' * ' " ? ( * - * # V1 * ; c A < < VJ i i or ; 5 < i JXJI fi ; VOL.-IV. OMAHA TUESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 27 , 1874. 1 NO. 111. EHR DAILY BEiv. EOWAKD ROSEWATEK , Editor and Prop'i So. 138 FnruliHin ml-rct. lielw. NliitlinnilTViiUi. TERMS OF fcUBSCRUTION : copy , one year , in adTunoe J7.00 six months , in advance 4.00 " three mentbs in advance 2.JJJ ffVlf not paid In advance , $8 per annum will colleteA PREMIUM HATTER FREDERICK , Best and Cheapest Hats and Caps. OMAHA. OMAHA BUSINESS DIKBGTOBY. CBAOEEB MAHUFAO1OBY. rtClurcA Smith. 185 HiirneT street , bet. i\i _ llth and 12th. detUtf BOOTS AGD SHOES. Lang , 155 Farnhaui st , between 1Mb Philip 115h febl9yl CONFECTIONERY. . Later , corner nth and Douglas streets , mtnufacturcr and wholesale dealer in rand irs and confectionery. Country trade so- Jiceted. 1'1 * COAL DEALEVS. * Elliot , cosl , lluie , tiuen thair etc. , Poland Fa/nhsm sU . fthlSmS PAWN BROKER. Elgutter , Ko. 200 Faruham st. cl7tl M. LAUSDBY. r laundrT oprned at oil lllh et. , bft. Ane . i od Pou.las. The washing and Irouini : will lie done to nler. first class work SOi V "ACTOSY. Soup Work * , Powell A Co , still Premium their P-rmiuci fcoap. Five ( Sfi. premium rfiwaided l y Hie i oupla county tSl State fairs , and rotUwntacjIe county , Ja. Orders soli-Uwl from Ihe trade ATTOBNEYS. E. F. SMYTHE. O. a G HAYES. SMYTHE & GRAVES , Attorneys -at-Law. Room 5 Crcizhton Block. H * SAVAGE & MANDERSON , Attorneys at Law , 242 KAENHA1I hTKEAT. C. CO . SoXloi/tor COUNSELOR. ' BLOCK , OJ-FICE niElGHTON'S X)2IAHA , NKilOASHA. T. Vtr. T. Kienards , Attorney at Law , Xrhlce 480 131 Ii St. , bet. Farnham and U/ijniT Omaha , Neb. 0. 0.G. G. AV. AJllUtUSE , BEDICK'S OPERA HOUSE - UMAHA - t'EB. r E. ESTAltUOOJT. . M. FKAS < ttS ESTABROUK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE CreltfitGn Block , Omaha , Neb. -ncn2HI DhXfER L THOMAS , Attorney and Counselor at Law. 07FIOE Boom No Vlsscher1 * Block , NEB OMAHA - - - .ion * H Attorney I CoinseloratUw -OMAHA- . SOIJCITED AND PROMPTly - GOU.KTTIONS lo. No charge unless collee ns are made. Houses to let and rsnts col- ected. lleal estate bought and sold. apl'tf O. BAULOF , ATTORNEY at LAW OtLoP nCrelxhton'aiietr block , southeast cor room , flonr. OMAHA. - > EB. _ J. S. SIHIOPSHIUE. Attorney- - Law Uooia No. l , S. E. Coiner 15th and Douglas Sts , OMAHA , - - NEBR. J 8. SPAUN. SPAl'N & PRITCHETT , mil Counvflors at Lair. > s.reet. Addieu V II T 4C& Omaha. W , - t A fD | . ' * > rlct Attorney for JSfcond and- Iciai District. IKMCS Honlh sHe ol Farnham , betwen Ifclb sf' Kith U , opposite Cnu-t Unuiw. A. BALDWIN _ 20lf. 0-BE1KN. n.\rn\vis A , ATTOENEYS LAW Block ; < > ouilas Ktreet , NEBRASKA. OMAHA. - - - - PAltECE OODWIJJ , Attorney at Hell man Bl.fk , ) 4" .THIRTEECTa ! STREET. O AHA JOHN \V , LYTLE , illornrr-at-I n * and Solicitor In Eq'aiiy. jFFIOh 0 er First X Uon l Bink , k. J. BURNHAM , AJTOUNCI AND COUXSriLLOK AT S. E. Cor IStb. and Douglas Street. OMAHA. - - NEB. AND now the barbarians of the east refer to our female population ad "Oaiaheiis. " NKBUASKA'S Contingent is now on bis way to Washington with the BEE'S tow-line to pull him through. MODOC JIM is preparing for an other scalp dance at Pattee's opera house to-morrow evening. Admis sion free. GIOKOE WASHINGTON wants to perform another miracle. He is trying to thaw out ami resurrect tlie still corpse of a recently defunct newspaper concern that was killed in its prime by too much Frost. Tin : Chicago Times which sup ported Horatio Seymour , for the l'residencynow accounts for the re jection of BMiop Seymour on tlie ground of predestination. Tlie Seymours never could get elected to anything says tlie wrecke 1 Story. An indiscriminate istaugMer m clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham .street. Fine linen and chevoit shirts ol our wn make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Kailroad Tickets bought and sold by P. Oiottheimcr. Broker , at 296 Farhham street. Unredeemed Hedges for , Salc. may Iy26 Hamlet Or urn , OKNERAL DEALER IX Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 9ti ! st , lietween Jones and wjvoiiworthsts. TO THE I'UHLK A MOsT COM- QFFKIIS ' line of Drv Go.nla. Fancy UooJs , n wolen and Cutlon I lanutls , U'rapptr IeL.ilns M oulcn Shawls and all kiinN of f.ill and winter material fpr lailks' and ciii'dn-ns" drvMvs. Al so ( iilic-ooa of all erodes and descriptions a tpe- cl.ilty lools aud thoea for ladies' Kents' and chlldrens'wiar. Bej > t4d mo * OFFICE. No. 232 FARNHAM ST. - cr ST ucs. Bel Ctli ii 14th SUOM AECJK- . C-OIik-.t urscilrtwtf l ulKUs in the city DK , A. S , BILLINGS , 23-d 3 ? r > aci.2a. vjtaa. St. . H r. 1 thand 14th , upstairs. fecth wttracted without nn'.n , by use of Hi- trous Oxide izr. "Office olifc * tt rrr o5tl [ .VAN GAMP AJ.D. Dlii nses his own mudclnes. aud bt idet regulir jirartk-e , maVes ij ; iallties of Derau e- menU and l lst * * l' ; iill r to Womeu , Ki'tu- la , Piles and other Ui'casta of tae Ktxtura. OFMHK : Corner Karnham ui1 14th utreftn , first door to thp rinht. U | > a ftl" . Uosldenc , 210 Douglas street , bct efii 12 and I'tth , next to I.uthflrau Churcln Omaha , h Adar < > 9 Look Bo 3 4. ian1Id U MUS. J. K. VAMIKKCOrtlt Eclectic Physician. Residence sod ofi 2WI Do Ige st bet Uth nud JSlh ts. Special attention paid to obstetrics and dis ases peculiar to women and childicn. f9tf. BEES ! BEES [ ! BEES ! ! ! Onderalgned has tUtT swarms of na tive and Italian bets for sale , In hives of the American and BucXeje patents. Straps swarms at six to eight dollars eai h , with ectuul cost of hive added. Light sw-irms , from four to six dollars each. I hare more Ix-es than ILe location wjll sspport , and uinst t-e'l. ' Address : HIRAM CUAIQ Kort Calhouu , Neb California House. FRITZ HAFNER , Prop'r. No. 170DougifiKrst } , coropr llth , Uiu ha , Nebraska. Board by ILttdky or irtek. June 1 , vl vlSPENCER'S SPENCER'S Emit am Confectionary L'or. I'Jiii ana Lraveitworlh St ? . , i u i . t , nuiuu ENOCH HENNEY , Justice of the Peace Office over tnu State Bank , corueruf Farn. ham and ISth ctroets. REDMABT & LEWIS , Cor. 16th and Izard Streets TJ IM : On hand and SAWEl > TO ORDEB Je261in 33 & " OkALkB 1M- -MA" FACTCRKU OF" AND Lim' r-.i uins W.ml w Slir.tles , (5HUOHOS ( , ESSKAYISUS AND PICTURE FRAMES. i'O Farnham dtrwt. 001 ner ftonnlh Schneider & Bnrmester Manufacturers ot TIN , COPPKll AXi ) SHtET IU03S WARE. DEAI.E1US IS Cookint : ami Hfaliiig Stores. fin acofins , Spouting and Outter1 ng don < iort notice ami ic tbn t < eat majner. jlllren trwi fpt24 ! ) SJ2XAUEB. - i Street. - Omaha , Keb TTUOLESALE AND RKTA1L DKALKB lit FDRNEPORB. BEDDING , ETO , H. KKVB1C. O.J. KAKUAI1 . RE E is KAKVAL'II , 15th st. lietween Krnh m an urney s XEB. OMAHA , - - KAMTACTUnERO" Spring and Farm Wagons , BUGGIKS ASH MKH1\GES. Dealers In and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL HII'LEIIEXTS J .1 TTCNTIOS PAID TO PAET1OTLAR SilOKINU. lring , f wagqn and blsck mlthlng uoe at rcuoiuble vricvj. I LIT MIDNIQ-fciT. The Coopers are Locked Out of Work Becanse They Refuse to Go Back on their Trades Union. CINCINNATI , Get. 26. A Gazette special says , last Sat urday at midnight Simon Wolf , an influential citizen living near By- roil , Gieen county , was murdered by an unknown party while return ing home late at night from Fair- field. .No clue to the murdereis is yet found. ST. Louis , Oct. 26. A private meeting of the western brotherhood yf locomotive engineers representing all the roads west of Ohio was held here yesterday after noon to consider the reduction of wages proposed by various roads. After considerable discussion a resolution was adopted protesting against such reduction as unjiiatuuu uncalled for , and declaring that it will not be submitted to. SAN FKANCISC-O , Oct. 28. Tlie bleach amongst the Nevada democrats is becoming wider. Wil liams will not retire , holding that he is the regular party IK mince Mitchell's friends are pushing his claim.- , harder than ever. The storm Saturday , yesterday and last night , was generally dis- tiibuted throughoutthe entire State. Occident , l < 'ullertou and Gl'oter were entered to-day for the § 6,000 trotting race November 7th. In this city betting is quite active. , Oct26. The gentlemen arrested by Gen eral JJerrjtt \ \ ill be examined Satur day. The oflicers of the Era , which air rived here to-night , report that great consternation prevails at all points below here , and that the planters are leaving the plantations to avoid arrent by the ap ioaching cavalry , while the negroes have gathered in large numbers along the river towns , leaving unpicked the finest cotton crop raised in several years. _ MOJIILI : ; October 26. Commissioner Gillette , to-day re fused to hear the argument of the counsel in the Wet more case , on tjje ground that his duties as United Sfalea Commissioner prevented him from giving 'bullicienl tjnlo to the case , and suggested that the eouu ; sel of each side submit written ar- gunjeuts. The counsel for the de- lense objected to this. The Com- misiionorJinallyagreHl to postpone the argument until November 10th. The piiaonera were released upon their own recognizances and the court adjourned. SALT LAKE , October 26. George BeynoMs , of this city , was to-day indicted for polygamy under the congtessional law of 1862 , and was hel-J to bail for $2,500. Mayor D. H. Welles , Jis. Sharp , andS. G. Sears becoming his sureties. This H the iirst indictment in this city inucr | this net of Congress , the olhejy having been found under tei ritorhil law. Tin's case \v ill prob ably be taken up to the supreme court of the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson , proprietors of the Nelson House a.t Toole , were indicted for Illegal voting , and were held in $1,000 , bonds each. WASHINGTON , Oct. 26. The safe burglary case was resum ed to-day. Judge Humphrecau - tioneii'tho jury against jcading or seeing newspapers during the trial. C'JlM of Police Richard * was recall ed and examined. He wild the burglars - glars were very bold , acting as though they belonged on the premises ises/ The explosion brought no one totlieepot , 'Harrlqgtqn objected to his arresting the men while at work , because It would interfere with the chain of evidence in the argunieiit he had prepared for the case , liollcemai ) William F. Lee testified that he nided Bichards Jn watching the office. Tom Shepherd came around once and Harrington tojd witness that seme one was go ing" to hreak open his office ami he wonted witness to1"pipe" them off. Harrington changed the position of witness. The court adjourned. N I\V\OBIC : , Oct26. The lock-out of the coopers has be gun in thppity , owing to the refusal of the men to abandon their trade At a meeting of the Cooper's JJn- ion"Nb. 2 , yesterday , it was resolved to start a co-operative shop for the purposeof supplying merchants with labor at regular wages , and guaran tee to them that there will be a sav ing from CO to 80 per cent. The Rock Island railroad will pay a 4 per cent dividend to-day. The inotfnn to vacate the order for examination of Henry Clews ? estate has been denied. A ifobile dispatch says that all the" testimony In the case of the al leged conspirators of Bumler county was taken yesterday and Immedi ately John Little ( colored ) and Col. Lee , two of the four defendants , were discharged. It appeared that these two men were to be used for the defense , and that they were made defendants that the defense might be deprived of their evidence. Hester , the United States official who caused the arrest of the men was with Admiral Semmes as a junior oillcer of the confederate cruiser Alabama. MONROE , La. , Oct. 26. N. J. Scott , parish judge , and S. W. Ramsey , recorder of Claybprne parish , Dr. Richardson , Mayor Ho mer , Jas. Huey , S Mayflel'l , andP. L.Phillips , of Liucolnwcre brought here this morning under a cavalry escort. Huey and Richardson were liandculled together. The prisoners were imprisoned in der close guard in the sheriff's office. Their coun sel was admitted on a written order. The CJaiborne prisoners are charged with an attempt to break up ft peace able assemblage on the llth of July at Homer , while the Mayor. Kleh- ardson , Ilaimey and Scott were ao- Uvp in preventing a riot. The Lin coln prisoners are charged with 'an attempt to compel Jewett , by whom the warrants were issued , to resign as commissioner. Rooms are preparing in the Jail here for the prisoners , as they are now confined in a room with nine teen prisoners , mostly negroes and felons who are already confined in the three small rooms. Claiborne and Xh-eoln are Dem ocratic parishes. Great indignation is felt here at the arrest and harsh treatment of the prisoners. It is believed that the arrests were made" fpr pojitlcal effect. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Specially Beportrd for the Omaha Daily Bee , bv tha Atl.ntlcand Pacific TelemBh Go. Miscellaneous. The Total Eclipse of the Moon. How it Appeared to Ob servers at New York , San Francisco , and Montreal. DKTKOIT , Oct. 26. Richard B. Richardson , of this city , was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun while hunting at Wayne yesterday. JNKNV 1'OKK. Oct. 26. A Herald New Orleans special says Major Merrel has failed to re port to General Emery whether he has made any arrests and has ignor ed Emery's auth6rity , thereby lay ing himself liable to court martial , his object was to raid througii the State. Information from the Red River conn try SK > ws that the are fleeing to the woods to avoid the fire by Merrel's cavalry. A grand mass meeting to ratify the Republican nominations will be held at Coopers Institute this evening. Senator Edmunds , P. W. CurlU , Win. Orton , Edward Pierie- pont and others will deliver ad dresses. Nnw YOKK , Oct. 26. The Times' Berlin correspondent wrjtes that tle } body of Lady Dilke was burned on the 10th lust. , at Dresden , strangers beincr permitted to be present. The coffin was placed in the chamber of the furnace , and six minutes later the coffin burst ; live minutes more and the flesh be gan to melt away ; ten minutes more an J the skeleton was laid bare ; ten minutes more and the bones began to crumble , and seventy-five minutesafterthe intro duction oHjie coffin wljat remained of Lady Dilke and coffin were six pounds of dust placed in an urn. A German leltersavs Herr Hart ? , the chief councillor of the con'-Mor.v , and head of the Protestant Church in Bavaria , will shortly join the church of Koine , NEW YORK , Oct 20. The moon was the sensation of hist night , bejngr its total eclipse , which lasted for thirty-four minutes. The shadow of the penumbra , though almost imperceptible , began tomaik its darkening eflect upon the moon and disc at 11:45 , and there was a slight decrease of the brilliancy of the planet from 11:45 , when the eclipse theoretically be gan. Until 12:50 : there was no par ticular change. At ten minutes to one the upper left-hand corner of the moon began to grow dark. By five minutes past one a pretty good quarter of the moon } ins become ob scure. The eclipsing'wenj oirslow- lybutsurely , every moment adding to the darkness. At a quarter past one fully one-third of" the moon wa-j obscured , and at half past one fully onc-lhlrd. At two o'plock hut little brightness was visible , and a few minutes after two the obscura- ti"n was complete , and the moon had vanished At 2:88 : the first slight indication of returning light began to mnke itself apparent , and this" as gradually Increased as It had before decreased , An hour' after the moon was passing through the sky as bright as ever , WASHINGTON , Oct. 26. Secretary Bristow , Postmaster General Jewell , and C'on.nifssioner Douglas are now in consultation with the president , with reference to the removal of certain post oflice , revpijup jmd custom officials in Texas. The 'reception looni in thp Executive Mansion was qrowed ear ly this forenoon with persons of both sexes seeking appointments tooflice. There were also present some of the personal friends and retainers of iiiose federal officers jn the south who are selected for removal from oflice. Up to noon , however , the president had granted no audience , except to the persons above named. Qn the question , submitted by the secretary qf the treasury , as to whether the owners' of the North American line of steamers , ply ing between Norwich and the United" States , are entitled to rebate of moneys. They have pajd to custom officers of the United States for duties of tonnage , buoys , ligcthouses , &c. , which moneys the government of Norway and Swe den claim , through their minister , were exacted and paid , contrary to pertain stipulations contained in treaties wjth Sweden and Norway. The Attorney General decides that owners of vessels are entitled to havp such inonpys refunded to them. On another question connected with this subject , viz : whether the Sec retary of the Treasury has power to refund these moneys , the Attorney General decides that the Secretary of the Treasury has surh power. A letter received here to-day , from a prominent government official in Northern Alabama says j On the 22d inst. , 250 rifles were received at Birmingham In that State for the use of the white leaguers recently organized at that place. The letter nays further , that nothstandiug the quiet which reigns in that section of the State , t-prlous trouble is appreljended on election , day.There There is one company of infantry stationed at Huntsville. There was a dense crowd of per sons in the court room to-day to witness tlje vroceedings of the tiial of Harrington , Whitely and Wil- llanis , charged wita conspiracy in connection with the burglary at the District ' oflice. On Attorney's opening - " ing court , Jutice Humphrey re marked to the jurymen.that if they had been reading papers since the court adjourned on Friday , they should tiot do so again while the trial lasts ; nor should they suffer any one to put into their hands any written or printed papers , nor should they speak to any one concerning the .trial. .trial.Maj. . A. C Richards was then re called for the prosecution. He tes tified that after the parties had re turned from arrest at Alexander's house , he inquired for Harrington ; stated that the proceedings- that night did not implicate Alexander , and that it should be stated , to the reporters that Beiiton was arrested up town. MEMPHIS , October 26. A negro named Felix Marshall was hanged at Freears Point , MKs. , on Friday , for murder. One thous and spectators witnessed the execu tion. PARIS , October 26. There appears to be a disposition among the Bonaparts to shortly urge in the Assembly the removal"of the remains of Napoleon to French soil. FLOKENCE , Oct. 26. The Italian police profess to be aware of certain ramiiications in connection with the recent seizuies of Orsiua bomb-j in this city. MoNTltKAL , Oct. 26. The total eclipse of the moon on Saturday night was observed by a large number of citizens here. The first contact with the earth's sha dow took place at 12:46 ; the eclipse was total at 2:06 : , and contact with the shadow terminated at 3:55. : The night was clear and line. PARIS , Oct. 26. An official note has been received from the SpanKh government de manding that the French govern ment immediately surrender the ere * of ihe blockade runner Nirnis as deserters. The French govern ment has returned a reply declining to accede to the demand of the Spanish cabinet , and declaring that such demand is contrary to the whole spirit of international law PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 26. A meeting of the Trunk railroad lines held on Friday last to consider the rates of oil freight as the desire was expressed to correct any unfair ness which might be discovered in their pratical workings , but the roads were unanimously of the opinion that less than the existing figures wouldbe unprofitable , and that the oil business the last eigh months has been transported at less than cost and that any reduction was therefore inadmissiable. WASHINGTON , Oct 27. Ihe following lias just been re ceived from the London correspond ent of the American Press AssoQia- tion : A Berlin letter says that Kull- manu has successively applied to a large numbei of lawyer wishing to charge them with his defense on his trial for attempting Prince Bid- mark's life , and all have declined. The duty of providing him with counsel may possibly devolve on the court , which has the right of or dering one ot the local lawyers to undertake what is called ex ollicio defence. The fact of there not be ing a single lawyer ii. Bavaria will ing to stand by Kullman at his trial has exasperated the ultramontaine press of the country. The Munich Yo.ierja.nd , fa a fierce attack-on the bar , admits the liberal opinion to be too strong for counsel to come for ward and defend the assassin. BOSTON , Oct. 26. The Boylston Hotel of this city was damaged by fire to-day fo the amount of $25,000 : insuretf for ' § SO- , 000. The occupants lost $5,000. A special dispatch says the ship Mogue , of this city , on her trip be tween Liverpool and San J'rancKco , was burned ai sea. The crew were saved and landed at Tahiti. The vessel was ouued by J. H. Sears and others. Senuig's shoe factory and other buildings atQi orgetown was burned ' thfs noon. The loss will be heavy. The revelations of thp legjsjatiyo investigating committee show great frauds in the county government of Middlesex county , and it is statetj that some of the otticers have hid den or deserted their records to pre vent them from falling into the hands af the Investigating commit tee. Much money was stolen. YORK , Oct. 26. The Episcopal convention resu- ei } its sessjo'n to-day. After" the opening exercises S\fm , Welsh of Philadelphia , from the cominlt'ee ' on unfiui'-hed business entered a protest against the sale of Indian reservations or territory , and recom mended the appointment of a com mittee 5 $ Jr-Urna airoirs , and on motion the old pommittee was con tinued. Rev. Getz , of Pittsburg , offered approprjatp resolutions requesting the House of Bi"hops to set apart appropriate service to be celebrated at the Centennial Anniversary. This was laid over. It was ordered to appoint a com mittee from the House of Bishops to fix a place for the next general con vention. The committee on theo logical seminary reported it in satis factory condition ; seventy-three students in all : finances slowly In creasing bit | salaries too low. The ! ' order"of Business 'on calendar was then proceeded with. MARKETS 5Y TELEGRAPH. ! New York Money Market. NEW I'ORK , October 26. Money Easy on call at 2@2 | per cent. Exchange D.ull and quiet ; 4 85 } for 00 < loys and 4 89 for sight. ' 'Gold Dull and stagnant ; opened at 1 10. Governments Quiet but firm ; business not important ; currency 6's , 1 17 | . Stocks Opened very quiet and lower , no speculative animation ; P M 45 } ; Wabash 80J ; W U and L S steady , but lell otl" } ; market now steady ; U P 34 , W U , 80 ; PM 45 J ; Erie 29 . , | _ _ New York Produce Market. MEW YORK , Oct. 26. Breadstuff s Heavy. Flour Heavy and lower to sellers ; superfine State and western , 4 25 ® 400 ; extra , 5QQ@52Q. Wheat tjulet ; No 1 spring , 1 10 ( SllO ; No"2 Chicago , 1041 05 ; No 2 Milwaukee spring , 1 08(3 ( > 1 09. Corn Better ; Western mixed , 8586. Oats Lo ; ver ; western mixed , . Rye Easy ? Barley Steady. Provisions Quiet. Chicago Pruuuce mantel. CHICAGO , Oct. 26. Flour Dull , and lower. Good choice spring extras , 4 2o@4 75 ; low medium 4 00@4 25 ; .superlines , 3 00 "Wheat Weak ; cash , 83 J ; No vember , 853@83 | ; December , 84 | ; year. 83f. Corn Unsettled ; cash , 69 ; Nov. 67 ; year , 05 } . Oats Weak ; cash , 47 ; October , 46J ; November , 44J ; year , 4444J. Barley Firm ; cash , 1 17 ; No * ' . 108 } . Rye 82. Highwines 97 } . Pork -Dull ; year , 1645 ; February , 17 00. Lard Weak ; year 11 1011 10 } ; February , | . What They Think of the Ameri can Centennial Across the Ocean. England Tak ing Active Steps to be Well Repre sented. Don Alfonso Leaves Don Carlos to His Fate , and Takes a Bee-Line for France. : ttAimn > , Oct. 20. Admiral E pete , A\ho has lately been bullering from an attack of apoplexy , irecovering. . PARIS , Oct. 20. Don Alfonso , with his stall' offi cers , lias forsaken Don Carlos and returned to France Desertions from the Carlist army are increas ing. JiKHJ.IN , Oct 26. The supreme tribunal has con firmed the decision ot theer ! court rejecting Count Von Arnim's appeal for release from imprison ment. LONDON , Oct. 20. The daily News states that the projected marriage between Princess Thiea , of Denmark , and 'Crown Prince of Hanover has been aban doned. CONSTANTINOPLE , Oct 26. Austiia , Germany and llussia have presented a Joint request to the Porte for permission to conclude a commercial treaty directly withRou- mania. The Porte refuses basing his right to do so on the treaty of Paris. VIENNA , Oet. SO. The foreign office is Inibrmed that the ditticulty in Monteneagro is of small importance , growing out of frequently recuring encounters be tween the hostile classes. The re port promises to punish the murder ers , and the trouble is considered settled. LONDON , Out 20. The Spanish { ambassador in this city in a note to the Earl of Dei by has requested of his lordship that measures bo taken immediately to prevent the dispatching of arms from England to the Carlists. PARIS , Oct. 2C. The Pan's Pres'-e publishes an ar ticle of semi-official character winch is supposed to fore haddow Duke De Broglos return to the Cabinet Prince Jerome Napoleon has issued a political programme in the form of a letter condemning the reactionary and clerical policy of the Imperial party. LONDON , October 26. Dispatches from Calcutta re ceived here this morning state that the presidency of Bengal has been visited by a terriblecyclone , extend- ilg over tlie entire province , and en tailing great lo s to life and proper ty. Thu shipping in' the Bay of Bengal suffered severely , many ves- being wrecked. Over two thousand lives were lost by the disaster. LONDON , Oct. 20. The steamer Mary foundered on a voyage from Glasgow to Trinidad. Ten persons went down with the ship and the remainder took to boats , one of which , with five men , is sup posed to liave been swamped ; the other , containing two of the crew living and three dead , was picked ' up b'y a steailier from Ode -a , and the survivors wore landed at Fal- niouth yesterday. LONDON , Oct 26. The interest in the centenn' ' 1 , eK _ hibition to J \-M\A \ \ ut phihuTelphia m 1876 is increasing in this country , and the industries of England will , it is expected , be well represented. The report of the Right Honorable Sir Edward Thornton , Minister of Great Britain to Washington , on the subject of the exhibition has been received by the government , and will be submitted to Parliament when that body meets at its next session. The British commission to the exhibition will then be sanc tioned. CALCUTTA , Oct. 26. Nana Sahib has been sunendered into the hands of the British officers by the Maharagah of Scindiati. It is understood that a letter from .INana , asking protection , first re- voaiod the whereabouts of the chief tain and led to his capture. In his confession to a political agent he de clared hefsa the famous Nana Sa hib and admitted that he took a leading part in the mutiny , but de nied having anything to do with the Cawnpore massacre He nave an interesting account of his subae- quent wanderings in Bhoorbor , As sam and Barcily. St. Louis Produce Market. ST Louis , October 26. Flour Dull and nominal. Wheat Depressed and lower ; No 3 red fall , 95 bid ; sales of No 2 re"d , 1 08@1 09. Corn Held higher than buyers views , 70 ( 72. Oats Easier aud lower ; to sellers , 4850. } Barley Best grades spring , $1 00 © 112. Whisky Steady at OQ , i-ork Firmer , at 20 00. Lard Uunchanged , Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO , October 26. Cattle Receipts , 2,800 ; market very .hill and prices nearly nominal ; inferior to choice steers , 2 OOf6J ; Tixans 285@4 40 ; good steers sold for 5 50. Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; market active aud 1015c higher ; common to good smooth 5 550 00 ; sales hieilyat560685. bheep Receipts 1,000 ; small de mand ; piices nominally unchanged ; quotable at 2 50@4 50. St. Louis Live Stock. Sr. Louis , Oct 28. Hogs Eeceipts , 4,000 ; market slow ; Yorkers , 3Jo ; bacon , 5@5 } : .butchers to extra , 5 505 90. Cattle Receipt * , 1,700 ; quiet and unchanged. H. C. UAKUFAClUKt.l' AND DEALER IS BOOTS & SHOES 10 13th.St. Between Fare ham sni 13 * J HJK jn * * C * H rSf . - S ' ' ? 1 / - < LO THIE AND DEALERS IS- V * : i OOOIDS , .l . 221 and 223 PARISH AM STREET1 , COB13TK : / - * - We Gall tlie Attention of tlie Public to oirr & > \ And Well Selected Stock for the f FALL AND Y/INTER / SCASOI * Comprising Tlie Latest Styles in Oiothing Furnishing ' Goods. * * * * * % < % ! ill ATS AND CAPS , TRUCKS AND VALISES , ETC. OUST Pricss ar © VeryOT " to suit ttae Times. Gall soosat , / . HELLMAN & CO. , vu. _ _ _ _ i _ . _ , isvs. aisfen WN , 248 Douglas WHOLES \LEMXirUETAlL "Y GOODS , CARPET.J An Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than auy other house in the city , consisting of - PIil ALPACAS & MOHAHW , nJso VSJ17aT& ! BEA.VSB CL9ATTIXQS. A FULL STOCK OF SJ.&WLS. BLANKETS , 3u .3C2xas : _ * . : tire O33CT3j23n."s r'j3 MERINO If-TOSB EAPv AND WORSTED G-OGD3 , TAIIUIJMK : : i" C.'KIAT V.UHEIY. A PQLI. MXK OF ENGLISH AND AMEBIOAfJ CiRPSTS , OIL CLOTSS , MATMfi RMS MD MATS 0 31 3 JLIPIBIR , a ? L. WOODmiRTH , 238 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. WAGO2T * j r * ' wood Stoc . WAGON HARDWARE , Patent Wheels , Finished Gearing , &o. Axles , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks and StiitlebatkerVogpu , Depot. rachCtt G , STBIFFLER DEALEIt IN C5 H Q G SHIES , Provisions Fruits , i\n , Confectionery , Toliacci ) , is'ejrars , SE. . COR. OP TEKTH and FAENHAM. IHt JACOB G-I8H , 201 Farnham St. , Let. Uth and I5lh , J , ROBINS , 137 Pariihim M. , Let. 8 Ii imd lOlli , ( Opposite Bee Office. ) . l 9NE1 LOAN'SO OM v ATCIIES , > ' clry , Ac. Clothing bought and tuUl spTtlliu ? CHARLES H. PLA.TZ Manufacturer of MILLINERY , Ladies' and Gen s' ' " " Nice Ornaments for ORDERS PROMPTLY 21G Dong1.is St. , Tisclicr's BlucTc , Omahn , X WHOLESALE. O D I E' Ian : ow inanulactunng all varieties or caadesj pell a Dealers in this State iu eil not want to un K.xst f.ir IL1VDIKS. * r A trial is solicited. 4 " HEISTS' : . Oor- mchllt J. WILBUR , Books and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , " Street. - O 03. alia. . , S GKNEIIAL AGENTS FOR ALF , .SJ'II' ) > L BOOKS arS-lniy A6E1CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and JIara.sy Streets , - ; Fall And Winter Styles. A. POLACK , OZi 233 3Para.li am S-t. Fine and l&ediuni Clotning * and Furnishing Goods. T