- . - , < x G"W. . HOMAN , Sr. , Offers ior the necessities of the publl ! * * * AH orders prompt ! r attended to by lea tlieiu at Cor. lth nnd Ifarner Sts. to , 13th St. , bet. Farnbam and Han AU kinds of TAILORING , CLEANING REPAIRING done at rcMonrblo rate * TBEETSCHKE & CO. , GROCER | ii / And Geneial Provision Dealers B. WCor. . Jackson and 13th Bti- , Krep a superior * tock of Groceries , Provlsl Wines , Liquors and Cigars , and sell cite than anr other bouse in Omaha. Jv3 3 BATH & HANS El \Vfaoleunle Dealer * In'Leaf ; Tobac .4 Mannlacturers off AND DEALER IN Tobacco &c & * Pipes , , , 163 FAUNHA.H ST. , BeUlOth 4 Hth , octltf. P. N. GLYNN AND BKTAIL D itKB IX Wines , Liquors , Segar TOB\C 0 AND PIPES. JKVCallforila Wines and Brandies. " * * Corner of 15 h and Dodge streets , opposite new Post Office building. Omaha. Nebie : y it.vu.TiJK.it , Practical Watchinake : 171 Farnr m , 8. P. Oor. llth St. OMAHA N VICTOR &CGFFM AN MD. Physician 1 Surgeoi 241 Farnham Street , Over Js'n's Drug store. - s : KI s i : CASHMERE , AND ALPACA SOI . For ule and made to order. P. 2 . F LLtOlT , 2G3 Dodge , bet. 14th and 15tb streei OifAHA. NEBRASKA. TOTIlfc NERVOUS & DEBILITATE OF BOTH SEXES. 30 OEAB9E POS AlVIOB AHD 09 ] BULIATIOH. J. B. PYOTT , graduate . efferson Medical College , PMlade phla , author of several valuab. f ; works , Jan be consulted on all dl eases of the Sexual and Orinary o : gans , ( which he has made an e : pecial study , ) either hi male or f < male , no matter from what cam originating- how long standln A practice of 30 years enables hii to treat diseases with success. Cure guaranteed. Charges reasonabl < Those at a distance oan forward lei ters describing symptoms and ec closing stamp to prepay postage. j-Send for the Guide to Heal tl Price IOc. J. B. DYO127M.D. Physiclon and Surgeon , 104 JDuan street , N. City Meat Km t nUonhaud | A LAXQB SUPPLY OF Jr 3 3E ! E * , P ) ULTH , UAM Or 33 The SloRx City ana ranuc Hallroad , Ii Ou ttia with li SIOUX CITY & ST , PAUI RAILROAD , Is 6S mllci the shortest rant * from Omal and Council Blcffs to St , Panl , Hlneipoll Still water , Anoka , Bnlnth , Bismarck , and a points IB Slaneuta. Train leaves Omaha daily , ( ezcep Baturdaj t 6 oxlock p. ro. , and Council BluSs at 8:051 : m. , from Chicago < t North-Westcra Depot. Fare as LOW and Time as QUICK a by any other Lino. PULLMAH PALACE SLEEPINUCAE ON ALL MET TRAINS , D sure your ticket reads'VIA Sioux Cllj thui avoiding circuitous routes and inUlulgu traotfcrs. Tkksts can lie ( lUrchisel at the offices of th Chicago & Northwistern Railway in Ooiah and Cocncl ) Elufls. J C. BOYDE3T , Oen'l P s. A Ticket Agf St P. 4 S. a R. H fit Paul , Jllun. F. a IflLL , Oon'I Pass , wd Ticket 4gfc. S. C. A P. , Slou : aty.Iowa. QEO. W. UDATTON , 4 gent. 1C ? Faruhara Street , Ouiaha , Net PASSENGERS Going Easipr South from Omahi Jnt on O. V. Q , B. , honld take the 'LINCOLN ROUTE' via The AtCHISQN & NEBRASKA RAILROAD' And tooure tor jemselT tne cnov of SlJ Popular B'J tea from Itchisou to Chicago * o4 St. LOBB : All making Reliable anecttoas and being ? 4 { pP d'witiFaUe Day and ffleecbj Cv * AH il"lar and Inconvenience arriving fron ferries acdtraaslers can b avoided West o ! Coloago and St. Louis by securing Ticket ) rii ATOniSOH and the ATCH1SON 4 AEBRA8KA BAILfCOAD. Direct and Rdlsble Connections are also madi with the A. T. & a F. B. B. for the Herat Arkausas Vallej & Colorado , And with all lines rnnmng South to points ! n Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory. Ask for Tickets via f 1 LINCOLN & ATCHISON CKAS. P. WHITS ' Qoa'J Supt. Oen'l Pass.-Ax11. ( HOW BILL WAS MISTAKi ( From the Overland Monthly. ) ( Concluded. ) "Bill , my boy , did it ever oc to you that it is a terrible charge a sensative person to cry out' ( zy ? ' after him , as he passes throi thla life ? Call him a rogue , a th a swindler , a villain , or a fool , if ; must ; for on these charges he * settle iu his own way when he he them : but this charge that or mind is affected is something wh rests in the estimation of the pub and is practically true or not tr as the public see fit to receive The soundness of one'fe mind is 1 the price of greenbacks a mat of opinion , no odds how well cured , that rises and falls with : public puke. There is no survey boundary between sanity and ins : ity. How do you know that 3 are of sound mind ? " "How do I kno ? " "Yes. " "Well , I know because I've j good horse-sense , anyway. I i Srheu I'm hungry , drink when I dry , rest when tirta , work In when I can't do any better , sit when I'm sleepy , anil take mys and nut of the wet that's wha ! call sound-minded. " "Yes , so far as it goes. But hi about your ambition , wherein y imagineyourself wealthy from fin ing a great mine , rolling in yc carriage ; enjoying the fine things life , and the flatteries of the fairt , fooli&h , and the falseDo you D dream , with your eyes wide ope of being a great fellow a 'big-ii ' call it ? " ca-pi7-a-al-ist , as they "Certainly. I believe every mi is to have his streak of luck. " "Then , William , you are dreamer we are all dreamers ; ai dreams are made of 'perilous stui When a man dreams in a full wa ing state , his 'horse-senso' sli away from him into a cloud , and ! Is partly out of his mind. He ran from this state , go all the way 01 jr he may return to. his 'hors sense. ' The floating cloud-land I tween sanity and insanity admits no permanent boundary.1' ' "Then , how's a fellow to kno ie's got sound sense ? " asked JJi tvith n tired-of-the-discusslon e iression , as we rode across the yn alley- "He can't know. It is the publ the vex populi which puts tl ralue on the soundness of sens Chat is why all new doctrines a irst resisted , then ridiculed , thf xamined , then stolen. In Utah , a sensible to see angels and hei roices from heaven. In Bostoi Jass. , It is tensible to worship yoi intellect. In Nevada and Cal Drnla it is the height of good sen ; o worship the power of money. . ' 3 wisdom in China to bow befoi > ne's father's ghost ; in Japan , bi ore Buddha ; in India , before Bral aa ; iu Rome , before the Pope ; i lecca , before a black stone. Bo yc ee that any sense above 'hor& < ense' is a risky and uncertain proi rty in the world's market Like all of quicksilver , it has weigh olor , power , and great brilliancy ut it is liable to. roll away from yet t any moment , In a thousand glil jring pieces. " Bill made no answer m the paus left open for him , so I added : "That man , baok yonder at th line , is a dreamer , Bill ; and wha ! yer his dream , sad or happy , 1 clgha upon him , and makes him Granger in nil the real world i IB 'horse-seuse1 congregation lean. " "Well , " said Bill , throwing awa ; Is studyJng-cap , "d u him ! le Im dream it out. I'll not troubl im again soon. " The conversations between Wil am Wilson and myself , as we rods iy after day , across broken moun ilns and gray streamless valleys ere to ua twain interesting enough at need no' ' , therefore , bo of inter it to other people. And yet , thoujjl do say it myself , we made som retty sharp remarks on a great va ety of subjects , into which Williau t times threw his unbookish mini ith startling effect. Upon one oc ision he "got off , " as he called II is opinion of "talk. " "Some fellows , " he said , "areal ays putting up that'talk is cheap ; ut I say that talk is precious a venty to the pan. Blab is cheap ut the first thing in my mother' Id bible is talk : 'Go- ! said let ther B ; ' and them words started off int le darkness nud slumgullion c owhere putting up stuff for heav ; reps , and leaves , and flowers , ani usiness generally. " "Why , William , you're a poet ! ' "Not much ! I displse poetrj' ' ut good sound talk set the worl going , and keeps her a-humnihij ti the pin. I'd like to know wha ould be the use if people couldn' ilk or didn't talk ! I'd as soon b bimp | on a log as not to be able t < \Jk. \ When a fellow says to me } , it's alt talk | I say , ' \oube our life it is I' Newspapers am Doks ia talk. Law and gospel 1 ilk. Money is talk , done up n ens' and 'twenties ; ' take the tall it of it , and ita nothing , " Thus , one way or another , w < Idled away the journey , back t < wn ; where I left William , am opeeded about my business , fa ; \ay from the high altitudes ant y valleys of Nevada , Home mouths later I returned , t ( id the town in one of those min S fevers which invariably follov 10 discovery of rich silver ores icking up fho lively little dailj jwspaoer from tlje olerk's couutci the hotel where 1 stopped , anc auclng over U , my eyes fell npor 10 following : 11 Ricu STRIKE IN THE , SILVEI irAMBER ! Wires , ropes , spangles ; cks , and cakes of silver ! Chlo io ores , by tons and tons , al irough the mine , with rich sulphu { s at the water-level. 'Nothing except an ownership Ir ie property , could give us mon tiafactiou than we now enjoy ii ironicUng the grand success whicl ia crowned with a gorgeous fcllvei own the lone and tedious labor the genial Brolliers Rocksaw. "By invitation of Mr. Georgi ocksaw we stepped into his bugsa \ Saturday last , and after a pleas- it drive of two days , and a stifl [ nab up the side of Pranghorn ountaln , we were permitted to de- end into the mine. In the descent the main shaft , and for a hundred zt along the main drift , there Is thing worth mentioning ; but at e end of this hundred feet there ens a scene more gorgeous than e dream of the Count de Monte irlsto. All along the drift , over- ad , under foot , and upon the .nglng wall , for a distance of 400 : t , the precious wealth of nature Ittersln the 'lamp-light gloating : r. ' Below this drift , on the lower , 'el , distance In perpendicular pth of fifty feet , and m the moun" in over 100 feet , there is even a iher picture. The mine is not des- ibable , except by exclamations. Is magnificent ! "The mine Is patented under the > ad seal of Uncle Sam , to George cksaw and Andruw Rocksaw , ir heirs and assigns , to have and hold forever. " io Bill 'was mistaken , after all , jut that mine and the Bocksaws. Salting 2ofk and Hams. The packers now use the comi barrel-salt made at Syracuse o ; Michigan , though they pack \ solar salt from the same places. In the salting of meat , "to h it keep sweet all summer , " the i consideration is to-get good salt least , do not get the common : salt for that purpose , unless you tend to make bacon , where it - answer a very good purpose. If dealers will not keep solar salt , der it direct from Chicago , or sc other point where it Is kept on s The packers of Chicago use a h bushel , by measure , to a barrel 196 pounds ; and , in the spring , 1 port is repacked , and more salt a ed. Water _ is poured on to in ; brine , as plenty of salt is put on that purpose. You cannot make pork too salt ; that is , the pork > only absorb a certain quantity salt , and the remainder is left un < solved in the cask. Thus we see packers use about 20 pounds of s to the 100 pounds of pork ; but t is of solar , Turk's Island , or K tucky alum , or other coarse salt , 1 never the fine salt that is sold farmer in our country markets , a rule , the coarsest salt is conside the best. In the curing of hams , a brine made of coarse salt to the point saturation , that is , all the salt 11 the water will dissolve , say 8 pom to the 100 pounds of hams ; adit this 4 ounces of saltpeter and 1 qn of good sirup ( not the corn-stai sirup ) . The hams are put in tl for sixty days , and should be tak sut and repacked twice at least , better , once a week , or , if the ca is headed up , rolled on the floor or j day. This latter is practiced the packers , when packed in barr jr tierces. This is the way in whl Chicago sugar-cured hams are pi ? ared. After smoking , they are j nto sacks , in order to exclude t ly-maggot. My letter of last we ; ave a full account of thin insect jonuected with this subject P ; he curing of beef I use the same ft nation ; but , after three or fo lays , the beef is taken out of t : irine , the brine scalded and skii ued , and returned , and-the beef i mcked. In the summer , an adt ional quantity of s < alt is added he time of repacking. Corn and Hogs. From carefully conducted expei nents by different persons , it h ; iecn ascertained that one bushel orn will make a little over 10 } 11 if pork , gross. Taking this resu 3 a basis , the following deductioi .re made , which all our far me rould do well to lay by for aconv Jent reference : When corn sells for 12 } cents pi ushel , pork costs 1 cents pi ound. When corn costs seventeen cen er bushel , pork costs two cents p < ouud. Whea corn costs twenty-five cen er busb.pl , pork costs three cents pi ouud. When corn costs thirty-three cen or bushel , pork costs four cents p < ouud. When ccrn costs fifty cents p < ushel , pork costs five cents -p < ound. The following statements sho' 'hat the farmer realizes on his cor 'hen sold iu the shape of pork : When pork sells for three cem er pound , it brings 25 cents pc ushel in corn. When pork sells for four cents rx aund , it orliigs 32 cents per bush < i corn. When pore sells for five cents pe junrt , it brings 45 cents per bushc i corn. An Extensive Bee Hiv-J. f'How doth the little busy bee ? ; iquires Dr. Rowe. It doth ver ; uch indeed at Los Angeles , wher icre exists at this moment th rgest hive in the world. It is ; ure of a ro6k , the opening o hich is three hundred feet wide id the depth of which is one hun red and sixty feet. Innumurabl varms of bees have made this cav n their home , and have accumu ted enormous quantities of honej is calculated that there must b iany thousands of tons of it Th [ habitants of the country hav lore than once tried , although th < iproach to the fissure is difficult , t rive away the bees and take posses on of their treasure , but they hav < ways been , repulsed with loss /e cannot but think that the tarn irrender of so magnificent a priz i wax and honey contained in ; Ive one hundred and sixty fee ; ep , shows a lamentable want o iterprise in the population of Lo ngeles , and we are 'disposed t iggest tfcat they should call infer gn aid , AN DORK'S MACHINI All kinds ol light and heavy ACHINERY MADE & REPAIRED 'All Wbk Guarantee' . ' S HAEHET STEEET. OKAEJ wptftf IT. C. TfALKES , MANUFACl'UUEK AND DEALER IN SOOTS & SHOES ) 13th St. Between Fare ham and , Dougla a 13 13F. F. A. PETE11S. addle and Harness Maker AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER , . 274 Farnbam at. bet , 15tb < fc intl LL orders and repairing promptly attenloi L to ard satisfaction guaranteed. * paid for hides. ap391y LOO.OOO OH FABKI5Q IAHD IN NEBEASZAI ! ? EAL ESTATE AGENTS , OUSES AND LOTS in the city of Omaha [ for sal chean and on good ternm. HOGGS < fc 1111,1 , 231 Dodge street LNotarr Public , always in oUlce , Mrs. D. A. ishTonable Dressmaking 564 Fourteenth St. , 031AIIA. NEB. Established 1858. LRRUGE MANUFACTORY 638 & 540 Fourtwnth Street , Ice np stalrt. ) Omaha , Nebraska. Carriages Buggies on hand or made to order. .B. Particular attention paid to Repair apr2S-tf P , R , R , MEAT MARKET , 16th street bet California and Webster. TE KEEP ON HAND THE BEST ' supply of FRESH AND SALTED AT8. .Also a lares stock of Fine Sugar id Hams and Breakfast Bacon , at the low- liesWIL AU3T A KNUTH , , .MTl r , , . , Preprieton , ; nur'u K ; Honev and Commerce. Daily Review. OFFICE OMAIIA DAtr.Y BEB , "October 29 , 1874. , Monetary matters continue qi and firm. Business at the banks is me rately active. Some money com in from the country , but not in la amounts. Deposits have been he ier.'with but little checking. Kates of discount and exchai remain unaltered , at yesterda quotations , with demand very lig THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Land Greats ( selling ) . § 825 Land Warrants , (160 ( acres buying ) . 176 Land Warrants (160 ( acres selling ) . 185 Agricultural College Scrip , (1GO ( acres buying ) . . . . 176 Do. SeHing. . 185 Exchange on New York , 1-5 of c per ct In the commercial market have no changes to note. Busim in all general lines is good , but r very brisk. Wholesale houses i port a moderate trade. Retail business has been du Owing to cold weather very lit has been doing outside of cloth i : establishments and coal offices. The demand in the provision mz ket has been very light all day. OMAHA MARKETS. Careluu/ Corrected Daily DRY GOODS. ' r. J. BROWN & BRO. , Cor. 14th ai Douglas street PRINTS. Ulens . . . . . „ . . . „ _ . . . . . . „ . . „ _ . . . . . _ _ . . luiorican. . . . . . . „ . . . . . H..H..M. , . Vmoskeag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M. . . . . . Iristol _ . . . . . _ . _ Jarnors. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I lamllton . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Icrrituack ! ) . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . 'eabody . „ . . „ . . „ . . . _ S 5ichmond. . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . „ . . . . . _ _ S BLEACHED SHIBTINOS. enato 4 ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . 12 loot ( } . . . . . _ _ . _ . „ . . _ labot 4-t _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . . . .onsdale. . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ r. Y. Mllla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 17 'eterboro. . .HHM . . . . . . .HHMi..M.H. .M uffolk T- . . . . - - . -ii - - - - - . . i i _ BLEACHEO SHEETINGS. 'epperell 8-4 . . . „ _ . . „ . - . . . . _ . _ . . . . do 9-4 _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . 83 do 10 . . . . .m. . . . . . . . . . . _ 38 COTTONADm. 'arniers and Mechanlca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S BROWN SHEETINGS. . . .K..M..H. . . . . . . . . „ , MM. O odford , B. . . . . . . . . . . .M. . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . 7 rantvllle , E i ; . _ _ . . . „ . _ 10 ermania , B B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . M 9 an jley . - . . _ . . . . . . . _ . _ - ; mercan. . . . . .InOSkeag . . . . ates . _ . . . . TIOKTNQS. .mosteag , & c a . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ , id(3eford. ( . . . . _ _ „ . . . . . . „ _ _ . 17 ; DENIMS. moskeag . „ . . . . . . _ _ . „ „ . . . „ . „ „ . . „ . „ _ 23' caver Creek , B B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ 16s aymakcrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] tis , B B. . . . . . _ . . . . _ _ . _ . . . . . IT Us , C C. . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . „ 15J JEANS. . . , . oasler. - . „ . „ . . . _ w referred. . . . . . „ . . . „ „ . „ . _ 3 YANKEE NOTIOXS. - TOITZ MOHR A CO. , . 231 Farnhan Street arooi , u/iuva. ark's O. N. . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . , . 7 jat's . . . „ . . _ . . . . . . . „ . ' 7 errlck's. . . _ . . _ . _ . „ . . . . . . _ 431 H03IEEY. "nestle. . . . . . . - . _ . . . . $ W@2 0 Itlsh - 3 oclc 0 erlno - . - 5 2 25a2 6 ool..m. . _ . . . . „ . „ . . . „ 3 75a4 0 lildrens fancy hose . „ . „ . 75.3 o PAPER COLLARS. ckens' best. . . _ _ . _ . . . _ _ . _ . _ s 9 Ing William. _ „ . . . „ . „ . . is bite WIng. . . . _ _ > . J.rZ. " L 1 8 imet. . . . . _ _ . . . . _ . . . . .mmM > . . 2 6 SHAAJTLS. toman strips- . . . . _ . . . : „ . „ . J2 25@6 5 SHIRTd. hite common . „ . . . . „ „ . „ . „ Jio 5 ' medium. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . 15 o ' custom made. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 0 an . _ T" TTIII-IMH IIIIII. " " . 12 0 tinet . - . _ . . r 15 0 sslmcre - , . . . . . . . . . _ „ . „ „ . „ . „ . 18a3G 0 ue Flannel. . . . . . . . _ „ „ . „ . . . isa24 0 OVEBAJUL8. ' ' dnck. . . . . _ . . _ . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . 7 75a9 0 ue drill- 7 00a7 6 duck . „ . . . . „ . . „ _ g ooa9 5 hm > - - - - . IL- Qfa9 g COBSETS. ench whalebone . . $5 25a8 0 ipGove _ . . . . . . _ . . . „ 60 > ve „ _ . . . . . . 9 0 . S. Einbel. . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ ig o e&lKIS. 1 Sklrts _ . _ _ . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . , _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . jjn o " " " " * "YARNS" Imoral Yarn , all colors , per ft SI 6 irmantown Wool , " . ji 702 0. xony Yarns , per boi. . . _ _ . . . _ . 82 Ii Ixed Yarna . . . „ . . . , _ . . . „ _ _ 90al ft OBNEHAIj COMJ08S10N. J. C. ItOSENTELD gfives US ttl llowinR quotations this day : Sweet Potatoes 2 cents per pounc atatoes , 80@$1 00 per bushel : utter , prime 2530c ; Butter , good > © 25c ; Butter , cooking 1016c ; ggs , 20c per doz ; Live chicken ; 50@2 76 ; Lemons , 14 00 per box , ranberries $12 00 per barrel. OYSTERS W. B. & Co. Select , 65 eta pei .n ; Standard 55 eta per can ; Medi- m 45 cts per can. HARDWARE , . . JOHN T EDOAB. IRON. mmon t rT , , . . „ . , . , . . , . , < irse shoe ba . . . . . . . . . . , . . _ _ 6V rway nail rnHTt , „ , , „ , . , njj STEEL. rmon. . . . _ . . . . . . . . . „ " „ . . . . ! TT ! IIII ! 11 aerican casn , octagon and square. . 18M ( " . is"p's English do do . 25 § * rJea's hone shoes , per keg 72 ! do mule do do . . . . . _ . . 8 2 ; rthwestern horse nails _ . _ _ . . . . . . _ _ 22s 2 ! ndee thimble skeins , discount 45 per cent. ir half eaten * axles , discount 10 ver tsnt. ought , all sizes - BOLTS. rrlage and tlre. . . . _ . .jlisconnt 70 pr < BUTTS. rrow wrought , fast lolnt dlscount 20 pr c it , loose pin reversible - do 35 do MISCELLANEOUS. y and manure fork . . . . _ .discouiit 30 pr c es and cai den rakes _ . do 25 do HINGES. ap and T - , - discount 25 pr c WKENOHES. t's black . . discount „ „ „ „ - CSprc s liamltatlon. _ _ _ _ m do 45 do _ . . . _ _ do 20 d SCREWS. lertcan Iron.M _ . , _ _ . _ _ _ _ 45prc do bras3 .w. . . . . . . . , 40prc AQRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. SCTTBXS. toll's Ha.\est King.por do ; , net 12 00 impion . . _ _ _ . _ _ . - t oO ild's Eureka _ _ _ _ m _ . _ _ n oo io red - - - . . . - 8 oo SPADES AHD S110VPLS. rland'a No 3 black. shoTels , D H _ 12 00 do , do polished do do 18 00 do do black spades do' _ 1300 > re do polished do do _ 13 00 do's "spring point" L II shoTels _ is SO AXES. pencott Western Croirn _ . _ _ _ is 00 do do do beTefed 13 60 COFFEE Anr.Tj ; , ke'sKo 8 , Iron Kiy. _ , , , , _ ntt 5 jj Io do 103 do . _ _ _ _ _ 6 75 Io do25 Union Irnh - n 00 x ) do 35 do Britanla . „ JS oo i FILES , CTSTe , Smith & Co. , _ _ dlsconnt 90 ericas ttt Co - . . 4 IIAMMEKS. Havdole's , A E NM 1 , 1'4,2 Hammond's A E No 2 _ . _ . . . _ do do do 4 _ . _ _ . . . . . . * dc tnzinter't No ! . „ _ _ . do do do 2 . . . . „ do do do 3. . . _ HATCIIETS. Morris' shinglingno i do do do 2 . . . . . _ . do < So do 8 do ctjw do * TI dc O do , , . - . . . - - - - , - XEATKER. Best Buffalo Sols , 7 _ , do do . . _ . * _ _ . . . _ . . . . _ _ f Matamoras do . . . . J > o.2 , ! c : No Best Oak do . 4J Baltimore Oak bole f trench Kiiif. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . du Calf , leading brands Domestic Kips. . . . . do Ojf Hemlock Upper , per foot. Oak do do Oral a do do Linings , per dozen. . . . . . . Toppings , do Morocco ( Boot Leg ) per foot , . . . do ( Oil Dressed do 36i do ( Simon ) . . . . . _ . . „ . _ . . . . . _ S3 OOaj do ( Glove Kid , ) . _ . . . .S3 50ft ! Welt Leather , per side , . _ _ . _ , . _ { 6 OU ! < 3 Boot Webbing , j.er bolt , . _ . . „ . _ _ _ . . _ 4.- < Oak llarnsaa leather , " I'ltUburg , " do do do No. 1 , . 40 ( do do do tvo. 2 , _ i. . . 38 ; Oak Line do . . . . . _ . . . . _ _ . .44 ( Hmlock Ilarness Leather , No. 1 , _ . . . . „ . .33 ( do do do No. 2 , . 37 ( Hemlock Line do . . . . . _ . _ 4i ( Fair Bridle , ftr side , SG OOQ Team Collars , per doz S25 , * " Stage do < lo Scotch do do Concord do tlo Collar Lcathei ( Black ) per foot. 18 < t do do ( lUissel ) ( Io . . . . . . . . . . . _ 1S ( < Patent Dash Leather. BOAP3 Powell & Co. , Soap monufactun 3apo Publico , G l-2@6 3-4 ; Sai Republic , de , , Chemical Olire , G 51-2 ; Palin , 5@51-4 ; German bl ; ed , 6 l-4aG 1-2. ABT GOODS AND TJPHOLSTEEEB STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones , Decorative I lolsterer and dealer in fine art goo ! 70 Farnham Street , furniahe ? t olio wing quotations : FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mournings , one im icrfoot , 5q 2 inch iOc ; 3 inch II tolished walnut , 1 inch 7c ; 2 in 5c ; 3 inch 21c. Berlin gilt , 1 in @ 15c ; 2 in h 12@30c ; 3 inch 1 5c ; imitation rosewood and gilt , uch 510c ; 2 inch 10@20c ; 3 iu 6@30c. WINDOW SHADES. Plain bands , 6 feet , all colors , j air , 1 60 ; ornamental bands , 2 00 00 ; each additional foot , 75c p air. BEPP3. Union ind all wool terry , per ya 50@3 M ) ; Imperial , plain and st ed , 2 60a8 00. 00.DAMASKS. DAMASKS. Union per yard , 1 60 ; all wo < 00a3 00. ntA'TTBASSES , Huat , 4-4x6-2 , 4 00a5 00 ; stra- 00a4 00 ; Excelsior , 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. BETATL JJST Sublect to change of market wltnout WM. M. FOSTER , l U.P. B. R. tract bet. t irnham at. GEO A. HOAGLANL. Uts , studding and sills , 20 It , and un- ier „ . . I 522 rer 2011. each additional ft add'l : nclng No 1. . . . _ . . . . . . . . . „ . . . „ . „ . "t do No 2 . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . _ . . . ! „ „ . 21 t common boards. . . . . . "M' . . .1' _ _ . _ _ 2o d do do . . . . . . . . . _ „ . „ _ " " ' " 22 \ . " stock boards , 10 and 12 inch" . BO I" do do do do 35 ! " do do do do _ 0 L clear , 1 , IJf , IX anil 2 Inch 65 do do do do . . . . _ . _ „ „ _ 65 do do do do . . . . . _ 45 ooring , clear _ _ 50 do 1st common _ . . . _ . . _ _ . . . _ . _ 40 do 2d do . . . . . _ 85 'do 3d do . . . . . _ _ . . . . _ . _ ] . ! 27 do narrow , clear _ . . . . . . _ „ 45 : clear ceiling Ji inch. „ . „ _ . . . 85 do do % inch. . . . . _ _ 33 , do do 5 | Inch . 30 do do } | Inch . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ „ _ _ . , 27 ; clear siding „ _ " " " " _ 27 do do . . . . _ - . „ . „ . . . . . . _ . . . . . „ _ 26 .common siding „ _ 21 do do _ . _ . " ' ' 20 . " shingles . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . , . . ! „ . _ " 4 : traNolshlngIes. . . _ . . . ' ' 3 mmoB No 1 shingles . . . _ . . . . . 2 th per 1000 . „ _ . ' " ' " 3 t U pickets eer 100. . . . . , _ _ . . 3 uare do do do . „ ' ' ' ' " 3 Batten per lineal 'f r . . _ _ T.T. . . . I U h do do do _ „ _ _ _ Liberal discount on carload lots. WINDOWS. ( Glazed. ) per ccntoS Chicago list , DOORS , ( Wedged. ) pel cent oQ Ci Icago list BLINDS , per cent off list. bite lime bbl per „ _ „ fl nlavllle cement per bbl I 3 ister paris per bbl _ . . _ _ 3 istering hair per bushel. . . ! . rrcd felt Lbterinz board T. ! , " OILS. PAIXTS , L1 > S , &c. U. I. D. SOLOMON. KOBERT C. STEELL. > ' Oil- _ _ $ 18 I uira oil , No 1 $ iseed Oil , raw. 105 " ' o " bl'd 110 " winter ! rpentlne. . . . . _ 65 " " traln'd ; adllgbt Oil 28 Lubricating i W.Va. PATNTh , AC ilte Lead , St. Louis , Srtlctly Pure _ 3 1 ' ' . 9 tty In Bladders. . . . _ . _ „ _ " " " - " KI 1 " Bulk _ . _ . . . . ' " " 4 ! ameld Glass , colors , -3 ta. f t. l ( ndovrOlasx 50 Rediscount TIN. SHEET-lltOiY. WIRE , &C. ELTOK ROGERS , COR. 14tu i FARNHAM. PLATK. :14 1C , lair quality . . :14 : Ic , best quallty :14IX : do 12 1C do :12 : IX do :20 : 1C do :20IX : do :20IXXX : plateUC pUte DX , plato DXX plate 3XXX ating 1C charcoal do afinglX do do 141C coke do uu 231C charcoal roofing. . . . . 281C charcoal rooang. . . . . W IX charcoal. . . . _ _ . . „ 20 coke ( for taUersl. . . BLOCK TIN. 3 9 ZINC. xt tin 25 to Sb ln _ . o do do le half casks. . _ _ . . II1 o do do In 250 cables 1 ct 24 to R5 inches per sheet. _ . . . . . _ . _ . _ _ I2J iners soldet ( extra refined.- . . . _ _ _ 2 do do No. l. . _ . . . . _ , . . . . . . _ 2 do do roofing. . . „ _ „ _ 5 bid metal . _ . _ _ . _ . _ . . . . _ _ .v. Qd SHEET IKON st qualit Numbers 10 to 34. . . . o do do 25 _ . . 3 do do 28. . _ _ o do do s7. . . . _ , ircoal , both sides sntothe do No 24 . . . _ _ _ _ . . do do 16 do do 27 ilata , No. 24 7 do do 26 do do 27 _ _ _ ula perfect 7 to 12 _ J No. 1 , stained . . . . . . _ . . , „ . _ y ess tnan lull bundlts , add one cent. 'Amcrlcac Immltat'n RussiaJaU Nos. U ess than full bundlzs add one cent. * GALVANIZED. 14 tO 20 _ . _ _ . . . _ _ . „ . „ _ . ' llj ( ji 21 to24 , . _ _ . . . _ _ _ J _ _ _ * ao li 25 to 25 ZT.7ZZ JZI dc r _ . _ . _ _ _ . . . _ _ . . _ _ | ! _ _ _ _ do 3 ( all bundles discount 15 per cent. COPPER. aera 6 to 9 n do 10 to 12 ft _ . . lining , 14 aud IS " ilshed , 14 and 16 ox . 7 , 8 and 9 , Planished. ' . copper per bottoms. TVIBE. 10 11 . 0 to 6 8,5.9 10,11 12 ,14 14 15 1C 19 2 .15,16 , 18 . 19 20 arbuadlalip rcnt eona GROCERIES. ETEHLC i ; JO1INSON 638-540 14TH CLARK A FRENCH COR. FARNlfAJf J lira ex. PllNDT , ilKYKP. & RAAPKE , 212 FA1 HVM ST. . WHOLESALE DEALERS- MORGAN & GALLAGHER , 205 * a ham St. WHITNEY , BAOSERMAN & CO. , ! Douglas St. J. J. E-HOWN * BRO. , Cor. 14th a Streets. bUUAUS. Urani.'atal pi ! ) „ „ . . . _ „ . . . . „ . . . . „ _ _ 1 i'owiirrul do „ _ . . . . . „ . . . . _ . . „ . . _ . „ „ I Ctu heil do . - . „ . . . . . _ „ . . „ „ . . . „ „ 1 Refd cut lojfilo . . . . „ . . . „ . . . . . . . „ „ . . . . „ „ . 1 btan J.ird A do „ . „ . . „ _ . _ . „ . „ . „ „ . . 1 Cinle A do . _ UKal EztiaC do _ . „ . . . „ _ . . . . „ _ . _ . . 1 Yellow C do . „ _ „ „ „ „ . . . . . „ . . „ . lOal N O choice do _ . COFFEES. Rio choice pr Th , _ . , , , , , - _ . _ 24a2 do prime do M . . . . . .MM. .M.H. . .HH. 3a } 2 do Rood do . . . .M.H. . . . . M..M.H.HM. . Xa < O d Java - „ - „ - 31 > ia3 svaurs. COIUUIOU pr gallOn. . . .HH..M..M..H.MHM 3 Good do M. . . . .M . . . . . . SO ) Choice do . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . 7tt do 1C O mol C rolini CAlJDLES. M Weak A Co. . . . . . _ . . . . . fccbof or * . . . . . . . . .H . . . . . .H..H..MIM , , fcOAP. Missouri VrlIey..M. _ . , . . _ _ ! Kirk'd S Tou.I. . _ . . . . „ . . . . . _ _ 6 M. Weak A Co _ . _ . _ . „ 7a1 tchofcr'a German. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kirk's utindird . _ . _ „ „ 4 do nierlinif. . . . . . _ - . 4a4 Pf.lia TORACCO. lilatk goods , \Ve3tern . _ . . . . . . . . „ . . . _ _ do do VirRiula . _ . . „ . . _ 55a do do Lorrilard'sM. . . . . _ _ _ 55a Bright do do do . „ . GOa do do Virginia _ . „ . „ . „ _ . „ . 63a Natural leal _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ 753 DIUEU FRUITS. Southern Apples , per loriel , . . . . _ . . . . „ . „ . . . 8a Michigan " " . . . . . . . . _ _ 12al : ! do prunes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14all do German cherrles. . . H . . . . . . . do bl ckberries A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . do raapbcrried. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! do rubles , per box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . $31 do seedlc&s raisins , per ix > und . _ 12 ; SAL1. t cw in birrets. . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ .S2 70a2 I do dairv. . . . . _ . . „ . . _ . „ . . „ „ . . _ _ . . 4 S0j5 ' , CANNED GOODS. 2poundcanilyer'soyserspcrcas . . . t 23a4 f L ilo do do do do . . . 2 C0a2 ; I dc do Will urn's do do . _ 4 Oua4 : > do do peaches pei cose. . . . . „ „ „ . 5 * J do do do do _ 7 75jS C J do do tomatoes do . . . _ _ „ 3 25aJ S t do do do do „ . . _ . . . . . 6 C 3orn , Tropoy per ca3e.M. _ . _ _ 6 I do Winslow do . . _ _ . _ m 5 0 do Yarmouth do _ . . . . . . . . 5 C strawberries , do „ „ - . - SOa * 1 [ burberries , do . . . „ _ . . _ . . . _ . _ 5 2Sa5 C itneapples , do . „ „ . . . . . . _ . . . 5 C IMPERIAL BAKING POWDER. ounu cans per doz . _ _ _ _ „ . „ „ . „ . . . ? 1 5 do do do do..H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H 2 5 do do do < lo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 i do do do do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 S I do buckets do . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0 TEAS. Mon a , per pound . _ . . . . _ . . . . . 25a7 fouug llyson , per pound. . . . _ . „ . „ . 40al 0 Gunpowder , do do . . _ . . . . . . . 60al 2 FLOUR. Inow t lake , ( Wella 4 .Nieman ) _ . _ 4 si fold Dust _ . _ . _ _ . . _ _ 2 7i CXXXIowaCity . . . . _ . . . . . . . . > 3 & lallfornix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 51 BAGS. I u - lies , beary weight. . . . o light do , , - Jjps , four bushel..MMMMH odee gunnlea - . . _ , . _ . iln baas , Amoikeg A - . . . . S&x > : , o do Ludlow a a. . . . _ _ . . . _ _ ti i SPICES. rutmegj , Pe&ang best.per pound _ . . > ( ljve do do _ „ * > . Jspice do do _ . lav ! luamon baric do do . „ . . zr < zi' COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON. Sbbls. , 100 tts . „ . _ 5 8 ffi cans , per dor - . „ . . - . 2 00@ 2 2 < do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . „ . . 3 6) ) WHITE FIS11. 'o. ' 1 kits . . . . , . . . . „ . . . . . . . „ . _ . . . . . „ „ . . . . 312 ! amily In kits . _ . . . . . _ _ „ . . . . „ _ . 0(3 ( 1 2 ( 5bbls - . _ . . . . . . . _ . - 50 ® 7 W ainiiy inJ bbLs. . . . . . . . „ . . . . . . „ . . _ . _ 5 60@ 6 C ( MACKEREL. amily , In kits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . . _ 1 10@ 1 2C o. 1 , do . . . . - . - l cn@ 2 OG [ ess. do , M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00@ 3 2i amily , \ bbls - . . 6 2a@ 6 a 0.1 , ds - . - 9 OC@10 W irdmes , y boxes , - . 10 50Q17 OC CIGARS. . . E. SIMPSON. Manufacturer , 532 15th Street. : . Upman . - . - M. J S5 OC econstruction. . . . . . . . „ . _ do 3 OC rand Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . „ . . _ do 35 OC nlversal . . . . . . . „ . . . „ . . do 40 0 ? ara - . . . . . - . _ do 43 OC a Boquet . . - . . . . . do 50 Oi imou Pure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ „ do 50 ( K irtlgas. . . . . . . , _ . . . . . . . . .m ( ] 0 75 ( ( o.u" Truly . _ . - do C5 00 old Medal. . . . . . . . . . - do 50 00 Espanola. . . . . . . . . . . . „ - do 60 00 riple Crown _ . . . _ . - . „ . _ . do 75 00 e"y , , ar - . - do 100 00 "wii r - . do looofl \lller. . - . - do 10000 i76 - . - . - . do 75 W ) CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 648 14th Street. alf barrel sicks . . . . . . . . . . _ 2 9C Jliicugo , Hock Maud and Pacillc E. R. T1IE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE * ROM > MAIIA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST , L DesMoines , l/avenportand Rock Island. All Fassenpr Trains are equipped with the KSTisouotrsK PATENT AIR UE KS and Uler's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. Fast Exiiress Trains Leave Daily , on netting as follows : T DES MOINES with the Des Moices Valley Railroad , lor Oakaloosa , Ottumwa , Keokuk ind St. Lonig. T GHINM ELL with the Central Railroad of Iowa , for all points north to St. Paul. r WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington , Cedar Rapids A Minnesota Railroad , for Burlington , Cedar Rapids , Dubaque A. St. Paul. At WILTON JUNCTION with the boutn-Weitern nranch , for Muscatine , \Vashiagion and all points couth. T DAVENPORT with the Davenport < t St. Paul Railroad for points north. T ROCK leLAND with the Western Union Railroad foi Freeport , B * , < It , Racine. Mil waukee and all points In northern Illinois mil WiKonsln. T ROCK ISLAND with the Roekiord , Rock Island and St. Louis Railroad for St. Louis ind points south. r BUCK ISLAND with the PeorlaARock Island Railioad for Peoria and point * east. D BUREAU JUNC. . withbranch. for Un- ry , Larere , Chiliicotbo and Peoria. r LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nort hand south P CHICAGO with "II lines East , North and niBOOGH TICKEI-S to all Eastern cities , a ihli Tine , can be procured , and any infor- ition olitalned , concerning points , at the : tct offlw of the company , 12S Farnham St. , nabs , and also at the principal ticket offices > ug the line of the U. P. R. H. TSttse Checked Tlironeli to all 1'riiicipul ICantcru 1'oiutN. 8 Ticket AgJrt. g wu k ioux Citv & Pacific R , R , Tlie Shortest ud only Direct Route from JOWCIL BLUFES St. Paul , Minneapolis , And all Points in ffiTHERX IOWA & 3HXNESOTA. PULLIIAN PALACE SLEEPING CABS On all night trains 7la this route. COXXECTnojffS. rAtiY * ? T n'er lta Un Pacific , : llroad for Oniaha . At Council Blufl , wlthjJCansas City , St. i and Council Blufts Ballroad for SL Lculs 1 all points south. . At ML-sourl Valley with the Chicago and rthirestern railway foi Chicago and all nts east. . At Biour City with Slonx City andS d , Illinois Central and Dakota Southern Iroads. Steamers for Upper Missouri River , Ing navigation and with stages for ail nts In the Northwest. . At- Blair with Omaha and Northwestern tread for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. . At Fremont , Nebraska. wlA the Union anc railroad for ll point * Test and the jUc coast. . At Wlsner with stages for Norfolk and alt nts In Northern Nebraska. Tickets for sale In Chicago and North- itern Railway offices. * -Be suii your tickets read via S. C-'i'P. Iway. L. BUBNETT , Sup't. ' . C. HHLS H n. Ticket Ag't. . W. OBATTAN , CHICAiNORTHWE ( The Popular Boute from Chicago and tlic Eas . ' AND THE , DodseDubn < ine Cronse.'l'rnlrle Du t'tileii. IVIiio St l'MalDululli , Jaiir-viMr , K : Rlia , Green Hav , Kuclnp , MCT PointWf trito-nrn , Othkeali , I DuLac. aiadUon nnd Milwaukee \ It Being the Shortest and Fltst Comoleted ] Between DMAHAandCHICAG "onstant lmproT mc nts tore taken place he war of reducing Grade , ind placing 1 rlth Steel lulls , adding to its rolling it lew and Elegant DA ? and 8LKKPINO CAV Quipped with the "WcotlDehouse Air Bra nd "Miller Platform , " establishing comtui < e and commodious Eating Houses , offering be conifer li ol traveling the age can prnli Fron. to i9 Fast Express Trains ruu e. ay daily over the various lines o ! this 10 bus securing to the trareler selecting t Date sure and certain connections In any xtlon ho may wish to va. Principal Connections. AT MISSOUm VALLEV JUNCTION , loin C'ty , Yantton and points reached loux City and Pacific rallrotd. AT OK AND JUNCTION' for Fort IX > d esiIol"CT , Ottaaa nnd Keokuk. AT MAKSIIAU , ? rSt. Paul , Mlnneapol ulctb , and northwestern points. AT < EDAH UAPID- for Waterloo. Cci Hilt , < hirles City , Burlington and St Lou ATCLIN1O > for Duhuqne , Dun'elth , Pr edu Chlcn , Lai'rosse , and all points on t Ijitvgo , CUuton and Buluque , f nd Chlcai uliuqne and Minnesota railroads. AT FULTON foi Frwport , KaclneMlllwj x , and 1I points In Wisconsin , AT CHICAGO with all railway lines leadl it o ! Chicago. Throush tickets to ill eastern cities Tla tl ie can be procured , and any infonnatl n c ined , concerning Routes , lutes , etc , at t iraj anlc's Office , 21 ? Farnhaia Street , Omal id also at the principal ticket offices along t IP of the U. P. B.K. „ J checked through to all princlr tstorn points. . H. STHNNETT , MABVTN UUOniTT , Oen'l Passlnge'r Ag t. Oen. Sup1 H HCEY. O O.EDDY , Ticket Avt't , Omaha. Gen'l Az'tOmVi mrhlStl mana & St. Louis Shor Line. he Kansas City , St. Joe am Council Bluffs B. B la the only dire line to n * ST. X.OT7XM AND THE EAST , FEOSt MAHAANDTHE "WEB1 ] i CHAiN GE .1 tan , between Omaha and 81 Louis ana b it ere between OMAHA ana * r.W YOBK. Thlsth Only Ine rnnnlng a JH/TIAJJ SLEKriNO OAR KAS' FROM OMAHA , ON ARRIVAL OP THE ON1OH PACIFIC BXFRKHS TRAIN , WPassengers taking other routes isreeabla transfer at tea Hirer Station. PASSENCEH TRAINS DAILY BEACHING ALL EASTEBH AND WEBTEBir OITIE th Less Changes and In adrance of othe lines. This Entire Line Is equipped with illman'a Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars liar's Safety Platform and Couple md the Celebrated Weathujhouae Air Brake. "See that your tickets read rla insaaCJty , ft , Jo ph & ConncI Blnffii llalrod , Via Omaha and St. Louis. kets forsalo at cor. Tenth and Farnhan streets , and U. P. Depot. Omaha. ! . TEHON , GEO. L. BRADBURY , Pass. Agt. Uen' Agent ? . BAKNABD , A. C. PAWES , Gen-I Sapt. Gen'l Tafs. Agt. , 8t. Josroh. fit. Josrah S.O-CTTE s T. | TEAINS DAILY ! LKAVK ST. LOC1SVITII illman Palace Cars THBOUQH WITHOUT OHAHQB idianapolis , Cincinnati , Louisville , hiuago , Colnmbiis , Pittsburg , Mladelphia , Baltimore Wasnington , -AND EW TORK of Tiai&s from the We t. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO jveland Buffalo & Boston r/ llLTPC1 Are ror vale nt tbe | A-/JLx.1lJ O Corer By's Offlce. S. corn. r Foartb * cbtatant U. , LaalK , and > t the Principal Ral'- 7 Ufllcek In the Weal. IS.BABCOCK , C.E.BUSSELL , J'thern Pass. AgU , Wesfn Pass. Ag't DALLAS. TEXAS. KASSAS Crrr , 2i E. SIMPSON CIIAS. E. FOLLETTl Oen i Snpt. , Qen'l Pass. Ag't. r r ST. LOOTS TTXTITOCS. nftctioners' Tool Works , aos1 I iUs ft Sro Manufactnrers'o Dnfectioners'Tools e on I lee Cream Freezer &c. . 1301 & 1303 No Eighth St. ? fTTT.ATliT.PtnA : , PA. rletors : 1 ESTABLUHED 1864. ' DMAS MILLS , 1 - o. SL MILLS , fCATALOGUES SENT \J npoc application. COA FEK 0A' - Agents waut- pW / ed. All clas of work- of either ssx , youn or old , aake mouer at work for us in theirs ? inQ - i or all th tlta * than at lartui in CM STIiJSoa * CO. . Pgrttaal I ai . OTSVl Frazier's Eoot Bittc the Great Blood am Humor Eeiuedy. ! Cnelsad Sunday Mmr.ing t * That Fnuler't Boot Bitten pcscs an et greatly superior to any oiher prrparaU. ; searching the bloud with * hich we are a q ted , e can testify from actual olxvrtition know many uui.kiKM where IndlTidual yeirs afflicted , hare two j e manentlv res to health by tln-h use. ilr. Frailrr , the prletor , Is a rwM-ni of this city , anil Is w known s one of out most prominent bus meu. Ilis ref .rentes to the great value i Boot Bitters , jre ako persons ell-ki.o . citizens of standing and integrity In i statements implicit confidence may be pi and their testimony may be taken u ro Ivee-ldenceof the estimation In which Frazier's remedy is held , particularly at h Here It has airad y att lued that positian requires no recommrnoat'cn , hatlug stoo test of trial here We can say with saf ty do recommend with entire confidrn e , In elwh. . r , by all who may be afflicttd any kind of weakness or humor In the b as the most searching , strengtt enlnz ant Ine rem-dy of which we have any knowl SoldbydruodsUand at country stores. GEOKGE W. FrtAZlEK. Proprietor 591 bt Clalr St. Cleteland. Ch Over 1,000 Testimonial * . A few of the many parties cured by thei remedy. ha l and bo on inced. . .CVFEKEDOVEHTIIIKTEEN- ! WITH U COMPLAINT AHD OVSPtPtll , CCKKO TIIREC BOTTLX3 OF BOOT BITTERS. MR FRAZIKU IJ-arMr : Idi-em it ana latitude to you , and a duty toward those ire sutlering from liver conip aiut and d ys iia , tomakethe following statement : I have been an Invalid for ovtr thir rears. My complaint wasa disease of the 1 > nd dyspepsia. My skin was y 1 ow , the w > ' my eyp < w s the olnr of sattron I wa < sU .nd heavy , with headache aid no appetrc end of any kind , I was atlllcttd as ( nil us ivlrg wornsu could be. I tooV bottle a ottle uf patent uicdiclnes. end paid over ; e lundredd liars t the Ust phvslcbns with ny benefit I nufieral more than I can tel y letter , ut could get no relief until all wo months a o I pur. based a Nittloof y : o > t Bhters from Louis Smlthnlguu drun 5G Woodlaud Av. , this city. I u d this 1 Itf up , and tin e then htve usnl nearly 1 lore , and they are the only positive , cure c > r liver and dyspepsia cornpnlnt I havee [ led ; they have curnl me completely , and ay I am as heiltby as any person can oumay use my name , if you we propptr. ; mav be the weans of tnduclug ottiersto ourdlseoveryand lie cureJ , for go < il heahl ptter than cMd. Fver our trleml , M ; LLEN CBAWSHAW , NO. 20 oranje : leveland Ohio. AS DOXB ME MORE QOOB TOiX ALI , T IfXOICINE 1 HAVE TAKEN FOB TSK IEAW Mrs.DjnUlSinlth of COTconl.N ir..8fllc jtkkiicar , pjin in the lungs , < houllt ? avy n ln over the eye : , resiKss a. night , t red , fainty feelings Ml the time , writes . MR FRAZIK D rslr : Ire-fivHintfB.it Blttrts vou sent me by prM , ard I hs ken th. uliola of it , a-rl it has done me ni < > od than all the inedkinrs I havf ever taki id I hive taken more or Io * fur ten years. .oucht I could g t them from our drills it they do not yet have them. Iton.d ba Id S5 botths , if I could have got theui. link jou might have a goo si'e hr your I rshere. Inant you to Knd me6boale * : iollaas , the price you advertise. Send qul you can , by express , C. O. D. It Is the h ediclne I evtr saw. From vour most irri I friend , MRS. l ANlhL SillTU , Concoi . H. ? . 0. Box 82. Consumptives Road. MB. FHAZIER Dear Fir : I am lattng yo x > t Bitters , they ha e dona ma a great deal od. They have cured my rough , and I f otlvr rvTfon. Yours truly , BABN E r CAI 'A rj'jiit rln ' - . - ( hired. . -i I \ > ft , , 1-ettirr LM om : . . > i ! . ; < . lORfAcuur CASE mn Sir : TbeCrstli iai. wlc'ti- en reatured frc 5:1.j . < i tir Uc'lii , Is cratitude 'o tnt n-t : h i * jd i.nn I * as afflicted over t < . ? wltn * nte" o my 5'f-jd andface. Ih : e-i b " . _ te Lottie o' Fenton'a Sarsai Ir. anu "i 'cr ' i x : remedies , but could f i.ir A tier . my ca-- , until about t\ s h , Ioutccn' l tokiue Root Bltt-i : t > A caj UUM u , sn'l I think it nothl "rAJhaul-mil' 'ftycut "Ilscovery toackno ft ' . 'i.t nauii. Jly if jC- . has uaed your Bltte Ji'fizinii'-t'ti' ; , trrvhicli she has beei Dt T : . ioi i K UK UQ.V. ind Cuuld find no rtll . /if'i.jr'uurAXt-s / ttikln ; them. Ther la "Jot t o-T-dfi * " .ure in her cae. I h pr ii tbniiu-lx of the Cleveland Po tOffi ytriu't. * . .iterwirier for eleven yeai an tre y idboui.t'y recommend you rite tiers to every person , Buffering lth St leum , ( Tetter ) Chronic Rheumatism , Sen > or any kind ut Humor in the Blood , at o the llanttt Cura. G. W. UPTON. Cleveland Ohio. if your Druggist or storekeeper duu't ha 3 Bitters , ask him to order them tor you. CATARRH CUltED. MR. FRAZII.U 1 wbh to inform you , wh ur mcdrcine has don for i e. I was afflict : thTatarrh in its worst forms f rmanyyeai ried various medliines recomu ended I yslclass , wblcti proved Lut a Jnipo ry I f By fiemivictjof a l.i < Jr who was cur this same ( listi-e by your Root Bitter * , > cured one half dozen bodies and t' > ey In mlisheJ a i > erfect cure iu my caw. B vlng that tlio sands ar ( Ira-Ked out of serableexis : < > ucafrom tt-e cflectof Catarr heerful'y ' lecommnKj your Root Bit era who are similarly aflected. MIO.S. AMELIA BRAMT. Buena Vista , But cr Co. , Pa. tetail trade supplied by C. F. Goodma olesale agent Ouuha Nebraska KEARNEY'S : K-LUID-EXTBACT BUCHV The only known remedy for RIGHT'S DISEASE , And a positive cure for int , Gravel , Strict-tired , Diabetes , Dyspepsia Nervous - vous Debility , Drops ] i-retention or Incontinence of Urine , Ir' tation. lufltuiatlon or Ulceratlon of the .ADDER AND "KIDNEYS SPERM A TORRHCEA , icoerhoe or Whites , Diseases of the Protrai OLinJ. S.one in the Bladder. Colcul ut , LAV EL'OK 1IRICK DCHTj DE POSIT. And Mucus or Mllky.Dlschargee. KEARNEY Ixtract Buclia Permanently Cum all { Diseases'oi the adder , Kidneys , and Dropsia Existing In Men , Women'and Children , No Matter What the Agei "rof. " Steele sars ; "One bottle-oI-Kevnej id Extract Buchu is worth more tRaj-i er Buchna combined. " rice one dollar per bottle : or , slxibottlas f > dollars.- spot 104 Duane St , , N , V : physldan In attendance to answer corre idence and give advice gratis. Vtiend stamp for pamphlets , f ree. jtm rane d Brlgham Wholesale Agents , fc's nd&co.CHL a SKI 0. Keller , * Proprietor of tiba RISING SUN ANGELES Y Depot for the gale of boa ATIYE WINES AND Co , ijrner ot Battery and Washington Sta. r HT7U CAREFULLY EXAMINED OTTS. AND LOW RESERVOIH and Easv. and Clean. TU yarec eest to buy. lUy jre Us t tt e. * be U rev nly and quickly , I eire rati..u is jxrfi-ct , they luve always Kuod draft , 1 hy n ast p rfectiy , The. require but llt-le fuel , T ey are v y low priced , They ars many unu-xeJ. They - re > uit l tu all localities , trery atave iruuunte l to zivoutiafactlOB oOLD BV Excelsior ittaii' % Co. , ST. J. l I'IM ; , . o oo 009 r Sa-jar-Coaictl , Concentrated ) Hoot nnd Herbal Juice , Ami- CIANT" CAT3IARTJC. or li Parro Physic. Tna novelty of nndem Mcdlcsi. Chrtalcal an5 hi-micenticnl S < u.nce No u o ot anlociei iten * tha Ur5 , p-puhUc ajiil oai ous puU. inipovsl of cheap , cvude. and bulky tu jrrdlrnts , ; ! ica we can ba careful application or chemical cicncc. eztnrr all u.e cathartic autl other mwil- : nil propcrUci n3l the rjuut taiuabia rocts anr erbd , aaa cqiircutrato tae < 3 Ute minatr Gna > : e , car .ly larp titan a mu tara eo4t tnatcaa tx readily BwaUowed by tto a ot Iu man sensitive rtouiacht an.1 fartldlon * titles , UcnliulePurRativo I cU" n'prc eaU. la a M't conccntratea form , ai ranc > cathartic povret U eabodle t in any ot the Ltrvu pills found for lie la tha drcz shops From their wonderful c&- lartlc power , la pro-xirtloa o tliulr * Izepeoplt ; ha hava not trlctl theta en. apt to enppct at ! icy o u hiraa ur rtrntic ia eOuct. bat such is cot t all thd uee , tha different actlvo snrdiclnal prta- iplesof which they are composed bolns so bar. ionized aad m'vL'dcd. ono by tha others , ai to iroduce n m t nenrdiliirr and > ughyct $300 Revraril Is hereby offered ly the 71-0. iriutor of .htse IVlict . to a T chtanJtiao , pen analyst , vi'l find in them sn > Cmora lor nhcr fornii of rucrtury at any otAcr He In j ? cut Ircl yvcscetable.no ja-tfcalar arc Is . equiix'd uhilo n in ? tlica. ' "y fcf - itc without diainrbanco to tlia coui-tltuth n. ilUt , ir occupation. ForJnniidlco.IIcuUurbCt 7ori8tirialinii , Impure Hlood , Pa'u a the Shoulder * . 'I'lclTincHH ot in ; UC8t , Dlzzllicsx , Sour l rcc3tuu it tlio htomacli , llad IUMIO Iu nonlli , Hlllout nttntlt" , Paiu ia pRlou of ICldn-yk , Interim ! I T-P- , -a * * Iloutcd tooling about MOBIJ- . , tluili of Blood to .Jcml , IlltxJi Ccl- > rod CriiiP , ViiwoclubUiir nil Jloomy fornbo-Unt : * , take Lr L'ierco'fi Pica-Mint I'l rsallvct'r lie ta. a cxvlauR lua of tha r = n tijal rxnver of n y Tur- ativa 1 cllo sorer * o prcit a va icty ofm. . " - whh to Mt' at tli'-.r nation inon tl o In ii-ilvo f > laial ccoiionir . . - . . . ivo lra rc < . AJ d ica not irajjir U. . - \ rolr eaur-coa'inijard l > c'a.j ; ei'flo iil tn ga-f .1"9 ii" < cr'j ' 'lr\'t'ic3uriini > alr < ; il fet anr ! of tint' * . i vt.atc , soljatlhcraro a' s fn ! j and rt i * e. vh.uh U not fho cara ' und iu fiPilm U > rc , ptitnp ia wu'prpj--oarios' * . Itixo..itt tta- h'i d. oi M W'HTC a I.ntaiivc , A'.p-r. . va or I'U"5atlx-o : H Indicated. th ( li.uc J (4 vr h c'\o tUc ino t perfect sti tiictica to :1 utou oU.ed. T'i * y JTO fold by njl X-ug Ui * at a catjtH a bottle. Do not tllow py iTii"rrii t to Induce yon io ifce nnythia el. > th. tl a miy tj U just as oed aa my Pcllcto because ho nutcs a Ursct iroflt on thtlhi"fi ho rccciumcndn. If yonr [ ralt csjn t * nppltLcin. . caclwo 53 ccu ; nd receive th'-in ny rctnrn flit f-om 5. Y. flEllIC , 21. Jt . JVny'r. FOR PYLE ALEEATBS AND BAKING- SODA X 1ST TT fil 3E3 P\'n-li Mey r 4 Riaoke and' Whitney < t Bansertiian A Co. IBSTACLEStoMARRj GE HAPPY RELEIF FOR YOUNG MEN from ie effect i o : Krrors and Ahum la early life. -inhoc-l Restored , mpedimeat * M Marriic emoved. New raet > - < > i of tftataa tt. * , N.en id ramirkabli ) lemoliei Book * * * t Oircalars ntfree , In snJeJ envolopnt. AMnM , UOW- > RD ASiGCIAlION. 411 North Jflhto St. , blU'lalphU , Pa. , an In.Utattea hrtahi iputatlonfor honorable eeadMt aa4 onal skill. ' 3ASTLS IMPORTERS , OF rEAS AND . . * * I Sast India Oood * , 313 nnd ' 413 VfiUXfSTUMSef lanPrancisco Caliibrnia. " * A mch6"iu IEAL ESTrE ! Samuel C. Sr Local Agent forth * . ' J. P. B. B. LANDS , avernment Lands Located1 17. P. Lands Sold ! nprored Farms nnd Town Cet * . fef fi LONGTIMELL j vs "All CommunlcationB r j Uy Answere < l J-.f i * - * - i , B ' CJb-arxQS Po-opSrr Vf * 'SOLESALE BUTWll N CATTLE ib37tt V