OMAHA BEE V. OMAHA THURSDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 10 , 1876. NO. 197 THE OMAHA BEE. E. ROSEWATER. Editor tnd Proprietor. EERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : COPT , i year , in advadce. ( postpaid ) . . SJ.CO 6 months , in advance . * 3 months , in advance FREDERICK , XEADING HATTERf CHEAPEST HAT STORE ! IN THE WEST , FOR HATS , CAPS & FURS. HOT 1-dmG HAMLET ORTTM , Has lately received a lot ofwinter foods from the latest styles , and cheaper than ever. tad MHO & Empress dolt , And other woolen dre < ! s goods. Also has blanketsjind yarns in all colors , from Iowa Homestead. Carpets and mnslins are SOfI > C1TEAP NOW. nov 203m 03LUIA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. , BOOTS AND SHOES. W. B. Lorinf ? & Co. , Dadics anJ.Gcnta' fine band and machine rande shoes ft special * ty. Cor. 14th and Farnham Sts. oov30m3 ' 'BAKERS. ' | BeindorCfc Mau. . 240 Douglas Street."ZJS nOv30-6m3 \Vm. Urlau A Bro. . 181 Douglas Street. M. Weber. 492 Tenth Street. norSB-CmS * BOOKS AED STATIONERY. R. & 3. Wilbur. Fine Books and Pictures a specialty. 14th Street between Farnham i Douglas. nov 30-3m3 * J. J. Fruhauf. Furnham Street , between 10 and llth. DOT 305m C. F. Catlin. No. 233 Douglas street. nov 30-3m BREWERS. Eu. Engler , Brewer of Weiss Beer ? 18th and Nicholas street * Bottled Stock Ale , Porter , Lager and Weis Beer constantly on hand- All orders promptly attended to. 3nov22-ly ( CRACKER MANUFACTORY. " McClure ASmith. . 1S3 Harncy Street , bot. llth and 12tb. deol5-tG CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. West Fritschcr , Farnham Street. nor30-GmS S. Jcrgerson , Cor 10th and Jackson Sts. CANDY MANUFACTORY : I. L. Latey. Douplns Street. Cor. 12th. I * * * 3 dovSO-Gm COAL COMPANY. Pratt & Towlc. SIS Thirteenth Street. nor 30-ly3 * .WHOLESALE CHEESE DEALERS. Jacob Pfund .t Co. , No. ssn Douglas St. nov30-6m3 CLOTHIERS. J. S. Gibson , Creighton Block. A. Pollack i Co. . Farnham Street. nov30-6m3 * - _ DRY GOODS. IW. M. Bushman. Douclns Street. nov30-6m Hamlet Drum , Tenth St. nov30-6m3 * John H. F. Lehmnnn. New York Dry Goods Store. 228 Farnham Street. novSO-6m3 J. H. Brackin. Crcightop. Block. . nov30-ly ( DRUGGISTS. A. P. Snowdcn , ICor. 13th and Farnham Streets. nov 30-6m3 * FUR MANUFATORY. A. Hubcnnan , fill and 61313th Street. nov3-ly3 ( FRAMES AND MIRRORS. A. Hospo.jr. , i Co. , 284 Dodge Street. nor 30 " 3m WHOLESALE GROCERS. Little i Williams. 275 Douglas Street. nov30-lv3 * HOTELS. ' Atlantic Hotel. Chas. Haserodt. Corner of VOth and Howard Sts. nor 30-6m E. T. Pace. City Hotel , 10th St. . between Farnham and Harney. nor 30-ly JEWELERS & WATCHMAKERS. A. B. Hubcrmann ± Co. , S. E. Cor. 13th and Douglas Streets. nor 30-ly3 ° John Bnumcr , corner or llth and Farnham Streets. nov 30-gm JOB PRINTING. Omaha Bee. 133 Farnbam Street. C. F. Catlin. No. 223 Dougla treet. or40-6m WHOLESALE LIQUORS-ANu CIGARS. Stubbcndorf & Co. , Cor. llth and Douglas g treet. nor T0-6m3- C. Krutli. 2C7 Douglas St. nov 30-lyS * Henry Hornberccr. 2S > Douglas ctrcot. nor30-0m MERCHANT TAILOR. G. A. Lindquest. the Merchant -ftllor. has _ received a full assortment of Cloths. Cassi- roeres and Vesting * , for fall and winter , which can be made up in the latest style and at reasonable rates , Satisfaction Kuaran- eed. septS MEAT MARKETS. J. M. Yerga. 179 Farnham St. nor 30.1y3 18)h Street Meat Market. P. 0. Toule. l-6m3 * ec - SheelyBros. ( City Meat Market ) . Douglas Street. nov30-ly3 U. P. Meat Market , Wm. Aust & Knnth. 16th Street. nor 30-ly3 * Jacob Hubs. Omaha Meat Market. 10th St. between Farnham i llarney. nov SO-CmS * Brooklyn Meat Market. A. Anat. 414 & 416 Thirteenth Street. dec 2-ly PAINTS , OILS , &C. R. C. Stcell. 229 Douglas Street. Street.nor30ly3 * SOAP FACTORY. Premium Works. Powell & Co.till manufacture their Premium Soap. Fire Brat preminmsawarded by the Douglas coun ty and State fairs , and Pottawatamie county Iowa. Orders solicited from the trade. QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE. ! Gco. C. Hobble , 222 Farnham Stredt. nor 30-6m3 * : EOCKElWJILHASEELL- ) _ COMMISSION BERCIAKTS ! We make i Specially of Equal ta Winter Wheat-Every Sack WAHRANTED.I GENERAL BABCOCK. His Personal Appearance and Re cord. [ St. Louts Globe-Democrat. 8th. ] Except the trial of Aaron Burrand theimpeacbmentof President John son , no more imoortant trial has 'been held in theJJriited States since the century began than that which was virtually commenced yester day. But there are many points of contrast between those and this. Aaron Burr , an ex-Vice-Presldent , had to answer at Richmond to an accusation of an attempt to estab lish a private empire of his own in territory which the genius of the .American people had long before marked out as a peculiar province. He was acquitted after a long and tedious trial , but few of his unpreju diced cotemporaries doubted his guilty desire to accomplish ; the am bitious aim imputed to him An drew Johnson came within the peril of the law by an Impeachment which accused him of using the powers of his high office for the pur pose of defeating the expressed will of a people who bad but a few years before poured out their blood and treasure to maintain the integrity of the Union. He , also , was acquit ted ; but-by a yery small majority. Both of these men stood accused of crimes whose very grandeur is calculated to rob them ot half their enormity lu theeyes of the unthink ing multitude , and many partisans were made for both by the magni tude of their treasonous ambitions. Iu the trial of General BabcocK ; the defendant has none of these meretricious advantages. A brave and faithful soldier , who won honors time and time again in front of a determined foe ; the man who fought with the .Ninth army corps of Kentucky , * and thence through the Yicksburg siege , ana until the date of the final surrender at Appomattox - pomattox , and to whom was deputed the honorable task of first meeting the fallen chief of the confederacy , to choose with him the ground on which Lee should yield his sword to Grant ; this man has HOW tote to meet the charge of conspiring to defraud the government he has served so well. The general Is a man under mid dle height , probably not more than five feet seven. His blue eyes shine rom a ruddy , handsome cormte- lance , which , itself , bespeaks the iood-wlllpf all who behold it. His air is dark , and a reddish military moustache aud goatee adorn his lips and chin The main characteris tics of his face are an expression of pleasantgood nature , combined with great mental force and Individual ly. The only weakness he shows in a certain nervousness as he passes his marvelously white hand over his lip , the slender lingers ilightly quivering the while. But his , no doubt , arises.from the eflect > t tremendous consequences of the accusation to which he has to an- wer. A gentle , re lined nature like his could not fail to evince this much of emotion under such cir cumstances , and the modesty of the man * as shown wheu the reporter ought to gam particulars of his career as a soldier of the republic. In fact tb'ese queries were only answered at all iu a general outline , and then only through the interven tion of one of his counsel. The Iffat time tltat General Babcock - cock came into prominent notice was when , as chief engineer of the Ninth army corps , ; he iollowed his command to Vlcksburg. At the siege of this city , he was given cnarge of the outer line of the at tacking works , opposite General Jo. Johnston. General Grant visited these works a few days after their ompletioii , and , being struck with the skill shown in their construction - , tion , asked tor the oflicer who had raised them , and this led to the first meeting between GRANT AND BABCOCK. Boon afterwards , when Vicksburg fell. General Grant paid Colonel Babcock the special compliment of requesting his personal attendance at the ceremony of the surrender. When , later on , General Grant re ceived his commission as lieutenant general , he telegraphed to New York , whither Colonel Babcock had gone on leave , to report forthwith at headquarters , and on the arrival of the latter gentleman at Nashville he was notified of his appointmenc as chief engineer on the staff of the new made lieutenant general. From this time onward the utmost confidence has been reposed in Gen. Babcock by bis chief , and when en-Jjee finally surrendered , it waste to Gen. Babcock that was deputed the delicate and honorable task of meeting the fallen confederate chief tain to arrange all the necessary preliminaries for that ceremony which crowned the victory of the Union armies. A fiiendship , thus commenced on the field and ripened by mutual counsels in tbe face of mortal dan gers , was continued after the war into civil iife , and the president chose his trusted companion in arms for his priyate secretary , ' ape po t which he has filled ever since until the indictment , the trial of which is now pending. What the president thinks of the gentleman can best be shown In the following words , to which he gave utterance some ten days since : "Aly confidence in General Bab cock is unimpaired and undimin- Isbed. With the light before me to-day and my knowledge of the man , if the government had any great work on hand requiring the services of a skillful and faithful man as engineer , I know of no one whom , as Executive , I would select in preference to General Babcock. The work he has done in this city ( Washington ) Is proof , as far as can be , of the correctness of this estimate. Since his time as acting commis sioner of public grounds and build ings in Washington , members of cougressj'in epeakiug of his work and the improvement of the public grounds , have expressed great satis faction , and have said to me : 'Now we can see where the public money goes. ' There never has been a de ficiency with General Babcocksinco his time as acting commissioner. " SHERIFF'S SALE. By" virtue of a writ of vendi issued out of the District Court for Douglas County , Ne- braska. and to me directed.I will.on theZSth day of February A. D. 1876. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day , at the south door of the court houe in the city of Omaha , in said county , sell at public auction tbe property described in said writ , to-wit : The south eighty-eiehth feet of lot eight ( S ) . and the south eighty-eight feet of the eut one-third of lot seven ( T ) . in block one hundred ninety- eight and a half (19SH ( ) , in the city of Oma ha , in said county , with the appurtenances to the same belonging , to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by the First National Bank , plaintiff , against Oliver Dennis ct al. [ defendant. ALFRED BURLEY , jan2S ItewSw Sheriff. VERY LATEST ! MIDNIGHT. WASSXSTCTOIT. Congressional SEJSA1E. WASHINGTON , Peb. 9. Mr. Wallace presented fifty peti tions of five thousand citizens of Pennsylvania in favor of aid to the Texas Pacific railway. Referred. Mr. Randolph , from the commit tee on military affairs , reported fa vorably on tbe house bill donating condemned cannon balls to the La dies' Monument association of Alle- gnany county , Pa. Passed. Mr. ( Sherman , from the commit tee on finance , reported a substitute for the resolution submitted by Mr. Davis early in tbe session in regard to accounts of defaulting officers , etc. Thesubatitote'dlrccts tue BWJ- retary ot the .treasuryto furnish to the senate , aa soon as practicable , a statement of all balances due the United States from public officers and others formerly but not now in the public service , distinguishing those which.have been settled , set ting forthas , near as practicable , tbe period over which such accounts ex tended , the amounts involved , etc. , together with the character of stocks held by the United { States , amount of such stock , and if default has been made in payment of interest' Mr. Davis said there might be some amendment to the resolution , but as it was a step in the right di rection he would not cause any de lay by proposing an amendment. Mr. Merrill , irom the committee on public buildings and grounds , re ported a bill appropriating $25,000 for continuing the work ot improv ing capitol grounds during the pres ent fiscal year. The appropriation made last year was exhausted. Passed. Mr. Edmunds submitted a resolu tion Instructing the committee on public buildings and grounds to in quire into the expediency of mak ing adequate provision for a speedy completion of the Washington monument in Washington , and that they have leave to report by bill or otherwise. Agreed to. Mr. Wright called up ( the senate bill to pay the first national St. Al- bans ( Vt. ) bank $28,650 the value of certain United States treasury notes held by said bank as financial agent of tbe United States and forcibly taken therefrom by raiders from Canada in 1804 , the pending amend ment being to strike out the clause providing for payment of iuterest on that amount from October 19 , 1864 , until the time of the payment , which was agreed to , and the bill passed as amended. Mr. Boutwell introduced a bill to repeal the pre-emption laws aud provfde for Uie sale of timber upon public lands of the United States. Ho gave notice that at the proper timu he would offer it as a substitute for the bill to repeal section 2033 of the revised statutes in regard to pub lic lauds in Alabama and other states. Ordered printed. Mr. Kelly called up the senate bill to extend the time for the con struction aud completion of the Northern Pacific railroad , the pend ing question being on amendments reported by the committee on rail roads on January 17th and 24th , to extend the time to eight years in stead of ten , making the bill apply to tbe main line of the road via the valley of the Columbia river and terminate on Puget ( Sound , that it shah not apply to the branch line of said road from Lake Pend de Oreilie , across the Cascade moun tains to Puget Sound , etc. Mr. Sargent moved the bill be re committed , that the amendment might be framed to protect settlers in tbeir rights. After discussion tbe bill was laid over until to-morrow. At the expiration of the morning hour the senate proceeded with the house centennial bill , appropriating $1,500,000. Mr. Merrill spoke at length in fa vor of the bill , and Bald tbe centen nial exhibition had become a na tional question , on which congress could not turn its back. The , honor of the nation was Involved'in ita success. Mr. Norwood said he desired to speak on the bill , but was unable to go on to-day. He moved the sen ate adjourn. Rejected. Mr. Edmunds said he understood tbe senator from Georgia was not well and could not go on to-day. He thought -common courtesy re quired that the bill be laid over un til to-morrow , that the senator might speak. Therefore he moved that the senate proceed to consider ation of executive business. Mr. Mernman submitted a reso lution that the committee on rules be instructed to prepare and report an appropriate rule to tbe senate to prohibit the annoyance of sending visiting cards to senators while the senate is in session. Laid over. The senate then went into ex ecutive session aud soon adjourned. HOUSE. Mr. Banning astted leave to offer a resolution calling on tbe secretary of war for information as to the number of draught horses and mules in tbe service ot the army , their cost , place of purchase , etc. Also as to the cost of mounting regi ments of cavalry. Mr. Thornburg objected on the ground that the information called for would occupy the whole clerical force of the department till the close of tbe session. The speaker then called on com mittees for reports. Mr , Parsons , from the committee on private land claims , reported a bill authorizing the secretary of the treasury to sell , at private sale , such portion of public property at Vin- cennes , Ind. , as may be required for tracks , switches , shops and other purposes of the Ohio and Mississip pi , tne Evansville and Crawfords- ville , and the Indianapolis and Vlncennes railroad companies , real estate having been acquired by the government for debt , and being commonly known as the "steam mill tract , " or the " HaH-Neilson" property. Mr. Holeman objected to that provision of the bill allowing the transfer ot property at private sale , and argued that it should be opened to public competition. Mr Parsons replied that Mr. Hoi- man's proposition would be unjust to those railroad companies which were using tbe property. Mr. Holman insisted that at least ttat j > ortion of the property not needed by the railroad companies should be disposed ol oy public competition - petition , and not by private sale. The property consists of about 80 acres , of which the railroad compa nies require one-third. After considerable discussion the bill was rejected. The Ihouse then went into the committee of the whole , on the con sular and diplomatic appropriation bill. bill.In In a brief discussion as to further debate it was understood that Mr. Blaine would address the house to morrow , promising to keep as near to the merits of the bill as Messrs. Cox and Kelly had done , and that general debate would close to-mor- ow. ow.The The committe rose and the house adjourned. NEW YORK , Feb. 9. Henry C. Bowen was waited up on to-day in regard to the summons of the Plymouth church examining committee. He declined to state whether he had received another summons to appear before the com mittee , or what action he should take in case he should be summoned. There was a great fire on Broad way this morning. The flames were not fully subdued until three o'clock this morning. Careful search has been made for other vic tims of the flames than those al ready reported. Nine bodies have already been found : It is believed that all the firemen caujjht by the falling have already been taken out The loss will reach fully $3,000,000. NEW YORK , Feb. 9. The total damage by the fire last night is estimated at $2,900,000. Braruan & Hartwell have sus pended. In Rubenstein's trial witnesses testified that the prisoner was in Jacob Rubeustein's house on the evening of tha murder , playing Lotto. "WASHINGTON , .f CD. 9. The committee on the Pacific railroads heard the arguments of Representatives Morris and Mills ; the former in favor of the Southern Pacific and the latter in favor of the Texas Pacific , but no action was taken by tbe committee MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. .NEW YORKFeb. 9. Money Easy at 4@5. Gold 112J@1 12 . Governments Steady ; 'fil. 122i ; 1863 , 1 17 } ; 1867 , 1 22 } ; new fives , I 17 } ; Cuireiicies , 1 25 } ; New. 1 19J ; 18G8 , 1 23 } ; 10-40's , 116- blocks opened weak and lower , but closed flrm with a slight recov ery. ery.W U T , 77JN ; YC 112Erie,16 } ; } ; pfd , 35 ; N W 41fr pfd 63 ; St. Paul , 42pfd79O&M21L865 | ; ; § ; ; Wabash - bash , 6 ; pfd 9 } ; U P 68 } ; PM 35 } ; R I1 08J. Northwestern and St. Paul shares were exceptionally firm at an ad vance in St. Paul preferred , was due chiefly to reports that the directors will probably declare a dividend of 14 per cent , to represents circulated earnings for two years past. St. Louis Produce Market. HT. liouis , Feb. 9. Flour Medium grades scarce and wanted ; others unchanged. Wheat Dull ; Ko 2 red win ter , 152 } cash ; 141 ; February ; No 3 do , 1 37. Corn Higher ; 39a50 cash ; 31 February ; 40 } Maroh ; 4J April. Oats-Tirm ; 35 } cash ; 35 } bid for February. Barley No transactions. Bye Dull. Pork Higher ; 21 25. Lard Higher at 12 25 asked ; 12i bid. bid.Bulk Bulk Jtfeats Shoulders 7 } ; clear rib , 11 } ; clear , 11 } . Green Meats Nominal. " Whisky Steady and unchanged at 1 06. St , Louis Live Stock. ST. .LOUIS , Feb. 8. Hogs Receipts , 2,600 ; dull and unchanged ; " Yorkers , 7 25a7 50 ; packing , 7 30a7 60 ; extra , 7 65. Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; fair to prime native steers , 4 50a 4 75 ; butchers steers , 3 50a4 50 ; fair to choice native cows , 2 75a3 75 native stockers. 3 50a3 75 ; feeders , 4 OOa 4 25. 25.Stoii Stoii that Cough. Many hesitate to try a medicine for a disease , on account of the ex pense , connected with tne uncertain ty of its benefiting them while at tne same time , had they confidence in that remedy , the expense would be the least objection. With this fact in view we make the following proposition : Any person suffering with a cold , cough or sore throat , that will call at Martin & Kennard's drug store and purchase a bottle of Hale's Cough Cordial , use one-halt of it , and if they then conclude that it is doing them no good , they can return the bottle and receive back their money. No medicine ever sold in this vi cinity , that produced such magical results. Don't fail to try it. sep21d&wOm BLAIR HOTEL v AND Railroad Eating House ( In Depot Building. ) A first-class louse in every respect. Terms 12.00 per day. Blair. Neb. GREAT Given by the Omaha . _ Mrcnnerehorat . Turno : and Thiele's Ball. Tuesday. February r29th 1ST6. Tickets for gentlemen , $1.50 ; ladies , $1.00 : trallerr , 75 cents. Procure your tick ets of Max Meyer 4 Co. , New York To : Store. J.J. Fruhanfandof the committee The city and military band , consisting o 30 men will be in attendance. Atlo'clnckp. m. there will be a gran masquerade procession. Tbe precaution adopted by the committee against the admission of improper chartrten will be strictly enforced , and nothing will b ( left undone to maintain the reputation al . ready gained by the Mcennerchor for the sne- ccsful arrangement of their annual ball I masque. No one will be admitted on the floor before 12 o'clock unleai masked. J29eodtofeb29 TELEGRAPHIC ! 4 O'CLOCK P.M. Specially Reported tor the Omaha Dally Bee by the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company. Salt Lftiro - City- . Utah Delegation to the National Republican Convention , A "Rough" Killed. A C _ 1 ? [ Special to the BKS.J 3 SALT LAKE , Feb. 9. Bob Riley , a notorious character , was shot and killed by Lewis Ord- ner. Ihe cause was an old grudge and whisky. v A call will be published tomorrow row for a liberal non-Mormpn cotf- ; entlon to choose two delegates to he Cincinnati convention. ST , LOUIS. The Trial of General Babcock. ST. JjOtus , Feb. 8. The opening of the case for the government by District Attorney Dyer occupied over two hours , clos- ! ng before 2 p. m. It was largely levoted to a review of the whisky ionsplracy as shown in previous trials , afterwards out-living the ev- 'dence upon which the government proposed to show Gen. Babcock's : onnectiou with that conspiracy , includi. g the payment of money to him by the ring in this city. In conclusion the District Attorney itated that the evidence against the [ plaintiff will be largely circumstau- itantial. The court adjourned tili 3 ) . m. , at which hour Joseph Fitz- oy was called as the first witness for the government. His testimony was the same as given in previous trials ; his story was the same , and his manner was as comfortably self- assured as when on the witness stand several times before. Objection - tion was made by the counsel for the defense , who claimed the inad- missabllity of evidence in this case prior to June 6th , 1872 , as the : ax on distilled spirits was inly fifty cents per gallon up that time ; while indictments claims a conspiracy to defraud the government of a tax of 00 cents per gallon. Subsequent to that date the counsel for the government claimed the point of the indictment was the Tact that such a conspiracy existed , md that under ordinary rules. Of , he evidence , the testimony is com petent , which show the organization and growth , and the progress of the sonspiracy. ' ( Another Commercial Failure. Nnw * y.ORK , Jan. 9. The failure of Dale Brothers , deal ers In Hannels and woolens , of Bos i ton , and of Miles , 72 North street , of this city , are announced. Liabil- 'ties , $1,000,000 , with but nominal assets. CHICAGO Crooked Whisky Disclosures. CHICAGO , Feb. 9. A St. Louis special says an investigation - tigation of the property of McKee baa been made , with a view of ascertaining - certaining what show the governn ment has to recover from him. He pays taxes on $37,000 worth of real estate ; $3,300 worth of bank stock and personal property , and $30,000 worth of newspaper property. His fortune of $750,000 is not on the as sessor's books. Chicaqo Produce Market. CHICAGO , Feb. 9 Wheat Easier ; cash , 1 04 } February - ruary , 1 04 $ ; March , 1 02f ; sellers May , 1 07J. Oats Steady , cash , 31f ; Februc ary , 311 ; March , 32 ; April , 32 } ; May , 34 } . Corn Easy ; cash , 41 J ; April , 42 } ; Map , 46 } . Pork Steady ; March ; 20 70 ; April , 21 00. .Lard Steady ; February , 12 35 ; March , 12 GO ; April , 12 65. Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO , Feb. 9. Cattle Receipts , 150 cars ; no sale * yet. yet.Hogs Hogs Receipts 22,000 ; market slow at 7 60a7 75. Sheep Receipts 500. Common to choice , 3 75a5 75. LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of the United States , for the District of Nebraska. In the matter of Byron M.Spencer , bankrupt in bankruptcy. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT ' " CLKRK'8"l Omen , OMAHA. Neb. , February 2 : . , 1876. J To whom it may concern : Please to take notito hereby , that a peti tion hae been , to-wit , on theSlst day of Jan uary A. D. 1876 , filed in said District Court by Byron M. Spencer , late of Omaha , in said District , who has been heretofore duly de clared bankrupt under the act of Congress entitled "An act to establish a uniform sys tem of bankruptcy throughout the United States. " apprOTcd March 2 , 1S67 , and as amended , for a discharge and certificate thereof , from all his debts and other claims prorablc nnder said act , and that the 19th day of February , 1870. at3 o'clock P. M. . at the office of J. ii. Webster. Esq. , the register in bankruptcy for said District at Omaha in said District , is the time and place assigned for the hearing of the same ; when and where you may attend , and show cause , if any you hare , why the prayer of the said pe tition should not be granted. WATSON B. SMITH. Clerk of the U. S. Dis't Court forfcaid Dis't. LEGAL NOTICE State of Nebraska , Douglas : At a county court held at the county court room , in and for said county. February Id. A.D. 1876. Present , C. H. Sedgwick. county judge. In the matter of the estate of Thom as Keeler , deceased. On reading and filing the application of Wm. R. Turner , adminis trator of said estatate. praying that the time for paying the debts of said estate be ez > tended for one year from February 5th , 1376. Ordered , That March 4th , A. D. 1870. at 10 o'clock A. M. , is assigned for hearing paid application , when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held , in and for eaid county , and show cause why the prayer of administrator should not be granted ; and that notice of the pendency of laid application and the hearing thereof , be given to all persons in terested in laid matter , by publishing a copy of this order in the Omaha Weekly JBtE , a newspaper printed in laid county , for three successive weeks , prior to said day of hear } - ing. ing.IA true copy. ] C. H. SEDQWICK. f w3w County Judge. Pledges left at the American .Loan Office are non-forfeitable. If the owner Is not able to redeem them , they will be sold for'his benefltand any money left in our hands over and above our claim will beplaced , subject to his order. Money loaned on Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Guns , Pistols , and all merchandise in general. Special rates given on any amount over $100. For further Information call on or address PH. GOTTHEIMER , 2)2 ) Farnham 8L , Omaha , Neb. BAIliROAD TICKETb BOUGHT t . > * ! ! BEXffTISTS , OFFICE , No. 232 FARNHAM ST. CP ST.HR3 , Bel. bthi. 14th SU. OTCAHA. c -Oklest crocticloe Dentists iu the city- A. 8. BILLINGS. A. W. SASOX. Drs. Billings & Xason , ZDZEHSTTISTIB 234 Farnham Street. , BETWEEN 13TII ' & 14TII , UP-STAIKS. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Ni trons Oxide Uao. OfSco open at all hours. deo-ltf COMMISSIONER'SISALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the . District Court for .Douglas County. Ne braska : , and to mo directed , I will , on the 12th day of February , A. D. 1876. at 10 o'clock < a. m. of said day. at the south door ofthe _ Court House in the City of Omaha , in said County , sell at public auction the prop erlwe described in said order , to-wit : The west thirty feet of lots seven [ 7 ] and eight 8 ] in block No. one hundred [ lOOJ , in the City of Omaha , County of Douglas , Nebras ka , together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging , to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Her J Co , plaintiffs , against Emma Williams. Kdtrard Parker ct al > , defeidants. ADFRED BURLEY. janlldltowow Master Commissioner. DEPOSITION. In the District Court within "and for IDoug- InTh las ' County , Nebraska : Thomas Karl , plaintiff , vs. George/Thrall , ThTc defendant. Tc the said plaintiff : You are hereby notified that the said de fendant will take the deposition of George D. Irish , a witness in.'aid cause , now pend ing in said Co rt ; before competent author itjU. at the office of Payne Fittz at room 4No. U. West Madison Street , in the city of Chicago cage , county of Cook and State of Illinois , commencing on the 5th day of February A. D.wi 1876 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. , with authority to adjourn from day to day until all such depositions shall have been takensaid depsoitions to be used in tbe trial of said cause. GEO. W. DOANE , iU-ltcw5w Att'y for Def't. COMMISSIONER'SISALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued out ef Hibr District Court for Douglas County , Ne braska , and to mo directed , I will , on the 28th day of February A. D. 1876. at 10 o'clocka m , of said day , at the south door of the court house , in the city of Omaha , in said county , sell at publication the property - ty ! described in said order , towit. . Begin ning at a point twenty rods south of the north-cast corner of section thirty-two (32) ( ) , in township sixteen ( IB ) , north of range ten (10) ) . east of the sixth principal meridian , running thence west one hundred and sixty rods , thence south one hundred rods , thence east ono hundred and sixty rods , thence north ono hundred rods to the place of begin ning.containing . ono hundred acres of land in said county , together with all the appur tenances thereunto belonging , to satify a judgment of said court recovered by Charles - B. Wells , plaintiff , against Mary L. Thomas , Hannah J. Logan and John II. Lognn. de fendants. ALFRED BURLE\ ' , Special Master Commissioner. ian 2S-ltew5w SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of vendi issued out of the District Court for Douglas County , Nebraska , and to me directed , I will on the 23th day of February. A. D. 1876at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. at thu south door of the a.C Court House in the city of Omaha , in said county , sell at public auction the property described in said writ , to-wit : Lota one (1) ( and : two (2) ( ) , in block one hundred and thirty-eight (138) ( ) , in the city of Omaha , in said county , together with all the improve ments thercop , and the appurtenances there unto belonging , to satisfy a judgment of the District Court for said county , recovered by the , Crane Brothers MannfacturingCompany , plaintiffs , against the Omaha Hotel Compa ny , defendants , ALFRED BURLEY , jan2Sdltew5w Sheriff of said County. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. . . - . : ue of an order of sale issu the District Court for Douglas County. Ne . braska , and to me directed , I will , on the 12th day of February. A. D. 1876. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day , at the south door of the Court House in the city of Omaha , in said county , sell at public auction the prop erty described in said : Lots [ 3 ] and four [ 4 ] in block one hundred and seven [ 107 ] , and lots one [ 11 and two [ 21 in block three hundred and forty-seven [ 347 ] in the city of Omaha ; also , the west one-half of the north-east quarter of the south-west of section four [ 4 ] township fifteen Quarter ] of range thirteen [ 13 ] east of the sixth principal meridian , all in Douglas County , Nebraska , to satisfy n judgment of said Court recovered by Seth E.Ward , plain tiff , against E. A. McClureadministrator of the estate of E. B. Taylor , deceased , et al. , defendants. defendants.ALFRED ALFRED BURLEY , Sheriff , Special Master Commissioner , ian Il-ltew5 w wSHERIFF'S SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of on order of sale issued out o- the District Court for Douglas' County. Nel brnska , and to me directed , I will , on the ltth ) day of February , A. D. 1876. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day , at the south door of the Court House in the City of Omaha , in said County , sell at public auction the prop erty described in said order , to-wit ; Com mencing one hundred and thirty-two feel east of the southwest corner of the northwest qeartcr of section twenty-two [ 22 ] , township fifteen [ 15 ] north of range thirteen [ 13 ] east , thence north 2S9 feet , thence east 214 5-K feet , thence south 289 feet , and thence west 214 5-10 feet to the place of beginning , con taining one and one-third acres and 3,910 square feet , in said County and State , to sat isfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Mary Miller , plaintiff , against Harmon Johnson et al. . defendants. jan9dltew5wALFRED BURLEY. ShoriJ. jan9dltew5w SHERIFFS SALE , By virtue of a writ of vendi .issued out o : the District Court for Douglas Cocnty. Ne braska , and to mo directed , I will , on thi 19th day of February A , D. 187G , at 10 o'clock a. m. of at the south door of th < Court House in the city of Omaha , in sai < county , sell at public auction the property described in said writ , to-wit : The wcs half of the south-east quarter of section seven [ 71 , township fifteen [ 15 ] , range thir teen [ ti ] , and the houth half of the south west quarter of section ten [ 10 ] , townsbl ] fifteen [ 15range ] twelve [ 12 ] , and the nortl half pfthe nort west quarter of section fit Hanscom , plaintiff , tagainst George W Frost , defendant. defendant.ALFRED BDRLEY. fan9dltew5 * . * Sheriff. LEGAL NOTICE. ftWhcrcas. default has Leon made In th paymant of two certain promisory notes fu $3jO each , bearing date November 29th , 187o and due. one in 60 and the other in 90 day after date , executed ; by Henry Webber to D L. Thomas , and secured by chattel mortgage bearing same date , and recorded January 20th , 1876. in book S of mortgages , at pas - of records of Douglas county , Nebras ka. Said mortgage provided that upon fail are to pay said note due in 60 days then bet of said notes should thereupon immediately become due ; and , whereas , thcro is due 01 this 1st day of February , 1876 , upon saic notes and mortgage the sum of $600 and in * terest at 12 per cent , from Nor , 29th , 1873 Now , therefore , the undersigned Alfred R Dbfrene , to whom said notes and mortgage hrfve been duly assigned , will , at 10 o'clocl a. m , on the 21st day of February. 1876. on the south-cast corner of 19th and Farnham streets. In the city of Omaha , Nebraska , icl at public auction the property described in said mortgage , to-wit. All buildings on lot No. four ft ) , in block No. one hundred and forty-two 11421 , in the city of Omaha , Joug- las county , Nebraska , and all furniture and household goods therein. ALFRED R. DUFRENE , ' D.L. THOMAS. Attorney for aiaizneo. febl Sili A. Hospe , Jr. & Co. Looking-Glasses , Pictures , Regilding. 284 DODGE ST. , Omaha Nebraska. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. C. F. MANDERSON , A TTORNEY AT LAW. 242 Farnham St. . :3L Omaha , Nebraska. JAMES O. ADAMS , A TTORNEY AT LAW. Church Block. Room No. 1. Omaha. janlS tf G. W. AMBROSE , A TTORNKY AT LAW. Redick'a Opera : x House. Omaha. Neb. L. F. MAGINN , A TTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE-Yu- XI. echer's Block. Omaha Nebraska. Nebraska.marlGtf marlGtf JOHN W. LYTLE , A TTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR. T , iu Equity. Office over First National Sank. ! aA N. J. BURN HAM , A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW : \ Southeast Corner of 15th and Douglas tfeeU , Omaha. Neb. DEXTER L. THOMAST A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW f\ Office Room No. 8. Visscher's Block. Imaha. Neb. _ PARKS GODWIN. A TTORNEY AT LAW. 14th and Douclas : V Streets , with O. W IJoano. J. S. SHROPSHIRE , A TTORNEY AT LAW. Room No. 1. S. -TV E. Corner 15th and Douglas Streets. Omaha , Nebraska. W. J. CORNELL , COUNSELOR AT LAW AND DISTRICT U Attorney for Second Judicial District. ) ffice. Rooms 1 and 2 , Jacobs' Block , Omuha , Nebraska. Buckingham & Greene , A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Odd Fellow's 1Block. . Omaha. Nebraska. T. W. T. RICHARDS , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office. 400 13th Street , between Famhinand llarney , jmaha , Nebraska. O.H. BALLOU , A TTORNEY AT LAW. Offico.Crcighton's jt\- new block , southeast corner room , first door , Omaha , Nebraska. G.E.PRITCHETT , A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW .ti. Office , 511 Thirteenth Street. Address Lock Box 709 Omaha. E. F. SMYTHE , A TTORNEY AT LAW. Odd Fellow's Xx Block. Omiha. Nebraska. STEVENSON & RICE , LAW OFr-io'iI. Tnirtcenth street , Omaha , Nebraska. Conveyances.Trana- fera. Abstracts Furnished , bpecial atten tion to collections in all parts of the State , and promptreturns. aug9-diwtf WM. 1. PEABODY , L IAWYER. Crcighton Block. Omaha. Nebraska. LUTHER R. WRIGHT. Justice of the Peace Office. Douglas Street , West Entranct. Caldwell Block. jan U COMMISSIONER'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court for Douglas County , Ne- braika. and to me directed , I will , on the 12th day of February A. D. 1S76 , at lOo'cIock a. m. of saidday _ , at the south door of the Court house in the city of Omaha , in saiil county , sell at public auction the property described in gaid order , to-wit. The south east quarter of the south-west quarter of the north-east quarter of section No. four (4) ( ) in township No. fifteen (15) ( ) north of range No , thirteen ( ! ) in said Douglas County-Ne- bra.okn , being ten acres , more or lesj , ac cording to. government suney. together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging , to satisfy a judgment of said Court , recover ed by William A.Paxton , plaintiff , against Roger T. Beall , Ellen S. Beall , his wife , Mishall W. Kcnnard et al. , defendants. ALERED BURLEY. janll-dltow-Sw.1 Master Commissioner. LEGAL NOTICE. State of Nebraska. Douzlas County , S3. At a county court held at the county court room in and forsaid County January 13,137(5. ( Present. C. II. Sedgwick , County Judge. In the matter of the adoption by Salina M. Hnrrymftn of LenaM.\V illiams.a minor chili of Mary Williams all of said County. On filing I tne duly verified statements and affi davits of the above parties proposing the adoption of said minor by Salma Al. Jlarry- man. Ordered , That February 13 , , A. D. , 137i3 , al 9o'clock a. m. , is assigned for hearing saic petition , when all persons interested in saic matter may apper at a Coitnty Court to be held in andfonaid County , and show causo. why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted ; and that notice of the pendency o : said petition and the hearing thereof , be giv en to all persons interested in said matter , by publishing a copy of thia order in th ( Omaha BEE , a newspaper published in said County , for three successive weeks , prior to said day of bearing. [ A true copy. ] C. H. SEDGWICK. ian9d3w County Judge. SHEBIFF'SSSALE. By virtue of , a writ of rendi issued out of the District Court for Donzlas County , Ne braska. and to me directed , I will , on the 19th day of February AD. . 1S76 , at 10 o'clock n. m. of , eaid the sooth door of theCourt House in the city of Omaha , in said county. sell at public auction the property described in said writ , to-wit : Lot eight ( SO in Isaacs & Griffins addition to the city of Omaha ; al so , lot five (5) ) , in block seventy-seven (77) ( ) , and the west thirty-four feet of lot seven 17 ] , in Llock seventy-seven 177 ] in Kaid City of Omaha ; all In Douglas County , Nebraska , to satisfy a judgment of laid court recovered by Andrew J. Ilanscom , plaintiff , against St.A , D. Balcombe , defendant. ' ' ALFRED BURLEY. fanW-dltevfi Sheriff. MISCELLANEOUS. DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE DEALERS. NEW BUILDING. LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS. Farnliam Street , Omaha. decl7'76dtf. decl7'76dtf.MURPHY MURPHY & LOVETT- < 3reiiei al Iiisirrance OFFICE 197 FARMIAX STREET , OMAHA , XEB. Fire , Marine & Inland Risks Written As low as the haiards and the principles of sound UNDERWRITING will justify. All LOSSES promptly adjusted and pud at this Agency. The Following : Companies Represented : JStua , of Hartford , - - AjMfa , $ ' 6,497,275 94 Hartford Fire , of Hartford , " 2,5OOOOO 00 North BritUh and Mercantile , of Londoa aad Edinburgh , " 26.OOO.OOO OO Amason , of Cincinnati , - . - " 935,501 OO Connecticut Fire , of Hartford , - " 817,594 58 Scottish Commercial , of Glasgow , - " 1O.OOO.OOO OO St. Paul Fire and Marine , of St. Paul , - - " 808,14652 Mississippi Valley , of Memphis , " 404,719 97 American Central , of St. Louis , - " 2.O6O.O89 21 QuoonZ of and London , " , Liverpool - - 11,145,729 OO Manhattan Fire of New York , - - " 7OO.855 OO M. HELLMAN & CO. MANUFACTURERS OP CLOTHING CENTS' EUBOTSHHSra GOODS. 221-22 Farnliam St. , Corner 13th Street. ONE PRICE , - - - WOODS MARKED IX PLAIN FIGURES. Jfeb l-d ± wly W. W. BIXGHAM , General Commission Merchant 512 Twelfth Street , Omaha , Nebraska. dee7-dly CONSIGNMENTS AND ORDERS SOLICITED. MORGAN & GALLAGHER , ( Successors to Creighton t Morgan. ) WHOLESALE GROCERS AGENTS FOK HAZARD FOTTOER COMPANY. ; 205 Farnham St. , - Omaha J Neb. A. B. HUBERMANN & CO. , Practical Watchmakers AND Manufacturers of Jewelry ! SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 18T1I & DOUGLAS STREETS. WATCHES , CLOCKS , JEWELRY AND AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Dealers Can Save Time feFreightbyiOrdering of us. ENGRAVING DONE FREE OF CHARGE. ALL OOODS WARRANTED IO BE AS REPRESEN1ED. MRS. J. E. WIGMAN" ; MANUFACTURER OF Ladies Hair Goods 254 DOUGLAS STREETS WORK DONE IN THE LATEST STYLES. GOODS SENTTO ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY dec l-eod-d4w SOLOMON'S Wbolewtlo Paint , Oil , -AND- f DHOW-GLASS HODSE AGENT FOR UDELL LADDER CO. STEP , 198 Fa rnham St. , . Omaha , Neb. FIRE INSURANCE. FOR RELIABLE FIRE IE3URANCEiNTirE2.EADINGAEERICAN : AND ENGLISH Companies , call at the Old-Established Agency of Room No. 2 , Creighton Block , We arc agents for FOURTEEN well-known Companies , whose Cash Capital * and Accumulated - , lated Sarpluj. January 1 , 1575. were aa follow * : PIKENIX. of New York. . . . . 2.133.9flC2 CONTINENTAL , of New York. - 2.606.235 . * ( JERMAN AMERICAN , of New' York. - 1.854.41075 I'ENNSYDVANIA , of Philadelphia. . . . 1.572.138:32 FIRE ASSOCIATION , of Philadelphia , . . . 3.698.69H43 AMERICAN , of Philadelphia , - l.tK.SSSjW . . SPRINGFIELD , of Massachusetts. . 1.266.14SISJ . . . . . NATIONAL , of Hartford. 1.943,353 15 ORIENT , of Hartford. - - - - - 719.3 H > * . . . . HOME , of Ohio. . . 523.913KI ' . . . . TRADERS' of Chlci o. 738.4is5 ROGER WILLIAMS , of Providence. Ii.i. - - 355.003 CU IMPERIAL , of London. - . ( , - - - - l2.XatffOa IWYAL , of Liverpool. . . . . . 16.S73.9SJOO april 29-eodly. . _ WOODISURN A GJLYtfff , PLUMBERS , GAS AND STEAM FITTERS ! WHOLESALE DEALERS Cf pxrsf nEns M ATERIAXS , EAirnrex DUAIX PIPE , c. 529&IJ fc St. . bet. Douglas and Dodge. Omaha , Nob.