills of exchauue and of the ea- ( ablishnien t of ba nlrs Paper money issued l > 3 * government and declared a legal tender fifst made its appear ance in Europe in 1240 ; anil at tjip HUne time paper mone > was circu lated In China. He discussed the era of paper money "in tjie United States , and the different panics Mr. Jones then cited from carefully prepared tables , covering a period of sixteen centuries , showing that the extreme fluctuations were from 1J.44 to 13.41 ; in the last 200 vears , to 1872 , the ( jxlrpme fluctuations ' ' were from 14.78 to 18.73' Then he cited the financial history of this whole period to show that silver had beeij a leas variable standard than gold. In 181C England yield ed to the temporary depreciation of silver and established a single gold standard. The result was disas . trous. Outside of England no coun try save Portugal had a Dingle gold standard until 1863. The etlects of the gold discoveries in California had u marvelous eflect. England still had a single gold standard ; France and most of i he other large nations u double standard , and many of the smaller nations a siu- , -ule silver standard. As gold be came plenty various nations began , the silver to make gold coinj btif ver standard fluctuated within very narrow Iimitsfor80yearsfrom 1798 to 18C5 ; but in England , France and Auieiica nourished and prospered , nevertheless , because of the double standard. The next epoch In the history of coin was the opening of the great Comstock lode. With this discovery began the attack on silver as a standard. This was lor several reasons , the least of whicu M'as the fear of Eu ropean capitalists lest America should become the monetary cen tre of the world. Since the begin ning / this century the amount o ! coin per capita , throughout the world , has doubled. The production of silver had been almost uniform , In this time the whole production of gold had fluctuated enormously , and yet political characters wautet to divorce gold from silver am make it only le al tender. H < pointed out what he concedet would be a disastrous consequeuci resulting from such a policy ; he re ferred to and commented at som < length on the act of J873. W < should not be dependent for thi standard of our currency on a for eign nation ; this was the object o of value thepro gold as a standard , duct of which would annually di miuish , and which was under th control of the natiou , inimical to re publican institutions. The produc of silver is steady and even , und w have it in oar own control ; he maiu tained the desirability of the double standard and argued against a sin gle standard policy. At 3:30 : p. m. Mr. Jones suspend ed his remarks , and the senate % ad- jourued. HOUSE. Mr. Fort introduced a bill to or ganize a better government for the Indian country and to establish United States courts thereiu. Mr. CarnpUlt introduced a bill to increase the circulation of national bank notes , to relieve national banks from tax on circulation , to liquidate the national debt , and to strengthen the national credit. Mr. O'Brien introduced a bill to reorganize the navy. It provides that there shall be on the active list six rear adiuiralfyeighteen commo dores , fifty captains and seventy- five commanders , and that promo , tions In these grades shall cease until those numbers shall have been reached. Mr. Faulkner , from the commit tee on "foreign affairs , reported a joint resolution requesting the pres ident to take such steps as may tend to obtain the early release of Edward O. M. Condon , from his imprisonment in England. Passed. Mr. Gibson offered a resolution for the appointment of a select com mittee of nine , to make a thorough examination into the conduct and management of the New Orleans custom house , and the offices of marshal , district attorney , postmas ter , assessor , and collector of iin r- nal revenue , ami of such other fed eral officers as they may discover to ba implicated in wrong doing , and violation of law , with power to sit in flew Orleans during the recess of congress. Mr. Hubbard objected to raisin a special committe with such pow ers , and suggested that the subject should be referred to out. ' the reg- ulai committees. Mr. Gibson moved to suspend the rules. rules.Mr. Mr. Hale asked Mr. Gibson to let the subject go to one of the regular committees of the house , and to strike pat the remarkable clause as to the committee sitting during re cess. cess.Mr. . Gibson declined to accede to that suggestion. Mr. Hajl Then we must have the yeas and nays on8usneusion _ of the rules. A vote > vas taken , and the rules were not suspended yeas , 146 ; najv , 77 ; not a two-thirds vote in the uilirmative. * lhe vote was a strict party one. YESTERDAY'S MARKETS. Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO , April 24. Cattle Receipts , 4,000 ; market dull am } weak ; shippers are hold ing ofl'and the local demand is re stricted. The market is oveistock- ed by country drovers , and snippers should remember the condition of the uiurkets , and hold back their consignments until sellers have been enabled to work oil the thousands of stale entile now in pens. Good to choice , 5 2fui5 25 ; medium , H 65a 4 15 ; butchers' stock , il 30a4 00. Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; in good demand , firm and higher ; j acking , 7 C0a7 90 ; light bacon , 7 70aS 50 ; lair-to choice shippers , 7 90a8 10. Sheep Receipts , 300 ; maiket quiet and steady ; common to choice , 4 25aG 75 ; fair to choice , 5 25aC V5. i t. Louis Produce Market. ST. Louis , Apiil 24. Flour Dull and unchanged. Wheat Dull and lower. No. 2 red fall , 1 40 cash ; 1 38J bid at close ; 1 34 bid June. Corn In good demand and lower ; 45 a4. > J ror fttnh ; 4G bij } fpr April ; 46 a4(5J ( bid for May. Oats Dull and lower ; No. 2,34 bid cosh for April and May , Ilye Unchanged. liai'Iey .Dull and ) nchrfntp < l. ' AVhiskv-Q'iiet ' , u'f'l 08. Pork Dull , at 22 f > 0. Lard Dull ; 13 00 asked. Bulk Meats Firmer ; shoulders , S ; sides , lljaljj. St. Louis Liye Stock. ' fcT. XiOUl ? , April 24. Hogs Receipts , 1,800. Market quiet ; ligjjt shipping , 7 00u7 30 ; yorkers and 'bacon grud.es , 7 2fa ; 7 50. Cattle Receipts , 2,000. MarUet quiet ; good to choice natives , 4 75u 5 12 ; medium to fair , 4 12a4 37. Pledges left at the American L < oan Office are uon-fbrfeitable. If the owner Is not ulilo tp redeem them , they will be sold for his beuefitand any motioy left tn our hands over and above our claim will be placed subject to his order. , . . .Money loaned on Diamonds , WfttchbB , Jewelry , Guns , Pistols , and all mcifhandise in general. Special rates given on auj" amount over $100. For further Information call on or address PH. UOTTHEIMER , Omaha , Neb. RAILROAD TICKETb BOUGHT mav2Glv ANDKOLp. Cureccted Daily for thoUraaha Bee by Cuthbertson & Young Commission Merchants. WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. CnKYKSSK , W. T , . April 2 , 1576. Spring WheatFlour.persack $2 90@3 10@3 2 Winter do do do 4 00 4 75 Corn , perlOQ $ . - . . 1 10 dale , do . . . . . . . . . 1 35 Barley do . . . . _ . . . . . . „ _ . _ . _ . . Chopped Feed per 103 fts . . - 1 35 Bran , per ion Ibs . 1 20 I'otatoes.SaltLake perlOOlbs . . - - Potatoes. Eastern . . . 1 00 Sweet Potatoes per 100 Ib3 . 3 00 Onions , per 'HI Ibs . . . . 2 00 Beets per 100 Ibs _ . . 2 50 Dressed Turkeys per Ib . . . 179 18 do Chickens do . . . 14 Roll Butter.choice.per Ib. . . 35 30 Ranch Butter or tab per Ib 2J Fresh Egt , per dox - 20 Orankea box JO 10 e Lemons per do . - . . . . . . . . - . . - . . . . Berries do * * * * * * * f Apples per barrel . . . . . . . 5 00@C 00 Oyaters can 5C@ SO Fresh Fish per per Ib * . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prairie chickens per doz . 3 50 4 ml Qail per dor- 3 50 4 00 Bacon do . „ _ . . " > D. Uoss.per Ib 10 Our market is very strong and active. VERY LATEST I MIDNIGHT. Arrest of the Supposed Old Lady Bender and Daughter. "Matilda Jane" Pans Out Well. ISpecialto the HKK. ] LAIAMI K , CITY , April 24. The sherilfof this city has arrest ed and confined in Jail here two two women , supposed to be the old woman and Kate Bender , of Kan sas murder fame. A description of the Benders was telegraphed here to day , and corresponds exactly to these prisoners. They have been living here in a shanty on the out skirts of ( he city for some weeks , the old woman pretending to be a fortune teller. They are two of the hardest looking characters that i have ever seen in this vicinity , and will be kept here for further inves tigation. M. [ Special to the BEE. ! LAKAMIK , April 25. An assay taken to-day of a rock irom the Matilda Jane lode of the Vulcan Silver Mining Co. , in the Ferris district , shows $275.56 to the ton. They are making preparations to put in machinery at once. M. CIWOIIT1TATJ. A Waman's Walking Match. Discovery of a Horrible Murder. A Minister Elopes with a Young Girl. CINCINNATI , April 25. A womens * walking match was inaugurated this morning at J < .xpo silioii Hall by Miss Ferold , who proposes to show that womans" power ' er o * endurance u as great as that of man. The contestants are Miss Mias Julia Keeves and Miss Belie Mclntyre. Eesides these Miss Flo ra McArthur , a Scotch lasie who weighs 145 pounds , will walk by way of exhibition. .She has been in training : teveral weeks. The cqutest lasts during the week. The particulars of a mo&t horribe ] crime has just come to light in For est , Qhio. Ajout ( a weekago , jolin Hauiuerck , a farmer , liying live miles froiu town , was working in the field with his daughter , a little girl beven years of age , and a Son age fifteen , he became enraged at something the latter had done , and raising u handspike , struck him on the head , knocking him senseless. Ttiinkinir he had only fainted and fearful of the consequences , when his brutality should become known , he struck him again and again , until life had become extinct , ( inish- iug covering up the body in an ad jacent log heap , and threatening the girl with like punishment uulejw she. promised perfect silence. He then gave out that the boy had run away , and nothing strange was thought of the matter until yester day , when the little girl , iu answer to u question , admitted Ujot she knew ttie whereabouts of her broth er , but was afiaid to tell. ' On being questioned closely she linally gave a full .statement pf the murder , but was'uot able to givu'thu exact local ity. The > vhole neighborhood turn ed out , and after a short search found the body partially dcccmpds- ed byexK | > sure. Upon suspicion be ing arou-sed Kaurneck attempted to escape , but was arrested and lodged Kev. Mr. Parker , pastor of the Presbyterian cljurcli at Ashland , Ivy. , left home last yednesday in a rather jnysteriptiM manner in com pany of a youiig girl of 'his congre gation. It is thought they came to this city. He had been stationed at that place for over twenty years , d has always beun regarded us a ery exemplary man. His conduct is the subject of much comment. lie led a wife and several children ill Aslilaml. He had recently been called to a church near liaitjmore , Md. ( and his friends expected him to soon leave for Ins new Held of la bor. SALT LAKE , April 25. Dom IVdro and suite and tUe ISew yoik Herald correspondent yesterday visited the Tabernacle and temple , und afterwards attend ed religious services in the assembly rooms and started west last night , The jury in the Kelly murder case reported a verdict of murder in the second degree. Kelly was deeply affected. * LONDON , Aprill 25. A Constantinople special says thq failure of Mukhtar Pachas attempty to revictual Ifimsjc has caused fon- sternalion in the Turkish capital. The Miltan has sent to Egypt for troops and money to relieve the Turkish garrisons. The porte evi dently considers the situation des perate. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Hew York Money Market. . .NEW YORK , April 25. Gold 112 | . Money Easy ; 3 Stocks clo.ed as follows : Pacific , 21 j ; W U , 66 } ; M C , 52 | L S , 56 } ; St. Paul , p'd , 64 ; NV 39J ; pfd 59 ; Erie. 16 ; C G& I C , 4 | St. Joe , 15J ; NYC , 112J ; O & M 16 | ; U P , 64 ; Wabash , 3. Foreign Markets. LONDON , April 25. Consols Steady ana unchanged United States Bonds Firm ant steady ; ' 67s , 1 09Jal 09 | ; 10-40s 1 0"al 07J ; new 5 , 106al 09 * . " Erie Shares 14 j. "Money More abundant. LIVERPOOL , April 25. Cotton Dull and declined ; sale 6,000 bales at 65 1-16 for uplands. CABLEGRAMS. STEW Hatch vs. Gould and Dillon. IOKK , April 25. The case of liufiw Hatch against Sidney Dillon and Jay Gould came up yesterday in the supreme court on an order to show cause why a mandamus should not issue to com pel the defendants to permit him to examine the books , etc. , of the Pa- citio Mail company , and also why a temporary injunction restraining them from acting as directors should not be continued. After hearing a long argument , the court reserved decision. The following failures were an nounced yesterday : George Bain , Son & Co. , coffee dealers ; liabilities $100,000. Martin Y. Dunn & Co. , coffee dealers ; liabilities not large Ernest Grundher , lumbermerchuut ; liabilities large. .NEW I'OKK , April 25 There were rumors current here yesterday about euibarra'smeut among leading coffee dealers , nut inquiries among the dealers them selves elicit no continuation of the rumors. John Heavy , a canal boatman , who fought a duel with knives last January with John Ford , in Jersey City , and inflicted wounds on Ford from which he died , was to-day sen tenced to ten years' imprisonment , he having plead guilty to the charge of mauslalighter. EAST. Boston Enthusiastically Goes for Bristow. NEW YOKK , April 25. A Times special from Boston says : An important conference of the leaders of the Bristow move ment was held yesterday , when an uncompromising support was pledg ed to the secretary of ti.e treasurj' . There was an outspoken discussion of candidates , Blaine being sharply criticized by one or two gentlemen , several Bristow men , however , took occasion to disclaim any hos tility to Bluine , saying that they desired only the most inviolable man. The Bristow club held alitrge meeting last niirlit , and a grand rally will beheld this evening. The editor of the Transcript made along speech , pronouncing Blaine not the man to be supported by the reform ers. Ho urged the use of every pos sible means to secure Bristow's nomination , and failing in that , to run him on an independent ticket. The president , Mr Hopes , said that judging from the popular sentiment he did not doubt that the feeling for Brislaw will fqrce the uelegates , willing or unwilling , to vote for him at Cincinnati. The Herald thinks the long stalo- ment made in the Hous-e yesterday by liluine will lie accepted as satis factory by candiil men of both po litical parties. Accepting Blame's vindication us satisfactory the pub lic will be curious to know who in spired the accusation , and it would now seem to be in order , it says , for Senator Morton to rise am ] explain. The Tribune say that Blaine's speech denying that lie had receiv ed $64,000 , is straightforward and lucid It would now be difficult to conceive of evidence to overthrow the testimony which the oncers ot the give ; that there has been no such transaction either direct or indirect ' direct wilh'BIaine. That the stoiy being disposed of , other rumors will have to be met iu different way * , 1 because they are less in truth , ij their statement of the facts be accep ted , tliere will be , little or nothing lelt to support ( lie scandal. The ( Sun , says Blaiue's speech ia n < U satisfactory it believes he had the money. 1'lie world says Blame's speecli would have been more effective had it been made at an earlier date ; though hi-icontaa'Jk'tion of the sto ry was flat and peremptory , and supported by explicit fetters from persons iuapositiou to know where of they allirm. The Times , on Jones' speech yes terday on silver , says that if a la.rgo portip.u ofthecivilixtd vorh } should reject silver asj inoney , its value for that purpose to tiie nations that did not discard it , would bo we well destroyed , and if supplies from the mints became excessive , and its value rapidly moved downward on recount of over production , it would come to a substance u fit fur njojiey The Times' JJUCH on to show the disasters that have happened to sil ver , and says the plain truth is that silver at this moment in unlit to be made an instrument of exchange and a standard of pecuniary engage ments. In conclusion the Times says that Jones' arguments can be reduped to three words : "Buy my silver. " HIH speech is an appeal to inflationists to mask tl mselves as hard-money men , and go in for sil ver. ver.The Tribune says : The speech u ill attract attention by its display of a motion of the subject , and whatever may be thought of the financial theories of Senator Jones , his speech , us far as delivered , is fai feupdrior to the usual flood ot con- greasloual wisdpm n such subjects. PETERSBURG , April 25. The staleiurnt that the govern ment is contemplating an increase in the Mediterranean , squadron h reiterated in Kutwiun diplomatic cir cles. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. ' Br virtue pf nn order of sale issued ou , of the District Court for Douglas Cpupty Nebraska . , _ and to mo . directed. I _ will . . on th rf.ii5 i * i -1- n So- ! ; IM ' Vtfi . . 1876 ] - day of.May. . A. D. , a.tlOo'cloc a. m. pf said day. nt the south door of th Court llou ° e in the city of Omaha , in sail county , sell at public auction the nropcrt described in said order , to-wit : The eae twenty-two ( ! ) feet pf lot live (5) ( ) . in bloc ! number eighty-eight (831. ( in tljc cjty pf Oma ha. in said county and State , tojjbiher little , administrator , etnl , , dofundint . ALVBKD BUKLKV. fcheriff , It Master Commiseioncr. LEGAL NOTICE. To Eugene A. Thomas , non-resident , d < fendant : TaKe notice that Edward P. Peck , i plaintiff , has filed \i\s \ \ bill of particulai against you , 'as defendant , in the Count Court for Douglas ConntyN braska , when in he claims judgment against you for SICK and interest thereon at 12 per cent per at num Irom March 10th , 1870 , and attorney fees , on a promisory note made by you , an that an order oi attachment lias been issue out of said court against you in such sui and your personal property in taid counl has been siezed thereby You arc requirt to appear and answersaid bill of particula on or before the5th day of June. 1S70. GKO. E. PEITCHKTT. apr25-ltew4w Plaintiff's Attorney. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Advertiieraents of To Let , For Sale , Lost , Wants , Found , Boarding , Ac. , will bo inserted in tncse columns once forTEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVE CENTS per line. The first insertion never less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. TO LOAN. M ONEY TO LOAN. DR. EDWARDS. 1S1 Farnham St. febllitf MM1 M1 QNEY TO LOAN-Call at law office of D. L. THOMAS. Visscher's Block. aprltf WANTS. WANTED A live , active party to en gage in a business requiring no capi tal and paying large profits. Call upon or address UeoU'ilkinson fur. a few days , at the Metropolitan Hotel , Omaha , Nebraska. apriJ-U0 WAXTED AlituatioiTbFtwo girlJto do housework for private family. In quire. MP.S. Sl'UUKKA ' , apr ! -2t 10th and Dodge Sta. "VtTANTED Two men to work on farm. YV Fine set work harness for sale cheap. M. K. FOBBED. apr2I-6t * Tyler's Stable. WANTED IMMEDIATELY 25 Students to learn Telegraphy. Situiif'nns ituar- jjnteed. Address Jc-W. HAINES. apHOdlm Business College , Omaha. Neb. CANTED A Girl to do housework. Enuuire of "B. " this office. apllOdtf WANTED- men and women to buy my Missouri oak wood at SS-50 per cord. Yard 235 Chicago street. felxHf S. P. BRIGOS. OAlfrASSEIlS WASTED for a goad Killing article. Profit large. tlJnn : 0 TTO NKfTJlA MUER. aprl7w3tAil-ivI Jiurlinoton. luica. FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR TRADE-Our complete outCt for street sprinklingand deliver ing water , consisting of one engine house , one steam pump pipe , two large tanks , six water wagons , six pair horses and mules and harness , everything complete for busi ness. KiuuAi.i. i : WHITE. A FINE street dai io-eii. IB ! Farnham ktrcct DR. EDWARDS , aprjtf FOR SALE At a great bargain several Iftstn Lowe's addition , tor $80 each. Address "A. " BKE office. frb2tf FOR SALE A lotinShinn's 3d addition for $350. S100 in cash , balance in a year. A liberal reduction for a full cash payment. Apply to "A. " BKK office. f2tf FOR SALE A Grovcr & Baker cabinet sowing machine for 3W. Apply nt this offieo feb2tf FOR SAljti. At reduced rntoi , a life membership of the Bryant i Stratton' ? Business College. Davenport , Iowa. Apply fi > r terms at BKE office. novO-tf FOR RENT. T710R RENT Two rooms with all convcn- 1 } iences for housekeeping. 4U , llth street , opposite Krue's Brewery. apr'-Si-lw EOR RENT A house ; all improvements : Pacific Street , between llth and 12th. npr2.-it ( * ( HEAPREXT-A house and 10 acre" , of Vy ' ( and. vitliin 3 miles of the city. Has been cultivated as a garden , apriltf S1IEELY ; BROS , FOR RENT Good hou-epartly furnished. Rent can bo paid in board if desired. Cor. Saunters and Michigan Ss. ( apr24t3 FOR RENT A two story dwelling house l > y L , F , MAOINS , apr2i-tf A'ispchcr'a Block. F URNISHED rooms over drug store. 12th and Douglas. aprH-10t FOR KENT On Gve years leases the lots mi mirth cide of Capitol Avenue be tween Hth and loth streets. Inquire nt office of A. J. PolTLKTOX , aurl'J-Ct Odd Fellows' Block. T7 > URNISI1ED houses and rooms to let , 131 J ? FaruhamSt. I > R AWARDS. " mchffitf RENT Store on 12th street near the FOR of Douglas. Suitable for a butcher-shop. Enquire atJ. C. ROSEX- FELD'S. aprTtf MISCELLANEOUS. rrUKEN tIP-By P. Powers , on April 8th. JL Jb"6 , ( me bay horse cujt about three years old ; 2 hind feet hie. ( apr2ii-ltew5t TNSTRUCTlONin instrumental music by L Mjs Ida Kennedy , at cpjrner IJth and Davenport' . apr-5-tt "I71STRAVED A brown horse pony ; has JJJ Iwo white hind feet ; is about five years idd. A re arU will be given to party re- Uirniug him ( < > ! . M. Verga. 17'J Farnham ! ( iee.t , apr25-3t a meeting of the Omaha Ice Compa AT ny , held on the 22d day of April it was unanimously resolved that the Compa ny's prices for ice from May 1st would be , for those taking an average cf SCtt ! > ' daily. "Oe per 100 Irs : 1 < X | Ibs. liV15 Ibs , 75o : un- ler la Ib ; . $ UN. \ . N. VINDQUEST. 'M.'S. WIUTK. ' President. Secretary , apr2l lw HQUSLEY'S horse radish is good for con- L sqinption. air2d-10tw | M. Of.AH.KE. Real Estate Agent JOljN Notary Public. Office No. ± 13 eet , opposite Academy of Music. uprl'J-lW T3ARTIES in need of responsible book- J _ keepers will do well to address uprlStf BUSINESS COLLEGE , Omaha. ' - P.tcpt Baaitin * and Bakiag MORAN'-S the diploma at the American Institute , 1874. On the Vacuum Plan. Nearly Air Tight. For meats , poul try , game , fish , bread , cake and puddings. Will make all meats and poultry tender ! Twenty per ccnt.sayetr in shrinkage 1 Bakes bread sweeter and lighter t Juices apd Fla vors retained ! Thoroughly self uaatiug ! Pays for itself monthly ! This is not 11 sjcam apparatus. All the above warranted , and if nof satisfactory. n\oney \ cheerfully refunded. Not a single pan has been re turned of the thousands sold. It will fit any stove or oven. The invention cqusists of two pans a shallow ope fof the bottom and a deep qno fqr tbe top fitting together and fastened in a simple manner su as to be nearly airtight. Tbo , upj > er one is furnish ed with a ventilator tit the front end , to open and cloo as required. Thoroughly made of charcoal sheet iron. It is so simple in its operation as to be understood by all. By roasting meats or poultry in n closed pan you prevent the great loss by evaporationof oicr20i > cr cent , in weight , besides saving those delicious flavors and juices , as they cannot escape , but permeate thoroughly the meat or poultry whi t cooking , thereby bastlujt mpre < JflciarHyhan \ by any tedious hand Vrooest ! . This renders meats and poultry tender ami juicy , and furnishes a delicius gravy unknown in any other mode of roasting. Directions for meats , poultry , &c. Pre pare your meat , as usual , putting a small quantity of water in the pan ; 'lose the pan and ventilator tight until it is done , allow ing ten or fifteen minutes in time for every pound of meat , according to the beat ol oven. To brown it. open ventilator or tike otr top fifteen minutes before taking it out of the oven. Directions for baking bread Fill the bottom tom nan nearly full of dough : when it - sufficiently raised put ; t in the ovenleaving the \entilator open ten or twelve minutes until th ( carbonic'acid gas passes off , then close th < ventilator until it is done. Some put ordi nary open pans , filled with the dough , in side the baking pan , and also put pudding ! in another pan inside. The agents of the above will be in tin * ' ' f . In.l- . nvtlnra The , city'tor a few days taking orders. ] have sold 350 jn. Council Bluffj , giving per fec ( -4-2t RESOLUTION ORBERING SIDEWALKS. Be it resolved by the City Council of th City of Omaha : That a sidewalk be. within thirty day from this date , repaired and laid to th temporary grade in said City , in front o and adjoining the following describe' ' premises , viz : Lota 1,2 , 7 and . west sulo 9th street , ii block 100. 6 feet wiqc. Loll , w stside9th street and south aid Douglas , in block 124 , 6 feet wide. Lot 2 , west side 9th street , in block 121 6 feet wide. Lot 8 , north side Douglas , in block 102,1 feet wide. Lot 8 , west side llth. in block 102 , 6 fee wide. Lots 1.2 , 3 and 4 , Bart street , in block 31' 4 feet wide. Such sidewalk to he repaired of 2-iuc pine plank , and to be in width as abov specified. . Passed April 6.10 and 19th. 1S76. 0. C. LUDLOW. apr25-ltew2w City Clerk. A. Hospe , Jr. & Co. Looking-Glasses , Pictures , Regilding. 284 DODGE ST. , Omaha Neliraaka. ! an24dtf Ul > . < Millinery Opening. Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday , APRIL Cruickshank&Co. apr20-lm RESOLUTION ORDERING SIDEWALK ? ? Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Omaha : That a sidewalk be.within thirty days'from this date , constructed and laid to the tem porary grade insaidCity. in front of and ad joining the following described premises , vu : Lotsl and 2. in block 345 , Burt street , 4 feet wide. Lots 4 and C , in block 34G , 22d street. 4 feet wide. Lota J. 2. 3 and 4 , in block 317. Burt street. 4 teet wide. Lot 1. in block 14. 20th street. 4 feet wide. ' . ' . 4 feet wide. Lot 4. in block 0,20th street. Lots 1 , 4 , 5 and 8. west side 9th street , in block 93.6 feet wlde. _ Lot S , north side Dod.ro street , in block 93 , Ii feet wide. Lota 4 and 5. east side 9th street , in block D , 0 feet wide. Lots 5 , 6 , 7 and 8 , north side Dodgo-street. in block D , 6 feet wide. Lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4. south side Dodge street , in block E , 6 feet wide. Lots 4 Aid 5 , cast side 9th street , in block E. 6 feet wide. Lots 10 and 20. north side St Mary's Ave nue , in Thorncll's addition. 6 feet wide. Lots 31. 32 and 33 , in ( JriSin & Isaacs' ad dition , 6 feet wide. Lots 1 and 8 , in block 200. west side 13th street. Gleet wide. Lota 1 and 8 , in block 223 , west side 13th street. 6 feet wide. Lots land 8 , in block 223. west side 13tb street , Ii feet wide. Lota 1 and S.nn block 253 , west sida 13U street , G feet wide. Lots 1 and 8 , in block 258. west side Utt street. 6 feet wide. Such sidewalk to be constructed of 2-incl pine plank , and to be in width as above spe cified. Passed April 6,10 and IS. W6. 0. C. LUDLOW. apr25-ltow2w " City Clerk. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issuec out of the District Court for Dougla County , Nebraska , and to me directed , . will , on the 27th day of May. A. D. 1376. a said day , at the soutl 10 o'clock a. m. of door of the Court House in the city of Oman : in said county , sell at public auction th property described in said order , to-wit The west thirty feet front and rear of lo three (3i. ( in block fifty-eight (53) ( ) , in thecit : of Omaha , said connty and State , to gatisf a Judgment of said court recovered by Isaa H. Congdon , plaintiff , against Wm. F Sweesey , adnvnistrator ol the ctUte f Mathew Harris , deceased , et al. , defend ants. ALFRED BOBLET , Sheriff. It Master Commissioner. MISCELLANEOUS. ; DEWEY & 1STO3STE Have just received ajlarge stock of 1 BIEIDIR/OOIM : AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Great Western Market ! ; 101 .1- . , Henry : iIOinnir < oiiistnua. feed , Sale and Eichoge { Stable , Horses. Ma , WJJMS , Harness , k , for Sale Cbp , 9rEic ! > afge fee-Special attention given to Boarding Stock. Black Hitlers can p'urvhasu Cem ikto Outfits at this Stable. , A. J. T OT'.ri31 * . X'r p. mektf G.A.IRWJN. E. C.ELLIS & ELLIS , ii litf Tils III iff AjiiOI U J. UuliJ i mchlm OMAHA. M. HELLMAN & CO , MANUFACTURERS OF CLOTHI ANI is ix ; GENTS' FUE-NISEDDSra GOODS- 521-22 Fnrnlmm St. . Corner 13th Street. ONE PRICE - - HOODS HARKED IX PLAIN FItfUKES. febl-d&nlr MURPHY & LOYETT- -al Iiisin-ance g- OFFICE 197 FAKMIAM STREET , OMAHA , XUlt. Fire , Marine & Inland Risks Written As low as the hazards and the principles of sound UNDERWIlITLN'd will justify. All LOSSES promptly adjusted and paid at this Agency. ; The Following Companies Represented : JEtna , of Hartford , - - A iiet , :3 192,649 Hartford Tire , of Hertford , " 2,500OOO O North British , and Mercantile , of London and Edinburgh , - 20,000,000 OO Amazon , of Cincinnati , - - - 915.284 00 Connecticut Tire , of Hartford , - 877,594 58 Scottish Commercial , of Glasgow , - - 10,000,000 ou St. Paul Fire and Marine , of St. FanI , 9OO,983 2O Mississippi Valley , of Memphis , - 4O4.719 7 American Central , of St. Loulx , 1.200.00O OO QnoonI of Liverpool and London , - - 11,145.729 OO Manhattan Tire of Now York. 28O1.O92 91 R. BINGHAtf&SON , General Commissioo Merchants 512 Twelfth Street , Omaha , Nebraska. dec7-dly CONSIGNMKNTS AND ORDERS SOLICITED. A. B. HTTBERMANN & CO. , Practical Watchmakers AND Manufacturers of Jewelry ! SOUTHEAST COKXEIl OF 13T1I & DOUOLAS STREETS. WATCHES , CLOCKS , JEWELRY AND AT W ou Dealers Can Save Time & Freight byiOrdering ol'us. EMJKAYIXtt DOXE FUEE OF CHAIUiE. ALL OOOns WARRAN1ED 7O BE AS REPKF.SBN1ED. MORGAN & GALLAGHER , ( Nuce tors to C'rolchloii t Mor n WHOLESALE G AOENTS t'OIl 1IA/.AICI ) POWDER COMPANY. 205 Farnham St. , - Omalia , Web. IprS-lf. TIRE INSURANCE. FlRE lUSURANCE TmEILEADINO EERUnX AND ENGLU-.l FOR RELIABLE U1 tttLartu Companies , call at the Old-Katablwhed Agency of Fi EnSTCF" & 'lECO Room No. ' _ .Creighton Block , URTEEN well-known Companies. who eCa h Capital * and A mm FOURTEEN - Wo ire agent * for ru are , ed Surpiu3. January 1. 1S75. were as follows : JJ.1S3.&V , 22 ' York , PHffiN'IX. of New CONEINENTAL , of New York. , of New York. GERMAN AMERICAN K.VH 3 * Philadelphia. PKNNSYDVANIA , of F1RK ASSOCIATION , of Philadelphia. A5IER1CAN , of Philadelphia. . . SPRINGFIELD , of Msn-tachusetts. 1.1M.5.3VJ 15 NATIONAL , of llartford. - OH IENT. of Hartford. IK ME , of Ohio. - TtDERS' RC3ER WILLIAMS. of Chicago. lof Providence. R.i. ( ) IMPERIAL , of London. ROYAL , of ; Liverpool. " W4I01 > B1JRN dc PJtICE , PLUMBERS , GAS AND STEAM FITTERS ! WHOLESALE DEALERS IN- . KAUTIIE.V I > RAIV I I1 > C. Ar. ; PLVaCBEIWHATEKIAUS. Dodp-e. Oinohn. 529 14th St. . bet. Dousrlas and marl3-tt